picture paint - Gilchrist Services


picture paint - Gilchrist Services
your ow n
2015 year in review
our mission Guiding the way: Providing the finest care through the end of life.
our vision Foster hope, healing and respect through an unwavering commitment
to what we do, through the education of our patients, families and the community, and
through our interdisciplinary teamwork.
Hospice can be a frightening concept for those who have
never experienced its life-affirming care. But once enveloped
in the warm embrace of their Gilchrist Hospice Care team,
patients and families soon realize that, with a little thought
and imagination, they can still dream and experience.
They can still create lasting memories. They can even fly.
On the following pages are the stories of five amazing
Gilchrist patients, ranging in age from 4 to 80, who, with
the help of their hospice team, are enriching their own
lives and the lives of others.
When every moment counts...
your ow n
2015 year in review
2015 Year in Review | into the wild
blue yonder
Martha Ferrara’s walk may have slowed, her body weakened from the cancer growing within, but she could still fly.
And so it was that on a beautiful, sunny day
in April, Martha, accompanied by her younger
son and her great niece, strapped on a parachute
and boarded a small airplane. It would be her
first time skydiving – at the age of 79.
“It felt like I was flying. I don’t know why I
never did it before,” she said, her voice still
carrying the lilt of her native Brazil. “It was
such a good feeling.”
“i conquered the world that day.”
Pictures this page: Martha Ferara takes us on her skydiving adventure. Picture on following page: (l to r) Maureen Hulse,
Gilchrist social worker, Martha and Gilchrist nurse Jodi Gilmore discuss Martha’s care at home.
| 2015 Year in Review
For Martha, a former realtor, that day would
become just one of many memories made
during her months under hospice care. With
the support of her Gilchrist team nurse Jodi
Gilmore and social worker Maureen Hulse,
to help manage her pain and raise her spirits,
Martha was able to travel to Florida in March;
celebrate her 80th birthday and say goodbye to
40 of her closest friends and family in June;
and visit her sister in Virginia in July.
“Jodi takes such good care of me and talks
to me, which is good. She is so soothing and
she listens,” Martha said. “I call Maureen my
sunshine. She’s so full of life.”
She continues to dream of new places to visit
and people to see, although she has been
content, of late, to enjoy the company of her
sisters visiting from Brazil. And if money were
no object, she said she wouldn’t hesitate to go
skydiving again: “It was an adventure. It’s good
to have adventures.”
2015 Year in Review | with a
Maravene Loeschke had been feeling ill and tired, but there was little evidence of that on this day.
She was preparing to launch what turned out to be the final program in her
decades-long and storied career in academics – a mentorship program that pairs
Blakehurst Retirement Community residents with Towson University students.
Maravene, whose cancer forced her retirement as president of Towson last year,
had lined up a pre-eminent Blakehurst resident to talk with a handful of physics
students about her work on the Manhattan Project, which produced the first
nuclear weapons during World War II.
By the end of the hour-long session, Maravene was tired – but happy: “I wasn’t
supposed to have this much time. I want my days to be meaningful for as long as
I feel well,” she said.
Decades spent creating and enhancing university programs were interrupted last
year by her illness. As the months passed and her energy waned, she
would focus her remaining time on the mentorship program, relying
on her Gilchrist Hospice team to help manage her pain and symptoms
so she could focus her energy on helping others.
“Gilchrist helps me give back – to continue to make a difference,” she said.
Maravene Loeschke died June 25 at Gilchrist Center Towson.
Through the efforts of Blakehurst and Towson
University staff, the mentorship program she
created will continue.
Top: Maravene Loeschke
with one student in the
mentorship program. Bottom:
(l to r) Gilchrist nurse,
Jennifer Powers, Gilchrist
social worker, Wendy Kobb,
Maravene and Gilchrist
nurse, Andrea Katz.
| 2015 Year in Review
at a
beloved job
For Sally Palmbaum, the little things – working at a beloved job and spending time with friends – bring the most joy.
It’s why she chose hospice over invasive
treatments for her severe anemia and pulmonary
hypertension. What she wanted most was
freedom to walk the halls of Baltimore Hebrew
Congregation, the synagogue where she had
served as the executive director’s assistant since
2000 – and not want to spend her life receiving
constant infusions and transfusions.
“It’s a comfort for me to be here every day. I
might have to stop and catch my breath every
few steps, but I do it. I love helping people,” she
said. “I live each day as I want, and I’m happiest
when I can be at work.”
However, she grew weaker through the spring,
and by July, she had decided that full-time work
was too much. Instead, she would continue
to work at the synagogue as a volunteer with
the help of hospice. She has often turned to
Gilchrist nurse Chris Carver to help her find
ways to conserve her energy.
“It offers peace of mind knowing my hospice
team is available to me when I need them. It’s
very comforting to know that Chris will come
every week to help me focus on me – and ways
I can remain connected to my community,” she
said. “He’s better than therapy.”
Above: Sally Palmbaum is pictured with her
Gilchrist nurse, Chris Carver
2015 Year in Review | pediatric patient spread
with new
All Daniel Sullivan’s family wanted, at first, was to have a chance to enjoy simple pleasures of a carefree childhood.
This page: (clockwise from top) Daniel taking a behind
the scenes museum tour; riding in a helicopter; throwing
out the first pitch at a Frederick Keys baseball game;
enjoying a ride down a giant slide; “piloting” an
airplane; laughing at Piglet on one of his trips to Disney
World. Following page: (l to r) Gilchrist Kids nurse,
Natalie Coleman with Dan, Susan and Daniel Sullivan.
| 2015 Year in Review
After learning that he suffered from a rare, genetic,
degenerative, neurometabolic disorder, they came up
with a series of fun things to do while he could still
enjoy them – the little things, like making a mud pie.
“Taking Daniel on adventures gives us something to
look forward to. They’re fun things for Daniel, but
they’re memories for us,” said Dan. “We get to see
Daniel laugh and smile.”
But once the community got word of Daniel’s terminal
diagnosis – infantile metachromatic leukodystrophy
(MLD) – the doors figuratively “opened” for Daniel
and his parents, Dan and Susan. People offered oneof-a-kind experiences, like behind the scenes museum
tours and a chance to throw out the first pitch at a
Frederick Keys baseball game. Others contributed
money to pay for trips and other adventures.
Knowing their time with Daniel is limited strengthens
their resolve to pack a lifetime into a few years, they
said. That’s why they called Gilchrist Kids. Their
pediatric nurse, Natalie Coleman, coordinates his
care, works with his pediatrician and troubleshoots
when Daniel is not feeling well.
As the months passed and Daniel’s condition
progressed, his parents’ ideas for the experiences they
wanted him to have grew. And so, in the past year,
Daniel, now 4, has taken a helicopter ride, twice. He’s
been to Disney World multiple times. He’s ridden a
superfast roller coaster. He’s seen Niagara Falls. He’s
attended his older sister’s prom.
“A lot of families facing MLD were hesitant to
involve hospice care,” said Susan. “We wanted to keep
Daniel at home and enjoying life as much as possible.
Gilchrist is a tremendous help in making sure all of
our needs are met.”
2015 Year in Review | in a
of camaraderie
to help more
What John Gochnauer Jr. craved most was the love of family, laughter of friends and comfort of pets.
As a professional firefighter, he had spent
decades training emergency responders and
later, worked to help manage the disaster
response at Ground Zero and other sites. In
the twilight of his life, his heart remained
with the Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company,
where he had once served as president and
which had become his second home.
His terminal diagnosis came as a bit of a
shock, so the support of his hospice team,
RN Don Palughi and social worker Maureen
Hulse, was crucial for John and his wife Dee.
Don counseled Dee on how to care for John
without “walking on eggshells” while Maureen
helped Dee work through her emotions and
provided valuable contacts and resources.
As his cancer progressed, the visits of his
firefighter friends, who now came to see him,
offered valuable support.
“They’re always concerned about me, and
that’s so special,” said Dee. “It seems the
longer we’re on hospice, the stronger I get.”
“The fire department is family,” said John. “I John Gochnauer Jr. died August 9 at home,
could ask any of these guys to give me a hand surrounded by his family.
at the house and two more would volunteer.”
I once wrote my own eulogy as part of a seminar designed to
teach an important life lesson: that we should live our lives
now the way we want to be remembered when we’re gone.
I share this anecdote because the message it offers – that we
should experience life fully and with an eye toward making
an impact on the world – is one that we, at Gilchrist Hospice
Care, stress to our patients by asking a simple question: What
do you want to do with the time that remains?
However, by the time we meet most of our patients, their
energy is limited, which raises another question: Why does the
health care system wait so long to encourage people to live
their lives to the fullest?
In an attempt to answer that question, we have created Gilchrist Services.
Through this new entity, which is described on the following pages, we are
broadening our reach so that we may provide comprehensive, coordinated
and compassionate care with a goal of maximizing quality of life to patients
earlier in their medical journeys. The core of Gilchrist Services will, of course,
remain Gilchrist Hospice Care, with its rich history and extraordinary care.
As always, I would like to offer a heartfelt thanks to you, our dedicated donors,
whose steadfast support has allowed us to grow and expand – and to dream of
new ways of better serving patients throughout Central Maryland.
Top: Gilchrist nurse,
Don Palughi with John
Gochnauer. Bottom
(l to r): Lutherville
firefighters James Cahn,
Lew Woolf, John, Mark
Goodwin and James
| 2015 Year in Review
Sincerely yours,
Cathy Hamel
Gilchrist Executive Director
2015 Year in Review | in the past year
we expanded hospice care
Last fall, we added residential inpatient hospice
care through our partnership with Joseph Richey
Hospice. We now offer this important component
of end of life care at Gilchrist Center Baltimore
– Joseph Richey House, a 19-bed “home” for
hospice patients located in Baltimore City.
and established a new organization
We are taking our expansion one step further
this year with the launch of Gilchrist Services,
an organization with a goal to ensure that all
patients with advanced illness, not just those who
are terminally ill, are able to receive comprehensive,
coordinated and compassionate care that is centered
around their individual wants and needs.
10 | 2015 Year in Review
The Gilchrist Services
continuum of health
care programs includes:
Gilchrist Greater Living, a geriatric and palliative
medicine physician practice for older adults with
chronic and serious illnesses
Support Our Elders, a nurse practitioner-led, home
care program for older individuals with advanced
illnesses or conditions
Gilchrist Palliative Care, a hospital-based medical
and psychosocial program for seriously ill individuals
who may or may not be eligible for hospice
Gilchrist Transitions for patients who are not yet
eligible for or have been discharged from hospice care
due to stable health
Gilchrist Hospice Care, a national award-winning
hospice and the largest end of life care organization in
Maryland, which includes Gilchrist Kids, our pediatric
hospice program.
Gilchrist Grief and Volunteer Support for caregivers
and family members who have experienced a recent
loss or for families who need volunteer assistance.
Gilchrist’s Global Partnership, with Nkoaranga
Lutheran Hospital’s Hospice and Palliative Care
program in Tanzania, which allows us to share
information and raise funds to support our partner’s
basic needs.
2015 Year in Review | 11
for your continued support
The following pages include the names of donors whose gifts
of $100 or more were received between July 1, 2014 and
June 30, 2015. Gifts that were received after June 30, 2015
will be acknowledged in the 2016 report.
President’s Club
LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust
Huether-McClelland Foundation
Howard County Department of Citizen Services
Migsie and Gar Richlin Foundation
Mrs. Joan B. Kolobielski
Dr. and Mrs. W. Anthony Riley
John G. and Helen H. Kovach Fund of BCF
Mr. George A. Roche
Charles A. and Lois H. Miller Foundation
Second Century Circle
Charles T. Bauer Charitable Foundation
Estate of Shirley M. Bossom
FAHOLO Foundation Donor Advised Fund of BCF
Samuel G. and Margaret A. Gorn Foundation
The Thomas F. and Clementine L. Mullan Foundation, Inc.
Herman & Walter Samuelson Foundation
Lorraine and Mark Schapiro
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Smith
PDP Group, Inc.
W. Lee Thomas, Esq.
Presbyterian Eye, Ear, and Throat Charity Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Waesche
Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson
Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Marion G. Thompson
Theophilus and Marie Cover White Memorial Fund
Cecilia Young Willard Helping Fund
Harry H. Witzke’s Family Funeral Home, Inc.
Women’s Hospital Foundation
Allegis Group Foundation
GBMC Volunteer Auxiliary
Schaefer Family Gift Fund
James W. Houck Foundation
Howard County General Hospital
Iris Philanthropic Fund
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Kelly Wealth Management at Hightower
Mrs. Judith Kiefer
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lucas, II
Century Club
Benefactor’s Society
Anonymous - Hospice Donors
Delbert Adams Construction Group LLC
Mr. Charles H. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Modell
Mudd, Harrison & Burch, L.L.P.
Corporate Office Properties Trust
The George E. Babylon, Jr. & Ruth J. Babylon Charitable Foundation
Carolyn S. and Donald F. Obrecht Foundation
Milton J. Dance, Jr. Endowment, Inc.
Baltimore Ravens
Ms. Lila E. O’Meara
Charles F. Evans & Sons, Inc.
bgr CPAs
Ruth Paine and Jerry Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fader
Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Joseph L. Patanella
Community Foundation of Howard County
George R. Ruhl & Son Inc.
Judi and Steven B. Fader Family Foundation & Mile One Holdings
Mrs. Constance Pitcher
Mr. Steven A. Haffner
Mr. Weston Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Schapiro
Hoenes Family Foundation, Inc.
Eric and Lacie DeCosta
Mrs. Mary Jane Sheppard
Paul J. Kelley Jr. Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Betty H. Dempster
Law Offices Thomas & Libowitz, P. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Domres
Thomas, Ronald & Cooper, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Kirk, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Ecker
Mrs. Dorothy M. Ward
The Aureus Foundation
M&T Bank
Mrs. K. Lacy Flynn*
Larry T. Weiss Co., Inc.
Charles C. and Catherine R. Counselman Charitable Fund
Merritt Properties, LLC
GBMC HealthCare, Inc.
Wells Fargo
Middendorf Foundation, Inc.
GBMC Medical Staff
The WPW Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Neil, Jr.
Mrs. Jeanne S. Gilmore
Ms. Bernardine K. Wyatt
Executive Club
Mr. John B. Egger
12 | 2015 Year in Review
Catherine Y. Hamel and William F.
The Marksmen Company
Stephen and Renee Bisciotti Foundation
Cicely Saunders Society
William Kelly & Anna Margaretta Gregory Foundation
Mangione Family Foundation
Estate of Charmaine Gwynn
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Goetze’s Candy Company, Inc.
2015 Year in Review | 13
Hospice Council
Mr. Edward S. Crawford
Ms. DL Holden
Ms. Karen Darley and Family
HospiScript Services
Mildred Mindell Cancer Foundation, Inc.
The Alban Company
Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Huether
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Mitchell
Adams & Adams
Ms. Alicyn DelZoppo
Impressions Hair Studio
John O. Mitchell Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Michael Adams
Ms. Lisa Derketsch
Ms. Anne Modarressi
Mrs. Margaret T. Dillman
Independence Construction Materials
Apple Ford Lincoln
David D. Downes, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Bair
Magan Marie Drane
Mr. Rudolph A. Baker
Dunbar Armored, Inc.
Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunbar, Sr.
Ms. Cynthia W. Ballard
Mr. Pierce B. Dunn
Baltimore Aircoil Company
Mr. Benjamin J. Dychala, Jr.
Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Barnes
Mr. Roger Kolker
Mr. Donald L. Bartling
Ms. Claudia M. Ewell
Susan A. and Kenneth S. Battye Fund of BCF
Eyre Bus, Tour & Travel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Kramer
Order of the Eastern Star, Laurel Chapter #75
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Eyre
The Jarnetta A. Kroh Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Rebecca T. Orrick
Mrs. Virginia Bell
Ms. Tami M. Bloom
Ms. Laura Farrington
Blue & Obrecht Realty, LLC
First National Bank Maryland Region
Mr. Donald J. Blum
Mrs. Mercedes E. Fitzpatrick
Regina and Mike Bodnar
Ms. Constance Fourney
Bollinger Energy Corporation
Ms. Joan Fox
Ms. Cheryl P. Bowen
Ms. Jamie L. Frank
Mrs. Shirley S. Brandt
Mr. Victor Frenkil, Jr.
Mr. Scott A. Broadbent, Jr.
The Nancy and Victor Frenkil, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Mark E. Brodsky
Barbara and Edward Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Brooks, Jr.
Mrs. JoAnn R. Brooks
Mr. Robert W. Brooks
Bob and Cindy Bryant
David W. Buck Family Foundation, Inc.
Buckingham School of Frederick County, Maryland
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bullock
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Jana and Richard Burch
Caesar’s Entertainment
The JJK Foundation
Ms. Alma P. Jones
Mr. Brian M. Keelty
The Kirk Family Foundation Inc.
Ms. Deborah Kleiner
Nick and Susan Koutrelakos*
Mrs. Susan R. Kurtz
Mr. John E. Laferty
Mr. Thomas J. Lawler, III
Le Reve Real Estate/The Westerlund Group
Mrs. Gloria A. Mohr
Mrs. Martha Moore
Mr. and Ms. C. Frederick Muhl
Mr. Walter Narowanski, Jr.
Dr. Geoffrey Neuner, M.D.
Dr. James A. Nunley
Mrs. Betty R. Nunnally
Oak Crest Village Protestant Faith Community
Mr. Heiko U. Osterchrist
Mrs. Linda S. Ostovitz
Ms. Anne Owens
Ms. Brenda Page
Mrs. Diane Pajak
Lee Financial Associates, Inc.
Mr. Jay Parker
Legg Mason & Co., LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Patterson
Mrs. Joanne M. Linder
PCI Strategic Management, LLC
Ms. Katherine Lober
Mr. Keith Poisson
Elizabeth and Jason Loudermilk
Mrs. Nancy Plopper
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee T. Gaines, Jr.
Ms. Jen Lowry
Sam and Denise Polakoff
GBMC Foundation
Bob Lucido Team, LLC
Mr. Ramon S. Price
Genesis HealthCare
MacKenzie Management Company, LLC
Pro Lease Limited Partnership
Dr. Louis F. Fries, III*
Ms. Iva Louise Gillet and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Givens
Mr. Robert J. Glatz
Mr. Rickey Majka
Mr. Marvin B. Mandel
The Progress Family Foundation
Red Star Yeast Company, LLC
Manekin Construction LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Reinhart and Family
Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Manko
Mr. Jeffrey Rhoda
Mr. Clarence C. Glover
Mr. and Mrs. John Manlove
Mr. Michael A. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Goetze
Mr. Courtney J. Marbley
Riedy Family Foundation
Susan and Chris Grant
Mr. Thomas A. Marr
Right at Home
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Grasmick
Lowell & Harriet Glazer Family Foundation
SCI - Dignity Memorial
WMS Partners
Ms. Linda F. Chapman-Randle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hafets
Senator Bob Hooper House
Kimberly and John Wolff
Drs. Madhu and Vinay Chaudhry
Mr. Robert E. Hall
Mrs. Diane Sheridan
The Women’s Club of Towson, Inc.
Drs. John and Tracey Chessare
Dr. and Mrs. Frederik C. Hansen, III
Mrs. Mary F. Shock
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wright
Mr. John H. Claster
Harkins Builders, Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Rudon Showers
Ms. Natalie F. Zaidman
Mrs. Dolores Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Hawkins
The Margot Shriver Fund of BCF
Susan and Harvey Zeiger
Mr. Chuck Cohen
Dr. Michael G. Hayes
Slack Funeral Home, P.A.
Ms. Janet Ziffer
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohen
Ms. Marian Hengemihle
Ms. Ann L. Smith
Mrs. Jenny Coldiron
Mr. James Hettleman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Smith
The Columbia Bank
Hickory & Selnick DDS LLC
Ms. Joanne Smith
Mr. Charles E. Conklin, Jr.
Mrs. Donna L. Hofmeister
Ms. Maura J. Conley
The Horizon Foundation of Howard County, Inc.
Mrs. Sheila S. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Sommer
Ms. Bettie Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Stansbery
Ms. Rebecca R. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stewart
Hubert M. Stiles, Jr. Fund
Street Cars of Desire Car Club
Mr. Charles H. Arnold, III
Mr. Lawrence J. Suarez-Murias
James and Loretta Arnold
D.E. Swirnow Family Trust
Ascension Health Ministry SVC Center
Mrs. Mary C. Szeliga
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart Taylor
Ms. Ann B. Tenhoopen
Tessco Charity Committee
George and Mary Ellen Thomsen
Tri-Country Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Tulkoff Food Products, Inc.
U. S. Trust
University of Maryland Medical Center, Public Affairs
Mr. Michael K. Waltz
Mr. Neal Brown
Mr. Robert G. Waltz
Mrs. Alice A. Brumbaugh
Mrs. Judith L. Warren
Mr. Joseph Burdis, Jr.
Mr. Penrhyn S. Watts, Jr.
Mrs. Angelina Burger
Ms. Kathleen Waters Weatherly
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Byrne
Mr. W. Donald Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Caddell
Rotary Club of Columbia-Patuxent
Bob and Barbara Webbert
Mr. Robert K. Calzetta
Robert W. Weinhold, Sr.
Candle Light Funeral Home
Mrs. Dori Capodanno
Central Maryland Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, P.A.
Mr. Roosevelt P. Harris, Jr.
Mrs. Tuula McLaney
Roland Park Presbyterian Church
Chiron Technology Services, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara M. Hathaway
Mr. Richard McShane, Jr.
Clapp Communications
Health Alliance Emergency Fund
Ms. Dorothy S. Mears
The Dorothy L. and Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr., Foundation Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Gary I. Cohen
JoAnn Hecht and Carolyn Lehman
Medline Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins
The Herget Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Melchior
Roundwood Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation
Mrs. Janet C. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Hettleman
Midstate Community Bank
Mrs. Joan Ruhl
Robin Weiss and Timothy Doran Charitable Fund
Ms. Elizabeth A. Salinger
Ms. Gloria M. West
Mr. Stuart F. Sands
Mr. John K. Williams
Ms. Patricia A. Sauer
Ms. Melba E. Williams
Mr. Christopher S. Schardt
Rufus Williams and Sheila Williams
Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Costello, Jr.*
Covenant Guild Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Craine
14 | 2015 Year in Review
Sam and Pam Himmelrich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hoenes
Drs. Redonda G. Miller and
Albert J. Polito
Mr. LeRoy M. Beck
Ms. Catherine Ann Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rohe
Miller Family Foundation
Mr. Mark O. Bean
Catherine Boyne and Douglas Perry
Mr. Matthew J. McKenna
Mr. John E. Hieber
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bates
Mr. Robert H. Boublitz
Ms. Jackie Harris and Family
Whitney and Brian Hill
Mr. Anthony Bartlett
The Votta Family Foundation
Rogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc.
Mr. S. Christopher Costa
Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Bancroft
Mr. Christopher L. Bohaska
Karen and Emmett McGee
Miller Brothers Chevrolet - Cadillac
Ms. Vivian C. Bailey
Ms. Deborah Viscardi and Family
H & S Bakery, Inc.
Dr. Lauren A. Schnaper and
Dr. James Carlton
Tracey, Pat and Doug Davidson
Hunt Valley Truck & Trailer Corp.
Mrs. Janet DeSoto
Ms. Susan E. Hussey*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolinski
Interlock Paving, Inc.
The Dopkin-Singer-Dannenberg Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Jacobs
Drs. Timothy Doran and Robin Weiss
Ms. Karen E. Douglas
Mr. R. Timothy Dowd
Jeannie Dubois and Ellen Stickles
Dr. Nathan and Janene Dunsmore
Mr. Edwin B. Jarrett, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy M. Jenkins
Ms. B. Alexis Johns
Dr. Judith A. Johnson
Dr. Charlotte Jones-Burton
Mrs. Virginia M. Karr
Bluestone Ventures
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rockwell
Howard County Association of Realtors, Inc.
Eastwood Residents Business Association of Baltimore County
Sylvia and Wayne Baggett
Mrs. Debra L. Vickery
Mr. Robert A. Maslin, II
Mel P. Daly, M.D.
Mr. George J. Bachrach
Kevin and Kathy Vasquez
Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Harris
Howard Bank
Barbara S. Josephson and Phyllis Goldman
Mr. Mark Bendann
Matt and Elizabeth Rockstroh
CrossleyShear Wealth Management
Dr. Margaret Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Belgrad
Maryland Oncology Hematology, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren M. Cooper
Kerry and Estelle Avant
Estate of Jeanne Gilchrist Vance
Mr. John W. Guy, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cooper
The Alsop Family Foundation
Mrs. Marlene W. Stoltz
Maryland Live! Casino
CDS Logistics Management, Inc.
Mrs. Valentine V. Allen
Dr. Michael A. Ankrom, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roberts, III
CBC Retirement Partners
Ms. Diane L. Allen
Helen and Nathan Stofberg
Carol and Tom Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Carnell
Estate of Howard Dean Akers
Michael Anft and Judith C. Umansky
Ms. Stephanie A. Martin
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Ms. Jacqueline C. Adams
Ms. Robin L. Stocksdale
Dr. and Mrs. Francis C. Grumbine
Wallace H. Campbell & Company, Inc.
Patron’s Club
Charles V.K. Carlson Family Charitable Fund
Carney, Kelehan, Bresler, Bennett &
Scherr, LLP
Drs. Paul and Shivaun Celano
Mr. David W. Chapin
Edelman Financial Services
Ms. Donna Z. Eden
Mr. Joseph J. Ellis
Mr. Adam Kaufman
Ms. Justine Kellar
Mrs. Judy A. Kempske
Anne and Christopher Evans
The Karen S. Kennedy Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Dena Evans
Mrs. Maria J. Kenyon
Ms. Elaine Everhart
Mr. Jesse King and Family
Ms. Stephanie D. Feldman
Mr. Ian Ferguson
Knights of Columbus - St. Louis the King Council 11898
Mrs. Elizabeth Ferrugia
George and Julia Koch
Mr. Orlando A. Ferruso
Korean American Senior Association
Mr. Francis D. Ford, Jr.
Mrs. Juliet Francis
Mrs. Evelyn E. Frank
Ms. Irene R. Freedman
G & R Maple Lawn, Inc
Jay and Harriet Kramer
Mr. Lee W. Kravitz
Ms. Beth Kreyling
Mr. James M. Kreyling
Ms. Jo Marie Gafos
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kurzmiller and Family
Mrs. Catherine Germenko
Robert and Diane Kyle
Capt. David Gibbs
Mrs. Andrea LaPorte
Ms. Jodi S. Gilmore
Mr. Gerald Letscher
Charles and Caroline Gittings
Mrs. Michele S. Levin
Mr. Michael A. Glass
Ms. Mattie T. Ligon
Carmen Gonzalez and Juliana Gonzalez
Ross and Carolyn Lorenz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Greenawalt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lorenz
Bill Lorenz Locksmith, Inc.
Ms. Carol Grube
Ms. Patricia O. Lowry
Ms. Sandra M. Guthorn
Mr. Robert T. Manfuso
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mangione
2015 Year in Review | 15
Mrs. Donna G. Mason
Mr. Russell Pike
Lin and Thomas Simon
Ms. Ryna M. May
Pinot’s Palette
Mrs. Ina Singer
Mr. and Mrs. George R. McClelland
Mr. Michael Plott
Dr. and Mrs. Gurtej Singh
1001 Southlakewood Avenue LLC
McClung-Logan Equipment Company
Mr. Keith R. Poisson
Mrs. Margaret B. Smith
Ms. Michele Pollock
Mr. William Smolin
8101 Connecticut Avenue Condominium
Mrs. Susan M. Powell
Mr. James A. Snead
Terrence and Victoria Powell
Sport Automotive
Mr. Donald Pressler
Mr. J. Robert Spriggs
Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Abel
Mr. James E. Price, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. Stagg
Hugh and Kathy Aberman
Mr. Robert J. Price
Mrs. Ann Marie Stetekluh
Abraham & Bauer LLC
R & G Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Strategic Wealth Management Group, LLC
Edye and Steven Abrams Charitable Fund
Mrs. Michele M. Sullivan
Ms. Patricia Adams
Mr. John J. Sweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ader
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCurley
Dr. Philip and Kelly McDowell
Ms. Roberta J. McKenna
Mr. John L. McShane
Mr. Paul S. Miller
Ms. Patricia J. Mitchell
Mrs. Sharyn A. Musika
Mrs. Susan Nicholson
Mr. Ted A. Niederman
Edward G. Rahll & Sons, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Bimal G. Rami, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Niemiec
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Reichhart, Jr.
Richard and Robin Nilsson
Republic National Distributing Company
Mr. Fred Niziol
Mr. Charles E. Nolan, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Nolan
Ms. Jackie D. Notes
Number Ten Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mimi O’Donnell
Mr. Harry St. A. O’Neill
Jerald J. Oppel and Gail S. Oppel
Mr. Earle Wayne Richardson
Ms. Karen E. Richmond
Phillip M. Rizzo, Sr.
Senator and Mrs. James N. Robey
Dr. Robert E. Roby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Ronald
Reverend and Mrs. Philip B. Roulette
Mr. Brian P. Tabinowski
Mei Tang, M.D. and Laixi Wang, Ph.D.
Team 13
Mr. Mark R. Teeters
Dr. Byron S. Tepper
The Traffic Group
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr.
Mr. Donald L. Urbani
A. J. Billing & Co. Auctioneers
Ms. Geraldine L. Abbott
Mr. Allan Acton
Mrs. Betty Lou Adolph
Mr. Jeffrey Adolphsen
Mr. Robert F. Adsit
Advanced Medical Management, Inc.
Ms. Wanda L. Aguilar-Chavez
Ms. Shukri A. Ahmed
Mr. Joseph B. Aiello
Ms. Patricia Altner
Mr. and Mrs. John Armiger
Mr. Melvin W. Bandell
Ms. Rosemary B. Beakes
Ms. Marsha E. Alvarez
Valarie and Helene Arms
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Beam, Jr.
Samuel and Patricia Amato
Mr. Bruce W. Armstrong
Ms. LuAnne Bankert
Mr. William Beatson, Jr.
Ms. Margot A. Amelia
Ms. Cynthia A. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Banks
Ms. Marion Beck
Mr. Francis H. Vittek
Airborne Law Enforcement Association
Mrs. Emmy Lou Volenick
Ms. Edith D. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Arnold
Jack and Lee Anne Barbee
Mr. Adam Becker
Mr. Richard R. Alden
Ms. Mary G. Otterson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Russo
Walsh & Company, P. A.
Ms. Cynthia L. Amirault
Ms. Charlene A. Arrington
Ms. Debra Barbour
Mrs. Karen Himmer Becker
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Ousborne
Mrs. Doris W. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Aleshire
Barbara and David Amistadi
Ms. Marilyn M. Arsenault
Ms. Diane N. Bark
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beckley
Mrs. Diane M. Owen
Sandy Spring Bank
West End Service, Inc
Alex. Brown Realty, Inc.
Ms. Deanna M. Amos
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Asbury
Mrs. Beverly Mohler Barker
Ms. Helga L. Bedell
Mr. and Ms. Bruce E. Alexander
Ancile Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Asebes
Anne and George Barker
Mrs. Dorothy M. Behringer
Mr. David M. Sapp
Mr. and Mrs. William West
Mr. P. Russell Owings
Ms. Margaret G. Schaffer
Mrs. Pamela S. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander
Ms. Kathleen S. Anders
Asplundh Tree Expert Region 135
Mr. Ken Barkin and Family
Ms. Paula Belch
P. Flanigan & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Schaum
Win Kelly Automotive Super Stores
Athos and Nancy Alexandrou
Ms. Peggy A. Atkins
Mr. James Barko
Belfort Furniture
Dr. Robert and Patricia Palermo
Lt. Col. John H. Schmidt
Dr. Stuart Winakur
Ms. Carolyn A. Allen
Daniel Anderson and Greg Melanson
Atlantic Concrete Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell
Mr. Mark Palmer
Dr. Kenneth C. Schuberth
Ms. Tillie D. Wolf
Mr. David Allen
Ms. Lina L. Bell
Mr. Mark P. Schultz
Ms. Alice Womer
Ms. Nancy H. Allen
Lynda and Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Atwood
Woodlawn Motorcoach, Inc.
Rich and Wanda Allman
Mr. Martin K. Austin, Jr.
Ms. Marian E. Bell
Mr. Robert H. Scott
Ms. Lynn Ellen Anderson
Carol Barner-Barry
Ronald and Kathleen Panzera
Truman and Nellie Semans
Michaeline and Samuel Yaffe
Ms. Jean Alluisi
Ms. Wing-Wah Au-Yeung
Mrs. Tracey Bell
Dr. Steven and Michele Pearlman
Ms. MaryAnn Anderson
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Barnes
Mr. Allen Shay
Mrs. Carol Almony and Family
Mr. Mitchell Axman
Mr. George R. Beneman, II
Dr. Howard and Barbara Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Anderson
Mrs. Jan Adair Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pierce
Sally Yelland-Ehrhart and Sidney Ehrhart
Mr. and Mrs. R. Donald Awalt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bender
Mr. Dennis N. Phelps
Phyllis and Jerry Anderson
Chris and Judy Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson
Mr. Richard A. Ayd, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Barnes
Ms. Rayleen Benna
Mrs. Amelia C. Andres
B & K Real Estate Co LLC
Ms. Barbara Barnow
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bennett
Mr. John D. Andrew, Jr.
Elizabeth and Anthony Badalameni
Mrs. Edwardine Baroch
Ms. Carolyn Benson
Grace and Tim Andryszak
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bafford
Ms. Kristen Barr
Mr. Earle Benson
Angelozzi Bros, Inc.
Mrs. Gail C. Bailey
Mrs. Priscilla F. Barrett
Mr. Stephen E. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Angerhofer
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baird, Jr.
Ida Barrie and Patrick Mihelich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berg
Michael and Sandra Anglin
Mrs. Ved Bajaj
Ms. Connie Barry
Ms. Lynn Bergen
Mrs. Cynthia P. Baker
Ms. Kathleen L. Bartek
Ms. Mary K. Bergsman
Anthem Engineering
Mr. Earl E. Baker
Mrs. Debra Bartgis
Sandra and Malcolm Berman Cancer Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Donatas Anuzis
Ms. Talisa Baker
Ms. Valerie Appelt
Ms. Virginia W. Baker
David and Pamela Appler
The Ball Family
Mr. Wayne Arbogast
Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard
Archdiocese of Baltimore
Pete and Marylou Ballard
Archway Staff
Mr. Paul F. Balser
Mrs. Catherine A. Ariosa
Baltimore Truck Center, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis D. W. Armacost
Baltimore-Washington Financial Advisors
Ms. Pat Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Zurwelle
Mrs. Shirley C. Alonso
Dr. David Anderson
Ms. Jeanne H. Armiger
16 | 2015 Year in Review
Mr. and Mrs. V. Allan Bandel
Mr. Wayne Barth
Mr. Edward H. Bartholomay
Ms. Meghan Basarab and Family
Mrs. Renee Basil
Mrs. Judy Basmajian
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bass
Ms. Joann Bauernshub
Mrs. Patricia A. Bauman
Ms. Nell Baumiller
Baxter, Baker, Sidle, Conn & Jones, P.A.
Berman McAleer, Inc
Dr. Michael Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Berson
Ms. Becky Besson
Ms. Annlynn Best
Ms. Florence A. Best
Mr. Robert B. Best
Ms. Dorothy E. Betson
Mr. Larry Betz
2015 Year in Review | 17
Clean As A Whistle
Ms. Barbara J. Coran
Ms. June R. Davis
Mr. David R. Dixon
Mr. Claiborn M. Carr, III
Ms. Jane B. Clemmens
Ms. Judith R. Corcoran
Mr. Matthew N. Davis and Family
Mrs. Genevieve R. Dixon
Staff of Carroll County Health Department
Juanita and William Clopein
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cordes
Ms. Patricia A. Davis
Mr. Craig E. Close
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cordish
Mrs. Roe Davis
DLA Energy Quality Technical Office
Mr. Ryan Carroll
Mrs. Mary Close
Ms. Maryann Corkran
Tom and Joanne Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carroll
Coastal Millwork & Supply, LLC
Mrs. Nicole Corkran
Mrs. Ra’Nell A. DavisHale
Ms. Betty Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Cochran
Mr. Nestor G. Coroneos
Stanley and Dawn Dawson
Mrs. Mical E. Wilmoth Carton
Ms. Mary Catherine Cochran
Gehrig and Sharon Cosgray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dean
Mr. Dominic Casciero, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Cody
Mrs. Mary C. Coulson
Melvin and Hildegard Deatherage
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Case
Drs. Lauren and Brian Cohee
Ms. Rosanna DeBardi
Ms. Elizabeth T. Cashmark
Mr. Alan Cohen
Country Springs Wholesale Nursery
Mr. Robert J. Castagnetti
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Cohen
Ms. Joan M. Castellan
Mrs. Mary E. Cohen
Trudy and Gene Catania
Dr. Miriam L. Cohen
Vincent and Mary Catania
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cohen
Ms. Kathlyn A. Cathell
Richard and Martha Cole
Catonsville Homes, LLC
Mr. William R. Coleman
Mrs. Dudley I. Catzen
Anne and Stephen Colgate
College Manor Assisted Living
Mr. Barry Caudill
Mr. Joseph E. Colleran, Sr.
Ms. Julie A. Cavnor
Mr. William A Collinge
Mr. Douglas B. Celmer
Ms. Bonnie D. Collins
Staff of Center of STI Prevention
Mr. Gregory S. Collins
Mr. Robert L. Hammond Bey
Darby Bowman and Mary Yeager
Mrs. Marie E. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Carmel
Mr. Robert Bialek
Garry and Kathleen Bowring
Fred and Mary Bryant
Ms. Stacy Biddinger
Mr. Gary S. Bowser
Ms. Caro Lee C. Buckingham
Big Boy’s Rigging Service, LLC
Mr. Eric V. Boyd
Margaret and Glen Buco
Jack and Janet Billig
Ms. Carlene L. Boyer and Family
Ms. Christine K. Buckley
Mrs. Mildred P. Bishoff
Ms. Tina Boyer
Ron and Grace Budacz
Mr. Cecil B. Bishop, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Brady and Family
Building Consultants Inc.
Ms. Donna Bitzelberger and Family
Mrs. Mary J. Brady
Mr. William C. Bullock
Mrs. Susan Brandwein
Mr. and Mrs. William Buppert
Ms. Beth Branning
Ernest and Carol Burch
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Branning
Mr. Richard T. Burch
Mr. John Brauer
Ms. Phyllis E. Burg
Ms. Michelle L. Blake
John and Claudia Breeden and Family
Ms. Cora L. Burgan
Joan and Jim Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Breeden
Mr. Wain Bledsoe
Miss Melinda Brenner
Ms. Helen K. Bloch
Mr. Raleigh Brent, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bloom, Jr.
Ms. Sherry Brewer
Mr. Neil Bloom
Mr. Walter W. Brewster
Ms. Colleen A. Burke Blough
Ms. Joyce E. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Blue
Mrs. Irene Briggs
Bluegrass Materials Company, LLC
Ms. Joan Brittingham
Dr. Bruce A. Blumenthal and
Ms. Jill Ann Moroson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus, III
Ms. Anna Black
Ms. Bettyann Black
Mrs. Miriam Lowenberg Black
Blackboard Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blumenthal
Ms. Sonia D. Blumenthal
George and Shirley Blyth
Rev. Donald P. Boardman and
Mrs. Carol P. Boardman
Mrs. Adelinda Broccolino
Ms. Sharon Brockman
Mr. George V. Broderick
James and Emma Brodie
Ms. Patricia F. Brookhart
Ms. Constance A. Bodiker
Chris and Tawney Brooks
Mrs. Virginia L. Bodiker
Ms. June Brooks
Mr. Anthony A. Boehk
Ms. Nancy Freeman Brooks
Mr. K. Michael Boehk
Brown Advisory Securities, LLC
Mr. Stephen Boehk
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brown
Ms. Maryann Wells Bogner
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Brown
David and Josephine Bogusko
Mr. George C. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Eileen Bohan
Mr. Howard S. Brown
Mr. Paul F. Bohn, Jr.
Mr. James T. Brown
Mr. William Boldon
Mrs. Joan M. Brown
Mr. Alex L. Bondarenko
Penny and Augustus Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Barry B. Bondroff
Dr. Robert Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonsal, III
Mr. Robert H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. William Booker
Ms. Sandra C. Brown
Mrs. Joanne L. Booth
Mr. Stanley Brown
Mr. Donald P. Bordeur
Mr. Wallace L. Brown, Jr.
Jeff and Susan Borghesi
Mr. William F. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. Bornemann
Mrs. Marian A. Browne
Mr. Gilbert J. Boschert
Ms. Crystal Brown-Ukah
Bosley Construction Inc.
Mrs. Melinda Brozyna
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Botsford
Gloria and Ray Bruce
Ms. Sharon A. Bottcher
Ms. Ann M. Brummett
Ms. Vicki Bourckel
Ms. Nora Brunner
Gordon and Marilee Bowers
Brunswick County Family
Dr. Arlene D. Bowes
Ms. Anne R. Brusca
Bowie & Jensen, LLC
Ms. Joanne S. Bryan
18 | 2015 Year in Review
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn A. Burgess
Dr. Kenneth Burgwin
Amber and Danny Burke
Mr. Thomas E. Burkhardt
Mr. Joseph Burlock, Sr.
Mr. Tim Burns
Ms. Linda S. Burroughs
Ms. Jane M. Burton
Mr. John Buscema
Ms. Helen Y. Bush
Donald and Helena Busick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Busse
Mr. Henry Butcher
Mrs. and Mr. Dawn Butler
Mrs. Henrietta H. Butler
Ms. Theresa A. Butler
Ms. Karen J. Butner
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Butterfield
Ms. Cynthia E. Buzminsky
Mr. Ron Bynum
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Byrne
Ms. Michele Cagan
Charter Title LLC
Mrs. Mary Chaykovsky
Shawn C. Chelton
Ms. Tracey K. Cowman
Mr. Robert M. Cox
Mrs. Arlene Craumer
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Crawley
Mr. Andrew Croner
Mr. Charles S. Cronise
Ms. Elizabeth Eager Cross
Ms. Deborah J. DeHaas
Lou and Bonnie Deibel
Mr. Harry Deitchman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Deitchman
Mr. Thomas Del Bene
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Delcher
Mr. James J. Dougherty
Ms. Robin L. Douglas
Mr. Willard M. Douglas
George and Barbara Dover
Mr. David M. Drake
Dr. John S. Cunat
Mr. George F. Derr
Lee and Stephen Draminski
CommPartners’ Employees
Ms. Kathleen V. Cuneo
Mr. and Ms. David Devan
Dresner Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Compton
Mr. Eugene W. Cunningham, Jr.
Mrs. Rosemary K. DeVincentis
Mr. John Dreyer
Ms. Linda Congedo
Bruce and Ann Cunningham
Mr. Mathias J. DeVito
Mr. Benjamin J. Dubin
Marcia Conlin and Jim Ruckle
Ms. Rebecca S. Currie
Mrs. Diana L. Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dubin
Elaine and William Conners
Ms. Nancy Cushman
Ms. Mary Lynn Devlin
Mr. John C. Duder
The Connolley Family
Custom Media Options
Ms. Cindy R. Diamond
Mrs. Bernadine Duff
Mr. Eugene Connor, Jr.
CyberPoint International, LLC
Mrs. Eileen A. Dickey
Ms. Andris F. Duffy
Ms. Joann M. Dahle
Mr. James H. Dickey, Jr.
Mr. Edward Duffy
Lou Anne and Scott Dulaney and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Comer Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickie, III
Mr. Richard J. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. James Dale
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Dr. Edward W. Dieffenbach
Chesapeake Realty Partners
Mr. and Mrs. David Cook
Mrs. Susan F. Daley
Fred and Gail Calleri
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diehl
Dr. William D. Chester
Mr. and Mrs. G. Norris Cook
Ms. Ellen L. Dally
Ms. Margaret D. Callum
Mrs. Georgia A. Chilcoat
Ms. Latricia Cook
Daniels Law Firm
Mike Dielmann and Cindi and Allen Bavry
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Calvert
Mr. Kenneth Michael Chlada
Ms. Patricia B. Cook
Ms. Linda M. Daniels
Ms. Charleen L. Campagna
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Choate
Mr. Bob Cook
Mr. Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr.
Mrs. Jean M. Campbell
Ms. Shannon Chojnacki
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Cooke
Ms. Joan Baker Darby
Mr. Kenneth L. Cooke
Ms. Edith Dare
Mr. Mark Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rogers Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooney
Ms. Carolyn Darrough
Mrs. Shirley R. Canning
Mrs. Helen Christopulos
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Cooper
Mr. Leslie L. Daugherty
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Canoles
Ms. Marie J. Cicone
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Cooper
Decoma and Corbitt Daughtry
Ms. Sherri A. Cooper
Maureen and Steven David
Ms. Fran Caporaso
Mr. Joseph C. Cirelli
Mr. William A. Cooper
Ms. Susan W. David
Tom and Jean Carey
Ms. Karen Clagett
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cooper, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Seidlich Davies
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Carlisi
Mr. Carl Clark
Bill and Alice Coopersmith
Ms. Denise Davis
Mr. Harold L. Davis
Mrs. Helen Coplan
Ms. Janet R. Davis
Ms. Jeanne M. Galvin Clarke
Mr. Gerald B. Dotterweich
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Draayer
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Ches
Mrs. Wanda B. Carlton
Mrs. Anne F. Dorsey
Renee Derketsch
Margot and Joe Calabrese
Mrs. Susan Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Murtha V. Donovan, Jr.
The Derham Family
Ms. Susan D. Dailey
Barb and Dave Carlson & Family
Mr. Sean M. Donohue
Roscoe and Glenda Cullop
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Connors, Jr.
Mr. Thomas E. Cindric, II
Mr. Thomas E. Donoho
Estate of Ann Odessa Cugle
Family of Marcie H. Ches and Henry Goetzinger
Mrs. Shirley Caplin
Ms. Rita Donoho
Ms. Mary Ellen Doyle
Mrs. Patricia A. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Donofrio
Mr. Michael Dennison
Mr. James E. Connor
Ms. Jill Campbell
Ms. Evelyn Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Downey*
Mrs. Ann Maria Colwill
Dr. Aaron J. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher DeFronzo
Mr. and Mrs. George Donhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Crowder
Ms. Anjana Chacko
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowie, Jr.
Drs. Robert and Laura Donegan
Mr. Joseph DeNittis
Staff of Columbia Pipeline Group
Mr. Roger Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Byron M. Cover
Defense Security Service - Hanover Field Office
Ms. Eleonora Don
Mrs. Maurice Crouse
Ms. Karen Cervino and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chandler
Ms. Claudia Deenihan and Family
Mrs. Catherine M. Domby
Dr. Albert F. DeLoskey and
Ms. Anne L. Deering
Columbia Figure Skating Club
Ms. Deborah R. Chambliss
Ms. Georgianna Cover and Family
Ms. Janet M. Decker
Mrs. Donna Dombrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crostic
Centre Lodge No. 40 I.O.O.F.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Chambers
Ms. Bonnie L. Couperthwaite
Ms. Lillian E. Doherty
Ms. Gloria J. Dowd
Mrs. Fran Dummett
Larry and Leslie Dunham
Ms. Janet E. Dunn
Maribeth Diemer and Robert Teller
Mrs. Pamella Dunning
Ms. Carol Diener-Plummer
Mrs. Nadine Durham and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dietrich
Ms. Louise A. Duvall
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dietrich
Mr. Edwin L. Dworkin
Ms. Elaine Diggs
Mr. Robert G. C. Eads*
Ms. Lois F. Dillion
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Eagan, Jr.
Mr. Patrick L. Dillon
Ms. Nina Eager
Mr. Andrew C. Dillow
Ms. Karen L. Earl
Mrs. Mary Y. Dilworth
Col. and Mrs. Orville Earl
Ms. Joanne DiMaggio
Nancy and Alan Eason
Ms. Janey K. DiMartino
Easy Living Plan Service
Mr. David E. Dishler
Mrs. Ellen G. Eaton
Ms. Eileen G. Dix
Gordon and Lorna Dix and Family
Ms. Patricia Ebling and Family
2015 Year in Review | 19
Donn and Margaret Eck
Mr. John R. Eybs
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fessler
Mr. Harry M. Ford, Jr.
Edelman Family Foundation
Eye Care Associates of MD, LLC
Ms. Diane M. Fickus
The Ford Family
Mrs. Stacey V. Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Eyre
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fidler
Ms. Lauren Ford
Bobby Ray and Robin Edwards
and Family
Faithful Circle Quilters
Ms. Doris K. Fields
Grant and Michelle Forman
Ms. Barbara C. Falkinburg
Mrs. Mary M. Fields
Gail and Tyler Forsyth
FAMIC (Becky’s Work Family)
Mrs. Patricia Finch
Mr. Mark A. Fortner
Ms. Zhen Fan
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Finkelstein
Ann and Brian Foster
Ron and Lynne Fanzone
Ms. Angela J. Finney
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster
Mr. Lawrence E. Farinetti
Ms. Helen P. Finney
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Foster
Ms. Paulette T. Farinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Jervis S. Finney
Mrs. Susan K. Fowble
Mr. Anthony Farrell
Ms. Faye C. First
Mr. Richard O. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrell
Doris and Gerald Firth
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell S. Fox
Ms. Janet L. Ellis
Ms. Catherine Farris
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G. Fisher
Steve and Marian Fox
Marc Ellison & Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fasteau
Mr. R. Jay Fisher
Mrs. Ursula K. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Emerick
Roger and Marlene Fawcett
Alma and Richard Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Frank
Mr. Dennis W. Emmel
Mr. John D. Featherstone, Jr.
Mrs. Gaby Fishpaw
Mrs. Mary Catherine Frank
Mr. Mark Emmel
The Fedder Company
Mrs. Nancy Fishpaw
Mrs. Phyllis Franklin
Sherry and Ron Fuchs
Mrs. Rosemary B. Geyer
Ms. Paula Gore
Mr. and Mrs. William Grill
Encore at Turf Valley
Federal Lodge No. 9
Mr. Alfred M. Fitzsimons
Ms. Yvonne Franklin
Ms. Ann M. Fugere
Mrs. Ellen Bruce Gibbs
Fred and Joan Gossage
Ms. Jackie Grimes
Mr. Donald W. Eney
Ms. Judith Feeney
Ms. Mindie Flamholz
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #106
Fred and Fran Fulford
Mr. Yoshiko Gilbert
Mr. Norman W. Gossman
Ms. Edith E. Grimsley
Ms. Toni R. Epstein
Dr. Susan Feigelman
Ms. Kimberly E. Flash
Ms. Elaine Freeman
Judy and Robert Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Giles
Tommy and Sharon Goucher
Mr. Harold Grinder
Erlanger Properties
Mr. Khue Feigenberg
Mrs. Darlene A. Fleischman
Ms. Kathleen P. Freeman
Mrs. Norma M. Funk
Ms. Gertrude H. Gill
Mr. John R. Gould
Mr. Benjamin H. Griswold, IV
Dr. and Mrs. Yener Erozan
Ms. Caroline Feil
Mr. Eugene Freimanis
Fusco Financial Associates
Marjorie and George Gillespie
Ms. Susan J. Gourley
Mr. James B. Grose, Jr.
Ms. Blair Ertel
Ms. Lois B. Feinblatt
Mr. Robert S. Fleishman and
Mrs. Laurie B. Remer
Mrs. Teresa French
Mrs. Nora Fyffe
Mr. John B. Gillett
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gow
Mr. Gerald J. Gross
Ms. Carolyn R. Erwin
Mr. Elliott A. Feinstein
Paul and Cindy Frentz
Kevin and Sue Gahan
Mr. Edward J. Gilliss, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gozik, Jr.
Ms. Therese R. Gross
Ms. Carol Q. Eskin
Mrs. Toby Felcher
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Freund
Ms. Sharon Gahan
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gilmore
Mr. David Grainger
Frank and Maxine Grosshans
Ms. Patricia A. Eskins
Mrs. Sorelle B. Feldberg
Ms. Tracey Frey
Ms. Jennifer Gaither
Marissa and Greg Gingeleskie
Ms. Jessica M. Grabowski-Roop
Mr. Gary A. Groves
Dr. Sonia Estruch
Mr. Jerrry Feldstein
The Friday Bridge Group
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gale
Jeff and Gretchen Glasgow
David and Nancy Grant
Ms. Susan Gubar
Juliet A. Eurich and Louis B. Thalheimer
Joseph and Phyllis Felser
Mary and Edwin Friedman
Ms. Ann O. Gallager
Ms. Kim Glaze
Dr. Ellestine J. Grant
Mr. Jerry R. Guchemand
Friends of Charlie
Mrs. Anna J. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Glazer
Bruce F. Grau & Assoc., Inc.
Frank and Mary Ellen Gunther
Dr. William F. Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Earl P. Galleher, Jr.
Judy and Bobby Gleason and Family
Mr. William W. Grau
Ms. Frieda P. Gustafson
Ms. Teresa Bracken Fromme
Ms. Cynthia A. Galuska
Glenn Farm Estate
Gray & Son, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Guthrie
Ms. Clara Fronticelli
Galvin Brothers Inc.
Mr. Fred Glock
Ms. Anne Badger Gray
Ms. Kathy Gutierrez
Mrs. Virginia L. Fry
Mrs. Alice S. Gamse
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Glover
Maureen & Ernie Gray
Ms. Jana L. Haas
Ms. Ingrid Fryberger
Elaine and Kenneth Gardner
Mary-Alice and Robert Gray
Marie and Larry Haavik
Dr. Robert Garnet
Mr. John T. Gmurek, Jr.
Barbara and John Greaney
Mrs. Mary H. Hackman
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrett
Ms. Marge Goethe
Green Bay Packaging Co Inc
Hagerty Consulting, Inc.
Ms. Charlene Garrish
Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding Goetze, Sr.
Janeine and Bob Green
Warren and Barbara Hagy
Mr. Victor D. Gates, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Goheen
Ms. Peggy Green
Haight Funeral Home and Chapel
Mrs. Floria Gatling
Dr. and Mrs. Morton F. Goldberg
Stephen and Joanne Green
Mrs. Anna Rachel Hairsine
Ms. Ann Marie Gaydos
Mrs. Eleanor D. Golden
Ms. Suzanne L. Green
Ms. Stephanie Hall
Ms. Mary E. Gaziano
Mr. James Golden
Greenbaum Enterprises
Mr. Fred C. Hallahan, Jr.
GDS Interior Architecture
Ms. Donna B. Goldman
Ms. Margaret P. Greene
Ms. Margo Halle
Gebco Insurance Associates, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Goldscher
Jim and Michele Greenfield
Mrs. Renee B. Halpern
Mr. Michael Gehron
Mr. Richard F. Gole
Ms. Sharon Greensfelder
Mrs. Lois S. Hammerman
Mrs. Marcia Gellis*
Mr. David A. Gomberg
Ms. Joann Greenwell and Family
Ms. Patricia A. Hammond
Ms. Corine N. Gentile
Mr. Philip Gomez
Mrs. Lois E. Greer
Mr. Bruce N. Hampe
Ms. Mary J. Gentry
Mr. Mark E. Gonce
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Grega
Mr. Robert S. Handzo
Howard and Judy Kay George
Ms. Laurel A. Goodrick
Mrs. Cheryl A. Gregor
Ms. Linda J. Hanlon
Mr. Ronald S. Gerstley
Ms. Mitzi Goodwin
Mr. Eric Gregory
Mrs. Charlotte C. Hanna
Gevurtz, Menashe, Larson & Howe, P.C.
Ms. Sara S. Goone
Mr. Ronald J. Gretz
Mrs. Patricia A. Hannon
Ms. Trish Gordes
Ms. Lisa Griffee
Ms. Carol A. Hanson
Barbara and Barry Gordon
Dr. Diane Griffin
Ms. Rebecca L. Harden
Ms. Mattie Gordon
Ms. Ella H. Griffith
Mrs. Dolores Hardesty
Mr. Thomas N. Edwards
Hon. and Mrs. Robert L. Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Eifrig
Ms. Ann Eldridge
Ms. Shirl Eller
Ellicott Meadows Community Association, Inc.
European Sports Garage, Inc.
Alan Evans and Anita Langford
Mrs. Kathy L. Evans
Ms. Patricia S. Evans
Ms. Dorothy F. Ewing
Ms. Irma Fennessey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.
Mr. Brian E. Ferguson
Ms. Garnitha Ferguson
Ms. Nancy Ferguson
Ferguson Technology Group, LLC
Mrs. Ruth Fleishman
Ms. Heather A. Floody
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Flynn
Drs. John and Diane Folk
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Folland
Robert M. Folus Memorial Fund
Mrs. Susan K. Foose
The Forbush School
Mrs. Constance Ford
Ms. Darlene Ford
Mr. David Ford
Mr. James B. Geyer
Mr. Joseph B. Geyer, Jr.
20 | 2015 Year in Review
2015 Year in Review | 21
Ms. Bonnie L. Harkins
Mr. Mahlon W. Hessey
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Howard
Frans and Dorothy Jahger
Harper and Company
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hetherington
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Howard, Jr.
Mr. George J. Jakab
Ms. Joyce A. Howes
Ms. Suzanne H. James
Mrs. Cindy Hoyt
Mr. Abdul M. Jan
Hube & Weakland, P.C.
Ms. Malini Jangi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Huether
Mr. Robert J. Jarvis
Mrs. Ruth E. Huether
JBA Chevrolet - Mitsubishi
Barbara and Ellsworth Hughes
Ms. Patricia Jeffries
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hughes
Ms. Barbara A. Jenkins
Ms. Felicia Hulit and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brooke W. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. J Teddeman Hull
Jesco, Inc.
Ms. Judith B. Hundertmark
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Jewell, III
Ms. Dorothy M. Hunt
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Hunt Valley Tile & Stone
Alan and Jill Johnson
Mrs. Carole Hunter
Mrs. Ardena M. Johnson
Mrs. Maureen Hurst
Ms. Carol L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurst
Cynthia and Lynford Johnson
Ms. Jessica Hurt
Mr. Edwin Johnson
Mr. Robert Hutcherson
Ms. Janet V. Johnson
Mr. David V. Hutchinson
Dr. Laura Lee Johnson
Ms. Janis Hyatt
Mr. Robert U. Johnson
Mrs. Judith A. Hyatt
Mr. Richard E. Johnston
Carol and Bill Hylton
Mrs. Jo Ann C. Jolivet
Mrs. Mary T. Hyman
Belafanti Jones
Iacoboni Site Specialists, Inc.
Ben and Lindsay Jones
Ms. Catherine Iampieri
Mr. Charles E. Jones
IBM Global Services
Ms. Claire D. Jones
Mrs. Harriet S. Iglehart
Mr. David Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Iredell W. Iglehart, III
David and Darlene Jones
Mr. Victor A. Ilenda
Debbie and Tom Jones
Ms. Nancy M. Impallaria
Ms. Elaine Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Imus
Mrs. Judy F. Jones
Mrs. Ann Harris
Ms. Edythe G. Harris
Mr. Johnnie Harris
Ms. Rhea L. Harris
Ms. Daryl S. Harrison
Mr. Frederick C. Harrison
Ms. Elisa Hartman
Ms. Cynthia Hartsfield and Family
Dr. Christopher Harvel
Ms. Louise M. Harvey
Ms. Christie L. Hash
Arnold and Wendy Hatcher
Ms. Julia S. Hatton
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Hauptman
Mr. Charles W. Havens, III
Samuel C. Havrilak, D.D.S.
Ms. Katherine R. Hawker
Ms. Nancy Hawkins
Mrs. Connie B. Hawks
Mary Kay and Jim Hayden
Mrs. Gabrielle Hayes and Family
Ms. Patricia L. Hayes
Mr. Eugene L. Haynes
Mrs. Rosanna Hazard
Mrs. Amy Healy
Andrew and Charity Heaton
James and Debra Heckler
Mr. Richard L. Hedeman
Dawn Hedrick and Nancy Benson
Marti and Mike Hetrick
Mrs. Elayne Hettleman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hibbard
Ms. Carol J. Hicks
Ms. Patricia C. Hieber
Ms. Nancy Hiegel
Ms. Eva P. Higgins
Ms. Alice N. Hilbert
Lauri and Rufino Hildalgo
William and Gayle Hill
Ms. Heather Hill
Rosalie and Bobby Hill
Leslie Hills and Rick Rohrs
Ms. Ruthanna Hipley
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hirata
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hires
Mr. Charles S. Hirsch
Mr. Richard E. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hirsch
Jean and David Hitchcock
Ms. Judith G. Hobson
Ms. Delila Hockman
Mr. Michael J. Hoerr
Ms. Sally K. Hoff
Mr. Alvan J. Hoffman
Mrs. Ann M. Hoffman
Ms. Patrice A. Hoffman
Mr. Don Hohne
Dr. Kenneth W. Heger
Harry and Angela Holiday Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Heilman
Ms. Genevieve Holland
Mrs. Jane W. Indyke
Bill and Maureen Jones
Ms. Anita Heinle
Hollenshade’s Auto Service
Ms. Bonnie L. Inkman
Kathy and Bob Jordan
Ms. Amy Heinrich
Ms. Susan Holley
Interfaith Early Learning Center
Mrs. Suzanne Jordan
Mr. John E. Heiss
Ms. Michelle Hollingsworth
Internet Engineering Task Force
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Joss
Mrs. Margot W. Heller
Mr. Eugene Holmen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Ireland
Ellery Joyeau
Jerry and Susan Hellerman
Mr. David Holmes
Ms. Sandra Irving
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jozwiak
Ms. Susan Helsel
Homesale YWGC Realty LLC
Mr. Fredric Iwanowski
Phyllis and Bob Hemler
Doris and Eugene Hondorf
Ms. Conchetta Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Judkins
Dr. Charles E. Hendricks
Mr. Richard E. Hook
Ronnie and Denise Jackson
Ms. Sally Jugler and Family
Ms. Regina F. Hendrix
Mr. Harry A. Hoover, II
Col. and Mrs. Don Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Jurd
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hendry
Ms. Diane J. Hopkins
Natercia and James Jackson
Mrs. Ingrid Jurgens
Ms. Deb M. Henkel
Miss Karen Hopkins
Mr. John Jackson, III
Ms. Cathy A. Just
Ms. Nancy M. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hopkins
Mr. Keith Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher C. Justis, Jr.
Mrs. Frances Henn
Dr. Mary Ruth Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence R. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kadish
Ms. Janet C. Henry
Mr. Eric T. Horton
Mr. Robert E. Jackson
Mrs. Selma Kahl
Scott and April Herbert
Ms. Francine Hoser
Terry M. Jackson
Marc and Riva Kahn
Ms. Rosemary Herman
Ms. Kathleen S. Hottel
Ms. Barbara Jacobs
Mr. Anthony J. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Herpel, III
Howard Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacobs
Mr. Theodore G. Kalandros
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herpel
The Howard County Recreation and Parks
Ms. Mary M. Jacobs
Ms. Deborah Kalcevic
Mr. Eric T. Jacobson
Ms. Karen C. Kalista
Allyn Hertzbach and Amy Hersh
George and Betsy Hess
22 | 2015 Year in Review
Rosemary and Jim Howard
Ms. Alexis Jagielski
Mr. Thaddeus Kaminski
Mrs. Irene Kamm
Connie and Bill Kneisly
Ms. Priscilla M. LaMar
Ms. Magdalene Leung
Mr. Matthias Kamm*
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Knell, III
Ms. Carol A. Lambert
Ms. Sophia Leung
Mr. John B. Kane
Knights of Columbus Long Green Valley Council, No. 8736
Mark and Natalie Lambert
Dr. Carl M. Leventhal
Mrs. Thelma B. Lambert
Miss Lynn Levin
Ms. Amy L. LaMoure
Jon and Susan Levinson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lanahan, III
Mr. Robert W. Levis, Jr.
Ms. Mary Jo Lang
Mr. Laurence Levitan
Mr. Mark C. Langdon
Ms. Cathleen B. Lewandowski
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lange
Mrs. Barbara B. Lewis
Dr. Craig B. Langman
Ms. Claudia Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Langrall
Mr. Craig Lewis
Ms. Joan Lanterman
Ms. Deborah M. Lewis and
Mr. Bob Dean
Alan and Cindy Kantor
Dr. Harry W. Kaplan
Helen and Howard Kaplan
Mrs. Carol Kapraun
Kenny and Jeannette Karpay
Debbie and Keith Karrer
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Katzen
Mr. David L. Kauffman
Mr. Ryan Kaufman
Ms. Patricia Keckler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Keedy
Mr. and Mrs. James Keelty, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Keelty
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Knoch, Jr.
Mr. Willie Knocket
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Knowles
Mr. Donald L. Knox
Mr. Stephen O. Knox
Mr. William J. Kobokovich, Jr.
Ms. Janis L. Koch
Mr. Peter D. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Koenig, Jr.
Mrs. Xina L. Kojzar
Ms. Paula A. Kolick
John and Suzanne Koneyak
Stacey Keen, M.D. and Andy Alpert
Dr. Theda C. Kontis and
Dr. David E. Tunkel
Vince and Jean Keener
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine H. Lanzi
Mr. Jon Laria and Ms. Trudy Bartel
Dr. David Larkin
Mr. Charles Larmore
Mrs. Renee Lewis and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lewis
Mr. William Lewis
Mr. Eric C. Larson
Catherine and Joseph Liberatore and Family
Bernard and Carol Kopich and Family
Ms. Wilhelmina Lartey
Mr. Morton M. Libov
Mrs. Carol S. Kees
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koplow
Mr. Joseph Lascuola
Library of Congress
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kehoe
Mr. Robert A. Koppel
Ms. Linda M. Laskey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Liddell
Gary and Sue Keilson and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Korb
Edgar F. Lasshan Funeral Home, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Spencer Lieske
Mr. Thomas W. Keilty, Jr.
Mr. Steven S. Koren
Ms. Elaine F. Laube
Ms. Kristi G. Lightsey
Mr. Russell W. Keiser
Mr. Eric Korff
Miss Regina Laughery
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lillie
Mr. John C. Kelleher
Ms. Allison R. Korn*
Ms. Jill Lauten
Ms. Barbara E. Linder
Senator Delores G. Kelley
Mr. Panagiotis Kovios
Ms. Gloria Lawlah
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Linder
Mr. Dennis Kelley
Mr. John C. Kowalewski
Ms. Pam Lawler
Mr. G. Craig Linthicum
Mrs. Virginia D. Kellman
Mr. Venkatram J. Kowsik
Mrs. Leslie A. Layman
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lintz
Art and Diane Kelly
Mrs. Nancy Kozel
Ms. Esther S. Layton
Mrs. Genevieve M. Lipinski
Mrs. Debra Kelly
Mrs. Edith D. Kozma
Dr. Eduardo P. Layug, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lippman
Dr. James H. Kelly and Ms. Jane E. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Kozma, III
Mr. Ronald J. Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Lippy
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kelly
Sandy Kraft and Family
Mr. Alland Leandre
Ms. Barbara Lipstein
Col. and Mrs. Robert Kenney
Mrs. Joanne Kraus
Mr. Stephen D. Leavel
Mr. Fred H. Lissauer
Ms. Sara Kenney
Ms. JoAnn Krause
Barbara L Leavy CPA Chartered
Dr. Joyce C. Little, Ph.D.
Mr. Thomas J. Kenney, Jr.
Krause Marine Towing Corp.
Lebanon Headend Team
Ms. Judy K. Loar
Ms. Lorna G. Kent
Mr. Vernon Krause
Ms. Rosemary Leblanc and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lobbin
James and Bettie Kibbe
Mr. Gordon Kreh
Ms. Dorothy A. Lebo
Mrs. Frances M. LoBianco
Ms. Lacy Kidwell
Mrs. Margo A. Kreh
Mr. Jay Lechliter
Ms. Sandra Lohmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Kilberg
Phyllis R. Kroger
Mrs. Jean F. Ledbetter
Mr. Stephen D. Lohrmann
Mr. Edward T. Kilcullen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan J. Krometis
Ms. Barbara J. Lee
Ms. Cathy C. Lonas
Ms. Tammy Kinberg
Ms. Joyce M Kronthal
Ms. Judith Y. Leeper
Ms. Margaret E. Loose
Mr. Dennis F. Kinch
Ms. Sharon A. Kroupa
Ms. Mary LeFevre
Ms. Sarah F. W. Lord
Mr. Patrick J. King
Reverend William M. Krulak
Mr. Marc A. LeGoff
Ms. Mary I. Lorenzen
Mr. and Mrs. William C. King, III
Mrs. Kelly A. Krumpe
Estate of Frances Leibensperger
Mr. Jon P. Lottich
Annette and Gary Kinnaman
Dr. Bernard Krupp
Ms. Cathy L. Leibensperger
Ms. Nancy R. Lougheed
Mrs. June B. Kinnear
Ms. Gail P. Kujawa
Mr. and Mrs. George Leineweber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Loughlin
Michael and Ginger Kirby
Mr. Joseph M. Kunkowski
Mrs. Susan Ford Leitch
Ms. Sandra A. Lovejoy
Ms. Nell A. Kirby
Ms. Panelpha Kyler
Mr. John Leitner and Family
Mrs. Felicia Lovelett
Mr. Carl J. Kircher
Ms. Carole La Placa
Mrs. B. Jean Lembach
Ms. Deborah A. Loverde
Ms. Janet M. Kirk
Lab of Molecular Biology and Immunology
Mrs. Judith Lennox
Loyola University Maryland
Ms. Helen Leopold
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lubich
Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Lerman
Lubitz Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lester
James and Kathy Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Klein
Wally and Bob Klein
Ladies Auxiliary to Parkville Memorial Post No. 9083 VFW
Ms. Paula J. Kline
Ms. Sheela R. Lal
2015 Year in Review | 23
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lundeen
Mrs. Janet Marshall
Ms. Jean E. McDade
Dr. Cynthia N. Mendelson
Dr. Anders R. Lunt
Mr. Robert Marshall
Mrs. Mildred G. McDaniel
Ms. Michelle L. Mente
Mrs. Marsha L. Lurie
Adult Students at the Martial Arts Academy
Mrs. Ann M. McDaniels
Mr. Ryan Mente
Mr. and Mrs. Erik McDonald
Mr. John N. Mentzer
Mr. Joseph McDonald
Willard and Beverley Merkle
Ms. Karen McDonaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Merrick
Mr. and Mrs. Arlan J. Lyhus
Marilou and David MacDonnell
Mrs. Carmille F. Marx
Jane and Sam Mace
Maryland Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators
Mr. David G. Macfarlane
Mr. Elmer L. Masimore, Jr.
Mr. C. Austin McDonnell
Mrs. Joanne M. Merrill
Ms. Ethel W Macgill
Mrs. Lillian Mason
Mr. Carba McDonnell
Michael and Christina Merritt
Mrs. Rose P. Machen
Ms. Carol Mastalerz and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Brent McDorman
Ms. Teresa A. Merriwether
Mrs. Thelma C. Machin
Mr. Charles Masters
Carol and Don McDougall
Mr. John T. Merryman
Ms. Carol Macht
Mr. Thomas C. Mather
Ms. Cecil A. McFarland
Mr. Barry Meyer
Mr. Richard A. MacInnes
Mrs. Natasha Mathias
McFeeters and Lund Families
Mr. Johnannes Meyer
Ms. Phyllis G. Mackert
Mrs. Nancy R. Mattheu
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. McGee
Ms. Madeleine R. Meyer
Hank and Linda Madera
Mr. Ken Mattison
Mr. David McGlone
Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Meyer
Dr. Richard D. Maffezzoli
MAUI Colleagues
Miss Dorothy C. McGovern
Ms. Joyce C. Mezick
Magruder Cook & Koutsouftikis
Mrs. Catherine L. McGowan
Ms. Patricia A. Miceli
Ms. Karen Maguire
Mrs. Betty J. Mayhew
Mrs. Barbara McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. John Micera
Ms. Anna Mahaney
Ms. Margaret Miller Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McGuire, III
Robert and Jacque Micera
Ms. Margaret W. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Carvel M. Mays, Jr.
Ms. Margaret B. McGuire
MidSouth Building Supply of MD, Inc.
Main Street Pediatrics
Ms. Barbara W. Mazurek and
Mr. Jerry Bowers
Mr. Robert E. McKelvey, Jr.
Ms. Mary Migliaccio and Family
Mrs. Margaret McNair
John and Charlotte Migliore
Ms. Bonnie L. McNamee
Mr. Lawrence E. Milan, III
Mr. and Ms. Henry J. McShea, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A. Milauskas
Ms. Sandra Meagher
Milbrook Elementary School Staff
Ms. Nancy C. Mears
Mr. Afton O. Miles
Mr. Harinath S. Meda
Ms. Sandra W. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Ashok Meghani
The Milford Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Meiser
Ms. Traci Millard
Mr. Eric J. Meisgeier
Adam and Barbara Miller
Mrs. Cathy Mellor
Mrs. Anna B. Miller
Ms. Karen Mellott
Ms. Barbara Miller and Connie Brieger
Gary S. Melnick, CLU, ChFC
Mrs. Carmel C. Miller
Mrs. Isolde Melson
Ms. Charlotte Miller
Mrs. Margaret M. Menchey
Ms. Dorothy J. Miller
Ms. Celia B. Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Miller
Ms. Elaine Malcolm and Brian Green
Mrs. Eve Malley
Ron and Jan Mandart
Mr. Edward Mankoff
Mr. Gregory J. Manlove
Ms. Jean Tucker Mann
Mrs. Rose M. Mann
Ms. Virginia Lee Mann
Miss Gloria L. Mannion
Mrs. Leneve Mantta
Ms. Lisa Marchak
Mr. and Mrs. George Marcin Thomas and Susan Mariano
Marine Trades Assn of Baltimore County
Ms. Colleen Marocco
Cameron and Claire McAdams
Mr. Robert McAfee
Glenn and Ellen McAvoy
Sally and Calvert McCabe
Joseph and Julie McCann
Ms. Annie McCarey and Family
Mrs. Laura W. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCarty
Mr. James McClung
Mr. Michael W. McCluskey
Mrs. Carol B. McCord
Andy and Lyn McCormick
Mr. Joseph O. McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McCullough
Ms. Marianna Miller
Mrs. Bonnie B. Morgan
Mrs. Wendy L. Myers
NIST QEM Division
Mr. Norvell E. Miller, III
Ms. Elizabeth A. Morgan
Ms. Diane M. Mykytyn
Mr. Matthew Niswonger
Mr. Paul W. Miller
Bernice and Harold Morganstern
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nace
Mr. J. Stephen Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Miller
Mr. William Morley
Eugene Nahley and Susan Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond B. Nolley, Jr.
Mr. Steve Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeter Morris
Mr. Anthony P. Natale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noonan
Steve and Sherry Miller
Joanne Morris and William Morris
Ms. Sharon L. Nathanson
Ms. Jennifer L. Norman
Ms. Susan E. Miller
Ms. Nancy R. Morris
National Institutes of Health
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Norris, Sr.
Million Dollar Media, LLC
Ms. Anne S. Morrison
Ms. Kerry K. Naunton
Mr. Joseph C. Norris, Jr.
Drs. Jon and Terri Minford
Mrs. Ingrid Morrow
Mr. Michael Navarre
Ms. JoAnn North and Family
Mrs. Sandra A. Misch
Ms. Helaine S. G. Morss
Mrs. and Mr. Cassandra S. Naylor
Ms. Elaine Northrop and Mr. Rick Menz
Ms. Nora Missell
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mortimer
Ms. Rachel Ndungu
Ted and Sharon Norton and Family
Ms. Carolyn G. Mitchell
David and Leslie Moss
Mr. Andrew J. Neff
Mr. Fred M. Novak
Ms. Helen Mitchell
Ms. Marcille N. Moss
Mr. Dale Neiburg
Penny and Daniel Noval
Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell
Tina and Mark Moss
Neighbors at 7315 Brookview Rd
Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Nudelman
Virginia and Fred Mitchell
The Mount Washington Tavern
Mr. Ranganath Nuggehalli
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mittenthal
Moxley Welding & Machine Service, Inc.
Neighbors Wiley, Hinkel, Morris, Marshall, Crane & Barrato
Mrs. Linda J. Modzelewski
Mr. James W. Mohler
Ms. Nancy A. Mohler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Mollett
Ms. Jean Barry Molz
Ms. Juliane Monroe
Ms. Kellie Monroe and Family
Montgomery County Revenue Authority
Dr. Eda Ross Montgomery
Mr. Ronald Montgomery and Family
Monumental Paving & Excavating Inc.
Monumental Process Servers
Ms. Diane C. Moore
Mr. J. Raymond Moore
Ms. Jacqueline Moore
Mrs. Mildred H. Moore
Mrs. Nancy S. Moore
Wayne and Cheryl Moore
Mr. Robert Morcomb
Mr. Alan J. Moreland
24 | 2015 Year in Review
Ed and Susan Neighoff
Steve and Becky Moyer
Mr. Keith S. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. F. Stevens Nelson
Mr. Isa Mulaj
Mr. Thomas H. Nelson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullendore
Kristin and Vincent Nesline
Mr. Peter G. Mulligan
Mrs. Susan B. Nestler
Mr. Keith Mullinix
Amy and Thomas Neubauer
Mr. Thomas Mullins
Ms. Elizabeth T. Neubauer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Munford
Mrs. Pamela F. Newland
Municipal Employees Credit Union of Baltimore, Inc.
Ms. Marie Newman
Ms. Alicia S. Murphy
Mr. Michael Newman and
Dr. Mary Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon Murphy
Staff at NIAAA Neuroscience and Behavior
Mrs. Janice Murphy
Mr. Michael L. Murphy
Ms. and Mr. Patricia Murphy
Mr. Ronald W. Murphy
Mr. J. Donald Murray
Ms. JoAnn Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Myers, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers
Ms. Gerri A. Nichols
Ms. Martha J. Nichols
Ms. Natalie K. Nichols
Mr. Fred W. Nickerson
Mrs. Patricia Nickerson
Ms. Kristen Niemann
Mr. John A. Niland
Russell and Robin Niller
Ms. Pamela G. Nunley
Mr. Jack Nyiri
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Oakley
Ober Kaler
Mr. William Oberfelder
Mrs. Lorraine W. O’Connor
Ms. Patrice J. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Conor
Ms. Mary H. O’Dea
Mrs. Racquel Oden
Ms. Gina Oderda
Charles O’Donovan, III, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. J. Crossan O’Donovan
The Odyssey School
Office of Health Care Quality
Offit Kurman, Attorneys At Law
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. O’Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Curt J. Ohler
Dr. Andreea Olaru, M.D.
Dr. Allan Olchowski
Ms. Janet C. O’Leary
Craig S. Oliver and Leslie Stimson
2015 Year in Review | 25
Mary K. Olson and Frank P. Smith
Mrs. Shawn Perry and Family
Ms. Janet E. Printy
Mrs. Linda Reilly
Ms. Ann H. Oneto
Ms. Sheila S. Peter
Ms. Theresa Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly
Mrs. Corrine Onnen
Ms. Michelle E. Peters
Lynn Latrobe Proutt
Mr. Raymond Reinhardt
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Openshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peterson
Ms. Rebecca R. Puente
Ms. Anne P. Reinhart
Mr. Erich Oppenheim
Ms. Toshi Peterson
Mr. Robert L. Pullin
Mrs. Vicky H. Reinke
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Orenstein
Mr. George J. Petrlik
Ms. Ann S. Reiter
Ms. JoAnn M. Orlinsky
Ms. Christina M. Petti
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Pullin, Jr. and Family
Ms. Mary L. O’Rourke
Ms. Susan C. Pfeil
Mr. David Osbourne
Mr. Eric Pflaging
Ms. Raisa Otero-Cesario
Philadelphia City Planning Commission
David and Nancy Ott
Mr. Gregory S. Otto
Mrs. Kate Oursler
Ms. Carol L. Outlaw
Dr. Roland A. Owens
Mr. Peter J. Pac
Mr. Gary R. Page
Mrs. Ruth R. Page
Mr. Thomas E. Page
Roger and Toni Parenteau
Ms. Kathleen M. Parisi
Ms. Deborah Parks
Mrs. Mary Charlotte Parr
Wayne and Katharine Parris
Bruce and Joyce Parrish
Mr. and Mrs. David Parrish
Lorraine and Jerry Parrott
Ms. Diana Parsons
Mr. Kevin Parsons
The Partnership Federal Credit Union
Jan and Dave Partridge
Ms. Isabelle J. Pasqualini
Ms. Janet Passapae-Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Dushyant P. Patel
Olga and Charles Paterakis
Patriot Constuction LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Patterson
Amy and Carl Patton
Ms. Deborah E. Patton
Mr. Al Paul
Dr. Lydia L. Pauli and
Mr. Benno M. Pauli
Charlie and Mary Kim Phillips
Ms. Cecelia Puto
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Pyle
Mr. Owaisul M. Qarni
Ms. Minta A. Quinn
Mrs. T. Nancy Quinn
Dr. Khin Phillips
QVC, Inc.
Mrs. Lucylle A. Phillips
R. Seelaus & Co Inc
The Phillips Family
Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Radebaugh
Mrs. Ruth Phillips-Kane
Mr. Joseph L. Radebaugh, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Phoebus
Mrs. Mary D. Ragsdale
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Piccione
Ms. Leanna C. Rahll
Ms. Jeannie C. Pick
Dan Rainville & Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Michelle Pienta
Mrs. Cheryl Rakes
Mr. Frank S. Piff, Sr.
Ms. Sue Ramzy
Ms. Susan E. Pigman
Mr. David A. Randall
Ms. Kathy Pilkenton
Elliott and Nancy Randolph
Ms. Lee B. Rockenbaugh
Ms. R. Eve Sachs
Ms. Susan Rodano
Ms. Mary Jane Sacks
Dr. Martha L. Rodgers-Graf
Mr. Richard E. Sada
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rodriguez
Mr. Lawrence J. Sadowski
Mrs. Helen Roeder
Mr. Charles Herbert Sadtler
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Roesch
The Law Offices of Perry R. Safran, PA
Mr. Michael Rogers
Ms. Elaine D. Sain
Mr. John E. Roland
Dr. and Mrs. Ramon A. Salas
Mr. Carroll L. Roles
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Salazar
Marta and Luis Romero
Dr. and Mrs. Luis Salcedo
Ms. Margene K. Romiti
Mrs. Lora M. Salladin
Mr. Francis P Rooney
Sallie Mae
Mrs. Bernice Ropiski
Mr. Nicholas M. Saltarella
Jo Ellen and Mark Roseman
Ms. Debra Saltz
Mr. Antonio Ricci
Rosen, Sapperstein & Friedlander, Chartered
Sam Houston State University Reading Faculty
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Ricci
Mr. Paul M. Rosenberg
Mr. Lawrence A. Sames
Mrs. Margaret C. Seoane
Mr. Bruce S. Rice
Ms. Suzanne Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Serino
Mrs. Phyllis W. Rice
Mr. Kenneth R. Rosenblatt
Mary Sanders and Eleanor Coleman
Ms. Sylvia Rice
Dr. Beryl J. Rosenstein
Mrs. Ruth Y. Rich
Mr. Francis J. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. John Richards
Mr. Mason P. Rosenthal
Ms. Candice L. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ross
Prof. Derek Richardson
Ms. Christine H. Ross
Dr. Elizabeth Satola and
Mr. Brian Satola
Ms. Melissa D. Richardson
Ruth and Jerry Ross
Mrs. Susan Saudek
Mr. John T. Shannahan
Ted and Cindy Rierson and Family
Mr. Edward G. Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Sauerbrey
Ms. Nancy Shannon and Family
Ms. Kelly Riesner
Mr. and Mrs. Barry P. Roth
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Saunders, Jr.
Gary and Jane Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rigger
Dr. Jacob B. Roth
Ms. Margery Sayers
Mrs. Janice M. Sharlip
Mrs. Tona A. Riggio
Ms. Nancy R. Rouse
SC&H Financial Advisors, Inc.
Estate of Louise Sharp
Ms. Heather Rowe
Ms. Adrienne Scally
Mrs. Lorienne Sharp and Family
Reverend Iris Rowe
Mr. Oscar I. Schabb
Kim and Robert Sharpe
Mrs. Linda Rowe
Mrs. Joan E. Schaech
Debra and Jerry Shaw
Mr. Clifford Rowland
Ms. Kathleen Schaefer and Family
Mr. Evan Shay
Mrs. Lynette T. Roycroft
Mrs. Evelyn A. Schaeffer
Dr. and Mrs. Danny T. Shearer
Mr. Louis J. Rubino, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schafer
Mr. David Shegan
Ms. Jill E. Ruff
Miriam and Frederic Schearer
Mrs. Virginia P. Shelley
Mr. Ronald Ruhl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scheeler
Ms. Terri Shenk
Mrs. Barbara J. Rupp
Mr. Ronald C. Scheerer
Ms. Faith E. Shepard
Inars Rusins
Mr. Ricky S. Scheetz
Ms. Arlene Shepherd
Mr. Sean E. Russell
Ms. M. Allison Schelberg
Ms. Lynn Sheppard
Mr. T. Edgie Russell, III
Schimunek Funeral Home, Inc.
Ms. Mary L. Shepperd
Mrs. Hannelore E. Russell-Wood
Mr. Harry F. Schmale
Mrs. Gilda B. Sherman
Mr. Andrew W. Russo
Mr. Randall Schmalz
Mr. Charles L. Shifflett
Ms. Carolyn D. Ruth
Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Schmidt
Mrs. Irmagard M. Shifflett
Mrs. Dorothy I. Ruth
Mrs. Carol J. Schmidt
Mrs. Richenda M. Shihab
Greg and Joanna Ruthenberg
Mrs. Jackie Schmitz
Dr. Lawrence Shirley
Mrs. Emma J. Ruthloff
Mr. William K. Schneeman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shively
Ms. Jacqueline Ryan
Ms. Sandra Schrodeder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shortt
Mrs. Lynne R. Ryan
Ms. Tracy R. Schrum
Ronald and Carla Showacre
Maureen and Thomas Ryan
Mrs. Brenda Schuette
Mr. Charles K. Shyr
Ms. Angela Sabb
Ms. Paula Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. William Sickel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sachar
Dr. and Mrs. Arnie Schuster
Laura and Brian Siegel
Andrew and Diana Sachs
David and Alana Schwaber
Mrs. Margaret S. Siewert
Ms. Mary J. Reiter
Ms. Yvonne Rekus
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Remige
Nancy and Jim Renna
Ms. Deborah Renton
Ms. Donna Reuter
Ms. Carolyn D. Rhoads
Bennett and Lisa Rhodes
Mr. Raul E. Ricaurte
Mr. William F. Pinder, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rascovar
Pinnacle Advisory Group
Ms. Ann L. Rasenberger
Mr. William M. Pitcher
Ms. Gail E. Raskin
Ms. Donna H. Pitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Raspet
Ruth and Gilbert Place
Ms. Sunny Raspet
Mrs. Janet L Plakatoris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ratliff
Planning Solutions Group
Ravens Nest 9 Main Street Parkville
Plaza Ford Inc.
Ravens Roost 103
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, Inc.
Mike and Libby Ploskunak
Richard and Marsha Rawlings
Mr. George Rigler
Ms. Christina Z. Poe
Mrs. Paula A. Ray
Ms. M Joanne Riley
Ms. Eileen M. Pohlhaus
Ms. Rhonda J. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Poley
Ibrahim A. Razzak, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rinehart
Ms. Geraldine Pontius
Ms. Sandra L. Reals
Mrs. Carol R. Ringgold
Mr. French D. Poole
Ms. Verna L. Reamy
Ms. Susan A. Ritgert
Ms. Phylise Poole
Mrs. Elizbeth A. Rechtsteiner
Ms. Lisa K. Roach
Ms. Yvonne Poon
Mr. and Gerald Recktenwald and Family
Mr. John A. Robbins, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Porter
Mrs. Gretchen S. Redden
Mrs. Elaine Roberts
Mrs. Rose Marie Porter
Ms. Ann M. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Portner
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby P. Reed
Nuala Roberts
Mr. Cyril B. Paumier, Jr.
James Potter and Virginia Naylor
Mrs. Gladys E. Reed
Ms. Denise Robideau
Pavillon International
Ms. Maggie L. Potts
Ms. Joan Reed
Ms. Eileen C. Robier
Tony and Anne Payling
David and Eileen Powell
Mrs. June L. Reedy
Mr. and Mrs. N. Bruce Robins
Joan and Andrew Payne
Mr. Ronald M. Powell
Mr. Charles A. Rees
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson
Mrs. Dorothy C. Pearre
Ms. Wanda Prather
Ms. Patricia A. Reese
Ms. Carolyn H. Robinson
Ms. Elsie M. Peck
Roland and Nancy Preis
Regal Bank & Trust
Mr. Charles Robinson
Mrs. Frances M. Peck
Ms. Rita Preller
Regional Management, Inc.
Ms. Dorothy L. Robinson
Ms. Claire Peduto
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Prenger
Mr. Louis M. Rehak, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. John Robinson
Ms. Clarice H. Pellettier
Ms. Terry R. Pribble
Ms. Luise Reice
Mr. John E. Robinson
Ms. Sue Roby Perkins
Price Family Fund of BCF
Ms. Sheara Reich
Ms. Linda M. Robinson
Perpetual Marketing Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Price
Mr. John M. Reier, Jr.
Ms. Patricia L. Robinson
Jeff and Jennifer Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pridgeon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Reier
Mr. Richard J. Robusto
26 | 2015 Year in Review
Mrs. Tracey Santry
Mrs. Nancy Saraullo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sarno
Mr. and Mrs. Natarajan Satish
Patricia Schwallenberg and Charles Hummer
Dr. Beth R. Schwartz
Mr. Timothy P. Schwartz
Jacqueline and Rob Scott
Mr. John P. Scott
Ms. Tedra Scott
Mr. Walter F. Scott
Ms. Sharon V. Scott-Groover
Ms. Gail Scott-Parizer
Dr. and Mrs. William Scovill
Ms. Elsie C. Seebode
Donald and Patricia Seitz
Ms. Nadine B. Semer
Claudia Sennett and Douglas Kelso
Mr. Norman A. Sensinger, Jr.
Ms. Tina Serravalle
Ms. Ramona Setherley and Family
Mrs. Marcia Sette
Ms. Cherie H. Sewell
Mr. Stephen I. Sfakianos
Mr. Greg Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. George Sigalas
Ms. Christina Sikora
Barry and Sue Silber
Babette and David Silverman
Mr. Igor Simak
Ms. Virginia V. Simms
Mr. and Mrs. Marley Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Simon
Dr. Loretta Simpson
Mr. Francis J. Sinek
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Sines, Jr.
Ms. Beth R. Singer
Mary Ann and Ezra Singer
Mr. Michael L. Singer
Ms. Catherine S. Siperko
Mrs. Patricia A. Sipes
Mrs. Stella Sise
Justin and Vickie Sizemore
Ms. Lynne P. Skeirik
Mr. Ed Skiles
Mrs. Maureen R. Skinner
Mr. Robert H. Slonitz
Mr. and Mrs. William Sluss
Lynda Slyder and Ellen Eason
Stanley and Teresa Smentkowski
Estate of Margaret F. Smith
Mrs. Barbara R. Smith
Mr. Charles W. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Janis Farley Smith
Mrs. Linda S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Smith
Miss Nancy E. Smith
Ms. Nicole Y. Smith
Ms. Patricia B. Smith
Bob and Dixie Smith
Mrs. Ruth J. Smith
Ms. Latetia M. Smoot
Mark and Linda Smoot
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Snead, Jr.
Mr. Albert L. Snellings
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Snider
Arthur and Margaret Snow
Mr. David Snyder
Mr. Raymond E. Snyder
Mrs. Shirley S. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Snyder
Ms. Emily Socolinsky
Ms. Carol H. Soldan
Ms. Sondra Solomon
Mrs. Dorinda Somerville
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Sophocleus
Ms. Catherine M. Sopp
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. South
2015 Year in Review | 27
Ms. Maria V. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sumilas
Mrs. Suzanna C. Thieblot
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Spates
Mr. Walter Stevenson and Family
Ms. Jean C. Sundaram
Mr. Andrew B. Thomas
Ms. Jane R. Spath
Dr. Brenda G. Stewart
Mrs. Bertha Sunderland
Gary and Sharen Thomas
Mrs. Barbara Portnoy Spector
Mrs. Kimberly C. Stewart
Mr. Dan Sunderland
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Thomas, Sr.
Mrs. Beverly Speight-Mohamed
Ms. Robin Y. Stewart-Bey
Mrs. Maryann C. Surine
Ms. Lorraine L. Thomas
Ms. Jean J. Spence
Mrs. Lydia H. Stickley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton
Ms. Nisha C. Thomas
Ms. Susan E. Spence
Stieff Foundation, Inc.
Rosemary and Robert Sutton
Mr. Travor P. Thomas
Mr. Arthur R. Spencer
Hugh L. and Katharine R. Stierhoff Charitable Fund
Ms. Laura Sue Swam
Mrs. Patricia Thomas-Norris
Mrs. Joan K. Swank
Ms. Ann Ashby Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. William Swart
Thompson Creek Window Company
Mr. Joseph T. Spencer
Ms. Rebecca C. Spivey
Staff at Springfield Hospital Center
Ms. Joan S. Spurley
Mr. Stephen A. Sroka
The Faculty and Staff of St. Paul’s Lutheran School
Ms. Katrin Stinson
Ms. Pamela R. Stocker
Ms. Martha A. Stoelting
Ms. Kimberly Stokes
Ms. Cathy Stone
Ms. Josephine R. Stone
St. Paul’s School
Pauline and Lucille Stoneburner
Ms. Mary C. Stack
Mrs. Ann Carter Stonesifer
Ms. Ethel Y. Stackhouse
Stoney Creek Inn
Ms. Jacqueline M. Stanford
Mrs. Carol L. Storck
Stanley Black & Decker
Mr. James B. Stott
The Stansbury Mill Road Book Club
Dick and Ann Stout
Ms. Loretta T. Staples
Strain Measurement Devices Inc
Mr. Charles M. Stapleton
Ms. June E. Streckfus
Starkey Construction Co., Inc.
Ms. Jewel Street
Bob and Arlene Starks
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Streett
Mr. Charles R. Starr
Ms. Carolyn S. Strickland
State of Maryland, Department of General Services
Eddie and Gloria Strickland
Ms. Diane Steckel
Ms. Carole L. Stein
Ms. Sharon Steis
Estate of Mary Margaret Sterling
Mrs. Janet M. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stern
Chuck and Gayle Sternheim
Ms. Beverly B. Stevens
Carole and David Stromberg
Ms. Edith E. Struhs
Ms. Shelly L. Suddith
Ms. Elizabeth M. Sullivan
Ms. Helen L. Sullivan
Mr. J. Roger Sullivan, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen O. Sullivan
Ms. Kimberlie J. Sullivan
Kathy and Paul Sweeney
Ms. Rae Swirnow
Ms. Nan V. Swisher
Ms. Pam D. Swofford and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sylvester
Bruce and Anna Szmajda
Mr. Thaddeus Tadkowski
Ms. JoAnne E. Thompson
Ms. Marie E. Thompson
Ms. Nancy L. Thompson
Mr. Richard Thompson
Mrs. Sadie D. Thompson
Thompson Street Capital Partners
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Thomson
Mrs. Ruth Towlen
Mr. Louis H. Van Hollen, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker
Toby and Larry Weiss
Ms. Mary J. Thorne
Ms. Edith H. Townsend
Lisa and Don Schlimm
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walls
Ms. Melissa Weldon
Ms. Michelle L. Thornton
Towsontowne Soccer Families
The Vanguard Group
Dr. Theodore Walman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Welling
William and Nancy Thrush
Ms. Susan P. Tracy
Mrs. Janice D. Vanisko
Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Walsh
John B. Wells and Eileen F. Haggerty
Ms. Sarah Thudium
Traffic Control Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaselkiv
Mr. Joseph W. Waltemeyer
Mrs. Eileen C. Wernsdorfer
Mr. Joseph I. Tiberi
Mrs. Barbara J. Trammell
Mr. Ronald L. Vasilas
Mr. Kirk Walter
Mr. Chester Wesolowski
John and Susie Tighe and Family
Ms. Janice L. Trammell-Savin
Thomas and Carolyn Vasold
Ms. Mary Cate Walter
Ms. Patricia Wesolowski
Carol and Charles Tilford Fund
Tranquillity Manor Farms, Inc.
Bob and Gwen Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Walters
Ms. Martha H. West
Mr. Raymond W. Tillman
Travelers Employees
Mr. Philip A. Waltz
Ms. Nancy C. West
Mrs. Leisa Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Travisano
Vaughn Greene Funderal Services Inc. Randallstown
Mr. David B. Ward
Wexford Science & Technology, LLC
Rosemary and Larry Taylor
The Timonium Country Birds Bowling League
Mr. Jerry Trieber
Ms. Meredith Ward
Mr. Robert A. Wheedleton
Team 12
Tinos Italian Bistro LLC
Mr. Melvin Ware
Ms. Juliette R. Wheeler
Mr. James L. Teesdale
Mrs. Doris W. Tippens
Wareheim Family Charity
Mrs. Priscilla Wheeler
Ms. Sandra D. Teitelbaum
Tobacco Technology Inc
Ms. Edna T. Warwick
Ms. Carol J. Whippo
Mrs. Judith Temple
Mrs. Adrienne K. Toland
Mr. Walter J. Washel, III
Mrs. Karen Whitcome and The Bauermann Family
Ms. Narda A. Terry and Family
Mrs. Joanne Tolle
Mrs. Wanda Terwillinger
Total Focus HR Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Theriot
Ms. Mary A. Towery
Mr. and Mrs. O. James Talbott, II
Dr. George Taler
Anne and John Talvacchio
Dr. and Mr. James Taneyhill
Charles and Jacqueline Tangires
Ms. Ann R. Tanner
Ms. Lisa Tantilo
Ms. Leslie Tarantola
Ms. Barbara L. Tassone
Ms. Beverly M. Taylor
Ms. Elizabeth A. Trollinger
Mr. William J. Tropf
Tony and Karen Trunzo
Mr. Joseph J. Trunzo
Mr. Johnny Tsang
Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker
Drs. Harold and Robin Tucker
Ms. Margaret A. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson I. Tucker
Ms. Pam Tucker
Helen and David Tull
Ms. Carolyn M. Turner
Mrs. Maxine L. Turner
Ms. Virginia S. Turner
Tuscan Lodge No. 202 A. F. & A. M.
Mr. Howard W. Uhl
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Ulrich
US Army Corps of Engineers, HQ
Debra A. Vachon, M.D.
Ms. Jacalyn Vadala
Ms. Shirley M. Valenta
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Valentine
Ms. Rebecca Valentine
Mr. Scott Valentine
Marie Van Deusen and Joseph Lyons
28 | 2015 Year in Review
Dr. Lori Veiel and Mr. Eric Veiel
Ms. Tess Veloso
Ms. Barbara Hutzler Verdaguer
Ms. Joanne C. Verner
The Vertical Connection Carpet One
The Verve Partnership
Mr. Kenneth J. Vidal
Ms. Mary Sue Vidro
Ms. Karen K. Viets
Friends and Neighbors of Village Crest
Ms. Gloria K. Vittek
Robin and David Vocke
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Voelkel
Mr. Richard P. Voelker
Ms. Alison Vogrin
Mrs. Dina R. Volk
Ms. Gladys Vollmerhausen
Mr. Peter Vrettakos
Mrs. Carol A. Wade
Mr. Alvin E. Wagenheim
Ms. Deborah Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Waire, Jr.
Ms. Julie Waldfogel
Kent and Suzanne Walker
Ms. Nancy A. Walker
Ms. Manuele D. Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Waters
Ms. Patricia W. Waters
Dale and Susan Waters
Ms. Lisa White
Mr. Thomas F. White, Jr.
Sue and Jack Whitelaw
Mr. Theodore Waters
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Ms. Courtney Watson
Ms. Marjorie P. Whitlock
Ms. Yvonne M. Waytekunas
Mr. Frederick W. Whitridge
We Care Private Duty Services, Inc
Mrs. Mari Whittelsey
Al and Eleanor Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wiczulis
Frank and Sue Weaver
Mrs. Christa Wiedey
Mr. John T. Webbert
Mr. Adam Wienckowski
Ms. Joan A. Weber
Ms. Rosalin A. Wilcox
Ms. Patricia M. Webster
Mr. Donald C. Wilhelm
Mrs. Madeline G. Wedemeyer
Mrs. Doris A. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Wilkie
Donald and Carolyn Weglein
Mr. John Wilkins and Family
Ms. Joan Marie Weglein
Ms. Helen Willey
Mr. Jeffrey A. Weinberg
Ms. Delores Williams
The Weinstein Mitzvah Foundation Inc
Ms. Edith T. Williams
Mrs. Gale Weisenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Max Weisfeld
Ms. Jacqueline Williams
2015 Year in Review | 29
Reverend Jennifer Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart H. Yuspa
Mrs. Maria C. Williams
Ihor and Sandra Zakaluzny
Ms. Robin Williams
Mr. Daniel Zawadzki and Family
Mr. Leroy E. Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. William Zei
Richard and Jean Woodward
Harry and Gail Zeigler
Mr. William Willie
Ms. Joyce L. Zeiler
$100.00 +
W.F. Wilson & Sons, Inc.
Mr. Joseph H. Zerhausen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Adams
Ms. Laura J. Wilson
Mr. Chan Zhang
Brother Scott Ambrose
Ms. Rose Mary Wilz
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmerer, Jr.
Mr. Raymond D Bahr
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Wimmer
Mr. Jeff Zimmerman
Ms. Cynthia W. Ballard
Robert and Joanna Winchester
Ms. Susan M. Zimmerman
Jeff and Julia Baron
Mr. Clarence A. Wingate, Jr.
Ms. Wilma J. Zimmerman
Ms. Mary Ellen Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Winter
Audrey Zink
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beckley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winter
Ms. Ruth C. Zlotowitz
Ms. Mary Benedict
Mr. Vern Winter
Mrs. Dorothy V. Zoeller
Mr. James Blandford
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Winternitz
Ms. Helena Zozulak
Mrs. Katheleen O. Bowen
WiTricity Corporation
Seymour and Audrey Zubkoff
Ms. Ann C. Byers
Mr. Gerhart Witte
Ms. Diana M. Zukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Calvert
St. Andrews Christian Community Church Inc.
Mr. Warren V. Tanghe
Ms. Sara A. Thompson
Ms. Catherine Woods
Richard and JoAnne Woodward
Ms. Alicia M. Wopat
Work Family in I211
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Worsley
Mrs. Palma F. Wyatt
Prof. Anne Wyatt-Brown
Ms. Constance W. Wynd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Yaggy
Ms. Kathleen Yantis
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yee-Hess
Michael Yerman and Marc Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Yetter
Ms. Kathleen Yingling
YMCA of Central Maryland
Ms. Alisa Yoch
Mr. George Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Yoder
Ms. Mary Ruth Yoe
Ms. Diana D. Young
Ms. Sharmean Young
Mrs. Suzanne E. Young
Mrs. Vera V. Young
Mr. James R. Youngblood
30 | 2015 Year in Review
Mrs. Priscilla F. Barrett
Claudia M. Ewell
Regina and Mike Bodnar
Ellery Joyeau
Ms. Lucy Bassin
Robert “Mike” Griffin
Ms. Jodi S. Gilmore
Mr. Thaddeus Kaminski
Ms. Erinn Betz-Foster
Mrs. Carol Kapraun
Catherine Y. Hamel and William F. Benson
Senator Delores G. Kelley
Ms. Christine M. Broderick
Ms. Sara Kenney
Ms. Ebony Brown-Sewell
Ms. Amy L. LaMoure
Ms. Nicole R. Carroll-Smith
Ms. Wilhelmina Lartey
Ms. Christine M. Clevenger
Ms. Mary LeFevre
Ms. Susan Crouch
$100.00 +
Ms. Cathy L. Leibensperger
Ms. Rosanna DeBardi
Ms. Katherine Lober
Ms. Mary Duffy
Ms. Lynn Ellen Anderson
Mr. Robert Marshall
Ms. Verna L. Duvall
Ms. Valerie Appelt
Ms. Traci Millard
Ms. Sharon Eff
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Baird, Jr.
Ms. Rachel Ndungu
Ms. Karen L. Erler
Ms. Kimberly Ey
Ms. Jo Ann Parker
Mrs. Joan B. Kolobielski
Ms. Roberta N. Preston
Mr. Joel D. Lapin
Ms. Margaret M. Quetel
Pat Thompson & Ed Sledge
Mr. and Mrs. Orest Ranum
Ms. Mary K. Zappala
Ms. Deborah J. Repkorwich
Ms. Felicia Rivera
Ms. Rachel Satterfield
Ms. Jane M. Sayer
Matching Gifts
Ms. Justine Kellar
Ms. Beth Kreyling
Mrs. Michele S. Levin
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Ms. Nell Baumiller
Dr. Andreea Olaru, M.D.
Mary and Edwin Friedman
Mrs. Virginia P. Shelley
Exelon Foundation
Ms. Rayleen Benna
Mrs. Diane M. Owen
Ms. Terri Gensler-Marshall
Ms. Kristine Smets
The Bank of America Foundation
Ms. Patricia A. Bornemann
Ms. Anne Owens
Mrs. Lee Greenbeck
Society of The Transfiguration
Ms. Vicki Bourckel
Ms. Kathleen M. Parisi
Ms. Tsongie Hamilton
Ms. Connie Stern
Dell Giving
Penny and Augustus Brown
Ms. Christina M. Petti
Ms. Carolyn Hart
Mrs. Catherine M. Stevens
Ms. Crystal Brown-Ukah
Mrs. Michelle Pienta
Ms. Gloria Heddinger
Ms. Mary L. Stone
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Ms. Nora Brunner
Ms. Eileen M. Pohlhaus
Ms. Kristal Herman
Mrs. Jan Suter
IBM Corporation
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Mrs. Susan M. Powell
Ms. Diane Hicks
Bill and Tesse Donnelly
TelecomPioneers Atlantic
Chapter #133
Ingredion Incorporated
Ms. Jill Campbell
Ms. Theresa Proctor
Ms. Julia Jenkins
Mrs. Becky Kling Feldman
McGraw Hill Financial
Ms. Donna Reuter
Mrs. Ardena M. Johnson
Mr. Brian M. Tenberg
Ms. Betty Carter
Ms. Nancy G. Fields
Ms. Anjana Chacko
Reverend Iris Rowe
Ms. Ann Johnson
Mr. William E. Thomas, Sr.
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program
Benefactor’s Society
$5,000.00 +
Dr. Rolfe Finn
Dr. Aaron J. Charles
Ms. Jackie Jones
Mr. James E. Walker
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Angela Sabb
Leonard and Linda Flood
Ms. Shannon Chojnacki
Ms. Nelly Kangethe
Anonymous - Hospice Donors
Ms. Flora J. Foster
Ms. Maura J. Conley
Ms. Paula Schultz
Ms. Amy Kimball
Daniel Watson and Brenda Stone
The Southern Galvanizing Company
Ms. Adrienne Scally
Mr. Robert C. Walker
Mrs. Felicity Kirby
Mr. John E. White
Mrs. Nicole Corkran
Hospice Council
$1,000.00 +
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Friedman
Ms. Tina Serravalle
Mr. Edward Gallagher
Mrs. Maria T. Lawson
Ms. Victoria Willard
Ms. Susan D. Dailey
Ms. Virginia V. Simms
The Lois and Irving Blum Foundation Inc.
Ms. Mary D. Garner
Mr. David M. Drake
Lin and Thomas Simon
John and Patricia Slack
Mrs. Maria C. Williams
Ms. Ann Eldridge
Ms. Nicole Y. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Logsdon, Jr.
Anne and Christopher Evans
Ms. Latetia M. Smoot
Ms. Modesty Lyles
Ms. Judith Feeney
Chuck and Gayle Sternheim
Ms. Nancy T Mailman
Ms. Garnitha Ferguson
Ms. Pamela R. Stocker
Mrs. Lisa Martin
Ms. Kimberly E. Flash
Carole and David Stromberg
Ms. Amanda McCusker
Ms. Yvonne Franklin
Ms. Sarah Thudium
Ms. Dorris McElroy
Ms. Jennifer Gaither
Tino’s Italian Bistro LLC
Ms. Terri Melissari
Mr. Ronald S. Gerstley
Ms. Janice L. Trammell-Savin
Ms. Dora A. Milliner
Ms. Donna B. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaselkiv
Ms. Staci L. Moore
Ms. Laurel A. Goodrick
Robin and David Vocke
Ms. Christinia Mosner
Ms. Peggy Green
Ms. Alison Vogrin
Ms. Maureen Nelson
Ms. Lisa Griffee
Ms. Patricia Wesolowski
Ms. Cate O’Connor-Devlin
Mr. Robert J. Glatz
Ms. Nancy Hawkins
Ms. Delores Williams
Mr. Bernard Offerman
Ms. Bonita S. Kling
Impressions Hair Studio
Ms. Anita Heinle
Ms. Sharmean Young
Mr. John O’Malley
Mr. Carl D. Lancaster
Mr. Courtney J. Marbley
Ms. Heather Hill
Mr. Edwin A. S. Lewis
Mrs. Gloria A. Mohr
Ms. Patrice A. Hoffman
Ms. Mary Maisey-Ireland
Dr. and Mrs. W. Anthony Riley
Mr. Don Hohne
Mr. Thomas R. Marshall
SCI - Dignity Memorial
Ms. Conchetta Jackson
Mrs. Mildred G. McDaniel
Ms. Rebecca R. Stephenson
Mr. Keith Jackson
Mr. William H. McKinnis
Ms. Robin L. Stocksdale
Ms. Alexis Jagielski
Joseph Richey Gifts
Benjamin A. King Trust
Ms. Maryanne E. Woodruff
Debbie and Tom Jones
Ms. Marie C. Shapiro
Mrs. Edeltraud E. Wolff
Ms. Virginia L. Wood
Kerry and Estelle Avant
Ms. Talisa Baker
Jennifer and Steven Wolfberg
Ms. Karen A. Wood
Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Community
Ms. Jennifer Barrett
Ms. Deborah Cooper
National Philanthropic Trust
Second Century Circle
$100,000.00 +
Mrs. Susan A. Wolman
Ms. JoAnn M. Orlinsky
Ms. Dedera Baker
Belafanti Jones
Claudia Sennett and Douglas Kelso
Carl and Linda Clark
Ms. Karen E. Wolinski
Mr. Michael C. O’Neill
Patron’s Club
$500.00 +
Ms. Barbara A. Jenkins
M. Bridget Hartman Basehoar
Ms. Pamela G. Nunley
Ms. Tina M. Wittstadt
Ms. Deborah A. Wolinski
Mr. Charles O’Donovan
Planned Giving Society
Mr. Joel D. Seledee
Wallace H. Campbell & Company, Inc.
Mr. Monford A. Wolf
Mr. Patrick G. Nolan
ExxonMobil Foundation
Roger and Janet Wittenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson H. Miller, Jr.
Century Club
$10,000.00 +
Merritt Properties, LLC
Catholic Community at Relay
Mrs. Eleanor Cowan
Ms. Cynthia Curley and Family
Mr. Daniel Frasco
Mrs. Barbara M. Hathaway
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Jamieson
Law Offices of Peter T. Nicholl
Mr. Alex Petrlik
Roland Park Presbyterian Church
Drs. Thomas J. Smith and Joann N. Bodurtha
Patron’s Club
$500.00 +
Mrs. Linda Feiler
Mr. Charles L. Gugliotta
Morton and Sophia Macht Foundation
Myra Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star PHA
Mark and Laura Novak
Mr. Jesse B. Craig
Mr. Steven Czinn
Mr. Wallace Dann
DBM Communications, Inc
Ms. Velma Dill
Mr. Michael Gervinski
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gibson
Mr. Robert E. Greenfield
Ms. Linda Griffin Dunk
Estate Gifts
Mr. Irving Haber
Estate of Shirley M. Bossom
Yetive H. Habicht
Estate of Jeanne Gilchrist Vance
Ms. Susan Hayes
Estate of Howard Dean Akers
Mr. Reinald Hohenstein
Estate of Ann Odessa Cugle
Mrs. Barbara Hulka
Estate of Frances Leibensperger
Ms. Muriel B. Jones
Estate of Louise Sharp
Mrs. Antoinette Kardian
Estate of Margaret F. Smith
Mr. Frank U. Kelly
Estate of Mary Margaret Sterling
Ms. Sandra Kick and Family
Estate of Charmaine Gwynn
Verizon Foundation
Tanzania Gifts
Century Club
$10,000.00 +
Anonymous - Hospice Donors
Benefactor’s Society
$5,000.00 +
James W. Houck Foundation
Hospice Council
$1,000.00 +
Ms. Suzanne H. James
Sherrill and William Pantle
$50.00 +
Ms. Deborah Peterson
Mr. Samuel Abraham
Ms. Elizabeth K. Quill
Ms. Norma Anderson
Mr. Craig S. Randall
Ms. Elizabeth Ratrie
Ms. Christine Avig
Dr. Carol A. Rice
Ms. Christine Pruitt
2015 Year in Review | 31
Ms. Stacy Rodgers
Ms. Dawn Roelofs
Ms. Kathryn M. Rowett
Pat and Jim Schoenleber
Ms. Tedra Scott
Ms. Susan Seidel
Mrs. Barbara R. Smith
Ms. Eman Soliman
Ms. Maria V. Sparks
Ms. Melinda Spivey-Palamides
Ms. Lillian Stirn
Ms. Jennifer N. Stuck
Mrs. Michele M. Sullivan
Ms. Joanne Timmel
Ms. Dawn Tippett
Ms. Edith H. Townsend
Ms. Maria Valencia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vassil
Ms. Chassie L. West
Ms. Jill Wheeler
Ms. Catharine Zimmerman
* denotes our donors who give monthly.
Visit gilchristhospice.org/recurring for more information regarding
monthly contributions.
to help our patients make
the most of the time that
remains by making a gift to
Gilchrist Hospice Care.
For more information contact:
David Drake, Director of Development
32 | 2015 Year in Review
board of directors
Jana C. Burch
vice chair
Richard D. Huether
W. Lee Thomas
Elizabeth B. Richardson
Theodore W. Bauer
Barbara Brody
John B. Chessare, M.D.,
Gary I. Cohen, M.D.
Timothy F. Doran, M.D.
Kevin R. Dunbar
Ronald L. Eyre
Lacy Flynn
Eugene A. Friedman, Esq.
Mitchell Goetze
Catherine Y. Hamel
Jo Ann C. Jolivet
James W. Lee
Benjamin F. Lucas, II, Esq.,
John Mangione
Redonda G. Miller, M.D.
Mary M. Mullan
Constance Pitcher
Reverend Philip B. Roulette
Lorraine G. Schapiro
Stuart Archer Smith, III
Mary Ellen Thomsen
Douglas Huether, Director Emeritus
Joseph S. Keelty, Director Emeritus
11311 McCormick Road, Suite 350
Hunt Valley, Maryland 21031
Howard County
5537 Twin Knolls Road, Suite 434
Columbia, Maryland 21045
phone 410.730.5072
TTY Maryland Relay Service: 1.800.735.2258
Gilchrist Hospice Care provides services without regard to race, color, creed,
sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ability to pay or national origin.

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