frenchtown school district #40


frenchtown school district #40
Our mission is to foster effective -learning in a safe environment where students, parents, staff and the community
share in a commitment to life-long learning and responsible citizenship.
May 2011
From The Desk of The Superintendent,
Mr. Randy Cline
Frenchtown School District #40 will be having a
school election for trustee seats and a levy request. It will
be a mail ballot election this year. Mail ballots will be
sent out on or about April 18 and must be postmarked by
the May 3, 2011 election day to be valid.
The following candidates have filed for the
School Board Trustee open seats:
Three-Year terms (2 will be elected)
Michele Bashor
Fred Chapman
Bill Hodges (Incumbent)
John Mazzola (Incumbent)
David Meyer (Incumbent)
One year Term (1 will be elected)
Christine Hardy
Roger Indreland
Evan Jordan
At the end of this column is a series of questions
and answers asked of the candidates at the PTSA Candidate Forum.
Also, on the district webpage is a profile of the candidates. Both of these
were voluntary on the candidate‘s part and some candidates choose not to do one or the other or both.
voted at a Special Board meeting (SBM) on March 29,
2011 to ask the public to approve a $175,000 levy for
school operations. This is the first levy request in five
years. The sole purpose of the Board asking the school
district voters to approve an operations levy at this time
is to save five teaching positions from being cut due to
the projected deficit in our general fund for the 20112012 school year. Based on the current school funding
formula, the total school budget deficit estimate for the
2011-2012 school year is projected at ($649,000). This is
due to a combination of a loss of state and federal funds
and increases in school operation costs. Even if the levy
passes, the school district will still have to make personnel cuts of administration, teachers, classified employees and program and other reductions to address the
actual deficit that will exist after the state legislature
completes its work. The School Board is asking district
voters to save at least five of those teaching positions
through the passage of this levy. Twenty-two (22) nontenured teachers already have been notified they may
not have positions with the district next school year.
The estimated yearly cost of the levy to taxpayers based on the taxes assessed on a house with a market value of:
2011 School Election
School Levy Request
AHERA Update
School Board Candidates
News From Our Principals
Senior Graduation Party
May School Board Meeting
April School Board Meeting
2011-2012 Tentative School
Special points of interest:
 Upcoming Spring Programs
100,000 = $23.40
 Pictures of Elementary Talent Show
$200,000 = $46.79
 Ice Cream Social
$250,000 = $58.49
 H.S. Award of Merit
$300,000 = $70.19
 School Bus “Wrap”
Unfortunately, we do not have access to any
spreadsheets that figure impact of the levy on taxes for
businesses or recreation, ranch, and farm acreage. If
you have any questions about the levy request contact
Randy Cline at 626-2600
Because of the projected deficit in school funding
for the 2011-2012 school year, the FTSD School Board
Inside this issue:
(Continued on page 2)
 Bronc Booster Calcutta
 Frenchtown Public School Dates &
Locations of Public Meetings
 May Hot Lunch Menu
(Continued from page 1)
There will be public meetings with the
superintendent on the following dates:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011- 6:30 PM in the
Frenchtown Elementary Library.
Monday, April 25, 2011- 6:30 PM in the
Frenchtown Junior High shared project
Monday, May 2, 2011 - 6:30 PM in the
Frenchtown High School commons area.
Each meeting will be at 6:30 PM and
will be used to explain, discuss, and answer
questions about the levy request, the school
budget, and staffing. The last scheduled public
meeting of the year will be on Monday, May 23,
2011 in the Frenchtown Junior High shared
project area.
The 2010-2011 school year will finish
for students on the first Friday in June (June 3,
2011). The last teacher PIR day, Check-out
Day, will be on Saturday, June 4, 2011. Graduation for the Class of 2011 will be on the Sunday
before Memorial Day (May 29, 2011). It will be
in the FHS gymnasium at 1:00 PM.
endar included in this Newsletter on page 33.
Choir and Percussion Tour to Spokane
We are busy with spring sports and
The annual Frenchtown Softball
tournament will be the last weekend in April.
The state softball tournament will be in Miles
City on May 26th through the 28th. The divisional track meet will be in Corvallis on May
20th and 21st and then the state meet will be in
Missoula on May 27th and May 28th. Our junior high track season will end on May 13th with
the Copper League Meet in Frenchtown and the
final Meet of Champions on Tuesday, May 24th
at Big Sky. Those athletes who qualified at the
Copper League Meet will participate in the Meet
of Champions at Big Sky.
Our Band and Choir performed in the
district music festival on April 15th and 16th
and those choir students earning superior ratings in solo and ensemble will participate in the
state festival on May 6th and 7th. Various band
and choir groups received Superior ratings from
the adjudicators at district. Congratulations to
all of our musicians participating. Mr. Bashor
and Mr. Nelson have done a great job with them
this year.
Spring musical programs and events in
the K-12 will be coming up soon. Please mark
them on your calendars.
Wednesday, April 27
High School Talent Show 6:30-8:30
The school board will receive a recommendation at the April board meeting to adopt a
180-Day Calendar for the 2011-2012 school
year. School will start on Tuesday, (August 30,
2011) and finish on Friday, June 1, 2012. The
first 2 PIR days for teachers will be Friday and
Monday, August 26 & 29, 2011. The last teacher PIR day, Check-out Day, will be Saturday,
June 2, 2012. The District Calendar Committee
made up of teachers and classified staff presented calendar options to the entire staff. All of the
options presented to the staff were for a 180-day
school calendar.
See the proposed 2011-2012 School CalPage 2
 Sun/Mon, May 22-23
 Fri/Sat, May 6-7
State Music Festival in Missoula
 Monday, May 9
5th Grade Band and 5th Grade General
Music @ 1:00
 Tuesday, May 10
3/4 General Music Program @ 12:451:30
K/2 General Music Program @ 2:002:30
Thursday, May 19
6-12 Choir Extravaganza @ 7:00pm in
the High School Gym
 Tuesday, May 24
6-12 Band-O-Rama -@ 7:00 in the
Junior High Gym
Asbestos is an issue we have been dealing with for many years. The Asbestos Hazard
Emergency Act of 1986 (referred to as AHERA),
was enacted to determine the extent of and develop solutions for any problems schools may
have with asbestos.
To give you some background, asbestos
has been used as a building material for many
years. It is a naturally occurring mineral that is
mined primarily in Canada, South Africa, and
the U.S.S.R. Asbestos properties made it an ideal building material for insulating, sound adsorption, decorative plasters, fire proofing, and a
variety of miscellaneous uses. There have been
over 3,000 different products made using asbestos materials. EPA began action to limit uses of
asbestos products in l973 and most uses of asbestos products as building materials were
banned in 1978.
We have recently had our facilities reinspected by an accredited asbestos inspector, as
required by AHERA. The inspector located,
sampled, and rated the condition and hazard
potential of all material in our facilities suspected of containing asbestos.
The District Asbestos Management
Plan for our facilities includes but is not limited
to the following items: This notification letter,
education and training of our employees, and a
set of plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of the asbestos containing
materials, and plans for regular surveillance of
the asbestos-containing materials.
A copy of the asbestos management
plan is available for your inspection at the High
School during regular office hours by appointment. Dan Pattee is our Asbestos Program
Manager and all inquiries regarding the plan
should be directed to him.
The plan has been implemented; the
District has undertaken a number of asbestos
removal projects during the last 17 years. We
are intent on complying with federal, state, and
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued from page 2)
local regulations in this area. We will continue
to take whatever steps are necessary to insure
your children and our employees have a healthy,
safe environment in which to learn and work.
Listed below are the questions the
School Board Candidates were asked at the
PTSA School Board Forum on April 13, 2011
and their answers. Submitting these for the
newsletter was voluntary on the candidate‘s part
and some candidates choose not to submit. Including these responses in the newsletter is being done only to provide more information about
the candidates to the public and should not to be
seen as an endorsement by the Frenchtown
School District of any candidate. Please refer
any questions about what the candidates say in
their responses to that individual candidate.
Questions for the School Board Candidates
Michele Bashor
Not Available
Fred Chapman
Not Available
Christine Hardy
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
My name is Christine Hardy and I‘ve
been a resident of Montana for 18 yrs, 11 of
those residing in Frenchtown. I grew up in a
middle class family of independent business
owners and a few in the field of education in a
suburban coastal town in Connecticut where
most of my family continues to reside. When I
moved to Montana in 1993 I attended the University for two years, at which time I chose to
seek a more financially stable employment opportunity, while my husband continued seeking
his degree. I then continued to be employed by
an independent attorney specializing in litigation in Missoula for the next five years. My responsibilities ranged from intake of information
from potential clients, assisting in collection of
documentation for court filings, research, to trial
preparation and participation. We are also a
military family, as my husband‘s civilian employment is through Ft. Harrison, on the outskirts of Helena, MT, and is currently an officer
in the MT Army National Guard. Despite his
employment in Helena, we decided 5 years ago
that Frenchtown is truly our home.
After the birth of our second child (of
three), we decided we‘d make the financial sacrifices for me to stay home and care for our children, something we highly value. We have three
children in the Frenchtown district: Ryan, 12;
Kathryn, 10; and Caroline who will be 9, our
special needs angel. I became involved and attending many of the board meetings since Nov.
2009 and have been considering running for a
position on the board for some time.
4. What issues are you most concerned about?
I‘m concerned that we may not be doing
the best that we can regarding our students. We
have great programs in place for our children
that struggle with reading and mathematics, but
wonder if we could do better to monitor our students, so they don‘t even get to that level in the
first place. I wonder if our children are being
challenged enough academically overall. I‘m
very excited about the anti-bullying campaigns
that have recently emerged, and I‘ve received
excellent feedback from my own children, but
wonder if there is more than we can do to incorporate and nurture an environment where we‘re
also putting great emphasis on consequences
and becoming respectful and responsible young
2. Why are you running for a school board seat?
I decided to run because I see a great
need for members of our community to step up.
I realize that many families‘ schedules make
their availability to serve in this capacity difficult. With my serving I feel I will be able to represent and be a voice to those that are unable
due to employment commitments or personal
constraints that make it difficult for them. I
would also like to be a part of representing
Frenchtown and building upon the already
strong foundation of academic achievement and
community involvement, while balancing the
needs of both, and seeing our community further
excel. We‘ve got a great place we all call home, a
place I‘m very proud to be a part of, and want to
very much be a part of ensuring that when our
children graduate from high school, they not
only have received an excellent education, but
also will be responsible and respectful young
adults that will hopefully return to Frenchtown
to raise their own families in the future.
5. What experience do you have that will help
you perform the duties of a school trustee?
I feel that I can bring to the table an
attitude of performing to the best of my abilities.
I have a great deal of experience in the corporate
and legal professions. For ten years I simultaneously worked underneath a small holding company‘s chief financial officer, controller, and general counsel. I was also responsible for the preparation and accuracy of SEC filings and documents supplied to the board of directors. Having
also worked for a litigator, attention to detail,
accurate retention of important information and
facts, and having a high ethical standard are of
utmost importance. I expect nothing less of myself in anything that I enter into, of performing
the best that I absolutely can.
6. Would you like to make any additional comments?
3. In what aspects of education do feel Frenchtown Public Schools has been the most successful?
I very much look forward to serving our
community and students as a member of our
school board, and to the immense challenges we
face in the years to come.
I feel we‘ve done a good job of educating
our children and have provided a positive learning environment for most as well as a considerable amount of community involvement. We‘ve
put a lot of emphasis on integrating our special
needs children, and being the parent of one of
those children, this is extremely important to
(Continued on page 4)
Page 3
(Continued from page 3)
Bill Hodges
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
My name is Bill Hodges. I am the very
proud parent of two high school students, and I
have been a member of the Frenchtown School
Board for the past 3-1/2 years; I am currently
the Vice Chairperson. I am a retired Air Force
Colonel with 5 combat tours in the Middle East
dating back to 1991. My post military experience has run the gamut from large corporations,
with the responsibility for $200 million dollar
budgets and hundreds of employees, to small
operations with few people and a $30 thousand
budget. I have Master's Degree in Business Administration, and a Master's Degree in International Military Affairs. I am passionate about
making a difference, and I have found no better
outlet for this desire than to serve the Frenchtown community as a School Board member.
2. Why are you running for a school board seat?
I believe it‘s important to give back to
the community where you leave. This is one of
the many values I have instilled in my children.
It‘s important for the community and the
Frenchtown School District to have a person
who has the desire to make a difference regardless of the issue or the time involved. The District has invested a lot of time and money in my
training as a School Board Member, and now it‘s
time to receive a pay back on that investment.
The Frenchtown community as a whole, and
specifically the Frenchtown School District, has
several looming challenges in the immediate
future, and the Frenchtown School Board needs
a knowledgeable, dedicated, and passionate person who can build consensus in the community
to ensure the job is done correctly the first time.
I am that person.
3. In what aspects of education do feel Frenchtown Public Schools has been the most successful?
When I moved to the School District 6
years ago, the aspect I most respected was how
closely intertwined the School District was with
the Frenchtown Community and vice versus. I
firmly believe this partnership is the principle
reason that sets us apart from our surrounding
Page 4
school districts. It also does not hurt that we
have an amazing group of educators and administrators who understand the community and
work extremely hard to ensure each student is
challenged to accomplish their individual goals.
As a community we are charged with preparing
our children for becoming productive members
of society, and the Frenchtown Community,
with its new school facilities, is doing an outstanding job in this area, and has set the stage
to continue this success well into the future.
6. Would you like to make any additional comments?
My philosophy for the Frenchtown
School District is one where the children always
come first, for without the children, we
would not have the best job in the State of Montana. I am passionate about what our School
District has accomplished in the past 3-1/2
years, and I humbly request your support in this
upcoming election so I can continue to be your
voice on the Frenchtown School Board. Thank
4. What issues are you most concerned about?
I believe everyone is concerned about
our economic future. We need to have a School
Board with a vision for continued success of our
children in the competitive market place after
graduation, while at the same time balancing
this vision with the economic realities of our
Community. This is not an easy task, but one I
believe we can weather with our strong partnership between the Frenchtown Community and
the Frenchtown School District. We need to
maintain strong communication flowing in both
directions, and from this communication will
spring the ideas and implementation strategies
which will ensure our Community‘s success into
the future.
5. What experience do you have that will help
you perform the duties of a school trustee?
I firmly believe in listening to anyone
who has a view point they would like to share. I
believe we represent the Frenchtown Community, and the Board is required to build as much
consensus within the community as is practical.
I believe in making a decision timely. I see these
as basic management skills which I possess at
the highest level from years of experience. While
serving the School Board for the past 3-1/2
years, I have benefited from many formal training opportunities, which have prepared me well
for the next 3 years, if I am re-elected. As mentioned above, I have the monetary and the people skills to do the job correctly the first time. I
have been instrumental in the building of two
very large private schools, and from those two
experiences, I believe I know what it takes to
accomplishment the educational mission of
Frenchtown, while preserving our budget.
Roger Indreland
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
Roger E. Indreland, born 7/2/1940 in
Harlowton, MT. Moved to present address, 6000
Indreland Rd., Missoula, MT., on January 1945.
Started Frenchtown Grade School in the Fall of
1946. Veteran of the U.S.M.C.
2. Why are you running for a school board seat?
I am now semi-retired and feel I can
contribute to Frenchtown School and community.
3. In what aspects of education do feel Frenchtown Public Schools has been the most successful?
I have seen Frenchtown School go from
graduating one high school student to what it is
4. What issues are you most concerned about?
Funding: with the big losses in forest
products industry and Smurfit Stone shut down,
it is going to create serious funding problems.
5. What experience do you have that will help
you perform the duties of a school trustee?
I have been in sales and management
for over 30 years. Been single father lived on &
own operated my entire life to present.
6. Would you like to make any additional comments?
I believe our children and grandchil(Continued on page 5)
(Continued from page 4)
dren should be able to have the opportunity to
academic and athletic excellence in the future.
Evan Jordan
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
My name is Evan Jordan. I was born
in a little Indiana town in 1924 and grew
through boyhood during the ‖Great Depression‖
of the 1930s. those times began to mold two
characteristics which guide much of my thinking
(1).fiscal conservatism, guard your
bucks, and (2).social liberalism, value the human beings around you, these are your supports
in tough times.
I graduated from High School in 1941,
the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in December
of that year and all the boys in my little graduating class enlisted and went off to redress this.
I served in the Southwest Pacific and, on return,
took advantage of the GI Bill and ultimately got
my Ph.D from the University of Iowa in 1960. I
worked as a Speech/Language Pathologist and a
scientist for many years; those activities also
color much of my thinking about educating students, old and young.
2.Why Are You Running?
I value education, I have seen what
education can do for kids regardless of their
There is special place in my heart for
public education as the great democratizer; it
provides a quality education for you: rich or
poor, Christian or other, tall or short, white or
black, gay or straight, male or female, etc. Public Schools make a subtle statement: ―we‘re all
in this space together so we‘d better take care of
it and one another‖
3. How Has FTSD Been Most Successful?
Our district has been more active than
most in incorporating new, technologic devices
in our classrooms and we have been thoughtfully
training our teachers in making the best use of
4. What Issues Are you Most Concerned About?
I‘m concerned about the closing down,
dumbing down, of education because of financial
pinching and because of pinching stemming
from restrictive dogmas. Education concerns
itself with opening minds, not hemming them in
and closing them down.. Our wealth as a nation
has always been that we have been the innovators, the inventers; that doesn‘t come from
minds not free to roam.
5. What Experiences Helpful in Performing
School Board Duties?
My wife and I began volunteering two
days a week when our children were in school;
this lead to interest in and concern for school
leadership and subsequent school board membership on three different occasions. I have had
the benefit of many years of Montana School
Board training and have enjoyed its usefulness
in monitoring school board affairs.
John Mazzola
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
My name is John Mazzola and I have
lived in the Frenchtown School District with my
wife, Kari, for 13 years. Our two children,
Meaghan, 16, and Quintin, 14, have attended
Frenchtown schools since kindergarten. I am
currently attending The University of Montana,
College of Technology in pursuit of my Computer
Science degree. In my spare time, I coach Little
League baseball at the junior level and umpire
baseball and softball at all levels of Little
2. Why are you running for a school board seat?
I bring to the board a wealth of experience, almost a decade of institutional knowledge,
and a true desire to educate the children of the
Frenchtown School District to the best of their
abilities. I have a very good understanding of
educational finances, and in these difficult economic times my prior school board experience
would be a strong asset as the District balances
fewer education dollars against the needs of our
3. In what aspects of education do you feel
Frenchtown Public Schools has been the most
Frenchtown School District has been
most successful at keeping class sizes small.
With smaller class sizes and differentiated instruction, students are able to get the individual
attention that they deserve.
4. What issues are you most concerned about?
Right now, my focus is on trying to keep
up Frenchtown‘s quality of education. The closing of Stone Container, the district‘s drop in student population, and a state legislature that
refuses to adequately fund education all present
tremendous challenges for our district as a
5. What experience do you have that will help
you perform the duties of a school trustee?
I have served on the Frenchtown school
board for 9 years. During that time I have held
the positions of board chair, vice-chair, and trustee. I have been a member of the Negotiations/Labor Relations committee for all of my 9
years on the board and have also been part of
the policy, transportation, building, and insurance committees at some time during my tenure.
I have completed hundreds of hours of training
through the Montana School Board Association‘s
seminars and conferences. In 2007 I was awarded the Montana School Board Association‘s highest level of achievement, The Marvin Heintz
Gold Award, for extraordinary commitment to
continuing education, strengthening boardsmanship, and providing leadership in the community. I‘ve served as a delegate to the Montana
School Board Association‘s Annual Assembly.
Also, I was a proud member of the school board
when we received the honor of Montana School
Board of the Year in 2009 and, most recently,
The Golden Gavel Award in 2010.
6. Would you like to make any additional comments?
It has been both an honor and a pleasure serving the Frenchtown School District and
community for the past 9 years, and, with your
support, I can continue to do so.
(Continued on page 6)
Page 5
(Continued from page 5)
4. What issues are you most concerned about?
four very simple questions:
David Meyer
I am most concerned about the level of
rigor and relevance that is being provided to our
students, especially those who are very strong
academically. I don‘t believe we are challenging
our students well enough academically. I would
also like to see us develop more of a professional
learning community model where the students,
staff and parents are collaboratively involved in
the educational decision-making process. In
order for any school or school system to truly be
successful the stakeholders in the organization
must have a strong sense of ownership. While
our district does have a strong sense of community I am not sure we have the level of ownership we need for every student to be successful.
What do we want students to know?
How will we know when they have learned
How will we respond when they haven‘t
learned it?
How will we respond when they already
know it?
1. Please introduce yourself and tell us a little
about you.
My name is David Meyer. I grew up in
Iowa and lived in Minnesota for 20 years before
my wife Melissa was promoted and transferred
to the Missoula area. We have lived in Huson
since November of 2007 with our three children
Max, Madalynn and Miranda. Our family belongs to St. John the Baptist Parish and we
have been active members of the church and the
Frenchtown/Huson community since we arrived.
I am currently a sales rep with Old Dominion
Freight Lines and am also serving on the FTSB
as a replacement for another member who resigned. I have served the district as a substitute
teacher, a coach and a volunteer since we arrived.
2. Why are you running for a school board seat?
I believe my educational background
and experiences can be a valuable asset to the
district. I have no political axes to grind, no
resentment towards anyone and no desire to see
any particular person fired. I do have a strong
sense of commitment to and passion for education and to the students our district serves. I
have always viewed my time in education as a
service to the community much more than a job.
Coming from the Midwest it is no secret that
students in MN, IA and WI ranked number 1, 2
and 3 in the country year after year on standardized testing including the ACT. I have
learned from some of the best and would welcome the chance to continue to share what I
have learned with our district here.
3. In what aspects of education do feel Frenchtown Public Schools has been the most successful?
The Frenchtown district has a strong
sense of community. The people in the district
support the school and the school programs very
well. As a district our students have performed
ok in regards to standardized testing and the
latest data indicates we are moving in the right
direction. We have many good teachers who
truly care about their students and we have
made particularly good progress in the area of
special needs students over the past three years.
Page 6
These four questions provide a strong
academic basis for students to have success in
our schools. Given the opportunity to continue
to be a leader in the district I will strive to improve student performance with each and every
program we offer.
5. What experience do you have that will help
you perform the duties of a school trustee?
I have been an educator and a coach at
just about every level from Kindergarten all the
way through to the college level. Having served
as a teacher, coach and administrator I have a
perspective that most board members do not
possess. I know the inner workings of a school,
educational budgeting processes and what it
takes to be successful as an organization. I have
led staff in developing curriculum from scratch,
improving student learning and improving individual and group level instruction. I know what
poor, good and great schools look like and have
led schools to higher levels of achievement. I
am familiar with the policy making process and
have written handbooks from scratch. I know
how to collaborate and negotiate with others to
ensure the adults are focused on what is in the
best interest of the students and how we can do
it better. I don‘t shy away from holding myself
and others accountable and I believe every student can and will learn successfully if we create
an engaging environment that fosters their inner potential and challenges them to be the best
they can be.
6. Would you like to make any additional comments?
Just as I have done as a school or district employee I will work tirelessly to ensure
our students are receiving the best education we
can possibly give them. If we are to be the
premier school district in the state then we will
need to work harder to ensure we are answering
Fun Summer Jobs
At Splash Montana!
Outdoor water park needs energetic,
enthusiastic staff for cashiers, concessions,
party attendants, aquatics attendants and
more. No lifeguarding experience needed.
Flexible hours, full-time hours available,
competitive wages. Minimum age requirement is 15. Details and applications at Apply by April 26
at Currents Aquatics Center or download
application at
Teen-Workreation: Have fun volunteering with Parks and Rec this summer!
Teens ages 13 to 16 can get on-the-job training and earn great prizes by volunteering as
a youth camp assistant, Jr. Lifeguard or Jr.
Swim instructor, or aquatics maintenance
aide. Part-time hours, and you can work
around other summer obligations. Details
and application at due May 29.
Questions? Email
Kindergarten News
From The Desk of The Grades K-4 Principal,
Mrs. Cindy Worrall
Destination Imagination team takes first place!
The Mysterious CRANE-e-um Crew,
Frenchtown‘s Destination Imagination team, took
first place at the state tournament in Bozeman in
the elementary division of Unidentified Moving
Object on March 26. In this challenge, the team
had to build a machine to move 4 objects from the
top of a 6 foot tower down into different quadrants
of a 6 foot diameter pool. They also had to move 4
different items from the pool up to the top of the
tower. The machine had to begin and end in a 20
inch box. The team also had to write and present
a commercial to sell their machine. The team
built their machine from pvc pipe so that it could
be assembled and disassembled easily. They
earned extra technical points for including an
electromagnet as part of their machine. Team
members are Kylie Willett, Hank Rugg, Vivian
Cummins, Isabella Garrard, Luc Boudreaux, and
Kaiden Romney.
Mrs. Nau‘s class is SO glad spring has
finally sprung! We‘re all atwitter over the new
flora and fauna in the playground area. In the
classroom we are reading like we are ready for
first grade, and our math skills should be exciting CPAs all over the county! We are really
looking forward to our Spring Program on May
10th (at 2:00), visiting the high school for History Days on May 9th, and having the preschool
visit us on May 11th. We will be very excited to
learn about an upcoming field trip and some
friendly baseball competition on the last day of
school. Wow has this year flown by!
It has been my dream to be a shef my whole life.
I made up a recapee when I was six. It was
called chees patatos. I stated cooking when I
was four yers old. And my restrant is gona be
names dish delish. Chlor
I wuld be a pop star because I would be rich!!
I wuld be a dancr. Grace
To Mother, Dear Mother on her day
From Mrs. Hedrick‘s First Graders
First Grade News
Dear Mom, I will fix you binr on Mothers Day. I
am going to fix you spgedey. Love, Ashton
Mrs. Unsworth asked her first graders,
―What has been your favorite thing about First
Dear Mom. Im goween to srve you eggs and tea
for brekfist on Mothers day. I will yoos ra eggs
and chees. I will yoos a tea bag. From Shelby
Reading – Myccah, Reading – Elli, Finishing my
skill packet – Seth, Reading – Marley, Science –
Sam, Science – Marissa, Doing parties – Kaden,
Math – Chloe, Insects – Beau, Mealworms – Liv,
Working – Mike, Pupas – Kaelie L., Reading –
Elijah, Milkweed Bugs – Jocelynn, Reading –
Jayden, Reading group – Alissa, Reading group
– Smokey, Reading – Kailey A., Math – Caleb.
It looks like READING is the Winner!!
I Love you mom. I em goeen to mak you byekfis.
First grade news from the first graders
of Mrs. Richardson‘s class…If I could be anything…I would be a cop because if sum oun wis
goyn fast I would pol him ovr. Bryce
Be a huntr because it is fun! Cameron
Be a swimmer. Ayden
Dear Mom, on Mothers day I want to serv you
brekfest. It will be yor favit brekfest. Love Aiden to Mom
I Love you mom I will Give you a nise Dinr In
BED and I will Give you yore favrit Dinr and it
is stak mash btatoes and sallid I hop you love
It. Happy mother‘s day love Michael.
Dear Mom on Mother‘s Day I will srv you brucktis in bed it will be bred with straberee roobarb
jam with rnjoos Love Cassidy
Dear Mom, for Mother‘s Day I will mak you
dinre of my speshl egg‘s. Aad I love you vevy
much. Win you are in bed you. Are the best
Mom in the woold. Love from Gabby
I would be a shefe. Hailey
Dear mom, iy wodnd lik tocook brdktfist for u
and dinr for u I will cook u a pancac and it will
be my best brektfist I love my der mom. Kenny
I would be a teacher because I would like to
teach. Ezra
Dear Mom, I will make you brecfecst. I will
make an egg and sum hashbrowns. Love Jazzy
I wuld be a firfitr. Zack
Dear mom, I will macke you tost and gam and a
cup of tea. You will love it. You do not no how
much I love you. Love Toni
Be a shefe because I like cooking.Allison
I wuld be a football playr because I like to play.
I wuld be a horse. I love horses. Karis
I wuld be a firefiytr. Keaton
I would be a planet. Cale
I wuld be a baseball plare because I can hit the
ball a mile. Carson
Dear Mom, I Love to mak yor favrit brekfist. I
am goeg to mak ags and hash browns. Hapee
Mothers DAY I love u MoM Love Kev
Dear Mom, ―I Love! You sowe much. I‘m going
to kook your fravit meeole on Mother‘s day.
Love Grayson.
I wuld be a horse. I love horses. Elena
(Continued on page 8)
Page 7
During this unit we will have some great hands
on learning and get to visit some local historical
(Continued from page 7)
Dear Mom I‘m gowing to cooock you sum dinr
on Mother‘s day it is eggs and taste. Love Fox
Our third graders participated in
YMCA‘s Splash program this month. They
learned water safety and swimming basics in
four afternoon lessons. They learned how to
rescue someone from the water and boat safety.
They enjoyed swimming and wished they had
more time in the water.
Dear Mom I Love you so mutr I will mack you
bruftis in bad. It will be panckack and backin
on mother‘s Day Love Mikelann
Der MoM I wil wach dishis on muthes Day. I
lov my mom. My moom coockts aeegs on erly
out. This is how my mom coocks aggs. She
cracs u and poots chees on them by Logan
Dear Mom, for how much I love you. Me dad
and sis. Are going to make you breakfast in bed.
We are going to make you blueberry pancakes
and orange juke. Love Emma.
Dear mom, I will be happy to serv you and yes
you your brekfist! It will be warm milk. And
toast with with butter! Just how you like it!
Love Cecelia
Dear MOM, I am going to make you briefest. I
am going to make you cinimin seral. I am going
to get the milk and the sinimin kinde. Love Mercedes
Mom I wat to cooc you sereal far befist. Mom I
love you sosososomuch. Tyler
Second Grade News
Mrs. Schell‘s 2nd graders have had a
busy year. They are exploring various reading
genres as they complete our reading wheel. On
Fridays, each student gets a special treat as
they discuss their book with Mrs. Chase. They
have also worked hard toward earning their
second reading incentive and got to enjoy a delicious pizza treat. We are now reading towards a
root beer float party!
Our math time has shown us that math
really is ALL around us. Aside from using XtraMath and Rocket Math to become more proficient at our math facts, we finished our chapter
on geometry. Now we are busy measuring and
weighing all sorts of things.
As scientists we have explored air &
weather, solids & liquids, and astronomy. Now
that the warmer weather is finally here, we will
turn our attention to plants.
Page 8
Mrs. Undem‘s students are doing some investigative
Third Grade News
Mrs. Normand‘s class read 588 books
during our IditaREAD! We learned a lot about
the arctic and animal adaptations. We have been
learning about flowers in science. We got to dissect some to see all of the parts. We have planted
seeds and are painting flowers in the style of
Georgia O‘Keeffe. In Social Studies we have begun learning about the history of our Frenchtown
Valley. Many of us have seen the varves in the
roadcuts left by Glacial Lake Missoula as we ride
the buses home from school. We are excited to
learn more about where we live.
Ms. Burklund‘s class has enjoyed the
swimming safety opportunity we were able to
take advantage of through the YMCA. Each session focused on different activities including pool
safety, backyard pool safety, boating safety, and
beach safety. Our kids are now ready for some
Our class has also started learning about
Frenchtown History. We are looking forward to
the trips we will take to see the first settlers at
the cemetery, Council Groves where the Hellgate
treaty took place and eventually produced the
Flathead Reservation, and the Ninemile Ranger
Station previously known as the Ninemile Remount Depot which supplied horses and mules to
carry supplies to the forests in the northwest.
The year is going by fast!
Mrs. Fishers‘ class has just finished
learning about fractions and decimals in math.
We are also learning about how to stay healthy,
fit and eat right using a program called Hearty
Heart. We will be starting our biggest unit in
Social Studies, Frenchtown History very soon.
Fourth Grade News
For the last month of the school year,
Mr. Anderson‘s class will be doing lots of fun,
new, and exciting things. Recently, all 4th graders showed off their inventions at the annual
Invention Convention, and it went great. There
are many talented minds out there. At the end
of the month, they will also be going on a field
trip to Camp Menard where they get to complete
many fun outdoor activities. In class, they are
reading a classic novel called ―Soup,‖ which
many of you may remember from your childhood. They are also closing out the school year
by learning about Montana, its history, and the
Native tribes of our state.
One last reminder for the summer. Don‘t
forget to continue to read when you are traveling
on those family vacations. Continuing to study
your multiplication and division facts will also
help your child succeed as a 5th grader. Happy
Mrs. Whaley‘s class
Fourth graders just had their Invention
Convention on April 15th. We had a great time
(Continued on page 9)
(Continued from page 8)
showing our inventions.
For math, we won the math times tables challenge. We worked hard memorizing our
times tables. We just started a new chapter on
understanding and developing spatial reasoning.
For social studies and in library we are
learning about inventions and inventors like
Henry Ford and Thomas Edison.
Our AR reading points are earning us
Osprey tickets and other Osprey stuff. The contest ends April 22nd.
We are also learning about Montana
Indian tribes and reservations.
We finished reading How to Eat Fried
Worms and then watched the cartoon of it.
We are all so amazed that this year is
almost over. It has been a busy year.
Jake Rhodes
Clayton Long, Jessie Willis,
Fourth grade with Mrs. Gaul is busy as
ever! We are reviewing everything in Math and
finding out what we didn‘t quite get the first
time. MAPS testing is sure to show how smart
this class has gotten this year! We participated
in the Osprey reading contest, and some of us
are getting a lot of cool Osprey prizes. In Social
Studies, we have moved on to studying gold mining. We are learning about the many places that
gold was found in Montana, including our own
valley! We will finish up the year by learning
about pioneers, ranching, and cowboys. We may
even write a little cowboy poetry. Our wonderful
2-day Camp Menard field trip is scheduled for
May 31st and June 1. Please try to join us – let
your child‘s teacher know if you can come up for
a great day of outdoor learning!
Mrs. Murphy‘s classroom is blazing our
way through pioneer times in our newest exploration of historic fiction. As our heroes and heroines boldly forge their way through trials and
difficulties, we also are breaking new ground in
our writing and reading. In Math, we‘ve been
working on comparing decimals and fractions.
Sometimes we just have to ask ourselves,
―What‘s the point?‖ Well, everyone knows that if
you don‘t know that decimal, you won‘t know
your money. In science we are sounding-off
about the physics of sound. It‘s pretty fascinating that sound is all about motion. And, of
course, there‘s the upcoming excitement about
our invention convention and the awesome trip
to Camp Menard. Wow, hard to believe these
great kids are almost fifth graders.
Mrs. Blass’ Music Room
Our classes are busy getting ready for
our Spring Programs on Tuesday, May 10th.
3rd and 4th grade and Kids in Motion will perform at 12:45-1:30 p.m.
Kindy, 1st and 2nd grade program will be 2:002:30
Miss Kelly‘s class
We had our last Special Olympic swimming training session on Tuesday April 12,
2011. We are ready for the Olympics. We are
getting Frenchtown Bronc Special Olympic 2011
t-shirts in a rainbow of color. We will be participating in Track and Field on April 27 and Swimming on April 29. Mike Rose, our amazing bus
driver, took us to Dairy Queen as a special treat.
We all very much appreciated and enjoyed the
ice cream and sugar rush after swimming for
two hours. We leave like a herd of elephants and
return like a herd of sloths.
Grades K-2 will be performing a musical for young singers called ―Lemonade!‖.
are in need of a few costumes for Cinderella,
Sleeping Beauty, Little Miss Muffet, and Little
Boy Blue. If you have any of these please let me
know so we could borrow them.
Grades 3 and
4 are performing a play about Pirates. If you
are interested in making a wooden ship for a
prop please contact me. We will also need any
pirate costumes you might have.
All students grades k-4 will need to
wear a white shirt or t-shirt to school on program day.
Kids in Motion will also perform on the
3&4th program day. We are collaborating with
the H.S. honors history class to give a presentation and song dedication to our soldiers. Hope to
see you all there!!!
Mrs. McKenzie‘s Music Room
In 2nd grade music, we are busy preparing for our program with the Kindergarten
(Continued on page 10)
The Elementary Talent Show on April 6th
Page 9
(Continued from page 9)
and 1st grade students. The program is called
―Lemonade,‖ and the performance is coming up
on May 10 at 2:00. The kids are working on
songs, actions and speaking parts for our show!
Can‘t wait to see you there!
A special thank you to Mr. Baty, who
subbed for Mrs. McKenzie while she was on maternity leave. He did an awesome job, and had
great new things to teach the students!
winners were:
Grade 4- Mrs. Whaley‘s class
Grade 5- Mrs. Fry‘s class
Grade 6- Mrs. Paskey‘s class
Congratulations to all the students.
Everyone came out a winner in this challenge.
Mrs. Nelson noted that she saw some amazing
improvements on April 1st… no jo
We would like to extend
a Huge thank you to everyone
that helped out with the
PTSA Carnival. We could not
have done it without everyone. Thank you from the
Frenchtown PTSA.
Library Request
WANTED— Frenchtown Colts Saddle Up to
Do you have a saddle that you don‘t
know where to hang?
The Frenchtown K-6 Library is looking
for a couple of saddles that we could use for
seating in the library for our readers. If you
have a saddle that you would like to donate or
loan to the library, please call Niki Evans @
Mrs. Whaley’s 4th grade winners
Kindergarten registration for the 20112012 school year at Frenchtown Elementary
School is now open.
News from the Library –
In the library, second grade has finished their in-depth study of the card catalog
and will spend the month of May reviewing and
studying reference materials, particularly the
encyclopedia. First grade and Kindergarten will
finish the year enjoying fairy tales, tall tales
and other genre stories. Library skill review will
be ongoing throughout the remainder of the
year. Good ideas for summer reading will be
discussed as well.
Mrs. Paskey’s 6th graders loving their winning treat!
4-6 Math Challenge
In January a multiplication challenge
was issued and the 4th – 6th grade Frenchtown
students responded! Mrs. Nelson issued a challenge for students, grades 4-6 to polish up their
multiplication facts. She said she would be back
on April 1st testing every 4th – 6th grade class
to find out which class would win the challenge
and get a root beer float party. Students studied their facts and the winning class at each
grade level enjoyed a root beer float party. The
Page 10
Children may be registered from 8:00
AM to 4:00 PM at the elementary school office.
For your convenience, registration packets may
be picked up at the office or downloaded from
the web site, . It is not necessary
to bring your child at the time of registration. If
you are unable to stop by the school, please call
(626-2620) to have registration forms mailed to
To help the school determine class size
and staffing needs, the school asks that all parents of new kindergarten students complete the
registration process by April 15th.
Kindergarten ROUNDUP is Thursday,
May 5th at the elementary school from 6:00 to
7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Fry’s students enjoy art and root beer
From The Desk of The Intermediate
Grades 5-6 Principal,
5/9 - 5th grade Band concert and general music program 1:00 pm in the Intermediate school gym
6/1 - Leave No Weeds Field Trip (Ms.
O‘Sullivan & Mrs. Eustance‘s classes)
8:30 – 12:00
5/11 – Early Out – 12:30
6/1 – 6th grade Field Trip to the Bison
Range & Jocko Fish Hatchery 8:30 –
Mrs. Judy McKay
The students have been busy taking the MAPS Assessment. I am very
excited about the positive gains students
have made this year academically. Students are involved in on-going planning
of field trips, the participation in hands
on science, working on spring art projects that fill the halls, provided entertainment in the talent show and are
preparing for spring music performances.
Many Spring events are scheduled-Please update your calendars.
4/18 – 5/4 – MAP testing
4/21 - Early Release 1:20
4/21 – Track Meet – Target Range
1:30pm – 8:00pm
4/22 - 4/25 - Spring Break- No School
4/29 - FRIDAY - Early Out - 12:30
5/2 – Track Meet – Big Sky High School
– 7:15am – 4:00pm
5/6 - 6th grade bowling trip - Westside
Lanes 12:30 - 3:00
5/6 – Track Meet in Polson – 9:45 am –
5/9 – Track Meet – Big Sky High School
– 7:15am- 4:00pm
5/13 – Copper League Track Meet –
Frenchtown High School – 9:00am
5/18- last day to "charge" lunch or
breakfast in the cafeteria.
5/18- "Charging" of lunch is no longer
allowed. Your child must have money
in their account to be able to eat a
school breakfast or lunch.
5/18 – 5th grade McClay Flats field trip
w/ the Naturalists (Mrs. Fry‘s class)
5/19 – 5th grade McClay Flats field trip
w/ the Naturalists (Ms. O‘Sullivan &
Mrs. Eustance‘s classes) 8:30-2:20
5/19 - Grades 6-12 Choir concert. 7pm
High School
5/24 - "Band-o-rama" Concert Grades 6
- 12 Junior High School gym. 7pm
5/25 – 5th grade McClay Flats field trip
w/ the Naturalists (Mrs. Bruse & Mr.
Marquis‘ classes) 8:30 – 2:20
5/25 - 5th grade Leave No Weeds Field
Trip (Mrs. Fry‘s class) 8:30 – 12:00
5/27 - Leave No Weeds Field Trip (Mrs.
Bruse & Mr. Marquis‘ classes) 8:30 –
5/30 – NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
6/2 – 5th grade Field Trip Currents &
Bonner Park – 8:30 – 3:00
5th Grade
Ms. O‘Sullivan‘s Class:
Spring has sprung, but we are
still waiting for the Mother Nature to
get the message! Ms. O‘Sullivan‘s class
has been hard at work reviewing everything we have already learned in math
this year. We are reviewing fractions,
including all the operations, long division, measuring, algebra, geometry,
and problem solving. We have found
that knowing the basic math facts sure
helps in the higher level math areas.
We just finished the book, Wolf Dog,
and watched the movie to compare the
stories. The students all decided the
book was much better.
In science, we are studying the
earth‘s resources. With Earth Week
coming soon, we are learning how we
can protect our resources. Besides the 3
R‘s: ―reduce, reuse, and recycle‖, we
learned a new one:―rethink‖.
Our beautiful mural is finished
and the 5th graders did a fantastic job
on it.
(Continued on page 12)
Page 11
(Continued from page 11)
We are already in our fourth
quarter and looking forward to a great
finish to our 5th grade school year experience .
Ms. Eustance‘s Class:
Wow, the school year is going
way too fast for us!!! Fifth grade has
several field trips lined up for May and
June, so be looking for permission slips
On May 19, our class will be
going on their last Naturalist program
field trip to McClay‘s Flat for a day of
exploring nature. On June 1, our class
will be going to Mount Jumbo with the
Leave No Weeds program where we
will spend a morning learning about
native and non-native weeds in our ecosystem. Finally on June 2 is our all
5th grade end of the year swim activity
and picnic and Currents and Bonner
Park! As usual, parents are invited to
participate in any or all of these trips.
Ms. Bruse‘s Class:
The fourth quarter is off to a furious start! Students are competing in
the Oregon Trail game in Social Studies. They each have an identity and
are traveling west based on the scores
that they earn on their assignments.
There are many extra credit activities
that can be done to help their team
stay in the lead. In Math we are working on probability. We are finishing a
novel in Reading on the Gold Rush
Days in California. The time is really
flying so you may want to encourage
your child to keep up on their AR reading for the final quarter. With so many
participating in after school spring activities, it will be hard to keep them on
track. I appreciate all you can do to
keep their studies up!
Students are starting a weaving project .
Mr.Marquis‘ Class:
Not to vilipend the fact that I
could hex our weather, but I do believe
spring is finally creeping through the
door, although I am sure all of us would
rather it gush forth than creep! It is a
nice time of year to be working on
weather and climate in science though,
as it allows us to observe and discuss
the changes that occur. We are also
partaking in cloud watching and spend
a few minutes outside everyday logging
our clouds.
The Industrial Revolution is our
topic of study in social studies, and the
plan, as I write, is to have students
make their own inventions. This is a
voluntary, extra credit project, and we
may have to get some ideas from the
fourth grade Invention Convention.
Review is the name of the game
in Math as we prepare for our final
MAPS assessment of the year. Some of
the concepts and practices we have not
touched on in awhile, so a good review
is in order.
We are enjoying the story Little
by Little in reading, which ties in nicely
with our anti-bullying program because
it tells of a girl with vision problems
and her trials and tribulations at
school. We are also reading a story
about ―Old Ironsides‖ from the War of
Cargo Barges on the Eerie Canal
Page 12
Students keep track of their westward
(Continued on page 13)
(Continued from page 12)
With the yearly writing assessment coming due, we are honing our
writing skills while utilizing the 6
Traits of Writing.
Please feel free to contact me
with any questions or concerns at
tiplication root beer float contest with
Mrs. Nelson. Our class average improved from 64 problems in three
minutes to 92 problems in three
minutes. Yippee!
6th Grade
Mrs. Fry‘s Class:
In Mrs. Fry‘s class we are full
steam ahead into the 4th quarter. We
recently finished up designing our own
dream houses in math. We had a blast
with this and it was a great way to reiterate how to solve for area and perimeter. In science we are starting to learn
about the planets. We are researching
a planet and then creating a creature
that could survive on our planet. It is
based on what we learn about our planet. In reading we will be starting a
novel called, ―Snow Treasure‖.
class learned how to do origami in art
and while doing so we earned $284.00
for Project Rebuild. It is an organization that was raising money for students that were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We made
142 cranes that resulted in $284.00 being raised! We were very proud of our
class also won the mul-
Greetings from the 6 Keane classroom!
Welcome 4th quarter! 6th grade
is hopping this spring. 6 Keane is
wrapping up ancient China this week,
and we'll end the year with ancient
Rome and country reports. Our well
written expository animal reports are
displayed in the hall for your enjoyment. We also tried our hand at 2 pieces of narrative writing focusing on using the 6 traits writing model to prepare for our choice of 2 writing prompts
next month. In reading we completed
Katherine Patterson's
novel Lyddie about the Industrial Revolution and
child labor in the mills of Massachusetts in the 1800s. We compared it to
the movie put out by Wonder Works,
and I think your child is very happy to
live in this day and age. Our MAPS
testing comes at us before spring break
on 3 separate mornings in the computer
lab in a reading, math, English order. 6
Keane has the great fortune of having
guest artist Sue Dansie come in to
teach an art lesson to us using oil pastels and watercolors. 6th graders have
a chance to go out for track Mon. April
18th and will only have to get a physical form in to Mr. Fegan before being
able to attend practices after school.
We have scheduled an afternoon of
bowling at Westside Lanes, Friday,
May 6th, and a tour of the Bison Range
and Jocko Fish Hatchery in Arlee, Wed.
June 1st. Be on the lookout for information regarding costs and permission
slips. AR points will be tallied till the
last week of school, and spelling tests
continue to be on Thurs. of each week.
Studying works, and check to see if
your child needs a new supply of pencils and erasers to make it till June
3rd. As always thanks for all your support.
Ms. Dansie and Ms. Flint worked with
students in ART.
Page 13
Tangram Art
Mr. Fegan‘s Class:
In math we have been looking at
the concepts of variable, expressions
and equations. We are exploring the
use of variables and how to apply them
in addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division.
Mrs. Paskey‘s Class:
Our class is thoroughly enjoying
our latest reading novel, Jason‘s Gold
by Will Hobbs. This is our third novel
by him and our definite favorite! A lot
of the 6th grade reading curriculum is
novel based and a real attention getter
for the students. Next we will read the
Shiloh trilogy. Last Friday in math we
learned the Pythagorean Theorem and
sent 10 examples each to the high
school math teachers. It is our hope
that they notice the neatness and clarity of work! Now we are reviewing for
our MAPS testing scheduled for next
week. The class also enjoyed graphing
inequalities. Science has weather on
our minds. The kids especially were
engrossed the section on severe
storms. We are also following the
earthquake in Japan. The past few
days finds up following the Decorah
Eagles in Iowa. There is a live web
cam right in the eagles nest! We welcomed a new boy, Alex, in our class
this week. Congratulations to Adeline
Richardson for receiving an Honorable Mention in the Montana Humanities writing contest.
Letters about Literature Program Honorable Mention Recipients
Nearly 600 Montana students
participated in the letters about literature program through the Humanities
Montana Program.
Adeline Richardson
Christine Johnson received Honorable Mention certificates commemorating their achievement in the Montana
Humanities writing contest along with
letters noting that‖ the ability to write
from the heart- is a rare talent, indeed,
these days.‖
We are very proud of Adeline
and Christine, they were among the top
50 writers in the state.
Ms. Flint‘s Class:
In science Science we are studying the different factors around the
world that influence climate.
Students reciting The Cremation of Sam
McGee to Principal McKay
In Ms. Flint‘s English class we
are practicing writing dialogue. This is
the one time that students are encouraged to write notes back and forth. Of
course, the notes need to written with
proper grammar! We are also finishing
up writing an opinion paper. Soon we
will be writing a paper which should
display the students‘ writing skills. A
copy of this paper will be in the student‘s permanent file as well as in the
book they are writing.
(Continued on page 15)
Page 14
(Continued from page 14)
In Social Studies we created
Shihuangdi‘s army. This army and
samples of Chinese calligraphy adorn
our hallway. If you get the chance,
please stop by for a taste of China.
The novel we have started is
called Hatchet. Students are really enjoying it. It is a book about a boy surviving the Canadian wilderness with
nothing more than a hatchet he has after a plane accident.
The MAPS test is approaching.
Please be sure that your child gets to
bed early enough so they arrive properly rested.
Before the end of the year, we
will go bowling and go to the Bison
Range. Obviously this year is flying by
rapidly. It is wonderful to see the bike
rack filled with bikes. Once again, a
helmet is a great investment!
school choirs to have a ―choir extravaganza‖ – over 200 singers will perform,
and we will have professional instrumentalists playing with us! The junior
high choir students are preparing music by Mozart, Andrew Lloyd Webber,
and a special medley of music from the
TV show ―Glee.‖ It will be an awesome
night – see you there!
In the Library
Students are saddling-up to read.
A special thank you to Mr. Baty,
who subbed for Mrs. McKenzie while
she was on maternity leave. He did an
awesome job, and had great new things
to teach the students!
Spring has sprung !
Once again, please encourage
your child to wear a bicycle helmet!
Some Faces from the Elementary/Intermediate Schools
Talent Show!
Mrs. McKenzie‘s Classes:
In 5th grade music, we are busy
preparing for our program, which will
be on
May 9 at 1:00 (along with the
5th grade band concert). The program
is called ―The Princeless Princess.‖ It
involves singing, speaking parts and
LOTS of instrument playing!
In 6th, 7th and 8th grade choir,
we are preparing for our spring concert
on May 19 at 7:00 in the high school
gym. We will combine with the high
(Continued on page 16)
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(Continued from page 15)
….And last but not least
LIZA & HENRY!!!!!!!!!
Page 16
From The Desk of The Jr High School
Principal, Mr. Jon Fimmel
and have to quickly anticipate/adjust to one of
three exits to retrieve the returning ball.
Seventh grader, Hunter Cruz, placed
second in his division at the Coleman-Open Rad
Freestyle Ski event at the Montana SNOWBOWL on Sunday, April 10th. The duals competition is an event where two skiers go head-tohead. Hunter advanced in the first round, and
due to his scores, ended up capturing second
place in the J4 division.
Hard work pays great dividends…
Hunter‘s hard work and dedication produced
top-notch results. This was the last competition
of the season, and after working so hard this
year, it was wonderful that he did so well.
Watch for Hunter to continue his success with
skiing in the upcoming season. Hunter is the
son of Victoria and Eagle Cruz.
Ms. Babon listed the following students
for excellence in her reading and mathematics
Reading 8th Grade
Top English Student
Skylar Williams
Most Improved English Student Triston Shepard
5th Period 7th Grade
Top English Student
Laci Willett
Most Improved English Student Hayden Marcure
6th Period 8th Grade
Top Reading Student Renae Breidenbach
Jaylyn Bundy
4th Period Most Improved Dylan Broughton
Andrea Clarke
Most Improved Reading Student Ceara Piediscalzzi
Colton Coty
7th Period 7th Grade
Top Reading Student
Clayton Larson
3rd Period 7th Grade
1st period Excellent Reader Faith Bauer
Most improved Mara Davis
6th Period Excellent Reader Jacey Sawyer
James Fry
Most Improved Reading Student Amanda
Most Improved Dylan Belcourt
Reading 7th Grade
Ms. Roberta Chapman listed the top student academic performer in each of her mathematics classes.
Mr. Blake Hoge has volunteered to
work directly with students to officiate/regulate
improvised flag-football games during both
halves of the junior high school recess period
each day.
7th Period Excellent Attitude Kelsey PhilpottLitzenberger
2nd Period Excellent Math Lexy Martello
Period 1: Cody Asbury
The idea for all of this originated with
the JHS faculty at their April 7th meeting. Roberta Chapman worked to collect support for this
and also secured volunteering teachers to take
over Mr. Hoge‘s supervisory duties so that he
could be available to insure student compliance
with the rules of the game and rules for safety.
It is going very well… and numerous students
have voiced their appreciation for this.
Excellent Effort Kira Oliver
Period 5: Dylan Broughton
5th Period Excellent Math Gabe Garr
Period 6B: Daimon Braman
Noah Marquis
Period 6C: Emma Pyron
Most Improved
Period 7: Eli Kirwan
Math 7th Grade
Ms. Brannin proudly recognizes the following
1st Period 7th Grade
Superintendent Randy Cline‘s vision of
providing as many options as possible for JHS
students while on the playground is about to
reach another milestone. The installation of a 3way basketball return, an interesting piece of
playground equipment, should provide a great
deal of enjoyment as students throw a basketball into the top (ten feet off the ground) section
Most Improved Reading Student Eylissa Tripp
Top Reading Student
Art Awards for 7th Graders – Taylor
Rockwood, Xao Light Vang, Macey Newbary,
Madison Merritt
Rebecca Hasenyager
2nd Period 7th Grade
Top Reading Student
Ms. Dansie is very proud of the following student
Kiley Snow
Most Improved Reading Student Eric Rideg
Art Awards for 8th Graders – Sarah Brennan
Mr. Fred lists the top 3rd academic quarter
achievers in his U. S. History and drafting classes:
(Continued on page 18)
Page 17
(Continued from page 17)
Outstanding achievement in U S History (90 %
or higher)
Jessica Lensman
Alex Pyzow
Randa Boler
Jacob Dilworth
Shelby Fromm
Mark Lebsock
Morgan Ray
Monte White
Riley Whitmore
James Wine
Renae Breidenbach
Quinn Pruitt
On March 7th, surveys (with stamped
self-addressed envelopes) were mailed to the
parents of students who are or were participating in junior high school, football, basketball
and volleyball programs. These surveys were
designed to provide anonymity and to collect
information about these programs from a parent
Approximately one third of the surveys
mailed have been returned in the provided
stamped, addressed envelopes provided. Please
help us to better structure our junior high school
activities programs and mail these completed
surveys as soon as possible. Your information
and opinions are extremely important and these
surveys can be completed in approximately five
Thank you for your help with this extremely important part of our junior high
school‘s program.
Outstanding achievement in 7th Drafting
Skyler Siegle
Summer School in the junior high
school beings on June 6th and will conclude on
June 30th. Classes run in the mornings (8:30
a.m. until noon). Parents are responsible for
transportation to and from school. There is no
tuition charge and class size is limited to twelve
students. Students are required to attend daily
and will be withdrawn from the program if a
third absence occurs.
Mr. Kuehn lists his ―budding‖ future scientists…
Parents of students who wish additional information should contact guidance counselor, Mr. Jake Haynes, (626-2650) for more detailed information.
English teacher, Mr. Michael Botsford‘s identified the following students as being on the top of
his academic listings at third quarter‘s end:
7th Graders: Zach Palmer and Kiley Snow
8th Graders: Haley Cyr, Cassidy Neinhuis,
Shelby Fromm and Morgan Ray
Page 18
On March 26th… an all-day, action
packed Copper League Volleyball tournament
filled both gym at Hellgate High School. Our
8th grade ―A‖ squad, Lady Broncs defeated all of
their opponents and walked away with this
year‘s league CHAMPTIONSHIP!
Frenchtown Junior High school seventh
grade and eighth grade football teams now have
complete FULL schedule for the upcoming 2011
season. After opening with a football jamboree
in Stevensville; Frenchtown will host Polson,
Hamilton, and Bonner. Additional on-the-road
games include contests with Stevensville, Florence, and Corvallis.
JHS track coaches Gary Fegan and
CleAnn Undem report that approximately 60
young ―tracksters‖ are regularly gearing-up for
an exciting season. The road leads to the MEET
OF CHAMPIONS (at the end of the season) and
includes the Copper League track meet that will
be held in Frenchtown.
Our quest to learn about exciting
achievements and special interests of JHS students that extend ―beyond the school‖ setting
continues to produce exciting information to be
shared with the public.
Cody Warner earned CHAMPION honors recently at the Little Guy Wrestling Tournament held at Sentinel High School in Missoula.
Cody was the ―toughest‖ guy in the 84 pound
Keara Robert recently captured top
Missoula area honors in the AMERICAN IDOL
Fox 23.3 KMTF vocal competition. Not only will
Keara be present at the taping session of this
year‘s final American Idol completion in Hollywood; she also won roundtrip airfare for herself
and one additional person!
The search continues for additional information about Frenchtown Junior High School
students who win recognition. As one can deduce from the above two students… our students‘ success this last month alone ranged from
the winning of honors that span the athletics
and the arts.
Please contact the JHS Principal with
any information about our terrific kids! We‘re
proud of them and want to share this with eve-
Choirmaster Ellen McKenzie announces an
upcoming Spring Concert
In 6th, 7th and 8th grade choir, we are
preparing for our spring concert on May 19 at
7:00 in the high school gym. We will combine
with the high school choirs to have a ―choir extravaganza‖ – over 200 singers will perform, and
we will have professional instrumentalists playing with us! The junior high choir students are
preparing music by Mozart, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and a special medley of music from the TV
show ―Glee.‖ It will be an awesome night – see
you there!
This year‘s junior high school ceremony
is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday,
June 3rd, 2011, in the senior high school gym! A
dance will follow at approximately 8:15 p.m. in
the junior high school gym.
Any persons who are in need of special
seating accommodations are encouraged to telephone Jon Fimmel, JHS Principal, at 626-2650
to secure each request.
The third academic quarter ended a
couple of weeks ago. The fourth quarter is underway and very soon our students will begin
their summer vacations.
The students listed below have earned
grade point averages that result in their placement on either the high honor roll or the honor
roll. High honor roll student have maintained
an overall grade average of ―A‖… membership
on the honor roll reflect earned grade averages
of a B‖ or better in all classes in which they are
The following students are on the 3rd
academic quarter high honor roll:
8th graders
Caleb Bagnell, Nathaniel Bennett,
Joshua Bishop, Randa Boler, Renae Breidenbach, Sarah Brennan, Amber Brown, Kaitlin
Clifford, Haley Cyr, Christopher Delaney, Jacob
Dilworth, Shelby Fromm, Shon Gooden, Mark
Lebsock, Jessica Lensman, Cassidy Nienhuis,
Quinn Pruitt, Morgan Ray, Travis Weinant,
Monte White, Riley Whitmore, and James Wine.
7th graders
Jacob Baker, Cora Jo Boultinghouse,
Molli Clizbe, Brianna Daniels, James Fry, Alexis
Granados, Rebecca Hasenyager, Dawson Jones,
Bryce Lawrence, Jessop Lee, Noah Marquis,
Maelynn Merrill, Madison Merritt, Allison Moe,
Macey Newbary, Kira Oliver, Zackkory Palmer,
Jackson Rigler, Kaia Roberge, Taylor Rockwood,
Megan Rutter, Rene‘ Schwenk, Michael Sewell,
Shelby Shourds, Kiley Snow, Parker Spadt, Abigail Teagle, Eylissa Tripp, Laci Willett, Skylar
Williams, and Brooke Yarnall.
The following students are on the 3rd academic quarter honor roll:
8th graders
Cole Allen, William Asbury, Faith Bauer, Dylan Belcourt, Jaylyn Bundy, Luke Butler,
Echo Chestnut, Valeriy Chinikaylo, Dakota
Diller, Preston Downward, Webb Doxey, Lindsey
Elliott, Gabriella Granados, Jacob Gustin, Krista Hebnes, Lacey Hochhalter, Kellie Hunter,
Collin Kiewatt, Jamie Kraft, Quintin Mazzola,
Austin McMillan, Natalie Morgan, Lily Paj
Tshiab K Moua, Noel Normand, Ceara Piediscalzzi, Emerald Pyron, Alex Pyzow, Derek Ricci,
Darrell Sales, Jacey Sawyer, Lindsey Shepard,
Kirra Snyder, Ryan Stenerson, Barret Tabert,
Manewan Vang, Bradley Walch, Maura Wear,
Tess Wigal, and Austin Wright.
Kascidy Tielking, Xao Light Vang, Cody Warner,
Wesley Whisennand, Thomas Wikum, and
Gavin Woodruff.
The JHS faculty has completed a thirteen page document that identifies its commitment to undertake activities, operations, and
processes that involve student, parents, and
JHS faculty/staff members for the improvement
of our JHS.
The standards for improvement are
quite comprehensive and are constructed along
the lines of ―research-based‖ information (The
Effective Schools research and finds… originated from the University of Michigan) adjusted to
mesh with the nine Montana ―Correlates for
Effective Schools.‖
A working description of how all of this
works and what positive outcomes to promote
success for student in school (and subsequently
in their lives) will be shared with those served;
the public; and all other interested persons in
the upcoming months.
Part of this process will not only include
the ―sharing‖ of important information; but also
the ―collecting‖ of as much information as possible from our supporting community persons.
Our school district‘s MISSION STATEMENT is
listed below.
Our mission is to foster effective learning in a
safe environment where students, parents, staff,
and the community share in the commitment to
life-long learning and responsible citizenship.
7th graders
Richard Birgenheir, Lorenzo Camac,
Sierra Castoldi, Alexis Cordova, Riley Ferguson,
Gabriel Garr, Cheyann Gillespie, Brendan Hartry, Kaitlynn Hensen, Amanda Hutchings, Kyle
Johnston, Eli Kirwan, Maggie Kirwan, Kaitlyn
Marcure, Rheanna Matt, Jamie McNally, Miranda Meyer, Maheala Nissen, Kelsey PhilpottLitzenberger, Shaelynn Pierce, Hunter Ray,
Brittnee Robert, Austin Ross, Sara Sayler, Skyler Siegle, Ashlyn Stenerson, Sarah Streeter,
Page 19
From The Desk of The High School
Principal, Dr. Rory Weishaar, Ed.D.
Congratulations to Courtney Honken
and Eamon Thomasson on being selected to
attend the 2011 Adventures of the Mind Mentoring Summit at the University of Montana!
This June both students will attend this once-ina-lifetime event put on by the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation at the Phyllis J.
Washington College of Education and Human
Sciences. This building where the summit takes
place has ―…state of the art technology…‖ to
―…server as an ideal venue for unparalleled
inspiration…‖ the students will receive from
―…interaction with some of the best and brightest minds of our time.‖
Congratulations to Mr. Duhame, Key
Club, and our students. According to Missoula
Red Cross, Frenchtown High School has the
longest running blood drive in our area. Mr.
Duhame recently received a 15 year pin for being Frenchtown‘s blood drive coordinator. In
addition, our students were given high praise by
the Red Cross because of their professionalism
at running this event. Way to go Mr. Duhame
and students! The 15 Years certificate is hanging on the bulletin board by the high school office.
Thank you Mr. Kuroski and Carpentry Class students for building cabinetry
for the elementary school! Not only are the students learning great carpentry methods, they
are also helping us save money for the school
district! (The first set of cabinets has been delivered to the elementary school.)
Portrait Gift
How many of you remember a portrait of
George Washington in your grade school, junior
high, or high school when you were a young student? Maybe you don‘t remember. Maybe there
wasn‘t such a portrait. In today‘s schools across
the country, such a portrait is more of a rarity
than a common sight. Many reasons explain
this phenomenon: so much emphasis placed on
20th Century history, too much history to cover
as our nation gets older, little emphasis placed
Page 20
on colonial history, etc. A movement to have
George Washington‘s portrait placed in every
American school has been in progress. Frenchtown High School is a recipient of one of those
beautiful portraits, thanks to sponsorship by
John ―Flip‖ Jennings of Huson. George Washington‘s portrait now hangs in the minicommons of the upstairs annex of the high
school. A large American flag was also donated
and hangs next to the portrait. The print is
very inspiring and quite attractive, and reminds
us all of the importance of ―our founding father.‖
Thank you, Flip Jennings, for your generous
Academic Team News from Mr. J
On Thursday April 14, all 3 academic teams
will be competing in the Jordan Carlson Memorial Academic Tournament in Missoula. This
annual event is part of the Ki Yo Indian days
celebration at the university. Over 40 teams,
representing many of the reservation schools,
plus area schools around western Montana will
be competing.
The Frenchtown Academic A team will be
competing in the 1st ever MONTANA STATE
the University of Montana university center.
Frenchtown qualified for this inaugural event
by winning several regional tournaments. In a
round robin style competition, Frenchtown will
compete against Billings Skyview, Missoula
Sentinel, Livingston (Park County), Conrad,
Great Falls Central Catholic, and Dillon
(Beaverhead County) to crown a Montana State
Champion. The university will host this event
on the 3rd floor of the university center. Competition will start at 9AM. After lunch there
will be a single elimination of the top 4-7 teams
by virtue of their win/lose record in the morning. The championship will occur in the mid
afternoon. We are proud to be one of those
schools selected and especially proud to be involved in the inaugural MONTANA STATE ACADEMIC CHAMPIONSHIP that will establish a
precedent for academic teams in the years to
come. You are certainly invited to attend and
cheer on the kids. The exact times of the matches are undetermined at this time, but for sure
matches will be going on every ½ hour involving
all of these teams. Thank you for supporting
our kids all year long as they have earned quite
a record of achievement this year.
On June 3 the A team travels to Chicago at
Northwestern University for the national competition. (All paid for by donations and fund
raisers). As a newsletter from Boise State University said, ―the Montana school (meaning
Frenchtown) is a national caliber team.‖ We
will be competing against 72 of the nation‘s top
academic teams. We are excited! Those students going are Eamon Thomasson (a junior),
Mary Brooks (a sophomore), Michael Rebarchik
(a sophomore, Kilah Tierney (a sophomore), and
Zahra Tierney (a sophomore).
Health Class Update
Detective Newell (Narcotics Division)
recently spoke to health class students about
drug use and related legal aspects of their use.
He also showed/told the students what the drugs
can do to the human body. In addition to Mr.
Newell, Mrs. Wright had Judge Karen Orzech
speak to the health classes about what happens
to teens who put themselves at risk legally. To
go along with these other speakers‘ topics, Mrs.
Wright and Ms. Howard invited Marcy Brakersfelt to speak to health classes about addiction.
Marcy is an addiction counselor from the adolescent treatment program in Missoula.
Message for Parents of Students Seeking
Early Graduation Approval for 2012
If your student is currently a junior in
good standing and plans on completing all requirements by the end of first semester next
school year, he or she can apply for early graduation as long as the student attends a postsecondary school or a military school program.
We must have confirmation about the schooling
because the school board will not allow someone
to graduate early without this information.
Should you be interested, the deadline for the
application is on or before May 15th each school
year (in case some of you reading this have
younger students who wish to apply once they
are juniors). The process is as follows:
Meet with a counselor to go over your transcript and senior year course plan. If the
counselor says you have a ―go‖ to apply,
draft a letter stating you wish to graduate
early and why.
Get the letter to Dr. Weishaar on or before
(Continued on page 21)
(Continued from page 20)
May 15th. Dr. Weishaar will read the letter, confirm the course of study and posthigh school plans with a counselor and then,
if he approves, send the letter to our superintendent, Mr. Cline.
Mr. Cline will read the letter, discuss it with
Dr. Weishaar, and then if he approves he
will put the letter in the board packet for
their approval at the June board meeting
(or a special board meeting should one be
The student or students wishing to graduate
early must be present at the board meeting
when the letter is discussed on the agenda.
The board will probably ask the student and
parent(s) some questions and then vote to
approve or not approve the request.
If approved by the school board, the student
attends school for the first semester of his or
her senior year and then exits for postsecondary schooling.
In most cases the student then attends the
commencement ceremony to garner his or
her diploma. If the student does NOT wish
to attend commencement, that is okay as
well. We will send the diploma to his or her
home (or whatever address you wish us to
send it to).
Commandant of U.S. Army School of Music
Works With FHS Musicians
The Frenchtown High School Symphonic Band and Chamber Chorale had the honor of
working under Lieutenant Colonel Timothy Holtan in March. Lt. Col. Holtan is the Commandant of the U.S. Army School of Music in Virginia Beach, VA. Holtan currently serves as one of
the highest ranking conductors in the U.S. Dept.
of Defense band program.
Lt. Col. Holtan taught music in Superior in the 1980‘s and established a life-long
friendship with Frenchtown librarian, Steve
White. Mr. White served as the band director in
Frenchtown during this period. Because of this
association, our students were offered this amazing educational experience.
The Commandant spent an hour with
each ensemble, working on intonation and musi-
cal expression. Our music students had an enjoyable, yet intense professional experience with
a world class conductor!
Dry Media has created proportional expressive
self-portraits and hero portraits.
Dry Media is now moving into painting units,
beginning their exploration with Abstraction
School/Community Library
The School/Community Library will be
hosting Family Movie Night on Thursday,
April 28, 2011. We will be showing Percy
Jackson and the Lightning Thief starting
at 6:30pm in the HS auditorium. Admission
is free and refreshments will be provided
by the Public Library.
Academic Team
The Frenchtown A team won the Jordan Carlson Memorial Tournament by beating
Billings Skyview 2 out of 3 matches.
The Frenchtown C team won 3rd place, competing in 4 matches in a row in the afternoon to
total 7 matches for the day. There were 16
teams in this tournament.
Congratulations to those teams. Both
were ―undermanned‖ because several players
were not available. The A team was Eamon
Thomasson, Mary Brooks, Michael Rebarchik,
and the C team was Max Meyer, Molly Brooks,
and Mattea Prison. For the championship, we
were allowed to add Max Meyer to the A team
because Michael had to leave.
Wet Media began the semester with pen
and ink and airbrush. They studied surrealism
and Illuminated Manuscripts. They just finished
studying endangered species and scratchboard,
and are moving into watercolor techniques; beginning with studying Georgia O‘Keeffe through
observational drawing and cropping.
Art Department News
Sculpture 1 & 2 have been creating
beautiful functional pottery and funny pun
Our pottery wheels have been getting a
work out!
The artwork this year is simply amazing. Students are expressing themselves through
authentic open-ended thematic units. If you‘re
ever in the building, be sure and walk down the
art hallway and see the students‘ artwork!
Page 21
May 18, 2011
High School Commons
The SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT is scheduled for May 18th at 6:30pm in the high school
commons. We will be holding an ice cream social and allow for presentations of awards. We are
looking forward to honoring the accomplishments of this talented group of students. Just a reminder that information published in the Awards Booklet is given to us by the senior students.
We apologize for any missing information.
Next year‘s schedules will not be ready until August. We will be available for schedule
changes at the beginning of the year next year starting 6 days before school starts. Call the high
school office to make an appointment.
Some important dates are approaching.
Come and enjoy some ice cream,
Watch a few scholarships
Being presented, and
Basic fee+$23
Test Date
Registration Deadline Late Deadline
• June 4
May 6
May 20
Relax with your
Family and
Packets available in the counseling center or register online at
$32 ($47ACT +writing)
Basic fee +$21
Test Date
Registration Deadline Late Deadline
• June 11
May 6
May 20
Scholarship dates are approaching fast. Check out the Scholarship Information website (it can be found by going to and selecting counseling and guidance under the
departments tab) for specific dates and descriptions of scholarships that are available
Schoolmaster Parental Access
and Support System
Get the current information about
your child‘s progress directly from
the grade book of the teacher. Call
the school office to get your login
name and PIN number then go to Chose the link for the
appropriate school on the right side
of the page and it will open a world
of current information about your
child‘s progress.
Congratulations to the
English Department!
The results of the MUSWA came in
today (April 15, 2011) and they just reiterate
how wonderful our students and teachers are
doing! Nice work!
Average score 4.2 for 11th graders and
93.3% of all 11th graders passing the MUSWA
with at least a 3.5.
See next page
Page 22
This is the Award of Merit for
Frenchtown HS‘s writing performance on
the MUSWA essays last school year. As noted on the award, Frenchtown High School
landed in the top quartile of Montana
schools. Thanks go out to our English teachers for their writing program methodologies,
to the school board for believing in a significant writing program, and mostly to our students (this year‘s seniors took this assessment last school year) who worked hard and
focused on meeting high-level criteria established for the assessment. At this time the
MUSWA program is in jeopardy of not being
funded at the state level. It is our hope they
fund the program because by taking this assessment at school and scoring 3.5 or above,
students who go to in-state colleges or universities do not have to take Composition
Page 23
Senior Graduation Party
High School Graduation is a significant accomplishment and May 29, 2011 will be an important day in your senior‘s life. To recognize this milestone, the parents of the Senior Class, in conjunction with the Frenchtown Community Coalition, are sponsoring a party the night of the graduation ceremony at the City Life Community Center. The party is one last opportunity to be together as a class celebrating their graduation. We strongly encourage the
entire senior class to attend what will surely be an amazing evening to remember.
The graduation party will be held on Sunday night May 29, 2011(after the ceremony) from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. There will be music, food,
games, dancing, and great prizes. Our goals for this party are to have ALL graduating seniors participate and to provide an alcohol and drug-free environment. Your support will help us meet these goals.
The committee is looking for volunteers, monetary and prize donations and the support of the community. The Grant to Reduce Alcohol Abuse and
the Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Grant have generously provided funding enabling us to get this event rolling.
This is a wonderful opportunity to begin a graduation tradition at Frenchtown High School – a legacy for future classes. Please contact any of the
committee members if you have any questions or if you would like to help.
We look forward to putting together the best graduation party … one that will not be forgotten by the Class of 2011!
The Class of 2011 Steering Committee
Julie Jones
Barb Honken
Candy Westre
Denise Larette
Lynn Stenerson
Marsha Dilworth
If you haven‘t noticed the new ―bus wrap‖ around the roads of Frenchtown lately…you need to get out more!!! The Frenchtown Community Coalition (FCC) in cooperation with the Frenchtown Afterschool Program and Tobacco Free Missoula County provided the Frenchtown School District with a
―new look‖ on the second travel bus.
―It is something that gets our purpose and vision out in front of everybody,‖ said Lowell Hochhalter, Coordinator for the Coalition. ―We wanted to
do something for the school, for the students and for the community.‖ The FCC is a coalition that was birthed out of a grant that was written on behalf of
Frenchtown Schools by the Missoula County Office of Planning and Grants to help reduce underage substance use and abuse. Over $6000 was pieced together in the collective effort. Rhonda Lund, the FHS Media Arts teacher, with input from students, designed the wrap, and Big Bear Signs in Missoula
made it bigger than life.
―We want to send a message to our students that we expect a lot from them, but that they can and should expect a lot from their community as
well,‖ Hochhalter said. ―This is a community that is filled with so many great families, and we just want everybody to know it!‖ The bus that was wrapped
is the activity bus that is used when the ―BRONC BUS‖ is either too small for the group travelling or if it is already in use!
―We wanted it to be big,‖ Lowell said. ―We are Frenchtown! Having the artwork come from within the school makes it even more extraordinary.
Then to have Jeff and Wendy McNally from Big Bear put the finishing touches on it…well that was just the icing on the cake! ‖
Eric Belker, the coordinator of the Frenchtown Afterschool Program has joined the effort by applying for a grant from the County of Missoula to
help provide out of school activities for students. A boxing club, chess club, running club, and leadership club are just some of the new groups that have
been started since their grant was received. ―Our efforts are geared toward meeting the ‗practical needs‘ of students,‖ Belker said. ―We want to take what
Frenchtown has to offer and enhance it in very simple ways! For example, the popcorn machine in the concession stand broke and we were able to purchase
a new one. We purchased a new sound amplifier for the auditorium so there could be movie nights and other activities in there. We also were able to supply folf disc sets for use at the new folf course at the elementary school. Some parents came to us with the vision for a post-graduation party for our Seniors,
and we are able to help with that financially, he said.‖ Students recently completed surveys on what activities they would like to see in Frenchtown and our
goal is to see how many of these ideas we can make happen.
So next time you are at the Friday night family movie in the auditorium, or at an event in the gymnasium, or simply driving and see ―BRONC
PRIDE‖ written on the side of the bus, remember, WE ARE A COMMUNITY…A COMMUNITY OF CHAMPIONS!!
Page 24
Page 25
There will be public meetings with the superintendent
on the following dates:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011- 6:30 PM in the Frenchtown Elementary Library.
Monday, April 25, 2011 - 6:30 PM in the Frenchtown Junior High shared project area.
Monday, May 2, 2011 - 6:30 PM in the Frenchtown
High School commons area.
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Continued on Page 28
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Continued From Page 27
Continued On Page 29
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Continued From Page 28
Continued On Page 30
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Continued From Page 29
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Continued From Page 30
Continued On Page 32
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Continued From Page 31
MAY 11
Early Out (12:30)
MAY 29
MAY 30
NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
Early Release (1:20) LAST STUDENT DAY
followed by Promotion dance that is over at 11:00pm.
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Page 33
Frenchtown School District #40
P.O. Box 117
17620 Frenchtown Frontage Rd.
Frenchtown, MT 59834
Administration Office: 406-626-2600
Elementary Office: 406-626-2620
Intermediate Office: 406-626-2622
Jr. High Office: 406-626-2650
High School Office: 406-626-2670
Transportation Office: 406-626-2610
We’re on the WEB!
May 2011 Hot Lunch Menu
2 Chicken Fried Steak
Mashed Potatoes
3 Macaroni & Cheese
Green Beans
4 Cheeseburgers
French Fries
5 Potato Soup
Cheesy Pretzels
Fresh Apple
6 Pizza
Tossed Salad
9 Wiener Wraps
10 Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Tomato Soup
12 Pulled Pork Sandwich
Baked Beans
13 Fajitas
Tossed Salad
Fruit Cocktail
16 Bronc McMuffin
Mandarin Oranges
17 Chicken Nuggets
Veggies & Dip
18 Corn Dogs
French Fries
Apple Crisp
19 Turkey & Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
20 Taco Salad
Oatmeal Cookie
23 Chicken Sandwich
French Fries
24 Waffles
25 Burrito
Veggies & Dip
Jello & Fruit
26 Submarine Sandwich
Chicken Noodle Soup
27 Spaghetti
Tossed Salad
Fruit Cocktail
31 Cheeseburgers
French Fries
Mandarin Oranges
EARLY OUT (12:30)
Grab and Go!!