Role of nuclear deformations and proximity interactions in
Role of nuclear deformations and proximity interactions in
EPJ A Hadrons and Nuclei EPJ .org your physics journal Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 DOI 10.1140/epja/i2014-14175-9 Role of nuclear deformations and proximity interactions in heavy particle radioactivity Gudveen Sawhney, Kirandeep Sandhu, Manoj K. Sharma and Raj K. Gupta Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 DOI 10.1140/epja/i2014-14175-9 THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Regular Article – Theoretical Physics Role of nuclear deformations and proximity interactions in heavy particle radioactivity Gudveen Sawhney1,a , Kirandeep Sandhu2 , Manoj K. Sharma2 , and Raj K. Gupta1 1 2 Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India School of Physics and Materials Science, Thapar University, Patiala-147004, India Received: 26 September 2014 / Revised: 7 November 2014 c Società Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2014 Published online: 27 November 2014 – Communicated by M. Hjorth-Jensen Abstract. Based on the preformed cluster model (PCM), we have extended our earlier study on cluster decays of heavy parent nuclei to analyze the effects of different nuclear proximity potentials in the groundstate clusterization of superheavy nuclei with Z = 113, 115 and 117. In order to look for the possible role of deformations, calculations are performed for spherical as well as β2 -deformed choices of fragmentation. The relevance of “hot compact” over “cold elongated” configurations due to orientations is also explored, in addition to the role of Q value and angular momentum ℓ effects. As the PCM is based on collective clusterization picture, the preformation and penetration probabilities get modified considerably, and hence do so the decay constants and half-lives of the clusters, with the use of different nuclear proximity potentials. The comparative importance of nuclear proximity potentials Prox-1977 and Prox-2000 is analyzed and the calculated decay half-lives in the framework of PCM are compared with the recent predictions of the analytical super-asymmetric fission model (ASAFM). The possible role of shell corrections is also investigated for understanding the dynamics of heavy particle radioactivity. Finally, the potential energy surfaces are compared for different proton and neutron magic numbers in superheavy mass region. 1 Introduction Apart from the three basic decay modes (α-decay, β-decay and γ-emission), the phenomenon of cluster radioactivity, predicted theoretically in 1980’s [1], is now well established. The first observation was the detection of 14 C emitted from 223 Ra [2], which happens to have the highest branching ratio 10−10 with respect to α-decay. Since then, a number of cluster radioactive decays from heavy parent nuclei with Z = 87 to 96 were observed, leading to 14 C, 18,20 O, 23 F, 22,24–26 Ne, 28,30 Mg, and 32,34 Si cluster emissions with their respective half-lives measured. The daughter nucleus for all these cluster decays in trans-lead region is always 208 Pb (a doubly magic closed shell nucleus) or its neighboring nucleus. This observation has been verified in almost all experimental and theoretical studies, and hence consequently one may presume that the shell structure of daughter nucleus or the Q-value [= B.E.parent (B.E.daughter + B.E.cluster )] plays a very significant role in the cluster radioactivity process. In order to understand any physical phenomenon or process, one needs to perform a detailed theoretical anala e-mail: ysis. In view of this, different approaches, namely i) the unified fission model (UFM), such as the analytic super asymmetric fission model (ASAFM) [1, 3] and ii) the preformed cluster model (PCM) [4–7] have been advanced for the possible explanations of cluster dynamics. These models are found equally successful in reproducing the data on observed exotic cluster decays. The knowledge of interaction potential acts as an essential ingredient in all models, which consists of long-range plus short-range potentials. The long-range part of the interaction potential is determined by the Coulomb and centrifugal interactions, whereas the short-range nuclear part is not fully understood as yet. Therefore, an appropriate choice of nuclear potential is extremely desirable for a better understanding of this rare nuclear phenomenon. Because of the instability of nuclei in the superheavy element (SHE) region, no measurement of cluster decays is available to date. Stressing the importance of shell effects, Gupta and collaborators [8, 9] were the first to look for the possible branching of the α-decay to some (theoretically) most probable heavy cluster decays referring to some new or known magic daughters (or clusters) in the exotic cluster radioactivity process. This study, using the Page 2 of 11 PCM, was carried out for even 110 < Z < 118 superheavy nuclei [8, 9], indicating the interesting possibility of 14 C decay of 281 112 Cn giving rise to a deformed (nearly) magic Z = 106, N = 161 267 Sg daughter (N = 162 is established as a deformed magic shell) or a Z = 20 magic 48–51 Ca cluster from any parent nucleus in the α-decay chain of a SHE. More recently, the ASAFM is also used [10, 11] to explore the possibility of cluster emission in SHE mass region. The authors of [10, 11] explored the emergence of heavy particle radioactivity (HPR) from SHE’s with Z > 110 via spontaneous emission of heavy clusters of Z > 28 with corresponding daughter nuclei around the doubly magic 208 Pb. With an aim to address the HPR within collective clusterization process in PCM, in the following, we have investigated the cluster decay in the ground states of 278 113, 287−289 115 and 293,294 117 isotopes, leading to doubly magic 208 Pb or its neighboring nuclei. These nuclei have been observed [12–14] in the evaporation channels produced in a cold fusion reaction using a beam of 70 Zn on 209 Bi target and hot fusion reactions induced by 48 Ca projectile with actinide targets 243 Am and 249 Bk, respectively. In our recent work with PCM [15, 16], the role of deformations and orientations is studied for the first time in cluster decays of various radioactive nuclei from the trans-lead region, particularly for those decaying to doubly closed spherical shell 208 Pb daughter nucleus and then extended this study to the parent nuclei resulting in daughters other than 208 Pb. Except for 14 C decays, the effect of deformations up to quadrupole (β2 ) alone and “optimum” orientations [17] are found enough to fit all the experimental data on cluster decay half-lives. Later it was observed in ref. [18] that the inclusion of higher multipole deformations up to hexadecapole (β2 , β3 , β4 ) together with cold “compact” orientations [19] are essential for the decay of 14 C clusters. It is to be noted that the nuclear proximity potential of Blocki et al. [20] is used in these studies to understand the cluster dynamics. As already stated in the last paragraph above, based on the above-mentioned PCM calculations [8, 9, 15, 16, 18] that provide reasonable estimates for the observed cluster decay life times of heavy (Z > 87) parents, we have explored in this paper, the phenomenon of clustering in SHE nuclei with Z = 113, 115, and 117. The PCM finds its basis in the well-known quantum mechanical fragmentation theory where clusters of different sizes are considered to be preformed in the parent nucleus with different probabilities. This inclusion of preformation probability enables us to make significant observations about the nuclear structure effects of the parent nucleus as well as its decay products. Thus, the aim of the present work is to investigate the most probable heavy cluster emissions, and their corresponding decay half-lives, from odd Z 278 113, 287−289 115 and 293,294 117 parents, taking proton magic number Z = 126 and neutron number N = 184 for the SHE region. Since the deformations and orientations of nuclei are known to play a significant role in the context of cluster decay process, these are included here up to quadrupole deformations β2 and with “optimum” orientations θopt. of Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 nuclei [17]. The calculations are done with in the framework of PCM, using two different versions of nuclear proximity potential, the Prox-1977 [20] and Prox-2000 [21], having different isospin and asymmetry dependent parameters. A comparison of our calculated half-lives is made with the predictions of ASAFM [10, 11], obtained by using different mass tables AME11 (Atomic Mass Evaluation), LiMaZe01 (Liran-Marinov-Zeldes) and KTUY05 (Koura-Tachibana-Uno-Yamada), emphasizing the applicability and validity of our formalism. To explore the structural aspects for odd-Z nuclei in the SHE mass region, the effect of using different magic shells on heavy particle radioactivity is also studied. In other words, a comparative analysis of the possible shell closures with Z = 114, 120, 126 and N = 184 is checked via the calculation of the fragmentation potentials, and hence the preformation factor. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief account of the preformed cluster model (PCM) and different versions of the proximity potential used. The calculations and results for the ground state decays of the chosen parent nuclei are presented in sect. 3. Finally, the conclusions drawn are discussed in sect. 4. 2 The preformed cluster model The PCM has been described in detail in refs. [15, 16, 18], and we give here only some relevant details. Following the quantum mechanical fragmentation theory [22, 23], it is worked out in terms of the collective coordinates of mass and charge asymmetries, η= A1 − A2 A1 + A2 and ηZ = Z1 − Z2 , Z1 + Z2 the relative separation R, and the multipole deformations βλi and orientations θi (i = 1, 2) of daughter and cluster nuclei. The decay constant λ or the decay half-life T1/2 in PCM is defined as λ= ln 2 = P0 ν0 P. T1/2 (1) Here P0 is the cluster (and daughter) preformation probability and P the barrier penetrability which refer, respectively, to the η and R-motions. ν0 is the barrier assault frequency, which remain almost constant ∼ 1021 s−1 for all the heavy cluster decays studied in the present work. P0 is the solution of stationary Schrödinger equation in η, at a fixed R = Ra , ∂ ∂ 1 h̄2 − + VR (η) ψ ω (η) = E ω ψ ω (η), 2 Bηη ∂η Bηη ∂η (2) which on proper normalization gives P0 = Bηη |ψ[η(Ai )]|2 (2/A), (3) with i = 1 or 2 and ω = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . . We are interested here only in the ground-state solution (ω = 0). Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Page 3 of 11 for deformed and oriented nuclei (for details, refer to refs. [24, 25]). Note that shell effects enter here mainly through the ground state binding energies Bi (Ai , Zi ) [34, 35]. The deformation parameters of nuclei, βλi are taken from the tables of Möller et al. [34], with the “optimum” orientations taken from table 1 of ref. [17]. In the above eqs. (4) and (5), αi is the angle between the symmetry axis and the radius vector of the colliding nucleus, measured in the clockwise direction from the symmetry axis, and θi is the orientation angle between the nuclear symmetry axis and the collision Z-axis, measured in the anticlockwise direction (see, e.g., fig. 1 of ref. [17]). For ground-state decays, ℓ=0 is a good approximation [36]. The binding energy of a nucleus has been defined within the Strutinsky renormalization procedure, as a sum of liquid-drop energy (VLDM ) and shell corrections (δU ), i.e., B(A, Z) = VLDM + δU . However the role of taking δU = 0 is also analyzed (see the next section). The shell corrections, according to the “empirical” formula of Myers and Swiatecki [37], are given by δU = C Fig. 1. The scattering potential V (R) for the decay 294 117 → Pb + 86 Br, showing barrier penetration in PCM, using both Prox-1977 (solid line) and Prox-2000 (dotted line), for 86 Br considered as deformed nucleus with “optimum” hot orientation angles θiopt. from table 1 of ref. [17]. 208 = Rt (α, η) + ΔR, (4) where the η dependence of Ra is contained in Rt , and ΔR is a parameter, assimilating the neck formation effects of two-centre shell model shape. This method of introducing the neck length parameter ΔR is also used in the dynamical cluster decay model (DCM) of Gupta and collaborators [24–29] and in the scission-point [30] and saddle-point [31, 32] (statistical) fission models for decay of a hot and rotating compound nucleus. The mass parameters Bηη , representing the kinetic energy part in eq. (2) are the classical hydrodynamical masses [33]. The structure information of the decaying nucleus is contained in P0 via the fragmentation potential VR (η) in eq. (2), calculated as VR (η) = − 2 [Bi (Ai , Zi )] + VC (R, Zi , βλi , θi ) 2 (A/2) 3 − cA 1 3 , (6) 3 F (X) = 5 − 5 5 3 Mi3 − Mi−1 (X − Mi−1 ) Mi − Mi−1 5 3 5 3 , X 3 − Mi−1 5 (7) with X = N or Z, Mi−1 < X < Mi and Mi as the magic numbers 2, 8, 14 (or 20), 28, 50, 82, 126 (or 120 and 114) for protons and 2, 8, 14 (or 20), 28, 50, 82, 126 and 184 for neutrons. The constants C = 5.8 MeV and c = 0.26. The VLDM is taken from the semi-empirical mass formula of Seeger [38], defined as 2 VLDM (A, Z) = α(0)A + β(0)A 3 2 I +2|I | η(0) + γ(0) − 1 A A3 2.29 Z2 0.7636 + − 1 − 1 2 1 R0 A 3 Z3 [R0 A 3 ]2 +δ(0) f (Z, A) 3 A4 , (8) where i=1 +VP (R, Ai , βλi , θi ) + Vℓ (R, Ai , βλi , θi ). F (N ) + F (Z) where For Ra , the first turning point of the penetration path, shown in fig. 1 for the decay 294 117 → 208 Pb + 86 Br, it is postulated that [6] Ra (η) = R1 (α1 ) + R2 (α2 ) + ΔR I = aa (Z − N ), aa = 1, (5) VC , VP , and Vℓ are, respectively, the Coulomb, nuclear proximity, and angular momentum dependent potentials and f (Z, A) = (−1, 0, 1), respectively, for even-even, evenodd, and odd-odd nuclei. For T = 0, Seeger [38] obtained the constants, by fitting all even-even nuclei and Page 4 of 11 Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 488 odd-A nuclei available at that time, as α(0) = −16.11 MeV, β(0) = 20.21 MeV, γ(0) = 20.65 MeV, η(0) = 48.00 MeV, with the pairing energy term from ref. [39], δ(0) = 33.0 MeV. The constants of VLDM (T = 0), particularly the bulk constant α(0) and the proton-neutron asymmetry constant aa were adjusted by some of us [25,40] to get the experimental binding energies [35, 41] with shell corrections determined from the “empirical” formula (6) [37]. Wherever the experimental data were not available, the theoretically estimated binding energies of Möller et al. [34] were used. In the present calculations, the VLDM and δU for addressing the heavy particle radioactivity is worked out by taking Z = 126 and N = 184 as possible magic numbers in SHE region. Evidently, the δU changes if the magicity at Z = 126 is changed to Z = 114 or 120 and hence accordingly the constants of VLDM have been re-fitted [42] and used here to compare the preformation probability for all the three cases of Z = 114, 120 and 126, N = 184. The penetrability P in eq. (1) is the WKB integral between the Ra and Rb , the first and second turning points, respectively (see fig. 1). In other words, the tunneling begins at R = Ra and terminates at R = Rb , with V (Rb ) = Q value for ground state decay. Thus, as per fig. 1, the transmission probability P is divided in to three processes (a) the penetrability Pi from Ra to Ri , b) the (inner) de-excitation probability Wi at Ri , taken as unity, i.e., Wi = 1 for heavy cluster-decays [43], and c) the penetrability Pb from Ri to Rb , giving P = Pi Wi Pb , (9) where Pi and Pb in the WKB approximation are defined below: 1/2 2 Ri 2μ[V (R) − V (Ri )] dR , (10) Pi = exp − h̄ Ra 2 Pb = exp − h̄ Rb Ri 1/2 2μ[V (R) − Q] dR . (11) In eq. (5), the proximity potential VP for deformed and oriented nuclei is given by Vp (s0 ) = 4π R̄γbΦ(s0 ), (12) where s0 = R − R1 − R2 , the nuclear surface thickness b = 0.99, and R̄ is the mean curvature radius (for details, see ref. [44]). Φ in eq. (12) is the universal function, independent of the shapes of nuclei or the geometry of the nuclear system, but depends on the minimum separation Fig. 2. Fragmentation potential for the parent nucleus 294 117 using proximity potentials Prox-1977 and 2000 for β2 deformed choice of nuclei with “optimum” θiopt. forming hot compact (filled symbols) and cold elongated (open symbols) configuration, taking into account all possible fragments. distance s0 . A brief details of the different nuclear proximity potentials used in the present calculations are as follows: a) Prox-1977: The universal function is given by Blocki et al. [20] for this proximity potential, ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎨ − (s0 − 2.54)2 − 0.0852(s0 − 2.54)3 , 2 Φ(s0 ) = ⎪ ⎩ −3.437 exp − s0 0.75 (13) respectively, for s0 ≤ 1.2511 and s0 ≥ 1.2511. The surface energy constant used for this potential is 2 N −Z γ = γ0 1 − ks MeV fm−2 . (14) A Here, N and Z are the total neutrons and protons numbers, and the coefficients γ0 and ks were taken to be 0.9517 MeV/fm2 and 1.7826, respectively. b) Prox-2000: In this version of proximity potential, the universal function is taken from Myers and Swiatecki [21], as ⎧ 5 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −0.1353 + [cn /(n + 1)](2.5 − s0 )n+1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ n=0 ⎨ for 0 < s0 ≤ 2.5, Φ(s0 ) = ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ −0.09551 exp[(2.75 − s0 )/0.7176] ⎩ for s0 ≥ 2.5. (15) Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Page 5 of 11 Fig. 3. Preformation probability P0 for the decay of 278 113, 289 115 and 294 117 nuclei using nuclear potentials Prox-1977 and Prox-2000 for spherical (panels (a), (c), and (e)) and deformed (panels (b), (d) and (f)) choices of nuclei. The most probable cluster corresponding to Pb daughter is pointed out with solid lines. The values of different constants cn are c0 = −0.1886, c1 = −0.2628, c2 = −0.15216, c3 = −0.04562, c4 = 0.069136, and c5 = −0.011454. For further details of surface energy coefficient and nuclear charge radius, etc., see ref. [21]. 3 Calculations and discussion In this section, the analysis of our previous cluster decay calculations, considered with the atomic number 2 < Zcluster ≤ 20 within the PCM, is extended to heavier max clusters with Zcluster = Zparent − 82, to learn about the most probable cluster emitted across doubly magic daughter 208 Pb for the island of superheavy elements. The effects of deformations are considered up to quadrupole (β2 ) only in reference to “optimum” orientation. Different versions of proximity potentials are employed in this work to study the heavy particle radioactivity (HPR) of 278 113, 287−289 115 and 293,294 117 systems. It is important to note that, in reference to our earlier work on PCM [8, 9], the magic numbers for the SHE region are taken as Z = 126, N = 184. In order to estimate the cluster decay half lives of various SHE nuclei, we started our calculations using the nuclear proximity potential Prox-1977 for spherical as well as quadrupole deformed choices of nuclei. Our calculated T1/2 values compare nicely with the predictions of Poenaru et al. [10,11] for majority of the systems studied, within β2 -deformation approach only; the same is not true for spherical choice. Beside this, the choice of other proximity potential Prox-2000 is checked and interestingly we are able to account for Poenaru et al. estimates of half lives reasonably well within PCM using both spherical and deformed choices of fragmentation. The above observations indicate that deformation effects are highly desirable to account for the HPR emission within both proximity approaches. To investigate further the importance of deformations, in the following, we have carried out a comparative analysis of fragmentation path VR (η), preformation probability P0 , and barrier penetrability P for the use of both proximity potentials. In addition, the possible role of different magic shells for SHE region is also investigated in order to reveal useful information about the dynamics involved in the context of heavy cluster emission process. First of all, we look at the behavior of fragmentation potentials illustrated in fig. 2 for the parent nucleus 294 117, calculated for the fragments with quadrupole deformations (β2i ) and “optimum” orientations θiopt. of ref. [17]. The role of “hot compact” and “cold elongated” configurations of orientations are also worked out in this figure. Page 6 of 11 Note that the orientations are uniquely fixed (optimized) on the basis of the signs of β2i alone which manifests in the form of “hot compact” and “cold elongated” configuration. However, for investigating the role of higherorder deformations “compact” orientations [19] should be used instead of optimum orientations [17]. The calculations are done using nuclear proximities Prox-1977 and Prox-2000 at internuclear separation distances (equivalently, first turning point of penetration) Ra = Rt +1.1 and Ra = Rt + 0.9 fm, respectively. While the “hot compact” configuration refers to smallest interaction radius and highest barrier, the “cold elongate” corresponds to largest interaction radius and lowest barrier. Despite the use of different nuclear proximity potentials, our analysis of fig. 2 clearly shows that 86 Br is the most probable cluster (showing strongest minimum in potential energy surface) with corresponding 208 Pb daughter for the choice of “hot” in comparison to “cold” configuration. In other words, the region for heavy particle radioactivity is more favorable, and hence show a clear preference in the fragmentation potential, for “hot compact” in comparison to “cold elongated” configuration. Following this prescription, in this paper, further calculations are done by considering “optimum” orientations of “compact hot” configuration only. The scattering potential in fig. 1 is illustrated for the decay 294 117 → 208 Pb + 86 Br using nuclear potentials Prox-1977 (solid lines) and Prox-2000 (dotted lines), plotted for the case of deformed choice of cluster and daughter nuclei. Both the potentials have different isospin and asymmetry dependence. The choice of heavy cluster 86 Br in fig. 1 is based on the minima in the fragmentation potential VR (η) and thus for the case of largest preformation factor P0 , illustrated in fig. 3. In fig. 1 one can clearly see significant changes in the barrier characteristics for the use of different proximity potentials. The relative comparison of Prox-1977 and Prox-2000 suggests that the barrier height VB gets reduced and position RB increases in the earlier Prox-1977 case, thereby affecting the tunneling probability. Note that the calculated decay half-life T1/2 in PCM, defined by eq. (1), depends on penetrability P , and hence considerably on the type of interaction potential used. Knowing that, in PCM, T1/2 is a combined effect of both P0 and P , fig. 3 presents the calculated preformation probability P0 as a function of fragment mass number (Ai , i = 1, 2) for the parent nuclei 278 113, 289 115, and 294 117 using both the proximity potentials. The specific role of deformations is studied in this figure, where the calculations have been done using spherical consideration as well as for β2 -deformed choice of fragments. In order to look for the exclusive role of interaction potentials, the calculations have been made at the same neck length parameter ΔR, chosen in reference to Prox-2000 and is clearly depicted in fig. 3 for 278 113, 289 115, and 294 117 nuclei. However for the other parents 287 115, 288 115, and 293 117, the ΔR values used are 0.45, 0.15, 0.28 fm and 0.96, 0.95, 1.005 fm, respectively, for spherical and deformed choices of nuclei. It is clearly evident from fig. 3 that the inclusion of deformation and orientation effects of the decay fragments change the potential energy surface (PES) which Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Fig. 4. Difference of the potential V (Ra ) at first turning point Ra and the Q-value plotted as a function of parent nucleus mass (A Z) using Prox-1977 and Prox-2000. Calculations are done at a fixed value of ΔR taken in reference to fig. 3. The emitted clusters are also mentioned together with the parent mass. in turn affects the decay constant and half life time accordingly. A solid vertical line is drawn in order to point out the most probable 73 Ga, 83 As and 86 Br clusters and their respective 205 Pb, 206 Pb and 208 Pb daughters emitted from 278 113, 289 115 and 294 117 parent nuclei. Interestingly, the emergence of 86 Kr cluster and its complement 192 Ir seems to be more prominent in the fragmentation of 278 113, irrespective of spherical or deformed configuration (see figs. 3(a) and (b)). However, if one refers only to Pb radioactivity, then 73 Ga may be considered as the most preferred cluster. It is relevant to note here that the maximum preformation probability P0 corresponds to minima in the fragmentation potential, illustrated as an example for the 86 Br cluster emitted from 294 117 parent nucleus in fig. 2. We notice three important results from fig. 3: i) Except for the change in the magnitude, no noticeable change in the structure of PES is observed while going from Prox-1977 to Prox-2000 with spherical as well as deformed fragments; ii) the status of the preferred cluster remains intact, independent of the choice of nuclear proximity potential and deformation used; iii) the favorable clusters shift toward the heavier mass region with the increase in mass number of parent nuclei. Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Page 7 of 11 Fig. 5. The decay half-lives calculated on the basis of PCM for the most favored cluster decays of the parents with Z = 113, 115 and 117, taking the nuclei as (a) spherical and (b) with deformations β2i alone, compared with those calculated on the basis of ASAFM [10, 11]. Figure 4 shows a comparison of the difference of potentials at first turning point i.e., V (Ra ), and the Q-values calculated by using binding energies from refs. [34, 35] as a function of masses of parent nuclei. It is observed that the potential V (Ra ), calculated by using Prox-1977, comes out to be less than the Q-value of the decay for majority of the chosen nuclei, which means to indicate that relatively larger value of ΔR are required for Prox-1977 to address the T1/2 data. One can clearly see that the difference is positive for Prox-2000, irrespective of the spherical or deformed consideration. For Prox-1977, fig. 4(a) clearly depicts that this difference is negative except for 278 113 nucleus for the spherical choice of nuclei. With the inclusion of deformations of the decaying fragments (fig. 4(b)), the deviation of V (Ra ) from the Q-value improves significantly for all nuclei except for Z = 117 isotopes. Hence, in order to calculate the half-lives using Prox-1977 potential, the entrance point has been modified (by including neck of ∼ 1 fm) for those nuclei where V (Ra ) is less than Q-value. Figures 5(a) and (b) show the calculated logarithms of half-life times log10 T1/2 for the best preformed clusters emitted from 278 113, 287−289 115, and 293,294 117 nuclei using nuclear proximities Prox-1977 and Prox-2000 for spherical as well as quadrupole deformed choices of nuclei. The emitted clusters are also marked in the figure. The Q-value of each cluster decay in PCM is calculated by using the binding energies of Audi et al. [35]. In other words, essentially the experimental binding energies Bexpt are used. Wherever Bexpt were not available, the theoretical estimates of Möller Nix [34] are used. Alternatively, the binding energies could also be calculated by using experimental atomic mass evaluation (AME12) mass tables [45] and/or semi-empirical nuclear mass formula based on the Table 1. Comparison of standard rms deviation (σ) of PCM calculated cluster decay half lives from the results of ASAFM [10, 11] obtained by using different AME11 [48], LiMaZe01 [49,50] and KTUY05 [51] mass tables. Calculations are made using nuclear proximity potentials Prox-1977 and Prox2000, for cases of spherical and deformation β2i alone with “hot compact” orientations θiopt. . Spherical Deformed(β2i , θiopt. ) Prox-1977 Prox-2000 Prox-1977 Prox-2000 AME11 19.94 0.1856 12.405 0.1305 LiMaZe01 17.308 3.084 10.080 3.150 KTUY05 20.139 0.7502 12.672 0.8057 macroscopic-microscopic method [46,47] where the isospin and mass dependence of the parameters is investigated with the Skyrme energy density functional. However, the comparison of our PCM calculations are made with the recent results of Poenaru et al. [10, 11] based on the ASAFM with the binding energies for Q-values taken from the Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME11) [48] experimental mass tables as well as the calculated Liran-Marinov-Zeldes (LiMaZe01) [49, 50] and Koura-Tachibana-Uno-Yamada (KTUY05) [51] mass tables. Note that ΔR is the only parameter of the model given by eq. (4) and depicted in fig. 7 (discussed later) for the best possible estimates of decay half-lives w.r.t. the predictions given by ASAFM. It is clearly evident from fig. 5 that PCM calculated halflives with deformed choices of fragments are in good agreement with the ASAFM predictions for both Prox-1977 and Prox-2000. However, the same is not true for spherical case. For the sake of comparison, the standard rms devi- Page 8 of 11 Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Table 2. PCM calculated preformation probability P0 and penetrability P for the most favorable clusters emitted from various isotopes of odd Z = 113, 115 and 117 nuclei, for cases of spherical and β2i deformations alone with hot “optimum” orientations of nuclei. The assault frequency ν0 ∼ 1021 s−1 for each case. Parent Preformation probability P0 Prox-1977 Penetration probability P Prox-2000 Prox-1977 Prox-2000 Sph. β2i Sph. β2i Sph. β2i Sph. β2i 278 113 1.92 × 10−17 3.41 × 10−29 3.05 × 10−28 1.87 × 10−27 4.06 × 10−5 6.62 × 10−7 3.13 × 10−7 1.58 × 10−7 287 115 5.51 × 10−9 2.05 × 10−25 4.41 × 10−24 2.60 × 10−25 2.39 × 10−1 9.62 × 10−3 2.64 × 10−5 4.59 × 10−4 288 115 2.70 × 10−8 3.19 × 10−28 1.42 × 10−23 1.15 × 10−26 2.44 × 10−1 6.11 × 10−3 2.58 × 10−7 3.15 × 10−4 289 115 4.93 × 10−8 6.19 × 10−22 1.40 × 10−21 4.09 × 10−24 2.59 × 10−1 1.72 × 10−2 1.50 × 10−6 5.71 × 10−4 293 117 1.68 × 10−6 2.94 × 10−4 2.78 × 10−18 1.78 × 10−20 3.80 × 10−1 3.14 × 10−1 1.32 × 10−5 1.70 × 10−3 294 117 1.15 × 10−7 3.28 × 10−6 2.26 × 10−22 1.00 × 10−23 3.60 × 10−1 2.19 × 10−1 4.92 × 10−5 7.22 × 10−4 ation is also calculated and listed in table 1 which comes out to be minimum for Prox-2000 with both spherical and deformed configurations. However, the nuclear proximity Prox-1977 deviates in a big way in reference to the results of ASAFM [10, 11] obtained by using different mass tables. Furthermore, we notice in fig. 5 that the calculated numbers for both the models present an interesting result, i.e., the cluster decay half life for 278 113 is very high which means that this parent nucleus is very stable against 73 Ga cluster decay. However, other heavier clusters 83 As and 85,86 Br are predicted to decay with comparatively smaller half-lives and hence present themselves as further interesting cases for cluster decay measurements. Table 2 gives the relevant details of cluster preformation (P0 ) and penetration (P ) probabilities for the preferred cluster decays of the considered parents in SHE region using spherical and deformed choices of fragmentation path. It is clearly observed from table 2 that the choice of nuclear potential (Prox-1977 or Prox-2000) affects both the preformation probability and penetrability significantly. The strong dependence of the half-life time on the Q-value is further illustrated in fig. 6(a) where the calculated Q-values are plotted as a function of parent nuclear masses A Z. One can clearly see from the comparison of fig. 5 and fig. 6(a) that when the Q-value is small, the log10 T1/2 is large and vice versa for all the predicted heavy clusters emitted with various isotopes of Pb daughter. This implies that Q-values of decay fragments play a important role in deciding the clusterization process in SHE region which, in turn, seem to suggest that heavy particle radioactivity behaves similar to normal cluster emission process. Since smaller Q-value should also mean a relative decrease in the penetrability P , the same is shown to be the case with our calculations presented in fig. 6. Fig. 6. (a) The PCM calculated Q-values plotted against cluster configurations from various parent nuclei in the ground state. (b) Penetration probability P using Prox-1977 and Prox2000 potentials for deformed (up to β2 ) choice of cluster and daughter nuclei. Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Page 9 of 11 Fig. 7. PCM predicted decay half-lives for the most probable cluster emitted from 278 113, over a range of neck-length parameter ΔR for the use of β2 -deformed decay products. It is to be noted that PCM calculations are sensitive to the choice of neck-length parameter ΔR which in turn, plays an important role in the calculation of decay halflife. Therefore, an attempt have been made in fig. 7 to predict a range of cluster decay half-lives for the considered parents with effects of deformations and orientations included. Also shown in this figure are the predictions of Poenaru et al. [10,11] based on ASAFM, obtained by using different (AME11, LiMaZe01 and KTUY05) mass tables. We notice that half-life time is influenced by the variation in ΔR; the only parameter of the model which decides the entry point of barrier penetration as well as of the cluster’s preformation. At a given ΔR value, log10 T1/2 is relatively larger for the choice of Prox-2000 in comparison to Prox-1977. Apart from providing nice agreement with the results of ASAFM, the PCM predicted half-lives over a wide range of neck values could provide a testing ground for the future experiments on cluster decay studies. Although we are considering here the ground-state decays of heavy clusters from various radioactive parent nuclei and the role of angular momentum is anticipated to be minimal. However, in view of the fact that the deformed cluster and daughter are considered to be preborn within the PCM, we have investigated in fig. 8 the role of the 287−289 115 and 293,294 117 isotopes Fig. 8. The fragmentation potential V (η) calculated for different ℓ-values using Prox-2000 for the decaying parent nucleus 289 115, taking in to account the β2i deformations and hot “compact” orientations. Page 10 of 11 Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 Fig. 9. (a) Role of shell corrections δU , illustrated for 289 115 by plotting the preformation factor P0 as a function of both the cluster and daughter masses, using Z = 126 and N = 184. (b) The same as (a), taking the magic numbers for the SHE region, respectively, as Z = 126, 120 or 114 and N = 184 for the use of Prox-2000. ΔR = 0.98 fm, having kept the same in all the three cases for comparison. angular momentum in the decay of 289 115. As expected, ℓ effects up to 12h̄ do not seem to influence the fragmentation potential and hence a non-dependence on angular momentum seems to be working here despite the fact that choice of deformation is essential for the heavy particle radioactivity. Finally, we have investigated the possible role of shell corrections for understanding the cluster dynamics in the SHE region, taking 289 115 → A1 + A2 as an example, with deformations upto β2 and for the case of Prox-2000 only. We consider in fig. 9(a) the dependance of P0 on-shell corrections, by taking δU = 0 and compare it with the case of δU = 0. Figure 9(a) clearly shows that the maximum yield (P0 ) is obtained for 83 As fragment, and its complementary heavy residue 206 Pb, only when the shell corrections δU are added to the liquid drop part of the binding energy term. The above observation clearly suggest that shell corrections play an important role and hence are essential to make concrete and explicit predictions of the clusterization process in SHE region also. Therefore, it is of interest to see what differences could arise as a result of proton closed shell being taken as Z = 114 or 120, instead of the above used Z = 126, with N = 184. In order to investigate the above result further, the variation of P0 is shown in fig. 9(b) for all the three choices of magic numbers (Z = 114, 120 or 126, N = 184), using the deformed choice of fragments. In each case, the shell corrections are obtained by using the “empirical” formula [37], with the corresponding liquid drop energies adjusted [42] to give the experimental binding energies. For comparison, the neck length parameter ΔR is kept same for all the three cases and refers to the best possible value obtained for the Z = 126, N = 184 case to the data on cluster decay half-life (here Poenaru et al. [10, 11] calculations). Apparently, the emergence of heavy clus- ter 83 As and the corresponding 206 Pb daughter is found equally favored, i.e., nearly indistinguishable for the three magic pairs of Z, N which in turn, seem to suggest that HPR emission does not depend on the choice of proton magicity in SHE region. 4 Summary In this paper, an attempt is made to examine the possibility of heavy cluster emission in the ground-state decays of 278 113, 287−289 115 and 293,294 117 isotopes resulting in a doubly magic 208 Pb daughter or its neighboring nuclei. The calculations are performed with in the framework of preformed cluster model (PCM) with choices of spherical as well as quadrupole deformed (β2 ) with hot “compact” orientations θiopt. of decay products. The effect of different nuclear proximity potentials on cluster decay half-lives (T1/2 ), preformation probability (P0 ) and penetration probability P , along with the possible role of magic shells is investigated in order to extract a clear picture of the dynamics involved. The standard rms deviation is also calculated to check the accuracy of different proximity potentials with respect to the predictions of analytical superasymmetric fission model (ASAFM). The calculations are further shown to be extremely sensitive to the choice of neck-length parameter ΔR and hence an effort is made to predict a range of T1/2 values which could possibly provide new directions for cluster decay measurements. The present study points out the importance of deformation effects, together with the choice of proximity potential in deciding the clusterization process in SHE region. It will be of further interest to investigate the role of higher order deformations for complete and comprehensive knowledge of heavy cluster dynamics in SHE mass region. Eur. Phys. J. A (2014) 50: 175 The financial support from University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi in the form of Dr. D.S. Kothari Scheme and Research Project is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. A. Săndulescu, D.N. Poenaru, W. Greiner, Sov. J. Part. Nucl. 11, 528 (1980). 2. H.J. Rose, G.A. Jones, Nature 307, 245 (1984). 3. D.N. Poenaru, M. Ivascu, A. Săndulescu, W. Greiner, Phys. Rev. C 32, 572 (1985). 4. R.K. Gupta, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, edited by E. Gadioli (Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Milan, 1988) p. 416. 5. S.S. Malik, R.K. Gupta, Phys. Rev. C 39, 1992 (1989). 6. S. Kumar, R.K. Gupta, Phys. Rev. C 55, 218 (1997). 7. R.K. Gupta, in Heavy Elements and Related New Phenomena, edited by W. Greiner, R.K. 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