The Czech Antarctic Station of Johann Gregor Mendel – from project
The Czech Antarctic Station of Johann Gregor Mendel – from project
The Czech Antarctic Station of Johann Gregor Mendel – from project to realization Brno, June 2006 1 Authors of text and graphic supplements Asst. Prof. Ing. Josef Elster, Institute of Botany, CAS Dr. Petr Mixa, Czech Geological Survey Prof. Dr. Pavel Prošek, Masaryk University Dipl. Ing. Alois Suchánek Mgr. Zdeněk Venera, Ph.D., Czech Geological Survey Mgr. Ondřej Vícha, Czech Ministry for Environmental Protection Authors of photographs Asst. Prof. Ing. Josef Elster, Institute of Botany, CAS Mgr. Kamil Láska, Ph.D., Masaryk University Dr. Petr Mixa, Czech Geological Survey Prof. Dr. Pavel Prošek, Masaryk University To obtain more detailed information turn please to belowe mentioned persons Building and technical solutions, infrastructure of the station: Dipl. Ing. Viktor Hybner – Dipl. Ing. Alois Suchánek –; Environmental protection: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ing. Josef Elster – Dr. Petr Mixa - Prof. Dr. Pavel Prošek – Dipl. Ing. Alois Suchánek –, Planned scientific program: GEOLOGY Dr. Petr Mixa – Martin Svojtka - Mgr. Zdeněk Venera, Ph.D. – GEOMORPHOLOGY Mgr. Zdeněk Máčka, Ph.D. – CLIMATOLOGY Mgr. Kamil Láska, Ph.D. – Prof. Dr. Pavel Prošek – CHEMISTRY AND GEOCHEMISTRY Dipl. Ing. Jiří Faimon, Ph.D. – Prof. Dr. Josef Havel – 2 BIOLOGY Asst. Prof. Ing. Miloš Bartak – Asst. Prof. Oleg Ditrich, Ph.D. - Asst. Prof. Dr. Ing. Josef Elster – Prof. Dr. Jiří Komárek – Acronyms AT ATCM BAS CADIC CEE CEP CMEYS COMNAP CR IAA IP JRI MEP CR NASCU PEP SCAR Antarctic Treaty Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting British Antarctic Survey Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation Committee for Environmental Protection Czech Ministry for Education Youth and Sports Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes Czech Republic Instituto Antártico Argentino Information paper James Ross Island Czech ministry for Environmental Protection National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research 3 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 11. 12. 13. 14. 14.1 14.2 14.3 15. 16. 17. 18. Foreword by the Ministr of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Introduction Johann Gregor Mendel Non technical summary Czech Antarctic legislation Context and reasons for the station’s construction, history of project Site on James Ross Island Description of the initial environmental reference state Geology and geomorphology Atmosphere Soil Water Flora Fauna Characteristic of construction site proper Brief description of the station design Accessibility of the construction site Assumed extent of the construction site, building up koncept, and structure of buildings Technical structure of the station Generation of energy Means of transportation Transport operation Waste and waste management plan Waste from the station’s construction Waste resulting from the station’s operation Waste water Course of building and technical operations, testing of technical systems Station environment potential from point of view of staff stay and actitivies Supply of the station Scientific program of the station 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 13 16 24 27 28 28 30 41 43 43 44 46 46 48 49 52 53 53 1. Foreword by the Ministr of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic 5 2. Introduction This document introduces the Czech scientific base in Antarctica and summarises its preparation and construction. This project was designed between the years 2000 and 2001 and constructed during southern summer seasons 2004/05 and 2005/06 in the northern part of James Ross Island (Ulu Peninsula). The geographic co-ordinates are: φ = 63o48´02.3´´ S, λ = 57o52´56.7´ W. Background work resulting in the Czech Antarctic Act (see Part 5) was in progress at the same time as the project development, preparatory construction and technical activities. The proposal for the construction of the base and consequent CEE was discussed at the CEP meetings during the years 2002 (Warsaw), 2003 (Madrid) and 2004 (Cape Town). It was defended at the following CEP meeting and immediately afterward, in the autumn of 2004, the transport of construction and technical materials to Punta Arenas in southern Chile began. Consequently, in austral summers 2004/05 and 2005/06 the base was constructed. It was finished in the latter part of February 2006. The base bears the name of the father of modern genetics who was also an 19th century meteorologist, Johann Gregor Mendel. The construction of the Czech scientific station has been part of our long-term foreign policy objective – to achieve consultative status in the Antarfctic Treaty system. The Czech Republic also intends to take an active part in the implementation of the relevant international instruments. In 2004 it ratified the PEP. As a result Czech representatives participate in the work of the CEP as its members since the VIII session of this important internatioínal body. This text presents the steps that lead to the choice of the location, the construction of an appropriate physical plant for the base and the solutions to various technical questions, and to an analysis of its potential impact on the environment and presumed scientific programme. At this point, we would like to thank the individuals and institutions that participated in the construction arrangements and the construction itself. Among the Czech are: Czech Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports Czech Ministry of Environmental Protection Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering Technical University Brno, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication PSG International Zlín; Investprojekt, ltd. Zlín; CZECH PAN, ltd. Varnsdorf; Ekololaris Kroměříž; ELMA-TERM, ltd. Kroměříž; AZ Klima, ltd. Brno; MG PLAST, ltd. Letovice; VLW, ltd. Zlín; Ct, ltd. Komárno; Marine equipment, ltd. N. Město nad Metují; CSM Tisovec; Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping, ltd. 6 3. Johann Gregor Mendel The new Czech station bears the name of Johann Gregor Mendel – the abbot of Augustinian Monastry in Brno. Fig. 1 – J. G. Mendel, the official abbatial portrait An Augustinian friar, Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) lived and worked from 1843 in Brno, in the Abbey of St Thomas, of which he became the abbot in 1867. At the beginning of the 19th century, Brno, capital of the province of Moravia - then a region of the AustrianHungarian empire - was a culturally active, multi-lingual city. Mendel, who took part in the social and cultural life of the town, gained titles such as that first of Vice-President, and then President of the local Mortgage Bank, the Hypotheque Bank. He was especially known for his activity as a teacher, for his interest in meteorology and in the breeding of bees. Brno was the centre of a major textile industry and the local economy was deeply rooted in agriculture, sheep-breeding (for wool production) and the cultivation of fruit trees and vines. The Abbey of St Thomas, like other religious institutions, received tithes from local farms. Abbot F. C. Napp had already established an experimental garden in the Abbey's grounds in 1830. Napp also supported Mendel in his full-time studies at Vienna University from 1851 to 1853. Under his leadership, rare Moravian plants were grown in the Abbey and a herbarium was founded. 7 J. G. Mendel was special interested in meteorology. He observed at the station in monastry and in St Anna Hospital between 1857 and 1883. As a member of Natural Science Section by Agricultural Society was J. G. Mendel deputed to process the results of meteorological observations and to describe the climatic conditions of the town Brno. Mendel's own systematic experiments on pea plants were started in 1856 in the Abbey's greenhouse. In 1865 Mendel presented his seminal paper on pea hybrids, Experiments in Plant Hybridization, and in 1866 this was published in the proceedings of the local Society for Natural Sciences. Yet, over fifty years later, the monk who experimented on pea hybrids was to be acclaimed as the father of classical genetics. The concepts he established in 1865 came to be known universally as Mendel's laws of heredity, and the man himself came to be regarded as the "father of genetics". 4. Non technical summary The objective of the Czech Republic to build a small, seasonal, research station in the Antarctic stems from experience gathered through activities of Czech scientists in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetlands, and from the need to establish a logistic background for development of complex and long-term research. The first site of the station was proposed at the Turret point, east part of King George Island (South shetlands). After comments on the first proposal of the station site presented at XXIV ATCM in St Petersburg, 2001, and based on two reconnaissance trips to the Antarctic Peninsula, South Shetlands, and South Orkneys, a new location was proposed at the northern coast of James Ross Island. This area was the destination of another reconnaissance journey in March 2004. The aims were as follows: 1. Selection of a suitable building site, 2. Evaluation of its suitability from the point of view of landing and disembarkation, construction of buildings with application of the design and technological solutions proposed for the former location (Turret Point), 3. Evaluation of the site from the point of view of possible disturbing the existing ecosystems with regard to minimization of this impact, 4. Identification of a suitable fresh water source, 5. Assessment of the site and the environs from the point of view of research potential corresponding to the existing scientific programme. Thanks to IAA colleagues and their close cooperation with the Czech party, 8 locations at the northern coast of JRI (Ulu Peninsula) in the section from the Lewis Hill to St Martha Cove were evaluated and as generally most suitable the site between Bibby Point (378 m a.s.l.) and Cape Lachmann (98 m a.s.l.) NW of Brandy Bay, under spot 64 m, was selected. Before the projection of the station the requiremets on possible environmental impacts by construction and operation of the station were defined: 1. The station construction and its foundation would not disturb significantly either the surface or subsoil or vegetation at the selected site, 2. Proposed energy generation and effort to use maximum of renewable energy resources (wind, solar energy) would minimize fuel combustion emissions to a level which should not significantly influence the station’s environs, 3. Discharge of non-toxic liquid waste to the sea would be directed to an area with sufficient flow, thus it is not supposed to increase singnificantly concentration of pollution along the coast, 4. Toxic and incombustible waste would be transported out the Antarctic area pursuant to Protocol, 8 5. Sources of acoustic emissions (diesel generators, waste incinerator, wind generators) would not be as considerable as to disturb significantly birds and mammals in the surroundings, 6. Continuous vegetation does not occur in the proximate surroundings of the selected site and thus it could not be affected by the station construction and operation, 7. In the vicinity of the selected site no bird-nesting areas or areas of large concentrations of pinnipeds exist, thus they could no be affected by the station construction and operation, 8. Occurrence of flora and fauna in the station environs would regularly monitored pursuant to PEP requirements. Results of the monitoring would be processed, interpreted and if necessary, measures for the station operation would be adopted. 5. Czech Antarctic legislation The Czech Antarctic Act significantly moved forward the approval process. It was proposed by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, passed by the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on 6 August 2003, and published in the Collection of Acts as Act No. 276/2003 on Antarctica and Amendment of Some Other Acts. The act came into effect 31 March 2005, and on the same day the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was published in the Collection of International Treaties as No. 42/2005. These were necessary prerequisites for the acceptance of the Czech Republic as a CEP member which took place at the ATCM meeting in Stockholm in June 2005. In compliance with the Antarctic Act, the Czech Committee of Antarctica was established in 2006. The committee is an interdepartmental body of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic on the issues concerning Antarctica. Its purpose is to: − Oversee the compliance with the international commitments of the Czech Republic concerning Antarctica, − Co-ordinate the activities of the Czech people and scientific programmes in Antarctica, − Respond to issues relative to Czech tourism in Antarctica, − Respond to applications for permission for activities in Antarctica, − Discuss work and information documents for the meetings of ATCM and CEP or other international bodies and organisations, − Follow the changes in international regulations on Antarctica and initiate their reflecting in intrastate regulations, − Propose candidates to MEP CR for the positions of observers, − Co-operate with similar institutions in the states of the Antarctic Treaty. 6. Context and reasons for the station’s construction, history of project The CR has become an active participant in the scientific research of the Antarctica and in the protection of its environment. - The CR intends to participate in international organizations which co-ordinate the scientific research and the environmental protection of the Antarctica. - The CR intends to achieve a consultative status in the Antarctic Treaty Parties. - The CR is going to prepare and sing agreements concerning the co-operation in scientific research in the Antarctic with other countries in case of joint interest. - The systematic activities of the Czech scientists in the Antarctica would open possibilities to establish the Czech National Institute for Antarctic Research. 9 - Together with the research, which was and is linked with the Ukrainian station Vernadski and the Peruvian station Machu Picchu, and in compliance with the designing of new station, the Czech scientific institutions aimed to Antarctic research in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the CR exerted themselves at solving the legalization of the relationship of CR to the environmental protection of Antarctica, particularly consistent with the PEP. The Czech delegation notified this intention the session of CEP IV, V, VI, VII and VIII on the occasion of ATCM XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII. - A plan for the construction of an original Czech scientific station was set up following many years’ activities of Czech scientists in the Antarctic area, in particular during the last ten years. The station will be located in such a place that would enable by its accessibility a seasonal function, i.e. providing conditions for several-months’ systematic work. At the same time, the location would be easily accessible during summer for transport of persons and material as well as for emergency cases, e.g. acute diseases, etc. Due to the above-mentioned facts and the tradition of Czech research activities in Antarctica during the fifties and sixties (astrophysics, geophysics, meteorology, geology), and also following the experience of research programmes in the nineties, a group of Czech scientists from several institutions decided to formulate a plan for the construction of the first official Czech Antarctic station, which is a necessary condition for future successful development of research activities. Among the leading institutions that have participated in research programmes in the polar areas, we can mention especially the Institute of geography, departments of plant physiology and anatomy, department of zoology and ecology and also the department of analytic chemistry by the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, where continuous and consistent research of polar areas has been carried out. Botanical Institute of the Academy of Science of the CR, the Department of the Environment of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague and other scientific institutions have permanently cooperated on the projects. The operation of the station should also extend international collaboration. All aforesaid institutions have systematically supplied technical means, i.e. monitoring equipment and systems for various geographic measurements and researches, devices for the measurements of the properties of the environment of flora and the parameters defining the living conditions of flora and fauna as well as for the research of the most universal conditions of global climate and the problems of common aspects of the environment. Besides the above described professional readiness of the Czech scientists acquired mainly during several expeditions to Spitsbergen, to the Canadian Arctic and to the Antarctic, the construction of the official Czech station was also supported by the knowledge of the function of several polar stations, their technology and logistics. Based on own knowledge and experience with terrain research, the site of Turret Point on King George Island in the South Shetlands was assessed as the first alternative. Trying to locate the station with respect to its minimum environmental impact, we also considered the use of old and currently not-operating stations of other countries that could be reconstructed or replaced by a new station at a previously used site. Consequently, we also considered the possibility of carrying out research projects at new localities, as well as near the former stations Danco and station Rothera. This possibility was rejected, and our attention shifted to the area of relatively little-researched islands to the east of Antarctic Peninsula. Based on consultation with and recommendation of BAS specialists in Cambridge, we assessed Brandy Bay on James Ross Island as second potentially suitable site. Then, after 10 specific terrain reconnaissance and the recommendation of IAA in Buenos Aires, seven further sites on this island were assessed. In the late eighties, when the eastern political block started to collapse, Czech scientists started to work in polar research. Masaryk University and former Czechoslovak Academy of Science organized several research expeditions to the Spitsbergen area. Later opportunities to participate in international research projects quickly increased. Czech researchers took part, for example, in research projects on Elesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic, in the South Shetlands, and elsewhere. Currently, several projects have been conducted in the Arctic and Antarctic. Our activities cover a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines focused mainly on terrestrial and freshwater ecology and biology, meteorology, climatology, geology and physical geography. In this time started also the discussions about possibility to construct a Czech national research station in Antarctica. Since their stay at the Polish H. Arctowski base in Admiralty Bay on King George Island the Czech scientists were familiar with the environment of the South Shetlands. This fact and experience with terrain research sway the idea to built the Czech station at Turret Point in the north-eastern part of King George Island. An advance team visited this locality in austral summer 2000/01. The locality was investigated with respect to the occurrence of organisms and the site´s importance as a potential bird nesting areas, or as a locality for resting and breeding of pinnipeds. Terrain research aimed as well at the station´s location and the accessibility of the subjects of research program interest was carried out. For this locality, a detailed construction plan of the station was drawn. The Czech government via the CMEYS started to finance the station´s design and construction in 2001. Professor Pavel Prosek of Masaryk University became the head of the project. The project was introduced at the ATCM XXIV held in St Petersburg, Russia in 2001. A discussion concerning the project arose because some Antarctic Treaty Parties did not recommend the construction at Turret point. The main reason for their concern was the current existence of a number of stations on King George Island. British and Ukraine delegations kindly offered their help with the survey of further localities around the Antarctic Peninsula that could be suitable for the station´s location. In October 2001 were a group of Czech scientists invited by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) to Cambridge to discuss the problems, and they were offered several sites where BAS had carried out research. Danco station (in the Anvers Islands Area) appeared the most suitable due to the possibility of logistic co-operation. Prof. Prosek and Ing. Suchanek (construction engineer) visited the island with a Ukraine vessel at the beginning of 2002. They concluded that the proposed island area is not suitable because the deglaciated area, which would be available for research activities, is highly limited. Dr. Z. Venera and Ing. J.Elster were invited by BAS to participate in the R.R.S. Ernest Shackleton research cruise from the Falkland Islands to Rothera Station and back. During the trip, they discussed the construction of a Czech scientific station with Captain Stuart Lawrence, other members of the vessel´s crew, and Rothera Station workers. They also studied various maps and literature at Rothera Station and in the ship´s library. Finally, James Ross Island near the north-eastern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula was proposed as a locality suitable for the station´s location. Large area of the island is deglaciated and comprise a wide spectrum of various freshwater and terrestrial habitats. BAS and IAA organized and organize several research programmes on James Ross Island but no research station has been constructed there. The only structure in this area is the old and partly destroyed Argentinian refugio near entrance of Brandy Bay. Because the Ernest Shackleton vessel hat to return 11 quickly to the Falkland Islands to meet the time schedule, the group did not manage to visit James Ross Island. Because of the need to have another (reserve) site for the station´s location, we asked BAS representatives to extend Ing. Elster´s stay on board the Ernest Shackleton for the journey to the South Orkney (Signy Island) and South Georgia. The geographical and natural conditions of the South Orkney, especially Signy Island, were discussed again with Captain Lawrence, and written sources were studied again. Information about the intent to build the Czech scientific station on the northern coast of James Ross Island, inclusive of the constructional and energetic design of the station’s buildings, was presented at ATCM XXV (CEP V) in Warsaw in 2002 and was accepted without any comments or suggestions (IP 93) Based on the gathered data, another expedition to the area was organized for March 2003 to survey the proposed part of Brandy Bay on James Ross Island. It was led by Prof. Prosek – climatologist; other members included Ing. Suchanek – construction engineer, Dr. Kostkan – biologist and chief editor of CEE and Dr. Vashenko – geophysicist and the deputy head for logistic operation of the NASCU. This expedition was organized with the kind help of Prof. Marschoff – at that time head of IAA, in close collaboration with specialists from this institute, namely Dr. Strelin – geomorphologists and the employee of IAA and CADIC, and Dr. Torielli – geologist and geomorphologist, the employee of Universidad Cordoba, who have been working on James Ross Island for many summer seasons and have sound knowledge of the area. The team of geologists and geomorphologists, who are specialized in the field of permafrost and which consists of researchers from IAA and Hokkaido University, operates at James Ross Island (especially at the territory of Ulu Peninsula) already from 1998 and spends regularly summer seasons there. Their knowledge of the landscape and the environment is extensive and detailed and were considered as very reliable. After the air transport to Argentinean base Marambio, deplaning on the site should have taken place. However, the plan had to be changed due to limited chances of helicopter utilization during the supplying operations at Marambio and Esperanza stations as well as poor accessibility of the locations at the end of austral summer by Twin Otter, which van land on glaciers. Therefore, upon their return to Buenos Aires, the expedition members carried out a week´s theoretical analysis of James Ross Island together with IAA experts. The source materials were supplied mainly by the above mentioned Argentinean colleagues, and by Dr. Juan Manuel Lirio – geologist and IAA employee who has been working in the area as well. There were analyzed satellite and detailed aerial photographs of James Ross´ northern coast, geological and geomorphological maps and photo-documentation of the terrain of the island´s north coast. Besides the aforesaid data, the terrain experience of IAA experts proved valuable, especially their knowledge of climatic conditions of individual parts of the island, geological conditions, accessibility for disembarkation, construction and provision, of location, yield and quality of water sources, orientation of locations with respect to solar and wind sources of energy etc. After a week´s workshop, altogether eight locations on the coast of the northern part of the island were selected (most have not had geographical names and were, therefore, marked as sites 1 – 8). The general selection of considered localities (Turret point, Danco Island and James Ross Island) was conducted on the basis of the convenience for the construction and function of the station and from the point of view of impacts on the environment. Altogether 5 positive and 7 negative factors for assessment were defined and arranged into the matrix. These factors are listed in the following outline. 12 Positive factors: • Suitability for the scientific programme • Seasonal accessibility from the sea (sea ice) • Suitability of the site for construction • Exposure to wind and solar radiation (using of both as renewable energy source) • Proximity of water sources and water quality Negative factors: • • • • • • Risk of snowdrift and snow accumulation Risk of soilflow Loading capacity of the assumed footing bottom Bank character with respect to disembarkation needs Potential negative impact on fauna Cumulation of stations in the area Because the area has not been utilized yet, we were able to analyze tens of kilometers of ragged coast and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the station’s locations. Based on the analysis of all eight localities with respect to the above mentioned implications, location “Site No. 4” on the north coast easterly of Lachman Point was selected as a priority site for the assessment and construction of the station. 7. Site on James Ross Island The scientific importance of Site No 4 is in its novelty because of the non-existence of a permanent station on James Ross Island. So far, all research oriented toward geology, paleontology and geomorphology has been carried out during shot-term expeditions equipped with tents or utilizing the currently not-operating refuge at site San Carlos Point. However, it is a highly precious area both from the point of view of climatological, geological, geographical and biological sciences. The relatively large deglaciated area in the northern part of the island is quite young (about 6 000 years) and de-glaciating continues here. Therefore, we can study the processes following de-glaciating and subsequent (mainly periglacial) phenomena, which are connected with pedogenesis and later colonization by living organisms. So far, there is no station on the island and, therefore, no risk of cumulative effects. Due to a present scarce biological colonization, there is little risk of substantial interventions to biological systems. The mutually compared localities differ mainly in their construction and transportation opportunities; some were not recommended for their extreme local climatic conditions (wind exposure), or other later described negative phenomena. The Site No. 4 (Figs. 2, 3, 4) is situated by the estuary of a nameless stream (working designation Waterworks Stream) on the north coast below elevation point 64. This site is well accessible from the sea with an opportunity for a ship’s retreat from storms to nearby Brandy Bay. The sea does not freeze over here even in austral winter which allows early spring provision of the station. On site, there is a vast and geologically stable area for the station’s foundation, with a source of water and the opportunity to orient the structures in east-west axis for the utilization of solar energy and also in the west-wind direction for wind generators’ operation. Slowly upward-sloping terrain allows, across the Crame Col (200 m a.s.l.), an easy access to the whole north area of James Ross Island. 13 Fig 2 – Satellite image of James Ross Island (site of the station in red ring) 14 Fig. 3 – Aerial photograph of Czech station area (Site No 4 in red circle) with main streems (blue lines) 15 Fig. 4 – View at the station site from Bibby Point 8. Description of the initial environmental reference state The construction of the station concerned directly only the built-up area and part of the adjacent coast. With respect to the extent of the station area, only local environmental impacts by the landing operation and by the construction were assumed. This presumption was confirm by booth acitivities. GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY James Ross Island is formed by a sequence of Upper Jurassic to Lower Tertiary marine clastic sediments and tuffs. Its sedimentary basin developed as a back-arc basin in the period of the Pacific, Phoenix and Auk plates´subduction under the Antarctic Peninsula microcontinent. The sediments are roofed with volcanic formations dated from Miocene up to present. A morfolgically prominent feature is the central volcano, Mt. Haddington (1628 m a.s.l.), and coastal volcanic plateaus. Lava fluxes up to 200 m thick and up to 30 km long reach the periphery of the island and erosion of their fronts characterizes the cliffs along most of the coast. The volcanic sequences are dominated by basanites, tephrites, alkali basalts, and tholeiites. Only the northern part of the coast is formed by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and, therefore, slopes slightly. The rocks are created by marine, in particular Cretaceous, less common Tertiary unmetamorphosed sediments. Prolific paleontological localities of vertebrate and invertebrate faunas item micro- and macrofauna has been described especially in Santa Marta and Lopez de Bertnado Formation (Marambio Group, upper Cretaceous – Santonian, Campanian). The main described fossils: ammonites, belemnites, bivalves, gastropods, corals, fish, dinoflagellate, bryozoans and fossil wood. 16 About 80 % of the island surface is covered with ice. Only the northernmost part of the island (Ulu Peninsula) is significantly deglaciated and represents one of the areally vastest ice-free areas within the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula. The systems of elevations, lining Brandy Bay in the southwest and northeast, have a specific geological structure reflected in their morphology. The slope areas are formed by softer Cretaceous sediments and rise approximately up to 300 m above the sea level. Summit flats are formed by Tertiary volcanic rocks with body of intrusive rocks. The slope areas are intensively shaped by periglacial processes, summer erosion and accumulation activities of melt water and eolic processes. Stream channels, saturated by melting of snow patches or spatially less significant ice caps, erode intensively in the upper parts of the slopes. Transported material accumulates in the lower valley parts and conditions braiding of the streams. Valley and elevation slopes are shaped mainly by erosion processes combined with solifluction. The solifluction-stretched slopes are at the valley bottoms secondarily eroded by stream channels. On the summits of interfluve ridges, the dominant role is played by the gravitational movement of regolith (in places saturated by melt water) in the active layer of permafrost. Periglacially shaped flat interfluve ridges are in the lowest parts stretched toward the sea. Besides valleys with braiding rivers, they represent a significant feature in a gently rolling landscape of the coastal zone. Such a landscape character contrasts with steep erosional valley slopes, which develop due to the undercutting of foot slope by stream channels (especially during spring thawing) and solifluction during the thawing of the surface active layer of permafrost. In such a terrain, flat, almost horizontal surfaces of low abrasion coastal terraces protrude partially as another typical morphological feature. The construction of the Czech station was realised on one of them (below spot height 64 m). In the broader surroundings of the station, structural relief control is highly apparent. It is influenced by the depositional relations of the locations of clastic sedimentary rocks, hyaloclastic tufs and basalt lava flows. The relief is formed of vast mesets; their tops consist of basalt layers surrounded by lower relief founded in sedimentary rocks (Cretaceous marine sediments, Cenozoic glaciomarine and glacigenic deposits). Morphostructural ground of the relief was formed by glacial and periglacial processes in the Cenozoic period. In the deglaciated part of the Ulu Peninsula there are remnants of former glaciation represented by ice caps on meset tops. In some areas, the glacier descends to the foot of mesets in the form of ice tongues. Though, piedmont glaciers are more common and they rim in particular the eastern ridge slope of Lachman Crags meset. Their surface is covered with much debris from eroded rocky walls above the glaciers. In an ablation zone, the glaciers often change into icecored rock glaciers. Rock glaciers represent a typical relief shape at the eastern foot of Lachman Crags. Current climatic conditions cause their degradation, which results in the formation of little ablation lakes on their surface. In the station’s vicinity, the glacial formation of relief is represented mainly by the presence of five glacier cirques recessed into the marginal slopes of mesets. Two of these glacier cirques are still bordered with end moraines that contain ice cores. The entire deglaciated part of the Ulu Peninsula is covered with coherent permafrost, which conditions or influences the development of various paraglacial and periglacial surface structures. Periglacial modelling of the relief reflects in the development of coarse-grained regolith mantles, rock glaciers, structural soils and solifluction structures on slopes. Individual types of periglacial structures exhibit a regular special distribution within the geomorphologic system of mesets and their peripheral depressions. Vast flat meset tops are fully covered with structural soils of sorted-net type. The outer slopes of mesets are composed of rocky walls, under which taluses have developed, rimmed with protalus ramparts. The relief slopes slightly, usually gradually, from the mesets foot toward the sea. Depending on the slopes’ 17 declination, sorted polygons, sorted stripes, sorted stone banked tongues or solifluction lobes can be found here. Steeper slope segments are dissected by slope dellens. Fluvial processes also significantly shape the relief of peripheral depressions founded in sloping Cretaceous sediments. The brooks have a character of braided streams; the valley legs, following the direction of layers, are asymmetric. ATMOSPHERE They didn´t exit the systematic meteorological measurements at the James Ross Island untill beginning 2004. Physical parameters of the atmosphere, as one of the environmental factors that affect biota, environment and especially the type and dynamics of recent geomorphological processes, have been measured only occasionally. Such activities comprise, for example, the measurements taken within the IAA and Hokkaido University activities in the northern part of Ulu Peninsula. First systematic measurements of air temperature and humidity and of soil temperature were started directly on the construction site and at the Bibby Point beginning 2004. They are continued until today by the standard station of the Czech base and several another topoclimatic stations (Plateau and top of Bibby Point, top of Davis Dome Glacier, Abernethy Flats to the NE of the Monolith Lake and NW slope of Berry Hill). The standard station facility is made in the Czech Republic (Environmental Measuring Systems, Brno). The following table presents information on the measured parameters. Parameter Sensor’s height Description above ground (m) Global sun radiation PHAR UV radiation total UVB radiation (erythemal) Air temperature Relative air humidity 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.0 2.0 pyranometer Kipp Zonen CM11 radiometer EMS12 radiometer Kipp Zonen CUV3 Solar Light UV Biometer 501A platinum resistance sensor Pt 100 capacity sensor Soil temperature -0.05, -0.10, -0.20, -0.30, -0,50, -0.75 platinum resistance sensor Pt100 Wind speed and wind direction 10.0 MetOne 013A and 023A The measuring of the global Sun radiation is carried out in one-minute intervals and archived as thirty-minute averages. Air temperature and humidity are taken every five minutes, and soil temperature every 10 minutes. These measurements are archived as hourly averages. Similar equipment and program has the station at the Bibby Point Plateau. The measured characteristic of topoclimatic stations are: air temperature and air humidity (2 m), soil temperature, or soil surface temperature resp. Data from the period between 1 January to 31 December 2005 were used for the first assessment of climatic conditions in the surroundings of the Czech base (Figs. 5, 6). Global solar radiation Fig. 5 shows the impact of the changes of the Sun zenith distance on global solar radiation during the year. Overall simple annual course exhibits the highest daily sums in December, e.g. 9 December (32.082 MJ.m-2), 15 December (33.611 MJ.m-2), monthly sums culminate in November (587.0 MJ.m-2/month) and December (636.2 MJ.m-2/month). Annual sum of solar radiation in 2005 reached to 3331.966 MJ.m-2. On the contrary, daily sums lower than 1 MJ.m-2 occur almost continuously from 8 May to 26 July. An increased content of water 18 Fig. 5 –Daily summs of global Sun radiation - annual regime of 2005, J. G. Mendel Station Fig. 6 – Mean daily temperatures – annual regime of 2005, J. G. Mendel Station vapour in the air and cyclonic circulation condition the substantial variability of cloudiness, which then reflects in strongly unstable sun radiation regime. Air temperature and relative humidity The annual course of mean daily temperatures (Fig. 6) follows a typical, simple, though strongly damped and in short periods considerably fluctuating wave. The annual mean air temperature in 2005 was –6.0°C; the lowest mean monthly air temperature –17.3°C occurred in June. The highest mean monthly air temperature 1.0°C was recorded in January. The lowest temperature –30.7°C was recorded on 1 July, the highest temperature 11.0°C on 10 February. Rather a great variability of the temperature is a result of high advection together with frequent change of oceanic and continental air masses. Such changes manifest in particular in enormous temperature fluctuations with a period of several days, which often exceed 20°C in winter. The course of relative air humidity is quite balanced during an annual period. Similar to air temperature, the short-time fluctuations of air humidity are connected with the character and features of the in-flowing air masses. The average relative humidity reached up to 78.7% during the monitored period of time. SOIL There are no soils in the real sense of the word at the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. There is only sporadic occurrence of lithosols, regosols and gelic regosols (gelisols). The deglaciated surface is formed of material of various structure and texture with respect to its origin and 19 development (glacial moraines, old beaches, erosion of bedrock of different origins on slopes of varying gradient and exposure, aquifers, etc.). Rather thin layers of crude humus horizons are present at James Ross Island within the patches covered by vegetation mainly by growths of algae, lichens and mosses out of the area of the intended construction site, where is present the substrate typical of raised and stabilized beaches (i.e. pebbles in the matrix of finer material partially reworked by wind transport). Larger vegetation oases, which are the basis of soil formation if such a process potentially happens due to the changing climate, can be identified in aerial photographs. The construction site is covered by a coarse-grained gravel foundation without fine particles on the surface and little aquiferous permafrost. Soil in the real sense of the word not its initial stages are occupied. Due to technical reasons, the construction involved mainly coarse pebble and boulder debris of a morainic and/or fossil sea terrace character. WATER Two brooks run on the boundaries of the base. The one running approximately from SW to NE forms the southern boundary of the station. It’s working name is Waterwork Stream. This stream has 12 left-side tributaries, the longest of which rises under snowfields on the upper part of the north-eastern slope of Bibby Point. The second brook has a north-south orientation. Unlike the Waterwork Stream, it is deeply incised into sediments, and in its lower part its valley is covered with permanent firn filling, in deeper layers transformed into ice. It’s working name is Algae Stream. Fig. 7 – Catchment of Waterworks Stream 20 Fig. 8 – Discharge of Algae Stream from firn and ice fill in the lover part of valley Both brooks join the sea by a common estuary at a distance of ca 120 m. The daily flow regime of both brooks is typical for glacial or snow melt streams. Depending on the temperature, flows reach their peak in the afternoon and are at their minimum in the early morning. At its crest, water is turbid with a significant amount of suspended load, the content of which decreases rapidly at night. Water samples taken during the low flows were evaluated as good, rather demineralised drinking water without biological compounds. Water from the Waterwork Stream will be drawn for the base’s needs in the amount of ca 2.25 m3 per day. FLORA The reconnaissance covers the northwestern deglaciated area of the Ulu Peninsula up to the distance of 12-15 km from the station building site. The vegetation is poorly developed, represented predominantly by cryptogamic tundra, with mosses and lichens as the principal components of the plant communities. Based on the widely accepted system of the classification of vegetation types (Longton,R.,E.,1988: Biology of polar bryophytes and lichens. Cambridge University Press) the communities belong to the fruticose lichen and moss cushion sub-formation. This sub-formation is dominated by macrolichens and short turf and small cushion-forming mosses (Andreaea-Usnea association), particularly on rocks and cliffs. It is typified by large species of fruticose lichens including Usnea sphacelata, together with U. antarctica and U. aurantiaco-atra, and various foliose species dominated by Umbilicaria spp. Mosses, such as Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Syntrichia princeps, and Schistidium spp., and lichens Xanthoria elegans and Leptogium puberulum, are often abundant at the margins of seepage areas and along solifluction stone stripes, and form a distinctive community. There are no vascular plants on the island. Rich communities of fruticose lichens, dominated by the black Usnea sphacelata achieving 50-70% ground cover, occur primarily on the basalt summit plateaux of Berry Hill, Lachman Crags and Cape Lachman. They extend over several hundred 21 square meters. This continental Antarctic (and bipolar) lichen species is near the northern limit of its Southern Hemisphere distribution, and this site is important for the extent and density of its growth. Macrolichens also cover large areas of the slopes below the plateaux on the upland platforms. In addition, soil cryptogamic crust and microbial communities of the active layer of the permafrost represent important components of the terrestrial ecosystem. The soil cryptogamic crust consists of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, cyanobacteria, algae, lichens and soil invertebrates). The soil surface (crust) comprises a variety of organisms as well as a range of inorganic components such as various salts, which create a specific coloration of their surface. Such soil crust microhabitat, and its component plants and invertebrates in the active layer, create a complex trophic network. Rich communities of fruticose lichens achieving 50-70% ground cover occur primarily on the basalt summit plateaux of Berry Hill, Lachman Crags and Cape Lachman. They can reach an area of several hundred square meters. Lichen covers at the slope foot of the upland platforms are lower, however fruticose lichens dominate here as well. Moss cushion carpets are usually much smaller, up to several or a few dozen square meters. In the vicinity of the station the most productive ecosystems are (1) the wetland communities (moss – cyanobacteria - algae seepages) dominated by moss cushions and carpets, and (2) snowmelt streams with periphyton communities dominated mainly by mucilaginous algal clusters and gelatinous algal-cyanobacterial biomass in water and, less commonly, cyanobacterial mats and crusts. Moss seepage carpets are usually small in extent, up to several or a few dozen square meters. Smaller moss carpets also line the streams and their tributaries that lay southwest of the station’s construction site. Other moss carpets can be found at the southwestern and northeastern bases of Bibby Point, southward of Cape Lachman, near the coast of Halozetes Valley and Bengtson Cliffs. The most frequent and largest moss carpets can be found on the lower part of Berry Hills’ northwestern slope, where they produce ”moss seepages”. There are very rich cyanobacterial and algal communities in the area of interest. These communities can be divided into the following habitats: Shallow lotic wetlands (or streams) - There are a few streams saturated by melting waters from snow patches or small glaciers in the area of interest. The Waterworks Stream and Algae Stream, including their tributaries, are rich in periphyton biomass (Fig. 9, 10). Periphyton consists mainly of algal mucilaginous clusters and jelly biomass floating in water and less of cyanobacterial mats and crusts. 22 Fig. 9, 10 - Cyanobacteria and algae at the bottom of Algae Stream The third stream of the northern coast is a stream running close to Bibby Point. This stream erodes and transports a high quantity of material (mostly soft sand). Periphytic communities are rather sporadic here. The similatr character have the streams and two glacial rivers in Abernethy Flats. There are several streams as well on the eastern coast and in the areas of the Halozetes Valley and Bentson Cliffs. Some of them are very short, others have the character of seepages. Shallow wetlands (seepages) - seepages frequently occur in and around the whole area of interest. They can be divided into two types: (1) moss seepages, and (2) cyanobacterial seepages. In some cases, seepages may be composed of a mosaic of mosses, cyanobacteria and algae, and in other cases they may be moss or cyanobacteria monocultures. Lentic wetlands (lakes) - stagnant water-bodies can be divided into two types: (1) shallow lakes occurring on raised coastal areas, frequently brackish or saline, and (2) frozen stratified lakes. Many similar lakes can be also found in the areas of Brandy Bay and Abernethy Flats. However, during summer the access to some of these lakes is complicated by soft muddy surroundings. One of the biggest lakes of this area - Phormidium Lake on the western coast of Brandy Bay – may fall in this category. Regular study of some of these lakes will be possible only after freezing. Frozen stratified lakes are located on the eastern part of the Ulu Peninsula in the areas of Halozetes Valley, Bengtson Cliffs, and also below an ice stream on the south-eastern part of the Bibby Point. Frozen lakes differ in their size and most commonly occur on deglaciated moraines or bare subglacial depressions. During the summer period only shore sections melt. Wet rocky walls and waterfalls - they can be found in upper parts of Bibby Point, Berry Hill and Lachman Crags. The most extensive site is on the south wall of Lachman Crags. However, in all these habitats access is limited without climbing equipment and experience. These habitats were not visited. 23 Soil cryptogamic crust and microbial communities of active layer of permafrost - soil crusts represent an important component of the area of interest. They are composed of microbial components (bacteria, fungi, cyanobacteria, algae, lichens, and zoo-edaphon). The soil surface (crust) is conglomerated not only by various organisms but also frequently pervaded by different salts that create a specific coloration of their surface. Soil crusts and phyto- and zooedaphon in the active layer create a complicated mosaic of microhabitats. Subglacial systems - there are several flumes and canyons, which are crossed by streams in the area of interest. The streams often bore tunnels under snow patches transformed by the bortím into small glaciers. From these tunnels it is possible to collect subglacial soils for the study of microbial ecosystems. However, collection of these samples requires special equipment and experienced sample collectors (speleologists). Snow and ice microbiotas – The area of interest is permanently covered with huge icecaps at the summit plateaux. Furthermore, there are many small glaciers or snow patches here. Due to the high vertical variability of the relief there are many different snow/ice localities. Their respective microbiota differ remarkably. FAUNA There is no nesting colony of birds or colony of pinnipeds in the area of north part of James Ross Island. The species observed, always as individuals, by J. Strelin and C. Torrielli (IAA verbal evidence) in the vicinity of site No. 4 were: Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis Adeliae), Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua) and Macaroni Penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus), Snow Petrel (Pagodorma nivea), Willsons Petrel (Oceanites oceanicus), South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) (Fig. 11), Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus), Antarctic Tern (Sterna vittata), Weddel Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) and Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonine). Expected species is Leopard Seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) - the rests were founded on the beach near the station). In all cases, the species were observed in the wider surroundings of the assessed locality (north of Ulu Peninsula), not solely at the proposed construction site. On James Ross Island, no systematic zoological research has been carried out so far, and therefore, no comparison data are available. No birds nests at the construction´s site, sporadic nesting have been observed on the bottom of Algae Stream valley and on the cliffs located hundreds of meters from the construction site. 9. Characteristics of the construction site proper GEOLOGY A detailed field reconnaissance with regard to the conditions anticipated during the station’s construction was carried out at the projected construction site of the Czech Antarctic station designated by the coordinates 63°48'2.3'' S; 57°52'56.7'' W early 2004. The station facilities are situated on an E-W orientated coastal elevation (Fig. 12 and 13), dipping to the east towards the confluence of the Waterworks and Algae Streams and inclined further to the north to the coast. The construction site is marked by a cut of the Waterworks Stream. The elevation is made up of an uplifted marine terrace covered with angular debris of Cretaceous sediments and basalt fragments, on average up to 5 cm in size, with rather rare basaltic wind-carved pebbles (maximum 50 cm in size). The debris layer is 10–20 cm thick, beneath which occur well-sorted beach sands to fine-grained gravels and which extends as far as the lower boundary of the active layer of permafrost. Two test pits were dug out to observe the depth of the active layer of permafrost, which turned out to be 55 and 60 cm deep, respectively. Sands and beach gravels are somewhat water-bearing in their upper layer due to thawing snow from occasional precipitation. The layer above the permafrost is dry and welldrained. No paleontological or important geological localities were observed within a distance 24 of ca 1 km around the construction site, which is primarily the result of the occurrence of glacial sediments and Cretaceous conglomerates of the Whisky Bay Formation along the northern coast of James Ross Island. Fig. 11 – South Polar Skua nesting immediately by a seal mummy The surface of the marine terrace is solid, packed and levelled. No running water was observed in area of the construction. This is caused by a lack of precipitation in the northern part of James Ross Island, which is in the precipitation shadow of the Antarctic Peninsula. Occasional rapidly-thawing snowfall occurs in summer months and is fully absorbed by wellsorted sandy sediments. In the south, the beach barrier is bordered by the bed of the Waterworks Stream, which is supplied with water from snow patches and rock glaciers on the eastern and northern slopes of Bibby Point and Crame Col, respectively. The strems flows through a large wide and cirque depression and its lower stretches at the construction site separate the northern uplifted marine terrace from the southerly glacigennic sediments. Fluvial sediments are bimodal, consisting of sandy-silty Cretaceous regolith with quartz pebbles from Whisky Bay conglomerates and large basalt boulders up to 50 cm in size coming mainly from taluses of basalt lava flows. They are also supplemented by the debris and wind carved pebbles from the surface of southerly glacigennic sediments. Basalt gravel and boulders to blocks from the stream bed of the lower stretch of the stream or from the flood-plain have been used as a ballast material for construction of foundations of the station and for the filling of gabion boxes for meteorological, radio and wind power station masts. Boulders from the stream bed could simply be lifted so that sites of their extraction were filled within a short period of time with a suspension, which is carried away in large volume by the thawing water of the streams. The extracted boulders were transported directly to the construction site along the marine terrace surface (ca 140 m). With regard to the packed surface of the marine terrace, fairly well-drained sediments and the prevalence of 25 Fig. 12 – Coastal terrace - the presumed site of the station (see arrow). Bellow plateau surface flows the Waterworks Stream Fig. 13 – More detailed view on presumed construction site – the plateau of coastal terrace precipitation in the form of snow (i.e. without the erosive effects of flowing water), no significant degradation and subsequent erosion of the surface along the course of boulder transport is expected to occur. The broader area of the construction site is demarcated by the coast to the north, which is about 190 m long and the Waterworks Stream valley to the east and south. The stream bed is incised ca 8 - 12 m into the surface of the adjacent relief and is fed by thawing water from 26 snow patches. The western boundary is formed by a gully ca 1 m deep. The maximum elevation of the defined area above the sea level fluctuates in an interval 13.5 – 15.0 m. FLORA Detailed reconnaissance showed that there is no vegetation (including cryptogamic soil crusts) at the station construction site and its surroundings. Similarly, no vegetation was found in the wider area of the station’s construction site in both directions along the seashore (distances of 0.8 -1.0 km). In longer distance - the thin subsurface layers of raw humus up to 2 cm thick can occur only in sporadic and incoherent places of vegetation (mainly moss, or eventually lichen). There is no moss and lichens vegetation at the proposed construction site, and, therefore, we cannot talk about an impact on soils. The closest occurrence of periphyton communities and moss carpets is associated with the bottom the Waterworks Stream Valley at a distance of about 450 m southwest of the station. Two seepage sites, composed of mosaics of mosses, cyanobacteria and algae, occur east of Bibby Point. It is expected that due to prevailing westerly winds and due to elevation of the station (about 15 m a.s.l.), emissions should not influence these plant communities negatively. The stretch of the stream south of the station is characterised by relatively big declination and considerable transportation of suspended-load and bed-load sediments. Periphytic communities occur here very rarely. The valley is narrow here, which precludes the existence of moss carpets. Only about 2.25 m3 of water per day will be used during the station’s operation. This amount canot affect the possible water biota. In addition, water consumption from the stream will be regulated to maintain a stable water level in the stream. 10. Brief description of the station design The Czech scientific station was proposed as a smaller seasonal (summer) base for 15 - 20 people including the technical personnel. The station would be used for about 4 months (December – March) each year. Based on the presumption of a seasonal operation of the station, it was not necessary to fit all systems into one structure. This basic presumption was then reflected in the station‘s conception as a complex of several smaller single-story structures, which are less prominent and aesthetically less obtrusive. Division of the station into several smaller structures simplified the design from the technical point of view, and at the same time minimized the interventions to the substrate and its disturbance. The founding of the structures excludes massive transport of material and concreting (wooden grates are used, and in the case of the main structure they are secured by freely laid stone). At the same time, this solution allows for rapid return to the original surface character in case of the station‘s dismantling. Therefore, the use of station for personnel and professional activities were separated from the technical and provisioning activities. This solution also significantly decreased the risk of fire and solved the problem of emergency accommodation in such an event. The foundations of all structures is laid on relatively solid subsoil. The building site of the main structure, sized app. 11 x 26 m, is located in an area with a flat and slightly lengthwise sloping profile, east-west (E-W) longitudinal axis orientation, and with a minimal need for landscaping. The longitudinal E-W axis of the main structure reflects the need for a direct orientation of the front towards the sun for maximum accumulation of solar energy. The placing of other structures follows the requirements and functions of the main structure (Fig. 14, 15). When designing the technical concept of the station, we strictly followed Article 3 of the PEP and its other parts, in particular Appendixes I, II, III and IV. The refer to these parts of the PEP are included in various parts of this information. 27 10.1 Accessibility of the construction site The station site is accessible only from the sea. The particular building site, and the system of constructions and individual components of the structure respect this fact. Such a prerequisite determined the logistic requirements for the landing, transport and basic assembly on site, and the station’s provision during its operation. Experts, especially from Chilean, Argentinean, Polish, Ukrainian and another institutions, were consulted on the specific conditions of landing operations and subsequent transport of the material to the construction site. The construction site is situated with respect to landing needs, such as anchoring the transport ship as close to the coast as possible, finding a suitable place on the beach where disembarkation could be directed and from which the material could be easily transported to the construction site. The station site full complies this requirements. The surface layers of the substrate within the area of the proposed construction are formed mainly by regolith (Tertiary sediments). These are partially transported from the slopes by solifluction. Recent fluvial sediments occur in the valley bottoms of both streams. The ground of construction site is a remnant of a low abrasion terrace formed by beach boulders with a filling of fine sand. 10.2 Assumed extent of the construction site, build-up concept, and structure of buildings The proposed construction site cover the area of approximately 100 x 40 m. There was a need to reduce the concentration of structures with respect both to their location in the terrain and operation safety. The aim was to separate the structures with a potential mutual hazard, such as fire and safety risks, and also to separate the structures whose operations are not mutually related. The conception of the arrangement of buildings respects these requirements. The main operation and accommodation building was proposed as a solid structure with three basic functions: - provide for scientific and other sorts of work, - provide for accommodation, essential human and social needs, - serve as the center of a technical complex that will provide thermo-technical and hygienic conditions, Due to the transport and function conditions, other structures were proposed as conventional cargo containers (Figs. 15, 26). However, these containers have a more durable surface finish than usual, with pre-assembled technology and equipment for special functions. The structures are interconnected only by cable lines. Marked unpaved paths will connect the structures. The basic philosophy of the project calls for ecological requirements to be met in as realistic a way as possible. This would include both the disembarkation operation for construction and technical material, the construction itself and the subsequent operation of the base. This philosophical orientation is reflected in: − the choice of construction materials used for the main building, 28 Fig.14 – Built up plan of the station objects 29 Fig. 15 – General view on the station − the final instalment of technical wholes into containers before their transport to Antarctica, − the use of renewable energy sources (solar radiation, wind power), − the implementation of a programme of environmental impact management. The project for the base was developed by Investprojekt, ltd. Zlín, in collaboration with Ecosolaris Kroměříž, the Czech Technical University Prague, and the Technical University Brno. The chief construction contractor was PSG International Zlín. Subcontractors were: CZECH PAN ltd. Varnsdorf (wooden structures); Elma-therm ltd. Kroměříž (electrosystems); AZ KLIMA ltd. Brno (air-conditioning); MG PLAST ltd. Letovice (wind energy); VLW ltd. Zlín (diesel-powered generators); Ct ltd. Komárno, Slovakia (containers); Marine Equipment ltd. Nové Město nad Metují (ship equipment); Ekosolaris Kroměříž (solar equipment); and CSM Tisovec (off-road vehicle). The shipping was organised by Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping ltd. 10.3 Technical structure of the station The basic conditions for the preparation of the project, production, transport, and construction on site was adjusted with respect to the assumed possibilities of the station’s construction and its seasonal character. The structure itself is divided into construction buildings and operational sets due to methodical and concept complexity reasons. Modification is possible if needed. BUILDINGS OF THE STATION SO SO SO SO SO 01 02 03 04 05 Operation and accommodation building Waste treatment Generators storage Engine room of power supply equipment Diesel generators 30 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO 06 Cold stores 06/1 Intermediate storage 06/2 Fuel storage 06/3 Spare parts storage 07 Water intake and distribution 08 Waste water treatment 09 Watercraft storage 10 Launching ramp 11 External cable distribution system 12 Parking garage for wheeled/crawler vehicle SO 01 Operation and accommodation building Built-up area 280 m2 Built-in volume 1 033 m3. The building is intended as a main building of the station and is designed as a one-story structure, fully erected from the K-Kontrol construction system. The system comprises sandwich panels consisting of two OSB chipboards with an inner insulation layer of selfextinguishing styrofoam. Due to climatic conditions, the building is designed as a simple structure of minimal height above the ground. The thermo-technical properties, transport and erection aspects, and the need for minimized heat losses influenced the choice of the construction type. Floor and roof panels are 320 mm, external walls 265 mm thick. The Nwall panels are 170 mm thick where a solar collectors are installed here. Statically, the building is a quasi-three-wing structure with two inner longitudinal supporting walls. The structure is compact because of its box arrangement of horizontal and vertical elements that are firmly interconnected. The building has a rectangular ground plan 10 530 x 26 530 mm. It is covered with a pent roof of an approximate 5% slope (Figs. 16, 17, 18). With respect to the prevailing wind direction, the location in the terrain maximizes the absorption surface for solar energy by orienting the longitudinal axis E-W with the higher frontage facing north. Typologically, the layout follows requirements of the proposed operation rather than cardinal points. The E-W orientation maximizes the catchment surface of solar collectors. With respect to the station’s location in the coastal wind exposed area, the foundation of the building (wooden pier grillage) is proposed adjacent to the terrain to minimize drought under the floor. The building is assembled of pre-fabricated elements slightly adjusted on site. It is erect on a conditioned floor area. In the panels, the fillings of the openings – windows and doors – were prepared and pre-tested for assembly. The roof of 320 mm thick sandwich panels is covered with rubber foil, mechanically anchored, and glued to the base. Strips of roof covering are approximately 5700 mm long. The roof is drain to the ground without gutters. Coating the outer walls is made with waterproof plywood 6 mm thick fasted on lath grill. It protect the building against corrosion by saltwater aerosols during wind exposures, and mechanical abrasion by over-frozen snow during the winter. Its expected lifetime is calculated for approximately 10 – 15 years. Then, it would be renewed. The interior walls surface is painted with a basic color acrylate paint of a glazing type. When the outer treatment gradually wears off, such a solution enables an easy repair. All proposed painting systems are based on water diluted materials, and carbohydrate-diluters-free materials. The heating system use hot air. A system of air conditioning equipment provides the heating of air by heat recovery from hot air collectors, and by recuperation of heated air from the interior around the exhaust of the ventilation system. 31 Fig. 16 – Ground plan of operation and accommodation building SO 01 Fig. 17 – Laying of floor on the foundational wooden pier grillage and erection of panels Sanitary installations of a standard kind (Fig. 21) of predominantly plastic fixtures are used. Plastic pipelines are insulated with cavity blocks. The interior sewerage is also made of plastic. All pipings are run on the surface for easy inspection. The sewerage outlet from the building will contain control shafts with covers. 32 Electrical installations in the building (lighting and distribution systems for appliances) - the internal power supply system include a distribution net for lighting, sockets, and the main switchboard. The station is supplied with electric energy in combined wals (see Part 11). Fig. 18 – Operational and accommodation building with waste treatment container on the left The laboratory equipment contain besides typical workbenches, a bench with a stainless-steel worktop, a fume chamber, a desk for scales, and supplementary furniture (Fig. 22). The instrumentation will vary according to the needs and character of scientific work. Other furniture is standard (Figs. 19, 20, 22). To specify complete furnishings, interior documentation was prepared as a separate part of the project. SO 02 Waste treatment Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 The structure is located with a direct relationship to the main building of the station (Fig. 18). It is accessible through a technical entrance from the eastern front, directly from an entrance ramp. The structure comprises a modified cargo container 20 feet long (6055 x 2438 x 2591 mm). It contain waste management facilities following the requirements of waste treatment, disposal or modification prior to the transport of waste from the area in accordance with the PEP of AT. Due to its location, the structure is consequently used to produce hot service water. The system of hot waste processing is based on the solar warm-water collectors with the primary circuit filled with antifreeze. The container include equipment for solid waste disposal – incinerator OG 120 SW, a product of TEAMTEC Norway (Fig. 23). 33 Fig. 19 Fig. 20 34 Figs. 19, 20, 21 – Interiors of the operational and accommodation building Fig.22 – Part of dry laboratory 35 Such incinerators are currently in use in the area. The container will provide storage, manipulation and treatment of incinerable wastes, and storage of wastes to be removed from the Antarctic area. This container carry a mast for small wind powered generator for automatic meteorological station and meteorological platform with solar instruments at the roof. SO 03 Generators storage Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 It is a modified cargo container 20 feet long. The structure serve for storing wind generators during the wintering break. Wind generators, means of small manipulation machinery and spare parts for the complex of them will be stored there. The structure will be connected to the system of electric distribution, lighting and sockets. The container carry a mast for windpowered generator. SO 04 Engine room of power supply equipment Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 The engine room comprises of a 20 feet long standard cargo container. It was equipped, already in the CR, with all necessary machinery for the production and distribution of electric energy. It contain main switching room of the electrocomplex of the station, location of transformers, accumulators and spare parts of this technical system (Fig. 24). The container is thermally insulated and it carry a mast for wind-powered generator. SO 05 Diesel generator Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 The structure consists of a cargo container 20 feet long with both permanently mounted and with mobile diesel generators for the production of elektricity (Part 11, Fig. 25). The permanently generators are anchored to the floor of the container, and complementary elements for the completion of a diesel power plant are placed within the container. From the inside, the system is insulated with a sandwich layer of thermal and acoustic insulation to reduce noise immission to the surroundings and the accommodation structure. The container carry a wind-powered generator. nb These storage structures complement a cluster of single-purpose technical container structures. The structure carry a wind-powered generator. SO 06/1 Intermediate storage Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 It serves as storage for the reserves of preserved food that must be kept in a cool place. Large packages of foodstuffs are stored on shelves or loose in the container. This is a standard container without thermal insulation and it carry a wind-powered generator. 36 Fig. 23 - Incinerator OG 120 SW 37 SO 06/2 Fuel storage Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 It serves as storage for diesel oil and gasoline. This cargo container is adjusted to correspond with safety and ecological requirements for the storage of oil products. The container has a double floor that creates 200-liter retention reservoirs. This is distributed throughout the container’s floor and covered with pore-grill-boards of zinc-coated steel. Steel drums with a volume of 200 liters are stored on the floor. The structure is situated furthest from the accommodation building but at the same time closest to the disembarkation site on the beach with respect to necessary manipulation during periodic fuel supply. The structure carry a wind-powered generator. SO 06/3 Spare parts storage Built-up area 14.78 m2 Built-in volume 38.30 m3 It serve as a storage for spare parts and material that will be used according to the needs of the station, and eventually for storing treated and wrapped waste to be transported out, etc. The structure contain dismantled ready-to-assemble shelves to be assembled if needed. It is assumed that the container will be also used for storing packaging material (such as wooden profiles, cardboard, etc.) for eventual treatment as mixed waste for incineration. A windpowered generator is mounted on a corner of the structure. SO 07 Water intake and distribution Total distribution length app. 130 m For common hygienic needs as well as for cooking, water from natural sources will be used. Many other stations obtain water in the same manner. Bottled water, imported from the nonAntarctic area, will be used for drinking and supplementing the physiologically required daily amount of mineralized water. Water will be drained from a local natural freshwater Watterworks Stream – a glacial stream that runs down the rock glacier’s forefront SW of the station’s location and meanders to the sea so that it flows around the station site and flows into the sea on a NE beach. The water extraction point is ca 100 m from the base. Water is drawn via a flexible hose hung on a steel rope above the brook bed, which makes it possible to quickly drop the hose in at a different spot. Water is electrically pumped from the brook’s trench to its edge. From the pump the water runs through heated, thermally insulated pipes to the main building of the station where it is stored in two plastic reservoirs with a total volume of 600 litres. SO 08 Waste water treatment The total amount of domestic sewage will be 2.25 m3 per day. The total length of the pipeline will be approximately 200 m. The structure serves for the basic treatment of sewage water from the operation structure. Since the waste water will have a character of biological sewage only, without chemical admixtures, its disposal is rather easy. Waste water disposal will conform to the requirement of draining the sewage below sea level in order to provide an instant dilution and avoid impact on the station’s freshwater systems. The proposed route of the wastewater pipeline uses gravity to drain the untreated materials. With respect to the need to minimize the solid particle content, the re-pumping and grinding of sewage will be carried out. 38 Fig. 24 – Part of engine room of power supply equipment 39 Fig. 25 – Diesel generators SO 09 Watercraft storage Built-up area 14.8 m2 Built-in volume 30 m3 The structure serves to store watercraft, i.e. two inflatable boats of Zodiac GRANT RAID MK III type. During storage, one of them will be hung under the container’s ceiling, the other will be placed on an undercarriage on the floor. A wind-powered generator is installed on this container. SO 10 Launching ramp Built-up area - trimming of the ramp plain 150 m2 - plank platform 20 m2 The construction of the ramp will allow for a sufficiently safe and controllable facility for floating watercraft as well as conditions for the unloading of supplies (foodstuffs, fuel, etc.) at the beginning of the working season and at the abandonment and preservation of the station. The structure’s fundation is a bevelled plain of the existing terrain that allows access to and from the coast; it could be bevelled merely with local coarse gravel and aggregates to the flattest possible surface. With respect to the construction of the launching cart, it was not necessary to create a guide rail (unless inevitable) as the cart would move on the conditioned surface only. The following data are. 40 SO 11 External cable distribution system The system concerns the external cable connection among the individual structures. With respect to the character of the station’s operation, which assumes only pedestrian traffic of people with knowledge of local conditions, the external cables in casing are laid in shallow trenches about 30 cm deep. The cable routes are proposed along the walkways indicated by marking. SO 12 Parking garage for wheeled/crawler vehicle The standard 20 ft container without any special alterations or fittings with lighting equipment and flanges for an incidental installation of the wind mill. 11. Generation of energy The station is conceived of as being an insular system. This means resources that are either locally available (water) or that work using solar and wind power cover all needs. These sources are backed up by energy systems for production of electric energy or heat using diesel generators with a defined 100% reserve capacity. Each aspect of the infrastructure is divided up into blocks, each of which will now be described. ELECTRIC ENERGY PRODUCTION The part of the infrastructure deals with the creation, distribution and consumption of electric energy. It utilize two sources, namely wind energy as the primary source and diesel generators as the secondary source. A significant part of the proposed electric energy consumption of 20-25kW can be covered by 8 wind-generated power stations (windmills) (Fig. 26, 27). By installation of windmills it was rightly assumed that the wind speed conditions on the selected site will be similar to those on the South Shetlands. This presumption was confirmed by the wind speed measurement. We may expect approximately 60% of the time during the Antarctic summer that there will be exploitable wind velocities with a dispensable power of 1500W and voltage 3 x 48V alternating current per wind mill. These will provide 50-60% of the seasonal consumption of electric energy. The wind aggregates supply electric energy to the distribution system through a block of batteries and converters and from there to the distribution systems 3PEN AC 50Hz 230/400 V/TN-C, 3 NPE AC 230/400 V/TN-S and 2DC 48V. The distribution systems are separated with respect to the type and importance of the appliances hooked up to them. The electric batteries fulfil an important task in compensating the disproportion between the supply and consumption of the electric energy during normal operations. If there were to be a serious failure of the electric energy supply, the capacity of the full loaded batteries is to be designed to supply full coverage (i.e. about 10 kWh) of the expected average consumption for 24 hours (in this case approximately the 24 h is considered sufficient time to for contingency to the failure, refilling fuel into the tanks or starting-up of the backup source). Ni-Cd batteries with a nominal voltage 24V are suggested because of their particular characteristics. The whole of electric energy supply system is backed-up using liquid fuel sources, ensuring a supply of is in the event of a total lack of wind-generated electric energy. Two reserve Gesan R12 diesel generators and one R30 diesel generator have been selected as a generators with a sufficiently stabile capacity of 12kW/400V (R12) and 30kW/400V (R30). This generators uses low viscosity oil, has fully body-supported body with a sound damper, a transport cart and a pulley and is equipped with automatic regulation and remote starting. 41 Fig. 26 – Group of technical containers - the farm of windmills Fig. 27 - Installation of windmill 42 As instantaneous mobile sources of electric energy serve generators Honda G5000 and GS170, portable petrol generator sets incl. welding with manual start-up and capacities up to 6kW (230 V), which is not a problem in this case, as petrol must be in the fuel store for the ship’s engines will be used. HEAT SUPPLY The production of heat is based on the expected and/or real consumption. An external temperature of -15°C was chose for calculation purposes. The heat loss from the main building structure is 8.4 kW. According to meteorological data from surrounding stations, the mean temperature during the summer from beginning of November until the end of March oscillates around +1.5°C. If the mean temperature inside the object is 23°C, the temperature difference to be covered by heating make on average 21.5 K. This corresponds with an average heat loss 4.52 kW. Under such conditions, the consumption of heat energy for heating for the 120 days of the Antarctic summer amounts to 13.020 kWh. Solar energy is absorbed by solar collectors and used for water heating (12 m2) and air heating (36 m2) (Fig. 28 ). The hot water produced by solar energy is to be used preferably as water for hygienic needs. The second one is intended to support the heating of the residential building. This means that solar energy serve in the daytime as the preferred method preheating of air circulating through the hot-air heating system. The original idea to use for heat production a heat pump was abandoned owing to potential problems. 12. Means of transportation Two rubber Zodiac inflatable boats will be used as means of transport (Zodiac PRO II 470 + steering bracket and Zodiac Grand Raid MARK III, outboard gasoline engines MERCURY 60EO and 40MH). The wheeled-crawler vehicle is suggested for the transport of material within the area of the station and for the transport of people and material during field survey. The vehicle is produced in the licence of British company Leyland (Hillcat 1 100 – see: with the model designation Scot Trac 2000 R by Slovak producer CSM Tisovec ltd. ( The transport of material at the station will utilize two-wheeled carts, a dolly and a universal winch-operated cart with up to 1000 kg loading capacity. The cart will serve mainly for the transport of watercraft from the storage to the coast and back. 13. Transport operation The transport of building and technical material for the construction of the station as well as its complete interior equipment (all material was transported in the standard 20 ft containers) have been preliminary agreed and was realized in three previously agreed stages: 1. from the Czech Republic to western-European harbour (Hamburg) - autumn 2004, 2. after the reloading in European harbour by standard cargo ship to south Chile (Punta Arenas) – autumn 2004, 3. after the reloading to a ship with the ice rank (Chilean Navy icebreaker Almirante O. Viel – Fig. 29) to the place of destination on the northern coast of Jamess Ross Island - February 2005, December 2005. 43 Fig. 28 – Solar collectors for air heating (right) and water heating (left) The containers which are going to be the permanent part of the station (SO 02 to SO 12, see part 10.3 and Fig. 30) were transported to the place of installation on the special removable steel coulisses. Remaining containers were discharged onto the pier. Fuel drums, personnel and luggage were transported by the icebreaker’s helicopter. Transport of personnel was also provided by Fuerza Aerea Argentina (from Rio Gallegos to Argentinian station Marambio, from Marambio to James Ross Island and back), Fuerza Aerea de Chile (from the Chilean station Marsh/Frei to Punta Arenas) and by the Chilean company DAP (via helicopter and ship from James Ross Island to station Marsh/Frei). 14. Waste and waste management plan Following the regulations that are being incorporated in PEP, the procedure of waste management will be further elaborated based on the analysis of the monitoring carried out in 1996 and published by SCAR and COMNAP. In accordance with Article 8, Attachment No 3 of the PEP, the waste management plan for Czech station respect the following structure and categorization of waste: Group 1. Sewage and domestic liquid waste, Group 2. Other liquid waste and chemicals, fuels and lubricants inclusive, Group 3. Solid substances intended for incineration, Group 4. Other solid waste. Based on this structure, a realistic estimation of waste production was gradually quantified already by project creation and successively specified by fabrication of constituent station elements and by the construction of station itself. The waste production will be monitored during the first operation season and evaluated according to the conditions set in Attachment No 3 of the PEP and the expected requirements. 44 Fig 29 - Chilenian icebreaker Almirante Oscar Viel before disembarkment operation Fig. 30 – Debark of technical container 45 14.1 Waste from the station’s construction During the construction of the station, two types of waste will occur: a) solid waste The assumed amount of approximately 300 kg have been stored in plastic drums during both construction seasons and either taken away from the Antarctic Treaty area at the transport of the construction crew, or disposed of in one of the permanent stations. b) waste resulting from assembly and building activities b.1 Construction waste This waste consists of trimmings and pieces of wood that constitute the basic building material. During the production and pre-assembly operations prior to dispatch, this amount was adjusted to allow maximum utilization. Usable cut timber are utilized for the construction of waste bins or shelves in containers intended for operational use, etc. Appropriate construction elements will be also stored for possible repairs, etc. b.2 Wrapping material The materials which are forbidden for use according to Annex III, article 7 of the PEP was not used for the transport of constructional segments, equipment or any other equipment used at the station. There were basically two kinds of this material – 1. safely disposable wood and paper, and 2. PET foil. Wooden containers (boxes, pieces of wood, etc.) were stored for later use. Cardboard and PET foil were sorted and later possibly used for additional creation of heatinsulation layers, e.g. for insulating the inner walls of containers. Unutilised waste material (low density PET) was burned, other materials was deposited, bundled and transported from the construction site outside the territory of the AT. In concord with the PEP, Annex III, Article 2 a 3 (paragraph 1), PET low density packing materials were considered in particular. These are combusted at temperatures above 1000°C in the incinerator unit by TEAMTEC Norway - Golar 120 Marine Type Incinerator (see also ATCM XXVI, IP-93, Annex No. 10), which meets the requirements of SCAR and COMNAP (Monitoring of Environmental Impacts from Scientific Research and Operations in Antarctica, 1996). 14.2 Waste resulting from the station’s operation For the purpose of estimating the occurrence and disposal, waste resulting from the station’s operation is keeping with Annex III, Article 8 of the PEP categorized as follows: a) solid waste The estimated amount of municipal waste are amount 300 kg per 15 people per 5 months. This figure relates to the remaining non-combustible waste during the construction itself, and this waste will have to be transported outside the Antarctic Treaty area. Solid waste (Group 3) will be sorted as combustible and non-combustible at its formation and collection. Mixed combustible waste, i.e. remains of office paper, wrapping paper, foil wrapping of foodstuffs and consumables, PET bottles, PET wraps (low density – see ANNEX III, Article 2 and 3, paragraph 1 of the PEP), etc. will be separated and stored in designated boxes in the container SO 02 (see Part 10.3). The disposal of solid waste in the station will be carried out by an incineration process in a special facility placed in structure SO 02 (incineration unit), which is connected directly to the main building of the station. The incineration cycle will be based on experience from the 46 specific operation. According to the information obtained from other stations, a two-week cycle of incineration of approximately 200 kg of waste is expected. Waste will be collected and sorted into designated bins in the cargo container. Combustible waste will be incinerated as municipal-type mixed waste. A specialized manufacturer of incinerators TEAMTEC Norway recommended for the station the GOLAR 120 Marine type incinerator. The technology of burning in this apparatus is compliant with the PEP. Mentioned incinerator can combust all types of solid waste based on their heating value: Classified material Waste of type II 17,270 (dry paper) 9,901 Type II of waste can be processed by this incineration equipment in 200 liter batches at a frequency of 3-5 hours. The incinerator is supplemented with boxes for sorting of waste into the groups: noncombustibles and combustibles. Beforee the liquidation, burnable material will be mixed to the required heating capacity in order to reach the optimal temperature during the burning process. Other kinds of rigid waste (Group 4 – according PEP, Annex III, Article 8 uncombustible parts of municipal waste) i.e. glas, PVC high density, metals, batteries, composited wrappings etc. will be separated, packed and transported out of AT territory. b) liquid waste Sewage (Group 1): - liquid waste of a domestic sewage character that will be drained directly to the sea in the amount of app. 2.5 m3. It is the amount which was inferred from the water consumption statistics in the Czech Republic which indicate expected consumption 160 – 200 l per person and day. Other liquid waste and chemicals (Group 2) - liquid waste of physical-chemical solutions from laboratory research - the character of these substances will be specific according to the types of laboratory research activities. It is assumed that for certain laboratory activities, which are proposed and will result in this sort of waste, its expected amount, the manner of primary neutralization (if needed), wrapping, adjustment and placing in a cargo container will be specified. - liquid waste of oil products such as used oil from engines or spillage from fuelling - after sorting, this waste will be collected in separated canisters and during supply operations returned to the service ship either for incineration outside the AT area or for the application as a fuel for the ship’s engine. c. gaseous waste - exhaust gases of diesel-electric generators or small gasoline-powered generators; in the given case, their amount should be reduced by the utilization of renewable sources of energy - combustion gases resulting from the disposal of solid combustible waste from the station’s operation. Within the station‘s area, we can assume the cumulation of some impacts during its lifetime (app. 30 years). To reveal the possible cumulation of impacts, monitoring started right at the beginning of the station‘s construction. 47 Theoretically, we can assume that cumulation of immissions – mainly NOx group – would occur at the station and its vicinity. This assumption would be subject of one part of the mentioned monitoring program. Cumulative impacts would be limited mainly due to the fact that wastes would not be combusted during calm situations (immission and dispersal study takes into account immission concentrations at still air). Cumulative impact of discharged liquid wastes on littoral zone communities cannot be excluded either, even though the coast at the station‘s location is open. The coastline is simple and would not limit the dispersal of compounds around the discharge. Monitoring will also be conducted from the beginning of the construction. 14.3 Waste water The waste water is only sewage water from the hygienic facilities and from food preparation. Therefore, it is common municipal waste water. The amount of waste water is the result of water consumption. The balance of the production of pollution is calculated per one equivalent inhabitant (EI). The calculation takes in account 15 EI at the station. Besides standard parameters (Qannual – annual volumen of waste water, qmax – maximal seasonal (summer) volumen, Qseasonal - mean daily volumen in summer season, Qdaily – annual volumen pro time unit) the mean seasonal (summer) volumen pro time unit (qaverage) were used. Balance sheet Characteristic Unit Value Q annual m3 per year 821.25 q max m3 per 150 days 337.50 Q seasonal m3.d-1 2.25 Q daily l.s-1 0.03 q average l.s-1 0.25 Given a daily water consumption of 2.25 m3.d-1, the production of pollution is: Matter Units kg.d-1 kg per year kg per season mg.l-1 0.90 328.5 135 400 BOD5 0.83 302.95 124.5 367 DS 0.67 264.65 100.5 300 COD 6.0 – 8.0 pH 1.88 686.2 282 834 dissolved matter 0.18 65.7 27 80 N total 0.02 7.3 3 10 P total Notes: BOD5 – biological consumption of oxygen in 5 days (biological pollution of water) DS - non dissolved matter in water COD - chemical consumption of oxygen (chemical pollution of water) The process of maceration was rejected (in concord with Annex III, Article 5, paragraph 1b of the PEP) because the station have a seasonal character and a smaller personnel than the stated material presumes. The amount of liquid wastes would be significantly lower. At Site No. 4 the liquid wastes would be discharged directly into the Prince Gustav Channel. Due to the character of the coast at the given place, the disposed wastes would immediately and rapidly dissolve and disperse. Therefore, it would meet the requirements defined in the above mentioned Annex, Paragraph 1 a. 48 A separation of used toilet paper into special containers (bags) and their incineration with solid waste is considered. This would decrease the total input of organic matter into the marine environment, and, furthermore, it would eliminate the unappealing presence of slowly decaying paper by the coast. 15. The progress of construction-technical activities and the testing of technical systems Technical activities at the construction site were carried out in two phases: phase one during the first months of 2005, and phase two at the turn of 2005/06. Phase One took place between 19 January and 15 March 2005 and involved sixteen workers. They started with a detailed survey of the construction site and the position of individual buildings. They then began excavating for the foundations of the main building (SO 01) and grading the surface for locating the technical containers. These activities accelerated the construction itself straight after disembarkation. After the transport by Chilean icebreaker Almirante Viel (17-24 February 2005), the disembarkation took one and a half days and proceeded smoothly to the construction of the main building, which continued until 12 March 2005. By that time, the construction was approximately 70 % completed, and it then served as temporary accommodations for the workers while the site was prepared for winterising (Fig. 31). Between 6 - 11 March 2005 the much lightened technical containers were gradually transported from the beach. This operation was carried out using steel slides which were fixed to the bottom of containers and pulled by caterpillar tractor. The transport of one container to its final location took approximately 3 hours. As a final measure, some of the unused and less durable material was stored in the containers, while the rest was safely deposited outside. The technical crew left the site by ship on 15 March 2005. On 28 February 2005 the construction site was visited by an Antarctic Treaty Inspections group including Dr. M. G .Richardson (Foreign and Commonwealth Office London), R. H. Downie (BAS, Cambridge), T. R. Maggs (Australian Antarctic Division, Kingston, Tasmania) and J. C. Rivera (Instituto Antártico Peruano, Lima). Members of the inspection group did not find any violations to the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty or the Madrid Protocol. In addition to the construction activities themselves, an automatic meteorological station was installed at the site inclusive of temporarily set up equipment for sun radiation measurement. Phase Two (17 December 2005 – 4 March 2006) started with the transport of the remaining construction materials, twelve technical personnel and two scientists from Punta Arenas to James Ross Island. In this case, the icebreaker Almirante Viel provided transport and landed on 21 December 2005. The following day was devoted to the disembarkation of people and material, while subsequent days were given to technical aspects of the construction. Several activities were carried out: First, the incinerator container was transported to its permanent location. This was followed by the installation of solar panels, a check of distribution systems, getting the water heating system tested and running, and the installation of the meteorological platform on the roof of the structure. 49 Fig. 31 – Finish of first construction phase (23 March) Second, the accommodations and service building of the station (Fig. 32) was completed. This work included 1) the outer protective layer, flooring, fitting with doors, assembly and placement of furniture, 2) distribution systems, completing and inspection of wiring, 3) airconditioning, including the ductwork to the engine room, solar panels, and their testing, 4) setting up water pipes and the sewage system both inside and outside the building, and the applicable service checks (Fig. 33). Third, the exterior distribution systems and structures were installed. This included 1) cable distribution, 2) starting up and testing the power distribution system, 3) setting up permanent fuel storage, and, 4) final stocking of the storage containers. Fourth, the meteorological equipment and radio tower were set up. This included 1) erection of meteorological and radio towers (height 10 and 8 m respectively), 2) installation of the basic meteorological station, 3) construction of a meteorological platform including radiometers, photovoltaic panels and small wind-powered plant providing for the stations operation, 4) installation of five field meteorological stations. Fifth, the station and its environs were cleaned up to dispose of the remains of the 2005 camp and to landscape the ground disturbed by the vehicles so as to return the immediate area to a reasonable reflection of its former state. The structures were secured or dismantled according to the needs (windmills) and closed, combustible wastes were burnt and incombustible wastes were stored. This phase ended with the air transport of workers to Marambio station and then on to Rio Gallegos (Argentina). 50 Fig. 32 – Finish of second construction phase at the beginning of March 2006 Fig. 33 – Assembly of air-conditioning and electric distribution inside of main building 51 Operation instructions and regulations obligatory for all expedition members were developed concerning all technical systems of the station, fire safety, means of transport operation, and activities and stay of workers outdoors. 16. The base as a suitable environment for work and habitation The base offers suitable conditions for the stay of a crew with fifteen (temporarily up to twenty) members both in terms of accommodation quality (single and double bedrooms), temperature comfort of the rooms, personal hygienic needs (hot and cold water), and the basic conditions for expert scientific work (dry and wet laboratory with proper laboratory facilities, dry and wet desks, fume chamber, etc.). There are one freezer and a refrigerator for storing food susceptible to heat, and a kitchen equipped with electrical appliances for cooking. The station is equipped with basic devices for giving first aid; one of every two members of the technical staff in each expedition group must have emergency medical training. Serious health problems would be solved in co-operation with the Argentinean station Marambio. The maintenance and technical shop can be used for the technical support of the scientific activities. It is fully equipped with locksmith tools including a welding unit, compressor, mobile diesel-powered electric generators and electrical appliances (grinding machines, drills, saws, soldering lamps, etc.). At present the base already has a basic meteorological station with automatic operation and standard measuring programme, complemented by set of devices for radiation measurements (global sun radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, total UV, UV-B, UV-B erythemogenic – Fig. 34). Fig. 34 – Meteorological platform with radiation sensors 52 For local radio communication, the base is equipped with a radio station Yaetsu FT-8700 and for regional communication with an Ultra-compact Transceiver Yaetsu FT-857. During assembly activities, communication outside Antarctica was provided via telephone within satellite communication network Iridium which also provides for the exchange of text messages. Such a level of communication will be provided for the initiation of the regular base’s operation as well. As a whole the station provides a sufficient framework for undertaking the research programme briefly described in Part 18. 17. Supply of the base The base will operate in summer and its supply as well as transport of staff will take place in co-operation with particular Chilean and Argentinean institutions. This issue has already been discussed and at present bilateral agreements on co-operation in the field of logistic operations and scientific research are being prepared by the ministries of foreign affairs of both countries and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. We would like to thank in particular the following institutions for their positive approach to the agreements: Instituto Antártico Argentino Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores de Argentina, Comercio Internacional y Culto, Instituto Nacional Antártico Chileno Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile, Dirreccion de Medio Ambiente, Departamento Antártico 18. Scientific programme of the base The major factor in the location of J. G. Mendel Station was the existence of conditions for a survey of deglaciated areas of Antarctica. This topic has been dealt with previously in a narrower scope within Czech scientific programmes at the stations H. Arctowski (Poland), Machu Pichu (Peru) and Vernadsky (the Ukraine). During these activities, content and methodology experience was gained for future research activities. Therefore, we will be able to broaden our research questions and draw upon expertise from other fields of science, and to examine larger deglaciated areas. The northern deglaciated part of James Ross Island which forms the Ulu Peninsula (about 180 km2) belongs to one of the largest deglaciated areas of Antarctica. It is quite a young oasis with approximately 6000 years of deglaciation. This area whose morphology includes summit plateaux, remnants of ice caps and relatively vast depressions offers studies which include: 1. Geological structure, its morphostructural effects and changes under impact of many factors that have influenced the Earth’s surface and its bedrock during gradual deglaciation, their mutual conditionality and combined effects. This includes the atmosphere with respect to its temperature and humidity regime, running water and erosion, transport and sedimentation of eroded material, periglacial modelling of the surface, processes of chemical weathering and the initiation of pedogenetic processes which are already the result of the influence of gradual colonisation of deglaciated area by biota. 2. the course of deglaciation in space and time, and reconstruction of past climate; 3. succession of living organisms in regolith and on its surface, their biodiversity, biomass production and adaptability to the new enviromnetal conditions; 53 4. dependence of biota on external conditions (radiation, temperature, atmospheric and substrate humidity, attendance of water in liquid state, nutrient resources and their utilizability); 5. structure of plant and animal communities – structure and function under influence of external factors; 6. physiological acclimatization of plants and animals to the environmental conditions of leevard and relatively arid east coast of Antarctic Peninsula; 7. impacts of continental processes on marine benthic littoral ecosystems (sedimentation of regolith transported by streams into the littoral zone of the sea and its impact on benthic ecosystems including the study of the impact of seabed erosion by ice blocks). The briefly presented topics will be dealt with by several scientific disciplines: geology, geomorphology, glaciology, hydrology, limnology, climatology, analytic chemistry, organic chemistry and geochemistry. From biological point of view taxonomy, soil biology, biodiverzity, ecophysiology and stress plant physiology, ecology and environmental risk assessment. The results of individual scientific disciplines will then in mutual confrontation provide a complex view of the inner structure of deglaciated oasis ecosystem and its function. The crowning achievement of the programme will be the modelling of this ecosystem’s function. Moreover, this step will make it possible to forecast the reactions of the ecosystem to potential changes in outer conditions (e.g. the process of global climate warming), to which the simple polar ecosystems are highly susceptible. 54