John Logie Baird`s last projects Douglas Brown


John Logie Baird`s last projects Douglas Brown
John Logie Baird’s last projects
Douglas Brown and Malcolm Baird*
Baird Television Ltd (BTL) was a large
company in the 1930s, owned by the
Gaumont British Picture Company
and employing several hundred
people. After its defeat in 1937 by
Marconi-EMI, in the competition for
the BBC television camera, BTL
continued as a leading manufacturer
of quality television receivers. Figure 1
is taken from the 1938/39 Baird
Television Receivers brochure.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
With the outbreak of war and the cessation of television broadcasting,
the market for receivers disappeared and BTL went into liquidation.
Parts of it transferred to Cinema Television Ltd (Cintel), later to be
absorbed by the Rank Organization. Now privately owned and still
proud of their roots in Baird, Cintel technology is used worldwide
in the making of the major blockbuster films, television dramas,
episodics, music videos and adverts seen in today’s media.
Between 1933 and 1939, John Logie Baird (JLB) held the nominal
position of Managing Director of BTL and by 1939 had accumulated
savings of £15,000, a very substantial sum for those days. During
the reorganisation JLB drifted apart from the company he created.
Undeterred by the change in circumstances in 1939, he decided
to continue research at his own personal expense, on colour
and stereoscopic television. He moved his family to the safety
of Cornwall while he continued to work at his private laboratory
next to his house at 3 Crescent Wood Road in Sydenham.
JLB’s research was highly successful in the technical sense, and he
looked forward to the resumption of television after the end of the war.
Early in 1944 he had started talking to financiers about setting up a
new company. One of his backers was the film and theatre star Jack
Buchanan, whom JLB had known since their school days in Scotland.
The new company was called John Logie Baird Limited and its initial
focus was to be the manufacture of receivers for the domestic market
and for export. The company set up its offices in the west end of
London at 4 Upper Grosvenor Street. Some space was available there
for receiver development, while JLB’s laboratory at Sydenham was still
in use, although the adjoining house was unfit for habitation due to
air raid damage. Early in 1945 JLB and the family moved to a rented
house at Bexhill on Sea, just across the road from the railway station.
The war years took their toll on JLB. He suffered a minor heart
attack in 1941 but continued with a heavy workload. By 1945 his
old friends remarked that he seemed frail and older than his years.
He spent January 1946 in London, suffering from worsening bouts
of flu, meeting with fellow directors (J. Donaldson-Hudson, Jack
Buchanan, Norman Letts and Kew Edwin Shelley, K.C.) and planning
the development of what was for those days an exceptionally large
receiver, with a 28-inch screen.
He returned to Bexhill and then on 2 February, he sustained a
stroke. This confined him to bed. Despite electricity shortages, his
room was kept warm and somehow a supply of fresh fruit (mainly
grapes) was found. The year 1946 was not a happy one for the Baird
family and none of them had much recollection of JLB’s technical
work in the last few years of his life.
Despite ailing health JLB’s large receiver project was meticulously
covered by British Patents:
GB562433 Applied 23 July 1943 accepted 30 June 1944 (figure 2)
“This invention relates to television and has for its object to
provide improved apparatus for producing pictures which
will permit of an unobstructed view from both sides thus
enabling a larger number of people to see them.”
GB579482 Applied 28 April 1944 accepted 6 Aug 1946 (figure 3)
“If it is desired to provide a large screen, say for example, of the
order of two feet square or more, the flattened end of the tube
must be made very thick to avoid breakage under atmospheric
pressure when the tube is exhausted, and since the image is
viewed through glass, distortion of the image results. For still
larger sizes it becomes quite impracticable to provide a flat
glass surface which will withstand the atmospheric pressure.
If a spherical bulb is used in the cathode ray tube, and the
screen is formed by coating part of the spherical surface,
distortion of the image again results. The object of this
invention is to provide a construction whereby a large screen
Figure 4
Figure 5
of the type above described can be satisfactorily made.”
enable us to work on them, would they appeal to Hewittic on
our behalf? This they have done and I have heard back from
Mr.Haney of Hewittic, that they [will] do the job for us, so that’s
cleared. I have handled all matters relating to my department
myself as we cannot afford to risk upsetting either of these firms.
Just recently, Malcolm was going though old papers and found
a hand-written letter to JLB which has helped to fill in the gaps.
The letter, dated April 8 1946, is from his glassblower Arthur
Johnson. We have transcribed it in full with minor corrections to
spelling and syntax and added a few comments as footnotes.
With his letter, Johnson enclosed a sketch (Figure 4) of
the large cathode ray tube on which he was working.
11” double-viewing tube [2]
This tube I have shelved in lieu of another 11” projection tube and
this is under way as an (improved spare) and will be finished
before the Mark II power unit is ready.i
The Met Vic oil Diff pump is now good enough for assembly and
incorporating to Mark III projection unit if required.
I have received the fluorescent powder [3] from Germany and will
ascertain as to further supplies. As there is only a small quantity, I am
not disposed to use it till I get some light test apparatus and standards
to work from. I am handling this myself and am getting a unit made up.
I think this is all for now, hoping you’ll be back soon also that the
rest of the family are O.K. I expect Mrs. Baird could use a six months
holiday (with full pay).
63 Southwood Drive,
Dear Mr. Baird,
Glad to hear that you are getting better, you must have been a lot
worse than we thought.
I am of the opinion that your absence has been felt by all of us, and
I gather more especially by the directors, who seem to be at sixes and
sevens over most things, but as you left a fairly clear cut programme
there’s nothing for you to worry over.
Yours sincerely, A.H.Johnson
We have inserted some annotations in Johnson’s letter.
These refer to further explanations, which we give below.
In his letter [1] Johnson refers to the Hewittic Company, the main
supplier of large glass bulbs used in mercury arc rectifiers for the
vacuum tube industry, in which Baird’s majestic 28-inch television
screen had been fabricated. Johnson certainly had good reason
to take the company to task as badly annealed tubes may lead to
leakage and a steady loss of vacuum causing a complete failure of
the CRT. A stress fracture could ensue after evacuation causing an
implosion (like an explosion only the forces act towards the centre of
the tube), which would be potentially very hazardous in such a large
bulb. The 30-inch glass tube was the centrepiece for the “Grosvenor”
30” Tube
I have another one on the jump, which should be off this
week – and it should be an improvement on the last, altogether
there are four alterations and improvements (see sketch).
I have had a little trouble with the bulbs, one let me down during
working and I found that five of them were not properly annealed.
I explained the position to Jobling (Pyrex) they referred me to
Hewittic [1] for re-annealing them. I wrote back to them pointing
out we were not disposed to ask any more favours of Hewittic,
and as we expected these bulbs to be sufficiently annealed to
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
(Figure 5) receiver model placed in the Savoy Hotel to show the BBC’s
broadcast of the Victory Parade. The location was rather appropriate
as the Foyer of the Savoy was mirror paneled, enabling a multiplicity
of reflected images. Due to weight and cost (about £1500), only a
single Grosvenor model, housing, at that time, the largest direct-view
television screen in the world, manufactured by John Logie Baird
Ltd. It was last seen in public at the Radiolympia show in 1947.
On the 11-inch double viewing projection tube, [2] the authors
initially assumed that Johnson was referring to a copy, he was
making, of the projection tube that BTL/Cinema TV had used for
the Boon/Danahar boxing match in 1939. The Baird Television
projection tube as detailed in Figure 6, produced an intensely bright
image from a small front-surface highly reflective internal screen
developed by Dr Szegho. The tiny internal 405-line image used a very
expensive high magnification, colour corrected lens manufactured
by Taylor, Taylor Hobson, (Figure 7) to project television images
on a 3 x 3.75 metre screen. This was the tube used by the BTL/
Cinema TV engineers for the Boon/Danahar boxing match in 1939.
This confusion was brought about by the knowledge that
Szegho had secretly supplied JLB with a number of BTV projection
tubes in 1940 for use in his stereoscopic colour television project.
However, the authors can now reveal that JLB designed and
patented a simpler method of theatre projection that greatly
reduced the cost, enabling an inexpensive lens to be utilised.
GB602341 Applied 10 April 1945 accepted 25 May 1948
“My invention consists in using an uncorrected lens in conjunction
with a cathode-ray screen of large area (for example of about 2
feet square), and restricting the amount of magnification of the
image so that the imperfections produced in the resulting picture
due to the nature of the lens are not of sufficient magnitude to
make the picture unacceptable. For example, a 2 feet by 2 feet
image may be enlarged (i.e., have each linear dimension increased)
from five to ten times. By this device an inexpensive lens without
colour correction can be used, without undue loss of definition.”
GB602341 was JLB’s last issued patent. Figure 8 indicates
that the screen is set within the centre of a spherical glass tube
and is therefore inadvertently ‘double-viewing’, based on the
28-inch design only smaller. By using an 11-inch tube (Figure
8) JLB could project a large television image of the Victory
Parade on a five-foot screen with a simple lens, by simply
restricting the magnification to just over five times. Further
evidence is supplied in ‘John Logie Baird: A Life’, Page 363:
“At the Savoy Hotel the programme would be
seen on a 5-foot projection screen.”
The fluorescent powder [3] is the “yellow-white fluorescent
powder” from Fernseh that JLB had requested as referred to in J
B Score’s letter (Figure 9) dated 11th January, 1946 from SIGESO,
(Ministry of Civil Aviation, Operations and Technical Radio Committee
(Watson-Watt Committee): Sub-committee for Investigation of
German Electronics and Signals Organisation 1945-1946.)
During Douglas Brown’s interview with Szegho in 1990
it was pointed out that the best fluorescent material
for withstanding the high beam velocity was ‘biscuit’
coloured, giving the images an almost sepia tint.
By early June, it looked as if JLB was making a partial recovery
and his diary contains notes on large-screen television at the
Savoy Hotel and in cinemas in central London. Sadly, he died in
his sleep on June 14, just a few days after the BBC had resumed
its television broadcasts and had televised the Victory Parade.
*About the authors:
Douglas Brown is Director of the Science and Technology Forum at the University
of Strathclyde. He is the author of a forthcoming television history book, “Images
through Space” which will be reviewed here in the near future. Malcolm Baird lives
in Canada and is a retired professor of chemical engineering. In 2002 he co-wrote
(with Antony Kamm) a biography of his father entitled “John Logie Baird: a life”.
This book is the basis of a feature film project currently at the development stage.