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MAR THOMA SLEEHA SYROMALABAR CATHEDRAL Issue 28 of 2015 PARISH BULLETIN July 12, 2015 Mar Jacob Angadiath celebrating Holy Qurbana on Dukhrana Thirunal Night with other co-celebrants on July 4th With prayerful wishes and hearty congratulations...!! fp-¤. ©-s¡-i-¢ A-µ-c-® o®©c©p¡n®hqh¡i i-¡-±-Y-¡-h-«-Lq-¹w.... l-¢m-§-¡o-¢-J-¨q F-¿-¡-l-¨-j-i-¤-« H-j-¤-h-¢-µ-¤ c-¢-t·-¢ H-×-¨-´-¶-¡-i-¢ CT-l-Jo-h-¥p-¨-· h-¤©-¼-¡-¶-¤ c-i-¢-©-´-Ù l-k-¢-i D-·-j-l-¡-a-¢-Y-§-h-¡-X-® Y-¨-Ê ©-±-dn-¢-Y-±-d-l-t·-c-·-¢-¨-Ê G-×-l-¤-« J-¡-Y-k-¡-i g-¡-L-¨-h-¼-¤ ©-s¡-i-¢ A-µu h-co-æ-¢-k-¡-´-¤-¼-¤. n-¢-´-¡-©-L-¡ o-£-©-s¡h-k-f-¡-t J-·-£ -±-V-k¢v-c-¢-¼-¤-« J-¢-¶-¢-i B-Å-£-i ¨-¨-O-Y-c¬-l-¤-« J-j-¤-·-¤-« B-l-¡p-¢-µ-¤ J-¡-k-« J-j-¤-Y-¢-l-µ ¨¨alc¢©i¡L«-©-d-¡¨-k V-¢-©-±T-¡-i-¢-×-¢-¨-k ¨oÊ® ©Y¡ho® o-£-©-s¡h-k-f-¡-t J-¡-·-k-¢-J-® O-tµ¢©-k-i-®´-® l-¢-J¡-j¢-i-¡-i-¢ Ì-k-«-h-¡-s¢-©-¸-¡-J-¤-¼ fp-¤. ©-s¡-i-¢ A-µ-c-® J-·-£-±-Vv CT-l-J-Q-c¹q¤-¨T ©-d-j¢-k-¤-¾ o-®-©-c-©p-¡n-®-hq-h-¡-i i-¡-±-Y-¡-h-«-Lq-¹w. o-g-¡o-®-©-cp-¢-i-¡-i ©-s¡-i-¢ A-µu J-·-£-±-V-k-¢-¨-c o-«-f-Ü-¢-µ-® H-j-¤ Y-©-d-¡-¨-¨-O-Yc¬-h-¤-¾ c-¢-so-¡-¼-¢-Ú¬-h-¡-i¢-j-¤-¼-¤. l-¢m-¤-Ú-¢-i-¤-¨T-i-¤-« p¦ai¨-¨-c-t½-k¬-·-¢-¨-Ê-i-¤-« J-sY£t¼ J-¡r-®-O¸-¡T-¤-Jq-¤-©T-i-¤-« o-¥-È-¢-¸-¤-J-¡-ju-J-¥T-¢-i-¡-X-® ©-s¡-i-¢- A-µu. A-Ú-§-¡c-¢-´-¤-¼ Q-c-¹-©q-¡T-® p-¦-a-i ¨-F-J¬-« D-¾-¢v o-¥-È-¢-´-¤-¼ l¬-Ç-¢-Y-§-·-¢-¨-Ê DT-h-i-¤-h-¡-X-®. ¨-¨-al« F-¼-¡v o-Y¬-·-¢-©-Ê-i-¤-« o-®-©-cp-·-¢-©-Ê-i-¤-« g-¡n-X-h-¡-X-® F-¼-¤-« o-Y¬-l-¤-« o-®-©-cpl-¤-« ¨-¨-J-h-¡-s¤-¼-Y-¡-X-® Q-£-l-¢-Y-¨-h-¼-¤-« ©-s¡-i-¢- A-µu l-¢m-§o-¢-´-¤-¼-¤. A-µ-¨-Ê l-¡-´-¤Jw J-¦-Y¬-l-¤-« l¬-Ç-l-¤-h-¡-X-®. CY® l-¡-´-¤-Jq-¢v h-¡-±-Y-h-¡-i-¢ H-Y-¤-¹-¤-¼-¢-¿, ¨-d-j-¤-h-¡-×-·-¢-k-¤-h-¤ -Ù-®. C-Y-® Qc¹¨q Y-¼-¢-©-k-i-®´-® B-J-tn-¢-´-¤-¼-¤. Jr-¢-º j-Ù-j l-tn-´-¡-k-h-¡-i-¢ c-½-¤-¨T CT-l-J-i-¢v A-c-¤n-®-U-¢-µ o-®-Y-¤-Y¬-tph¡-i ©o-l-c-¹w-´-¤-« m-¤-±m-¥n-Jw-´-¤-« H-j-¡-i-¢-j-« cz-¢. H-¸-« A-µ-¨-Ê g-¡-l-¢-i-¢-¨-k F-¿-¡ ©-±-dn¢-Y ±-d-l-t·-c-¹w-´-¤-« m-¤-±m-¥n-Jw-´-¤-« ¨-¨-a-l-¡-c-¤-±-Lp-¹q-¤-« B-i-¤-j-¡ -©-j-¡-L¬-l-¤-« ©-c-j-¤-J-i-¤-« V-¢-©-±T-¡-i-¢-×-¢-¨-k o-£-©-s¡h-k-f-¡-t d-¾-¢-l-¢-J-¡j-¢ F-¼ c-¢-k-i-¢-k-¤-¾ D-·-j-l¡-a-¢-Y-§-¹w F¿¡« g«L¢i¡i¢ c-¢-tlp-¢-´-¤-¼-Y-¢-c-® ¨-¨-a-l-« F-¿-¡-i-®©-¸¡r-¤-« Y¤Xi®´¨¶¨i¼® ±-d-¡-tÏ-¢-´-¤-¼-¤. HOLYMASS SCHEDULE SEASON OF KAITHA ¨¨J·¡´¡k« SUNDAY 8 : 00 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM 9 : 30 AM HOLY MASS - ENGLISH 11: 00 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM 5 : 30 PM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM WEEKDAYS & SATURDAY 8 : 30 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM FRIDAY 7 : 00 PM : HOLY MASS ON FIRST FRIDAYS 7: 00 PM : HOLY MASS (ENGLISH & MALAYALAM) 8: 00 PM : ADORATION & NIGHT VIGIL CONFESSION MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 AM-10:30 AM FRIDAY : BEFORE & AFTER 7:00 PM MASS Announcement 5000 St.Charles Rd., B e l l w o o d, I L 6 0 1 0 4 Te l : ( 7 0 8 ) 5 4 4 - 7 2 5 0 Fa x : ( 7 0 8 ) 5 4 4 - 5 8 9 0 Vi c a r R e v . D r. Au g u s t i n e Pa l a c k a p a r a m p i l (7 1 4) 8 0 0 - 3 6 4 8 As s t .Vi c a r Rev. Fr. Roy Moolechalil (6 3 0) 8 8 0 - 8 5 2 0 Trustees Antony Francis (847) 219 - 4897 Manish Joseph (847) 387-9384 Shabu Mathew (630) 649 - 4103 Paul Pulikkan (708) 743 - 6505 Bulletin Committee Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil Rev. Fr. Roy Moolechalil Antony Francis For all bulletin insertions/enquiries Call 847-219-4897(Francis) ST.THOMAS FEAST ENDS This year’s St.Thomas( Dukarana) Thirunal ends today by Kodiyirakam after 11am Holy Qurbana. SCHEDULE- JULY12, SUNDAY 8:00 am Holy Qurbana, 9:30 am Holy Qurbana(English) 11:00 am Holy Qurbana, Kodiyirakkam FAREWELL MEETING FOR ROY ACHEN There will be a farewell meeting in the Church for Roy Achen immediately after 11am H.Qurbana. CHURCH PICNIC-AUG.1ST This year’s Church Picnic will be held on Saturday, August1st, 2015 at Bussee Wood Forest Preserve near Schaumburg. GAUDULUPE PILGRIMAGER’S MEETING On 19th Sunday after 8am H.Qurbana, there will be meeting for all the members who registered their names for Gaudulupe pilgrimage, at Alphonsa Hall. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING There will be parish council meeting on Monday, July20th at 7pm at conference hall. All the parish council members are invited. BRIDGE OF FAITH -YOUTH GATHERING There will be a gathering of our youth from7.30pm to 9.30pm on Friday, July 24th in the Chavara hall. The program include, Prayer Daily Adoration: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Visit Newly updated website: Collection Sunday: (07/05/2015) is $12,517.00 Thought of the Day ‘‘ The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish’’ Pope John Paul II Session, Group discussion. All the young people are welcome ST.ALPHONSA FEAST St. Alphonsa feast will be on Sunday, August 2nd. This feast celebration is sponsored. KOCHACHAN’S TRANSFER Next Saturday July 18th our beloved Kochachan Rev. Fr. Roy Moolechalil will transfer to St.Thomas Church, Detroit as its Pastor. CCD REGISTRATION OPEN Online Registration for CCD and Malayalam School are open now. Please use the following link for registration cathedralccd/ PARKING LOT FUND RAISING PROJECT Please be generous and cooperative with your ward officials when they approach you for raising the fund for new parking lot. MATRIMONIAL COLUMN We plan to publish matrimonial advertisement column in our Parish Bulletin as a new item. Interested persons may contact trustee Antony Francis(847-219-4897) with their details to be published. MALAYALAM SCHOOL Registration is started for Malayalam school. School opens on Sunday Aug 3oth. ‘Ezhuthiniruthu’ will be on Sunday September 6th after 8am and 9.30am masses. DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN INSERTIONS Bulletin board is reqesting your cooperation for sending your informations or news to be published in the Parish Bulletin must reach to the bulletin board on or before Thursday midnight to news2smc@gmail. com. PRAYER MEETING Ward: Host : Addr: Date: Phone : Ward: Host: Addr: Date: Phone: BIBLE STUDY FOR JULY, LUKE: CH-6 St. Mathais (Church Ward) Vincent Varkey and Alice Purathur 933 Pamela Dr, Bensenville,IL 60106 Wednesday, July15th @ 7 PM 1-224-875-0206 St.Mathew (Des Plaines ) Jose and Mary Mangattukattil 9374 N Hamlin Ave, Des Plaines, 60016 Wednesday, July 15th 2015 at 7:00PM 847 299 3890 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Sunday July 19, 2015 8:00 am Holy Qurbana- Malayalam Thomas Alumparampil, Santi Thomas 9:30 am Holy Qurbana- English Ronnie Thottaplackal, Joe Parayil Goodwin Francis, Alex Thoppil Alfred Joseph, Jack Vadakumchery David Peter, Joel Lovely Jeswin Eappen, Ricky Chirayil 11:00 amHoly Qurbana- Malayalam Jose Kadavil, Cheriachan Kizhakkebhagam Jomi Jacob, John Thayilpeedika 5:30 pm Holy Qurbana- Malayalam Davi Peter, Jeswin Davi Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 4: 32-40 2 Corinthians 3: 4-12,Gospel: Luke 15:11-32 Rev.Dr.Augustine Palackaparampil blessing the ‘Flag’ before hoisting with other celebrants by saying prayers. Bishop’se messag r ev. Fr. Vica Dear very R , at feast of ners you The gre f o and Parish e n o ry eve l parish last to each and r Cathedra u s o k n t a a rand. th d te d n celebra - all were g God a s ts a to n w e ve b e a l s n a k ra n ci Tha - Duka ms, and so t. Vicar the Apostle ural progra Vicar , Ass lt r. u F ,c v. s e n St.Thomas R o ti ry nd all ical celebra reciate , ve members a rd a w our w week. Liturg sion to thank and app e m next year , ertholo r B o a t. F cc S . o , ty rs is si e th b ro I take ncil mem m in every n and gene ,Parish cou co-operatio support the r, s e u y t ra e p L f . o ,Kaikarans st irit host the fea for their sp nsibility to o parishners sp re e th taken lebration. better youth have a Solemn ce families into r ve u a o h to rm o y sf s life. wa tran and religiou nd work to d a o o y h ra st p e s ri u ,p Syrolet to family life tron of our mily year , a s fa P n o is d ti n th a ca g , n vo h Duri romote of our fait llow Jesus lso let us p , the father en us to fo s th a g m n o re h families . A T st l t. rcession of ur Cathedra cese and o Let the inte io d r to death. u ,O h urc life even un e th d n a Malabar Ch , uth way ,the tr who is the Sincerely, Angadiath Mar Jacob Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath Celebrated Thanksgiving Holy Qurbana with 14 Priests Mar Joy Alappatt celebrating Solemn Raza Qurbana with other co-celebrants on Sunday, July 5th, the main Thirunal day A distinct part of the Solemn Raza Qurbana celebrated by Mar Joy Alappatt Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath going along with the Thirunal Procession Vicari Achen is giving instructions to those who participate in Thirunal Procession Knanaya Region Vicar General Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal Celebrating Holy Qurbana with Cathedral Vicar Rev. Dr. Augustine Palakaparampil, Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath, Rev. Fr. Antony Thundathil and Rev. Fr. George (Sony) Ettuparayil, Rev. Fr. Roy Moolechalil at flag hoisting day on June 28th. 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Contact: 630 217 9270 Raju Nadayil We provide pre-approval in minutes “Purchase or Refinance Loans call your trusted Mortgage Specialist” Mar Jacob Angadiath inaugurating Thirunal Night by lighting the lamp along with bishop Mar simon Kaippuram(Balasor Diocese) Trustees, and Cultural Committee members. ELITE CATERING & CARRY OUT lj¥..Bo§a¢´¥... 5555 St. Charles Road, Unit G, Berkeley, IL 60163 Office: 708 544 2000 c¢©Y¬c d¡r®ov ©olc« kg¬h¡X® Contact BABU VALIAPARAMBIL 708 717 0795 BENNY PARACKAL 630 306 3771 Please call: The Prudential Insurance Company of America 523 N Zenith Dr Suite 523 Glenview, IL 60025 Tel: 847 375 4444, Fax: 847 827 4040 Cell: 847 630 4106 Email: MOHAN SEBASTIAN 847 331 1123 NMLS#1182672 / Mother looking for suitable young man for her daughter, 30, MD. My daughter is internal medicine trained and currently pursuing her fellowship. She is 5’4” and has a medium complexion. 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