Stainless Steel Screens
Stainless Steel Screens
screens TM A Weatherford Company THE WORLD’S BEST D E S I G N E D WAT E R W E L L S USE JOHNSON SCREENS W H E N P E R F O R M A N C E I S I M P O R TA N T – THERE IS NO EQUAL. To get the best, most cost-effective water well, specify a continuous slot Johnson well screen. We are the largest manufacturer of premium water well screens. Why Is A Johnson Screen Better? Better Well Development Johnson screens have very high open area. This allows better access to the entire formation around the screen. Fines and drilling fluid are removed quickly and completely resulting in better well development. Lower Pumping Costs The high open area of Johnson screens allows water to enter the well freely resulting in minimal drawdown and less energy expended by the pump. 2 Less Maintenance The continuous slot design of Johnson well screens allows lower entrance velocity of the water which reduces encrustation rates. The slot design also resists plugging and prevents sand from damaging pumps. Successful Screens Follow Careful Design 1. We analyze your formation sand to correctly size the screen. 2. We select a grade of steel with the right level of corrosion resistance. 3. Noting the depth of your well, we choose the wire and rod combination that produces a screen with all the necessary strength characteristics. 4. Screen design is determined by aquifer characteristics and desired yield. 5. We supply all the fittings appropriate to your method of installation. WATER WELL SCREENS TABLE OF CONTENTS SMALL DIAMETER SCREENS DRIVE POINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 FREE-FLOWTM STAINLESS STEEL . . . . . . . . . . . .5 GALV. & LOW CARBON STEEL . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 7 LARGE DIAMETER SCREENS TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL, FREE-FLOWTM . . .8 TYPE 304 STAINLESS STEEL, HI-FLOW (HI-Q) . .9 HICAP-GTM (GALV LOW CARBON STEEL) . . . . .10 HICAPTM (LOW CARBON STEEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 THE INDUSTRY'S BEST PRODUCT LINE GETS THE INDUSTRY'S BEST SUPPORT SPECIAL SCREENS & ACCESSORIES PRE-PACKED SCREENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 13 PIPE-BASED SCREENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 We do more than make the world's best well screens. We also supply you with technical support that's like having your own in-house engineering team with no overhead. Whether you need sand analysis of your formation materials, screen size recommendation, screen installation suggestions or want to discuss any aspect of well construction, contact us. Our support staff includes design engineers, welders, technical support personnel and sales engineers who have been on the shop floor, taught in classrooms and technical seminars, set and pulled screens and run pumping tests. We speak your language, understand your problems, and are here to help. CASINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 DIELECTRIC COUPLING / AGRI-SCREENTM . . . .17 PRO FORMA SPECIFICATIONS WELL SCREEN / MUNI-PAKSTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 PUBLICATIONS GROUNDWATER AND WELLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 3 WATER WELL DRIVE POINTS W60 Models - 304 and 316 Stainless Steel OD in Clear ID in 1-1/4 1.7 1.0 0.060 2.0 1000 5,500 5,898 2P 2.4 1.7 0.060 2.7 1000 7,200 8,793 2P Sand Point 2.6 2.0 0.060 2.5 1000 4,900 4,239 4P-All Drive 4.7 4.0 0.060 5.6 600 16,300 21,486 4P-Double Drive 4.8 4.0 0.089 7.0 1000 16,300 21,486 Size Wire Screen Max Width Wt/Ft* Depth in lbs ft Tensile Column Strength Strength lbs (1) lbs (2) Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (3) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 6 10 12 15 20 30 5.8 6,155 8.2 2,349 8.9 1,825 16.0 318 11.3 835 9.1 10.6 5,804 5,642 12.8 15.0 2,215 2,153 14 16.3 1,721 1,673 25.2 29.4 300 291 18.1 21.3 801 785 12.7 5,417 17.9 2,067 19.6 1,606 35.3 280 25.9 763 15.9 5,078 22.4 1,938 24.5 1,506 44.1 262 32.9 728 21.2 4,514 29.9 1,722 32.6 1,338 58.8 233 45.2 667 W90 Models - 304 and 316 Stainless Steel OD in Clear ID in 1.7 1.0 0.089 1.7 600 6,600 7,000 2P 2.4 1.7 0.089 2.3 600 7,200 8,700 2P-Sand Point 2.5 2.0 0.089 2.0 600 4,900 4,200 4P-All Drive 4.6 4.0 0.089 4.8 250 16,300 21,400 Size 1-1/4P Wire Screen Max Width Wt/Ft* Depth in lbs ft *Weight based on 10-slot construction (no fittings) (1) Tensile & Column Strength includes 30% safety factor. (2) Column strength is based on 5-ft screen barrel length. (3) Calculated collapse values - No safety factor Transmitting Capacity in gpm/ft-screen = Open Area x 0.31 (assumes entrance velocity = 0.1 ft/sec.) P - Pipe Size T - Telescope Size 4 Tensile Column Strength Strength fbs (1) fbs (2) Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (3) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 6 10 12 15 20 30 4.0 6.4 7.6 9.2 11.7 16.1 2,496 2,396 2,348 2,280 2,176 1,993 5.7 9.1 10.7 12.9 16.5 22.6 857 822 806 782 747 684 5.9 9.5 11.1 13.5 17.2 23.7 743 713 699 679 648 593 11.0 17.6 20.7 25.2 32.0 44.0 118 113 111 108 103 94 SMALL DIAMETER FREE-FLOW ™ WELL SCREENS Waterwell and Environmental - W60 Construction - 304 and 316 Stainless Steel OD in Clear ID in Wire Width in 1-1/4 1.7 1.1 0.060 1.8 1000 4200 2100 3100 2P ** 2.5 1.9 0.060 1.9 1000 2000 1000 1500 2P/3T 2.6 2.0 0.060 2.2 1000 3400 1700 2600 2.5P 3.0 2.4 0.060 2.6 1000 4200 2100 3100 3P ** 3.6 2.9 0.060 2.9 1000 4200 2100 3100 3P/4T 3.7 3.1 0.060 3.0 1000 4200 2100 3100 4P ** 4.6 4.0 0.060 3.7 600 4800 2400 3700 4P/5T 4.7 4.1 0.060 3.8 600 4800 2400 3700 5P/6T 5.6 5.0 0.060 4.5 400 5600 2800 4200 Size Screen Max Wt/Ft* Depth lbs ft Tensile Recom. Column Strength Hang Wt. Strength lbs (1) lbs (2) lbs (3) 7 6.9 5,901 9.7 2,094 10.1 1,883 11.9 1,164 14.0 713 14.5 635 17.9 340 18.6 307 22.1 182 Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (4) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 10 12 20 30 40 50 9.4 10.9 16.4 21.9 26.2 29.8 5,648 5,491 4,942 4,393 3,954 3,594 13.3 15.5 23.3 31.0 37.2 42.3 2,004 1,948 1,754 1,559 1,403 1,275 13.8 16.1 24.1 32.2 38.6 43.9 1,802 1,752 1,577 1,402 1,262 1,147 16.2 18.9 28.4 37.8 45.4 51.6 1,114 1,083 975 867 780 709 19.1 22.3 33.5 44.6 53.5 60.8 682 663 597 531 478 434 19.9 23.2 34.8 46.4 55.6 63.2 608 591 532 473 426 387 24.5 28.6 42.9 57.2 68.6 78.0 326 317 285 253 228 207 25.4 29.6 44.4 59.2 71.0 80.7 294 286 257 229 206 187 30.2 35.2 52.9 70.5 84.6 96.1 174 170 153 136 122 111 Waterwell and Environmental - W90 Construction - 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Size OD in Clear ID in Wire Width in Screen Max Wt/Ft* Depth lbs ft Tensile Recom. Column Strength Hang Wt. Strength lbs (1) lbs(2) lbs (3) 1-1/4 1.7 1.1 0.089 1.5 600 4200 2100 3100 2P ** 2.4 1.9 0.089 1.5 600 2000 1000 1500 2P/3T 2.5 2.0 0.089 1.7 600 3400 1700 2600 2.5P 3.0 2.4 0.089 2.1 600 4200 2100 3100 3P ** 3.5 2.9 0.089 2.3 600 4200 2100 3100 3P/4T 3.7 3.1 0.089 2.4 600 4200 2100 3100 4P ** 4.5 4.0 0.089 2.9 250 4800 2400 3700 4P/5T 4.7 4.1 0.089 3.0 250 4800 2400 3700 5P/6T 5.6 5.0 0.089 3.5 100 5600 2800 4200 *Weight based on 10-slot construction (no fittings) (1) Tensile and Column Strength includes 30% safety factor. (2) Hang weight is 50% of calculated tensile strength. (3) Column strength is based on 5-ft screen barrel length. (4) Calculated collapse values - No safety factor. Transmitting Capacity in gpm/ft-screen = Open Area x 0.31 (assumes entrance velocity = 0.1 ft/sec.) **Alternate Construction for Environmental Applications P - Pipe Size T - Telescope 7 4.6 2,343 6.6 817 6.9 724 8.1 443 9.6 269 10.0 239 12.4 127 12.8 114 15.3 67 Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (4) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 10 12 20 30 40 6.4 7.6 11.7 16.1 19.8 2,272 2,227 2,063 1,890 1,743 9.2 10.8 16.7 22.9 28.2 792 776 719 659 608 9.6 11.2 17.4 23.9 29.3 702 688 637 584 538 11.3 13.3 20.5 28.1 34.6 429 421 390 357 330 13.3 15.7 24.2 33.3 40.9 261 255 237 217 200 13.9 16.3 25.2 34.6 42.6 232 227 211 193 178 17.1 20.2 31.1 42.8 52.6 123 121 112 102 94 17.7 20.9 32.2 44.3 54.5 111 109 101 92 85 21.2 24.9 38.5 52.8 65.0 65 64 59 54 50 50 22.9 1,618 32.7 564 34.0 500 40.1 306 47.5 186 49.4 165 61.0 88 63.2 79 75.4 47 Telescope size screens (left) install through the casing and usually have a Figure K packer as upper fitting. Pipe size screens (right) usually have weld rings at each end and attach directly to the casing. 5 SMALL DIAMETER HICAP-G ™ WELL SCREENS (GLCS) Waterwell and Environmental - Heavy - 1000 Foot Construction - Galvanized Low Carbon Steel Clear Wire Screen Max ID Width Wt/Ft* Depth in in lbs ft Tensile Recom. Strength Hang Wt. lbs lbs(2) Column Strength lbs (1) Size OD in 1-1/4P 1.8 1.0 0.089 2.4 1500 4800 2400 5500 2P/3T 2.7 2.0 0.089 3.0 1500 4000 2000 5100 3P/4T 3.8 3.0 0.089 4.2 1500 4800 2400 6400 4P/5T 4.8 4.0 0.089 5.2 1000 5800 2900 7700 5P/6T 5.7 4.8 0.089 6.2 1000 6600 3300 8900 Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (3) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 7 12 20 30 40 50 4.9 8.1 12.5 17.1 21.1 24.5 15,298 14,540 13,473 12,341 11,384 10,565 7.3 11.8 18.3 25.1 30.9 35.8 4,746 4,511 4,180 3,829 3,532 3,278 10.3 16.8 25.9 35.6 43.8 50.9 1,679 1,596 1,478 1,354 1,249 1,159 13.1 21.4 33.0 45.3 55.8 64.7 821 781 723 663 611 567 15.6 25.4 39.2 53.9 66.3 76.9 517 491 455 417 384 357 *Weight based on 10-slot construction (no fittings) (1) Tensile & Column Strength includes 30% safety factor. (2) Hang Weight is 50% of Calculated Tensile Strength (3) Calculated collapse values - No safety factor Transmitting Capacity in gpm/ft-screen = Open Area x 0.31 (assumes entrance velocity = 0.1 ft/sec.) P - Pipe Size T - Telescope Size Finishing a Screen 6 SMALL DIAMETER HICAP™ WELL SCREENS (LOW CARBON STEEL) Waterwell and Environmental - Standard - Low Carbon Steel Clear Wire Screen Max ID Width Wt/Ft* Depth in in lbs ft Tensile Recom. Strength Hang Wt. lbs lbs(2) Column Strength lbs (1) Size OD in 1-1/4P 1.7 1.0 0.060 1.5 1000 3000 1500 2900 2P/3T 2.6 2.0 0.060 2.2 1000 5000 2500 5100 3P/4T 3.7 3.0 0.060 3.3 1000 6000 3000 6400 4P/5T 4.7 4.0 0.060 3.8 600 7000 3500 7700 5P/6T 5.6 4.9 0.060 4.5 250 8000 4000 8900 Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (3) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 7 12 20 30 40 50 6.5 10.4 15.7 20.9 25.1 28.5 7,146 6,650 5,985 5,320 4,788 4,353 10.2 16.3 24.5 32.7 39.2 44.6 1,902 1,770 1,593 1,416 1,274 1,158 14.7 23.5 35.2 47.0 56.4 64.1 645 601 641 481 432 393 18.7 29.8 44.7 59.6 71.5 81.2 319 297 267 237 213 194 22.2 35.4 53.1 70.7 84.9 96.5 191 177 160 142 128 116 Waterwell and Environmental - Heavy - 1000 Foot Construction - Low Carbon Steel Clear Wire Screen Max ID Width Wt/Ft* Depth in in lbs ft Tensile Recom. Strength Hang Wt. lbs lbs(2) Column Strength lbs (1) Size OD in 1-1/4P 1.7 1.0 0.089 2.4 1500 4800 2400 5500 2P/3T 2.7 2.0 0.089 3.0 1500 4800 2000 5100 3P/4T 3.8 3.0 0.089 4.2 1500 4800 2400 6400 4P/5T 4.8 4.0 0.089 5.2 1000 5800 2900 7700 5P/6T 5.7 4.8 0.089 6.2 1000 6600 3300 8900 Open Area - / ft-screen Collapse Strength - PSI (3) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 7 12 20 30 40 50 4.9 8.1 12.5 17.1 21.1 24.5 15,298 14,540 13,473 12,341 11,384 10,565 7.3 11.8 18.3 25.1 30.9 35.8 4,746 4,511 4,180 3,829 3,532 3,278 10.3 16.8 25.9 35.6 43.8 50.9 1,679 1,596 1,478 1,354 1,249 1,159 13.1 21.4 33.0 45.3 55.8 64.7 821 781 723 663 611 567 15.6 25.4 39.2 53.9 66.3 76.9 517 491 455 417 384 357 *Weight based on 10-slot construction (no fittings) (1) Column strength is based on 5-ft screen barrel length. (2) Hang Weight is 50% of Calculated Tensile Strength. (3) Calculated collapse values - No safety factor Transmitting Capacity in gpm/ft-screen = Open Area x 0.31 (assumes entrance velocity = 0.1 ft/sec.) P - Pipe Size T - Telescope Size 7 F R E E - F L O W ™ 3 0 4 S TA I N L E S S S T E E L S C R E E N Large Diameter FREE FLOWTM Size 6" P 8" T 8" P 10" T 10" P 12" T 12" P 14" T 14" P / 16"T 16" P / 18"T 18" P / 20" T 20" P 24" T 24" P / 26"T 26" P 30" T 30" P/ 36"T 36" P Max Depth Ft OD in 100 250 600 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 600 1000 600 1000 250 600 1000 250 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 600 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.8 7.6 7.6 8.7 8.8 9.5 9.6 10.8 10.8 11.3 11.4 12.8 12.8 12.9 12.5 12.6 12.6 14.0 14.1 14.1 16.1 16.1 16.2 16.3 17.8 17.9 18.1 18.1 19.9 20.0 20.1 20.1 21.9 21.9 22.1 22.2 24.1 24.3 24.4 25.7 25.8 26.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 29.6 29.7 29.9 35.7 35.9 ID in 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 6.8 6.8 7.9 7.9 8.7 8.7 9.9 9.9 10.4 10.4 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.6 11.6 11.6 13.1 13.1 13.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.7 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 22.8 22.8 22.8 24.4 24.4 24.4 25.7 25.7 25.7 28.3 28.3 28.3 34.3 34.3 Weight lbs/ft (1) 4.4 4.8 6.0 7.7 7.0 8.9 7.9 10.1 8.9 11.3 12.6 18.8 13.6 20.1 14.7 22.0 22.0 14.4 20.8 20.8 15.5 23.5 23.5 17.8 25.5 26.9 33.8 19.3 29.4 29.4 36.5 21.8 33.0 33.0 41.3 36.5 36.5 36.5 66.6 38.3 38.3 68.9 40.8 40.8 73.5 42.6 42.6 76.6 47.1 47.1 84.8 68.8 101.1 Recom. Collapse Hang Wt PSI (2) (1) 4300 4300 8800 8800 11000 11000 12100 12100 14300 14300 15400 15400 17600 17600 17600 17600 17600 14300 14300 14300 17000 17000 17000 19200 19200 19200 36000 19800 19800 19800 37000 23100 23100 23100 43300 26400 26400 26400 49400 22000 22000 41200 23600 23600 44300 23600 23600 44300 27500 27500 51500 31900 59800 82 185 184 683 129 480 85 319 65 244 171 479 147 413 103 290 290 110 310 310 78 222 222 52 147 147 147 38 109 109 106 27 78 78 77 59 59 59 146 45 45 110 37 37 91 32 32 78 24 24 60 15 34 Intake Area (3) - sq. in. / ft-screen Screen slot size in thousandths of an inch 10 36 20 20 16 23 18 26 21 28 23 25 26 27 27 30 30 29 29 30 28 33 33 32 38 38 36 40 42 40 45 45 47 47 50 50 52 49 55 42 54 60 46 58 64 49 61 67 52 66 74 56 89 68 15 50 29 29 23 33 26 37 30 41 33 37 37 39 39 44 44 42 43 43 41 48 48 46 55 55 53 59 61 59 65 65 68 68 73 72 75 72 79 61 79 87 67 84 93 72 88 98 75 97 107 82 129 99 20 63 37 37 30 42 34 48 39 53 42 48 48 50 51 57 57 55 55 56 53 62 62 60 71 72 69 76 79 76 84 84 88 88 94 94 97 93 103 80 102 113 87 109 120 93 115 126 98 125 138 107 166 129 25 74 45 45 36 51 41 58 47 64 52 58 58 61 61 69 69 66 67 68 65 75 76 73 87 87 83 92 96 92 102 102 107 107 114 114 118 113 124 97 124 137 107 132 146 114 139 153 120 152 168 131 202 157 30 84 52 52 43 59 48 67 55 74 60 68 68 71 72 80 81 78 79 79 76 88 88 85 101 101 97 107 112 108 119 119 125 125 132 132 137 132 145 114 145 159 125 155 170 134 163 179 140 178 195 154 235 184 40 100 65 65 54 73 61 84 69 92 76 86 86 90 90 101 102 98 99 100 96 111 112 107 128 128 123 135 141 136 150 150 158 158 167 167 174 167 183 145 184 201 160 196 214 170 206 225 179 225 246 196 296 235 50 114 76 76 64 86 72 99 82 108 90 102 102 107 107 120 121 117 118 118 114 132 133 128 151 152 147 160 168 162 177 177 187 188 198 198 206 199 217 174 218 238 191 233 254 204 245 267 215 268 292 235 351 282 60 125 86 86 73 97 82 112 94 122 103 116 117 122 123 138 138 134 135 135 131 151 151 146 173 174 168 183 192 186 202 202 214 215 225 225 236 227 247 201 250 272 220 267 289 235 281 304 247 307 333 270 400 325 80 143 103 103 89 116 100 134 115 146 125 141 142 149 149 167 168 163 164 165 160 184 184 179 211 212 205 222 234 227 245 245 261 261 273 273 287 278 300 248 305 329 272 326 351 290 343 369 305 375 404 334 485 401 100 157 117 117 102 132 115 152 132 166 144 162 163 171 172 193 194 188 188 189 184 211 212 206 242 243 236 254 269 262 281 281 300 301 314 313 330 320 344 288 352 378 317 375 402 338 395 423 355 432 463 388 556 466 (1) Based on .030" Slot Size (Collapse values contain NO safety factor.) (2) Recommended Hang Weight is 50% of the Calculated Tensile Strength (3) Transmitting Capacity (GPM/ft) = Open area ( x 0.31 Screens are available in up to 40-foot lengths of continuously wrapped screen with no mid-weld. 316 stainless steel technical information is available on request. P- Pipe Size T -Telescope Size 8 HI-FLOW ™ (HI-Q) – 304 STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN Large Diameter HI-FLOWTM Size 6" P 8" T 8" P 10" T 10" P 12" T 12" P 14" T 4" P / 16"T 16" P / 18"T 18" P / 20"T 20" P 24" T 24" P / 26"T 26" P 30" T 30" P / 36"T 36" P Max Depth Ft OD in ID in Weight lbs/ft (1) Recom. Hang Wt lbs (2) Collapse PSI (1) 100 250 1000 250 600 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 100 600 1000 600 1000 250 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 1000 100 250 600 6.6 6.7 6.7 7.5 7.5 7.6 8.7 8.8 9.5 9.6 10.8 11.0 11.3 11.5 12.8 13.0 12.5 12.7 14.0 14.2 16.1 16.3 16.3 18.0 18.1 20.1 20.1 20.2 22.0 22.1 22.2 24.2 24.3 24.4 25.8 25.8 26.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 29.7 29.7 29.9 35.7 35.9 35.9 6.0 6.0 5.9 6.8 6.8 6.8 7.9 7.9 8.7 8.7 9.9 9.9 10.4 10.4 11.8 11.8 11.6 11.6 13.1 13.1 15.1 15.1 15.0 16.8 16.7 18.8 18.8 18.7 20.7 20.7 20.6 22.8 22.8 22.8 24.4 24.4 24.4 25.7 25.7 25.7 28.3 28.3 28.3 34.3 34.3 34.3 4.4 6.3 7.5 6.6 8.7 10.4 9.8 11.8 11.0 13.1 14.6 21.2 15.7 22.7 17.2 24.9 16.0 23.6 18.2 26.7 20.8 30.5 39.4 33.4 42.7 37.5 40.1 53.6 41.4 44.2 66.6 43.7 46.8 68.9 46.6 49.9 73.5 48.7 52.2 76.6 53.7 57.5 84.8 68.8 89.5 101.1 4300 4300 8800 11000 11000 11000 12100 12100 14300 14300 15400 15400 17600 17600 17600 17600 14300 14300 17000 17000 19200 19200 36000 19800 37100 23100 23100 43300 26400 26400 49400 22000 22000 41200 23600 23600 44300 23600 23600 44300 27500 27500 51500 31900 59800 59800 82 242 243 57 170 170 112 232 86 177 124 336 107 289 75 204 80 217 57 155 37 103 162 76 120 55 86 126 42 66 146 31 49 110 26 41 91 22 35 78 17 27 60 15 23 34 10 36 25 25 40 29 35 33 41 36 45 Intake Area (3) - / ft-screen Screen slot size in thousandths of an inch 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 50 63 74 83 100 114 125 143 36 46 55 64 78 91 102 119 36 46 55 63 78 91 101 119 57 71 83 94 113 129 141 162 41 52 62 72 88 102 114 134 50 63 75 85 104 119 132 152 47 60 71 82 101 117 131 154 58 72 86 98 119 136 151 175 51 65 78 90 111 128 144 169 63 79 94 107 130 149 165 191 100 156 133 133 177 150 168 172 193 189 211 50 29 53 31 59 35 58 34 65 38 75 44 40 48 45 54 50 54 59 55 42 65 60 46 69 64 49 73 67 52 80 74 56 89 97 68 71 43 75 45 84 50 82 49 92 55 106 63 59 70 65 78 73 79 86 79 61 94 87 67 100 93 72 106 98 75 116 107 82 129 140 99 238 179 250 189 282 212 275 208 308 232 354 266 254 295 281 329 314 331 360 344 288 396 378 317 422 402 338 444 423 355 486 463 388 556 588 466 89 55 94 58 106 65 104 64 116 71 133 82 76 90 84 101 94 101 110 103 80 121 113 87 129 120 93 136 126 98 149 138 107 166 180 129 106 67 111 70 125 79 123 77 137 86 158 99 92 109 102 122 114 123 134 124 97 147 137 107 157 146 114 165 153 120 180 168 131 202 218 157 121 77 127 81 143 91 140 90 157 100 180 115 107 127 119 142 132 143 155 145 114 171 159 125 182 170 134 192 179 140 210 195 154 235 253 184 146 97 154 102 174 115 170 112 190 126 218 144 135 159 150 178 167 179 195 183 145 214 201 160 228 214 170 240 225 179 263 246 196 296 318 235 168 115 177 120 199 136 195 133 218 148 250 170 160 188 177 210 198 211 230 217 174 253 238 191 270 254 204 284 267 215 310 292 235 351 375 282 186 130 196 137 221 154 216 151 242 169 278 193 183 214 202 239 225 240 262 247 201 288 272 220 307 289 235 323 304 247 353 333 270 400 427 325 215 157 226 165 255 186 250 182 279 204 321 233 222 258 245 288 273 290 316 300 248 347 329 272 370 351 290 389 369 305 426 404 334 485 515 401 (1) Based on .030" Slot Size. (Collapse values contain no safety factor) (2) Recommended Hang Weight is 50% of the Calculated Tensile Strength. (3) Transmitting Capacity (GPM/ ft) = Open area ( x 0.31 316 stainless steel screen technical information is available on request. Screens available in 40’ lengths of continuously wrapped screen with no mid-weld. P - Pipe Size T - Telescope Size 9 HICAP-G ™ LOW CARBON STEEL GALVANIZED SCREENS Large Diameter HICAP-GTM Size 6" P 8" T 8" P 10" T 10" P 12" T 12"P 14" T 14" P/16" T 16" P/18" T 18" P/20" T 20" P 24" T 24" P/26" T 26" P 30" T 30” T 30” P/36” T Max Depth Ft OD in 250 1000 600 1000 250 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 600 1000 100 600 1000 100 600 1000 100 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 600 1000 100 600 1000 100 600 100 600 250 250 250 250 6.6 6.7 7.5 7.7 8.7 8.7 8.9 9.5 9.6 9.7 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.3 11.3 11.5 12.7 12.8 13.1 12.4 12.5 12.8 14.0 14.1 14.3 16.0 16.2 16.2 17.8 18.0 18.1 20.0 20.2 21.8 22.0 24.1 25.9 27.3 29.8 ID in 6.0 5.9 6.7 6.7 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.6 8.6 8.6 9.8 9.8 9.8 10.4 10.4 10.3 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.6 11.6 11.5 13.0 13.0 12.9 15.0 15.0 14.8 16.7 16.7 16.7 18.7 18.7 20.7 20.7 22.8 24.4 25.7 28.2 Open Area (3) - / ft-screen Weight lbs / ft (1) Recom. Hang Wt lbs / (2) Collapse PSI (1) 5.0 7.9 9.2 16.6 10.4 14.9 18.8 11.7 16.6 21.1 13.0 18.5 23.3 14.1 19.9 25.4 15.2 21.7 34.3 14.0 20.3 31.7 23.1 30.6 36.1 26.4 35.1 40.9 28.8 38.4 44.7 32.5 43.1 35.9 47.6 50.1 61.0 63.5 70.4 5000 9600 12000 24000 13200 13200 26400 15600 15600 31200 16800 16800 33600 19200 19200 38400 19200 19200 38400 15600 15600 31200 18600 18600 37200 21000 21000 42100 21600 21600 43300 25300 25300 28900 28900 24100 51700 51700 60100 125 256 179 519 118 359 341 90 275 266 63 193 186 54 166 166 38 116 321 40 124 342 88 253 246 58 168 169 43 124 121 31 89 23 68 51 41 35 27 10 Screen slot size in thousandths of an inch 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 28 25 29 20 33 22 23 36 24 25 41 27 28 43 29 29 48 32 25 47 32 25 35 27 28 40 31 31 45 35 35 51 39 55 43 47 50 53 58 39 36 41 28 47 32 33 52 35 36 58 40 40 61 41 42 69 47 37 67 46 36 51 40 40 59 46 46 65 51 51 73 57 80 62 68 73 77 84 139 133 150 122 173 137 140 189 151 153 213 170 172 225 178 181 253 202 173 247 197 169 221 186 189 252 214 214 281 238 239 315 267 344 291 319 342 361 394 (1) Based on .030" Slot Size (Collapse values contain NO safety factor.) (2) Recommended Hang Weight is 50% of the Calculated Tensile Strength. (3) Transmitting Capacity (GPM/ft) = Open area ( x 0.31 Screens are available in up to 40-foot lengths of continuously wrapped screen with no mid-weld. 10 50 46 52 37 60 41 42 66 46 46 74 51 52 78 54 55 88 61 48 86 59 47 66 52 53 76 60 60 84 66 67 95 74 103 81 89 95 100 110 59 55 62 44 72 50 51 79 55 56 88 62 63 93 65 66 105 74 59 102 72 57 80 63 64 92 73 73 102 81 81 115 91 125 99 108 116 122 134 68 64 72 52 82 58 60 90 64 65 102 72 73 107 76 77 121 86 69 118 84 67 94 74 75 107 85 85 119 95 95 134 106 146 116 127 136 144 157 83 78 88 65 101 73 75 111 81 82 125 91 92 132 95 97 148 108 88 145 105 86 118 94 96 135 109 109 150 121 121 168 135 184 147 161 173 183 200 96 91 102 77 117 87 89 129 96 97 145 108 109 153 113 115 172 128 105 168 125 103 140 113 115 159 130 130 177 144 145 199 162 217 176 193 208 219 239 107 102 114 88 131 99 101 144 109 110 162 123 124 171 128 131 193 145 121 188 142 118 159 130 132 182 149 149 202 166 167 227 186 248 203 222 239 252 275 125 119 134 106 154 120 123 169 132 134 191 149 150 202 156 158 227 176 149 221 172 146 193 160 163 220 184 184 245 205 206 275 230 300 250 274 295 311 339 HICAP™ LOW CARBON STEEL SCREENS Large Diameter HICAPTM Size 6" P 8" T 8" P 10" T 10" P 12" T 12" P 14" T 14" P/ 16"T 16" P/ 18"T 18" P/ 20" T 20" P 24" T 24" P/ 26"T 26" P 30" T 30" P/ 36"T 36" P Max Depth Ft 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 250 1000 600 1000 600 1000 250 1000 250 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 600 1000 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 100 250 600 1000 250 600 100 250 600 OD in ID in 6.7 6.8 7.5 7.6 8.7 8.8 9.5 9.5 10.8 10.9 11.3 11.4 12.8 12.9 12.5 12.6 12.7 14.0 14.1 14.2 15.9 16.0 16.1 17.9 18.0 18.1 19.9 20.0 20.0 20.2 21.8 21.9 22.0 22.1 24.2 24.3 24.3 24.4 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.0 27.1 27.3 27.3 27.4 29.8 29.9 35.8 35.9 35.9 6.0 5.9 6.7 6.7 7.9 7.9 8.7 8.6 9.8 9.9 10.4 10.4 11.8 11.1 11.5 11.5 11.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.8 14.8 14.8 16.7 16.7 16.7 18.7 28.7 28.7 18.7 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 28.2 28.2 34.2 34.2 34.2 Weight lbs /ft (1) 6.3 12.2 8.7 14.3 9.8 16.2 11.0 18.1 20.1 24.3 21.8 26.1 23.5 28.4 21.6 26.4 29.4 24.1 30.1 33.3 28.0 34.1 37.8 37.4 41.5 46.1 34.6 42.1 46.7 51.8 38.5 46.7 51.7 57.3 51.6 57.1 63.2 74.5 55.1 61.0 67.1 79.6 57.3 63.5 70.3 83.0 70.4 91.7 83.9 92.8 109.4 Recom. Hang Wt lbs (2) 12900 14500 12900 18100 14100 20000 16700 23600 25400 25400 29000 29000 29000 29000 23600 23600 23600 28100 28100 28100 31700 31700 31700 32600 32600 32600 38100 38100 38100 38100 43500 43500 43500 43500 48100 48100 48100 48100 51700 51700 51700 51700 51700 51700 51700 51700 60100 60100 69800 69800 69800 Collapse PSI (1) 246 637 179 451 118 295 90 229 160 361 138 313 96 219 103 234 350 73 167 251 50 114 172 82 123 186 25 59 89 135 19 44 67 102 33 50 77 140 27 41 63 115 23 35 54 99 27 76 16 24 24 10 25 12 29 13 33 15 36 16 18 19 19 19 22 22 21 21 25 24 24 27 27 27 31 30 35 30 34 34 39 34 37 37 43 37 41 47 40 56 44 50 43 59 46 53 45 63 58 68 69 60 82 Open Area (3) - / ft-screen Screen slot size in thousandths of an inch 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 36 46 55 64 78 91 102 119 17 22 27 32 41 49 57 71 41 52 62 71 88 102 114 134 19 25 30 36 46 55 64 79 47 60 71 82 101 117 131 154 22 29 35 41 53 64 74 91 52 66 79 90 111 129 144 169 24 31 38 45 57 69 80 99 27 35 43 51 65 78 90 112 27 35 43 51 65 78 91 113 28 37 45 53 68 82 95 117 28 37 45 53 68 82 95 118 32 42 51 60 77 93 107 133 32 42 51 60 77 93 107 133 31 41 50 59 75 91 105 130 31 41 50 59 75 91 105 130 36 47 57 67 85 102 117 144 35 46 56 66 84 101 117 145 35 46 56 66 84 101 117 146 40 52 64 75 95 114 131 162 40 52 64 75 96 115 133 165 40 52 64 75 96 115 133 165 45 59 72 85 108 129 149 183 45 58 71 84 107 129 149 185 51 66 81 95 121 144 166 205 44 58 70 83 106 128 148 184 50 65 80 94 120 144 167 207 50 65 79 93 120 144 166 206 57 74 90 105 134 160 185 228 49 64 79 92 118 143 165 205 55 71 87 103 131 158 183 227 55 71 87 102 131 157 182 226 62 81 99 116 147 176 203 250 54 70 86 101 130 156 180 224 60 79 96 113 145 174 201 250 69 89 109 128 163 195 224 276 59 77 95 111 143 172 199 247 81 105 128 149 189 224 257 313 64 84 103 121 154 186 214 266 73 95 116 136 173 208 239 295 63 83 101 119 152 183 212 264 86 112 136 159 201 239 273 334 67 88 108 127 162 195 225 280 77 100 122 143 183 218 251 310 67 87 106 125 160 193 223 277 91 118 143 167 212 252 288 351 84 110 134 157 200 239 275 339 99 129 156 183 231 275 314 384 101 132 161 188 240 287 330 407 87 114 140 164 210 253 293 364 119 155 188 219 277 330 378 460 100 133 83 150 92 172 107 189 115 131 132 137 138 156 156 152 152 168 170 170 188 193 193 213 216 238 215 242 242 264 240 265 264 291 263 292 321 289 361 312 342 309 384 327 360 324 405 394 442 473 426 530 (1) Based on .030" Slot Size (Collapse values contain no safety factor. ) (2) Recommended Hang Weight is 50% of the Calculated Tensile Strength (3) Transmitting Capacity (GPM/ft) = Open area ( x 0.31. Screens are available in up to 40-foot lengths of continuously wrapped screen with no mid-weld. P - Pipe T - Telescope 11 E X A C T - PA K ™ A N D M U N I - PA K ™ S C R E E N S Exact-Pak™ Muni-Pak™ (Patent Pending) Large diameter water wells are frequently gravelpacked to provide downhole sand control. This function can now be accomplished with Johnson prepacked screens which have factory-installed pack material in the annulus between an outer screen and an inner screen. This design allows closer contact between the inside of the screen and the aquifer which can improve well development, efficiency, placement time and lower cost. Exact-pak pipe-based screens and Muni-Pak rod-based screens provide the following features: Carbolite packed screens help minimize biofilm accumulation. Uniformity • Excellent sphericity and roundness of carbolite increases hydraulic conductivity adjacent to the well screen resulting in increased well efficiency and reduced pumping costs. Consistent Fill • Industrial vibrating systems used to pack these screens prevent internal filter media bridging and ensure an even, consistent fill and compaction 12 Special Lengths • Muni-Pak screens are available in up to 40-foot lengths of continuously wrapped screen with no mid-weld High Strength • Exact-Pak screens are constructed on single or double-random-length perforated pipe for added strength Custom Applications • Multiple wire-size and filter-media options are available for customized applications Lower Over All Cost • Prepack design enables installation in smaller diameter boreholes, resulting in cost savings in drilling and cementing Faster Completions • The screens eliminate the need for gravelhandling or specialized equipment E X A C T - PA K ™ A N D M U N I - PA K ™ S C R E E N S E x a c t - P a k TM S c r e e n s Size in Pipe ID in Holes per Foot Hole Size in Open Are of Holes in2/ft 2x4 3x5 4x6 5x7 6x8 8 x 10 10 x 12 12 x 15 14 x 16 16 x 18 18 x 20 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.9 10.0 12.0 13.2 15.2 17.2 84 108 168 180 204 240 288 336 360 384 432 0.375 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 9.28 11.93 32.97 35.33 40.04 47.10 56.52 65.94 70.65 75.36 84.79 Inner Screen Open Area Outer Screen Open Area Approx Media Approx in2/ft in2/ft Screen Annular Screen Screen Slot size in Screen Slot size in OD Thickness thousandths of an inch thousandths of an inch Weight in lbs/ft in 10 25 50 10 25 50 4.5 0.776 12 25 41 21 45 72 21 5.7 0.781 16 35 57 27 56 89 31 6.7 0.774 21 44 71 25 55 91 36 7.7 0.774 23 49 79 28 60 98 42 8.7 0.774 30 63 102 34 73 121 58 10.8 0.774 38 81 131 41 90 148 84 12.8 0.774 47 101 162 43 95 160 111 15.0 0.774 55 118 191 40 90 155 135 16.0 0.774 60 130 210 43 97 168 155 18.0 0.774 69 147 238 41 94 166 178 20.0 0.774 86 183 296 50 115 202 200 Muni-PakTM Screens Size* in Media Approx Approx Annular Screen Screen Thickness ID OD in in in Inner Screen Open Area (in2/ft) Outer Screen Open Area (in2/ft) Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch Screen Slot Size in thousandths of an inch 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 Approx Screen Weight lbs/ft 2x4 2.2 4.5 0.848 13 23 31 38 43 22 39 53 64 74 17 3x5 3.0 5.7 0.967 18 31 42 51 59 27 47 64 77 88 23 4x6 4.0 6.7 0.936 22 39 53 64 74 25 45 62 77 89 25 5x7 5.0 7.7 0.874 27 47 64 77 86 28 51 71 87 101 27 6x8 6.0 8.7 0.844 25 45 62 77 89 33 59 81 100 116 35 8 x 10 8.0 10.8 0.839 33 59 81 100 116 41 74 101 125 145 55 10 x 12 10.0 12.8 0.839 41 74 101 125 145 42 77 107 133 155 70 12 x 15 12.0 15.0 0.839 42 77 107 133 155 39 73 102 129 153 85 14 x 16 13.2 16.0 0.693 46 84 117 146 170 42 78 110 138 163 100 16 x 18 15.2 18.0 0.693 42 78 110 138 163 47 88 123 155 183 115 18 x 20 17.0 20.0 0.783 47 88 123 155 183 52 97 137 172 204 128 *Other sizes available on request. Deep well construction Specifications available on request. Muni-PakTM Screens Size in Collapse psi Tensile lbs 2x4 3x5 4x6 5x7 6x8 8 x 10 10 x 12 12 x 15 14 x 16 16 x 18 18 x 20 16,506 5,652 2,830 1,552 990 1,165 634 886 1,116 765 544 18,800 21,400 25,700 28,300 33,200 67,500 81,600 127,900 127,900 135,400 143,000 13 JOHNSON® PIPE-BASED SCREENS Pipe-based well screen combines the hydraulic efficiency of wire-wound screens with the great strength of pipe. Because of the strength of the pipe liner, the wrap wires can be smaller, which produces greater open area. The longitudinal support rods on the screen jacket create channels which direct incoming flow to the nearest pipe perforation. Screen and pipe are welded to make a rugged, reliable unit suitable for deep vertical wells as well as horizontal remediation and supply wells. Water Well - Pipe Based Stainless Steel Size in 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 7.625 8 9.625 10 12 14 16 18 14 Pipe OD in 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 5.563 6.625 7.000 7.625 8.625 9.625 10.750 12.750 14.000 16.000 18.000 Holes Per Foot 72 84 96 108 144 180 204 192 216 240 252 288 336 360 384 432 Hole Size in 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Hole Open Area per foot in2 7.9 9.3 10.6 11.9 28.3 35.3 40.0 37.7 42.4 47.1 49.5 56.5 65.9 70.7 75.4 84.8 Screen OD in 2.4 2.9 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.1 7.1 7.5 8.1 9.1 10.1 11.3 13.3 14.5 16.5 18.5 Open Area - / ft. - screen Screen slot size in thousandths of an inch 10 7 9 11 14 18 22 26 28 30 34 38 43 51 56 63 71 20 14 17 21 25 32 40 48 50 55 62 69 77 92 101 115 129 40 23 29 35 42 54 67 80 84 92 104 116 130 154 169 193 217 60 30 37 45 55 70 87 103 109 119 135 150 168 199 218 250 281 100 39 48 59 71 92 113 135 143 155 176 196 219 260 285 326 367 CASINGS 304 Stainless Steel Casing Nom Diam 1"PS Sch OD ID Wt per ft Collapse PSI Nom Diam Sch OD ID Wt per ft Collapse PSI 5 10 1.315 1.185 1.097 0.88 1.42 2445 4795 1"PS 40 1.315 1.049 1.68 6127 1.049 1.70 6122 1.530 1.12 1362 1.442 1.82 3271 1-1/4"PS 40 1.660 1.380 2.27 4743 1.380 2.29 4736 1.770 1.29 1074 1-1/2"PS 40 1.900 1.610 2.72 4185 10 1.682 2.10 2704 40 1.610 2.74 4177 2"PS 40 2.375 2.067 3.65 3219 3"PS 40 3.500 3.068 7.58 2983 4"PS 40 4.500 4.026 10.79 2316 5"PS 40 5.563 5.047 14.62 1869 6"PS 40 6.625 6.065 18.97 1585 8"PS 40 8.625 7.981 28.55 1259 10"PS 40 10.750 10.020 40.48 1045 12"PS Std 12.750 12.000 49.56 776 40 1-1/4"PS 5 1.660 10 40 1-1/2"PS 2"PS 3"PS 5 5 1.900 2.245 1.62 650 10 2.157 2.66 1824 40 2.067 3.69 3208 3.334 3.06 468 3.260 4.37 1050 3.068 7.65 2972 4.334 3.95 253 5 2.375 3.500 10 40 4"PS 5"PS 5 4.500 10 4.260 5.67 614 40 4.026 10.90 2303 5.345 6.41 295 2.295 7.84 486 5.047 14.75 1854 6.407 7.66 189 5 5.563 10 40 6"PS 8"PS 5 6.625 10 6.357 9.38 319 40 6.065 19.15 1570 8.329 13.53 210 7.981 28.82 1243 10.420 18.83 157 10.020 40.86 1030 12.390 24.39 126 12.000 50.03 762 10 8.625 40 10"PS 10 10.75 40 12"PS Low Carbon Steel Casings 10 40 12.75 15 FITTINGS Fig. K Wirelock Fittings Fig. TF Washdown Centralizer LXR Coupling Shale Trap Back Pressure Valves LXR Nipples Drive Point Wash Plugs Dielectric Coupling Flush Thread END FITTING OPTIONS •Flush Threads -Sch 40 -Sch 80 •NPT Thread • We l d R i n g •Plate Bottom •Threaded Point •Threaded Cap/Plug •Locking Cap •Beveled Ends Most well screen installations involve a few standard fitting combination. Telescope size screens, for example, typically use a Figure K packer on the screen top and a welded or threaded plate bottom. The plate usually has a welded bail attached to use when lowering the screen. Pipe size screens attach directly to the casing and usually have plate bottoms. A variety of other fittings such as centralizers, shale traps, washdown fittings and connecting fittings are stocked for quick delivery. 16 DIELECTRIC COUPLING Use dielectric couplings whenever dissimilar metals occur in water well systems or where an electrically insulated connection is required. AGRI-SCREEN™ Agri-Screen™ by Johnson. The quality of a "V" shaped continuous slot Johnson screen is available to provide an irrigation farmer or a dewatering contractor the highest open area possible together with a high-strength product, at a price close to punched or louvered pipe • Agri-Screen™ is manufactured of low-carbon mild steel wire continuously wrapped around an array of support rods • Agri-Screen™ is available in 8", 10", 12" and 16" pipe size diameter (8" I.D., 10" I.D., 12" I.D. & 16" O.D.) • An optional O.D. collar is supplied on one end of the screen to provide easy welding of the product to other screens or pipe. It also serves as a quick adapter to plastic casing • Under normal circumstances, Agri-Screen™ can be successfully installed in wells as deep as 800 ft. For deeper wells, Agri-Screen™ Plus is available in 12" and 16" pipe size diameters (1) • Available in truck load quantities only (1) For wells deeper than 1500 ft. consult Johnson 17 F O R M AT F O R S P E C I F Y I N G J O H N S O N ® S C R E E N S SCREENS GENERAL: Well screens shall be of the continuous slot design to provide maximum open area to reduce entrance velocity, increase hydraulic efficiency and promote more effective development. The well screens shall be constructed of veeshaped trapezoidal wire continuously wrapped around an array of equally spaced support rods of the same material. Each junction of wire/rod contact shall be resistance welded. The screens and end fittings shall be made of _________(material). The well screens shall be manufactured by Johnson Screens, a Weatherford Company or approved equal. COLLAPSE STRENGTH: Well screens to be_____ inches in diameter, continuous slot wire-wrapped ________ (material), designed to withstand a minimum collapse pressure of ________ (psi) for a _________ (inch) slot opening. The surface wire shape shall cause the slot opening to widen inwardly to minimize clogging. Surface wrap-wire height shall be ________ (inch) to provide the desired collapse strength. The wrap-wire face width shall be of minimum dimension to provide ________ (%) open area at the anticipated ________ (inch) slot opening. TENSILE STRENGTH: The minimum screen tensile strength must exceed at least twice the total weight of the screen and any standard wall blank casing suspended below the top screen joint. The tensile strength shall be a minimum of ____________ pounds. (Tensile strength is total rod area times material yield strength). SCREEN CONFIGURATION: Screens shall be manufactured in various lengths complete with ________ (material) weld rings attached to each end. The weld rings shall be standard available lengths as requested by the contractor and approved by the engineer. MUNI-PAKTM GENERAL: Muni-Pak screens shall be of the continuous slot design to provide maximum open area to reduce entrance velocity, increase hydraulic efficiency and promote more effective development. Both the inner and outer screens shall be constructed of vee-shaped trapezoidal wire continuously wrapped around an array of equally spaced support rods of the same material. Each junction of wire/rod contact shall be resistance welded. The screens and end fittings shall be made of _________________ (material). The well screens shall be manufactured by Johnson Screens, a Weatherford Company or approved equal. DIAMETER: The Muni-Pak shall be _______ inch Pipe Size inner screen X _______ inch Pipe Size outer screen. COLLAPSE: The screen shall be manufactured with a wrap wire designed to yield a minimum collapse pressure of ___________ PSI at a design slot opening of ____________ inch. The wire shape shall cause the slot opening to widen inwardly to minimize clogging. OPEN AREA: The inner screen shall provide __________ of inlet area per foot of screen at the design slot size. The outer screen shall be of the same slot as the inner screen. The slot size and filter pack are to be selected on the basis of a Sieve analysis of the water bearing formation. FILTER PACK: The annulus between screens shall be filled with ceramic beads of uniform size and excellent sphericity. The pack size shall be _________ filter size. The pack material shall be installed and compacted by vibrating the unit in a vertical position, while being filled. The top and bottom filter seal plates shall be secured by welding. TENSILE STRENGTH: The minimum screen tensile strength must exceed 2 times the total Hang Weight of screen and blank casing below the top screen joint. The tensile strength shall be a minimum of ____________ pounds. (Tensile strength is total rod area times material yield strength). SCREEN CONFIGURATION: Screens shall be manufactured in various lengths with a maximum of 40 ft. length overall Screens shall be complete with _________ (material) end fittings attached to each end. Standard weld rings are 6 inches. Weld rings of longer lengths, or threaded fittings may be requested. Screen barrels shall be provided in standard ____________ (overall or full) lengths which ____________ (include or exclude) the weld ring lengths. Lengths and end fitting configuration to be requested, by the Contractor, and approved by the Engineer. SCREEN SUBMITTALS Upon request, the screen manufacturer shall provide a submittal and schematic drawing of the proposed screen design. The documents shall include the OD, ID, construction materials, slot size, approximate weight / ft; wrap wire width, wrap wire height, collapse strength, percent open area, inlet open area / ft, 18 transmitting capacity / ft, number of support rods, diameter of support rods; total cross sectional rod area, material yield strength, tensile strength, column load and recommended hang weight. GROUNDWATER & WELLS THIRD EDITION Groundwater & Wells Third Edition is an update of the classic 1986 Second Edition (by Driscoll). It focuses on the practical aspects of design, maintenance and drilling methods. Theoretical concepts are discussed but the emphasis is on useful everyday application. Topics include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Occurrence and movement of groundwater Groundwater exploration Borehole geophysics Practical water quality and geochemistry Water well drilling techniques Drilling fluids, under-balanced drilling Water well design, development and maintenance New borehole geophysical techniques Horizontal drilling Bacteria’s influence on well maintenance ASR wells (artificial storage and recharge) Well design associated with groundwater monitoring and remediation Use of pre-pack screens in water well completion. Specific chapters are written by groundwater professionals, and experienced Johnson Screens’ staff has integrated the content into a comprehensive discussion. The Third Edition is an excellent teaching tool, a valuable handbook for the water well professional and an invaluable reference for those concerned with groundwater protection and extraction. Groundwater & Wells Third Edition contains: • An information-packed DVD with: - Interactive programs (well-design and well maintenance) - Water well logging program (demonstration version) - Computer accessible appendices · Photographs · Examples · Charts · Tables · Discussions on a variety of design topics · Product literature • Field Guide to Water Well Logging • The Johnson Driller’s Journal - All issues printed between 1929 and 1984 in PDF format Price: $140 plus tax and shipping Inquire to: Smyth Company 508 10th St. NE Austin, MN 55912 (p) 507.433.8079 (p) 800.397.6110 (f) 507.433.1069 Order online at: A Weatherford Company MAKING WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT MORE EFFICIENT In addition to steel water well screens, Johnson Screens is also the industry leader in other water supply systems and treatment technologies. Johnson PVC screens and casings are widely used in water wells where conditions are less demanding and economy is a consideration. Products range from simple slotted pipe to engineered, wire-wound screens. Nu-Well™ Chemical products are widely used in the rehabilitation of water wells. These chemicals are specially formulated for safe transport, storage and use. Johnson's Revert® drilling fluid additive facilitates well construction by increasing penetration rates, providing more accurate samples and controlling difficult downhole conditions. Johnson surface water intake systems, with no moving parts and low intake velocity, offer high capacity, minimum environmental impact, long service life, lower operating costs and minimal maintenance requirements. Our modular designs adapt to all types of difficult site conditions. Flat panel screens are used for the protection of aquatic life. Their high open area allows laminar water flow preventing turbulence or high velocity zones. Smooth wire surfaces avoid fish injury and help Johnson screens meet all relevant federal environmental standards. Johnson® nozzles and header-lateral assemblies are used for even flow distribution and collection in water treatment systems. Their high open area and low entrance velocity maximize the efficiency of the filter media which increases productivity and lowers costs. Johnson screens in Triton™ underdrains provide direct retention of filter media, eliminating intermediate support gravel. Filter bed upset is prevented, space costs are reduced, backwash and filtration efficiency are enhanced and installation is made easier. screens TM A Weatherford Company United States Johnson Screens, Inc. P.O. Box 64118 St. Paul, MN 55164 800.VEE.WIRE phone 651.636.3900 phone 651.638.3171 fax Bakersfield Johnson Screens, Inc. 6022 State Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 661.393.7233 phone 661.322.6416 fax Houston Johnson Screens, Inc. 11939 AldineWestfield Houston, TX 77093 800.237.7593 phone 281.449.7024 fax Australia Johnson Filtration Systems Pty. Ltd. 88 Brickyard Road Geebung, Queensland 4034 Australia 61.7.3867.5555 phone (national) 61.7.3867.5555 phone (int’l) 61.7.3265.2768 fax (sales) France Johnson Filtration Systems S.A. Zone Industrielle 86530 Availles-en-Châtellerault France 33 (0) 5 49 02 16 00 phone 33 (0) 5 49 02 16 55 fax © 2004 Weatherford JS-BR5230-0204 Rights Reserved
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