2015 Summer Anvil Centre Brochure


2015 Summer Anvil Centre Brochure
Arts and
Heritage Programs
Family Friday Drop-in (All Ages)
Every Friday afternoon this summer, families can
try different crafts on the waterfront. In July, explore all Westminster Pier Park has to offer, lay
in a hammock, bring your own picnic, or explore
public art. In August, learn about the work Samson V did on the Fraser River and explore the last
surviving wooden steam-powered sternwheeler.
Westminster Pier Park & 604.527.4640
Samson V
Friday, 12:30 - 3:00 pm
July - Westminster Pier Park
August - Samson V
Drop-in Fee: By Donation
Kidsworld at Anvil Centre (5 - 15 years)
Anvil Centre is proud to partner with KidsWorld
for one day in August. Families with a KidsWorld
membership can explore the cultural spaces of
Anvil Centre and engage in fun hands-on activities in the New Westminster Museum & Archives,
New Media Gallery, and cultural studios.
New Westminster Museum 604.527.4640
Wednesday, 12:00 - 4:00 pm
August 12
777 Columbia Street l New Westminster
Building Public Hours: May - August
Monday - Friday ........... 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday........ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Sunday .......... 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Reference Services ........ 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Museum & New Media Gallery
Monday - Wednesday.... 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday ....................... 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday - Sunday.............. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Irving House
Wednesday - Sunday..... 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Samson V
Wednesday & Thursday.... 3:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday - Sunday................ 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Summer 2015
Heritage Programs
Museum Book Club (16+ years)
Experience Art that has been created in a work transformed by technology. Take away a little bit of wonder
and a wealth of inspiration. The New Media Gallery organizes innovative, high quality exhibitions of international, national and regional new media art. We present six exhibitions a year, each 8 weeks long. We
are proud to bring together the work of some of the most important artists in the world as well as work by
talented emerging artists. NMG Curators give regular tours: contact us to arrange your own special tour.
Engage in Anvil Centre’s exhibitions in a meaningful way as we discuss non-fiction literature
related to one of New Westminster Museum’s
current exhibitions. We will tour the associated
exhibit and explore the themes, stories and/or
objects that intersect with the novel. This is the
perfect opportunity to gain in-depth insight into
the Museum’s latest exhibit. The book club meets
on a Saturday morning every three months.
Anvil Centre Room 311 604.527.4640
Saturday, 10:30 - 11:30 am
July 25 - At Home by Bill Bryson
Registration Fee: Free
Upcoming Exhibitions
May 2, 2015 - July 26, 2015
POPart is an exhibition that will blow your mind!
This exciting, interactive exhibition presents four
international artists who have all used the same
medium to explore art and ideas: BALLOONS.
POPart will change the way you look at the world
and make you think about art in new ways.
Warning: Be prepared to have fun!
Heritage Programs
Waterfront Memory Walk (All Ages)
Martin Creed: UK
Ceal Floyer: UK
William Lamson: USA
Karina Smigla-Bobinski: Germany/Poland
Check NMG Facebook for upcoming events:
August 14, 2015 - October 11, 2015
5600K will transform the way you experience light
and space and how you think about art. A breathtaking exhibition that involves experiments and
explorations into perception and consciousness.
Presenting an exciting group of international artists who work with light, this exhibition will defy
your expectations.
Presenting: Carsten Holler and others
(please check NMG website for more events)
Opening Reception:
August 14 - Check for Times
Free/All Welcome
This is part of the international ISEA symposium
ADA by Karina Smigla-Bobinski
ISEA Keynote Address:
Dominique Moulin: Paris
August 14 - Check for Times
Free/All Welcome
Anvil Community Choir (19+ years)
Singers of all abilities are invited to join our Community Choir. Our expert choir director will teach
you songs from around the world, old and new.
Experience the joy of singing with a room full of
people and sharing joy performing around New
Westminster and beyond. Above all, Anvil Community Choir is about having fun and connecting
with the people in your neighbourhood. No previous experience necessary.
Anvil Centre Studio 411
Sunday, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
July 5 - August 23
Registration Fee: $75.00
A full list of heritage programs at Irving
House, Samson V and Westminster Pier
Park can be found at www.nwpcr.ca
Take a self-guided memory walk of the working
waterfront, narrated by people who work and
have worked there in the last 70 years. Learn
about what used to happen on the waterfront,
and how the past has shaped how things look today. Our walk uses the latest technology, so bring
your smartphones and ear buds along; however, we will accommodate those without smartphones. The tour begins in the museum gallery.
New Westminster Museum 604.527.4640
July 9 - October 27, 2015
Crafty Thursdays Drop-in (All Ages)
Every Thursday afternoon this summer, families
can try fun games and create a craft. In July, join
us at Irving House to take a tour with our costumed guides and try some old-fashioned games
on the lawn. In August, explore the current New
Westminster Museum, New Media Gallery, or
Community Art Space exhibit.
Irving House & Anvil Centre 604.527.4640
Thursday, 12:30 - 3:00 pm
July - Irving House
August - Anvil Centre Drop-in Fee: By Donation
The New Westminster Museum & Archives at Anvil
Centre cares for over 35,000 objects and another 35,000 photographs and archival records that
celebrate our city’s stories and history. Taking you
on a journey from 10000 years ago through today
,our exhibits focus on the land, people, and development of the place now known as New Westminster. We aspire to be a fun and entertaining place
of learning and use the objects in the museum’s
collection as an entry-point to inquiry, discussion,
and exploration about the City.
Museum Exhibitions
Hair Apparent: A Hairy History
of New Westminster
Until June 21, 2015
Abstract Painting (19+ years)
Gain an understanding of abstract painting and
non-representational painting principles. Experiment with materials and explore the elements
of art - colour theory, composition and design using colour, shape, line and texture. Learn the
historical context for abstraction and a variety of
conceptual and technical approaches.
Anvil Centre Studio 413
Sunday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $95.00
Explorations in Mixed Media
(19+ years)
The possibilities are endless when you combine
different media on the same canvas. Develop skills
and explore techniques that combine materials and
methods in new and unexpected ways. Painting,
drawing, mono-print, collage and other techniques
will all be experimented with. If you like to defy convention and break the rules, this course is for you.
Anvil Centre Studio 413
Saturday, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $95.00
Anvil Visual Arts Collective (19+ years)
Are you an artist or arts enthusiast looking for
a place to call home? The Anvil Visual Arts Collective is an art course with a twist. Besides topnotch instruction, you will enjoy working collaboratively with other Collective members to
experiment with new concepts and techniques.
The Collective will create a social and supportive environment that each member can grow
and learn in. Members have the opportunity to
self-curate a group show. No previous experience necessary. Basic supplies included. Participants may be required to bring some supplemental materials.
Anvil Centre Studio 413
Sunday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $75.00
This exhibition spotlights New Westminster’s barbershops, salons and hairstyles of yesteryear, as
well as the diversity of contemporary hairdressing
in the city.
Our Working Waterfront, 1945 - 2015
July 9 - October 27, 2015
This exhibition explores the diversity of work on
the New Westminster waterfront from 1945 to
now, including shipbuilding and longshore work,
food service and tug boating. The exhibit draws on
more than 90 oral histories with waterfront workers and is the culmination of four years of collaboration between the New Westminster Museum
and Archives, longshore pensioners of ILWU Local
502, teachers in our City’s schools and Simon Fraser University.
Find the City of New Westminster
and New Westminster Museum
and Archives on FaceBook
Visit the archives to learn about the history of your
community, “lost” relatives, significant historical
events or facts about older homes. For research
assistance, please call 604.527.4640 or email museum@newwestcity.ca.
Upcoming Exhibitions
The Art of History
May 25 - July 24, 2015
Faces and Places
Presented by New West Artists
July 28 - September 25, 2015
School Programs
The Anvil Centre offers a variety of guided
school tours and student workshops that are in
line with the current school curriculum, K-12.
Tours are inquiry based, arts and heritage oriented and age appropriate and are offered
in visual, performing and applied art as well
as art history, heritage and new media arts.
Please call us at 604.527.4640 or email museum@newwestcity.ca for further information or
to book a tour.
Museum Tours
The Community Art Space at Anvil Centre celebrates the rich cultural landscape of New Westminster. The space forges creative dialogue,
brings attention to local art as well as creates
new opportunities for artists in our city. It is an
accessible space, where New Westminster based
art groups can organize members’ exhibitions. It
is open to New Westminster emerging and established artists working in two dimensional media.
If you would like information about the Community Art Space please contact Biliana Velkova, Arts
Coordinator at 604.515.3822 or email bvelkova@
Guided group tours can be booked for New
Westminster Museum at Anvil Centre or Irving
House on weekdays for $66.00 (adult groups)
and $59.00 (children’s group) for a maximum
of 25 participants, call 604.527.4640 or email
Cultural Studios and Music
Practice Rooms
The Anvil Centre’s Cultural Studios are top of the
line professional studio spaces that offer quality setting for visual, performing, applied, sound
and new media arts. They are available for
workshops, lectures, screenings, rehearsals as
well as drop in studio time. The Anvil Centre also
offers professionally outfitted, acoustically insulated music practice rooms. The cultural studios
and the music practice rooms can be rented at
affordable prices. For more information or to
book a studio please call 604.527.4640 or email
Anvil Activators: Music (16 - 24 years)
New Westminster is changing and so is its music scene. Anvil Centre is challenging a group
of youth to be at the forefront of that change by
steering the direction of youth culture in New
Westminster. We are seeking musicians and
music lovers to join The Anvil Activators. This
group won’t just be sitting around and talking.
They’ll be out in the community actively creating opportunities for themselves and their
peers. If you love music and want to be involved
in the music scene in New West now is your
chance to step up!
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Thursday, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
July 2 - August 27
Registration Fee: FREE
Arts Programs
Anvil Outdoors (19+ years)
This summer, Anvil Centre brings its unique arts
programs and expert instructors to you! We will
make our way through different neighbourhoods previewing the courses we are offering
in the Fall and Winter of 2015. Adults of all skill
level are invited for a fun-filled, relaxing evening of art making in some of the city’s most
beautiful outdoor settings. Familiarize yourself
with what’s happening at Anvil Centre in your
own backyard! You’ll walk away with a completed canvas, ready to hang. Rain or shine.
Supplies included.
Westminster Pier Park 604.527.4640
6:00 - 8:00 pm, July 9
Queensborough Community Ctr.604.527.4640
Acrylic Painting
6:00 - 8:00 pm, July 23
Centennial Community Centre 6
Watercolour Painting
6:00 - 8:00 pm, August 6
Queen’s Park 604.527.4640
Explorations in Mixed Media
6:00 - 8:00 pm, August 20
Registration Fee: $35.00
Anvil Outdoor Yoga (19+ years)
Here’s a unique opportunity to discover our approach to yoga practice. Focused on inner growth
and transformation, our small class sizes ensure
individual attention, safety and relationship building. Space for social interaction between classmates is made available before and after each
session. Check out our four outdoor workshops.
Westminster Pier Park
Saturday, 9:00 - 10:00 am
July 18
August 15 141571
Saturday, 10:30 - 11:30 am
July 18
August 15 141573
Registration Fee: $10.00
Heritage Programs
Sailing on the Fraser (5 - 8 years)
Mom & Baby Yoga (1 - 12 months)
Make a model ship to take home, check out some
old-time toys and hear about Captain Irving’s
travels. In association with the Museum’s temporary exhibit, Our Working Waterfront, explore the
wonders of wind and learn how pioneers used it
for transportation, fun, and even fashion.
Westminster Pier Park 604.527.4640
(Anvil Centre with inclement weather)
Saturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
August 15
Registration Fee: $15.25 141868
This fun and mindful Yoga practice begins with a
flow with your baby and follows with sequences
to restore mom’s core strength, pelvic tone and
ease a variety of common motherhood physical
strains. Please bring a yoga mat.
Anvil Centre Dance Studio 415
Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Wednesday, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
July 15 - August 19
Registration Fee: $40.00
Sherlock Stones (9 - 12 years)
Attention stone sleuths, earth explorers and treasure seekers! Join our team of amateur archaeologists and uncover lost treasures from the past.
Through hands-on specimen exploration, games
and activities, children will gain an understanding of their local environment and the clues it
holds to early inhabitants and their way of life.
Westminster Pier Park 604.527.4640
(Anvil Centre with inclement weather)
Saturday, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
July 11 Registration Fee: $16.00 141870
Arts Programs
Summer Camp: Shakespeare
Playground (14 - 18 years)
Explore Hamlet--the most thrilling ghost story in
the English language--in a supportive ensemble setting. Using theater games, improvisation,
costumes, props, and stage fighting, students rehearse scenes from Shakespeare’s timeless tale
of betrayal, revenge, loyalty, heroism, and conscience for a final performance for friends and
family. No previous experience necessary. Dress
to move and pack a snack.
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Tuesday - Saturday, 1:00 - 5:00 pm
August 4 - 8
Registration Fee: $110.00
Anvil Activators: Theatre (16 - 24 years)
New Westminster is changing and so is its arts
scene. Anvil Centre is challenging a group of
youth to be leaders of cultural change. We are
seeking arts enthusiasts to join The Anvil Activators. This group won’t sitting around and talking…
they will be out in the community actively creating opportunities for themselves and their peers.
If you love theatre, and want to be involved, now
is your chance to step up!
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Thursday, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
July 2 - August 27
Registration Fee: FREE
Movers and Shakers
(2 - 4 years) Parent Participation
Play, laugh and learn with your child! Together
you will learn the joys of creative movement and
theatrical expression. You’ll learn simple dances, dress up in masks and costumes and have a
whole lot of fun! Come dressed to move.
Anvil Centre Dance Studio 415604.527.4640
Sunday, 10:00 - 11:00 am
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $65.00
Art Splash
(2 - 4 years) Parent Participation
Play, laugh and learn with your child! Together
you will explore different materials and techniques to create your very own masterpieces. This
multimedia experience will leave you inspired,
and maybe a little messy! Supplies included.
Anvil Centre Studio 413
Saturday, 10:00 - 11:00 am
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $65.00
Music Jam
(2 - 4 years) Parent Participation
Play, laugh and learn with your child! Together
you will enter an immersive musical environment
where you’ll learn about rhythm, rhyme, and
melody. This course will have you singing all the
way home!
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Sunday, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $65.00
Art Programs
Aboriginal Art Studio (5 - 8 years)
Learn about the exciting, colorful world of Aboriginal artists such as Norval Morrisseau and
Daphne Odjig, and hear the stories told through
their artwork. Then, make your own artwork inspired by First Nations artists, using bright acrylic paints, pastels and markers. At our sharing
circle exhibition, just like so many great Aboriginal artists do, you can tell the story within your
artwork, too!
Anvil Centre Studio 413
Monday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
July 13 - August 17
Registration Fee: $125.00
Young Masters (5 - 8 years)
This creative hands-on class introduces budding
artists to famous works of art. From Monet to
Picasso, students learn how the work of great
artists can inspire their own masterpieces. Supplies included.
Anvil Centre Studio 411
Saturday, 10:00 - 11:30 am
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $80.00
Acting Essentials (5 - 8 years)
From the very first session of this course, participants will be up on their feet, learning the
foundational skills necessary to perform on
stage. Character building, improv, mask work
and more will all be explored. This is your first
step towards a developing a life-long love affair
with the stage!
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Saturday, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $80.00
Register online at
Anvil Theatre Makers (8 - 12 years)
Anvil Music Makers (8 - 12 years)
Hip Hop. Jazz. Contemporary. Bhangra. Immerse
yourself in the world of dance! Starting with foundational movement skills, participants will learn
how to express themselves in a variety of styles.
Come dressed to move!
Anvil Centre Studio 415
Sunday, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $80.00
Exploring contemporary play-making techniques
with professional theatre artists, participants
will be taken through the process of developing
collaborative work. The course culminates in an
original performance. Be prepared for to have
fun, learn new skills and be challenged. No previous experience necessary.
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Saturday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $95.00
Outdoor Aboriginal Art Studio
Anvil Art Makers (8 - 12 years)
Summer Camp: Shakespeare
Playground (8 - 13 years)
Dance Essentials (5 - 8 years)
(8 - 12 years)
Explore the traditional worldview of animism and
how First Nations shamanic artists connect with
living things through their artwork. The artwork
of Amie Wolf is featured as a source of inspiration
and ideas. Then go on your own ‘animistic art
journey’ by developing your sense of connection
to nature through art making. Conclude with an
artists’ sharing circle, where you can share your
artistic discoveries while learning about the insights of others.
Anvil Centre Studio 413/
Westminster Pier Park
Monday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
July 13 - August 17
Registration Fee: $125.00
Are you a budding young artist looking for your
next challenge? This art class has a twist. You’ll
receive top-notch visual art instruction and be
challenged to work collaboratively with other
members of the class to experiment with new
concepts and techniques. No previous experience necessary. Supplies included.
Anvil Centre Studio 411
Saturday, 12:30 - 2:30 pm
July 18 - August 22
Registration Fee: $95.00
For more information or to register for
any of the programs in this brochure,
please call 604.527.4640
This course is about the art of song. Learn about
the history of your favorite songs and the different components that make them what they are.
You’ll also have the opportunity to write your own
songs and arrange them to sing with the group.
Bring your instrument, if you have one. Let’s
make some music!
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Sunday, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
July 19 - August 23
Registration Fee: $95.00
“All the world’s a stage…” Join us in the magical
‘Forest of Arden’ to explore one of Shakespeare’s
most beloved comedies, complete with dueling
dukes, plucky princesses, brawling brothers, clever clowns, funny farmers and even a professional
wrestler, a snake, and a lion! Using props, costumes, music, improvisation, theatre games, and
stage fighting techniques we’ll rehearse for a final ensemble performance of scenes from As You
Like It. No previous experience necessary. Come
dressed to move and pack a lunch.
Anvil Centre Studio 417
Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
August 10 - 14
Registration Fee: $104.00