Donor Report - Trent University
Donor Report - Trent University
Annual Donor Report May 1, 2003 – April 30, 2004 Table of Contents Thank You from Bonnie Patterson and Reid Morden .........................................2 Board of Governors...........................................................................................3 Thank You from Fundraising Council.................................................................4 Leadership Giving .............................................................................................5 Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds ..........................................................7 Thank You from Trent University Foundation .....................................................8 Donor Recognition Lists ....................................................................................9 Support for Trent’s First People’s House of Learning .........................................11 David Morton and Patricia Owens Morton donation........................................12 Fred and Lois Helleiner Seize the Day ..............................................................14 Dr. Larry Seeley donation ................................................................................17 Phillips Hagar North and Trent University .........................................................22 The Mathematics Department Award..............................................................25 The John Wadland Award ...............................................................................26 Memorial Gifts................................................................................................27 Lisa Thivierge and Donny Caldwell Bursary ......................................................29 New Bursaries, Scholarships, Prizes, Awards & Funds................................. 31-32 Alumni Participation Drops..............................................................................32 Trent University Legacy Society ........................................................................33 Building Capacity ............................................................................................34 2 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Dear Friends and Generous Donors: Thank you for your generous donations to Trent University. Your contributions exemplify your commitment to the continued development and growth of this University. And as we celebrate four fantastic decades this fall, Trent recognizes that it wouldn’t be what it is today, without the effort, energy and support of many. When you give to Trent University, you support world-class teaching and research, as well as provide the tools that help make them possible. Most importantly, you support our outstanding students, as they strive for academic success. Equipped with a liberal arts and science education, Trent University graduates are poised with not only the knowledge and the know-how to start a career, but with an awareness of their role as contributing community members. You have invested in Trent University’s mission - to provide its students with an unparalleled liberal arts and science education. We appreciate your assistance in the work we do, and are deeply grateful for your continued support. Sincerely, Bonnie M. Patterson President and Vice-Chancellor Reid Morden Chair of the Board of Governors MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 3 Board of Governors Includes Current, Former & Honorary Board Member Donors Thomas Bata† Jalynn H. BennettHA† John C. Bernard Michael E. Beswick§ Samuel Billich Alexander & Gillian Bird** Roberta Bondar Peter Brieger Douglas Brown** Christopher H. Bunting* Prof. John & Barbara Burbidge† John Butcher †† John & Nancy Casserly* Shannon Chace-Hall Robert & Wendy Chambers** Adam Chapnick & Erica Berman* Erica CherneyHA‡ Dan Coholan & Sarah Mills** Douglas & Jo-Anne Cole** JohnHD & Marni de Pencier†† Richard Dicerni Jane & Frank Dudas† Glen & Kathleen Easson Kimberly D. Fielding Prof. David Glassco* Merritt Gordon* Michael and Anne Gough J. Bryan Graham* JonHD & Shelagh Grant§ Paul & Doreen Healy† Bruce Hurley & Jane O’Donnell* James Kiang* Richard & Donna Krug Ryan R. Kutschke Peter Lafleur* Lari Langford†† Robert & Margie Lightbody†† Ana Lopes & Don Tapscott† Prof. Skip Maxwell† John G. McCarney† Lynn McDonald Barbara J. McGregor* Charles McIlveen Mary Mogford** DavidHD & Joan Moore† Reid & Margaret Morden* Richard Onley* Prof. Bonnie M. Patterson* Prof. Michael & Cara Peterman† Keith Pilley* Cecil & Robert Rabinovitch* Kathleen & Alex Ramsay†† Prof. Gary & Dorothy Reker† Prof. Lionel Rubinoff** William & Meredith Saunderson** Patricia Southern & Gilbert Mallette Robert & Nancy Stephenson ‡ Sylvia Sutherland** James & Marion Swanston** Edward & Diana Tremain* Frederick & Annette Tromly* Prof. Joan Vastokas† Len & Phyllis Vernon** David C. Wallbridge* Gary & Ruth Wolff ‡‡ J. Douglas & Brenda Young 1 Anonymous Donor Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ Dear Friends and Generous Supporters: Thank you to the many alumni, friends, corporations and foundations who have provided support to Trent’s Building Capacity Campaign. We aim to wrap up the current phase of the $3.6 million initiative by the end of the year. The efforts of Trent’s Fundraising Council are focused on four major areas: • completing funding for the new Peter Gzowski College and the First Peoples House of Learning in the Enweying Building; • completing funding for the new Chemical Sciences Building and renovations to the existing Science Complex; • support for research; • funding for graduate scholarships and student support. The Fundraising Council plays a vital role in mobilizing the resources Trent needs to achieve its potential and maintain its position as Canada’s outstanding small university. Joining me on the Council are John Bernard, Ana Lopes, Jim McGee ’70, Board Chair Reid Morden, President and Vice Chancellor Bonnie Patterson, Kate Ramsay ’71, Graeme Ross ’86 and Ted Tremain. In October, Trent will celebrate its 40th Anniversary and we will see the ‘concrete’ success of our fundraising efforts with the official opening of Peter Gzowski College and the Chemical Sciences Building. Thank you again for helping us turn Trent’s vision of the future into reality. Dan Coholan ‘77 Chair, Trent University’s Fundraising Council LEADERSHIP GIVING >$500 4 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT 5 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT COLLEAGUE Donations between $100,000 & $249,999 Thomas J. Bata† Estate of Mary Margaret (McCullough) Edison Estate of Leslie M. Frost** The Hamlin Family Estate of M. Jean McKerracher* David Morton HD & Patricia Owens Morton* Victoria J. Ross LEADER Donations between $50,000 & $99,999 Shirley Cummings* Multi-Health Systems Inc. Pepsi-QTG Canada†† PARTNER Donations between $25,000 and $49,999 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce† GE Foundation Audrey M. Hanbidge* The McLean Foundation† Gayle & Jack Nelson† Phillips, Hager and North Limited* RBC Foundation, RBC Financial Group** 2 Anonymous Donors ASSOCIATE Donations between $10,000 and $24,999 Association of Commonwealth Universities Kathleen & Alex Ramsay†† Hugh & Betty AnsonCartwright* Estate of Gilbert F. Bagnani HD* Bank of Nova Scotia Jalynn H. Bennett HA† Bicklette Limited** Dan Coholan & Sarah Mills** DuPont Canada Inc.** Fisher Gauge Limited† French American Charitable Trust McColl Turner LLP† Doris Noftall Sheila O’Brien David & Anne Patterson* Pigeon Canada Inc. Placer Dome (CLA) Ltd. Cecil & Robert Rabinovitch* William & Meredith Saunderson** Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Scholfield Siemens Milltronics Process Instruments** TD Bank Financial Group TD Canada Trust† TD Meloche Monnex WB Family Foundation Gary & Ruth Wolff‡‡ 4 Anonymous Donors SPONSOR Donations between $5,000 and $9,999 AON Inc.** John C. Bernard Roberta Bondar Peter A. Brieger Patrick & Val Clancy** The Commonwealth Foundation Jamie & Liz Fleming†† The Goal Getters Associates Inc. Government of Canada Heenan Blaikie The KPMG Foundation Mary Crawford** Anthony H. Keenleyside† McWilliams Moving and Storage* Mnjikaning First Nation DavidHD & Joan Moore† Bob Rae Patricia Southern Elaine Stavro Steve and Sally Stavro Family Foundation Stephen Stohn & Linda Schuyler** Sun Life Financial** Wittington Properties Ltd. 1 Anonymous Donor Foundation* Fern A. RahmelHD†† Sir Sandford Fleming College* Robert & Nancy Stephenson‡ Trent Chaplaincy Trent University Faculty Association† Trent University Social and Athletic Committee† United Steelworkers of America Ann Waddell Dunlop** CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY SCHOLAR’S GROUP Donations between $2,500 and $4,999 Harlene L. Annett* J. David Alexander Beattie† Dunnery Best* Christopher H. Bunting* Alex & Carol Campbell† Community Foundation for Greater Toronto JohnHD & Marni de Pencier†† Harold “Pat” Dooley Michael & Anne Gough Renata & William Humphries* Investeco Capital Corporation Jackman Foundation* Liberty Mutual Ana Lopes & Don Tapscott† Duncan A. McCallum** Barbara J. McGregor* Mr. & Mrs. E. McLellan Winston H. Meyer† Reid & Margaret Morden* Niels Petersen Philip A. Playfair† Leonard Powers R Howard Webster Donations between $1,000 and $2,499 Baagwating Community Association Edna Barker Michael E. Beswick§ Alex & Gillian Bird** Birks Family Foundation†† John E. Butcher†† Stuart J. Butts** Conyers Enterprises Currie Technologies Inc. Erica CherneyHA†† Michael S. Cullen & Lisbeth Shaw-Cullen* Rod S. Cumming** Michael & Norma Doran‡ Donal J. Doyle Jane & Frank Dudas† Fishery Products International Limited The Franklin J Matchette Foundation Inc.† Sheila Faure† Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts†† Paul Garfinkel Carol & Bryan Gibson Peter G. Gilbert JonHD & Shelagh Grant§ Hiawatha First Nation Robert Henderson Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 6 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT John J. Henry† Walter W. Howell Christine Johanson Lari C. Langford†† Francois Lecavalier** Robert & Margie Lightbody†† McClelland & Stewart Inc. H. Christina MacNaughton†† John G. McCarney† Lynn McDonald James & Nancy McGee† Amy G. Milburn* Gwen Morawetz** John and Jeannette Morgan Brent R. Norrey** Peterborough Volkswagen Ltd.* Robert J. Page & Jocelyne S. Daw†† Douglas Paterson** Greg A. Piasetzki* Douglas Poff† Robert D.N. Prichard* Rexel Canada Inc.* Thomas A. Richardson** David & Kim Sackett Peter & Barbara Shennett† Karen A. Sisson & Bruce Fitzpatrick** Katherine A. Sproule Andrew M. Stewart† Michael G. Stewart* Tony Storey†† James & Marion Swanston** Kerry Taylor** Edward & Diana Tremain* Grace Ward* H. Geoffrey Waterman* Keith G. Watt Philip M. White† John H. Whiteside** Martha H. Wilder** J. Douglas Young Zoom Media Inc. 4 Anonymous Donors PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Donations between $500 and $999 Margaret M. AlkemadeBangia** Barbara K. Baker† James M. Bell* Richard & Lorraine Bennett† Mary-Margaret Blue†† William Blundell** John L. Boeckh** Broadview Press Quentin Brown† Estate of Douglas I. Bruce Ted & Nancy Capstick† Scott K. Carmichael* Michael R. Cheek* Susan P. CreightonTomowich† Frances H. Daunt* Ross Davis** Joseph de Pencier Paul J. Delaney† Denis Desjardins†† J. Jim Dolan† Jane Errington†† Donald Lloyd Fenemore** Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts† Doug Fisher Georgina A. Galloway* Robert & Margaret Glossop†† J. Bryan Graham* Richard W. Greene** Peter F. Hamilton** John & Teresa Haslip* Terry & Debra Holland** Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hutchinson** Michael Jakob* Michael J. Jenkin & Phyllis Colvin†† JulieHD & Basil Johnston† D. Jeanne Kimber†† Rick & Donna Krug Keith E. MacInnes† Duncan & Fay MacKenzie** Barbara Malloch* David G. McClenahan* Anne C. McNeely Deborah L. McWhinney* Phyllis Moore‡ Kathryn Moore Brown & Robert Brown* Dr & Mrs Alexander E. Morton† Norman Moyer** Mr Sub* Kevin M. Mullins* Anastasia Nadeau* Oak Ridges Trail Association Bill Oldman* Norma Orgill Peterborough Professional Fire Fighters† Les J. Pioch** Karen M. Puckrin* Robert D. Rice** Christopher Risley & Erica Nol** Anne T. Roberts** Andy & Liz Rodford Andy & Karen Rorabeck* The Rotary Club of Fenelon Falls Inc. William C. Rupert** Norman Seli & Anne Dawson** Samar Shah Amanda & Scott Sinclair†† Douglas R. Stenton* Terry Windrem Daniel J. Thompson** Patricia & George Townsend* Florence Treadwell* Trent University OPSEU Len & Phyllis Vernon** Stephen Wallace† Doug N. Wells Stewart R. Wheeler* Pamela Willoughby* Fang Xu† 3 Anonymous Donors Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 7 Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Funds (OSOTF) at Trent University The Government of Ontario is offering this limited time opportunity to encourage individuals to set up permanent endowment funds to assist Ontario university students with financial needs. The Government will match EVERY dollar donated to existing or new endowed funds. This is your opportunity to: • Double your support! • Assist students by making a gift that will be a permanent, lasting contribution. • Establish a prestigious named Bursary or Award for students in your area of interest. • Ease the financial burden for generations of students. • Help shape the world of tomorrow by supporting our future leaders • Honour your family or someone who has made a difference in your life. Establishing a new named, endowed Bursary or Award at Trent University • An Award is based on financial need and scholastic excellence. • A Bursary is based on financial need. Please contact the Development Office for information about how to establish a Bursary or Award that will benefit a student in your area of interest. The endowed fund can be named for you and your family or for someone who has made a difference in your life. With matching funds available, endowed funds are essentially “half price”. For more information about making a gift and to receive a pledge form, please contact: Katie Brown Trent University 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 Telephone: (705) 748-1011 ext. 1046 E-mail: Thank you for making a difference to generations of students. Eligible OSOTF Funds 40-4-40 Graduating Class Gift Bursary Alumni Bursary Fund The Peter G. Bailey Bursary in Teacher Education Beta Sigma Phi Bursary The Isadore Black Memorial Fund Constantin Boundas & Ke-Ryang Choi-Boundas Philosophy Bursary Dr. Margaret Campbell Bursary Ian Chapman Bursary Class of 1967 Bursary Computer Science/Studies Bursary Joyce Cumming Memorial Bursary John S. Cunningham Memorial Bursary de Pencier Family Award Fund The Dudas Award Greatest Need-Bursary Trust Christopher Greene Bursary Finn and Eileen Gallagher Bursary H.R.H. Kenner Award Hamlin Family Bursaries The Lois and Fred Helleiner Bursary Victor Henderson Bursary Lightbody - CPTC Award Jim MacAdam Bursary Jack & Mildred Mackle Student Employment Fund Math Department Award Jean McKerracher Business Admin Awd T.E.W. Nind Award Arnold Noftall Bursary OPSEU Bursary Norma & Lloyd Parnall Bursary Patterson-Drain Pioneer Bursary Petersen Burfield Family Graduate Award Gordon Roper Bursary The Sara Bursary Patricia H. Southern Mathematics Award Sally Stavro Bursary The Lisa Thivierge and Donny Caldwell Bursary Trent University Anthropology Graduate Bursary The Trent University Foundation Award Trent University S&A Bursary John Wadland Award WB Family Foundation Award Billie Wilder Bursary Note: Non-OSOTF funds are listed on page 31-32. 8 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT A Bridge to the Future Thank You to our Current and Future Donors from Walter Dodington, Chair of Trent University Foundation Trent University Foundation supports education and research at Trent by encouraging alumni, faculty, staff and friends to remember the University in their estate planning. We appreciate all of our donors who support Trent with annual contributions and special gifts. Trent would not be able to provide its unique educational experiences without you. We also want to honour those who look into the future and address the unseen needs that will arise. These donors are the members of Trent University Legacy Society and others who have included Trent in their Wills. These friends understand that the future will hold challenges and opportunities and they want Trent to be financially able to meet those demands. Thank you for your foresight and confidence in Trent’s good planning, wise stewardship and solid leadership. Planned gifts involve estate assets and often include legal documents. They involve thoughtful planning and rationale. This is why we like to connect personally with people who are considering such gifts. We want to describe the vision of the President and the Board, naming opportunities, programs and the endowment, to name just a few topics for discussion. The fact is that we need all of our friends to support Trent in every way possible. To our current donors and to donors of future gifts, thank you. Walter Dodington Chair, Trent University Foundation MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 9 Donor categories Colleague: Donations between $100,000 & $249,999 Leader: Donations between $50,000 & $99,999 Partner: Donations between $25,000 and $49,999 Associate: Donations between $10,000 and $24,999 Sponsor: Donations between $5,000 and $9,999 Scholar’s Group: Donations between $2,500 and $4,999 Chancellor’s Sociey Donations between $1,000 and $2,499 President’s Committee: Donations between $500 and $999 Advancement Circle: Donations between $250 and $499 Enrichment Club: Donations between $100 and $249 Honour Roll: Donations of $100 and below Class of 1964 Michael E. Beswick§ Robert & Margie Lightbody†† Bill & Pam Gudgeon† Ron A. Hotchkiss** Gemmell Neilson Margo A. Swiss† Susanne & Harry VanderLugt†† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE HONOUR ROLL Ted & Nancy Capstick† Paul J. Delaney† Norman Moyer** Phyllis & Len Vernon** Steve J. Arnold†† Susan M. Babaris† David L. Brodie** Gary R. Greer John C. Service Naomi & Richard Wright†† 2 Anonymous donors CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY A. Duncan Matheson† Janice L. McKean** Ken & E.G. McLeod* David Sims & Margot Levitt** HONOUR ROLL ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Gary & Harmony Aitken†† Donna Clifton† Susan M. Garlick† John T. Ison† David & Sharon Lasenby†† James F. Nott** Lynda C. Palmer Anne & Frank Steffler† Sharon M. Stover†† Harry & Susanne Vanderlugt†† Susan Webb† Class of 1966 ASSOCIATE David & Anne Patterson* SPONSOR Stephen Stohn & Linda Schuyler** Richard & Nancy Christie** Wendy Earl** Lyle & Barbara Goodin†† Cheryl & Charles Kemp* Joan A. Martin** Sheila McGill-Smyth & Noel Smyth† Donald T. Murphy* Bonnie E. Park** Brenda L. Sissons Graham & Magrietha Weeks* Richard & Naomi Wright†† 2 Anonymous donors Class of 1967 ASSOCIATE HONOUR ROLL SCHOLAR’S GROUP Gary & Ruth Wolff‡‡ Carol M. Brown** David Greer** Henry C. Hobbs** John F. Hucks† Al & Barbara MacLeod* J. Phil McRae** 1 Anonymous donor Ann Waddell Dunlop** Don Tapscott & Ana Lopes† SPONSOR Class of 1965 Anthony H. Keenleyside† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts†† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Ross Davis** Lloyd Fenemore** CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Alex & Gillian Bird** John E. Butcher†† H. Christina MacNaughton†† Douglas Paterson** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Stuart J. Butts** Mary M. Lewis† Maureen A. McKeown†† Patrick J. Walshe** PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE ENRICHMENT CLUB ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Brenda E. Brownlee† Kwame & Neera Donkor** Ann M. Gray-Elton* Gary & Susan James** Bruce & Sutirat Kennedy* Sharon & David Lasenby†† Anthony R. Lovink† Arie & Carol-Ann Lugtigheid† Perry Chittick† Peggy & Arndt Kruger‡ Roy & Elizabeth Maddocks†† George & E. Mitchell† Derwyn E. RokebyThomas** John Warrener† Janet B. Wright† Robert & Margaret Glossop†† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Pat & George Townsend* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Mary & James Burchell†† Gervase & Diane Mackay†† Brian T. Roadhouse* ENRICHMENT CLUB Paul Campbell** Janet C. Goheen* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 10 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT ENRICHMENT CLUB Karen & Dennis CarterEdwards†† Douglas & Joanne Cole* Robert C. Edwards Diane Grafstein† Janet E. Haraszthy** Kathy & Donald Heidman** Gerald C. Hunt Thomas & Shirley Lucy†† Carol-Ann & Arie Lugtigheid† David W. McDevitt** Catherine M. Michell & Alan Bowman* Helen M. O’Connor** David W. Owen & Julia Annas** James & Virginia Redditt** J. Paul Rexe* Laura M. Roche† James Salmon & D.M. Davies* James W. Smith Ross E. Walker HONOUR ROLL Margaret J. Anttila** Sheilagh A. Best Eleanor Codner† Cheryl Conway* David & Darlene Corkett* Garry & Victoria Cubitt‡ Heather A. George** Christel Haeck & David Gannon** I. Lynn Haylock* Jane K. Hodgins* Heather M. Laval† Ted Light Robert P. Mitanis** Mary G. O’Neil† Marie E. Smith* A. Elaine Torrie† Claudea & Gordon Usher* 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1968 SCHOLAR’S GROUP J. David Alexander Beattie† Carol & Alex Campbell† Robert & Nancy Stephenson‡ CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Sheila Faure† Lynn & James Neufeld‡ Doug Poff† Katherine A. Sproule PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Barbara K. Baker† J. Jim Dolan† Michael Jenkin & Phyllis Colvin†† Robert D. Rice** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Christiane & Colin Fewster‡ Jean C. Good Zamin† Blake & Patricia Hyatt†† Pat & Rodney Lunau** Diane & Gervase Mackay†† Sylvia S. Sutherland** Douglas & Colleen Tight ENRICHMENT CLUB Hugh H. Banks† John & Sharon Barritt G. Bruce Beamer* John D. Belcher* Janice Bertrand† Mary E. Boite & Thomas Hoag** Bill R. Butcher†† Jo-Anne & Douglas Cole** Bill & Gail Corbett ** Jill E. Davidson** Susan Drain & P.J. Donahoe** Murray J. Evans Brian & Maria Fitzgerald‡‡ Richard & Elspeth Fleming* Calum I. Gillespie* Linda K. Greenwood† William B. Griffiths Lucinda M. Hage* Katharine N. Hooke† James D. Jack† Joyce & Don Mackenzie† Wayne Manley** Lawrence J. McAvoy* James C. McKenzie† Virginia & James Redditt** Pearl & Marc Santopinto† Margot Levitt & David Sims** Ken G. Tilley† Richard S. Van Dine* Paula Wagar* David & Diana Wright* Linda C. Costain** William H. Leard* Elizabeth & Roy Maddocks†† Kenneth J. Nimigon† Anne-Marie Prendiville†† Martin P. Tenniswood Harry Underwood† ENRICHMENT CLUB Class of 1969 David D. Bristow** Liz Churcher† Ted Clarke† Glenn Crossman* Elizabeth A. De Noble** Katherine N. Dorsey* Marjorie & William Durant* Robert G. Foster* Debbie & James Glynn* Richard W. Green* Lorna M. Hilborn†† Allan J. A. Hubbell** Jane A. Lister† Stanley W. McBride** Tui Menzies & Des Penalagan† Jim & Catherine Montgomery§ Jeffrey S. Murray S. Corrine Nadjiwon Barry W. Parsons* Cora E. Pemberton* John A. Pettingill R. B. & Eve-Ann Reid** Marc & Pearl Santopinto† Donna M. Scott† Manindra & Ansuya Shah† Kenneth W. Taylor†† Catherine M. Willoughby† James R. Yanch† SPONSOR HONOUR ROLL Patrick & Val Clancy** M. Ruth Bailey† Deborah & Michael Berrill** Jean E. Craven† Victoria & Garry Cubitt‡ D. Lynne Dussault** F. Wendy Evans† Rob & Birgitta Ferguson† Donald Fisher* Barbara & Lyle Goodin†† HONOUR ROLL John W. Beach* Linda A. Burgess* Margot E. Cameron† Richard J. Carter* Karen J. Chapeskie* Bill & Glynis Devitt† James P. Fuester* Bob Godby** Shirley P. Hubbel** Nancy L. Hutchinson† Ruth & Robert Kerr† Alayne & Maurizio Korczynski** Stephen & Bonnie Lee†† Nadine Mahood* Patricia G. Mainwaring** Donald Shamash† Morris W. Tait Lorna Tener & Brian Toller‡ 5 Anonymous donors SCHOLAR’S GROUP Nancy & Robert Stephenson‡ ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Susan & Richard Bramm†† Robert & Jean Condon† Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 11 Jennifer M. Harker** Kerry T. Hill** Patricia D. Innes* Kevin Keeley** Robert & Ruth Kerr† Joseph H. Last† Charles Meanwell & Nancy Tully Philip D. Niblett* Martin J. Parker** Beverley & Percival Powles‡‡ Bill Pratt** Ivan W. Rowan† Audrey & Terry Simpson* Ross H. Stapley** Ronald Suggitt* Karin J. Thwaits David T. Walsh* James C. Wesenberg† 15 Anonymous donors Class of 1970 SCHOLAR’S GROUP Duncan A. McCallum** CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Lari C. Langford†† Jim & Nancy McGee† Keith G. Watt PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Jane Errington†† Phyllis Colvin & Michael Jenkin†† Daniel J. Thompson** Pamela Willoughby* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Sheila Mary Ambrose** Richard & Susan Bramm†† Robert H. Brunton†† James & Mary Burchell†† Scott D. Goodison†† Craig A. Goselin* Catherine E. MacNaughton** Sandra & Edward Peacock†† Dorothy A. Sharpe†† Richard D. Williams† ENRICHMENT CLUB Christopher Archibald & Nancy Oldfield†† Sharon & John Barritt Irma A. Brown† Sharon & Christopher Brown† James M. Coghlan† Marian E. Croft* Fred & Donna Edwards* Robert & Barbara Hess† Lesley Hulse** Kris E. Inwood** Susan & Gary James** Douglas E. Kirk† Robert N. Mairs** Stephen A. Nicholson* Dawson Pratt* Nan & Lawrence Sidler† William R. Smalluk** Christopher B. Stone** David A. Thompson† Rita K. Tunnicliffe† Robert Campbell & Christl Verduyn§ Steven A. Wells† Paul & Catherine Welsman† Ewart Werry† HONOUR ROLL Donald A. Allison† Jeanne Beaith† Roberta C. Beamish* Susan L. Betteridge** Gregory B. Brintnell** Maureen M. Buchanan* Jill Coates-Ford & Gary Ford** S. John Cotton† Barrie V. Friel* Richard G. Hagg† Robert Heaman & Tani Nixon* Sharon A. Hunt* Betty Ing† S. Hilary Kenyon† Joan M. Knight* Beth L. Lech** Bonnie & Stephen Lee†† Grace Ann Preston†† Nathanael & Joyce Reed Government Alumni support Trent’s First Peoples House of Learning M ichael Jenkin ‘68 and his wife Phyllis Colvin ‘70 are supporting Aboriginal education and programing at Trent. Michael is Director General of Consumer Affairs with Industry Canada. He is responsible for promoting good consumer practice in a variety of industries from banking to gas. His job involves a large amount of interaction with provinces and territories, and work with other countries, primarily through the OECD, on the development of international consumer protocols. His liberal arts training at Trent combined well with further professional training to allow him to appreciate the complexities of modern government and identify the interface between policy and politics. He hopes that the same will be true for young Aboriginal Canadians who are in the process of building new self government structures that will enable them to realize their social and cultural dreams. Phyllis is Director of Policy for Health Canada and heavily engaged in overseeing the policy development process in Health Canada and in promoting improvement in this area through policy consulting, policy assessment and the development of frontier generic files, especially those that relate to how health systems evolve . She has in-depth policy knowledge in areas such as health care, tobacco, blood, public health and federal-provincial relations. She shares Michael’s belief that it is through the disciplines of the liberal arts that society advances and that policy imagination is forged. She would like to see advances in the range of civil society skills that will be necessary to deal with some of the challenging issues confronting Aboriginal Canadians, and applauds Trent’s leadership in Aboriginal studies. Phyllis and Michael have made significant contributions to Trent’s First Peoples House of Learning, which shares the Enweying building along with the new Peter Gzowski College. Joan I. Sangster** Wendy A. Scott** Dorothy S. Scythes Terry & Audrey Simpson* Stephen G. Snell** B. Lucille Strath† Joyce R. Syer† Timothy L. Todd* Julian H. Walker** Carolyn J. Wilson† 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1971 ASSOCIATE Kathleen & Alex Ramsay†† Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 12 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT SCHOLAR’S GROUP Dunnery Best* CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Doug Brown** Tony L. Storey†† Philip M. White† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Michael R. Cheek* Richard W. Greene** D. Jeanne Kimber†† Duncan & Fay MacKenzie** William C. Rupert** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Anne F. Brunner† Joyce & Christopher Daffern† Susan L. Hall** John & Adriana Hayden Eric H. Hodgins* Judith A. Kashul† Randall T. Mather** Edward & Sandra Peacock†† H. Anne Chetwynd† Dennis P. Davies† Ray Fallis† Sean E. Finan†† Rose & Ron Gibbons** Donald & Jean Giles** R. George Gray Trish Hartman Peter & Theresa Heffernan† Maurizio & Alayne Korczynski** Teresa C. Lee** Alexandra & Mel McKnight†† Susan O. Musclow† Larry L. Popofsky* Barbara & Don Reeves* James & Ila Robinson† Sybil F. Roodenburg** Johanna & James Sutton† Brian Toller & Lorna Tener‡ 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1972 ENRICHMENT CLUB Daniel & Maureen Baldock* Catherine J. Ciphery** Kathleen A. Dorrell* Allan & Mary Dunn† Bill Fields* Peter K. Foulds† Gary W. Fridell Mary E. Leggett Joan Little† Ernie & Debbie MacMillan† Ian & Elizabeth MacMillan†† Christie Mayall Kathleen J. McManus† Janet Olds* C. Stephen Thomson* Christl Verduyn & Robert Campbell§ Bonnie L. Waters†† Nicholas R. White** Calvin D. Wilson†† HONOUR ROLL Laurel J. Bridges† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Greg A. Piasetzki* PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Richard & Lorraine Bennett† Susan P. CreightonTomowich† Keith E. MacInnes† ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Neville B. Ferguson** Margaret & Donald Fleming** William & Angela VanVeen* ENRICHMENT CLUB Frances Alger McDonald†† Heather Kaye Anderson† Christopher Appleton & Nancy Austin‡ Dawn Berry-Merriam & John Merriam† Douglas C. Bothwell† Peter Gzowski College Receives Generous Donation from David Morton and Patricia Owens Morton A generous donation of $250,000 by David Morton and Patricia Owens Morton of Peterborough will fund two initiatives at Trent University: the construction of the Morton Owens Lecture Hall in the First Peoples House of Learning at the new Peter Gzowski College, and an endowed scholarship to support a Native Studies graduate student. Located in the First Peoples House of Learning, the new Morton Owens Lecture Hall will include the Nishinaabe name Bgwasendamowin, meaning ‘the art of hoping’. The 135-seat hall is over 2,300 square feet in size and is pre-wired for the adaptation of new projection and computer technology to be used in the delivery of lectures. Included in the gift is $100,000 to establish the Morton Scholarship to be awarded to a deserving student in the Native Studies graduate program. The annual interest from this endowed gift will be matched twice by the Ontario Graduate Scholarship program, creating an annual $15,000 scholarship. Patricia Morton, professor emerita at Trent University, noted: “It is exciting to see that special association of the College with Native Studies, which exemplifies Peter Gzowski’s vision of a Canada enriched by a diversity of peoples and cultures. The establishment of a graduate scholarship in Native Studies also reflects our conviction that, because history has by no means been kind or fair to First Nations peoples, it is important that they be provided with real opportunities and hope. For that reason too, we feel that it is appropriate that the new Lecture Hall’s naming be inclusive of the Nishinaabe word for ‘hope’.” Beth Brown† Peter Canning & Lorraine D’AgincourtCanning* Deborah Caple-Eliesen John & Nancy Casserly* Joanne L. Dereta Mary & Allan Dunn† Stephen B. Ferguson** Maria & Brian Fitzgerald‡‡ Beverly & Ken Fox Catherine A. Gunn** Elizabeth & Ian MacMillan†† Catherine & Jim Montgomery§ Audrey & Russell Moore** Richard A. Prendiville* Malcolm M. Ray Ian Rhind** Roger Orvis & Rena Sherring† John D. Skelton Ross & Shirley Underhill Margaret E. Wilkinson* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 13 HONOUR ROLL David J. Archibald* Brian E. Caddell** Jill M. Cass** Cheryl K. Cowdy† Mary Delaney & Joe Bezubiak** Janet E. Dryden** Jean Graham-Abbott† Jim & Arlene Keon† Catherine & Andy Kryczka‡‡ David B. McDougall Mark R. McLennan† Calvin & Betty Morgan** Eleanor M. Mott Rosemary & William Nash** Kate & Joseph Quinsey** Barry W. Robertson* Avril Rustage-Johnston & Gordon Johnston†† Brian Rusted* Diane E. Scheuneman* Pamela T. Scobie Bill R. Woodlinger Marilyn I. Young† 8 Anonymous donors Class of 1973 CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Jocelyne S. Daw & Robert J. Page†† Kathleen & Raymond March†† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Anne Dawson & Norman Seli** Brian Chenoweth & Suzanne Maranda† Katherine & Graham Cogley‡ Susan F. Collins* Catherine Copp† Robert Duffy** Tony J. Leighton Debra A. Mortimer† Brian O’Toole & Brenda Maracle-O’Toole* Ausma I. Rowberry† Catherine D. Simpson† Patricia & Dundee Staunton** Sharon MacKinnon & Doug Swail** Robert & Pauline Wigg* Jane Wilkinson** HONOUR ROLL Thomas J. Anderson** Patricia Brady† Jim E. Cote* June Creelman & Terry Cheney† Peter G. Elliott* Susan Newman & Rob Fortin* John I. Hatherly* Miriam Kantor* Beth E. Kidd* Andy & Catherine Kryczka‡‡ Thomas B. K. Martin† James & Johanna Sutton† Kirsti M. Walker** Laurel A. Wood* 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1974 ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Mark J. Gentry* Margaret L. Howes† Meredith & Peter Stock* CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Michael & Norma Doran‡ Peter & Barbara Shennett† Martha H. Wilder** ENRICHMENT CLUB Barbara & David Balderston†† Kim D. Benson** June E. Boake† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Mary-Margaret Blue†† John L. Boeckh** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Linda J. McMullen* Jennifer L. Rosebrugh† Saul J. Sherbanuk* ENRICHMENT CLUB Maureen & Dan Baldock * Lorraine D’AgincourtCanning & Peter Canning* Nancy & John Casserly* Susan Cross & John Donihee Bob Doran & Nancy Misener† Jeanette D. Foy** Jamie Haldenby† Michael J. Higgins** John D. T. Hill† Albert Julian & Judy Bernard-Julian* Jacqueline A. Mackey** Duff D. Mackinnon* Brian & Laura McCracken** Des Penalagan & Tui Menzies† Olive M. Nye† Brian & Rhonda Ramsay† Shelagh Scarth & Mark Andrews Doug Swail & Sharon MacKinnon** Mary-Beth & William Wilson Mel & Alexandra McKnight†† Ellen R. Millsap** Peter J. Northrop** Gail E. Palmer Geoffrey & Jocelyn Palmer† Lawrence R. Parkes† John Radu* Katherine D. Sauve† Brent M. Shaw Rita J. Twohey† Nancy & Wally Whitnell** 4 Anonymous donors Class of 1975 CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Andrew M. Stewart† PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Terry & Debra Holland** JulieHD & Basil Johnston† Anne C. McNeely Anastasia Nadeau* Stephen Wallace† ENRICHMENT CIRCLE Jan de Pencier Seaborn† Robert M. Fishlock** Cindy Ellen Morgan & Roy Hagman† Nordra J. Stephen ADVANCEMENT CLUB HONOUR ROLL James W. Burrett Patricia A. Chambers Perry D. Dunmore Carol & Peter Dunn† Heather A. Emery Mark S. Fallis* Rob Fortin & Susan Newman* Gail M. Gerrow†† Joy M. Goodwin-Cooper** Chris M. Herdman Catherine L. Higgins* Dorothy D. Livingston* John E. Ludgate* Kenneth R. MacDonald* Peter Martin* Brian & Jennifer Bedwell Judy Bernard-Julian & Albert Julian* Michael B. Boysen** Elizabeth A. Childers† Allan & Robin Dines** Laura E. Evans** Darrell J. Hartwick† J. Bruce Hurley & Jane O’Donnell* Sabrina Jubenville†† Carol A. Kostashuk** Bev Meyers† Richard O’Donnell** Herb O’Heron & Jennifer Meakin-O’Heron* Rhonda & Brian Ramsay† Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 14 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Fred and Lois Helleiner Seize the Day with Matching Funds W hen the Ontario government set up the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) to match funds donated to universities for financial assistance, the temptation to take up this opportunity was too strong to resist. We have seen, both in our own family circumstances and in our contacts with Trent University students, the benefits that financial assistance can provide to individuals pursuing higher education. With carpe diem as our motto, we contacted Trent University as soon as we heard of that fund, with the intention of assisting in the establishment of a bursary. As Charter Members of the Trent University Legacy Society, we had already arranged a bequest to provide an endowed bursary for a needy African student in the future. Now we saw OSOTF as a vehicle for bringing a different kind of bursary into existence during our lifetimes. Two members of our immediate family were able to complete university degrees on a part-time basis while, of necessity, pursuing full-time (or nearly full-time) employment. In both cases, the degrees led to career changes that would have been impossible to contemplate without some source of funding. One was an elementary school teacher whose further education allowed him to become a university professor. The other was employed in positions that failed to capitalize on his abilities and education, but he is now a high school teacher. It seemed fitting, therefore, for us to assist other individuals in financial difficulty to enter Trent’s new School of Education and Professional Learning as part-time students. We are pleased that OSOTF has made that possible, and look forward to seeing the Frederick and Lois Helleiner Bursary grow to the point where other working individuals can undertake part-time studies in Education at Trent and eventually become teachers. Fred & Lois Helleiner Barbara J. Fallis** R. Paul Fitch† Jill Galloway & Paul Middlebrook* Stephen E. Goleski†† Joan F. Graham** Elvira Holbergs Ian R. Mackay* Kathy & John MacMillanJones†† Scott D. Martin** Deborah A. McGivney Cindy A. Nesbitt* Karen M. Nesbitt** Laurel & Tim Nichols** Sandra & Daniel Orr† Louise E. Oxby de March Jocelyn & Geoffrey Palmer† Nigel & Kathy Roulet** Allan K. Seabrooke* Jeffrey A. Sewell Lillian D. Stewart† Nancy Stockton** Brian & Penny Stripp** Barry & Lynn Thatcher** Deborah A. Usher William H. Walcott Glynis Wilson-Boultbee† 10 Anonymous donors Class of 1976 SPONSOR Jamie & Liz Fleming†† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Shelagh & JonHD Grant§ H. Geoffrey Waterman* PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Denis Desjardins†† Elinor M. Richardson Bruce Scott* Graeme G. Stewart† Mary C. Stinson** Wendy Tadros** Mark & Mariella Vigneux* HONOUR ROLL Norman Albert Betty & Anders Andersen† Carol & Paul Bergin** Barbara C. Binczyk** Dale I. Buelow* Catherine & Carey Challice† Cathy E. Clement† Ted Code** Hilary E. Downie** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Robert J. Shearer† ENRICHMENT CLUB Nancy Austin & Christopher Appleton‡ David & Barbara Balderston†† Robin & Allan Dines** Bill Eisnaugle* David J. Evans* Ann E. Farquharson* Edward J. Green* Kaye & Foster Hanson* Brenda K. Hobbs* Joanne W. Hough** Hilda I. Jolley John Logan & Wanda Ferris* Dean & Donna Mackey† Rod & Janet Matheson** J. J. Paul Mayer** Matthew & Jenny Pearson Derek H. Piper Paul Raven† Aaron & Yvonne Reid** Susan Sample† E. Kim Seward-Hannam† Karen J. Sheppard† Jane E. Starr† Jo E. Tickle Shirley & Ross Underhill Marilyn C. Walen** HONOUR ROLL William & Leigh Arundell‡ Blaine R. Beemer** Lucie & Stephen Bonter Debby S. Buckley* Paul E. Chlebowski* Karen Colins** Jo-Anne Connell Northey Gordon Copp & Elizabeth Sierakowska** Susan & Brian Creighton** William P. Davies* Cindy Fenwick* Luann G. Ford Elliott & Sandra Gunn† Carol A. Hinchey Timothy & Lynn Holland** Lynda D. Hunt* Nicola & John Jennings‡ Norman & Kathryn Kastner†† Robert A. Kidd* Katherine M. Kortright†† Gerald W. Lane* Lise LeBel** Ronald E. MacDonald** Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 15 John & Kathy MacMillanJones†† Leslie E. McCrea* Karen McGroarty Cave & Neil Cave Deborah L. Melnyk* Andrew Milner & Cydnee Hosker** Peter C. Murray† Janet O’Neill-Lynch & Peter Lynch* Daniel & Sandra Orr† Thomas J. Page** John & Alex Peck** Brenda S. Reid Johanna J. Rink** Duncan M. Robertson** Wendy Salmon* Geraldine A. Scanlon† Lorraine A. Veroba† John E. Vickers* Brian Markham & Wanda Wight-Markham** Paul G. Wilson Bryan Wolfe† David Zawadski** 5 Anonymous donors Class of 1977 ASSOCIATE Dan Coholan & Sarah Mills** SPONSOR M. Elizabeth McEllistrum† David McRobert† Lori Pope** M. Ann Sellers Piercy† Matthew & Sherry Walkiewicz** ENRICHMENT CLUB Yolande A. Brown** Diane Burrows & Gregory Bell* Ruth & Jean-Luc Chapdelaine** Michael F. Darlington** Nancy Misener & Bob Doran† Elaine V. Farley† Nancy A. Grant** Catherine Harrison** C. Jean Hennessey** Mary E. Jensen†† Peter Kuo* Wanda Ferris & John Logan* Monica J. MacIsaac** Jill D. Max* C. Douglas Morison Jill Okum & Gord Harris† Brenda Maracle-O’Toole & Brian O’Toole* Susan Reid-Kulpaka†† Monica A. Sells Rena Sherring & Roger Orvis† Marylou Smith-LeCoz** Judith A. Watson** Jamie & Liz Fleming†† HONOUR ROLL PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Debra & Terry Holland** Les J. Pioch** ADVANCEMENT Janice M. Brown†† Steven J. Cockburn* Charles J. Cook** Gregory B. Crocker* David & Suzanne Dunford‡ Barbara Dyce* Joanne M. Heffernan† Cynthia A. Loveman** Gail A. Andersen* William and Leigh Arundell‡ Melody D. Austin-Wood* Eric G. Bennett† Arlene L. Brannan†† Cheryl & Michael Brydges** Vivian E. Burnett** Christine Cottingham* Jennifer Crews & Lee Cowley** Liz Currie† Vincent & Marylou Dainard* Barbara & Pietro de Bastiani†† Maxine L. Dine** Jeffrey B. Ferguson Katharine S. FrameAdshead† Scott & Sheri Grandin** Bill Harvey* Randy Heasman* Michael & Carolyn Hempstead†† Douglas E. Holmes** Norm & Kathryn Kastner†† Joan & Robert Kennedy** Karen Kerr-Kennedy & Robert Kennedy† Barbara J. Kettle** Joan & John Kooger Ingrid Langhorst* Timothy Latter* Christine A. LodgeBelford† Sharon MacDuff & Larry McQuaid** Jacque & Barbara Malfait† Inez M. Maloney* Greg & Diane Mather** Kathy McCoy-O’Neill** Gail L. McKeown** Krista & David Miller** Wayne D. Milroy** Paul & Cathy Mitchell** Philip & Diane Murtha†† Michael Orenstein† Cyndie Paul-Girdwood & Todd Girdwood** Paul Schliesmann & Tracy Plunkett** Sheila A. Ritter** Kathy & Nigel Roulet** Brian H. Russell† John C. Stevenson Katie M. Van Alphen** Judith A. Van Bastelaar* Stephanie Vorstermans** Irit Weiser Wanda Wight-Markham & Brian Markham** 4 Anonymous donors Class of 1978 SCHOLAR’S GROUP Winston H. Meyer† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY John J. Henry† David & Kim Sackett Karen Sisson & Bruce Fitzpatrick** PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Peter F. Hamilton** Doreen & Paul Healy† ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Ronald P. Christie* Steve Everson & Tammy Higgins* David E. Hamilton* Richard A. Onley* Karla S. Skoutajan†† ENRICHMENT CLUB David & Janet Armstrong* Kathleen & Glen Easson† Inga Hoog** Steve Huff** Robert D. McKenna* Beth & Stuart McMaster†† Christopher J. Millier** Jennifer Meakin-O’Heron & Herb O’Heron* Jennifer R. Parry* Melissa Peabody Linda B. Putz* Laureen A. Rama Grant Richmond & Caryl MacKenzie-Richmond** Anita R. Rosenfeld† Karen & Norman Vandenberg** Mariella & Mark Vigneux* Suzanne J. Webster* Thomas & Janice White** HONOUR ROLL Terry D. Barlow Mark Batten* Alison R. Baxter Rimantas & Dorothy Cepas* Madelyn C. Cochrane† Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 16 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Odette Dantzer** Maureen G. Dingman** Mike J. Dixon David M. Dyment** Tanna & Joe Edwards† Rae B. Fleming† Betty J. Giles** Kit & Dianne Greaves* Steven & Roberta Hardill* Cauline J. Harris* Gail B. Hicks† Brian P. Holland* Robert & Lynn Jacklin* James Kamstra† Leslie J. Kemp** Nancy J. Kiefer†† Elaine Lamond† Blair K. Larock Dana M. Leshchyshyn* Linda J. Linton** Judy D. Lugg** Keith J. MacDonald* Tom W. Malloy** Gary L. McConnell** Glenn W. McCurdy Frank W. Moffat† Diane & Philip Murtha†† Bart K. Ristow Hayley E. Sears† Laura Spencer & David Booth† T. Jane Spencer** Bruce G. Stephen* Vicki S. Stewart** Debbie & Tony Walsh* 8 Anonymous donors Class of 1979 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Heather Avery & Kenneth Yates† Scott K. Carmichael* Anne T. Roberts** Robert A. Wright ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Angie Asadoorian & Ian MacDonald† Sam Billich* Catherine S. Fooks** William Mills & Patricia Rooney Lawrence Theall & Janet Haslett-Theall** John A. West† ENRICHMENT CLUB Lindsay & Tony Blackner** Elizabeth A. Burbidge** John W. Campbell* Scott Cuthbertson** James & Debbie Glynn* Mark Wensley & Kim HartWensley* Wayne A. Hockney† Bonnie H. MacKinnon† Anne C. Marler-Axelson* James Allum & Susan McMurrich* Andrea C. Mitchell** Kevin R. Ogilvie & Penelope Sutcliffe† Diane J. Price** Yvonne & Aaron Reid** Margo Shaw & Robert Young** Joe Van Ryn & Nora Sheffe Peter Vanderley** Janice & Thomas White** John & Ellie Horgan* Liz & Don Hutcheson† Jennifer J. Kirkey** Maile Loweth Reeves** Linda F. Luciani† Brian & Deborah MacDonald† Vicki McCulloch** David & Linda McKague† Harold A. McKee* Marlisa A. Mercer* Anne Muldoon* Helen A. O’Reilly-Brennan* Wanda O. Percival* Tracy Plunkett & Paul Schliesmann** Heather Scott Thomas & Alan Thomas† Diana M. Sonego* Eduarda Sousa* Shelley & Edward Sullivan** Catherine J. Van Volkenburg** Cynthia & James Walker* 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1980 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Amanda & Scott Sinclair†† HONOUR ROLL Jacques & Carol Beland* Amanda J. Brady** Lee-Anne Broadhead* Monique R. Charron** Bob Childs Patricia Dixon* Marion E. Dove† Robert B. Eberts Marilou & Philip Eva* Patricia Forward & Rudy Massimo* Anne Francis** Russ Gilbride Rebecca & Mark Girdler** Sandra & Elliott Gunn† Roberta & Steven Hardill* Linda Hatfield & Richard Smith† Patricia D. Heymann* Norah M. Hillary† Donna M. Hollands-Hurst* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Jane A. Finlay† Wanda Harssema** Toby Lennox & Diana Hilton†† Paul J. Moore† Malcolm A. Stewart** ENRICHMENT CLUB Wally & Karen Burns* Murray Campbell & Andrea Fields* Douglas B. Chaddock* Lisa Charters* Marie E. Cook† Maureen Delaney & Brent Baiden† Peter A. Dilworth Alan Harman** Kim Hart-Wensley & Mark Wensley* Shelley A. Insley** Joy C. Kirkwood Greg Libitz** Ralph & Claudette Lindsey†† Mary Elizabeth Luka† Suzanne R. Morton** Daniel L. Phannenhour** Eve-Ann & Brian Reid** Caryl MacKenzieRichmond & Grant Richmond** Clive D. Roane** Kat Ross-Johnston** Manal Stamboulie Norman & Karen Vandenberg** Belinda L. Wilson* Lorie A. Windrem** William R. Witzell HONOUR ROLL Joanne Adams Simpson† Robert & Diane Archer** Maureen A. Callan* Christine Chappell** Moira C. Davidson** Custodio G. Fernandes** Jane Foster† Sandra L. Giles Byrne** Nicole M. Hallett** Lee & Premysl Hamr* Margaret & Bernard Harvey* Ian M. Johnson† Evelyn O. Kennedy† Steve & Kelly King* Glenn & Donna LeClair* Sherri L. Luff* Margaret M. MacMillan* John P. Martyn* David M. Mathers† Lynda A. Meyer* Ruth Moore Christine G. Must Andrew J. Nelson† Brent & Carla Noel* Anne C. O’Sullivan* Dave Quinn Brenda Ross Cosens & Scott Cosens* Brenda Stewart** Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 17 Jaymes C. Winch** Janice G. Woolley* Danica L. Wunder* 8 Anonymous donors Class of 1981 COLLEAGUE Victoria J. Ross PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Teresa & John Haslip* Norman Seli & Anne Dawson** ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Anne L. Parsons** ENRICHMENT CLUB Nancy E. Beal* Tamara J. Brickman* Catherine & Alan Brunger† Leah & R.G. Curtis Judy Goucher** Shirley Hamm & John Robertson† David Hill Stephen & Lori Jarvis** Norma L. Large† Carol & David Lever† Bonnie L. McCool† Krista McCreary Penney & Brian Penney** Mary Lynn Merklinger** Linda Nelson & James Nelson† Gregory S. Purmal† Jennifer & David Stevenson** Joanne E. Thomsen* Mike Warcholak* Mary-Jean Wason** Robert & Carol Weese* Paul Wilson & Gwen Mannings* HONOUR ROLL Roberta J. Allely** David & Jennifer Balfour* John R. Bingham** Barbara & Stephen Cogan* Maureen J. Couvrette† Patricia A. Dickson* David & Marjory Eng** Diane M. Frumau Deanna Grassinger* Leslie L. Gutsole-Floyd** Joanna & Stewart Hamilton Michael & Karen Haxton Clareleen A. Ivany** Robert E. Lamb** Peter & Lorelei Lapp Heather MacLeod** Alison E. McNeil* Kaja L. Narveson Margaret M. Neuroth Andrew & Phyllis Petriw J. Bruce Pollard Susan M. Ramey† Kathryn J. Ranstead** Andre C. Siegel† Edward & Shelley Sullivan** Jacqueline D. Valcour* 8 Anonymous donors Class of 1982 ENRICHMENT CLUB SPONSOR Mary Crawford** PARTNER Gayle & Jack Nelson† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Michael Cullen & Lisbeth Shaw-Cullen* PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Kenneth Yates & Heather Avery† James M. Bell* John & Teresa Haslip* David G. McClenahan* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Ray D. Dart* Shawn O’Connor & Jane Parr Alan Barber & Jennifer Tiberio* Vildan Bekbay** Sheila Riordan & Sean Boushel** Katryn Y. de Salaberry Peter T. Doran Sherri N. Graham Grant Hogg & Penelope Hare** Donna M. Keon** Pippa Lawson & Lawrence Purdy* David Wigg & Martha MacLeod Stephanie & Peter Martin† Susan Mott & Roland Coulombe* Adam D. Peer** Bentley & Betty Roodhart†† The Chemical Sciences Building Receives a Generous Donation from Dr. Larry Seeley T rent University is pleased to announce that a generous donation of $300,000 from Dr. Larry E. Seeley of Lakefield will fund the construction of the Larry E. Seeley Computational Chemistry Laboratory. The laboratory, located in the new Chemical Sciences Building, will allow students to visualize many aspects of modern chemistry. Molecular vibrations and geometrics, atomic shapes, protein structures, as well as mathematical functions that represent important chemical phenomena, can all be brought to life with the computerbased tools in the laboratory. The facility will place chemistry education at Trent on the cutting edge of pedagogy, offering students the opportunity to develop an understanding of important chemical concepts in a manner that was impossible before the advent of modern computing. The laboratory measures 450 square feet with workstations to accommodate 12 students and an instructor. The Larry E. Seeley Computation Chemistry Laboratory is also home to “Sirmilik Hoodoos Panorama”, a photograph taken by Dr. Roberta Bondar in Sirmilik National Park in Nunavut. Dr. Bondar donated the photograph to Trent University at the time of her installation as Chancellor. Dr. Seeley, Honorary Board of Governors member and former President and CEO of Lakefield Research Ltd., notes: “I’m pleased to be able to provide Trent with funding for this important initiative. From a business standpoint, we find that Trent graduates are very articulate and discuss ideas with insight and depth. That seems to be a result of the discussions they’ve had during their education at Trent, which exposes them to different points of view and independent thought. We employ many from Trent’s science programs and are impressed with the depth of their knowledge, including an understanding of the impact science has on society now and will have in the future.” Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 18 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Meredith E. Soper* David & Jennifer Stevenson** HONOUR ROLL Suzanne E. Abray† M. Kathryn Theresa Andrews-Clay† Jennifer & David Balfour* Dale R. Bolton** Robert Douglas & Lisa Brown Dorothy & Rimantas Cepas* Suzanne Y. Clement** Martha Corker** Brian R. Day** Laura D. Dempsey** Donald J. Eastop** Laurie M. Forsyth* Robert J. Forsyth* Helen C. Gibb-Gavel & Ross Gavel* Janet & Chris MacPhee† Susan J. McMurray** Betty & Angus Milne* Valerie Mutton** Thomas Milburn & Tania Pattison* Roxanne Plucinsky* Lisa A. Roach† David G. Robertson** David R. Sharp Nancy & Daniel Sharpe† Betty-Anne Shewchuk** Catherine A. Shields** Leisa C. Sieber** Claire Tkaczuk & Thomas Henry* R. Lane & Moira Vance 10 Anonymous donors Class of 1983 SCHOLAR’S GROUP Philip A. Playfair† CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Francois Lecavalier** Lisbeth Shaw-Cullen & Michael Cullen* PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Margaret M. AlkemadeBangia** Kathryn Moore Brown & Robert Brown* Doug N. Wells ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Albert E. Bolter* Peter A. Cornish* John D. Milligan* ENRICHMENT CLUB Mary Ann Armstrong** Penelope C. Bacsfalvi Sean Boushel & Sheila Riordan** Andrea Fields & Murray Campbell* Celia A. Dyer* Paul G. Gemmiti† James C. Hodgson Mark A. Jones† Mike Leishman* Shelley L. McNeil* Louis Melizan* Anthony B. Peterson** Lynn M. Robertson** Betty & Bently Roodhart†† Heather L. Stein Andrew Taws** Robert O. Trestan** Susan Wurtele & Erik Hanson* Anne Grant Ruth Heaven & Christopher Mildon* William S. Kawzenuk** Paul E. Lampman & Heather Skublics Lampman** Sherri MacCallum & Robert Taylor** Marlene E. Mainland** Kenneth & Betty Maley† Albert Malig & Siew Koh Jeffrey A. Manney* Clair McCalden* Eileen McGillicuddy* Julie D. McGillis* Cathy McKeown Andrew D. Neale* Anne M. Normand* Catharine E. Parry** Carolyn A. Powles Mary Rada** Marie-Helene Rony-Villa* Stephen & Jeanne Stanlick† Moira & R. Lane Vance Victor Vathy** Linda M. Walker** Mary R. Wilson* Jennifer L. Winters* 7 Anonymous donors Class of 1984 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE HONOUR ROLL Gordon C. Balch Ralph A. Bamsey† David G. Burwell** Paul A. Cannon** Brigitte Chabot* Laurie A. Corrigan* Byron H. Daues* Charlotte A. Davey** John C. Dawson** R. Scott & Heidi Dickie Diane L. Doris* Tom B. Eastland* Jacqueline M. Fex Sonya S. Fischer** James Ganley & Jillian Napier* Bill Oldman† ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Michael J. Conner* Gillian C. Hamilton** ENRICHMENT CLUB Kenzu Abdella Jennifer Tiberio & Alan Barber* Susan E. Campbell** Mark J. Gardiner* Randy and Tracey Goodwin** Ian Johns* C. Claudette & Ralph Lindsey†† John & Mary McGee* Terry & Shauna Moodie† Jack M. Mullin* Dean & Tina Ostrander† Larry A. Sine* Darren Smith & Sherry Thaxter-Smith* HONOUR ROLL Sylvia Abonyi & Ian Roach Valerie Y. Alfred* Annette & Pepe Bakshi* Lisa Brown & Scott Douglas Brenda A. Burton* Doreen N. Calvin** Lisa & Ross Cossar** Heidi & R. Scott Dickie Vicki R. Fiander** Melanie J. Fontaine* Shelley G. Garland Peter Gray & Anne Hogaboam-Gray James & Julie Harmsworth** Blake E. Harris** Christine R. Hatfield** Kimberley Huestis & Ralph Tetzlaff* Pamela Johnston Hornby & Mike Hornby** Zedna M. KellyFerdinand** Crystal Kenney & Gary Harris Jamie Lawson* Margaret Letwin** Shelley J. Lewis* Tony & Jane Lynn* Susan Jane Mackinnon** Betty & Kenneth Maley† Diane & Greg Mather** Christian H. Mitchell James W. Montgomery** Michele & Tim Nicholls Tania Pattison & Thomas Milburn* Shirley M. Penner** Jaro Rimes** Melissa L. Rose* Ann & Blake Seward* Bruce D. Skeaff Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 19 Paul A. Smith* Kelvin S. Soh* Leo R. Spence* Janet L. Stucken** Brian A. Sweny Liane E. Tackaberry Anne E. Vogan** Peter R. Walling** Carol M. Waters Mark D. Webster Ruth C. Wilkins* Elizabeth A. Wilson† Gert Zagler* Sonia G. Zanini-Hamilton* 10 Anonymous donors Class of 1985 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Karen M. Puckrin* Andy & Liz Rodford ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Darren & Clarissa Huston† John P. Nolan* ENRICHMENT CLUB Thomas & Grace Bennett Mike J. Cooper Luc M. Frappier* Randy & Tracey Goodwin** Jeff Hartman* Lisa & Michael Hodge* Penny Hare & Grant Hogg** Martha MacLeod & David Wigg Peter & Stephanie Martin† Bill Martyniuk* Shauna & Terry Moodie† James & Linda Nelson† Kenton D. Otterbein* Nick & Marion Pora** Cura & Greg Rapier** Michelle J. Wehrle** Steve M. Winder* Rob J. Buchanan* Jacquelyn & Greg Burton* Sarah L. Butler Wendy L. Carson* Susan B. Chamberlain* Trevor H. Chambers Lisa M. Cook Julie & Nick Del Monte** Kim & Barry Driscoll* Andrew & Karen Dunn Dave Foley Christopher A. Gray** Catherine Greene* Hugh J. Hillman* C. Scott Lee* Peter & Lisa Lowry** Cindy MacLean* Corinne J. MacNab** Andrea Matrosovs* Jennifer A. McElgunn** Ross A. McLeod* John J. McNamara** Carol R. Nicholson* Alan Nunn** Linda & David Porter* Lisa Price & John Linders** Nick Reitsma** Kathy & Graeme Ross* Robert G. Seemann** Heather Stevenson* Dawna Tydd Betty Ann L. Wichers** Alison P. Wood* 5 Anonymous donors Class of 1986 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Martin R. Boyne† Deborah L. McWhinney* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Deanna E. Bidwell Stephen E. Brown* Clarissa & Darren Huston† Dawn A. McAlpine** Dawna Van Veld** HONOUR ROLL ENRICHMENT CLUB A. Drew Berketo* Catherine A. Brown* Lynne & Brian Angus* Grace & Tom Bennett Gillian Campbell & Brian Torrie Jill Clark & Michael Johnny* Lynne Coggan** Shirley Hunt & Dave Crammer** Adam White & Stephanie Huntjens-White† Peter Jones & Caroline Lidstone-Jones* Colin & Galina Kusano** Patrick Lam* Anne M. Lewars** Aileen U. McIntosh** Katherine E. McKenna* Holly Meyer & Brent Ball* Heiko L. Peters** David Prime & Lorna Nowicki-Prime* Alison L. Van Rooy Maranda J. Wells* Gwen Mannings & Paul Wilson* Alison MacLeod* James H. O’Grady Patti & Paul Paterson* Bradley C. Paton* Alicia L. Pleasence* Richard A. Prentice** Richard & Cindy Rogers* Graeme & Kathy Ross* Berenice A. Sangwin** Christopher A. Scott William Shaw Eric T. Smigielski** Teri D. Strain Neil C. Thomsen** Douglas R. van Hemessen* Kathryn M. Vandervennen* Carolyn Viney* Sally Watt & Kevin Bowers Emily & Robert Willis 5 Anonymous donors HONOUR ROLL CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Juanita K. Berkhout* Aspassia Bouzinelos** Kelly Bright-Campbell & Grant Campbell** James M. Brown** Stephen C. Burkholder* Eleanor L. Davis** Clare F. Dillon** Robert W. Dippell* Barry & Kim Driscoll* C. Anne Ferguson MacDonald** Theresa M. Fitzgerald & Bill Graves Grant & Tara Gilchrist* Kristen A. GlenisterRosen** Diane & David Graham Louise E. Gravelle Paul D. Halliday Richard S. Happerger Julie & James Harmsworth** Sean E. Horrall* Eileen Hurley & Andy Warren Joanna M. Lanning* Rod Cumming** Brent R. Norrey** Class of 1987 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Michael Jakob* Andy & Liz Rodford ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Donald & Margaret Fleming** Deborah L. Gelderland* Doug & Julie Stoakley Elisabeth Sura-Brownlie* ENRICHMENT CLUB Lisa D. Barty* Alphy Bender** Libby Dalrymple* Jennifer L. Derksen* Rob Docherty* Erica J. Donaldson* Andrew Eamer & Heather Jordan* Brenda M. Farwell* Jordon & Evangeline Froese* Sally A. Ginter** Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 20 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Andrew C. Hamilton* Kim A. Holmes Cathy Hunnisett Stephanie A. HuntjensWhite & Adam White† Jill Clark & Michael Johnny* Peter Kalhok & Cynthia Jones-Kalhok* Rick Lorenz* Patti E. Lutz* Mikelle E. Meaden† Margaret R. Morewood M. Fran O’Hara* Lorna Nowicki-Prime & David Prime* Scott & Jennifer Taylor** Frank M. Wilhelm* Freda Yako-Malott & Richard Mallott HONOUR ROLL Jackie Auld* Frank & Christine Balogh* Christine M. Bittner* Christine M. Cathro Mark N. Cole* Joanne M. Crowley* Marg & Lorne Edmonds Jenny L. Ernsthausem Blair C. Fraser* Tara & Grant Gilchrist* Marc G. Hahn** Julie J. Hepner Andy Warren and Eileen Hurley Jamie Irvine* Kerri L. Jobe* Lisa Johnson Gardiner & Andrew Gardiner* Jean M. Jones** Jacqueline Laurie** Tammy L. LawrenceCymbalisty* Sarah E. Leahy Michele N. Marshall* Jennifer C. McCague Paula D. McDaniel** Kerry L. McDonald* Lee C. Mixon** Tracey E. Particka* Sandra E. Pluim-Siefert* Linda A. Quinn** Carol E. Rand Lynn S. Ross Steve W. Schofield Charlene M. Shepherd** Tami R. Simkins** Christine L. Teeple* Blair P. Tremblay** Susan C. Underhill Sue J. Watson Kevin Bowers & Sally Watt Chris & Stephanie Winstanley* 7 Anonymous donors Class of 1988 CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Yvette Scrivener & Allan Barnfield** Michael G. Stewart* PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Stewart R. Wheeler* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Russell A. Desjardins Rowena M. Dunlop** Steve Fraser* Chris Scullion* ENRICHMENT CLUB Benjamin Bradshaw & Anna Lisa Brewer† Patti L. Burgess* Shannon M. Chace-Hall* Paul Arkell & Lee-Anne Cunningham-Arkell** Molly B. Eddington* Nancy M. Graydon* Michael & Lisa Hodge* Jennifer L. Jones Sean P. Linton Catherine E. McNamara* Catherine J. Milne* Mindy G. Willett** Grant Campbell & Kelly Bright-Campbell** Heidi L. Buchegger* Amanda L. Cavannah Cristin D. Charbonneau* Stefanie J. Cole Elaine & Alan Demaline** Nancy A. Eaton* Stephen J. Gamble** Kathy & John Hadwen** Heather L. Hilker** Linda J. Humphries** Lynn & Robert Jacklin* Chris Jamieson* Diane M. Janisse* Derek & Claire Klein Joe & Lori Lamoureux* Randy Liebscher & Colleen Finn** E. Michael Limerick* Janice S. Linton* Ian D. McDonald Karen R. McKinstry* Barbara M. Prevedello Andrew J. Promaine* Patricia L. Rempel* Jane Rennie Trudy J. Rudolph Jill I. Shearer** Sharon A. Slaughter* Brenda E. Smith Patricia A. Smith** Denyse C. Stringer* Gregory & Leanne Sullivan** Deanna Toews & Chris Clark† C. Shawn Tracy** David Underdown* B. Leann Wallace** Laura L. Woodill* Bill & Dana Yates** 2 Anonymous donors Class of 1989 ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE HONOUR ROLL Mike & Sara Adamson* Christine & Frank Balogh* Leesa L. Beauregard Harmony & Gary Aitken†† Tammy Higgins & Steve Everson* Karin M. MacLeod* Karen E. Mulvihill** ENRICHMENT CLUB Rosemary & Stephen Barry* Janice A. Cunning* Lee-Anne CunninghamArkell & Paul Arkell** Peter Czerny & Pippa Beck* Sharon N. Doherty* Glen & Kathleen Easson† K. Sarah Frame Kimberly L. Kasperski* Kimberly A. Keskinen** Jarret & Cindy McCaw* Kristina D. McPhail* Julie J. Morris** A. Colin Morton Marisha L. Plotnik* Patricia Rutherford & Michael Mercier* David R. Warda Jennifer & William Wood HONOUR ROLL Scott M. Anderson* Jane & Geoffrey Bainton** Mairi K. Bew Susan I. Boudreau-Hartwell Leanne L. Carlson* Kateri S. Clark* Paul T. Cleaver* Patricia A. Cota** Rosaria Depalma* Anne Flynn** Pamela J. Ford* Suzanne M. France* Virginia Gaffney* Philip J. Graham John & Kathy Hadwen** Jeff Hennessy Wanda Knowlton & Mark Irvine** Sherry Johnson & Timothy Lee Barry C. Kelly** Susan King & Robert Gilchrist* Susan M. Koster Lisa D. Kucman* Jeff & Sandra Lynch** John A. O’Rourke* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 21 First-Time Donors Make A Difference We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all gifts to the University. However, we would especially like to thank first-time donors. Making your first gift means that you have decided to make Trent a part of your philanthropic giving plan. Continued annual support from all our alumni and friends is an essential part of Trent’s success. Thank you for investing in quality education. Your gifts do make a difference. Rod Cumming ‘87 & Maureen Brand ’89 Co-presidents, Trent University Alumni Association Nancy A. Orr* Robin L. Patterson* Jenn Patton* Joyce E. Peachey Colleen M. Sheridan* Joe Sholtes Janice E. Silverthorne* David & Dana Snedden** Morris Timanoff** Cari Trautrimas Richard Vissers & Rhonda Mills-Vissers Alison & Mark Wilkins Jennifer B. Woodman* Dana & Bill Yates** 5 Anonymous donors Class of 1990 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Kevin M. Mullins* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Saskia T. Ramsay* ENRICHMENT CLUB Heather A. Bolton Horn Anna-Lisa Brewer & Benjamin Bradshaw† Natalie Coulter & Troy Hammond* Pippa Beck & Peter Czerny** Kelly & Dante Ferrari Grace Kim-Ma & Rod Ma* Jennifer MacInnis Joseph Maurice L. Corinne Newhouse** Gail & Jim Pratt* Eva K. Reti* Mike Sherman Andrew E. Thompson* W. Barclay Walker* Thomas Wassaykeesic Melanie S. Watt Derek Teevan & Saga Williams** HONOUR ROLL Lisa & Tyler Bailey* Sarah L. Barclay-Thomas* Jon & Sharon Berghout** Joanne R. Boonstra Kristina A. Brics* Kevin Brown* Elizabeth M. Burrill* Mike Carr* Terry & Renee Chambers Karen P. Chrus* Susan & Wade Clarke* Merle W. Davis** Tessa de Souza Pamela Dew* Laura L. Doucette* Katharine Enns* Dean C. Girard Jennifer & Thom Goodspeed Lorena J. Haley-Twiss* Margaret & Robert Hall* Siobhan J. Hill Carol A. Hobden* Catherine Hughes* Tracey R. Keffer-Lyon Todd J. Knight Rob MacGuire* Meredith E. Mantle* Victoria V. McWilliams* Paul & Marnie Milando* Rhonda L. Mills-Vissers Rebecca & Donald Murphy Dixie D. Pallett-Firth* Laura T. Pangman* Krista M. Payette Robin L. Pereira* Shelley A. Pinder Suzanne E. Poirier* John J. Potwarka Heather A. Richards Mary Ritter & Matt Bolin Carol & Dennis Sakamoto Andrea L. Schultz-Allison* D. Dawn Sherk** J. Paul Shosenberg** Deborah R. Timperio* Antonio A. Vaccarella* Kevin D. Van Raalte* Janice Y. Villeneuve Katherine Keppel-Jones & John Whall* David A. Whatley* Kathryn L. Wood 11 Anonymous donors Class of 1991 CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Allan Barnfield & Yvette Scrivener** Donal J. Doyle PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Georgina A. Galloway* Andy & Karen Rorabeck* ENRICHMENT CLUB Dayna L. Bradley William & Leonora Dodge* Catherine Dunn-Stadtegger* Derek A. Hall Johna Hupfield & Isaac Crafts** Melissa Law & James Nesbitt* Trevor P. LeDrew* Andrew & Michelle McCorkell* Rebecca L. Mills* Stefani N. Pelowich* Susan Rhee-Schofield & Phil Schofield* Frances Wilbur & John Smith Saga Williams & Derek Teevan** HONOUR ROLL Christa Armstrong Chris & Charlene Bates Tammy L. Beck* Joseph Bettencourt Nicola A. Bill Natalie M. Boyde Jeff Chuchman & Deborah O’Donnell* Catherine M. Crinnion** Lynn R. Crowe* Julie C. Cryer Jeff Churchman & Deborah O’Donell Gerry Danylyshyn & Carolyn Oster* Heather A. Earle Jennifer N. Edwards Julie N. Forsbrey & Richard Achtermeier* Joelle E. Hubner-McLean* Mark A. Jensen* Norman R. Kearney* Cheryl D. Kelly* Mary Leigh Kenopic & Peter Elliott Claire & Derek Klein Sarah Knox & Pete Gaffney Melody & Marc Le Moine* Melissa A. McEwen Sherri-Lynn Millson* Denise & Stephen Robinson Stefan R. Romberg* Jane E. Scanlan-Price* Shannon M. SelkirkFerrier* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 22 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Phillips, Hager & North and Trent University A new partnership between Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management Ltd. and Trent University is helping Trent nurture an integrated community where students learn from a variety of disciplines and the collaborative exchange of ideas. Through a generous donation by Phillips, Hager & North, the Case Study Room in the Enweying building of the new Peter Gzowski College has been named the PH&N Case Study Room. Since its founding in 1964, Phillips, Hager & North has actively promoted higher education. As a leading provider of investment management services, it is the company’s belief that future social development and business growth will depend on a pool of highly trained university graduates with the ability to think critically – exactly the type of training students receive at Trent. Trent University is pleased to recognize Phillips, Hager & North for their generous support. Tracy Slater & Brian Morassuti Dana & David Snedden** Lisa L. Stephenson* Rob Stewart Cheryl A. Swackhammer Kathleen E. Tonkin Barbara J. Von Criegern* Laura L. Walton* Lori J. Ward John Whall & Katherine Keppel-Jones* Wayne P. Williams* 3 Anonymous donors Class of 1992 PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Karen & Andy Rorabeck* ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE W. F. Rick Howson ENRICHMENT CLUB Tammy L. Butchart* Fiona A. Docherty* Sandra L. Earl* James Kiang* Cynthia B. Kuehl* Jason G. Neville* Diane & Kevin Parry Sylvie Ratte* Damian J. Rogers* Liz Scanlon & Eli Fellman* John Smith & Frances Wilbur HONOUR ROLL Tracey & Robert Armstrong* Matthew R. Bender Jessica E. Black Steve Blackburn Diane P. Collette Laura & Mark Daniels Meredith L. Davis Stacey L. Demaine* Uwaya D. Erdmann Jody D. Felske Scott & Kim Field Pauline & William French** Walter A. Gaetan Tanya N. Gamble Brent G. Gleibs* Laura S. Goltz* Tamara L. Gomer* Jeff Horvath Mark Irvine & Wanda Knowlton** Lesley A. Laing Melanie & Christopher Lee Shari D. Lee* Andrea S. Lucyk* Justine S. Mackellar Timothy R. Maracle* Catharine & Rich Marchand* Kevin D. McClintock Lisa McDonald & Peter Stevens* Steven B. Millar* Heather A. Murray Jennifer A. Nicholas* Natascha D. O’Brien Deborah O’Donnell & Jeff Chuchman* Diana Petre Melissa A. Ringler Linda A. Ross* Jason A. Sharp Karen & Bryon Stoyles* Jamie Switzer Gordon Tate & Rebecca Stone Mairi Thomson Rachel L. Valliere Wendy A. Woollven* R. Nancy Zomer* 8 Anonymous donors Class of 1993 CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Barbara & Peter Shennett† ENRICHMENT CLUB Hilary Beardsell & Stephen Harrington Darcy & Patty Bell Theresa A. Bickle* Brian D. Bunyan Scott T. Campbell Mark J. Duffy Justin Foxcroft Maggie Julian* Kevin J. Lasenby* Caleb R. Smith Beatrice L. Winny* HONOUR ROLL Jane E. Angelo Mark & Barbara Avery* Odie Bochan Shannon & David Bothof Charles & Joy Creese* Annie Crombie Denis Dalton & Danielle Meuleman* Suzanne L. Desormeaux Judith A. Dixon* Fanny L. Dolansky Derrick Evans & Anita Cardona Kim & Scott Field Neil J. Goedhuis Bert & Lisa Grant* Stella Partheniou-Grasso & Ross Grasso Jen N. Heal* Jen Kilcullen-Kooy & Daniel Kooy* Wendy J. Lowe Tara C. MacDonald Peter Stevens & Lisa McDonald* Heather J. Myrvold Daron G. Owen* Sandra M. Parker* Jodi L. Pescott Jennifer C. Scaife Cam Schilling Stephanie J. Scott Sarah M. Strangway Jason T. Surgent Robert P. Woodland* 5 Anonymous donors Class of 1994 ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Patrick Brown & Beth Ann Yarzab* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 23 ENRICHMENT CLUB Jenn Alexander Jim Andrews Patty & Darcy Bell Jason Dasovich & Karen Skelding Rhian Evans & Rob Voyer Katie A. Feltmate* Sandra E. Fuller Sarah A. Gooderham Geoff P. Guch Paul & Cindy Hargreaves Sheryl Hibbins Jennifer L. Holliday Jacqueline M. Jeffers* Bridget A. Molloy Rebecca Rabinovitch Colleen J. Robinson Jake Rubin Mark Sonnbichler* David R. Weightman HONOUR ROLL Kaia Ambrose Steph Berg-Oliverio Stephanie J. Branchflower Andrea D. Buttars Keevin Carter Adam Chapnick & Erica Berman* Melissa C. Cooper Joy & Charles Creese* Oliver Curran Nathan Radke & Mary Dunn Sara & Jeffrey Eddy Heather R. Gallian* Sarita Gautam-Elliott & Jeremy Elliott Angela M. Goodeve Lisa & Bert Grant* Bonnie L. Henson Michael J. Holy Sheri Jones & Michael Lloyd* David Kelly & Kelly O’Farrell* Albert Kim* Karrie & Tom Kirton Sara A. Lake Sophie Leger Jason MacNevin & Tanya Quaestor Chris D. Mahy Vishal Malhotra Karen E. Marks Ambrose M. Moran* Phil Nivet Sherry D. Rooth Christie Schryburt Kim & Mark Soth Richard E. Southern Mark Stanley & Jaya Aronnilakkara John & Holly Stardom* Jenn & Chris Stein Jen Stephen Jane Thompson & John Feaster Scott D. Tomlinson Sarah M. Verbruggen Katy K. Wright 4 Anonymous donors Class of 1995 Rhonda L. McGuire Natalie & Chad Norbraten Maria de Lurdes Pinto Tanya N. Raabe Jennifer E. Raffin Gretchen S. Rosenberger Susan E. Shelley Holly & John Stardom* Rebekah A. Symons Ainsley S. Walton Mark B. Westen Kristina & Wade Wilson Kara M. Young 2 Anonymous donors Class of 1996 ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Beth Ann Yarzab & Patrick Brown* ENRICHMENT CLUB Jennifer L. Davidson ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE HONOUR ROLL Andrea S. Michelutti Derek A. Abrams Kimberly A. Allaire Sarah E. Archer Stephanie L. Bartsch Jason Belanger & Katrina Kinnear Kyle Davey & Carolyn Black Anna L. Boire Joni A. Brunton Sara E. Chase Sarah Di Cresce & Joshua Dockstator Derek J. Frew John Goheen & Erin McFaul Ben Korczynski Angela G. McConnell Jamie Mitchell Jordan N. Nichols Brandy J. Patterson Tanya M. Quaestor & Jason MacNevin Kiran Sah Barry R. van Dompseler Marc J. Visconti ENRICHMENT CLUB Greg D. Daye Cindy & Paul Hargreaves HONOUR ROLL Kelly L. Amo Simon E. Boyce Krista L. Buckley Leslee D. Bulgin Aaron P. Coholan Mary Dunn & Nathan Radke Margaret B. Even Rob Geary* Ross Grasso & Stella Partheniou-Grasso Matthew G. Hagman Amelia S. Halleran Martha E. Harp-McMurray Jenn Jacques Leslie J. Lue Sherry Macdonald & Kevin Macdonald* Mauro M. Manzon Dave C. Wallbridge* Jeffery D. Young 2 Anonymous donors Class of 1997 ENRICHMENT CLUB Heath & Katherine Sterling HONOUR ROLL Jill E. Alexander Jenn L. Bell Carolyn Black & Kyle Davey Julie A. Bonello Leanne D. Brazier Adie L. Brown Amy C. Burrows Brian M. Callaghan Kathleen M. Carroll Julie A. Cole Sara E. Collins Christin A. Comper Kate J. Crofts Ian J. Dyck Shawn A. Fransky Marie E. Garbens Sarah J. Gard Melanie Goncalves Kathryn E. Hamilton Sarah F. Jones Katrina Kinnear & Jason Belanger Jessica K. Limina Anne E. Lindsay Kimberley A. McFadden Ashleigh C. McIntosh Janet L. McParland Maeghan R. O’Brien Jennifer & Steve Pedersen Karyn A. Pietsch Katie Royal Sarah J. Scott Jennifer L. Skene Kate Stoudt Andre O. Tacchino Jan M. Ungrin Adam B. White Andria & Cameron Wynn Amy L. Young Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 24 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Class of 1998 Graduate Alumni TRENT SUPPORTERS ENRICHMENT CLUB Nadine J. Khalife Janine M. Kinahan CHANCELLOR’S SOCIETY Shelagh & Jon Grant****** HONOUR ROLL Amy E. Dickerson John C. Fraser Josh Richardson Susan C. Roblin Ryan W. Soule Benjamin L. VanVeen 1 Anonymous donor Class of 1999 ADVANCEMENT CIRCLE Joe Teft HONOUR ROLL Julie E. Bigl Matthew T. Dove Patricia J. Freeman Pieter M. Funnekotter Erin McFaul & John Goheen Nicole J. Johnson Cynthia A. Smith Bart E. Young Class of 2000 HONOUR ROLL Marilyn & David Burns PRESIDENT’S COMMITTEE Peter Lafleur* Douglas R. Stenton* Fang Xu*** Advancement Circle Gervase & Diane Mackay**** ENRICHMENT CLUB Martha Anslow & Glenn Harris* Hugh H. Banks*** Dawn Berry-Merriam & John Merriam*** Brian Chenoweth & Suzanne Maranda*** Gloria Gillespie* James Hamilton & Dale Gray* Peter Kuo* Helen V. MacDonald* Grant & Patty Timms HONOUR ROLL Gordon C. Balch Jacques & Carol Beland* Adam Chapnick & Erica Berman* Hayla E. Evans** Ellen V. Foulkes*** Richard G. Hagg*** Lee & Premsyl Hamr* Michael & Carolyn Hempstead**** Norma E. Knowlton* Julie C. Lockhart** Donald T. Murphy* J. Bruce Pollard Allan K. Seabrooke* James C. Wesenberg*** John Whall & Katherine Keppel-Jones* Bryan Wolfe*** 4 Anonymous donors Advancement Circle Enrichment Club Janet Adamson Boeing Gift Matching Program Mary Bedford-Jones Jo-Anne Billinger Cameron Brown CAW Local 1996** Charities Aid Foundation America Brian Cameron Marlene & Vincent Castellano** John & Marjorie Cavanagh Richard Dicerni Frank & Jane Dudas** Mildred Ellis†† William F. FisherHD** Jerry Fitchko Mark Green Howell Fleming Goodith F. Heeney† Ted & Glenda Hunter J.W. Martin Holdings Inc. Janet & Yves Lafortune* Melanie & David Macdonald Greg Mahon James G. Matthews† Charles E. McIlveen Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Nash* Herbert D. B. Orgill Province of Prince Edward Island Thomas Rymes** Dr. & Mrs. Richard Sadleir** Janet Santangelo Colin M. Stairs** Stephen & Graciela Steinberg Lynn & Richard Storrey John & Sandra Toms Ramon Walmsley Mr. & Mrs. James Worthington* Sheila & Brian Alexander Luis Almeida Scott Anderson Ivan H. Ashbury† Paul Asta Jean Atkinson** BMO Financial Group* Brian Mulligan Insurance Agency Ltd Mr. & Mrs. Keith Banting** Joyce L. Barrett Ralph R. Bastian Richard & Isabelle Bastien Valerie Beimers Cathy Belanger Margaret Bell Leslie Benczic Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Berube Rima Bird Howard Black Rick Black Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Blades* Brian & Susan Bland Wendy Brant Deepinder Brar Mary & George Brown Kathleen Bruce-Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Caine** Camp Ponacka Camp Tawingo Campbell & Company Insurance Consultants Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell* Canadian Studies Students’ Society Mollie Cartmell Central Ontario Chartered Accountants Association Honourable Jean J. Charest Ronald W. Chisholm John H. C. Clarry* Janet Cleghorn** John & Betty Ann Coghlin Roger Cole John & Cynthia Converse Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 25 Robert Cook* Carolyn Cronk Patrick Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Darke Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Davis** Lois B. Davis† Joseph & Dianne De Ciantis Mr. & Mrs. Brian Death* Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Demille Barry Diceman* Susan Dotzenroth Mr. & Mrs. L. R. Douglas Frank Downey† Madeline I. Dunham** Mr. & Mrs. Allan W. Eagar Allan & Cathy Earle Elaine Evans Douglas & Sheila Fee Muriel F. Flavelle** Jacqueline Forster D. W. Foster* Trish Fulton Lawrence & Helene Gainsbury Coline Gardhouse & David Gracey Edward Gardiner & S. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Siegfried Glinker Jeffrey Goodman* Merritt E. Gordon* Heather Grant* Michael & Dawne Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. B. B. Grover E. John Hambley** Debby & David Hansen Christopher Harris Ann & Tim Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Henderson** David Henderson Bernice Henry Cinda & Bruce Hodgson Annette Holtrop* James J. Hopmans Mr. & Mrs. David Horne* Peggy Hughes Christine Johnston Joceline & Ken Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Youichi Kageyama Lenore T. Kane† Kathleen Kelly Terence & Anne Kennedy Martha KiddHD* Mr. & Mrs. Neil Kilmartin Conrad Knabenschuh Knox Presbyterian Church Rick Kuwayti Laureate Alpha Theta Joyce C. Lewis† Peter J. Lewis† Paul Litt Jeff Lowe Tessa MacDonald E. M. & Margaret MacKay* Renwick & Gail Mann** Joan Matthews Khan Phyllis Maybee Mr. & Mrs. Michael McEwen* Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm McFarland* Eileen M. McGregor** Susan McIntosh Johanne & Larry McKinley Gordon & Claire McLellan** D. Bruce McLeod Dave & Marion McMullen Lorne H. Mensforth* Edward & Linda Mercer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Michelutti* Microsoft Mr. & Mrs. Randy Miller* Farouk Mitha Janet & Robert Moffatt Mary Mogford** Walter & Opal Murphy* Net Directories Inc. Rudy Neufeld The Olde Stone Brewing Company O.P. McCarthy & Associates Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Osler* Phillip Van Leeuwen Eleanor W. Parmenter James Patterson* Mr. & Mrs. James Pawley* Elenora & Peter Pecchia Ruth W. Peckover Michael & Susan PerleyRobertson The Mathematics Department Award “I think back to when I was a student at Trent. If you compare the cost of getting an education today to then, there’s a clear imbalance that needs addressing. We see such bright, deserving students, and so many of them are making a huge sacrifice just to be here. We do everything we can to help them learn while in our classrooms. At what point is it time to do more? On the grander scale it’s hard to see how to correct this imbalance. But there is something we can do. At some point in your life you turn a corner and it just feels like it’s time to give back. The matching Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund gives you a chance to do not only that, but to make your dollars go even further. It’s better than win-win. Our students will see the benefits, and quickly. I am thrilled with the way the Mathematics Department got on board this project when it was presented to them. I can’t wait to see the results of our contributions.” Wendi Morrison, Mathematics Department A family affair – Wendi and her parents, Paul and Ina Scholfield, are contributors to the Mathematics Department Award. Keith C. Pilley* Frances A. Plaunt** Beverley Poirier Josh Pollock* Wendy Prebble QIT-Fer et Titane Inc. R & R Laboratories Ltd.** Ricter Web Printing Ltd The Rotary Club of Peterborough Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Redekop Helen Reimann Leta Rennie† Ogi & Linda Ressel Peter & Teresa Roach** Linda Robinson Cynthia Ross** The Society of Camp Directors Stoney Lake Stewardship Council Robert Sarginson Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 26 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT The John Wadland Award F aculty and friends of the Canadian Studies department are in the process of establishing The John Wadland Award to honour Prof. Wadland’s contribution to the program for more than 30 years. John will be retiring in 2007 and with the help of the provincial government’s matching gift program, the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF), it is the department’s hope that the award will be a lasting reminder of John’s efforts. The Wadland Award, as its name indicates, honours John’s pioneering contribution to the development of interdisciplinary Canadian Studies at Trent. For more than three decades John’s course ‘Canada: the Land’ has served as an inspiration to more than 2,000 students, as well as to his colleagues within Canadian Studies. In recognition of his work within this remarkable course, the John Wadland Award will be given each year to a student, majoring in Canadian Studies, who is entering second year. John came to Trent in 1972 as the first full-time faculty member appointed in Canadian Studies. In 1977 he was the first recipient of the Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching at this university. Subsequently he has won major provincial and national awards. John edited the Journal of Canadian Studies; served for many years as the Chair of the Canadian Studies Program; was Director of the Frost Centre for Canadian Studies and Native Studies, during which time he helped to develop the Trent-Carleton Ph.D. program in Canadian Studies; and was a founding member of the Trent Centre for Community-Based Education. As Trent celebrates its 40th Anniversary, various departments are setting up awards and bursaries to honour professors who have contributed so much to our history. If you are interested in contributing to this Award or any other, contact Jennifer Couling at (705) 748-1011 ext. 1593. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seiler Ralph Selby* Hilda Shaffelburg* Anne Simpson Steven Smith Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stonehouse David W. Swales* Ruth Swartz Trent Central Student Association* J. E. Tapsell** Leanne Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Harold Vance* Stephen Vineberg Mary Voteary Stanley & Sharon Vovk Doug Ward** Dorothy Ward Carole A. Warren Martin Wasserman* Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Winstanley** Richard Wood Katherine Ylitalo 15 Anonymous donor Honour Roll Carmeta Abbott** Frederick & Joan Abeysundera Arlene Abramsky Raymond Addison Laura Akai Mr. & Mrs. Larry Allen Evelyn Amato Elspeth M. Arkell Ian R. Armstrong Jill Arsenault Robin Ashworth Colin & Christine Asselstine William J. Atkinson* Peri J. Ballantyne Wendy Bangay Bank of Montreal Joanne Baragar Rosalind Barker Catherine Bastedo-Boileau Larry B. Bate Ralph & Kathy Beaton Ann & John Beatty Donna Bell Barbara L. Bell Barbara Bellchambers Julian Benson Raphael Bida Ed & Wendy Biddles Edie & Andre Bindseil Michael Black Beverley Black Frances Blau Michael Bliss Deborah Bloom Terry & Myra Boag Mr. & Mrs. Grant Bolten* Mr. & Mrs. Tony Bortolot** Terry Bovair Jean Bowlby* Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Boyce** Debra Boyce Stephen & Ala Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Brace** Karen Bradley & Boris Romaniuk Jean Brien** Ben Brien Louise Brown** Jeanette Browne* Bruce Power Alex Bruce The late Douglas I. Bruce Catherine Brydon Reginald K. Burns James Burr* Patricia Butler Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cameron Judy Cameron Canadian Gypsum Company Ltd Canadian Speeches Celestica Inc. Cheryl & Edward Chambers Heather Cheeseman Michel Chenard & Carmen Boudreau Magdalen Cheung Alun Chitiz M. Chreptyk Ray E. Chute Ronald & Leona Clark Diane Clark Ryan Clark Mark & Karen Clarkson Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 27 Eileen Cocks Lillian Cole Georgia & David Conner G. Connor Al & Mara Cook Glenn & Johanna Coombs Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cooper Gary A. Cooper Jerry Cooper Ray Costello & Darlene Sherwood S. Courtney Elgin & Helen Coutts Robert D. Craig Chad Crichton Ron Cuperfain Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Curry Michael C. Dafoe W. B. Danson Lois C. Davidson* Corey Davidson Tim Davies Sue Davies Kenneth Dejong Gary & Corinne Deneault Deborah Dennis Diana Denton Gwen Desjardins Shirley Dunphy Michael Duplessis Heather Eatson Jennifer Edge Susan & Allan Edwards Paula Ellis Ruby M. Elver** Chris T. Entwistle Michelle Erridge Mr. & Mrs. Ross Fancey Nasseh Farahi Karen & Jim Fee Anita Fellman* Richard Fiander** Mr. & Mrs. James Fielding Jules Fines Claire Fisk Lloyd Fleguel Keith & Marion Flowers Nora Fortune Michael G. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Fragoso Dana Francoz Thelma Franks Helen & Russell Fry Gaudencio & Jocelyn Fulgar Ginsberg, Gingras Lynda Gabbani Elizabeth Galvin† Paul & Jennifer Galvin Laura Gaughan Deborah George Barbara Gibbons Barbara Gilchrist Florence Glicman Barbara Godard Meghan Goodchild Janet Goode* Dr. & Mrs. J. M. Goodman* Michael Goodwin Barbara Gow Lori Grafstein Margo Grafstein John Gray & Wendy Love Owen & Carol-Anne Gray Joanne & Paul Gray Carol Gregory & James Burrell Brenlee Gurvey Hennick Herman Marr Robert & Mary Haire John & Anne Haldimand* Brayden C. Hamilton-Smith Cindy Harper Edith Harris Signe Harrison Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Hatfield Ian & Margery Hay Lisa Hicks & Nick Van Der Kamp Joan Hooper Vic & Maria Horvath Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hough Kevin & Janice Hughson Naomi & John Hunter Thomas F. Imada Lynn Inglis David Ingram Susan Irvine Bruce & Mary Jago Angela Jeffery-Shearer & Robert Shearer Raymond W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Johnson** Kathryn L. Johnson* Andrew M. Johnston Malcolm Johnston Mark G. Jokinen* Kimberley Jones Dorothea & Michael Kake Anne Keenleyside Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelleher Margaret Kelly† P. A. Kempff** Dr. & Mrs. Michael KeppelJones* Isadore Kerzner Alan Kessel Ketchum Canada Inc. Mike King Donald Kjelmyr Louise Klinghoffer Micky Knights Max & Olivia Kuper Ryan R. Kutschke Spencer Kyanta Tracy & Lawrence Ladd Dianne Lafrance Bertha Lapidus Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lavecchia* Kenneth Ledgard** Stuart Levine Karen Lobraico Mr. & Mrs. Ian Logan Sandra G. Lugtenburg* Chris Lundstrom Charles & Maria Lunn John Lysons** Mallpro Corporation McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Ltd. Ferne MacCormack Duncan MacCrimmon Margaret & E. M. MacKay Professor Allen R. MacPherson Marilyn MacTavish Mr. & Mrs. John Maguire Robert Main & Joan Gallagher-Main Mr. & Mrs. Ottom Mako Enid Mallory† Marie F. Mandel Ellen Matthews John & Martha Maycock** Beth McBride John McCracken Memorial Gifts We are grateful for gifts made in memory of... Isadore Black Douglas I. Bruce Stewart H. Bull Dorothy Burrows Rhona E. ConnollyKing Constance Creelman John S. Cunningham Judith A. Davidson Donald M. Deacon Mark Decker Bette Demos Senator & Mrs. Doyle Ken Duncan Adele Ebbs David J. Fry Philip Garratt John F. Gravely Joan Grills Imelda Groff Barbara GwynneTimothy Mary Hutchinson Lash Mabel C. Irwin Cronk Gordon M. Johnston Robert T. Johnston Kenneth KiddHD Dorothy Lasenby Daphne MacKinnon Raymond A. MacLean Mark MacLeod Joel A. McDonald Albert A. Mortlock Marjorie M. Oliver Jacques W. Ostiguy Patricia T. Pepall Scott Rennie Katherine E. Rhind Grace Sangster Leslie Storey Alexander Tinney Michael Treadwell Robert H. Welch Helen McClainWhiteside Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 28 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Tracy McCullough John & Valerie McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Harvey R. McEwan Timothy McGee Meg McGorry T. McHugh Kristine & Don McLaren Claire & J.G. McLellan Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McRae Joanne McTaggart Robin Medinck Mr. & Mrs. Denton Meiklejohn* Heather M. Miller Gary & Cristina Mills Gary & Paula Mittleman Sarah Mizener David Moody Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Moore Margaret A. Moore Gail Morris Ian Morton* Kaitlyn Muller Jim & Sandra Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Gopal Nanjundan Andy & Susan Nelan Rick & Marlene Newberry Jean Nind* Louisa Norris Yvonne V. Noten Bob Oliver Trevor & Helen Palmer Linda Paris John & Rae Parkin Jennifer Parnell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pasian Catherine J. Paterson Barbara Penkman* Douglas & Dorothy Perdue Pfizer Canada Inc. Robert & Nancy Phillips* Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Phillips Peter & Kathleen Phillips Laurie Phillips Ginette Pieper Walter HD & Ida Pitman* Mr. & Mrs. Chris Plowright Valerie Porter** Mr. & Mrs. Brian Primrose* Bruce & Ann Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. Brian Purdie Professor Rich Pyrce Teresa & Wojciech Pyrz Diane Quinlan Retired Women Teachers of Ontario Marlene Rattner Keri Reeder Dianne Reynolds Elizabeth Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richmond Beverly Roberts Al Robinson Simone Robson M. Rodman* Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Romani Ricki Romberg Judy Ross Mark & Deborah Roundell Jill Rubel Robert Rupay Susan Rushford Symantec Corporation Gillian Sandeman† Melanie E. Saunders Allan Schaffel Munroe Scott* Linda Scott Gail & Alex Scott Rick & Leona Scott Terry & Jennifer Semple Andrea Shattler Cindylou Shaw Robert M. Shields Barbara Shinder Donna Shore Mr. & Mrs. Allan Shousterman Bruce & Beverly Sills Leonard Simpson Lois S. Sisson* Moira Sisson-Davies Eric Skeoch** Edward D. Smith Jessica Smith Gloria & Michael Smith Elizabeth Smith & Aaron Hailman Richard G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Rick Southern* Mr. & Mrs. John Squarebriggs Richard W. Stankiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Terry Stenton Mary Stinson Kathleen Stover* Betsy Struthers Cal Taillefer Agatha Tawaststjerna Mr. & Mrs. Ron Taylor* Claudia & Brian Taylor Brian & Sheila Tessier Marlene Thomas* Frances M. Thornington Charles B. Ticker Janet Torch Margaret & Arthur Turner† Rolaf Verduyn Robin Verduyn Anna Verkerk Gary Von Roden Sheila Wainwright Donna Wales Ruth Wallace Megan Walsh Gary Walters Janet Warburton Brenda Warman Dave Warren Mary-Margaret Webb Robert Welch Margaret & Edward Wells Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wheelock Anne-Marie Whelan Kim White Kimberley White Sandra White Helena Wieczorek Norman Williams** Glen & Sharon Williams Debbie Wilson Kaetlen Wilson Kathy Wilson Katy Winestock Colleen E. Worboy Pat Wright* York North Archaeological Services Mr. & Mrs. Mike Yealland** Robert & Diane Young Mark Ytsma Debra Ytsma Sandy Yudin Joseph Zahradnik Sharon Zeiler Stephen Zener Randy Zittrer Mr. & Mrs. George Zoltak 23 Anonymous donors Faculty, Staff & Retirees This list includes faculty, staff, and former or retired colleagues who have contributed. Prof. Kenzu Abdella Prof. Gary & Harmony Aitken†† Dr. Huda Al-Haddad* Prof. Emilia Angelova Mary Ann Armstrong** Prof. Jocelyn B. Aubrey** Heather Avery & Kenneth Yates† Suzanne J. Bailey Gordon C. Balch Allan G. Barnfield & Yvette Scrivener** Jacques & Carol Beland* Tracey Bell Prof. Deborah & Michael Berrill** David Binkley Dr. John Bishop** Prof. Fraser A. Bleasdale† Prof. Stephen Bocking* Dr. Rita Bode* Sherry & Graham Booth* Dr. Constantin V. Boundas† Prof. Roy T. Bowles** Martin R. Boyne† Doug Brown** Katie Brown* Prof. Alan & Catherine Brunger† Dale I. Buelow* Prof. John & Barbara Burbidge† Marilyn & David Burns Prof. James M. Buttle** Mr. & Mrs. Bill Byrick Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 29 Rob Campbell Cynthia Carl Prof. Robert E. Carter** John & Nancy Casserly* Prof. Robert & Wendy Chambers** Prof. Saud A. Choudhry** Prof. Jennifer Clapp* Prof. Lorraine J. Clark** Susan Apostle-Clark Betty Clark Prof. Graham & Katherine Cogley‡ Robert & Jean Condon† Prof. James Conley* Prof. John R. Cook Prof. Rory Coughlan Nicola & Gary Cowie* Don Cumming Ray D. Dart* Prof. Lynne Davis* Prof. Richard Dellamora† Prof. Peter J. Dillon Bernadine A. Dodge** Jeffery W. Domm* Prof. James D. Driscoll* Prof. JohnHA & Anita Earnshaw** Glen & Kathleen Easson† Prof. Roy & Joy Edwards‡ Prof. Neil Emery Bruce G. Emmerton Prof. Colin & Christiane Fewster‡ Kimberly D. Fielding Shelley Fife* Kathy Fife Lois C. Fleming* Prof. Michael Fox & Marilyn Chow** Ron Fox Prof. S. Finn & Gayle Gallagher ** Prof. Franklin GarciaSanchez* Deborah L. Gelderland* Donald & Jean Giles** Prof. David Glassco* Shelagh & Jon GrantHD§ Prof. Frederick A. Hagar* Prof. Roy Hagman & Cindy Ellen Morgan† Prof. George & Eleanor Hamilton** Tara Harrington Spencer J. Harrison Prof. Fiona Harris-Stoertz Prof. Paul & Doreen Healy† Prof. Eric Helleiner* Prof. Frederick & Lois Helleiner** Prof. Hermann Helmuth† Prof. John Hillman† Prof. Bernard Hodgson* Prof. David Holdsworth* Prof. Veronica Hollinger** Gwyneth Hoyle** Prof. John & Nicola Jennings‡ Prof. Gordon Johnston & Avril Rustage-Johnston** Prof. Roger & Janet Jones† Prof. Carolyn Kapron* Prof. Stephen Katz** Prof. Deborah J. Kennett** Prof. Harry M. Kitchen† Prof. Michael Konopaski Prof. Arndt & Peggy Kruger‡ Dr. Michele Lacombe** Dr. Peter Lafleur* Peter & Lorelei Lapp Prof. David & Sharon Lasenby†† Prof. Errol Lewars* Deborah D. Lietz Jean Lipinski* Prof. John I. Lodge†† Prof. Douglas G. Lowe† Jennifer & Rod MacIsaac* Bonnie H. MacKinnon† Susan & John Mackle† Prof. Raymond & Kathleen March†† Prof. Christine D. Maxwell† Prof. Skip Maxwell† Prof. Douglas J. McDermid Cheryl McKenna-Neuman** Prof. Christine McKinnon* Tui Menzies & Des Penalagan† Pauline Mills** Prof. George & E. Mitchell† Prof. Orm S. Mitchell† Staff Member sets up Bursary in memory of High School Students: The Lisa Thivierge and Donny Caldwell Bursary One afternoon in September 2003, I was told by a colleague in the office that the road I normally take home had been closed most of the day due to a serious traffic accident. It was only later that I found out that two high Donny Caldwell school students from Dr. John & Lisa Thivierge M. Denison Secondary School in Newmarket had tragically been killed on their way to a campus tour at Trent. In the following days as I drove to work, I would pass the accident scene and see two small wreaths placed at the side of the road. Having raised 4 children of our own and watched them all go off to university, my wife, Rosemary and I knew only too well the excitement and nervousness these students, Lisa Thivierge and Donny Caldwell, would have felt as they drove from their home in Newmarket to visit Trent. They would have been full of questions and doubts and anxious to see what university life would be all about. It was heartbreaking to see that potential unfulfilled. When I discussed the idea with Rosemary of setting up a bursary in memory of Lisa and Donny, she instantly agreed. We wanted to establish a link between Trent and Denison Secondary School so that a deserving student each year would get tangible financial help to come here. With matching funds from the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund, the endowment will soon grow such that the interest will fund an annual bursary. Trent is an amazing place to work. Each September the place comes alive with new and returning students who are building educational futures that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. Rosemary and I are glad that out of such a tragic event there will be a lasting memorial to Lisa and Donny. John Wordley, Director of Physical Resources Jennifer P. Moore Richard Morgan & Carolyn Jonkman Prof. David Morris Prof. Jacqueline & Joseph Muldoon* Prof. James Neufeld & Lynn Neufeld‡ Prof. David R. Newhouse** Prof. Erica Nol & Christopher Risley† Peter J. Northrop** Sybil Nunn-Thorn** Prof. Keith B. Oldham* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 30 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Colleen O’Manique Betty O’Toole Deb Pagett* Prof. James D. Parker* Prof. Mark Parnis* Anne L. Parsons** Prof. Brian G. Patrick Prof. Bonnie M. Patterson* Prof. Michael & Cara Peterman† Prof. Zailig H. Pollock† Dr. Elizabeth Popham* Prof. R. Daniel Powell** Prof. Percy & Beverley Powles‡‡ Prof. Maeve Quaid Barbara & Don Reeves* Prof. Gary & Dorothy Reker† Prof. Gordon Roper* Prof. Lionel Rubinoff** David Ruthowsky* Prof. Joan I. Sangster** Dr. James Schaefer* Dr. Elaine Scharfe* Marisa Scigliano & Mak Arvin* Manindra & Ansuya Shah† Prof. David Sheinin** Nancy Simmons-Smith Marilyn Simpson* Prof. Alan & Linda Slavin† Prof. Carlyle & Mary Jane Smith† Meredith E. Soper* Prof. Robert A. Stairs† Dr. Elaine Stavro* Judy Stephenson* Andrew Stewart Tony L. Storey†† Prof. Ian C. Storey† Sharon M. Stover†† Marilyn Strain B. Lucille Strath† Prof. James E. Struthers* Prof. JohnHA & Mayling Stubbs†† Dr. James Sutcliffe** Prof. TomHD & Christine Symons† Prof. Morgan Tamplin* Prof. Colin & Kerry Taylor† Prof. Graham Taylor Prof. Christopher W. Tindale** Prof. John & Theresa Topic† Prof. Frederick & Annette Tromly* Prof. Joan Vastokas† Prof. John Wadland† Prof. Keith Walden** Ann & Roy Walters* Prof. Peter Watson† Dr. Brad White Elizabeth A. Wilson† Prof. Paul A. Wilson John & Rosemary Wordley Robert A. Wright Dr. Susan Wurtele & Erik Hanson* Reem Yassawi Dr. Janet Yee Carolyn Ziegler Barbara Znamirowski* 18 Anonymous donors Friends Forever Long-term vision and a commitment to Trent are what members of the Friends Forever Club have in common. These donors have indicated that it is important for them to have a convenient and affordable way to give. Monthly donations are made via credit card, online, post-dated cheques, and pre-authorized bank account withdrawals. This list contains our current members. Joan & Frederick Abeysundera Joanne Adams Simpson† Emilia Angelova Martha Anslow & Glenn Harris* Margaret Anttila** Angie Asadoorian & Ian MacDonald† Lisa & Tyler Bailey* Al Barber & Jennifer Tiberio* Lisa D. Barty* Tracey Bell Dawn Berry-Merriam & John Merriam† David Binkley Jessica Black Stephen Bocking* Sherry & Graham Booth* Martin R. Boyne† Richard and Susan Bramm†† Doug Brown** Katie Brown* Dale Buelow* Brenda Burton* Tammy Butchart* Margot Cameron† Rob Campbell Cindy Carl Catherine & Carey Challice† Karen Chapeskie* Cristin Charbonneau* Bob Childs Jennifer Clapp* Betty Clark Betty Clarke Donna Clifton† James Conley* Cheryl Conway* Marie Cook† Gordon Copp & Elizabeth Sierakowska** David & Darlene Corkett* Peter Cornish* Rory Coughlan Julie Crook** Don Cumming Rod S. Cumming** Leah & R. G. Curtis Libby Dalrymple* Paul J. Delaney† Denis Desjardins†† Fiona Docherty* Rob Docherty* Susan Drain & P.J. Donahoe** Barbara Dyce* Andrew Eamer & Heather Jordan* Bill Eisnaugle* Peter Elliott* Bruce G. Emmerton David Evans* Katie Feltmate* Stephen Ferguson** S. Finn & Gayle Gallagher** Georgina Galloway* Murray Genoe† Heather George** Robert & Margaret Glossop‡ Craig Goselin* Carol Gregory & James Burrell Catherine Gunn** Roy Hagman & Cindy Ellen Morgan† Lorena J. Haley-Twiss* Premyl & Lee Hamr** Wanda Harssema** Eric Helleiner* Norah Hillary† B Hodgson* Michael Konopaski Paul Lampman & Heather Skublics Lampman** Cynthia Loveman** Anthony Lovink† Mary Elizabeth Luka† Jennifer & Rod MacIsaac* Duncan & Fay MacKenzie** Duff Mackinnon* Susan & John Mackle† Ian & Elizabeth MacMillan†† H. Christina MacNaughton†† Kenneth & Betty Maley† Catharine & Rich Marchand* Andrea Matrosovs* Dawn McAlpine** Mikelle Meaden† Tui Menzies & Des Penalagan† Jamie Mitchell Richard Morgan & Carolyn Jonkman David Morris Colin Morton Jacqueline & Joseph Muldoon* Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 31 Corinne Nadjiwon James & Lynn Neufeld‡ David Newhouse** Kenneth Nimigon† Brent Norrey** Sybil Nunn-Thorn** Deb Pagett* Diane & Kevin Parry Brian G. Patrick Tania Pattison & Thomas Milburn* Stefani Pelowich* Philip Playfair† Doug Poff† R. Daniel Powell** Gail & Jim Pratt Sylvie Ratte* Jenifer Richardson* Clive Roane** David Robertson** Damian Rogers* Anita Rosenfeld† Kathy & Nigel Roulet** David Ruthowsky* Gillian Sandeman† Jane E. Scanlan-Price* Pamela Scobie Chris D. Scullion* Norman Seli & Anne Dawson** Saul J. Sherbanuk* Nancy Simmons-Smith Scott & Amanda Sinclair†† Bruce Skeaff John & Holly Stardom* Bruce Stephen* Nordra Stephen Michael Stewart* Doug Stoakley & Julie Stoakley Ian Storey† Tony Storey†† Sharon Stover†† Marilyn Strain James Struthers* Sylvia Sutherland** Colin & Kerry Taylor† Scott & Jennifer Taylor† Joe Teft Christopher Tindale** Cari Trautrimas Joan Vastokas† Peter Walling** Patrick J. Walshe** Stewart Wheeler* Mindy Willett** Belinda Wilson* John & Rosemary Wordley Susan Wurtele and Erik Hanson* Beth Ann Yarzab & Patrick Brown* 9 Anonymous donors New Bursaries, Scholarships, Prizes, Awards and Funds 40-4-40 Graduating Class Gift Bursary Aileen Batten Bursary Fund Alumni Bursary Fund Arnold Noftall Bursary Athletics Fund Raising Trust Beta Sigma Phi Bursary Billie Wilder Bursary Building Capacity Campaign – Undesignated Building Capacity CampaignDonor Directed Business Ethics Competition Fund Canadian Assoc. of Physicist Lecture Christopher Greene Bursary Class of 1967 Bursary Computer Science/Studies Bursary Constantin Boundas & Ke-Ryang Choi-Boundas Philosophy Bursary DNA Summer Camp de Pencier Family Award Fund Dr. Margaret Campbell Bursary Finn and Eileen Gallagher Bursary Gordon Roper Bursary Greatest Need-Bursary Trust Gzowski Campaign Support Fund H. Clare Sootheran Scholarship H.R.H. Kenner Award Hamlin Family Bursaries Ian Chapman Bursary Jack & Mildred Mackle Student Employment Fund Jean McKerracher Business Admin Award Jim MacAdam Bursary John S. Cunningham Memorial Bursary John Wadland Award Joyce Cumming Memorial Bursary Larry E. Seeley Computational Chemistry Laboratory Leslie Storey Memorial Fund Lightbody – CPTC Award Math Department Award Mathematics Award McColl Turner Library Collection Meloche Monnex Fellow Fund Morton Grad Schol in Native Studies Norma & Lloyd Parnall Bursary OPSEU Bursary Oliver Ecological Centre Patrick J. Clancy Book Fund Patterson-Drain Pioneer Bursary Petersen Burfield Family Graduate Award Sally Stavro Bursary Southern Hudson Bay Polar Bear Research Fund Summer Explor in Cdn Cultures Program T.E.W. Nind Award The Dudas Award The Isadore Black Memorial Fund The Jeannette & John Hanly Morgan Endowed Fund The Lisa Thivierge and Donny Caldwell Bursary The Lois and Fred Helleiner Bursary The Peter G. Bailey Bursary in Teacher Education The Sara Bursary The Trent University Foundation Award Trent Chaplaincy Fund Trent University Anthropology Graduate Bursary Trent University S&A Bursary Victor Henderson Bursary WB Family Foundation Award Watershed Science Centre Fund Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§ 32 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT New Scholarships, Prizes and Funds Athletics Fund Raising Trust Building Capacity Campaign –Undesignated Building Capacity Campaign–Donor Directed Business Ethics Competition Fund Canadian Association of Physicists Lecture Patrick J. Clancy Book Fund DNA Summer Camp Gzowski Campaign Support Fund McColl Turner Library Collection Meloche Monnex Fellow Fund The Jeannette & John Hanly Morgan Endowed Fund Morton Graduate Scholarship in Native Studies Oliver Ecological Centre Larry E. Seeley Computational Chemistry Laboratory H. Clare Sootheran Scholarship Southern Hudson Bay Polar Bear Research Fund Leslie Storey Memorial Fund Summer Exploration in Canadian Cultures Program Trent Chaplaincy Fund Watershed Science Centre Fund Note: OSOTF funds are listed on page 7 Alumni Participation Rates Drop Thank you to those who continually support our fundraising efforts. You can help us increase the alumni participation rate. Gifts of all sizes make the difference. Class Year Percentage of Participation by Class Year 2002/03 Percentage of Participation by Class Year 2003/04 64 42% 38% 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 GA TOTAL 27% 37% 35% 33% 25% 26% 26% 20% 24% 21% 21% 23% 27% 23% 25% 22% 20% 19% 17% 16% 14% 14% 19% 12% 15% 14% 11% 11% 10% 12% 6% 7% 6% 5% 4% 34% 16% 25% 25% 34% 29% 22% 22% 18% 16% 15% 18% 19% 21% 26% 26% 21% 20% 17% 16% 14% 16% 13% 14% 17% 11% 12% 13% 10% 11% 8% 10% 6% 5% 7% 1% 2% 27% 14% Note: GA=Graduate Alumni, those who graduated have from our Masters and PhD programs. Green highlighting represents years that have either tied or increased their participation. MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 33 Trent University Legacy Society Trent University Foundation has established this honorary society to recognize and thank donors who have made provisions for a future gift to support education and research at Trent University. All gifts, regardless of the size, will help Trent to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. Founder: Thomas H.B. Symons, C.C., Founding President & Vanier Professor Emeritus CHARTER MEMBERS Stefan Bilaniuk Cyril* and Jenny Carter Debra Clarke Frances Daunt Lois Davidson Walter and Anne Dodington Madeline I. Dunham John and Marni de Pencier Bruce Dyer Doug and Michele Fisher Frederick and Lois Helleiner Susan Jamieson Kim and Kate Krenz Robert and Margaret Lightbody Robert K. Loney Susan M. Mackle H. Christina MacNaughton Gillian R. Minshall Brendan and Janet Moher Paul J. Moore Marjorie McLean Oliver* Bonnie M. Patterson Robert Darou Norris Prichard Peggy A. Pritchard and Andrew M. Kropinski William B. Reid Ann Stevens John and Mayling Stubbs Tom and Christine Symons Patricia Townsend Gary Wolff Ruth Houghton Wolff Anonymous (5) FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Michael Beswick Shirley Cummings Harold “Pat” Dooley Frank and Jane Dudas John Earnshaw Jon and Shelagh Grant Robert and Judy Harper Julia D. Harrison Pamela Jane Hart S.A.M. McCue M. Jean McKerracher* David and Joan Moore Jeannette and John Hanly Morgan Eleanor McClelland-Mott Jack and Gayle Nelson Doris Noftall Anonymous (2) MEMBERS Mory Blue Rod and Rhonda MacDonald Joanne Heath-Menger* and Wally Menger John (Jeb) Hentig Stevens Anonymous (1) *Deceased We would like to hear from you if you too have already provided a bequest in your Will or made another type of planned gift to benefit future generations of Trent students. We would be honored to include you in the Legacy Society. For information about gifts through your Will, life insurance, trusts or other deferred gifts please contact: Katie Brown Development Office, Trent University (705) 748-1011 ext.1046 34 • TRENT ANNUAL DONOR REPORT Building Capacity A fundraising Initiative for Trent University T rent is committed to empowering people to change our world for the better. New and improved facilities and funding are enabling Trent to attract and retain the faculty, students and partners who will help build this brighter future: from ensuring the safety of our drinking water to understanding and celebrating Canada’s First Peoples. In response to matching gift opportunities sponsored by the Provincial and Federal governments, and in anticipation of demographic growth, the University has embarked on a major fundraising initiative: Building Capacity: Trent is committed to empowering people to change our world for the better. Strengthening Canada’s Outstanding Small University. The campaign’s core priorities address the following four areas. Chemical Sciences Building/ Water Quality Centre and major renovations to existing Science Facility The new Chemical Sciences Building creates 45,000-sq. ft. of additional academic space, with the Water Quality Centre forming the nucleus of the building. The Chemistry Department will be its principal academic department, and it will house a total of 40 faculty and graduate students, 13 research laboratories, 4 chemistry teaching laboratories, 16 faculty offices, a new computational chemistry laboratory, problem session laboratory and science conference meeting room. The existing Science Facility at Trent is being fully renovated to include new research suites, teaching laboratories and research space. The leading edge instrumentation in the Chemical Sciences Building will be open to all Trent researchers. Enweying: “The Way We Speak Together” Peter Gzowski College and the First Peoples House of Learning Hosted in the Enweying Building, Peter Gzowski College provides an additional 140,000sq. ft. of academic and residential space to the Symons Campus. True to In the foreground, the new Chemical Sciences Building: Enweying, housing Peter Gzowski College is in the background MAY 1, 2003 – APRIL 30, 2004 • 35 A view of Enweying from the Bata Library. the founding philosophy of Trent, Peter Gzowski College provides a place for students to engage with their academic seniors in an integrated, collegial setting. The new building houses four academic departments (Business Administration, Economics, Mathematics and Native Studies), in harmony with common areas, residential space and the First Peoples House of Learning. The College also creates a prominent location for the Office of Research and Graduate Studies. Key features of the new facility include 12 new classrooms and lecture halls, 70 new faculty offices, 250 single residence rooms, a dining hall, a gathering space and a much-needed performing space in the First Peoples House of Learning. The First Peoples House of Learning creates a community within the University for the celebration, exploration and development of indigenous knowledge, inviting dialogue with other traditions of learning. Together with elders, academics and planners, the architects of Peter Gzowski College have creatively woven the First Peoples House of Learning into its design. With its components distributed throughout the building, rather than grouped in one location, the encounter with Aboriginal culture is not confined to a particular geographic location. It demonstrates the role of Aboriginal peoples in the world, promoting a sense of comfort and familiarity with Aboriginal thought, culture and spirituality. Funding Research Innovation Research is what keeps the University on the leading edge of innovation. Support for research enables Trent to make important contributions to societal advancement. External funds are required to match the support provided by various government granting agencies. Support for Graduate Students As many of today’s postsecondary faculty approach retirement, graduate funding proactively addresses the impending shortage of professors. Graduate students are also pivotal to the success of research at the University. To encourage excellence in graduate level study, external funds are needed to match the support provided by the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program. Thank you for “Building Capacity” at Canada’s Outstanding Small University! Prepared by the Development Office Trent University 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8 Phone: (705) 748-1011 x 1593 Fax: (705) 748-1605 www. Bold name refers to an alumnus/a | HA means Honorary alumnus/a | HD means Honorary Degree Recipient Donation Key 5 years = * 10 years = ** 15 years = † 20 years = †† 25 years = ‡ 30 years = ‡‡ 35 years = § 40 years = §§