Members - Royal Academy of Dance


Members - Royal Academy of Dance
Focus on
New Zealand • Issue 1 • 2014
Looking back, looking forward…
14+ Dance Scholarship Foundation
Spectacular End-of-year Shows
Area Organisers introduced
Purchase Apps
from RAD Enterprises
Other products
from RAD NZ
Grades 4-5
including Apps for
Apple & Android
Core Product Range
Printed Books – Set Exercises and Dances
DVD – Set Exercises and Dances
CD – Music for Set Exercises and Dances with orchestra and piano
Printed Music – Music for Set Exercises and Dances
App – Set Exercises and Dances
This new syllabus celebrates the traditions of ballet and acknowledges its exciting new
directions. It offers students rich, authentic experiences of ballet and music that will help
them develop a love, knowledge and understanding of ballet through participation.
We are also releasing applications for Apple and Android for both smartphones and
tablets. The apps allow purchase of full syllabi DVD content in digital form for use on
demand, whether on the go, at home or in the studio.
As part of the Academy’s Social Responsibility Vision to help provide access to dance and
dance education, 2% of every purchase you make (ex-VAT) will be put aside to help create
a Social Responsibility Fund.
Royal Academy of Dance Enterprises Ltd is a company incorporated in England No.
2773495. It gifts its annual profit to the Royal Academy of Dance, a charity registered
in England and Wales No. 312826.
Postal Address:
Royal Academy of Dance
PO Box 11718 Manners Street
Wellington 6142
In this issue many examples of fantastic endof-year performances are showcased and the
wonderful achievements of many hard-working
teachers and students are celebrated. We are
delighted to introduce and welcome two new
Area Organisers, Sharon Dickinson and Angela
Guernier, while sad to farewell the AO’s they
replaced. Annette Leach’s celebration was covered
in the last issue of Focus, and we look forward to
covering Faye Stamp’s in the next issue. There is
much to look forward to in 2014 with so many new
and exciting syllabi, lots of teachers’ courses, and
embarking on the new 14+ Dance Scholarship
10-year period.
Physical Address:
Level 8, 89 Courtenay Place
Wellington 6011
tel: 04 382 8924
fax: 04 382 8200
web addresses:
Editor: Janet Taylor
Design: LCdesignz
Printer: Thames Publications Ltd
Front Cover: Reindeer participating in Bream
Bay Ballet’s annual recital Junior Ballet Does
Christmas Songs
Photo: Neil Campbell
DANCE and RAD PRIMARY IN DANCE are registered
trademarks® of the Royal Academy of Dance in NZ, the
EU and other countries. RAD is a registered trademark®
of the Royal Academy of Dance in the EU and other
unregistered trademarks™ of the Royal Academy of Dance.
The use or misuse of the trademarks or any other content
of this publication, without prior written permission from the
Royal Academy of Dance is strictly prohibited
Reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission,
is strictly prohibited. The Royal Academy of Dance® is a
charity registered in England and Wales no. 312826 and in
New Zealand No CC21861.
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03 I News & Events
Focus on Members | Issue 1 2014
Janet Taylor
08 I Regional Focus
24 I Other Dance News
26 I News from the UK
28 I Education
29 I CPD
30 I Membership
31 I Examinations – Information
32 I Examinations – Dates
34 I Courses
35 I Regional Contacts
An e-version of Focus on Exams has been emailed to
Affiliate, Full and Teaching Members, and can also be
accessed on Hard copies of
Focus on Exams are not being circulated with this issue
of the Dance Gazette and Focus on Members.
Search the Royal Academy of Dance on Facebook and like our
page to keep up with all the latest news and video clips.
Photo Competition
RAD NZ held its first facebook photo competition, Dance Meets Kiwiana, at the end of 2013. Judges Ginny
Gan and Qi Huan, dancers with the Royal NZ Ballet, were looking for images reflecting dance combined with
anything resembling living in NZ and being a Kiwi. Their final decision certainly reflects the fabulous outdoor
summer lifestyle we can experience in NZ.
The winner of the Fujifilm
Instant Camera was Yasmin-Li
Gray of Dance West Auckland
with her entry Real NZ Feel.
The dancers pictured are
Linkha Pitcher, Michael Tuhiga
Efaraimo and Hanna Ettles.
Photo: Lily Fityus. Photo
copyright of Dance West.
2nd place went to Tabitha Dombroski from
Wellington with her photo, Christmas at the Beach,
for which she won an RAD goodie bag that arrived
just in time for Christmas.
Photo: Bridget Le Fort.
3rd placegetter, Yvonne Edwards from Yvonne
Edwards School of Dance, took this photograph
of two of her grandchildren, Alice Boyne and Leila
Stewart, by the estuary in Tauranga where swans
were close by. Yvonne also received an RAD
goodie bag.
The photo competition was so successful that it has been decided to have another during the year. Keep
an eye on our facebook page to see what the theme will be this year and don’t forget to ‘like’ our page to
receive our updates.
Become part of the future of the 14+ Dance Scholarship Foundation
The time has come for the 14+ Dance Scholarship Foundation to move into a new funding
phase. We would like to invite all lovers of ballet and supporters of young talent to be part of this very
valuable initiative.
2013 marked the end of the Founder Members’ 10-year period of funding of the 14+ Dance Scholarship.
When the Foundation was set up in 2004 to fund the biennial scholarship, a minimum of 14 people were
needed to each contribute $2500 over a ten-year period to enable scholarships to be offered from 2004 to
2013. More than 14 people gave – hence the 14+ name. This is a good time to look back to see what their
generous donations have meant.
14+ Dance Scholarship Foundation
2010 14+ Dance Scholarship
Participants with Judges Matz Skoog and Nicola Searchfield (1984 RAD Overseas Bursary winner)
Photo: Nick Servian Photography
The financial support received has enabled winners of the 14+ Dance Scholarship to go on to
further training and then on to professional companies. The Alexander Grant Training Award which
was introduced in 2006, has also assisted dancers to realise their dreams. 14+ winners Karen
Nanasca and Harrison James Wynn are now with the Australian Ballet Company and National Ballet
of Canada respectively, and AGTA recipient Rhiannon Fairless is with the National Ballet of Canada.
Many young dancers have benefited hugely from the experience of competing in the 14+.
We thank the Founder Members for their generous and enthusiastic support for the past 10 years:
Auckland Academy of Dance, Shirley & Kevin Baker, Anna Chandulal, Marion Dent 2004 NZ Examiners, Kay
Fairweather, Fraser/Snively Family, Doris & Clare Gilbertson, Alexander Grant CBE, Eli Gray-Smith, Ian Hamilton,
Sharon Howells, Joy Lewis-Benneworth QSM, Nicola & Geraldine Madden QSM, Valerie Murray QSM, Heather &
Melinda Palmer, Tonia Robertson, Anne Rowse ONZM, Anne Samson, Deirdre Tarrant MNZM, Sir John Todd.
To guarantee funding of the 14+ Dance Scholarship from 2014 to 2023, ongoing support is again required from
a minimum of 14 people each pledging $2500 over a 10-year period. Awards can also be set up in donors’
names – watch out for an exciting new award which will be announced at this year’s on 7 September.
We do hope you will consider supporting this invaluable scholarship. Please phone us on 04 382 8924,
email on or check out the enclosed brochure and financial support form. We would love
to hear from you.
Trustees: Deirdre Tarrant (Chair), Shirley Baker, Carl Myers, Sue Nicholls, Carole Speirs, Janet Taylor. Patron: Anne Rowse.
Introducing Two New Area Organisers
We welcome new Area Organisers for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty respectively. They have kindly
agreed to introduce themselves. Faye’s retirement celebration, which was held on 23 February, will be
covered in the next Focus.
Sharon Dickinson has taken on the role of the Waikato region’s Area Organiser following Annette
Leach’s retirement from the position late last year.
I was a Royal Academy of Dance teacher with my own dancing school
in South Africa for many years before my husband and I moved to New
Zealand seven years ago and settled in the Waikato. We have two
children, who thankfully have also settled in New Zealand with their
families. We also have three gorgeous grandchildren.
From when I was first approached about the Area Organiser position, I
have been excited. Once dancing is in your blood, it never leaves, so to
be involved in some small way will be rewarding.
Having to fill someone like Annette Leach’s shoes is going to be challenging. Annette has been
doing this job for many years, and could probably do it with her eyes closed! Hopefully the Waikato
teachers, Janet and Nina will guide me until I find my feet, but I can assure them I will give it my all.
In some instances I will possibly do things differently to Annette, but I will definitely strive to keep up
the high standard she has set and that everyone has come to expect.
I look forward to working with the talented teachers of the Waikato, and to meeting the challenges
of 2014.
Experiencing the New Grades 4 & 5
Auckland teacher Helen Anderson appreciated the opportunity
to attend ‘Toward the Future’, the launch of the new Grades 4 & 5
syllabi, held in London on 3 January.
Young dancers at Toward the Future
Photo: Elliott Franks
What a way to start 2014 – at the launch of the new Grades 4 and
5 syllabus work. It was an event of epic proportion – Lynn Wallis
gave a heartfelt speech on how the new grades have finally been
completed and how inspirational they are for all to teach and
dance. Paula Hunt gave an amazingly awesome display of her
teaching ability on a few of the students who demonstrated the
new work and had us all in fits of laughter! The coaching session
by Lesley Collier with Yasmine Naghdi (First Artist of the RBC) was brilliant and a treat to hear her hints
and tips. It was refreshing to hear guest speaker Kevin O’Hare say “behind every great dancer is an
inspirational dance teacher!” The students demonstrating the work were beautiful – all danced with
passion and with beautiful technique. After the launch I attended the 3-day teachers’ course of the new
grade work and had a ball. It is absolutely stunning work and will be loved by all. It was a privilege to be
in a class with teachers from Spain, Italy, Norway, Australia and the UK. It was a well-spent 3 days – gosh
did the muscles feel it by the end of it. Back home, I’m ready to put what I have learnt in to action.
I am the mother of three children (13, 15, and one starting university this
year), married to John, and work as a teacher aide at our local primary
school. Previously my husband and I owned two Paper Plus stores, where
my role was office manager. We live in Papamoa and enjoy making the
most of the beach lifestyle.
Angela Guernier is in the process of taking over the position of Area Organiser for the Bay of Plenty
from Faye Stamp, whose retirement celebration was on 23 February.
My daughter learns ballet, and the annual dance show is a highlight of the
year. I love being one of the backstage helpers, and each year my skills
helping with quick changes of costumes and hair are improving.
I am originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, coming to New Zealand 19 years ago with my
Kiwi husband. My two sisters and I went through the RAD grades all those years ago, and one
sister made a career in dance and is now a dance teacher. My mother was the RAD Organiser in
Jersey for many years. I grew up thinking it was quite normaI to have our living room transformed
into a sewing room before show time, as various relatives came and went helping Mum make
numerous costumes. Unfortunately sewing is not a skill I inherited. What I did inherit from those
years was a love of dance and an appreciation of all the work that goes on behind the scenes to
develop young dancers.
I am grateful to Faye for offering her help as I learn the ropes. I look forward to coming to grips with
the systems, liaising with the National Office, meeting and assisting teachers, welcoming examiners
and watching the progress of the dancers over the years.
Experiencing the Grades 1-3 Character Dance DVD
When Denise Campbell rang the RAD office recently, she was very enthusiastic about what a wonderful
resource the G1-3 Character Dance DVD is. She was keen to let us know why.
As a grandmother of two girls who are learning RAD Ballet I am an
avid fan of their DVDs. I help their mother coach the girls in their
syllabus work at home and as I have no background in dance I find the
DVDs to be wonderful resources. Much to my delight I discovered that the Royal Academy of Dance has
put out a Character Dance DVD for the new Grades 1-3 syllabi. The
character work is extremely well explained on the DVDs by a teacher,
walked through with the children then danced to the music. I would
highly recommend anyone who has children dancing in these grades
to avail themselves of this wonderful resource.
My two granddaughters are pupils of Dale Boddy Academy of
Dance in Taupo. Thank you for the opportunity to review your
wonderful resources.
A very happy new year from Auckland and Northland.
Our ballet year started
earlier than usual with
the first of two new
Advanced Foundation
Syllabi Courses held
on 26-27 January.
24 teachers attended
the first course with
another 20 attending
the second on 1-2
February. Carole
Speirs was the tutor
for both courses, and
Megan Quatermass
was the pianist.
Auckland Advanced
Foundation course
Photo: Deborah Morrison
Philippa Campbell School of Ballet held their
year-end concert with Sophia Maher alternating
in the role of Snow Queen with Zoe Bedford.
Sophia has started full time study at NZSD and
Zoe has left NZ to study at Alegria under Hilary
Kaplan in Australia. Also leaving for full time study
is Sophie McIntosh whose video audition won her
an invitation to the USA to audition in person at
Julliard in March. Philippa says “It’s a bit sad to see
them go, but wonderful to know they are heading
out into the world of dance.”
Photo: Tony Gatman Photography
Valerie Adams, a family friend of one of
the students, went backstage to wish the
students luck before watching the concert.
Orewa’s Fusion Dance Studio delighted
audiences with their year-end concert Alice
in Wonderland. Principal Rosanne Sims
says her students all worked extremely
hard at rehearsals and absolutely loved
performing for family and friends.
Photo: Wendy Exeter
Watch out for some of Fusion’s younger
students in Toyota’s new TV Commercial.
Photo: Sally Wiggett and Paula Hawkings
Arabella Russell, Kane Edwards and Beth Edwards perform
Singing in the Rain
Photo: Karen Russell
The Dance Floor officially opened in
Orewa in February, but several students
just couldn’t wait to begin. Sad that they
were missing out on an end-of-year concert,
their teacher Tracy Shiells organized a
Christmas concert at a local Retirement
Village. 8 students worked extremely hard
to put the concert together in only 7 lessons,
and it was so well-received that students
were asked to repeat the performance the
following week.
Kristin Orr’s Bream Bay Ballet had a super time
putting together their 2013 year end recital. The
senior school performed Alice in Wonderland and a
classical ballet to the music of Strauss. The Primary
class danced Junior Ballet does Christmas Songs
and Kristin says “Our reindeer were beautiful.
Wee Ashleigh (without antlers in the cover page
photo) broke her nose in rehearsal, and wee Tori
without shoes was brought in by her Dad who forgot
everything so she borrowed my spare nose and
different coloured antlers - but I didn’t have spare ballet flats for her that fitted… Drama!! But as we
say “the show must go on”, and whatever happens, kids just keep dancing!!”
The Mad Hatters Tea Party
Photo: Neil Campbell
Students Anna Pallister
and Madeline Shaw
in Talbot Dance
Academy’s Showtime.
Blake McInnes
Raegen Morrice
Blake McInnes
Carla Talbot reports that following an excellent first year Talbot Dance Academy’s annual
concert Showtime proved a success. A variety of musicals were incorporated including Oklahoma,
Phantom of the Opera, Hairspray and the Wizard of Oz. Former TDA student and teacher, Reagan
Morrice, has taken up the offer to study dance full-time at The Space in Melbourne. We wish her
the best of luck on her adventure.
Dance West Principal Yasmin-Li Gray and family
have recently opened new studios in Henderson.
Yasmin-Li’s Dad designed and project managed the
build, with students and their families helping out with
painting, cleaning and sprucing up. Yasmin-Li reports
that the kids love the two new studios and some
spend hours there after school before classes begin.
Yasmin-Li reported that it was great to be able to
choreograph her 2013 end-of-year concert Cinderella
in the school’s new home, and have the set built and
costumes made on site also.
Dance West’s Studio Fonteyn
Photo: Robert Gray
Kit Reilly receiving a
rose from Christine
Snowball after
Devonport School
of Dance’s recital at
the Bruce Mason in
November last year.
Kit is now studying fulltime at Alegria Dance
Studio in Sydney
while Ana RenkerDarby (standing
directly behind Kit)
has also been offered
full-time study. Photo: Marcus Radich
The Gayle Prescott
School of Dance’s
Showtime included dances
Waltz of the Flowers,
Carmen, Moon Beams,
Under the Sea, Dolls and
Edelweiss. Gayle reports
that audiences were
delighted by the show.
Auckland Academy of Dance reports that a
successful 2013 culminated in the end-of-year
performance Danceworld. Etudes was danced
mostly by Vocational Graded students who
also took part in La Bayadere, excerpts from
The Palace garden scene. The Graded level
students danced To An African Beat, with
fabulous colourful costumes and a diverse
selection of contemporary choreographies
showcasing the skill of the dancers. Summer School 2014 was based this year on Contemporary Dance, and judging from the feedback
all participants really enjoyed it. Once again, the Vocational Seminar will be held Tuesday to Friday
including during the second week of the school holidays in April and July 2014.
Liz Russell of Northern Dance Academy in Kerikeri is justifiably extremely
proud of her very hard-working former student, Kelsey Stokes who has joined
the Australian Ballet Company. 17-year-old Kelsey, who is the second-youngest
ballerina to ever be engaged as a corps de ballet member during David
McAllister’s 12 years of directorship, had a difficult decision to make, because
she also had an offer from Li Cunxin to join the Queensland Ballet.
Kelsey Stokes
Photo: Dance Portfolios
In 2011 Kelsey won an AHA Awards scholarship to attend classes with the
Prudence Bowen Atelier in Queensland, where she was then offered full-time
training. 2012 was a big year with family moving from Russell to Queensland,
and Kelsey winning the $18,000 McDonalds scholarship at the Sydney
Eisteddfod. Last year she gained her RAD solo seal award, the only dancer in
Australia to achieve solo seal in that session.
Liz was delighted to have Kelsey visit her old school in Kerikeri and take part in class at the end of last
year. She said “Kelsey is stunning to watch, lyricism, an incredible physique with stunning extensions,
her dedication combined with a hard working attitude plus her family support, have helped her achieve
all of her incredible successes.” We wish her all the best for the future, and will watch her progress
with interest.
Deborah Morrison
I wish all the RAD teachers a wonderful New Year. I am looking forward to working with you. New Year,
New ideas, New challenges, renewed enthusiasm and excitement! 2014 is going to be a great year!
Congratulations to Kerry Mills and her husband Warwick on the birth of Edwin in October.
Limelight Dance Academy’s finalé Moulin Rouge, based on the french Can Can, featured over 70 dancers on
stage. Vocational ballet excerpts from Raymonda was restaged for LDA by Peter Boyes
The main characters in Valerie Lissette School
of Dance’s end-of-year production Aladdin –
Make a Wish. To watch a trailer of the show
check out
Photo: Kinder Ward
Pauline Germon reports that the Thames
Hauraki Ballet Theatre’s Summer Seminar
was very challenging and enjoyable, and that
International guest tutor Martin James was
fantastic. Over 20 students from Auckland,
Hamilton, Wellington, Tauranga and local areas
attended. The awards were: Most Promising
Junior – Nina Harris from Fusion Dance in
Orewa; Most Promising Senior – Breana
Drummond from Cameron Ballet Academy in
Auckland; Excellence Award – Molly Wake
from Chilton Dance Academy in Wellington.
Senior students in Thames Hauraki Ballet Theatre’s
2013 concert Don Quixote Suite. THBT students
enjoyed performing in both Ngatea and Thames to
capacity audiences.
Martin James coaching Libby-Rose Niederer from
Cameron Ballet Academy. In 2013 Libby-Rose won a
complimentary seminar.
Sharon Dickinson
Happy New Year and welcome to 2014. The Christmas productions still leave me awe-struck. I
sometimes wonder if the pupils and their parents realize what skilled choreographers their teachers
are. It never ceases to amaze me. Slick scene changes – professional qualities – the absolute joy on
the faces of participants and audience. Long may it last.
Bay of Plenty
1 Yvonne Edwards School of Dance’s show Dance Dance Dance
2 Vicki Le Fleming-Whitmore Academy’s show The Little Mermaid
3 Taupo Academy of Dance’s Babyrinas
in their Showcase of Dance
4 Dance Institute’s Lichelle Leckner in
The Secret Garden
5 Dale Boddy Academy of Dance’s
Avatar from A Night at the Movies
Gillian Moore School of Dance’s show There and Back
Posing after their show are Taupo Academy
of Dance’s teachers Karen McNaughton (left),
Leanne Short (2nd from right), and Amy Mizzi
(right) with senior student Mikaela Downard (2nd
from left) who is off to University this year.
Emily Linklater
with her
students after
Stretch Dance
& Fitness’s
Shireen Breebaart farewelled nine of her senior students this year – enough to have a “2013 Leavers’
Dance” at the end of her concert. Some of these 9 have been dancing at the Dance Institute since it
opened in 2001. They will be missed but what joy they have given Shireen over 12 years. Congratulations
to Lichelle Leckner who has been accepted into full-time training at the National Theatre Ballet School
in Melbourne.
Congratulations to Hannah Lane and her husband Steve on the birth of a beautiful little girl Gemma
Cassidy Lane. Should be some future ballet students from the 2 boys and 2 girls in the family.
2014 started with the Advanced Foundation 2-day course in Auckland. Anne Samson remarks “Having
had the opportunity of using the DVD and notes before the courses, and of teaching this level for the past
term, gave me a good grounding during this session. Proving that age is not a barrier for teachers, we
gave our all and leaped and jumped and laughed along the way. It is very inspiring work and a delight to
pass onto our students.”
I am sure you are all looking forward to the course for the new Grades 4-5 syllabi in Rotorua in October.
As this is my last contribution to Focus on Members I would like to say a few
words of farewell.
On 23-2-1983 I received a letter from the ‘Royal Academy of Dancing’ expressing
their gratitude on my taking over the Local Organiser’s position for the Bay of
Plenty from Joan Oetiker. They looked forward to a long association with me. I
wonder if they then realised I would hold the position for 31 years! I don’t think
there can be many people who can truthfully say they have loved every moment
of their job. I have enjoyed so much my association with teachers and examiners alike, trying to
make them feel special as they in turn did to the pupils. I appreciate the on-going friendships formed
and kindness and respect shown to me. I will miss you all especially the long chats on the phone at
exam-entry time; during exams; the Focus on Members contributions; new syllabus courses; and of
course your wonderful concerts. I will be following you all in the future and I hope you will give your
new Area Organiser, Angela Guernier, the same co-operation over the years. I have profiled all of the
Bay of Plenty teachers so I am finishing my term with a profile and photo of Angela (see page 7). She
is a lovely person with a love of ballet and a long association with the RAD. Thank you Janet, Nina
and Shirley for making it such a pleasure to be part of great organisation.
Faye Stamp
A very Happy New Year to you all. It is hard to believe that the first two months have already flown by!
The end-of-year recitals were, as usual, delightful. Congratulations to teachers for giving their pupils the
opportunity to perform on a “real” stage.
Hawkes Bay
Diana Shand
Dance Studio’s
in Dance.
Connor Ferguson, Taylor Ferguson, Amy Griffin
and Isabelle Ashe ‘had fun and loved their moment
of glory onstage’ in a Ragtime Dance inspired by
the quote “Never miss a chance to dance”.
Isabella Rose Davis, Felicity Charman (standing), Bella
Kilmetova (kneeling) and Ruby Clarke in their gorgeous
Fairy costumes were inspired by the quote “May you touch
dragonflies and stars, dance with fairies and talk to the moon”.
Now it’s back to preparation for the examination sessions in the middle of the year. I’m also looking
forward to July when Napier will host a 3-day course for the new Grades 4–5 work.
Best wishes to Annette and Faye for their well-deserved retirements – and welcome to Sharon and
Angela, the new Area Organisers for Waikato and Bay of Plenty respectively.
Leigh Jones
Manawatu – Wanganui – Taranaki
Maximum Dance Zone’s principal Maxene
Jeffares-Greer was very proud of her
students’ wonderful performances in the
Wizard of Oz in November. She is delighted
to see so many new dancers this year.
Claire Patten reports that the Patten Academy of Dance has had another great year of dance and
fun. Teacher Rowena Suthon, who Claire says is ‘very valuable to the studio’ is on board now. The
new exam work was popular, the students loved the performance awards, and the medals were
received with great pleasure. The studio is looking forward to starting on the new Vocational work.
Paula Doole is now back from Doha and is very welcome. She sat Grade 7 successfully last year,
and is now working towards Grade 8 as well as studying for her Diploma in Dance Teaching Studies
Shannon Dawson from RNZB took class at Patten
Academy of Dance
Circus time duo Tempany Paola and Nicole Heaysman
in the end of year show Once Upon a Time
Congratulations to Holly Newsome who has been accepted to the NZSD’s Contemporary
programme, and also to her sister Jasmine who has been accepted into the Junior Associate
programme again.
The Maureen Ax School of Dance wishes its 2013 teacher, Louise Baker, well on her big OE.
New at the school in 2014 is jazz, contemporary and tap teacher Jessica Tildesley, a Whitireia
commercial dance course graduate originally from Masterton, who taught in Tauranga before her
OE. Also Caitlin Briasco, who is studying at Massey University, teaches the senior students part
time. Maureen reports that students are ‘enjoying Jessica’s energy and her love of dance’ and
with Caitlin ‘they are being extended with lots of open classes.’ This year’s production will be the
traditional Cinderella Ballet which the students are very excited about.
The Geraldine Inder School of Dance’s 65th
anniversary was celebrated in November with a
cocktail party, and the school’s 65th production – The
Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. Ex-pupils, parents
and teachers came from all parts of the world to
join in the celebrations. Pictured are Miss Nicola
Madden, Miss Bevis Segrue and Miss Geraldine
Inder – three generations of teachers who have
taught at the school for over 25 years. Miss Inder,
in her 65th year of teaching, is the oldest business
woman in Masterton.
Grade 2 Village Maypole dancers.
Photos: Jude Nikolaison Photographer – Nikolaison’s
on Queen Street.
Sue Tuck
I hope everyone is off to a cracking start in the areas I cover. It has not been a particularly warm or sunny
summer here in Wellington. In fact it was much better in November and December when most teachers
had their shows or recitals as can be seen in this Focus.
We look forward to both Solo Seal and the biennial 14+ Dance Scholarship being held on 7 September
in Wellington. Closing date for entries for both events is 12 June. 7 September promises to be another
exciting Awards Day.
About 25 people
enjoyed getting together
for the 2013 RAD
teachers Christmas
lunch in Wellington.
Pictured are Janet
Taylor, Sue Nicholls,
Ruth Wall, Georgia
Hofsteede, Sue Tuck,
Mary Rodgers and
Davinia Dearmer
Deirdre Tarrant reports:
Tarrant Dance Studio’s end-of-year examinations ran full ‘jete’ into
performances and community events. Thousands of Wellingtonians lined the city streets and every
student from Grade 2 up plus fabulous friends and parents dressed up for the magic of the annual
Christmas Parade. A week later Alice at the Opera House was a colourful story-book ballet – lots
of fun parts from the littlest red rose garden to the leads who both danced their hearts out but also
spoke the court scene in the finale. A lovely way to end the dancing year. The very exciting news is
that we will be taking Alice on tour to the Taupo Erupt Festival on 11 May. Chinese New Year was
another chance to perform both onstage and in the street parade. And all these performances were
in the holidays! Looking forward to 2014 and being back in the studio.
Above: Alice lead dancers backstage
Middle: Angelina Ballerinas get ready to dance in the Christmas parade
Right: Deirdre Tarrant and Stan Chan with the horse he drew while the dancers danced to celebrate the
Year of the Horse’ during the Chinese New Year celebrations
Sophie Arbuckle (left) and Jemima Scott
Photo: Amber Griffin Photography & Retouching
Congratulations to
Wellington Dance
Academy student Tabitha
Dombroski (pictured on Page
4) who has recently been
accepted by the RNZB’s
mentor programme for this
year. Congratulations also to
Sophie Arbuckle who
is starting her first year
at the NZSD as a Classical
major, and to Jemima
Scott who has been
accepted into the Australian
Ballet School’s International
Training Programme which
will involve travel back and
forth to Melbourne during
the year.
Chilton Dance Centre’s end-of-year production of From Page to Stage saw over 300 students
performing ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, contemporary and musical theatre to full houses at Notre
Dame des Missions Performing Arts Centre. The audience was entertained with items from Alice in
Wonderland to Schindlers List and Pippi Longstocking to Hunger Games.
Photo: Amber Griffin Photography & Retouching
Congratulations to Chilton Dance Centre graduates Mikaela Berney, Chantal Pinguet, Amy Bennett
and Michelle Keating who have accepted places at fulltime Dance Schools for 2014. Congratulations
also to Molly Wake, Laura Kelly, Samantha Ead and Shae Berney who have been accepted into
the NZSD Junior Associate programme; and Mia Pickering, Andrea-Yolana Batista-Vizcarra, Caleb
Griffin, Georgia Ryan, Caitlin Hickey, Molly Wake, Laura Kelly and Samantha Ead who are in the
NZSD Scholars programme.
Georgia Hofsteede Dance’s end-of-year recital Peter Pan
was held at the newly-renovated Sacred Heart College
performing arts centre – a great facility. Georgia reports
that the sell-out recital went very well with the dancers
thoroughly enjoying themselves, and the audience loving
the performance.
Sue Tuck
Sharon Rennie School Of Dance’s Christmas production of
Cinderella was well-supported, and parents were delighted with
the performance of the pupils. All of the adult students (several of
whom passed Grade 6 this year) performed, with some motherand-daughter sets taking to the stage. Kimberly Jones (pictured left)
danced the lead role of Cinderella; Emily Jones was a handsome
Prince; the seasons fairies were Hannah Eves, Kelsie Skelton,
Jordan Silcock and Lucy Sheat; soon-to-be-wed Megan Smit took
the role of Fairy Godmother; and Jenna Simpson, Gloria Harvey
Photo: Jessica Jones Photography
and Monique Topp were the stepmother and sisters. The Jones
sisters (Charlotte, Sophie, Georgia, Emily and Kimberly), ranging in age from four to seventeen, also
performed a short classical piece choreographed by themselves, no mean feat considering the age range.
Sue Tuck
Welcome back everybody. I hope that you all had a nice break. I was invited to some great end of the year
shows – well done to you all. With schools back and lots of courses to look forward to through the year, it
is going to be a busy but great year for us all.
Students from the Anna Lee School of Dance performed in the Dancing for 298 Charity Dance Gala
held last September. The show sold out and raised nearly $4,000 for the 298 Youth Health Centre, the
only clinic that provides free health care for young people in Christchurch. On Labour Day 2013, students
Emma Hampson, Emma Rose Barrowclough and Stephanie Watson sat Grade 7, the last exam they will
sit together as Stephanie was accepted into the NZSD as a Contemporary Major for 2014.
Left: Emma Hampson, Emma Rose Barrowclough and Stephanie Watson waiting for their Grade 7 exam
Right: Anna Lee School of Dance students performing in the Dancing for 298 Charity Dance Gala
Avril Levings reports that in July she took a team of seven Levings School of Dance students to America
to compete in the Las Vegas Starpower and Rainbow, and the Anaheim Showstopper. Her students
gained 16 first places, many platinum golds and a special award for their Lyrical Team, but her biggest
thrill was Natasha Boon winning the Starpower World Championship Miss Teen Title Las Vegas 2013. Natasha
Three of Avril’s students also
attended Showcase on the Gold
Coast of Australia in January. Rhearn
Le Huray did well winning several
events but Avril’s greatest excitement
was Shelyse Wadley’s winning of
the prestigious “Dancer of the Year”
Junior Title – the first New Zealander
to ever win this. Her prize is a return
trip to America all expenses paid to
represent showcase at Las Vegas
Starpower and Rainbow.
Avril reports: “Shelyse had 60 strong competitors from all over Australasia. Her goal was to get
into top 10. When she was called into top 20 I was so excited; when she was called to top 10 I was
even more thrilled; when she got to top 5 I couldn’t cope and when she made it to the top 3 – I lost
it! Shelyse has worked so hard and has been so determined and goal driven.”
Congratulations to Callaghan Laird, Felicia Morris Levings and Natasha Boon on their acceptance
into the NZSD Junior Associates this year. Callaghan is also in the NZSD Scholars Programme.
My first steps in ballet were at the Caribbean School of Dance in
Trinidad (West Indies). I went on to train at the RAD in London, and
then taught for many years in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). I
started the first RAD classes on the Island and also guest taught in
several other Caribbean Islands. My RAD training has given me the
opportunity to travel and take part in RAD events all around the world.
I have been extremely fortunate to have experienced first-hand, what
an international organization the RAD is.
Clare Freeman-Sergeant with
Grade 4 students Ema
Takahashi and Julia Hughes
Clare Freeman-Sergeant is in her second year of teaching at Dance Masters International. Being
required to return to the UK to renew her visa gave her the opportunity to travel to 3 different
countries to participate in RAD Advanced courses – Belgium, Luxembourg and Australia. She was
asked to write a little about herself and her recent experience.
The Advanced Foundation course I attended at the Royal Ballet
of Flanders in Antwerp (the city where the Genée will be held this
year) was expertly tutored by Roberta Botti from Italy. The more
choreographic element of the syllabus was a rejuvenating change
from the current Advanced Foundation, and the music was a joy to
dance to. I was especially happy to meet many of the European RAD
Teachers, who had travelled from France, Belgium, Holland and
Luxembourg to attend the course.
On a foggy day one month later I travelled to Luxembourg to attend the Advanced 1 Course held in
Arlon, on the Luxembourg/ Belgium border. Again the course was excellent and I made many friends
with the European RAD teachers.
To complete the set, en route
back to New Zealand in January,
I stopped off in Sydney to take
the Advanced 2 course with
inspirational tutor Marie WaltonMahon. Having now learnt all
the new Advanced Syllabi, I can
appreciate how the build up
and progressions in the RAD’s
latest syllabi have been carefully
constructed. I was especially
Antwerp Advanced Foundation course participants
interested with the diverse range
of the music accompaniment, which I believe will encourage the students to develop a greater
musical awareness.
Congratulations to Sharon Howells (RAD examiner and teacher), and her partner Lex Wilkinson, on their
Wedding which will take place in late March. We wish you both all the very best for your future together.
Also, congratulations to Adair Botting who has been teaching for 50 years. WOW, how cool is that. I hope
to get some photos of both of these happy events for the next Focus.
Congratulations to all the Canterbury students who were accepted into the NZSD this year, and to those
who were accepted into the Junior Associates and the Scholar’s programmes with the school.
Lynda Saxton
Dance Gazette offers you free
exclusive access to Genée 2013.
Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes of a major
international ballet competition? For the first time, a free app
from Dance Gazette gives you exclusive access to the
excitement and atmosphere of the Genée International Ballet
Competition 2013 in Glasgow.
Lynn Wallis, Artistic Director of the RAD, leads us from studio
to stage as the talented young dancers explore intensive
coaching and high-profile performance. As well as Lynn’s
filmed diary, full of the dancers in action, you’ll also find
sumptuous photos and a wealth of background information. See
the dancers of tomorrow and enjoy a beautiful souvenir of a
wonderful event.
Free Download
Go to the Apple App Store or Google play, simply search for
‘Genée 2013’ and install the app.
Students from the New Zealand School of Dance are in high demand
with dance companies. 2013 graduates Jiang Peng Fei, Oscar
Hoelscher and William Fitzgerald have joined the RNZB. Benjamin
Obst has taken up a contract with Queensland Ballet; Samuel Wilson
with Nevada Ballet Theatre; and Ruth Austin, Stefaan Morrow and
Chen Ruifeng with Singapore Dance Theatre. Katie Rudd has joined
The New Zealand Dance Company; Michael Gudgeon and Sarah
Gatzonis are soon to be performing with Java Dance; and Luigi
Vescio is joining Footnote Dance. Oscar Hoelscher was named the
2013 Todd Scholar.
Oscar Hoelscher
Stephen A’Court.
Jiang Peng Fei
On 16 February Dannielle Chandler AUT BDance RAD RTS launched a new dance-based website where dancers, their families and dance teachers can trade second-hand dance
wear. You can sell or hire out your ‘too-small’ dance wear or retired costumes to those who are
looking for new uniforms and costumes. For a tiny annual fee you can list or buy items as you
please. As a member no commission will be taken by the website and you can list as many items
as you like, for as long as you like. Dannielle wanted to create a more economic means of acquiring
and recycling dance wear for dancers and families as well as creating a database for dance teachers
and students to source costumes more easily. If you have any questions please contact Dannielle at
East Auckland Performing Arts
EAPA’s 2013 tertiary graduates have “once again
shown that the quality of training is paying off”,
says EAPA director Elizabeth Harvey. Diploma
of Dance and Theatre Arts graduate Quinn
Tattersfield has been accepted into the NZSD
as a classical major; Lillie Scott Smith (who
graduated with the Diploma of Dance and Theatre
Arts and Diploma of Teaching) has taken up a
contract as a dancer at the Wyndham resort in
the Caribbean; Chloe Hurtley (Diploma of Dance
and Theatre Arts graduate) returns to EAPA
complete her Diploma of Teaching of Dance.
Jenifer McManus and Melissa Hesseling join
EAPA this year as classical majors. The Russell
Kerr Classical Scholarship is shared this year
by Ellie Rostron, a pupil of Gillian Moore, and
Sophie Voss a pupil of Ann Samson. The Maori /
Pasifika scholarship is still open to application.
Elizabeth reports that EAPA’s strength is in the
wonderful team of tutors who this year are joined
by Catherine Carr who will be teaching Musical
Theatre, singing and music theory for dancers.
Carl Myers will coach solo seal candidates.
Apollo Theatre Company
EAPA’s students Qwin & Lillie
There are still places on the Diploma Course
available for 2014 and student loans and
allowances are available. For information on
courses contact EAPA at
Dance Masters International
After a popular
summer seminar at
the Mount Eden Ballet
Academy studios,
Dance Masters
International will be
holding a Winter
Seminar from 14-19
July in Auckland.
Nick Tredrea is this year commencing his
pre-professional year with the Sydney
Dance Company having just graduated
from Wapa. When he is in New Zealand he
attends Apollo Theatre Company classes
and private lessons with Sarah Boocock.
This will be their third Auckland seminar.
Classes offered will include Classical
Open Classes, Pointe and Repertoire,
Stretch and Pilates, Contemporary and
also RAD Vocational Graded Examination
Coaching Classes for all levels from
Intermediate Foundation to Advanced 2.
For more Information, please contact DMI
or 022 670 2971
Benesh Movement Notation
Reading Benesh is easier than you think and even with just a little knowledge you’ll be surprised at how
helpful it can be. Liz Cunliffe, Director of the Benesh Institute, explains the basic principles.
__ Height of top of head
__ Height of the shoulders
__ Height of the waist
__ Height of the knees
__ Floor
Hand or foot in front of the body
Dot = hand or foot behind the body
Photo: Graham Read
Let’s look at this position. Facing 6, standing on
the left leg, left foot en pointe, right leg bent with
knee level and foot over crossed behind, arms
third, right arm forward, head turned to the left.
Viewed from behind the dancer, the notation shows
the exact positions of the hands, feet and bent
knee in relation to the body, the angle of the head
to the shoulders and the direction sign shows how
the dancer relates to the audience. All in seven
simple signs.
‘I just love learning the notation. It wasn’t nearly
as difficult as I thought it would be and now I find
it really useful – particularly for syllabus work.
I feel so much more confident when I teach
knowing I can find out precisely what the port
de bras should be; exactly when the turn should
happen; all the timing details, just by looking at
the notation. I’d urge everyone to have a go.’’
Justine Berry ARAD PDTD
The cross-out indicates that the right foot has
crossed over the mid- line of the body into the
‘home area’ of the left foot
Hand or foot level (to the side or directly
above or below the body)
Sign under the floor line= foot flat
Sign resting on floor line= tips of toes on
floor, en pointe
Bent knee level with the body
Head turned to left
Dot points towards the direction faced
Distance Learning Course One in Benesh
Movement Notation is specifically designed
for teachers who want to be able to read the
notation of the set work from Pre-Primary in
Dance to Solo Seal. Why not have a go?
For more information on Benesh Movement
Notation and the courses on offer please visit or contact Liz Cunliffe on
Dance Proms
Dance Proms is designed to showcase the high standards of dance
and dance teaching of the organisations and their members, and to
raise standards and increase participation in dance.
At the third annual Dance Proms, on 3 November 2013, the Royal
Albert Hall came alive with 450 young dancers and their teachers
from the UK, Italy, Belgium and New Zealand. To qualify, teachers
from the IDTA, ISTD and RAD submitted a short piece of original
choreography in any genre, and performed as a solo, couple or
group performance. The genres ranged from more traditional ballet
and Greek dance, through to rock, street dance, cheerleading and
many more.
The next international Dance Proms will take place on
2 November 2014. Enter your dance piece online by 27 April.
Visit to register or to buy tickets.
Wellington Dance Academy
students performing at the Royal
Albert Hall, London in the 2013
Dance Proms.
New Website
The RAD UK’s new website,, is now available online. It wanted to make the design
more appealing, improve its navigation and usability and introduce new functionality. The process
was started 18 months ago, with writing the brief and evaluating over 20 companies to choose the
right one to deliver the new site, within the required timeframe and budget. After consultation with all
RAD offices around the world, the company and the design were nailed down and frantic work on
navigation, text and functionality started. This project has truly been a team effort. The website is not
yet finished but even so, initial research has highlighted that 85% of you think that the site is clearly
laid out. Suggestions are being considered for the next phases of development. We do hope you
enjoy browsing away!
Toward the Future
The new year saw Toward the Future: the launch of the new RAD Grades
4 & 5 syllabi take place on 3 January in London in front of hundreds of
RAD teachers and Examiners eager to see the new work. The launch
showcased the development of work building on the new Grades 1–3
launched in 2012. Presentations of the new syllabi followed an inspiring
speech by the guest speaker, Royal Ballet Director Kevin O’Hare, before
Lesley Collier, Répétiteur of the Royal Ballet led a coaching session.
Kevin O’Hare. Photo: Elliott Franks
Annual General Meeting
The Academy’s AGM will take place at 11am at RAD headquarters in London. Full members should RSVP
by 20 March to Sarah-Jane Lewis at if you want to attend. Proxy voting will open week
commencing 24 February at and close on I April.
Teacher Training Options
There are several options available for Royal Academy of Dance teacher-training by distance learning.
All lead to eligibility for RAD Registered Teacher Status which in turn leads to opportunities to teach and
enter students for RAD ballet examinations all over the world.
Last year a total of 294 students successfully graduated from the CBTS and have since gone on to teach
ballet all over the world. Due to the ongoing success of the programme, two new countries – Scandinavia
and Chile – will be running the programme for the first time in 2014.
Contact 04 382 8924 or for further information about the programmes below.
Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies – 2 years part-time – distance learning
Apply by 1 August 2014 to start in January 2015
The CBTS provides you with the knowledge, understanding and skills required by ballet teachers at the
start of their careers. With a focus on RAD syllabi, you will explore the development and progression of
ballet technique alongside acquiring teaching skills appropriate for a private dance school.
Entry requirement: RAD Intermediate of equivalent.
Diploma in Dance Teaching Studies – 2 years part-time – distance learning
Apply by 1 August 2014 to start in January 2015
The DDTS helps students use their current teaching skills in new contexts, and to enhance their
teaching skills through a range of optional modules such as music for teaching, ballet studies,
resources for teaching and community dance.
Entry requirement: Level 4 dance teaching qualification or equivalent
Professional Dancers’ Postgraduate Teaching Certificate – 1 year part-time – distance learning
Apply by 1 September 2014 to start in January 2015
The 1-year PDPTC is designed for professional dancers wishing to prepare for a new career in
teaching. It combines distance learning with a one-month intensive study period in Berlin. Applications
are welcomed from dancers with significant professional experience and advanced technical
proficiency in ballet.
Photo: Johnny Carr
Continuing Professional Development
CPD Requirements
The CPD year is from 1 July to the following
30 June.
All teachers registered with the Royal
Academy of Dance are required to submit a
CPD Declaration Form to the RAD office no
later than 30 June each year. Information,
downloadable application forms and a useful
Personal Development Plan can be found at Further
information can be found on the RAD UK
Can I complete my CPD requirement by
participating in activities that aren’t run by
the RAD?
How do I know what counts as Independent
CPD? Is there a complete list of activities?
Independent CPD activities are those which
are completed in a less formal setting than a
or a course. There is no exact definition of what
an Independent CPD activity is, and the RAD
does not have an exact list of activities that do
or do not count towards your CPD requirement.
Independent CPD can take such a wide range of
forms internationally, so it would be limiting to
restrict you to a small number of activities.
The CPD department can provide guidance
on the type of activities that can count as your
Independent CPD. This could include:
• Private study to learn new skills
Yes, but they do need to meet our External
CPD Requirements. The activity must:
• Online research
a) have clearly stated aims and objectives
• Contributing to the local dance community
through committees or charity work
b) have demonstrable learning outcomes
c) be relevant to your dance teaching career
d) be able to be evidenced e.g. you obtain a
certificate/proof of participation
It is up to you to make sure that any external
CPD activities meet the above requirements.
The course provider should be able to help
you check this.
Do I have to do Time-Valued CPD and
Credit-Rated CPD?
No. To meet your minimum requirement, you
only need to participate in one or the other
(or both if you wish).
When do I declare my CPD?
You can declare your CPD (by sending your
completed CPD Declaration form to the RAD
office) at any time throughout the CPD year,
as soon as you believe you have met your
CPD requirement.
• Reading dance related publications
• Observation of classes
• Mentoring students
• Watching a performance
• Planning and producing a show
CPD activities are those which go above and
beyond your usual working life. For further
advice, contact the RAD.
How do I know how many CPD hours my
external Time-Valued activity is worth?
If you choose to complete your CPD
requirement by participating in external CPD,
you are responsible for deciding whether this
meets the external CPD requirements. You
are also responsible for working out how many
CPD hours this activity is worth. You can claim
one CPD hour for each hour of teaching on an
external activity. You cannot claim CPD hours for
any preparation, discussion or networking you
undertake around this activity.
Membership Year
The Royal Academy of Dance Membership Year
is from 1 September to the following 31 August.
Code of Conduct
A copy of the new Code of Conduct for all
members of the RAD has been sent to all RAD
members with their membership cards. All
teaching members have also been sent the Code
of Professional Practice for teachers registered
with the RAD. These documents set out the
standards of conduct and professional practice
that the RAD expects and requires of all its
members. All members are required to uphold the
Bye-Laws of the RAD, and to adhere to the Code
of Conduct.
Membership Benefits
These include: UK Dance Gazette, UK Focus on
Exams and NZ Focus on Members publications
3 times a year; monthly e-news bulletins; eligibility
for a 10% discount on RAD Products; access
to the monthly JobSearch International™ (JSI);
eligibility for members who are sitting Advanced
Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2 or Solo
Seal to pay reduced examination fees.
Life Members
40 consecutive years of Royal Academy of
Dance membership results in eligibility for Full
or Teaching Life Membership. Payment of $45 is
required if new Life Members wish to continue to
receive printed copied of the Dance Gazette and
Focus on Members. The RAD Head Office issues
special certificates to Life Members worldwide.
RAD Membership Fees for 2013–2014
Teaching Members
Full Members
Full Members (reduced rate)
Affiliate Members
Friends of the Academy
Sign up your students
RAD Membership is open to students who
have successfully passed Grade 6 upwards,
in recognition of their hard work and dedication.
As a member, they will benefit from regular
information about the RAD and the dance world,
discounts on RAD merchandise and selected
Vocational Graded exams, plus much more!
The RAD also welcomes students or parents who
do not qualify as a member to join as a Friend of
the RAD.
If you would like free membership leaflets to
display at your school, email membership@rad. or phone 04 382 8924 to let us know how
many leaflets you would like.
Target Date for Examination Results
Examination certificates and result forms should reach the teacher within 4 weeks of the end of the
examiner’s tour.
Reduction in Vocational Graded Examination Fees for Members
For those sitting examinations at Advanced Foundation level and higher there is a reduction in exam
fees which more than offsets the cost of the membership fee. The Member Exam Fee is available only to
candidates who are already Members before the exam closing date.
Special Graded Examinations – Minimum 4 hours Examining Time
The closing date for a session requested outside the published dates is 2 months before the start of the
session. The fees are $350 plus $50 per day. Any request for a special examination session should be
sent to the NZ office with a $75 deposit which forms part of the fee.
Examinations Information
Less than 3 hours’ Graded Examining Time
Teachers who have less than 3 hours examination work may choose to hold their examinations in their
own studios by paying an additional charge on the total fee income from their examination and class
award or presentation class entries to bring it up to the minimum fee of $1640. This surcharge will not
apply if teachers combine with other teachers to ensure a total of more than 3 hours.
Replacement Certificates and Replacement Medals
A charge of $38 will be made to replace any certificates which are incorrect, except where errors have
been made by the Academy. The same fee will be charged to replace lost certificates. In all instances
the original certificate must be returned to the NZ office before a replacement certificate can be issued. A
charge of $15 will be made to replace any medals.
Results Enquiry Service
There are two levels of check for the Results Enquiry Service. The application form (available from
the RAD office or website) is required to be sent to the RAD office within 10 working days of the results
being received.
Level 1: Results Enquiry clerical check. This provides an additional data entry and monitoring check
to ensure that all procedures have been carried out appropriately and marks have been accurately
processed and reported. The fee is $25 per candidate.
Level 2: Result Enquiry Report. This service includes the clerical check and also a detailed Report which
provides the reasoning behind the result given. The fee is $80 per report.
Refund Policy
50% of any examination, presentation class, class award or solo performance award fee will be refunded
if a candidate is unable to take the examination due to illness or if the teacher has to cancel the
examination session due to illness. No refunds will normally be made for withdrawal for any other reason.
In the case of sickness a medical certificate must be sent, together with a candidate withdrawal form, to
the RAD office within a week of the conclusion of the examination tour. Alternatively the candidate may
carry forward the examination fee for one session. Check details with the RAD office.
Age Requirements
The date a candidate is required to have reached the minimum age* by is 1 January for Term 2
examination sessions; and 1 September for Term 3 & 4 Examination sessions.
* Minimum ages are given in the Examinations Information, Rules and Regulations on
Approved Examination Centre (AEC) Sessions
Graded, Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate examinations
2nd Term 2014
Approx Dates
Closing Dates
Auckland/Northland Term 2
17–24 Jun
10 Apr
Helen Calman
Approx Dates
Closing Dates
Auckland/Northland Term 3
Hawkes Bay
Bay of Plenty
Wellington Term 3 (New session)
31 July to 13 Aug
31 July to 02 Sep
04–20 Aug
06–12 Aug
13–19 Aug
26 Aug–15 Sep
28 Aug–14 Sep
06–17 Sep
16–20 Sep
21–26 Sep
29 May
29 May
29 May
05 Jun
05 Jun
19 Jun
19 Jun
26 Jun
03 Jul
10 Jul
Tonia Robertson
Sharon Howells
Carole Speirs
Helen Calman
Helen Calman
Saori Ishimaru
Lynne Harrison
Tonia Robertson
Saori Ishimaru
Karen Macleod
Approx Dates
Closing Dates
Wellington Year-end
Auckland/Northland Year-end
Christchurch Year-end
13 Oct–05 Nov
13 Oct–04 Nov
22–31 Oct
08–10 Dec
07 Aug
07 Aug
14 Aug
16 Oct
Karen Macleod
Dale Coles
Lynne Harrison
Helen Calman
Class Awards &
Presentation Classes
3rd Term 2014
4th Term 2014
2014 Fees per candidate
1st Child
Pre School Dance Curriculum
Pre-Primary in Dance
Primary in Dance
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3 Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Intermediate Foundation
Intermediate $66
2nd Child
Up to 4
Over 4
Solo Performance
Vocational Graded examinations
2nd Term 2014
Venue Location
Venue ID
Approx Dates
Closing Date
Wellington (1st)
Auckland (1st)
13–17 May
18–25 May
13 Mar
13 Mar
Joy Ransley
Joy Ransley
RAD Approved Venue (RAV) Sessions
3rd Term 2014
Venue Location
Venue ID
Approx Dates
Closing Date
Palmerston North
31 Jul–03 Aug
04–09 Aug
10–29 Aug
22 May
22 May
22 May
Kit Lethby
Kit Lethby
Kit Lethby
Wellington – 14+ Dance Scholarship
Wellington – Solo Seal
19–26 Aug
27–31 Aug
01–12 Sep
07 Sep
07 Sep
13–18 Sep
12 Jun
12 Jun
12 Jun
12 Jun
12 Jun
12 Jun
2014 Fees per candidate
Member Fee
Full Fee
Intermediate Foundation
Advanced Foundation
Advanced 1
Advanced 2
Solo Seal Award
The Graded Examinations in Dance syllabus focuses on ballet (including elements of freer and
progressive styles, appropriate for today’s dancer) and Character, and is appropriate for candidates from
the age of 5 years.
The Vocational Graded Examinations in Dance syllabus builds on the elements covered in the Graded
syllabus, focusing on the performance of ballet to an advanced standard, and is intended for students who
wish to pursue a career in dance. It is suitable for candidates from the age of 11 years.
2014 Primary School Term Dates
Term 1: Between 27 Jan & 07 Feb to Thu 19 Apr
Term 2: Mon 05 May to Fri 4 July
Term 3: Mon 21 July to Fri 26 Sep
Term 4: Mon 13 Oct to Fri 19 Dec
Note: Easter is Fri 18 April to Mon 21 April
The courses below form part of RAD Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development, but are open
to anyone who wishes to attend. For teachers to retain their RAD Registered Teacher Status a minimum
of 24 CPD hours are required to be completed each CPD year (01 July to 30 June). The courses
below are worth 8 CPD hours per course day. Further details and application forms are available from or from the RAD office.
Introduction to Advanced Foundation (M & F)
Course Dates
Closing Date
Auckland (1)
Sun 26 – Mon 27 Jan
19 Dec
Carole Speirs
Auckland (2)
Sat 01 – Sun 02 Feb
19 Dec
Carole Speirs
Sun 02 – Mon 03 Feb
02 Jan
Sue Nicholls
Sun 27 – Mon 28 Apr
27 Mar
Sue Nicholls
Introduction to Advanced 1 (F)
Course Dates
Closing Date
Auckland (1)
Sun 27 – Mon 28 Apr
27 Mar
Carole Speirs
Auckland (2)
Sun 18 – Mon 19 May
17 Apr
Carole Speirs
Sat 03 – Sun 04 May
03 Apr
Sue Nicholls
Sun 01 – Mon 02 Jun
01 May
Sue Nicholls
Introduction to Advanced 2 (F)
Course Dates
Closing Date
Sun 01 – Mon 02 Jun
01 May
Carole Speirs
Sat 12 – Sun 13 Jul
12 Jun
Sue Nicholls
Introduction to Grades 4–5
Course Dates
Closing Date
Auckland (1)
Sun 06 – Tue 08 Jul
05 Jun
Helen Calman
Sun 06 – Tue 08 Jul
05 Jun
Alison Pond
Sun 13 – Tue 15 Jul
12 Jun
Alison Pond
Wellington (1)
Mon 14 – Wed 16 Jul
12 Jun
Helen Calman
Auckland (2)
Sun 28 – Tue 30 Sep
28 Aug
Alison Pond
Wellington (2) *
Fri 03 – Sun 05 Oct
04 Sep
Alison Pond
Invercargill **
Sun 05 – Tue 07 Oct
04 Sep
Helen Calman
Sat 25 – Mon 27 Oct
25 Sep
Helen Calman
* Note change of dates from 5-7 Oct to 3-5 Oct
** Note change of centre from Alexandra to Invercargill
Deborah Morrison
85B Long Drive
St Heliers
Auckland 1071
tel: 09 585 1258
mob: 027 416 8404
Sue Tuck
41a Calcutta Street
Khandallah, Wellington 6035
tel: 04 479 2716
mob: 021 298 8270
fax: 04 479 2745
Area Organisers
Sharon Dickinson
15 Follis Street
Te Aroha 3320
Tel: 07 884 4069
Lynda Saxton
80 Strickland Street
Christchurch 8023
tel: 03 960 6950
Angela Guernier
14 Maesbury Close
Papamoa 3118
Tel: 07 575 2173
Mob: 027 575 2173
Joy Pearson
40 Cole Street
Dunedin 9012
tel: 03 487 6744
mob: 021 134 0653 (txt only)
Leigh Jones
PO Box 436
86 Kennedy Rd
Napier 4140
tel: 06 835 5982
mob: 021 055 0936
Lynette McKerchar
Forest Hill
Winton 9781
tel: 03 221 7045
mob: 027 223 0817
fax: 03 221 7045
National Office Staff
National Director
Janet Taylor
Office Manager
Nina Sowerbutts
Projects Co-ordinator
Tel 04 382 8924 | Fax 382 8200 | PO Box 11718 Manners Street, Wellington 6142
Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies
Be part of the future: enrol on our part-time Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies programme as your
first step to becoming an RAD Registered Teacher.
“I would recommend this course to anyone who
is thinking of becoming an RAD ballet teacher.
Having already trained at two top vocational
schools I didn’t think there could be a lot more
to learn, however I was mistaken!”
CBTS Graduate
Photo by Richard Allen