Maria Fernanda Mellano Antonio Emilio Ramirez
Maria Fernanda Mellano Antonio Emilio Ramirez
GROUNDWATER ARSENIC IN THE AREA AROUND MARIA ELENA, SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN ARGENTINA Hydrogeochemical characteristics, arsenic mobilization and experimental studies on arsenic removal using natural clays Maria Fernanda Mellano Antonio Emilio Ramirez September 2004 TRITA-LWR Master Thesis ISSN 1651-064X LWR-EX-04-40 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 ii Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina GROUNDWATER ARSENIC IN THE AREA AROUND MARIA ELENA IN SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO PROVINCE, NORTHWESTERN ARGENTINA Hydrogeochemical characteristics, arsenic mobilization and experimental studies on arsenic removal using natural clays Maria Fernanda Mellano Antonio Emilio Ramirez Linneaus-Palme Student Exchange Programme KTH Main Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prosun Bhattacharya KTH- International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group (GARG) Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Co-Supervisors Prof. Dr. Jochen Bundschuh, Lic. Raúl Martín and Lic. Angel Storniolo Departamento de Geología y Geociencias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologias, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero 4200, Argentina Prof. Dra. Clara López Pasquali de Araya Departamento de Química Analítica, Facultad de Agronomía y Agroindustrias, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero 4200, Argentina Reviewer Md. Jakariya Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Examiner Prof. Em. Gunnar Jacks Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Stockholm September, 2004 iii Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 iv Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina Royal Institute of Technology International Office PREFACE This study has been carried out within the framework of the Linnaeus Palme (LP) Academic Exchange Programme for teachers and students, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida/Asdi and administered by the International Programme Office (IPK), Sweden. The participating Swedish university department has the operative responsibility of the Linnaeus Palme Programme, while the International Office at the Swedish unviersity, in this case KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, has a co-ordinating role. The LP Student Scholarship Programme offers an opportunity for undergraudate students registered at universities in Sweden (Linnaeus scholars) and at universites in Africa, Asia or Latin America (Palme scholars) to undertake courses of one or two semesters at universities in Africa, Asia or Latin America respectively in Sweden. The LP exchange studies in regulars university courses, as in this case the student's final degree project, should be an ordinary part of the student's university degree and may, as in this case, result in an in-depth report, the student's Master of Science thesis. The main purpose of the LP Programme is to enhance the mobility of university students and the possiblity of Swedish university students to study at universities in countries outside the OECD region. The over all goals are to strengthen Swedish university cooperation in Africa, Asia and Latin America and to enhance mutually human resources competence capacity and the knowledge and understanding of different cultures. Sigrun Santesson Coordinator LP Programme International Office KTH, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden, Phone: +46 8 790 7i83 , Fax: +46 8 790 8192, E-mail: SE202100305401, v Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 vi Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... V TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... VII ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................IX SAMMANFATTNING .................................................................................................................................XI SUMMARIO .............................................................................................................................................. XIII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................................................................................XV 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 1 1 .1 A R S E N I C I N G R O U N D W A T E R O F T H E W O R L D ................................................................. 1 1 .2 H I G H - A R S E N I C G R O U N D W A T E R I N A R G E N T I N A A N D S A N T I A G O D E L E S T E R O P R O V I N C E 1 1 .3 E N V I R O N M E N T A L G E O C H E M I S T R Y O F A R S E N I C ............................................................. 2 1.3.1 Sources of arsenic .................................................................................................................................................................2 1.3.2 Speciation of arsenic.............................................................................................................................................................4 1.3.3 Adsorption-desorption..........................................................................................................................................................4 1 .4 T O X I C I T Y O F A R S E N I C ( H E A L T H I M P A C T S ) .................................................................... 5 1 .5 O B J E C T I V E S O F T H E P R E S E N T S T U D Y ............................................................................ 5 2. AREA OF STUDY....................................................................................................................................... 6 2 .1 G E O G R A P H I C L O C A T I O N .............................................................................................. 6 2 .2 D E M O G R A P H I C A N D S O C I O - E C O N O M I C S I T U A T I O N ........................................................ 6 2 .3 C L I M A T I C C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S ........................................................................................ 6 2 .4 G E O M O R P H O L O G I C A L S E T T I N G ................................................................................... 6 2.4.1 Loess plain ..........................................................................................................................................................................8 2.4.2 Río Dulce alluvial palaeoplain.............................................................................................................................................9 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ..............................................................................................................10 3 .1 C O M P I L A T I O N O F B A C K G R O U N D D A T A ........................................................................ 10 3 .2 D E S K T O P S T U D I E S ...................................................................................................... 10 3 .3 . F I E L D I N V E S T I G A T I O N S ............................................................................................. 10 3.3.1 Inventory of wells and selection of sampling sites .................................................................................................................10 3.3.2 Groundwater sampling .....................................................................................................................................................10 3.3.3 Determinations of field parameters .....................................................................................................................................10 3.3.4 Drilling and sediment sampling..........................................................................................................................................10 3.3.5 Sampling of clays for adsorption experiments.....................................................................................................................12 3 .4 . L A B O R A T O R Y I N V E S T I G A T I O N S .................................................................................. 12 3.4.1 Groundwater analyses........................................................................................................................................................12 3.4.2 Textural analyses and clay mineralogy ...............................................................................................................................12 3.4.3 Geochemical analyses ........................................................................................................................................................13 3.4.4 Adsorption batch experiments............................................................................................................................................14 3 .5 D A T A P R O C E S S I N G ..................................................................................................... 15 3.5.1 Microsoft Excel software....................................................................................................................................................15 3.5.2 Aqua Chem ......................................................................................................................................................................15 3.5.3 AutoCAD........................................................................................................................................................................15 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................16 4 .1 C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F T H E U N S A T U R A T E D Z O N E ....................................................... 16 4 .2 S O U R C E S O F G R O U N D W A T E R A R S E N I C ......................................................................... 16 4 .3 S T R A T I G R A P H I C P R O F I L E S ........................................................................................... 16 vii Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 4.3.1 Profile 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................16 4.3.2 Profile 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................16 4 .3 H Y D R O G E O L O G Y ........................................................................................................ 16 4 .4 H Y D R O C H E M I C A L S T U D I E S .......................................................................................... 16 4.4.1 Hydrochemical characterization..........................................................................................................................................20 4.4.2 Geochemical classification...................................................................................................................................................22 4 .5 . R E L A T I O N S H I P S B E T W E E N H Y D R O C H E M I C A L P A R A M E T E R S .......................................... 24 4.5.1. Relationships between major ions ......................................................................................................................................24 4 .6 D I S T R I B U T I O N O F G R O U N D W A T E R A R S E N I C ................................................................. 26 4.6.1 Spatial variations ..............................................................................................................................................................26 4.6.2 Relationships between As and other hydrochemical parameters ...........................................................................................27 4 .7 S E D I M E N T C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S ...................................................................................... 28 4.7.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................................28 4.7.2 Mineralogical characteristics of the sediments ......................................................................................................................29 4.7.3 Characteristics of the soil saturation extract .......................................................................................................................29 4.7.4 Cation exchange capacity ...................................................................................................................................................29 4.7.5 Iron content........................................................................................................................................................................30 4.7.6 Results of geochemical analyses ...........................................................................................................................................30 5. REMEDIATION OF ARSENIC CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER ............................................ 33 5 .1 O V E R V I E W ................................................................................................................. 33 5 .2 S E L E C T I O N O F S E D I M E N T S .......................................................................................... 33 5 .3 E X P E R I M E N T A L R E S U L T S ............................................................................................ 34 5.3.1 Effects of reaction time and pH..........................................................................................................................................34 5.3.2 Role of pH for arsenic removal...........................................................................................................................................34 5 .4 D I S C U S S I O N ............................................................................................................... 35 6. CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................................... 36 7. RECOMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 38 8. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 42 APPENDIX 2................................................................................................................................................ 43 viii Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina ABSTRACT Since the end of the 19th century, the presence of natural arsenic (As) in concentrations above the limit of the World Health Organization (WHO; 10 µg L-1) has been observed in groundwaters from different regions of Argentina. In the semiarid area around Maria Elena town (Banda County), Santiago del Estero Province, located in the northern part of the Chaco-Pampean plain, dissolved As, often exceeding the Argentine limit (50 µg L-1) has been found in the shallow aquifer, which is used for water supply of the dispersed living rural population. The ingestion of this compound by the rural population caused health implications in form of different chronical diseases and resulted in some cases in fatalities due to cancer, degenerative effects or circulation and neurotoxical problems. Hydrogeochemical investigations were performed to characterise and to delimit zones, where As concentrations in the shallow aquifer are low enough hat they are suitable for human consumption. Water samples were collected from 19 wells in the shallow groundwater in June and August 2000 around the town of Maria Elena. The water samples were neutral or slightly alkaline, and were predominantly of Na-HCO3 type (58%). The concentration of dissolved As ranged from 10 to 1900 µg L-1; 27% of the samples exceeded the Argentine limit (0.05 mg L-1). A moderate positive correlation was found between the As and the Na+ concentration (R2=0.30) and HCO3 - (R2 = 0.121). Natural clays from Santiago del Estero and Misiones Provinces were tested as adsorbents to remove As from groundwater. Adsorption experiments were performed under different pH values (4.5, 5.6, 8.63) and concentrations of dissolved As(V) (0.5, 1.0, 2 mg L-1). Adsorption was studied during 48 hours of contact time between As solution and adsorbents. Clays containing iron were found to be the most effective for As adsorption. In the clay (laterite; 29% beidelite, 71% caolinite) from Misiones province, As (V) was lowered by 99% (from 2 mg L1 to below <0.05 mg L-1), whereas the clays (include composition) from Santiago del Estero Province (clay sample "Choya": 88% montmorillonite, clay sample "Lomas Coloradas": 60% montmorillonite, 39% illite) adsorbed only between 40 and 53% of the dissolved As(V) in solution. The results show that within 90 minutes, the maximum As adsorption took place (independent from pH and original As concentration). Keywords: Arsenic, groundwater, hydrogeochemistry, clay, adsorption, removal. ix Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 x Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina SAMMANFATTNING Förekomsten av naturlig arsenik med koncentrationer över gränsvärdet för Världshälsoorganisationen (10 µg L-1) har rapporterats i grundvatten, från olika regioner av Argentina. I det halvtorra området kring staden Maria Elena (Banda trakten), Santiago del Estero Provinsen, i norra delen av Choco-Pampean slätten, har upplöst arsenik, ofta över det Argentinska gränsvärdet (50 µg L-1), observerats i de grunda vattenlagren, vilket används som dricksvatten av den spridda landsbygdsbefolkningen. Intagandet av arsenik hos landsbygdsbefolkningen har orsakat allvarliga hälsoproblem i form av kroniska sjukdomar och i vissa fall resulterat i dödsfall på grund av cancer, degenererade effekter eller cirkulations- och neurotoxiska problem. Hydrogeokemiska undersökningar utfördes för att karaktärisera och begränsa zoner, där arsenikkoncentrationerna i de grunda vattenlagren är tillräckligt låg för mänsklig konsumtion. I juni och augusti 2000 togs vattenprover från 19 brunnar av det grunda grundvattnet, av neutralt eller lätt alkaliskt vatten och dominerande av Na-HCO3 typ (58 %). Koncentrationen av upplöst arsenik sträckte sig från 10 till 1900 µg L-1 och 27 % av proven översteg det argentinska gränsvärdet (0,05 mg L-1). En måttligt positiv korrelation upptäcktes mellan As och Na+ koncentrationen (R2 = 0,30) och HCO3- (R2 =0,121). Naturliga leror från Santiago del Estero och Missiones Provinser testades som absorbenter för att avlägsna arsenik från grundvatten. Absorptionsexperiment utfördes vid olika pH-värden (4.5, 5.6, 8.63) och koncentrationer på upplöst arsenik (V) (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg L-1). Absorption studerades under 48 timmars kontakttid mellan arseniklösning och absorbenter. Lera innehållande mest järn visade sig vara väldigt effektiv för arsenikabsorption. I leran (laterite; 29% beidelite, 71% calinite) från Missiones provinsen, As (V) sänktes med 99% (från 2 mg L-1 till under <0.05 mg L-1), medan leran (inklusive sammansättning) från Santiago del Estero Provinsen (lerprov ”Choya”: 88% montmorillonite, lerprov ”Lomas Coloradas”: 60% montmorillonite, 39% illite) bara absorberade mellan 40 och 53% av den upplösta arseniken (V) i lösning. Resultaten visar att inom 90 minuter skedde den maximala As adsorptionen (oberoende av pH och ursprungskoncentrationen As). Nyckelord: Arsenik, grundvatten, hydrogeokemi, lera, absorption, avlägsnande, effektivitet xi Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 xii Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina SUMMARIO Desde finales del siglo 19, se ha observado la presencia de arsénico natural en las aguas subterráneas de diferentes regiones de la Republica Argentina, en concentraciones que sobrepasan el limite permitido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), (10 µg L-1). En la región semiárida, en el nordeste de la llanura Chaco-Pampeana, en la provincia de Santiago del Estero, Departamento Banda, se encuentra la localidad de María Elena. En este lugar, el arsénico disuelto, muchas veces excede el limite establecido por el Código Alimentario Argentino (50 µg L-1), encontrándose el contaminante en el acuífero superficial, el cual es usado como abastecimiento de agua para la dispersa población rural de la zona. La ingestión de este compuesto por la población rural, causa complicaciones en la salud, provocando enfermedades crónicas, resultando fatales en algunos casos debido al cáncer, efectos degenerativos o problemas circulatorios y neurotóxicos. Fueron realizadas investigaciones hidrogeoquímicas para caracterizar y delimitar las zonas, donde las concentraciones de arsénico en el acuífero superficial son bajas y el agua es apta para consumo humano. Se tomaron muestras de agua de 19 pozos en los acuíferos superficiales entre junio y agosto del 2000, y se encontró que las aguas fueron predominantemente del tipo Na-CO3 (58% de los casos) y de pH neutro o levemente alcalino. La concentración de arsénico disuelto estuvo en el rango de 10 a 1900 µg L-1, pero el 27% de las muestras excedieron el limite argentino. Fue encontrada una moderada correlación positiva entre las concentraciones de As y Na+ (R2 =0.30) y HCO3- (R2 = 0.121). Fueron testeadas arcillas naturales de las provincias de Santiago del Estero y Misiones como adsorbentes para remover arsénico desde el agua subterránea. Los experimentos de adsorción fueron preparados bajo diferentes valores de pH (4.5, 5.6 y 8.63) y diferentes concentraciones de arsénico (V) disuelto (0.5, 1.0 y 2.0 mg L-1). El fenómeno de adsorción fue estudiado durante 48 horas con diferentes tiempos de contacto entre soluciones de arsénico y el adsorbente. Las arcillas que contienen principalmente hierro, fueron estudiadas por su eficiencia para la adsorción de arsénico. En las arcillas de Misiones (laterita; 29% de beidelita y 71% de caolinita), As (V) fue reducido un 99% (desde 2 mg L-1 hasta <0.05 mg L-1 ), en tanto que las arcillas de Santiago del Estero ( Muestra “Choya”: 88% de montmorillonita, Muestra “Lomas Coloradas”: (60% montmorilonita y 39% de illita) adsorben solamente 40 y 53% respectivamente del arsénico disuelto en solución. Los resultados muestran que sobre 90 minutos de tiempo de contacto, tiene lugar la máxima adsorción de arsénico (independientemente del pH y la concentración de arsénico original). Palabras claves: Arsénico, agua subterránea, hidrogeoquímica, arcillas, adsorción, remoción. xiii Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 xiv Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis concludes our Bachelor degree in Groundwater and Chemistry at the National University of Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. The study was carried out in the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, within the framework of Linneaeus-Palme Academic Exchange Programme between KTH and National University of Santiago del Estero (UNSE). The work is a result of the co-operation between Associate Professor Dr. Prosun Bhattacharya at the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, and Professor Dr. Jochen Bundschuh, Lic. Raul Martin and Lic. Angel Storniolo Department of Geology and Dra. Clara L. P. De Araya, Department of Analytical Chemistry, National University of Santiago del Estero. They were our supervisors during the project. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the following persons who helped us along the way: Our supervisor in Sweden, Associate Professor Prosun Bhattacharya, Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering for support throughout the project and for giving us the opportunity to know about an incredible country, Sweden. Our supervisor in Stockholm University, Magnus Mörth, for his patience in the laboratory. Our supervisors in Argentina, Raúl Martín, Angel del Rosario Storniolo, Geology and Geosciences Department, and Clara L. P. De Araya, Analytical Chemistry Department, for helping us along the way. Sigrun Santesson, Linnaeus-Palme Programmes coordinator, thanks for all little things that were big things for us. Ann Fylkner and Monica Löwen, at the chemical Laboratories of the Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH for assisting us with chemical analysis and with great patience. Åsa Carlsson, our study coordinator in Stockholm, who helped us always when we had problems. Additionally, we would like, to express our thanks to our families, who always helped us and trusted in our capacity. Lily and Ariel for their help to complete this dream. Jochen Bundschuh, International Technical Cooperation Programme, for advice on the outline of this study and his great patience. Thanks! Finally, we would like to thank all our friends in Sweden who have supported our work and contributed that these months became for ever unforgettable, specially to Gabriela, Fredrik, Therese, Alberto, Mikael, Momoko, Tullia, Erik, Kenji and Anna. Maria Fernanda Mellano Antonio Emilio Ramirez Stockholm, September 2004. xv Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 xvi Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina 1. INTRODUCTION Water plays an important role in human development. Supply of drinking water with good quality is an issue of major concern, especially if the accelerated growth of the population and the quality of life is taken into consideration. Under this social pressure, the modern civilization requires access to large volume of water to satisfy its basic needs. This situation gets worse due to natural or anthropogenic contamination of drinking water resources, which is in many cases massive, complex and harmful (Rodier et al., 1990). Contamination of groundwater resources by As of geogenic origin is an example. northern boarder of Santiago del Estero province and extends into the provinces of Salta and Chaco (Figure 1.1). The second area of Santiago del Estero Province with groundwater As is the Río Dulce Alluvial Cone located to the East of Santiago del Estero city in the counties of Banda and Robles (Vargas Gil et al., 1981, Bundschuh et al. 2004, Figure 1.1). The shallow aquifer (depth mostly <15 m) and the unsaturated zone of Río Dulce cone characterized by a discontinuous accumulation of loessic sediments (0 to few meters thick), which are deposited over fluvial and aeolian sediments of Quaternary age which are predominantly of fine sand to silt fraction. Some hypotheses intend to explain the origin of As in groundwater. These include volcanic ash layers, and volcanic glass dispersed in sediments (Bundschuh et al., 2004). The Maria Elena area, situated in the Banda County (Figure 1.2), is characterized by a dispersed rural population. The small portions of land, which belong to the individual families, count in most cases with a shallow handpump-driven well, which extracts water from the shallow aquifer. In most cases, this aquifer is the only available fresh water source, which however in many cases is contaminated by As (Herrera et al., 2000). At present, the Simbolar-Añatuya aqueduct provides suitable drinking water to one third of the population of Maria Elena area. The drinking water is stored in a communal central tank (capacity 30 m3), located about 1.5 km South of the Provincial Road 21 (Figure 1.2). The other two thirds of the population, (approximately 280 people), obtain their water predominantly from small household wells. 1.1 Arsenic in groundwater of the world In many parts of the world, serious health problems are directly related to the presence of arsenic (As) in drinking water. This is a worldwide catastrophe that has affected millions of people, particularly in the developing countries. Chronic arsenicosis is prevalent in countries as Bangladesh, India, China, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, etc., where groundwater has been used primarily for drinking (Bhattacharya et al., 2002a). The World Health Organization, (WHO), has recommended a drinking water quality guideline of 10 µg L-1 (WHO, 2001) 1.2 High-arsenic groundwater in Argentina and Santiago del Estero Province The presence of natural As is reported in groundwaters from several areas of Argentina. Most of these groundwaters belong to shallow , and only few to deep aquifers, making them unsuitable for human consumption. In extensive areas of northwestern Argentina, especially in the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, Tucumán, Salta, Chaco, and Santiago del Estero, the presence of As in groundwater is also accompanied by other geogenic contaminants such as As and fluoride (e.g. Trelles et al., 1950). Approximately a population of 1.2 million particularly those living in the rural and peri-urban settlements of Chaco-Pampean Plain (Figure 1.1) are affected by groundwater As (Bundschuh et al., 2004; El Liberal, 2004). In the province of Santiago del Estero, which belongs to the semi-arid Chaco plain (Figure 1.1), two large areas with groundwater As can be delimited. The first area is situated along the 1 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez P 68º Pampa and Chaco plain A 60º R G U A 11,443,596 inhab. 978,634 km 2 TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Y P Distribution of arsenic and fluorine in the groundwater a 24º 60º R G U A b Y 24º Salta CH ILE Salta A H C Santiago del Estero 28º C A O arsenic Resistencia Santiago del Estero fluorine Resistencia 28º 28º La Rioja La Rioja San Juan San Juan Cordoba Santa Fe 32º Santa Fe Cordoba 32º 32º 32º P Mendoza Mendoza A UR UG UA Y M Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 36º P 36º UR UG UA Y Santa Rosa 36º 36º A Santa Rosa Bahia Blanca 40º 0 200 km 68º 64º Sou th ntic Atla Bahia Blanca an Oce 60º 40º 0 200 km 40º 58º 68º 64º Sou th ntic Atla 60º an Oce 40º 58º Figure 1.1: Location map showing the Chaco-Pampean Plains in Argentina and areas with prominent higharsenic and fluoride occurrences nation in groundwater. (FeAsS), cobaltite (CoAsS), enargite (Cu3AsS4), gerdsorfite (NiAsS), glaucodot ((Co,Fe)AsS), and elemental As are other naturally occurring Asbearing minerals (Bhattacharya et al., 2002a). 1.3 Environmental geochemistry of arsenic 1.3.1 Sources of arsenic Arsenic is naturally occurring element earth's crust, which ranks 20th in abundance in relation to the other elements. The average As concentration in continental crust varies between 1-2 mg As kg-1 (Taylor and McLennan, 1985). Arsenic is widely distributed in a variety of minerals, but commonly occurs as arsenides of iron, copper, lead, silver and gold, or as sulfides (Bhattacharya et al., 2002a). Realgar (As4S4) and orpiment (As2S3) are the two common As sulfides During the processes of crystallization of magma, As does not crystallize in the primary state. Instead, it increases its concentration in residual magma, specially in hydrothermal solutions, forming minerals such as arsenical pyrite (FeAsS), cobaltite (CoAsS) or ferrous arsenide (FeAs2) (Rankama and Sahama, 1962). The weathering of arsenic minerals forms soluble As-oxyanions and may therefore result in As-rich waters in the proximities of As deposits. where As occurs in reduced forms while As occurs in oxidized form in the mineral arsenolite (As2O3). From its origin in the earth’s crust, As can enter the environment through natural and anthropogenic processes. Natural processes as weathering, and volcanic eruptions, can release Loellingite (FeAs2), safforlite (CoAs), niccolite (NiAs), rammelsbergite (NiAs2), arsenopyrite 2 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina ___________________________________________________________________________________ San Isidro Cerrillos 64º00' Lag. Colorada San Felipe Abra Grande San Nicolas Palo Quemado Huyamampa Ahi Veremos Lag. Cruzanita La Loma San Antonio Media Flor La Soledad Qita Punco San Roque Negra Muerta La Aurora Bajo Hondo 27º30' Chaup Pozo Pto. Viejo a lw ampa fa ult rai yF . .C B. M. Huyam G. Los Soria 27º30' San Ignacio Jumi Pozo San Isidro Las Chacras study area CLODOMIRA Bajo Granda El Aibe San Javier Antaje San Ramon Tacoyoj El Puestito Los Naranjos El Dean Cnia.Rasquin La Capilla Las Palmitas Libano Gran Porvenir CANADA ESCOBAR El Simbolar Pampa Muyoj Isla Corral Santa Elena Cuyoj Nuevo LA BANDA Los Mojones Mal Paso Rodeana Palmitas Cara Pujio Simbolar Senora Pujio El Alto Pampa Mayo María Elena V.Hipolita lce Du Riv SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO er El Regugio BELTRAN Las Bahegas LAS FLORES Morcillo La Florida EL ZANJON MACO Pampa Muyoj Los Arias railway settlements Yanda Santa Maria salt lake, salt flat Santa Rosa department limit Cara Pujio Tusca Pozo 0 10 km Mili Cardozos San Juan Manogasta Las Lomitas Fernandez Mistol Pozo Suni San Ramon swampy area Alluvial cone FORRES El La Rivera Quebrachal Villa Robles Maquito principal road Chilca Pto. Nuevo 28º00' La Higuera Campo Nuevo 64º00' Figure 1.2: Map of the Santiago del Estero province showing the geological and geomorphological characteristics and the location of the area of present study around Department of Robles 3 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 and becomes soluble in water according to the reaction: As into the environment. Arsenic may be transported over long distances either as dust through air or as suspended particulates or as dissolved in water. However, industrial activities are form the principal source of As emisssion, which accounts for widespread As contamination (Bhattacharya et al., 2002a). As2O3 + 3 H2O ↔ 2 H3AsO30 This dissolution has the following acid reaction: 1.3.2 Speciation of arsenic Aqueous speciation of As is important in determining the extent of its interaction with the aquifer solid phases and thereby its mobility in groundwater. Arsenic is generally present in two oxidation states: arsenate [As(V)] or arsenite [As(III)] for Eh conditions prevalent in most groundwaters (Figure 1.3). Arsenic rarely occurs as native elemental form, and the –3 oxidation state is found only in very reducing environments. Arsenite [As(III)] has been considered to be more toxic (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 1976), however, more recent studies have show that most ingested As(V) can be reduced to As(III). Thus, exposure to both forms of As may result in similar toxicological effects (National Research Council, 1999). H 3 AsO 4 HAsO 4 H 3 AsO 3 AsO 4 HAsS 2 (AsS ) AsS 2 AsH 3 3H2O + As3+ (5) ↔ 3H3O+ + AsO33- (6) The oxidation state +5 is generated by oxidation of arsenite to arsenate (AsO43-) whose alkaline salts are easily soluble in water. In soft waters with abundant sodium bicarbonate, Na3AsO4 and Na3AsO3 are the predominant As species. It can then be predicted that As concentration increses with increasing alkalinity (Trelles et al., 1950). On the contrary, waters with high concentrations of calcium and magnesium salts (either as carbonates or sulphates) let expect low concentrations of As. 3- 2- 1.3.3 Adsorption-desorption Arsenic concentrations observed in most groundwaters are orders of magnitude lower than those of most As-bearing minerals. Thermodynamic predictions show that some As minerals could potentially control As concentrations in groundwater. However, under common geochemical conditions, these minerals are rarely formed due to their low natural levels of concentrations. Therefore, adsorption reactions between As at mineral surfaces generally play the most important control on the dissolved concentration of As in groundwater environments. Adsorption of As is a complex function of the (As ) As H 3 =1 6.67 (4) The alkaline salts of these three acids are soluble in water and their dissolution has a basic character. (aq) P ↔ H3O+ + AsO33- H3AsO3 + 3H2O - HAsO 3 (3) In slightly acid, neutral or alkaline dissolutions with a pH >7, anions like the arsenite AsO3-3 are formed according to the reaction: As 2 S 3 H 2 AsO 3 H2AsO3- + H2O ↔ H3O+ + HAsO32- H3AsO3 + 3 H+ → 2- 0.177 (2) The three acid forms are in equilibrium and transform one to another according to the prevailing geochemical environment. At pH <4 the arsenious acid (H3AsO3), preferably forms As3+ cations according to the equation: M ost gro und waters 0.362 H3AsO3 + H2O ↔ H3O+ + H2AsO3- HAsO32- + H2O M ost s urfac e waters H 2 AsO 4 - (1) 8.95 Figure 1.3: pH-Eh diagram showing the thermodynamic stability fields of different forms of arsenic. In arsenious oxide (As2O3), the oxidation state is +3. It is formed during the oxidation of zinc compounds that contain As. It sublimates easily 4 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5 Objectives of the present study interrelationship between the properties of the solid surface, the pH, the concentration of dissolved As and other ions comppeting for the same adsorption sites , and the speciation of dissolved As. The general objectives of the present investigation are: • To study the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the groundwater of the shallow aquifers situated in Maria Elena area of Banda County (Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina). • To relate the water type, the concentration of the individual ions, and other chemical characteristics such as pH, electrical conductivity, and alkalinity to the concentration of As dissolved in the groundwater. • To identify zones with high concentration of As in the groundwaters and delimit the zones suitable for exploiting groundwater from the shallow aquifers that comply with the drinking water regulations. To identify the different geomorphological units that promotes the recharge and mobilization of the groundwater. • To evaluate the geochemical characteristics of the clays and volcanic ashes from different parts of Santiago del Estero Province, which may be suitable for the removal of groundwater As. 1.4 Toxicity of arsenic (health impacts) The endemical chronical hydroarsenicism is a social problem that affects the most economically suppressed rural zones with no access to safe drinking water. The bibliography explaining damages caused by As to humans is quite extensive. These damages can be classified as acute, subacute or chronical. It was believed that most of the toxic effects caused by inorganic As are in its oxidation state +3, because the oxidation state +5 interacts very little with the tissues. At the time of intake, inorganic As is methylated into organic forms like monomethylarsonic and/or dimethilarsenic acid. These two acids appear in the body about 6 to 8 hours after the intake and can remain in the urine for 10 or even up to 70 days. After this time, the organoarsines are eliminated through the urine. If the intake of As is constant, the organism can not eliminate all the As, resulting in its accumulation within the organism. A dose of 0.1 g of As(III) causes human mortality. • To develop possible low-cost methods of removal of groundwater As, using natural clays, which are available in Santiago del Estero Province, and that can be applied on household-scale or in community-scale in small rural settlements. The work was carried out within the framework of the agreement as a part of a Linneaus- Palme Academic Exhange Programme between Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Sweden and Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero (UNSE) Argentina. Some of the toxic effects in organisms due to prolonged exposure to inorganic As are: • Electrolytic unbalance associated to the loss of liquids from the blood to the tissues. • Inflammation of the eyes and of the respiratory tract. • Loss of appetite and weight. • Liver damages. • Dermatitis. Several studies performed on patients living in a typical area with hydroarsenicism in Cordoba Province (Argentina) have shown that the minimal required quantity to produce cancer varies considerably in every organism. As a general rule, after 20 years of intake of water containing high levels of As, cancer can be developed (Arguello et al., 1939; Yeh et al., 1968). 5 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 2. AREA OF STUDY The climate of Santiago del Estero Province is in general warm and uniform, occasionally reaching extreme temperatures. The maximum temperature can exceed the 45 °C during the Summer (JanuaryFebruary) (Prohaska, 1959) and the minimum temperature can reach values below zero in winter (July-August). An average of 300 days in the north and 270 days in the south are free of frost (Boleta et al., 1989). The annual precipitation varies from 750 mm to the east to 500 mm to the west of the province. The maximum precipitation is measured during the months of January and February and the minimum during April and September. From April to September, the evapotranspiration is highest ranging from 1100 to 1200 mm. This data is close to the results obtained through calculations based on the methodology used by Thornwaite and Penman, resulting in an evapotranspiration between 1300 and 1400 mm observing that the humidity loss is close to the average annual precipitation, 532 mm (Herrera et al., 1999; Bundschuh et al., 2004). In most areas of Santiago del Estero Province (including the study area), the hydrological balance results in loss of water during all the months of the year Precipitation during the years 1912-1999, contains precipitation data from 87 years taken by the Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, INTA in Santiago del Estero Province (Figure 2.2). The data has been presented in Table 2.1. In the same the wet and dry seasons can be identified. The values range from a maximum of 1036 mm (1986-1987) to a minimum of 205 mm (19941995) with an average of 535 mm. The precipitation during the last 30 years, presented in Figure 2.2, indicates a variation between a maximum of 1036 mm to a minimum of 350 mm (median of 614 mm). Alteration of humid and dry seasons, also affects the level of the water table in the region. 2.1 Geographic location The study area Maria Elena is located in Banda county of Santiago del Estero Province (Argentina), and extends between the latitudes 27.5 and 27.7° W and the longitudes 63.9 and 64.0° S. Maria Elena area lies approximately 30 km to the North of the provincial capital Santiago del Estero City (Figure 1.2) 2.2 Demographic and socio-economic situation The rural population of Maria Elena area is represented by approximately 400 inhabitants, all spread out through the locality (INDEC, 1994). The level of education of the inhabitants is in general, low. Only a few have basic education. The economy of the families is based on small scale agriculture, which produces crops as corn, lucerne and cucurbita and on breeding of animals as goats, pigs and some birds for domestic consumption. The agricultural and breeding activities were increased after the installation of an irrigation (and drainage) system, which obtains its water from river Río Dulce. Despite the attempt to promote the economy of the region by the introduction of agricultural activities, the climate however did not favour its development. Since 1998, the region has been affected by periodical inundations that have sometimes led to total losses of the annual harvests. 2.3 Climatic characteristics The study area can be categorized as semi-arid, the climate type which prevails in 87.6% of Santiago del Estero Province. The remaining part of the province is classified to represent dry sub-humid climate (Torre Buchmann, 1981). An interesting and important characteristic of the zone is that its flat topography, that allows the free circulation of winds coming from the north as well as from the south. The northern winds are warm and dry and have a strong evaporative influence during the beginning of the spring (Boleta et al., 1989). 2.4 Geomorphological Setting The study area is situated at the northwestern boundary of the Río Dulce alluvial cone. This cone is delimited to the west by the Huyamampa fault 6 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1200 Precipitation Maria Elena Period (1912-1999) Maximum1036mm P(mm) 1000 800 Minimum350mm Medium611 mm Minimum Last 30 years 600 400 200 911-1912 913-1914 915-1916 917-1918 919-1920 921-1922 923-1924 925-1926 927-1928 929-1930 931-1932 933-1934 935-1936 937-1938 939-1940 941-1942 943-1944 945-1946 947-1948 949-1950 951-1952 953-1954 955-1956 957-1958 959-1960 961-1962 963-1964 965-1966 967-1968 969-1970 971-1972 972-1973 974-1975 976-1977 978-1979 980-1981 982-1983 984-1985 986-1987 988-1989 990-1991 992-1993 994-1995 996-1997 998-1999 0 Figure 2.1: Annual precipitation in Maria Elena area, Santiago del Estero Province. Legend LOESSIC PLAIN URBAN AREAS FLOW DIRECTION City of Clodomira FAULT PALAEOCHANNEL OF RIO DULCE PAVED ROAD ABANDONED MEANDER SEASONAL CHANNELS Figure 2.2: Satellite imagery showing the geomorphic characteristics of the region around Clodomira town. 7 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Table 2.1 : Annual precipitation in Maria Elena, during the period between 1912-1999. Year 1911-1912 1912 -1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 1917-1918 1918-1919 1919-1920 1920-1921 1921-1922 1922-1923 1923-1924 1924-1925 1925-1926 1926-1927 1927-1928 1928-1929 1929-1930 1930-1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 Precipitation 364.4 507 532 337 311 289 313 398 645 714 869 404 426 378 395 691 720 462 843 402 586 447 Year Precipitation 1933-1934 388 1934-1935 519 1935-1936 391 1936-1937 205 1937-1938 481 1938-1939 615 1939-1940 609 1940-1941 497 1941-1942 501 1942-1943 461 1943-1944 446 1944-1945 294 1945-1946 726 1946-1947 316 1947-1948 604 1948-1949 596 1949-1950 367 1950-1951 291 1951-1952 471 1952-1953 525 1953-1954 386 1954-1955 483 Year Precipitation 1955-1956 768 1956-1957 473 1957-1958 782 1958-1959 558 1959-1960 522 1960-1961 527 1961-1962 337 1962-1963 640 1963-1964 394 1964-1965 539 1965-1966 488 1966-1967 300 1967-1968 657 1968-1969 471 1969-1970 533 1970-1971 475 1971-1972 367 1972-1973 681 1973-1974 875 1974-1975 521 1975-1976 699 1976-1977 594 Year 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 Precipitation 624 579 539 711 703 358 586 1036 493 668 507 581 521 627 972 585 350 371 510 929 565 870 Pliocene and Miocene age are covered by approximately 30 m thick Pampean loess. The sediments within the Río Dulce alluvial cone are generally stratified and comprise gravel, sands, silt and clays together with the volcanic ash present as discrete beds or as mixed with the fine grained sediments form the different alluvial aquifers (Claesson and Fagerberg, 2003; Bundschuh et al., 2004). (Figure 1.2). The Huyamampa fault, which runs from North to South, was caused by a level difference between two tectonic blocks. The Dulce River crosses this fault depositing alluvial sediments, which formed the Río Dulce alluvial cone. The city of Santiago del Estero is located at the western margin of the alluvial cone that extends for about 30 km E-W, and 50 km N-S, covering an area of 1500 km2 (Farias and Cortes, 1997). Towards the west of the fault the clays of Four main geomorphological features have been distinguished in the central part of the Santiago del Estero Province (Bejarano Sifuentes & Nordberg, 2003). These are: i) the saline depressions (represented by the Huyamampa lagoons); ii) the active plain of the Rio Salado river; iii) the Rio Salado river palaeo-plain and iv) the Rio Dulce alluvial cone. In the area around Maria Elena, two major geomorphologic units are distinguished on the satellite imagery (Figure 2.2): • Loess plain • Río Dulce alluvial paleoplain 2.4.1 Loess plain The Loess plain unit is formed by fine sediments of aeolian origin. Topographically the loess plain is more elevated towards the eastern part of the study area, and the elevation declines gradually towards the west. 8 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Due to the smooth slope of the loess plain, a welldefined water-draining pattern cannot be determined. The slight inclination of the loess plain to the west, in the wet season natural parallel channels (surface runoff) run in the SW-NE direction (Figure 2.2). 2.4.2 Río Dulce alluvial palaeoplain It is a part from the old alluvial plain, distinguished by the abandoned meander segments of the Río Dulce channel. These abandoned meander channels have left riverborne deposits, mostly levees and meanders that are developed along both the sides of the margins of the river, during the the flood periods. In the aerial photographs, the geomorphological characteristics of the palaeoriver channels could bee seen very clearly (Figure 2.2). 9 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS protocol for sampling (Cardona, 1990; Cardona et al. 1993). Polyethylene bottles (2 L) washed with HCl and thoroughly rinsed with deionised water were used for sampling. Prior to sampling, wells were purged for a period of more than 15 minutes. This was considered to be sufficient to obtain a representative groundwater sample. Bottles were rinsed at least three times with water to be sampled, then completely filled to avoid any contact between sample water and air, which may cause chemical modifications of the sample. The groundwater samples were labelled with coordinates of the sampling points, date, owner’s name and personal in charge of the sampling. before their transportation to the laboratory of UNSE, stored at approximately 4 °C and analysed within the following 72 hours. 3.1 Compilation of background data The compilation of existing information on the study area comprises a review of literature, well profiles, chemical groundwater analyses data, satellite images, population census data etc., pursued by national, provincial and private organizations as the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (National Institute of Agriculture and Farming INTA), the Administración Provincial de Recursos Hídricos (Provincial Administration of Hydraulic Resources, A.P.R.H), the Dirección de Estadística y Censo de la Provincia (Dirección General de Planificación, 1991), and at the University of Santiago del Estero UNSE (Forestry and Forests Management Institute, Department Geology and Geosciences, Surveying Department). 3.3.3 Determinations of field parameters The groundwater levels were measured from the studied wells, and a groundwater level elevation contour map was drawn. pH, water temperature and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured on all the sampled wells. The pH meter was calibrated at least once a day using pH 4 and 7 buffers. Measurements of pH, EC, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, and chloride concentration were determined directly in the field. 3.2 Desktop studies Desktop studies included mainly the analysis and delimitation of the geomorphological units. Therefore, the LANDSAT image (1: 250,000) was used and enlarged to 1: 30,000 working scale. To adjust the geomorphologic units on the map, panchromatic vertical and black and white aerial photographs were used (Military Geography Institute I.G.M) 1: 63,000 scale. The mapped geomorphological units are outlined in Figure 2.2. 3.3.4 Drilling and sediment sampling To investigate the sediments of unsaturated zone, 9 drillings (Figure 2.2) were carried out using a drilling shovel of 100 mm diameter. Sediment samples were taken every meter or when visible lithological changes occurred. In general, sediments were collected from the bore holes at intervals between of 0-3.0 m except for one borehole Ibarra Juan where the samples were collected upto a depth of 10m. From each drilling site, 8 to 24 sediments samples of 1 kg were taken (in total 120 samples). Samples were filled into polyethylene bags and labelled for further laboratory analyses. The samples were grouped according to depth and changes in texture, colour, degree of induration, etc were documented. Textural classification of the sediments obtained from 8 profiles in Maria Elena area, Banda 3.3. Field investigations 3.3.1 Inventory of wells and selection of sampling sites The census of wells consisted of gathering existing data on static groundwater level, previous groundwater sampling and analysis, and the geographic location of wells using a personal Satellite navigator Garmin II (Thir, 1999). A total of 27 groundwater-sampling sites were selected and referred by numbers 1 to 27 (Figure 3.1). 3.3.2 Groundwater sampling The groundwater sampling was carried out during the hydrologic period 1999-2000 according to specifications by Rodier et al. (1990) and the 10 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 3.1: Map of the study area around María Elena showing the locations of groundwater sampling. N SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO PROVINCE ARGENTINA Misiones Province M2-M10 M1 FIGUEROA STORAGE LAKE M6 M3 SIERRA DE GUASAYAN RÍO HONDO STORAGE LAKE M9 M7-M10 M8 LA BANDA SANTIAGO M5 DEL ESTERO M4 RÍ O M2 DU LC E RÍ O 0 50 SA LA DO 100 km Figure 3.2: Map of Santiago del Estero with the location of the clay samples. Inset map of Argenina with the location of Misiones. 11 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 examination of water, sewage and wastewater (APHA, 1975). Laboratory analyses was carried out only with groundwater samples which presented no alterations of their chemical-physical properties as colour, suspended solids, turbidity, etc. The field analyses data were additionally used to control respective laboratory analysis data. Electrical conductivity, dried residue (105 °C), and total hardness were determined and, the samples were analysed for calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate and sulphate. Alkalinity was determined using the standard titration technique with sulphuric acid (0.02 N), using 25 mL of sample, and phenolphthalein and green bromine as indicators (Rodier et al., 1990). The chloride content was analysed by titration with silver nitrate (0.02 N) and potassium chromate as indicator (Rodier et al., 1990). The total As concentration was determined using the silver dithiodicarbamate (SDDC) standardized method (Rodier et al., 1990). County, Santiago del Estero Province information are documented in Table 4.1. 3.3.5 Sampling of clays for adsorption experiments Samples of nine clays were collected from Santiago del Estero Province, Capital, Choya, Banda and Figueroa localities, were taken. Additionally laterite sample from Misiones Province was included for comparison (Figure 3.2). 3.4. Laboratory investigations 3.4.1 Groundwater analyses The samples were analysed in the hydrogeochemical laboratory of the Geology Department at the National University. Santiago del Estero (UNSE). The methodology for the determination of the various groundwater chemical parameters are presented in Table 3.1. Table 3.1: Metodology and equipment used for groundwater analysis. Analyte Method Electrical Conductivity Conductivity Method 120.1 pH Potentiometric Method 150.1 Dried residue at 105ºC Method 160.3 Total Hardness EDTA titration. Method 130.2 Calcium (EDTA 0.02 N) Method 215.2 Magnesium Complexometric (Rodier et al., 1990) Sodium Flame photometry. (Rodier et al., 1990) Chloride Method 325.3. Sulphates Gravimetric Method 375.3 Carbonates Volumetric Method 310.1 Arsenic Method 206.4 3.4.2 Textural analyses and clay mineralogy Textural analyses In the laboratory the samples were dried in a stove at 105 °C, then mechanically separated and homogenised. For the textural analyses, ASTM standard skimmers were used and the technique suggested by Ingra (1983) was applied. The sieve size was selected according to PHI grades to separate in one hand, fraction of thick sand and loam and on the other hand, fractions of sediments with clayish nature. This study was completed by the analysis of the distribution of sediment population, the mineralogical components and their alterations that could be contributing to the existence of groundwater As at Maria Elena area. Clay mineralogy The clay mineralogy of the 9 clay samples from Santiago del Estero and the sample from Missiones Province were characterized by X-ray diffractiometry. X-ray diffraction studies were carried out at Tucumán University (Estratigraphy and Sedimentology Miguel Lillo Institute) using Philips PW2510 equipment. The pH value and the electrical conductivity of their saturation extract were determined. Cation analysis of the clays were All analyses were performed under prevailing norms of the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 1983) and the standard methods of the 12 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ NaHCO3 extraction performed at Department of Biogeochemistry, Stockholm University (see Annexure 1). The residues contents of the conical flasks from the previous extractions step were kept after decantation and liquid fraction removal, and used for bicarbonate extraction by adding 100 mL of 0.01 M NaHCO. After shaking for 2 hours, and reposing for 12 hours to allow sedimentation of the solids particles, the procedure from previous extraction step was repeated. Solutions were filtered through OOK-filters, acidified and then again filtered using 0.2 μm filters and stored in 22 mL vials. The bicarbonate extraction was only applied on two samples M1 and M2 since all other sediment samples had high pH values (7-10). 3.4.3 Geochemical analyses Total 10 clay samples from Santiago del Estero and Missiones (see section 3.3.5) were extracted by 7M HNO3, and the aliquots were analysed for trace elements and for major ions follwing the procedure outlined by Claesson and Fagerberg (2003). Sequential leaching was also performed on these clay samples. 7M HNO3 extraction Sediment samples were dried at 30 °C. 2 grams of sample were mixed in a conical flask with 15 mL 7 M HNO3 and thereafter boiled for 2.5 hours on a sand bed with small glass balls assuring a good circulation. The samples were digested at 70 °C for the first 30 minutes, and then at 100 °C for the next 2 hours. Then after cooling, the solutions were filtrated through OOK filters, and diluted to a total of 50 mL with distilled water (DIW). NaoAc extraction This step quantifies the elements bound to carbonate phases. The remaining contents of the conical flask from the previous step were left for decantation and liquid fraction removal. 200 mL of 1.0 M acetate (C2H3NaO2) was added to each flask. The flasks were left for 2 hours on the horizontal shaker and the solutions were filtered through OOK filters, then acidified and stored in 50 mL bottles. In this case no precipitation occurred so it was not necessary to filter again. Sequenial extractions Sequential leaching was employed to investigate sediment composition, which is potentially important to understand the possible adsorption sites and hence for their application for remediation of high As groundwaters of Santiago del Estero. Sequential extraction was performed on the 10 selected clay samples using in turn de-ionized water (DIW), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), sodium acetate (NaoAc), oxalate (NH4C2O4) and finally the residual using 7M HNO3. Each step quantifies the amount of different components that can be mobilized from the samples. NH4C2O4 extraction Selective extractions of the samples where made using buffered ammonium oxalate (pH 3.5) in the dark, to quantify the amount of Fe, Al and Mn bound to the oxide and hydroxides in the sediments and to quantify the fraction of As in these phases. The remaining contents of the conical flask from the previous extraction step were left for decantation and then liquid fraction was removed. Later 100 mL of 0.2 M oxalate (NH4C2O4) was added to the conical flasks in darkness and left for 4 hours on the horizontal shaker. The contents of the conical flask from these phases were left for decantation and the majority of the liquid fraction was removed to centrifuge cups. Samples were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 4000 g. The supernatants were filtered with 0.45 µm Sartoruis filters and diluted 5 times prior to the analysis. De-ionized water (DIW) extraction The sediment samples were leached at pH 6.95 with DIW to quantify the water-soluble fraction of trace elements. In 250 mL conical flasks, 4 grams of dry sample were mixed with 100 mL distilled water. After shaking on a horizontal shaker for 2 hours, the solutions were filtered using OOKfilters, then acidified with 0.5 mL concentrated HNO3 and stored in 50 mL plastic bottles. In case that precipitation occurred in the recipients, the solutions were filtered again using a 0.2 μm filter and stored in 22 mL vials. Residual fraction (7M HNO3.) extraction The remaining sediment in the conical flasks was dried overnight at 30 °C. Samples were thereafter extracted in HNO3 following the same procedure described before for the sediments. This quantifies the contents in the residue, which were not 13 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 These clay sediments were chosen based on their high concentrations of Fe, Al and Mn, present mainly as oxides and hydroxides, which have potential sites for As adsorption. The experiments were carried out using 10 g of sorbent (clay samples) and arsenate solutions (K2H2AsO4) with concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L of As+5 and variable pH values (4.5, 5.9 and 8.6). Ionic strength was maintained constant by addition of electrolyte (0.01 M NaCl). The flasks were closed and put for 10 minutes on a horizontal shaker. This system assumes no competing anions in solution. Since the clays shall be used on household scale in small filters, the experiments were conducted without adjusting the pH of the solutions. Equilibration time was determined for arsenate. After a contact time of 30 minutes, 90 minutes, 4 hours, 1 day and 2 days, solutions were filtered through OOK filter. This experiment was carried out to determining the amount of As adsorbed as function of contact time ranging from 30 minutes to 48 h. Initially, solution containing the adsorbates in single-species system were prepared with 0.01M of NaCl as background electrolyte. The soils and the solutions were then added into each PP bottle to make up a soil:solution ratio of 1:10. Soil-less blanks (with addition of the adsorbate only) were also prepared for determination of initial concentration of the adsorbates, The suspensions in the bottles and their pH values were periodically measured, in order to measure the effect of changes in pH the adsorption process througout. At the end of the desired contact time, the bottles were left for decantation and the supernatants were filtered through the 0.45 μm Whatman membrane filters. The filtrates were subsequently kept in the refrigerator before the analysis. Arsenic concentration was measured in an ICPOES, manufacturer: Varian, model: Vista Pro Ax. At the same time, arsenate elimination by each clay as a function of pH was determined. The dependency of reaction time and the speciation of As in adsorption processes has been studied in recent years (Gulledge and O’Connor, 1973; Pierce and Moore, 1982; Soner et al., 2002; Singh and Pant, 2004). The promising experiments in Bangladesh (Larsson and Leiss, 1997) show that for laterite most of the adsorption takes place within 5-10 minutes. Since the dependency of time on the adsorption characteristics is governed by leached from the sediments by the previous procedure. All sediment extractions were analyzed at Stockholm University (Department of Biogeochemistry using ICP-OES: Varian: Vista Pro Ax). 3.4.4 Adsorption batch experiments During recent years, considerable research has been carried out to develop methods for efficient As remediation suitable for applications at household and/or community levels. The principles of these methods for As removal are based on chemical processes (Johnston et al., 2000) such as: • Oxidation and transformation of As into species that are more easily adsorbed. • Precipitation and co-precipitation of As species allowing separation of solid phase As from water by filtration. • Adsorption of As species to natural materials, generally with high contents of metal- oxides and hydroxides. • Physical separation of precipitated or adsorbed As by sedimentation or filtration. Different degrees of advanced filters can be used, from denim textile to highly sophisticated industrial filters. In most cases a combination of these processes is applied. The present study focuses on As removal by adsorption on natural materials followed by sedimentation to separate the water from the Asadsorbing media. Natural materials containing metal-oxides and -hydroxides could have Asadsorption features. Major As-binding minerals are oxides and hydroxides of Fe, Al and Mn, of which Fe has been most studied (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). In many soil types these oxides and hydroxides occur as coatings on mineral grains. Arsenate is generally more easily removed since it occurs as negatively charged anionic species though adsorption on the surface of the positively charged media. Clays can under certain conditions adsorb As because of the oxide-like structures at their edges. Based on the results of the sediment geochemistry (see section 3.4.3), two clays from Santiago del Estero and one from Misiones were selected. 14 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ the geochemical characteristics of the experimental conditions, this study aimed at measuring the As concentration in the water first after a time interval of 30 minutes after mixing the soil into the water. Approximately 90 minutes, 4 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours later tests were made to assure others reactions. After 30 minutes the most samples were clear and transparent, but in some cases sedimentation was slower and 30 minutes was not enough for gravity settling. In such cases the flaskswas left for further sedimentation until was possible or filtering trough 0.45-μm Whatman membrane filters. (The results are shown in Annexe, Table 6). 3.5 Data processing 3.5.1 Microsoft Excel software Microsoft Excel software was used for data handling and to plot and correlate the various hydrogeochemical and sediment geochemical data. 3.5.2 Aqua Chem Graphical presentation of hydrogeochemical analysis data was performed using AquaChem software. Piper and Schoeller-Berkaloff plots were prepared to classify the groundwater samples. 3.5.3 AutoCAD The spatial variability of the physical-chemical and chemical groundwater data within the study area was processed by AutoCAD to prepare the maps for the distribution and spatial variability of different hydrogeochemical parameters such as electrical conductivity, pH, alkalinity, sulphate, chloride and others. The same was done to obtain the spatial distribution of groundwater level elevation contours. The method of Stiff was selected for the graphical representation of the spatial distribution of analyses data. The obtained spatial distributions of isolines and the distribution of the Stiff diagrams were overlaid and plotted using AutoCAD software on the map of the project area. 15 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sequence is predominantly of silt texture with subordinate fine sand and clayey silt in PG8. This homogeneity extends up to the PG1, where the predominance of fine sand textured sediments indicate a paleo-channel, and hence a zone with higher hydraulic permeability. 4.1 Characterization of the unsaturated zone The unsaturated zone ranges from the ground surface to a depth varying between 1.2 and 2.5 m. The upper part is composed by fine loess-type sediments of continental origin, which are underlain by fluvial and aeolian sediments of Quaternary age. The textural classification of the sediments (Table 4.1) obtained from the 8 drilling profiles (Herrera et. al., 2000) allowed to characterise the majority of the sampled sediments as unimodal sediments, of fine to very fine sand textural composition. This sediment type represents 64.3% of the sampled sediments. The second class of sediments (35.7% of the samples) have a texture of very fine sandy silt to fine silt, which corresponds to a texture of loess-type sediments. Minerals as sodium, calcium and potassium aluminosilicates comprise the fine to very-fine sand fraction. The depth to the groundwater table is about 1.40 m in the NW and slightly deeper in the southeast (1.6 m). In the zone of the paleo-channel, a silt layer was observed between a depth of 1.10 and 1.75 m. 4.3.2 Profile 2 This W-E cross-section (Figure 4.2), constructed from the profiles PG3, PG7, and PG10, shows a very uniform textural composition. The predominance of medium, fine and very fine sands, indicate higher depositional energy environment compared to the NW-SE crosssection. As exceptions, there exist a single 2.7 m thick layer of silt fraction (PG7), and a sandy silt lentil between 2.4 and 4.0 m (PG17). 4.2 Sources of groundwater arsenic 4.3 Hydrogeology The sediment samples of the unsaturated zone contain in dispersed form 12% of volcanic ash, mostly volcanic glass, which shows a high deglassing level. Unlikely the neighbour county Robles, in the study area distinct layers of volcanic ash were not found. This volcanic ash is considered a potential primary source of the As dissolved in the groundwater. The average groundwater level contours of the shallow aquifer for the hydrological period 19992000 is shown in Figure 4.3. The elevation of the phreatic groundwater level varies from 1.2 to 2 m below ground surface. The first value corresponds to the topographically lowest central zone of the study area and the later one to the slightly higher elevated zone towards the west and southeast. The general groundwater flow direction is from NW to SE. However, there is a local tendency towards the center of María Elena town where the groundwater flow is predominantly fron north to south. 4.3 Stratigraphic profiles Textural classification of the sediments were carried out in the framework of a joint research project by Herrera et al. (2000) with the aim to establish the lateral interrelation of the sediment package on a regional scale. A series of stratigraphic profiles along different geographical orientations were drawn, from which only the profiles located within the study area around Maria Elena is discussed in the following sections. 4.4 Hydrochemical studies Chemical composition of natural groundwaters are controlled by the infiltration of surface water, rock-water interactions, and related physicochemical, and biological processes, which are partly climate dependent. The salient physiochemical parameters of the groundwater samples are presented in Table 4.2. The major ion characteristics are presented in Table 4.3. 4.3.1 Profile 1 This cross-section, which was constructed from the Profiles PG1, PG8, and PG20 crosses the region in direction of the regional groundwater flow direction (Figure 4.1). The sediment 16 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.1: Textural classification of the sediments obtained from 8 profiles in Maria Elena area, Banda County, Santiago del Estero Province (modified from Herrera et. al., 2000). Area % Retention Sampling interval (m) 10 2 Las Palmitas Pozo Nº 4 Acuña Juan Pozo Nº 7 Alvarez Benito Pozo Nº 3 Alberto Díaz Pozo Nº 3 Gutiérrez Fernando Pozo Nº 1 Saad Felipe Pozo Nº 20 María ElenaAcuña Rosalía, Pozo Nº 17 Ibarra Juan Pozo Nº 10 0.0 – 1.2 1.0 – 1.75 1.75 – 2.9 0.0 – 0.6 0.6 – 1.3 1.3 – 1.7 1.7 – 2.0 2.0 – 2.4 2.4 – 2.8 0.0 – 0.6 0.6 – 0.8 0.8 – 1.6 1.6 – 2.0 2.0 – 2.2 2.2 – 3.0 0.0 – 1.0 1.0 – 1.3 1.3 – 1.7 1.7 – 1.9 1.9 – 2.0 2.0 – 2.5 2.5 – 3.0 0.0 – 0.2 0.2 – 0.5 0.5 – 1.1 1.1 – 1.75 1.75 – 2.2 2.2 – 2.6 2.6 – 2.9 0.0 – 0.15 0.15 – 0.45 0.45 – 1.5 1.5 – 1.75 1.75 – 2.4 2.4 – 3.0 3.0 – 3.5 0.0 – 1.2 1.2 – 2.4 0.0 – 1.2 1.2 – 1.8 1.8 – 2.7 2.7 – 4.1 4.1 – 5.6 5.6 – 6.2 6.2 – 10.0 18 1 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.3 4.0 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.7 2.1 2.6 2.5 1.6 3.5 5.4 3.6 Sieve size 35 60 120 Particle Diameter (mm) 0.5 2.3 3.4 3.2 2.4 2.6 2.3 3.4 2.9 2.8 5.3 6.9 7.7 5.7 6.9 11.5 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.2 0.9 1.1 5.8 7.8 9.5 5.0 9.7 5.9 9.6 3.3 3.6 4.1 5.2 3.1 2.8 3.9 2.1 1.7 6.1 6.8 3.3 12.4 20.1 26.2 22.1 0.25 5.9 7.1 4.9 6.3 5.7 4.6 4.9 3.2 4.2 11.6 13.4 13.5 12.7 21.4 28.9 3.5 4.1 4.1 2.8 2.5 2.1 2.6 11.8 16.7 12.9 7.9 22.8 22.2 28.2 6.1 6.9 7.76 7.9 5.4 5.7 8.9 4.2 4.2 13.5 19.8 15.5 24.2 32.4 34.0 33.6 17 0.125 9.3 8.2 13.0 14.6 14.3 7.9 6.8 11.5 14.7 14.9 18.3 18.6 15.4 28.7 27.2 10.0 13.5 12.4 7.2 6.5 6.3 8.1 17.8 21.8 13.8 10.8 28.6 34.7 29.9 14.8 16.2 12.6 11.9 14.4 11.6 12.1 14.6 16.5 21.2 25.1 24.0 31.2 25.2 16.7 28.3 Textural Classification Sand 230 0.06 20.3 24.4 14.6 13.8 13.3 12.4 8.5 12.4 14.4 20.0 16.6 16.1 16.9 18.9 16.9 13.1 12.3 11.4 8.5 8.4 9.3 10.9 18.5 17.2 13.0 9.6 14.9 20.5 13.2 13.8 11.0 11.1 10.8 12.5 17.8 9.7 25.8 20.2 17.4 18.5 21.3 16.1 11.1 7.8 5.5 Bottom < 0.06 62.2 56.9 64.3 62.9 64.1 72.7 76.4 69.1 64.0 48.3 44.8 42.7 47.9 22.8 11.6 72.0 68.5 70.5 80.2 82.6 81.4 77.3 46.1 36.5 51.0 66.7 24.0 15.9 18.0 61.9 62.4 63.5 63.0 64.6 62.1 65.5 53.4 57.41 40.9 28.9 36.0 12.8 5.6 7.5 4.4 37.8 43.1 35.7 37.1 35.9 27.3 23.6 30.9 36.1 51.7 55.2 57.3 52.1 77.2 88.4 28.0 31.5 29.6 19.8 17.4 18.6 22.7 53.9 63.5 49.1 33.3 76.1 84.2 82.0 38.1 37.6 36.5 37.0 35.4 37.9 34.5 46.6 42.6 59.1 71.1 64.0 87.2 94.4 92.5 95.6 Silt + Clay 62.2 56.9 64.3 62.9 64.1 72.7 76.4 69.1 64.0 48.3 44.8 42.7 47.9 22.8 11.6 72.0 68.5 70.5 80.2 82.6 81.4 77.3 46.1 36.5 51.0 66.7 23.9 15.9 18.0 61.9 62.4 63.5 63.0 64.6 62.1 65.5 53.4 57.4 40.9 28.9 36.0 12.8 5.6 7.5 4.4 Silt 49.8 45.6 51.5 49.8 51.3 57.3 61.1 55.3 51.2 29.0 35.9 34.1 28.7 16.0 9.3 57.6 54.8 56.4 64.2 66.1 65.1 54.1 25.5 29.2 40.8 53.4 19.2 12.7 14.4 49.6 49.9 50.8 50.3 51.7 49.7 52.4 32.0 42.4 31.9 20.2 21.6 6.9 3.4 5.3 2.6 Clay 12.4 11.4 12.8 13.1 12.8 15.4 15.3 13.8 12.8 19.3 9.0 8.5 19.1 6.9 2.3 14.4 13.7 14.1 16.1 16.5 16.3 23.2 20.6 7.3 10.2 13.3 4.8 3.2 3.6 12.4 12.5 12.7 12.7 12.9 12.4 13.1 21.4 15.0 9.0 8.7 14.4 5.9 2.2 2.2 1.8 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 GEOLOGICAL PROFILE GEOLOGICAL PROFAILE N° 1 1 PG-8 0 PG-20 PG-1 1 NF 2 Profundidad en metros 3 4 REFERENCES 5 Sand fine 6 Sand Slime Clay Slime 7 8 NF Freatic Level PG-1 Observation point Drilling Wells 9 Geological Profaile CONSEJO DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y TECNOLOGICAS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES HIDROGEOLOGICAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS Y TECNOLOGIAS 10 Director Titulo Ggo. BONIFACIO M. FARIAS Integrantes 11 Elaboro Lic. JULIA CORTES Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO Lic. RAUL A. MARTIN Proyecto Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO Lic. RAUL A. MARTIN Lic. MARTIN THIR Dibujo en CAD T.H.S. ANTONIO E. RAMIREZ Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO E.S. GRACIELA FERREIRA SORAIRE Figure 4.1: NW- SE geological cross section through Maria Elena study area (Santiago del Estero Province) GEOLOGICAL GEOLOGICAL PROFAILE N°PROFILE 2 0 PG-7 PG-17 2 PG-10 PG-3 1 NF 2 P rofund id ad en m etros 3 4 REFERENCES 5 Sand fine Sand Slime 6 7 NF Freatic Level PG-1 Observation point Drilling Wells 8 Geological Profaile 9 CONSEJO DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y TECNOLOGICAS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES HIDROGEOLOGICAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS Y TECNOLOGIAS 10 Director Titulo Ggo. BONIFACIO M. FARIAS Integrantes Elaboro Lic. JULIA CORTES Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO Lic. RAUL A. MARTIN Proyecto Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO Lic. RAUL A. MARTIN Lic. MARTIN THIR Dibujo en CAD T.H.S. ANTONIO E. RAMIREZ Lic. ANGEL del R. STORNIOLO E.S. GRACIELA FERREIRA SORAIRE 11 Figure 4.2: E-W geological cross-section through Maria Elena study area (Santiago del Estero Province). 18 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.2: Physico-chemical parameters for the groundwater from María Elena area, Santiago del Estero Province. Sample Coordinates Level (m) 1 2 X 4394915 4394304 Y 6945824 6943541 Elevation 178 206 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 14 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4394443 4388750 4394193 4394173 4394411 4393361 4392203 4392908 4391269 4394577 4389879 4394399 4394763 4389600 4394047 4395155 4386506 6943227 6944289 6943601 6945910 6946990 6944703 6945462 6943282 6945608 6945166 6944641 6945204 6947516 6945192 6944678 6946565 6941685 171 174 185 197 216 186 178 205 205 210 182 191 191 - TDS Phreatic 1.80 2.00 mg L-1 87 838 1.80 1.30 1.50 1.12 1.77 1.4 1.42 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.05 1.23 1.20 1.40 1.45 1.30 2.00 840 857 590 930 1248 1990 1166 1355 1582 550 1157 650 1498 940 1380 1940 1810 EC pH Hardness Alkalinity mg L-1 400 569 290 270 260 240 400 480 550 335 490 275 31 140 470 280 260 380 440 μS cm-1 1210 1309 7.2 7.5 mg L-1 275 569 1145 1208 843 1324 1760 850 1620 1930 2220 780 1651 950 2120 1360 2000 2778 2600 7.2 7.3 7 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.4 325 45 230 330 580 305 145 500 130 235 280 240 130 350 560 810 690 Figure 4.3: The average groundwater level contours of the shallow aquifer for the hydrological period 19992000 and the direction of groundwater flow in Maria Elena area, Santiago del Estero province. 19 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Table 4.3: Results of groundwater composition in selected wells from Maria Elena. Owner Well pH EC µS cm-1 TDS mg L-1 HCO3mg L-1 Clmg L-1 Ca2+ mg L-1 Mg2+ mg L-1 Gutiérrez, Fernando 1 7.2 1300 900 518 85 68 24 Álvarez, Benito 3 7.2 1200 820 366 160 80 36 Martínez, José 5 7.1 860 602 323 85 50 28 González, Juan. C 9 7.3 1780 1240 605 163 196 26 Ibarra, Juan 10 7.1 2920 2040 603 376 70 36 Barrionuevo, Leonor 14 7.2 1970 1370 561 248 140 60 Ávila, Héctor 21 7.3 1660 1168 439 213 50 36 hardness established by WHO is 400 mg L-1 (CaCO3 equivalent) is exceeded, making them unsuitable for human consumption. 4.4.1 Hydrochemical characterization The characterization of groundwater is based on the chemical composition and the physicalchemical parameters pH The spatial variation of the pH values is low. Values range between 7 and 7.5 (average 7.27) (Figure 4.4c). This is due to the presence of weakly ionized acids and bases, which keep almost constant pH in presence of dissolved CO2 and HCO3-. Electrical conductivity The electrical conductivity (EC) of water is directly related to concentration of dissolved ions expressed as meq L-1. Most of the water samples (74%) have electrical conductivities between 780 and 1930 µS cm-1. Only 26% have higher values between 1930 and 2778 µS cm-1. The average value is 1560 µS cm-1. The spatial distribution of the EC isoclines (Figure 4.3a) indicates that the groundwaters with the lowest EC values, and hence the best quality are found in the eastern part of the study area. This can be explained by the presence of a paleo-river in this zone, whose better permeable sediments result in higher groundwater recharge and higher groundwater flow velocities. Chloride The chloride concentration ranges from 78 to 390 mg L-1, the average value is 200 mg L-1 (Figure 4.4d). Low chloride concentrations of less than 150 mg L-1, may result from increased infiltration of low mineralized water from the paleo-river or by infiltration of low mineralized irrigation water. Chloride concentrations of all 10 samples are below the chloride drinking water limit established at 700 mg L-1 by the WHO. Total dissolved solids (TDS) The 19 analyzed groundwater samples have TDS values between 550 and 1990 mg L-1 (average 1167 mg L-1), which are below the WHO limit (2000 mg L-1). The spatial distribution of the TDS isolines (Figure 4.4b) corresponds to those of the electrical conductivity. Alkalinity The alkalinity of most of the samples ranges between 300 and 500 mg L-1 (expressed as CaCO3) (Figure 4.3c). Only the samples from two wells have values above 500 mg L-1 and the remaining have values bellow 300 mg L-1 of CaCO3. The maximum allowed total alkalinity level expressed as CaCO3 is 800 mg L-1. Water hardness The average value of the water hardness is 354 mg L-1 expressed as calcium carbonate equivalent (CaCO3). Most values range between 130 and 350 mg L-1 and only few exceed 500 mg L-1. In 5 of the 19 water samples, the maximum allowed value for water 20 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ EC TDS a b Cl- pH c d HCO3- SO42- e f Figure 4.4: Spatial variability of: a) electrical conductivity (EC); b) total dissolved solids (TDS); c) pH; d) chloride (Cl-); e) bicarbonate (HCO3-); and f) sulfate (SO42-) in the shallow groundwater of Maria Elena. See Figure 4.3 for legend. 21 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Sulphate of the Na-HCO3-Cl type, followed by 26% water samples of Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl type and the rest 11% characterized as Na-SO4-type (Figure 4.6). The major anions show the following order of predominance: r HCO3- > r Cl- > r SO42The predominance of bicarbonate ions is probably due to dissolution of evaporites found in the sediments or due to redissolution of carbonates from sediments of the unsaturated zone by leaching through the infiltrating rain and irrigation water containing organic acids. The second abundant anion is chloride. Its presence may be due to dissolution of evaporites and the prevailing cation is Na+ indicating the occurrence of ion exchange processes between groundwater and sediment whereby the ions of the earth alkaline elements in the groundwater are replaced by Na+ resulting in sodium-bicarbonate waters. The order of predominance of the major cations are indicated by the relation: The SO42--ion is less soluble and less mobile than the chloride ion, and hence may precipitate under excess of dissolved Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Sulphate ions may be reduced by the Sporovibrium Desulfuricans bacteria. It comes mainly from the oxidation of metallic sulfides and the dissolution of gypsum or anhydrate. Most of the water samples have sulphate concentrations below 300 mg L-1 and only 5 samples exceed the 400 mg L-1 limit established by the WHO (Figure 4.4f). Arsenic Dissolved As could be detected in all water samples, however the spatial variability of its concentration is high (Figure 4.5). About 73% of the samples have As concentrations above the Argentine limit (0.05 mg L-1 Argentine Food Codex), making them unsuitable for human consumption. 4.4.2 Geochemical classification Groundwater samples were classified (Table 4.4) according to their percental main anion and cation composition (expressed as meq%) and plotted in a Piper diagram (Figure 4.6). When a major anion or cation in water exceeds 50% of total anions or cations respectively, the water is classified after the respective anion or cation. In the case that the 50% limit is not reached, the two most abundant ions are used instead. Among the total 20 analyzed samples, 63% were r Na+ > r Ca2+ > r Mg2+ The chemical groundwater analysis data were plotted in Schoeller diagram (Figure 4.7). Figure 4.5: Spatial distribution of arsenic concentration (mg L-1) in the shallow groundwaters of Maria Elena area. See Figure 4.3 for legend. 22 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.4: Schoeller’s classification of the shallow groundwaters of Maria Elena area and their suitability for drinking purposes. Sample Anions Cations Classification EC/ Type I Human consumption 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 12 14 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Mg+2 > Ca+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Ca+2 >Na+ > Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Mg+2 > Ca+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na+ > Ca+2 >Mg+2 Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Ca-HCO3- type Na-Cl- type Na-HCO3- type Na-Cl- type Na-HCO3- type Na-SO4- type Na-HCO3- type Na-Cl- type Na-SO4- type Na-HCO3- type Na-HCO3- type Na-SO4- type Na-SO4- type Na-SO4- type 5a/C-3 5a/C-3 5b/C-3 5b/C-3 5b/C-3 6b/C-3 6e/C-3 2b/C-3 5a/C-3 2b/C-3 6b/C-3 4b/C-4 6b/C-3 2b/C-3 3b/C-3 5b/C-3 5b/C-3 3b/C-3 1b/C-3 2b/C-3 HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3-> SO42- > ClHCO3-> SO42- > ClCl- > HCO3-> SO42HCO-3 > Cl- > SO42Cl- > HCO3- > SO42HCO3-> SO42- > ClSO42-> HCO3- > ClHCO3-> Cl- > SO42Cl- > HCO3- > SO42SO42-> Cl- > HCO3HCO3- > Cl- > SO42HCO3- > Cl- > SO42SO42-> Cl- > HCO3Cl- > SO42- > HCO3Cl- > HCO3-> SO42- suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable not suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable suitable Figure 4.7: Major ion composition of the groundwater. samples plotted on a Schoeller-diagram. Figure 4.6: Major ion analyses plotted on a Piper diagram illustrating the predominance of Na-HCO3, Ca-Na-HCO3-Cl, and Na-SO4-types of groundwater composition in Maria Elena. 23 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Figure 4.8: Spatial variation of groundwater types presented as Stiff diagrams. Cl- and HCO3- The Stiff diagrams show the spatial variation of the groundwater composition and groundwater type within the study area (Figure 4.8). High concentrations of Na+ in groundwater clearly indicate cation exchange between groundwater and aquifers sediments. The Cl-/HCO3- ratio allows to trace an increasing salt concentration along the groundwater flowpath. The samples classified as Na-HCO3 type waters have Cl/HCO3 ratios (in 58% of the samples) ranging between 0.3 and 1.4. These values indicate a continental effect (sea water has values in the range of 20-50). Further, an increase in the chloride concentration is observed in these samples although the bicarbonate concentrations were constant. The plot between the major ions Na+ and Ca2+ against HCO3- indicates two distinct groups (Figure 4.9a,b). High positive correlation (R2 = 0.93) was observed for the waters, which were mostly Na-HCO3-type. However, the sample population with lower Na+ levels also indicated a moderate positive correlation (R2 = 0.46). The Ca2+ concentrations in these water samples indicate a positive correlation with HCO3- (R2 = 0.60) that indicate that the groundwater composition is partially controlled by the dissolution of carbonates. However, the samples with low concentrations of Ca2+ do not show any specific trend with HCO3- (Figure 4.9b). 4.5. Relationships between hydrochemical parameters 4.5.1. Relationships between major ions Mg2+and Ca2+ Along the groundwater flowpath and hence with increasing time, Ca2+ and Mg2+ may be exchanged with Na+ from the solid phase. This cation ion exchange process reduces the hardness of the groundwater, but it also increases its sodium concentration, which favors the dissolution of sulfates. The Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio varies between 0.21 (sample M9) and 1.63 (sample M2). These relative low values indicate a continental geochemical effect, with dominance of the calcium over magnesium ions. 24 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ 800 400 y = 61.166e 600 0.0036x 2 R = 0.935 500 400 300 200 y = 0.4124x - 6.1513 a 100 Ca2+ (mg L-1) Na+ (mg L-1) 700 350 y = 0.7925x - 186.84 300 R = 0.59 250 200 150 100 R = 0.456 0 0 200 400 HCO3- 250 600 800 (mg L ) 200 400 Mg2+ (mg L-1) c (mg L ) 2 R = 0.422 50 40 30 20 y = 0.0427x + 7.658 d 10 0 800 y = 11.978ln(x) - 25.457 60 100 600 -1 HCO3- 70 150 50 0 -1 y = 90.679ln(x) - 349.5 2 R = 0.822 200 Ca (mg L-1) b 50 2 0 2 R = 0.29 0 0 100 200 SO42- 300 400 500 0 100 200 -1 SO42- (mg L ) 300 400 500 -1 (mg L ) 600 600 y = 273.54ln(x) - 1077.1 y = 188.52ln(x) - 645.84 500 500 2 R = 0.797 400 300 200 100 y = 0.4184x + 60.099 2 R = 0.552 e 0 Na+ (mg L-1) Na+ (mg L-1) 2 2 R = 0.928 400 300 200 y = 145.73ln(x) - 577.31 100 2 R = 0,870 f 0 0 100 200 SO42- 300 400 500 -1 0 100 200 300 - (mg L ) 400 500 -1 Cl (mg L ) Figure 4.9: Bivariate plots between HCO3- vs a) Na+ and b) Ca2+; SO42- vs c) Ca2+, d) Mg2+ and e) Na+; and Cl- vs Na+ showing two distinct groupsof groundwater compositions in the study area around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province. SO42-and Cl- concentrations of SO42- in these samples also exhibit a moderate positive correlation with Mg2+ (R2 = 0.42). The group of samples with high Na+ concentrations shows a strong positive correlation with SO42- (R2 = 0.79; Figure 4.9e) as well as with Cl- (R2 = 0.92; Figure 4.9f). Similar trends of positive correlations of Na+ were also found with SO42- (R2 = 0.55) and Cl- (R2 = 0.87) for the other group of samples characterized by low Na+ concentrations (Figure 4.9e,f). The SO4 concentration in groundwater is generally high and results in an increased salt concentration. The relation between SO42-and Clshows similar behaviour similar to the previous one. Six of the 19 samples have values higher than 1, while the others indicate values prevailing in the range between 0.25 to 0.99. Bivariate plots between SO42- concentrations in these groundwaters show two distinct groups (Figure 4.9c-e). A strong positive correlation is observed between the distribution of Ca2+ and SO42- (R2 = 0.82) in the samples with high Ca2+ concentrations indicating a probable dissolution of gypsum or anhydrite from the sediments. The 2- Ionic exchange capacity The ionic exchange capacity (IC) is defined by the proportionality of the relation between Cl- and ions of alkaline elements such as Na+ and K+. Negative IC values show the predominance of 25 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 the central area of Maria Elena area, where groundwater flow is stagnant (Figure 4.10). Zones with low groundwater As concentrations (<50 µg L-1) indicate areas with groundwater most suitable for drinking purposes (Fig. 4.10). A comparison of the zones high and low in groundwater As (Figure 4.10) with the corresponding spatial distribution of other parameters (Figures 4.4a-f) can be carried out at least for the high As zone around Las Abritas and the zone with low As concentrations close to Las Palmitas, where most of the sampled wells are located., whereas in the high As zone around Bayo Muerto and the low As zone of Rosquín, the sampling points are too few to do so. Thereby it can be recognized that the zones with highest As concentrations are coincident with zones of stagnant groundwater (Figure 4.3), high electrical conductivity (Figure 4.4a), high TDS levels (Figure 4.4b) and high concentrations of Cl(Figure 4.4d) and SO42- (Figure 4.4f). sodium and potassium ions over chloride. Increasing negative values of IC indicate an increase of dissolved Na+ (or ions of other alkaline elements), as it may occur (1) by dissolution from the sediments solid phase or (2) along groundwater flowpaths or in stagnant groundwater where increasing residence time of the groundwater results in cation exchange (exchange of Ca2+ and Mg2+ for Na+). This ion exchange and the related reduction of water hardness explain why the most negative IC values coincide with the values of lower water hardness. In the study zone, the minimum IC value is –2.40 (M12) and the maximum is –0.06 (M26). 4.6 Distribution of groundwater arsenic 4.6.1 Spatial variations The spatial variation in the distribution of As in groundwater reveals two distinct zones with high As concentrations (>50 µg L-1) (Figure 4.10). Both correspond to geomorphological depressions in Figure 4.10: Spatial distribution of the zones whit high and low concentration of arsenic in the area around Maria Elena. 26 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ negative correlation was found between Mg2+ and As (R2 = 0.56) (Figure 4.11b). The correlation between As with the major ions Ca2+ and Cl- as well as pH indicates two distinct groups (Figure 4.11c,d,f). Strong positive correlation of As and Ca2+ characterizes the samples with low Ca2+ concentration (R2 = 0.81) while a trend of increasing As concentration is found for waters with increasing Cl- concentrations (R2=89). A distinct positive correlation is noted amongst pH and As (Figure 4.11f) with two distinct data groups. 4.6.2 Relationships between As and other hydrochemical parameters The spatial variability of As concentrations in groundwaters of Maria Elena area is clearly reflected through the relationships between the distributions of the major ions. The relationship of arsenic has been plotted against the major cations Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+, the major anions HCO3- and Cl-, and pH (Figure 4.11a-f). A well defined positive correlation is observed between As and Na+ (R2 = 0.63), As and HCO3(R2 = 0.69) (Figure 4.11a,e), while a distinct 500 500 a 300 200 y = 7.28e 100 b 400 As (µg L-1) As (µg L-1) 400 y = -183.8ln(x) + 694.9 300 2 R = 0.561 200 0.0075x 100 2 R = 0.63 0 0 0 100 200 300 + 400 500 600 0 10 20 -1 2 70 d y = 7.266x + 50.763 2 400 R = 0.807 As (µg L-1) As (µg L-1) 60 500 c y = 14.915x - 188.02 300 200 0.365 y = 4.527x R = 0.36 y = 40.381ln(x) - 18.082 300 2 R = 0.894 200 100 2 R = 0.44 0 0 0 50 100 Ca 2+ 150 200 200 300 400 500 -1 Cl (mg L ) (mg L ) 500 f 61.689 y = 2E-51x 2 R = 0.972 400 0.008x As (µg L-1) y = 2.022e 2 R = 0.686 300 100 - e 400 0 250 -1 500 As (µg L-1) 50 -1 Mg (mg L ) 500 100 40 2+ Na (mg L ) 400 30 200 100 300 200 y = 114.41x - 806.08 2 R = 0.55 100 0 0 0 200 400 HCO3- 600 800 -1 6,9 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 pH (mg L ) Figure 4.11: Bivariate plots between As vs a) Na+; b) Mg2+; c) Ca2+; d) Cl-; e) HCO3- and f) pH in the shallow groundwaters around Maria Elena, Santiago del Estero Province. 27 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Natural materials containing metal-oxides and hydroxides may have As-adsorption features. Major As-binding minerals are oxides and hydroxides of Fe, Al and Mn, of which Fe has been most studied (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). In many soil types, these oxides and hydroxides occur as coatings on mineral grains. Arsenate oxy-anion, is adsorbed strongly on positively charged surfaces of the oxides of Fe, Al and Mn at specific pH conditions (Table 4.6). 4.7 Sediment characteristics 4.7.1 Overview In this section, the salient geochemical characteristics of the sediments from Santiago del Estero Province considered to be important for the removal of As from of water is discussed. The overall geochemical characteristics of the sediments will form the base for selecting the specific local sediments, which may be used as adsorbents for removal of As from groundwater. Table 4.5: General mesoscopic characteristics and mineralogy of the clayey sediments from Misiones Province (M1) and different parts of Santiago del Estero (SdE) Province (M2-M10). L= Low, H= High. Sample Location Color Crystallinity Principal clay minerals M1 Misiones Poor M2 Guaptayan Choya (SdE) Reddish brown Brick red Poor L-beidellite 28%, kaolinite 70%, quartz <1.5%, possibly smectite (<0.5%) L-beidellite 61%, illite 39% M3 Rio Salado (SdE) Brick red Good H-montmorillonite 38%, illite 58%, chlorite 6% M4 25 de Mayo Choya (SdE) Off-white Moderate to poor H-montmorillonite 99%, quartz 1% M5 Dpto Capital (SdE) Brick red Moderate M6 Dpto Figueroa (SdE) Brick red Moderate M7 Cantera Becaria (SdE) Brick red Poor L-montmorillonite 36%, illite 24%, muscovite 19%, heulandite 19%, gypsum 2% H-montmorillonite 25%, illite associated with Mmuscovite 69%, chlorite 6% Kaolinite 10%, beidellite 19%, illite 71% M8 Lomas Coloradas (SdE) Brick red Poor L-montmorillonite 60%, illite 39%, chlorite 1% M9 Volcanic ash (Banda County) Off-white Poor M10 Cantera Becaria (SdE) Brick red Low H-montmorillonite 17%, illite 71%, chlorite 6%, heulandite 6% H-montmorillonite 12%, illite 86%, chlorite 2% Table 4.6: Geochemical characterization of the clay sediments from Misiones Province (M1) and clays and the volcanic ash sediments from different parts of Santiago del Estero Province (M2-M10). Sample Location pH CEC meq 100g-1 EC μS cm-1 Fe mg g-1 solid M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 4.46 6.49 7.45 7.14 7.95 7.98 7.7 7.36 9.88 7.68 18.3 39 36.7 40 23 25 18 40 34.4 25 72.2 2910 2945 360 9240 5700 190 1250 5100 6210 40.3 27.7 7.6 17.8 3.5 5.7 2.3 7.8 3.6 4.2 Misiones Guaptayan Choya,(SdE) Rio Salado (SdE) 25 de Mayo Choya,(SdE) Dpto Capital (SdE) Dpto Figueroa (SdE) Cantera Becaria (SdE) Lomas Coloradas (SdE) Volcanic ash (Banda County) Cantera Becaria (SdE) 28 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ about neutral to slightly alkaline (6.8 to 8.0) (Table 4.6). The saturation extract of the volcanic ash sample (M9) has a significantly higher pH of 9.9. In contrast, the clay sediment sample from Misiones Province (M1) is moderate acid (pH=4.5), because of its low buffer capacity. This is reflected by the low electrical conductivity of 72 μS/cm, compared the much higher EC values of the saturation extracts of the clay sediments from Santiago del Estero Province, with ranges from 1250 to 9240 μS cm-1, with exceptions of M4 with 360 μS cm-1 and M7 with 190 μS cm-1 which may be due to the high degree of weathering of the samples. 4.7.2 Mineralogical characteristics of the sediments X-ray diffraction studies on the 9 clay samples from Santiago del Estero Province and on one sample from Misiones Province revealed distinct clay mineralogy. The clay samples from Misiones revealed a dominance of kaolinite (70%) followed by beidilite (28%). The clay samples from different parts of Santiago del Estero Province revealed presence of beidillite (19-61%), illite (24-71%), montmorrillonite (25-99%), chlorite (1-6%), heulandite (6-19%), quartz (~1%) and gypsum (~2%). The detailed clay mineralogical constitution is presented in Table 4.5. 4.7.4 Cation exchange capacity The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the sediment samples is more or less uniform, ranging from 18.3 to 40 meq 100g-1 of sample (Table 4.6). 4.7.3 Characteristics of the soil saturation extract The pH of the sediment saturation extracts from the clay sediment samples from Santiago del Estero Province (M2-M8, M10) show values from Table 4.7: CEC values determined for some selected clay minerals in the samples of Misiones and Santiago del Estero. S. No. Clay Minerals CEC meq 100g-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kaolinite Halloisite Illite Chlorite Vermiculite Montmorillonite Sepiolite-palygorskite 3-5 10-40 10-50 10-50 100-200 80-200 20-35 Table 4.8: Distribution of 7M HNO3 extractable Al, Fe and Mn and As in the sediment samples from Misiones and Santiago del Estero. Sample Location AlNO3 FeNO3 MnNO3 AsNO3 (g kg-1) (g kg-1) (g kg-1) (mg kg-1) M1 Misiones 50.08 103.36 0.63 2.90 M2 Guaptayan Choya (SdE) 21.65 63.55 0.14 161.53 M3 Rio Salado (SdE) 26.65 14.54 0.33 5.10 M4 25 de Mayo Choya (SdE) 21.10 11.04 0.08 1.41 M6 Depto. Figueroa (SdE) 30.64 12.92 0.30 3.80 M8 Lomas Coloradas (SdE) 25.54 30.03 0.44 9.57 M9.1 Volcanic ash (Banda County) 3.81 4.72 0.11 2.83 M9.2 Volcanic ash (Banda County) 3.98 4.99 0.11 3.15 MCV:1 Volcanic ash (Cuatro Horcones) 3.95 4.90 0.11 3.24 MCV:2 Volcanic ash (Cuatro Horcones) 4.52 5.61 0.12 3.28 29 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 4.7.6 Results of geochemical analyses Choya and Departamento Figueroa. In general, AlNO3 and FeNO3 concentrations in the volcanic ash sediments vary in the range between 3.8-4.5 g kg-1 and 4.7-5.6 g kg-1. MnNO3 concentrations were lower (0.08-0.44 g kg-1) as compared to the AlNO3 and FeNO3 (see Figure 4.12). The distribution of AsNO3 in the analyzed sediments indicates a considerable variability (1.41-161.5 mg kg-1), while, the volcanic ash samples had similar levels of AsNO3 (2.8-3.3 mg kg-1), which are similar to those reported by Claesson and Fagerberg (2003). The most important aim was to find the best samples for As adsorption using the amount of Al and Fe in the soil samples. 7M HNO3 extraction Sequential extraction In general these values agree with the CEC values from the literature (Ladeira and Ciminelli, 2004). The CEC values for some of the selected clay minerals are presented in Table 4.7. 4.7.5 Iron content The iron content of the sediment, as an index for potential As adsorption capacity, is highest in the laterite from Misiones Province (M1, 40.3 g kg-1 Fe), while the iron contents of the samples from Santiago del Estero Province show considerable variability, ranging from 2 to 27 g kg-1. The results of the sequential extractions of the samples of the laterite from Missiones Province, five clay sediment samples and four samples of volcanic ash from Santiago del Estero province are presented in Table 4.9 and Figure 4.13. De-ionized water (DIW) extraction Sequential extraction of the clay sediments with de-ionized water (DIW) revealed considerable variations in the amounts of Al ranging in concentrations varying between 27.5 mg kg-1 and 173.2 mg kg-1. Maximum concentrations 1000,00 100,00 Al 10,00 Fe Mn 1,00 As 0,10 Samples Figure 4.12: Distribution of Al, Fe, Mn and As in the samples extracted by 7M HNO3 . 30 2 M C V: M C V: 1 9. 2 M 9. 1 M 8 M 6 M 4 M 3 M M M 2 0,01 1 Al, Fe, Mn (g/kg), As (mg/kg) Data on salient geochemical characteristics of the laterite from Missiones Province, five clay sediment samples and four samples of volcanic ash from Santiago del Estero province are presented in Table 4.8. 7M HNO3 extraction indicates high concentrations of AlNO3, (50.1 g kg-1) and FeNO3, (103.4 g kg-1) and low MnNO3 (0.63 g kg-1). The clay samples from different areas of Santiago del Estero Province revealed moderate high AlNO3, (21.1-30.6 g kg-1) and high FeNO3 (30.0-63.6 g kg-1) for the samples from Guaptayan-Choya and Lomas Coloradas and a low FeNO3 (11-14.5 g kg-1) in the clay samples from Rio Salado, 25 de Mayo- Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.9: Result of sequential extraction of the sediment samples from Misiones and Santiago del Estero. Sample Location AlDIW AlHCO3 AloAc Alox Alres FeDIW FeHCO3 FeoAc Feox Feres MnDIW MnHCO3 MnoAc Mnox Mnres AsDIW AsHCO3 AsoAc Asox --------------(mg kg-1)------------- (g kg-1) --------------(mg kg-1)------------- (g kg-1) --------------(mg kg-1)------------- (g kg-1) -------------(mg kg-1)------------ M1 M2 Misiones M3 M4 Rio Salado (SdE) M6 M8 Depto. Figueroa (SdE) M9.1 M9.2 Volcanic ash (Banda County) Asres (mg kg-1) 38.2 173.2 0.62 0.31 0.15 0.30 50.9 41.9 13.37 2.76 5.9 27.8 0.43 0.02 0.02 0.02 86.2 32.5 52.6 2.69 47.6 8.59 0.18 0.53 0.09 0.03 48.8 10.7 0.17 0.044 0.12 5.74 0.12 0.82 0.27 0.82 0.12 1.64 0.55 20.7 137.4 27.5 na na 0.44 17.4 80.7 102.2 1.57 2.96 19.1 2.3 na na 0.02 0.02 39.1 4.4 6.36 0.93 34.7 2.91 na na 1.58 0.84 20.1 1.23 0.079 0.013 1.29 0.47 na na 0.41 0.30 0.21 0.19 1.08 0.33 100.9 144.4 na na 0.21 1.93 70.6 72.3 2.68 4.85 13.5 7.4 na na 0.02 0.02 34.6 37.0 5.49 7.15 20.0 10.7 na na 0.84 4.17 21.8 18.9 0.074 0.106 0.79 3.85 na na 0.41 0.54 0.13 0.27 0.84 2.78 24.8 87.6 na na 0.03 0.14 24.1 90.4 1.77 1.66 15.1 9.9 na na 0.02 0.02 17.0 9.8 2.49 2.23 1.38 6.12 na na 0.48 0.94 1.86 6.09 0.041 0.041 0.12 2.51 na na 0.38 0.24 0.12 2.80 0.33 0.32 MCV:1 Volcanic ash (Banda County) 75.9 MCV:2 Volcanic ash (Banda County) 107.0 na na 0.03 0.04 27.1 19.4 1.65 1.84 8.2 22.6 na na 0.02 0.02 17.5 11.7 2.35 2.54 5.31 7.00 na na 0.56 0.43 1.33 1.32 0.038 0.041 2.48 2.55 na na 0.39 0.28 0.11 0.11 0.29 0.44 Guaptayan Choya (SdE) 25 de Mayo Choya (SdE) Lomas Coloradas (SdE) Volcanic ash (Banda County) of AlDIW was found in the clays from Guaptayan Choya, Lomas Coloradas and Rio Salado regions with concentrations of 173.2 mg kg-1 144.4 mg kg-1 and 137.4 mg kg-1 respectively. Concentrations of Fe and Mn in the DIW extracts ranged between 5.9-27.8 mg kg-1 and 1.38-47.6 mg kg-1 respectively (Table 4.9), while As concentrations in the DIW extracts were low (0.12-0.47 mg kg-1. However the clay samples from Choya and Lomas Coloradas indicated considerably high AsDIW concentrations (1.29-5.74 mg kg-1). The volcanic ash samples from Banda County also indicated higher range of concentrations of AlDIW (24.1-107 mg kg-1), FeDIW (8.2-22.6 mg kg-1), MnsDIW (1.38-7.0 mg kg-1) as well as high concentrations of AsDIW (2.48-2.55 mg kg1).However, one sample from (M9.1) revealed lower concentration of As in the DIW extract (see Table 4.9 and Figure 4.13). between 0.03-0.84 mg kg-1, while the clay samples from Rio Salado and Lomas Coloradas revealed high concentrations of MnoAc in the range of 1.58 mg kg-1 and 4.17 mg kg-1 respectively. The extractions of the volcanic ash samples indicate low AloAc concentrations (0.03-0.14 mg kg-1), while the concentrations of MnoAc are appreciably high (0.43-0.94 mg kg-1) in the NaoAc extracts. As concentrations in these extracts were quite similar for of the extracted clay samples as well as the volcanic ash and ranged between 0.24-0.41 mg kg1, however two samples of the clays from Guaptayam Choya and Lomas Coloradas revealed relatively higher concentrations 0.82 mg kg-1 and 0.54 mg kg-1 respectively. NH4C2O4 extraction Oxalate (NH4C2O4) extraction in the dark is one of the important step in the sequential extraction process. Oxalate extractable fractions of Al, Fe and Mn quantify the amount of these elements bound to the amorphous and/or poorly crystalline oxides of Al, Fe and Mn and the amounts of As released from these oxides during the process of chelation. Oxalate extraction of laterite sample from Misiones, reveal significantly high quantity of Feox (52.6 mg kg-1) and Mnox (48.8 mg kg-1) and comparably lower amount of Alox (13.4 mg kg-1). Oxalate extraction of the Misiones laterite sample also revealed leaching of As in minor quantity (0.12 mg kg-1). The clay sediments from Santiago del Estero province revealed high concentration of Alox, (41.9-80.7 mg kg-1), Feox (32.5-39.1 mg kg-1), and Mnox (10.7-21.8 mg kg-1). It is interesting to note that the clay sample from 25 de Mayo, Choya leached appreciably high quantity of Alox (102.2 mg kg-1) while the concentrations of Feox (4.4 mg kg-1), and Mnox NaHCO3 extraction As mentioned in section 3.4.3, the bicarbonate extraction was only applied on the samples from Misiones (M1) and Guaptayan Choya, (M2), since all other sediment samples had high pH values (710). The amount of AlHCO3 (0.31-0.62 mg kg-1), FeHCO3 (0.02-0.43 mg kg-1), MnHCO3 (0.18-0.53 mg kg-1), and AsHCO3 (0.12-0.82 mg kg-1) in the extracts were very low in the samples (Table 4.9, Figure 4.13). NaoAc extraction Sequential extraction of the clay sediments with sodium acetate at pH 5.4 (NaoAc) revealed low concentrations of AloAc (0.15-1.93 mg kg-1), except for the clay sample from 25 de Mayo, Choya where nearly 27.4 mg kg-1 Al was leached during bicarbonate extraction. FeoAc concentration in the NaoAc extracts were very low (Table 4.9), while the MnoAc concentrations generally ranged 31 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez 100000,00 a 10000,00 1000,00 100,00 10,00 1,00 1000,00 100,00 10,00 1,00 0,10 0,10 0,01 0,01 1000,00 100,00 c DIW Extractable As (mg kg-1) 100,00 10,00 1,00 0,10 b 10000,00 Extractable Fe (mg kg-1) 0,01 HCO3 d oAc ox 10,00 Res 1,00 Samples V: 1 V: 2 M C M 9. 2 M C M 8 M 9. 1 M 6 M 4 M 3 M 1 M C V: V: 2 1 9. 2 C M M 9. 1 M 8 M M 6 M 4 M 3 M 2 M 1 0,10 M 2 -1) Extractable Al Al (mg (mg kg -1 Extractable 100000,00 Extractable Mn (mg kg-1) TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Samples Figure 4.13: Distribution of Al, Fe, Mn and As released during the sequential extraction of the sediment samples from Misiones and Santiago del Estero. residue, which were immobile from the sediments during the preceding steps of sequebtial extraction. The concentrations of Alres (13.37 g kg-1). and Feres (52.6 g kg-1) were very high in the Misiones laterite. In comparison, the clay samples revealed of Alres and Feres concentrations varying in the range of 1.57-4.85 g kg-1 and 0.93-7.15 g kg-1 respectively (Table 4.9). The volcanic ash samples from Santiago del Estero revealed low concentrations of residual fractions of Alres and Feres with concentrations ranging between 1.66-1.84 g kg-1 and 2.23-2.54 g kg-1 respectively. Concentration of Mnres (0.041-0.17 g kg-1) in the residual fraction in all the samples, while Asres fractions indicated a wider range of variability between 0.29-2.78 mg kg-1. In the Guaptayan Choya sample Asres concentration was however high (20.7 mg kg-1, see Table 4.9 and Figure 4.13). kg-1).were (1.23 mg lower as compared to the rest of the clay samples (Table 4.9).Oxalate extractable As concentration in most of the clays were low (0.13-0.27 mg kg-1), except for the Guaptayan Choya sample with Asox content of 1.64 mg kg-1. In the volcanish ash samples from Banda County, the fractions of Alox, Feox and Mnox ranged between 19.4-27.1 mg kg-1, 11.7-17.5 mg kg-1 and 1.32-1.86 mg kg-1 respectively. The concentrations of Asox in these samples of volcanic ash were low (0.11-0.12 mg kg-1, Table 4.9). One of the sample of volcanic ash (M9.2) from Baanda County indicated appreciably high quantities of Alox (90.4 mg kg-1), Mnox (6.09 mg kg-1) and Asox (2.8 mg kg1). However the content of Fe (9.8 mg kg-1) was ox low compared to the rest of the samples of volcanic ash in the region. Residual fraction (7M HNO3.) extraction Samples extracted in 7M HNO3 during the last step of the sequential extraction procedure quantify the contents of Al, Fe, Mn and As in the 32 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. REMEDIATION OF ARSENIC CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER Hering, 2003; Genç-Fuhrman et al., 2004). The highest As adsorption was correlated with the highest content of Al- and Fe-oxihydroxides that are characterized by large specific surface area (Pierce and Moore, 1992; Sracek et al. 2004). Goethite (α-FeOOH), which is second most common naturally occurring iron oxide mineral after hematite (Fe2O3), has also been reported to be effective for As adsorption (Garcia-Sanchez et al., 1999; Lenoble et al., 2002). The removal of As strongly depends only on the solution pH. Several studies on the influence pH on As adsorption on oxides and hydroxides suggested that As (III) had adsorption maximum at around pH 7 whereas As (V) sorption reached a maximum sorption around pH 4-7 and then decreased with more alkaline pH. Maximum adsorption of As(V) occurred in the pH range 3-6 (Manning and Goldberg, 1996; Matis et al., 1997; Goldberg, 2002). Iron oxides are adsorbents for other anions also form similar surface complexes as the As(V) and As(III) species. Adsorption of As in soils and water may also be significantly affected by the presence of anions such as PO4-3, SO4-2, CO3-2 and Cl-, which compete with As for the sorption sites (Manning and Goldberg, 1996; Fendorf et al., 1997). The competitive effect of equimolar As(V) on As(III) adsorption was limited and apparent only on kaolinite and illite in the pH range 6.5-9. Proper hydrochemical characterization of groundwaters with As contamination is thus a basic pre-requisite for successful remediation using the natural adsorbents. Disposal of the used adsorbents (sludge) is an important aspect during such water treatments, as unsafe disposal of these sludges may consequently release As and contaminate the environment. 5.1 Overview Removal of As from water is an important worldwide issue. Incidences of elevated As concentrations in groundwater in the countries with poor infrastructure demands techniques that are cost-effective and affordable for safe drinking water supply to the affected population. Conversely, many people in the developed world are also drinking water with unsafe levels of As. Large number of treatment technologies are available to remove As from water ranging from sophisticated technology such as ion exchange and reverse osmosis to the much simpler, and often highly effective coagulation-flocculation techniques (Bhattacharya et al., 2002a). Several studies have been undertaken to examine the removal of As from natural water both in macro and in micro scale (Anderson et al., 1976; Manning and Goldberg, 1996; Fendorf et al., 1997; Jain et al., 1997; Goldberg 2002; Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2002; Dixit and Hering, 2003; GençFuhrman et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2004) using metal oxides and clays. In general, As correlates well with Fe in sediments (Bose and Sharma, 2002; Bhattacharya et al., 2001, 2002b; Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002; Ahmed et al., 2004). Natural attenuation of As involves processes such as adsorption, desorption, reduction, oxidation, coprecipitation and dissolution. The processes that control the fate, the transformation and the transport of As in the subsurface are complex since oxidation-reduction conditions are temporally variable. In addition, the fixation of As is also dependent on the physical properties and mineralogy of the clays in the soils and sediments. In highly weathered soils, fixation of As-anions is related to the presence of oxides of Fe and Al. as the adsorbents. Fe- and Al-oxides are effective adsorbents for anionic contaminants because of its surface charge, large surface area, and favorable geometry of terminal OH groups for specific adsorption. (Ladeira and Ciminelli, 2003). Therefore soils rich in Fe- and Al-oxides were used to study the As removal by various researches (Manning and Goldberg, 1996; Fendorf et al., 1997; Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2002; Dixit and 5.2 Selection of sediments Based on the geochemical characteristics of the sediment samples from Santiago del Estero Province, samples M4 and M8 were selected. The sample M2 with highest Fe content, was not included because of its chemical characteristics 33 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 similar to M4. Additionally, the sample M1 from Misiones Province was selected for comparison. most of the arsenate adsorption on clays took place within the first 4 h of contact time. 5.3 Experimental results 5.3.2 Role of pH for arsenic removal Under acidic conditions (pH 5.9) complete removal of arsenate was found for the clays from Misiones Province as an adsorbents. The removal efficiency was very high at all the pH ranges from 4.5 to 8.6 (see Figure 5.2). The removal efficiency ws very high for the Missiones clay for the batches with different As concentration. The removal was much lower with clays from Santiago del Estero (Figure 5.2). At alkaline pH ranges (pH >8.6), the clays were probably affected by precipitation of Fe- and/Al-hydroxides (as indicated by changes in the colour of the solution). This observation was consistent with the removal of As5+ from the suspensions. At elevated pH (>8.6) the adsorption of As5+ was found to be limited and hence As removal from the aqueous phase decreased with an increase in pH. The increase of pH in the solutions was not proportional to As concentrations and for As concentrations higher than 2 mg L-1, pH reached a plateau and remained constant. Many reasons may explaine the increased pH but the most important (in the present context) is the uptake of protons by mineral weathering and ionexchange reactions, combined with the effect of evaporation in arid and semiarid regions. This pH increase is commonly associated with the development of salinity and the salinization of soils. Under oxidising conditions 5.3.1 Effects of reaction time and pH The purpose of the experiment was to identify the reaction time required for adsorption to reach equilibrium. The experiments were carried out using 10 g of sorbent (clay samples) and arsenate [As(V)] solutions (K2H2AsO4) with concentrations of 0.5, 1 and 2 mg L-1 of As+5 at pH values between 4.5-8.6. The effect of pH on adsorption was studied by determining the amount of adsorbed As at pH 4.5, 5.9 and 8.63. Results are shown in Figure 5.1, for a solidsolution contact time between 90 minutes and 4 hours; the absorbed quantity was stable for all the solids, and for arsenate. The addition of the Missiones clays, resulted in a sudden drop from pH 8.5 to 6.0 within the first 0.5 hours and finally reaching to a pH of 5.0 after 48 hours of reaction time. In the case of pH 4.5 and 6.9, the change in the pH is within a narrow range. However, it is observed that the batch experiments at the three pH reaches at final pH of ca 5.0 after 48 hours of equilibration (Figure 5.1a). In the case of the adsorbent media with the Choya clays and Lomas Coloradas from Santiago del Estero province show an initial decrease in the pH from 8.63 to 7.0 after the first 0.5 hours but indicates a final equilibration pH of ca 8.0 (Figure 5.1 b-c). The change in the equilibrium pH significantly affects the removal of As from the aqueous media. Further, it could be observed that 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 pH pH 10 pH 10 4 2 4 a 2 0 4 b 2 0 0 0.5 1.5 4 24 48 pH=4.5 pH=5.9 c pH=8.63 0 0 0.5 Time (h) 1.5 4 Time (h) 24 48 0 0.5 1.5 4 24 48 Time (h) Figure 5.1: Effect of the variation of pH as a function of time on the adsorption of As(V) in the different studied media. a) Misiones; b) Choya, Santiago del Estero; and c) Lomas Coloradas, Santiago del Estero. 34 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4 Discussion strongly depends only on the solution pH. Maximum adsorption of As(V) occurred in the pH range 3-6 (Matis et al., 1997). Iron oxides are adsorbents for other anions also form similar surface complexes as the As(V) and As(III) species.because of surface charge, surface area, and favorable geometry of terminal OH groups for specific adsorption. (Ladeira and Ciminelli, 2003). The highest As adsorption was correlated with the highest content of Al- and Fe-oxihydroxides that are characterized by large specific surface area (Pierce and Moore, 1992; Sracek et al., 2004). Goethite (α-FeOOH), which is second most common naturally occurring iron oxide minerals. 400 300 200 a 0 400 300 200 100 b 0 0 0.5 1.5 4 24 48 0 0.5 Time (h) As adsorbed ( g L-1) -1 As adsorbed adsorbed ((µg As g LL-1)) 400 300 200 100 d 0 0.5 1.5 4 24 1000 g 0 4 Time (h) c 0.5 600 400 200 e 24 48 4 24 48 24 48 24 48 pH 8.6 800 600 400 200 f 0 0 0.5 1.5 4 24 48 0 2000 pH 5.9 1500 1000 500 1.5 1000 h 0.5 1.5 4 Time (h) pH 8.6 1500 1000 500 i 0 0 1.5 200 Time (h) 2000 1500 0.5 400 0 Time (h) pH 4.5 0 Lom.Col. 600 48 800 48 As adsorbed ( g L-1) Asadsorbed adsorbed( (µg -1-1) As g LL ) 24 pH 5.9 Time (h) 500 4 0 0 2000 1.5 1000 pH 4.5 Choya 800 Time (h) 500 Misiones pH 8.6 0 As adsorbed ( g L-1) 100 1000 pH 5.9 As adsorbed ( g L-1) 500 pH 4.5 As adsorbed ( g L-1) 500 As adsorbed ( g L-1) Asadsorbed adsorbed As ( (µg g L-1L)-1) Fe and Al oxides are effective anion adsorbents because of surface charge, surface area, and favorable geometry of terminal OH groups for specific adsorption. (Ladeira and Ciminelli, 2003). The highest As adsorption was correlated with the highest content of Al- and Fe-oxihydroxides that are characterized by large specific surface area (Pierce and Moore, 1992; Sracek et al. 2004). Goethite (γ-FeOOH), which is second most common naturally occurring iron oxide mineral after hematite (Fe2O3), has also been reported to be effective for As adsorption (Garcia-Sanchez et al., 1999; Lenoble et al., 2002). The removal of As 0 0.5 1.5 4 Time (h) 24 48 0 0.5 1.5 4 Time (h) Figure 5.2: Sorption of arsenate on clays from Misiones Province, Choya and Lomas Coloradas, Santiago del Estero Province, with varying time for equilibrium, at three different pH and arsenic concentrations. a-c) 0.5 mg L-1 As5+; d-f) 1.0 mg L-1 As5+; and g-i) 2.0 mg L-1 As5+. 35 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 6. CONCLUSIONS Natural As is ubiquitously reported in groundwater from several parts of Argentna where most groundwater for drinking water supplies for the rural population are abstracted from the shallow aquifers generally at a few meters to tens of meters in depth. In northwestern Argentina, especially in the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, Tucumán, Salta, Chaco, and Santiago del Estero, groundwater are enriched with As accompanied by other geogenic contaminants such as fluoride. In the province of Santiago del Estero, which belongs to the semiarid Chaco plain, two large areas with groundwater As contamination are found. The first area is situated along the northern boarder of Santiago del Estero province and extends into the provinces of Salta and Chaco. The second area of Santiago del Estero Province with groundwater As is the Río Dulce Alluvial Cone located to the East of Santiago del Estero city in the counties of Banda and Robles. The shallow aquifer (depth mostly <15 m) and the unsaturated zone of Río Dulce cone characterized by a discontinuous accumulation of loessic sediments (0 to few meters thick), which are deposited over fluvial and aeolian fine sand to silty sediments of Quaternary age. The source of As in groundwater in the region include volcanic ash layers, and volcanic glass dispersed in aquifers. The present study was carried out in Maria Elena, situated in the Banda County with dispersed rural population. Drinking water supplies to the individual families are served in most cases with a shallow hand pumped wells placed in the shallow aquifers, as the only available fresh water source. In Maria Elena the drinking water is supplied to the one third of the population from the SimbolarAñatuya aqueduct. The drinking water is stored in a communal central tank (capacity 30 m3), located about 1.5 km South of the Provincial Road 21. The other two thirds of the population, (approximately 280 people), obtain their water predominantly from small household wells. Two main geomorphologic units are distinguished within the study area: Loessic Plain and Rio Dulce Alluvial Cone. The hydrogeochemical studies indicate the following salient characteristics: • 58% of the analyzed groundwater samples are of Na-HCO3 type, 26% are of Na-Cl type, and 16% are of Na- SO4 type • The most frequent SO42- concentration is <300 mg L-1 and only 5 groundwater samples exceeded 400 mg L-1 established by the WHO as drinking water limit. • The predominant cation is Na+ followed by Ca2+. The increased Na+ concentration indicates cation exchange, where Ca2+, Mg2+ of the groundwater is replaced by Na+ from the solid matrix resulting in sodic-bicarbonate waters with the following evolution Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+. Arsenic is present in all the analysed groundwater samples. The As concentration of most of the samples (75%) is less than the Argentine limit (0.05 mg L-1) and 25% of the samples overpass this limit. It can be observed that zones close to Las Palmitas, Bayo Muerto and Rasquín present As concentrations below the drinking water guideline value of the WHO. The highest As concentrations were detected in María Elena and Las Abritas areas, where values range from 0.05 to 1.9 mg L-1. The spatial distribution pattern reveals two distinct zones with high As concentrations (>50 µg L-1) and correspond to the geomorphological depressions in the central part of Maria Elena area, around Bayo Muerto where groundwater flow is stagnant. Zones with low As concentrations in groundwater (<50 µg L-1) with groundwater are suitable for drinking purposes close to Las Palmitas, where most of the sampled wells were located.. Zones with highest As concentrations are coincident with zones of stagnant groundwater and characterised by high electrical conductivity, TDS levels and high concentrations of Cl- and SO42-. The spatial variability of As in groundwaters of Maria Elena area are well correlated with the distribution of the major ions. A well defined positive correlation is observed between As and Na+, As and HCO3-, while Mg2+ indicated a distinct negative correlation with As. The correlation between As with the major ions Ca2+ and Cl- as well as pH indicates two distinct groups. 36 Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina _____________________________________________________________________________________ Strong positive correlation of As and Ca2+ characterizes the samples with low Ca2+. A trend of increasing As concentration is found for waters with increasing Cl- concentrations. A distinct positive correlation is noted amongst pH and As. In general, the mobility of As in groundwaters are associated with aeolian Pampean or Postpampean sediments, particularly those with high content of volcanic glass. Bundschuh et al. (2004) explained mobilization of As from the sediments and the ash-layer (MCV) and suggest that it is controlled by • Leaching and mobilisation of As along down gradient with infiltrating water. • Upward mobility of As through capillary pore water. Arsenic adsorption was carried out on locally available materials such as natural clays with high content of amorphous iron and aluminum hydroxide that present high adsorption capacity for arsenate. Using the information about physical and chemical characteristics those clay samples could be selected, which are most suitable for As adsorption. Samples from Choya (M4) and Lomas Coloradas (M8) were selected as most suitable from Santiago del Estero Province; a clay sample from Missiones Province (M1) was additionally selected for comparison. Among the selected samples for the adsorption experiments, Fe-, Aland Mn-oxides and hydroxides were more abundant in M1 than in M4 and M8. Laterite clay (M1) from the province Misiones had the highest As retention (99% dissolved As was adsorbed), whereas the adsorption by the clays from Lomas Coloradas and Choya indicated As adsorption efficiency of 53% and 40% respectively. • By fluctuations of the groundwater table. Salient geochemical characteristics of the sediments from Santiago del Estero Province were evaluated for their suitability as adsorbents for As removal from groundwater. The main constituents of the samples were identified as quartz aluminium silicates (predominantly kaolinite), and iron oxides by the XRD studies. Sequential extraction procedure was employed for characterising the adsorbents. Concentrations of Fe in the DIW extracts were higher than acetate for the samples M1, M4 and M8, but Al concentrations were also relatively high. Comparison of the concentrations Fe, Al and Mn extracted by the oxalate clearly indicates the presence of Al in higher amounts as compared to Fe and Mn. Amorphous Fe-, Al- and Mn-oxides and hydroxides are readily dissolved in oxalate, and therefore useful to quantify As associated with these secondary phases. Oxalate extractions indicated that Al and Fe are preferentially present as oxides and hydroxides and in significantly higher amounts as compared to Mn oxides and oxyhydroxides in the analysed sediments. This indicates that the oxides and hydroxides of Al and Fe are more important that can be well suited for removalk of As from the contaminated groundwater. Arsenic concentrations in the volcanic ash-layer (M10) are low, and this sample also yields the lowest concentration of leached As during the acetate and oxalate extractions steps. Concentrations of leached iron, aluminium and manganese are also lower for this sample throughout all four extractions steps. 37 Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 7. RECOMENDATIONS Groundwater is the main source of potable water for the population in a major part of the globe. In South- and Southeast Asia, As in groundwater occurs widely over the Bengal Delta Plain (BDP) aquifers in Bangladesh and West Bengal, India. Over the last few years, groundwater with elevated As in the Central Gangetic Plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, and the Brahmaputra valley of Assam in India, and in extended part of the alluvial plains of the Indus river in Pakistan as well as in the Terai belt of Nepal have emerged as potential areas of environmental health disaster. Nearly 100 million are estimated to be at the potential risk of As exposure. Similarly, As has been discovered over extended areas of Latin American countries including Mexico, Argentina, Chile. Peru, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador where there are potential risks for human health through drinking water sources. The rising demand of water for human use, makes evident that conflictive and more complex situations will increase. The existing information about the presence of As in groundwater in Argentina, and more specifically in the province of Santiago del Estero is far from being adequate. It is important to launch information campaigns by the competent authorities to increase consciousness about the health risks and the other problems associated with the utilization of groundwater with high As concentrations. As a recommendation for the future, it is advisable to study the characteristics of the sediments of Rio Dulce Alluvial Cone and their relation with processes of As mobilization. It is important to carry out detailed hydrogeological investigations focused on identification of deeper aquifers with low As for future exploitation. Studies on As-removal techniques using natural clays from Santiago del Estero Province, should be further expanded. Adsorption experiments for the evaluation of the locally available clays for As removal which may provide a cost effective solution in the region needs to be carried out in detail for effectiveness. The lateritic clay from Missiones Province which is found to be promising for As remediation, further demands cost-benefit analysis. Studies using respective clays with pre-treatment to optimize adsorption are required in order to find the best adsorption capacity clays in Santiago del Estero Province. 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Minerals Engineering, 17 (2004) 517-524. 41 HNO3 Misiones Sgo del Estero Sgo del Estero DIW Misiones Sgo del Estero Sgo del Estero Bicarbonate Misiones Sgo del Estero Acetate Misiones Sgo del Estero Sgo del Estero Oxalate Misiones Sgo del Estero Sgo del Estero Residual Fraction Misiones Sgo del Estero Sgo del Estero Extractant 50083 21100 25540 38.22 27.51 144.4 0.62 0.31 0.29 34.79 3.86 50.95 102.16 72.29 13364.9 2959.1 4853.6 M1 M4 M8 M1 M2 M1 M4 M8 M1 M4 M8 M1 M4 M8 52618.66 926.08 7153.44 86.24 4.37 36.97 <0.80 <0.80 <0.80 0.43 <0.80 5.89 2.29 7.39 13000 66325 30026 Fe mg kg-1 Al mg kg-1 M1 M4 M8 Sample Sediment analysis data (in mg kg-1) APPENDIX 1 0.55 0.33 2.78 <5.20 0.19 0.27 0.54 0.59 1.07 <5.20 0.82 <5.20 0.47 3.85 2.90 1.41 9.57 mg kg-1 As 8.96 3.38 4.19 4.43 1.17 2.06 4.48 2.88 1.99 0.21 1.37 40.63 4.85 1.66 75.12 23.85 17.08 mg kg-1 Ba 22.66 110.4 122.71 4.22 4.29 3.68 43.3 820.1 742.17 2.00 251.5 704.3 2276.7 2062.3 733.3 3985 3214 mg kg-1 Ca Maria Fernanda Mellano & Antonio Emilio Ramirez Cd 42 1.04 0.03 0.18 <0.89 0.05 <0.89 <0.89 <0.89 <0.89 <0.89 <0.89 0.02 <0.89 <0.89 2.49 0.32 0.75 mg kg-1 Co 3.97 0.31 2.73 2.21 0.04 0.07 <0.95 <0.95 <0.95 <0.95 0.03 0.73 0.04 0.05 21.90 2.49 7.53 mg kg-1 Cr 21.9 0.74 4.22 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.02 <0.48 <0.48 <0.48 0.03 53.2 6.57 14.7 mg kg-1 25.48 1.04 4.63 3.72 1.17 0.87 0.34 0.25 0.39 0.12 0.10 10.16 0.69 1.07 127.82 4.00 17.08 mg kg-1 Cu 82.01 419.68 964.82 100.18 168.29 129.59 218.5 972.1 908.2 20.1 194.4 64.5 263.6 331.4 464.0 1463.7 2564.7 mg kg-1 K 74.3 442 2732 0.69 5.80 8.97 4.1 226 284 0.15 104 73.6 441 439 397.1 4373 8915 mg kg-1 Mg TRITA LWR Masters Thesis 04-40 Time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h Time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h Time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h pH=5.9 5.90 7.43 7.60 7.08 7.25 7.64 pH=5.9 5.90 8.07 7.66 7.01 7.23 7.49 pH=5.9 5.90 5.46 5.60 4.53 4.41 4.53 43 pH=8.63 8.63 7.35 7.60 7.04 7.10 7.70 pH=8.63 8.63 7.95 7.76 7.14 7.30 7.34 pH=8.63 8.63 5.72 5.84 5.70 5.20 4.56 As+5 conc. = 1.0 mg L-1 pH=4.5 pH=5.9 pH=8.63 time pH=4.5 4.50 5.90 8.63 0h 4.50 5.49 5.55 5.89 0.5h 5.65 5.48 5.6 6.00 1.5h 5.76 4.84 5.65 6.00 4h 3.99 4.50 5.82 5.90 24h 5.70 4.84 4.38 5.03 48h 4.30 SAMPLE FROM CHOYA (M4) pH=4.5 pH=5.9 pH=8.63 time pH=4.5 4.50 5.90 8.63 0h 4.50 8.07 7.90 7.97 0.5h 8.02 7.93 8.15 8.12 1.5h 7.61 7.08 7.08 6.8 4h 6.98 7.12 7.16 7.25 24h 7.46 7.61 7.15 7.60 48h 7.63 SAMPLE FROM LOMAS COLORADAS (M8) pH=4.5 pH=5.9 pH=8.63 time pH=4.5 4.5 5.90 8.63 0h 4.50 7.38 7.35 7.24 0.5h 7.56 7.50 7.25 7.38 1.5h 7.68 6.88 7.05 6.73 4h 7.20 7.35 7.30 7.50 24h 7.32 7.30 7.68 7.55 48h 7.70 As+5 conc. = 0.5 mg L-1 SAMPLE FROM MISIONES (M1) Results of the Adsorption Experiments. pH dependence of time. APPENDIX 2 time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h time 0h 0.5h 1.5h 4h 24h 48h pH=4.5 4.50 7.51 7.59 6.93 7.28 7.75 pH=4.5 4.50 7.54 8.20 6.86 7.12 7.50 pH=4.5 4.50 5.60 5.68 4.52 4.43 4.32 pH=5.9 5.90 7.52 7.56 6.96 7.30 7.74 pH=5.9 5.90 8.17 8.27 7.07 7.30 7.50 pH=5.9 5.90 6.00 6.05 6.33 4.82 4.50 pH=8.63 8.63 7.52 7.59 7.15 7.30 7.75 pH=8.63 8.63 7.30 8.07 7.00 7.35 7.55 pH=8.63 8.63 5.36 5.80 5.61 5.51 4.50 As+5 conc. = 2.0 mg L-1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Groundwater arsenic in the area around Maria Elena in Santiago del Estero Province, Northwestern Argentina