1949-1953 Delco Catalog
1949-1953 Delco Catalog
Jan. 1. 1955 Index No.5 (Replaces Car Index No.5 dated May 15. 1953) Car Application Index Delco-Remy Equipped Cars for 1949-50-51-52-53 All Applications for 1944 to 1948 Inclusive are Listed in Index No.4 Model Switches Dimmer 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model W6BZ Marine Engine 1949-50-51-52 Model WXAH 110 1666 720-T 1107434 1111766 1111759 1112295 1115328 815877 815095 93 34 53-A 105 105 lO6-A Master Relays Tell Tale Horn Heater Control.... Horns Low note High note Hom Mtg, Bracket .. 1997014 * 1996471 30 Il16817 1116818 lIl6797 4 4 4 1999525 1999526 1860277 17-D 17-D I 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model ACF-IC-41--37-Pass. Coach (Eng. Hall-Scott 190-2) 38 93-A 48 1953. 4-Cyl. Marine (Eng. Waukesha WXAH) Generator .•..•.•..•..•••.. 941-W Cranking Motor 737- X Distributor IIl2317 Ignition Coil......... 1115328 H 38 48 106-B 41 ACF-BRILL 1949-50-51. Model ACF-T-46 Single Motor Trolley Coach Generators 25 amp 1105911 106 50 amp. ....•...•.... Il06805 114-B 55 amp. (Opr.) ..... 1117322 122 Regulators For 1105911 Il18318' 6-C For 1106805 lIl8368 6-D For 1117322 ••..... 1118538 7 For 1117322 IIl8547 8 Fan & Baffle For 1105911 ....•.. 1872904 FusePanel ..........•. 1051-C 2 (Continued on next column) Generators 1117553 ........................ 1117603 Regulators For 1117553 (120 amp.) ....••... 5620 For 1117603 1118408 Cranking Motor. 1109112 Distributor 4144 Distributor 1111549 Ignition Coil .......•• 1115255 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic 1118121 Solenoid Trans. Reverse 1538 Control (Starting) .,. 1385 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Control (Choke) 1435 Control (Choke) 1996050 Control (Plain) .....•. 1415 Control (Plain) ...• 1996049 Control (Reverse) ... 1436 Control (Reverse) . 1996471 Master 1996471 Relays Stop Light 1116797 Stop Light 269-N Generator Tell-Tale 1116845 Reverse. 264-G Fuse Panels .•..•.••• 1998759 ........................ 1998772 Horns Low note 1999525 High note •....•..•. 1999526 Horn Mtg. Bracket •. 1860 277 Horn Relay .••.•..•... 1116818 WD, IX, GO, 31. 2-1-62 Model Group ACF- Brm (Contd.) 41 4-Cyl. Generators ...........••• 941-W Opt. 0949-50) Il01686 Cranking Motor 737- X Group ACF- Brill (Contd.) ACADIA CAS ENCINE (Canada) Generator............. Cranking Motor Cranking Motor Distributors •....•.... 1951-52-53 Optional Ignition Coil ........• Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial.. Model Group 123-A 124 2-A 10 63 28 95-A 41 2-B 104 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 30 4 • 4 • • • 17-D 17-D 4 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-Volt. Models C-27 & C-31 City Type Buses (Eng. I.H.C. RED-361, RED-450) Generator Not Del co-Rerny Regul ator Not Delco-Remy Cranking Motors . For RED-361 ...•.. 1108606 57-B For RED-450 1109150 63-B Distributors 1110 167 85-E 1112357 107 Advance Arm . 1838617 1 Advance Arm Dial .. 815095 Ignition Coil . 1115255 41 Switches Dimmer 1997014 • Magnetic For RED-361 1466 4 For RED-450 1118121 2-B Master 1996471 30 Control (St arting) 1385 106 Control (Starting) . 1996048 106 Relays Generator Tell Tale 1116797 4 Generator Tell Tale 1116845 4 Horn Not Delco-Remy 1949-50-51-52-53. s-c-i. Model C-36 Coach (Eng. Rall-Scott 136. 477-1) Generator 1117573 Fan 1910089 Regulator 1118542 Cranking Motor. 793 Distributor lIl1546 Ignition Coil 1115255 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic 1118121 Master ..•..••..•.... 1996471 Starting 1385 Starting. 1996048 Choke ..•....•.......... 1435 Choke 1996050 Control 1996014 Ignition 1116457 Relays Stop Light .• 269-N Miscellaneous 1116797 Fuse Panels .••••. 1998772 Tell Tale 1Il6845 (Continued to next page) 123-B 7 18-B 95-A 41 2-B 30 106 106 106 106 106 107 4 • 4 PRINTED IN U.S.A. ACF- Brill to J. D. Adams Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group ACF-Brill (Contd.) 1949. 12-Volt. Motor Graders 2-A 63 28 95-A 41 Model 610 (Eng. 1.H.C. UO-I6) 4 4 • 17-D 17-D 4 1950-51-52-53. Model 30 Traveloader (Eng. UtC. 10-6, U-264) Model 312 (Eng. 1.H. C. U0-9) 123-A 104 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 30 Generators 17 amp 1102955 Opt. 25 amp 1105909 Regulators For 1102955 1118312 For 1105909 1118317 Fans For 1102955 1866400 For 1105909 1880558 Fan Baffle For 1105909 ....... 1880946 Pulley For 1102955 ....... 1881638 Cranking Motors For Model 312 .... 1108904 For Models 414, 512 & 610 1109108 Switches Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Starting Control...... 1385 Light 1995040 Switch Knob (Light) ... 499-X Light Switch Re si stance Unit IS 77830 Horn 1999871 Hom Mrg, Bracket ; . 1855611 1949-50-51-52-53. Motor Graders 98-K 106 6-C 6-C 98-A 6-C 54 2-B 34 19 4 63 2-8 106 15-D 6-Volt 1950-51-52-53. 12-Volt. Model 13-70 Snow mower (Eng. 1.H.C. RED-450) Generator Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Distributor ........................ Ignition Coil ......... Switches Magnetic Control (Push) Control (Push) Choke (Magnetic) . Control (Choke) Control (Choke) 1102976 98-K 1118355 6-D 1866400 Not De l co-Rerny 1109108 63 1110167 85-E 1112357 107 1115043 41 1118121 1385 1996048 1118128 1435 1996050 2-B 106 106 2-B 106 106 Model 305 (Eng. UI.C. U-9) 1952-53. 6 Cyl. Model IC-41AD Coach (Eng. Cummins NltIll3-600) Page 2 Generator 1102714 Regulator 1118311 Reg. Shock Mtg, Pkg , 1910966 Fan 1866400 Pulley 1881638 Cranking Motor 1107926 Switches Magnetic 1118124 Light................... 479-P Horn 199970 I Horn Relay 1116775 Dimmer Coil 8240 10 61 Model 201 (Eng. 1.H.C. U-4) Generator 1117603 Regulator 1118408 Cranking Motor 1108863 Switches Master 1996471 Ser i e s-p arall e I 1996477 Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic Reverse 1538 Engine stop 1118128 Emergency eng. st0l' . ... 1535 Control (PlaIn) 1996061 Control (Reverse) 1996063 Relays (4 per coach) 1116852 (5 per coach) 1116797 (l per coach) 269-N Group J. D. Adams (Contd.) Models 414 & 512 (Eng. I.H.C. UO-l4-A) 2-B Model Group J. D. ADAMS 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models C-40, C-44 City Coaches (Eng. Hall-Scott 180) Generator 1117553 Regulator (120 amp , ) 5620 Cranking Motor...... 1109112 Distributor 4144 Distributor 1111549 Ignition Coils 1115254 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic 1118121 Solenoid 1538 Control (Starting) 1385 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Control (Choke) 1435 Control (Choke) 1996050 Control (Plain) 1415 Control (PI ain)... 1996049 Control (Reverse)... 14% Control (Reverse) . 1996051 Master 1996471 Relays Generator Tell-Tale 1116845 Turn Signal 269-N Miscellaneous 1116797 Fuse Panels 1998759 ........................ 1998772 Horns Low note 1999525 1999526 High note 110m Mtg. Bracket.. 1860277 Horn Relay 1116818 Model 124 10 59-F 30 100 • 104 2-B 104 106 106 4 4 Generators 1102674 98 98-B ........................ 1102737 6-C Regulator 1118311 Pulleys For 201 ]. D. Adams part For 305 1881638 Fan 1866400 Cranking Motors 53 For 201 1107430 61 For 305 1108921 Switches Lighting 1995040 Control (Starting) .... 1385 106 106 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Magnetic Starting 4 For 201 1464 2-B For 305 1118124 Switch Knob (Light) ... 499-X Light Switch Resistance Unit 814545 15-C Horns 1999870 Horn Bracket........ 1855611 1950-51-52-53. Model 312 (Eng. 1.H.c. UD-9A) Models 414 & 512 (Eng. UI.C. UD-14A) Models 550 & 610 (Eng. 1.H.C. UO-16) Generators Standard 110 2976 Opt. (25 amp.) 1105909 Regulators For 1102976 1118355 For 1105909 1118317 Reg. Shock Mtg. Pkg. 1910966 (Continued on next page) 9S-K 106 6-D 6-C Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. J. D. Adams to Delco-Remy Allis Chalmers CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1866400 1880558 1880946 1108933 1109108 61-A 63 1118121 1385 1996048 1995040 1999871 1855611 2-B 106 106 Model Group Group Aircooled Motors Aircraft Engine (Contd.) J. D. Adams (Contd.) J. D. Adams (Contd.) Pulleys For 1102976 For 1105909 Fan & Baffle ...••.... Cranking Motors For '\12 For 414, 512, 610 . Switches Magnetic Control......... Control Light Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket .. Model <ko1tp Switches Light 1995040 Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Control (Starting) •. 1996060 Switch Rod (Light) 499-X Resistor (Light) 1877830 Horn 1999871 Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1855611 • 2-B 106 • 15-D • 15-D 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model Franklin 6A4-150-B3\ Generator Regulators ........................ Cranking Motor ...... Cranking Motor 24-volt (Opt.) ...... Switches Magnetic Magnetic 1101877 1118358 1118384 1109651 93-G 6-D 6-D 70 1109667 70 1452 1465 4 4 AHRENS FOX 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-Volt. ALLIS CHALMERS (Eng. Waukesha 14O-GK, 145-GZ) 1949-50-51- 1953. 6-Cyl. 24-Volt Model 660 - Heavy Duty Grader (Eng. Cummins HB 600) Generator Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Switches Cancro I (Starting) . Light Battery Selector.. Switch Knobs For 479-P For 1995627 Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1106855 114-D 1118737 6-E 1910036 Not Delco-Rerny 1108863 59-F 19%060 479-P 1995627 499-X 1990660 1999871 1855611 106 34 108 15-D 1953. 12-Vol t, Model 330 Motor Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-350) 4-Cyl. Model 440 Motor Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-14A) 4-Cyl. Model 550 Motor Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-525) s-c-i. Generator Std 1102976 98-K Opt. 32 amp 1105936 106-A Regulators For 1102976 1118355 6-D For 1105936 1118329 6-C Reg. Shock Mtg. Pkg.1910966 Pulley 1881638 Pulley spacer For 1105936.... J. D. Adams part Fans For 1102976 1866400 For 1105936 1880558 Fan Baffle For 1105936 ........ 1880946 Cranking Motors For 330 Grader .... 1108933 61-A For 440, 550 Grader ....... 1109108 63 (Continued on next column) Generators ........................ Pulley & Fan For 1106638 For 1106828 Regulators For 1106638 For 1106828 Cranking Motors For 140-GK For 145'GZ Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Coil Switches Magnetic Control Ignition 1106638 1106828 113-B 114-B 1880220 1885473 1118316 1118337 6-C 6-C 1109153 1109150 1111775 815877 815095 1115251 63-B 63-B 105 1 1118121 1996027 1116491 2-B 106 107 41 1953. 12-Volt. (Eng. Waukesha 140-GZ, 145-GZU)· Generator . Pulley & Fan . Regulator . Cranking Motor For 140-GZ . For 145-GZB . Distributor . Advance: Arm . Advance Arm Dial .. Distributor . Ignition Coil .. Switches Magnetic.. ......... Contro l (Starting) . Ignition 1106828 1885473 1118337 114-B 1109153 1109150 1111775 815877 815095 1111415 1115251 63-B 94-1. 41 1118121 1996027 1116491 2-B 106 107 6-C internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Model BD-2 Grader (Eng. G.~l. 2-71) Model D (Eng. Own WD) Generators AD-3, AD-4, BD-3 .. BD-2 D AD-3, AD-4, BD-3 (1950-51) D 0950-51) BD-2.<I950-51) Oanking Motors AD-3, 8D-2, BD-3 .. AD-4 D Horns (All except D) D Switches Startin? Stop Light 1101749 1101752 1101373 93-C 93-C 91 1100962 1101414 1100963 88-Q 91-A 88-Q 1109114 1108811 1107962 1999982 1999801 63 59-D 54-B 7-A 15-A 405- E 1997912 30 • 105 1 1949. 6-Cyl. 12 & 24-Volt. Model 6V4-178-B3 1109661 1109662 Model AD-4 Grader (Eng. G.M. 4-71) 63-B AIRCOOLED MOTORS AIRCRAFT ENelNE Cranking Motors 12 volt 24 volt Models AD-3, BD-3 Graders (Eng. G.M. 3-71) 70 70 1949-50. Models "D," "C," "WD," "WF " Farm Tractors Generator (with pulley) Cranking Motors For B & C For WD For WF Distributor (950) Clamp Ignition Coil Switches Combination Control Rods For B & C For WD 1101357 91 1107043 1107951 1107017 1111735 2070940 1115379 52-A 54-A 52 97-A 479-G 34 41 499-X 1990507 Page 3 Delco-Remy Allis Chalmers to American LaFrance CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Allis Chalmers (Contd.) 1949-50. Model Allis Chalmers (Contd.) Ignition Coil Switches Combination 12-Volt. Model HD-5 (Eng. G.M. 2-71) Model HD-lO (Eng. G.M. 4-71) Model HD-9 (Eng. G.l\I. 4-71) Model HD-19 (Eng. G.M. 6-71) Model HD-15 (Eng. G. M. 6-71) 1101752 1100963 1105377 1105386 93-C 88-Q 103-B 103-B 1108811 1109114 59-D 63 1994023 108 194~5O-51. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model "G" Tractor (Eng. Continental N-62) Generator 1101854 93-1' Relay for 1101854 .. 1116816 4 Cranking Motor...... 1109605 69 Distributor 1111708 97 Advance Arm 1873507 1 Ignition Coil 1115381 41 Light Switch 479-G Comb. 34 Control Knob For Light Switch ..... 499-X • 1949-50-51-52-53. Power Units 13-15 & W-25 Generators 1949 1950-51-52-53 Cranking Motors For W-25 For B-15.h 1101373 110 1414 91 91-A 1107044 1107046 52-A 52-A 1950-51-52-53. Models "13," "CA," "WD" Farm Tractors (Eng. n, C, WD) Generator 1101413 Cranking Motors 1107043 For B For CA 1107096 For WD ....••..•..••. 1107951 Distributor 1111735 Distributor ••.......... 1111745 Clamp 2070940 (Continued on next column) Page 4 1115381 41 479-G 34 I\lodel HD-19 ( (Eng. G.M. 8-71) 1100963 1105386 1105957 88-Q 103-B 106-B 1109114 63 1108811 59-0 1109703 ) 70-B 1994023 108 1952-53. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model "G" Farm Tractor (F:ng. Continental N-62) Generator Relay Cranking Motor Distributor.... Advance Arm ..•....•. Ignition Coil.. ..•..•.. Light Switch. Knob (& Rod) For 479-G 110 1858 1116816 110%14 1111708 1873507 1115381 479-G 93-1' 4 6.9 97 1 41 1990740 1952-53. Graders Models AD-30, I3D-3 (Eng. G. M. 3-71) Model AD-40 (Eng. G. M. 4-71) 91-A 52-A 52-B 54-A 97-A 97-A Group Generators (Continued) For B[)-3 (Also AD-"30, 40, prior to serial 517) 1100962 For D 1101414 Regulator For 1105939 (AD-30, 40) 1118761 Cranking Motors For A[)-30, B[)-2 & 3 .••...... 1109114 For A[)-40 1108811 For D....... 1107962 Switches - For Model D Starting 405- E Stop Light 1997912 Horns All except Model D 1999982 For Model D ......• 1999801 88-Q 91-A 6-E 63 59-D 54-B 30 • 7-A 15-A AMERICAN LA FRANCE & FOAMITE Model HD-20 (Eng. G.M. 6-110) Generators H[)-5 ........•...•.... H[)-9. 15, 19 ......• H[)-20 Cranking Motors H[)-5 •.•..••.......... H[)-9,15,19 H[)-20 Switch Light (Rotary) ..... Model Allis Chalmers (Contd.) 1951-52-53. 12 & 24 Volt. Model HD-5 (Eng. G.M. 2-71) Model HD-7 (Eng. G. ~1. 3-71) Generators H[)-5 H[)-5 (950) H[)-7, 10. 19 H[)-19 (950) Cranking Motors H[)-7, 10, 19 H[)-5 Light Switch H[)-7, 10, 19 Group Model 13D-2 (Eng. G.M. 2-71) Model D (Eng. Own) Generators For A[)-30, AD-40 . 1105939 106-A For B[)-2 1100963 88-Q (Continued on next column) 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-Cy 1. 12-Volt Models 500-T, 501, 565, 575 (Eng. Lycoming BF) Generators Std. Ignition Opt. -Hirig e Mtg Opt. (20 amp.) Fan For 1102953-85 ... Regulators For 1105501 For 1102953 For 1102985 ..•.•.•• Cranking Motor Distributors Generator Mtg. Engine Mtg Advance Arm For 1111202 Ignition Coil ....•.... Switches Starting (Manual) Magnetic Starting Current Limit Relay lIorns Low note High note 110m Mtg. Bracket .. 110m Relay 1105501 1102953 1102985 104-C 98-K 98-L 1866400 1118322 1118304 1118354 744 6-C 6-C 6-D 17 4162 1111202 23 86 1840757 1115043 41 1 406-A 1466 41O-N 30 1999521 1999522 1872391 1116781 17-D 17-D 4 31 4 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-Cyl. 12-Volt Models 512, S12-T, 515 (Engine 300-E) Generators 17 amp .......•..•.... 1102953 20 amp 1102985 55 amp 1117306 Regulators For 1102953....... 1118304 For 1102985 •...... 1118354 For 1117306 1118527 Fans For 1102953-85... 1866400 For 1117306 1872904 Cranking Motor 547 (Continued on next page) 98-K 98-L 122 6-C 6-D 7 16 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. American La France to Austin-Western Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX American LaFrance &. Foamite (Contd.) Distributors Screw Terminals Cs C, W•••••••••••• C.W lUI771 1111772 Plain Terminals Austin -Western Co. (Contd.) 105 105 1111784 105-A 1111785 105-A Advance Arm.. 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial... 815095 Ignition Coil 1115043 41 Current Limit Relay _•. 410-N 31 Switches Starting (Manual) 406-A 30 Magnetic Starting 1466 4 Dimmer 1997008 * Horns I7-D Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 17-0 Horn Relay 1116781 4 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 c.C.W C.W Model Group Model Group Model Ckoap Austin-Western Co. (Contd.) 1949-50. Model 99-H Rotary Plow (Eng. Buda 8DC-1l25) Generator Regulator Fan & Baffle Cranking Motor Switch Control (Starting) . 1949-50-51. 12-Volt. Model Badger Shovel (Eng. I.H.C. WD-9) 1106857 1118540 1910036 835 114-0 7 1996027 106 23-A 93-B 5 18 61 30 1949-50-51. 6-Cy1. Model 88 Motor Grader (Eng. nuda K-393) 1949-50. 12-Volt. Models Cadet & Tandem Rollers (Eng. nuda 4-DT-226) Generator (& Reg.) , 1101743 Cranking Motor...... 1108810 Starting Switch 406-A Generator............. 1101726 Regulator......... 5884 Cranking Motor s , , 779 ......................... 1108925 Starting Switch 406-A 93-C 59-0 30 Gener~tor (& Reg.) 9 39-A Crank irrg Motor 722-L Distributor 1111782 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial.. 815095 Ignition Coil......... 1115328 57 35 105 1 41 AUSTIN-WESTERN CO. 1949. 4-Cyl. Model Patrol Sweeper (Eng. Minneapolis-Moline RE) Generator Fan..................... Fan Baffle Regulator Distributor Ignition Coil Cranking Motor Switches Starting Ignition Light Horns 1102688 1866400 1877887 1118324 1111506 1115328 1107409 98-A 406-A 19977 33 1994013 1999986 30 107 108 7-A 6·C 95 41 53 1101747 1105909 93-C 106 1118317 6-C 1880558 1880946 1108954 1111719 1115043 406-A 1949-50. 6-Volt. Models Cadet & Tandem Rollers (Eng. I.H.C. GRD-233) Generators ........................ Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Starting Switch 1102673 1102713 1118311 1107041 1110095 1116004 1115328 406-A Generators 61-B 97 41 30 Generator (& Reg.) , 1101369 Cranking Motor...... 1107430 Switches Starting 406-A Light 19940 13 98 98-A 6-C 52-A 85-B 4 41 30 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 98-K 98-L For 1102976 For 1102985 Fan Cranking Motor Switches Series-parallel Control 1118354 1118362 1866400 1108873 6-0 6-0 59-F . 1996474 . 1996027 100 108 .. . . .. 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cy1. 12-Volt. Model 99-H Motor Grader (Eng. UtC. LID-14A) 91 53 30 108 1949-50. 6-Volt Model Badger Shovel (Eng. I. H.C. W-9) Generator (& Reg.). 1101369 Cranking Motor. 1108958 Starting Switch 406-A 1102976 1102985 R~g·~i~t·~;~············· 1949-50. 6-Volt. Model 55 Motor Grader (Eng. I.H.C. IU-4 Gas) 1949-50. 4-Cy1. 12-Volt. Model 99-H Grader (Eng. LeRoi D-471) Generators 8-10 amp Opt. 25 amp .•.•.... Regulator For 1105909 ....... Fan For 1105909 Baffle For 1105909 Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Switch-Starting 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cy1. Model 88 Motor Grader (Eng. Buda 6DT-415) 91 61-B 30 Generators With Regulator .... 1101738 Opt. (16-18 amp.) . 1102955 20 amp 1102976 Regulators For 1102955 1118312 For 1102976 1118355 Pulley For 1102955-76 ... 1881638 Fan For 1102955-76 1866400 Cranking Motor 1109155 Switches Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Control (Starting) .... 1385 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Starting 406- A Comb 477-C Ignition 1997733 98-C 98-K 98-K 6-C 6-0 63-B 2-B 106 106 30 34 107 Page 5 Austin-Western Co. to Autocar Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group Austin-Western Co. (Contd.) 93-C 98-K 98-1\: 1118304 1118355 1109108 6-C 6-D 63 1997733 107 34 30 477-C 406-A Generator Fan & Baffle Regulator Cranking Motors 1949-50 1951-52-53 Switch-Starting 1106808 1910036 1118339 114-B 806 868 1996474 23 23-A 100 6-C 1949-50-51. 6-Cy1. Model C-45 Standard Truck (Eng. Own 377) 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cy1. 6-Volt. Model Autocrat Roller (Eng. Buda K-42B) Generator (with Reg.) . 939-A 57 Cranking Motor 722-L 35 Distributot ........•.. III 1782 105 Advance Arm 1838617 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil. ... 1115327 41 Switches Starting 406-A 30 Light 477-C Comb. 34 1952-53. 12-Volt. Model AWB Badger Shovel (Eng. I. H.C. WD-9) 93- B 5 61-A 34 Generator (32 amp.) • 1105886 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor 1108951 Distributor 1111797 Cl emp-.Di st, Hold Down 1910500 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Starting 406-D Dimmer 1997008 105-C 6-C 61-B 105-A 41 30 • 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cy1. 12-Volt Models C-50, C-50-T (Standard) U-50, U-50-T (C.O.E.) (Engine 377) Generator s AUTOCAR 1949-50. 12-Volt. Model C-SO Special (Eng. Own 447) Distributor Ignition Coil Switches Starter Dimmer Page 6 1111809 1115251 105-A 41 405-C 30 1997008 30 amp. •.•.• 1106665 40 amp 1106821 40 amp 1106816 40 amp 1106850 50 amp 1106822 50 amp 1106815 50 amp 1106849 Regulatots For 1106665 1118328 For 1106816-21-50d118337 For 1106815-22-49.1118368 Cranking Motor 1108605 Distributor 1111797 Clarnp-i-Di st. Hold Down 1910500 (Continued on next column) Model Group Autocar (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cy1. 12-24 Volt. ~Iodels DCB-I00, DCI3-100-T, DCI3-100M Diesel Trucks (Eng. Buda 6-DCS-844) 1101737 1102968 1102978 Generator............. I 10 1726 Regulator 5884 Cranking Motor 1108944 Switch-Comb 477-C Group Autocar (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. 12-Volt. ~lodel Master 99-H Motor Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-16) Generators And Regulator Opt. 18 amp. 20 amp Regulators For 1102968 For 1102978 .•..... Cranking Motor...... Switches Ignition Comb Starting Model 113-C 114-B 114-B 114-C 114-B 114-B 114-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 57-B 105 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Starring For C-50, C-50-T .. 406-D For U-50, U-50- T .. 405-C Horns Low note 1999593 High note 1999594 Horn Mrg, Bracket .. 1917275 41 • 30 30 17-F 17-F 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. I\lodels C-70, C-70-T (Conventional) U-70, U-70-1' (C.O.E.) (Engine 447) Models C-70-TS, C-90, C-90-T (Conventional) L-70-S, U-70-TS (C.O.E.) (Engine 501) Generators Std. Models 30 amp . 1106665 113-C .. 1106821 114-B 40 amp 40 amp . 1106816 114-B 40 amp . 1106850 114-C Opt. Std. Models 50 amp 1106822 114-B 50 amp 1106815 114-B 50 amp 1106849 114-C Regulators 6-C For 1106665 1118328 6-C For 1106816-21-50. 1118337 6-D For 1106815-21-49.1118368 Regulator Shock Mtg. Package 1910966 Cranking Motors Fat 447 Eng 1108605 57-B For 501 Eng 1108956 61-B Distributor 1949-50.. 1112271 106 1951-52-53 •..•....• 1111797 105 Clamp-Disc. Hold Down 1910500 41 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Starting 406-D 30 Mag. Starting Not Del co-Remy Control-St arting (Opt.) 1377 106 Horns Low note 1999593 17-F High note 1999594 17-F Horn Mrg , Bracket .. 1917275 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy Autocar to Available CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cy1. 12-Volt. Models C-74-T & C-75-T Tractors (Eng. Continental R-6-572) Models C-94-T & C-95-T Tractors Model C-95 Standard Cab Truck (Eng. Continental R-6-602) Generators 12 volt-40 amp Regulators For 1106801 For 1106821 Pulley & Fan Cranking Motor Distributor 1952-53 Clamp-Dist. Hold Down Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Ignition Starting (Mag.) Control Hom 11D680 1 114-B 1106821 114-B .. . . .. . .. 63-A 105 105-B 1910500 1115251 41 1997008 Not De lco-Rerny Not Delco-Remy 1377 106 Not Delco-Remy Models DC-lOO-T, DC-I00, DC-100M Trucks (Eng. Cummins NHB-600, Cummins NB-600) Generator 12 vol t- 50 amp. .. 1106805 Regulator 1118339 1953. 8-Cy1. 12-Volt. Trucks Models CL-64T, CL-6ST, CL-84-T, CL-85T (Eng. Le Roi H-540) Generator Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil......... Switch (Magnetic Start.) .. 1106822 114-B 1118368 6-D 1910036 Le Roi Part 1109150 63-B 1110616 89 1115043 41 1118121 1118303 1118333 1108207 1111773 1838617 815095 1115328 6-C 6-C 55 105 I 406- A 1997008 30 41 2-B 114- B 6-C 1910036 * 1108863 1108872 59-F 59-F 1996474 100 1949-S0-S1-S2. 6- Volt. Models C5-200-SP, C-250-S1' (F:ng. Waukesha 6-B1'1) Models CS-2S0-SP, C-400-L-SP & CS-400-L-SP (Eng. Waukesha 6-BZ) 19S3. 6 -Cy1. 12-Volt. ~lodel C-70 Sanitation Truck (New York City) (Eng. Own 447) Model U-90 Sanitation Truck (New York City) (f=ng. Own SO 1) Generator 1117053 Pulley 1926127 Regulator 1118534 Cranking Motors For 447 . 1108605 For 501 . 1108956 Distributor . 1111797 Distributor damp .. 1910500 Ignition Coil . 1115251 Switches Starting 406-D Dimmer 1997008 120- A * 8 57-B 61-B 105-A 1952-53. 6-Cyl. Model C65- T Truck (Eng. Cummins JBS) 1106822 1910036 1118339 1108840 114-B 1118121 1996027 2-B 106 6-C 59-E Generator 1105884 Regul ator 1118303 Cranking Motors For BM Engine 737-R For BZ Engine 1107437 L.II. for BZ Enginel107443 Distributor 1111766 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil......... 1115328 Switches Starting (for 1107437, 43 Motor) 406- A 1997008 Dimmer 105-C 6-C 48 53-A 53-A 105 I 41 30 • 41 30 110m s Low note .. 1999593 . 1999594 High note Horn Mtg, Bracket .. 1917275 17-F 17-F AVAILABLE Generator Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Starring. Control (Starting). Regulators For 1105885 For 1106755 Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial IgnitionCoil Switches Starting Dimmer 6-C 6-C 1118338 1118337 1911339 1109150 1111779 1111836 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cy1. Diesel. Models DC-74-T & DC-75-T (Eng. Cummins HB-600) Fan & Baffle Cranking Motors 24 volt-R.H. mtg .• 24 volt-L.H. mtg •• Solenoid Switch Series-parallel.... Available (Contd.) Autocar (Contd.) Autocar (Contd.) Model Group Model Group (koup 1949-50-51-S2. 6-Cy1. 6-Volt. ~lodels C-SOO-SP, cs-soo-sr. C-55G-Sr, C5-SS0-SP, C-550-SrX, CS-S50-SPX, C-600, C5-600 Trucks; CS-600-SW Crane Carrier (Eng. Waukesha MZR) Generators 1105885 105-C Opt. 50 amp 1106755 114 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1949-50-S1-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models C-600-B, CS-600-B, CS-700-SW Crane Carriers (F:ng. Waukesha SHKR) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor...... Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition-Coil Switches Starring Dimmer 1105926 1118354 1108954 1111765 1838617 815095 1115043 106 G-D 61-B 105 406-A 1997008 30 41 • Page 7 A vailable to Buffalo Springfield De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Available (Contd.) Group B. F. Avery &. Sons (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. iz-vsu. Model C-600-C (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) Generator s 1101744 Optional 1106809 Optional ,. 1106826 Fan & Pulley (Opr.) . 1885473 Regulators For 1101744 1118319 For 1106809-26 1118339 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distri butor 1111775 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Magn et i c Starting. 1118121 1997008 Dimmer Model 93-C 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 63-B 105 1 41 2-B • 1950-51-52. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Farm Tractors Models BF & R (Engine Hercules IXB) Generators 12 amp 14 amp Relay Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arm Clamp Arm Dial Ignirion Coil Light Switch Knob for 1995603 93-F 93-F 4 69 97- A 1 41 108 BEAVER METROPOLITAN COACH 1949-50. 12-Volt. Models B-31-PT & B-35-PT (Eng. LH.C. RED-361-A & RED-450-A) B. F. AVERY &. SONS 1949-50. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Farm Tractors l\lodel A (Engine Hercules IXB-3) Generators 12 amp 14 amp Relay Cranking Motor Cranking Motor Distributor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Light Switch Knob for 1995603 Starting Switch 1101851 1101856 1116816 1109602 1109609 1111714 1111729 1843580 815095 1115381 1995603 1990556 406-A 93-F 93-F 4 69 69 97 97-A 1 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Farm Tractor Model V (Engine Hercules ZXB-3) Generators 12 amp 14 amp Relay Cranking Motor...... Distributor Hold Down damp Ignition Coil Light & Ignition Switch Page 8 977 1117378 1907395 18 122-B 1118512 1118520 790 1110167 1838617 815095 1115251 7 7 17 85-E I 41 1116845 4 1435 1385 106 106 1118128 1999525 1872391 1116781 2-B 17-D 4 41 108 30 1101851 1101856 1116816 1109604 1111715 1910500 1115381 93-F 93-F 4 69 97 1 41 1994525 108 1950-51-52-53. 12- Volt. Models 31-PT, 35-PT (Eng. LH.C. RD-450) Generator. Pulley & Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Relays Charge Indicator .. Horn Tell Tale Switches Control (Choke) Control (Choke) Control (Starting). Hom Hom Mtg. Bracket .. Group C. D. BECK CO. 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models Main-Liner Coaches B-33 & B-37 (Eng. Ul.C. RED-450) 1101851 1101856 1116816 110%09 1111736 1843580 815095 1115381 1995603 1990556 Generators 80 amp. (Opt.) Pulley & Fan Regulators For 977 For 1117378 Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Relay (Generator Tell Tale) Switches Choke Control (Starting) Solenoid (Fuel shut-off) Hom Horn Mtg. Bracket.. Horn Relay Model 977 1907395 1118597 1109005 1112357 1838617 815095 1115251 18 7-B 62 107 1116845 1116781 1116875 4 4 4 1996050 19%062 1996060 1999593 1872391 106 106 106 17-F Generator 678 14 Regulator 1118507 7 Cranking Motor 713 17 Distributor 1110167 85-F Advance Arm 1838617 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Light (Gana-; Regulator circuit) 1998602 49 Light (GangSplit circuit) 1998601 49 Signal 1997702 109 Control (Starting).... 1385 106 Control (Choke) .. _... 1435 106 Gas Tank 1404 Dash Light 1 1997008 • Dimmer Signal Buzzers .. 199995 I Horn 7-A Horn 1999802 15-A Horn Mtg. Bracket.. 1855611 Battery................... 4D21 7C-3 BROWN EQUIPMENT &. MFC. CO. 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model R-6572-T Truck (Eng. Continental R-6572) Generators ........................ Optional Pulley & Fan Regulators For 1106802 .. For 1117320 For 1106822 Fan (For 1117320) Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Starting. Control (Starting). Dimmer Ignition Light (Gang) Light (Gang) 1106802 1106822 1117320 1911339 114-B 114-B 122 1118339 1118597 1118368 1872904 1109150 1111779 815877 815095 111525 I 6-C 7-B 6-D 63-B 105 1 41 1118121 1996027 1997008 1997807 1998642 1998649 2-B 106 • 107 49 49 1 41 BUFFALO SPRINCFIELD ROLLER CO. 1949·50-51. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model KT-15- -5-Ton Roller (Eng. Waukesha XAH) Generator 1101400 Regulator 5821 (Continued on next page) 91-A 4 Intemal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Buffalo Springfield to Buick Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Group Buffalo Springfield Roller Co. (Contd.) Buffalo Springfield Roller Co. (Contd.) Cranking Motor 739-B Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control (Starring).... 1385 51 41 4 106 Group Buffalo Springfield Roller Co. (Contd.) Switches Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Control (Starting). 1996060 1949-50-51- 6-Volt. Models KT-7, TR-3 (Eng. Continental Model Group Y-112) 2-B 106 Models KT-l6-B, KT-17-B (Eng. Continental F-226) 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models KT-16C, KT-17C (Eng. Hercules QXD) Model KT-24-B (Eng. Continental 1'11-330) vlodel VM-31 (Eng. Continental B-427) 1949-50-51Model VT Road Builder (Eng. Waukesha 6-SRKR) Generator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) 110 1743 1108956 1111765 1838144 815095 93-C 61-B 105 1 1118124 1385 2-B 106 Model VM-31 (12-24 Volt) (Eng. Hercules OJX) 1101778 93-D 1108869 1108809 59-D 59-F 1996474 100 1118193 2-B 67 53-A 61-B 97 105 41 4 106 106 34 Generator .••.. 1102714 Regulator 1118303 Reg. Mtg. Pkg, •••••. 1910966 Cranking Motor .•.... 1109453 Distributor 1111712 Advance Arm 1843580 Advance Arm Dial ••.. 815095 Ignition Coil ...•..••. 1115328 Switches Light '" 479-S Magnetic Starting 1464 Control (Starting). 1996060 93-B 88-Q 5 61 98-A 6-C 66-B 97 41 34 4 106 2-B 106 106 Models KT-24C, KX-25C, KX-250, VM-31C (Eng. I.H.C. - UD-9A) Generator 1102976 Regulator .••.........• 1118354 Reg. Mtg. Pkg. ...•.. 1910966 Pulley •.........•..•... 1864176 Fan .•.•............•.... 1866400 Cranking Motor .•.•••. 1108933 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Generator ...........•. 1102714 Regulator •..•.•....... 1118303 Reg. Mtg, Pkg .•..•.. 1910966 Cranking Motor ....•. 1107454 Distributor ............ 1110198 Advance Arm ........ 1838144 Advance Arm Dial .... 815095 Ignition Coil ......... 1115328 Switches Light (Opt.) .......... 479-S Magnetic Starting.... 1464 Control (Starting) . 1996060 98-A 6-C 53-A 85-E 1 41 34 4 106 BUICK 1952-53. 12- Volt. Models K-16C, VM-18, VM-19, VM-21, VM-24 (Eng. I.H.C. UO-264) 1949-50-51. 5-Cy I. 12-Volt. Models KT-24, KT-24-B, KX-25 & VM-31 Rollers (Eng. I.H.C. UD-6 & UO-9) Generators 1101726 ........................ 1100972 Regulator 5884 Cranking Motor 1108904 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starring)... 1385 Control (Starting). 1996048 91-A 1952-53. 4-Cyl. 6- Volt. Models KT-7, TR-3C (Eng. Continental Y-112) 1949-50-51~lodels KT-16-D, KT-24-D (Eng. Hercules 0000) Generator Cranking Motors For DJX For DOOD Switches Series-parallel For DJX Magnetic For DOOD ....... Generator ............. 1101382 Cranking Motors For Y-112 .......... 1109453 For F-226, M-330. 1107443 For B-427 ..•....... 1108951 Distributors For Y-112 .......... 1111712 For F-226, M-330, B-427 ............. 1111769 Ignition Coil ......... 1115328 Switches Starting ................ 1464 Control (Starting) •••• 1385 Control (Starting). 1996048 Light ..... ..•...• ..••••. 479-5 Models KT-24C (Eng. Hercules JXD) UM-31C (Eng. Hercules JXLO) 98-K 6-D 61-A 1949. &Cyl. Series 40, 50, 70 (U.S.) Series 44, 45, 47 (Canada) Generators Series 40 1102679 Series 50 .. •.••••..• 110 2709 Series 70 ......•..•. 1102708 Regulators For 1102679 1118301 For 1102709-708•• 1118357 Cranking Motors Series 40 (L.H.D.}.1107049 Series 40, 50 (R.H.D.) 1107057 Series 50 (L.H.D.). 1107078 Series 50 (R.H.D.). 1107057 Series 70 (L.H.D.). 1107953 Series 70 (R.H.D.). 1107935 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) for Top lift on Convertibles 1108572 Distributors Series 40 1110801 Series 50 & 70 1110815 Ignition Coil s Series 40 (R.H.D.). 1115026 Series 40 (L.H.D.). 1115328 Series 50 & 70 ..•• 1115328 Switches Ignition Series 40 (L.H. D.). 1116359 Series 40 (R.H.D.). 1116297 Series 50 & 70 •... 1116452 (Continued on next page) 98 98-A 98-A 6-C 6-D 52-A 52-A 52-B 52-A 54-A 54-A 57 85 90-A 41 41 41 107 107 107 Page 9 Delco-Remy Buick to Buick CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Ckoup Buick (Contd.) Lighting Series 40 ........... 1995016 Series 50 & 70 •••• 1995031 Dimmer L.H.D............... 1997008 R.H.D............... 1997015 Blower Series 50 & 70 .... 1997830 Defroster & Heater Series 40 ........... 1997764 Instrument Series 40 ........... 1997762 Directional Signal Series 40 (L.H. D.). 1995537 Series 40 (R.H.D.). 1995538 Series 50 & 70 (L.H.D.) .......... 1995529 (L.H.D.Dark grey) .... 1995548 (DynaflowDark grey) ..... 1995549 (R.H.D.) .......... 1995530 (R.H.D.Dark grey) ..... 1995550 Dynaflow Series 50 & 70 .... 1995534 Series 50 (R.H.D.) .......... 1995545 Glove Box Series 40 ............ 19977 47 Series 50 & 70 ..•. 1997771 Back-Up Standard Tran s•... 1997825 Dynaflow ........... 1997847 Neutral Safety ....... 1997838 Horns Low note ........... 1999519 High note ........... 1999520 Lownote (welded). 1999641 High note (welded). 1999642 Hom Relay ........... 1116775 Horn Mtg, Bracket ... 1886830 Horn Connector Cable Series 40 ........... 1317516 Series 50 & 70 .... 1997832 Batteries DomesttcSeries 40 & 50 ....... 15E-4 Series 70 (L.H. D.)... 17E-4 Series 50 & 70 (Opt.) ................ 19E-4 ExportSeries 50 & 70 ....... 17K-4 Group Buick (Contd.) 108 108 * * * * 42 42 42 42-A 42-A 42 42-A 42 42 * * 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1950. Series "4O," "50," "7O" (U.S.) Series "44," "45, " "47" (Canada) Generator ............. 1102709 98-A 6-0 Regulator ............. 1118364 Cranking Motors For 40, 44, 45, 5052-A R.H.D............ 1107057 52-B L.H.D............ 1107078 For ((70" .......... 1107953 54-A (Continued on next column) Page 10 Model Model Group Buick (eontd.) Motor (Hydraulic Pump) For top lift on convertibles ... 1108572 Di stri butor ............ 1110815 Ignition Coil ......... 1115328 Switches Ignition ............. 1116452 Light 40, 44 Series .... 1995044 45, 47, 50, 70 ... 1995045 Dimmer L.H.D............. 1997008 R.H.D............. 1997015 Directional Dynaflow ......... 1995546 Syncromesh ..... 1995547 R.H.D............ 1995553 Glove Box .......... 1997858 Glove Box 40, 44 SeriesR.H.D............. 1997866 Back-Up Syncromesh ..... 1997825 Dynaflow ......... 1997847 Neutral Safety ..... 1997838 Blower .............. 1997830 Horns Low note ........... 1999649 High note ........... 1999650 Relay-Horn .......... 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets R.H .................. 1913630 L.H.................. 1913632 Hom Cable Connector .......... 1997832 Batteries "40," "50" ......... 15E4 "70" .................... 17E4 "50," "70" Opt..... 19E4 57 90-A 41 107 108 108 42 42 42 * l7-E 17-E 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1951. 8-Cyl. Series 40, 50, 70 (U.S.) Series 43, 44, 45, 47 (Canada) Generators ............ 1102754 45 amp ............... 1102774 Regulators For 1102754 ....... 1118364 For 1102774 ....... 1118729 Cranking Motors 40, 43, 44, 45 & 50 (L.H.D.) .......... 1107097 50 (R.H.D.) ......... 1107098 47,70 ............... 1107981 40, 43, 44, 45, 50 (L.H.D.) .......... 1107110 50 (R.H.D.) ........ 1107114 Hydraulic Pump ... 1108588 Motor (Hydraulic) For window lift .... 1108572 Distributor ............ 1110815 Ignition Coil .......... 1115328 Switches Ignition .............. 1116452 Light ................ 1995045 Dimmer .............. 1997008 Heater (Opt.) ....... 1997885 (Continued on next column) 98-C 98-C 6-D 6-E 52-C 52-C 54-B 52-e 52-C 57 57 90-A 41 107 108 * 110 Directional 40 (Opr.), 43 Can. & 50 ............. 1995561 70 .................. 1995562 50 R.II.D......... 1995553 Stop Light (43 Canada) ...... 1997725 Glove Box 40, 50 & 70 ...... 1997858 50 R.H.D......... 1997866 Back Uo Syncromesh 1997825 Dy.naflow ......... 1997847 Neutral Safety Dynaflow .......... 1998023 Relays Solenoid ............. 1116855 Horn .................. 1116775 Horns Low note ............ 1999649 High note ........... 1999650 Low note ............ 1999669 High note ........... 1999670 Horn Mrg, Bracket R.H ................... 1913630 L.H................... 1913632 Hom Cable Connector ........... 1997832 Batteries Series 40, 50 .......... 15E-6 Series 70 (L.H.D.)... 17E-6 Opt. for Series 50,70 . 19E-6 Series 50, 70 (Export) .............. 17K-6 1952. 42-A 42-A 42 * * * 4 4 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 Series 40, 50, 70 Generator .............. 1102779 Regulator .............. 1118729 Cranking Motors 40.50 (L.H.D.) .... 1107110 50 (H..H.D.) ......... 1107114 70 ..................... 1107981 For Hydraulic Pump ................. 1108588 Distributor ............ 1110832 Ignition Coil .......... 1115328 Switches Ignition .............. 1116452 Light ................. 1995045 Dimmer .............. 1997008 Heater (Opt.) ....... 1997885 Directional Series 40, Opt. 50. 1995565 Series 70 ............ 1995566 Glove Box All L.H.D........ 1997858 50 R.H.D......... 1997866 Back Up Light Syncromesh ...... 1998013 Dynaflow ......... 1998015 Neutral Safety Dynaflow ......... 1998023 Relays Solenoid ............. 1116855 Hom .................. 1116775 J unction Block ....... 1998756 Horns Low note ............ 1999649 High note ........... 1999650 (Continued on next page) 98-D 6-E 52-C 52-C 54-B 57 90-A 41 107 108 * * III III * * * * 4 4 * 17-F 17-F Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Buick to Cadillac Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Gnrap Buick (Contd.) Horn Mtg, Brackets R.H ........•.......... 1913630 L.B 1913632 Horn Cable Connector 1997832 Batteries Series 40, 50 .... 15 E6 Series 70 (L.H.D.) 17E6 Opt. Series 50, 70... 19E6 Series 50, 70 (Export) 17K6 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 (Canada) 1952. Series 43 Generators First production ... Later production .. Regulators For 1102754 For 1102779 Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil......... Switches Igni tiori Di rnme r Li ght Neutral Safety Dynaflow Drre c t ron al Model Group Buick (Contd.) 1102754 1813481 98-C 98-C 1118364 1118729 1107097 1110815 1115328 6-D 6-E 52-C 90-A 41 1116452 1997008 1995045 107 .. 1998014 .. 1995565 . 1997725 Stop Light Relays Control (Starting) . 1116855 Horn 1116775 Junction Block (Headlamp) 1998756 Horns (Optional) Low note 1999649 High note 1999650 Horn Mtg. Brackets R.B 1913630 L.H 1913632 Horn Cable Connector1997832 • 108 111 4 4 17-F 17-F 1953. B-Cy l. Series 40--6- Volt Series 50, 70--12- YoIt Series 43--6-volt (Canada) Series 45, 47--12-volt (Canada) Generators 6v Std. for Series 40, 43 1102798 98-D 12v Std. for Series 45,47.50.70 .. 1102003 93-M 12v Std. for Series 93-M 45, 47, 50, 70 •. 1102008 12v Opt. Series 47, 50, 70 wi Air 1102006 Condo 93-M Regulators 6-E 6v for 110 2798 .... 1118729 12v for 6-E 1102003-6-8 ..... 1118749 Pulley & Fan For 1102798 ...... 1925586 • (Continued on next column) Cranking Motors 6v Series 40-43... 1107110 12v Std. Seri e s 45,47, 50, 70 ... 1107601 6v Series 43 (Canada) 1107097 Motors 12v Series 45, 47, 50, 70 Hydraulic pump .• 1108592 Distributors Series 40-43 ..... .- 1110838 Less cap & rotor. 1924745 Series 45. 47, 50, 70 ... 1110827 Less cap & rotor. 1922284 Ignition Coils 6v Series 40-43 ... 1115380 12v Series 45, 47, 50, 70 ... 1115082 Resistance Unit (12v) 1923681 -: 12v (Dash Mtg.) •.•. 1927236 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116499 Light Series 40, 43 1995045 Light Series 45, 47, 50, 70 ... 1995054 Directional Opt. Series 40, 43........... 1995574 45. 50 Dy naflow, 47, 70 .... 19955'1 45, 50 Syncromesh 1995575 Glove Box All L.1l.D....... 1997858 Heater Opt. Series 40, 43 1998029 Opt. Series 45,47,50,70 .. 1998018 Back-Up Light Opt. Series 49, 43 Syncromesh 1998013 Dynaflow 1998015 Opt. Series 45, 50 Syncromesh ..... 1998037 Neutral Safety 40, 43, Dyn aflow 1998023 Neutral Safety & Back-Up Lights 45, 50, Dynaflow, 47, 70.... 1998025 Hand Brake Warning Light .. 1998028 Blower & Air Condo Opt. Series 70.. 1998043 Junction Block ...... 1998756 Relays Solenoid 6v Seri es 40,·43 1116855 12v Series 45, 47, 50, 70 .. 1116876 Power Brake Series 50, 70 ... 1116896 Horn 6v Series 40. 43 1116775 (Continued on next column) 52-C 53-G 52-C 57 90-A 90-A 41 41 < <- Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Model Group Buick (Contd.) 109 Relays (Continued) Horn 12v Series 45, 47, 50. 70 .• 1116781 Horns Series 40 6v Low note .... 1999639 6v High note... 1999640 Series 45, 47, 50, 70 12v Low note ... 1999755 12v High note .. 1999756 Low note (Opt. Canada) 43. 1999631 High note (Opt. Canada) 43. 1999632 . Horn Mtg, Brackets Std. .. 1924440 Opt. wi Air Condo R.B 1925751 L.B 1925753 Horn Cable Connector ......... 1997832 Batteries 6v Series 40 15E6 6v Series 40 (Opr.) 19E6 6v Series 40 Export.. 17E6 12v Series 50, 70.. 3EE70 4 17-F 17- F 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 108 108 III 111 III 110 BYERS MACHINE CO. 1949-50. Ivlodel 83 (F:ng. Buda K-428) Generator 941-W Cranking Motor 640 Distributor 1111782 Advance Arm 1844893 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Magnetic 1118124 Control................. 1385 38 18 105 1 41 2-13 106 110 CADILLAC 1949. 8-Cy 1. Models "60s," "61," "62," "75" Series Passenger Mode I "86" Serie s Commercial 110 • 4 4 4 4 Generator Regulator.. Cranking Motor Motor (Hydraulic Pump) For top lift on convertibles Distributor Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Control (Starting) . Lighting Ignition (Continued on next 1102700 1118300 1107945 98-A 6-C 54-A 1108572 1110812 1910500 1115380 57 90-A 1996009 1995031 1116462 page) 106 108 107 41 Page 11 Delco-Remy Cadillac to Cadillac CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Cadillac (Contd.) * • 42 42 17-E 17-E 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 1950. Models "60," "61," "62," "75" Series Passenger, "86" Commercial .. .. . .. . 11Onoo 1118357 1107969 1110819 1115380 I~nition 1116462 DIrectional Signal Early 1950 Hydramatic (Brown) ...... 1995540 Syncromesh (Brown) 1995541 Hydramatic 1995551 Syncromesh 1995552 Lighting 1995047 Control (Starting). 1996046 Mtg, bushing (For 1996046) 1915731 Dimmer 1997008 Neutral Safety & Back-Up Light (Hydramatic) .... 1997871 Back-Up Light (Syncromesh) .... 1997774 Glove Compartment 1997863 Junction Block ...... 1998780 Horns Low note . 1999641 High note . 1999642 Relay--Horn . 1116775 Batteries Passenger Car 17K4 Commercial 19Q4 98-A 6-D 54-B 90-A 41 107 Page 12 6-D 6-£ 54-B 57 90-A 41 108 107 110 * III 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 42 42-A 42-A 106 1952. 8-CyI. "60," "62," "75" Hydramatic I\iodel "86" Commercial Chassis (Syncromesh & Hydramatic) ,~Iodels 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 98-A 98-C Generator...... 110 2-:"81 Regulator 1118725 Cranking Motors 1107969 Hydraulic Pump 1108588 Distributors 1110829 ........................ 1110833 Ignition Coil ......... 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995051 19n. & Starting 1116470 Back Up Light (Syn crorne sh) .••. 1998016 Back Up & Neutral Safety (Hydramatic) •••. 1998012 Oil pressure 1997884 Stop Ligh t 1997901 Turn Signal 1995568 (Continued on nen column) Group Cadillac (Contd.) 42 1951. 8-CyI. Models "60," "61," "62," "75" Hydramatic Model "86" Commercial Chassis (Syncromesh & Hydramatic ) Generators 1102700 45 amp 1102770 (Continued on next column) Regulators For 1102700 1118357 For 1102770 _ 1118727 Cranking Motors 1107969 Hydraulic Pump 1108572 Distributor 1110820 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Lighting 1995047 Ign, & Starting 1116470 Back-Up Light (Syn crorne sh) .. 1997774 Back-Up & Neutral Safety (Hydr as) .. 1997879 Oil Pressure 1997884 Stop Light 1997901 Turn Signal 1995558 Hand Brake Warning Light 4598597 Glove Compartment 1997863 Junction Block ...... 1998780 Horns Low note 1999639 High Note 1999640 Low note 1999675 High note 1999676 Hom Relay........... 1116775 Horn Mtg , Lamination1849037 Horn Mrg. Lamination Support 815474 Batteries Passenger Car 17K-4 Passenger Car 17K-6 Commercial 19Q-4 Commercial 19Q-6 Model Group Cadillac (Contd.) Neutral Safety (Hydramatic) .... 1997844 Back-Up Light (Opr.) 1997774 Map Light 1997848 Dimmer 1997008 Directional Signal (HydramaticBrown) 1995540 (StandardBrown) ......... 1995541 Junction Block (Head Lamp) 1998779 Horns Low note 1999621 High note 1999622 Lownote (welded). 1999649 High note (welded). 1999650 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Lamination 1849037 Batteries Passenger 17K-4 Commercial 19</-4 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Switches Model 98- D 6-E 54-B 57 90-A 90-A 41 108 107 110 110 • III Switches (Continued) Glove Compartment 1997863 Junction Block 1998780 Horns Low note 1999639 High note 1999640 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg , Lamination1849037 Horn Mtg, Lamination Support 815474 Horn Cable Connector (For Power Steering only) 1998787 Batteries Passenger Car 17K6 Commercial 19Q6 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 1953. 8-Cy!. iz-ven. Models 60 G, 62, 75 i\lodel 86 Commercial Chassis Generators 1102002 Opt. wi Air Condo . 1102007 AC opt. for commercial chassis. 1117102 Regulator 111!:l750 For 1117102 1118773 Rectifier For 1117102 ........ 1926291 Gen. App l, pkg. For 1117102 1926450 Cranking Motor 1107602 Motor (Hy dr aul i c pump) 1108592 Distributor 1110835 Export 1110833 Ign iti on Coil 1115082 Resistance Unit 1923681 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting 1116470 Lighting 1995053 Glove compartment 1997863 Back-Up Light (Syncromesh) .... 1998016 Back-Up & Neutral Safety (Hy dr a.) .. 1998012 Switch Back-Up & Neutral Safety (Dynaflow) 1998069 Hand Brake Warning Light .. 1998067 Hand Brake Warning Light 4598597 Oil Pressure 1997884 Stop Light 1997901 Turn Signal 1995570 J unction Block...... 1998780 Horns Low note (St d.) 1999755 High note (St d.) 1999756 Opt. wi Air Condo Low note 1999757 High note 1999758 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg. Lamination 18490 37 Horn Mtg. Lamination Support 815474 Horn Cable Connector Power Steering onl y 1998787 Battery................ 3EE70 Standard 93-M 93-M 150-0 6-£ 6-E 1 53-G 5; 90-A 90-A 41 • 107 108 110 110 * 111 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy Canadian Car to Caterpillar Tractor CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. ~Iodel C-36--36-Pass. Coach (Eng. llall-Scott 136) 123-A 2-A 25 41 2 2-13 30 ra6 106 106 4 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model CCO-IC-41--3't-Pass. Coach (Eng. Hall-Scott 180) Generator Regulator Crank ing Motor Distributor Ignition Coil SWItches Dimmer Magnetic Solenoid Master Control Starting...... Choke Plain Reverse Fuse Panels 22 Fuse 2 Fuse 18 Fuse Relays Miscellaneous Stop Light 1117553 5620 1109112 4144 1115251 123-A 2-A 63 28 41 1997014 1118121 1538 1996471 2-13 104 30 1385 1435 1415 1436 106 106 106 106 1998759 1998772 1998752 1116797 269-N 977 1 I 18494 1872904 713 1112357 1115255 11 18121 18 2-D 17 107 41 2-13 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24 Volt. Model lCWD-29 Voyager Coach (f~ng. AF.C 7.7 English Diesel) Generator Regulators First production .. Later production .. Cranking Motor 24 volt Switches Dimmer .............. Control (Starting) • Control (Stop) ..... Magn et i c Starting. Seri e s-p ar al Ie l .... Relay (Mi s c.) ........ 1117378 122-B 1118452 1118547 2-C 8 1108863 59-F 1997014 1996060 1996059 1118128 1996477 1116797 106 106 2-13 100 4 J. I. CASE 1949-50-51-52. Model "V" Series Tractor (Eng. Continental F-124) Switches Light ................ Light ................ Horn .................... Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1994034 1994008 1999870 1855611 108 lOR 15-C CATERPILLAR TRACTOR 1105919 106 ll05927 1117322 106-A 122 1872904 Ill8318 ll18538 6-C 7 269-N 1116797 * 1996471 1997014 1415 1949-50-51-52-53. Models 0-7, 0-8 4 1949-50-51-52-53. ie-v-u. Model 1'-44 Trolley Coach Generators 25 amp 25 amp. (Inverted mtg.) 55 amp. (Opr.) Fan & Baffl e For ll05919 ....... Regulators For 1105919-927 .. For ll17322 ....... Relays Stop Light Miscellaneous Switches Master Dimmer Control Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Switch (Magnetic) 4 30 * 106 1949-50-51-52-53. Tractors Models 0-2, D-4, 0- 6 - Generators 6-volt for 021950-51-52-53 ... 110 2735 6-volt for D-4, D-618 amp ............ 1102425 23 amp ............ ll06256 1950-51-52-53 ... 1102734 Regulators For 1l02425-6256 ll18332 For 1102734-35 ... 1118377 Cranking Motors For D-2, D-4, D-6. 1107024 19'50-51-52-53 ... 110 7094 For D-6 ............. 110 7030 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Group Caterpillar Tractor (Contd.) 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model ICW-29 Intercity Ous (Eng. t.u.c. n/)-406) 1949-50. Model Group Canadian Car &. Foundry, Ltd. (Contd.) CANADIAN CAR &. FOUNDRY, LTD. Generator 1117553 Regulator 5620 Cranking Motor 793 Distributor 4145 Coil 1115254 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic (Starting).. 1422 Magnetic lll8121 Master 1996471 Control (Starting).... 1385 Control (Choke) 1435 Control 1996014 Relays Miscellaneous 1116797 Stop Light 269-N Model Oroup 98-B 96 llO 98-B 6-C 6-0 '52 52-C 52 Generators 6-volt-18 amp 1102426 6-volt-23 amp 977-R 6-volt for D-7. D-8 1950-51-52-53 1102735 12-volt for D-8 1102537 1950-51-52-53·.. 1102540 Regulators For 1102426. 977-R 1118332' . For 1102537-40...... 5901 For 1102735 ....... 1118377'" . Cranking Motor For D-7. ~8 ...... 1107029 96 77 98-B 96-0 96-0 6-C 5-A 6-0 52 1949-50-51-52-53. ~Iodel DW-IO Generator. Regulator Cranking Motor I 10 6-C 52 1106256 1118332 1107030 1949-50-51-52-53. Industrial Models 0-311, 0-315, 0-318, 0-1300, 0-8800. 0-17000 Generators 6-volt-CW For ~315. D-318, 0-17000 ........ 1102425 6-volt-CW (20 amp.j For D-315, D-318, D-17000 ........ 1102734 6-volt-CW (28 amp.) For 0-315. 0-318 1106256 6-volt--CCW For 0-311. D-8800, D-13000 ........ 110 2426 6-volt-CCW (20 amp.) For 0-311. 0-8800, D-13000 ........ 1102735 12-volt-CW (13 amp.) For D-315. D-318. D-17000 ........ 1102536 12-vol t--CCW (13 amp.) For D-311. 0-8800. D-13000 ........ 1102537 12-volt-CW (50 amp.) For D-311, D-315, D-318 1106813 12-volt--CCW For D-8800, D-13000 ........ 1106814 12-volt-CCW(14 arnp.) For D-311. 0-8800. D-13000 1102540 Regulators For 1102425-6 & 1106256 1118332 For 1102536-7-40 .... 5901 For 1106813-14 1118338 For 1102734-35 1118377 (Continued on next page) 96 98-8 110 96 98-B 96-0 96·D 114-B 114-B 96-0 6-C 5-A 6-C 6-D Page 13 Delco-Remy Caterpillar Tractor to Chain Belt Company CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Caterpillar Tractor (Contd.) Cranking Motors 6-voltFor D-311. D-315, 0-318 (with Manual Sw.) ... 1107024 For D-311. D-315, 0-318 (with Magnetic Sw.) , 1107094 For D-17000 ..... 1107436 For D-8800. 0-13000 ........ 1107029 For D-318 (with Magnetic Sw.) . 1107030 12-voltFor D-311. D-315, 0-318 1107820 For D-17000 1107822 For D-311 1108814 For 0-311 1109706 For D-8800, D-13000 1107823 24-volt-For D-315. 0-318.1108877 Switch Magnetic (24-volt). 1118193 52 52-C 53-A 52 52 53-M 53-M 59-0 70-B 53-M 59-F 2-B 1949-50-51-52-53. Motor Graders Models 12. 112,212 Generators 6-volt (30 amp.) 6-volt (Opr.) Regulators Fat 1102725 For 1106762 Regulator Mounting Package Cranking Motors For 12 For 112&212 For 112 & 212 1102725 1106762 98-B 113-B 1118311 1118336 6-C 6-C 1910966 1107030 1107024 110 7094 52 52 52-C 1949-.50-51-52-53. Marine ~Iodels D-364, D-375, 0-386, 0-397 Generators 1106858 50 amp 1117384 Regulators For 110(,858....... 1118540 For 1117384 ....... 1118409 Cranking Motors For 0-364. D-375, D-386................. 860 For 0-397 861 Page 14 Model Group Caterpillar Tractor (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. Marine Engine Models D-311, D-315, 0- 318. D-8800 Generators 6-volt for D-315, D- 318. D-8800 ... 110 2426 6-volt-CCW (20 amp.) For D-315, D-318. 0-8800 1102735 12-volt for D- 315. 0-318, D-8800 .. 1102537 12-volt for D-311 .. 1102536 12-volt--CCW 00 amp.) For D-315, 0-318, 0-8800 ......... 1102540 Regulators For 1102426 1118332 For 1102536-7 5901 For 1102735 1118377 For 1102540 5901 Cranking Motors 6-volt-For 0-8800 ...... 1107029 For D-311. D-315. D-318 1107024 Fat D-311. D-315, 0-318 1107094 12-voltFor 0-311. D-315, 0-318 1107820 For 0-8800 1107823 32-volt-For D-315, 0-318 1108878 For D-8800 859 Switches Solenoid 1118092 Solenoid 1118182 Control 1996027 23-A 23-A Group Caterpillar Tractor (Contd.) 1952-52-53. Models 0-326, 0-327 Cranking Motor( 24v)... 870 Switch-Solenoid .... 1118182 23-A 10 I-A 96 98-B 96-0 96-0 1951-52-53. Models D-326, 0-327 (Marine) Cranking Motor (32-volt) 1109712 Switch-Solenoid •••• 1118182 70-B 10 I-A 96-0 6-C 5-A 6-0 5-A 52 52 52-C 53-M 53-M 59-F 23-A 101 10 I-A 106 CHAIN BELT COMPANY 1949-50-51-52. Model 34E Paver (Eng. Waukesha 145-GS) Model 34ED Paver (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) Model 34ES Paver (Eng. Waukesha 140-GK) Generator Pulley Cranking Motor ..•••• Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil 1101751 1879168 1109150 1111775 815877 815095 1115251 93-C 63-B 105 1 41 1949·50-51-52-53. Marine Engine Models D-13000, D-17000 Generators 6-volt-CW .......... 1102425 6-vo1t-CW (20 arnp.) 110'2734 12-volt--CW 1102536 Regulators For 1102425 1118332 For 1102536 5901 For 1102734 1118377 Cranking Motors For 0-13000 (6v) ... 1107029 For 0-13000 02v). 1107823 ForD-13000(32v)..... 859 For D-17000 (6v) .. 1107436 For D-17000 (l2v). 1107822 96 98-B 96-0 6-C 5-A 6-0 52 53-M 23-A 53-A 53-M 114-0 122-B 7 10 Model Cranking Motors 6-volt 12-volt 739-B 1107811 48 48 Model 3YO-Hi-0 l\lotor Mixer (Eng. Waukesha XAH) 1951-52-53. Models DW-20, DW-21 Tractors Cranking Motor (6v) 1109462 1949-50-51-52. Model 2YD-Hi-0 Motor Mixer (Eng. Waukesha FeU) 67 Cranking Motors 6-volt 714-B 12volt 737-P 12-volt 0950-51-52) ..... 1108103 41 48 54-F Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Chain Belt Company to Chevrolet Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Group 1949-50-51-52. Model 4YD-Hi-D Motor Mixer (Eng. Waukesha 6-BLU & 6-BZU) Model 4-1/2 YD-Hi-D Motor Mixer (Eng. Waukesha 6-BLU) 1107443 1107811 1115043 53-A 53-M 41 CHECKER CAB (See Transit Bus) CHEVROLET 1949. 6-Cyl. Series 1500, 2100 Styleline & Fleetline Passenger Cars; and Trucks Generators Standard ............ 1102710 Trucks (Door-toDoor Del.) 26-A. 1102677 Trucks (Door-toDoor Del.) ....... 1102726 Cabs ................. 1102729 State Police & Trucks (50-A) ... 1106751 State Police & Trucks ............ 1106757 City Police & Cabs (40-A) ............. 1106752 City Police & Cabs. 1106758 Regulators For 1102710 ........ 1118301 For 1102677 ....... 1118349 For 1102726 ........ 1118361 For 1102729 ........ 1118300 For 1106751-757 .. 1118334 For 1106752-758 .. 1118343 Pulley & Fan For 1106751 ....... 1911990 For 1106752 ........ 1911988 Fan for 1102677 ..... 1866400 Cranking Motors Solenoid (Pass Forward Control & R.H. D. Truck) ............ 1107075 Manual (L.H.D. Truck) ............ 1107055 Motor (Hydraul i c Pump) For Top Lift on Convertibles ............ 1108572 Distributor ............ 1112353 Dist. Vacuum Control ................... 1116043 Ignition Coil ......... 1115380 (Continued on next column) 98-A 98 98-8 98-B 114 114 114 114 6-C 6-0 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-D 52-B 52-A 57 107 4 41 Switches Light 1995031 Control (Srarting). 19%037 Dimmer 1997008 Heater 1997851 Glove Compare. 1997840 Stop Light 1997901 Ignition (Pas s.) '" 1116452 Ignition for Truck.. 1116464 Head Lamp Junction Blocks Truck 1865535 Passenger 1998756 Junction Block Body Wiring (P assenger car) ........ 1998776 Horns Low note 1999627 High note 1999628 Low note (welded). 1999643 High note (welded). 1999644 Truck 1999801 Horn Relay (Pass.) . 1116775 Batterie s Standard 15AA-4 School Bus 19Q-4 108 106 • • 107 107 17-E 17-E 17-F 17-F 15-A 4 7C-2 7C-2 1950. l\lodels 1500 & 2100 Styleline 1500 & 2100 Flee~ine & Trucks Generators ............ 1102710 Trucks (Door-toDoor Del.) ....... 1102726 Cabs ................. 1102729 State Police, Trucks & School Bus ... 1106757 City Police & CabsllOG758 Regulators For 1102710 ....... 1118301 For 110 2726 ....... 1118361 For 1102729 ....... 1118300 For 1106757 ....... 1118334 For 1106758 ....... 1118343 For School Bus ... 1118390 Pulley & Fan For 1106757 ....... 1911990 For 1106758 ....... 1911988 Cranking Motors Pass. Ri l Lf), & Forward Control trucks .. 1107075 Truck ................ 1107055 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) For Top Lift on Convertibles ......... 1108572 Distributors Standard ............. 1112353 Powerglide & T ... 1112358 Vacuum Control ..... 1116043 Ignition Coil ......... 1115380 Switches Ignition Pass .............. 1116452 T ................... 1116464 Light ................ 1995031 Control (Starting) . 19%045 Glove Cornp artment ............... 3693641 Glove Cornp artment (Pass. R.H.D.) ........... 1997840 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Model Group Chevrolet (Contd.) Chevrolet (Contd.) Chain Belt Company (Contd.) Cranking Motors 6-volt 12-volt Coil (12-volt) Group 98-A 98-B 98-8 114 114 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-0 6-D 52-B 52-A 57 107 107 4 41 107 107 108 106 Neutral Safety ..... Stop Dimmer J unction Block T Pass Pass Fuse Block (T) Horns Low note High note Truck Relay-Horn Batterie s Standard School Bus j , •••••• 1997845 1997901 1997008 1865535 1998756 1998776 1998781 1999643 1999644 1999801 1116775 17-F 17-F 15-A 4 15AA4 19<.2-4 7C-2 7C-2 1951. Models 1500 & 2100 Fleetline, Styleline & Trucks Generators Standard 110 27 49 Standard 1102761 Truck (Door-toDoor Del.) 1102726 Taxicab 1102729 State Police, Truck School Bus ....... 1106757 City Police & Cabs1106758 Regulators For 1102749-61 1118301 For 1102726 1118361 For 1102729 1118300 For 1106757 (Police & Truck).I118334 For 1106758 1118343 For School Bus 1118390 Pulley & Fan F\?r 1106757 1911990 For 1106758 1911988 Cranking Motors Pass. Cars, R.H.D. & Forward Control Trucks 1107075 Pass. Cars, R.B.D. & Forward Control Trucks 1107102 Pass. Cars, R.B.D. & Forward Control Trucks 1107109 Trucks 1107055 Trucks 1107103 Trucks 1107108 Distributors Standard 1112362 Powerglide & 2-Ton Truck 1112363 Vacuum Control 1116043 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Ignition Pass. Car ........ 1116469 R.Il.D. Pass. Car. 1116452 Trucks 1116464 Dimmer ••.••••..••.•. 1997008 Light 1995048 Control (Starting) . 19%045 Control (Starting) . 19%055 Neutral Safety (Powerglide) .... 1997845 (Continued on next page) 98-C 98-C 98-B 98-B 114 114 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-0 6-0 52-B 52-C 52-C 52-A 52-C 52-C 107 107 4 41 107 107 107 * 108 106 106 Page 15 Delco-ReDly Chevrolet to Chevrolet CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group * * * 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 15-A 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1952 Models 1500 & 2100 Fleetline, Styleline & Trucks Generators Standard 1102749 Std. (Late 1952)., 1100013 Taxicab 1102786 State Police, Truck 1105001 City Police, Cabs & Door-to-Door Del. 1105002 H.D. Trucks ....... 1106757 Opt. A-C 60-80 amp. 1117061 60-80 amp. 1117063 Regulators For 1100013, 1102749 1118720 For 1102786 1118725 For 1105001 (Police & Truck) 1118722 For 1105002 1118721 For 1106757 1118390 For 1117061-3 60 amp 1118359 80 amp 1118742 Pulley & Fan For 1106757 1911990 For 1117061-3 1915271 Rectifier For 1117061-3 ..... 1913280 Cranking Motors Pass. Car & R.H.D. Trucks 1107109 Std. Truck 1107108 Distributors Standard. 1112362 Powerglide & 2-Ton Truck 1112363 Dist, Vacuum Controls Pass. Car ••••••••••• 1116061 Truck 1116043 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next column) Page 16 Group Chevrolet (Contd.) Chevrolet (Contd.) Glove Compartment Deluxe 3693641 R.H.D.••••.••••••• 1997840 ...................... 3698780 Stop Light Standard.......... 1997913 R.H.D. &Truck . 1997901 Bushing Mounting For 1995048 ....... 1910441 For 1996045 ..••.•• 1911548 Fuse Block (Trucks). 1998781 Junction Blocks Pass. Car 1998756 R.H.D. Pass. Car.. 1998776 Trucks 1865535 Horns Low note 1999643 High note 1999644 Low note 1999667 High note 1999668 Trucks 1999801 Horn Relay..... 1116775 Batteries Standard 15AA-4 Standard 15AA-6 School Bus 19Q-4 School Bus ••••••••••. 19Q-6 Model 98-C 87-A 98-D 101-A 101-A 114 150 150 6-E 6-E 6-E 6-E 6-D 6-D 6-E 52-C 52-C 107 107 4 4 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995048 Ignition Pass. Car ........ 1116469 R.B.D. Pass. Car 1116452 Trucks 11 16464 Control (Starting) Pass. Car & R.B.D. Trucks 1996055 Neutral Safety PowergJide ...... 1997845 Glove Compartment Deluxe 3698780 R.H.D 1997840 Stop Light Standard 1997913 R.H. D. & Truck. 1997901 Mounting Bushing For 1995048 ..... 1910441 For 1996055 .••.. 1911548 Fuse Block (Trucks) 1998781 Junction Blocks Pass. Car Std ..... 1998756 Pass. Car R.H. D•• 1998776 Trucks 1865535 Horns Passenger Cars Low note 1999643 Bigh note 1999644 Trucks 1999801 Horn Relay 1116775 Batteries Standard 15AA6 School Bus , 19Q-6 (Continued on next column) Group Chevrolet (Contd.) * 108 107 107 10 7 106 * * 17-F 17-F 15-A 4 7C-2 7C-2 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Passenger Car Series 150 Special, 210 DeLuxe, 240 Bel Air & Trucks (Eng. 216 for~, ~ & I-Ton Trucks) (Eng. 235 for Passenger Cars, 1~ & 2-Ton Trucks) Generators Std. Pass. Car, ~, % & I-Ton Trucks. 1100018 Std. for Taxicab, 1~, z-re» Trucks .... 1102793 Opt. 50 amp. State Police & Trucks. 1105008 Opt. 40 amp., Low cut-in-s-Citv Poli ce, Cabs, Forward Control Delivery .......... 1105009 Opt. 55 amp. Hvy, duty trucks .. 1106757 Opt. "AC" 60-90 amn........ 1117063 55 amp. Taxicab, Pollee, & Del. Truck 1106976 Regulators For 1100018, 1102793 1118725 For 1105008 .•••••• 1118722 For 1105009 1118721 For 1106757 1118390 Model 87-A 98-D 10 I-A 10 I-A 114 150 106-B 6-E 6-E 6-E 6-D ForlJl7063 60 amp 90 amp For 1106976 Fan-For 1105008-9.. 1118359 1118742 1118775 1880558 6-D 6-E 6-E Pulleys Single groove For 1102793, 1105008-9 ..... 1925515 Double groove For 1105008-9.. 1925516 For 1105008 (Large Trucks) .• 1922951 Pulley & Fan For 1106757 3/8 di a, belt 1925456 5/8 di a, belt 1911990 For 1117063 1925403 For 1117063 (Large Trucks) .. 1915271 For 1106976 Pass. Cars 1927039 Trucks 1928286 Fan-For 1102793 1866400 Rectifier For 1117063 1913280 Cranking Motors Pass. Car, Forward Control & R.H.D. Trucks 1107109 L.B.D. Trucks 1107108 Distributors Std. trans. Pass. Car, 1~ & 2-Ton Trucks 1112389 Power Glide 1112388 Truck (216 Eng.) .. 1112362 Di st, Vacuum Controls Passenger Cars 1116076 Trucks 1116043 Sedan Delivery 1116061 Ignition Coil......... 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting Std. Pass. Car .. 1116478 Ignition (Truck s), , 1116464 Light 1995048 Control (Starting) Forward Control & R.H.D. Trucks ... 1996055 Neutral Safety Power Glide ..... 1997845 Neutral Safety & Back-Up Light for Power Glide & Power steering •. 1998040 Stop Light R.Il.D. Pass. Car & Trucks ......... 1997901 L.H.D. Pass. Car. 1997913 Glove Compartment Series 2100, 2400 L.B.D 3699662 Series 2100 R.B.D 3699663 Mounting Bushings For 1995048 1910441 For 1996055 1911548 Fuse Block Trucks.. 1998781 52-C 52-C 107 107 107 4 4 4 41 107 107 108 106 * * • * (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Chevrolet to Chevrolet Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1865535 1950. 1998756 1999681 1999682 17-F 17-F 1999657 1116775 17-F 15AA6 19Q6 7C-2 7C-2 4 1953. Model CORVETTE Sports Car (Eng. 235) Generator Regulator Pulley... Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Di sr, Vac , Control .. Igni rion Coil......... Switches Dimmer . Ign, & Starting .. Light . Neutral Safety .. Stop Light . Mtg, Bushing (For 1995048) Solenoid Relay Panel - Regulator Suppression ....... Horns Low note . High note .. Horn Relay . Battery . 1100018 1118725 1927518 1866400 1107109 1112314 1116076 1115394 1997008 1116478 1995048 1998053 1998030 1926833 1116886 87-A 6-E Series Group Chevrolet (Contd.) 10-12 Generator 1102667 98 Regulator 1118301 6-C Cranking Motor 1107075 52-8 Distributor 1112353 107 Di st, Vacuum Control 1116043 4 Ignition Coil 1115380 11 Switches Ignition 1116452 107 Light 1995031 108 • 1997008 Dimmer Control (Starting) .. 1996045 • 1997901 Stop Light J unction Blocks Head Lamp 1998756 Wiring Harness 1998776 Horns Low note-R.II 5837827 Not D-R Highnote--L.H 5837828 Not D-R Relay--lIorn 1116775 4 Cranking Motors Standard 1107075 Optional 1107102 Distributors Std. trans 1112364 Automatic trans 1112363 Dist. Vacuum Control '" 1116043 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116469 Light 199504& Control (Starring) .. 1996045 Stop Light 1997913 Neutral Safety (Auto. trans.) .... 1997845 J unction Block (Headlamp) ......... 1998756 Horn so-Optional Low note 1999643 High note 1999644 110m Relay..... 1116775 52-B 52-C 107 107 4 41 107 108 106 • 17-F 17-F 4 • • 52-C 106-A 4 41 107 108 • 4 1926867 • 1999687 1999688 1116775 15AA6 17-F 17-F 4 7-2 (Canada) 1949. Series Model Group Chevrolet (Contd.) (Canada) Chevrolet (Contd.) Junction Block Head Lamp Truck Pass. Car & R.H.D Horns Passenger Car Low note High note Trucks Low note Horn Relay Batteries Standard School Bus Model Qrvup 10-12 Generator 110 2667 98 Regul ato r , , 1118301 6-C Cranking Motor 1107075 52-B Distributor 1112353 107 Dist. Vacuum Control 1116043 4 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 Switches Light 1995031 108 Control (Starting) . 1996037 lOG Ignition 1116452 107 Dimmer 1997008 • Stop Light 1997901 Glove Compartment ••••••••••••••• 1997840 * Relay-Horn .... ...... 1116775 4 Head Lamp Junction Block 1998756 * Horns Low note 5837827 Not D-R High note 5837828 Not D-R (Canada) 1951- Series (Canada) 10-12 Generators First Prod.......... Later Prod......... Regulator ............. Cranking Motor ....... Di stri butor s Std. Transmission First Prod....... Later Prod....... First Prod. "AT". Later Prod. "AT". Di st, Vacuum Con- 1102667 1102749 1118301 1107075 1953. 98 98-C 6-b 52-13 1112353 1112364 1112358 1112363 107 107 107 107 1116043 Ignition Coil .......... 1115380 Switches Dimmer ............... 1997008 Ignition .............. 1116469 Light ................. 1995048 Glove Compactment ............... 1997840 Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Stop Lamp .......... 1997913 Safety ("AT" jobs) ..... 1997845 J unction Blocks Head Lamp ......... 1998756 Wiring Harness •••• 1998776 Horns Low note ............ 1999643 High note ........... 1999644 Horn Relay ............ 1116775 Plate-Horn Support .... 815474 4 41 t ro l ................... 107 108 106 • • 98-C 6-E 52-B 107 107 4 41 107 108 • 17-F 17-F 4 (Canada) 1949. 1952. Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 10-12 17-F 17-F 4 (Canada) Series 10-12 Generators Standard............ 110 27 49 Std. (Late prod.) 1813399 Optional 1102761 Regulator 1118720 (Conrinued on next column) Series Generator ............. 1813624 Regulator ............. 1118725 Cranking Motor ...... 1107075 Distributors Syncromesh ........ 1112389 Automatic .......... 1112388 Di st, Vacuum Control ................... 1116076 Ignition Coil ......... 1115380 Switches Ignition ............. 1116478 Lighting ............ 1995048 Dimmer .............. 1997008 Neutral Safety Automatic Trans. 1997845 Neutral Safety & Back-Up Light .. 1988040 Stop Light .......... 1997913 Glove Box '" ....... 3699662 Junction Block ....... 1865535 Horns (Opr.) Low note ........... 1999681 High note ........... 1999682 Horn Relay ........... 1116775 Truck. 11-13-14-15-18 Series 98-C 98-C 98-C 6-E Generators Standard 1102667 City Service 1102677 Fan 1866400 (Continued on next page) 98 98 Page 17 Delco-ReDly Chevrolet to Chevrolet Chevrolet (Contd.) (Canada) CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Regulators For 1102667 ....••• 111830 1 6-C For 1102677 •••••••• 1118349 6-D Cranking Motor 1107055 52-A Distributor 1112353 107 Disr, Vacuum Control 1116043 4 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 Switches Light 1995031 108 Ignition •••••••••••••• 1116452 107 Dimmer 1997008 • Stop Light 1997901 Blocks Head Lamp Junction 1865535 Fuse 1998773 Horns Single ........ 5837798 Not D-R DualLow note. 5837825 Not D-R High note. 5837826 Not D-R Horn Relay (Dual Horn) 1116775 4 Br acket (Dual Horn) 1879664 Support-Bracket (Dual Horn) ......... 1910293 • (Canada) 1950. Truck Series 11-13-14-15-18 Generators Standard 1102667 98 City Service 1102726 98- B Regula)ors For 1102667 1118301 6-C For 1102726 1118361 6-D Fan-For 1102726 1866400 Cranking Motors All e xc, 41 (-67) 1107055 52-A For 14 (-67) 1107075 52-B Distributors For 11-13-14 e xc, (-67) ........ 1112353 107 For 14(-67)-15-18. 1112358 107 Dist. Vacuum Control 1116043 4 Switches Ignition 1116464 107 Light 1995031 108 • Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997901 Control (Starting) For 14 (-67) ..... 1996045 106 J unction Block-Head Lamp 1865535 Horns Single-All 5837798 Not D-R Dual-Low note exc, 14(-67) ..... 5837825Not D-R Dual-High note e xc, 14(-67) ..... 5837826 Not D-R Horn Mtg, Bracket exc, 14(-67) ....... 1879664 Reinforcement Bracket exc, 14(-67) ........ 1910293 Bracket Clamp plate exc, 14(-67) ......... 815474 Horn Relay 4 exc, 14(-67) ....... 1116775 Page 18 Model Group Chevrolet (Contd.) (Canada) 98 98-C 98-B 6-C 6-D 52-A 52-B 107 107 107 107 4 41 107 • • 108 Cranking Motors For 11-13-14 (exc, -67) 15-17-18 1107055 For 14 (-67) 1107075 Distributors For 11-13-all 14 exc, (-67) ........ 1112364 For 14(-67)-15-18.1112363 For 17 1112360 Dist. Vacuum Control All e xc, 17 1116043 Advance Arm for 17 • 1886392 Ignition Coil .......... 1115380 Switches Ignition. 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997901 Light 1995G48 Control (Starting) For 14 (-67) ........ 1996045 Glove Compartment.. 3698780 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block (lleadiamp) ......... 1865535 Horns Single 1999801 Dual (Optional) Low note 1999651 High note 1999652 Horn Relay........... 1116775 Horn Mtg, Bracket.. 1879664 52-A 52-B 107 107 107 4 1 41 107 • • 108 106 • • • 15-A 17-F I7-F 4 106 • (Canada) 15-A 17-F 17-F 4 (Canada) 1952. Truck Series 11-13-14-15-17-18 Generators For 11-13-14-15-18 Standard 1102749 Optional 1102761 City Service 1102726 For 17 Std 1102716 For 17 City Service ..... 1105855 Regulators For 1102749, 761. 1118720 For 1102726 1118361 For 1102716 1118302 For 1105855 1118350 Fans For 1102716, 726 .. 1866400 For 1105855 ....... 1880558 Pulley for 1105855 .. 1883325 (Continued on next column) Group Chevrolet (Contd.) 1951. Truck Series 11-13-14-15-18 Generators Std. l st jobs 1102667 Std. after 1st jobs. 1102749 City Service ....... 1102726 Regulators For 1102667-749 .. 1118301 For 1102726 1118361 Fan-For 1102726 1866400 Cranking Motors All exc, 14 (-67).. 1107055 For 14(-67) ........ 1107075 Distributors For 11-13-14 e xc, (-67) 1st jobs 1112353 After 1st jobs 1112364 For 14(-67)-15-18 l st jobs 1112358 After 1st jobs 1112363 Dist. Vacuum Control 1116043 Ignition Coil. 1115380 Switches Ignition 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997901 Light 1995048 Control (Starting) For 14(-67) 1996045 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction BlockHead Lamp ......... 1865535 Horns SingleFor 11-13-14-15.1999801 Dual--Low note -All e xc, 14(-67).1999651 Dual-High note All ex c, 14(-67). 1999652 Horn Relay All exe. 14(-67) ... 1116775 Bracket-Horn Mtg. All exc, 14(-67) ... 1879664 Reinforcement-- Bracket All exc, 14(-67) ... 1910293 Plate-Bracket Clamp All exc, }4(-67) .... 815474 Model 98-C 98-C 98-B 98-B 105-B 6-E 6-D 6-C 6-D 1953. Truck Series 11-13-14-15-17-18 Generators Std. for 13-14 ...... 1813624 Std. for 11-15-17-18 1813611 City Service 17 1105003 Regulators All exc, 17 1118725 17 Standard 1118743 17 City Service 1118393 Fan--for 1105003 1880558 Pulley-For 1105003.1883325 Cranking Motors All exc, 14 (-67) .. 1107108 For 14 (-67) 1107075 Distri butors All e xc, 17 1112389 For 17 1112391 Di st, Vacuum Control All e xc, 17 1116076 Advance Arm--for 17. 1886392 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Ignition 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Lighting 1995048 Stop Light 1997901 Control (Starting) 14 (-67) 1996055 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block 1865535 Horns (Opt.) Low note 1999657 High note 1999642 Horn Relay 1116775 98-C 98-C 101-A 6-E 6-E 6-D 52-C 52-B 107 107 4 1 41 107 • 108 • 106 17-F 17-F 4 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Clark Equipment to Clark Equipment Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1949-50-51. Models Car Loader, Car Loader (Dyna- Torque), Yard-Lift 40, Yard-Lift 40 (Dyna- Torque), Tructractor (Eng. Continental F -4124) Models Utilitruc 60, Util itruc 60 (Dyna-Torque), Utilitruc 100 (Dyne-Torque), Transporter, Yard-Lift 60, Yard-Lift 60 (Dyna-Torque) (Eng. Continental F -6209) Model Clarkat (Eng. Continental Y-112) Models Clipper, Yard-Lift 20 (Eng. Continental Y-91) Model Trucloader (Eng. Continental N-62) Model 15,000 lb. Tractor (Eng. Continental F -6226) (Continued on next column) 91-A 91-A 98-B 114 98-B Distributors For F-4124 Carloader & Yard-Lift 40 .. 1110412 For F-6209 Utilitruc & Yard-Lift 60 1110060 For N-62 1111708 For Y-l12, Y-91 1111712 For F-4124 Tructractor 1111713 For F-6226 1111738 For F-6209 Tran sporter ...... 11117 io Advance Arms For N-62 1873507 For F-6209, Y-112, Y-91, F-4124, F-6226 1885650 Ignition Coil 1115379 Switches Starting For all except Y ard-Li ft 40, Yard-Lift 60 & Carloader ......... 405-E For Yard-Lift 40, Yard-Lift 60 & Carloader ...... 1996475 Magnetic Starring For Clipper & Yard-Lift 20 ..... 1464 Starting (For lIorn) ....... 1996456 Control For Push Button Starting ........ 1996027 Horns Standard 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Relay (Opr.) 1116775 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1907961 Model Group Group Clark Equipment (Conld.) Clark Equipment (Contd.) CLARK EQUIPMENT Generators All except Dyn a-Torque 1949-50 Std 110 1399 Standard 110 1418 Opt. high output. 1102726 Dyna-Torque F-6209 Utilitruc 1106757 F-4124 (Special) .. 1102731 Dyna- Torque (Car Loader & Yard Lifts) ...... 1105897 Regulators For 1101399-418 5869 For 1106757 1118336 For 1102726 1118311 For 1102731 1118313 For 1105897 1118334 Shock Mounting Opt. for 1118313 .. 1910966 Fan & Pulley For 1106757 ....... 1912294 Pulley s Opt. high outputSeries "F" ...... 1915269 Series "Y" & "N" 1881638 Fans Opt. high output 1866400 For 1105897 1880558 Baffle For 1105897 ....... 1880946 Cranking Motors For F-4124, F-6209-Standard .......... 1107012 Push Button Starting ......... 1107010 For N-62, Y-91 & Y-112 1109453 For F-6209 (13 clutch) & F-6226 ......... 1107091 Model 0nJap 87 85-A 97 97 97 97-A 97 1 41 30 30 4 1951-52-53. 4-Cyl. Models Clipp er & Yardl ift· 20 (Engine Y-9l) Generators Standard 1101418 Opt. (30 amp.) 1102726 Regulators For 1101418 5869 For 1102726 1118311 Shock Mount For 1118311 1910966 Pulley (For 1102726) 1881638 Fan (F or 1102726).... 1866400 Cranking Motors Standard 1109453 Quick change clutch 1107010 Distributor 1111712 Advance Arm 1885650 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control (Push button) 1996027 Horns Standard 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1907961 Horn Relay.(Opt.) 1116775 91-A 98-B 5 6-C 67 52 97 1 41 4 106 15-D 17-F 4 30 106 15-D 17-F 4 105-C 5 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 1951-52-53. 4-Cyl. Models Carloader (DynaTorque) & Yardlift 40 (Dyna- Torque) (Engine F-140) 1951-52-53. 4-C yl. Model Clarkat (Engine Y-1l2) 52 52 67 52-B Generators Standard 1101418 Opt. (30 arnp.) 1102726 Regulators For 1101418 5869 For 1102726 1118311 Shock Mount For 1118311 ........ 1910966 Pulley (For 1102726) 1881638 Fan (For 1102726) 1866400 Cranking Motor 1109453 Distributor 1111712 Advance Arm 1885650 Igni tion Coil 11 15381 Switch-Starting 405-E Horns Standard 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1907961 Horn Relay (Opr.) 1116775 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 91-A 98-B 5 6-C 67 97 1 41 30 15-D 17-F 4 Generator Regulator Fan Baffle Cranking Motors Standard Push Button Start.. Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Switches Control (Push Button) Starting Horns Standard Optional Horn Mtg, Bracket Horn Relay (Opr.) 1105897 1118334 1880558 1880946 6-C 1107012 1107010 1110412 1885650 1115381 52 52 87 1 41 1996027 1996475 lOG 1999880 1999641 1907961 1116775 15-D 17-F 30 4 Page 19 Clark Equipment to Continental Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Clark Equipment (Contd.) Clark Equipment (Contd.) 1951-52-53. 4-CyI. Models Carloader, Yardlift 40, & Tructractor (Engine F-124) Generators Standard 1101418 Opt. (30 amp.) 1102726 Opt. (40 amp.) 1102731 Regulators For 1101418.......... 5869 For 1102726 1118311 For 1102731 1118313 Shock Mount For 1118311 ........ 1910966 Pulley (For 1102726).1915269 Fan (For 1102726) .. 1866400 Cranking Motors Standard 1107012 Push button start•. 1107010 Distributors For Carloader & Yardlift 40 1110412 For Tructractor 1111713 Advance Arm 1885650 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Control (Push button) 1996027 Starting For Carloader & Yardlift 40 1996475 For Tructractor 405-E Horns Standard 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1907961 1116775 Horn Relay (Opt.) Clark Equipment (Contd.) 1951-52-53. 6-CyI. Models Utilitruc, Yardlift 60 & Plane Loader (Engine F-209) 91-A 98-B 98-B 5 6-C 6-C 52 52 87 97 1 41 106 30 30 15-D 17-F 4 Generators Standard 1101418 Opt. (30 amp.) 1102726 Regulators For ll01418 5869 For 1102726 1118311 Shock Mounting For 1118311 ....••.• 1910966 Fan (For 1102746) .• 1866400 Cranking Motors Standard ....•....... 1107012 Push button starting ........•..•..•.. 1107010 13" clutch 110 7091 Di stri butor s For Utilitruc & Yardlift 1110060 For Planeloader .•• 1111720 Advance Arm ..••••••• 1885650 Ignition Coil •.•...•.. 1115381 Switches Control (Push button) 1996027 Starting For Utili true & Planeloader 405-E For Yardlift 1996475 Horns Standard 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Mrg, Bracket .. 1907961 Horn Relay (Opr.) ... 1116775 91-A 98-B 5 6-C Generators Standard 1101418 Opt. (30 amp.) •.•.. 110 2726 Regulators For 1101418 . .••...... 5869 For 1102726 ........ 1118311 Shock Mount For 1118311 ........ 1910966 Pulley (For 1102726) 1881638 Fan (For 1102726) •. 1866400 Cranking Motor 1109453 Distributor 1111708 Advance Arm 1873507 Ignition Coil......... 1115381 Switch-Starting 405-E Horns Standard. 1999880 Optional 1999641 Hom Mtg, Bracket 1907961 Hom Relay 1116775 Page 20 91-A 98- B 5 6-C 67 97 1 41 30 15- D 17-F 4 Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switch-Control (Push button) ...... 1102731 1118313 1881638 1866400 1107458 1111835 1911522 815095 1115381 1996027 Regulators For 1101418.......... 5869 For 1102726 ....... 1118311 Pulley (For 1102726) 1915269 Fan (For 1102726) .. 1866400 Cranking Motor...... 1107091 Distributor 1111738 Advance Arm 1885650 Ignition Coil..... 1115381 Switch-Control (Push button) ...... 1996027 Horns Standard. 1999880 Optional 1999641 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1907961 Horn Relay..... 1116775 5 6-C 52- B 97-A 1 41 106 15-D 17-F 4 52 57. 52-13 85-A 97 CLEVELAND TRACTOR (See Oliver Corp.) 1 41 106 30 30 15-D 17-F 4 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model Yard Lift 150 (Eng. Hercules QXLD) 1951-52-53. 4-Cyl. Models Trucloader & Clarkette (Engine N-62) Model Group Model Group 98-B 6-C COLEMAN 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model G-S5--5-Ton Truck (Eng. Buda L0-S2S) Generator 1106803 114-B Regulator 1118338 6-C Fan 1910036 Pulley Supplied by Coleman Cranking Motor 1108910 61 Distributors 1110137 85-D Governor drive.... 1112264 106 Advance Arm 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil......... 1115043 41 Switches Starting 406-A 30 • Dimmer ,; 1997008 Magnetic 1118121 2-B 53-A 105-B 1 41 106 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 15,000 Lb. Tractor (Engine F-226) Generators Standard ............ 1101418 91-A Opt. (30 amp.) ..... 1102726 98-B (Continued on next column) CONTINENTAL 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Aircraft Engine. 1\lodels E-165, E- 185 Generators 25 amp .............. 1101879 35 amp .............. 1101880 Regulators For 1101879 ....... 1118358 For 1101879 ....... 1118384 For 1101880 ....... 1118325 For 1101880 ....... 1118385 Cranking Motor ...... 1109660 Switches Magnetic ..... .......... 1464 Starring ................. 405-C 93-G 93-G 6-D 6-D 6-C 6-D 70 4 30 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Continental to Corbitt Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Ckoup Continental (Contd.) 93-G 93-G 93-G 1118383 1118358 1118384 1118736 1109656 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-E 70 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Aircraft Engine Models E-165, 1':-185 93-G 6-E 6-E ~R 4 106 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. ~lodel 22-I3Q Truck (Eng. Hercules WXLC-3) Generator (25 amp.) .1105913 Regulator (Pas. g rd.) 1118316 Pulley 1872406 Fan 1880558 Fan Baffle 1880946 Cranking Motor 1108955 Distri butor 1110198 Advance Arm 1911522 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coi I ..... I 11504~ Swit che s 93-G 93-G 6-E 6-E 70 67 1953. 12-Volt. Aircraft Engine. Models C-75, C-85, C-90, C-125. C-145 1101890 1101898 93-G 9 rG 1118736 1118704 1109656 6- E 6-E 70 - 1118121 1990027 1997014 19977~3 1994030 499-X 106 6-C • 61-B 85-E 1 41 2-B 106 • 107 • 1949. ~loJel 22-FGA Truck (Eng. Continental D-6371) Generator Pulley Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil......... Switches Starting Dimmer Light Ignition Ignition Switch Knob (Light) 1100468 1879168 1866400 724-<) 1110 124 815877 815095 1115328 406-A 1997014 1994030 1997781 1997733 499-X 88 43 85-C 1 41 30 • 107 107 • 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-24 Volt. 'Vlodel 22-TD13 Truck (Eng. Hercules DWXD) Generator (25 amp.) . 1105912 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 708 Switches Starting Solenoid (Series-parallel).... 1574 Starting Control 1996027 Dimmer 1997014 Light 1994030 Light Switch Knob 499-X 100 106 93-G 1949. Magnetic Push Dimmer Ignition Light Light Switch Knob 1952-53. 12-Volt. Aircraft Engine. Model 0-315, 0-470 Generators 20 amp 35 amp. • Regulators For 1101890 For 1101898 Cranking Motor Generators 35 amp •• 1101887 For Lear Automatic Pilot 1101888 Regulators For 1101887 1118704 For 110188R 1118713 Cranking Motor Not Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1466 Control (Start) .... 1996060 CORBITT Generators 25 amps 1101886 93-G 35 amps 1101885 93-G 35 amps 110 1887 93-G For Lear Automatic Pilot 1101888 93-G Regulators For 1101886 1118384 6-0 For 110 1885 1118385 6-0 For 1101887 1118704 6-E For 1101888 1118713 6-E Cranking Motor Not D-R Switches Magnetic 1466 4 Control (Starting) . 1996048 106 Control (Starting) . 1996060 106 Model Group Corbitt (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. Aircraft Eng. Model E-165, E-185 1101876 1101879 1101890 Generator.35 amp .... 1101892 1953 For Lear Automatic Pilot ..... 1101895 Regulator For 1101892 1118704 For 1101895 1118713 Cranking Motor. 1109668 Cranking Motor 1109471 Group Continental (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. 12-Volt. Aircraft Engine. Models C-75, C-85, C-90, C-125, C-145, A-lOO Generators 12 amp 25 amp. (Opt.) 20 amp Regulators For 1101876 For 1101879 For 110 1879 For 110 1890 Cranking Motor Model 106 (i-D 19-A 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 25-TGA, 28-TGA Trucks (Eng. Continental R-6513, R-6602) Generators 25amp 1106637 Opt. 55 amp 1117320 Regulators For 1106637 1118316 For 1117320 1118512 Pulley & Fan Assembly For 1l06(i37 ....... 1907123 Fan & Daffle Assembly For 1117320 1872904 Cranking Motor 578 Di stri butor 1111779 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Ignition 1997733 Magneti c Starting .. 1118121 Starting Control 1996027 Dimmer 1997014 Light 1994030 Light Switch Knob 499-X 113-B 122 6-C 7 16 105 1 41 107 2-B 106 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. \1odels 22-TGC, 22-TGD Trucks (Eng. Continental 13-6427) Generator (25 amp.). 1106637 Regulator 1118316 Pulley & Fan 1903428 Cranking Motor 1108103 Distributor 1110124 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial... 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Ignition 1997733 Magneti c Starting. 1118121 Control Starting 1996027 Dimmer 1997014 Light 1994030 Light Switch Knob.... 499-X 113-B 6-C 54-F 85-C 1 41 107 2-B 106 1949. 6-Volt. 4-Cyl. \lodels G-SO Gas, K-50 Kerosene Farm Tractors (Eng. LeRoi D-176) Generator (incl. Reg.)l101401 Cranking Motor 1107065 Distributor 1111725 Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 11 15381 91-A 52-B 97 41 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Page 21 Delco-ReDly Cummins Engine Co. to Cummins Engine Co. CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Model Group Cummins Engine Co. (Contd.) CUMMINS ENCINE CO. 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. Automotive, Industrial & Marine (Eng. AA-600, AI-600, AM-600) Generators Standard Optional . Regulators For 1106637 For692 Fans For 1106637 For 692 Fan Baffle For 1106.637 Cranking Motor Control Switch (Starting) 1949-50-51-52. 1106637 692 113-B 17 ·1118316 1118525 6-C 7 1868751 1872904 1872027 1108725 59 1996027 106 12-24 Volt. Automotive (Eng. H, HS, NH, NBS, HR, HRS, NHR, NHRS) Generators 12-vo1t-8 amp 1106451 12-volt-50 amp 1106805 Regulators For 1106451 1118321 For 1106805 1118339 F an for 1106805 1910036 Cranking Motors -24-volt NO.1 & 3 rntg, po s, 1108863 No.4 mtg, pos..... 1108871 No, 2 mtg, po s, low 1108872 No.2 mtg, po s, high1108873 Vibrator Coils 1115479 1951-52 1115485 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996027 Series-parallel-Manual............ 1996473 Solenoid With Klixon 1996474 No Klixon 1996477 1949-50-51-52. 1950-51-52-53. 111-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 59-F 59-F 59-F 59-F 41 41 Page 22 6-D 6-D 7 7 7 59-F 100 100 100 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 1106822 1118339 1910036 1108820 1108840 114-B 6-C 1118121 1996027 2-B 106 59-D 59-E 6-Cyl. Automotive, Industrial & Marine (Eng. AA-600, AI-600, AM-600) 24 & 32- Volt. 1106637 1118316 1868751 1108725 1996027 113-B 6-C 59 106 1952-53. 114-D 114-D 114-D 114-D 122 123-A 100 100 100 106 24-32-Volt. Diesel Industrial, Marine & Off Highway (Eng. H Series & NH Series) 1953. Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switch--Starting 59-F 59-F 59-F 59-F 41 106 2-B 101 Automotive, Industrial & Marine (Engine JS) Generator Regulator Fan & Baffle Cranking Motors 1952 Switches Magnetic Control Cranking Motors No.1 & 3 Mtg. Pos.1108863 No.4 Mtg, Pos..... 1108871 No.2 Mtg. Po s.Iow 1108872 No.2 Mtg, Pos. high 1108873 Vibrator Coil ......... 1115485 Switches Series-parallel Manual ............ 1996473 Solenoid With Klixons .. 1996474 Without Klixons 1996477 Control Starting ... 1996027 59-F 59-F 59-F 41 41 106 Industrial, Marine & Off Highway (Eng. H, HS, NH, NHS, HR, HRS, NHR, NHRS) Generators 24-volt-1O amp.Low cut-in for all except NH, NHS. 1106865 24-volt-20 amp.-CCW 1106855 30-32-volt-15 amp.CW 1106866 CCW 1106858 30-32-volt-25 amp.CCW 1117323 30-32-volt-40 amp. -CCW 1117558 (Continued on next column) Fan For 1106855-858-865-866 ........... 1910036 Regulators For 1106865 ....... 1118347 For 1106855 ....... 1118346 For 1106858-866 .. 1118540 For 1117323 ....... 1118528 For 1117558 ........ 1118530 Cranking Motors Dyer drive-24-volt-CWNo.1 & 3 rntg , pos.............. 1108863 Bendix drive24-volt--CW ...... 1108855 32- volt-CW ...... 1108856 32-volt--CCW .... 1108862 Vibrator Coils ....... 1115479 1951-52 .............. 1115485 Switches Control (Starting) . 1996027 Magnetic Starting .. 1118193 Solenoid (24v) ..... 1118092 Model Group Cummins Engine Co. (Contd.) 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. (Diesel) Automotive (Eng. H Series & NH Series) Generators 12-volt. 50 amp.... 1106805 114-B 12-volt. 50 amp. (Hinge mount).... 1106842 114-C 12-volt. 50 amp. (Hinge mount) Flat engine... 1106846 114-C Fan & Baffle 1910036 Regulator 1118339 6-C (Continued on next column) Generators 24-volt 20 amp.CW 1106876 24-volt 20 amp.CCW 1106855 24-volt 10 amp.Low cut-in CCW 1106865 3D-32-volt 15 amp.CW 1106866 3D-32-volt 15 amp.CCW 1106858 30-32-volt 25 ampc-CCW 1117323 3D-32-volt 50 amp.CCW 1117394 30-32-volt 50 amp.-CW 1117395 Fan For 1106855, 858, 865, 876 1910036 Regulators For 1106855, 876 • 1118346 For 1106865 1118347 For 1106858, 866 • 1118631 For 1117323 ....... 1118589 For 1117394, 395 • 1118409 Cranking Motors Dyer Drive 24-volt CW No.1 & 3 Mtg, Pos 1108863 Bendix Drive 24-volt CW 1108855 32-volt CW 1108856 32-volt CCW 1108862 Vibrator Coil 1115485 Switches Magnetic Starting (24- 32V) • 1118193 Solenoid (24V) .... 1118092 Control (Starting)•• 19%027 114-D 114-D 114-D 114-D 114-D 122 122-B 122-B 6-D 6-D 7-C 7-B 10 59-F 59-F 59-F 59-F 41 2-B 101 106 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Cummins Engine Co. to Dart Truck Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-24-32- Volt. Diesel Automotive, Industrial, Marine & Off Highway (Eng. HR-400) Dart Truck (Contd.) 114-B 114-D 114-D 114-D 114-D 6-C 6-D 7-C 59-F 70-B 70-B 70-B 41 1950·51·52·53. Models 100 Truck, 456 Crane Carrier (Eng. Waukesha 140-GK) 1949. 12-Volt. Model150 (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK & 140-GK) Generators L.H.--16 amp ...... 1101744 R.H. & L.H.50 amp 1106809 50 amp 1106826 Regulators For 1101744 ....... 1118319 For 1106809-826 . 1118339 Pulley For 1101744 ....... 1879168 Fan For 1101744 ....... 1866400 Pulley & Fan For 1106809 1885473 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111775 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil III 5252 Switches Starting Control...... 1385 Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Dimmer.... 1997008 Ignition 1997733 Light 478-H Control Knob For 478-H 499-X Hom Package 1880227 (Low note-1999521 High note--1999522) 93-C 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 63-B 105 1 41 106 2-B * 107 36 * 100 2-B 106 DART TRUCK 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Mode ls 140, 250 & 300 (Eng. Hercules DFXE) Generator 12-volt-25 amp 1106630 113-B Regul ator 1118316 6-C ~fl~nking Motor (24v)... 833 23 SWItches Series-parallel .... 1996473 100 Light 478-H Comb. 36 1997008 Dimmer • Knob for Light Switch. 499-X * Horn Package ........ 1880227 (Low note-1999521 High note--1999522) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Models 150 Truck, 456 Crane Carrier (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) Generators Std. (50 amp.) 1106826 L.H. (Opr.) 1101744 Regulators For 1106826 1118368 For 1101744 1118319 Fan For 1101744 ........ 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106826 ........ 1885473 Pulley For 1101744 1879168 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111775 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Control (Starting) ... 1385 Control (Starting) .. 1996048 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 Magnetic 1118121 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 429-V Ignition 1116487 Light 478-H Light 1995040 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1872391 Relay-Horn 1116781 114-B 93-C 6-D 6-C 63-B 105 I 41 106 106 106 2-B * 107 107 36 108 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 1950-51·52·53. Model 200·3010 Mobile Crane Carrier (Eng. Hercules JXD) 1950-51. 12-Volt. Model 140 (Eng. Waukesha 6-WAK) Generator 1106826 Regulator 1118368 Pulley & Fan 1885473 Cranking Motor 644 Distributor 1111410 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting) 1385 Control (Starting) .. 1996048 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 429-V Light 478-H Light 1995040 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Mrg, Bracket.. 1872391 Horn Relay 1116781 Model Group Group Dart Truck (Contd.) Cummins Engine Co. (Contd.) Generators 12-volt 50 amp.CCW 1106805 24-volt 20 amp.-CW 1106876 24-volt 20 amp.CCW 1106855 30-32-volt 15 amp.CE 1106866 30- 32-volt 15 amp.CCW 1106858 Fan For 1106805, 855, 858, 866,876 1910036 Regulators For 1106805 ........ 1118339 For 1106855, 876 .. 1118346 For 1106858, 866 .. 1118631 Cranking Motots Dyer Drive 24-volt CW No.1 & 3 Mtg , Pas 1108863 Bendix Drive 1109733 24-volt CW 1109733 32-volt CW 1109734 Vibrator Coil 1115485 Switches Series-parallel ..... 1996474 Magnetic (Starting). 1118193 Control (Starting). 1996027 Model OI'vap 114-B 6-D 15 94 41 2-B 106 106 * 107 36 108 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 Generator 1102720 Regul ator 111830 3 Cranking Motor 1107434 Di stri butor 1110198 1953 1111807 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) .... 1385 Control (Starting) .. 1996048 Control (Starting) . 1996060 Magnetic 1118124 Ignition 429-V Ignition 1116487 Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995040 Horns Low note 1999641 High note 1999642 Horn Mtg, Bracker , . 187239 I Relay-Horn ...... .... 1116775 98-B 6-C 53-A 85-E I05-A I 41 106 106 106 2-B 107 107 * 108 17-E 17-E 4 Page 23 Delco-Remy Dart Truck to John Deere CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Dart Truck (Contd.) 1 41 2-B 106 106 106 107 107 17-D 17-F 17-D 17-F 4 Page 24 105-8 6-C 61-B 105-A 1999641 1999642 1116775 1872391 17-F 17-F 4 1 JOHN DEER.E 1949-50-51. 2-Cyl. 6 & 12-Vo!t. Tractors l\lodcl "A" (I2-Volt) (~:ngine "A") "13" (6- Volt) (F: ngine "13If) 105-C 6-C 61-B 94 41 2-B 106 106 106 107 107 • Generator:-, (with Reg.) For "A" (12\') 110 1777 For "A" ( 12\") 1100955 For "13" (6v) 1101390 For "13" (6\') 1100506 Crank i ng Motors For teA" (12v) 1108950 For "B" (6v) 1107942 Distributor For "A." 1111558 Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil For teA" 1115046 Light Switch :.. 1995625 Light Switch Knob ... 1990556 106 6-D 61-B 105-A 1 41 Generators ........................... Cranking Motor Switch-Light Knob-Control 1101397 1100507 1107082 1995625 1990556 91-A 88-C 52-8 108 1949-50-51-52-53. ~1odel "M" Tractors "69" & "70" (Eng. Own 2-Cyl.) .~. Generators 1951-52-53 1952-53 Regulators For 1101859 Relay Cranking Motor 1952-53 Di stri butor Ignition Coil Light Switch Combination Switch (Lg n, & Light) Choke Rods 1952-53 110 1852 1101857 1101859 93-F 93-F 93-F 1118308 1116816 1107064 11071271111709 1115381 1994525 6-C 4 52-B 52-C 97 41 108 1994538 1991543 1991580 1991645 108 61-8 54-A 94-A 41 108 1 1949-50-51-52-53. I\Jodel 0 & G Tractor (Engine Own) Generators For "D" For "G" For "G" For "D" Cranking Motors For "D" For "G" Di stri butor For "G" Clamp Ignition Coil For "G" Light Switch Knob-Control 2-Cyl. 1951-~2-53 93-D 88-Q 91-A 88-C 108 4 1949-50-51-52-53. Model R Diesel (Engine Own) 41 2-B ~loJe I 1951-52-53. iz-ven, Model 200-456 Crane Carrier (Eng. RXLD Hercules) Generator 1105914 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 1108954 Distributor 1111807 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial •... 815095 Ignition Coil......... 1115251 1105875 1118314 1108953 1111807 815877 815095 1115327 1118124 108 1950-51-52-53. I\Jodel 200-3010 I\lobile Crane Carrier (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZA) Generator 1105885 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor 1108951 Di stri butor ....•....... 1111410 Ignition Coil......... 1115327 Switches Magnetic 1118124 Control (Starting)... 1385 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Control (Starting) • 1996060 Ignition 429- V Ignition 1116487 Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995040 Horn Package 1880226 (Low note-1999641) (High note--1999642) Relay--Horn 1116775 Bracket--Horn Mtg •.. 1872391 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Magnetic Switch Horns Low note High note Horn Relay Horn Mtg , Bracket Group John Deere (Contd.) 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model 200/3020 Crane Carrier (Eng. Ilercules WXLC-3) 106 6-D 61-B 105 Model Group Dart Truck (Contd.) 1950-51-52-53. 12-Volt. Model 200-456 Crane Carrier (Eng. Waukesha 6-SRKR) Generator 1105926 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 1108954 Distributor 1111765 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting) ..•. 1385 Control (Starting) •. 1996048 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 Ignition 429-V Ignition 1116487 Dimmer 199"008 Light 1995040 Horns Low note 1999521 Low note 1999591 High note 19995 22 1999592 High note Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Horn Relay 1116781 Model 110 1784 1101777 1100955 1100956 93-D 93-D 88-Q 88-Q 1109158 1108919 63-B 61 1111558 2070940 94-A 1115046 1995625 1990556 41 108 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 55 Self-Propelled Combine (Eng. Hercules QXD-3) Generators And Regulator 110 1406 1950-51-52-53 11005 17 12-volt 1101747 Pulley 1860712 Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107447 ......................... 1107964 12-volt 1108122 Distributor 1 I 11706 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition 1116457 Ignition (1951-52-53) .... 1I16481 Starting-Push •••••••. 1385 Control (Starting) (1951-52-53) •••. 1996053 93- C 88-C 93-C 53-A 54-B 54-F 97 1 41 41 107 107 106 106 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy John Deere to Diamond T CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1950-51-52-53. s-c-i. Model No.8 Cotton Picker (Eng. Hercules QXD-3) 54-B 97 1 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor...... Distributor Ignition Coil Combination Switch. Choke Rod 1101859 1118308 1107127 IJ.l1709 1115381 1994538 1991645 1949-50-51-52. 12-24" Volt. Models 721, 810 Trucks (Eng. Hercules DWXD) 93-F 6-C 52-C 97 41 108 41 106 106 107 107 108 1952-53. , Model 50 & 60 Tractor (Eng. Own) Generator Cranking Motor 50 60 Distributor - 60 Clamp - 60 Ignition Coil- 60 Switch - Combination 1100955 88-Q 1108144 1108950, 1111558 2070940 1115043 1994539 54-G 61-B 94-A 41 108 1952-53. Model HA92. EA92 Power Unit (Eng. Own) Generator ......................... Relay Cranking Motor ••••••• Distributor Ignition Coil Switch - Starting 1101857 1101860 1116816 1109616 1111742 1115381 405-E 93-F 93-F 4 69 97-A 41 30 Generator 1100517 Cranking Motor ••••••• 1109472 Switch Control (Starting) • 1996053 Mtg, Bushing For 1996053 1911548 88-C 67 106 Generator •••••••••••••• 1106803 Regulator 1118338 Fan & Baffle 1910036 Cranking Motors 24-volt 1108872 R.H.D 1108873 Switches Solenoid Starting Sefies-parallel.... 1574 Series-parallel •• 1996474 Light 480-U Dimmer 1997008 Horns High note 1999522 Low note 1999521 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1872391 1116781 Horn Relay 114-B 6-C 59-F 59-F 100 100 • • 17-D 17-0 4 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cy 1. Model 981 Truck 12-24-Volt. (Eng. Hercules DFXE) DIAMOND T 1949-50. Model Trucks Switches Ignition Ignition Dimmer Light Solenoid Horns 6-volt 12-volt Horn Bracket Horns 6-volt--Low note .. 6-volt--High note. 12-volt-Low note. 12-volt-High note. Horn Relays 6-volt 12-voIt Horn Mrg, Bracket .. Horn Package ........ 429-K 1997748 1997008 480-U 1568 107 107 1999909 1999910 1849024 7-A 7-A 1999519 1999520 1999521 1999522 17-D 17-D 17-D 17-0 • • 100 1116775 1116781 1872391 1915565 1949-50-51-52. 12-24-Volt. Models 515 & 615 Trucks (Eng. Hercules DJXH) 1953. 4- Cyl. Model "25" Combine (Eng. Continental Y-1l2) Group Diamond T (Contd.) 1953. 2-Cyl. Model "40" Series Tractor (Eng. Own) 88-C Model Group John Deere (Contd.) John Deere (Contd.) Generator and Regulator •.••. 1100517 Pulley ••••..••....•.•..• 1860712 Cranking Motor •••••.• 1107964 Distributor •..••••••••• 1111706 Advance Arm ....•...• 1838617 Advance Arm Dial .••• 815095 Ignition Coil .••••..•• 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) •.• 1385 Control (Start ing) 0951-52-53) ...•.. 19%060 Ignition 1116457 Ignition (1951-52-53) •.•. 1116481 Light 1995625 Model (koup Generator (12v) 1105921 Fan 1880558 Baffle ••••••••.••••••.• , 1880946 Pulley 1910381 Regulator •••••••••••••• 1118316 Cranking Motor (24v) 11088/l1 Switch--Seriesparallel ••••••••.•••.• 1996474 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 106 6-C 59-G 100 Generator Regulator Fan & Baffle Cranking Motor (24v) Switches Dimmer Light (Panel) Light Series-parallel Series-parallel (Manual) Relay 1106808 1118339 1910036 .. 833 114-B 6-C 23 1997014 1902068 1995625 1996474 108 100 1996473 1116822 100 4 1950-51-52. s-c-i. 6-Volt. Models 222 & 322 Trucks (Eng. Hercules QXLD) Generators Std. 40 amp ......... Opt. 32 amp.-low cut-in ........ Regulators For 1102747 For 110 5/l90 (1949-50) For 1105890 (1950-51-52) Cranking Motors Optional Distributor Clamp Arms ......................... Clamp Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Ignition Horn Horn Mtg, Bracket ••. 1102747 98-C 1105890 105-C 1118382 6-0 1118303 6-C 1118387 1107976 1108006 1111818 1838144 1917898 /l15095 1115327 6-D 54-B 54-B 105-B 1997008 1997748 1999909 1849024 1 1 41 107 7-A Page 25 Delco-ReDly Diamond T to Divco CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group 1951-52-53. 6-Cy I. Model 951 Truck (Eng. Buda 6DA5-844) 114-B 6-C 23 1999597 1999598 1915647 1116781 17-F 17-F 1106822 1118339 1108840 114-B 6-C 59-E 1118121 2-B 1106805 1118339 1108863 100 1105876 1118350 1910354 1880558 1880946 1107010 1107086 1107090 . 1111713 . 1862875 . 1115381 Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Ignition & Starting. Light (Comb.) Dimmer Switch Knob & Rod For 479-P Horn Hom Mrg, Bracket 105-B 6-D 52 52-B 52-B 97 1 41 4 1464 1997819 479-P 1997008 110 1990507 1999901 1849024 7-A • 1949 (only). 6-CyI. 5th Series. Model "ULM" Milk Truck (Eng. Continental F6-226) 1952-53. 6-Cy!. 12-24-Volt. Trucks Model 950 (Eng. Cummins NH5-600) 1949-50-51-52Model "ULM" Wholesale Delivery Truck (Eng. Hercules QXD-3) Model 95o-N (Eng. Cummins NHB-600) Model 950-5 (Eng. Cummins NHR5-600) Page 26 1949-50-51-52. Model "UM" Milk Truck (Eng. Continental F-4162) oi;;i'~~·~i·::::::::::::: 114-B 6-C 59-F 1996474 DIVCO Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Fan Baffle Cranking Motor Model 921-R (Eng. Cummins HRB-600, HRB8-600) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Ignition Coil Coil Mtg, Bracket Resistor (For Coil) • Switch Series-parallel .... Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Ignition & Starter .. 1997819 Ignition (Opt.) 1997733 Ignition (Opc.) 1116487 Light , 479-P Dimmer 1997008 Switch Knob Ignition & Starter. 1990660 Switch Bushing 1910158 Horn 1999901 Horn Mrg, Bracket •• 1849024 Horn Bracket 1912379 1 41 110 107 107 • • 7-A 1953. 4-CyI. Model No.1 Milk Truck (Eng. Continental F -4162) 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Model 921 (Eng. Cummins HB-600) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch Series-parallel .... 1102777 98-D 1118732 6-E 1107959 54-A 1110227 86-A Not D-R 1115380 41 1999909 7-A 4 1952-53. 6-Cy 1. 12-Vol t, Model 723 Truck (Eng. Cummins J85-600) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch Magnetic Starting. Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Hom Group Divco (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cy!. Model 323 Truck (Eng. Nash 5360) 1106805 1118339 806 Model Group Diamond T (Contd.) Diamond T (Contd.) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg, Bracket Horn Relay Model 1106805 1118339 1108871 1115485 1879753 1918374 114-B 6-e 59-F 41 1996474 100 Generator 1105876 Fan 1880558 Pulleys For Cont, Eng •.••. 1910354 For Hercules Eng.. 1912378 Baffle 1880946 Regulator 1118350 Cranking Motor 1107010 DIstributors For Cont, Eng ..... 1110192 For Hercules Eng.. 1110198 (Continued on next column) 105-B 6-D 52 85-E 85-E Generator 1105876 Regulator ••••••••••••• 1118350 Fan 1880558 Fan Baffle 1880946 Pulley 1910354 Cranking Motors Std. (W/Switch) ... 1107010 Opt. (Less Switch) 1107090 Distributor 1111713 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition & Starting. 1997819 Light 1995040 Magnetic (Opr.) 1464 Switch Knobs For 1997819 •••••••• 1990660 For 1995040 ........ 1990757 Swi tch Mtg. Bushings For 1997819 1910158 For 1995042 1910441 105-B 6-D 52 52-B 97 1 41 110 108 4 • • 1953. o-c-r. Models No.2 & 3 Delivery Truck (Eng. Hercules QXD-3) Generator 1105876 105-B Regulator 1118350 6-D Fan 1880558 Fan Baffle ••••••••••••• 1880946 Pulley................. 1927771 Cranking Motor w/Switch •......•... 1107010 52 Less Switch 1107090 52-B Distributor 1110 198 85-E Advance Arm 1862875 1 Ignition Coil 1115381 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition & Starting. 1997819 110 Ignition (Opr.} 1116487 107 Light 1995040 108 Magnetic Starting ••••• 1464 4 Switch Knobs For 1997819 1990660 For 1995042 1990757 • Switch Mtg, Bushings • For 1997819 1910158 For 1995042 •••••••• 1910441 • Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Dominion Road to Euclid Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY (Canada) 1950-51-52-53. Model D-494 Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-14A) Generators 1105909 106 ......................... 1106822 114-B Regulators For 1105909 1118316 6-C For 1106822 1118368 6-D Fans For 1105909 1880558 For 1106822 1910036 Baffle 1880946 Pulley 1881638 Regulator Shock Mount Package ..... 1910966 ELCIN SWEEPER 1949-50-51-52-53. Model 20 Sweeper (Eng. Hercules JXD) Generators 1102720 98-B 40 amp 1105877 105-B Optional 1105895 105-C Pulley for 1105877 .. 3660298 Fan for 1105877 1880558 Baffle for 1105877 1880946 Regulators For 1102720 1118303 6-C For 1105877 1118314 6-C For 1105895 1118333 6-C Cranking Motor 1107434 53-A Distributor 1110198 85-E Advance Arm 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches Magnetic 1464 4 Control 1385 106 Control 1996048 106 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 106 Starting 406-A 30 Horn 1999870 15-D 1855611 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1949-50. ie-v-n. Trucks. Model 1 LTD (Eng. Detroit Diesel 4-71-4094) Models 49FD, 53FDT, 43FDT, 47FDT (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71-6094) 1102973 1118362 1108802 98-K 6-D 59-D 1996027 1995625 1997014 106 108 * 1949-50-51 24-Volt. Trucks. Models 6LD, 15TD, 22TD, 23TD,10LDT (Eng. Buda 8DC-1l25) Model21TD (Eng. Buda 6DCS-844) Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switches Starting Glow plug Light 1949. ().Cyl. Models llLBT & 26TB Trucks (Eng. Hall-Scott 400) 1106856 114-D 1118346 6-D 1910036 806 23 1996027 406-A Start. 1995625 106 30 108 1949-50-51. 12-24-Volt. Trucks Models 22FD, 27FD, 28FD, 31FD, 36FD, 48FD, 25FDT, 27FDT (Eng. Cummins HBD-12) 1117327 122 1118529 7 1872904 not Delco- Internal parts of units marked (.) are not sold separately. 1949-50-51. 24-Volt. Trucks. Models 4LD, 8TD, 16TD, 20TD, 24TD, 9LDT, 2TDT (Eng. Cummins NHS) Models 39FDT, 45FDT, 46FDT, 48FDT (Eng. Cummins NH) Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switches Light Dimmer 1106855 114-D 1118346 6-D 1910036 1108863 59- F 108 1995625 1997014 • 1949-50-51. Trucks. ModellFFD (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71-6080TC) Models 1FPM, 50FDT, 51FDT (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71-6080) Generators ......................... Regulator Fan For 1106851 ........ Pulley For 1106851 ........ Pulley & Fan For 1106867 ........ Cranking Motors 5-1/8 5-l/8-R.H. (lFFD) Switches Control.............. Light Dimmer 1106851 114-D 1106867 114-D 1118346 6-D 1910036 1884641 1916820 1108858 59-F 1108857 59-F 1996027 1995625 1997014 106 108 • 1949-50-51. Models 5BV, 8BV Loaders (Eng. Cummins HBD) Models lOBV, 12BV Loaders (Eng. Cummins NHS) Model llBV Loader (Eng. Cummins HRB) Model 68FD Truck (Eng. Cummins HRB) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Starting Dimmer Light Group Euclid (Contd.) Euclid (Contd.) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Control Light Dimmer ••••••••••••••• Model Group Models 67FD, 54FDT (Eng. Cummins NH) EUCLID Generator Regulator Fan Balance of equipment Remy Model Ckuap 1106451 1118321 1108863 I11-B r,.C 59-F 1996473 1997014 1995625 100 108 Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switches Control Light Starting 1106855 1118346 1910036 1108863 114-D 6-D 1996027 1995625 1996471 106 108 30 59-F Page 27 Euclid to Euclid Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Euclid (Contd.) 1106851 1106867 1118346 114-0 114-D 6-D 1910036 1884641 1916820 1108858 59-I< 1996027 1995625 1996471 106 108 30 1106451 1118321 1108863 111-8 6-C 59-F 199~73 100 1997014 1995625 108 • 59-F 108 • Generator 24-V ....... 6-V Opt. for Light only ....... Regulators For 1106855 With Shock Mtg•• Without Shock Mtg 6-V For 1106764 .. Fan Cranking Motor Switches Selector Light Dimmer (Trucks on lv) Master (Loaders only) 1951. 12-Vol r. Model IUD Truck (Eng. Detroit Diesel 1106855 114-0 1106764 114 1118346 6·D 1118737 1118366 1910036 1108863 6-E 6-],) 59-F 1995627 1995625 108 108 1997014 1996471 30 4-71-4094) Models 49FD, 53FD, 38FDT, 41FDT, 43FDT, 47FDT Trucks (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71-6094) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Light Package Control Dimmer Page 28 1951-52-53. Models FD & FDT Series Trucks (Eng. Detroit Diese I 6-71-6094) 1102983 1118362 1108802 98-L 6-0 59-D 1995626 1996022 1997014 108 106 • Model IllD Series Truck (Eng. Detroit Diesel 4-71-4094) Generator 1102983 Regulator 1118362 (Continued on next column) Cranking Motors 6-71 4-71 Switches Control (Push) Light Dimmer 1108836 1108802 59-D 59-0 1996027 1995625 1997014 106 108 • 1951-52-53. 24-Volt. Model FDT Series Truck (Eng. Cummins HRBB) Model TOT Series Truck (Eng. Cummins NHS) Models ILID & TDT Series Trucks (Eng. Cummins NHRS) 114-0 6-0 Group Model LDT Series Truck (Eng. Cummins NHRS) 1951-52-53. Model FD Series Truck (Eng. Cummins NH, NHB) Model TD Series Truck & BV Loader (Eng. Cummins NHS, NHRS) Models 59FDT, 63FDT, 67FDT Trucks (Eng. Cummins NH) 1106855 1118346 1910036 1108873 1995626 1997014 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Series-parallel Dimmer Light Models FFD & FDT Series Trucks (Eng. Cummins NH) Models 58FDT, 62FDT, 66FDT Trucks (Eng. Cummins HRRB) Model Euclid (Contd.) 1951-52-53. Model FD & FDT Series Trucks (Eng. Cummins HRB) 1950-51. Models 57FDT, 61FDT, 65FDT Trucks (Eng. Cummins HRB) Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switch Package Dimmer Switch Group Euclid (Contd.) 1949-50-51. Models 7BV, 9BV Loaders (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71-6055-C) Generators ......................... Regulator Fan For 1106851 ........ Pulley For 1106851 ........ Pulley & Fan For 1106867 Cranking Motor Switches Control Light Master Model 98-L 6-0 Generator 24-V ...... Opt. 6-V Lights only Regulators For 110685:> With Shock Mtg•• Without Shock Mtg 6-V for 1106764 Fan Cranking Motor Switches Light Dimmer Selector 1106855 114-D 1106764 114 1118346 6-D 1118737 1118366 1910036 1108873 6-E 6-D 1995625 1997014 1995627 59-F 108 • 108 1951-52-53. Models FDT, LDT Series Trucks & BV Series Loader (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71) Model FFD Series Truck (Eng. Detroit Diesel 6-71, L.B. & R.B.) Generator 24-V ....... 1106867 Opt. 6-V For Lights only 1106758 Regulators For 1106867 With Shock Mtg•• 1118346 Without Shock Mtg 1118737 6-V for 1106758 1118366 Fan & Pulley 1916820 Cranking Motors Standard 1108858 R.H. engine 1108857 Switches Control (Push) 1996027 Selector 1995627 Light 1995625 Dimmer (Trucks only) 1997014 Master (Loader only) 1996471 114-0 114 6-D 6-1' 6-D 59-F 59-F 106 108 108 30 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Euclid to Federal Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Euclid (Contd.) 1951-52-53. Model TO Series Truck (Eng. Buda 80C-1125, 80A-1l25) Generator 24- V ....... 1106856 Opt. 6-V For Lights only 1106769 Regulators For 1106856 Shock Mtg........ 1118346 Without Shock Mtg 1118737 6-V for 1106769 1118366 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor.... 868 Switches Control (Push) 1996027 Selector 1995627 Glow Plug 406-A Dimmer 1997014 Light 1995625 114-D 114 6-D 6-E 6-D 23-A 106 108 30 • 108 FACEOL 1949-50. s-c-i. is-v-n. Model Fageol Marine Engine (Engine FM-200) Generators C.C.W C.C. W C.W C.W Fan Baffle Regulators For 1102970-71 For 1102980-81 Cranking Motors C.C.W C. W Distri butors c.C.W C.W Ignition Coil 1102970 1102980 1102971 1102981 1866400 1877887 98-K 98-L 98-K 98-L 1118304 1118354 6-C 6-D 1108410 1108411 55-F 55-F 1111552 1111553 1115251 95-A 95-A 41 Fairmount Railway Motors (Contd.) Fate-Root (Contd.) 1950-51-52-53. 12-24-Volt. Model OL 8-10-Ton Locomotive (Eng. Hercules ORXC) 194~50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model A-5 Gang Car (Eng. Waukesha FC) Model A-7A Gang Car (Eng. Waukesha XAH) Generators For FC For FC For XAH Opt. for FC (Shunt) Regulator For 1105004 Fan For 1105004 ••.• Fan Baffle For 1105004 ••••••• Pulley for 1101381,419 ....... Cranking Motors For FC For XAH For XAH 1952-53 • Distributor For FC Advance Arm For FC Advance Arm Dial For FC Ignition Coil Matched Horn Set (1999819-520) Starting Switch 1101381 1101419 942-H 91-A 91-8 49 1105004 10 I-A 1118394 1880558 6-D 1880946 • 1861315 1107133 53-A 41 52-D 625-F 83 1107443 714-B 1874944 1105914 1118354 1108863 106 6-D 59-F 1996473 100 1999852 1999851 1855611 15-C 15-C 815877 815095 1115328 41 1880226 40&A 1 30 1953. 4-Cyl. Model "Silver King" 150 Highway Mower "Silver King" 249, 349, 444, Farm Tractor (Eng. Continental F-4162) Generator (& Reg.) .. 110 1421 Cranking Motor 1107058 Distributor 1111526 Advance Arm 1856076 Ignition Coil 1115381 91-A 52-A 95 I 41 FATE-ROOT-HEATH 1949. Model OHD 10-Ton Locomotive (Eng. Hercules DRXC) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch Series-parallel .... 1105914 1118354 .... 707 106 6-D 19-A 1996473 100 FEDERAL 1949. 12-24-Volt. Models D-l8-M, 0-25-1\1 (Eng. Hercules OJXC) 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. Model M-23-E-2 Oiscing & Scarifying Machine (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZR) 1101667 724-X 1111773 8158 77 815095 1115226 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch Series-parallel ..... Horns 6-V 12-V Horn Mrg, Bracket • FAIRMONT RAILWAY MOTORS Generator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Matched Horn Set (1949-50-51) (1999557-58) ....... Model Group Model Group Model Onmp 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cyl. Silver King Tractor Models 149, 249, 349 & 444 (Eng. Continental F -4162) 93 43 105 1 41 Generators And Regulator 1950-51-52 Cranking Motor (with Starting Switch) Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Horn Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Model D-29-M (Eng. Hercules OJXH) 1101367 1101421 91 91-A 1107058 1111526 1856076 1115381 1999972 52-A 95 1 41 7-A Generator Pulley Fan Regulator Cranking Motors 24-vol t 12-vol t Switches Starter Series-parallel Fuel Gauge Horn 1105921 1912596 1880558 1118316 6-C 1108881 1108815 59-F 59-D 1996301 1996474 1996301 1999817 100 106 • 15-A Page 29 Delco-Remy Federal to Federal CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Federal (Contd.) Models 18Q & 18Q2 (Eng. Hercules JXB) Models 250 & 25Q2 (Eng. Hercules jXC) Models 290, 2902 & 29QA (Eng. Hercules jXD) Models 29QL, 29QL2 & 290LA (Eng. Hercules jXLD) Generators Standard 1102691 98-A Opt. 50 amp 1106751 114 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 114 Opt. 32 amp.-low cut-in 1105887 105-C 98-B 30 amp 1102721 40 amp. (Low cut-In) 1106758 114 Pulley & Fan Assembly For 1106751 1911488 For 1106758 1913787 Pulleys For 1102691 1885075 For 1105887 1871606 Fan For 1105887 ........ 1880558 Regulators For 1102691, 1102721, 6-C 1105887 1118303 6-C For 1106751 1118335 6-C For 1106757 1118333 6-0 For 1106758 1118366 Cranking Motors For Eng. JXE, JXB & JXC 1107413 53 For Eng. JXD 1108215 55 For Eng. JXLD 1108214 55 Distributors 1110198 85-E ......................... 1112354 107 Advance Arm 1838144 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Starting Switch 406-A 30 15-A Horn 1999803 Horn Bracket Lamination ......... 1849037 Lamination Support.. 815474 Lamination Rivet .. ' 102682 1949. 6-Cyl. Model 35-5 Truck (Eng. Continental T6-371) Models 45-5 & 55-5 Trucks (Eng. Continental T6-427) Page 30 Group Federal (Contd.) 1949. Models 160 & 16Q2 (Eng. Hercules jXE) Generators Low cut-in 25 amp 1105855 40 amp 1106752 40 amp 1106758 (Continued on next column) Model 105-B 114 114 Model Group Federal (Contd.) Generators (Continued) 40 amp 1105877 50 amp. (Opt.) 1106751 1106757 50 amp 12-vol t (Opt.) 1106801 12-volt (Opt.) 1106821 Fan For 1105877-855 ... 1880558 pulley For 1105877-855 ... 1910238 Pulley & Fan For 1106801-751 ... 1885366 Baffle For 1105877-855 ... 1880946 Regulators For 1105855 1118350 For 1106752 1118344 For 1106758 1118366 For 1105877 1118314 For 1106751 1118335 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106801 1118338 For 1106821 1118337 Cranking Motors For Model 35-S ..... 1108202 For Models 45-S & 55-S 1108951 12-volt 1108956 Distributors 1111774 Tachometer 1112266 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Magnetic For Model 35-S ...... 1464 For Models 45-S & 55-S 1118124 Control 1996301 Horns Low note (6v) 1999519 High note (6v) 1999520 1999521 Low note (I2 v) High note (I2v) 1999522 Relays Horn (6v) 1116775 Horn (I2v) 1116781 105-B 114 114 114-B 114-B 2-B * 17-0 17-0 4 6-0 G-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 55 61-B 61-B 105 106 41 41 4 2-B * 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 4 4 1949. s-c-i. 12-Volt. Models 65Q2, 65QA, 663QA, 664QA & 664BQA (Eng. Continental R6-602) Generators Standard Standard Opt. 50 amp Opt, 50 amp Regulators For 1106801-821 For 1106802-822 Pulley & Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil (Continued on next Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting) .. 19%301 Switch Knob & Rod Assembly 499-W Horns Low note _.•• 1999521 High note 1999522 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mounting Lamination 1849037 Lamination Support.. 815474 Lamination Rivet ... 102682 1106801 1106821 1106802 1106822 114-B 114-B 114-B 114-B 1118338 1118339 1911339 1109150 1111779 815877 815095 1115251 column) 6-C 6-C 63-B 105 1 41 1949. 6-Cyl. 6 & iz-v-u. Models 6o-PA, 6o-P2 Trucks (Eng. Continental 22-R) Generators 1106587 12-volt 1106651 Regulators For 1106587 1118314 For 1106651 (l2v) .1118316 Cranking Motors.......... 413 12-volt 414 Distributor 1111778 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 1115226 12-volt 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting 6-volt 1453 12-volt 1118121 Control (Starting) .. 1996301 Horns Low note 1999519 High note 1999520 Low note (I2v) 1999521 High note (I2v) 1999522 Horn Relays 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Horn Mounting Lamination 1849037 Lamination Support. 815474 Lamination Rivet ... 102682 113 113-B 6-C 6-C 12 12 105 1 41 41 4 2-B * 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 4 4 1949. Model D-4500 (Eng. Hercules DWXLD Diesel) Generator Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) .. Series-parallel ..... Horns Low note High note Relay--Horn 1106803 1910036 1118338 1108855 114-B 1118193 1996027 1996474 2-B 106 100 1999521 1999522 1116781 15-C 15-C 4 6-C 59-F Internal parts of units marked (*) are not Bold separately. Delco-ReDly Federal to Federal CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Federal (Contd.) Federal (Contd.) 1949. Model DB-6606 (Eng. Cummins NHB-600 Diesel) Model D-6502 (Eng. Cummins HB-600 Diesel) Generator 1106805 Fan 1910036 Regulator 1118339 Cranking Motor ••••••• 1108863 Switches Control (Starting) •• 1996027 Series-parallel ••••• 1996474 Horns Low note ••••••••••.. 1999521 High note ••••••••••• 1999522 Relay-Horn ••••••••••• 1116781 114 6-C 59-F 106 100 15-C 15-C 4 1950. Models D1800T, D2500T (Eng. Hercules DjXC) Generator 1105921 Pulley •••••••••••••••••• 1912596 Fan ••••••••••••••••••••• 1880558 Regulator ••••••••••••.• 1118316 Cranking Motors 24-vol t ••••••.•••••••. 1108881 12-volt (Opr.) •••••• 1108815 Switches Control (Starting) .• 1996027 Series-parallel 1996474 Fuel Gage Horn 106 6-C Federal (Contd.) Regulators For 1102721, 1105887 1118303 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 Fan For 1105887 ........ 1880558 Pulleys For 1105887 ........ 1871606 For 1102721 on JXD eng. with air compressor ....... 1885075 Pulley & Fan Assembly For 1106757 1911488 For 1106758 1913787 Cranking Motors For JXB, JXC, QXLD eng........ 1107972 For JXD, JXLD eng 1108219 Distributor 1112354 Advance Arm 1838144 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995046 Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Junction Block 1998763 Horn 1999801 Mounting Lamination. 184903 7 Lamination Support .. 815474 Lamination Rivet ..... 102682 6-C 6-D 6-C 54-B 55 107 1 41 1996301 • 1999817 15-A l5-A Models 4500 & 5500 (Eng. Continental T6-427) 1950-51. 6-Cy1. 6-Volt. Model 1500T (Eng. Hercules QXLD) 12-volt (Opr.) Model 1800T (Eng. Hercules jXB) Model 2500T (Eng. Hercules jXC) Model 2900T (Eng. Hercules jXD) Model3000T (Eng. Hercules jXLD) Generators Standard 1102721 Opt. low cur-in-e30 amp•••••••••••• 1105887 40 amp 1106758 Opt. 50 amp •••••••• 1106757 (Continued on next column) 98-B 105-C 114 114 Fan For 1105877-855, 1105930 Pulleys For 1105855-877 .. For 1105830 Pulley & Fan For 1106757-821 •• For 1106758 Baffle For 1105855-877, 1105930 Regulators For 1105855 For 1105877 For 1106757 For 1106821 For 1106758 For 1105930 (Continued on next Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1106821 105-B 114 105-B 114 106 114-B 1880558 1910238 Federal part 1885366 1913371 1880946 1118350 1118314 1118333 1118337 1118336 1118354 column) 55 61-B 6l-B 105 105-8 106 41 41 4 2-B * l-:--D 17-0 17-0 17-D 4 4 1%0-51Models D3500 & D4500 Trucks (Eng. Hercules DWLD Diesel) Generator 1106803 Regu1ator 1118337 Cranking Motor 1108855 Switches Magnetic 1118193 Control (Starting) •. 1996027 Series-parallel ..... 1996474 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Relay--Horn 1116781 1950-51. 6-Cyl. Model 3500 Truck (Eng. Continental T6-371) Generators Low cut-in 25 amp 1105855 40 amp 1106758 40 amp 1105877 50 amp. (Opr.) ••••• 1106757 12-volt (Opr.) Low cut-in 1105930 Cranking Motors For Model 3500~ •• 1108202 For Models 4500Q & 5500Q 1108951 12-volt 1108956 Distributors Standard 1111774 Heavy duty 1111814 Tachometer 1112266 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Magnetic For Model 3500~.. 1464 For Models 4500Q & 5500Q 1118124 Control 1996301 Horns Low note (6v) •••••. 1999519 High note (6v) 1999520 Low note (l2v) 1999521 High note (l2v) 1999522 Relays Horn (6v) 1116775 Horn (l2v) 1116781 108 106 59-F 59-D 106 100 Model Group Model Group Group 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 114-B 6-C 59-F 2-8 106 100 15-C 15-C 4 1950-51. 6 & 12-Volt. Model 6000 (P Series) Trucks (Eng. Continental 22-R) Generators 6-volt 1106587 6-volt-50 amp. Opt 1106766 l z-volr 1106651 Regulators For 1106587 1118314 For 1106766 1118333 For 1106651 1118316 Cranking Motors 6-volt 1108953 12-volt '" 1108955 Di st ri butor •••••••••••• 1111778 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 6-volt 1115226 12-volt 1115251 (Continued on next page) 113 114 113-8 6-C 6-C 6-C 61-B 61-B 105 1 41 41 Page 31 Federal to Federal Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Federal (Contd.) Ma gn e t i c 1464 1118121 4 2-B 1999519 1999520 1999521 1999522 17-D 17-0 17-0 17-0 1116775 1116781 4 4 Generators 1106821 1106822 1911339 114-B 114-B 1118337 1118368 1109150 1111779 815877 815095 1115251 1118121 6-C 6-0 63-B 105 1999521 1999522 1116781 17-0 17-0 4 1 41 2-B 106 6-C 59-D 59-1' 106 100 * 15-A Model 013-6500 Truck (Eng. Cummins NHI3-600) Page 32 17-0 17-D 17-F 17-1' 4 98-C 6-0 61-B 85-E 41 2-B 106 Pulleys For 1105887 ........ For 1102752 on JXO engine with air compressor ... Pulley & Fan For 1106757 ........ Cranking Motors For QXLO, JXB JXC engines ..... For JXO, JXLO engines Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer 1871606 1885075 1918470 1107972 54-B 1108219 1.1 12354 1838144 815095 1115327 55 107 1 1997008 * 108 106 Lighting 1995046 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Mounting Bushings For 1995046 1910441 For 1996053 1911548 J unction Block 1998763 Horn 1999801 Horn Mounting Lamination .......... 1849037 Lamination Support. 815474 Lamination Ri vet .... 102682 41 15-A * 7-1' P-F j 4 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. ~lodels 15001', 16001' (Eng. Hercules QXLO) Model 18001' (Eng. Hercules jXB) Model 25001' (Eng. Hercules JXC) Model 29001' (~=ng. Hercules jXD) Model 30001' (Eng. Hercules JXLD) 1950-51-52-53. Model D-6500 Truck (Eng. Cummins 1113-600) Generator 1106805 Regulator 1118368 Cranking Motor 1108863 Switches Contro I (Starting) .. 1996027 Series-parallel ..... 1996474 (Continued on next column) Generator 1102746 Pulley 1910238 Fan 1866400 Baffle 1877887 Regulator 1118382 Cranking Motor 1108951 Di srri butor 1110176 Advance Arm 1838144 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Igni tion Coil 1115328 Switches Magnetic 1118124 Control (Starting) 1996053 Dimmer 1997008 Horns Low note 1999631 Hi gh note 1999632 Horn Mounting Lamination ......... 1849037 Lamination Support 815474 Horn Relay 1116775 Group 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Model 3400 Truck (Eng. Continental 1'6-371) Models 4400, 4500, 5500 Trucks Eng. Continental 1'6-427) 1950-51-52-53. Model D2900T Truck (Eng. Hercules OjXH) Generator 1105921 Fan 1880558 Pulley 1912596 Regulator 1118316 Cranking Motots Std. 12-volt 1108815 Opt. 24-volt 1108881 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996027 Series-parallel (Opt.) 1996474 Fuel Gauge 1996301 110m 1999817 Horns 1950--Low note 1999521 1950-High note 1999522 1951-2-3 Low note .......... 1999591 1951-2-3 High note 1999592 Horn Relay 1116781 Model Federal (Contd.) 1951-52. Model 45GD 1-3 (Eng. Continental B6-427) 1950-51\lodel 6500 (Q Series) Trucks (Eng. Continen tal R-6-602) 40 amp. 50 amp. (Opr.) Pulley & Fan Regulators For 1106821 For 1106822 Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switch--Magnetic Horns Low note High note Horn Relay Group Federal (Contd.) Switches 6-volt 12-volt Horns Low note (6v) High note (6v) Low note (12v) High note (12v) Relays Horn (6v) Horn (12v) Model ll4 6-0 59-1' 106 100 Generators Standard 1102752 98-C Opt. low cut-in 30 amp 1105887 105-C 114 40 amp 1106758 114 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 Regulators 6-0 For 1102752 1118382 6-C For ll05887 lll8303 6-0 For 1106758 1118366 6-C For ll06757 1118333 Fan--For 1105887 1880558 (Continued on next column) Generators 6-volt-Std. 40 amp ...... 1102746 98-C Opt. low cut-in 25 amp 1105855 105-B 40 amp 1106758 114 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 114 12-volt-20 amp. low cut-in 1105930 106 40 amp 1106821 114-B Fan For 1102746, 1105855, 1105930 1880558 Fan Baffle For 1102746, 1105855, 1105930 1880946 Pulleys For 1102746 & 1105855 1910238 For 1105930 .. Furnished by Federal Pulley & Fan For 1106757 & 1106821 1885366 For 1106758 ••.••••• 1913371 Regulators For 1102746 1118382 6-D For 1106757 1118333 6-C For 1105855 1118350 6-0 For 1106758 1118366 6-0 For 1106821 1118337 6-e For 1105930 1118354 6-0 (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Federal to Fitziohn Coach Co. De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group 55 61-B 61-B 105 105-B 106 41 41 106 4 2-B 2-B 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 Model 510 (Inter-City Service) (Eng. Hercules jXLD) Model 6500 Truck (Eng. Continental R6-602) Generators Std. 40 amp •••.•••• 1106821 Opt. 50 amp ••.••••• 1106822 Pulley & Fan For 6000 only ••.••• 1885366 Fan & Baffle For 6500 only ...... 1910036 Regulators For 1106821 •••••••• 1118337 For 1106822 ••.••••• 1118368 Cranking Motor ••••••• 1109150 Distributor 11 11779 Advance Arm ••••••••• 1838144 Advance Arm Dial ••.• 815095 Ignition Coil ••.•..•••• 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Con~rol (Star~ing) • 1996053 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-D 63-B 105 1 41 2-B 106 Mount ing Bu sh ing 1911548 1999591 1999592 1116781 113 114 113-B 6-C 6-C 6-C 17-F 17-F 4 61-B 61-B 105 1 41 41 FERCUSON (Harry) 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. Model T0-20 Tractor (Eng. Can tinen tal Z-120) Generators ••••••••.••• 1950-51 Regulator ••.••••••••••• Cranking Motor •.••.•. Distributors Export-1950-51 ••• Advance Arm Igni tion Coil ,. Switch--Starting •.••• 1101404 1100509 1118308 1109457 1111722 1111737 1912433 11 15381 1996479 91-A 88-C 6-C 56 97 97-A 1 41 * * 4 2-B 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 1951-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model TO-30 (Eng. Continental Z-l29) Generator 1953 Regulator Cranking Mo tor Distributors Export Advance Arm Ignition Coi I Switch-Starting •••.• Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1100523 1100529 1118308 1109457 1111740 1111737 1912433 1115381 1996479 ~Iodel 310-0 (City Service) (Eng. Hercules OjXIl) Model 525 & 535 (City Service) (Eng. Waukesha 140-GK) 1951-52. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Model 6000 Truck (Eng. Continental 22-R) Generators 6-volt Std 1106587 6-volt Opt. 50 amp 1106766 Opt. 12-volt 1106651 Regulators For 1106587 1118314 For 1106766 1118333 For 1106651 1118316 Cranking Motors 6-volt '" 1108')53 12-volt (Op t.) 1108955 Distributor 11 11778 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial ••• 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115226 12-volt Opt 1115251 Switches Control (Starting) • 1996301 Magnetic Starting 6-volt 1464 12-volt 1118121 Knob & Rod For 19%301 499-W Horns 6v Low note 1999631 1999632 6v High note 12v Low note 1999591 12v High note •..•• 1999592 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Group 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. Model 310 (City Service) (Eng. Hercules jXLD) 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model 6000 Truck (Eng. Continental U6-50l) For 1996053 .••••••• Horns Low note •••••••••••• High note ••••••••••• Horn Relay •••••••.•••• Model FITZJOHN COACH CO. Federal (Contd.) Federal (Contd.) Cranking Motors 6-volt for 3400 ••••• 1108202 6-vol t for 4400, 4500, 5500 •••••••••••••••• 1108951 12-volt •.•••••.••••••• 1108956 Distributors Standard 1111774 Opt. heavy duty ••• 1111814 Opt. with tachometer dri ve 1112266 Distributor Hold Down Clamp •.•••••• 2070940 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 I 2-vol t 1115043 Switches Control (Starting) • 1996053 Magnetic Starting 6-volt for 3400..... 1464 6-volt for 400, 4500, 5500 1118124 12-volt 1118121 Meg, Bushing for 1996053 1911548 Horns 6v Low note 1999631 6v High note 1999632 12v Low note 1999591 12v High note 1999592 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Model Ckoup 88-C 88-C 6-C 56 97-A 97-A 1 Model 510 (Export) Special (Eng. Hercules WXLC-3) Generator ••••••••••• :..... 977 Fan & Pulley For JXLD 1868392 Fat DJXH 1883903 For Waukesha 140.1884607 Regulators 1949-50 1118512 1951-52 1118597 Cranking Motors For JXLD 1107836 For DJXH 1108809 For 140-GK 1109153 For WXLC-3 •••.•••. 110895') Distri butots 1110200 For 140-GK •....•.•. 1111775 For WXLC-3 1111768 Fat JXLD 0951-52) 1111829 Advance Arms 1838144 Opt. high altitude. 1886656 Advance Arm Dial 81509') Ignition Coil 11152') 1 Relays Horn 1116781 Stop Light Tell Tale 1116769 Generator Tell Tale 1116845 Alternator Tell Tale 111680') Switches Magnetic For 1107836 1466 For 1108809 1118121 Choke 1118128 Reverse 1535 Control (Starting) •.• 1385 Control (Starting) • 1996048 Control (Starting) •. 1951-52) •••••••.•• 1996060 Ignition 429-V Ignition (1951-52) • 1116487 Dimmer •...•••••.••••• 1997008 Gang 1998605 Gang 0951-52) •••• 1998653 Panel •.••.••.••••••••• 1998642 Pa ne I 1998649 Panel 0951-52) ..• 1998650 Panel 0951-52) ..• 1998656 Horns Low note •.••••.••••• 1999525 High note 1999526 Horn Mt g, Bracket .•• 1872391 18 7- Fl ')3-N 59-D 63-B 6H3 85-E 105 105 105-B 1 1 38 4 4 4 4 -1 2-13 2-B 104 106 106 106 107 107 * 019 49 49 49 49 49 17-[) 17-0 41 * Page 33 Fitziohn Coach Co. to Flxible Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group Fitziohn Coach Co. (Contd.) Model 540 (Export) (Eng. IRC - RD-450) 18 114-B 7-B 6-D 53-N 61-B 63-B 62 105-B 105 105 107 41 41 • 107 107 106 49 49 49 4 2-B 2-B 104 Generator (55 amp.).... 982 18-A Pulley 1878092 Regulator 1118508 7 Cranking Motor 1108678 58-A Distributor 1112274 106 Ignition Coil ••..••••.• 1115043 41 Switches Combination (Panel). 1439 9 Dimmer 1997008 • Buzzer ••••••••••••••• 1997702 109 Relays Generator Indicator Light 1116757 4 1116781 4 Horn Horn 1999700 19 Buzzer ••••••••••• 1999951 Horn 7-A 1949-50. iz-vsn. Model 37C-l Dual (Eng. Chevrolet) Generator 1117380 122-B Regulator 1118524 8 Cranking Motor 1108678 58-A Distributor ••••••...•••• 1112274 106 Advance Arm 1886392 1 Ignition Coil ••••••••.. 1115043 41 Switches Control (Starting) . .•• 1385 106 Solenoid •••••••••••••••. 1535 104 Control (Reverse) •••. 1436 106 Magnetic (Reverse)... 1466 4 Starting •••••••••••••• 1996471 30 Dimmer ••••••••••••••• 1997008 ... Buzzer .•••••...••••••• 1997702 109 Light 1998637 49 Ignition •••••••••• 1998649 Light 49 Relays Generator Light .•.. 1116757 4 Blower 1116852 4 Stop Light 1116769 4 Horn 1116781 4 Horn 1999700 19 7-A Buzzer 1999951 Battery.. ••••• ••• 8D29 7C-3 4 4 4 4 17-F 17-F Model Group Flxible (Contd.) 1949-50. 12-Volt. Model Clipper 25C-l (Eng. Chevrolet) Models 525, 535, City Service (Eng. Waukesha 14o-GK) Page 34 Group FLXIBLE 1953. s-c-i. 12-Volt. Model FTG- City Service (Eng. Hercules JXLD, WXLD) Generators Std. 977 Export •••••.••••••••• 1106822 Regulators For 977 •••••••••••••• 1118597 For 1106822 •••••••• 1118368 Pulley & Fan For JXLD Eng••••• 1868392 For Waukesha 140 Eng 1884607 For l.H.C. RE-450 Eng•••••• 1913614 Cranking Motors JXLD Eng 1107836 WXLD Eng 1108955 140-GK Eng•••••••• 1109153 IHC - RD-450 Eng. 1109005 Distributors JXLD Eng 1111829 WXLD Eng 1111768 140-GK Eng•••••••• 1111775 lHC RE-450 Eng•• 1112357 Advance Arms Std 1838144 Opt. High altitude. 1886656 Advance Arm Dial .... 815095 Ignition Coils Std 1115251 Export 1115043 Switches Dimmer •••••••••••••• 1997008 Ignition 1116487 Ign, & Starting .....•• 1116501 Control (Starting) • 1996060 Gang 1998653 Panel 1998650 Panel 1998656 Magnetic For 1107836 1466 For 1108955, 1109153 1118121 Choke 1118128 Reverse. 1535 Relays Generator Tell Tale 1116845 Alternator Tell Tale 1116805 Stop Light Tell Tale 1116769 Horn 1116781 Horns Low note 1999757 High note 1999758 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1872391 Model 1949-50-51. Model 29-B-l Clipper Coach (Eng. Buick 70) Generators 55 amp. (1949-50) •.•• 982 55 amp. (1950-51) .1117328 Optional 1117378 Pulley for 982 •..••... 1883148 Regulators For 982, 1117328. 1118517 For 1117378 1118524 Cranking Motor 1108106 Distributor 1110605 Ignition Coil 1115043 (Continued on next col umn) 18-A 122 122-B 7 7 54-F 89 41 Switches Dash Light (Opt.)... 1404 * Light (Panel) .•••••••. 1439 9 Dimmer 1997008 * Buzzer 1997702 109 Relays Generator Indicator Light 1116757 4 Horn 1116781 4 Horn 1999700 19 Buzzer 1999951 Horn 7-A 1950-51. 12-24-Volt. Model Visacoach 218 DWXI-50 (Eng. DWX Hercules) Generator •.•.•••••••••• 1117378 122-B Regulator 1118583 7-B Cranking Motor 1108855 59-F Switches Magnetic •••••••••••• 1118193 2-B Series-parallel •••• 1996474 100 Solenoid (Stop) 1535 104 Buzzer 1997702 109 Combination (Panel) ••••••••••••••• 1439 9 Control (Push) •••••••• 1385 106 Control (Solenoid Stop) 1415 106 Dimmer 1997008 * Fog 1997008 * Relays Generator-Indicator Light 1116757 4 Horn 1116781 4 Buzzer •••••••• 1999951 Horn 7-A Battery 8027 7C-3 1951-52-53. Model 218 81-52 Clipper Coach (Eng. Buick 70) Generators Standard 1117328 Optional 1117378 Pulley For 1117328 •••••••• 1883148 Regulators For 1117328 ••..•.•• 1118597 For 1117378 •••••••• 1118583 Cranking Motor 1108106 Distributor ., .•••••••••• 1110605 Ignition Coil •••••••••• 1115043 Switches Dash Light (Opt .) 1404 Panel 1998652 Dimmer •••••.••.•..••• 1997008 Buzzer 1997899 Relays Horn 1116781 Heater 1116845 Horn 1999700 Buzzer (Horn) ••••.•... 1999951 122 122-B 7-B 7-B 54-F 89 41 * 9-A • 109 4 4 19 7-A Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Flxible to Frazer Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1117328 1867693 1118597 1109150 1110196 1115043 122 7-B 63-B 85-E 41 1118121 1998652 1996062 1997008 1997899 1999700 1999951 2-B 1116845 1116781 4 4 1949. 6-Cyl. Models HG, HR Trucks (Eng. Waukesha MZA) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil 1105885 1118303 737-R 1111773 1115328 1950-51. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model HRC (Eng. Waukesha 140-CK) 105-C 6-C 48 97 41 9-A 106 * 109 19 7-A 1953. iz-vsu. Model 218 JOS- I-52 (Eng. Cummins JBS) Generator (A.C.) 1117100 150-0 Pulley & Fan 1924335 Regulator 1118638 8-B Rectifier (Power) 1924332 Rectifier (Relay) 1924331 Cranking Motc r 1108840 59-0 Switches Magnetic 1118121 2-B Magnetic - (Fuel shut off) 1424 2 Panel 1998652 9-A Dimmer 1997008 Buzzer 1997899 109 Relay Stop light 1116875 4 Heater 1116845 4 Horn 1116781 4 Buzzer 1999951 Horn 7-A Horn 1999700 19 1949. 6-Cyl. Models M7G, M6x6G Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 143-GZ) Generators ......................... Regulator Pulley & Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switch-Starter 1106809 1106826 1118339 1885473 1109150 1111775 815877 815095 1115251 406-A 1106809 1106826 1118339 1885473 1109153 1111775 1115251 63-B 105 1 41 30 114-B 114-B 6-C 63-B 105 41 1950-51. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models HR & HG (Eng. Waukesha MZA) FORD 1949-50-51-52-53. Convertible & Station Wagon (Over-Drive ) Switches Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid (1949) (1950) (1951) (1952-53). 1118138 1118132 1118155 1118168 5-E 5-E 5-E 5-E Generators Standard 1105885 Optional 1106577 Regulators For 1105885 1118303 For 1106577 1118351 Cranking Motor 1107437 Distributor 1111773 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Magnetic replacement unit (opt. HR only) 1111410 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Starting 406-A Control (Opr.) 1385 Light (Opr.) 1995031 Heater & W. Wiper 1997841 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Generator Pulley & Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Control (Push) Li ghr Heater & W. Wiper 1106763 1885473 1118333 1109153 1111775 815877 815095 1115226 6-C 53-8 105 1466 1385 1995031 4 106 108 1997841 110 114 I 41 114-B 114-B 6-C 1949. 6-Cyl. Model ZU Truck (Eng. Waukesha 140-GZ) Generators ........................ Regulator Pulley & Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Group Four Wheel Drive (eontd.) s-vsu. 1952-53. Model 218 FI-52 Coach (Eng. Fageol FTC-180) Model Group FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Fbdble (Contd.) Generator Pulley Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Panel Control (Choke) Dimmer Buzzer Horn Buzzer (Horn) Relays Heater Horn Model ORap 1950-51. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models l\16x6, M7, 1\110, YU & ZU (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) Generators Standard 1106828 Opt. (M7 only) 1117320 Opt. (All) 1106826 Pulley & Fan For 1106826-28 1885473 For 1117320 1884607 Regulators For 1106828 1118337 For 1106826 1118368 For 1117320 1118512 Cranking Motors For M6x6, M7, MIO.1109150 For YU, ZU 1109153 Distributor 111177 5 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic 1466 Control................. 1385 Light 1995031 Heater & W. Wiper .......... 1997841 114-B 122 114-B 6-C 6-0 7 63-B 63-B 105 1 41 4 106 108 lID 105-C 113 6-C 6-0 53-A 105 1 94 41 30 106 108 110 FRAZER 1949-50-51-52-53. Solenoid Switches 1949-50 1951-52-53 (Over-Dri ve) 1118132 1118155 5-E 5-E Page 35 Calion Iron Works to Calion Iron Works Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group CALION IRON WORKS 1949-50-51-52. Models 202 & 203 Grader (Gas & Diesel) (Eng. I.H.C. U-9 & UD-9) 1101726 1102955 93-B 98-K 5884 1118304 5 6-C Re gul a tor s For 1101726 For 1102955 Fan For 1102955 ........ Pulley For 1102955 Cranking Motor Ma gne ti c Switch 1866400 Not De l co-Remy 1109108 63 1118121 2-B 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model 116 Grader (Diesel) (F:ng. I.H.C. UD-16) Generators Opt. high output Regulators For 1101782 For 1102968 Cranking Motor Magneti c Switch 1101782 1102968 93-0 98-K 5884 1118304 J 10910B 1118121 5 6-C 63 2-B Generators 6-voltFor I.H.C. U-6 & U-9 (Gas) ...... 1101358 Opt. for U-6 & U-9 (30 arnp.) ••. 1102714 1951-52-For U-6 & U-9 (Gas) ........ 1101423 12-volt-For I.H.C. UD-6 & UD-9 (Diesel) .1101726 Opt. for UD-9 .... 1102976 1951-52-For UD-6 & UD-9 (Diesel) .1100972 Fan 1866400 Regulators For 1101358 5821 For 1102714 1118303 For 1101726.......... 5884 For 1102976 ........ 1118354 Reg. Shock Mtg. Pkg.1910966 Cranking Motors For U-6 (6v Gas) .. 1107926 For U-9 (6v Gas) .. 1108921 For UD-6 & UO-9 (Diesel) 1108904 (Diesel) 1108933 Switches Magnetic For U-6 & U-9 (Gas) 1118124 For UD- 6 & UD-9 (Diesel) ........ 1118121 1949-50-51-52. 12-Vol t, Models 5-Ton Tandem, 8-Ton Tandem, Warrier 3-Wheel, Chief 3-Wheel (Diesel) (Eng. I.H.C. UD-6 & LTD-9) Page 36 Generators With Regulator 1951-52 Regulator For 1101423 Cranking Motor Switch Magnetic Starting .. 93-B 88-Q 98-K 5 6-0 61 61-A 2-B Group Calion Iron Works (Contd.) 1109108 1109156 1118121 63 63-B 2-B 1950-51-52. 12-Volt. Models 116 & 118 Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD-16) 91 98-A 91-B 93-B 98-K Generators Standard 1102978 40 amp 1106821 Regulators For 1102978 1118354 For 1106821 1118338 Reg. Shock Meg, pkg•• 1910966 Fan for 1106821 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109108 Switch-Magnetic 1118121 98-K 114-B 6-D 6-C 63 2-B 88-Q 4 6-C 4 6-0 54 61 61 61-A 2-B 2-B 1951-52. 6-Cyl. Model 8-12 Ton Tandem Road Roller (Eng. Continental M-330) Generators Standard (30 amp.). 1102714 Optional (40 amp.), 1102731 Regulators For 1102714 1118303 For 1102731 1118382 Regulator Shock Mounting Package .. 1910966 Pulley 1881877 Fan 1866400 Cranking Motor 1107972 Distributor 1111769 Advance Arm 1856076 Ignition Coil 1115327 98-A 98-B 6-C 6-D 54-B 105 1 41 6-Volt. 1101369 1101423 91 91-B 5839 1107430 5-A 53 1118124 2-B 1102976 1118354 1866400 1910966 column) 1952-53. 6-Volt. 6-Cyl. Model Road Graders (Eng. Continental F-226, M-330, B-427) Model 5-8-Ton Tandem Roller (Eng. Continental F-226) Model 8-12-Ton Tandem Roller (Eng. Continental F-330) 1950-51-52. 12-Volt. Models 103 & 104 Grader (Gas & Diesel) (Eng. I.H.C. U-450 (Gas), UD-l4-A (Diesel) Generator Regulator Fan Shock Mtg, Pk g (Continued on next Model Cranking Motors For UD-14-A For U-450 Magneti c Switch Model 303 (Eng. I.H.C. U-6 & UD-6) 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cyl. Model 402 Grader (Eng. I.H.C. U-4) Generators Standard 1101726 Standard 0951-52).1100972 Opt. (On UD-9) .... 1102976 Regulators For 1101726, 1100972 5884 For 1102976 1118354 Reg. Shock Mtg. Pkg.1910966 Fan for 1102976 1866400 Cranking Motors 1108904 ......................... 1108933 Switch-Magnetic .... 1118121 Group Calion Iron Works (Contd.) 1949. 12-Volt. Models 102, 103 Graders (Diesel) (Eng. I.H.C. UD-14-A) Generators Opt. 16-18 amp Model Model Chief 3-wheel Roller (Eng. Continental B-427) 98-K 6-D Generators Standard (30 amp i}, 1102714 98-A Optional (40 amp.). 1102731 98-B Fan 1966400 Pulley For F-226, M-330 •. 1881877 For F-427 ...... Furnished by Cone. (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-ReDly Galion Iron Works to General American CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Galion Iron Works (Contd.) Regulators For 1102714 •••••.•• 1118303 For 1102731 1118382 Regulator Shock Mount Package 1910966 Cranking Motors For F-226 For M-330 For B-427 Distributor Distributor Advance Arm IgnitionCoil Magnetic Switch For 8-427 6-C 6-D 1107970 1107972 1108951 1111769 54-B 54-8 61-8 105 1856076 1115328 1 41 1118124 2-8 1953. iz-v,n. Model 104 Grader (Gas & Diesel) (Eng. LH.C. U-450 (Gas), UD-14A (Diesel) Generator 1102976 Regulator 1118354 Fan 1866400 Shock Mount Package .1910966 Cranking Motors For U-450 1109156 For UD-14-A ••••••• 1109108 Magnetic Switch ..... 1118121 98-K 6-D 63-8 63 2-8 1953. 12-Volt. Model 104 & 118 Grader (Eng. Det. Diesel 3-71) (4-71 Optional) Generator Fan Regulator Cranking Motor 1102983 1866400 1118362 1108801 98-L 6-0 59-D 1953. 12-Volt. 6-Cyl. Model 118 Grader (Eng. l.H.C. UD-16) Generators Standard 20 amp 1102978 40 amp 1106821 Fan For 1106821 1910036 Regulators For 1102978 1118354 For 1106821 1118338 Shock Mount Package For 1102978 1910966 Cranking Motor 1109108 Magnetic Switch 1118121 Model Group 98-K 114-8 6-0 6-C 63 2-8 Group Galion Iron Works (Contd.) 1953. 6-12-Volt. (Gas & Diesel) Model 203 Grader (Eng. I.H.C. U-9, UD-9) 98-A 98-K 6-C 6-0 54 61 61 61-A 2-8 2-8 1953. 6 & 12-Volt. Model 503 Grader (Gas & Diesel) (Eng. Continental F-162, GD-157) Generators For F-162 For GD-157 Pulley For 1102714 Fan For 1102714 ........ Regulators For 1102714 For 1102996 ShockMountPackage Cranking Motors For F-162 For GD-157 Switch - Starting Ignition Coil For F-162 1102714 1102996 98-A 98-L 1915269 1866400 1118303 1118355 1910966 6-C 6-D 1107090 1108961 405-E 52-8 61-8 30 1115328 41 Internal parts of units marked (.) are not sold separately. 1102976 1866400 1118354 1910966 1108933 11181n Generator 1117560 Regulators 80amp 1118452 '5620 120 amp. (Opt.) Fan 1910089 Cranking Motor 1109150 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Light (Gang) 1998605 Solenoid (Reverse).... 1535 Magnetic (Choke control) 1118012 Magnetic (Starting). 1118121 Relays Tell Tale (Stop Light) 1116769 Tell Tale 1116845 Horn Package 1880227 123-A 2-C 2-A 63-13 41 49 104 2-A 2-8 4 4 1 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Model P-373 Inter-City Coach (Eng. Continental U-6501--C.W.) 1953. 12-Volt. Models 5-Ton Tandem, 8-Ton Tandem, Warrier 3-Wheel, Chief 3-Wheel Road Roller (Eng. l.H.C. UD-6 & UD-9) Generator Fan Regulator Reg. Shock Meg, pkg.• Cranking Motor Switch - Magnetic •••• GENERAL AMERICAN AEROCOACH CO. 1949-50. Model P47-37 Inter-City Coach (Mastercraft) (Eng. l.H.C. RED-450) Model 303 Grader (Eng. LH.C. U-6, 00-6) Generators For U-6. U-9 (Gas) 1102714 For UD-6, UD-9 (Diesel) 1102976 Fan 1866400 Regulators For 1102714 1118303 For 1102976 1118354 Shock Mount packa'ge.1910966 Cranking Motors For U-6 1107926 For U-9 1108921 For UD-6 & UD-9 • 1108904 For UD-6 & UD-9 • 1108933 Switches Magnetic For U-6 & U-9 ••• 1118124 For UD-6 & UD-9 1118121 Model Group 98-K 6-D 61-A 2-8 Generator 1117560 123-A Regulators 2-C 80 amp 1118452 2-A 120 amp. (Opr.) 5620 Fan 1910089 Cranking Motor 12-volt-C.W 1109150 63-8 Distributors 1112265 106 ......................... 1112285 106-A Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Magnetic (Starting). 1118121 2-8 • Dimmer 1997008 Light--Gang 1998605 49 Solenoid (Reverse) .... 1535 104 Magnetic (Choke 2-A control) 1118012 Relays Tell Tale (Stop light) 1116769 4 Tell Tale 1116845 4 Horns (Matched set) •• 1880227 1 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Model T-361 City Coach (Torque Converter) (Eng. Continental U-650l) --C.C.W.) Generators Standard Leece Neville Optional 1117560 123-A (Continued on next page) Page 37 Ceneral American to CMC Coach Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group Ceneral American Aerocoach Co. (Contd.) Model Group Ceneral American Aerocoach Co. (Contd.) Regul ators For 1117560 2-C 80 amp 1118452 2-A 120 amp 5620 Fan For 1117560 1910089 Cranking Motor 1109154 63-B Distributors 1112261 106 ......................... 1112281 106-A Ignition Coil .......... 1115251 41 Switches Magnetic (Starting). 1118121 2-B Magnetic (Throttle shut off) 1118121 2-B Dimmer ,. 1997008 * Magnetic (Choke) .. 1118012 2-A Panel 1998642 49 Rel a y-« Tell Tale (Stop light) 1116869 4 Horns (Matched set) .. 1880227 I M 1949. 12-Volt. Model TG-2708 (Engine "270") 122-B 123-B 7-B 2-A 63-B 105-A 49 104 104 4 4 4 17-F 17-F 7-B 2-A 41 2-B 106 106 106 49 104 103 Ret a ys Tell Tale (Stop light) Tell Tale Horn Horn Low note High note Horn Mtg. 13racket Page 38 1116769 1116852 1116781 4 4 1999591 1999592 1872391 17-F 17-F 4 1951-52. 6-Cyl. Models 373MD & 373MDA (Eng. Hercules DRXC) Generators MO MOA Regulators For 1117388 For 1117575 Fan For 1117575 Cranking Motor ••••••• Switches Series-parallel Control Magnetic •••••••••••• Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg, Bracket Horn Relay 1117388 1117575 122-B 123-B 1118583 5620 7-B 2-A 1910089 1108861 59-F 1996477 1996014 III8128 100 106 1999591 1999592 1872391 1116781 18 7 54-F 106 41 48 15-A 4 7C-3 41 2-B 106 106 106 122-B 123-B 63-B 106-A Generator 952 Regulator 1118512 Cranking Motor 1108126 Distributor 1112269 Ignition Coil 11I5043 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Neutral Safety 1997849 Signal 1997702 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999808 Relay--Stop Light 268-H Battery................... 4019 1 1951-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 373MC & 373MCA (Fng. Continental U6-501) Generators MC 1117388 MCA 1117575 Regulators For 1117388 1118583 For II 17575 5620 Fan For 1117575 1910089 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1112284 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic (Starting). 1118121 Control (Starting) .. 1996048 Control (Choke) .... 1996050 Control (Re ve rs e ) .. 1996051 1997008 Dimmer Light (Gang) 1998605 Solenoid (Tra ns ,') •• 1118075 Solenoid (Blower) ••1118025 Group CMC COACH 1951-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 373MB & 373 MHA. (Eng. I.H.C. RED-450) Generators MH 1117388 MHA 1117575 Regulators For 1117388 1118583 For 1117575 5620 Fan For 1117575 1910089 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111813 Clamp Arm 1838617 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic (Starting) 1118121 Control (Starting) • 1996048 Control (Choke) ... 1996050 Control (Reverse) .1996051 Dimmer 1997008 Light (Gang), 1998605 Switches Solenoid (Trans .) .. 1118075 Solenoid (Blower) • 1118025 Relays Tell Tale (Stop light) 1116769 Tell Tale II16852 Horn 1116781 Horns Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Meg, Bracket 1872391 Model 2-B 17-F 17-F 4 1949. Models PD-2903 & PDA-3703 Parlor Coaches (Engine 4-71) Generators For PD-2903 (55 arnp.) III7315 For PDA-3703 II17602 Regulators For 1117315 1118512 For III7602 II 18408 Cranking Motor 110871 0 Switches Magnetic (Emergency stop) 1424 Reverse Shift Solenoid III8091 Light (Gang) For PDA-3703 1998608 For PD-2903 1998638 For PD-2903 1998639 Foot Dimmer ••••••• 1997014 Signal 1997702 Relays Reverse Solenoid .. 1116852 Stop Light 1116769 Horn 1116818 Head Lamp Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 Battery................... 8025 122 124 7 10 59 2 104 9-A 49 49 * 109 4 4 4 19 7C-3 1949. 12-Vo1t. Models TDH-3209, 3612, 4010, 4509 TDM-3209, 3612, 4010, 4509 TDH-4510, 5101, 5502 (Engine 6-71) Generator 1117568 Regulator 1118544 Cranking Motor 1108807 (Continued on next page) 123-B 9 59-D Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy CMC Coach to CMC Coach CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Or'oap CMC Coach (Contd.) Switches Magnetic Emergency stop 1424 Control 1118010 Light 1994528 Panel 1998642 Buzzer 1997702 Solenoid (Reverse).. 1535 1997014 Dimmer Relays Solenoid 1116852 pressure Switch 1116852 Horn 1116818 Tell Tale 1116775 Reverse 1116852 Water Pump 1116852 Stop Light 268-H 1999700 Horn Junction Block 1865535 Group CMC Coach (Contd.) 2 2-A 108 49 109 104 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 19 124 10 59-D 57 Switches Control 1998642 Light 49 1997014 * Dimmer Signal 1997702 109 Reverse-Magnetic... 1335 2 Combination (Relay) 1994528 108 Gang 1998649 49 Relays Magnetic (For Cranking Motor) 1116852 4 1116818 4 Horn Tell Tale 1116775 4 Reverse Solenoid .. 1116852 4 1116852 4 Water Pump Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 19 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 2 2 104 * 2-B 49 * 19 7C-3 Generators For PD-2903 (55 arnp.) 1117315 For PDA-3703-4 1117602 Regulators For 1117315 1118547 For 1117602 1118408 Cranking Motor 1108819 Switches Magnetic (Emergency stop) 1424 Reverse Shift (Solenoid) ......... 1118091 Light (Gang) For PD-2903 1998638 For PD-2903 1998639 Foot Dimmer 1997014 Signal 1997702 Relays Reverse Solenoid .. 1116852 Stop Light For PD-2903 & PDA-3703 1116769 For PDA-37D4 1116860 Horn 1116818 Lights (PDA-3704). 1116852 Head Lamp Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 Battery 8D27 122 124 9 10 59- D 2 104 49 49 * 109 4 4 4 4 4 Relays Solenoid 1116852 Reverse 1116852 HeaterControl 1116852 Blower 1116852 Horn 1116818 SropLight 1116860 Alarm Signal 1116775 Ign, Control (Opr.) .. 1116852 Switches Magnetic Normal Stop 1424 Emergency Stop.... 1424 Reverse (Solenoid).... 1535 Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic (Opt.) 1118121 Gang 1998642 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 Battery.................... 8D27 4 4 4 4 4 4 1\ 2 2 104 2-B 49 19 7C-3 1950. iz-ven. l\lodels TDH-3209, 3612, 4010, 4509; TDM-3209, 3612, 4010, 4509 (Engine 6-71) Generator 1117568 123-B Regulator 1118544 9 Cranking Motor 1108807 59-D Switches Magnetic Emergency Stop.... 1424 2 Control 1118010 2-A Combination 1994528 108 Panel 1998642 49 Buzzer 1997702 Misc. 48 Solenoid (Reverse) 1535 104 1997014 * Dimmer Gang 1998649 9-A Relays Solenoid 1116852 4 Pressure Switch 1116852 4 Horn 1116818 4 Tell-Tale 1116775 4 Reverse 1116852 4 Water Pump 1116852 4 * Stop Light 268-H 1999700 Horn 19 Junction Block 1865535 19 7C-3 1949-50. 12-Vol t. Models TGH & TGM 3209 Models TGH & TGM 3612 (Engine 503) Generator Regulator ......................... Cranking Motors Hydramatic trans •• Mechanical trans•• Distributor Ignition Coil (Continued on next Model Group CMC Coach (Contd.) 1950. Models PD-2903, PDA-3703 & PDA-3704 Parlor Coaches (Engine 4-71) 1949. 4-Cyl. Model PDA-4101 Parlor Coach Generator (140 amp.); 1117602 Regulator 1118408 Cranking Motor 1108807 Optional 1108557 Relays Solenoid 1116852 Reverse 1116852 Heater Control 1116852 Blower 1116852 Horn 1116818 Stop Light 268-H Alarm Signal 1116775 Ign, Control (Opr.) .. 1116852 Switches Magnetic Normal stop ......... 1424 Emergency stop •••• 1424 Solenoid (Reverse) 1535 Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic (Opr.) 1118121 Gang 1998642 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 Battery................... 8D29 Model 1950. Model O.D.C. (Export) (Eng. Detroit Diesel 4-71) 1117651 1118532 1118545 124-B 1108807 1108901 1112267 1115251 col umn) 59-D 61 106 41 9 9 1950. 4-Cyl. Model PDA-4102 Parlor Coach Generator (140 arnp.), 1117602 Regulator 1118408 Cranking Motors 1108807 Optional 1108557 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 124 10 59-D 57 Generators Standard 120 amp 1117576 123-B Optional 55 amp. 952 18 Regulators For 1117576 5620 2-A For 952 1118547 7 Fan For 1117576 1910089 Cranking Motor 1108819 59-D (Continued on next page) Page 39 CMC Coach to CMC Coach Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group CMC Coach (Contd.) Relays Engine stop Emergency stop Reverse shift Starter Horn Switches Solenoid Reverse shift .... Magnetic Normal stop Emergency stop Horn Battery 1116852 1116852 1116852 1116852 1116818 4 4 4 4 4 1118091 104 1424 1424 1999700 8D27 2 2 19 7C-3 952 1118547 1108126 1112269 1112272 1112297 1115043 1997014 1997849 1997702 1997899 268-H 1865535 1999808 4D 19 18 9 54-F 106 106 106-A 41 109 109 15-A 7C-3 124 10 59-D 59-D 2 2 104 19 7C-3 Optional Equipment for Air Conditioned Coaches using Waukesha ICK Engine: Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switch-Magnetic 124 10 59-0 2 104 • 109 4 4 4 4 4 19 7C-3 Group Relays Solenoid 1116852 Pressure Switch (Opt. on all hyd , tra ns 1116852 Horn 1116818 Tell Tale 1116775 Stop Light 268-H Reverse Shift (Me ch, trans. only) 1116852 Water Pump 1116852 Horn 1999700 Junction Blocks 3 Terminal 1865535 4 Terminal 1998763 i ) 4 4 4 4 4 4 19 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1108557 1111707 1880199 815095 1115043 1118121 57 97 1 41 2-B 1951. 4 & 6-Cyl. Models TOH & TOM-3209, 3612 Transit Coaches (E~gine 4-71) Models TOB & TOM-4010, 4509, 4511 & 5103 Transit Coaches (Engine 6-71) ~Iodel POA-3704 Parlor Coach ([ngine 4-71) Page 40 1951-52. Model PO-4103 Parlor Coach (Engine 6-71) Generator 1117602 Regulator 1118408 Cranking Motors 1108807 ......................... 1108827 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic Normal stop .......... 1424 Emergency stop.... 1424 Solenoid Reverse shift ........ 1535 Relays So l eno id 1116852 Reverse shift 1116852 Blower motor 1116852 Light 1116852 Alarm 1116775 Stop lamp 1116860 Horn 1116818 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999700 Battery 8D27 Model CMC Coach (Contd.) 4 195] • Generator 1117602 Re gul aror 1118408 Crank ing Motor 1108819 Switches Magnetic (Emergency stop) 1424 Solenoid (Re ve rse shift) 1118091 Dimmer 1997014 Signal 1997702 Rel a y s Stop light 1116860 Light 1116852 Re ver se shift 1116852 Solenoid 1116852 lIorn 1116816 J unction Block 1865535 lIorn 1999700 Llattery 8D27 Group CMC Coach (Contd.) 1950-51-52. 12-Volt. Models TGH-2708 & TGH-3101 (Engine 270) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributors ......................... ......................... Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Neutral Safety Signal Signal Relay--Stop Light Junction Block Horn Battery Model Generator 1117568 123-B Regulator 1118544 9 Cranking Motor 1108807 59-D Switches Magnetic-Emergency Stop (All hyd, rrans..) 1424 2 Magnetic-Clutch control (All hyd. trans . ) 1118010 2-A Light 1998649 49 Combination (Opt. Thermostatic heating system) 1994528 108 Dimmer 1997014 at: Solenoid-Reverse Shift (Me ch, trans. only) 1535 104 Signal 1997702 109 (Continued on next column) 1952. 4 & 6-Cyl. Models TOR & TOM·3612 Transit Coaches (Engine 4-71) Models TOR & TOM-4509, 4511, 5103, 5104, 5107 Transit Coaches (Engine 6-71) Generators Standard 1117568 Standard for 5107 .. 1117544 Optional for fluorescent light ....... 1117658 Regulators For 1117568 1118544 For 1117544 5620 For 1117658 1118414 Cranking Motors Early Models 1108807 Later Models 1108827 Switches Magnetic-Emergency stop.... 1424 Clutch control (All Hyd, rrans .j ... 1118010 Normal stop (All Hyd, trans .) .... 1118011 Solenoid-Reverse shift (Me ch, tran s i), 1535 Dimmer 1997014 Light 1998650 Combination (Opt.) Thermomatic Heating system) 1994542 Signal Buzzer 1997899 Relays Solenoid 1116852 pressure Switch (Opt. for all Hyd, trans c) 1116852 Horn 1116818 Alarm 1116775 Stop Light 268-H Stop Light (RT 5 lamps) ..... 1116860 Reverse Shift (Me ch, trans.) 1116852 Water Pump 1116852 (Continued on next page) 123-B 123-A 151 9 2-A 10 59-D 59-D 2 2-A 2-A 104 • 49 108 109 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. CMC Coach to CMC Truck Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Gf'oup CMC Coach (Contd.) Junction Blocks Alarm Systems Head Lamp 4 Terminal Horn 1998768 1865535 1998763 1999700 952 1118547 1108126 1112300 1115043 1997014 1997849 1997899 268-H 1865535 1999808 4D19B 19 18 9 54-F 106-A 41 i 109 15-A 7C-3 124 10 59-D 1108557 1111707 1880199 815095 1115043 ) Group Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Stop Light 1997901 1997008 Dimmer Fuse Block 1998773 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999801 Battery 15AA-4 106 107 108 15-A 7C-2 123-B 151 9 59-D 2 2-A 2-A .. 104 109 108 4 4 4 4 4 4 19 4 1949. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models FC-IOO, 150, 250, FCE-I0l (R.H.D.) (Engine 228) Generators Standard Opt. low cut-in Regulators For 1102710 For 1105855 Fan (For 1105855) .. Cranking Motors Standard R.H.D Distributor Vacuum Control Vacuum Adapter plate ..•.............. Ignition Coil Switches Control (Starting) . Ignition Light Dimmer Stop Light Horn Fuse Block J unction Block Battery 1102710 1105855 98-A 105-B 1118303 1118350 1880558 6-C 6-D 1107055 1107075 1112356 1116026 52-A 52-B 106 4 1882532 1115328 41 1996037 1116464 1995031 1997008 1997901 1999801 1998773 1865535 15AA-4 106 107 108 • 15-A 7C-2 4 4 4 2 104 19 7C-3 Optional equipment for air conditioned coaches using Waukesha ICK Engine: Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Models TDH-4514, 4801, TDH & TDM-4512, 4515, 5105 5106 & 5108 (Eng. 6-71) Generators Standard 1117568 Opt. for Fluorescent lighting (A.C.) ... 1117658 Regulator For 1117568 1118544 Crank i ng Motor 1108827 Switches Magnetic--Emergency stop (All hyd, trans.)..... 1424 Clutch Control (All hyd , tra ns r) .. 1118010 Normal stop (All hyd , trans 1118011 Solenoid Reverse Shift (Me ch , Trans.).... 1535 Dimmer 1997014 Signal buzzer 1997899 Combination (Opt. Thermomatic Heating system) ....... 1994542 Relays Solenoid 1116852 Pressure Switch (Opt. all hyd, trans.) .. 1116852 Horn 1116818 Stop Lamp 268-11 Stop Lamp 1116860 Reverse shift (Me ch, Trans.) ... 1116852 Water Pump (Opt. io: Thermomatic heating system) ....... 1116852 J unction Blocks Headlamps 1865535 4 Terminal 1998763 Horn 1999700 Model CMC Truck (Contd.) 1953. 4 & 6-Cyl. Model TDH-3714 (E:ng. 4-71) 1953. Models 4104 & 4901 Parlor Coach (Eng. 6-71) Generator 1117604 Regulator 1118416 Cranking Motor 1108827 Relays Solenoid 1116852 Reverse shift 1116852 Light 1116852 Stop Light 268-H 1116818 Horn Switches Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic Emergency stop 1424 Solenoid Reverse shift 1535 1998763 J unction Block Horn 1999700 Battery 8D27-B Group CMC Coach (Contd.) 1953. iz-ven. Model TG-3102 (Eng. 270) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Neutral Safety Signal Relay - Stop Light Junction Block Horn Battery Model 57 97 1 41 CMC TRUCK 1949. 6-Cyl. Models FP-152, 253 Delivery Trucks (Engine 228) Generator Regulator •••••••••••••• Cranking Motor Distributor Vacuum Control Vacuum Control Adapter Ignition Coil (Continued on next Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1102710 1118303 1107075 1112356 1116026 1882532 1115328 column) 98-A 6-C 52-B 106 4 41 1949. 6-Cyl. Models FC & FF-300, 350 FCS-300, 370 Domestic, FCE:-303, 351, 353 (R.H.D.) (Engine 248) Generators Standard 1102716 98-A Low cut-in 1105855 105-C 40 amp. (Opr.) 1105877 105-B 50 amp. (Opt.) 1106751 114 40 amp. (Low cut-in) 11p6752 114 (Continued on next page) Page 41 Delco-Remy GMC Truck to GMC Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) Regulators For 1102716 •••••••• 1118303 For 1105855 ••••••••• 1118350 For 1105877 •••••••• 1118314 For 1106751 ••••••••• 1118335 For 1106752 •••••••• 1118344 Fans For 1102716 •••••••• 1866400 For 1106751-752 ••• 1910036 Pulley For 1105855-877 ••• 1883325 Cranking Motors Standard ••••...•.••••• 1107418 e.O.E •..•••••••..•••• 1107960 Distributor ••••.•••••••• 1112356 Vacuum Control •••••• 1116026 Vacuum Adapter Plate ••••••••••••••••• 1882532 Ignition Coil .......... 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997725 Horns Standard 1999801 FCS-370, FF-300, 350 1999519 1116775 Horn Rel a y Horn Mrg , Brackets FCS-370 1883291 C.U.E • .. . ... .... ... .. 1872391 Fuse Block 1998773 Junction Block 1865535 Batteries Standard 15AA-4 Optional............... 17K-4 Optional.............. 19Q-4 Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-0 53 54-A 106 4 41 106 107 108 • • Cranking Motors Standard 1107418 C.O.E 1107960 Distributor 1112356 Distributor Clamp Hold Down 1886392 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997725 Horn 1999519 Relay--Horn 1116775 Horn Mounting Brackets For FC & FCS 1883291 For FF 1872391 Fuse Block 1998773 Junction Block 1865535 Batrerie s Standard . 15AA4 School Bus . 19Q4 Optional .. 17K4 Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 53 54-A 107 41 106 107 108 • • 17-0 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 Dimmer •••••• u 1997008 Ignition 435-U Stop Light .•••••••••• 1997725 Light 1995031 Horns 6v--Low note 1999519 6v--High note 1999520 l Zv-e-l.ow note 1999521 12v--High note 1999522 Relays 6v-Horn 1116775 12v--Horn 1116781 1872391 Horn Meg, Bracket Fuse Block 1998773 J unction Blocks For HC 520, 650 1865535 All others 1998756 Batteries Standard 17K4 Optional................ 19Q4 Optional. 4H21 106 * 107 * 108 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 15-A 17-0 4 1949. 6 & 12-Volt. Models HC & HF 520, 600, 650 (Engine 318) 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1949. Models FC, FF & FCS 450 (Engine "270") Generators 98-B Standard 1102716 25 amp. (Low cut-in) 1105855 105-B 40 amp 1105877 105-B 114 SO amp. (Opt.) 1106751 114 so amp. (Opr.) 1106757 40 amp. (Opt. low cut-in) ........ 1106752 114 40 amp. (Low 114 cur-j n) 1106758 Regulators 6-C For 1102716 1118303 6-0 For 1105855 1118350 6-C For 1105877 1118314 6-C For 1106751-757 ••• 1118335 6-0 For 1106752-758 ••• 1118344 Pulley For 1105855-877 ... 1883325 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1106751 1910036 (Continued on next column) Page 42 Model Models HC & HF 620, 700, 770 (Engine 360) Generators 6v-Standard 1102716 6v--Opt. 40 amp •••• 1105877 6v-Opt. 40 amp. Low cut-in 1106752 Low cut-in 1106758 6v--50 amp 1106751 6v--50 amp 1106757 12v--40 amp 1106801 12v--40 amp 1106821 12v--50 amp 1106802 12v--50 amp 1106822 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105877 1118314 For 1106752-758 ••• 1118344 For 1106751-757 ••• 1118335 For 1106801-821 ... 1118338 For 1106802-822 ••• 1118339 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1105877 1880558 For 1106752-751-801-802 1910036 Cranking Motors For HC (6v) 1107906 For HF (6v) 1107948 For HC (l2v) 1108104 For HF (l2v) 1108127 Distributor 1112268 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coils Standard 1115328 Uptional 1115226 (Continued on next column) 98-B 105-B 114 114 114 114 114-B 114-B 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-C 54 54-A 54-F 54-F 106 41 41 1949. 6 & iz-ven. Models HC & HF 720 & HC 870 (Engine 426) Models HC & HF 740, 750, 850 & HC 890 (Engine 503) Generators 6v-Standard 1102716 6v-40 amp 1105877 6v-40 amp. Low cut-in 1106752 Low cut-in 1106758 6v-50 amp. Low cut-in 1106751 Low cut-in 1106757 12v--40 amp. Low cut-in 1106801 Low cut-in 1106821 12v--50 amp 1106802 12v--50 amp 1106822 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105877 1118314 For 1l06752-758 1118344 For 1106751-757 1118335 For 1106801-821 1118338 For 1106802-822 1118339 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1105877 1880558 For 1106752-751801-802 1910036 Cranking Motors For HC (6v) 1108451 For llF (Sv) 1108458 For HC (l2v) 1108531 For HF 02v) 1108539 (Continued on next page) 98-B 105-B 114 114 114 114 114-B 114-B 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-C 56 56 56-C 56-C Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. CMC Truck to CMC Truck Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Ignition Coils 6-volt ................. 1115226 12-volt ............... 1115251 Distributor ............. 1112267 Distributor Clamp ..... 2070940 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 Dimmer ............... 1997008 Ignition ................ 435-V Stop Light ........... 1997725 Light ................. 1995031 Horns 6v-Low note ....... 1999519 6v--High note ....... 1999520 12v--Low note ...... 1999521 12v-High note ...... 1999522 Relays 6v-Horn ............. 1116775 12v-Horn ............ 1116781 Horn Mtg, Bracket ... 1872391 Junction Block ....... 1998756 Batteries Standard ................ 17K4 Optional ................ 4H21 41 41 106 106 * 107 * 108 17-0 17-0 17-0 17-0 4 4 Regulators For 1102710 ........ 1118303 For 1105855 ........ 1118350 Fan for 1105855 ..... 1880558 Cranking Motors Standard ............. 1107055 R.H.D................. 1107075 Distributor ............ 1112360 Vacuum Control ...... 1116026 Vacuum Adapter Plate ................. 1882532 Ignition Coil .......... 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) .. 19%045 Ignition .............. 1116464 Light ................. 1995031 Dimmer .............. 1997008 Stop Light .......... 1997901 Junction Block ....... 1865535 Fuse Block ........... 1998781 Horn .................... 1999801 Battery ................. 15AA4 6-C 6-0 52-A 52-B 107 4 41 106 107 108 * * 15-A 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1949. 12-Volt. Model HDC & HDF 740, 750 (Engine 4-71) Models HDC 870, 900, 940, 950 978, 980 (Engine 6-71) Generators For 4-71 1106811 114-B For 6-71 1106818 114-B Regulator 1118339 6-C Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108816 59-0 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996037 106 Light 1995031 108 Ignition 435-U 107 Dimmer 1997008 * Magnetic 1424 2 Horns 17-0 Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 17-0 Relays Horn 1116781 4 Solenoid 1116852 4 Junction Block 1998756 Batteries For HDF 7027 7C-3 For HOC 8027 7C-3 1950. 6-Cyl. 6-V01 t. Models FC-I00, 150, 250; FCE-IOl (R.H.D.) (F:ngine 228) Generators Standard 1102710 Opt. low cut-in •••• 1105855 (Continued on next column) CMC Truck (Contd.) CMC Truck (Contd.) CMC Truck (Contd.) 98-A 105-B Model Group Model Group Model Gnnsp 1950. 6-Cy 1. Model FP-152 Delivery Truck (Engine 228) Ge nerator 1102710 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor 1107075 Distributor 1112360 Vacuum Control 1116026 Vacuum Control Adapter 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Stop Light 1997901 Dimmer 1997008 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999801 Battery 15AA4 98-A 6-C 52-B 107 4 41 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-0 52-A 54-A 107 4 41 106 107 108 * 15-A 17-0 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 106 107 108 * * 15- A 7C-2 1950. 6-Cy 1. Models FC & FF 300,350; FCS 300; HCS400 Domestic; FCE 303, 351, 353 (R.H.D.) (Engine 248) Generators Standard 1102716 98-A Low cut-in 1105855 105-C 40 amp. (Opr.) 1105877 105-B 50 amp. (Opt.) 1106757 114 40 amp. (Low cut-in) 1106758 114 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105855 1118350 For 1105877 1118314 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106758 1118366 Fans For 1102716 ........ 1866400 For 1106751-758 .. 1910036 Pulley For 1105855-877 .. 1883325 Cranking Motors Standard 1107055 CO.E 1107960 Distributor 1112360 Vacuum Control 1116026 Vacuum Adapter Plate 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Statting) .. 1996045 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light CO.E 1997725 FC Models 1997901 Fuse Blocks CO.E 1998773 FC Model s 1998781 Junction Block 1865535 Horns Standard 1999801 CO.E 1999519 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Bracket CO.E 1872391 Batteries Standard .. 15AA4 Optional . 17K4 Optional .. 1904 1950. Models HC, lIF & lICS 450 & 470 (Engine 270) Generators Standard 25 amp. (Low cut-in) 40 amp 50 amp. (Opr.) 40 amp. (Low 1102716 98-B 1105855 1105877 1106757 105-B 105-B 114 cut-in) 1106758 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105855 1118350 For 1105877 1118314 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106758 1118366 Pulley For 1105855-877 .. 1883325 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1106751 1910036 (Continued on nexr page) 114 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-0 Page 43 Delco-ReDly CMC Truck to CMC Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) Cranking Morors Standard 1107418 e.O.E 1107960 Distributor 1112360 Distributor Clamp 1886392 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Starring) . 1996045 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997725 Fuse Block 1998773 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999641 Relay--Horn 1116775 Horn Mounting Brackets For HC & HCS 1883291 For HF 1872391 CMC Truck (Contd.) 53 54-A 107 41 .. 15AA4 . 19Q4 . 17K4 Ignition Coils Standard (6v) 1115328 Optional (6v) 1115226 12-voIr 1115043 Switches Starting 1996045 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition Il16464 Stop Light 1997725 Light 1995031 Fuse Block 1998773 J unction Blocks For HC 520, 650 1865535 All others 1998756 Horns 6-voltLow note 1999641 High note 1999642 12-vo1t-Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Relays 6v Horn 1116775 1116781 12v Horn Horn Mtg , Bracket.. 1872391 Batteries Standard 17K4 Optional.............. 19Q4 Optional............... 4H21 106 107 108 * 17 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 41 41 41 106 * 107 * 108 17-F 17-F 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1950. 6 & 12-Volt. Models HC & HF 520, 600, 650, HCS 520 (Engine 318) Models HC & HF 620, 700, 770 (Engine 360) Generators 6-volt-Standard Opt. 40 amp Opt. 40 amp. Low cut-m 50 amp 12-volt-40 amp 50 amp Regulators For 1102716 For 1105877 For 1106758 For 1106757 For 1106821 For 1106822 Fans For 1102716 For 1105877 For 1106758-757821-822 Cranking Motors 6-vo1t-For HC, HCS For HF 12-voltFor HC, HCS For HF Distributor Distributor Clamp (Continued on next L,; Page 44 110 2716 1105877 98-B 105-B 1106758 1106757 114 114 1106821 1106822 114-B 114-B 1118303 1118314 1118366 1118333 1118337 1118368 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-D 1866400 1880558 1910036 1107906 1107948 54 54-A 1108104 1108127 1112268 2070940 column) 54-F 54-F 106 1950. 6 & 12-Vol t. Models HC & HF 640, 720 & HC 870 (Engine 426) Group Cranking Motors 6-volt-For HC For HF 1108451 1108458 56 56 For HC 1108531 For HF 1108539 Distributor 1112267 Distributor damp 2070940 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115226 12-volt 1115251 Switches Control (Starting).. 1996045 Dimmer u ••• u . 1997008 Ignition 1116464 Stop Light 1997725 Light 1995031 Junction Blocks ••••• 1998756 HC 640 only ....... 1865535 Fuse Block HC 640 only ........ 1998773 Horns 6-volt-Low note 1999641 High note 1999642 12-volt-Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Relays 6v Horn 1116775 1116781 12v Horn Horn Mtg, Bracket 1872391 Batteries Standard 17K4 Optional............... 4H21 56-C 56-C 106 tz-ve«, 41 41 106 * 10 7 * 108 17-F 17-F 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 1950. 12-Volt. Models HDC & HDF 740, 750 (Engine 4-71) Models HC & HF 740, 750,850 & HC 890 (Engine 503) Generators 6-voIr-Standard Il02716 40 amp 1105877 Low cut-in 40 amp Il06758 50 amp.' 1106757 12-volt-Low cut-in 40 amp 1106821 50 amp 1106822 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105877 1118314 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106821 1118337 For 1106822 1118368 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1105877 1880558 For 1106758-757-821-822 1910036 (Continued on next column) Model CMC Truck (Contd.) o •••••••••• B att eri e s Standard School Bus Optional Model Group 98-B 105-B 114 Il4 114- B 114-8 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-C Models HDC 870, 900, 940, 950, 970,980 (Engine 6-71) Generators For 6-71 1106830 For 4-71 1106818 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108816 Switches Control (Starting) . 1996045 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic 1424 Relays Horn 1116781 Solenoid 1116852 J unction Block 1998756 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Batteries For HDF 7D27 For HDC 8D27 114-B 114-B 6-D 59-D 106 107 108 * 2 4 4 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 7C-3 7C-3 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. CMC Truck to CMC Truck Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Grvup CMC Truck (Contd.) Generators Std. 30 amp 1102749 98-C Std. 30 amp. .. 1102761 98-C 98-C Opt. 40 amp 1102746 Opt. low cut-in 1105855 105-B Regulators 6-C For 1102749-61 1118303 6-0 For 1102746 1118382 6-0 For 1105855 1118350 Fans For 1102749 G.M.T. Part For 1102746 1866400 For 1105855 1880558 Pulleys G.M. T. Part Cranking Motors 52-A Standard.... 1107055 52-C Standard 1107103 52-B R.H.D 1107075 52-C R.H.D 1107102 Distributor 1112360 107 4 Di st, Vac. Control 1116026 Vac. Control Adaptor 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches Ignition 1116464 107 Dimmer 1997008 * Light 1995048 108 Control (Starting) R.H.D 1996045 106 R.H.D 1996053 106 Stop Light 1997901 * Fuse Block 1998781 J unction Block (Head lamp) 1865535 * Horn 1999801 15-A Batteries Standard 15AA4 7C-2 7C-2 Standard............. 15AAr, 7C-2 Optional............... 17K4 Optional.............. 17K6 7C-2 Regulators For 1102716 1118302 For 1105855 1118350 For 1102746 1118382 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118395 Fans For 1102716-46 1866400 For 1106757-58 1910036 For 1105855 1880558 Pulleys For 1102746-5855 .1883325 For 1102716-57-58 ••••• G.M.T. Cranking Motors Standard .....•....... 1107055 Standard 1107103 CO.E 1107075 CO.E 1107102 Distributor 1112360 Vacuum Control. 1116026 Vac, Adaptor Plate. 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995048 Stop light 1997901 Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Fuse Block 1998781 J unction Block (Head Lamp) 1865535 Iorns Standard 1999801 CO.E 1999641 Horn Relay (CO.E.). 1116775 Horn Mrg. Bracket (CO.E.) 1872391 Batteries Standard 15AA4 Standard 15AA6 Optional.. 17K4 Optional 17K6 Std. for School Bus.. 19Q4 School Bus 19Q6 6-C 6-0 6-0 6-D 6-C Part 52-A 52-C 52-B 52-C 107 4 41 * 107 108 * 1951. 6-Cyl. Models 300-24, F-350-24, S-300-24, H400, HS-400 Domestic (Engine 248) Generators Standard 1102716 Opt. low cut-in 1105855 Opt. 40 amp 1102746 Opt. 40 amp. low cut-in 1106758 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 (Continued on next column) 98- A 105-C 98-C 114 114 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Cranking Motors Standard 1107418 CO.E 1107960 Distributor 1112360 Distributor Clamp 1886392 Igni tion Coil 1115328 Switches Ignition 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995048 Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Stop Light 1997725 Fuse Block 1998773 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999641 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets H & HS 1883291 HF 1872391 Batteries Standard .. 15AA4 Standard .. 15AA6 Optional . 17K4 Optional . 17K6 School Bus . 19Q4 School Bus .. 19Q6 53 54-A 107 41 107 108 106 106 * 17-E 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 106 106 15-A 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1951. 6-Cy1. 6-Volt. Models H, HF & HS-450, 470 (Engine 270) Generators Standard 1102716 Optional 25 amp. Low cut-in 1105855 Optional 40 amp 110 2746 Optional 5Q amp 1106757 Optional--40 amp. Low cut-in 1106758 Regulators For 1102716 1118302 For 1105855 1118350 For 1102746 1118382 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106758 1118366 Fans For 1102716-46 1866400 For 1105855 1883325 For 1106757-58 1910036 (Continued on next column) Group CMC Truck (Contd.) CMC Truck (Contd.) 1951. 6-Cy1. 6-Volt. Models 100-22, 150-22, 250-22, 280-22, E-101 (R.H.D.) (Engine 228) Model Group 98-B 105-B 98-C 114 114 6-C 6-0 6-0 6-C 6-0 1951:Vlodels H & HF 520, 600, 650 HS 620 (Engine 318) Models H & HF 720, 700, 770 (Engine 360) Generators 6-volt -Standard 1102716 Opt. 40 amp .....• 1102746 Opt. 40 am~. Low cur-in .•.. 1106758 Opt. 50 amp ..... 1106757 12 vol t-40 amp 1106821 50 amp 1106822 Regulators For 1102716 1118302 For 1102746 .......• 1118382 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106821 1118337 For 1106822 1118368 Fan For 1102716-46 .... 1866400 For 1106758-57, 1106821-22 1910036 Cranking Motors 6-volt-For HModeis 1107906 For HF Models 1107948 12-vo1t-For H Models 1108104 For HF Models 1108127 Distributor 1112268 Distributor Clamp 2070940 (Continued on next page) 98-B 98-C 114 114 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-0 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-0 54 54-A 54-F 54-F 106 Page 45 Delco-Remy CMC Truck to CMC Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) Ignition Coil s 6-volt-Standard 1115328 Optional 1115226 12-volt-Standard 1115043 Optional 1115251 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition For H 520, 600 620, 650 1116464 For H 770 & All F Models •... 435-U Stop Light 1997725 Light (6v) 1995048 Light (l2v) 1995049 Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Fuse Block For H 520. 650 .... 1998773 J unction Blocks For H 520. 650 1865535 All others 1998756 Horns 6-voltLow note 1999641 High note 1999642 12-vol t-Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Relays Horn (6v) 1116775 Horn (l2v) 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Batteries Standard................ 17K4 Standard 17K6 Standard for HS 520. 19Q4 Optional............... 19Q6 Optional 4H21 Optional............. 4H21B 41 41 41 41 107 107 * 108 108 106 106 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 Models H & HF 740, 750, 850, 890 (Engine 503) Page 46 Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 1951. 6 & 12-Volt. Models H & HF 640, 720, 870 (Engine 426) Generators 6-voltStandard 1102716 Opt. 40 amp. (Low cut-in) 1106758 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 12-volt-40 am~. (Low cut-in) 1106821 50 amp 1106822 (Continued on next column) Model 98-B 114 114 l1~B 114-B Regulators For 1102716 1118302 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106821 1118337 For 1106822 1118368 Fans For 1102716 ........ 1866400 For 1106757-58 1106821-22 1910036 Cranking Motors 6-voltFor H Models .... 1108451 For HF Models .. 1108458 12-vol t-For H Models 1108531 For HF Models 1108539 Distributor Standard 1112268 Optional 1112267 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coils 6-volt-Standard 1115328 Optional 1115226 12-volt-Standard 1115043 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996045 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Dimmer 1997008 Light (6v) 1995048 Light (l2v) 1995049 Ignition 640 only 1116464 All others 435-U Stop Light 1997725 Fuse Block H 640 only 1998773 J unction Blocks H 640 only 1865535 All others 1998756 Horns 6-voltLow note 1999641 High note 1999642 12-volt-Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Relays Horn (6v) 1116775 Horn (l2v) 1116781 1872391 Horn Mrg, Bracket Batteries Standard 17K4 Standard 17K6 Optional 4H21 Optional............. 4H21B Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-D 1951. Models HD 740, 750 & HDF (C.O.E.) 740, 750 (Engine 4-71) Models HD 870, 900, 940, 950, 970,980 (Engine 6-71) 56 56 56-C 56-C 106 106 41 41 41 106 106 108 108 107 107 Generators For 4-71 engine For 6-71 engine Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switches Control (Starting) .. Control (Starting) .. Dimmer Light Ignition Relays Solenoid Horn Junction Block Horns Low note High note Horn Meg, Bracket Batteries HDF Models HDF Model s HD Models HD Models 1106818 1106830 1118368 1910036 1108816 II4-B 114-B 6-D 1996045 1996053 1997008 1995049 1116464 106 106 * ·108 107 1116852 1116781 1998756 4 4 1999591 1999592 1872391 17-F 17-F 7D27 7D27B 8D27 8D27B 7C-2 7C-2 7C-3 7C-3 * 59-D 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1951-52. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model P-150-22 Delivery Truck (1951) Model PM-150-22 Delivery Truck (1952) (Engine 228) Generators 1102749 ......................... 1102761 1952 1100013 Regulators 1118302 For 1100013 1118731 Pulley G.M. T. Cranking Motors 1107075 ......................... 1107102 1952 1108001 Distributors 1112360 1952 1112362 1952 1112385 Di st, Vac. Control .. 1116026 Vac. Control Adaptor. 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 (Continued on next page) 98-C 98-K 87 6-C 6-£ Part 52-B 52-C 52-C 107 107 107 4 41 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995048 Stop Light 1997901 Control (Starting) . 1996045 Control (Starting) . 1996053 Neutral Safety ••••• 1997846 Fuse Block 1998781 J unction Block (Head lamp) 1865535 Horn 1999801 Batteries 15AA4 ........................... 15AA6 CMC Truck (Contd.) 107 108 • 106 106 • • 15-A 7C-2 7C-2 1952. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models 100-22, 150-22, 250-22, 280-22 (Engine 228) Generators Standard First production. 1102749 98-C Later production. 1100013 87-A 98-C Opt. 40 amp 1102746 Opt. low cut-in 1105003 101-A Regulators 6-C For 1102749 1118302 6-E For 1100013 1118731 6-0 For 1102746 1118382 6-0 For 1105003 1118393 Fan For 1102746 1866400 For 1105003 1880558 Pulleys G.M.T. part Cranking Motors Standard 1107055 52-A 52-C Standard 1107108 52-B R.H.D 1107075 52-C R.H.D 1107109 Distributor 1112362 107 107 ......................... 1112385 Distributor Vacuum Control 1116026 4 Vacuum Control Adaptor 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches Ignition 1116464 107 Light 1995048 108 Dimmer 1997008 • Stop Light 1997901 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 106 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999801 15-A Batteries Standard 15AA6 7C-2 Optional 17K6 7C-2 • Model Group Model Group Model Gnnap CMC Truck (Contd.) CMC Truck to CMC Truck CMC Truck (Contd.) 1952. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models 300-24, 350-24, F-350-24, 5-300-24, 5-400-24 (Engine 248) Generators Standard 110 2716 98-A 87-A Standard 1100013 Opt. 40 amp 1102746 98-C Opt. 50 amp 1106757 114 Opt. low cut-in 1105003 101-A Regulators 6-C For 1102716 1118302 6-E For 1100013 1118731 6-0 For 1102746 1118382 6-E For 1106757 1118395 6-0 For 1105003 1118393 Fans For 1100013, 1102716-46 1866400 For 1106757 1910036 For 1105003 1880558 Pulleys For 1100013, 1102716-46, 1106757 G.M.T. part For 1105003 1883325 Cranking Motors Standard 1107055 52-A Standard 1107108 52-C CO.E 1107075 52-B 52-C CO.E 1107109 Distributor 1112362 107 ......................... 1112385 107 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches • Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 107 Light 1995048 108 Stop Light 1997901 • Control (Starting) .. 1996053 106 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block (Head lamp) ........ 1865535 Horns Standard 1999801 15-A CO.E 1999641 17-F Horn Relay-CO.E •. 1116775 4 Horn Mtg. BracketCO.E 1872391 Batteries Standard 15AA6 7C-2 Optional............... 17K6 7C-2 Std. fur school bus, Opt. for others..... 19Q6 7C-2 1952. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 620-36, 630-36 (Engine 360) 1952. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 450-30, 470-30; F-470-30; W-450-30; 5-450-30 (Engine 302) Generators Standard 1102788 Opt. 40 amp. low cut-in 1105003 Opt. 55 amp 1106757 Opt. 40 amp. low cut-in ........ 1106758 Opt. 12-volt 50 amp 1106822 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Regulators 6-E For 1102788 1118743 6-0 For 1105003 1118393 6-E For 1106757 1118395 6-0 For 1106758 •••••••• 1118366 6-0 For 1106822 •••••••• 1118368 Fans For 1102788 1866400 For 1105003 •••••••. 1880558 For 1106757-58 .... 1910036 Pulleys For 1102788, 1106757 ..... G.M. part For 1105003 1883325 Cranking Motors Std. 6v 1107418 53 58-A Std. 12v 1108676 54-A CO.E. 6v 1107960 54-F CO.E. 12v 1108128 Distributor 1112372 107 ......................... 1112386 107 Distributor Hold Down Clamp 1886392 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 41 12-volt 1115043 41 Junction Block 1865535 Switches Ignition 1116464 107 Light 1995048 108 Li ght-c-Opr, 12v 1995049 108 Dimmer 1997008 • Stop Light 1997725 • Control (Starting) .. 1996053 106 Horns 6-volt 1999641 17-F 12-volt 1999591 17-F Horn Mtg. Bracket Standard 1883291 CO.E 1872391 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 4 12-volt 1116781 4 Batteries Standard 15AA6 7C-2 Optional 17K6 7C-2 School Bus 19Q6 7C-2 98-0 101-A 114 114 114-B Generators Standard 1102788 98-0 Opt. 40 amp. Low cut-rn 1105003 10 I-A Low cut-in 1106758 114 Opt. 55 amp 1106757 114 Opt. 12v, 50 amp .. 1106822 114-B Regulators 6-E For 1102788 1118 7H 6-0 For 1105003 1118393 6-0 For 1106758 1118366 6-E For 1106757 1118395 6-0 For 1106822 1118368 (Continued on next page) Page 47 GMC Truck to CMC Truck Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) Fans For 1102788 1866400 For 1105003 ••••.••. 1880558 For 1106757-58, 822 1910036 Pulleys G.M.T. parr Cranking Morors 6-volt 1107906 54 54-F 12-volt 1108104 Di stributor 1112296 106-A Distributor Hold Down Clamp ........ 2070940 1gni tion Coil s 6-volt 1115328 41 41 12-volt 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 107 • Stop Light 1997725 Light--6v 1995048 108 108 Light-12v 1995049 Junction Block 1998784 Horns 17-F Low note-6v 1999641 High note-6v 1999642 17-F 17-F Low note--12v 1999591 17-F High note--12v 1999592 Horn Mrg, Bracket .. , 1872391 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 4 12-volt 1116781 4 Batteries Standard 17K6 7C-2 Optional 4H21B 7C-2 Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) Cranking Motors Standard 6v ......... 1108451 C.O.E. 6v •.••••••••• 1108458 Opt. 12v •.••.•••..... 1108531 C.O.E. 12v 110B539 Distributor 1112296 Distributor Hold Down Clamp ........ 2070940 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition Std. on 620 & 630 models ..... 1116464 Std. on all others 1116474 Stop Light 199 7725 Light 6-volt 1995048 12-volt 1995049 Dimmer 1997008 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 J unction Blocks HA & HV-620, 630 models 1998784 All other models 1998763 Horns Low note-6v 1999641 High note--6v 1999642 Low note-e l Zv 1999 591 High note--12v 1999592 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1872391 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Batteries Standard 17K6 Optional 4H21B Generators Standard 1102788 98-0 Opt. 40 amp. Low cut-in 1105003 101-A Opt. 55 amp .••.••••. 1106757 114 Opt. 40 amp. Low cue-in 1106758 114 Opt. 12v, 50 amp .•. 1106822 114-B Regulators For 1102788 •.•.•••. 1118743 6-E For 1105003 .•..•••• 1118393 6-0 For 1106757 1118395 6-E For 1106758 .••••••• 1118366 6-0 For 1106822 •••••..• 1118368 6-0 Fans For 1102788 •••••••• IS66400 For 1105003 ••••••• 1880558 For 1106757-58, 822 .•••••.•..•.••••. 1910036 Pulleys G.M.T. part (Continued on next column) 56 5f 56-( 56-C 106-A 41 41 107 107 • 108 108 Page 48 Switches Control (Starting) .. 1996060 Light 1995049 Control (Start. Circuit) Models 620 & 630 1116464 Models 720 & up .1116474 Dimmer 1997008 J unction Blocks Models 620 & 630 .. 1998784 Models 740 & up ... 1998756 Horns Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Horn Relay 1116781 Batteries For F Models 7D27B For W Models 802713 106 108 107 107 • 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-3 • 106 7-F 7-P ·'-F "-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 1952. 4 & 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models D620-47, D740-47, D750-47, D760-47, DF750-47, DF760-47, DW 620-47, DW63D-47 (Engine 4-71) Models D920-67, D930-67, DW950-67, DW970-67, DW980-67 (Engine 6-71) Generators For 4-71 1106818 For 6-71 1106830 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motors For all except WA-630 1108816 For WA-630 1108835 (Continued on next column) Group GMC Truck (Contd.) 1952. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 620-42, 630-42; W-620-42; F-630-42 (Engine 426) Models 740-50, 750-50, 760-50, 850-50; F-750-50, 760-50; W-630-50, 850-50 (Engine 503) Model 114-13 114-B 6-0 59-0 59-E 1952-53. Models D-450-37, D-470-37, DW-450-37 (Engine 3-71) Generator 1106818 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Pulley Furnished by Cranking Motor 1108835 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting) .• 1996060 Control (Start. Lock) 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995049 J unction Blocks Head Lamp 1865535 Head Lamp 1998784 Horn 1999591 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg, Bracket .. 1872391 Battery 4DI9B 114-13 6-0 GMC 59-£ 2-13 106 107 • 108 17-F 4 7C-3 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model PM-150-22 Delivery Truck (Hydramatic Trans) (Eng. 228) Generator 1102793 98-0 (Extruded frame) .. 1100018 87-A Regulator 1118743 6-E Pulley & Fan _..... G.M. T. part Cranking Motor 1108001 54-B Cranking Motor 1107135 52-0 Distributor 1112390 107 (Late Prod.) 1112400 107-A Disc. Vac. Control 1116026 4 Vac.. Control Adaptor. 1882532 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. GMC Truck to GMC Truck Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 Light 1995048 Stop Light 1997901 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Neutral Safety 1997846 Fuse Block 1998781 J unction Block Head Lamp 1865535 Horn 1999657 Relay - Horn 1116775 Battery 15AA6 * 107 108 106 * 17-F 4 7C-2 Generators 1102793 1100018 1105003 1105009 1106757 Group GMC Truck (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models 100-22. 150-22, 250-22. 280-22 (Engine 228) Std Model 98-0 87-A 101-A 10 I-A 114 (Extruded frame). Opt. Low cut-in .. Opt. Low cut-in .. Opt. 55 amp ••••.•• Regulators For 1100018, 6-E 1102793 1118743 6-D For 1105003-9 1118393 6-E For 1106757 1118395 Fans For 1105003-9 ..•• 1880558 For 1106757 1910036 Pulleys .. For 1105009 1925515 • All other G.M. T. Pares Cranking Motors Srd 1107108 52-C Opt. for Hyd, Trans on 100, 150 250 1107135 52-D R.H.D 1107109 52-C Distributor 1112390 107 (Late Prod.) ••••... 1112400 107-A Di st, Vacuum Control 1116026 4 Vac. Control Adaptor. 1882532 Ignition Coil .......... 1115380 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignirion 1116464 107 Light 1995048 108 Stop Light 1997901 * Control (Srarr.) forR.H.D. & Hyd. trans, 100, 150, 250 1996053 106 Neutral Safety Hyd, trans, 100, 150, 250 1997846 Fuse Block 1998781 • J unction Block Head Lamp 1865535 • 17-F Horn 1999657 Relay - Horn 1116775 4 Battery 7C-2 Std 15AAG 7C-2 Opt 17K6 1102793 1105003 1105010 1106757 98-0 101-A IOI-A 114 1118743 1118393 1118395 6-E 6-D 6-E 1925456 • 1866400 1880558 1910036 G.M. T. part 1883325 1107108 52-C 1107109 1107418 1112391 1112400 1886392 1115380 52-C 53 107 107-A 41 • 1997008 1116464 1995048 1997901 107 108 1996053 1998781 106 * * 1865535 1999657 1999641 1116775 17-F 17-F 4 Regulators For 1102793 For 1105003-10 For 1106758 For 1106757 For 1106822 Fans For 1102793 For 1105003-10 For 1106757-8, 822 Pulleys For 1105003-10 All others Cranking Motors 6v std 6v e.O.E 12v std 12v e.O.E Distributor Distributor Late Prod Clamp Ignition Coils 6v 12v Switches Dimmer Ignition Light (6v) Light (l2v) Stop Light Control (Srarr.) e.O. E J unction Block Head Lamp Horns 6v 12v Horn Relays 6v 12v Horn Mtg. Bracket Std e.O.E Batteries Std Opt School Bus 6-E 1118743 1118393 1118366 1118395 1118368 6-0 6-0 6-E 6-0 1866400 1880558 1910036 1883325 G. M.T. part 1107418 1107960 1108676 1108128 1112391 53 54-A 58-A 54-F 107-A 1112400 1886392 107-A 1115380 1115043 41 41 1997008 1116464 1995048 1995049 1997725 * 107 108 108 1996053 106 • 1865535 1999641 1999591 17-F 17-F 1116775 1116781 4 4 1883291 1872391 15AA6 17K6 19Q6 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1872391 15AA6 17K6 19Q6 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 1953. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 450-30. 470-30. F 470-30. 5450-30. W450-30 (Engine 302) Generators 6v std 1102793 6v Opt. low cut-in (5 1/8 Dia.) ........ 1105003 6v Opt. low cut-in (5 1/8 Dia.) .••. 1105010 6v Opt, low cut-in (5 5/8 Dia.) 1106758 1106757 6v Opt. 55 amp 12v std 1106822 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Group GMC Truck (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models 300-24. 350-24. F350-24. 5300-24, 5400-24, 400-27 (Engine 248. 270) Generators Std Opt. low cut-in .•. Opt. low cut-in ... Opt. 55 amp••••••. Regulators For 1102793 For 1105003-10 For 1106757 .••.•. Pulley & Fan •..•..•• For 1106757 .....•• Fans For 1102793 ..••... For 1105003-10 .•. For 1106757 ...•••• Pulleys For 1102793 For 1105003-10 Cranking Motors Std. for 248 Eng•• e.O.E. for 248 Eng. Std. for 270 Eng •. ••••.. Di stributor Late Prod Clamp Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Ignition Light Stop Light Control (Starr.) e.O.E Fuse Block J unction Block Head Lamp ......... Horns Std e.O.E Relay Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket e.O.E Battery Std Opt. School Bus Model 98-D 101-A 10 I-A 114 114 114-B 1953. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 620-36. 630-36 (Engine 360) Generators 98-D 6v Std 1102788 6v Opt. low cut-in (5 1/8 di a.) ...... 1105003 101-A 6v Opt. low cut-in (5 1/8 di a.) ._ .. 1105010 101-A 6v Opt. low cut-in 114 (5 5/8 dia.) 1106758 1106757 6v Opt. 55 amp 114 1106822 115-B 12v Std Regulators For 1102788 1118743 6-E 6-D For 1105003-10 1118393 6-D For 1106758 1118366 6-E For 1106757 1118395 For 1108622 1118368 6-0 (Continued on next page) Page 49 Delco-ReDly GMC Truck to GMC Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) Fans For 1102788 For 1105003-10 For 1106757-8, 822 Pulleys Cranking Motors 6v 12v Distributor First Prod.......•. Clamp Ignition Coils 6v 12v Switches Dimmer Ignition Light (6v) Light (l2v) Stop Light J unction Block Horns 6v Low note 6v High note 12v Low note 12v High note Horn Relay 6v 12v Horn Mtg. Bracket .. Batteries Std. Opt 1866400 1880558 1910036 G.M.T. part ll07906 l108104 1112307 1112296 1916780 54 54-F 106-A 106-A 1115328 1115043 41 41 1997008 1116464 1995048 1995049 1997725 1998784 107 108 108 1999641 1999642 1999591 1999592 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 1116775 1116781 1872391 4 4 17K6 4H21B 7C-2 7C-2 * • • Models W630-5O, 740-50, 750-50, 760-50, 850-50, F750-50, F760-50, W850-50 (Engine 503) Generators 6v Std 1102788 98-D 6v Opt. Low cut-in (5 1/8 dia.) ..... 1105003 101-A 6v Opt. Low cut-in (5 1/8 dia.) ..... 1105010 101-A 6v Opt. Low cut-in 114 (5 5/8 dia.) ....• 1106758 6v Opt. 55 amp 1106757 114 12 Std 1106822 114-B Regulators 6-E For 1102788 1118743 6-D For 1105003-10 1118393 6-D For 1106757 1118395 6-D For 1106758 1118366 6-D For 1106822 1118368 Fans For 1102788 1866400 For 1105003-10 1880558 For 1106757-8, 822 1910036 Pulleys G.M.T. part (Continued on next column) Cranking Motors 1108451 6v Std 6v CO.E 1108458 12v Std 1108531 1108539 12v C.O.E Distributor 1112307 Distributor Clamp 1916780 Ignition Coil 6v 1115328 12v 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition Std. 620 & 630 Model s .... 1116464 Std. all other Models 1116474 Light 6v 1995048 12v 1995049 Stop Light 1997725 Control (Starr.) C.O.E. Models ..... 19%060 J unction Blocks 620-630 Models 1998784 All other Models 1998763 Horns 6v Low note 1999641 6v High note 1999642 12v Low note 1999591 12v High note 1999592 Horn Relays 6v 1116775 12v 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Batteries Std 17K6 Opt 4H21B Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models 620-42, 630-42, W620-42, F -630-42 (Engine 426) Page 50 Model Group CMC Truck (Contd.) 56 56 56-C 56-C 106-A 41 41 * 107 107 108 108 • Switches Dimmer .............. 1997008 Control (Searr.) •.•. 1996060 Control (Start) Circuit 740 & up. 1116474 Control (Starr. Circuit) All other .......... 1116464 Magnetic Starting (DW 630-47) ...... 1118121 Light ................. 1995049 Junction Block Models 740 & up .. 1998756 All other models ... 1998784 Horns Low note ............ 1999591 High note ........... 1999592 Horn Relay ............ 1116781 Horn Mtg, Bracket ... 1872391 Battery C.O.E. Models ...... 7D27B All other ............. 8D27B * 106 107 107 2-B 108 * • 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-3 106 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 7C-2 7C-2 1953. 4 & s-c-r, 12-Volt. Models 0620-47, 0740-47. 0750-47, 0760-47, OF750-47, OW 620-47, 0660-47, 0630-47. OW630-47, OF760-47 (Engine 4-71) Models 0920-67, 0930-47, OW950-67, OW970-67, OW980-67 (Engine 6-71) Generators For 4-71 Eng 1106818 114-B For 6-71 Eng 1106830 114-B 6-D Regulator 1118368 Fan For 1106818 1900036 Pulley G.M.T. part Cranking Motors All except DW630-47 1108816 59-D For DW630-47 1108835 59-E (Continued on next column) (Canada) 1949. Series 91-93-94-95-96-97-98 FC 450 Generators Std. for 91- 93-94-95%-98 1102667 98 Std. for 97-FC450 .. 1102670 98 City Service for 91-9394-95-96-98 ...... 1102677 98 City Service for97 •. 1105855 105-B 12v for 97 1106631 113-B Regulators 6-C For 1102667 1118301 6-D For 1102677 1118349 6-C For 1102670 1118303 6-0 For 1105855 1118350 6 For 1106631 1118214 Fans For 1102670-677 .. 1866400 For 1105855 1880558 For 1106631 1868751 Cranking Motors 6v for 91-93-94-9552-A 96-98 1107055 6v for 97-FC 450 .. 1107418 53 58-A 1108676 12v for 97 Distributors For 91-93-94-95107 %-98 1112353 85-C 6v for 97-FC 450 .. 1110100 12v for 97 1111770 105 Di st, Vacuum Controls For 91-93-94-954 96-98 1116043 For 97 1116026 4 Advance Arm For FC 450 1886392 Ignition Coils 6v--All exc, FC450 1115380 41 6v for FC 450 1115328 41 12v for 97 1115043 41 (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) Switches Lighting ..•.•.....•.• 1995031 108 Ignition 1116452 107 Dimmer _.. 1997008 ... Stop Light -- All exc, FC 450 1997901 For Fe 450 1997725 * Blocks Fuse 1998773 Head Lamp Junction 1865535 Horns-6-volt Single--All exc. FC450 .. 5937798 Not D-R SingleforFC450 .. 1999519 17-D Dual--Low note-All exc, FC 450 ....... 5837825 Not D-R Dual--High noteAll exc, FC 450 ....... 5837826 Not D-R Horns--12-volt Single for 97 ....... 1999802 15-A Dual-Low note for 97 1999521 17-D Dual High note for 97 1999522 17-D Relays--Horn 6-volt 1116.775 4 12-volt 1116818 4 Bracket--Horn for FC 450 1883291 (Canada) 1950. Series 91-93-94-95-96-97-98HC450 Generators Std. for 91-93-94-9596-98 1102667 Std. for 97HC450 1102670 City Service For 91-93-94-9596-98 1102726 For 97 1105855 Regulators For 1102667 1118301 For 1102670 1118303 For 1102726 1118361 For 1105855 1118350 Fans For 1102670-726 .. 1866400 For 1105855 1880558 Pvlley for 1105855 .. 1883325 Cranking Motors For 91-93-94 (-67)95-97-98 1107055 For 94(-67) 1107075 For HC450 1107418 (Continued on next column) Distributors For 91-93-94 exc, (-67) 1112353 107 For 94 (-67)-9596-98 1112358 107 For 97-HC450 1112356 107 Distributor Vacuum Control For 91-93 )4-9596-98 1116043 4 Advance Arm For 97-HC450 ..... 1886392 1 Ignition Coils All exc, (HC450) .. 1115380 41 For HC450 1115328 41 Switches Dimmer--All 1997008 * Ignition--All 1116464 107 Light-All 1995031 108 Stop Light All exc, (HC450).1997901 F or He 450 1997725 * Control (Starting) 94 (-67) 1996045 106 J unction Block-Head Lamp 1865535 Fuse Block (HC450). 1998773 Horns Single all exc. HC450 ...... 5837798 Not D-R Single for HC-450 .. 1999641 17-F Dual--Low note All exc, 94 (-67)HC450 ... 5337825 Not D-R Dual-High note All exc , 94 (-67)HC450 ... 5337826 Not D-R Horn Relay All exc, 94(-67) ....1116775 4 Horn Mtg. Bracket All exc , 94 (-67)HC450 1879664 For HC450 1883291 Plate--Horn Bracket Reinforcement All e xc, 94 (-67)HC450 1910293 Bracket Clamp Plate All exc, 94 (-67)HC450 81547.4 98 98 98-B 105-B 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 52-B 52-B 53 Model Group Model Group Model (koup GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) GMC Truck to GMC Truck (Canada) 1951. Series-91-93-94-95-96-97-98, HC450 Generators Std. all exc, 98-HC 450 First jobs 1102667 98 After first jobs 1102749 98-C Std. for 98-HC450 First jobs 1102670 98-C After first jobs 1102716 98-B City Service For 91-93-94-9596-98 1102726 98-B For 97 1105855 105-B (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) Fans For 1102670, 1866400 1102716-26 For 1105855 1880558 Pulley For 1105855 ........ 1883325 Regulators For 1102667-749 1118301 For 1102670-716 1118302 For 1102726 1118361 For 1102855 1118350 Cranking Motors All exc. 94 (-67), HC450 1107055 For 94 (-67) 1107075 For HC450 1107418 Distributors For 91-93-94 e xc, (-67) First jobs ........ 1112353 After first jobs .. 1112364 For 94 (-67) 95-96-98 First jobs ......... 1112358 After first jobs .. ,1112363 For 97-HC450 ..... 1112360 Di st, Vacuum Control For 91-93-94-9596-98 1116043 Advance Arm For 97-HC450 ..... 1886392 Ignition Coils For All xc, HC450 1115380 For HC450 1115330 Switches Ignition 1116464 Light 1995048 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light-All exc, HC450 1997901 For HC450 1997725 Control (Starting) For 94 (-67) ...... 1996045 Fuse Blocks All exc, HC450 1998781 For HC450 1998773 J unction Block-Head Lamp ......... 1865535 Horns SingleAll exc. 98HC450 1999801 For HC450 1999641 Dual-Low noteAll exc, 94 (-67) HC450 1999651 Dual-High note-All exc, 94 (-67) HC450 1999652 Horn Relay All exc. 94 (-67) ... 1116775 Bracket--Horn Mtg. All exc. 94 (-67) HC450 1879664 For HC450 1883291 Reinforcement--Bracket All exc, 94 (-67) HC450 1910293 Plate--Bracket Clamp All exc, 94 (-67) HC450 815474 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 52-B 52-B 53 107 107 107 107 107 4 41 41 107 108 * * * 106 15-A 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 (Continued on next page) Page 51 De1co-Remy GMC Truck to GMC Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) 1952. Series 91-93-94-95-97-98HC450 Generators Std. for 91-93-9495-98 .............. 1102749 Opt. for 91-93-9495-98 .............. 1102761 Std. for 97HC450 ............ 1102716 City Service for 97.1105855 City Service for 9193-94-95-98 ...... 1102726 Regulators For 1102749-761 ... 1118720 For 1102716 ........ 1118302 For 1105855 ........ 1118350 For 1102726 ........ 1118361 Fans For 1102716-726 ... 1866400 For 1105855 ........ 1880558 Pulley for 1105855 .. 1883325 Cranking Motors For 91-93-94 exc, (-67) 95-97-98 ........... 1107055 For 94 (-67) ........ 1107075 For HC450 .......... 1107418 Distributors For 94(-67)-95-98 .. 1112363 For 91-93 all 94 exc. (-67) ......... 1112364 For 97-HC450 ..... 1112360 Di st, Vacuum Control All e xc , 97HC 450 ............ 1116043 Advance Arm For 97-HC450 ...... 1886392 Ignition Coil s All exc, HC450 ... 1115380 HC450 ............... 1115328 Switches Ignition .............. 1116464 Dimmer .............. 1997008 Light ................. 1995048 Stop Light All exc, HC450 .. 1997901 For HC450 ....... 1997725 Control (Starting) For 94 (-67) ....... 1996045 Glove Compartment 3698780 Fuse Blocks For all exc, HC450 ............ 1998781 For HC450 ....... 1998773 J unction Block (Headlamp) .......... 1865535 Horns Single 91-93-9495-97-98 .......... 1999801 Single for HC450 .. 1999641 Dual (Opr.) Low note ......... 1999651 High note ......... 1999652 Horn Relay ............ 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets For all exc, HC450 ............ 1879664 For HC450 ......... 1883291 Page 52 Model Group GMC Truck (Contd.) (Canada) 1953. Series 91-93-94-95-97-98 98-C 98-C 98-B 105-B 98-B 6-E 6-C 6-D 6-D 52-B 52-B 53 107 107 107 4 Generators Std. 91-95-97-98 ... 1813611 Std. 93-94 ........... 1813624 City Service 97 .... 1105003 Regulators All except 97 ...... 1118725 97 Standard ......... 1118743 97 City Service .... 1118393 Fan - For 1105003 .. 1880558 Pulley For 1105003 .. 1883325 Cranking Motors All except 94 (-67) ............... 1107108 94 (-67) .............. 1107075 Di stri butors All exc, 97 ......... 1112389 97 ..................... 1112391 Di st, Vacuum Control All exc, 97 ......... 1116076 Advance Arm 97 ..... 1886392 Ignition Coil .......... 1115380 Switches Dimmer .............. 1997008 Ignition .............. 1116464 Lighting ............. 1995048 Stop Light .......... 1997901 Control (Start.) 94 (-67) ........... 1996055 Fuse Block ........... 1998781 Junction Block ....... 1865535 Horns - Opt. Low note ............ 1999657 High note ........... 1999642 Horn Relay ............ 1116775 98-C 98-C 101-A * 52-C 52-8 107 107 4 1 41 * 107 108 * 106 * * L7-F 17-F 4 107 * 108 * * 106 * (Canada) 1952. Series HV450, HA HV 47O 17-F 17-F 4 Generator .............. 1102716 Regulator .............. 1118302 Fan ..................... 1866400 Cranking Motor ....... 1107418 Distributor ............ 1112372 Advance Arm ......... 1886392 Ignition Coil .......... 1115328 Switches Dimmer .............. 1997008 Ignition .............. 1116464 Light ................. 1995048 Stop Light .......... 1997725 Glove Box .......... 3698780 J unction Block ....... 1865535 (Continued on next column) Horns Single ................ 1999631 Dual Low note .......... 1999631 High note ......... 1999632 Horn Relay ............ 1116775 Horn Mtg, Bracket ... 1883291 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 6-E 6-E 6-D 41 41 15-A 17-F Model Group 98-B 6-C * 53 107 1 41 107 108 * * * (Canada) 1953. 6-Cyl. Series 450-30, W450-30, 470-30, 630-36, 630-42, W620-42 Generators For 450-30,470-30.1102670 For W450-30, 630-36, W620-42, 630-42 ............ 1102788 Fan ..................... 1866400 Regulators For 1102670 ....... 1118302 For 1102788 ....... 1118743 Cranking Motors For 450-30, W450-30, 470-30 ............ 1107418 For 630-36 ......... 1107906 For W620-42, 630-42 ............ 1108451 Distributors For 450-30, 470-30 ............ 1112372 For W450-30 ....... 1112386 For 630-36, W620-42 630-42 ............ 1112296 Dist. Clamps For 450-30, W450-30, 470-30 ............ 1886392 For 630-36, W620-42, 630-42 ............ 1916780 Ignition Coil .......... 1115330 Switches Dimmer .............. 1997008 Ignition ............. 1116464 Light ................ 1995048 Stop light - All exc, 630-42 ...... 1997725 Glove Compartment HC450-30, HV470-30 ......... 3698780 Junction Blocks For 450-30, W450-30, 470-30 ............ 1865535 For W620-42, 630-36, 630-42 ............. 1998784 Horns Low note ............ 1999641 High note ........... 1999632 Horn Relay ........... 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets Single 450-30, W450-30, 470-30 ............. 1883291 Dual W620-42, 630-36, 630-42 ............ 1872391 Dual 450-30, W450-30, 470-30 ............ 1879664 98 98-D 6-C 6-E 53 54 56 107 107 106-A 41 * 107 108 * * 17-F 17-F 4 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-ReDly G.M. Diesel to G.M. Diesel CAR APPLICATION INDEX C.M. DIESEL (Detroit Diesel) 1949. 12-Volt Marine & Industrial Engines (Engine 3-71--3-Cy1., 4-71--4-C Y1., 6-71--6-Cy1.) Generators 55 amp.--CCW 1117316 122 55 amp.--CW 1117321 122 80 amp.-CCW 1117555 123-A 80 amp.--CW 1117662 123-A Insulated17 amp.-CCW 1102972 98-K 17 amp.--CW 1102973 98-K Regulators For 1117316-21 1118512 7 For 1117555-62 1118452 2-C For 1102972-73 1118362 6-D Pulleys .. Furnished by Detroit Diesel Fans For 1102970-71 1866400 For 1117316-21 1872904 For 1117555-62 1910089 Fan Baffle Plate For 1102970-71 .... 1877887 Cranking Motors CCW for LA, LB Eng...... 1108740 59-A CW Insulated for RC, RD Eng 1108801 59-0 RA, RB Eng 1108802 59-D CCW Insulated for LC, LD Eng 1108803 59-D LA, LB Eng 1108804 59-0 Control Switch (Starting) 1996027 106 1949. 32-Volt Insulated System. Marine & Industrial Engines (Engine 3-71--3-Cyl., 4-71--4-C y1., G.M. Diesel (Contd.) G.M. Diesel (Contd.) Cranking Motors cw for-RC, RD Eng RA, RB Eng RC, RD Eng RA, RB Eng COY! for-LC, LD Eng LA, LB Eng Control Switch (Starting) 1109339 1109340 1108851 1108852 65-A 65-A 59-F 59-F 1108853 1108854 59-F 59-F 1996027 106 Regulators For 1117317 1118522 7 For 1117556 1118523 7 Fan & Baffle Assembly For 1117317 1872904 Fans For 1105770 1866400 For 1117556 1910089 Fan Baffle For 1105770 ....... 1877887 Pulleys.. Furnished by Detroit Diesel Cranking Motors CW for-1108851 59-F RC engines RA engines 1108852 59-F Switches Starring (Foot) ..... 1996452 30 Emergency Stop (Magnetic) 1118191 2-8 Vibrator Coil 1115481 41 1949. 24-Volt Insulated System. Industrial Package Power Units (Eng. 3-71, 4-n, 6-71) Generators 10 amp.--CW 1106515 10 amp.--CCW 1106516 50 amp.--CW 1117571 50 amp.--CCW 1117564 Regulators For 1106515-16 1118509 For 1117564-71 1118519 Fans For 1106515-16 1868751 For 1117564 1910089 Fan Baffle For 1106515-16 .... 1872027 Pulleys .. Furnished by Detroit Cranking Motors CW for-RC engines 1108857 RA engines 1108858 CCW forLC engines 1108860 LA engines 1108859 Switches Starting (Foot) ..... 1996452 Emergency Stop (Magnetic) 1118191 Vibrating Coil 1115481 I11-D I11-D 123-B 123-B 7 7 Diesel 59-F 59-F 59-F 59-F 30 2-B 41 6-n--6-Cy1.) Generators 7.5 amp.--CCW 1105769 105 7.5 amp.--CW 1105770 105 25 amp.--CCW 1117317 122 25 amp.--CW 1117319 122 40 amp.--CCW 1117556 123-A 40 amp.--CW 1117563 123-A Regulators For 1117317-19 1118522 7 For 1117556-63 1118523 7 Fans For 1105769-70 1866400 For 1117317-19 1872904 For 1117556-63 1910089 Pulleys .. Furnished by Detroit Diesel (Continued on next column) Model Group Model Group Model Onntp 1949. 32-Volt Insulated System. Industrial Package Power Units (Eng. 3-71, 4-71, 6-71) Generators 3rd Brush with Reg. CW I105770 25 amp.-CCW 1117317 40 amp.--CCW 1117556 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 105 122 123-A 1949. Generator Sets (Eng. 2-71, 3-71, 4-71, 6-71 (RC); 6-71 Twin (LC & LA)) Generators 12- volt(CW) 1101774 24-volt (CW) 1106515 32-volt (CW) 1105770 Regulator For 1106515 1118509 Fan For 1105770 1866400 Fan Baffle For 1105770 1877887 Pulley & Fan Assembly For 1106515 1884641 Cranking Motors 12-vol t for Single engine 1108805 Twin engine 1108806 24-vol t for-Single engine 1108855 Twin engine 1108861 32-vol t for Single engine •••• 1108856 Twin engine 1108862 Switches Solenoid Starting For 1108806 1118094 For 1108861 1118092 For 1108862 1118098 Control (Starring) . 1996027 Magnetic Emergency Stop For 12-volt .... 1118128 For 24 & 32-volt 1118191 Throttle Solenoid 12-volt 1118040 24 & 32-volt •••••••• 1118088 93-D I11-D 105 7 59-0 59-0 59-F 59-F 59-F 59-F 101 101 10 I-A 106 2-B 2-B 103 103 Page 53 Delco-ReDly C. M. Diesel to Hendrickson CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group C. M. Diesel (Contd.) 1949. iz-veu. Truck Replacement Diesel Engine Model 4-71 RC &6-71 He Generator Fan Baffle Pulley Regulator Cranking Motor 1106637 113-B 1868751 1872027 Detroit Diesel part 1118316 6-C 110871 5 59 Model C. M. Diesel (Contd.) Switches Magnetic Starting For engines with Bendix type Cranking Motor Starting Control Starting (Foot) Emergency Stop (Magnetic) Vibrator Coil 1118121 1996027 1996452 2-B 106 30 1118128 1115481 2-B 41 1951-52-53. Model CT30 Transit Bus (Eng. Chevrolet 235) Generators 3rd brush with Reg. Ins.-CW 1101774 93-0 Ins.--CCW 1101780 93-D 17 amp.-Ins.--CW 1102973 98-K Ins.-CCW 1102972 98-K 25 amp.-CW 1106637 113-B 55 amp.--CW 1117321 122 55 amp.-CCW 1117316 122 Regulators For 1102972-73 1118362 6-0 For 1106637 1118316 6-C For 1117316-21 1118512 7 Pulleys. Furnished by Detroit Diesel Fan & Baffle Assembly For 1117316-21 .... 1872904 Fans For 1102972-73 1866400 For 1106637 1868751 Fan Baffle For 1102972-73 1877887 For 1106637 1872027 Cranking Motors For 3-71,4-71,6-71 RC Engine-Ins.-CW ........ 1108801 59-0 RA Engine-iIns.-CW ........ 1108802 59-0 LC Engine-Ins.-CCW ...... 1108803 59-0 LA Engine-Ins.-CCW ...... 1108804 59-0 For 4-71,6-71 RC Engines (Special mrg.) CW 1108715 59 ForSpecial3-71 RC Engines-CW ..... 1108812 59'-0 For 2-71 EnginesCW (Bendix) ...... 1109227 64 For 3-71, 4-71, 6-71 RC Engines (Bendix) Ins.--CW...... 1108805 59-0 (Continued on next column) P-age >4 Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Baffle Cranking Motor Distributor Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Horn 1105909 1118317 1885696 1880558 1880946 1108128 1112363 1116043 1115043 1"999802 106 6-C 54-F 107 4 41 15-A 1949-50. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model "H" Farm Tractor (Eng. Hercules IXB-3) 93-F 5-A 69 97 97 1 1101392 1107958 1111721 1111730 1911522 815095 1115381 Generators 6v-Std.-CC\Ii ...... 6v-Std.-CCW (1950-51-52) 6v-CW 12v--Std.--CCW 12v--CW Cranking Motors 6v-Std.-CW 6v-CCW 12v-Std.--CW 12v--CCW Distributor Ignition Coils 6-volt 12-volt 1102420 96 1102428 1102421 1102528 1102529 96 96-C 96-C 1107927 1107928 1108112 1108113 1110515 54 54 54-F 54-F 88 1115380 1115043 41 41 96 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 32-Volt. (Eng. Continental RD6-572) Generator - 1949 C.W Fan & Baffle Pulley Regulator 1953 Cranking Motor 1106853 114-D 1106869 114-0 1910036 -Gray Marine part 1118533 7 1118630 7-C 1108851 59-F Generator c.c. W Regulator Cranking Motor Solenoid Switch Vibrator Coil 1102976 1106870 1118354 1108805 1118094 1115485 98-K 114-0 6-0 59-0 101 41 41 1949-50. 6-Cyl. s.veu, Model "I" Farm Tractor (Eng. Hercules QXD-5) Generator (Including Regulator) Cranking Motor Distributors ........................... Clamp Arm Clamp Arm Dial Ignition Coil 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6 & iz-veu. l\lode1 Six-244 Cruiser & Phantom Six-125 Gas Engine 1951-52-53. 12-Volt. (Engine 6D-427) CIBSON MFC. CO. Generator 1101851 Regulator 5908 Cranking Motor 1109602 Distributors 1111714 ......................... 1111729 Clamp Arm 1843580 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115381 Group CRAY MARINE CENERAL MOTORS OVERSEAS COACH 1949. 12-Volt System. Industrial Package Power Units (Eng. 2-71, 3-71, 4-71, 6-71) Model Group HENDRICKSON 91-A 54-A 97 97 1 41 1949. 6-Cyl. iz-veu. Model Truck A-390, A-420, F-1 (Eng. Waukesha l40-CK) Generators 50 amp 50 amp 1101744 1106809 1106826 93-C 114-B 114-B (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Hendrickson to Hess & Eisenhardt. De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Or'oap Hendrickson (Contd.) Regulators For 1101744 ....... 1118319 For 1106809--826 .J118339 Pulley For 1101744 ••••••• 1879168 Fan For 1101744........ 1866400 Pulley & Fan For 1106809 1885473 Cranking Motors 578 4 pole 1109153 Distributor 1111775 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Ignition 1997733 Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1855611 Group 6-C 6-C 16 63-B 105 1 41 107 * 113-B 6-C 17 85-E 107 1 41 4 * 15-C 2-B 15-C 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models A-390, A-420F-l Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 140-GK) 105-B 6-C 6l-B 97 4 106 106 41 Generator 1106826 Regulator 1118339 Pulley & Fan 1885473 Cranking Motor 1109153 Distributor 1111775 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Ignition 1997733 Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Control (Starring)...... 1385 Control (Starting) . 1996048 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1855611 Group 1952. 4 & 6-Cyl. (Eng. Willys Overland) 1949-50-51-52. Model A-320-F-3 Dump Truck (Eng. I.H.C. RED-40l) Generator 1106631 Regulator 1118316 Cranking Motor 713 Distributors 1110167 ......................... 1112357 Advance Arm ......... 1838617 Advance Arm Dial... 815095 Ignition Coil .......... 1115043 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1466 Dimmer 1997008 Horn 1999851 1855611 Horn Meg, Bracket Model Henry J (Contd.) Hendrickson (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. Truck Models A360-F, A360-T (Eng. Waukesha 195-GK) Generator 1105877 Regulator 1118314 Pulley 1913431 Fan 1880558 Cranking Motor 1108951 Distributor 1111731 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control (Starting).... 1385 Control (Starting) • 1996048 Ignition Coil ......... 1115328 Model 114-B 6-C 63-8 105 1 41 107 * 2-B 106 106 I5-C Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributors 4-cyl, 6-cyl, Advance Arms 4-cyl Gocyl Ignition Coil Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Brackets For 1999639 For 1999640 1102789 1118731 1107131 98-D 6-E 52-0 1110230 1110231 86-A 86-A 1923137 1923135 1115328 1 1 41 1999639 1999640 17-F 17-F 1917696 1917694 1953. 4 & 6-Cyl. (Eng. Willys-Overland) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributors 4-cyl 6-cyl, Advance Arms 4-cyI. 6-cyL Ignition Coil Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg, Brackets For 1999639 For 1999640 1102789 1118731 1107131 98-D 6-£ 52-D 1110230 1110231 86-A 86-A 1923137 1923135 1115328 1 1 41 1999639 1999640 17-F 17-F 1917696 1917694 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Truck Mode 1 A-320-F-l (Eng. Waukesha 6-BZ) Generators 6-volt-32 amp Opt. l2-volt Regulators For 1105884 For 1105925 Cranking Motors 6-volt 12-volt (Opr.) Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coils 6-volt 12-volt Switch-Dimmer Horn Horn Mrg, Bracket 1105884 1105925 105-B 106 1118303 1118354 6-C 6-D 1107443 1108103 1111766 815877 815095 1115328 1115043 1997008 1999701 1887123 53-A 54-F 105 1 41 41 * 19 HENRY J 1951. 6-Cyl. Horns L?w note HIgh note Horn Mtg, Brackets For 1999639 For 1999640 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1999639 1999640 17-F 17-F 1917696 1917694 Page 55 Huber to Hyster Co. Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group HUBER 1949. Huber (Contd.) 6-Volt. 1952-53. 6- Vol to Model Maintainer (Eng. Hercules QXB) Model Grader (Eng. I.H.C. UD16) Models 5-Ton Tandem Roller & 5-':'on 3-Wheel Roller (Eng. Hercules QXC-5) Models 8-Ton Tandem Roller & 8-Ton 3-Wheel Roller (Eng. Hercules JXD) 91-A 53-A Model Group Huber (Contd.) 1952-53. 12-Volt. Model "Maintainer" (Eng. Hercules QXB-5) Generator (with Reg.)l101392 Cranking Motor L.H. mtg 1107454 Distributors For JXD Eng 622-0 For QXB-5 & QXC-5 Eng 623-P For QXB-5 & QXC-5 Eng 1110198 Dist, Advance Arms For JXlJ Eng ....... 815877 For \lXB-5 & QXC-5 Eng 1838617 For 1110198 1838144 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Igni tion Coil 1115328 Swi t che s Ignition 1116457 Light 1995625 Starting 406-A Control (Statting) 1385 Batteries 17K4 ............................ 3H19 Model Group Generators Standard 1102978 Optional 1106822 Regulators For 1102978 1118354 For 1106822 1118339 Shock Mount Package For 1118354 1910966 Cranking Motor 1109108 Switches Light 1995625 Magnetic 1118121 Ignition 1116484 Control 1996060 98-K 114-B 6-0 6-C 63 108 2-B 107 106 58 82 85-E Model Roller Tandem & 3- Wheel (Eng. Hercules QXC-5, JXD) Model Roller 3-Wheel (Eng. Hercules WXC-3 & WXLC-3) Generators For QXB, QXC-5 ..• 1101417 For JXD 1102720 For WXC-3, WXLC-3 1101669 Regulator For 1102720 ........ 1118303 Cranking Motor For QXB, WXC-5 JXD 1107454 For WXC-3, WXLC-3 1108953 Distributor 1110198 Advance Arm 1838144 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 107 108 30 100 7C-2 7C-2 93 6-C 53-A 61-B 85-E 1 41 HUDSON Model 5-Ton Tandem Roller (Hercules QXC-5) Model Roller - 3-wheel (Eng. Hercules DJXH) Model 5-Ton Three Wheel Roller (Hercules QXC-5) Model Roller & Grader (Eng. Hercules DRXC) 91-A 93 91-A 53-A 85-E 82 1 1 41 106 106 107 108 Generators For OJ XC, DJXH .. 1105912 For DRXC 1105914 For DRXC Opt 1106812 Regulators For 1105912, 914 .. 1118354 For 1106812 ........ 1118338 Shock Mount Package For DR XC (Grader Only) 1910966 Cranking Motor 1108855 Switches Light 1995625 Series-parallel 1996474 Magnetic 1118193 Ignition 1116474 Control 1996027 (Over-Drive) Solenoid Switches 1949 1950 1951 1951-52-53 1952-53. ] 2-24- Vol t. Model Roller - Tandem & 3-wheel (Eng. Hercules DJXC) 1950-51-52. Model Maintainer (Hercules QXB-5) Page 56 98-B 41 1949-50-51-53. Generator And Regulator 1101392 1101679 And Regulator And Regulator 1101417 Cranking Motor 1107454 Distributors 1110198 ......................... 623-P Advance Arms ........ 1838144 ........................ 1838617 Advance Arm Dial... 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Control (Starting) ••• 1385 Control (Starting) • 1996048 Ignition 1116457 Light 1995625 91-A 1118134 1118147 1118155 1118164 5-E 5-E 5-E 5-E HYSlER CO. 106 106 114-B 6-0 6-C 59-F 108 100 2-B 107 106 1949-50. Model RT-150 Lift Truck (Eng. I.H.C. GRD-214) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributors ......................... Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Ignition Switch 0949-50) Horn Relay--Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket 1102713 1118303 1107041 1110095 1112361 1116004 1115328 429-K 1999641 1116775 1872391 98-A 6-C 52-A 85-B 10'7 4 41 107 17-F 4 Intemal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. De1co-Remy Hyster CO. to Ingersoll- Rand CAR APPLICATION INDEX 1950-51-52-53. Model QN-20 Lift Truck (Eng. VF4 Wisconsin) Generators Ventilated 1102413 1951-52-53 (Nonventilated) 1102432 Regulator 5863 Fan (For 1102413) .. 1866400 Switches Ignition 429-K Ignition (1952-53) .. 1116486 Ingersoll-Rand (Contd.) Hyster CO. (Contd.) Hyster Co. (Contd.) 96 96-A 5 Distributor Clamp Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Magneti c Ignition Horn Horn Relay Horn Mtg. Bracket 815095 1115328 1464 1116486 1999641 1116775 1872391 41 4 107 17-F 4 1950-51-52-53. Model YT-40 Lift Truck (Eng. VF4 Wisconsin) 96 96-A 5 30 17-F l1024~2 96-A Not D-R 5863 5 1107133 52-0 1111534 95-A 815877 1 815095 1116486 1464 1999641 1116775 107 4 17-f 4 1953. Model HC-150 Lift Truck (Eng. Hercules jXC) 1102713 1118303 1107041 1112361 l116004 1115328 98-A 6-C 52-A 107 4 41 1116486 1999641 1116775 1872391 107 17-F Generator Cranking Motor Distributor (on 942-H) Ignition Coil Starting Switch 942-H 110 7933 49 54-A 629-T 1115328 406-A 29 41 30 Generator 1102432 Regulator 5863 Pulley.... 1883223 Cranking Motor 1107459 Distributor 1111807 Advance Arm 1911522 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1 U'5328 Switches Ignition 1116486 Magnetic Starting... 1464 Horns 1999641 Relay - Horn 1116775 Brad:et - Horn 1872391 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model GKA-105 Gas (Eng. Waukesha 130-GS) Model HKA-105 Oil (Eng. Waukesha 130-HS) Generator (with Reg.)1101382 1952-53 1101430 Pulley 1871288 Cranking Motor 7 37-R Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1464 Control (Startingpush type) 1996032 Dash Light (For GKA-105 only) .. 1997706 • 53-A 105-A • • 41 107 4 17-F 4 • INCERSOLL- RAND Model ZA80 Lift Truck (Eng. Hercules jX4D) 96-A 5 53-A 97-A 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Models D-60, DD-60, DH-60, PA-60 (Eng. Waukesha FC) Generator 1952-53 Cranking Motors Starting Switch Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1101381 1101419 1107917 406-A 91-A 91-B 48 4 106 110 96-A 5 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model GKA-160 (Gas) (Eng. Waukesha VRZG) Generator 953-W Cranking Motor 1108936 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1464 Control (Starting-push type) 1996032 Control--Light 1997706 4 1952-53. 6-Volt. Model XA60 Lift Truck (Eng. Hercules jX4C) Generator 1102432 Regulator 5863 Pulley 1881465 Cranking Motor 1107459 Distributor 1111733 Distributor Clamp Arm 1911522 (Continued on next column) Generator Pulley Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Switches Ignition Magnetic (Start) Horn Horn Relay 4 1951-52-53. Models RT-I00, RT-150 Lift Trucks (Eng. I.H.C. GRD-214) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Di st, Vac. Corn ro l, Ignition Coil Switch Ignition Horn Horn Relay Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cy 1. Model D-85, DR-85 (Eng. Waukesha XAH) 107 107 1953. 6-Volt. Model DC-30, YC-40 Lift Truck (Eng. Waukesha FC) Generators Ventilated 1102413 1951-52-53 (Nonventilated) 1102432 Regulator 5863 Pulley 1869130 Fan (For 1102413) .. 1866400 Switeh-Starting......... 406-A Horn.................... 1999641 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Relay--Horn 1116775 Model Group Model Group Model Qroap 91-A 91-B 54 30 53 61-A 4 106 110 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Models GKA-210 Gas, GKAC-16 & 18 (Eng. Waukesha 140-GS, 140-GK) Generator 1101729 Pulley 1879168 Cranking Motor 1108954 Switches Magnetic Starting .1118121 Control (Starting-push type) 1996032 Control 1997706 93-B 61-B 2-B 106 110 Page 57 Delco-Remy Ingersoll-Rand to Ingersoll- Rand CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Model Group Ingersoll-Rand (Contd.) Ingersoll- Rand (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model GKA-315 Gas (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-CyI. Model HKA-160 (Oil) (Eng. Waukesha VRZH) Generator Pulley Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Starring.. Control (Starring-push type) Control (Light) 1101729 1879168 1109150 93-8 1118121 2-8 1996032 1997706 63-B 106 110 Generator 1101729 Pulley 1879168 Cranking Motor 1108954 Switches Magnetic Starting... 1118121 Control (Starting-push type) ....... 1996032 ;\Iodel HKA-500 Oil (Eng. Waukesha 6-WAKH) Page 58 53 61-A 4 106 93-B 61-B 2-B 106 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) 1101726 5884 11 089 33 93-B 5 61-A 1118121 1996032 2-8 106 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model IKA-210 Compressor (Eng. I.H.C. UO-14-A) Generator(with Reg.) 1101738 Cranking Motor ....... 1109108 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting-push type) ........ 1996032 9'3-C 63 2-8 106 93-C 63-B 45 2-8 106 110 53 57 5 61-A 4 * 106 110 1949-5.0-51-52-53. 6-CyI. Model HKA-315 Oil (Eng. Waukesha 145-HK) Generator 1101729 Pulley 1879168 Cranking Motor 1109150 Switches Magnetic Starting.. 1118121 Control (Starting-push type) ........ 1996032 93-B 63-B 2-8 106 53 61-A 4 106 110 1949-50-51-52-53. Model IKA-315 Full Diesel (Eng. I.H.C. UD-18) Generator Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) Control (Starting-push type) 1101737 665 93-C 17 1118121 199630 1 2-8 1996032 106 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-CyI. Models HKAC-8, HKAC-12 (Eng. Waukesha VRZH) Generator 953-W Cranking Motor 1108936 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1453 Control (Starting) .. 1996301 Control (Startingpush type) 199Q032 53 61-A 4 * 106 1949-50-51-52-53. Model HKAC-16 & 18 (Eng. Waukesha 140-HS, 140-HK) 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model GKAC-12 (Eng. Waukesha VRZG) Generator 953-W Cranking Motor 1108936 Switches Magnetic Starting...... 1464 Control (Starting-push type) 1996032 Control-oLight 1997706 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-CyI. Model lKA-160 Compressor (Eng. I.H.C. UO-9) 93-B 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-CyI. Model GKAC-8 (Eng. Waukesha VIK) Generators Standard 953- V Optional 939-T Regulator for 939-T 5869 Cranking Motor 1108936 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1453 Control (Starting) ... 199630 1 Control (Starting-push type) 1996032 Dash Light 1997706 Ingersoll- Rand (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. Model HKA-210 Oil (Eng. Waukesha 140-HS) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model GKA-500 Gas (Eng. Waukesha 6-WAKG) Generators With Relay .......... 1101729 With Regulator (Optional) 1101751 Pulley 1881074 Cranking Motor 1109150 Switches Starring 1996476 Magnetic (Starting).1118121 Control 1996032 Light for GK-500 only 1997706 Generator 953-W Cranking Motor 1108936 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1464 Control (Starting-push type) ........ 1996032 Model Group 1101729 Pulley 1879168 Cranking Motor 1108954 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting-push type) ........ 1996032 Generator 1949-50-51-52-53. Model IKA-500 Compressor (Eng. I.H.C. UD-24) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Relay 1105922 1118365 1108867 1110152 1883058 1115043 1116822 106 6-0 59-F 85-0 41 4 93-8 61-B 2-8 106 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. - Delco-Remy Insley Mfg. Corp. to International Harvester CAR APPLICATION INDEX 1949. 6-Cy1. 12-24-Volt. Model K-12 Excavator (En~. Hercules DJXB) Generator 1105912 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor.......... 650 Switches Starting (Seriesparallel) 407-H Solenoid (Seriesparallel) 1568 International Harvester (Contd.) INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER INSLEY MFC. CORP. Power Units 106 6-D 19-A 100 100 Model Group Model Group Model Groap 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. International Power Unit Model U-l (Engine Own) Generators Service Regulator For 1101423 Cranking Motors 1952 110 1369 1101423 91 91-B 5839 1109603 1109613 4 69 69 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cy1. 12-Vol t. International Power Unit Models UD-6, UD-9 Generators Service Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch 93-B 88-Q 1101726 1100972 5884 1108933 405-C 5 63 30 1949-50-51-52. 4-CyI. International Power Unit Model UD-14A 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cy1. International Power Unit Models U-2A, U-4 1949-50. 6-Cy1. Model K-12 Shovel (Eng. Buda HP-326) Generators 1950 Fan F an Baffle Pulley Regulator Cranking Motor •...... Distributor Advance Arm .....•... Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Starting Control (Starting) 1102692 98-A 1102722 98-B 1866400 1877887 Not D-R 1118303 6-C 1107406 53 1111782 105 1844893 1 1115328 41 ,. 1464 1385 4 106 Generators Service 1952 Regulators For 1101423 For 1100501 Cranking Motor Starting Switches 1952 Generator 1102722 Opt 1105885 Fan 1866400 Fan Baffle 1877887 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor 1107406 Distributor 1111782 Advance Arm 1844893 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Magnetic Starting.... 1464 Control (Starri ng) .. 1996027 98-B 105-C 6-C 53 105 1 41 4 106 91 91-B 88-C 5839 1118308 1107430 405-C 1996487 4 6-C 53 30 30 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cy1. s-veu, International Power Unit Model U-6 Generators And Regulator Service Regulator For 1101423 Cranking Motor Starting Switch 1951-52-53. Model Type "K" Excavator &Cranes (Eng. Buda HP-326 & HP-35l) 1101369 1101423 1100501 1101369 1101423 91 91-B 5839 1107926 405-C 4 54 30 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cy1. 6-Volt. International Power Unit Model U-9 Generators And Regulator Service 1952 Regulators For 1101423 For 1100501 Cranking Motor Starting Switches 1952 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1101369 1101423 1l00501 91 91-B 88-C 5839 1118308 1108921 405-C 1996487 4 6-C 61 30 30 Generators Service 1952 Regulators For 1100972 For 1100964 Cranking Motor Starting Switches 1952 1101738 1100972 1100964 93-C 88-Q 88-Q 5838 1118381 1109108 405-C 1996487 6-D 63 30 30 4 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cy1. International Power Unit Models UD-16, UD-18A Generators 1101737 Service 1100971 Regulator For 1100971 5838 Cranking Motors For UD-18A 1109106 For UD-16 1109108 ............................ 665 Switches Starting 405-C Starting (1952) 1996487 Magnetic (Opr.) 1118121 Control (Push) .. 1385 Control (Starting) (Opr.) 1996060 93-C 88-Q 4 63 63 17 30 30 2-B 106 106 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cy1. 12-Volt. International Power Unit Model Uo.24 (Eng. Own Diesel) Generators 1105922 1952 1105935 Regulators 1118322 ........................ 1118365 Cranking Motors ..... 1108867 24-volt (Optional) (1951-52) 1108868 Distributor 1110152 Advance Arm 1883058 Ignition Coil 111504 3 (Continued on next page) 106 106-A 6-C 6-D 59-F 59-F 85-D 1 41 Page 59 Delco-Remy International Harvester to International Harvester CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) Switches Series-parallel (1951-52) Ignition (1952) Relay (Safety) 0951-52) International Harvester (Contd.) 1996473 I II6492 100 107 1116822 4 1951-52. 4-Cyl. Model I-U4 Power Unit Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch (Starting) 1100501 1118308 1107430 1996487 88-C 6-C 53 30 Model Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. tz-ven, (24-Volt. Opt.) Model UD-24 Power Unit (Eng. Own Diesel) 1953. 4-Cyl. Power Units Models IU4, IU6A, U2A, U4, U264, U9 (Eng. Own) Generator Regulator Cranking Motors For lU4, U2A, U4 .. For IU6A, U264 For U9 Switches Ignition Starting Relay (Eng. Safety) Group 1100501 1118308 88-C 6-C 1107430 1107926 1108921 53 54 61 1116492 1996487 1116877 107 30 4 Generators Std. 12v Opt. 24v Regulators 12v for 1105935 24v for 1105971 Cranking Motors Std. 12v Opt. 24v Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coils Std. 12v Opt. 24v Ignttion Switch 1105935 1105971 106-A 106-8 1118365 1118772 6-£ 1108867 1108868 1110152 1883058 59-F 59-F 85-D 1115043 1115276 1116492 41 41 107 6-D 1951-52. 4-Cyl. Models I-U6A Power Unit Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch (Starting) 1100501 1118308 1107926 1996487 88-C 6-C 54 30 1951-52. 4-Cyl. Models I-UD6A, UD9A Power Units Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch (Starting) 1100964 1118381 1108933 1996487 88-Q 6-D 63 30 1951-52. 4-Cyl. International Power Unit Model U-264 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch 1100501 1118308 1107926 1996487 88-C 6-C 54 30 1951-52. International Power Unit Models UD-264, UD-9 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch Page 60 1100964 1118381 1108933 1996487 88-Q 6-D 63 30 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. Power Units Models IUD6A, UD264, UD9A, UD14A (Eng. Own Diesel) Generator 1100964 Regulator 1118381 Cranking Motors For IUD6A, UD264, UD9A 1108933 For UD14A 1109108 Switches Ignition 1116492 Starting 1996487 1953. 6-Cyl. Power Units Models U220, U240, U269, U372, U406, U450 (Eng. Own) 88-Q 6-D 61-A 63 107 30 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Power' Units Models UD16, UD18A (Eng. Own Diesel) Generator 1100987 Cranking Motors For UD16 1109108 For UD18A 1109106 For UD18A (Schramm) 665 Switches Starting-Std........ 1996487 Magnetic Starting Opt. UD16 ........ 1118121 Control (Starting) Opt. UD16 ........ 1996060 Generator Regulator Cranking Motors For U220, U240, U269 For U372 For U406, U450 Distributors For U220, U240 For U269 For U372, U406, U450 Ignition Coil Ignition Switch 110 2714 1118303 98-A 6-C 1108009 1108217 1109004 54-8 55 61 1112355 1112359 107 107 1112357 1115328 1116492 107 41 107 Tractors 88-Q 63 63 17 30 2-8 106 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. Tractors McConnick-Deering Farmall Models H & M (Engine Own) Generators ......................... Service Relay For 1101423 Cranking Motor Starting Switch 1101355 1101423 91 91-8 1116766 1107448 405-C 4 53-A 30 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. International Harvester to International Harvester De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1949-50-51. 4-Cy 1. Tractors Industrial Models 1-4. 1-6. 1-9 McCormick-Deering Models W-4. W-6, W-9, 0-4, 0-6, 0-9 (Engine Own) 4 53-A 53-A 61 30 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Industrial Models 10-6, ID-9 McCormick-Deering Models Farmall MD, WD-6, WD-9 (Engine Own Diesel) Generators 6-volt ..........•..... 1101358 6-volt-Service ..... 1101423 12-volt .•...........•• 1101726 12-volt--Service .... 1100972 Relays 6-volt .•..•....•...... 1116807 12-volt .............•. 1116808 Cranking Motors For MD, WD-6, ID-6 1108913 For WD-9, ID-9 1108925 Switches Light (6-volt) 1994019 Light (l2-volt) 1994020 No Battery Gen 1994021 Starting ............•... 405-C 91 91-B 93-B 88-Q 4 4 61 61 Generators 6-volt .....•.......... 1101358 6-volt--Service 1101423 12-volt 1101726 12-volt-Service 1100972 Relays 6-volt ..............•. 1116807 12-volt 1116808 Cranking Motor (l 2v). 1108925 Switches Light (6-volt) .....• 1994019 Light (l2-volt) 1994020 No Battery Gen 1994021 1949-50-51-52. 4-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model Super A Industrial Tractor 91 91-B 93-B 88-Q 4 4 61 1101355 1101423 1100501 91 91-B 88-C 1118308 6-C 1116766 1107067 1107093 1994035 1994038 52-B 52-C 108 108 4 1949-50-51-52-53. McCormick-Deering Farmall Models Super A & C (Engine Own) 91 91-B 93-B 88-Q 4 4 17 30 108 108 Generators •........•.. 1101355 1950-51-52-53 ..•... 1100501 Regulator For 1100501 1118308 Cranking Motors ....• 1107021 •..•.....•.•............. 1107067 1952-53 .•.•.•••...... 1107093 Switches Light ...••..•.•..•.... 1994019 Light 1994035 Light ...•............. 1994038 Light (No battery generator) 1994021 91 88-C 6-C 52 52-B 52-C 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 30 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model TD-18A True-Tractor (Engine Own Diesel) 1949-50-51. 6-Cyl. McCormick-Deering Threshers (Self Propelled) Model 122 (Engine GRD-214) 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. Models T-6, T-9 Trac-Tractors (Engine Own) Generators Service Relay Cranking Motors For T-6 For T-9 Switches Light •................ No Battery Gen .... Generators Service ......•....... 1952 Regulator For 1100501 Relay For 1101423 •....... Cranking Motors 1952 Light Switches 1952 ...............•.. 108 108 108 1949-50-51. 6 & 12-Volt. Model TD-14A Trac-Tractor (Eng. 4-Cyl. Diesel) Generators 6-volr ................• 1101355 6-volt-Service ..... 1101423 12-volt •.•...........• 11 0 1725 12-volr--Service .... 1100972 Relays For 1101423 ...•.••. 1116766 For 1100972 1116777 Cranking Motor 12-volt •............•..... 710 Switches Starting ......•.•....... 405-C Light (6-volt) •..•.. 1994019 Light (l2-volt) ••... 1994020 Light (No battery generator) 1994021 Group International Harvester (Contd.) 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models TD-6 & TD-9 Trac-Tractors (Engine Own Diesel) 91 91-B Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) International Harvester (Contd.) Generators ......................... 1101355 Service 1101423 Relay For 1101423 1116766 Cranking Motors For W-4, 0-4, 1-4 1107448 For W-6, 0-6, 1-6 1107444 For W-9, 0-9, 1-9 1108920 Starting Switch 405-C Model (koap . 1101358 1101423 1116807 91 91-B 4 1107435 1108920 53-A 61 1994019 1994021 108 108 Model 123 (Engi'ne GRD-233) Generator ....•......... 1101383 Cranking Motor 7,39-H Distributor ..•..••..... 1110095 Advance Arm •......... 1887445 Advance Arm Dial . . ••.815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Magnetic 1459 Magnetic ..........•.... 1464 Starring ....•••...•..... 405-C Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 91-A 51 85-B I 41 4 4 30 Generators Standard 1101724 Opt. 5" Frame 1105379 Opt. 4-7/16" Framel101737 1952 1100986 Cranking Motor.......... 756 Distributor ......••.... 1110152 Advance Arm 1883058 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Starting 405-C Starting (1952) 1996475 Light 1994020 Light (No Battery Generator) 1994021 Ignition (952) 1116492 Junction Block(1952)l998754 93-B 103-B 93-C 88-Q 17 85-0 I 41 30 30 108 108 107 Page 61 Delco-Remy International Harvester to International Harvester Model CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group International Harvester (Contd.) Group International Harvester (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cy I. 12-24-Volt. 'lode I TD-24 Tractor (Engine Own Diesel) Ge nerat or s 1952 Regulators ........................ Cranking Motor Uisrributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Switches Combination Starting Ignition (/952) Light (1952) Model 106 106-A 6-C 6-0 59-F 85-0 1994527 19964:3 1116492 1994048 108 100 107 108 1 41 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Ignition Light J unction Block 1952-53. 6-Cyl. Models 127 S.P.H.T., 160 Hillside H.T. (Engine Own SD-240) 1100964 1118381 1108940 88-Q 6-D 61-A 1116492 1994048 1998754 107 108 1952-53. 4-Cyl. Model TD-14-A True-Tractor (Eng. Own Diesel) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor (/952) (953) Switches Starting Light Ignition J unction Block 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cy I. 6-Volt. \Iodel \IcCormick-Deering "CCB" Tractor (Engine Own) Generators 1949 1101355 Service 1101423 1950-5l-S2-53 1100501 Relay Forl101423 ........ 1116766 Regulator For 1100501 1118308 Cranking Motors 1109603 1952-53 1109611 Switches Light 1994019 Light 1994038 Light Switch Knob 1882013 108 108 1952-53. 4-Cyl. \lodels T-6, T-9 Trac-Tractor (Engine Own) Page 62 88-Q 6-0 710 1109014 17 62 1996475 1994048 1116492 1998754 30 108 107 1100501 1118308 88-C 6-C 110 7435 1108938 53-A 61-A 1116492 1994048 1998754 107 108 Generator Regulator Cranking Motors ......................... 1100501 1118308 1107105 1108010 88-C 6-C 52-C 54-B 1952-53. 4-Cyl. McCormick Deering Farmall Models H, HV, W4, 04, 054, 14 (Eng. C-152) Models Super H, Super W4 (Eng. C-163) Models M, MV, W6, 06, OS6, 16 (Eng. C-248) Models Super M, Super W6 (Eng. C-264) 4 Models W9, WR9, 19 (Eng. C-335) 1952-53. 4-Cyl. Model "50" Baler (Engine Own) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Generator Regulator Cranking Motors For T -6 For T-9 Switches Ignition Light J unction Block 1100964 1118381 91 91-B 88-C 6-C 69 69 Group International Harvester (eontd.) 1952-53. 12-Volt. Models TD-6, TD-9 Trac- Tractor (Eng. Own Diesel) 1105922 1105935 1118322 1118365 1108868 1110152 1883058 1115043 Model Generator Regulator Cranking Motors 1100501 1118308 1109610 88-C 6-C 69 1952-53. 4-Cyl. Model "64" Thresher (F,ng. Own C-60, C-113) Generator Regulator Cranking Motors For C-60 For C-l13 1100501 1118308 88-C 6-C 110%11 1107999 69 54-B 1100501 1118308 88-C 6-C H. HV. M. MV. SUDer M (Stage No. 1) W4, 04, OS4, 14 1107448 Super H & Super H (Stage No. 1) .... 1108016 Super H & Super W6 (Stage No.2) Super M (Stage No.2 & 3) 1108012 W6, 06, 056, Super W6 (Stage No. 1) 16 .1107044 W9, WR9, 19 1108943 Super M, L.P.G. Attachment (Stage No.1) .... 1108461 Super M, Super W6, L.P.G. Attachment (Stage No.2) .... 1108464 Switches Light 1994038 Starting 1996487 Switch Knob for 1994038 1882013 J unction Block 1998754 53-A 54-B 54-B 53-A 61-A 56 56 108 30 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. International Harvester to International Harvester Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model International Harvester (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model TD-18A True-Tractor (Eng. Own Diesel) Generator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil Switches Ignition Light Starting J unction Block Model ID9 (Eng. D-335) McCormick Deering Farmall Models Models MD, MDV, ODS6, WD6 (Eng. D-248) Models Super MD, Super WD6 (Eng. D-264) 1100986 756 1110152 1883058 1115043 88-Q 17 85-D 1116492 1994048 1996475 1998754 107 108 30 41 • 1952-53. 6-Cyl. Model 20C Field Harvester (Eng. SD-240) Models WD9, WDR9 (Eng. D-335) Generator 1100964 Regulator 1118381 Cranking Motors ID6A, MD, MDV, ODS6, WD6 ....... 1108913 Super MD, Super WD6 (Stage No. 1) •.... 1108913 Super MD (Stages No. lA, 2 & 3) 1108982 Super WD6 (Stage No.2) 1108982 ID9, WD9, WDR9 .. 1108944 Switches Lighting 1994043 Starting 1996487 Junction Block 1998754 International Harvester (Contd.) International Harvester (Contd.) 1952-53. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. Tractors Industrial Models Model ID6A (Eng. 0-248) 88-Q 6-D Generator Regulator Cranking Motor 1100501 1118308 1108010 88-C 6-C 54-B 61 Regulators For 1102673-674-713, 1106589 1118303 For 1102955 1118304 For 1106584 1118314 For 1106631 1118316 For 1102976 1118354 Pulley For 1102674-955 ... 1881465 Fan For 1102674-955 ... 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106631 ........ 1881491 Cranking Motors Standard 1107041 Opt.--12-volt 1107829 Distributor III 0095 Vacuum Control 1116004 Ignition Coils Standard--6-vo It 1115328 Opt.--12-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition 1997733 L ight--6-volt 1994030 Dimmer 1997008 Horns Standard 1999903 Opt.--12-volt 1999906 Horn Mtg. Bracket For 1999903 1884158 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 52-A 53-M 85-B 4 41 41 107 • 7-A 7-A 61 61-B 61-B 61-A 108 30 • 1952-53. 4-Cyl. Model 55 Baler (Eng. C-6O, C-113) Generator Regulator Cranking Motors For C-60 Eng For C-113 Eng 1100501 1118308 88-C 6-C 110%10 1107999 69 54-B Trucks 1949. 6-Cyl. Models KB-1M, KB-l, KB-2, KB-3M, KB-3 (Engine GRD-214) 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Model TD-24 Tractor (Eng. Own Diesel) Generator 12v 1105935 Regulator 1118365 Reg. Mtg. Pkg 1910966 Cranking Motor 24v .1108868 Distributor 1110152 Advance Arm 1883058 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Ignition 1116492 Lighting 1994048 Starring (Series Parallel) 1996473 J unction Block 1998754 Model Group Model Group (Jrvup 106-A 6-D 59-F 85-D 41 107 108 100 • Model KB-5 (Engine GRD-233) Generators Std.--6-volt-30 amp 30 amp Opt.--6-volt-30 amp Low cut-in 40 amp Opt.--12-volt-18 amp 25 amp 20 amp (Continued on next Internal parts of units marked (.) are not sold separately. 1102673 1102713 98 98-A 1102674 1106589 1106584 98 113 113 1102955 1106631 1102976 column) 98-K 113-C 98-K 1949. 6-Cyl. Model KB-6 (Engine BLD-250) Model KB-7 (Engine BLD-269) Generators 6-volt--Std II 0 2674 6-volt--30 amp 1102714 6-volt--Opt. high output 1106584 12-volt--Opt.-17 amp 1102955 25 amp II 06631 1102976 20 amp Regulators For 1102674-714 1118303 For 1106584 1118314 For 1102955 1118304 For 1106631 1118316 For 1102976 1118354 Fan For 1102674-955 ... 1866400 Pulleys Std. for 1102674 ... 1883828 Std. low speed for 1102674 1881474 Opt. for 1102955 1883828 Fan & Pulley Assembly For 1106631 1882096 Cranking Motors Standard 737-Z Opt.--12-volt 740-N (Continued on next page) 98 98-K 113 98-K 113-B 98-K 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 48 39-A Page 63 International Harvester to International Harvester Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) Distributors Standard 1110118 Tachometer drive .•• 1110185 Opt. (with governor drive) .........••... 1112259 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Light .......•••••..... 1994030 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1997733 Magnetic (Sr d.) 1464 Magnetic (l2v) 1466 Horns Standard 1999903 12-volt 1999906 Horn Mrg, Bracket .•. 1860076 Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) 85-C 85-E 106 1 41 41 107 4 4 7-A 7-A Cranking Motors For RED-361 (Spl.) 1108210 For RED-361 (Std.) 721-K For RED-401-450.... 704 12-volt-For RED-361 ....... 721-N For RED-401-450.. 713 Distributors 1110167 ......................... 1112357 Advance Arms Standard 1838617 High altitude 1886656 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 11150~3 Switches Light 1994030 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1997733 Magnetic (6v) 1464 Magnetic (l2v) 1466 Horns Standard 1999852 Optional 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1907%1 55 34-A 17 34-A 17 85-J:,. 107 41 41 • 1949-50-51. 6-Cy!. Models W-3012-H, W-4042-0H, W-4064-H, W-4564-0H, W-6564-0H, W-9064-0H Trucks (Eng. Cummins (Diesel) NHB-600, NHBS-600, NB-600) Generator Regulator Fan & Baffle Cranking Motors 24v (For NH13S) Switches Control Light Dimmer 1106805 1118339 1910036 ll08863 1108872 ll4-B 6-C 1996027 1994033 1997008 106 108 59-F 59-F • 107 4 4 15-C 15-C 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. Models L-110 to L-160 inc!'; LM-120, LI\1-150 (Metro); LB-140 & LC-160 (Engine SD-220, SD-240) Model K8-10 (Engine RED-40l) Model KB-11 (Engine RED-450) Page 64 Group International Harvester (Contd.) 1949. Model KB-8 (Engine RED-36l) Generators Std.--6-volt 1102674 6-volt-":?0 amp 1102714 Opt.--6 volt-Low cut-in 1106589 High output 1106584 Std.-12-volt 1102955 Opt.--12v 25 amp 1106631 12-volt--50 amp. 977 12-volt--20 amp 1102976 12-volt--40 amp. 678 Regulators For 1102674-714, 1106589 .. : 1118303 For 1102955 1118304 For 1106584 1118314 For 1106631 1118316 Po s, Grd, for 977 .. 1118512 Neg. Grd. for 977 .. 1118517 For 1102976 1118354 For 678 1118507 Pulleys Std. for 1102674 & 1102955 1880616 Low speed for 1102955 & 1102674 1882095 For 977 1907395 Fans For 1102674-955 ... 1866400 Fans & Pulley Assem bly For 1106631 1881518 (Continued on next column) Model 98 98-A 113 113 98-K 113-B 18 98-K 14 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C 7 7 6-D 8 1949. 6-CyI. 12-Volt. Models KR-12, KD-12, KB-14 Trucks (Eng. Continental R-6586) Generators Std.--26 amp 1106631 Opt.-55 amp 1117324 Regulators For 1106631 ....... 1118316 For ll17324 Standard mtg 1118512 Shock mtg 1118527 Pulley & Fan Assembly For ll06631 ....... 1907121 Fan & Baffle Assembly For 1117324 1872904 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor Ill2253 Advance Arm 1838144 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil ll15251 Switches Magnetic Starting .. ll18121 Control (Starting) 1996027 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1997733 Lighting 1994030 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1907961 4 113-B 122 6-C 7 7 63-B 106 1 .. 41 2-B 106 • • 107 15-C Generators Std.--6v ll02732 Canadian ll02674 Opt. 6v-25 amp.-Low cut-in ....... ll05876 Opt. 6v--40 amp.-Low cut-in ll06758 Opt. 6v--50 amp ll06757 Opt. 12v--50 amp.. ll06822 Regulators For ll02732 ll18303 For ll06758 ll18366 For ll06757 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 For ll05876 1118350 Pulley For 1105876 1917945 Fan For 1105876 1880558 Fan & Pulley For 1106758 1913608 For 1106757-822 .. 1913610 Baffle For 1105876 ........ 1880946 Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107074 6v.Automatic Trans ll07134 12-t'olt ll08131 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Distributor 1112355 Opt. (Suppressor Cap) 1112368 Vacuum Control 1116049 98-B 98 105-B 114 ll4 ll4-B 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-D 6-D 52-B 52-D 54-F 41 41 107 107 4 (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. International Harvester to International Harvester Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Ot'oap 1995031 1997008 1116465 1116483 108 • 38-A 107 1116775 1116781 1865535 4 4 International Harvester (Contd.) 1950-51-52. s-e-t. Models L-185 to L-194 incl., 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model L-212 Truck (Special for N.Y. Sanitation Dept.) (Engine RED-450) LC-l90 (Engine RD-372) Models LF-190, L-195 to L-204 incl. (Engine RD-406) Models L-205, L-21O, LF-210 (Engine RD-450) 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. Models L-170 to L-184 incl., LF-170 & LC-180 (Eng. Own BD-269) Generators 6-volt 1102714 Canadian 1102674 Opt. 50 arnp .6-volt 1106757 12-volt 1106822 Regulators For 1102714 ........ 1118303 For 1102714 (Opt.).1118302 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 Fan For 1102714 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106757-822' .. 1913612 Pulley For 1102714 ........ 1883828 Cranking Motors 1107967 Std. (6-volt) OPt. 02-volt) 1108130 Distributors Standard 1112359 Standard (Suppressor cap). 1112371 Tachometer drive .. 1112288 Tachometer drive (Suppressor cap). 1112309 F or offset gear drive 1112366 Tachometer & Governor Drive-Offset gear Drive 1112293 For Holly Governor 1112279 For Holly Governor 1112302 Clamp Arm 1828617 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition 1116465 Ignition 1116483 Light 1995031 1997008 Dimmer Relays Horn (6v) 1116775 1116781 Horn (l2v) Generators Canadian 1102674 Std.--6v 1102714 Opt.--6v--50 amp .. 1106757 6-volt--40 amp.-ow cut-in ....... 1106758 Opt.--12v--50 amp. 1106822 Regulators For 1102714 1118303 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 For 1106758 1118366 Fan For 1102714 ........ 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106757-822 .. 1913614 For 1106758 ........ 1916789 Pulley For 1102714 1880616 Cranking Motors 6-volt-For RD-372 Eng. 1108217 For RD-406, 450 Eng 1109004 12-voltFor RD-372 Eng. 1108412 For RD-406, 450 Eng 1109005 Opt. for RD 406, 450 Eng 1109012 Distributor 1112357 Opt. (Suppressor Cap) 1112370 Clamp Arm 1838617 Clamp Arm (For high altitude) 1886656' 815095 Clamp Arm Dial Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition ,.. 1116465 Ignition 1116483 Light 1995031 Dimmer J.997008 Relays Horn 1116775 Horn (l2v) 1116781 Or' 98-A 98 114 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 54-A 54-F 107 107 106-A 106-A 107 106-A 107 106-A 1 41 41 107 107 108 • 4 4 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Group Model GrOllP International Harvester (Contd.) International Harvester (Contd.) Switches Light Dimmer Ignition Ignition Relays Horn (6-volt) Horn 02-volt) Junction Block Model 98 98-A 114 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Ignition Ignition Light Dimmer Relay--Horn 1117052 1118534 1109005 1111813 1838617 815095 1115251 120-A 8 62 105-A 1 1116465 1116493 1995031 1997008 1116775 107 107 108 41 4 114 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 55 62 55-F 62 62 107 107 1 41 41 107 107 108 • 4 4 1953. 6-Cyl. Models R-110 to R-160 inc.: RA-120, RA-140, RC-I60, RM-120, RM-150 (Eng. Own 5D-220, SD-240) Generators Std. 6v 1100019 6v--25 amp.Low cut-in ....... 1105876 6v--40 amp.Low cut-in 1106758 6v--50 amp 1106757 12v-50 amp. (For R-I60 & RC-160 only) 1106822 Fan For 1105876 ......... 18805 58 Fan & Rulley For 1106758 1913608 For 1106757-822 .. 1913610 Pulley For 1105876 ........ 1917945 Baffle For 1105876 1880946 Regulators For 1100019 1118731 For 1105876 1118350 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 Cranking Motors Std. 6v 1107074 6v Automatic Trans 1107134 12v (For R-160 & RC-160 only) .... 1108131 Distributors Sta~dard 1112355 Optional (Suppressor Cap) 1112368 Vacuum Control 1116049 Ignition Coils 6" 1115328 12v 1115043 (Continued on next page) 87-A 105-B 114 114 114-B 6-E 6-D 6-D 6-C 6-D 52-B 52-D 54-F 107 107 4 41 41 Page 65 International Harvester to Kaiser Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group International Harvester (Contd.) International Harvester (Contd.) Switches Ignition Standard .••.••..•• 1116501 Metro ••••.•••.•...• 1116502 R.H. D•..••.•..•••• 1116483 Light 1995031 Dimmer 1997008 Junction Block 1865535 Relays Horn 6v 1116775 Horn 12v 1116781 107 107 107 108 4 4 1953. 6-CyI. Models R-170 to R-184 inc.; R-186, RC-180 & RF-170 (Eng. Own BD-269- BD-282) Generators Std. 6v 1102785 Opt. 6v--50 amp 1106757 Opt. 12v11068 22 Fan For 1102785 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106757-822 .• 1913612 Pulley For 1102785 ........ 1883828 Regulators For 1102785 ........ 1118732 For 1106757 .••••.•• 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 Cranking Motors Standard 6v 1108009 Opt. 12v 1108142 Distributors Std 1112359 For Holly Governor 1112279 Tachometer Drive .1112288 Tachometer & Governor Drive -- Offset Gear Drive 1112293 Governor Drive 1112302 Tachometer Drive (Suppressor Cap) 1112309 Offset Gear Drive •. 1112366 Std. (Suppressor Cap) 1112371 Clamp Arm 1838617 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 ll-volt 1115043 Switches Ignition 1116501 Light 1995031 1997008 Dimmer Relays Horn 6v 1116775 Horn 12v 1116781 Page 66 Model Group 98-0 114 114-B 6-E 6-C 6-D 54-B 54-G 107 106 106-A 106-A 106-A l06-A 107 Kaiser (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. Models R-190, R-200, RC-l90, RD-190, RD-200, RDF-190, l1P-190, l1P-200, RPF-l90 & RPF-200 (Eng. HD-372, RO-406, RO-450) Generators Std. 6v 1102785 Opt. 6v--40 amp.-Low cut-in J 106758 Opt. 6v--50 amp 1106757 Opt. 12v--50 amp .. 1106822 Fan For 1102785 1866400 Fan & Pulley For 1106758 ........ 1916789 For 1106757-822 .• 1913614 Pulley For 1102785 ........ 1880616 Regulators For 1102785 1118732 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118333 For 1106822 1118368 Cranking Motors Std. 6v (For RD-372 Eng.) .. :.1108217 Std.6v(For 406-450 Eng.) ... 1109004 Opt. 12v(For RL.l-372 Eng.) .... 1108412 12v For RD 406, 450 Eng 1109005 Opt. 12v (Bronze bushing for RD-406450 Eng.) ...... 1109012 Distributors Std 1112357 Opt. (Suppressor Cap) 1112370 Clamp Arm 1838617 Clamp Arm (For high altitude) 1886656 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 6v 1115328 12v 1115043 Switches Ignition 1116501 Light 19%031 Dimmer 1997008 Relays Horn '6v 1116775 Horn 12v 1116781 98-D 114 114 114-B 6-E 6-0 6-C 6-D 62 55-F 62 62 107 107 1 41 41 107 108 Generator 1102733 Regulator 1118 30 2 Cranking Motors Standard lhJ7087 Hydramatic 1107088 Distributor 1110224 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Neutral Safety ..... 1997846 Solenoid Over-Drive 1118132 Over-Drive 1118155 Horns Low note 1999649 High note 1999650 Low note (Opr.) 1999669 High note (Opr.) 1999670 Horn Mtg. Bracket For 1999649-669 .. 1916783 For 1999650-670 .. 1916785 98-B 6-C 52-B 52-B 86-A 1 41 5-E 5-E 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 1952. 6-Cyl. (Eng. K. F. 226-2) Generator 1102782 Regulator 1118392 Cranking Motors Standard 1107087 Standard 1107125 Hydramatic 1107088 Hydramatic 1107126 Distributor 1110224 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Neutral Safety 1997846 Stop Light 1997913 Solenoid (Over-Drive) ..... 1118155 Horns Low note 1999649 High note 1999650 Horn Mtg. Brackets For 1999649 1916783 For 1999650 1916785 98-0 6-0 52-B 52-C 52-B 52-C 86-A 1 41 * 5-E 17-F 17-F 4 4 1953. 6-CyI. (Eng. K.F. 226-2) 41 41 4 4 1951. 6-CyI. (Eng. K.F. 226-2) 55 107 1 107 108 Model Group KAISER 1949-50. (Over-Drive) Solenoid Switch (6v). 1118132 5-E Generator 1102782 Regulator 1118392 Cranking Motors Standard 1107125 Hydramatic 1107126 Distributor 1110224 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next page) 98-0 6-0 5l-C 52-C 86-A 1 41 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. - Kaiser to Lycoming Aircraft Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Switches Neutral Safety & Back-Up .....•.... 1997846 Stop Light & Trunk Light 1997913 Solenoid (Over-drive) 1118155 Horns Low note ......•..... 1999649 High note .•......... 1999650 Horn Mrg. Brackets For 1999649 19167~ For 1999650 1916785 1950-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model Welder (Eng. Continental F-162) 5-E 17-F 17-F 91-A 67 106 106 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cy 1. Model Welder (Eng. Hercules QXLD & JXD) KENWOR.TH Model Ground Power Unit (Eng. Hercules JXD) 1949-50-51-52-53. Model 528 Truck (Eng. Buda LO-525) 1105917 1118354 724 1111767 111 525 1 106 6-D 18 105 41 1949-50-51-52-53. Model 532 Truck (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZR) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Generator 1101409 Pulley 1881877 Cranking Motor 1109460 Switches Control (Starting) .1996045 Control (Starting) .1996053 1102984 1118354 1108406 1111773 815877 815095 1115251 98-L 6-D 55.F 105 1 41 Generator 1101408 Cranking Motor I1U7974 Distributors For 1950 1110198 For 1950-51 1111824 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Control (Starting) .19%045 Control (Starting) . 1996053 91-A 54-B 85-E 105-8 1 41 106 106 1950-51-52-53. 2-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model Welder (Eng. Detroit Diesel 2-71) Generators 1950-51 1952 Cranking Motor 1101774 1100959 1109227 93-D 88-Q 64-A R. C. LeTOURNEAU III-D 7 Solenoid Switches 1949-50 1951 1952-53 101 106 17-D 17-0 4 (Over-Drive) 1118132 1118155 1118168 LYCOMINC AIRCRAFT ENCINE 23 LINCOLN 1949-50-51-52-53. Group 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models 0-290-A---125 H.P., 0-435-A---190 H.P. Generators 12 amp 1101881 20 amp 1101896 25 amp 1101882 24-volt-15 amp. CCW 1101884 CW 1101889 Regulators For 1101881 1118383 For 1101882 1118358 For 1101882 1118384 For 1101884-89 1118386 F(i)r 1101896 1118736 Cranking Motors 12v. 110%52 24-volt 1109665 Magnetic Starting Switch 1465 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 6-D 6-D 6-D 6-D 6-E 70 70 4 1953. 6-Cyl. 12 & 24 Volt Model 0290-A 125 H.P. 0-435-A 190 H.P. Generators 12v 20 amp. ....... 110 1896 24v 15 amp. 1101884 CCW CW 110 1889 Regulators For 1101896 1118736 For 1101884-89 1118386 Cranking Motors 12v 1109652 24v 1109665 Switch Magnetic Starting ..... 1465 93-G 93-G 93-G 6-E 6-D 70 70 4 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models 0-235-C 108 H.P. 0-290-0 125 H.P. 1949-50. 6-Gyl. 24-Volt. Model C-Dozer (Diesel) (Eng. I3uda 6DC-844) Generator 1106517 Regulator 1118526 Cranking Motor.......... 806 Switches Solenoid Starting .. 1118092 Control (Starting) ..19%027 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Horn Relay 1116781 Model LYCOMING AIRCRAFT ENCINE (Contd.) LINCOLN ELECTRIC CO. Kaiser (Contd.) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Group Model Qlvap 5-E 5-E 5-E 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. (Eng.O-235-C 108 H.P.) (Eng. 0-290-0 125 H.P.) Generators 12 amp 20 amp 35amp Opt. 24-volt Regulators For 1101878 For 1101891 For 1101897 For 1101893 Cranking Motor Opt. 24-Volt Magnetic Starting Switch Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1101878 1101891 ll01897 1101893 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 1118383 1118736 1118704 1118386 1109657 1109669 6-0 6-£ 6-E 6-D 70 70 1464 4 Generators 12v 20 amp 1101891 12v 20 amp 1101899 12v 35 amp 1101897 12v 35 amp 1101900 24v IS amp 1101893 24v 15 amp 110 190 1 Regulators Std. for 1101891, 99 1118736 Std. for 1101897, 900 ...... ..... .... 1118704 Std. for 1101893, 901 1118386 Parallel operation For 1101891, 99 1118882 For 1101897, 900 .. ....... ...... 1118840 Relay Parallel operation For 1101891-97 .... 1116887 Cranking Motors 12-volt 1109657 24-volt 1109669 Switch - Magnetic 1464 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 93-G 6-£ 6-E 6-D 6-H 6-G 4 70 70 4 Page 67 Mack to Mack Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group MACK 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model C-33 Bus---City type ~'lodel C-37 Bus (Engine EN-5i0, END-51O) Generator--120 arnpv-> Split field 1117567 123-B Fan 1910089 Pulley................. ••..• Mack part Regulator 1118544 9 Cranking Motors •...• 1109151 63-B END-510 only 1108874 59-F Distributor 1111550 95-A Clamp Arm 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches 2-B Magnetic Starting .• 1118121 Starring-vSol enoi d (Series-parallel) END-5ID only ... 1996477 100 Control (Light or Ignition) 1375 1 • Dimmer 1997014 Relays Stop Light 1116765 4 Directional Signal. 1116847 4 Tell-Tale (Gen.) •...• 268-X Tell-Tale (Gen.) .. 1116806 4 Horn 1116818 14 Horn 1999700 19 Model Group Mack (Contd.) 1106753 1106759 1106756 1106761 114 114 114 114 1118335 6-C 1118333 6-C 1118344 6-D 1118366 6-D Mack part 1910036 1107456 53-A 1111755 105 815877 1 815095 1115328 41 405-C 1994009 1997748 1997008 1999852 1858184 30 108 107 * 15-A 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models EH & EHT Trucks (Engine EN- 354-A) 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model EE Truck (Eng. Continental EN-271) Generators 28 amp 1102716 98-B 50 amp. (Opr.) .•.•• 1106753 114 50 amp. (Opt.) •.... 1106759 114 Regulators 6-C For 1102716 1118303 6-C For 1106753 .....•.. 1118335 6-C For 1106759 1118333 Pulleys For 1102670 Mack part For 1106753 Mack part Fans For 1102670 1866400 For 1106753 ...•.... 1910036 53-A Cranking Motor 1107456 Distributor 1111754 105 Advance Arm .•.. 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches Srarting '" 405-C 30 108 Light 1994009 107 Ignition 1997748 Dimmer 1997008 • Gas Gauge 1994010 108 Horn 1999852 15-C Horn Mtg. Bracket •.• 1915563 Page 68 Group Mack (Contd.) 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model EF Truck (Eng. Continental EN-290) Generators 50 amp 50 amp 40 amp. (Opt.) 40 amp. (Opt.) Regulators For 1106753 For 1106759 For 1106756 For 1106761 Pulley. Fan Cranking Moror Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Starting Lighting Ignition Dimmer Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket Model Generators 50 amp, 1106753 50 amp 1106759 40 amp. (Opr.) 1106756 40 amp. (Opt .) 1106761 Regulators For 1106753 1118335 For 1106759 1118333 For 1106756 1118344 For 1106761 1118366 Fan for 1106753 1910036 Cranking Motor 1107456 Distributor 1111751 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Starting 405-C Gas Gauge 1994010 Lighting 1994009 Ignition 1997748 Dimmer 1997008 Horn 1999852 Horn Mtg. Bracket •.. 1858184 114 114 114 114 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 53-A 105 41 30 108 108 107 • 15-C 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models Elf & EIlT Trucks (Eng. Mack EN-354-A) Generators 1106810 ........................ 1106827 (Continued on next column) 114-B 114-8 Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106827 1118368 6-D Pulley...................... Mack part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1107838 53-N Distributor 1111800 105-A Clamp Arm 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115043 41 Switches Starting •.•........ 405-C 30 Gas Gauge 1994010 108 Lighting 1994009 108 107 Ignit ion 19977 48 Dimmer 1997008 * Horn 1999851 15-C Horn Mtg. Bracket 1858184 1949-50. 6-CyI. 6-Volt. Models EQX & EHX Trucks (Engine EN-354-A) Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Starting Lighting Ignition Dimmer Horn Horn Mrg, Bracket .. 1102716 1118303 1883384 1866400 1107456 1111800 2070940 1115328 405-C 1994009 1997748 1997008 1999852 1858184 98-B 6-C 53-A 105-A 41 30 108 107 * 15-C 1949-50. o-c-r, 6-Volt. Models EHU True ks & EHUT Tractors (Engine EN-354-A) Generators 1106753 114 ........................... 1106759 114 Regulators For 1106753 1118335 6-A For 1106759 1118333 6-D Fan 1910036 Pulley Mack part Cranking Motor 1107456 53-A Distributor 1111800 105-A Clamp Arm 2070940 Ignition Coil 11 15328 41 Switches Magnetic (Starting).. 1464 4 Starter Not Delco-Remy Lighting 1994009 108 Ignition Not Delco-Remy Dimmer 1997008 * Horn 1999852 15-C Horn Mtg, Bracket .. 1858184 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy Mack to Mack CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Oroap Mack (Contd.) 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Yolt. Types 40 & 40-S Fire Apparatus (Engine EN-290) Type 45 Fire Apparatus (Engine EN-330) Generators 50 amp , 1106753 114 50 amp...•.•......... 1106759 114 28 amp. (Opr.) ••••• 1102716 98-B Regulators For 1106753 1118335 6-C For 1106759 1118333 6-C For 1102716 1118303 6-C Pulley Mack part Fans For 1106753--759 • 1910036 For 1102716 1866400 Cranking Motor 1107456 53-A Distributors For Eng. EN-300 .. 1111753 105 For Eng. EN-290 .. 1111755 105 Advance Arm For 1111755 815877 Advance Arm Dial For 1111755 ....•.... 815095 Ignition Coil .•........ 1115328 41 Switches Lighting ..•.••.••...• 1994009 108 Ignition 1994009 108 Dimmer Not Delco-Remy Horn .....•......•.•.•.•. 1999852 15-C Horn Mtg. Bracket ..• 1858184 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Type 55-A, 75-A, 505-A Fire Apparatus (Engine EN-510) Generators 1106810 114-B ......................... 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 •.•••.•. 1118339 6-C For 1106827 1118368 6-D Pulley Mack part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109151 63-B Distributor 1111795 I05-A Clamp Arm ...•.••..... 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Starting (Magnetic) Not D-R. Dimmer Not D-R Gas Gauge 1994009 108 Control (Starting) 1997746 106 Lighting 1994009 108 Ignition 1994009 108 Horn 1999851 15-C Horn Mrg, Bracket 1858184 Model GrOllP Mack (Contd.) Mack (Contd.) 1949-50. 12-Yolt. Model EQT Tractor, EQSW 6-Wheel Tractor (Engine EN-43l) Generators 1106810 114-B ......................... 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106827 1118368 6-D Pulley Not De Ico-Remy Fan 1910036 66-B Cranking Motor 1109441 Distributors .•........• 1111756 105 Flange mtg 1111795 105-A Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches 2-B Magnetic ............• 1118121 Control (Starting) 1385 106 Gas Gauge 1994010 108 108 Light •................ 1994099 Dimmer 1997008 * Ignition 1997748 107 Horn 1999851 15-C Horn Bracket 1915563 114-B 6-C 6-D 59-F 59-F 100 106 106 1049-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Models LR-2 & LR-3 Trucks (Diesel) (Eng. Cummins NUB-flOO, NHBS-600) Generator 1106805 Regulators 1118339 ......................... 1118368 Cranking Motor 11 08871 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Switches Solenoid (Seriesparallel) 1996474 100 Starting Not Delco-Remy Gas Gauge Not Delco-Remy Lighting •.........•..... 13 75 1 Lighting (1952) •••• 1998651 1 1997014 * Dimmer Pre heater .. 1375 Preheater (1952) t998651 1 Horn Not Delco-Rerny 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Yolt. Model LMSWM 6-Wheel Dump Trucks (Diesel) (Eng. Cummins HB-600) Generator 1106805 Regulators 1118339 ......................... 1118368 Cranking Motor ....... 1108863 Switches Magnetic (Seriesparallel) 1996474 Starter Push Button 1997746 Control (Starting) .. 1996027 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-2<1,-Yolt. Models LH, LJT & LJSW Trucks (Diesel) (Eng. Cummins HB-600, NHB-600) Generator 1106805 Regulators 1118339 ......................... 1118368 Cranking Motors For HB-600 Eng... 1108863 For NHB-600 Eng•. 1108871 Switches Solenoid (Seriesparall el) 1996474 Control (Starting) .. 1997746 Control (Starring) .. 1996027 Model Group 114-B 6-C 6-D 59-F 114-B 6-C 6-D 59-F 100 106 106 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Yolt. Models C-33, C-37, C-41 Diesel Buses (Engine END-672) Generator-12v120 amp 1117567 123-B Regulator 1118544 9 Fan 1910089 Pulley Mack Part Cranking Motor (24v) 1108874 59-F Switches Starting-Solenoi d (Series-paralle1).. 19964 77 100 Control (Starting)... 1996048 106 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 106 Fuel shut-off (Magnetic) 1424 2 Light 1375 1 Light 1998651 1 Dimmer 1997014 * Door Circuit 1998651 1 Battery Disconnect 1996471 30 Fuel shut off & Emergency stop (Solenoid) 1119757 * Heater Coil 1115479 41 (Continued on next page) Page 69 Delco-Remy Mack to Mack CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Mack (Contd.) Relays Stop Light 1116765 Directional Light .• 1116847 Heater 1116852 Ignition 1116852 Door & Brake Interlock 1116797 Tell=Tale (Gen.) 268-X Tell-Tale (Gen.) ..• 1116806 Horn •.....••••.......... 1116818 Horn (12v) ...••........ 1999700 1949-50-51-52-53. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 19 Page 70 123-B Mack 9 63 63-B 95-A 41 1 1 1 1 6-Cyl. tz-ven. Models LF & LFT (Engine EN-471, E~-510) Models LJ, LJT & LJSW (Engine EN-5IO) Models LF, J.J, LJSW, A54S & A54T Trucks LFT, LFSW & LJT Tractor (Eng. EN-5IO-A) Generators 1106810 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .•. 1106822 p4-B ·· .. · 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106822-27 11 18368 6-D Pulley Mack part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109151 63-B Distributor 1111795 105 ......................... 1111842 105-B Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches 2-B Magnetic 1118121 Starter Push Button 1997746 106 Control (Starting)..... 1385 106 1952-53 1996060 106 Gas gauge 1994010 108 Lighting Not Del co-Remy Ignition 1997748 107 Ignition (1952-53) .. 1116485 107 Dimmer 1997008 • Horns 15-C ......................... 1999851 17-F Low note (1952-3).1999593 17-F High note (1952-3).. 1999594 1116781 Horn Relay 4 Horn Mtg. Brackets For 1999851 1849037 For 1999851 1915563 For 1999593-4 1917275 Horn Support For 1999851 815474 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 19 Group Mack (Contd.) 2-B 106 106 106 106 Model Group Mack (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. I2-Yolt. Models C-41, C-45 Buses (Engine EN-672) Generator-120 amp.Split field .•..•••.... 1117;67 Fan .••.•..•....•........ 1910089 Pulley......... Furnished by Regulator 1118544 Cranking Motors ....•. 1109113 ......................... 1109152 Distributor 1111541 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Ignition 1375 Ignition 1998651 Light 1375 Light 1998651 Dimmer 1997014 Magnetic Staning. 1118121 Control (Starting) P.T.C. only 19%014 1949-50 1997746 1951-52 1996048 1952-53 199()060 Relays Door & Brake Interlock (951) .1116797 Heater 1116822 Heater & Ign 1116847 Heater & Ign 1116852 Tell-Tale (Gen.) ••••• 268-X Tell-Tale (Gen.) .• 1116852 Tell-Tale (Gen.) .• 1116806 Stop Light 1116765 Directional Light .. 1116847 1116818 Horn Horn 1999700 Model 1940-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Yolt. Models C13K & ern. School Buses (Engine EN-354-A) Generators 1106753 114 50 amp.(5-5/8") 1I06757 114 ......................... 1106759 114 Regulators For 1106753 1118335 6-C For 1106757-59 1118333 6-C Fan 1910036 Pulley......................... Mack part Cranking Motor 1107456 53-A (Continued on next column) Distributors 1111800 1952 .... ·· ······1111833 1952-53 1111844 Clamp arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Starting 405-C Lighting 1994009 Ignition 1997733 Ignition (1952-53)..1116487 Dimmer 1997008 Horn Set (1999519-20) ....... 1880226 Horns--1951 Low note 1999657 High note 1999658 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay I J 16775 105-A 105-B 105-B 41 30 108 107 107 . 17-F 17-F 4 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. l2-Volt. Mode ls LJ Truck, J.JL LlISW Tractor & LJSW 6-Wheel (Engine EY-707, E~-707-A) Generators 1106810 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106822 114-B ......................... 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106822-27 1118368 6-D Pulley Mack part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109152 63-B Distributor 1111780 105 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches 2-B Magnetic Starting ... 1118121 106 Control (Starting) .. 1997746 Control (Starting) .... 1385 106 Control (Starting) (1952-53) 19%060 106 Gas Gauge 1994010 106 Lighting Not Delco-Remy Ignit ion 199774~ 107 (1952-53) 1116485 107 1997008 • Dimmer Switch Knob (Light) 1990678 15-C Horns 1999851 17-F Low note (1952-3) .1999593 17-F High note(I952-3). 1999594 Horn Mtg. Brackets For 1999851 1915563 For 1999593-4 1917275 4 Horn Relay 1116781 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Mack to Mack De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Mack (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. Model Group Mack (CQntd.) 6-Cyl. 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. iz-ven. Types L-19. L-60. L-BO & L-125 Models L-85. L-95 & L-B5 Aerial (Engine EY-707. ENF-707-B) Model LMSWM 6-Wheel Truck (Gasoline) (Engine EY-707) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. ~lodel U1U Truck (Engine EN-51O) 1106810 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106822 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106822-27 1118368 6-0 Pulley....................... Mack part Fan 1910036 63-B Cranking Motor 1109151 Distributors 1111795 105 1952-53 1111842 105-B Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 41 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches 2-B Magnetic 1118121 106 Control (Starting) .. 1997746 Control (Starting) ...... J385 106 Control (Starting) (1952-53) 1996060 106 Dimmer .•••.•..•..•.• 1997008 * Light 1994009 108 Ignition 1997748 107 (1952-53) 1116485 107 Relay (Circuit Breaker) 41O-N 31 Not Delco-Remy Horn Generators Group Mack (Contd.) iz-ven. Generators •••••.••... 1106810 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106822 114-B ......................... 110;127 114-B Regulators For 1106810 1118339 6-C For 1106822-27 •••. 1118368 6-0 Pulley Mack part Fan 1910036 --Cranking Motor 1109152 63-B Distributor 1111780 105 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Gas Gauge 1994009 106 Control (Starting) 1385 106 Control (Scarring) .. 1997746 107 Control (Starting) (1952-53) 1996060 106 Ignition 1994009 108 Switch Knob (Light)••1990533 Model Group Generators 1106810 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106822 114-B 50 amp. (5-5/8") .. 1106827 114-B Regulators For 1106810 ........ 1118339 6-C For 1106822-27 •... 1118368 6-0 Pulley........ Mack part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109152 63-8 Distributor 1111780 105 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 2-B Control (Starting) ... 1997746 106 Control (StartIng).... 1385 106 Control (Start i ng) (1952-53) 1996060 106 Lighting 1994009 108 Ignition 1997733 107 Ignition (1952-53).. 1116487 107 Dimmer 1997014 • Switch Knob (Light). 1990515 Switches (Cont..) Fuel shut-off (Magnetic) Door circuit Fuel shut-off (Solenoid) Horn Heater coil 1424 1998651 2 1 1119757 1999700 1115479 2-A 4 41 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. ~lodel 225 Fire Truck (Engine ENF-33l) Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arms 21/64 hole Ignition Coil Switches Starting Dimmer Dual Ignition Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Bracket Horn Relay 1106757 114 1118333 6-C Mack part 1910036 1107456 53-A 1111819 105-B 2070940 1918898 1115327 41 405-C 1997008 1994537 1999657 1999658 1917275 1116775 30 * 108 17-F 17-F 4 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. ~Iodel C-50 Bus (Fluorescent Lighting) (Engine END-672) Generator Not Delco-Remy Regulator Not Delco-Remy Cranking Motor 1108874 59-F H.elays Door Control 1116797 4 Damper Control 1116797 4 Clutch Control 1116797 4 Throttle Control 1116797 4 Direct Shift 1116797 4 Tell-Tale (Ge n.) .• 1116806 4 Starter Interlock 1116806 4 Direct Signal s 1116847 4 Stop Lamps 1116847 4 Running Circuit 1116852 4 Throttle Interlock. 1116852 4 Front & Rear Blowers 1116852 4 Emergency Lighting 1116852 4 Horn 1116818 4 Brake interlock 1116797 4 Stop lamp 1116852 4 Switches Series-parallel 1996477 100 Lighting 1375 1 Lighting (1952-53).1998651 1 Dimmer ........•..•.• 1997014 * Control (Starting) .... 1385 106 Control (Starting) (1952-53).......... 1996060 106 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1950-51-52. s-c-i. 12-Volt. ~Iodels 525 & 5275 Fire Trucks (Engine ENF-510A) Generator 1106822 114-B Regulator 1118368 6-0 Pulley Mack Part Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109151 63-B Distributors 1111795 105-A 1952 1111842 105-B Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Magnetic 1118121 2-B Control (Staning).... 1385 106 Control (Start ing) 0951-52) 1996060 106 Dimmer 1997008 • Dual Ignition 1994537 108 Horns Low note 1999593 17-F High note 1999594 17-F Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay ...:: 1116781 4 Page 71 Mack to Mack Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Mack (Contd.) Mack (Contd.) 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model A20n Truck (En~ine EN-2(1) 114 6-C 6-E 53-A 105-B 105-B 41 30 • 17-F 17-F 4 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. s-veu. Model A20H, A20U Truck (Engine EN-29I) Model A30H Truck (Engine EN-33 n Generators Std. 35 amp 1102716 Std. 40 amp 1102746 Opt. 50 amp 1106757 Regulators For 1102716 1118302 For 1102746 1118382 For 1106757 (50-A) 1118333 For 1106757 (55-A) 1118395 Pulley For 1102716-746 ... 1883325 Fan For 1102716-746 ... 1866400 Pulley & Fan For 1106757 1911488 Cranking Moror 1107456 Distributors 1111819 For EN-291 Eng 1111844 For EN-331 Eng 1111843 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Starring 405-C Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic 1464 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 Horns Low note 1999657 High note 1999658 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay 1116775 Page 72 98-B 98-e 114 Generators Std. 6-volt 1106757 114 Opt. 12-volt 1106822 114-8 Regulators For 1106757 (50-A) 1118333 6-C For 1106757 (55-A)I118395 6-E 6-D For 1106822 1118368 Pulley 1917697 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motors Std. 6-volt 1108951 61-B Opt. 12-voIr 1108956 61-B Distributors 1111819 105-B (Opr.) 1111843 105-B (Srd.) 1111844 105-B Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coils Std. 6-volt 1115327 41 Opt. 12-volt 1115043 41 Switches Starting 405-C 30 Dimmer 1997008 • Magnetic 1466 4 Control (Starting) 1996060 106 Ignition 1116485 107 Horns Std. 6-volt-Low note 199965 7 17-F 17-F High note 1999658 Opt. 12-voIr-Low note 1999593 17-F High note 1999594 17-F Horn Mrg, Bracket J917275 Horn Relay For Std. 6-voIr 1116775 4 12-volt 1116781 4 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-E 53-A 105-B 105-B 105-B 41 30 * 4 106 17-F 17-F 4 Model Group Mack (Contd.) 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt (l2-Volt Opt.) Models MOIl, A40T, A40S, A40X &A52U Trucks (Engine 377) Model A30B Truck (Engii.e EN-33I) Generator •........•.... 1106757 Regulator 50 amp 1118333 55 amp 1118395 Pulley & Fan 1911488 Cranking Motor 1107456 Distributor 1111819 ......................... 1111843 Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Starting 405-C Dimmer 1997008 Horns Low note 1999657 High note 1999658 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay 1116775 Model Group 1950-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model ASOIJ, A50T, ASORT, A50S, A50RST & A50X Trucks (En~. EN-431A) Generator 1106822 114-B Regulator 1118368 6-D Pulley Mack part Fan : 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109441 66-B Distributor 1111795 105-A Clamp Arms 2070940 21/64 hole 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches Magnetic 1118121 2-B Control (Starting) 1385 106 Control (Starting) (1952) 1996060 106 Dimmer 1997008 * (Continued on next column) Horns Low note High note Horn-Mtg, Bracket Horn Relay 1999593 1999594 1917275 1116781 17-F 17-F 4 1951-52. 6-Cyl. Models A51H, A5lT, A51S, AS1X, A51RT & A51RST Trucks (Engine END-51O) Generator 1106822 114-B Regulator 1118368 6-D Pulley Not Delco-Remy Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1109729 70-B Switches Magnetic 1118193 2-B Dimmer 1997008 • Series-parallel 1996474 100 Fuel shut-off 1119757 2-A Heater Coil 1115479 41 Horns Low note 1999593 17-F High note 1999594 17-F Horn Mtg , Bracket '" 1917275 Horn Relay 1116781 4 1951-52-53. s-c-i. 12-24-Volt. Models A55S, ASST, LJT. LJSW, L~ISWX. LFT. LFSW & LFLT Trucks (Engine END-672, END-673) Generator 12-volt-50 amp 1106822 114-B Regulator 1 I 18368 6-D Pulley Not Del co-Rerny Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor(2-4v). 1109718 70-B Switches Magnetic 1118193 2-B Dimmer 1997008 • Series-parallel 1996474 100 Heater Coil 1115485 41 Horns Low note 1999593 17-F High note 1999594 17-F Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay 1116781 4 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model 45 Fire Truck (Eng. ENF-33l) Generator 1106757 114 Regulatot 1118333 6-C Fan 1910036 Pulley......................... Mack part Cranking Motor 1107456 53-A Distributor 1111843 105-B Distributor Clamp 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Mack to Mack Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Mode! Group Mack (Contd.) Switches Dimmer ••••....•••••. Ignition Starting Horns Low note High note Horn Relay Horn Mrg, Bracket Mode! Group Mack (Contd.) • 1997008 1994537 405-C 108 30 Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Bracket Horn relay 1999657 1999658 1917275 1116775 17-F 17-F 4 4 Generator 1106822 114-B Regulator 1118368 6-D Fan 1910036 Pulley Mack part Cranking Motor 1109151 63-8 Distributor 1111842 105-B Distributor Clamp 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115251 41 Switches • Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1994537 108 Magnetic 2-B (Starting) 1118121 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 106 Horns 17-F Low note 1999757 17-F High not c 1999758 Horn Relay 1116781 4 Horn Mtg. Bracket .•. 1917275 Generator (l2v) 1106822 114-B Regulator 1118368 6-D Fan 1910036 Pulley.... Mack part Cranking Motor (24v).1109729 70-B Heater Coil 1115485 41 Switches Dimmet 1997008 Light 1995053 108 Magnetic (Starr.) (24v) 1118193 2-B Series-parallel 1996474 100 Fuel Shut-off (Magnetic) ........ 1119757 2-A Horns Low note 1999757 17-F High note 1999758 17-F Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay 1116781 4 • 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Std. 12-Volt. Opt. Models 1342P, 1342S, £34251', U42T, B42X Trucks (Eng. EN-40n 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model £3501' Truck (Eng. EN-431A) Generator Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Distributor Distributor Clamp Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Light Magnetic Starting Control (Starring) Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Bracket Horn Relay 1106822 114-B 1118368 6-D 1910036 Mack part 1109441 66-B 1111795 105-A 1918898 1115251 41 1997008 1995053 1118121 1996060 1999757 1999758 1917275 1116781 108 2-B 106 17-F 17-F 4 1953. Trucks Models U30P, B30S, £3::JOT, U30X (Eng. EN-33l) Generators Std. 40 amp 1102746 Opt. 55 amp l106757 Regulator For 1102746 1118382 For 1106757 1118395 Fan - For 1102746 1866400 Pulley For 1102746 1883325 Pulley & Fan For 1106757 1911488 Cranking Motor 1107456 Distributors For EN-291 Eng. (C.O.E.) 1111850 For EN-331 Eng .•. 1111849 Distributor Clamp 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995031 Starting 405-C (Continued on next column) Horns Std. 6-voltLow note 1999657 High note 1999658 Opt. 12-voltLow note 1999757 High note 1999758 Horn Mtg. Bracket •• 1717275 Horn Relays Std. 6-volt 1116775 Opt. 12-volt 1116781 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Trucks Models £3-41-5, £341X (Eng. END-510) 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 75, 505 Fire Trucks (Eng. ENF-510A) 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model £320P (Eng. EN-29l) Group Mack (eontd.) 17-F 17-F 1999657 1999658 1116775 1917275 Mode! 98-C 114 6-D 6-E 53-A 105-B 105-B 41 • 108 30 Generators 6-volt ...............•. 1106757 12-volt Opt.••.....• 1106822 Regulators 6-volt for 1106757 .. 1118395 12-voltfor 1106822.1118368 Fan 1910036 Pulley 1917697 Cranking Motors 6-volt Std••.•..•.•.. 1108951 12-volt Opt ...•...... 1108956 Distributors Std•••••.•••.••.•....•. 1111849 e.O.E .•....•......... 1111850 Distributor Clamp .... 1918898 Ignition Coils Std. 6-volt ....••.••.. 1115328 Opt. 12-volt 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116485 LIght - Std. 6v ..•.. 1995031 Light - Opt. 12v .•• 1995053 Starting 405-C (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 114 114-B 6-E 6-D 61-B 61-B 105-8 105-B 41 41 107 108 108 30 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt.Trucks Models 1361-S, D61-ST, D61-1', LFT, LFLT, LFSW, LJSW, LJT, U1SWX (Eng. END-673) Generator 12v Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor (24v) Heater Coil Switches Dimmer Light (tlB" models only) Magnetic Starri ng (24v) Series-parallel Horns Low note High note Horn Mrg, Bracket Horn Relay 1106822 114-B 1118368 6-D 1910036 Mack part 1109718 1115485 70-B 41 1997008 1995053 108 1118193 1996474 2-B 100 1999757 1999758 1917275 1116781 17-F 17-F 4 Page 73 Delco-Remy Mack to Maple Leaf Truck CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Mack (Contd.) 1106822 114-8 1118368 6-0 1910036 Mack part 1109151 63-8 1111842 105-8 1918898 1115251 41 1997008 1994547 1995053 1118121 1996060 1999757 1999758 1917275 1116781 108 108 2-B 106 17-F 17-F 4 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. }lodel D-405 Fire Truck (Eng. ENF-401) Generator 1106757 114 Regulator 1118395 6-£ Fan 1910036 Pulley......................... Mack part Cranking Motor 1108951 61-B Distributor 1111849 105-8 Distributor Clamp 1918898 Ignition Coil 1115 328 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition (Dual) 1994547 108 Light 1995031 108 Starting 405-C 30 Horns Low note 1999657 17-F High note 1999658 17-F Horn Mtg. Bracket 1917275 Horn Relay 1116775 4 MAPLE LEAF TRUCK (Canada) 1949. Series 16-17 Generators Standard for 16 1102667 98 Standard for 17 1102670 98 City Service for 16.1102677 98 City Service for 17.1105855 105-B 12-volt for 17 ....... 1106631 113-B Fans For 1102670-677 ••• 1866400 For 1106631 1868751 For 1105855 1880558 (Continued on next column) Page 74 Regulators For 1102667 1118301 6-C 6-0 For 1102677 1118349 6-C For 1102670 1118303 G-D For 1105855 1118350 For 1106631 1118214 6 Cranking Motors 52-A For 16 1107055 6-volt for 17 1107418 53 58-A 12-volt for 17 1108676 Distributors For 16 1112353 107 6-volt for 17 1110100 85-C 12-volt for 17 1111770 105 Di s t, Vacuum Controls For 16 1116043 4 For 17 1116026 4 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115 380 41 12-vo1t 1115043 41 Switches Lighting 1995031 108 Ignition 1116452 107 Dimmer 1997008 * Stop Light 1997901 Blocks Fuse 1998773 Headlamp Junction 1865535 Horns 6-voltNot D-R Single 5837798 Not D-R Low note 5837825 Not D-R High note 5837826 12-volt15-A Single for 17 ..... 1999802 17-0 Low note for 17 .. 1999521 17-0 High note for 17 •• 1999522 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 4 4 12-volt 1116818 (Canada) 1950. Model Group Maple Leaf Truck (Contd.) lQS3. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. :Ylodels D-75, D-505 Fire Trucks U=ng. E~F-464) Generator .....•........ Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Distributor Distributor Clamp Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Ignition (Dual) Light Magnetic Starting Control (Starting) .. Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Bracket Horn Relay Model Series16-17 Generators Standard for 16 1102667 98 Standard for 17 1102670 98 City Service for 16 .. 1102726 98-B City Service for 17 .. 1105855 105-B Regulators 6-C For 1102667 1118301 6-C For 1102670 1118303 6-0 For 1102726 1118361 6-D For 1105855 1118350 Fans For 1102670-726 1866400 For 1105855 1880558 Pulley for 1105855 .. 1883325 Cranking Motor ....... 1107055 52-A Distributors For 16 1112358 107 For 17 1112356 107 Di st, Vacuum Control For 16 1116043 4 Advance Arm For 17 1886392 1 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 (Continued on next column) Group Maple Leaf Truck (Contd.) Switches Dimmer Ignition Light 1997008 1116464 1995031 107 108 Stop Light 1997901 * Block-Head Lamp ......... 1865535 Horns Single ......... 5837798 Not D-R Dual-Low note .. 5837825 Not D-R High note .. 5837826 Not D-R Horn Relay 1116775 4 Horn Bracket 1879664 P late- Bracket Reinforcement ...... 1910293 Bracket Clamp Plate 815474 J unction (Canada) 1951. Series 16-17 Gerierator s Std. for 16-First jobs 1102667 98 After first jobs 1102749 98-C Std. for 17 1102716 98-B City Service98-B For 16 1102726 For 17 1105855 105-B Fans For 1102716-26 1866400 For 1105855 1880558 Pulley For 1105855 ........ 1883325 Regulators 6-C For 1102667-749 1118301 6-C For 1102716 1118302 6-D For 1102726 1118361 6-0 For 1105855 1118350 52-A Cranking Motor 1107055 Distributors For 16First jobs ......... 11123 58 107 107 After first jobs .. 1112363 107 For 17 1112360 Di st, Vacuum Control 4 For 16 1116043 Advance Arm 1 For 17 1886392 41 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches 107 Ignition 1116464 108 Light 1995048 Dimmer 1997008 * Stop light 1997901 Fuse Block 1998781 Junction Block-Headlamp 1865535 Horns 15-A Single 1999801 17-F Dual-Low note 1999651 17-F Dual-High note 1999652 4 Horn Relay 1116775 Bracket-Horn Mtg 1879664 Reinforcement-Horn Bracket ....... 1910293 Plate-Bracket Clamp 815474 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Group Group Marmon-Herrington (Contd.) Mercury Mfg. Co. (Contd.) MARMON- HERRINCTON 1949. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model M1I-440-4 Truck (Eng. Hercules WXLC-3) Generator .....•........ 1105875 Regulator ......•....... 1118314 Cranking Motor .....•. 1108953 Distributors 642-S Opt. with tachometer adaptor 1110130 Advance Arm ." 1841689 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Ignition 1997786 Light ............•..•. 1994030 Magnetic Starring .• 1118124 Control (Starting) .. 1996027 Switch Knob (Light) 499-X Horn 1999852 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1855611 Model (koup Marmon-Herrington to Minneapolis-Moline 105-A 6-C 61 43 85-C I 41 • 107 2-B 106 • 15-C 1949. Model "Deliverall" Door-to-Door Delivery ([ag. Willys "Jeep") Generator 1105876 105-B Regulator 1118350 6-D Fan 1880558 /:laffle 1880946 Pulley Marmon-Herrington parr Current Limit Relay 410-N 31 Ignition Switch 1997781 107 Horn 1999876 15-C Horn Mtg. Bracket 1849866 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-Volt. Models TC-44, TC-48 Trolley Coaches (Engine Trolley) Generators 25 amp 1105911 106 25 amp.-C.W 1105919 106 5-5/8" Dia 1106805 114-B Fan for 1106805 1910036 Regulator 6-C Positive ground 1118318 8-B Opt. heavy duty 1118609 Relays Generator Indicator Light 1116845 4 Step Light 1116822 4 Heater 1116822 4 Heater 1116818 4 Stop Light 269-N • Current Limit........ 41O-N 31 Switches Dimmer 471-U Directional Signal..406-A Start. 30 Control 1415 106 Control 1996014 106 Control 1996049 106 Control 1996061 106 Control (Center door) 1996064 106 Horns High note 1999526 17-D Low note 1999525 17-D Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 110m Relay 1116818 4 53-A 52-A Cranking Motors 1107443 Optional 1107042 Distributor 625-F Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115328 Switches Magnetic Starting ..... 1464 Control (Starring) .. 1996027 Horn 1999986 83 41 4 106 7-A 1953. 4-Cyl. Model A-440 "Banty" Industrial Tractor (Eng. Waukesha FK) Generator Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil 1102726 1866400 1118311 1107042 625-F 815877 815095 1115328 98-B 6-C 52-A 83 41 MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE MERCURY (Ford) 1949-50-51-52-53. Solenoid Switches 1949-50 1951 1952-53 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. \lodel \1Il-555-4 Truck (Eng. Hercules nxc: Generator 1106629 Regulator 1118316 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributors 642-1' Opt, with tachometer adaptor 1110130 Advance Arm 1841689 Ignition Coil 1115044 Switches Dimmer 1997014 Ignition 199778() Light 1994030 Magnetic Starring .. 1118121 Control (Starting) 1996027 Switch Knob (Light) 499-X Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 113-B 6-C 63-B 43 85-C I 41 10 7 2-B lOG • 1s-c (Over-Drive) 1118132 1118155 1118168 5-E 5-E 5-E MERCURY MFC. CO. 1949-50-51-52-53.4,-Cyl. \lodel A-440 "Banty" Industrial Tractor (Eng. Waukesha FK) Generators (Opr.) Regulator For 1102726 Fan-For 110242') For 1102726 Pulley 1102423 1102726 96 98-1:l 1118311 18586u4 1866400 1862l:L9 6-C 1949-50-51-52-53. ~Iodels 165-1.A, 206-A-4A, 283-4,A, 403-4A, 425-6A, 605-6A, l210-12A Power l ini ts Generators 6-volt 1101354 12-volt (For 425-(,A, 605-6A, 1210-12A) ........ 1101783 12-volt--1951-'S2 (For 425-6A. 60'S-6A, 1210-12,A) ...... 1100954 Cranking Motors 6-volt (For 165-4A, 206A-4A, 283-4A) 1107905 G-volt (For 403-4A) ...... 1108937 12-volt (For 425-6A, 605-6A, 12l0-12A) ....... 1108959 Switches Light (6v) 1995603 Light (12v) ........••.. 1410 Control (6 & 12v) .1996045 91 93-D 88-Q 54 61-A 61-13 10H *' 10(; (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Page 75 Minneapolis-Moline to Minneapolis-Moline Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group Minneapolis-Moline (Contcl.) 1949-50-51-52. 4-CyI. Model GTB Tractor (Engine 403-A) Generators 1951-52 Cranking Motor Switches Control Light Model Minneapolis-Moline (Contd.) s-vsn, 91-A 88-C 61-A 1996045 1994526 106 108 Generators 1951 Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arm Ignirion Coil Switches Control Combination 1952-53. 4-Cyl. Model "G-4" Harvester (Eng. 206C-4) 1101398 1100505 1107905 1111711 2070940 1115381 91-A 88-C 54 97 1996045 1994526 106 108 41 1949-50-51. Model S-I1arvester (Combine) (Eng. Continental F-226) Generators 1951-52 Cranking Motors 1949 1950-51-52 Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil 1101384 1101416 91-A 91-A 736-G 1107970 1111728 1885650 1115381 45 54-B 97 1 41 1949-50-51-52. s-veu. Model "RT" Tractor (Engine EE) Generators 1951-52 Cranking Motor Distributor Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Control Light 1101398 1100505 1107025 1111711 2070940 1115381 91-A 88-C 52 97 1996045 1994526 106 108 41 1949-50-51-52. Models UTS, UTU Tractors (Engine 283-A) Generators 1951-52 Cranking Motors 1951-52 Distributor Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Control Light Pa&e 76 1101398 1100505 1107905 1107977 1111 718 2070940 1115381 91-A 88-C 54 54-B 97 1996045 1994526 106 108 41 1100513 1107092 1111559 2070940 1115379 Generator 1100505 Cranking Motor 1107025 Distributor 1111711 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Combination ........ 1994526 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Mrg, Bushing (For 1996053) ....... 1911548 88-C 52 97 41 108 106 1952-53. 6-Cyl. Model S-Harvester (Combine) (Eng. Cont, F-226) 1951-52. 4-Cyl. Model Power Units (Engine V-206-4) Generator Cranking Motor Distributor Distributot Clamp Ignition Coil Group Minneapolis-Moline (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. Model "ZA" Tractor (Engine 206B-4) 1101398 1100505 1108937 Model Group 88-C 52-c 95-A 41 Generators 1952 1952-53 Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil 1101416 1100527 1107970 1111728 1885650 1115381 91-A 88-C 54-B 97 1 41 1952-53. 4-Cyl. s-veu, Model "V" Farm Tractor (Eng. ZXI3-3) 1951-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model Uni-Tractor (Eng. V 206-4) Generator 1100513 Cranking Motor 1107092 Distributor 1111559 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switch Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Mtg. Bushing (For 1996053) ....... 1911648 88-C 52-C 95-A 41 106 Generator Relay Cranking Motors Distributors Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Light & Ignition For Model "V" 1101856 1116816 1109604 1111715 1910500 1115381 93-F 4 69 97 1 41 .. 1994525 108 1952-53. 4-·Cyl. 6-Volt. Model "BF", "BIG" Tractor (Eng. Hercules IXB-3) 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model GTB - Tractor (Eng. 403C-4) Generator Relay Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Li~ht Switch Switch Knob Generator 1100954 Cranking Motor 1108983 Distributor 1111748 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115043 Combination 1994554 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Mtg , Bushing (For 1996053) .... 1911548 1101856 1116816 1109609 1111736 1843580 815095 1115381 1995603 1990556 93-F 4 69 97-A 1 41 • • 88-Q 61-B 97-A 41 108 106 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Minneapolis-Moline to Motor Coach Industries Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX MOTOR COACH INDUSTRIES, Ltd. Minneapolis-Moline (Contd.) Generator .•••••••.••.•• 1100954 Cranking Motor •••••• 1107605 Distributor ......•.••••• 1111748 Distributor Clamp ••• 2070940 Ignition Coil .........• 1115043 Switches Combination •••••••• 1994554 Control (Starting) .. 1996053 Mtg. Bushing (For 1996053) .....• 1911548 Choke Rod 1991549 88-Q 53-G 97-A 41 108 106 1953. 4-Cyl. iz-ven, Models USE, USN, UTC, UTI, UTlL, UTS, UTU (Eng. 283 B-4) Generator ..........•••• 1100954 Cranking Motor ••••••• 1107605 Distributor 1111 748 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Combination ........ 1994554 Ignition (UTI, UTIL) 1116481 Control (Starring) .. 1996053 Mtg. Bushing (For 1996053) ...... 1911458 88-Q 53-G 97-A 41 lOS 107 106 1953. 4-Cyl. tz-ven. Models UBUD, UBED, UBND, UTCD, UTID, UTILD, UTSD Diesel Tractors (Eng. D283-4) Generator Cranking Motor Switch - Lighting Switch Knob 1100954 1109236 1995604 1990556 88-Q 64-A 108 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-Yolt. Models ZAS, ZBE, ZBN, ZBU Tractors (Eng. 206G-4) Generator 1100954 Cranking Motor 1108109 Distributor 1111711 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Combination 1994 554 Control (Starting) .1996053 Mtg. Bushing (For 1996053) ....... 1911548 Motor Coach Industries, Ltd. (Contd.) (Canada) 1953. 4-Cyl. 12-Yolt. Model "GTC" Tractor (Eng. 340A-4) 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Yolt. Model 100 (Eng. LH.C. RED-450) Generator 1117378 Regulator 1118520 Shock Mtg. Package .. 1912201 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111787 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting) .•.• 1385 Control (Choke) 1435 Dimmer 1997008 Light (GlW8) .....• 1998605 Relays Horn 1116781 Tell-Tale 1116845 Horns Low note 1999526 High note 1999525 Hom Bracket 1860277 122-B 7 63-B 105-A 41 2-B 106 106 • 49 4 4 17-D 17-D (Canada) 1949. 6-Cyl. 12-Yolt. Model 200 (Eng. Continental R-6-572) Generator 1117378 Regulator 1118520 Shock Mrg, Package J912201 Cranki ng Motor 110915 0 Di stributor 1111779 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting .1118121 Control (Starting)... 1385 Control (Choke) 1435 Light (Gang) 1998605 Dimmer 1997008 Relays Horn 1116781 Tell-Tale 1116845 Horns High note 1999526 Low note 1999525 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1860277 41 108 106 Intemal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 8 7 7-B 63-13 105-A 105-A 41 2-B 106 106 106 49 49 • 4 4 4 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 63-B 105 41 2-B 106 106 49 • 4 4 17-D 17-D 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Models 50 & 85 Coaches (Eng. I.H.C. RED-4,so) Generators For "50" 977 For "50" 1117330 For ..85" 1117378 Pulley & Fan For 977, 1117330 1907395 (Continued on next column) Regulators For 977, 1117330 1118547 For 1117378 1118520 For 1117378 1118583 Shock Mtg. Package. 1912201 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributors 1111787 ........................ 1111813 Advance Arm For 1111813 ........ 1838617 Advance Arm Dial For 1111813 815095 Ignition Coil 1115 251 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starring)..... 1385 Control (Starting) ..1996048 Control (Starring) 0951-52) 1996060 Light (Gang) 1998605 Gang 1998653 Dimmer 1997008 Relays Horn 1116781 Tell-Tale 1116845 Misc 1116822 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1860277 122-B 7 (Canada) 88-Q 54-F 97 Model (koup Model (koup Model (koap 18 122 122-B (Canada) 1950-51-52-53. Model 75 H.P. Grader--4-Cyl. (Eng. I.H.C. UD-14A) Model 100 H.P. Grader--6-Cyl. (Eng. Ul.C. UD-16) Generator Regulator Fan Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Control (Push) Control (Starting) 0951-52-53) ...... 1106821 1118338 1910036 1109155 114-B 6-C 1118121 1996048 2-B 106 1996060 106 63-B Murphy Diesel Nash Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group MURPHY DIESEL 1949. 112 112 123-A 111-'582 123-13 For 1106'538 '58'59 For 1106518 588~ For 111-'5'52 1118514 For 111-'552-82 I1185~() Rheostat Control For 110(,538 ....... 5910 Cranking Mot or s C.W , 82'5 C.C. \\. 863 Opt. for Marine 850 Switches Starting (with mtg. bracket) 1996453 Starting (Opt. without mtg. bracket) .... 1996467 Solenoid (Opt. for Marine) 1118092 '5 '5 l\ e g ularor s 7 7-8 105 101 (~enerators 86~ 860 1102702 1102712 I 118~02 llO-'')'5() R.H.D.....•.•........ lJO·()59 Distributor I j i 0216 Advaric e Arm 1886656 Ignition Coil II 15380 Switch--Starting 1996478 7-b n n-A 23-A 1996453 105 1118182 10 I-A 98-A 98-A 6-C 54-A 54-A 86 I 41 30 Standard Opt, 40 amp Regulators For 1102730 For 1102748 Cranking Mot or s Standard R.H.D Distributors ......................... Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Switch--Srarting (Jenerators ......................... Regulator Cranking :'vIa tors R.ll.D Distributor Vacuum Control I gnition Coil Swite-h--Starting Page 78 110T702 1102712 1118302 11094 51 1109458 1112351 1116045 1115328 1996478 98-A 98-A (,-C (,7 (,7 107 4 41 30 98-B 98-C 1118302 1118382 6-C 6-D 1109463 II09464 1112351 1112378 1116045 1115380 1996478 107 107 4 41 30 1951. G7 6- 1102730 1118302 11 094 '59 11094(,1 1112351 111(,045 1115328 19964 78 98-13 6-C 67 (,7 10 7 4 41 30 'lode! 5040 (Statesman) Generators ......................... Regulator Cranking Motors Standard Standard lULU IULD Distributor Vac uurn Control Ignition Coil Swite-h--Starting 1102712 1102 730 I 118302 98-A 98-A 6-C 1109451 1109459 1109458 11094(,[ 1112351 1116045 1115328 1996478 67 67 667 107 98-B 98-C 6-C G-D G'" 67 G7 10:' 107 4 41 30 106 5-E I7-F 17-1' 41 30 'lodel 5060 (Ambassador) Generators ......................... Regulator Cranking Motors Standard R.H.D Hydramatic Distributors ......................... Advance Arm Ignition Coil Switches Control (Hydramatie) Starting (Std.) Model 5140 Statesman Generators Standard 1102730 Opt. 40 amp 1102748 Regulators For 1102730 1118302 For 1102748 1118382 Cranking Motors Standard 1109463 R.H.D 1109464 Hydramatic 11094(,5 Distributors 1112351 ......................... 1112378 Vacuum Control 1116045 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Starting (Std.) ...... 1996478 Control (Statting) llydramati c 199(,044 Solenoid (Opt . Over' Drive) 1118155 Mo unt i ng Bushing For 1996044 ........ 1911563 Horns L.Il.--Low not c 1999657 JUL--High note 1999658 110m \Itg. Bracket 1918034 1951. ]Q4Q. 6-Cyl. 600 Series, \1odel 4940 1102-30 11 0 2748 5-1', 1950. Model 5010 Light Six Wngine 600) ] 950. NASH Model 51]0 Rambler ] 940-50. (Optional Over-Drive) Solenoid Switch ((w).1118132 1050. '5-A '5 Group Generators IlL 112 123-13 '5859 825 Generators •..••.•.......••.....••.. Regulator Cranking Motors Generator JZegulator Cranking Motors R.f1.D Distributor Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Switch--Starting 24-:)~- Vol t. Industrial S \Jarine (En!':. ~lE-4, \JE-6, \JF:-650) '59JO 5887 1118579 1951. 105 I <);):). 1106538 1106548 1117582 6-Cyl. '5-A 23 23-A 23-A Model Nash (Contd.) Ambassador Series, \lode14960 1106538 1106548 1117552 2·h C.C.W 24\ C. \\ 32\' \brine Regulators For 1106'538 Rhe os t at control for 1106538 For 1106548 For 1111582 Cranking \lotors C.1l;. 2h C.C.\\.24\ 32\ :\larine Switches Starting SoIenoic ' Opt. Mar i n« ...... Group Nash (Contd.) 1{)tQ-;)0-51-52. 24-:32-Volt. (Eng. ME-4, ~1E-6, \lr~-650) Genu a tor s 24\'--C.C. W 24 v-r-C. \\ 32\' (Upt.) 40 amp. Opt. for Mar ine (40 amp.) Model \lode] 5160 Ambassarlor Generators 1102712 1102730 1118302 98-A 98-B 6-C 1107950 1107959 110 796'5 111021G 1110223 188')65() 1115380 54-A 54-A '54-B 86 86-A 1996044 1996478 106 30 1 41 Standard 1102730 Opt. 40 amp 1102748 Regulators For 1102730 1118302 For 1102 748 1118382 Cranking Motors Standard 1107950 II ydr a rnar i c 11079(,5 R.II.D 1107959 Uistributors 1110223 w/Gear 1110225 w/Gear 1110227 Advance Arm For 1110223 only .. 1885656 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next page) 98-B 98-C G-C 6-U 54-A 5·4-B 54-A 86-A 8(,-A 8('-A I 41 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Nash to Oldsmobile Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Switches Start irig (Std.) ...... 1996478 Control (Starting) Hydrarnati c ....... 1996044 Solenoid (Opt. Over-Drive) ...... 1118155 Vacuum (Over-Drive) ...... 1997900 Mounting Bushing For 1996044 1911563 Horns L.H.--Low note 1Y99657 R.H.--High note 1999658 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1918034 5-E 5 17-F 17-F 1102776 1118731 98-D 6-E 11 07119 1107120 1112382 1116045 1116072 1115380 1996478 52-C 52-e 107 -4 4 41 30 \lodel 5240 Statesman Generator 1102777 Regulator 1118732 Cranking Motors Standard 1107119 R.H.D 110712Q lIydramatic 1107121 Distributor 1112382 Vacuum Control 1116045 Vacuum Control 1116072 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Starting (Std.) ...... 1996478 Control (Start.) Hydramatic ....... 1996044 Control (Starr.) lIydramatic ....... 1996074 Solenoid (Opt. Over-Drive) 1118155 Mounting Bushing For 1996044 ........ 1911563 Horns Low note 1999641 High note 1999642 110m Mtg. Bracket 1918034 1952. lOG Switches Starting (St d.) ...... Control (Std.) Hydramatic ....... Control (Start.) Hydramatic ....... Solenoid (Opt. Over-Drive) ..... Vacuum (Opt. Over-Drive) ...... Mounting Bushing For 1996044 ........ Horns Low note High note Horn Mtg. Bracket 98-0 6-E 52-C S2-C 52-C 107 4 4 41 19%478 10 1996044 106 1996074 106 1118155 5-E 1997900 5 1911563 1999641 1999642 1918034 17-F 1 7-F 106 S-t: 17-F 17-1" .'\1odel 5260 Ambassador Generator 1102777 Regulator 1118732 Cranking Motors Standard 1107950 R.H.D 1107959 Hydramatic 1107965 l lydramari c 1108007 Distributor 1110227 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next co l urnn) 1953. 6-Cyl. \lode I 5310 Rambler Generator 1100021 87-A Regulator 1118731 6-E Cranking Motors Standard 1107119 52-C R.B.D 1107120 52-C Hydrarnati c 1107136 52-0 Distributor 1112382 107 Vacuum Control 1116072 4 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 Switches Starting (Std.) ...... 1996478 30 Control (Starting) Hydramatic ....... 1996074 106 Control (Starr. Less Vac.) Hy dr amat i c ....... 1996077 106 Solenoid (Opt. Over-drive) ....... 1118155 5-E Mounri ng Bushing For 1996074, 77 1911563 Horns Not D-R 30 106 98-D 6-E 54-A 54-A 54-B 54-B 86-A 41 1953. .'\lodel 5340 'Statesman Generator 1102777 Regulator 1118732 Cranking Motors Standard 1107119 R.H.D 1107120 lIydramatic (wjSw.)1107121 Hydramatic , 1107136 Distributor 1112382 Vacuum Control 1116072 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Starting (St d.) ...... 1996478 Control (Starting) Hydramatic ....... 1996074 Control (Start. Less Vac.) Hydramatic ....... 1996077 Solenoid (Opt. Over-drive) 1118155 Mounting Bushing For 1996074-77..... 1911563 Horns Low note 1999641 High note 1999642 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1918034 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. <koup Nash (Contd.) Model 5210 Rambler Generator Regulator Cranking Motors Standard R.H.D Distributor Vacuum Control Vacuum Control Ignition Coil Switch--Starting 1952. 30 Model Group Nash (Contd.) Nash (Contd.) 1952. Model Group 98-0 6-E 52-C 52-C 52-C 52-0 107 4 41 30 106 106 5-E 17-F 17-F 1953. Model 5360 Ambassador Generator 1102777 Regulator 1118732 Cranking Motor Standard 1107950 R.H.D 1107959 Hydramati c 1108007 Distributor 1110227 Igni tion Coil 1115380 Switches Starring (St d.) .•.•.. 1996478 Control (Starting) Hydramatic ....... 1996074 Solenoid (Opt. Over-drive) ....... 1118155 Vacuum (Opt. Over-drive) ....... 1997900 Mounting Bushing For 1996074 ........ 1911563 Horns Low note 1999641 High note 1999642 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1918034 98-0 6-E 54-A 54-A 54-B 86-A 41 30 106 5-E 5 17-F 17-F OLDSMOBILE 1949. .'\Iodels 76, 88, 98 Generators 76 Synchomesh 1102706 76 Hydramatic 1102707 88, 98 1102704 Re gularor 1118300 Crank i ng Motors 76 1107955 88, 98 1107956 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) for Top Lift on Convertible & Opt. on Model 98 for seat movement & window lift 1108572 Distributors 76 1110214 76 1110221 88, 98 1110814 88,98 1110817 Clamp Arm For 1110214 1865524 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Ignition 1116453 Light 1995030 Control (Starting) .. 1996038 Dimmer 19970Q8 Stop 1997725 Neutral Safety (Hy dr amar i c ) ..... 1997849 Directional Signal..1995542 (Continued on next page) 98-A 98-A 98-A 6-B 54-A 54-A 57 86 86-A 90 90-A 41 107 108 106 42 Page 79 Oldsmobile to Oldsmobile Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Oldsmobile (Contd.) Horns Low note High note Low note (Welded). High note(Welded). Horn Relay Horn Mtg , Bracket Batteries For76 For 88,98 Oldsmobile (Contd.) 1999617 1999618 1999647 1999648 1116775 1882451 17-E 17-E 17-F 17-F 4 15AA4 17K4 7C-2 7C-2 1950. Models 76, 88, 98 Generators 76 Synchomesh 1102706 76 Hydramatic 1102707 88 & 98 1102704 Regulator 1118300 Cranking Motors 76 1107955 88 &£ 98 1107956 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) for Top Lift on Convertible & Opt. on Model 98 for seat movement & window lift ......... 1108572 Distributors 76 1110221 88 & 98 1110817 Advance Arm 1865524 Ignition Coi I 1115380 Switches Ignition 1116453 Light 1995030 Control (Starting) .. 1996046 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997725 Neutral Safety 1997849 Turn Signal 1995554 J unction Block 1998763 Horns Low note 1999647 High note 1999648 Horn Mtg, Brackets For 76 & 88 1882451 For 98 (L.H.) 1913856 For 98 (R.H.) 1913858 Relay--Horn 1116775 Batteries For 76 15AA4 For 88 & 98 17K4 98-A 98-A 98-A 6-C 54-A 54-A 57 86-A 90-A 1 41 107 108 106 * * * 42-A * 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 1051. 8-Cyl. Model 88 Syncromesh & Hydramatic Model Super 88 Syncromesh & Hydramatic Model 08 Syncromesh & Hydramatic Generators 1102704 45 amp 1102771 Regulators For 1102704 1118300 For 1102771 1118725 Pulley & Fan For 1102771 ....... 1921939 (Continued on next co lurrm) Page 80 Model Group 98-A 98-C 6-C 6-E • Oldsmobile (Contd.) Cranking Motor ...... 1107982 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) 1108572 Distributor 1110824 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Control (Starting) .. 1996046 Ignition 1116453 Light 1995030 Neutral Safety (Hydramatic) ..... 1997887 Back Up & Neutral Safety (Opt. on hydramatic) ...... 1997875 Stop Light 88 1997725 Super 88 & 98 1997901 Super 88 & 98 1997915 Turn Signal Opt. on 88 & Super 88 ......... 1995559 Back Up Light (Syncromesh) .... 1997893 Junction Blocks 88 1998763 Super 88 & 98 1998784 Horns 88--Low note 1999647 88--High note 1999648 Super 88 & 98 -Low note 1999665 High note 1999666 Low note 1999671 High note 1999672 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets 88 1882451 Super 88 & 98 L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 Batteries 17K4 ........................... 17K6 54-B 57 90-A 41 * 106 107 108 • • •* 42-A * 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 7C-2 1952. 8-Cyl. Models "88" Standard & Deluxe, & "98" Syncromesh & Hydramatic Generator 1102780 Regulator 1118725 Cranking Motor 1107997 Distributor 1110824 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting 1116476 Light 1995030 Back Up Light Opt. Syncromesh.1997893 Control (Start .) Syncromesh only.1996053 Neutral & Back Up Hydramatic 1998011 Stop Light 1997915 Turn Signal Opt. on SS 1995563 J unction Block 1998784 Horns Low note 1999665 High note 1999666 (Continued on next column) Model Group 98-D 6-E 54-B 90-A 41 • 107 108 110 106 • 111 * 17-F 17 - F Horn Mtg, Brackets R.H L.H Horn Relay Bartery ,; 1919060 1919062 1116775 17K6 4 7C-2 1953. 8-Cyl. tz-v-u. Series Deluxe "88," Super "88," "98" Syncromesh & Hydramatic Generator 1102003 Regulator •............. 1118750 Cranking Motor 1107603 Motor (Hydraulic pump) 1108592 Distributor 1110824 For Dynaflow ••••• 1110843 Ignition Coil 1115082 Resistance Unit 1923681 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting 1116476 Light 1995055 Back Up Light (Opt. on Syncromesh) .. 1997893 Rear Seat Speaker. 1998024 Neutral Safety (Syncromesh) .... 1998031 Neutral Safety. Back Up & Shift Indicator (Hydramatic) 1998026 Turn Signal 1995572 Turn Signal 1995582 Neutral Safety, Back Up &£ Shift Indicator (Dynaflow) ...... 1998070 Rear Seat Speaker (Opt.) 1998024 Au Conditioning (Blower) ......... 1998042 Stop Light (Std.) .. 1997915 Stop Light (Opt. w/Power brakes) 1998030 Air Condit ionir.g (Control) .......... 1998789 Electric Antenna .. 1998046 Horns Low note 1999753 High note 1999754 Horn Relay 1116781 Hom Mtg. Brackets R.H 1919060 L.H 1919062 Battery 3EE70 93-M 6-E 53-G 57 90-A 90-A 41 * * 107 108 110 * * • 111 111 • • . * 17-F 17-F 4 7C-2 (Canada) 1949. Series 35 (6-Cyl.) Series 37-38 (B-Cyl.) Generators For 35 Standard ... 1102706 For 35 Hydramatic.1102707 For 37-38 1102704 Regulator 1118300 Cranking Motors For 35 1107955 For 37-38 1107956 (Continued on next page) 98-A 98-A 98-A 6-C 54-A 54-A Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Oldsmobile to Oliver Corporation Delco-ReIDy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model CkoIlp Oldsmobile (Contd.) Distributors 6-cyl. for 35 ......•• 1110214 86 8-cyl. for 37-38 .•.• 1110814 90 1 Advance Arm for 35 .1865524 Ignition Coil 1115380 41 Switches 107 Ignition 1116453 Control (Starting) .1996038 106 Lighting 1995030 108 Dimmer 1997008 * Neutral Safety Hydramatic only. 1997849 Stop Light 1997725 Directional Signal For De Luxe 42 models 1995542 Junction Block ....•.. 1998763 Horns For 35-37-Low note 5837929 Not D-R High note 5837830 Not D-R For 38--Low note .. 1999617 17-£ For 38-High note .. 1999618 17-1:': Horn Mtg. Bracket 1882451 Horn Relay 1116775 4 Oldsmobile (Contd.) Oldsmobile (Contd.) (Canada) 1951. Series 36-38 (8-Cyl.) Generator 1102704 Regulator 1118300 Cranking Motor 1107982 Distributor 1110824 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition I 116453 Light 1995030 Turn Signal 1995559 Control (Starting) •. 1996045 Stop Light 1997901 Neutral Safety (Hydramat i c) 1997887 J unction Block 1998784 Horns Low note 1999665 High note 1999666 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 Model Group Group 98-A 6-C 54-B 90-A 41 107 108 42-A 106 17-F 17-F 4 Switches Ignition 1116476 Dimmer 1997008 Light 1995055 Turn Signal 1995572 Back Up Light Opt. Syncromesh. 1997893 Neutral Safety & Back Up L i ghr-« Hydramatic .... 1998026 Neutral Safety Syncrome sh ....... 19980 31 Stop Light -Standard 1997915 Stop Light -Power brakes .... 1998030 Horns Low note 1999755 High note 1999756 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket L.H.....•....•. _ ..... 1919060 Horn Mrg, Bracket R.H. & Power Cooling 1919062 107 * 108 III IIO 17-F 17-F 4 (Canada) 1952. (Canada) 1950. Series 35 (6-Cyl.) Series 37 (8-Cyl.) Generators 98-A For 35 Standard ... 1102706 98-A For 35 Hydramatic 1102707 For 37 1102704 98-A 6-C Regulator 1118300 Cranking Motors 54-A For 35 1107955 54-A For 37 1107956 Distributors 86-A 6-cyl. for 35 1110221 90-A 8-cyl. for 37 1110817 Advance Arm for 35 .. 1865524 1 Ignition Coil II 15380 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 * Ignition 1116453 107 Light 1995030 108 * Stop Light ....•.•... 1997725 Control (Starting) .1996046 106 Directional Signal 42-A DeLuxe models .. 1995554 Neutral Safety (Hydramatic) .... 1997849 * Junction Block-Head Lamp 1998763 Connector--Stop Lamp (3-way) 1872486 * Horns Low note-Not D-R R.H 5837829 High note-L.H ........ 5837830 Not D-R Horn Mtg. Bracket .•. 1882451 II 16775 4 Horn Relay 8-Cyl. Series 36 Generator 1813401 Regulator 1118725 Cranking Motor 1107997 Distributor 1110824 Ignition Coil 1115 380 Switches Ignition & Starter.. 1116476 Dimmer 1997008 Light ....•.....•..... 1995030 Stop Light 1997915 Neutral Safety & Back-up Light HT jobs 1998011 Directional Signal •.. 1995 563 Junction Block-Headlamp 1998784 Horns--Optional Low note 1999665 High note 1999666 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 98-C 6-E 54-B 90-A 41 107 108 * * III * 17-F 17-F Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Generators Standard .....•....... Optional Cranking Motor Switch--Light Battery............ 1101779 1101775 II09225 1994534 17K4 93-D 93-0 64 108 7C-2 1949-50. 4-Cyl. Models "90." "99" & "900" Tractors (En~ine 90) 12-Volt. Generators 36 (U.S.A.) 30 1102003 36 (Canadian) 1813612 Regulator 1118749 Cranking Motor I 107603 Motor - Hydraulic Pump 1108592 Distributor II10824 Ignition Coil 1115082 Resistance Unit 1923681 (Continued on next column) 1949-50. 12-Volt. Farm Tractor Models "77" & "78" Diesel Tractors 4 (Canada) 1953. Series 30. 36. OLIVER CORPORATION 93-M 98-C 6-£ 53-G 57 90-A 41 Generators For "90," "99" 946-M For "900" 1101387 Cranking Motor .••. 700 Switches Starting ....•.......... 405-E Lighting 1994002 Light 1995625 Switch Knobs For 1994002 499-X For 1995625 1990556 Battery 17K4 41-A 91-A 18 30 108 108 * 7C-2 Page 81 Oliver Corporation to Oliver Corporation Model Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Group Model Oliver Corporation (Contd.) Oliver Corporation (Contd.) 1949-50-51. Farm Tractors Model 66--4-Cyl. Models 77 & 88--6-Cyl. 1951. 4-Cyl. Farm Tractor Models "99," "900" Tractors (Engine 90) Generators Incl. Regulator •.••• 1101391 Incl. Regulator ..... 1100504 Cranking Motors For Model 66 (1949-50) ..••....•• 1107065 For Models 66. 77, 88 1107939 Distributors For Model 66 •.•.•.• 1111704 For Models 77, 88 .1111702 Clamp--Hold Down 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Combination 1994526 Combination 1994532 Combination 1994534 Starting 405-E Relay 1116865 Batteries 15 AJ 1 ........................... 15AJ4 ........................... 15AA4 Generator 1101426 Cranking Motor 700 Distributor 1111411 Switches Starting 405-E Light (Rotary) 1994002 Ignition 1995625 Switch Knobs Light 499-X Panel 1990649 Batteries 17K4 ........................... 17K6 91-A 88-C 52-B 54-A 97 97 1949-50-51-52-53. Model 33 Grain Master Combine (Eng. Continental F-226) Generators 1101391 ........................... 1100504 Cranking Motor 736-G Distributor 1111728 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Combination .....••• 1994 526 Combination 1994532 Magnetic Starting. .•• 1464 Control (Starting) .. 1996027 30 108 108 7C-2 7C-2 1952. 4-CyI. Model 99 (Engine 90) Farm Tractor. Generator 1101426 Cranking Motor 700 Distributor 1111411 Switches Starting 405-E Light (Rotary) .•... 1994002 Panel 1995625 Switch Knobs Light 499-X Panel 1990649 Battery................... 17K6 91-A 18 94-A 30 108 108 7C~2 1952-53. Gas Model "66" 4-Cyl. Farm Tractor 91-A 88-C 45 97 1 41 108 108 4 106 1951-52-53. 12-Volt. Models "66," "77" & "88" Farm Tractors (Diesel) Generator 1100953 Cranking Motors "66" 1108610 "77" & .. 88'.' 1109233 For "77" & "88" .1109170 Switch-Light 1994534 Relay 1116865 Batteries.. 17K4 ........................... 17K6 .......................... 15AA6 91-A 18 94-A 41 108 108 108 30 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 88-Q 57-B 64-A 63-B 108 4 7C-2 7C-2 7C-2 88-C 54-A 97 97 41 108 30 4 7C-2 1953. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Model 99 Gas & Diesel Tractors (Eng. Own~ Gas & Diesel Generators 6-volt Gas 1100504 12-volt Diesel 1100953 Cranking Motors 6-volt Gas 1108951 6-volt Gas 1109753 12-volt Diesel 1109229 (Continued on next column) Group Oliver Corporation (Contd.) Di stri butor 6-volt Gas 1111731 97-A Di st, Clamp 2070940 * 1115381 41 405-£ 30 Ignition Coil 6-volt Gas Switches Starting Combination Gas Gas & Diesel 1994532 1994534 108 108 Industrial Tractors 1949-50-51. 6-Volt. "Cletrac" Model HG Tractor (Eng. Hercules IXK-3) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch 1101853 5908 110960 2 406-A 93-F 5-A 69 30 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. "Cletrac" Model AD Tractor (Eng. Hercules DOOD) Generators 1952-53 Starting Switch Models "77" & "88" 6-Cyl. Farm Tractor Generator Incl. Regulator ..•.. 1100504 Cranking Motor ....... 1107939 Distributors For 66 1111704 For 77 & 88 1111702 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Combination 1994534 Starting 405-£ Relay 1116865 Battery................. 15AA6 Model Group 1101742 1100981 1996476 93-C 88-Q 30 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. "Cletrac" Model AG Tractor (Eng. Continental F-226) Generator (& Re g.) •. 1102424 Cranking Motor 110 79 3 7 Distributor 1111766 Advance Arm 1862875 Ignition Coil 1115381 Starring Switch 406-A 96 54-A 105 1 41 30 194Q-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. "Cletrac" Model BD Tractor (Eng. Hercules DJXC) Generator Regulator 1102534 5884 96-D 5 88-C 88-Q 1949-50-51-52-53. "Cletrac" Model BG Tractor (Eng. Hercules JXC) 61-B 70-B 64-A Generators Service Cranking Motor 1101662 1101417 721-F 93 91-A 34-A (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Oliver Corporation to Oshkosh Truck Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Oliver Corporation (Contd.) Distributor .••••..•••.. 1110198 Advance Arm .••••.•. 1838144 Advance Arm Dial •.• 815095 Ignition Coil ••••••••• 11153Bl Starting Switch 406-A 85-E 1 41 30 1949-50-51-52-53. 24-Volt. "Cletrac" Model DD Tractor (En~. Hercules DRXB) Generator 1105951 Cranking Motor 1109323 Switch Control (Starting) .. 1996027 106-B 65 106 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. tz-veu. "Cletrac" Model DG Tractor (En~. Hercules RXC) Generator 1101713 Cranking Motor 1108954 Distributors 0949 only) 649-H ......................... 1111783 Ignition Coil 1115043 Starting Switch 406-A 93-B 61-B 84 105-A 41 30 1949-50-51-52. 12-24-Volt. "Cletrac" Model FDE Tractor (En~. Hercules DFXE) Generator 1105912 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 805 Switches Control (Starting)••. 1996027 Starting (Seriesparallel) 1996474 106 6-0 23 106 100 1952-53. 4-Cyl. s-ven. Model OC-3 (Eng. Hercules.IXK3, IXD3) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Starting Switch 1101855 5908 1109602 40G-A Oliver Corporation (Contd.) 88-Q 63-B 108 1953. 12-24-.Yolt. Model OC-18 Tractor (Hercules DFXE) lOG 6-0 23 106 100 1953. Models 166HC, 17711C, 188HC, 19QHC Gas Power Units Models 166D, 177D, 188D, 199D, Diesel Power Units 88-C 88-Q 64-A 97 97 97-A 41 41 108 30 Generator 1105914 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motors 1108954 All e xc, W-312 For W-312 1108955 Distributors For W-1700-10, 642-T W-1700-15 For W-312 1110198 Advance Arms For W-1700-10 & W-1700-15 1842916 Ignition Coils For W-312, W-1700-1O, W-1700-15 1115251 ~Iodel 43 85-E 41 Models W-2201, W-1600-0G (Eng. Buda !\lO-893) ~Iodel W-2205 (Eng. Uuda 6DCS-844) Models W-1600-CD, W-1600-CDH (Eng. Cummins HUI-600) Generator 1106660 Regulator 1118316 Cranking Motors For W-2204, W-2205, W-1600-BD W-1600-BDH, 806 W-1602-BDH For 2200, W-2201, W-1600-BG 838 Disrributor--F or W-2200, W-2201 •... 1111791 Clamp--For W-2200, W-2201 .... 2070940 Coil--For W-2200, W-2201 •... 1115251 Swi tc h--Series-parallel (Used with 806 Motor) 1996474 \lodels W-1600-CDS, W-I600-cDSli (Eng. Cummins 6-11131S) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 61-B 61-B 1949-50-5I. Model W-2200 (Eng. nuda MO-779) W-906 (Eng. Cummins HU-600) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch--Seriesparallel 106 6-0 Models W-2204, W-1600-0D W-1600DDI1, W-1602-13DH (Eng. iluda 6DC-844) ~lodel W-1603-CD (Eng. Cummins 6-B13D) 88-C 54-A 97 Models W-703, W-705 &646 (En~. Hercules RXLD) 54-A 53-A 57-B 1949. 93-F 5-A 69 30 Models W-1700-10, W-1700-15 (Eng. Hercules RXC) Model W-700 (Eng. Hercules RXCO) Generator 1105912 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 805 Switches Control (Starting) .J 996027 Starting (Seri e sparallel) 1996474 Generators For Gas Models •.•• 1100504 For Diesel Models. 1100953 Cranking Motors For 166HC, 1nHC, 188HC 1107939 For 199HC 1107443 For 166D 1108610 For InD, 188D, 199D 1109229 Distributors For 166HC 1111704 For 177HC, 188HC.1111702 For 199HC 1111731 Ignition Coil (All models) ........ 1115328 Oshkosh Truck (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. Model W-312. (Eng. Hercules WXLCO-3) 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model OC-6 Tractor (Diesel) (En/o!;. Waukesha 185DA) Generator 1100953 Cranking Motor 1109170 Switch-Combination.. 19945 34 Group Model Group OSHKOSH TRUCK 1953. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Mode10C-6 (Eng. Waukesha 185-GA) Generator 1100504 Cranking Motor 1107939 Distributor 1111702 Distributor Clamp .•. 2070940 Ignition Coil 1115381 Switches Combination 1994534 Starting 405-E Model Group 1106805 1118339 1108863 114-B 6-C 59-F 1996474 100 113-C 6-C 23 23-A 105 41 100 Page 83 Del.co-Remy Oshkosh Truck to Plymouth CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Group Packard (Contd.) Oshkosh Truck (Contd.) Models 250 & 300 (Engine 327) Model W-1700-10, W-1700-15 (EnR. Hercules RXC) Model W-700 (EnR. Hercules RXCO) Model W-646, W-703, W-705 (Eng. Hercules RXLD) 1105914 1118354 106 6-D 1108955 1108954 1110198 1842916 1115251 61-8 61-B 85-E 1 Generator ..•........... 1102745 Regulator 1118360 Cranking Motor •...... 1107943 Distributor .•.........• 1110825 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer ..••.........•. 1997008 Glove Compartment Standard ..••....... 1998782 R.H.D •.........•... 1997888 Solenoid Opt. Over-drive .. 1118132 Opt. Over-drive •. 1118155 Horn Relay .....••..... 1116775 98-C 6-U 54-A 90-A 41 5-E 5-E 4 Models 250 & 300 (Engine 327) 1949-50. 8-Cyl. 2200 & 2300 Series Model Standard 8 (Engine 288) 98-C 98-0 6-E 54-A 54-8 90-A 41 • • 5-E 4 Model Super 8 (Engine 327) Generators For 2200 Series 1102705 For 2300 Series 1102715 Regulators For 1102705 1118331 For1102715 .......• 1118360 Cranking Motor .•..... 1107943 Distributor ..•••........ 1110811 Ignition Coil .•........ 1115380 Relays Horn ....•.........•... 1116775 Overdrive 1116823 Switches Dimmer .•......••.... 1997008 Glove Compartment For 2200 Series. 1997829 For 2300 Series .1997857 Solenoid (6-volt) Opt. Over-drive ... 1118005 Page 84 98-A 98-8 6-C 6-D 54-A 90 41 4 4 5-E 1953. 8-CyI. Model 200, Clipper Series (Engine 288) Model 250, Clipper DeLuxe Series (Engine 327) Model 300, Cavalier Series (Engine 327) Generator 1102778 Regulator 1118726 Cranking Motor Eng. 288 1107943 Eng. 327 1108008 (Continued on next column) Distributors Early production •.• 1110836 Later production 1110841 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Glove Compartment Standard 1997872 R.H.D 1997888 Solenoid (Opt. Over-drive) 1118155 Relay--Horn 1116775 90-A 90-A 41 5-E 4 1949. 12-Volt. ~iodel 344-01' (Eng. Waukesha 140-GK) Generator (26 arnp.) Pulley & Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial 1952. 8-CyI. 2500 Series Models 200 & 200 DeLuxe (Engine 288) PACKARD Group • • PE'rERBILT MOTOR CO. 41 Generators ......•••..• 1102773 Extruded frame ..... 1102778 Regulator ..•••..•.••... 1118726 Cranking Motors 1107943 .•••.......•.....••••.•.. 1108008 Distributor ........••..• 1110825 Ignition Coil ....•.•••. 1115380 Switches Dimmer ...........•.•• 1997008 Glove Compartment Standard 1997872 R.H.D 1997888 Solenoid (Opt. Over-drive) 1118155 Relay (Horn) 1116775 Model Packard (Contd.) 1951. 8-Cyl. 2400 Series Models 200 & 200 DeLuxe (Engine 288) 1953. Model W-312 (En,:;. Hercules WXLCO-3) Generator .••.•..••..•• Regulator ••.••••••.••• Cranking Motors For W-312 ••..•..•• All others ....•..•.. Distributor •.•••••••••. Advance Arm •........ Ignirion Coil ......•..• Model 98-D 6-E 54-A 54-8 .1106638 1880220 1118316 1108954 1111775 815877 815095 113-8 6-C 61-B 105 1 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Model 344-DT Highway Service Model 354-01' Off-Highway Service (Eng. Cummins HB-600) - Generator 1117313 122 Regulator 1118512 7 Cranking Motor 1108863 59-F Switches Starring Series-parallel 407- J 100 Series-parallel 1996473 100 Combination (Gang) 1998601 49 Control (Starting) 1385 106 Control (Starring) .. 1996048 106 Control (Starting) (1951-52) 19%060 106 Dimmer 1997008 * Light (Gang) 1401 Comb. 10 Horns Low note 1999521 17-0 High note 1999522 17-0 Horn Mtg. Bracket •.. 1872391 Relay-Horn 1116781 4 PLYMOUTH 1952-53. Solenoid Switch (Over-drive) Opt... 1118155 5-E Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. De1co-Remy Pontiac to Pontiac CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Pontiac (Contd.) PONTIAC 1949. Models "25"--6-Cyl. "27"--S-Cy1. Generators 1102711 Police 1l06403 Regulators For 1106403 1118352 For 1102711 1118301 Pulley & Fan For 1106403 1880689 Generator Mtg , Brackets For 1106403 Front •.•............. 504945 Rear 506299 Cranking Motors 6-cy!.--L.H.D.•....• 1107079 8-cy!.--L.H. D 1107957 All R.H.D 1107934 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) For Top Lift on Convertibles .•..... 1108572 Distributors 6-cy!. IlI0219 8-cy!. 1110816 Clamp Arms For 1110219 1881756 For 1110816 1873331 Ignition Coil Il15 380 Switches Control (Starting) L.H.D 1996037 R.H.D 1996039 Ignition ......•........ 1116461 Light .•.•••••••.••••.. 1995032 Stop Light •.......... 1997725 Dimmer ••••••.••....•. 1997008 Neutral Safety (Hydramatic) ..... 1997846 Relays Horn ........•.•.•.••.• 1116775 Starter Control (R.H.D.) 269-G Junction Blocks Headlamp .•.....••... 1865535 Opt. for Turn Signal 1998756 Horns Low note ...•••...••• 1999613 High note .........•.. 1999614 Low note (welded) .. 1999645 High nocerwel ded) .• 1999646 Batteries All Domestic ••.••••.• 15 E-4 Police ...•............•. 19E-4 98-A III 6-0 6-C 52-B 54-A 54-A 57 86-A 90-A 41 106 106 107 108 • • 52-B 54-A 54-A 57 86-A 90-A 41 106 106 107 108 • • 4 4 17-F 17-F 7C-2 7C-2 4 • 17-E 17-E 17-F 17-F 7C-2 7C-2 1950. Models "25"--6-Cy1. "27"--S-Cy1. Generators Standard ......•..•..• 1102711 Police 1106403 F.B.I. 1102757 Regulators For Il02711 1118301 For Il06403 IIl8352 For Il02757 1118300 (Continued on next column) Fan & Pulley For 1106403 ........ 1880689 Adapter--Oil filler pipe Use with 1106403 ... 504951 Cranking Motors 6-cy!. 1107079 8-cy!. 1107957 R.H.D 1107934 Motor (Hydraulic Pump) For Top Lift on Convertibles 1108572 Di srri butors 6-cy!. 1110222 8-cyl 1110818 Clamp Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Control (Starting) L.H.D 1996045 R.H.D 1996039 Ignition 1116461 Light 1995032 Stop Light 1997725 Dimmer 1997008 Neutral Safety 1997846 J unction Blocks Headlamp 1865535 Turn Signal 1998756 Fuse Block 1998777 Relays Starter (R.H.D.) 269-G Horn 1116775 Horns Low note 1999645 High note 1999646 Batteries Standard 15 E4 Police 19E4 Pontiac (Contd.) • • • 98-B 111 98-C 6-C 6-0 6-C Model Group Model Group 1951. Models "25"--6-Cy1. "27"--S-Cy1. Generators Standard 1102750 98-C 45 amp 1102775 98-C For Police Car 1106403 111 For Police Car 1105900 105-C For F.B.I. Il02757 98-C Regulators For 1102750-57 1118300 6-C For 1102775 1118725 6-E For 1106403 1118352 6-0 For 1105900 1118722 6-E Pulley & Fan For 1106403 1880689 Generator Mtg. Bracket For 1106403 Front 504945 Rear 506299 Adaptor--Oil Filter Pipe Use with 1l06403 .. 504951 Cranking Motors 6-Cy!. 1107079 52-B 6-Cy!. 1107107 52-C 8-Cy!. 1107957 54-A 8-Cy!. 1107994 54-B R.H.D 1107934 54-A (Continued on next col umn) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Distributors 6-Cy!. 1110222 8-Cy!. 1110818 Clamp Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Ignition 1116464 Light 1995032 Dimmer 1997008 Stop Light 1997725 Control (Starting) L.H.D 1996045 R.H.D 1996039 ....................... 1996053 Neutral Safety ...... 1997846 J unction Blocks Headlamp 1865535 Turn Signal 1998756 Fuse Block 1998783 Relays Starter (R.H.D.) 269-G Horn 1 Il6775 Horns Low note 1999645 High note 1999646 Low note 1999673 High note 1999674 Batteries Standard 15 E-6 Police 19E-6 86-A 90-A 41 107 108 · 106 106 106 4 4 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 7C-2 7C-2 1952. Models "25"--6-Cy1. "27"--S-Cyl. Generators Standard Police Car Regulators For 1102769 For 1105900 Cranking Motors Std. 6-cy!. Std. 8-cy!. R.H.D Distributors 6-cy!. 8-cy!. Clamp Arm Ignition Coil Switches Ignition Light Dimmer Stop Light Control (Starting) L.H.D R.H. O Neutral Safety Fuse Block Junction Blocks Head Lamp Turn Signal Relays Starter Control (R.H.D.) Horn Horns Low note High note ....•....... Batteries Standard Police 1102769 1105900 98-0 105-C 1118725 1118722 6-E 6-E 1107107 1107994 1107934 52-C 54-B 54-A 1110222 1110831 1914530 1115380 86-A 90-A 1116464 1995032 1997008 1997725 107 108 1996053 1996039 1997846 1998783 106 106 41 • * 1865535 1998756 • 269-G 1116775 4 1999645 1999646 17-F 17-F 15 E6 19 E6 7C-2 7C-2 Page 85 Delco-Remy Pontiac to Pontiac CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Pontiac (Contd.) Pontiac (Contd.) 1953. 6-Volt. Models "25"-6-Cyl. "27"-a-Cyl. Generators Standard .•••.•.••••.. 1102794 98-D Police Car .......•.. 1105900 105-C Regulators 6-£ For 1102794 •..•..•. 1118725 6-E For 1105900 .•••..•. 1118722 Cranking Motors 6-cy!. .•..•........••• 1107107 52-C 6-cy!. (Power Glide •••.••.•.•••. 1107144 52-D 54-A 8-cy!. •....••.......• Il07957 8-cy!. (Power 54-C Glide) ••.••••••••• 1108031 Distributors 6-cy!. (Hydramatic).111 023 2 86-A 6-cy!. (Syncromesh).1110233 86-A Less Cap & Rotor 6-cy!. (Hy dra.) .... 1925987 6-cyl.(Syncro.) .. 1925988 8-cy!. 1110831 90-A Less Cap & Rotor 8-cy!. 1912885 Clamp Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil 1115378 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting 1116472 107 Light ...........••.•.• 1995052 108 Stop Light 1997725 * Back-Up Light (Syncrorne sh) .... 1997895 110 Back-Up & Neutral Safety 1998039 Back-Up & Neutral Safety (Power Glide) 1998071 • Hand Brake Warning Light 1998010 110 Blower 1998021 110 Fuse Block 1998785 • J unction Blocks Head Lamp 1865535 * Turn Signal 1998756 Horns Low note 1999645 17-F High note 1999646 17-F Horn Relay 1116775 4 Batteries Standard 15 E6 7C-2 Police •.•.. 19 E6 7C-2 (Canada) 1949. Series 20-22-25 (6-Cyl.) Series 27 (a-Cyl.) Generator 1102701 Regulator 1118301 Cranking Motors For 20-22-25 1107080 For 27 1107957 Distributors 6-cy!. for 20-22-25 1110219 8-cy!. for 27 1110816 Advance Arms For 20-22-25 ..••..• 1881756 For 27 1873331 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next column) Page 86 Model Group 98-A 6-C 52-B 54-A Switches Ignition ..•.••••...... 111646 I 1997008 Dimmer Stop Light 1997725 Control (Starting) •. 1996037 Lighting-For 20-22 1995031 For 25-27 1995032 Neutral Safety 25-27 Hydramatic.1997846 Blocks Fuse--For 25-27 .•. 1998777 Junction--All 1865535 Horns Low note 5837825 Not High note 5837826 Not Horn Relay 1116775 Pontiac (Contd.) 107 • 106 108 108 • * D-R D-R 4 (Canada) 1950. Series 20-22-25 (6-Cyl.) Series 27 (B-Cyl.) Generator 1102701 98-A Regulator 1118301 6-C Cranking Motors For 20-22-25 •.••••.• 1107080 52-B For 27 1107957 54-A Distributors 6-cy!. for 20-22-25 1110222 86-A 8-cy!. for 27 1110818 90-A Advance Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil Ill5380 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 * Ignition 1116464 107 108 Light for 20-22 1995031 108 Light for 25-27 1995032 Stop Light 1997725 Control (Starting) .• 1996045 106 Neutral Safety 25-27 Hydramatie.1997846 Blocks Fuse--Accessory • For 25-27 1998777 J unction--Head Lamp 1865535 Connector--Stop Light (3-way) ••••.• i872486 Horns Low note-Not D-R R.H 5837825 High noteL.H 5837826 Not D-R Horn Relay 1116775 4 Plate--Horn Bracket Clamp 815474 I I 41 Regulators For 1102701 1118301 For 1102750 •.•.•••• 1118300 Cranking Motors For 20, 22 Std., 25 1107080 For 20,22 "AT" .. 1107101 For 27 1107957 Distributors 6-Cy!. 1110222 8-ey!. 111 0818 Clamp Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil Il15 380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116464 Light (20-22) 1995048 Light (25-27) •.••.•• 1995032 Stop Light 1997725 Control (Starting) •• 19%045 Neutral Safety 20-22 "AT" jobs 1997845 25-27 Hydramatic 1997846 Blocks Fuse-Accessory (25-27) 1998783 J unction-Head Lamp ....... 1865535 ConnectorStop Light 1872846 Horns Low note 1999645 High note 1999646 Horn Relay 1116775 P late--Horn Support ..• 815474 6-C 6-C 52-B 52-C 54-A 86-A 90-A 41 107 108 108 • 106 * * * 17-F 17-F 4 • (Canada) (Canada) 1951. 86-A 90-A Model Group Series 20-22-25 (6-Cyl.) Series 27 (a-Cyl.) Generators First Prod Il02701 Later Prod Il02750 (Continued on nex.t column) 98-A 98-C 1952. Series 20-22-25 (6-Cyl.) Series 27 (a-Cyl.) Generator 1813400 Regulator II 18725 Cranking Motors For 20-22 Standard trans ... 1107080 Automatic trans •• 1107101 For Series 25 Il07080 For Series 27 Il07957 Distributors 6-cy!. 1110222 8-cyl. first prod.••• 1110818 8-cy!. later prod 1110831 Advance Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil Il15 380 Switches Ignition 1116464 Dimmer 1997008 Light For 20-22 1995048 For 25-27 1995032 Control (Starting) •• 1996045 Neutral Safety For 20-22 Auto. trans .... 1997845 Hydra. trans •••• 1997846 Stop Light 1997725 (Continued on next page) 98-C 6-£ 52-B 52-C 52-B 54-A 86-A 90-A 90-A 1 41 107 * 108 108 106 * * * Internal parts of units marked ($) are not sold separately. Delco-Remy Pontiac to Reo CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Glvap Pontiac (Contd.) Blocks Wire Junction •..... Accessory & Fuse Term. 25-27 Stop Lamp Connector Horns (Opt.) Low note for 25-27 High note for 25-27 Horn Relay Model Group Reo (Contd.) PULLMAN STANDARD CAR CO. 1865535 * 1998783 * 1872486 1999645 17-F 1999646 1116775 17-F 4 (Canada) 1953. Series 20-22-25 (6-Cyl.) Series 27 (B-Cyl.) Generators All (Canadian) ..... 1813663 25-27 (U.S.A.) ..•.. 1102794 Regulator 1118725 Cranking Motors 25 (Canadian) .••.• 1107080 25 (U.S.A.) 1107107 20-22 1107101 27 1107957 Distributors 6-cy!. Hydramatic .. l110232 6-cy!. Syncromesh. 1110233 8-cy!. 1110831 Clamp Arm 1914530 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Ign, & Starting 1116472 Light For 20-22 1995048 For 25-27 1995052 Stop Light 1997725 Back-Up Light 25-27 Syncromesh1997895 Back-Up & Neutral Safety 20-22 Hydramatic 1988040 25-27 Hydrarnaric 1998039 Neutral Safety 20-22Automatic.1997845 Hand Brake Warning Light (Opr.) 25-27 (U,S.A.) .•. 1998010 Fuse Block 25-27 ... 1998785 Junction Blocks without Turn Signal ..... 1865535 25-27 WI turn signal 1998756 Horns Opt. (Canadian) All U.S.A. Low note 1999631 High note 1999632 Horn Relay 1116775 1949-50-51. tz-veu. Trolley Coach Generators 1106807 ........................ 1106825 Regulator 1118338 Pulley & Fan Assembly Single groove 1910159 Double groove 1885439 Switches Combination For Chile 1998641 For Memphis Street Railway 1998643 For United Electric Railways 1998646 For Milwaukee Railway 1998647 For Georgia Power Co 1998640 Horns Low note 1999525 High note 1999526 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1872391 Relays Horn 1116781 Horn (Heavy duty). 1116818 Model Group 114-B 114-B 6-C 9-A 9-A 9-A 9-A 9-A 17-0 17-0 4 4 98-C 98-C 6-E Fans For 1102670-716 .. 1866400 For 1105877-909 .. 1880558 For 1106751-752801 1910036 Baffle For 1105877 ....... 1880946 Regulators For 1102670 -716 1118303 For 1105877' 1118314 For 1106751 1118335 For 1106752 1118344 For 1105909 1118316 For 1106801 1118338 Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107431 12-volt 1107826 Distributors For 0-19,0-119 ..... 623-K For 0-21, D-22, D-I21, D-122 .... 1110086 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Switches Control (Starting)... 1385 Ignition 1116456 Light 1994027 Dimmer 1997008 Horns 6-volt 1999816 12-volt 1999817 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1872391 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 53-A 53-M 82 85-B 41 41 106 107 108 * 15-A 15-A 52-B 52-C 52-C 54-A 86-A 86-A 90-A * 41 107 108 108 * 110 * * * 110 * * 17-F 17-F 4 REO 1949. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Series E-22 Trucks (Engine OA33l) 1949. 6-Cyl. 6 & tz-vou. ~1odels 0-19 Truck, 0-119 School Bus (Engine 245) Models 0-21 Truck, 0-121 School Bus (Engine 288) Models 0-22 Truck, 0-122 School Bus (Engine 310) Generators 6-volt30 amp. (Truck) .. 1102670 30 amp. (Truck).• 1102716 40 amp. (Opt. truck) 1105877 40 amp. (Opt. low cut-in) 1106752 40 amp. (School bus) 1105877 50 amp. (Opt. truck & school bus) .. 1106751 12-volt-25 amp 1105909 40 amp 1106801 Pulley Furnished (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 98 98-B 105-B 114 105-B 114 106 114-B by Reo Generators 30 amp 1102716 98-B 40 amp 1105877 105-B 40 amp. low cut-in. 1106752 114 40 amp. low cut-in. 1106758 114 50 amp 1106751 114 50 amp 1106757 114 Regulators 6-C For 1102716 1118303 6-C For 1105877 1118314 6-0 For 1106752-758 .. 11 18344 6-C For 1106751-757 .. 1118335 Fans For 1102670 ........ 1866400 For 1105877 •••••••• 1880558 For 1106751-752 •• 1910036 Fan Baffle For 1105877 1880946 Pulleys Furnished by Reo Cranking Motor 1107963 54-B Distributor 1111806 105-A Ignition Coil 1115328 41 Switches Control (Starting).... 1385 106 Dimmer 1997008 * 107 Ignition 1116456 Light 1994027 108 Horn _ 1999816 15-A Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 Page 87 Reo to Reo Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Reo (Contd.) 6-Cyl. 29, 33, 37 Coaches (Eng. Continental HT-6427) ~1odels 122-B 7 57-B 57-B 105 Page 88 Group Reo (Contd.) Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting)..... 1385 Solenoid (Heater Control) .•...•.....•. 1466 Light ..............•. 1994027 Dimmer ••.•.......••• 1997008 Horn 1999817 Horn Mtg. Bracket ••. 1872391 2-B 106 4 108 15-A 41 2-B 106 49 107 • 4 4 4 17-E 17-E 172-B 7 59-F 100 106 106 49 . 103 4 4 4 17-E 17-E 1949-50-51. iz-v-«, Models C-21-D Truck, C-121-D School Bus (Eng. nuda 6DT-317 Diesel) Generators .•.•.....•.. 1106801 ......................... 1106821 Regulator 1118337 Fan & Baffle 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108813 (Continued on next column) Model Regulators For 1106801-821 .• 1118337 Cranking Motor .••..•. 1109150 Distributor .•••.....•.. 1111779 Advance Arm .•....•.. 1843580 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Ignition 1116456 Lighting ........•...• 1994027 Dimmer .. 1997008 Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting) . '" 1385 Horns Low note 1999619 High note .•....•.•.. 1999620 Horn Mtg. Bracket ... 1872391 Horn Relay .•.......... 1116781 6-C 63-B 105 1 41 107 108 * u 1949-50-51. Model 37-eAD Coach (Eng. Hercules DWXLDF) Generator 1117380 Regulator 1118520 Cranking Motor ..•.... 1108863 Switches Starting .........•.•.• 1996474 Control 1385 Control ....•.....••..... 1415 Light ...••.•.•••...•.. 1998642 Dimmer 1997008 Solenoid ...........•. 1118040 Relays Generator Tell-Tale 1116845 Warning Light 1116850 Horn 1116781 Horns Low note ..•......... 1999619 High note ..•........ 1999620 Horn Mrg. Bracket ... 1872391 Group Reo (Contd.) 1949-50. Generator ....•........ 1117378 Regulator ...........•. 1118520 Cranking Motors .•... 1108604 ..........•..•......•... 1108608 Distributor ........•... 1111781 Distributor Hold Down Clamp .......• 2070940 Ignition Coil .......•.. 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting. 1118121 Control (Starting) ....• 1437 Light (Gang) •....• 1998649 Ignition 1116456 1997008 Dimmer Relays Horn 1116781 Gen. Tell-Tale ..•• 1116845 Warning Light 1116850 Horns Low note 1999619 High note ....•...... 1999620 Horn Mtg. Bracket ... 1872381 Model 114-B 114-B 6-C 59-D 1949-50-51. 6-Cyl. 6 & 12-Volt. Models D-23 & D-25 Trucks (Eng. Continental 1'-6-427) Generators Standard-s- 12v--25 amp ...••. 1105909 Optional-12v--40 amp .•...••• 1106801 12v--40 amp •.•.•.•• 1106821 6v--40 amp .•••..•.•. 1105877 Fans For 1105909 1880558 For 1105877 .•..••.• 1880558 Fan & Baffle For 1106801 •.•.... 1910036 Baffles For 1105909 1880946 For 1105877 1880446 Regulators For 1105909 1118316 For 1106801-821 ••. 1118337 For 1105877 ••••.•.• 1118314 Cranking Motors For 12-volt 1108409 For 6-volr 1108213 Distributor 1111774 Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coils For 12-volr .•.•.•... 1115043 For 6-volr .••.•..•.•. 1115328 Switches Control (Push) ..•..••. 1385 Ignition 1116456 Light .•..•••.•.....•. 1994027 Dimmer ...•.••.•..... 1997008 Horns High note (12v) .... 1999619 Low note (l2v) .••. 1999620 High note (6v) •...• 1999621 Low note (6v) ••...• 1999622 Horn Relays 6-volr 1116775 12-volr 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1872391 106 114-B 114-B 105-B 17-E 17-E 4 6-Cyl. 6 s 12-Volt. E-19 Truck, E-119 School nus (Eng. Gold Crown 245) 1950-51. ~lodels :'.1odels E-20 Truck, E-120 School Bus (Eng. OA-255) 6-C 6-C 6-C 55-F 55 105 41 41 106 107 108 • 17-E 17-E l7-E 17-E 4 4 1949.50-51. Models 30 & 31 Trucks (Eng. Continental R6-513, R6-602) Generators 1106801 ......................... 1106821 Fan & Baffle 1910036 (Continued on next column) 2-B 106 114-B 114-B l\lodels E-21 Truck, E-121 School Bus (Eng. OA-2(2) :',-Iodels E-22 Truck, E-122 Sc hool Bus (Eng. OA-33I) Generators 6-volt-Std. 30 amp. (1950) Truck ... 1102716 Std. 40 amp . (1951) 1102746 Opt. 40 amp. (1950) Truck 1105877 Opt. 55 amp 1106757 Opt. 40 amp . Low cut-in Truck 1106758 12-volt-25 amp. Truck 1105909 40 amp. Truck 1106821 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1102746 ....•... 1118382 For 1105877 .....•.. 1118314 For 1106757 50 amp. (1950) ... 1118333 55 amp. (1951) •.• 1118395 Opt. heavy duty 1118602 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106758 Opt. 50 amp ..•... 1118333 For 1105909 .......• 1118316 For 1106821 1118337 Fans For 1102716-46 •..• 1866400 For 1105877-909 ... 1880558 For 110675758-821 .••..•....•.. 1910036 (Continued on next page) 98-B 98-C 105-B 114 114 106 114-B 6-C 6-0 6-C 6-C 6-D 8-B 6-D 6-C 6-0 6-C Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Reo to Delco-Remy Reo CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Reo (Contd.) Fan Baffles For 1102716-746 ..• 1877887 For 1105877-909 ... 1880946 Pulleys ...••...•••••.. Furnished Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107963 12-volt 1108133 Gold Crown 245 .••. 1107431 Di srri butors For OA-292 eng .•.. 1111812 For OA-255 eng .... 1112365 F or Gold Crown 623-K 245 eng For OA-331 eng 1111806 For OA-331 (Propane Gas) 1111832 Distributor Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Advance Arm For 623-K 1843580 Advance Arm Dial For 623-K 815095 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volr 1115043 Swirches Control (Starting; ••. 1385 Dimmer 1997008 Ignition 1116456 Light 1994033 Horns 6-volt 1999816 12-volt 1999817 6-volt-Low note 1999649 6-volt--High note .. 1999650 12-volt--Lc note •. 1999599 12-volt--Highnote.. 1999600 Horn Mtg, Brackets .. 1872391 L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 N Model Group Reo (Contd.) by Reo 54-B 54-G 53-A 105-A 107 82 105-A 105-B 41 41 106 107 108 15-A . 15-A 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 1952. 6-Cyl. 6& 12-Volt. \1odels F-20 Truck, F-120 School Bus (Lst half 1952), G-20 Truck, G-120 School Bus (2nd half 1952) (Engine OA-255) Models F-21 Truck, F-121 School Bus (lst half 1952) G-21 Truck, G-121 School Bus (2nd half 1952) (Engine OA-292) Models F-22 Truck, F-122 School Bus (Ist half 1952) G-22 Truck, G-122 School Bus (2nd half 1(52) (Engine OA-331) Generators 6-volt--40 amp. ItF" Series 1102746 98-C ItG" Series •..•.• 1102788 98-D Low cut-in 1106758 11-4 6-volt-55 amp •.... 1106757 114 12-volt--40 amp .••. 1106821 114-B (Continued on next column) Regulators For 1102746 .••••••• 1118382 For 1102788 ......•. 1118743 For 1106758 Standard .•..•.•... 1118366 Opt. 50 amp ...... 1118333 For 1106757 Standard 1118395 Opt. heavy duty 1118602 For 1106821 1118337 Fan For 1102746-88 .... 1866400 Fan (& Baffle) For 1106757-8,821.19100,.36 Fan Baffles For 1102746-88 1877887 Pulleys Furnished Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107963 12-volt 1108133 Distributors For OA-255 eng•.. 1112365 For OA-292 eng•. , 1111812 For OA-331 eng. Standard 1111806 Propane gas 1111832 Distributor Clamp 2070940 Igrurron Coils 6-volt 1115328 12-volt 1115043 Swirches Dimmer 1997008 Ignition It F" Series 1116456 Ignition & Starting "G" Series ...... 1116494 Light It F" Series .. 1994033 Light ItG" Series.. 1995046 Horns 6-volt--Low note ... 1999649 6-volt--High note .. 1999650 12-volt--Low note .. 1999599 12-vol to-Hi gh note. 1999600 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Horn Mtg, Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 Reo (Contd.) 6-D 6·E 6-D 6-D 6-E 8-B 6-D by Reo 54-B 54-G 107 105-A 105-A 105-B 41 41 107 107 108 108 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 1952. Models F-22-D Truck, F-122-D School Uus (Lst half 1952) Models G-22-D Truck, G-122-D School Bus (2nd half 1952) (Eng. Buda 6DT-317 Diesel) Generator ll06821 114-B Regulator 1118337 6-C Fan 1910036 Pulley Furnished by Reo Cranking Motor 1108813 59-D Switches Magnetic Starting... 1118121 2-B Control (Starting) ItF" Series 1385 106 Magnetic (Heater Control) 1466 4 Control(Heater) 1415 106 Dimmer 1997008 * Light--Series "F". 1994033 108 Light--Series "G". 1995046 108 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Model Group Horns Low note ..•.....••.• 1999599 High note •..••••••••• 1999600 Horn Mrg, Brackets R.H 1919060 L.H 1919062 Horn Relay 1116781 17-F 17-F 4 1952. 12-Volt (Std.), 6-Volt (Opt.) Model F-23 (j st half 1952) Model G-23 (2nd half 1952) (Eng. Continental T-6-427) Generators 12-volt Standard ... 1106821 114-B 6-volt Optional ItF" Series 1102746 98-C ItG" Series 1102788 98-D Regulators 6-C For 1106821 1118337 For 1102746 1118382 6-D For 1102788 .••••••. 1118743 6-E Fan (& Baffle) For 1106821 1910036 Fan For 1102746-88 .... 1866400 Fan Baffle For 1102746-88 .•... 1877887 Pulleys Furnished by Reo Cranking Motor s 12-volt--Std......••. 1108409 55-F 6-volt--Opt 1108213 55 Distributor 1111774 105 Di st, Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coils 12-volt Std 1115043 41 6-volt Opt 1115328 41 Switches Ignition It F" Series 1116456 107 Ignition & Starting ."G'.' Series ....... 1116494 107 L\~ht,t,ng-- . 108 . / " Ser~es 1994033 G Senes 1995046 108 Dimmer 1997008 • Control (Starting) It F" Series ....•••... 1385 106 Horns 12-volt-Low note .. 1999599 17-F 12-volt-High note. 1999600 17-F 6-volt--Low note 1999649 17-F 6-volt--High note 1999650 17-F Horn Relays 12-volt 1116781 4 6-volt 1116775 4 Horn Mtg. Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H ...••............•.. 1919060 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 30 & 31 Trucks (En~. Continental R6-513, R6-502) Generator 1106821 114-B Regulator ....•.•.•..... 1118337 6-C Fan (& Baffle) ..•••... 1910036 --Pulley Furnished by Reo (Continued on next page) Page 89 Delco-Remy Reo CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Reo (Contd.) Cranking Motor 1109150 Di stri butor •••••••••.•. 1111779 Advance Arm ••••..••. 1843580 Advance Arm Dial .••• 815095 Ignition Coil •••••••••• 1115251 Switches Dimmer •••..•....•.... 1997008 Light 1st half 1952 ..... 1994033 1952-53 •........... 1995046 Ignition 1st half 1952 ...•. 1116456 Ignition & Starting 1952-53 ••••••••••.• 1116494 Magnetic ............•111812 I Control (Starting) l st half 1952 ...•••. 1385 Horns Low note 1999599 High note .•••..•..... 1999600 Low note .•••••••••. 1999753 High note .......•.• 1999754 Horn Relay •........... 1116781 Horn Mtg. Brackets R.H....•.•••••.•...... 1919060 L.H•...........••••... 1919062 Group Reo (Contd.) 63-B 105 1 41 108 108 107 107 2-B 106 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 1952-53. 6-Cyl. 6 & iz-ven. Modele G-20 Truck, G-120 School Ous (Eng. OA-255) Models G-21 Truck, G-121 School Bus (Eng. OA-292) Models G-22 Truck, G-122 School Bus (Eng. OA-331, OH-160) Generators 6-volt-Std. 45 amp .••..•• 1102788 98-0 Opt. 55 amp .•.... 1106757 114 Opt. 40 amp. (Low cut-In) •.... 1106758 114 12-volt-40 amp 1106821 114-B Regulators F9r 1102788 1118743 6-E For 1106757 Standard ...••.....• 1118395 6-E Opt. heavy duty .. 1118602 8-B For 1106821 •....... 1118337 6-D For 1106758 Standard 1118366 6-D Opt. 50 amp 1118333 6-D Fan For 1102788 .•...... 1866400 Baffle For 1102788 1877887 Fan & Baffle For 1106757,758, 821 1910036 Pulleys ......••...... Furnished by Reo Cranking Motors 6-volt 1107963 54-B 12-volt •......•....... 1108133 54-G 6-volt (WjSolenoid) .•• 1108026 54-C 12-volt (W/Solenoid) .•. 1107607 53-G Page 90 Model Model Group Reo (Contd.) Distributors For OA-255 Eng..• 1112365 107 For OA-292 Eng•.. 1111812 105-A For OA-331 Eng. Standard i 111806 105-A Propane Gas ....• 1111832 105-B Distributor Clamp .... 1916780 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115328 41 12-volt 1115043 41 Opt.6-volt ........•. 1115380 41 Switches Ignition & Starting. 1116494 107 Light 1995046 108 Dimmer 1997008 Horns 6-volt Low note 1999649 17-F 17-F 6-volt High note 1999650 17-F 12-volt Low note .. 1999753 12-voltHigh note .. 1999754 17-F Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 4 4 12-volt ..•............ 1116781 Horn Mtg. Brackets L.B...•............•.. 1919062 R.H..............•.•• 1919060 Regulators For 1100019 For 1106758 For 1106757 Pulley & Fan For 1106758 •••••.. For 1106757 .....•• Cranking Motor ••••••• Distributor Di st, Vacuum Control............. Ignition Coil Switches Dimmer Ign, & Starting Lighting Horn Relay - Horn .......•. Bracket - Horn Mtg•. 1118731 1118366 1118395 6-E 6-D 6-E 1913608 1913610 1107074 1112355 • • 52-B 107 1116049 1115328 4 41 1997009 1116494 1995031 1999649 1116775 1919062 107 108 17-F 4 - • • 1953. 6-Cyl. 1953. s-e-t. 12-Volt. Models G-22-0 Truck G-122-0 School Bus (Eng. Buda 6 01'-317 Diesel) Generator " 1106821 114-B Regulator 1118337 6-C Fan & Baffle 1910036 Pulley Furnished by Reo Cranking Motor 110S813 59-D Switches Dimmer .............• 1997008 108 Lighting 1995046 2-B Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting) ... 1116494 107 Magnetic (Heater Control) 1466 4 Control (Heater) 1996061 106 Horns 17-F Low note 1999599 17-F High note .•......... 1999600 17-F Low note 1999753 High note ...• 1999754 17-F Born Relay 1116781 4 Horn Mtg. Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 1953. s-c-i, 6-Volt Model "G-18" Truck (Eng. I.H. C. SO-240) Generators Std. (WjPulley) .•• 1100019 Opt. 40 amp. Low cut-in •••... 1106758 Opt. 55 amp ••••... 1106757 (Continued on next column) 87-A 114 114 12-Volt (Std.) 6-Volt (Opt.) Model G-23 Truck (Eng. Continental 1'-6-427) Generators 12v Std 1106821 114-B 6v Opt 1102788 98-D Regulators 6-C For 1106821 1118337 6-E For 1102788 1118743 Fan & Baffle For 1106821 1910036 Fan For 1102788 1866400 Fan Baffle For 1102788 1877887 Pulleys Furnished by Reo Cranking Motors 61-B 12-volt--Std 1108985 61-B 6-volt--Opt 1108984 Distributor 1111774 105 Di st. Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Ignition Coils 41 12-volt Std III 5043 6-volt--Opt III 5 328 41 Switches Ign, & Starting 1116494 107 108 Lighting 1995046 Dimmer 1997008 Mtg. Bushing For 1995046 1910441 Horns 17-F 12-volt Low note ... 1999599 17-F 12-volt High note .. 1999600 17-F Low note 1999753 17-F High note 1999754 17-F 6-volt--Low note 1999649 17-F 6-volt--High note .• 1999650 Horn Relays 4 12-volt 1116781 4 6-volt .•.........•...• 1116775 Horn Mtg, Brackets L.H 1919062 R.H 1919060 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. - w. A. Riddell Corp. to Delco-ReDly Schramm CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Oroap W. A. RIDDELL CORP. Group 1952-53. u-v-u, Model 4D-76 Road Grader (Eng. LH.C. UD-14-A) Generator 110 17 38 Cranking Motor 1109108 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Srarting) .... 1385 93-C 63 2-B 106 1949. iz-veu. Model 106 Grader (Eng- LH.C. UD-6 & UD-9) 93-B 5 61 2-B 106 Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Model 4D-100 Road Grader (Eng. LH.C. UD-16) Generators For UO-14-A 1l02976 For UO-16 1102978 Fan For 1102976 ........ 1866400 Pulley For 1102976 1881638 Regularor 1118354 Shock Mount Package1910966 Cranking Motor ....... 1l09108 Switches Magnetic II 18121 Control (Srarr.) 1996060 Ignition (Lock type) ....... 1116486 Ignitron (Lever type) 1997797 Light 1994011 98-K 98-K 6-0 63 2-B 106 107 107 108 ......................... 1108933 Internal parts 98-K 98-K 18 114-B 6-0 1102534 1106819 96-0 114-B 5884 1118338 1910517 II 08881 5 6-C 59-G 1996473 100 93-C 4 63 Generator Regulator Cranking Motors L.H 1101737 5838 665 1109205 93-C 4 17 64 1949-50-51. 4-Cyl. s-veu. Model 105 Air Compressor (Eng. Ul.C. U-6) 1l01369 1107926 91 54 1949-50-51-52-53. 4-Cyl. Model 105 Utility (Standard & Deluxe) (Enp;. Iluda HP-217, Own) Generators Own engine Cranking Motor 13 teeth Starting Switch 1101657 1100511 93 88-C 1107454 1996451 53-A 30 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 210 Utility Air Compressor (Eng. Buda L-525) 194Q-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Model 403 Motor Grader (Eng. Hercules DWXD) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Switch--Seriesparallel 110 1738 5838 1109108 1949. 6-Cyl. iz-von. Model 315 Utility (Eng. LII.C. Diese 1 UD-18) Generator (with Regulator) Cranking Motor ROME CRADER Generators 12 amp 40 amp Regulators For 1102534 For 1106819 Fan for 1106819 Cranking Motor Switch-Seriesparallel 1949-50-51-52. is-v-u. Model Road Grader (Eng. UI.C. UD-9---4-Cyl., LH.C. UD-14A---4-Cyl., LH.C. UD-16-6-Cyl.t Switches Magnetic 1118121 Ignition 429-V Ignition (951) 429-K Ignition (Lock type 1951-52) 1116486 Ignition (Lever type 1951-52) 1997797 Light 19940 II Group 1949. 4-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model 210 Utility Diesel (En!!). LH.C. UD-14) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 402 (Enp;. Hercules DJXC) Generators For UD-9, UO-14A. 1102976 For UO-16 1l02978 Opt. 55 amp. 977 Opt. 50 amp 1l06822 Fans For 1102936 1866400 For 977 1872904 For 1106822 1910036 Pulley for 1102936 .. 1881638 Regulators For 1102976-78 •... 1118354 For 977 1118597 For 1106822 1l18368 Shock Mrg; Package.. 1910966 Cranking Motors ...... 1109108 ......................... 1108904 Model W. A. Riddell Corp. (Contd.) ,SCHRAMM 1949. 12-Volt. Model 105 Grader (Eng. LII.C. UD-14) Generator 1101726 Regularor ...•••••. 5884 Cranking Motor 1108904 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starting) .... 1385 Model 1102538 5884 1108873 96-0 5 59-F 1996473 100 Generators 1952-53 Cranking Motors 1952-53 Starting Switch 1l01754 1100958 724 ·1108%1 1996451 93-C 88-Q 18 61-B 30 7-B 6-0 63 61 61-A 2-B 107 107 107 107 108 1949-50-51-52-53. Model 210 Utility Air Compressor (Eng. Buda 6DT-468) 194Q-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt• Model 404 Motor Grader (Eng. Hercules DRXm Generator (& Reg.) .. 1102527 Generator 1105943 Regulator For 1105943 1118316 Cranking Motor 1108873 Switch-Seriesparallel 1996473 of units marked (.) are not sold separately. 96-C 106-B 6-C 59-1' 100 Generators 1102955 ......................... 1102976 Regulators 1118304 ......................... 1118354 Fan 1866400 Baffle 1877887 Cranking Motor 1108873 Ignition Coil 1115485 98-K 98-K 6-C 6-0 93-F 41 Page 91 Schramm to Scripps Motor Co. De1co-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Schramm (Contd.) 93-B 17 64 30 1949-50-51-52-53. \Iodel 315 Air Compressor (Eng. I3uda 4DC-645) Generator 1106660 113-C Regulator 1118316 6-C Cranking Motors 806 23 24-volt 868 23-A Starting Swi tch (Series-parallel) .... 1996473 100 1949-50-51-52-53. 12-24-Volt. Model 420 Air Compressor (Eng. I3uda DC-844) Generator (l2v) Regulator Cranking Motors 24-volt Starting Switch 1106660 1118316 806 868 1996473 113-C 6-C 23 23-A 100 1950-51-52-53. 3-Cyl. Model 105 Pneumatractor (Engine Own) Generator (Opc.) Regulator .. For 1102723 Fan For 1102723 Fan Baffle For 1102723 Cranking Motor Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) Control (Starting) 0951-52-53)•••.•• 11 00511 1102723 88-C 98-B 1118303 6-C 1866400 1877887 1108969 61-8 1464 1996048 4 106 1996060 106 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 210 Unistage (Eng. Own GallO) Generator Cranking Motor 1953. Switches Magnetic Starting Page 92 Group SCRIPPS MOTOR CO. 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. Model 315 Utility Air Compressor (Ellg. Buda :\1-766, 707, MO-779) Generator ......••...... 1101719 Cranking Motors 782 R.H L.H 1109205 Starting Switch 1996451 Model 1100954 724 1108961 88-Q 18 61-B 1466 1996451 4 30 955-Y 18 718-B 1107425 42 53 629-P 622-W 1855575 1115327 29 58 41 1101361 1101362 1101771 1100952 91 91 93-D 88-Q 1107428 1107429 1107833 1108129 1110505 53 53 53-N 54-F 95 1115328 1115043 41 41 1949-S0-S1-S2. Std. or L.H. 152-154-156 R.H. 153-1SS-1S6---12-Yolt. Generators CW 953-L Optional 40 amp.-CCW 1106833 CW 1106821 Regulator For 1106821-33 .... 1118338 Cranking Motors CW....................... 544 CCW..................... 459 Distributor 1111225 Ignition Coil 1115043 53 114-B 114-B ll4-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 16 16 92 41 Generators CW 953-L Optional-CCW 50 amp 1106805 1117572 CCW 40 amp Regulators For 1106805 1118339 For 1117572 1118514 Cranking Motors 1109121 CW CCW 1109135 Distributors CW...................... 4243 CCW 4244 Ignition Coil 1115325 53 114-B 123-B 6-C 7 63 63-A 23 23 41 1949-S0-S1-S2. 7000 Series---12-Yolt. (Eng. Hercules Diesel DOOD) Generators CCW 1105924 CW 1105923 Regulator 1118304 Fan & Pulley 1873226 Cranking Motors CW....................... 795 CCW 1109105 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Starting 1996451 106 106 6-C 18-B 63 2-B 30 6-C 16 16 92 41 1949-S0-S1-52. Series 160-170-200 Standard (L.H.) 168-178-208 Reverse (R.H.) 169-179-209 Generators CW (1949) 955-W CCW (1950) 1105824 CW (1950) 1105923 (Continued on next column) Optional-CCW (50 amp.) .. 1106805 CW (50 amp.) .... 1106808 Fan (Optional) For 1106805-8 ..... 1910036 Regulators For 955-W, 1105924-23 1118304 For 1106805-8 1118339 Cranking Motors Standard rotation..... 544 Reverse rotation 549 Distributor 1111225 Ignition Coil 1115043 1949-S0-51-S2. Standard (L.H.) Model 302 Reverse (R.H.) Model S03 1949-50-S1-S2. Engines 6-9S, 96-A, 97-A 6-110 6-130, 104-A, lOS-A 6-339,6-145,6-1S85 6-339-R Generators 6-volt CW 6-vo1t CCW 12-volt CW 12-volt CCW Cranking Motors 6-vo1t CW 6-volt CCW 12-volt CW 12-volt CCW Distributor Ignition Coils 6-volt 12-volt Group Scripps Motor Co. (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52. Engine Model F-4---4-Cyl. Engine Model F-6---6-Cyl. Generator Cranking Motors CW CCW Distributors F-4 F-6 Advance Arm Ignition Coil Model 46 106 106 1949-50-51-52. 8500 Series--32-Yalt. (Eng. Hercules Diesel DJXC) Generators CCW 1105953 106-8 CCW (Opr.) 1117381 122-B CW 1105952 106·B CW (Opr.) 1117383 122-B Regulator For 1117381-83 .... 1118535 7 Pulley For 1117381-83 .... 1861231 Cranking Motor CW 1108875 57 Switch Starting 1996451 30 Intema1 parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Scripps to Southern Coach Delco-ReIDy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Gnntp Scripps Motor Co. (Contd.) Seagrave-(Contd.) SILVER KING TRACTOR 1950-51-52. ModeI4-166-DIX-4D (Eng. Hercules---Diesel Converaion-Coast Guard) 1949-50-51-52. a-Cyl. 6-Volt, Generator (CW) ••.•••. 1102539 Regulator 5896 Cranking Motor L.H. or Std. rot•••• 1107821 Siren Motor Distributor (2) Advance Arms For Magneto Ignition Coil Starring Switch Relay--Current (See Fate-Root-Heath) uz-vei. Opt.) Models So-E, 30-EB (Engine Own) 96-D 5 53-M 1107026 662- J 1840212 1874261 1115328 406-A 410-N 52 62 1 4~ SOUTHERN COACH ~~ Optional 12-Volt Equipment. Generator 1106666 113-C Fan 1868751 Fan Baffle Plate .•••. 1872027 6-C Regulator 1118329 Ignition Coil 1115328 41 7 Horn 1999951 SEACRAVE 1953. 12-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model Fire Truck (Eng. 400-500) 1949-50-51-52. 12-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 12-J & 12-JD (Engine 12-J) Generator 1106808 Fan & Baffle ••••••••. 1910036 Regulator .••••••••••••. 1118340 Cranking Motor .•••••. 1109150 Distributor ••••...••.•• 1111213 Advance Arm ••......•• 821629 Ignition Coil .••.•..•.• 1115251 Relay 410-N Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting) .•.. 1385 Control (Starring) 1951-52 1996048 114-B 6-C 63-B 92 1 41 31 2-B 106 106 1949-50-51-52. 12-Cyl. Models 66-E" & 66-EB (Engine Own) Standard 6-Volt. Distributor 1111540 Ignition Coil 1115328 Siren Motor •.•..•.••••. 1107026 Relay--Current Limit •.. 410-N Switches Magneri c .••.•••.•••. 1118124 Control (Starring) .. ••• 1385 Starting 406-A 94-A 41 52 31 2-B 106 30 Optional 12-Volt. Generator Fan Fan Baffle Regulator Ignition Coil Horn Relay 1106666 1868751 1872027 1118329 1115251 1116781 Model Group Group 113-C 6-C 41 4 Generator ..••.•....•.• Fan Baffle Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Di st, Hold Down Clamp Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Control Starring Relay--Current Limit 1106666 1868751 1872027 1118329 1108956 1111540 113-C 6-C 61-B 95-A 2070940 1115043 41 1118121 19%060 406-A 41O-N 2-B 106 30 31 1953. 12-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model Fire Truck (Eng. 900) Generator 1106803 Fan & Baffle 1910036 Regulator 1118389 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111213 Ignition Coil 1115251 Clamp Arm 821629 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control 1996060 Magnetic 1118128 Starting 406-A Relay--Current Limit•• 41O-N 1999951 Horn Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 114-B 6-D 63-B 92 41 1 2-B 106 2-B 30 31 7 MFC. CO. 1949-50-51. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Model F-31 Coach (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZA) Generator (55 amp.) •• 1117307 Pulley & Fan 1883148 Regulator ..••••••..... 1118512 Cranking Motor 1108609 Di stri butor 1111773 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starring .. 1118121 Control (Starting)..... 1385 Control (Starting) 1415 Panel 1998642 Panel 1998649 Dimmer 1997014 Horn Package 1880227 122 7 57-B lOS 1 41 2-B 106 106 49 49 • 1951-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models F-31-H, F-31-M, F-35-H, F-35-M Coach (Eng. Waukesha 6-l\1ZA) Generator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm' Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Panel Dimmer Control (Starring) J unction Blocks 4 terminal 5 terminal Not Delco-Remy 1108609 57-B 1111773 105 815877 815095 1115251 41 1118121 1998650 1997014 1996061 2-B 49 • 106 1998756 1998776 1Q51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models S-36-H, 5-36-M, S-41-H, S-41-M Coach (Eng. Waukesha 140-GKB) Generator 1117378 Regulator 1118583 Cranking Motor 1108956 Distributor 1111821 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 (Continued on next page) 122-B 7-B 6l-B 105-B 1 41 Page 93 Southern Coach to Studebaker Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group 108 2-B 106 49 41 30 Generators 106 25 amp 1105911 121 40 amp •...•...•...... 1117209 50 amp .•...•••.•••.•• 1106807 114-B 50 amp 1106825 114-B Regulators 6-C For 1105911 1118318 8 For 1117209 1118507 6-C For 11068Q7-825 .. 1118338 6-C For 1106807-825 .. 1118337 Fan & Pulley For 1106807 1885439 Switches 49 Light 1998649 49 Panel 1998642 Circuit Breaker 1868144 Horns 19 Single 1999700 17-C Low note 1999525 17-C High note 1999526 4 Horn Relay .••••••••..• II 16818 Bracket--Horn Mtg. For 1999';2';-526 •.• 1872391 7 39-A 41 Models HD-1I5, DD-145, RWS-160, HC-17S, HCS-26S (Engine 145-GK) 1949. 6-Cyl. Models HC-lIS, HD-lIS Trucks (Engine R-6S13) Generator .•••••••••••.. 1106826 114-B Regulator ...•..•.....•• 1118368 6-D Pulley & Fan ••••••... 1885473 Cranking Motors For 140-GK •.•••.••. 1109153 63-B For 145-GK •••.••••• 1109150 63-B Distributor ..........•• 1111 775 105 Advance Arm •.•••..•.. 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial ••.• 815095 41 Ignition Coil •••••••... 1115251 Starting Switch ••.••••.. 406-A 30 98-K 114-B 114-B 1951-S2. 12-Volt. Model Trolley Coach Generators ••••.••...... 1106805 25 amp ...........••.. 1105911 Regulators For 1105911 (25 arnp.) ••••••••• 1118318 For 1106805 (40 amp.) ...•..... 1118740 Fan for 1106805 •••.. 1910036 Pulley for 1106805 •. 1881519 Switches Panel ••....•..•••..... 1998649 Panel (1951-52) ..... 1998650 Horns Low note •........... 1999593 High note 1999594 Horn Mtg. Bracket •.. 1872391 Horn Relay .....••••... 1116818 114-B 106 6-C 6-E 49 49 17-F 17-F 4 6-C 6-C 85-E 105 STUDEBAKER 41 1949-50. 6-Cyl. iz-v-n. Models HC-llS, DD-lIS, HD-llS, HC-I44, HD-14S, HC-147, HC-15S, HWS-160 (Eng. Waukesha 6-SRKR) Page 94 1949-50. 12-Volt. Model Trolley Coach 18 STERLINC MOTOR TRUCK Generators 1949 .......••.•• ······1106814 1950 .••.........••..•. 1106834 Regulator •.•....••.•••• 1118337 Cranking Motor ...•••• 1109153 (Continued on next column) Group 105 1 1949-50. Models HA-2205, Hil-2001, HB-2002, HC-US, HC-144, HC-lS5, HCS-19S, HD-llS, HC-144, HC-ISS, HCS-19S, HD-1l5, HD-145, HWS-160, HSW-23S, RWS-160, TB-1301, TB-lS01 (Engine 140-GK) 1949-S0. Model Coach (Eng. I.H.C. BLD-269) Generators 18 amp .........••.... 1102967 50 amp .........•...•• 1106802 50 amp .•........•...• 1106822 Regulators For 1102967 .......• 1118304 For 1106802-822 ••• 1118339 Distributors 1110170 Heavy Duty ......•.• 1111779 Advance Arm ••.•..••••. 815877 Advance Arm Dial •.•. 815095 Ignition Coil .•......•. 1115251 Distributor •..........• 1111764 Advance Arm •. ...••.. 815877 Advance Arm Dial... 815095 Ignition Coil •.......•• 1115043 Starting Switch ••••.•..• 406-A * SPARTON COACH Generator (55 amp.) •••• 977 Fan & Pulley Assembly ••••...•... 1907395 Regulator ...•....•..... 1118512 Cranking Motor •.•...... 740-N Ignition Coil .........• 1115251 Model Group Sterling Motor Truck (Contd.) ST. LOUIS CAR CO. Southern Coach (Contd.) Switches Dimmer ...•......•..• 1997014 Light For S.36-M, S-41-M •••••••••• 1995040 Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starr.) .:•• 1996061 Panel ..........•.•... 1998650 J unction Blocks 4 terminal ....•..••.• 1998756 5 terminal 1998776 Model 114-B 114-C 6-C 63-B 1949. Models 8-G Champion, IS-A Commander STERLING SIREN FIRE ALARM 1949-S0-S1-52-S3. Siren Motors 6v (2 brush) 1949-50 ......•.••.. 1108552 6v (4 brush) 1951-52-53 ..•.•.• 1108579 12v (2 brush) 1949-50 .•••••••••• 1108553 12v (4 brush) 1951-52-53 ••••••• 1108580 57 Dimmer Switch •••..•. 1997008 Horns High-L.H 1999610 Low--R.H..••••••••• 1999611 Horn Relay ..•••••.•••• 1116775 Horn Bracket ..••••••. 1909203 Bracket Support 1863485 Bracket Clamp Plate.1909199 * 17-E 17-E 4 57 57 1949-S0 (Optional Over-Drive) 57 Solenoid Switch (6V).1118132 5-E Internal parts of units marked (*) arJ! not sold separately. Delco-Remy Studebaker to Studebaker CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Studebaker (Contd.) 1949-50. 2-R10-..3,4-Ton, 2-R15--1-Ton, 2-R16---Light Duty, l~-Ton, 2-R17--Heavy Duty, 1 ~- Ton (Eng. Champion) 1950. 1997008 * 1999818 1999625 1999626 1911876 1116775 15-A 17-E 17-E 4 17-F 17-F 4 1950. 6-Cyl. Car & Truck. Models 17-A Commander, S-17-A Commander (Export) Internal * * * 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 98-B 105-C 6-0 6-0 6-C 52-B 86-A 1 41 * 17-F 17-F 4 Generator 1102700 Regulator 1118392 Cranking Motors Standard 1107089 A utomatic Trans 1107095 Distributors ..........• 1110822 ......................... 1110826 Distributor Hold Down Clamp 1910500 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic Starting 1494 Neutral Safety & Back-Up (Opt. wi Automatic T'rans ,) 1997882 Solenoid (Opt. Over-Drive) 1118155 Door Jamb 1998001 Horns Low note (L.H.) 1999655 High note (R.H.) 1999656 Low note (L.H.) 1999679 High note (R.H.) .. 1999680 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 1863485 98-A 6-0 52-B 52-C 90-A 90-A 41 parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 1102753 1105893 IW5892 1118392 1118393 1118394 column) 52-B 52-B 86-A 1 41 * 15-A 17-F 17-F 4 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Neutral Safety & Back-Up (Opt. wi Automatic Trans.) 1997882 Door Jamb 1998001 Horns L.H.-Low note .... 1999655 R.H.-High note ••. 1999656 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 1863485 110 * 17-F 17-F 4 4 * 5-E * 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 1951. 6-Cyl. Model Commander Trucks (Eng. Commander "6") Generators Std. 40 amp ....••.• Opt. low cut-in Opt. high output Regulators For 1102753 For 1105893 For 1105892 (Continued on next Cranking Motors Standard .•.....•••.•• 1107089 R.H.D 1107084 Distributor 1110220 Advance Arm 1913873 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Door Jamb 1998001 Horns Standard 1999818 Optional-L.H. Low note .. 1999657 R.H. High note .• 199%58 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1911876 Horn Relay 1116775 1952. 6-Cyl. Model "G" Champion 1951. 8-Cy 1. Model "H" Commander & Landcruiser (Eng. Commander V-8) 6-Cyl. Model Champion Generators ..••........ 1102728 Opt. for Truck Low cut-in ..••.•. 1105891 Regulators Std. for 1102728 ... 1118380 Spec. tropical setting for S-17-A .......• 1118369 For 1105891 1118314 Cranking Motor •.•.... 1107084 Distributor ......•..••• 1110220 Clamp Arm •••••••..... 1913873 Ignition Coil...... .•• 1115380 Switches Dimmer •••..•.......• 1997008 Neutral Safety (Opr.) •••••••••••••• 1997870 Horns Low note-L.H...•. 1999655 High note--R.H ...• 1999656 Horn Relay •..•••...••• 1116775 Horn Mtg. Bracket ... 1909203 Horn Mtg. Bracket Support .............• 1863485 Horn Mrg, Bracket Clamp Plate ....... 1909199 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Neutral Safety & Back-Up (Opt. wi Automatic Tran s.) 1997882 Door Jamb 1998001 Horns Low Dote (L.H.) 1999655 High note (R.H.) 1999656 Low note (L.H.) 1999679 High note (R.H.) 1999680 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 1863485 Model Group Studebaker (Contd.) 1951. 6-Cy1. Model "G" Champion 2-R5--~-Ton, Switches Dimmer •.••••....•..• 1997008 Neutral Safety (Opr.) ••••••••••••• 1997870 Horns Low note (L.H.) .... 1999655 High note (R.H.) ••. 1999656 Horn Relay ....•..•••• 1116775 Horn Bracket .•....... 1909203 Bracket Support 1863485 Bracket Clamp Plate.1909199 Group Studebaker (Contd.) Truck Models Dimmer Switch Horns 6-volt (Std.) ..••.••• Low note ..........• High note Bracket (Horn) Relay (Horn) Model GI'oup 98-C 105-C 105-C 6-0 6-D 6-D 1952. 8-Cyl. Model "H" Commander & Landcruiser (Eng. Commander V-8) Generator .•.......•.... 1102778 Regulator 1118730 Cranking Motors Std. Trans 1107115 Automatic Trans .•• 1107116 Distributor 1110826 Di st, Hold Clamp •••• 1910500 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic Starting •••• 1494 Door Jamb 1998001 Back-Up & Neutral Safety (wi Automatic Trans.) 1997882 Solenoid (Opt. w/Over-Drive) ... 1118155 Horns L.H.-Low note .... 1999655 R.H.--High note •••• 1999656 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg, Bracket •.. 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 1863485 98-D 6-E 52-C 52-C 90-A 41 * 4 * 110 5-E I7-F 17-F 4 Page 95 Delco-Remy Studebaker to Thew Shovel Co. CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Studebaker (Contd.) 98-D 105-C 105-C 6-E 6-D 6-0 52-B 52-B 86-A 1 41 17-F 17-F 4 4 Page 96 • 5-E 17-F 17-F 4 17-F 17-F 4 Generator (with Reg.) Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil 1101667 1108207 1111773 815877 815095 1115328 98-K 6-D 59 106 93 55 105 41 1949-50. 12-24- Volt. Models L-80 & MCL-820 Carrier; L-820 Turntahle (Eng. Waukesha WAKD) 98-0 6-E 52-C 52-C 90-A 41 Generator ......••...••• 1105915 Regulator •..••.•....•.. 1118316 Pulley ••..•••••.•.•••... 1902330 Fan 1880558 Shock Mrg, Package. 1910966 Cranking Motor. 806 Switches Series-parallel ..... 1996474 Control ..•.•.••.••.•• 1996027 Generators 1102697 ........................ 1102724 Fan 1858604 Regulator 1118350 Shock Mtg. Package. 1910966 Cranking Motor 737-T Distributor 1111766 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115226 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control................ 13R5 Horn 1999870 Horn Mt g, Bracket .. 1855611 98-A 98-B 6-0 48 105 1 41 4 106 15-C Model TL-20 Carrier (Hercules JXLD) 1949. 12-Volt. Models TL-20 Carrier & L-41 Crane (Enp;. Detroit Diesel 3-71) 1102973 1118342 1910966 1108704 1996027 - 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Model TL-20 Crane (Hercules JXD) THEW SHOVEL CO. Generator Regulator Shock Mtg. Package. Cranking Motor Switch--Control Group 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Models TL-20 Crane & TL-20 Carrier (Eng. Waukesha 6-!3Z) 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models L-41. MC-414. MC-416. SP-414 Crane Turntables (Eng. Waukesha :VIZA) 1953. 8-Cyl. Models Commander & Landcruiser (Eng. Own V-8) Generator 1102778 Regulator 1118730 Cranking Motors Std. transmission... 1107115 Auto transmission •• 1107116 Distributor 1110839 Distributor Hold Down Clamp 1925111 Ignition Coil 1115380 (Continued on next column) Switches Dimmer 1997008 Door Jamb •••••...•. 1998001 Neutral Safety (Auto. trans.) •••• 1998038 Neutral Safety & Back-Up-Opt. w/Auto. trans. & Power steering .. 1998041 Neutral Safety with Power Steering. 1998059 Back-Up Light, wi th Power Steering. 1998058 Solenoid (Opt. with Over--dr ive) ....... 1118155 Horns Low note 1999683 High note 1999684 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Bracket .•. 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 0/16) ...... 1863485 Horn Mtg. Bracket Support (5/32) ..... 1925114 Model Thew Shovel Co. (Contd.) 15-A 1953. 6-Cyl. Model Champion Switches Dimmer 1997008 Door Jamb 1998001 Neutral Safety (Auto. trans.) 1998038 Magneric Starting 1482 Neutral Safety & Back-Up-Opt. w/ Auto. trans. & Power steering ... 1998041 Neutral Safety with Power Steering. 1998059 Back-Up Light, with Power Steeriug , 1998058 Horns Low note 1999683 High note 1999684 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mtg. Bracket ..• 1909203 Horn Mtg, Bracket Support 0/16) .•••• 1863485 Horn Mtg. Bracket Support (5/32) ..... 1925114 Group Studebaker (Contd.) 1952-53. 6-Cyl. \Iodel Commander Trucks O~-2 Ton) (Eng. Commander 6) Generators Standard 1102787 Opt. low cut-in 1105893 Opt. high output 1105892 Regulators For 1102787 1118730 For 1105893 1118393 For 1105892 1118394 Pulley Opt, for 1105892-3.1923046 Cranking Motors Standard 1107089 Opt. R.H.D 1107084 Distributor 1110220 Advance Arm 1913873 Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Door Jamb 1998001 Horns Standard 1999818 Optional L.H.--Low note ... 1999657 R.H.--High note. 1999658 Horn Relay 1116775 Horn Mrg , Brack et 1911876 Model 106 6-C 23 100 106 Generators 1102690 ........................ 1102720 Regulator 1118350 Cranking Motor 73 7- T Distributor 1111777 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115226 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control................ 1385 Horn 1999870 Horn Mtg. Bracket .•. 185 5611 98-A 98-B 6-D 48 105 I 41 4 106 15-I> 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Opt. Engine. Model TL-20 Carrier (Eng. Waukesha \1ZA) Generator Regulator Shock Mtg , Package. Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil Magnetic Starting Switch Horn Horn Mtg, Bracket .. 1102676 1118303 1910966 1108201 1111410 1115226 98 6-C 1464 1999870 1855611 4 15-0 55 94 41 1949-50. Mode] 1'L-20 Crane (Eng. Detroit Diesel 2-71) Generator Cranking Motors ........................ Switch Control (Starting) .. 1101774 1108812 1108704 93-D 59-D 59 1996027 106 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. - Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model 1949-50. Model MC-416 Carrier (Eng. Hercules HXC) . 106 6-0 15 28-A 41 2-B 106 15-C 1949-50. Model MC-506 Carrier (Eng. Waukesha GK-145) Generators 1106809 ......................... 1106826 Regulator 1118339 Pulley & Fan 1885473 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111801 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switch--Magnetic 1118121 Horn 1999851 Horn Mrg, Bracket ••. 1855611 114-B 114-B 6-C 63-B 105-A 1 41 2-B 15-C 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Yolt. Model MC-414 Carrier (Eng. Waukesha SRKR) Generator 1105926 Cranking Motor 1108957 Regulator 1118355 Distributor 1111764 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coils Heavy duty 1115251 Standard 1115043 Switches Magnetic Starring. 1118121 Control (Starting)... 1385 Horn 1999851 1855611 Horn Mtg. Bracket 106-A 61-B 6-0 105 1 41 41 2-B 106 15-C 1950. iz-veu. Models TL-20 Carrier & L-41 Crane (Eng. Detroit Diesel 3-71) Generator 1102983 Regulator 1118362 Shock Mtg. Package. 1910966 Cranking Motor ....... 1108812 Switch Control (Starting) .. 1996027 InterDa1 parts Thew Shovel Co. (Contd.) 98-K 6-0 59-0 106 1950-51-52-53. 12-Yolt. Model L-41 Turntable SP-414 (Eng. Detroit Diesel 3-71) Generator 1102983 Regulator 1118362 Shock Mtg. Package. 1910966 Cranking Motor ....... 1108812 Switch Control (Starting) .. 1996027 98-K 6-0 59-0 106 1950-51-52-53. 12-24-Yolt. Model L-79 Turntable (Eng. Waukesha 148-DK) Generator Pulley ....••..•..•..... Fan Regulator Cranking Motor L.H Switches Starting (Seriesparallel) Control (Starting)•. 1105915 1902330 1880558 1118316 106 6-C 1108871 59-F 1996474 1996027 100 106 1950-51-52-53. iz-ven. Models MC-414, SP-504 Carrier & L-50 Turntable (En~. Waukesha 140-GK & Waukesha 14Q-GKB Opt.) Generators Carrier 1105931 106-A Turntable 1101736 93-C Turntable 1101744 93-C Turntable (1952-53) ......... 1100973 88-Q Pulleys For 1105931 1902330 For 1100973, 1101736-44 1879168 Fans For 1105931 1880558 For 1100973, 1101736-44 ....... 1866400 Regulators For 1105931 ........ 1118316 6-C For 1100973, 1101736-44 1118319 6-C Cranking Motor 1109153 63-A Distributor 1111796 105-A Advance Arm 815877 1 Advance Arm Dial 815095 1 Ignition Coils 1115043 41 Heavy duty 111525 I 41 Switch-Magnetic 1118121 2-B 1999851 Horn 15-C Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Group Model Group Thew Shovel Co. (Contd.) Thew Shovel Co. (Contd.) Generator 1105914 Regulator 1118355 Cranking Motor 494 Distributor 4245 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting .. 1118121 Control (Starring)..... 1385 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 Model Orvap Thew Shovel Co. to Thew Shovel Co. 1950-51-52-53. 6-C yl. 6-Volt. Models MC-152, MC-254 & MC-254W Carriers (Eng. Hercules JXLD) Models TL-15 & TL-25 Cranes (Eng. Hercules JXD) Generator 11027 20 Regulator 1118350 Cranking Motor 737-T Distributor 1111777 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115327 Switches Magnetic 1464 Control (Starring).... 1385 Horns For Crane 1999870 For Carrier 1999852 Horn Mrg; Bracket 1855611 98-B 6-0 48 105 1 41 4 106 15-D 15-C 1950-51-52-53. Models MC-504 & MC-504W Carriers (Eng. Waukesha 148-DK) Generator Pulley Fan Regulator Cranking Motor Switches Starring (Seriesparallel) Control (Starting) Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket 1105931 1902330 1880558 1118316 1108863 106-A 1996474 1996027 1999851 1855611 100 106 15-C 6-C 59-F 1950-51-52-53. Models MC-504, MC-504W, MC-794 (Eng. Waukesha 145-GKB, Hercules HXD Optional) Generator Regulator Pulley Fan Cranking Motors Hercules HXD Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switch-Magnetic Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket 1105931 1118316 1902330 1880558 11 09150 494 1111801 815877 815095 1115043 1118121 1999851 1855611 106-A 6-C 63-B 15 105-A 1 41 2-B 15-C Page 97 Delco-Remy Thew Shovel Co. to Twin Coach CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Thew Shovel Co. (Contd.) Model Twin Coach (Contd.) TRANSIT BUS 1950-51-52-53. 12-24-Volt. ~1odels MC-824 Carrier; L-80, L-820 Turntables (Eng. Waukesha WAKD) 1949-50-51-52. Model 81--30-Passenger City Coach (Eng. Continental B6-427) Generator 1105915 Regulator ..••.....•.••. 1118316 Pulley 1902330 Fan 1880558 Shock Mtg. Package .. 1910966 Cranking Motor 806 Switches Series-parallel 1996474 Control 1996027 Horn For Carrier 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracker .. 1855611 Generator 1117378 Regulators For 1117378 1118520 For 1117378 (1951-52) 1118583 Cranking Motor 1108609 Distriburors 1112260 1951-52 11 11822 Hold Down Clamp 2070940 Ignit ion Co il 1115251 Switches Magnetic Starting.. 1118121 Control (Starting) ...... 1435 Control (Starting)..... 1437 Control (Choke) (1951-52) 1996050 106 6-C 23 100 106 15-C 122-B 7 7-B 57-B 106 105-B * 41 2-B 106 106 106 1102724 1858604 1118350 1910966 737-T 1111766 815877 815095 1115327 98-B 1464 1385 1999870 1855611 4 106 15-C 6-D Generator 01117378 Regulator 1118520 Cranking Motor 1109150 Distributor 1111813 Clamp Arm 1838617 Clamp Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Solenoid 1118121 Control (Starting).... 1437 Control (Choke) ... ... 1435 122-B 7 63-B 105-A 1 41 2-B 106 106 48 105 1 41 TWIN COACH 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. ModeI41-SDT (Eng. Hercules DWXLDF) 1951-52-53. Models t-u. SP-414 Turntable (Eng. Waukesha MZA) Generator (with Regulator) Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Page 98 1101667 1108207 1111773 815077 815095 1115328 1949'50 Models 345, 38S, 44S (Single engine) Models 410, 44D (Dual engine) (Eng. Fageol FTC-404) Cranking Motor ._•.• 1109150 Distributors For 34S, 385,445.. 1110196 For 41D, 44D 1110197 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Directional Si gnal , 406-A Ignition 429-K Control................. 1385 Dimmer 1997014 Horns Low note 1999525 High note 1999526 Horn Mrg, Bracket 1872391 Relays Horn 1116781 Heater 1116822 63-B 85-E 85-E 41 30 107 106 * 17-D 17-D 4 4 1950. Model E-2 (Eng. I.H.C. 401) 1950-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. s-ven. Models SP-152, SP-254, SP-254W & 1'-15, 1'-25 Cranes (Eng. Waukesha 6-BZ) Generator Fan Regulator Shock Mtg. Package. Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Magnetic Control (Starting) Horn Horn Mtg. Bracket Model Group Group 93 53 105 1 41 Cranking Motor 1108863 59-F Ignition Coil 1115481 41 Switches Series-parallel ..... 1996474 100 Solenoid (Fuel shut-off) 1118003 2-A Control " 1415 106 Control................. 1385 106 Dimmer 1997014 Directional...... 406-A St. Sw, 30 1999700 19 Horn Relay-Horn 1116781 4 1950-51. 12-Volt. Models 345, 38S, 41S, 455, 525 (Eng. Fageol FTC-180, FTC-195, FTC-210) Generators (Opr.) 120 amp. 12v 1117554 123-A 120 amp. 12v 1117569 123-B Regulators For 1117554 80 amp 1118520 7 2-A Opt. (120 amp.)..... 5620 For 1117569 Split field 1118544 9 63-B Cranking Motor 1109150 85-E Distributor 1110196 106 ......................... 1112275 41 Ignition Coil ......... 1115256 Switches Solenoid--Reverse 104 (Opr.) 1535 106 Control (Starting)..... 1436 Dimmer 1997014 * 107 Ignition 1116457 107 Ignition (Opr.) 429-K Control 106 (Eng. compr.) ...... 1385 Light (Directional) ...406-A Srarr., 30 Relays Solenoid 1116852 4 4 Horn 1116781 4 Heater 1116852 4 Oil Pressure 1116797 Horns Standard 1999700 19 Optional-Low note 1999593 17-D High note 1999526 l7-D Horn Mtg. Bracket For 1999526-26 .... 1872391 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Walter Motor Truck to Ward La France Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Model Oruap Model Group Group WALTER MOTOR TRUCK Walter Motor Truck (Contd.) Walter Motor Truck (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 6-Volt. Models AZM, FM, FN, & FZM Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZR) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models FG, FGB & FGR Trucks (Eng. Waukesha GK-145) Generator 1102676 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor •..... 1108951 Distributor 1111773 Advance Arm 815877 Advance Arm Dial •.. 815095 Ignition Coil 1115226 Switches Ignition ......•......• 19977 33 Starting 406-A Horn 1999852 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 98 6-C 61-B 105 1 41 107 30 15-C 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt Models AW & AWUS Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 6-WAK) Generator .•........•... 1105915 Regulator 1118316 Pulley 1902330 Fan, _ 1880558 Cranking Motor 644 Distributors 1111775 Magneto replacement unit 1111410 Advance Arm For 1111775 1838617 Advance Arm Dial For 1111775 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Magnetic (Starting).1118121 Control (Starting) 1385 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 Horn Relay 1116781 106 6-C 94 41 2-B 106 15-C 4 1105915 1106809 1106826 106 114-B 114-B 1118316 1118339 6-C 6-C 1902330 1885473 1880558 1109150 406-A 1999851 1855611 1116781 106 1105915 1106809 114-B 1106826 114-B 6-C 6-C 1118316 111833<) 1902330 63-B 30 15-C 4 1880558 1109150 1111775 1838617 815095 1115251 63-B 105 1 41 406-A 1997733 1999851 1855611 1116781 30 107 17-C 4 1949-50-51-52-53. Models AEll & AER Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 140-GZ) Generator 1106826 Pulley & Fan 1885473 Regulator 1118368 Cranking Motor .....•. 1108954 Distributor 1111775 Advance Arm 1838617 Advance Arm Dial 815095 Ignition Coil .. ~ 1115251 Switches Starting 406-A Ignition 429-V Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1855611 Relay--Horn 1116781 114-B 6-D 61-B 105 1 41 30 107 15-C 4 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models FC, FCK & FKM Trucks (Eng. Waukesha 6-SRKR) Generators 18 amp. (1949-50) .. 1102957 1102984 1951-52-53 25 amp 1106627 Opt. 40 amp 1106814 Regulators For 1102957-84 .•.. 1118304 For 1106627 ....... 1118316 For 1106814 •...... 1118337 Cranking Motor 412 (Continued on next column) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. 105 105 41 30 107 15-C 4 1885473 16 105 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. is-v-n. Models FG & FGS Trucks (Magneto Ignition) Generators 25 amp 50 amp. (Opr.) ••••• 50 amp. (Opt.) ..... Regulators For 1105915 For 1106809-826 .. Pulley For 1105915 Pulley & Fan For 1106509 Fan For 1105915 Cranking Motor Starting Switch Horn .•................•. Horn Mrg, Bracket Horn Relay Generators 25 amp 50 amp. (Opr.) 50 amp. (Opr.) Regulators For 1105915 For 1106809-826 .. Pulley For 1105915 Pulley & Fan For 1106809 Fan For 1105915 Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm ....•.... Advance Arm Dial Ignition Coil Switches Starting Ignition Horn Horn Mrg, Bracket Horn Relay Distributors Use with compressor ...... 1111764 Use without compressor ...... 1111765 Advance Arm For 1111764 1838617 Advance Arm Dial For 1111764 815095 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Starting ..••........... 406-A Ignition 1997733 Horn 1999851 Horn Mtg, Bracket .. 1855611 Horn Relay 1116781 98-K 98-L 113-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-C 12 WARD LA FRANCE 1949-50-51-52-53 Model FD4K N.Y. City Wrecker (Eng. Waukesha 145-GKB) Generator Regulator Fan Pulley Cranking Motor Distributor Ignition Coil 1106828 114-B 1118337 6-C 1910036 Not D-R 1109150 63-B 1111 775 105 1115251 41 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl, Models 47-T, 47-H, 47-QD, 47-L Fire Apparatus (Eng. Waukesha 6-MZR) Generator 1102676 Regulator 1118303 Cranking Motor 1108207 Distributor 1111544 Advance Arm 1839351 Ignition Coil 1115226 Switches Starting 406-A Dimmer 1997008 Lighting 478-H Knob-Light Switch. '" 499-X 98 6-C 55 95-A 1 41 30 • 36 * 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-c y1. Models 56-II, 56-QD, 56-F, 56-T, 75-T Fire Apparatus (Eng. Waukesha 6-SRKR) Generator Regulator Cranking Motor Distributor Advance Arm Ignition Coil ......•.. Switches Starting Dimmer Lighting Knob-Light Switch 1102957 1118304 1108406 1111544 1839351 1115251 98-K 6-C 55-F 95-A 406-A 1997008 478-H 499-X 30 1 41 * 36 * Page 99 Ward La France to White Delco-Remy CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group Ward La France (Contd.) Group White (Contd.) 1949-50-51-52-53. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 85-T, 120-T, 150-T Fire Apparatus (Eng. Waukesha 145-GK) Generator 1106809 ......................... 1106826 Pulley 1885473 Regulator 1118339 Cranking Motor ..•.... 1109150 Distributor , 1111543 Advance Arm .••...... 1868176 Ignition Coil 1115251 Switches Dimmer ............•. 1997008 Starring 406-A Lighting .........•...•. 478-H Switch Knob (Light) ••. 499-X Model 114-B 114-B 6-C 63-B 95-A 1 41 30 36 • Model Group White (Contd.) Cranking Motors For 116-A 1107920 For 120-A, 130-A, 140-A, 150-A 1108455 Distributors 1111790 For 150-A 1112263 Clamp Arm ....•....... 1883493 1116025 Vacuum Control Ignition Coil 1115380 Switches Control (Push) 1385 Magnetic 1469 Dimmer 1997008 Horns Standard 1999876 OptionalLow note 1999519 High note 1999520 Hom Mtg. Bracket .. 1849866 Relay--Horn 1116775 54 56 105-A 106 4 41 106 4 • 15-D 17-D 17-D 4 1949-50. 6-Cyl. Model WC-14 Truck (Engine llO-A) Models WC-16, e.O.E. 3016 (Engine ll6-A) Models WC-16T, WC-18 & WC-18B, C.O.E. 3016T &3018. (Engine 120-A) Models WC-18T, WC-20 & WC-20B, C.O.E. 3018T & 3020 (Engine 130-A) Model WC-20T & WC-22; C.O.E. 3020T & 3022 (Engine 140-A) Models WC-20ST, WC-22T, WC-2264, WC-26 & WC-26T; e.O.E. 3020ST, 3022-T &3026 (Engine ISO-A) WHITE 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models WC-22, WC-22RB Trucks (Eng. Hercules DWXD) 1949. 6-Volt. Model 3016 C.O.E. Truck (Engine ll6-A) Model 3018 C.O.E. Truck (Engine 120-A) Generator 1105912 Regulator 1118304 Cranking Motor 1108855 Switches Magnetic 1118193 Starting (Seriesparallel) 1996474 Control (Starting).... 1385 Hom 1999802 Model 3020 C.O.E. Truck (Engine 130-A) Model 3024 C.O.E. Truck (Engine 140-A---Standard, 150-A--optional) Generators Standard4-9/16, 30 amp .. 1102670 Optional4-9/16, 30 amp .• 1102716 5-1/16,40 amp.• 1105877 5-5/8, 50 amp 1106751 5-5/8, 50 amp 1106757 5-5/8, 40 amp. (low cut-in).... 1106752 5-5/8, 40 amp. (low cut-in) ... 1106758 Regulators For 1102670-716 •• 1118303 For 1105877 ....... 1118314 For 1106751-757 .. 1118333 For 1106752-758 .. 1118366 Fans For 1102670 1866400 For 1105877, 1880558 For 1106751-752 .. 1910036 Baffles For 1102670 1877887 For 1105877 1880946 (Continued onnext column) Page 100 106 6-C 59-F 2-B 100 106 15-A 93 98-B 105-B 114 114 114 114 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 1949-50. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models WC-28D & WC-32D Trucks (Eng. Cummins NHB-6(0) Generator Fan Regulator 1106805 1910036 1118368 1108863 Cranking Motor Switches Series-parallel ..... 1996474 Control (Starting) •. 1996027 J unction Block ....... 1865535 114-B 6-D 59-F 45 43 Generators 4-9/16, 30 amp, 1102716 4-9/16, 30 amp 1102670 5-1/16,40 amp 1105877 5-1/16, 25 amp.-Opt. 12v 1105909 5-5/8, 40 amp.-(Low cut-in) Opt. 6v 1106752 Opt. 6v 1106758 5-5/8, 50 amp.-Opt 1106751 1106757 Opt 5-5/8, 40 amp.-Opt. 12v 1106801 Opt. 12v 1106821 Regulators For 1102670-716 ., 1118303 For 1105877 1118314 For 1105909 1118316 For 1106752-758 (Shock mtg.) ...... 1118344 For 1106752-755 •• 1118366 For 1106751-757 (Shock mtg.) ..... 1118335 For 1106751-757 .• 1118333 For 1106801-821 (Shock mtg.) ..... 1118338 For 1106801-821 .. 1118337 Fans For 1102670 1866400 For 1105877-909 1880558 For 1106752-751-1910036 801 Baffle Plate For 1105909 1880946 For 1102716 1877887 98-B 98 105-B 106 114 114 114 114 114-B 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 6-C 6-C 6-C 6-C • (Continued on next page) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. White to White Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model White (Contd.) Cranking Motors Opt. for 110-A, 116-A, l20-A 02v) ...... 1108111 Opt. for 130-A, 140-A, 1108533 150-A For 11O-A, 116-A (Std.) .............. 1107920 For l20-A, l30-A, 140-A, 150-A, (Std.) .............. 1108455 Distributors For 110-A, 116-A, 120-A, 130-A, 140-A ......•.....• 1111790 For 150-A ........... 1112263 Vacuum Control For 1111790 ........ 1116025 Clamp Arm For 1112263 ........ 1883493 Ignition Coil 6-volt ................. 11 15380 12-volt •.............. 1115043 Switches Dimmer .............. 1997008 Magnetic (Cab lift) 12-volt ............... 1477 6-volt ................. 1469 Control (Push) ....... 1385 J unction Block ...•... 1865535 Horns Standard--6-volt .... 1999876 Optional--6-vol t-iLow note ......... 1999519 High note ......... 1999520 Low note •........ 1999641 High note •••...... 1999642 Staridard--12-vol t •• 1999831 Optionalv-Lz-vol t-Low note ......... 1999521 High note ........ 1999522 Relays Horn--6-volt ........ 1116775 Horn--12-volt ....... 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket For 1999876-520831-522 ..••....... 1849866 uz» ...... " "--' Model 0nJap White (Contd.) 54-F 56-C 54 56-C 105-A 106 4 41 41 * 4 4 106 17-D 17-D 4 4 1949-50-51. Models WC-28 & WC-28T (Engine 260-A, 280-A) Group White (eontd.) Regulators For 1105909 1118316 For 1106801-821 •. 1118337 Fan For 1105909 1880558 Baffle For 1105909 1880946 Fan & Baffle For 1106801 ..•..... 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108607 Distributor 1112262 Advance Arm 1907910 Ignition Coil ...•..••.. 1115043 Switches Magnetic ...••••••.•. 1118121 Control (Starting) ..... 1385 Control (Starting) .. 1996048 Dimmer ••••.••••.•••• 1997008 Ignition(WC-28X) 1997807 Junction Block 1865535 Horns Standard (1949) .... 1999831 Low note (1950-51) 1999521 Optional High note (1950).1999522 High note (1951).1999592 Horn Mtg, Bracket For 1999831-522, 592 .••.....•..•...•. 1849866 Horn Relay _ 1116781 6-C 6-C 57-B 106 2-B 30 * 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 2-B 106 106 * 107 15-B 17-D 17-D 17-F 4 1949-50-51-52. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models 1132 & 1136 Coaches (Engine 260-TA, 280-TA) Cranking Motor .••.... 1109156 Distributor .......•...• 1111 799 Advance Arm ...•....• 1907910 Ignition Coils .......•. 1115251 ••...••••••••••••••...... 1115256 Switches Magnetic .••.•....... 1118121 Control (Starting) ••••• 1385 Control (Starting) .• 1996048 Dimmer 1997014 Horns Low note ••••••....•• 1999521 High note ••••••••.•. 1999522 Low note 1999591 1999592 High note Horn Relay ••.•........ 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket ••• 1849866 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Directional 406-A Start. Dimmer 1997014 J unction Block 1856635 Horns Low note 1999521 High note 1999522 Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Mtg, Bracket 1849866 Horn Relay 1116781 41 15-D 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 15-B Model Group 1950. 12-24-Volt. ;\1odel WC-20D (Export) (Enp;. Hercules DJXH) Generator 1105921 Pulley 1910381 Fan •..•...........•••••• 1880558 Regulator 1118354 Cranking Motor 650 Switches Series-parallel ..... 1996474 Control................. 1385 1997008 Dimmer Junction Block 1865535 Horn 1999521 Horn Mtg. Bracket •.• 1849866 Horn Relay ••••.•...... 1116781 106 6-D 19-A 100 106 * 17-D 4 63-B 105-A 1 41 41 2-B 106 106 * 17-D 17-D 17-F 17-F 4 Model WC-2864ET (Engine 280-A) Model WC-28X (Engine 260-AK) 1949-50-51-52. iz-v-u. Models 1140 & 1144 Coaches (Engine 24AJ & 24AK) Models WC-32, WC-2864 & WC-3264 (Engine 280-A) Generators 25 amp .•.•.....•..... 1105909 40 amp •••••.••••••••• 1106801 40 amp •••••......••.• 1106821 (Continued on next column) 106 114-B 114-B Cranking Motor Distributors For 24AK For 24AJ Ignition Coils •....•...•..••.•...•.•.•• (Continued on next Internal parts of unita marked (*) are not sold separately. 727 17 1111551 1111539 1115251 1115256 column) 95-A 95-A 41 41 Page 101 White to White Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group White (Contd.) White (Contd.) 1950-51. 6-Cyl. Models WC-16, WC-16B, C.O.E.3016 (Engine 116-A) Models WC-16T, WC-16PLT, C.O.E. WC-18, 3016T & 3018 (Engine 120-A) we-ian, Models WC-IST, WC-20, WC-20B, WC-2064, WC2064ET, C.O.E. 3018T & 3020 (Engine 130-A) Models WC-20T, WC-22, C.O.E. 3020T & 3022 (Engine 140-A) Models WC-22T, WC22PLT, WC-2264, WC2264ET, WC-26, WC26T, C.O.E. 3020PLT, 3022T, 3026, 3028, 302262, 302264, 302264ET (Engine 150-A---Standard, 250-A--()ptional) Generators Standard 4-9/16,30 amp.• 1102716 5-1/16,40 amp .. 1105877 5-1/16, 50 amp •. 1105895 Optional 6-volt-5-5/8, 40 amp.-Low cut-in 1106758 5-5/8, 50 amp 1106757 Optional 12-volt5-1/16, 25 amp •. 1105909 5-5/8, 40 amp ... 1106821 Regulators For 1102716 1118303 For 1105877 ......•. 1118314 For 1105895 1118394 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 ••••.•• 1118333 For 1106757 1118395 For 1105909 •••••.• 1118316 For 1106821 1118337 Fans For 1102716 1866400 For 1105877-909 .. 1880558 For 1106758-57821 ..........•.•..•• 1910036 Baffle Plates For 1105877-909 1880946 For 1102716 1877887 Cranking Motors Std. for 116-A ...... 1107920 Std. for 120-A, nO-A, 140-A, ISO-A, 250-A .•••.•.•••.•.. 1108455 Opt. for 116-A, 120-A 1108111 Opt. for nO-A, 140-A, 15o-A, 1108533 250-A (Continued on next column) Page 102 Model Group 98-B 105-B 105-C 114 114 106 114-B 6-C 6-C 6-D 6-D 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-C 54 56 54-F _ 56-C Model Group White (Contd.) Distributors For 116-A, 120-A, 1111790 105-A 130-A, 140-A For 150-A 1112263 106 For 150-A Opt. Gov. Drive 1112280 106 Vacuum Control For 1111790 ........ 1116025 4 Clamp Arm For 1112280 1883493 1 Ignition Coil 6-volt •.••.•.••••..... 1115378 41 12-volt 1115043 41 Switches Control (Starting) 1996048 106 Dimmer 1997008 * Magnetic (Cab lift) 6-volt 1468 4 12-volt 1477 4 J unction Block All except cab lift. 1865535 Horns Std. 6-volt-17-F Low note 1999641 Opt. 6-volt-High note 1999642 17-F Std. 12-volt 1999831 15-E Opt. 12-volt17-F Low note 1999591 17-F High note 1999592 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 4 12-volt 1116781 4 1849866 Horn Mt·g. Bracket 1950-51-52-53. Models 3014, 3015 C.O.E. Truck (Eng. Packard IT-245, White 55-A) Generators Std. 30 amp 1102739 98-B Opt. City work only 1105889 105-C Opt. 40 amp. (1950) 1105896 105-C Regulators 6-C For 1102739-5889.. 1118303 6-D For 1105896 1118393 Cranking Motor 1107037 52-A Distributor 1110132 85-D Ignition Coil 1115376 41 Switches Dimmer 1997008 * Control (Starting) 1950 1385 106 106 1996048 1951 1952-53 1996060 106 Magnetic (Cab lift) .... 1469 4 Horns 17-F Std. low note 1999641 Opt. high note 1999642 17-F Relay--Horn 1116775 4 Bracket--Horn Mtg••• 1849866 1950-51. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models WC-26D, WC-25TD, WC-26WD, WC-26TWD & WC-26PLTD (Eng. Cummins HRBB-600, White 57-A) Models WC-2sD, WC-28TD, WC-2SW13, WC-28TWD, WC-32D, WC-32WD, WD-2864D, WC-2864TD, WC-2864WD, WC-2864TWD, WC-3264D & WC-3264WD (Eng. Cummins NHI3-600, White 54-A) Generator 1106805 114-B Fan & Baffle 1910036 Regulator 1118368 6-D Cranking Motor 1108863 59-F Switches Series-parallel ....• 1996474 100 Control (Starting) ... 1996048 106 Horns Standard 1999591 17-F Optional 1999592 17-F Horn Mtg, Bracket •.• 1849866 Horn Relay 1116781 4 Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. White to White Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model GnJap White (Contd.) Models WC-16T, WC-18B, C.O.E. 3016T (Engine 120-A) Models WC-16PLT, WC-20, WC-20B, C.O.E. 3020 & 3020T (Engine 130-A) Models WC-20T, WC-22, e.O.E.3022 (Engine 140-A) Models WC-22T, WC-22PLT, WC-2264, WC-2264T, WC-26, WC-26T, C.O.E. 3022T, 3022PLT, 3026, 3028, 302264 & 302264T (Engine Standard 150.,.A, Optional 25D-A) 98-D 105-C 114 114 106-A 114-B 6-E 6-0 6-D 6-E 6-C 6-C 54 56 54-F 56-C Distribuiors For 116-A, 120-A, 130-A, 140-A ..... 1111790 For 150-A .••........ 1112263 Vacuum Control For 1111790 1116025 (Continued on next column) Group White (Contd.) 1951-52. Models WC-16, WC-16B, C.O.E. 3016 (Engine 116-A) Generators 4-5/8, 45 amp .•.... 1102788 5-1/8, 50 amp 1105895 Optional 6-vol t 5-5/8, 40 amp.-Low cut-in 1106758 5-5/8, 55 amp •.•• 1106757 Optional 12-volt 5-1/8,32 amp ... 1105936 5-5/8, 40 amp .. , 1106821 Regulators For 1102788 .....••. 1118743 For 11 05895 1118394 For 1106758 •••....• 1118366 For 1106757 , 1118395 For 1105936 ....•..• 1118328 For 1106821 ..••...• 1118337 Fans For J 1:>2788 •....••. 1866400 For 1105895, 936 .. 1880558 Fur 1106757-8,821.1910036 Baffle Plates For 1102788 1877887 For 1105895-936 1880946 Cranking Motors Std. for 116-A ...... 1107920 Std. for l20-A, 130-A, 140-A, 150-A, 250-A ..••.•.....•.. 1108455 Opt. for 116-A, l20-A 1108111 Opt. fot 130-A, 140-A, 150-A, 250-A .•.• 1108533 Model 105-A 106 4 41 41 106 • 4 4 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 1951-52-53. 6-CyI. iz-veu, Model WC-28 (Eng. 260-A, 280-A, 290-A) 1951-52-53. 6-CyI. 12-24-Volt. Model WC-26D Truck (Eng. Cummins HRBB-600, White 57-A) Models WC-28D & WC-32D Trucks (Eng. Cummins NHB-600, White 54-A) Generator .......•.•.•. 1106805 Fan & Baffle 1910036 Regulator 1118368 Cranking Motor 1108863 Switches Series-parallel ....• 1996474 Control (Starting) .. 1996060 Junction Block 1865535 Horns Standard •............ 1999591 Optional .•.......... 1999592 Horn Mtg. Bracket 1849866 Horn Relay 1116781 Buzzer Low Air pressure .J 116882 114-B 6-D 59-F 100 106 17-F 17-F 4 1953. 6-CyI. 6-Volt. (12-Volt Optional) Trucks Models WC16, WCI6B, C.O.E. 3016 (Eng. 116A, 120A Opt.) Models WC-28T, WC-32, WC-2864, WC-2864T (Engine 280-A, 290-A) Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. Group White (Contd.) Clamp Arm For 1112263 1883493 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115380 12-volt 1115043 Switches Control (Starting) 1996060 Dimmer 1997008 Magnetic (C.O.E. Cab lift) 6-volt 1469 I2-volt 1477 J unction Block All except C.O.E •. 1865535 Horns Standard 6-volt Low note 1999641 Optional 6-volt High note 1999642 Optional 12-volt Low note ....•••.. 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket ..• 1849866 Generators 32 amp 1105936 40 amp 1106821 Regulators For 1105936 1118328 For 1106821 1118337 Fan For 1105936 ....... 1880558 Baffle For 1105936 1880946 Fan & Baffle For 1106821 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108607 Distributor 1112262 Advance Arm 1907910 Ignition Coil 1115043 Switches Magnetic 1118121 Control (Starting) •• 1996060 Dimmer 1997008 J unction Block 1865535 Horns Standard 1999591 Optional 1999592 Horn Mtg. Bracket For 1999592 1849866 Horn Relay 1116781 Buzzer Low Air pressure.. 1116882 Model 106-A 114-8 6-C 6-C 57-B 106 1 41 2-B 106 • 17-F 17-F 4 • Models WC18B, C.O.E. 3016T (Eng. 120A, 230A Opt.) Models WC20, WC20B, WC22, C.O.E. 3020, 3020T, 3022, 3022Pr,T (Eng. 23D-A) Models WC22T, WC22PLT, WC2264, WC2264T, WC26, WC26T, C.O.E. 3022T, 3022PLT, 3026, 302264, 302264T (Eng. 150A, 250A Opt.) Generators 6-volt Std. 45 amp ...... 1102788 Opt. 50 amp .•... 1105895 Opt. 40 amp.-Low cut-in 1106758 Opt. 55 amp 1106757 12-volt 32 amp 1105936 1106821 40 amp (Continued on next page) 98-D 105-C 114 114 106-A 114-8 Page 103 White to Willys Delco-ReDly CAR APPLICATION INDEX Model Group White (Contd.) Regulators For 1102788 ••.•... 1118743 For 1105895 .•.•.•• 1118394 For 1106758 1118366 For 1106757 1118395 For 1105396 1118328 For 1106821 1118337 Fans For 1102788 ....... 1866400 For 1105895, 936.. 1880558 For 1106757, 8; 1106821 1910036 Baffle Plates For 1102788 on C.O.E 1877887 For 1105895, 936.. 1880946 Cranking Motors 6-volt-116-A Eng ....... 1107920 120A, 150A, 230A, 250A Eng ...... 1108455 12-volt 116A, 120A Eng. 1108111 150A, 230A, 250A Eng ...... 1108533 Distributors 116A, 120A, 123A Eng 1111790 150A, 250A Eng 1112263 150A-Propane 1112313 Disr. Vacuum Control For 1111790 ........ 1116025 Clamp Arm For 1112263, 313 .1883493 Ignition Coils 6-volt 1115380 12-volt 1115043 Switches Dimmer 1997008 Contro l (Starr.) 1996060 Magnetic (C.O.E. Cab lift) 6-volr 1469 12-volt 1477 Buzzer Low Air pressure 6-volt 1116881 12-volt 1116882 J unction Blocks All except C.O.E •. 1865535 Horns 6-volt Std. low note .... 1999641 Opt. High note .. 1999642 12-volt Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Relays 6-volt 1116775 12-volt 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket .• 1849866 Page 104 Model Group White (Contd.) 6-E 6-D 6-D 6-E 6-C 6-C 54 56 Model Group White (Contd.) 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-Volt. Models WC22D, WC22PLTD (Eng. Cummins JBS-600 White 61-A) Generator 1106822 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108840 Switches Magnetic Starting.. 1118121 Control (Star c.) •••• 1996048 Buzzer Low Air pressure .• 1116882 J unction Block ...... 1865535 Horns Std. Low note 1999591 Opt. High note 1999592 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg, Bracket .• 1849866 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models WC34D, WC34PLTD (En~. nuda 6DA-779---White 64A Buda 6DA-844---White 63A 114-B 6-D 59-E 2-B 106 * * 17-F 17-F 4 Generator 1106808 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 868 Switches Series-parallel 1996474 Control (Srarr.) 19%048 Buzzer Low Air pressure .1116882 Junction Block ...... 1865535 Horns Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 Horn Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket .. 1849866 114-B 6-D 23-A 100 106 17-F 17-F 4 54-F 56-C 105-A 106 106-A 4 1 41 41 * 106 4 4 * * * 17-F 17-F 17-F 17-F 4 4 1953. 6-Cyl. 12-24-Volt. Models WC24D, WC24PLTD, WC2464-D (En~. Buda 6DAS-516 White 62A) Generator 1106808 Regulator 1118368 Fan 1910036 Cranking Motor 1108863 Switches Series-paralleJ. 1996474 Control (Starr.) 1996048 Buzzer Low Air pressure. 1116882 Junction Block •.•..•• 1865535 Horns Low note 1999591 High note 1999592 "Hom Relay 1116781 Horn Mtg. Bracket .• 1849866 114-B 6-D 59-F 59-F 100 106 * 17-F 17-F 4 WILLYS 1949-50-51-52-53. (Optional Over-Drive) Solenoid Switches 1949-50 1951-52-53 1118132 1118155 5-£ 5-E Internal parts of units marked (*) are not sold separately. L t,
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