The Przewalski Horse Newsletter
The Przewalski Horse Newsletter
The Przewalski Horse Newsletter JANUARY 2008 THE TAKHI ALREADY FIFTEEN YEARS BACK IN MONGOLIA rises us that within a few hours the rain starts pouring down. The staff at Hustai National Park con- must always stay close to the earth It's going to be a long eventful day sidered the fifteenth anniversary of and remain at the foot of the moun- and still we are eager to see some the arrival of the first Przewalski hor- tain. In the far distance above us we takhi. The best moment of the day to ses in Mongolia a real milestone that hear the beating of the drums and see Przewalski horses is when dusk had to be celebrated in one way or the the rich vibrant sounds of the horns. sets in and the temperature becomes other. Various festive activities were Countless kites are flocking around refreshingly cool. Then the harems planned for June 19th and 20th in the top. An important part of the will descend one by one down from Ulaanbaatar and the Park itself to ceremonial rites is the prayer for the mountains into valleys aiming which the FRPH board was invited too. rain. Last winter went by almost no for the water sources. On this first snowfall at all and the following takhi-”safari” we are fortunate to As always when we arrive at the Park spring had been rather dry: the grass spot a variety of harems and bache- every member of its staff has come had turned yellow and the steppe lor stallions. The harem of Hangai is to give us a most genial welcome. failed to show its colourful display of with eight adult mares, five yearlings While enjoying a delectable lunch in flowers. It was not for the first time and four foals still the largest. It's a the Park's cosy restaurant we hear that we witnessed the ceremony at wonderful sight to see a group like the latest gossips. Hustai Mountain and it always surp- this calmy grazing against a moun- Us awaits a fully packed programme of activities in and around Hustai. At the same time as us three lama also had arrived tain slope. One new born foal dares to remove itself a little to far, but is immediately fetched back by its from Ulaanbaatar. They are here to lead the annual ceremonial on top of Hustai Mountain that will take place this afternoon. Accompanied by many local herdsmen and staff from Hustai National Park they ascend. Only the men, because according to the lamaistic faith women are associated with the earth, therefore they M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Przewalski Horse January 2008 monks Fifteen years after the arrival of the first takhi from the Netherlands there are already 200 free roaming of them inside Hustai National Park 1 caring mother. Hangai casts a watch- trees and criss-crossed with rock for- He fears that in a condition as such ful eye at us, but we seem not to bot- mations. A few hundreds of metres Amar will have very little change to her him. Two elderly mares take the farther away we notice three other survive the approaching winter. initiative descend stallions. Sitting on top of the rock toward the valley. Although we see we can easily follow the course of On our walk over the rim of the three other groups they are too far events. The three stallions are trying mountain we sometimes have to off to determine which ones they are. to inconspicuously come nearer to wriggle ourselves through narrow to gradually passages in the form of crevices and An important part of the ceremonial rites is the prayer for rain. bushes. Suddenly behind a large boulder we see another stallion. Below him some mares are grazing and a new born foal takes all effort to stay Later on we are being told by the the harem. However, the harem stal- upright on its wobbly legs. Beautiful. wild biologist Uskhu that with ten to lion has already positioned himself When the stallion gets somewhat eighteen members including foals strategically between his mares and anxious we retreat from the scene. that Bernard, so named after the for- the approaching bachelors. Under mer the the pretence of just grazing they suc- How many takhi can live in Netherlands, Tamir, Tom, Temuujin prince consort of ceed in coming close up to the Hustai National Park? and Hangai have the largest harems. harem. One comes even too close, Staff biologist Nandia has studied The average size of the other harems much to the discomfort of the harem how the takhi use the area and in par- varies between two to eight mem- stallion who in a controlled frenzy, ticular what their favourite spots are. bers including foals. This year com- neck stretched downward, ears flat Hustai National varies in altitude paratively more colts were born than backward, he storms into the other from 1100 till 1860 metres above sea fillies. This worries the staff, because stallion. What follows is a wild frenzy level. Remarkably the takhi are most- bachelors are a potential annoyance of kicks and headers. Then the bach- ly being seen on slopes with a mild to the harem stallions. In 2006 the elor is rapidly chased away. The inclination of 23 degrees at an altitu- harems of three nine-year-olds and other two follow suit, but apparently de between 1300 and 1600 metres. also a twelve-year-old were seized by slower. As this all happens the foals In summer they prefer to climb as four bachelors aged six and seven. and mares have been forming a tight height as possible (1500 to 1800 Such a take-over goes hand in hand pack of bodies. The three bachelors metres). When it gets terribly hot the with much disturbance and tension are standing at a distance. Then the breeze refreshes them and at such among the horses in the group whe- mares move onward in the direction heights there are also less insects. reby mares and foals could get seriously hurt or worse. The Hustai population has always had a minor representation of stallions, due to If nature has its cause a more proportional representation of the sexes will gradually evolve. Przewalski Horse January 2008 the fact that the Foundation has 2 imported more mares than stallions of the forest, followed by their stal- In the autumn and winter they return into Hustai. If nature has its cause a lion. Biologists and eco volunteers to the lower mountain meadows. In more proportional representation of have observed that for days such these seasons and in spring they the sexes will gradually evolve. Now small alliances of bachelors will con- seek refuge in the valleys against the it's June. There is a total of forty-four tinue to provoke a harem stallion. biting icy wind, the cold and the bachelor stallions roaming about in Violent engagements are due to sometimes thick layers of snow. groups of variable constitution. occur more than once a day. It might Some days later when we just arrive even turn out too much for a stallion. It is striking that the home ranges of from a steep climb in the “Valley of A few days earlier Amar had lost his some harem groups and bachelor Bees” we witness how high on the mares to a young bachelor. We see groups have grown in size in recent mountain a harem is harassed by that he has lost much weight and that years. In spite of the growing number some bachelors. he walks with a serious limp. The of free roaming takhi the population A stallion, four mares and some foals Park's director Bandi tells us that the density decreased from an average of are grazing on a beautiful mountain rival stallion had bitten and destroy- 13 and 11 takhi per 1000 ha in meadow that is surrounded by birch ed the sinews of the harem stallions. 2003/2004 to a density of eight in M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h 2006. This is a result of the expan- ty of Hustai National Park: will there However, Hustai National Park can sion of the home ranges. In 2003 a be surely cope. harem had an average home range of Przewalski horses and other wild life? 1017 ha; in 2006 2391 ha. Within the Hustai's takhi population is slightly Protection home ranges are areas that are more increasing with a mere average During this journey we traversed the often frequented than others. Those growth of only 6.4% during the past entire Park. It has struck us that now- are the spots where they come to five years, which is partly due to foal here -not even in the Tuul River Valley graze or quench their thirst and predation by wolves. The present – domestic horses were to be seen. where they feel protected. Again this 200 free roaming takhi take up 47% Mongolian domestic horses wander varies per season. The average size of the Park's terrain, but only a much freely about and in times of drought sufficient resources for the they will be in search of water. Inside Hustai National Park there are various It is striking that the home ranges of some harem groups and bachelor groups have grown in size in recent years. little streams. The alertness of the rangers, the improved contacts with the herdsmen and the undaunted of the most intensive used part of a smaller percentage is intensively reaction by the takhi against trespas- home ranges was respectively 528 ha used by them. It will take many years sing domestic horses have brought and 926 ha large in 2003 and 2006. before the ideal number of 500 takhi much relief over the serious concern It is still important to gather an – vital for the future sustainability of for hybridisation. understanding of the carrying capaci- the population - has been reached. THE FESTIVITIES airport to welcome “their takhi.” A and more than twenty in Khomiin Tal day later a aeroplane arrived from (West-Mongolia). The reintroduction The festivities that coincided the Askania with of the Przewalski horses has made it 15th anniversary began on June Przewalski for possible that Hustai Nuruu could Nova (Ukraine) horses destined 19th. It is already fifteen years ago that the first group of Przewalski horses arrived from the Netherlands in Mongolia. Literally hundreds of people had come to the Ulaanbaatar The Natural History Museum of Ulaanbaatar now contains a special room about the reintroduction of the Przewalski horse in Mongolia. Mr Enkmandag, vice-minister of Nature and Environment, performed the opening ceremony of this permanent exhibition The reintroduction of the Przewalski horses has made it possible that Hustai Nuruu could develop in an internationally renowned national park that offers protection to a unique and diverse mountain steppe area with an abundant flora and fauna. Takhiin Tal in the Gobi. Now in 2007 develop in an internationally renow- there are respectively 200 takhi in ned national park that offers protec- Hustai, 110 in the Dzungarian Gobi tion to a unique and diverse mountain steppe area with an abundant flora and fauna. The seventy employees are ensured of a steady income. Of course the Mongolians are right- Permanent takhi exhibition Natural History Museum Ulaanbaatar Also on June 19th a special permanent feature was opened to the public by deputy minister of Nature and Environment (MNE) Mr Enkhmandag and the Foundation's Inge Bouman in the Natural History M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Przewalski Horse January 2008 fully proud of these developments. 3 Museum of Ulaanbaatar. It is an exhi- were also present. It is a good sign gramme the late Jan Bouman. The bition dedicated to the reintroduc- that the collaboration between the representatives of the Dutch founda- tion of the takhi in Mongolia, finan- three takhi-projects has been strong- tions really did not what to expect cially made possible by all three ly improved. Hustai has received a when a train of jeeps was ready wai- reintroduction projects in Mongolia. request from Takhiin Tal for six adult ting to go to the Jan Bouman Tolgoi, The exhibition renders a good stallions; Takhiin Tal wants to intro- where in 1997 his ashes were scatte- insight in the project and it may also duce fresh genetic input in their red. When we arrived it became clear inspire people to come to watch the takhi population. A festive dinner for that the staff wanted to erect a special real thing in Hustai National Park. all participants in Hotel Ulaanbaatar ovoo in his honour. Ovoos are big concluded the symposium. heaps of stones and significant land- Press conference marks in Mongolia. Pebblestones, tiny The opening of the exhibition was followed by a well-attended press conference. Representatives of the During the press conference the deputy minister of MNE spoke highly of Hustai National Park prayer flags and little gifts are thrown at the ovoo as a gesture of retribution to nature and to conciliate the gods and ancestrial spirits for a safe journey. At the Jan Bouman Tolgoi everyone helped gathering stones needed for the new ovoo. The new ovoo was consecrated with milk, rice and morsels of dried Mongolian cheese (arul).In affective terms Dr Bandi, the director of Hustai National Park, spoke about Jan Bouman. He expressed the wish that the memory of Jan Bouman and the reintroduction of the takhi will continue to live on in the hearts and minds of future genera- three projects answered questions Jan Bouman's ovoo tions. A splendidly dressed young girl from radio, television and newspa- The next day Hustai National Park went with us three times round the per people. A long introductory was the scene for the continuation of ovoo; she represented the new gene- speech was held by the deputy minister of MNE Dr. Shirivdamda. He spoke highly of Hustai Park, it being the only national park in Mongolia It is a good sign that the collaboration between the three takhi-projects has been strongly improved. with an independent organisational structure and is fully self-supportive the festivities. The day began with a ration. Inge Bouman had the honour without financial input from the homage to the initiator of the to attach a prayer flag (khatakh) to the Mongolian government. Przewalski horse reintroduction pro- ovoo. It was all very impressive. Right now thirteen per cent of the country's domain is legally protec- Przewalski Horse January 2008 ted; be it in name only for most 4 In commemoration of the initiator of the Przewalski horse reintroduction project in Mongolia, Jan Bouman, the park staff made an ovoo Prize-giving All staff, guests and many national cases, because the Ministry lacks and regional authorities were atten- the necessary financial means to pay ding the afternoon reception. The for staff and infrastructure. perfect moment for speeches and the distribution of prizes. In his Takhi symposium speech the deputy minister for In the afternoon a scientific symposi- Nature um was organised. Mongolian staff Enkhmandag, not only praised the from Khomiin Tal, Takhiin Tal and Park for its steadily growing takhi Hustai experiences. population, but especially for its Representatives from universities “eco system approach.” He also sta- and various scientific institutions ted that due its unique organisation exchanged and Environment, M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Mr This boy from Argalant moved everyone with his golden voice structure, whereby the local popula- Party time tion is represented in the board, After the official festivities were Hustai National has gained special over, the 130 guests were invited recognition inside Mongolia as well into the Park’s restaurant, where a internationally. beautifully arranged buffet awaited Thereupon he presented various them. The culinary staff is getting staff members with awards. The steadily more experienced in cate- Foundation received a high award ring such large parties. Thereafter it too. Provincial awards were presen- was time to party. The merry- ted to other staff members, who in making, which lasted far into the close collaboration with the provin- night, was enlivened by singers and cial inspectors and the police help to even a fire-eater from the three villa- protect the riverine forests borde- ges around Hustai National Park. ring the Tuul River and to act against Young and old musicians enlivened poachers and hunters. the festivities. RESULTS OF THE WILDLIFE RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AT HUSTAI NATIONAL PARK become vital for the conservation of the entire Mongolian population, which according to recent statistics has alre- The free roaming Przewalski horses are as topographical features (forest frin- ady decreased to a mere 10,000. In not the only animals that live in the ges, mountain peaks etc). The spots recent years the Hustai population has mountain-forest-steppe terrain, Hustai where dead animals or what is left of been fluctuating between 300 and 400 National Park where life is strongly inf- them are found can be of interest too. for the period between November and luenced by weather conditions and The research mainly focuses on large April. In May their number falls down seasonal variation. One of the objects and small grazers and their natural to 150, with an absolute low of 50 in of wildlife research is to acquire an enemies like the wolves. July. At the end of May and in the insight in how those conditions and Takhi, Mongolian red deer (maral) and beginning of June the calves are born. variations influence the inter-action Mongolian gazelles are the most signi- When summer has come they leave the between the different kinds of animals ficant large herbivores in the area. The Park for other areas. They will be back inside and outside the Park. Staff biolo- maral is the most populous. They have in September or October for the mating gist Ushku has incorporated some inte- been increasing in number (1993: 54; season. resting observations in his wildlife report of 2006 that we do not want to The research mainly focuses on large and small grazers and their natural enemies like the wolves. withhold from you. Hustai's wildlife is counted by means of 2006: ca. 600) since the Park's protec- There are considerably less roe deer so-called transects. Twice-monthly all tive effectuated. than there are red deer in Hustai. This rangers and biologists simultaneously Everywhere else in Mongolia the spe- might well be because of the large pre- along pre-defined tracks as a whole cies has dramatically diminished in sence of the latter. Both feel comforta- cover most of the Park's terrain. There number as a result of intensive hun- ble in forest or terrain patched with are thirteen of those tracks and the ting. Maral antlers, tails, penises and bushes. Alas for then Hustai consists teams or individual participants set of testicles are valuable and very profita- only for 4 % out of forests. There are very early in the morning. On their way ble commodities at the black markets. wild boars too, but as they only come they make note of every animal they In the rest of Hustai's own province, out at twilight they are barely seen. see, including sex, age, number, whe- the Tov Aimak, only a few scattered reabouts and behaviour. With the help populations can be found. The popula- The Mongolian gazelle population sea- of a geographical positioning system tion that has found refuge inside Hustai sonally varies from 40 to 300 with its (GPS) the exact locations are plotted on National Park surmounts the other peak in March and low in summer. maps with additional information such ones in number and has therefore Some 70 of them seem to have defini- measures were M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Przewalski Horse January 2008 Since 1993 it has been practice that 5 The black stork nests in Hustai National Park tively abstained from migrating and ger get a stronger appetite for meat. and are no catch for hungry wolves. Under the guidance of the old wolves Uskhu, the wildlife biologist, is concer- the cubs first learn to hunt the mar- ned about the effect of wolf predation mots that live near the family den. A on the takhi foals. According to his deer calf that lies stock-still in wait for own calculations foal mortality has its mother to return is a favourite prey risen (2005 and 2006) from less than too. As soon as the new calves are able 40% to more than 50% each year. In to follow their mothers and keep up 1997 a first foal was wounded and kil- with herd many marals will move out led by wolves. With the natural growth of Hustai National Park. Domestic of the takhi population the number of goats and sheep are another important wolf victims also increased. Foal mor- component on the wolves' menu, but it tality has many causes, but it still is now have found permanent abode inside the Park. Here the hunting herdsmen cannot hurt or kill them. In the summer the herdsmen bring their ani- Within the animal community relationships live by the maxim of “who eats whom” or “who procreates” mals to the banks of the Tuul River. For the gazelles the sign to move. When in is also the season that the herdsmen remarkable that of all investigated autumn the herdsmen are returning move their livestock to the summer cases of foal mortality 46% was due to from the open plains to the comforta- pastures along the river. This means wolf predation (2006). In the USA and ble closeness of the winter pastures that the wolves have to overcome lar- in Canada it was found out that wolves near the mountains, the gazelles cross ger distances to get to the desirable prefer wild grazers above livestock. In the frozen Tuul into the riverine forests sheep and goats. It takes a bigger Canada they prefer caribou and in the where they will be protected from the effort and an equally bigger demand on USA red deer. Uskhu fears that Hustai's icy cold. their energy resources to catch this wolves are developing a prefence for kind of prey, which goes for the young maral and takhi. His idea is to intensify In summer goitred gazelles, Siberian as well for the old wolves. It costs less the nightly patrols in May, June and July ibex and magnificently horned Argali energy to catch prey nearby the own in order to scare away the wolves and sheep are to seen in small quantities. den. That is why in June and July the to protect the harems. Wolves are For them Hustai is only a passing sta- newly born foals are more likely to get afraid of humans. Hunting is strictly tion on their trek to other areas. caught than a few months later in prohibited inside Hustai National Park. autumn and winter. By then they will However, many now raise the question Within the animal community relations- have grown and have become less vul- whether it should be tolerable to allow hips live by the maxim of “who eats nerable, causing fewer victims. It is the a moderate killing of wolves until the whom” or “who procreates” time when the marals will come back in takhi population has become less vul- their largest number. The herdsmen nerable. There are also those who think Wolves have a dominant position in the and their animals have also returned to that nature should have its course. food chain; they excel in stalking and the outside borders of the Park. The They argue that selection will make the killing small and large herbivores alike. wolves' main course consists of sheep, population stronger and healthier. Other canine species in the area are red goat and maral. The marmots have Fortunately the number of Przewalski fox and corsac fox; the former is much gone in hibernation deep underground horses and marals is still growing. more common than the latter is. Przewalski Horse January 2008 Felines like lynx and manul (steppe 6 wild cat) are sporadically seen. The same goes for the Eurasian badger. For those species it is difficult to estimate individual numbers. The height of the birth season of takhi and marals is coincidal. Then, between May and the first half of June, the wolf IN MEMORIAM On June 21 2007 the German veterinarian Karl-Ernst Franke passed away at the age of 76. Together with the caretaker Jochen Haucke of the Sprakel semireserve near Meppen he attended the Przewalski horses there. Karl-Ernst, who was affectionately called Kola by his familiars, was an inspired, conscientious practitioner. He was always there when the Przewalski horses called for attention. In the anteroom of his practice he had placed a collecting-box for the Przewalski horses. In his spare time he could stand for hours on end with his dachshund on leash enjoying the behaviour of the Przewalski horses. In 1998 he had the opportunity to accompany the fourth transport of Przewalski horses to Mongolia. The care for the Przewalski horses has brought many different people together. We will never forget his kindness and involvement with the Przewalski horses. cubs that have meanwhile grown big- M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Local herdsmen have built a dam to slow down the drainage of rainwater in order to join issue with soil erosion DEVELOPMENTS IN THE BUFFER ZONE At present there are thirty-four herds- followed training programmes in man collectives in the buffer zone that mutual co-operation and consultation, immediately organisation surrounds Hustai National Park. Fifteen of those collec- building, conflict management and market efficiency. tives are highly active. In June 2007 we had the opportunity to visit one of The sale of their products such as the oldest collectives, which now con- wool, meat, fermented horse milk sists of twenty families. They are (airag) and felt products, is growing. mainly herdsmen who were used to After a brief practical course provided place and thus prevent erosion. pasture their animals in and around by the project many women took the Some groups west of Hustai National what is now Hustai National Park. initiative to receive tourists in a for Park are very keen on following cour- When Hustai National Park became a that purpose furnished ger. That night ses in market gardening. The buffer restricted protected area, in which the women treated us upon a deli- zone project helps them with loans pasturing was no longer allowed, cious meal consisting of minced meat for buying seeds for sowing, repara- there trouble. wrapped in dough (khuusur) and tion of drainage systems and mate- Nowadays they are very proud of their had been much chunks of mutton cooked with hot rials for the construction of basic good relationship with the staff of the stones in a milk churn (khorkhog). A hothouses. They are proud that they National Park. They sense support for whole range of felt products, like pur- can supply their group with the own their initiatives and activities. Glowing ses and slippers was exposed for greens. In two years time one group with pride a herdsman showed us a sale. The women of the collective succeeded in producing a surplus of large map of his collective’s summer make them in winter when there is cucumbers, cabbages and potatoes, and winter pastures around Hustai less other activity. which they were able to sell with National Park. The biologists have helped the herdsmen to determine the carrying capacity of their pasture grounds. The water resources for livestock were repaired and are now For instance a recently formed group, south of Hustai National Park, has been occupied with the building of a small dam in the Tuul River Valley. being maintained by the herdsmen themselves. The mayor of the village Each of the different herdsman col- profit to outsiders. Argalant, to which they belong, has lectives has its own special needs The buffer zone as a whole is doing ensured that incoming groups of and desires. For instance a recently well. In June 2006 Crown Prince migrating herdsmen from elsewhere formed group, south of Hustai Willem-Alexander and his spouse will receive no permission to make National Park, has been occupied Princess Maxima visited some of use of the summer or winter pastures with the building of a small dam in these herdsman collectives. A few of the collective. The herdsmen also the Tuul River Valley. When it rains months later the Dutch minister of the dam will collect the water, pre- International Co-operation also visi- venting it from a too rapid outlet into ted some groups. The staff of Hustai the river. This will keep the soil in National Park had the impression In the village Altan Bulag jobless women are earning some income by making felt products for the Park’s souvenir shop that the project had made much impact on the honourable guests. on the decision by the Dutch Embassy in Beijing to prolong the financial support for the Buffer Zone Project, which will expire at the end of 2008, for a consecutive phase of four years. This second phase will endure until 2012. It is a big moral boost for the Park as well as for the people that live around it. M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h Przewalski Horse January 2008 This might have had some influence 7 THE ACTIVITIES OF THE FOUNDATION IN 2007 Refreshment course for Hustai National without financial backing from the Mongolian Park biologists Ministry In the first two weeks of January the two takhi Therefore, the letter by the minister of MNE in biologists of Hustai National Park, Uskhu and which he claims to have the right to appoint a Nandia, went to Cologne Germany for an new park director when the current director extra training in ecological behavioural goes into retirement was received with dis- research by Dr Franziska Roth, who has conf- may. The Trust wants to appoint a successor erred a doctor's degree in this discipline with to Dr Bandi by its own right. Legal advice was research of the Przewalski horses living in the requested from the Foundation in the Pentazug semi-reserve in the Hortobagy area Netherlands. FRPH board member Norbert de of Hungary. Contrary Nature and Environment. Europe, Munnik is a lawyer with a specialisation in ecological/behavioural research is still an administrative legislation. In January 2007 he underdeveloped discipline to of in On the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary Inge Bouman presents on behalf of the Foundation the director of Hustai National Park, Dr Bandi, with the book about the reintroduction of the takh and the development of the Park. All income derived from the selling of the book is for the benefit of the Park Mongolia. travelled to Ulaanbaatar to team up with his Acquiring insight in the behaviour of the free Mongolian colleague Mr Erdenebayar for a roaming takhi, their spatial distribution, food fact-finding mission. Their conclusions were preference, social behaviour and interaction bundled in a report that was accompanied by The Przewalski stallions at the with other species of animal is essential to a frank recommendation, which was handed Goudplaat. define the adaptation process and their survi- over by the chairman of the Trust Mr Enkhbold The stallions at the Goudplaat are doing val in Hustai National Park. The two-week trai- to the minister of MNE. Mr Enkhbold, who is fine. The ten year old Burganbileg has taken ning schedule was devised on basis of a list of also Mongolia's current minister of Foreign over the leadership’s position from the eigh- questions the two biologists had put forward. Affairs, soon hopes to discuss this well-foun- teen year old Usch. There is sufficient food At the request of the Foundation Franziska ded case in the cabinet. to find for all five of them and they have built up a good condition for the winter. Hustai is the only independent national park of Mongolia and it operates fully without financial backing from the Mongolian Ministry of Nature and Environment. Twice a year FRPH-board member Renée Meissner, expert on horse breeding and grazing projects in Dutch nature areas visits the area to evaluate the condition of its vegetation. She and the caretaker Wim de Kok will Roth will also write a practical manual for eco- Book decide whether extra feeding is needed and volunteers, who participate in takhi research In December 2006 the long awaited The Tale if so when it will be distributed. every year. of the Przewalski's horse – coming home to Przewalski Horse January 2008 Mongolia 8 came out. The Netherlands Progress sheep dog project Committee for IUCN decided to put the book The staff of Hustai National Park in collabora- in the floodlights at their New Year reception. tion with local herdsmen has set up a breeding A perfect occasion to celebrate with all people and training kennel for the Mongolian “four- that have put their effort in the materialisation eyed” ghartz. These mastiffs will be used to of the book or who have contributed finan- defend the local livestock against wolves on cially. The well-attended reception took place the prowl. The Dutch initiators are Hans on January 24th in the Hortus Botanicus of Hovens, Grietje Lenstra-Hovens and Rene Amsterdam. Co-author Piet Wit presented the Henkens. An animated discourse by the latter book to Mr A. Oostra, former ambassador to before an audience of Rotarians in his home- Mongolia and Director-General of the Ministry town Amersfoort led to a generous donation of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. of € 1000 for the continuation of the project. The Foundation is exceptionally content that all selling proceeds will be for the benefit of National Park. Meanwhile the Colophon “Przewalski-Horse” is a joint issue of the Foundation for the Preservation and Protection of the Przewalski Horse and the Foundation Reserves Przewalski Horse. Boomdijk 43, 3286 LD KLAASWAAL Tel.: 31-186-574493 Fax: 31-186-574869 E-mail: Postbank: 3808754 ABN/AMRO: Text: Inge Bouman Editors: A.M. Groeneveld P.G.W. Klandermans Translated by: P.G.W. Klandermans Legal advice Hustai Hustai National Park is managed by an inde- Foundation managed to sell 120 copies at the pendent Mongolian trust: Hustai National Park rate of € 39,50. How many copies there have Printing: Plusprint - Hoogvliet Trust (HNPT). Hustai is the only independent already been sold in Hustai National Park is ISSN: 0167 - 787X national park of Mongolia and it operates fully yet unknown. M e e t t h e P r z e w a l s k i H o r s e o n t h e i n t e r n e t : h t t p : / / w w w. t r e e m a i l . n l / t a k h
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stream. We are in luck, for we spot
three harems and some bachelor
stallions. While his mares imperturbably go along, one of the harem
leaders approaches with arched
neck the oldest of the bachelor...