StunNation - 1 Stunnas


StunNation - 1 Stunnas
Official #1 Stunnas Motor Sport Club Newsletter
Waaaaazzzzz good fam1ly, yet
again we back to rock this
community with some news,
events and updated
knowledge. Got some great
things to tell ya about so letz
get it!
“The Message” Introduction
“The Hot Corner” Chapter News
“The APP corner” Apps for your mobile device
“Mount Up and Ride” Chapter Events
“StunnAid” Community Service
“Extra Extra” Misc news items
“Final Word” message from the Founders
(Main Website)
(Online Store)
(Corp. Page)
(facebook information page…request to join)
Welcome back family and thank you for reading StunNation, the
official #1 Stunnas Motor Sport Organization’s Newsletter. With
summertime here and bikes are in full rev’d up mode we need to
be very aware of our surroundings and our family. Never leave
a brother or sisters alone and always have each other’s back, no
matter what the circumstances, WE ARE FAMILY!!!
Please be sure to email with any
ideas or comments.
The Hot Corner
chapter news
In February, Presidents from across the Nation converged on New Orleans for the #1 Stunnas National
Presidents Conference. Fam1ly members arrived as well to celebrate with the New Orleans chapter for their
Anniversary as well. Speaking on such things as by laws, chapter rules and regulations and national business.
REESE (founder) was quoted as saying…“We added a key position to national board, the National Recruiter was
brought on to solidify our club across the nation. This is important so that we make sure to intake quality
members to the organization the right way.” Also mentioned is that the next Presidents conf will be held in
Memphis. Another important announcement is that there will be the 10 year National Celebration in Myrtle
Beach, Memorial Day weekend 2013. Details on that will be sure to come as soon as it is decided.
The Hot Corner
chapter news
Please join us in welcoming our newest chapter to the #1 Stunnas M.S.C.. The Erie, PA.
Chapter. With U-Turn as President they are starting a charter that is sure to bring some new
Stunna Love to the state of Pennsylvania. Along with Pittsburgh we are making a great stand on
the east coast along with our others chapters. Great Job U-Turn and be sure you keep it nuttin
but Stunna out there.
The Hot Corner
chapter news
Please join us in welcoming our newest chapter to the #1 Stunnas M.S.C.. The S.W.G.A. (South
West Georgia Chapter). Comprised of members from all over Atlanta a lot of these cats were
from the Atlanta Chapter and know what it takes to be a true Stunna. Congrats guys and make
the SWGA chapter what it needs to be and that’s a leading example a great chapter and pay it
The Hot Corner
chapter news
Atlanta had a somber day come upon them when they had to say goodbye to their home. The Blackhouse was
shut down and the Atlanta Stunna Chapter move on up to some bigger better housing. Dirty, ATL President,
stated “We were the first sport bike club it the A providing a home and a venue with commoraderie and
positivity in the MSC world.” With those words Atlanta has hosted many events in the Blackhouse and it held a
lot of memories. He went and said “Not having a home, not having a place to conduct business and going to a
commercial venue, it built many relationships and to start a new relationship”. “Our new spot has 2 bathrooms,
kitchen and it’s a 2 miles radius as our old same area”. With a possible coming out party on April 15th or May
15th it will be sure to be host to many more years of memories. Best of luck to you guys in the dirty dirty and
great job on keeping it Stunna!
The App Corner
Apps for your mobile device
Hey Stunnas…we got this new section in the StunNation newsletter
where we feature apps for your mobile device. Whether it’s free or has
a cost, these apps are at the top of the list as must haves. Check them
out and enjoy.
Angry Birds in Space: Angry Birds Space
features 60 interstellar levels on planets and in
zero gravity, resulting in spectacular game play
ranging from slow-motion puzzles to light speed
destruction. With regular free updates, brand new
birds, brand new superpowers, and a whole
galaxy to explore, the sky is no longer the limit!
Draw Something: Play the AD-FREE version of
Draw something, the most popular social drawing
and guessing game on Android! Experience for
yourself the laugh-out-loud game your friends are
raving about!
Words with Friends: Get a chance to stumble
your friends up with this scrabblesque game and
stump more than one person at a time if you’d
like. Multiple games and multiple fun…get them
stumped and be the champ.
Please be aware that StunNation Newsletter does not guarantee or warranty these apps are 100% safe and non-virus containing and in no
way is StunNation, its affiliate #1 Stunnas Motor sport Club or members of the #1 Stunnas Motor sport club are liable or held responsible for
any problems that may arise with these apps. Apps may be either suitable for Apple products, Smart or Android based phones or ANYONE
who wishes to use these apps will need to research the app, its creators and its feedback. The apps listed above are based on popular
feedback on websites and magazine articles and are no way authorized officially by the StunNation newsletter or its parent company the #1
Stunnas Motorsport Club.
Mount up and Ride
Chapter events
Memphis, TN.
Mount up and Ride
Chapter events
Milwaukee Anniversary kicks off June 15th thru the
17th. More info to come from the chapter soon!!!
Milwaukee, WI.
community service and events
Oh yeah Stunnas get it in when we give back. Here are some of the
chapters giving back to the less fortunate and some great people! You
can always go to to see any and all
community service work or just scan the QR code below and it’llk take
you there! Let’s see what they do.
community service and events
R. .P.
Fallen FAM1LY
We lost one of our own. Gina Pocahantas DeMonte. It’s never
easy to lose anyone, especially our sister but it with any lose we
celebrate her life and know our sis is watching over us riding
high above. Ride in peace pocahantas and keep your loving hand
covering all us, your stunna fam1ly.
I know that this section is normally held for the founders but with all that has been going
on over the past few months I thought I would take a moment to give my own address to
the nation. I was reading a article a few weeks back about freedom of speech and I
thought it was very clean cut and up front about how people can use that right…it
read…Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's ideas via speech. The
term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of
seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. In
practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is
commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity and incitement to commit
a crime. I love having the right to say what I believe and knowing that we have that right in
this country is one of the best things we can offer any one. But with that freedom comes
much responsibility and that is where the buck falls short with a lot of people…we can say
anything we want because most people don’t think of the ramifications that come along
with such freedom but it does! As fam1ly we must all respect and honor anyone who
wears this cut and treat them as you would want to be treated and know that if we
don’t…that’s when strain starts to tear us apart as a whole. Passion is a dangerous and
powerful emotion as many of us can relate to. Many of the world’s famous icons and
world changers had passion for what they believe in and of course they had haters who did
their best to slow them down but those who believed in them helped them move forward
to great things. They were never perfect and they have made mistakes as we are all
human but if they can admit that to themselves and the people that mattered to them the
most…then we close that chapter and move forward. Let’s move forward and grow as we
know we can do and that’s as 1….Much Love Stunnas