Full version - Mercedes-Benz


Full version - Mercedes-Benz
Sustainability Report
About this Report
Strategy and Management
Message from the President
Management Structure
Strategic Objectives
PROCONVE P7 - Euro 5
MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround
Management of Targets 62
Truck Operating System (TOS)
Vision, Mission and Values
Profile of Mercedes-Benz
History of Mercedes-Benz
Awards and Recognitions
Products and Services
Global brands of the Daimler Group 33
Products Manufactured and Sold in Brazil
(including launches in the 2012-2013
Sustainability at
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
The Concept of Sustainability
Operating and Financial Performance
Environmental Performance
Social Performance and
Stakeholder Relationships
GRI Index
Credits and Contacts 130
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Report is published
by Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil Ltda., prepared
in accordance with the
guidelines of the Global
Reporting Initiative
About this Report
GRI 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.10 3.11
Mercedes-Benz’s 2012/2013 Sustainability Report is published by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
Ltda., prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),
an international reporting standard that encompasses a set of indicators about economic,
social and environmental practices, management and performance. The information was
compiled through an internal process coordinated by the Environmental Management
area, in partnership with the Corporate Communications area, involving management and
performance data submitted by representatives from various areas of the Company.
By adopting the GRI guidelines, the organization is facilitating the comparability of its data
with other businesses that also adopt the same standard, as well as the comparability of
its own data over different periods. It also creates an opportunity to monitor performance
indicators, establish transparent communications with stakeholders and demonstrate a
commitment to sustainable development.
This publication provides an overview of the achievements of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in 2012
and 2013 – from January 1 2012 to December 31, 2013 – covering its operations at the three
units located in Brazil: São Bernardo do Campo (SP), Campinas (SP) and Juiz de Fora (MG).
The scope of this report corresponds with level C of the GRI reporting structure, which is
composed of three different levels (A, B and C) relative to the number of reported indicators
and other factors. This publication will be released biannually and is available on our website
(www.mercedes-benz.com.br), in Portuguese and English.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Message from the President
GRI 1.1
Dear reader,
it was with great pleasure that I was sworn in as the President of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in early
2013. I am aware of the challenges that the Company is facing and I am counting on the help of
everyone, including my new colleagues in management, to overcome these challenges and once
again put Mercedes-Benz do Brasil on a path of sustained growth.
I know that 2012 was not an easy year. The implementation of Euro 5, a law establishing the
exhaust emissions limits for light-duty vehicles, impacted the market as a whole. The result was
a decline in our production when compared with 2011, which also affected our sales and exports.
Our concern over environmental preservation issues – one of the focus points of our investments
in research and development – led us to create innovative technologies capable of meeting and
exceeding legally established guidelines. Our trucks and buses have already been adapted and
they therefore already generate lower emissions.
After the uncertainties following the implementation of Euro 5, the market once again began to
grow, as did Mercedes-Benz do Brasil. We increase our production and were also able to increase
sales and exports. We have not yet reached our previous levels, but we’re working towards
this through the implementation of the MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround Project. This is the
Company’s most important ongoing project, requiring an effort on behalf of everybody involved to
achieve the goal of regaining our standing as the leader of the truck market in Brazil.
One of the achievements in this respect came in the form of R$1 billion to be invested in our
truck and bus factories over the next two years. We’re going to direct these funds to researching
and developing new products and technologies, the production of the Actros heavy-duty truck
line in Brazil, process improvements and the modernization of production areas, among other
actions. These investments will represent a major step towards achieving our growth objectives.
Another important point is the construction of an automobile production factory in Brazil, one
of the fastest growing markets worldwide. Our new unit, installed in Iracemápolis, São Paulo, is
expected to launch operations in 2016.
Another achievement that should also be celebrated is the publication of this second sustainability
report under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, which reinforces our commitment to
the issue. In addition to seeking to develop vehicles that are environmentally more responsible, we
also analyze the manner in which they are produced and how we might mitigate the impacts of that
production. In addition, we seek to act as change agents in society through social responsibility
projects. Our actions in these fields are reported in the following pages.
Finally, I would like to thank all of the stakeholders with whom we relate for their confidence in
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil. Special thanks also go out to our professionals, who have been instrumental
in helping us through these challenging times. I hope that you all enjoy this report.
Philipp Schiemer
President of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil & Head of Latin America
We will invest R$1
billion in our truck and
bus factories over the
next two years. We’re
going to direct these
funds to researching and
developing new products
and technologies,
the production of the
Actros heavy-duty truck
line in Brazil, process
improvements and
the modernization of
production areas, among
other actions
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz, a Daimler
Group company, is the largest
manufacturer of trucks and buses
in South America.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Profile of Mercedes-Benz
GRI 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8
Vision, Mission and Values
Our goal is to set the standard as a Brazilian producer and supplier
of the best commercial vehicles, components, automobiles, parts
and services. We seek to meet the needs and expectations of
our customers and create value for our shareholders and other
stakeholders with whom we interact.
Our mission is to be recognized as the leading manufacturer
and global supplier of commercial vehicles, automobiles,
components, parts and services. We work to maintain our
standing as the leading supplier of a complete line of high quality
commercial vehicles and related services that exceed customer
expectations. We continuously strive to improve our automobile
business, supplying reliable, high performance vehicles.
Mercedes-Benz, a Daimler Group company, is
the largest manufacturer of trucks and buses in
South America. Its trajectory in Brazil dates back
to 1956, when it began operations at the São
Bernardo do Campo (SP) factory, producing the
first domestic truck. Since then, it has produced
more than two million commercial vehicles that
travel along the highways of Brazil and the 50
other countries to which Mercedes-Benz exports.
The São Bernardo do Campo factory is the
Daimler Group’s largest outside of Germany and
the only one that produces trucks, bus chassis
and components, such as engines, transmissions
and axles. The unit is also the headquarters of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, where its administrative
areas are concentrated. The Company also has a
truck factory in Juiz de Fora (MG) – one of the most
modern in Brazil – as well as a Parts Center and
a Training Center in Campinas (SP). Its network
of dealers is strategically distributed throughout
Brazil, with approximately 200 service locations.
expanded consistently, always investing in
technology, in order to meet and exceed the
expectations of its customers through high
quality products and services. At the end of
2013, Mercedes-Benz employed approximately
14,000 employees in Brazil, distributed among
its three units. Approximately 79,300 trucks
and 18,700 buses were produced in the
2012-2013 biennium. Revenue for the period
totaled R$26,185,974,178.00. Of that total,
R$22,767,060,097.00 came from domestic
sales and the remaining R$3,418,914,079.00
came from exports.
Aware of its role in society, Mercedes-Benz
directs a portion of its resources to social
development, carrying out projects that seek
to promote education and sports, protect
the environment, foster culture, develop the
sciences and ensure health and social welfare.
Throughout Brazil’s history, the Company has
of its role
in society,
directs a portion
of its resources
to social
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz’s Presence in Brazil
Geographical Distribution of the Daimler Group
São Bernardo do Campo Unit (SP)
Opened: 1956
Total area: 1,000,000 m²
Includes: factory for trucks,
bus chassis, engines, axles and
transmissions, Technology Development
Center and Company Management.
Campinas Unit (SP)
Opened: 1979
Total area: 290,000 m²
North America
United States
South America
South Africa
Great Britain
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Europe and Asia
Asia and Oceania
Includes: post-sales services,
technical assistance, parts sales,
training and development of the
dealer network and Call Center.
Juiz de Fora Unit (MG)
Opened: 1999
Total area: 2,800,000 m²
Includes: truck production.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Campinas Unit
São Bernardo do Campo Unit
Opened in 1956, the São Bernardo do Campo
Unit in the state of São Paulo is Mercedes-Benz’s
largest commercial vehicle manufacturing plant
outside of Germany, which is the headquarters
of the Daimler Group. It is also the only unit
in Latin America that manufactures engines,
transmissions and axles, which are used in nearly
all of the Company’s products and exported to
the Group’s other units. The facilities also include
the administrative areas of the Company, the
Technology Development Center (CDT), the
Senai/Mercedes-Benz Professional Training
Center and the Technological Center for Quality.
The unit is the benchmark for the Daimler
Group’s other plants around the world. In recent
years it has received professionals from others
plants, specializing in both commercial and
passenger vehicles, who came to learn about
the processes used by the factory and the
philosophy of the production system.
Technology Development Center
This facility is where the Company’s
commercial vehicles are developed. This
is the Daimler Group’s largest Technology
Development Center for trucks and buses
outside of Germany. A pioneering approach in
Brazil, this center directs the projects, leading
the way for the other areas in the development
of new vehicles.
Professional Training Center
Opened in 1982, this center provides
training to develop skilled labor. It takes in
young people, ages 16 to 17, nominated by
employees, to provide them with technical and
Opened in 1979, this unit provides services to the consumers of
the Company’s automobiles and vehicles. The Call Center activities,
technical assistance, post-sales services, parts sales, and the training
and development of the dealer network are all concentrated at the
Campinas Unit. It houses the Training Center, which receives and trains
dealers from across Latin America, keeping
the network up-to-date on the most recent and
modern technologies used in Mercedes-Benz’s
products. It also has a production line for RENOV
remanufactured engines and transmissions, an
alternative that has been increasingly used by
customers to renew their vehicles.
in 1979, the
Campinas unit
provides services
to the consumers
of the Company’s
automobiles and
professional training. The apprenticeship program lasts for two years
and prepares professionals for Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s Production
areas. After this period, the students are prepared to work as vehicle
production mechanics in machining and vehicle assembly. The program
equips these apprentices, once they have completed the course, with
the training needed to work in areas throughout the Company. This
partnership with Senai has been in place since February 1957.
Technological Center for Quality
To ensure the highest quality standards for Mercedes-Benz products, the
parts and materials that will be used in new vehicles must undergo a
series of evaluations after they have been developed. These rigorous
tests and trials are carried out at the Technological Center for Quality.
Many of them can be seen on the Internet, using this link: http://
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Juiz de Fora Unit
GRI 2.9
Opened in April 1999 and still considered one of the most modern
automobile factories in South America, with some of the highest standards
and quality ratings among all brand’s units worldwide. Initially dedicated
to auto assembly, it pioneered the adoption of water-based paints in the
South American auto industry. In 2012, the factory underwent renovations
to produce the Accelo and Actros trucks.
The new unit received a R$450 million investment and was transformed
and prepared in a record time of 18 months. This process was based
on in-depth studies and analyses by the Company into the industrial
models currently in place in Brazil and around the world, both within the
Daimler Group and in other organizations within the industry. Various
benchmarks were used to identify the best methods related specifically
to manufacturing and logistics, leading to a highly productive and flexible
configuration. With this innovative concept, the vehicle assembly process
involves transportation using Auto Guided Vehicles (AGVs).
The use of AGVs removes the need for a fixed carrier line on the assembly
line, as well as the foundations and floor structure needed to support
such a line. The AGV process facilitates any line changes to expand to
assemble other models, while also providing better ergonomic conditions
for employees. The Juiz de Fora plant is one of the few in the world to use
this type of auto guided vehicle for truck production. This is a pioneering
application of this unique, modern concept in Brazil. An example of the
flexibility of this new production configuration is the manufacture of two
completely different products along the same assembly line, such as
light and heavy-duty trucks.
impact on the environment. Everything in the
new factory was designed to minimize the unit’s
electricity and water consumption throughout
the production process. Concepts such as Kanban, Just-in-sequence, One-piece-flow and Lean
Manufacturing were combined to allow the unit
to have a minimal inventory and prevent waste
throughout the manufacturing process.
The plant also features an industrial park for
suppliers, known as I-Park, which is home
to companies that provide components and
subassemblies. The idea perfected the delivery
of different sets, in the form of kits, directly to
the assembly line, in keeping with the just-insequence concept.
History of Mercedes-Benz
The history of Mercedes-Benz is intertwined
with the history of automobiles, the first
versions of which were created alongside each
other by the Germans Gottlieb Daimler and Karl
Benz in 1886. Daimler developed a motorized
carriage – the first four-wheel automobile in
the world – and Benz marked the beginning
of a new era in mobility with the construction
of a motorized tricycle. The pioneering spirit
of these men would also lead them to build
the world’s first versions of buses, gasolinepowered trucks and diesel trucks.
The Mercedes brand was created in 1902, when Emil
Jellinek, a businessman who was also an enthusiast
of motorsports and racing, commissioned Gottlieb
Daimler, of whom he was a loyal customer, to
build automobiles that were named in honor of his
daughter, Mercedes Jellinek. When the companies
led by Daimler and Karl Benz merged, in 1926, the
three-pointed star, which identified the Mercedes
products, joined the laurel wreath, which had
characterized the Benz products. This merger gave
rise to Mercedes-Benz, which is now a successful
and prestigious global automobile brand.
The facilities are rounded out with the Luiz Adelar
Scheuer Integrated Worker Development Center,
opened in September 2002, as a result of a
partnership between the Company, the Federation
of Industries of Minas Gerais, Sesi and Senai.
After all of the changes cited above, the
Juiz de Fora factory was recertified in
accordance with ISO 9001, TS 16949, ISO
14001 and OSHAS 18001.
All of the production procedures were also studied and evaluated to
ensure the efficacy of the corporate system of integrated management.
The chosen processes are based on sustainability and ensure a minimal
Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2012/2013
Milestones in the History of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
Official foundation of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, whose first President
was Alfred Jurzykowski, on October 7, 1953.
Casting of the first block for a motor vehicle by Sociedade Técnica de
Fundições Gerais S.A. (Sofunge), in 1955, for Mercedes-Benz.
Opening of Mercedes-Benz’s first factory for trucks with engines made
in Brazil, on September 28, 1956, with a ceremony that included the
presence of Juscelino Kubitschek.
1970s and 1980s
Expansion of the facilities in São Bernardo
do Campo (SP).
Opening of the Campinas Unit, in São Paulo, in
1979, focused on the manufacture of buses.
Opening of the Professional Training Center,
in 1982, through an agreement with Senai
for the training of skilled laborers.
Milestone of one
produced, in 1984.
Presentation of the first Mercedes-Benz truck produced in Brazil, the
L-312, known as the Torpedo, in 1956.
Intensification of production, along with technological and procedural
advances in 1958. Monobloc bus manufacturing reaches Brazil with the
O-321 H model, which represented a new concept in public transportation.
First advertisement for the Mercedes-Benz truck, in 1958, invites the
public to form a dealer network.
Mercedes-Benz takes part in the first
Motor Show, held in 1960, which receives a
significant turnout.
Completion of construction of the Central
Building, in 1961, together with the factory
located in São Bernardo do Campo (SP).
Launch of commercial vehicle exports to
the Latin American market in 1965.
Merger of Sociedade Técnica de Fundições
Gerais S.A. (Sofunge) into the Group in 1969
– this structure was maintained until 1996,
when it was sold to the Tupi casting company.
Opening of the Technology Development Center (CDT), the largest in
Latin America, focused on commercial vehicles, in 1991.
Highlights: one million commercial vehicles produced, with 740,000
trucks and 260,000 buses (1992).
First vehicle manufacturer in Brazil to obtain ISO 9001 (quality
management) certification, internationally and domestically, in 1995.
Adherence to the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), a quality
standard developed by the German automotive industry.
Start of construction on the passenger vehicle factory at the unit in Juiz
de Fora (MG), in 1997.
Merger of the Daimler-Benz and Chrysler groups, in 1998, and the
emergence of DaimlerChrysler AG, owner of the Mercedes-Benz,
Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep brands.
Opening, in 1999, of the factory in Juiz de Fora (MG), one of the most
modern in the automotive industry in South America, for the production
of A Class and C Class cars.
ISO 9001 certification (quality management) for the Juiz de Fora unit, in 1999.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Opening of the Worker Development Center
in Juiz de Fora (MG) in 2002, with laboratories,
classroom, auditoriums and workshops for the
professional training services of Sesi/Senai.
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during a visit
to the unit in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), in
2003, met with the President of the Company,
the executive officers and labor representatives,
giving a speech for approximately 6,000
factory employees. The following year, the unit
is chosen by Lula for the national launch of the
Mobile Urgent Care Service (SAMU) project,
due to the provision of 680 Sprinter units
adapted to serve as ambulances.
Start of transmission exports to Germany and record engine exports to
the United States, in 2003.
Opening of the Specialized Bus Center, with exclusive services to
meet the needs of bus customers, in 2005.
Mercedes-Benz buses running on biodiesel added to diesel is the
highlight of the Brazil/Germany Economic Summit held in 2005.
In 2005, the milestone of 1.5 million commercial vehicles produced
since 1956 is reached. The following year, there is a record output
of BR460 engines destined for the Detroit Diesel Corporation, with
32,032 units.
With more than 9,700 trucks exported in 2007, the Company
outperformed its previous record, set in 1980.
Mercedes-Benz announces, in 2008, investments of R$150
million for the purchase of new equipment and improvements to
the production processes.
The Company signs a contract with the National Development
Bank (BNDES) for a R$1.2 billion loan to expand its production
capacity at the factory located in São Bernardo do Campo.
Consolidation of the merger of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A. into the
DaimlerChrysler Group, resulting in DaimlerChrysler do Brasil Ltda., in 2000.
Opening of the Campinas Training Center, in São Paulo, the group’s
first training center worldwide for the Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep
and Dodge brands, serving all of Latin America.
In 2000, the completion of the first stage of the transfer of the bus
platform and chassis assembly lines from the unit in Campinas (SP)
to the unit in São Bernardo do Campo (SP).
Expansion of the activities at the unit in Campinas (SP), which brings
together Production, Technical Assistance, Post-Sales, the Sale of
Parts and Training for the Dealer Network.
ISO 14001 certification (environmental management system) for the
units in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) and Juiz de Fora (MG), in 2001.
Opening of the mid-sized transmission line at São Bernardo do
Campo (SP), in 2002.
Launch, in 2002, of the Mercedes-Benz Truck Drivers Club, an initiative
focused on building relationships with truck drivers throughout Brazil.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Pioneering test of diesel made from
sugarcane, in 2010. That same year, the
production capacity in São Bernardo do
Campo (SP) is expanded to 75,000 units and
800 new employees are hired.
Sale of more than 100,000 vehicles and a new
truck and bus production record in 2010, with
73,674 units.
Commemoration of the 125th anniversary of
the invention of the first motorized automobile
with the presentation of the new CLS 63 AMG.
With the start of
production scheduled
for 2015, the new
automobile factory, located
in Iracemápolis (SP), will
produce the next generation
of the C Class (180 Flex,
200, 250 and 300) and
the GLA (200 Flex
and 250)
Production of remanufactured parts reaches the mark of 500,000
units in 2011.
Increase in production and hiring of 1,250 employees in June 2011.
Realization of the first Environmental Week at the factory in São Bernardo
do Campo (SP), open to customers, dealers and other partners.
In commemoration of the 125 th anniversary of the invention of the
automobile, the Mercedes-Benz Run and Fun Walk was created in
2011 to encourage wellness and promote integration among its
Transformation of the factory at the Juiz de Fora unit for the
production of trucks.
At the end of 2011, a new commercial vehicle production record was
achieved at the factory in São Bernardo do Campo (SP): 78,343 units
manufactured, with 50,265 trucks and 28,078 bus chassis.
Proconve P-7, which is the Brazilian version of Europe’s Euro 5,
legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enters
into effect in 2012. Mercedes-Benz trucks begin using the exclusive
BlueTec 5 technology in response to this legislation.
Between 2012 and 2013, the
MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround
program begins. It is one of the largest
cost reduction and efficiency programs
ever introduced by Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil, aimed at turning the Company into
the leader of the truck market.
The Company’s administrative body receives
a new President and new Vice Presidents.
Announcement of a new automobile factory,
located in Iracemápolis (SP). With the start
of production scheduled for 2016, the unit
will produce the next generation of the C
Class (180 Flex, 200, 250 and 300) and the
GLA (200 Flex and 250).
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil signs a partnership
with the Sociedade Rosas de Ouro Samba
School for the 2013 Carnival, with the theme
“The Drivers of Joy: A Fantastic Journey into the
Realms of Carnival”.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Awards and Recognitions
GRI 2.10
“Automotive Leaders of Brazil” Award 2012
Mercedes-Benz received dual recognition with this award, sponsored by
the Pará newspaper Automóveis & Caminhões. The result, announced in the
state capital, Belém, highlighted the Company as the largest manufacturer of
buses and the OF 1722 as the bus chassis of the year. The brand also won in
the premium car category, with its E Class. The award took into account the
automobile sales in 2011, a year in which Mercedes-Benz do Brasil achieved
an impressive volume of more than 14,900 buses licensed in Brazil. With
more than 10,000 units licensed in 2011, the OF 1722 chassis is the top
seller. In the region of Belém, the brand’s market share in the bus segment
was approximately 46%.
Recognized Merit 2012
An initiative of Jornauto magazine, this award recognized Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil as the overall winner in the commercial vehicles segment, with
trophies in five categories: best manufacturer of trucks, buses, vans and
diesel engines and best dealer network. The “Recognized Merit” is awarded
every two years to the brands that most stand out for their products, parts
and services for the cargo transport and passenger segments. To do this,
the publication conducts a nationwide survey involving approximately 8,000
companies, which indicate the brands that they use and consider to be the
best in 32 categories.
Top of Mind in Rio Grande do Sul 2012
Tribute from the Dorina Nowill Foundation
Mercedes-Benz was named, for the 17th consecutive time, as the most
remembered truck brand in Rio Grande do Sul, in the Top of Mind
awards given by the magazine Amanhã. Rio Grande do Sul is a state
with a strong, established tradition in transport and logistics. With this
award, Mercedes-Benz maintained its unbeaten leadership in the truck
category since its inclusion in the awards, 17 years ago. Carried out in
partnership with the company Segment, Top of Mind consists of a survey
carried out in seven micro regions of Rio Grande do Sul to measure the
spontaneous recall of brands, without prompting any name or product.
With this, consumers tend to cite the brands that they use, desire or
prefer. Mercedes-Benz also received the Top Executive Award in the
luxury cars category. In its fifth edition, this survey mapped the brands
most commonly recalled by the leaders of the largest businesses in
Rio Grande do Sul, classified based on the “500 Largest of the South”
ranking produced by Amanhã magazine together with the consulting firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mercedes-Benz obtained more than 38% of
the votes of business people and executives.
The tribute took place during the 13th edition of the “Vision Partners” event,
held on June 13, 2012. During the tribute, the Foundation recognized and
thanked all of the companies that supported, in 2011, the projects focused on
the production and distribution of books in braille, audiobooks and accessible
e-books, as well as rehabilitation, special education and employability services
and the low vision clinic. In addition to sponsoring the daily actions of the
institution, in 2011 Mercedes-Benz made possible the production of 130
audiobooks featuring best sellers and academic publications.
received dual
recognition through
the 2012 “Automotive
Leaders of Brazil”
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Ethics in Business Award 2012
The President of Mercedes-Benz and CEO for Latin America in 2012, Jürgen Ziegler, was elected the person of the year for the
2012 Ethics in Business Award. The tribute took place in São Paulo, during an event carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Ethics
in Business. For each edition of the award, the entity seeks to recognize business people or executives who have stood out for
their legacy in Brazilian business. The winner is announced following a nomination process.
Época Negócios 100 – The Most Prestigious
Companies of Brazil 2012
In its fifth edition, the award recognized Mercedes-Benz do Brasil as the best
company in the “Heavy-Duty Vehicle” category and 26th in the “Automobile”
category. Organized by the Globo publishing house’s Época Negócios
magazine, the ranking highlights 100 organizations that present a strong
corporate image from the point of view of Brazilian consumers. The survey
indicates the best commercial strategies adopted in a highly competitive
environment. The ranking is prepared by the Troiano Branding Group and is
the result of a comprehensive survey held nationwide involving more than
12,000 respondents from every social class and different age groups.
Atego 1725 4x4
truck recorded
another significant
achievement at the
20th Rally dos
Mercedes-Benz Wins Award in
Four Categories
Mercedes-Benz was the highlight in the
National Preference Award, given by the Tudo
em Transporte publishing house to recognize
the best cargo transport companies. This
award is the result of market research bringing
together, in an unprecedented way, the
preferences of fleet owners and truck drivers
throughout Brazil. The result, announced on
February 29, 2012, in São Paulo, revealed the
Mercedes-Benz brand as Top of Mind in three
categories: light semi-trailer, light-duty and
medium-duty trucks. The fourth award as in the
light-duty truck loyalty category.
Sprinter Wins the Retail
Merit Award
Mercedes-Benz’s Sprinter won the 2012 Retail
Merit Award in the light-duty commercial vehicle
segment, utility category. This traditional
initiative by the National Confederation of
Shopkeepers (CNDL) seeks to recognize
partners, suppliers and service providers
for their actions and initiatives in support
of Brazilian retail, focused on the quality of
the products, services, customer services,
promotions, advertising and merchandising.
The winners of this award, which was
introduced in 1980, are chosen through direct
voting by shopkeepers throughout Brazil. It
is a spontaneous survey, whose printed or
electronic form does not indicate brands,
allowing the CNDL members to identify the
companies that provide the most effective
services to their business. Sprinter was
recognized as providing advantages such as
transport flexibility, high load capacity and
reduced operating costs.
Atego Wins the Rally dos Sertões
The Mercedes-Benz Atego 1725 4x4 truck recorded another significant
achievement at the 20th Rally dos Sertões, one of the longest and most
difficult off-road races in the world. With the victory of the Salvini
Racing team in the heavy-duty truck category, the Atego achieved its
sixth victory in the competition, the ninth for a Mercedes-Benz, which
consolidates the brand’s position as the top winner in the category. The
strong performance also confirms the excellent performance of the
Atego, as well as its strength, robustness and resistance in the face of
severe obstacles and challenges, such as trails filled with mud, dust,
stones, rivers, high temperatures and more.
The 2012 Rally dos Sertões began on August
19, in São Luís, Maranhão and ended on August
28, in Fortaleza, after a journey of 4,480
kilometers through 11 cities in Maranhão,
Tocantins, Piauí, Pernambuco and Ceará.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Consumidor Moderno Award for Excellence in Customer Service 2012 and 2013
In 2012,
do Brasil won two
Award –Best in the
The Mercedes-Benz Customer Service Center was recognized for the quality of its customer service management in Brazil
since it first took part in these awards, 12 years ago. In 2013, in addition to winning the “Luxury Automobiles” category for
the 12th consecutive time, the Company was also named “Company of the Year.” Considered the main initiative to recognize
customer service quality in Brazil, this award highlights companies that maintain high levels of satisfaction, retention and
loyalty. Organized by the Padrão Group (which publishes Consumidor Moderno), with quality auditing by GfK, the survey was
created in order to identify and spread the best practices in customer service in Brazil.
AutoData Award – Best in the Automotive
Industry 2012 and 2013
In 2012, the Company won two AutoData Award – Best in the Automotive
Industry trophies, one of the Brazilian automotive industry’s most
prestigious awards. In the “Commercial Vehicle Manufacturer” category,
Mercedes-Benz won for its fast and efficient conversion of factory in Juiz
de Fora (MG) in a record time of 18 months, into one of the most modern,
advanced and sustainable factories in the world with the receipt of the
assembly lines for the Actros and Accelo trucks. The Company also won
in the “Bus Vehicle” category, with special mention for the OF 1519R
Euro 5 chassis, which was developed to provide school transportation in
rural areas, as part of the “Caminho da Escola” (Way to School) Federal
Program. The model was entirely designed at the Company’s Technology
Development Center, in São Bernardo do Campo (SP).
In 2013, Mercedes-Benz once again won in the “Commercial Vehicle
Manufacturer” category and in the “Exporter” category. The brand’s products
took home two prizes: the Actros 2655 6x4, equipped with a V8 engine, won
in the “Truck Vehicle” category; and the O 500 articulated bus in the “Bus
Vehicle” category.
Mercedes-Benz is a Highlight at the 2012 and 2013 Brazil
Brand Awards
Mercedes-Benz won four trophies at the 2012 Brazil Brand Awards, an important business sector
recognition initiative organized by Trio International Distinction, a 13-year partnership between
Tarcom Promoções and technical magazines from various sectors.
Mercedes-Benz was announced as the winning brand in the medium-duty and semi-trailer truck
categories, according to votes from the readers of O Carreteiro magazine. The recognition was made
even more significant with the Top Max Award, given to companies whose brands have been winners
in eight editions, and the Top Absolute Award, reserved exclusively for those that have consecutively
won the award since its introduction in 1999.
And in the 2013 Brazil Brands Award, the Company once again won four trophies at the event held
on September 17, in São Paulo.
Mercedes-Benz Wins Award for
Leadership in the Bus Segment
Mercedes-Benz, a leader in the bus segment, won
the 2012 Lótus Award as the brand of the year
in the light-duty commercial vehicles sector. The
award took into account the number of Renavam
licenses relative to 2011. With more than 15,000
bus chassis licenses last year, Mercedes-Benz
achieved a 43% share, maintaining its standing
as the leader in the segment. This is a result of
the Company’s increase in production capacity
and the wide acceptance of the brand’s products.
Mercedes-Benz also won the Lótus in the urban
and highway categories.
Ethics in Business Award 2012
The President of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil and CEO for Latin America
at the time, Jürgen Ziegler, was elected person of the year by the 2012
Ethics in Business Award, promoted by the Brazilin Institute for Ethics
in Business. With degrees in economics and business administration
in Germany, and more than 32 years of experience with the Company,
Ziegler was recognized for his legacy in Brazilian business.
In the process of choosing the names that were in the running for the
prize, up to five names are provided by the main big business manager
of large companies in Brazil, listed in the “T” magazine, forming the
ranking of the ten most voted. And in 2012, after the calculation of the
list, Ziegler was chosen.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Products and Services
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil supplies the
Brazilian market with the largest and
most complete line of products for cargo
and passenger transport, as well as
passenger cars.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Global brands of the Daimler Group
GRI 2.2
The Daimler Group has a wide range of business segments throughout the
world. In the automobile segment, it owns the Mercedes-Benz and Smart
brands. In the commercial vehicle segment, it owns the Mercedes-Benz,
Freightliner, Fuso, Western Star, Thomas Built Buses and BharatBenz brands.
The Group also manufactures engines and components.
The competitiveness of the brands can be seen throughout all of the
Group’s business divisions.
Daimler Trucks
Daimler Buses
Daimler Financial
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Products Manufactured and Sold
in Brazil (including launches in the
2012-2013 biennium)
GRI 2.2
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil supplies the Brazilian market with the
largest and most complete line of products for cargo and passenger
transport, as well as passenger cars, which are imported.
The first brand to introduce a domestically manufactured truck,
Mercedes-Benz has developed the most complete and modern
line of trucks in Brazil, which includes more than 30 models – lightduty, medium-duty, semi-trailer and heavy-duty – with multiple
engine options. The Company invests heavily in technology, thereby
contributing to advancements in Brazil’s transportation sector.
Its trucks are equipped with a new generation of Mercedes-Benz
BlueTec5 engines, which provide lower operating and maintenance
costs, as well as reduced emissions.
Mercedes-Benz’s trucks have won over markets in more than 30
countries. In Brazil, there is a network of 157 commercial vehicle
dealers (trucks, buses and Sprinters) spread all over the country, with
the best resale value on the market.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz Technologies
Top Brake Engine-Brake: Exclusive Mercedes-Benz technology that provides greater safety,
lower fuel consumption and increased durability of the brake and tire system components.
Mercedes-Benz BlueTec5: Technology developed to meet the Proconve P-7 standard (see more
on page 59), the BlueTec5 engines provide reduced operating costs and lower emissions, while
also being 6% more economical. Another highlight are the less frequent oil changes.
Mercedes PowerShift: Totally automated transmission, without a clutch pedal and synchronizer
rings, that provides faster and more accurate shifting, further improving performance and fuel
consumption. The lack of synchronizer rings enables the use of larger, stronger gears, which provide
a stronger, more durable transmission.
Next Generation Fleet Management System
Mercedes-Benz selected Brazil for the global launch of its next generation fleet management
system, FleetBoard, which is already being used in Brazil in the Axor and Actros heavy-duty
trucks. FleetBoard is an advanced telemetry solution that uses the internet and mobile telephony
to provide modern management of fleets and motorists, as well a vehicle and cargo security. Its
major benefits include the ability to reduce operating costs by up to 15%, including consumption
and maintenance – based on real usage situations in Brazil – and greater fleet availability, which
results in greater profitability for customers. It also provides a reduction in CO2 emissions that, in
Europe, was calculated at 10%.
With this next generation, the system integrates into the electronic management of the vehicle,
with security devices. Since it is not visible, the device is extremely secure, not allowing for
manipulation or removal. The new version will also offer sophisticated tracking, security and risk
management solutions for cargo and logistics. The goal is support customers in their efforts to
combat the theft and robbery of cargo vehicles. These services combine cutting edge technology,
the extensive experience of the intelligence center and the in-house team of a Brazilian partner
that is a leader in the segment.
The product reinforces Mercedes-Benz’s concept of providing complete solutions to customers, so
that they can purchase the truck, the fleet management system and the tracking device in a single
location, and with the brand’s credibility and quality. There are now more than 2,000 Axor and Actros
trucks operating with FleetBoard in Brazil. Worldwide, there are already more than 100,000 vehicles.
Developed through a partnership between Germany’s FleetBoard and the Engineering team at
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, the new version of the technology will be available in the first quarter of
2014, for the various truck and bus lines. For Actros, the technology will be launched in April 2015.
Accelo Line
The Accelo models – 815 and 1016 – are ideal for
the distribution of goods, as well as the delivery
and collection of cargo and products along urban
and intercity routes. They are also recommended
for short highway distances and rural areas.
They offer unparalleled comfort in their class,
with an ergonomic and comfortable cab and
seating for the motorist and front passenger.
The instrument panel, with an onboard
computer and navigation keypad, provides
better information visualization and simplifies
operations. It also has functions that help the
driver operate the vehicle in a more economical
manner, such as the vehicle’s instantaneous
fuel consumption indicator.
The engines that equip the Accelo models
are highly durable, which is a recognized
characteristic of Mercedes-Benz’s light-duty
trucks. These vehicles come standard equipped
with five-speed transmissions. The Accelo 1016
is able to accommodate the new Mercedes-Benz
G-56 transmission with six gears, which presents
better performance, increased robustness and,
along with its real axle ratio of 4.30, it allows for
a PBT of 13 tons after the installation of the third
axle. With its smooth and precise shifting, this
transmission provides greater comfort while
driving, which is essential in intense city traffic,
along with excellent performance for intercity
and highway applications.
First Light-Duty Truck with an ABS System
In 2013, the Accelo 1016 became the first
light-duty truck to introduce a standard ABS
system. This feature prevents the wheels from
locking during the braking process, providing
greater stability and maneuverability to the
vehicle in adverse situations, mainly in cases
where the roadway is slippery. ABS thereby
helps prevent accidents.
Another important benefit supplied by the
system is the reduced maintenance costs due
to the individual braking control on each wheel,
which prevents uneven wear on the tires,
minimizing the need for early replacements.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Actros Line
The Actros trucks are especially indicated for transport customers
and companies that value and recognize the importance of comfort
and safety as allies in increasing productivity in transport. Its various
hitches allow for the transport of cargo over short or long distances and
allow the use of a variety of semi-trailers, such as bulk carriers, open
dry cargo carriers, closed cargo carriers, siders, liquid and gas tanks,
shipping containers and others. They are also used to haul road train
combinations, such as B-Trains. The 4844 K 8x4 dump truck model is
recommended for complex off-road operations, such as in mining, heavyduty construction and major infrastructure projects.
The Actros line is offered with four cab versions: Short (for off-road dump
trucks), Low Ceiling Sleeper, High Ceiling Sleeper and the exclusive
MegaSpace cab. The MegaSpace cab, available for the highway
transport models, features air suspension and high levels of ergonomics
and functionality. With an entirely flat floor and an internal high of 1.92
meters, the spacious cab provides a noteworthy freedom of movement
and total comfort for motorists in all circumstances, as a workplace,
during breaks and for overnight sleeping. The MegaSpace cab also comes
standard with nocturnal air conditioning, a feature offered exclusively
by Mercedes-Benz, which provides even more comfort when sleeping at
night with the engine off, without consuming fuel.
Heavy-Duty Trucks
In 2013, Mercedes-Benz launched real axles without hub reduction for
the highway models and released the giant heavy-duty Actros 4160
AK SLT. With 8x8 traction, this truck has a Maximum Traction Capacity
(CMT) of 500 tons and was specially designed for the heavy-duty
transport of indivisible cargo.
Custom Tailored Trucks (CTT), located in the city of Molsheim, in the
region of Alsácia, and managed by the Wörth truck factory, is responsible
for the development and production of this model.
The Actros 4160 AK SLT has a Mercedes-Benz V8 engine with 598 hp
of power and 2,800 Nm of torque. The truck is also equipped with a
hydraulic coupling, which provides for maneuvers and drop-offs free of
wear and with greater operational flexibility. In addition, it has a retarder
integrated into the turbo coupling and an additional cooling system.
The Atego
family has the
widest range of cabs
in the segment. There
are four options available:
Short, Extended, Low
Ceiling Sleeper and
High Ceiling
Atego’s New Features
Atego Line
The Atego line is made up of the 1419 medium-duty truck, the 1719,
1726,1726 (4x4), 1729, 2426 semi-trailer trucks and, more recently,
the Atego 2430. Based on the model, there are up to four wheelbase
versions available, which translates into a significant range of
configuration options to meet all of the needs of transporters, including
distributors, wholesalers, grain transporters and logistics operators,
as well as those who transport beverages, appliances, furniture, fresh
produce, frozen foods, chemicals, construction materials, water and
municipal services, among others.
The Atego family has the widest range of cabs in the segment. There
are four options available – Short, Extended, Low Ceiling Sleeper and
High Ceiling Sleeper – that will meet the needs of each customer and
application type. This variety is exclusive in the market and is only
available on Mercedes-Benz trucks.
Regardless of the type of cab, Atego trucks allow for the use of the
widest range of trailers in the segment, including all types, such as
containers, dry freight, isothermal storage, refrigerated storage, siders,
beverages, gas cylinders, fuel tanks, LPG or chemicals, open timber or
aluminum frame, and more.
In 2013, the Atego trucks received a new cabin
suspension, which was completely redesigned to
provide an even greater level of satisfaction and
comfort to drivers and their passengers. Another
highlight is the new internal upholstery on the
ceiling, sides and rear wall of the cab, which adds a
touch of elegance and improves sound insulation.
The pneumatic driver’s seat has been redesigned
and includes new settings, such as adjustments to
the horizontal and vertical dampening system.
A new bed was also developed, with modern fabric
and thicker foam. The mattress is removable and
the cover can be washed. The Low Ceiling Sleeper
and High Ceiling Sleeper cabs also feature an
exclusive king size version of the bed, with an
additional meter and a half of width.
In addition to the new features focused on comfort,
the Atego line also received the next generation
HL-4 rear axles. These lighter axles facilitate any
maintenance work that might be needed.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
New Atego 2430 Econfort 6x2
New Atego 1729
Launched in 2013, this new model is the first Mercedes-Benz truck in
the semi-trailer truck segment to receive the fully automated Mercedes
PowerShift transmission, which offers trademark Mercedes-Benz comfort.
In addition to the usual advantages of the system, which is used for the
brand’s other lines, the new 12-gear G-211 version, with direct drive
configuration, prevents strain on the drive train and shifts rapidly and
smoothly, significantly increasing comfort levels. Another new feature of
the Mercedes PowerShift G-211 includes the Maneuver, Power and EcoRoll
functions, with the latter putting the vehicle’s transmission into neutral in a
safe and controlled manner, which is carried out without the intervention of
the driver, helping reduce fuel consumption. The Atego 2430 Econfort also
continues to offer the manual 9-gear Mercedes G-131 transmission, which
now includes a new superimposed H-type gear map, which improves the
ergonomics and facilitates shifting.
This semi-trailer truck was specifically developed
for garbage collection. It stands out for the
extreme robustness of its drive train, which is
capable of handling its work with the reliability
characteristic of Mercedes-Benz products. This
new product joins the 4x2 Atego 1719 and 1726
models, expanding Mercedes-Benz’s garbage
collection options.
The truck’s Mercedes-Benz OM 926 LA engine features a new torque curve
concept, with a maximum torque of 1,250 NM, which optimizes the shifting
dynamics between gears to minimize exchanges, maintaining the operating
speed of the vehicle. This new concept allows the engines to intuitively work
in the gear that provides lower fuel consumption and greater comfort. The
engine also received improvements to the activation of the cooling system
and the air compressor.
The Atego 1729 comes standard equipped
with everything needed for garbage collection,
including a power socket at the back of the
engine, vertical exhaust (ideal for operations
where there are people working around the
vehicle) and a reinforced rear suspension, with
short springs.
The technical capacity of the new Atego is 24,000
kilograms of Total Gross Weight (PBT), which
provides evidence of its robustness and offers
an excellent technical reserve for improving the
performance and durability of the assembly.
With all of these new innovations applied to the Atego 2430 Econfort, it is
possible to reduce fuel consumption by up to 6%, in addition to the reduction
already supplied by Mercedes-Benz’s BlueTec5 technology, which also can
reach up to 6%.
Atron Line
The Atron trucks are recommended for short, medium and long highway
distances, for urban cargo transport and distribution, as well as for off-road
operations in the construction, mining, logging and sugarcane industries.
They offer a wide range of options for cargo transport companies and inhouse cargo transport, as well as for independent truck drivers who are
seeking a robust truck with optimal operating costs.
The Atron models include the Atron 1319 medium-duty truck, the Atron
2324 6x2 semi-trailer truck and the Atron 2729 6x4 and Atron 1635 4x2
heavy-duty trucks, the latter in a tractor version. The line was expanded
in 2013 with the launch of the Atron 1719 4x2. In addition to advanced
cabs for the Atron 1719 and 2729 models, Mercedes-Benz maintained the
tradition of offering the forward front axle for the 1319, 2324 and 1635
models. The brand’s forward front axle trucks have an excellent reputation
in the Brazilian market, and are preferred and trusted by customers.
The interior of the Atron cabs is distinguished by its simplicity, new
upholstery and seating. The dashboard, the steering wheel ideal for
handling and the comfortable and ergonomic seating provide convenience
for the daily work routine. There is also the
key with an immobilizer, which provides extra
protection against theft and provides security
for the driver, the vehicle and the cargo.
The Atron dashboard, which features an
onboard computer and navigation keypad,
has a clean design and night view option
facilitated by the use of amber lighting. Another
significant advantage is that the dashboard also
has functions that help the driver operate the
vehicle in a more economical manner, such as
the vehicle’s instantaneous fuel consumption
indicator. The Atron 1635 tractor also features
the Econômetro, a variable green bar that
indicates the proper rotation for reduced
consumption with each use.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Axor Line
All of the
versions of the
Atron 1719 can
accommodate a third axis,
which is mounted using
specialized implementers
available on the market,
increasing the vehicle’s
cargo capacity
New Atron 1719 4x2
This semi-trailer truck was launched in 2013 with three versions: one for beverage distribution,
one is for construction transport needs, such as dump trucks, and the third, which is a platform
truck, can be used for a range of purposes and can accommodate many types of implements
for cargo distribution in urban areas and highway transport, with the most common forms
being the aluminum closed cargo carriers, open dry cargo carriers and siders. The latter has
a wheelbase that allows for the installation of trailers up to 7.20 meters in length. This wheel
base is also available in the beverage transport version, and can accommodate a flat trailer or
a lowered trailer for ten pallets.
In the case of the lowered trailer for beverage transport, Mercedes-Benz offers the exclusive
“beverage kit” specially developed to facilitate, accommodate and reduce implementation
costs. This kit consists of two additional cardan joints, a wiring harness, fuel line and elongated
pneumatic tubing. This version also features short springs and a reinforced rear suspension,
ideal for beverage transport with a lowered trailer. Meanwhile, the Atron 1719 dump truck comes
standard with a power outlet in the transmission and it is recommended for containers holding up
to seven cubic meters, for the transport of sand, earth, stone and gravel, among others.
All of the versions of the Atron 1719 can accommodate a third axis, which is mounted using
specialized implementers available on the market, increasing the vehicle’s cargo capacity. With
this, the truck’s technical Total Gross Weight, which is 16,500 kilograms in the 4x2 version, is
increased to 23,000 kilograms in the 6x2.
The Axor trucks are prepared to transport a
wide range of implements, with configurations
that range from platform trucks to B-trains
and including all types of semi-trailers. The
line is made up of highway model trucks up to
74 tons and off-road trucks with a maximum
towing capacity of up to 123 tons, offering the
perfect mix of strength and comfort. The Axor
trucks also ensure optimum profitability for a
range of cargo transport options. There are also
versions that have been specifically developed
for construction, ideal for accommodating dump
truck mechanisms and mixers, for example.
Other characteristics that helped the Axor line
establish itself in the market are its durability and
the excellent performance of its drivetrain, which
has Mercedes-Benz components, ensuring the
reliability people expect from the brand.
Axor’s New Features
In 2013, Mercedes-Benz launched the Axor 1933 and 2533 lines, with the Mercedes PowerShift
automated transmission. The Axor 3131 comes with the semi-automated Mercedes ComfortShift
transmission. The Company also introduced pneumatic suspension to the chassis and new rear axles
without hub reduction. Other new features included the wheelbase distance of 3,100 millimeters for
the 6x2 highway dump trucks and the inclusion of the Maneuver, EcoRoll and Power functions in the
automated Mercedes PowerShift transmission. Among the innovations focused on comfort are the
air suspension in the cabs with beds, the fully renovated interiors, the new king size bed and the new
pneumatic seating for the driver.
New Axor 3131 Off-Road 6x4
This heavy truck is the successor to the 2831, known for its strength, sturdiness and resistance for
heavy work. Its technical capacity has been increased to 31,500 kilograms of Total Gross Weight
(PBT). The model also features the semi-automated Mercedes ComfortShift G211 with 16 gears,
which provides more comfort for the driver and protects the drivetrain from abuse. Available in the
Dump Truck, Mixer and Platform versions, this new truck was specially developed for the severe offroad operations of the sugarcane, logging, mining, construction and infrastructure industries, which
are take place in locations with unpaved dirt or gravel roads, irregular topography and major includes
and declines. The dump truck version is recommended for the transport of rocks, sand and gravel.
The mixer is ideal for the transport of concrete, while the platform version is used for concrete
pumps, the planting and harvesting of sugarcane, reforestation woods and support services in the
field, among other applications.
The Axor 3131 is ideal for operations in hard-to-reach areas, as it provides better maneuverability
and visibility. Air conditioning comes standard in the truck, which further increases the comfort
on board, allowing the motorist to work in a closed cab, free of dust and with less interference
from outside noises.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Pioneer in the manufacture of the first domestic bus – the L 312 chassis
in 1956 – Mercedes-Benz do Brasil has always been the leader in the
segment, both in terms of domestic and foreign market sales, as well as
innovation and technological development.
The Company’s factory in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) is home to the
bus chassis production line. The unit is Daimler’s Global Expertise Center
for the development and production of these chassis. Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil is a reference in the market for the development, testing and regular
use of alternative fuels to diesel. Its successful experiences included
biodiesel and sugarcane diesel, biofuels that are regularly used in major
cities, such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The Technology Development
Center has also been carrying out tests with the diesel+GNV biofuel
engine in urban buses.
In partnership with Eletra, a company specializing in electric vehicles,
Mercedes-Benz has also taken part in successful initiatives in the sector,
such as the HíbridoBR (diesel + batteries), the E-Bus (batteries) and the
trolleybus (electricity network). The experiments with non-diesel alternative
engines offer many environmental benefits by reducing emissions and
significantly improving air quality.
The Company has also made a notable contribution to urban mobility in
Brazil. In addition to the most complete line of urban and highway buses,
Mercedes-Benz stands out through its provision of solutions for every
passenger transport need. This is the case with the portfolio for public
transportation systems, such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and the exclusive
corridors, as well as the specialized BRT advisory services, with professionals
focused on serving operators, managers and consultants.
Urban Buses
Highway Buses
Mercedes-Benz’s urban bus portfolio includes minibuses, conventional buses
and the padron type for feeder and distributor lines, as well as luxury buses for
main lines and exclusive corridors.
Mercedes-Benz’s highway buses are recognized by
the market for their high standard of technology,
performance, comfort and safety. The portfolio
includes vehicles for short, medium and long
distances, as well as chartering and tourism.
In June 2012, the O 500 bus came on the market in the UDA (low floor)
and MDA (normal floor) versions. The main highlight of the vehicle is are
its four axles, which allows for the installation of bodies up to 23-meters
in length, in a single frame, for transporting more than 200 people,
depending on the internal configuration of the bus.
The bus line also had a model specifically designed for rural school
transport, the OF 1519 R chassis.
The 0 500 highway bus line stands out for its
fully pneumatic suspension system and for hightech items such as its BlueTec 5 engines, fully
automated Mercedes PowerShift transmission,
chassis kneeling system and electronic safety
programs, such as ESP, EBS, ABS and ASR.
Mercedes-Benz’s automobiles have always been considered true objects
of desire around the world due to aspects such as their design, comfort,
safety and reliability. As the inventor of the automobile, the brand has
taken on the responsibility of, in addition to delighting customers with
beautiful models, never stop innovating and saving lives.
The concept of sustainability is also present in the development of
the models, which are increasingly efficient and emissions free. With
the most variety in the high-end luxury segment, Mercedes-Benz has
21 models and more than 40 versions in Brazil alone. Most of the
automobile production takes place in Germany, but the Company also
has factories in the United States, China, France, South Africa, India,
Vietnam and Indonesia, which, taken together, total 17 units. Beginning
in 2016, manufacturing will also take place in Brazil, where a factory will
be installed (learn more on page 65).
Product Launch
In 2013, the new A Class was launched in the Brazilian market,
featuring a combination of beauty and efficiency with less impact on
the environment. Featuring a design that has
been recognized with major awards throughout
the world, this automobile is available in two
versions: Style and Urban. The airflow is
optimized, providing the lowest air resistance
coefficient in the category. As a result, the
fuel consumption is lower. The model also
includes BlueEFFICIENCY, which includes
environmentally sound technologies for the
road. The state of the art energy management
system and functions such as the ECO start/
stop ensure not just greater economy, but also
lower emissions.
The new A Class is also safer, featuring
ATTENTION ASSIST system sensors, which
alert the driver whenever they detect signs of
drowsiness or inattention.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Sprinter line
offers various
options for vans and
chassis that provide
economy, safety
and optimum
Product Launches
In 2013, the limousine version of the Spring, the Jetvan Aviaton Style, was launched. It is a windowed
Sprinter 415 CDI van customized by an implementing company to be a sophisticated limousine,
aimed at meeting the passenger transportation needs of the luxury segment.
Mercedes-Benz this year also launched the first mixed-use van, with seating for up to six occupants
and 7.8 meters of cargo space, in the factory-configured version. This solution meets the demands
of customers who need to transport cargo and passengers at the same time, without sacrificing
comfort and the best use of the internal space. The main markets for this product are vehicles for
teams involved in promotions, event organization, photos and filming, advertising, among others.
Parts and components for commercial vehicles, such as engines, transmissions and axles, are
produced at the factory in São Bernardo do Campo. These components are used in the trucks
and buses with Mercedes-Benz chassis. They are also exported to supply the Daimler Group’s
other commercial vehicle factories, in countries such as Argentina, Mexico, the United States,
Germany and Spain.
The Sprinter line offers various options for vans and chassis that provide economy, safety and
optimum performance. The brand’s vans are the ideal vehicle for any type of business or application,
such as the transport of cargo and persons, as well as for the provision of services in general.
The portfolio includes 50 models, including exclusive products, such as the mixed van and the
20+1 van (20 passengers and the driver) – the largest on the market – and differentiated products,
such as the windowed van and the Street line, which provides free movement in the restricted
areas found in major cities.
One major differential with the Sprinter line is the level of equipment that comes standard, which
includes Adaptive 9iE ESP, driver’s side airbag, fog lights, a steering wheel with height and depth
adjustment, CD/MP3 radio, central door locks, and more. Items such as these add value to the
vehicle, meeting the main requirements of the segment with excellent value for the money.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
The Largest Dealer Network and Best Customer Relationship Center
The Mercedes-Benz Dealer Network is the largest and most highly specialized in commercial
vehicles in Brazil. Present in every state in Brazil, the Network relies on strategically located
service points, providing extensive territorial coverage.
The Customer Service Center is a reference in the market. In addition to its highly specialized
team, it offers various access channels, such as by phone, email, live help via chat, mail, fax and
social networks, standing out for its quality and rapid response to customer inquiries.
Mercedes Assistance
During the warranty period, customers are able to receive support from Mercedes Assistance,
a complete assistance service, with nationwide coverage, for trucks, minibuses, Sprinter and
automobiles. Through the Customer Relations Center, which is available 24 a day by dialing 0800
9709090, customers have a variety of services available to them, such as mechanical assistance,
towing services, shuttle services, taxi and lodging, among others.
Other Post-Sales Benefits
Genuine Replacement Parts
Mercedes-Benz offers the market a rapid and complete line of replacement parts, helping to
streamline maintenance and repairs. With this, the customer’s vehicle spends less downtime in the
garage, resuming its transportation activities as soon as possible. The parts are dispatched from
the Parts Logistics and Distribution Center, located at the unit in Campinas (SP). This center stores
approximately 130,000 items in its 83,000 square meter inventory area, shipping an average of 2,000
tons of parts per month. Added to the wide availability, these genuine parts are also competitively
priced, particularly the most requested items, with 12-month, unlimited-kilometer guarantees and the
standard of quality and durability of the brand’s parts, which results in excellent value for the money.
Since 2013, the acquisition of these parts has also been possible using the e-commerce platform
available through the Mercedes-Benz Offers Panel – the widely known channel for genuine items, which
can be found on the Company’s website. An active chat function was also created to answer questions
and provide replacement parts. The tool also provides other facilities, such as information about
products, applications and photos of the parts, standardized in accordance with factory settings. Another
advantage is the integration with the physical inventory of dealers in order to provide information about
the availability of replacement parts.
Remanufactured Parts
Mercedes-Benz is also focused on providing remanufactured parts. It has
been systematically increasing the RENOV line portfolio, with items for
trucks, buses and the Sprinter light commercial vehicles. The Company
wants to consolidate this range of products as a market reference and
advantageous alternative for customers to renew their vehicles. Launched
in 2004, with mechanical and electronic engines, the RENOV line has
been gradually expanded with different options for transmissions, brakes,
starters, injection units and differential kits. Beginning in 2012, it also began
providing turbines and a variety of alternators, compressors, multi-valve
heads, oil pumps and water pumps.
The supply of remanufactured parts if a global trend that assures customers
parts of new quality at a lower cost. The price of these items can be as little
as 55% of the price of a new part. The guarantee is good for 12 months,
with no kilometer limit, and it is valid throughout Brazil. Used parts can also
be given as part of the payment for a RENOV item, significantly reducing the
maintenance costs.
In addition, the remanufacturing of parts strongly contributed to
environmental preservation, in that it reduces the use of raw materials, as
well as the disposal of materials into the environment.
Due to these advantages, the RENOV portfolio has been very successful
in the Brazilian market, with the sale of more than 82,000 units, of which
approximately 37,000 were engines, over 13,000 were transmissions and
approximately 25,000 were clutches, as well as the other items.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
has also recorded
significant growth in the
sale of Mercedes
contracts for trucks and
Sprinter light commercial
vehicles in the
Brazilian market
Maintenance Contract
Mercedes-Benz has also recorded significant growth in the sale of Mercedes ServicePlus
maintenance contracts for trucks and Sprinter light commercial vehicles in the Brazilian
market. In 2012, approximately 6,000 plans were acquired and, in 2013, approximately 9,000
plans were acquired with the brand’s dealers. The maintenance contract is designed to ensure
the predictability of the vehicle maintenance costs, providing nationwide service through the
Mercedes-Benz Dealer Network.
Currently, Mercedes-Benz offers this service in three different modes:
Lube Service: This covers the oil changes for the components (engine, transmission and axles),
oil filter in the engine and labor during the ranges established in the vehicle’s Maintenance
Manual. In addition, Lube Service provides customers with more safety, using the oils approved
by the factory.
Basic Service: This covers preventive inspections, in accordance with the type of operation, for
a period of five years.
Full Service: This complete package includes the preventive inspections and the corrective
maintenance, ensuring winch service and mechanical displacement during the contracted period.
Genuine Oil
Through its dealer network, Mercedes-Benz supplies the market with genuine Mercedes-Benz
oil. This line of lubricants was specifically developed for trucks, buses and Sprinter vehicles, and
is available in engine, differential and transmission oil versions. This lubricant meets all of the
specifications of the engines, including those required by the Euro 5 legislation.
Successfully used in approximately 30 countries, Mercedes-Benz oil is consumed by five million
customers per year. Specifically produced for the brand’s commercial vehicle technology, it ensures
many advantages, such as better performance through reduced internal friction, reduced wear on
the internal parts of the engine and reliable lubrication in all situations.
Training for Customers
In order to strengthen the relationship with customers and help them ensure the maximum profitability
offered by its products, Mercedes-Benz offers specific courses for the owners of the brand-s commercial
vehicles, offered in person or online.
Since 1982, more than 200,000 drivers and monitors have been trained, with 6,000 professionals
receiving training in 2012 alone, which totals approximately 140,000 hours of theoretical and practical
instruction. The courses are taught by approved instructors, who specialize in the field and are frequently
updated by the Company.
Mercedes-Benz Bank
The financial arm of Mercedes-Benz, which offers, together with the experience and credibility
associated with the brand, the best financing and insurance options for its trucks, buses, Sprinters and
automobiles. The financing line offers products such as CDC, BNDES Finame and Leasing, as well as
insurance options with a variety of advantages and coverage levels, such as Comprehensive Insurance
on the Financing and Extra Protection Insurance. Find out more at: www.bancomercedes-benz.com.br.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Strategy and Management
The administrative body of
Mercedes-Benz underwent changes
between 2012 and 2013. Find out
more over the next few pages.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Roberto Leoncini: Roberto Leoncini holds a degree in Mechanical
Engineering and a graduate degree in Business from the University of
Irvine, in California, as well as an MBA from Fundação Getulio Vargas.
With extensive experience in the commercial area of the trucks and buses
segment, he has already served as a district representative, moving on to
serve large fleet owners, serving as a manager, sales director and supervisor
of commercial operations in Brazil. In 2014, he became Vice President of
Marketing, Sales and Post-Sales for Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses in
Brazil, with significant work involving dealer networks, in order to ensure
that quality products are combined with excellent services.
Management Structure
GRI 4.1
Philipp Schiemer, President of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil & Head of Latin America (assumed office on June 1, 2013);
Wolfgang Hänle, Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating Officer (COO) (assumed office in June 2013);
Roberto Leoncini, Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Post-Sales for Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses (since 2014);
Fernando Fontes Garcia, Vice President of Human Resources (since 2012);
Walter Sladek, Vice President of Truck and Component Development (assumed office in June 2013);
Hetal Laligi, Vice President of Finance and Control (assumed office on September 1, 2013).
Philipp Schiemer: Philipp Schiemer holds a degree in Economics from
the University of Cooperative Education of Sttutgart, Germany. He has
more than 20 years of experience in the automotive sector, with 14 years
of experience in Brazil, where he has worked on all of the product lines
(trucks, buses, vans and automobiles). In June 2013, at age 48, he became
the President of Mercedes-Benz in Brazil, with the responsibility of leading
the operations of the Company, which is the largest manufacturer of
commercial vehicles in South America and concentrates the manufacture
of engines, transmissions and axles used in its products.
Fernando Fontes Garcia: Fernando Fontes Garcia holds a degree from the
School of Law of São Bernardo do Campo, Specialization in Human Resources
from the Fundação Getulio Vargas and an MBA from FIA – USP. Garcia has
more than 25 years of experience in the area of Human Resources, with vast
experience and familiarity with high performance team formation processes
and negotiations in various industry segments, including the domestic
automobile sector. In 2012, at age 49, he became the Vice President of
Human Resources of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil. In this role, he is responsible
for the Company’s Human Resources strategies and operations in Brazil,
including Training, Qualifications and Recruitment, as well as Labor Consulting
and Union Relations at the units in Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela.
Hetal Laligi: Hetal Laligi holds a degree
in Administration, with a specialization in
Finance, and 20 years of experience with the
Daimler Group, in Germany, Singapore and
Brazil. Between 2000 and 2004, Laligi worked
at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil as an executive
advisor to the CEO for Latin America. His
trajectory at Daimler includes experience in
areas such as Supply & Logistics, Marketing,
Control, Finance and Treasury, among others.
From January 2011 until August 2013, he had
been serving as the Executive Officer for Sales
Control of the Mercedes-Benz Cars Division,
in Germany. Now age 40, he is the new Vice
President of the Finance and Control area of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, where he works on
synergy in order to verify trends and translate
the needs of the customer into engineering
projects and, consequently, into vehicles with
excellent cost/benefit ratios.
Wolfgang Hanle: Wolfgang Hanle holds a degree in Engineering, with
a focus on production techniques, from the Polytechnic School of Ulm.
He joined the Company in 1995, after the company where he worked,
Karl Kässbohrer GmbH, was acquired by the Daimler Group. With more
than 30 years of experience in the area, Wolfgang Hanle worked in
Brazil between 2004 and 2007, responsible for the bus operations in
Latin America. In 2013, at age 59, he became the Vice President of
Operations at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil and COO. In this position, he is
responsible for implementing a structure for buses and he will take over
the production, planning and quality control of the operation, through the
construction of a functional department with control, sales, post-sales,
services and development sectors, in order to oversee the evolution of
the business. As such, Wolfgang Hanle is responsible for the areas of
Trucks, Buses, Components, Purchasing, Logistics and Planning, leading
the production of the Daimler Group’s largest commercial vehicles
factory outside of Germany.
Walter Sladek: Walter Sladek holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from
the University of Aachen and a doctorate from the University of Hannover. He
has worked in the automotive industry for more than 17 years, specifically
in the Daimler Group. Sladek has served at factories around the world,
including in Germany, the United States and Turkey, acquiring experience
in “Research & Development” and “Vehicle and Component Production”.
Prior to coming to Brazil, he was responsible for the development of
Mercedes-Benz trucks in Turkey. In Brazil, Walter Sladek served as the
Company’s Executive Officer for Truck & Component Development for
four years. In 2013, at age 41, he became the Vice President of Truck and
Component Development at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
In addition to the President and Vice Presidents, Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil has an executive board composed of 22 members.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Strategic Objectives
Profitable Growth
Generate sustainable profitability and be a reference in Brazilian industry
Achieve planned profitability levels, generating efficiency in the purchase of materials as planned
Comply with the established budget, reaching the planned revenue and contribution margin
with Genuine Parts
Superior Products and Customer Satisfaction
Offer products with highly competitive prices and quality
Achieve the customer satisfaction indices (CSI/AEP), maintaining the warranty costs below
the planned amount
Contribute to improving the quality of our suppliers, achieving the planned Audit Note
Leadership in Innovation and Technology
strategic objectives
include Profitable
Growth and
Leadership in
Innovation and
Offer technologically innovative products within the planned timeframe
Launch new truck and bus products with guaranteed quality and within the planned timeframe
Achieve the planned lead time for solving problems in the field
Global Presence and Integration
Establish a leadership position in both the domestic and foreign markets
Achieve the planned share of sales volume in the domestic market and achieve the
planned export volumes
Achieve Banco Mercedes-Benz’s planned share of financing for commercial vehicles and
Leading Brands
Be a reference in brand quality on the market
Be a leader in brand quality in the segments in which we operate
Operational Excellence
Be a company with excellent internal processes
Achieve the goals of MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround, consolidating its implementation in all
areas, as planned
Maintain the new vehicle inventory within the planned amounts
Maintain the Integrated Management System (IMS) certification
Achieve the environmental objectives and targets by focusing on economizing natural
resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste
Inspired, High Performance Personnel
Have motivated employees and set the standard for workplace quality
Promote the values of the Daimler Group: Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline
Meet the requirements of the Code of Ethics and the compliance requirements of the Daimler Group
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
PROCONVE P7 - Euro 5
The Automotive Vehicle Air Pollution Control Program (PROCONVE) was created in 1986 by the National
Environment Council (CONAMA), through CONAMA Resolution 18/86, whose purpose includes the
reduction of emissions by automotive vehicles in order to meet the Air Quality Standards set by the
National Air Quality Control Program), particularly in urban centers.
PROCONVE P7 (Heavy Vehicles 7) is the seventh phase of this program for heavy vehicles –
vehicles with Total Gross Weight (PBT) in excess of 3,856 kilograms. This phase was established
by CONAMA Resolution 403/2008. P7 is equivalent to the European regulations on the emission
of gases and particulate matter, known as Euro V.
All heavy vehicles, produced as of January 1, 2012, and sold in Brazil, must comply with PROCONVE P7,
which translates into the following emissions reductions:
60% of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx),
80% of particulate matter (PM),
27% of carbon monoxide (CO),
30% of total hydrocarbons (THC) and
37% of the smoke emitted by their engines, when compared to the predecessor products –
PROCONVE P7 required technological advances in the engines, in their manufacture (lower tolerance),
in the measurements (much more precise) and in the Brazilian commercial vehicles themselves,
as these new emissions limits are much more restrictive and will require, as of January 1, 2015, an
emissions guarantee of 500,000 km for vehicles with PBTC greater than 16,000 kilograms, versus the
current 160,000 kilograms.
The Automotive
Vehicle Air Pollution
Control Program
created by the
National Environment
Council (CONAMA) to
reduce automobile
The basic condition for the introduction of PROCONVE P7 in trucks and buses was the availability of
better quality diesel fuel with a maximum sulfur content of 50 ppm (Diesel S50). Diesel S10 is now
available throughout the country, alongside Diesel S500.
For the manufacturers of commercial vehicles who have opted to use the Selective Catalytic Reaction
(SCR) technology, there needed to be an availability of ARLA32 (NOx Automotive Liquid Reducing Agent,
with 32.5% technical urea), more widely known as AdBlue in Europe and Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) in the
United States. The latter is also available nationwide.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil opted to use SCR technology, known as BlueTec5, for its trucks and buses. It
optimizes the combustion in the engine, in order to improve performance, lower fuel consumption, lower
thermal rejection, lower emissions of particulate matter and treatment of NOx in the engine’s exhaust
system, through SCR with the injection of ARLA32. For light commercial vehicles, in which the engines
are used in partial loads for most of the time, such as Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s Sprinter Vans, the best
option is to reduce the NOx emissions in the engine, using a system for recirculating the exhaust gases via
BlueEfficiency technology. As such, part of the exhaust gases is diverted to the air intake system, which
allows the combustion flame front to remain cooler, producing less NOx.
The requirements of PROCONVE P7, which require the introduction of a new emissions control
systems technology for heavy-duty vehicles, trucks and buses, and higher prices for Diesel S50/
S10, resulted in a retraction in the truck market in Brazil in 2012 and 2013, impacting the results of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround
All of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s professionals are currently involved in a major program to resume the Company’s
growth, known as MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround. It is a consolidator of several projects focused on improving
the expenses and financial efficiency of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil within a comparable basis. The goal is to return the
Company to a level of competitiveness that is capable of making it the leader in the Brazilian truck market in 2015.
This is why the program is aligned with the Table of Targets, helping to translate them to employees’ daily
routines. This generates a virtuous cycle, given that once one of the Company’s targets has been attained,
a target from the Program is also attained. Employees thereby play an essential role in the success of
MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround, with constant updates on the functioning and stages of the program, as well as
incentives to contribute to more efficient processes through innovative ideas.
Energy Efficiency Project
Under the MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround, there is an important project
focused on achieving better energy efficiency at the factory in São Bernardo
do Campo. It seeks to reduce operating costs and contribute to better
environmental performance through improved use of energy inputs in the
productive and administrative processes.
The project has two main areas of activity, as follows:
1 – Identification and elimination of the unnecessary consumption of
electricity and other inputs (water, natural gas, etc.).
In this area of operation, highlights include the total or partial shutdown of
machines and equipment used in the factory’s productive and administrative
processes at times when there is no demand for their use or there is only
a partial demand (ex.: automation of lighting/air conditioning systems and
showdown of utility machines, equipment and infrastructure during nonproductive hours) and the reduction of losses though compressed air leaks
in the disassembly networks and machine tools.
2 – Studies on the viability of implementing more efficient technologies.
In this area of operations, highlights already include studies on the
application of LED technology in the lighting systems (through retrofitting
or total replacement), studies into solar heating for water used in locker
rooms and studies into changing the operating cycles of machine
tools, with the implementation of additional
components and automation focused on
reducing the consumption of energy inputs per
part and/or component produced.
At the same time, the factory relies on
its maintenance employees to identify
opportunities for improvement in general,
including those related to the consumption of
raw materials. The area has 400 employees
and has already implemented 65 ideas for
improvement related to this issue.
With initiatives of this type, Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil has been able to gradually reduce its energy
consumption at the São Bernardo do Campo factory.
Over the last ten years, the decline in kilowatt hours
per vehicle totaled 15%. In 2012, as a result of the
MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround, consumption
totaled 162,243 MWh, providing a reduction of
3.4% in relation to the planned consumption of
167,889 MWh. In 2013, this reduction totaled
4.2%, with 175,172 MWh consumed versus
182,842 MWh planned.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Management of Targets
At the beginning of each year, Mercedes-Benz
releases its targets for the period, in order
to encourage the engagement of all of the
Company’s employees, as well as disclose,
clearly and objectively, the results that are
expected. The targets are presented via the
ScoreCard system – a methodology adopted at
all of the Daimler Group’s units around the world
to standardize the application of proposals –
in which they are visually represented in the
form of a pyramid, with base grounded on the
importance of promoting the corporate values:
Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline.
At the top, Profitable Growth is shown as the
Company’s main goal.
The proposed targets also take into account,
among other indications, that of avoiding rework
and increasing the efficiency of processes,
ensuring the delivery of products within the
stipulated timeline, working without accidents,
complying with the requirements of the Code of
Integrity and the Compliance requirements of
the Daimler Group, as well as maintaining the
current Social Responsibility programs.
Each year the targets are revised, adjusted
based on the current economic situation and
inserted into the ScoreCard. To achieve the
planned results, all of the work must be based
on seven dimensions: Profitable Growth (top of
the pyramid), Superior Products and Customer
Satisfaction, Leadership in Innovation and
Technology, Global Presence and Integration,
Leading Brands, Operational Excellence and
Inspired, High Performance Personnel. The
seven dimensions are split into general goals,
which allow for the integration of each dimension
into the daily routine of the organization.
Since the beginning of the implementation
of MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround,
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s targets have also
entered into dialogue with this program, which
helps makes them even easier to translate so
that they can be understood and incorporated
into the daily routine.
Truck Operating System (TOS)
The Truck Operating System (TOS) is a comprehensive management system
of Daimler Trucks, which brings together different methods and tools, with
a focus on high performance. Its methodology, coupled with a philosophy of
continuous improvement, is a key component in the Company’s ability to
achieve operational excellence and reach its long-term business goals. The TOS
is therefore essential to the success of MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround.
To guide its employees in its practical application, the Daimler Group is
adopting the Nine Lean Principles. The term was adopted in the late 1980s
in a research project by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
into the global automotive industry. The term Lean is now used to refer to a
strategy focused on increasing customer satisfaction through an improved
use of resources. Lean adds guidelines that contribute management’s
understanding about what TOS expects from each team and what the
principles strategic decisions are in their daily routines.
To reinforce the importance of these concepts as a part of the daily
routine, Daimler developed the “TOS Guide. Nine Lean Principles. A
Philosopy.”, with details about the system and the principles, practical
guidelines and recommendations for the self-assessment of managers.
The materials were distributed to the employees of Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil and are available for consultation on the Company’s intranet.
The Nine Lean Principles
Take the long
view – invest
in tomorrow’s
profits today.
Go and see.
Imagine you
were your
people produce
Share openly
and borrow
the process
Learn quickly
from triumphs
and from
support and
challenge your
partners and
it simple.
* Lean is a business strategy that aims to increase customer
satisfaction through an improved use of resources. The
term “lean” was coined in the late 80’s in a Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) research project into the
global automotive industry. Visit the Lean Institute of Brazil
website: www.lean.org.br.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
In 2013,
do Brasil announced
that it will invest
approximately R$1
billion in its truck
and bus factories
in Brazil during
the 2014/2015
Investments in the Truck and
Bus Factories in Brazil
Construction of the New
Automobile Factory
In 2013, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil announced
that it will invest approximately R$1 billion in
its truck and bus factories in Brazil during the
2014/2015 biennium. This significant volume
of funds will be directed towards researching
and developing new products and technologies,
the production of the Actros heavy-duty truck
line in Brazil, process improvements and the
modernization of production areas, among other
actions. Social and environmental projects are
also part of this significant investment plan,
Company plants will benefit in the cities of São
Bernardo do Campo (SP) and Juiz de Fora (MG).
Beginning in 2016, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil will
resume production of automobiles on Brazilian
soil. To do this, the Company is building a
factory in Iracemápolis, in the interior of São
Paulo state. The attractive business scenario
and the viability created by Inovar Auto, an
initiative launched by the federal government
to encourage investment in the domestic
automobile industry, were the triggers behind
Daimler’s decision to resume production in
Brazil. Inovar Auto provides financial benefits
such as financing at lower rates, tax and fiscal
incentives and credit line incentives.
The Company is responsible for the largest
investment plan in the industry. Together with
previous investment, the total amount will
reach R$3.2 billion until 2018, invested in Brazil
between 2010 and 2015, with highlights including
the opening of the new truck factory in Juiz de
Fora and the increase in production capacity in
São Bernardo do Campo. The new allocation of
resources reaffirms the Daimler Group’s belief in
Brazil, in its economy and in the potential of the
Brazilian market for commercial vehicles, which
is one of the top markets for the Mercedes-Benz
brand worldwide.
Brazil is now the fourth largest passenger vehicle
market in terms of sales, yet only seventh in terms
of production, which represents an opportunity
for new domestic manufacturers. The premium
market in Brazil, which encompasses Daimler’s
vehicles, is experiencing the highest growth.
The new investment aims to make the
Company increasingly competitive in a highly
disputed market, such as present-day Brazil.
Mercedes-Benz may also contribute decisively to
the evolution of the domestic automobile industry,
generating complete solutions for all of the
demands of cargo and passenger transport.
The phases of the factory project are preplanning, planning, environmental licensing
and construction. The land for the unit is
approximately 2 million and a half square
meters in size, which includes an environmental
protection area. Production tests are scheduled
to begin in late 2015 and operations are expected
to launch in early 2016. The production capacity
in the first phase will be 20,000 automobiles per
year. Beginning in 2019/2020, this is expected
to increase to 50,000 units per year, depending
on market demand. The factory is also being
designed to have forms of environmental
preservation systems.
The choice of Iracemápolis for the installation
of a new factory was based on its geographic
position. The city is located in Campinas and has
excellent access infrastructure. It is also close
to the Company’s main suppliers in Brazil, as well
as the country’s main centers of consumption.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Sustainability at
Mercedes-Benz do
The following pages include
operational, financial, environmental
and social information about
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Operating and Financial Performance
The Concept of Sustainability
Generally, the concept of sustainable development is supported by three
pillars made up of multiple dimensions that, when taken together, allow
people “to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland, Gro Harlem. Report
of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1988). The term
was utilized for the first time in the 1980s by the Prime Minister of Norway,
Gro Harlem Brundtland, when she presided over the World Commission on
Environment and Development.
In the business context, sustainability seeks to ensure the success of the
business over the long term, while at the same time contributing to the
economic and social development of the community, a healthy environment
and a stable society, according to the concept formulated by John Elkington
that became widely known at the Triple Bottom Line.
In practice, this concept considers the Economic,
Social and Environmental dimensions as criteria
for evaluating business performance, always
seeking to answer the question: How can we
establish lasting businesses without harming the
planet and those who live here, while offering, at
the same time, the best products and services,
creating wealth for investors and opportunities for
the surrounding communities.
The application of Euro 5 (Proconve P-7 – see page 59) legislation in Brazil
in 2012 and its attendant uncertainties impacted the commercial vehicle
market as a whole, including Mercedes-Benz. In the period, the Company’s
production fell 54.0% in relation to 2011, while sales to the domestic
market and exports dropped 21.4% and 10.1%, respectively. Total revenue
was approximately R$10.0 billion.
jumped up approximately 9% and 5%,
respectively. Revenue totaled approximately
R$16.3 billion, up 64.6% over 2012.
Operating and financial performance by vehicle
type is show in the table and charts below.
In 2013, with Euro 5 already more established, the market began to
grow again. The production of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil increased
34.2% for the period, while sales to the domestic market and exports
The performance of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in
this regard is reported in the following pages.
Revenue of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in 2012 and 2013 (R$ thousand)
Precepts for sustainable business operations
Commercial Vehicle Production (in units)
Shareholder rights
Economic impacts on society
Customer and supplier relations
Economic results
Human rights
Labor rights
Community involvement
Ethical posture
Conservation of natural resources
Waste management
Risk management
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Exports (in units)
Domestic sales (in units) Models licensed over 3.5 tons
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Environmental Performance
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil adheres to the environmental responsibility guidelines issued by the
Daimler Group. These guidelines are multiplied at all points along the organization’s chain of
production, in order to establish a common standard of performance and support a commitment
to preserving the environment.
This action translates into a commitment to environmental quality, founded on take due care with waste,
water, air and soil, legal compliance, eco-efficiency, and dissemination and awareness. The actions to
take based on these pillars are determined by the Environmental Management System (EMS).
do Brasil adheres
to the environmental
guidelines issued
by the
Daimler Group
and awareness
Legal compliance
Air, water, soil
Environmental Quality
Environmental Management System
Environmental Principles of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
Face the environmental challenges of the future by working continuously
to improve the environmental performance of processes and products;
Develop products that, in their respective market segments, are
environmentally responsible;
Plan all of the production stages for the rational use of resources and
inputs, minimizing the generation of waste, preventing impacts and
pollution and optimizing environmental production;
Promote actions to protect biodiversity, reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and identify opportunities to mitigate the impacts of climate change;
Monitor the environmental indicators of processes and evaluate the
performance of executives with respect to meeting environmental targets;
Offer customers information and services oriented towards promoting
reverse logistics and environmental protection;
Continuously seek exemplary environmental performance and develop
environmentally responsible suppliers of products, transportation and
other services;
Provide employees and the general public with transparent information
about environmental protection.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Environmental Management System
The Environmental Management System (EMS) implemented by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
integrated Quality Management and Occupational Health and Safety Management. It is organized
in the form of a manual complemented with management documents, denominated Procedures,
and operational documents, denominated Work Methods, Work Instructions, Environmental
Instructions and Emergency Response Plans, among others. These materials cover the
mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the performance of Mercedes-Benz in complying
with legal requirements and preserving natural resources, and they allow for the improvement
of productive, administrative and commercial processes to provide for the ongoing improvement
of the Company’s activities. Employees can access them via the intranet or through the posters
displayed in the workplace. The workforce, as well as suppliers and members of the community,
continually receive training on these issues and the management system as a whole.
Procedures regarding the environment
Identification of Aspects and Hazards and Evaluation of Controls
Legal Requirements and Other Requirements
Internal and External Communications
Skills, Training and Awareness
Identification and Evaluation of Emergency Situations
Audit of the Integrated Management System
Improvement, Corrective and Preventive Action (PDCA Method)
Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring Plans
Hazardous Materials Management
Solid Waste Management
Wastewater Management
Emissions Management
Planning and Identification of Environmental Aspects and Future Occupational Hazards
Materials and waste covered by the environmental instructions
General waste;
Aluminum cans;
Paper and cardboard;
Food waste;
Clinic waste;
Oil emulsion;
Liquid waste;
Solid and liquid waste;
Assorted waste
contaminated with
oil and paint;
Sludge from Wastewater
Treatment Plant (WWTP);
Industrial waste;
Atmospheric emissions;
Empty drums;
Light bulbs;
Toners and cartridges;
General scraps;
Industrial batteries;
Industrial towels for cleaning.
Management System
(EMS) implemented
by Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil integrated Quality
Management and
Occupational Health and
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz Award for
Environmental Responsibility
Since 2010, Mercedes-Benz has given an
Environmental Responsibility Award in order
to encourage its stakeholders to also adopt
thereby extending its concern for this issue
throughout the entire chain of production.
Beginning in 2011, the award was also
extended to Mercedes-Benz dealers. Projects
that show the best experiences developed by
these organizations can be nominated.
The award aims to recognize solutions that are
already in place and encourage the adoption
of new ones that will allow for sustainable
development. Eight winners are chosen,
including three in the “Suppliers” category,
two in the “Dealers” category and another
three from among the truck and bus units.
The winners are announced, beginning in
December, at the Interaction Awards (suppliers)
and at the Star Class Convention (dealers).
Since 2010,
has given an
Responsibility Award
to encourage its
to adopt
Environmental Responsibility Award for Suppliers
2013 – 4th Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Ripack Embalagens
Ripack has been operating in the packaging market for nearly twenty years. It won the Award
for its “Sustainable Production Design” project, which includes numerous sustainable actions
adopted by the company in the design of its production plant, in planning its processes and
products, in the use of raw materials and inputs, as well as the minimization of social impacts.
Schaeffler Brasil Ltda.
Schaeffler took second place with its “Mineral Oil Reuse” project, which consists of a mineral
oil filtering and analysis process that allows for its reuse. It also allows for the disposal and
recycling of sludge briquettes. The recovered oil is used to supply
all of the Company’s Oil Centers.
Magneti Marelli Cofap
Magneti was elected in third place with the “Reactive Energy Reduction” project, which
demonstrates efficient energy management, with consequent resource savings through the
elimination of reactive energy collections (energy generated in induction motors, transformers
and other equipment) and the use of automatic capacitive compensation.
2012 – 3rd Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Santos Brasil
Santos Brasil was awarded first prize for its Sustainable Driver Program, developed to reduce
fuel consumption by the vehicles in its fleet, safety risks, emissions and maintenance costs,
without compromising on deadlines.
ZF do Brasil Ltda.
ZF came in second place with the “PET PAN” project, carried out in partnership with the
Professor Antônio Nascimento State School and its students, as well as residents of the
neighboring low-income communities (Beira Rio, Naval and Coca), in São Bernardo do Campo.
The objectives include raising awareness within the community regarding environmental issues,
eliminating the improper disposal of bottles and generating income for the school through the
sale of the material.
Moura S.A.
The company came in third place with the Tareco e Mariola Program, which is focused on providing management assistance to 23 schools and implementing the Association of Recyclable
Materials Collectors and Artisans.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Environmental Responsibility Award for Dealer
Automobile dealers
2013 – 3rd Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Nova Europamotors
Comércio De Veículos
Planting Citizenship: Planting tree seedlings in order to contribute to carbon
neutralization. Offering lectures on environmental topics and issues with the
participation of volunteers, involving the entity’s special needs children.
DVA Auto Comércio de
Veículos Ltda
Green IT: Reduction of three environmental impacts:
Electricity Consumption, Paper Consumption and Electronic Waste. With
significant results: Reusing an average of 3,000 sheets/month and saving
approximately 9,000 sheets with two-sided printing;
Donation of more than 1 ton of electronic waste; Server virtualization; Utilization
of virtual desktops; Acquisition of more efficient equipment; Use of tools to
extend the useful life of desktops, etc.
Commercial vehicle dealers
2012 – 2nd Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Pinus Automóveis Ltda.
Neutralization of scheduled CO2 emissions from the vehicles in its fleet
through the planting of tree seedlings.
Campo Grande Comércio e
Administração Ltda.
Project focused on reducing photocopies,
printing and energy consumption.
2013 – 3rd Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Guanabara Diesel S.A
Comércio e Representações
Rio de
Solar Energy: Installation of solar energy heating in order to supply
energy to the restaurants and locker rooms.
Pirasa Veiculos Ltda.
Water and oil don’t mix: Residential cooking oil recycling program. For
every 50 liters of oil collected, Pirasa donates R$25.00 to the Dias de
Cruz Assistance Center.
Pirasa Veiculos Ltda.
Doing good by using less: System of channels and cisterns for water
storage, seeking to reduce water consumption for vehicle cleanings,
plant watering, etc. Sorting recyclable and organic waste, and sending
products that will no longer be used to recycling cooperatives.
Divesa Distribuidora
Curitibana de Veículos Ltda.
Racing Starclass: Increase in the separation of recyclable materials with
an incentive campaign that gives prizes and reinforces the company’s
commitment to quality targets.
2012 – 2nd Annual Award for Environmental Responsibility
Project Description
Vitória da
Environment and Citizenship 2012: Program developed to conserve
resources, including human beings, as part of the environment.
Vd Comércio
de Veículos Ltda.
Garbage, No! Bags, Yes!: A project to recycle and reuse the banners
featured in internal and external marketing initiatives in order to reduce
waste and increase the life cycle of those materials.
Dulex Veículos LTDA
São Miguel
do Oeste
Environmental Sustainability: Internal program composed of leak/spill
containment systems, green marketing, environmental training, effluent
and emissions treatment, waste management program, a new tank for
used oil and the use of rainwater.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Cleaner Production
Being self-sufficient means supplying the goods and services that
meet human needs and increase quality of life while, at the same
time, progressively reducing ecological impacts. For Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil, this objective translates into being able to produce more
an create more value with less resources and less generated waste.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil has always been concerned with these issues
and its approach was further strengthened with the 2005 launch of the
Cleaner Production Program (P+L).
This program aims to add environmental and economic value to the
Company’s products by identifying the root cause of the pollution
generated by its processes, products and services, as well as alternatives
to eliminate or reduce the generation of effluents, waste and emissions,
rationalizing the use of raw materials and inputs, and increasing the reuse
and recycling of materials.
The P+L guidelines are disseminated among employees, who are trained
to continually develop projects related to preserving the environment.
Example of this are described below.
Separation of plastic at the Waste Center
The São Bernardo do Campo unit changed its process for evaluating
plastic materials, separating them according to their recycling potential.
Recyclable plastics that had previously been disposed with general
waste, generating a cost of approximately R$75 per ton, are now sold
as “hard plastic.” With this initiative, the cost has been eliminated and
the Company is earning a profit from the sales.
Waste reduction in the warranty inspection area
Previously, the dealers sent the Campinas Unit parts for warranty
inspection along with oil, diesel and coolant samples. As these fluids do
not need to undergo laboratory analysis, the Unit stopped receiving them,
eliminating the need for the correct disposal of these samples and, as a
result, the related costs. The previous practice resulted in the shipment of
400 liters of oil every six months to the Effluent Treatment Plant.
Reduction in clean and dirty polypropylene disposal
In Campinas, many of the inputs used by the unit come packaged in
polypropylene, which had been disposed of in the contaminated waste
drum, generating a high volume of waste. The area then began receiving
the parts without this packaging, which eliminated the disposal of this
type of waste, which costs R$650 per ton discarded.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Environmental Indicators
Waste Management
Environmental Performance Index (EPI)
Mercedes-Benz created the Environmental
Performance Index (EPI) to measure its
environmental performance and compare
it on the same basis each year. The EPI
includes indicators to be monitored and
disseminated among employees to ensure
ongoing improvement. The targets defined in
the EPI include the consumption of water and
electricity, the generation of hazardous solid
waste and selective collection. Its importance
for the Company can be measured by the
fact that key executives have their bonuses
tied to compliance, as is the case with the
other strategic objectives.
The format designed for the EPI accepts the
insertion of new indicators based on the
needs and interests of the Company. It also
allows for the management of more significant
environmental aspects and compensation
between them. In addition, it allows for
consumption to be measured per vehicle
produced. The results are monitored on a
monthly basis, contributing to the Company’s
ability to implement corrective actions in
order to reach the targets.
In 2012, the volume of waste generated by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil increased in relation to the 2010/2011 biennium.
However, the decline in production and the mitigation initiatives resulted in a reduction in 2013, when the volumes
reached levels similar to or lower than those of the previous years.
Generation of Waste
A database is currently under development
as a means of ensuring the ongoing
improvement of EPI management.
Total Volume of Production
Hazardous Waste
Recycled (co-processed) in ton/year
created the EPI
to measure its
Incinerated (ambulatory) – in ton/year
Total Hazardous Waste
Non-Hazardous Waste
Recycled (industrial and domestic) – in ton/year
Disposed (industrial and domestic) – in ton/year
Total Non-Hazardous Waste
Total Waste Generated
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
The targets
defined in the
EPI include the
consumption of water
and electricity, the
generation of hazardous
solid waste
and selective
Generation of hazardous waste (t/year)
Recycled Hazardous
Incinerated Hazardous
Waste (Co-Processed)
Waste (ambulatory)
Generation of non-hazardous waste (t/year)
Non-Hazardous Disposed Waste
Non-Hazardous Recycled Waste
(Industrial and Domestic)
(Industrial and Domestic)
The Company usually has internal collection and transport logistics
in which the waste generated by the various productive processes
are disposed by the responsible areas outside of the buildings.
This step is carried out by employees who are duly trained in the
internal environmental procedures, which include the Selective
Collection program, implemented in 1997. The disposal points are
standardized, with the waste disposed in an organized manner based
on its characteristics: hazardous, general waste, paper and cardboard,
plastic, metal, wood and others. After it has been collected, the material
is transported to the Recycling Centers (Class II) and Hazardous Waste
Centers (Class I). General waste is collected by compactor trucks and
sent directly to landfills.
The hazardous waste is separated, identified,
packaged and properly forwarded for final
disposal by approved service providers in
compliance with the legal requirements.
To improve its disposal of this waste,
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil has a system for
reusing lubricating oil; a system for drying
paint sludge; ultrafiltration equipment for
oily emulsions; washable towels for industrial
cleaning, which replace the disposable towels,
and the use of a filter press at the Effluent
Treatment Plant to dry the sludge.
The recyclable waste is subject to an operational process, which includes
the receipt of a variety of packaging materials from the production
processes, disassembly and sorting of its components based on the
type of material (paper, cardboard, plastic and wood), compression or
packaging and subsequent sale to approved customers, who use them
as raw materials in their processes.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Water Consumption
The Company
usually has
internal collection and
transport logistics in
which the waste generated
by the various productive
processes are disposed
by the respons
ible areas outside
of the buildings
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s units consume water from the external supply system. In the 2012/2013 biennium, total
consumption equaled 725,700 and 778,500 cubic meters of water, respectively. Of the total produced per year, 9.0% was
reused in 2012 and 7.9% was reused in 2013. The reuse is carried out with water obtained from wastewater through reverse
osmosis, from the effluent in compressor drains and the washing of fruits and vegetables at the restaurant.
To reduce consumption, Mercedes-Benz has taken measures such as: installing flow reducers on faucets and showers;
replacing toilets and showers; reusing water used for food hygiene; monitoring consumption; and periodic inspection of the
equipment and facilities to eliminate any waste. It is important to note that each unit has a Wastewater Treatment Plant that
enables disposal in accordance with the standards established by law. The effluent networks are separated based on the
characteristics of the liquid being generated.
Water consumption by type of use (m³/year)
Cooling water (m³/year)
Bathrooms/Cafeterias (m³/year)
Production (m³/year)
Consumption and reuse of water (m3 per year)
Water used and discarded
Total water reused
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Energy Consumption
Atmospheric Emissions
In 2012 and 2013, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
consumed 929,000 and 1.1 million GJ of energy,
respectively. Of the 2012 total, 718,000 GJ
came from hydroelectric energy – a renewable
source – acquired from the public transmission
system. In 2013, this amount totaled 790,000
GJ. Consumption in the 2012/2013 biennium
was 14.6% lower than in 2010/2011, already as
a result of the reduction measures associated
with MB Trucks #1 - MBBras Turnaround (find
out more on page 60).
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil has developed a series of activities to control
the atmospheric emissions from its production processes, such as the
monitoring of these emissions, air quality monitoring, dispersion studies
and mapping of all of the stationary and mobile sources, as well as a
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory.
and externally and the GHG Inventory is
conducted in accordance with the criteria
of the GHG Protocol methodology, one of
the most commonly adopted and recognized
tools worldwide.
Atmospheric emissions from the production processes are monitored
and controlled by Pollution Control Equipment, such as sleeve filters,
after-burners and gas washers. Noises are monitored internally
The result of the 2012 and 2013 Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Inventories is shown, by scope,
in the chart below:
The rest of the amount consumed – 212,000 GJ
in 2012 and 326,000 GJ in 2013 – corresponded
to the energy from burning natural gas in the
boilers, heaters, after-burners and the restaurant.
Emissions per scope in tCO2eq
Energy Consumption (in ‘000 GJ)
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 3
Direct Emissions
Indirect Emissions
Indirect Emissions (optional)
Stationary Sources
Mobile Sources
Solid Waste Treatment
Industrial Processes
Air Travel
Fugitive Emissions
Natural Gas
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
In 2012, the sources in Scope 1 at the Mercedes-Benz do Brasil factories were responsible for a
majority of the emissions, with 43,184.46 tCO2e (59.15%) of total emissions. The Scope 2 emissions
contributed 12,482.82 tCO2e, equivalent to 17.10%, while Scope 3 added 17,343.50 tCO2e to the
total, representing 23.75%. In 2013, the Scope 1 sources totaled 58,698.93 tCO2e (63.37%), Scope 2
totaled 21,031.91 tCO2e (22.64%) and Scope 3 totaled 12,996.47 tCO2e (13.99%).
In order to compare Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s emissions with its production, a GHG emissions
per product indicator was created. When the production volume increases, emissions often
increase due to the higher use of fossil fuels. As such, the indicator makes it possible to determine
if emissions increased or decreased in relation to production. The 2012 and 2013 results are
shown in the table below.
2012 and 2013 Emissions vs. Production
Total Production (‘000 units)
Emissions per product (tCO2e)
do Brasil has
developed a series
of activities to control the
atmospheric emissions from its
production processes, such as the
monitoring of these emissions,
air quality monitoring, dispersion
studies and mapping of all of the
stationary and mobile sources,
as well as a greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions
There was an increase in the emissions volume from 2012 to 2013,
mainly due to two components of the total emissions, which are
independent of the production processes:
Fugitive emissions related to refrigeration gases: The loss of gases
from the cooling products are linked to the characteristics of the
equipment and their use, with replacement cycles that do not occur
on an annual basis. The amounts presented may have distortions, such
as the nearly 100% increase from 2012 to 2013. At first glance, the
increase of 12,763 tCO2e reported in 2013 in relation to 2012 should
be subtracted from the total emissions so that the comparison can be
made on an equal basis.
Energy consumption from the electricity supply network: The electricity
distribution network emissions factor is calculated taking into account
all of the fuels consumed to generate the energy supplied. In 2013, the
increase in consumption and lower than normal rainfall levels made
it necessary to operate the thermoelectric plants as a backup supply.
Given that the thermoelectric plants are run on fossil fuels, this caused
a significant increase in the network’s average emissions factor, which
reached 47%. As such, even without an increase in consumption,
there was an increase in emissions. For example, if we apply the 2012
network emissions factor to consumption in 2013, we would have a
reduction of 6,704 tCO2e in the calculated emissions.
In order to reduce GHG emissions, several
projects are being studied, such as:
Replacement of air conditioning gases that
result in GHG emissions;
Adaptation of LPG forklifts to natural gas;
Encouraging employee transport with
chartered vehicles and the use of renewable
fuels in private vehicles;
Prioritization of recycling and composting of
waste generated by the Company;
Clean energy: Installation of solar panels,
wind turbines, etc.;
Promotion of sustainable incentives along
the supply chain.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz has an effective internal environmental audit program
that checks on possible machine leaks, self-discipline in maintenance,
cleanliness, deviations in the use of containment basins and deviations in
the disposal of waste, among other types of monitoring.
Integrated Pest Management
The São Bernardo do Campo factory developed, in partnership with the
company Voith, a technique called Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
that is based on the study of the behavior of living beings in order to
introduce alternative, environmentally-friendly methods that are just as
effective as the spraying of insecticides in the landscape. The plant is
close to the Billings Dam and a Permanent Preservation Area known as
Serra do Mar, which magnifies the positive impact of this initiative.
has an effective
Legal Compliance
The ethical behavior adopted by Mercedes-Benz in its business and customer relations also extends
to its environmental initiatives. For the Company, it is essential to comply with all applicable
environmental laws, to always remain updated with respect to legal trends and to monitor the
Company’s situation with regard to environmental legislation in Brazil.
All of the Company’s processes are licensed and all of the technical requirements for environmental
licensing are met. The periods of validity for these documents are systematically monitored using
an exclusive database that ensures that renewals occur on time. As a best practice, the internal
system for managing applicable legal requirements is updated by a specialized legal consulting
firm. This partnership is responsible for verifying and updating the Federal, State and Municipal
Legislation and for preparing a list of topics that facilitates comprehension and the verification
of compliance with these requirements. As a result of these actions, the Company did not
register significant fines or sanctions in 2012 or 2013 that were the result of noncompliance with
environmental laws and regulations.
In addition to the legal requirements, Mercedes-Benz also complies with the guidelines of ISO
14001, and its units have ISO 14001 certification. The Company periodically audits its processes
to identify potential deviations and implement the necessary corrective measures.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Respect the principle of “equal pay for
equal work of equal value”, such as for
men and women.
Signatory to the Global Compact since 2002,
the Daimler Group is committed to building a
more inclusive and sustainable global market.
The Group goes beyond the manufacture of
high tech products and the offer of excellent
services, as it also promotes initiatives
focused on the wellbeing of society.
The Company is also a signatory to the
Business Pact against the Sexual Exploitation
of Children and Adolescents through the Na
Mão Certa – Childhood Brazil Program, which
aims to mobilize governments, businesses and
nonprofit organizations to more effectively
combat the sexual exploitation of children and
adolescents along Brazil’s highways.
the influences
that Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil has on the
communities in which it
operates is the provision
of direct and indirect
jobs throughout its
value chain
Social Performance and Stakeholder Relationships
GRI 4.14
Social Responsibility Strategy
In Brazil, the Social Responsibility strategy is supported by four pillars:
Given that it is a large company, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil has many influences over the communities
into which it is inserted. Among the most positive are the provision of direct jobs in its operations
and indirect jobs along its value chain, generating income and wealth that contribute to the local
economies and the growth of Brazil. The Company’s products are also focused on the mobility of goods
and people, which is currently one of the country’s most important issues, particularly in its major
cities, with respect to the ongoing growth of Brazil.
Condemn all forms of forced and compulsory labor.
Support the effective abolition of the exploitation of child labor.
Take responsibility to ensure equal employment opportunities and reject discrimination in all of its
forms, except when domestic legislation requires hiring based on specific criteria. Discrimination
against employees based on gender, race, physical condition, origin, religion, age or sexual
orientation is not acceptable.
Arts and Culture
Its culture of social responsibility follows the same precepts as the Daimler Group around the
world and is based on high ethical standards that are based on the ten principles of the Global
Compact of the United Nations (UN), the largest multinational sustainability initiative in the world.
Therefore, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil respects and supports internationally accepted human rights,
in regard to which it assumes the following commitments:
However, Mercedes-Benz understands that is role can go beyond, with investments in broader
social development. In this context, the Company believes that business activities and social
commitment go together.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil Social Responsibility
Education and Sports
This commitment is manifested through a variety of initiatives, such as donations, sponsorships
(with Company resources and through tax incentives), the Company’s own social initiatives,
support for recognized entities and the encouragement of volunteerism. The projects and actions
primarily serve the communities located in the regions close to the Company’s facilities in São
Bernardo do Campo (SP), Juiz de Fora (MG) e Campinas (SP).
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Social Responsibility Committee
In 2003, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil included in its commitment to society among its business
goals and therefore created the Social Responsibility Committee. Made up of a multifunctional
group of executives who meet on a monthly basis, the Committee analyzes all of the corporate
activities that involve the community and its development, while also seeking to strengthen the
Company’s image. The group defines initiatives based on a global outlook and an understanding of
the business segments of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
The achievements resulting from the Committee’s meetings in 2012 and 2013 were:
The Company supports the Vila Pauliceia
Community Charity and Cultural Center
(CCBC), a social entity that has a recycling
center and offers a range of social activities
to the surrounding community, through
regular donations of aluminum, glass,
bond paper, long life packages, magazines
and newspapers for recycling, as well as
various donations by employees, in order
to support the bazaar that makes the
CCBC self-sustaining. In addition, in 2011
Mercedes-Benz trainees prepared a Business
Plan to improve the management of the entity.
Planet Mercedes-Benz – Our Sustainable
In celebration of World Environment Day,
the Company presented at its unit in São
Bernardo do Campo in 2011 and in Juiz de
Fora in 2012, the children’s play “Planet
Mercedes-Benz – Our Sustainable World” to
highlight the importance of living in harmony
with nature. Since the first performance,
9,000 children, including 100 young people
from the Jequitibá and Pequenos Jardineiros
social projects, have watched the play. The
Company also held an exclusive performance
for the children of its employees.
Cultural and Educational
Symphonic Orchestra of the State of São Paulo (OSESP)
To facilitate access to culture, Mercedes-Benz provides training to lowincome students and concerts for employees and customers, among others.
In 2012 alone, more than 140,000 people were able to attend performances
by OSESP, which is considered to be the best orchestra in Latin America.
“German Orchestral Music” Project – Tatuí Conservatory
This orchestra, which is made up of young people from Tatuí, is another
of the Company’s educational projects, which seeks to provide the
population with access to classical music. Free performances were
given in 2012 at the SESCs in Aricanduva and Guarulhos.
Orchestra of São Bernardo do Campo
Mercedes-Benz strengthens its image with the community in São
Bernardo do Campo through classical music performances with
the city’s orchestra, through the Roaunet Law. In 2012 and 2013,
approximately 4,000 people attended three concerts.
Mozarteum Brasileiro – German Orchestras
In commemoration of the Germany + Brazil year, in 2013, Mercedes-Benz
held a series of classical music concerts at Mozarteum Brasileiro, which
brought German orchestras to perform in Brazil.
Photography Contest
Also in celebration of the Germany + Brazil year, the Company in 2013
recognized five winners of the best photographs in Brazil representing
Germany. In total, there were 1,815 participants and 3,795 photos
registered, and the winners received a trip to Germany, as well as the
display of their photos in São Paulo.
Zumbi dos Palmares
In the area of education, Mercedes-Benz
expanded its partnership with Faculdade Zumbi
dos Palmares and allocated ten internships
for students from that educational institution.
In addition, since 2010 the Company has
sponsored the Troféu Raça Negra (Black
Race Trophy), in partnership with AfroBras Sociedade Afrobrasileira de Desenvolvimento
Sociocultural and Faculdade Zumbi dos
Palmares, which created the award.
Choral Project
In an effort to encourage artistic and cultural
activities, Mercedes-Benz is reinforcing its
commitment through its support for “Projeto
Canto Coral” (Choral Project). The classes
are one year in duration and are taught by the
experienced conductor Murí Costa. When the
program ends, the group of 30 children records
a CD featuring Danilo Caymmi as curator.
Little Gardeners
To help young people find their first job,
the Company offers, through the Little
Gardeners Project, gardening classes to 26
young people between the ages of 15 and
17 in the city of Juiz de Fora. The initiative is
part of a group of programs focused on the
inclusion of adolescents from unfavorable
socioeconomic situations.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Dorina Nowill
Since 2014, Mercedes-Benz has supported Dorina Nowill Foundation, which promotes rehabilitation,
special education and social inclusion for blind people. The project, which serves people ages 0 to
17, allowed for the production of 130 audiobooks, including best sellers and textbooks.
Caminhos de Caminhoneiro
In an effort to democratize culture and effectively combat the sexual exploitation of children
and adolescents along Brazil’s highways, in 2012 Mercedes-Benz brought the show “Caminhos
de Caminhoneiro” to Cubatão, in partnership with the Na Mão Certa Program, an initiative of
Childhood Brazil. The project, which is part of the Company’s Social Responsibility strategy,
reached 1,406 truck drivers.
Individual Initiatives
Modernization of the Training Center
Expansion and creation of new rooms at the Mercedes-Benz Training
Center to offer more courses, readings and training programs, targeted
at the community surrounding the Company, apprentices, employees
and their family members.
Machinery and equipment modernization for SENAI
Purchase of machinery and equipment for SENAI Mercedes-Benz
in order to improve the educational structure, benefiting students,
employees and future apprentices.
Inside Mercedes-Benz - Visits
Based on the principle that education is a part of the Company’s pillars of Corporate Social
Responsibility, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil offers university and technical school students the
opportunity to find out more about the technology and technical rigor applied to the production
of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s commercial vehicles. Held annually, the Inside Mercedes-Benz
program received 589 visitors from 27 entities in 2013.
Sports and Citizenship School Project
As part of its Social Responsibility strategy,
since 2012 Mercedes-Benz has offered
1,000 openings in free classes in 12
different sports to employees and people
from the community of São Bernardo do
Campo and Diadema.
Mercedes-Benz Run and Fun Walk
Held annual since 2011, the 2013
Mercedes-Benz Run and Fun Walk had 3,000
participants in the three different events
offers (5k walk, 5k run and 10k run). Held at
the Company’s facilities in São Bernardo do
Campo and Juiz de Fora, the event is open to
employees, the communities of both cities
and JDF ranking athletes.
Renovation of the Vila Pauliceia
Recycling Center
Renovation of the center’s recycling
warehouse, which services the surrounding
community of the São Bernardo do Campo
unit, in order to increase its storage
capacity and improve safety conditions.
do Brasil has
maintained a Social
Committee since
Dorina Nowill Foundation for the Blind
With the support of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, children and adolescents
take part in the Special Education Program, in which they carry out
activities focused on an autonomous, social life, receiving guidance with
respect to mobility, as well as educational support, while also having
access to audiobooks and books in braille.
Vila Pauliceia Community Charity and Cultural Center
This social entity, located a few kilometers from the Company’s São
Paulo unit, has a recycling center and a variety of activities offered to the
surrounding low-income community. The Center receives support through
regular donations of aluminum, glass, bond paper, long life packages,
magazines and newspapers for recycling, as well as a variety of donations
from employees to a bazaar that allows the Center to be self-sustaining. In
2011, trainees from the Company developed a Business Plan to improve
management of the entity. In addition, there were initiatives such as an
internal campaign to collect donations and the donation of a pick-up truck,
which increased the entity’s mobility and improved its logistics.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Mercedes-Benz, the
brand responsible for
the world’s first automobile
and its first truck, is
synonymous with ongoing
innovation in mobility and it
was chosen to be honored by
the Rosas de Ouro Samba
School at the 2013
Carnival celebrations
Rosas de Ouro Sponsorship
Mercedes-Benz, the brand responsible for the world’s first
automobile and its first truck, is synonymous with ongoing
innovation in mobility and it was chosen to be honored by the Rosas
de Ouro Samba School at the 2013 Carnival celebrations in the city
of São Paulo.
With the theme “The Drivers of Joy: A Fantastic Journey into the
Realms of Carnival”, the school demonstrated the richness of
popular festivals around the world at the São Paulo Sambadrome,
in keeping with the central theme of the São Paulo Carnival, which
sought to honor these expressions of culture and tradition among
different peoples.
Rosas de Ouro’s theme touched on a variety of popular celebrations,
from Chinese New Year, to the Zulu Warriors Festival in South Africa,
to St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, to the Day of the Dead in Mexico, to
Brazil, where they highlighted Carnival and the Parintins Festival,
in Amazonas state, among other festivals. Rosas de Ouro was the
runner up in that edition of the São Paulo Carnival.
The successful partnership with the samba
school was renewed for the 2014 Carnival,
involving the participation of approximately
partners, who paraded under the artistic
direction of Jorge Freitas. Mercedes-Benz
supplied trucks that were used to transport
the floats that were used in the parade,
traveling between the school and the
Anhembi Sambadrome. For the technical
rehearsals, which is a common practice
among the samba schools, Mercedes-Benz
trucks represented the floats, marking
space, progress and other items.
The theme for 2014 was “Unforgettable”, which
brought the most meaningful moments in a
person’s life to the Anhembi Sambadrome.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Other Sponsorships
Brazilian Tour of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO): The renowned
Symphonic Orchestra of Berlin, the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO) performed in
Brazil, in May of this year, in a tour that consisted of four performances in the city of São Paulo.
The concerts, conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy, were held at Ibirapuera Park and included a
special educational concert for children and an open-air concert, both free of charge. The other
performances took place at the Municipal Theater. On Mother’s Day, the DSO performed in the
park with the participation of young musicians from the Youth Orchestra of the State of São
Paulo. The German orchestra’s activities in Brazil also included a cultural contest featuring short
films, with the theme of music on the road. The participants were to be inspired by Symphony
no. 6, the “Pastoral” by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), to compose a video of up to two
minutes, with the work as the soundtrack. The first place winner was awarded a trip to Berlin.
MASP Mercedes-Benz Visual Arts Award:
Award created by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
and the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP),
made possible through the Federal Law for
the Promotion of Culture. In its first edition,
the Award was considered one of the most
important in the world, due to its jury of
internationally recognized curators, its
extremely attractive prizes and its nationwide
reach. The jurors were Chris Dercon (director
of London’s Tate Modern gallery), Teixeira
Coelho (MASP Coordinator), José Roca (8th
Mercosur Biennale and curator of Latin
American art at the Tate Modern), Moacir
dos Anjos (Itaú Cultural, 29th São Paulo
Biennale, Panorama of Brazilian Art at MAMSP). The ‘MASP Mercedes-Benz Visual Arts
Award’ selected winners in two categories:
‘Best Contemporary Artist of the Year’, which
was awarded to Anna Maria Maiolino, and
‘Emerging Talent’, which was awarded to
Paulo Nazareth. The artists were unanimously
chosen and received grants of R$200,000 and
R$70,000, respectively. The amount given for
the main category is the highest ever given to
a single artist in Brazil and is one of the largest
worldwide in the area of visual arts.
do Brasil sponsored
the roadshow for the
30th São Paulo Biennale
– Work Selection,
which was held
in the city of
30th São Paulo Biennale: The Company supports the largest and most important art exhibition
in Brazil. In its 30th edition, the Biennale received more than 349,000 visitors, with an educational
program that served 17,775 students from public and private schools.
Invisible Brazil: With 3,000 calendars and 1,000 books published, Mercedes-Benz sponsored
the “Invisible Brazil” art book, by Valdemir Cunha, in partnership with Xavier Bartaburu, the pages
of which feature images and stories from an unknown side of Brazil.
AlfaSol – Professional Education: In partnership with AlfaSol, Mercedes-Benz sponsors the
“Professional Education Project” through which 600 young people from Greater São Paulo who live
in socially vulnerable situations have already received training. The initiative is open to young people
between the ages of 14 and 18, from 14 different social institutions. The participants in the course are
trained by educators specifically hired by the entity based on the educational materials developed by
the Roberto Marinho Foundation.
SAE Brasil Journalism Award: This award, sponsored by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers),
seeks to recognize the best reporting on land, aerospace and naval mobility technology, published
in Brazil in print and on the internet. Cash prizes are given to the top finishers in each category
(print media and online), as well as cash prizes for two honorable mentions. The submissions are
evaluated by a jury made up of two journalists who specialize in the automotive industry and one
representative of SAE Brasil.
Art Show in Campinas (SP): Mercedes-Benz do Brasil sponsored the roadshow for the 30th
São Paulo Biennale – Work Selection, which was held in the city of Campinas. The local SESC
unit received the exhibition, which was open to the public from April 19 to June 30, 2013. Entry
was free of charge.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Workforce Profile
Workforce Profile
At the close of 2013, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
employed 13,776 direct employees, including
Apprentices. This figure is approximately
4% lower than the workforce of 2012. The
reduction is due to the restructuring that
the Company is undergoing to increase its
competitiveness and efficiency (find out more
on page 60). For the same reason, turnover
in 2013 was higher than in 2012, at 5.09%
versus 2.30%.
The Jubilee event is being held by Mercedes-Benz do Brasil in honor of
its employees who have completed 25 and 40 years of career with the
Company (considering all periods of service, even those that were noncontinuous, working with the Company or its affiliates). The initiative has
already recognized more than 3,000 employees who have completed
25 years of service (598 in 2012 and 396 in 2013) or 40 years with the
Company (11 in 2012 and 26 in 2013). The retirees receive a diploma,
a brooch, attend a speech given by Philipp Schiemer, President of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil & Head of Latin America, receive the compliments
of all of the members of the executive board and participate in a cocktail
party with live music, specially prepared for them and their invited guests.
As a means of providing opportunities to its employees and enhancing their value, Mercedes-Benz
seeks to recruit internally. For the Executive Level (administrative positions), the Company has a policy,
applicable to all of its business units, of filling the positions through the promotion of active employees.
If there are no such candidates available, the Company may opt to hire from the local market – Brazil
– or use a professional from one of its business units outside of Brazil. Currently, 67% of the highest
executive positions – President, Vice Presidents and Executive Officers – are held by Brazilians.
In keeping with the Company’s Principles of Social Responsibility, Mercedes-Benz seeks to protect
the health of its employees, provide adequate compensation (that is not lower than the local minimum
wage), ensure compliance with all legal requirements regarding working hours and regular holidays, as
well as support the professional development of its employees, among other principles.
The Jubilee
event is being held
by Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil in honor of
its employees who have
completed 25 and 40
years of career
with the
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Total employees by job category 2013
Total employees by region/unit
Hourly employee (direct and indirect)
São Bernardo do Campo
Juiz de Fora
Executive Level
Total employees by job category 2012
Hourly employee (direct and indirect)
Under 30
30 to 50
Over 50
Age Range
Juiz de Fora
São Bernardo
do Campo
Executive Level
Total Employees
* Amount calculated using the following formula: Turnover = Dismissals + New Hires / 2 / Total Workforce
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Respect for
diversity and
are behaviors
described in the
Group’s Code of
The Daimler Groups seeks to promote the
value of diversity among its employees, as
it believes that environments in which there
is a significant variety of cultures, religions,
races and genders are more conducive to
the emergence of new ideas, products,
processes and unique ways of thinking. For
this reason, it created a policy for addressing
this issue with employees. The document
deals with issues related to the concepts
of plurality, multiplicity and different points
of view, which must be respected at the
individual and collective levels. It also shows
that the ideal is to have mixed groups in all
departments, in all units.
The issue is included on the agenda of the
regular meetings of the Company’s leadership
and its internal communications channels
(the Em Foco newspaper and Nós magazine),
which, since 2010, have featured exclusive
spaces for addressing it.
Respect for diversity and non-discrimination
are behaviors described in the Group’s Code
of Ethics, which states that “Daimler assumes
responsibility for ensuring equal opportunities
in relation to employment and to reject
discrimination against employees based
on gender, race, physical condition, origin,
religion, age or sexual orientation, except if
the country’s legislation explicitly provides for
a type of hiring based on specific criteria.”
Ratio of base salary and compensation between women and men,
by employee category (R$)
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil’s diversity indicators
are shown in the charts and table below.
Administrative (salaried)
Operational (direct and indirect hourly employees)
Employee total by age range
Employee total by gender
Under 30
30 to 50
Over 50
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Internal Training Portfolio
Open Programs
Time Management with Outlook, Negotiation, Business Vision and
Strategic Thinking.
Public Speaking – Communication, Argumentation and Logic; Creativity;
Feedback – The Art of Relating with Others; Emotional Intelligence and Conflict
Management; Safety Awareness.
Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Word.
Basic SPC; Quality Tools; Design Reading and Interpretation; Metrology;
Workplace Safety.
Cost Analysis and Price Formation; Basic and Intermediate Accounting;
Economics; Statistics Applied to Business; Business Ethics; Corporate Finance;
Financial Project Management; Process Mapping; Financial Markets; Strategic
Thinking and Planning; Solving Administrative Problems; Transforming
Technical Language into Management; Taxation.
Training Facilitators; How to Make Presentations in English.
Catia (Basic, Production, Drafting, Hybrid, Sheetmetal, Smaragd, Tubing), EDS, PDS.
Critical Analysis of Calibration Certification; Preliminary Risk Analysis;
Transmissions – Operating Principles and Assembly; Advanced Statistical
Process Control (SPC); Computer Numerical Control (CNC); Vehicular
Electricity; Hand Tools and Fasteners; Service Fundamentals; Hydraulics;
Diesel Motors (Series 450, 600 and 900); NR 10 – Occupational Health and
Safety with Electrical Installations; NR 33 – Occupational Health and Safety
in Confined Spaces; Industrial Vehicle Operator (Stamper, Dump Truck, Hoist,
Pallet Truck, Forklift, Tow Truck, Tractor); Guidance for the Application of the
5Ss; Cleaner Production Program; Pneumatics; Technical Reports – Structure
and Preparation; Safety for Operators of Rolling Bridges with or without cabins;
Cargo Lifting and Handling Operator Safety; Fire Prevention and Control;
Welding; Total Preventive Maintenance; Heat Treatment.
Lean Thinking (Lean concepts)
Emotional Intelligence and Coflict Management; Negotiation;
Development Program for Potential Salaried Employees; Business Vision
and Strategic Thinking.
Spokesperson Improvement; Communication through Sign Language;
Integration (general and for managers with employees with disabilities);
MB Plus Program; Fact and Fiction regarding the Inclusion of People with
Disabilities; Group Work.
Foreign Languages (English, German, Spanish); Portuguese for Foreign Expats.
and Leadership
Communication, Interpersonal Relationships and Feedback; Daimler Seminar
For Managers; Leading Teams; Masters in Action; Master Training Program;
Reflections for Dialogue.
Specialization (Prototype Adjuster, Tooling, Electronics, Mechanical
Maintenance), Continuing Education in Operational Health and Safety; Safety
Management and Loss Control; Operational Health and Safety Management
and Complementary Procedures (for safety facilitators, supervisors,
masters and planners).
Truck Operating
System (TOS)
Continuous Flow; Lean Logistics for Internal Supply; Value Stream Mapping
(VSM); Standardized Work.
Programs on
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil understands that professional development is essential for employees to
be able to execute their strategic objectives, which is why is offers a series of training programs in
various areas of expertise, and invests in training its employees. In 2012 and 203, the average hours
of training per professional totaled 31.57 and 5.51, respectively. The 2012 volume is significantly
higher than 2013 due to the implementation of technical specialization courses in SENAI for
approximately 1,400 employees in the production area.
Even though there is a reference amount of hours of training per employee to be performed annually,
the ideal is that specific needs be met based on the positions of leadership regarding their teams.
The training initiatives are made up of ten modules:
Study Stimulus Plan;
Language Development Plan;
Internal Course Portfolio;
External Courses;
Career Support Programs;
Management Development;
Partnerships with Educational Institutions;
Internal Program Development.
Corporate /
Specific Programs
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Management Skills
The Company offers internal MBPlus training to retired employees or those
approaching retirement who wish to prepare for their post-career period.
The content leads the participants to reflect on the transition to this new
phase, providing information and general guidance about the risks and
opportunities during this period, entrepreneurship, personal finance,
healthy physical activities and interpersonal relationships. The idea is to
contribute to a quest for economic and social stability with a high quality
of life upon leaving the Company.
The development of Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil’s executives is also focused upon by
the Human Resources area, which offers the
Management Development Plan, composed of
programs aligned with the Company’s values
and created to develop the skills that will allow
managers to reach high performance levels.
The programs offered by the Management
Development Plan are directly associated with
eight high performance criteria (HPCs) that
are based on pillars related to the Company’s
values. As such, seven development programs
were established, which are described below.
Leaders in transition
Labor legislation, personnel management, compliance and coaching
Daimler Seminar for Managers (DSM)
Role of leadership, change management, resistance, team development
planning, DISC – profile (tool for evaluating the behavioral tendencies of leaders),
contextualized leadership
Leadership in Practice (LIP)
(under development)
Leading Yourself
Balance between personal and professional life, how to manage stress, healthy
attitudes, overcoming obstacles and emotional intelligence
Leading Teams
Leadership evolution, comprehensive leadership, team development, DISC
– profile (tool for evaluating the behavioral tendencies of leaders), effective
communications, conflict management, building trust
Leadership and Performance
Company offers
internal MBPlus
training to retired
employees or those
approaching retirement
who wish to prepare
for their post-career
Effective communications, relationships, conflicts, generations X and Y, commitment
Potential Program
Personal and professional challenges related to the future position, behavior
models and strategies for success, development fields, effective management
tools, network expansion and development plan
Courses taught by Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). Automotive Business
Management and Business Management
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Health, Safety and Quality of Life
Health and safety are constant concerns in industry and, consequently,
at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil. The dissemination of the Company’s best
practices in this regard, applicable to all levels of the hierarchy, is
ensured by committees that operate at each of the units. There is a
specific procedure for the structuring of these committees, inserted into
the Integrated Management System, which attests to the importance of
this issue for Mercedes-Benz. They are made up of representatives of
management and of the employees. In 2012 and 2013, more than 75%
of the workforce was represented by these bodies.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Program - MBSAÚDE
The committees are set up in the following manner:
Central Committee for Occupational Health and Safety
Main committee, with representatives from the different executive board
of the three units in Brazil.
Factory Committee
Main committee for the factory units, composed of managers,
workplace safety specialists and factory representatives.
Senior Management Committee
Committee covering the productive areas, composed of senior
managers, managers, employees of the Specialized Services in Safety
Engineering and Occupational Medicine (SESMT) and representatives
of the factories, as indicated by the body itself.
Area Safety Committee
Committee composed of the Manager and Production Supervisor and a
spokesperson for the factory employees.
Smoking Cessation Program
The committees meet on a monthly basis to monitor the occupational
health and safety indicators, discuss and evaluate matters pertaining to
these issues and to the environment, analyze accident trends and risks, and
plan and evaluate inspections, among other initiatives. The goal is to ensure
compliance with the related targets.
At the same time, Mercedes-Benz do Brasil also promotes programs
focused on the control and prevention of health problems, described below:
MBSAÚDE is structured to provide regular and
periodic medical and nutritional monitoring
to employees with chronic diseases such
as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and
obesity, among others. The program also
focuses on prevention, through campaigns,
guidance initiatives and health education.
Implemented in 2009, this program follows a
protocol for providing medical monitoring for
individuals and groups of people who want or
need to quit smoking. It also includes educational
initiatives about this habit and about the benefits
of abstaining from tobacco use. It is estimated
that two-thirds of participants stop smoking.
do Brasil
that professional
development is
essential for
employees to
be able to execute
their strategic
Drug Dependence Prevention and Treatment
Program (TECA)
Program conducted by Mercedes-Benz for the last
20 years, focused on prevention and supporting
employees who suffer with this problem,
particularly alcoholism. Through guidance
initiatives for employees and managers, efforts are
made to show the seriousness of the problem and
the need for treatment. The risk of accidents when
working intoxicated is also highlighted.
Back Program
This program seeks to help people with chronic
back pain caused by degenerative changes,
which affect their functionality. It seeks to restore
and maintain wellness through specialized
treatment and targeted exercises, conducted
over the course of a year, in five phases. It
provides significant improvements to chronic
pain, flexibility and mobility, resulting in a better
quality of life.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil seeks to promote better working conditions, quality of life and motivation among its employees through a series of initiatives related to the management of people,
which, among various measures, include attractive and competitive benefits, aligned with the values of the Daimler Group. Below are details of the benefits offered to the Company’s employees.
Food:The food service offered to all employees at Mercedes-Benz’s restaurants includes a technical and administrative team, an experimental kitchen, a nutritionist and a laboratory for food
analysis, which ensures its quality in accordance with nutritional quality standards.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Medical Clinic: Located within the Company’s facilities to provide clinical
and specialized care, as well as the provision of complementary services.
The available specializations are: general medicine, cardiology, dermatology,
gastroenterology, infectious diseases, proctology, gynecology, ENT,
ophthalmology, orthopedics, pulmonology and endocrinology. The services
include: nursing, physical therapy, complementary exams (audiometry,
ECGs, X-rays and ultrasounds), the collection of material for clinical tests,
dental care (emergency and prophylaxis), flu vaccine programs/campaigns,
drug addiction and morbid obesity, among others.
Benefits Established through Collective Bargaining/Agreements:
Illness supplement for employees on leave for more than 15 days due
to an illness or accident, End of year bonus for employees on sick leave,
additional holiday pay and retirement benefit.
Vehicle Purchase Discount: Concession of a discount for domestic and
imported vehicle and light commercial vehicles (Sprinters) for employees
hired indefinitely and in-house for at least 180 days. Limit of one unit per
year, regardless of the model, from the purchase date.
do Brasil seeks to
promote better working
conditions, quality of life
and motivation among its
employees through
a series of initiatives
related to the management
of people, which include
attractive and
Education: In addition to the training centers installed at the three units,
there are a variety of initiatives aimed at employee development, such
as: partial grant for the first year of an undergraduate or graduate degree
in areas compatible with the position held, partial subsidy of language
courses (English, German and Spanish) beginning at the intermediate
level, scholarships, Stimulus Plan for Studies and Professional
Development, Industrial Training Course and other initiatives.
Pension Plans: With characteristics similar to a programmed savings
account, MBPrev allows the money deposited by participating employees
and the companies that sponsor the plan (Mercedes-Benz and its affiliates)
to be invested and earn interest until it is returned in the form of a benefit.
The entire amount deposited remains invested in a fund with fixed income
and equity investments and will be retained until the participant becomes
eligible to receive benefits. These are open to all employees with fixed
term and indefinite contracts that are not subject to suspension.
Programs to Combat Alcoholism and Other Addictions: Care and
counseling in cases of chemical dependence through specific programs and
support groups such as the Therapy and Anti-Addiction Group (TECA) and
the Family Group, open to the family members of addicts.
Insurance, Funeral Assistance and Compensation: In addition to
compulsory life insurance (mandatory for all employees), the Company
offers other options such as complementary life insurance, work-related
travel insurance (international) and personal accident insurance (related
to travel or the position held). In the event of an employee’s death,
guidance is provided to family members and, if requested, a funeral
service is contracted. There is also compensation for the death of an
employees, provided to their legal dependents, as well as for disability.
Services and Benefits: Discounts on airfare and excursions, car rental
in Brazil and abroad, and agreements with agents to obtain Brazilian
passports and visas to different countries.
Social Services: Benefits of a social nature, in general, seek a balance
between people’s personal and professional lives. They cover, for example,
emergency financial advances in specific cases, special authorization for
visits to hospitalized family members (if the visiting hours coincide with
the employee’s scheduled working hours), transportation for moving in
Greater São Paulo, justification of absences in the Time Bank Debit for
special cases, among others. There is also a marriage holiday allowance
(three working days or five calendar days from the date of the wedding
or the following day) and daycare assistance for employees with small
children. Employees’ children under 12 years of age receive Christmas
presents. The Company also offers factory visits to all interested
employees and their family members.
Chartered Transport: Transportation is
offered to all employees, with an average
Company subsidy of 81%. There are a total
of approximately 325 vehicles used in the
Company’s three units, providing comfortable,
safe and rapid transportation to and from
work. In São Bernardo do Campo (SP), five bus
companies exclusively serve the factory, with a
total of 160 vehicles. At the unit in Juiz de Fora
(MG), a tour company provides the service with
20 buses. In Campinas (SP), four companies
and 28 vehicles handle the daily transportation
needs. Composed solely of Mercedes-Benz
vehicles, the fleet has approximately 760 lines,
which serve passengers in 16 different cities.
Leisure: Through the Mercedes-Benz Employee
Sports Association (ADCMB), Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil promotes socio-cultural and sports
activities at two different venues, with indoor
sports (indoor soccer, volleyball and basketball)
and swimming, martial arts, ballroom and
country music dancing, gymnastics, track &
field and other sports. In addition, the Company
provides discounted tickets to theme parts, as
well as other services and benefits. To promote
integration, there are special events that include
trips, shows, dinners and theme parties.
Occupational Medicine: Professionals work
to improve working conditions and conduct
measurements, such as: ergonomic suitability
of specific jobs, chemical controls (toxicology
physiotherapy, periodic health check-ups and
other activities.
Health Plans: Different healthcare plan options
are available. There is a standard plan for all
employees, and a differentiated plan for those
who have been hired with indefinite contracts.
At the Medical Clinic, there are healthcare plan
representatives available to provide information,
guide and assist users in the utilization of these
plans, approve visits and provide other services.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Labor Relations
GRI 4.4 LA4
The Daimler Group recognizes the human right to unionize and it
respects collective bargaining rights. This is a very important stance,
particularly in Brazil, which has historically had strong union activity in
the metallurgy sector.
One hundred percent of hourly and salaried employees are covered
by Collective Bargaining Agreements and Conventions, previously
negotiated with representatives of the Metalworkers Union in the
regions where the Company’s units are located (São Bernardo do Campo
and Campinas - SP and Juiz de Fora - MG).
Mercedes-Benz and its executives act with neutrality during the union
campaigns and organizing activities. The Unions and the Company must
ensure that employees are free to make their own decisions. Mutual
cooperation between the parties can provide a fair balance between
the commercial interests of the Company and those of its employees.
Even in cases of disagreement, the objective must always be to find a
solution that allows for constructive cooperation over the long term.
Operating in one of the most dynamic sectors of the Brazilian economy,
collective bargaining is very important for the companies of the
Daimler Group and others in the same segment. Over the years, the
Group has developed union and labor practices that are qualitatively
differentiated, in that the permanent openness to collective bargaining
and the voluntary solution of conflicts have shown themselves to
Ethics and Compliance
be highly effective at strengthening the
relationship between the Company and its
employees, based on ethical principles.
Since 1985, Mercedes-Benz and the ABC
Metalworkers Union have maintained the
Company Union Committee (CSE, formerly
known as the Factory Commission) in São
Bernardo do Campo (SP) to represent hourly
and salaried employees in collective bargaining
and to support any individual demands. On a
weekly basis, the CSE coordinators meet with
some of the Production Officers and Human
Resources representatives to discuss requests
and advance the solutions that are in the
interest of the Company and its employees.
The Company and the Unions have 12 collective
bargaining agreements in effect, as well as
systematically preparing the Protocols of
Understanding for the internal registry of
decisions negotiated between the parties on a
variety of issues that are in some way of interest
to employees.
The Daimler
Group recognizes
the human right
to unionize and it
respects collective
Some of these Compliance initiatives are listed below:
Due Diligence and Supplier Integrity Check: Verification of the integrity of business
partners, such as dealers, assemblers and suppliers;
Mandatory Consultation Process (MCP): Process related to the evaluation of high-value
transactions or red flags involving the government and private customers;
Internal Controls;
Communications and Training;
Integrity Dialogues;
Compliance Standards for Dealers, such as the StarClass program module;
Record of Events, Presents and Meals – LOG.
GRI 4.8
At the Daimler Group, Compliance involves compliance with all of the laws
applicable to the business, as well as compliance with all of the Company’s
procedures and policies. For the global Chairman of the Daimler Group,
Dr. Dieter Zetsche, “at Daimler, Compliance is not optional. It is an integral
and permanent part of our corporate culture.”
To ensure compliance at all levels of the organization, initiatives have
been established to promote and ensure ethical conduct that protects
the Company and its employees from potentially risky decisions and
prevents misconduct.
As such, the Compliance initiatives, aligned with the values cultivated
by the Company (Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline), provide
transparency to the business and mitigate the risk of potential conflicts of
interest and the risks of corruption when dealing with routine situations.
In addition to the Compliance initiatives, Daimler has provided all employees
with the new Integrity Code that seeks to defend human rights and ensure
compliance with the law, social responsibility, fair treatment among
employees, and the ethical treatment of Daimler’s business partners. The
document covers issues such as the commitment to fair competition, the
prohibition of corruption in business and the mitigation of conflicts of interest.
On the internet, it is possible to download
the Integrity Code and contact the BPO
using the link www.mercedes-benz.com.br/
At the Employees Portal, on the intranet, there is a space where it is possible to
obtain information about topics related to Compliance. Both on the homepage
of the Employee Portal and on the MBBras Compliance page, it is possible
to report a potential violation of the Integrity Code and the internal policies
and directives. The BPO is a corporate channel that allows all employees to
report workplace irregularities, in Portuguese. The information is treated
confidentially and, if desired, can be anonymous. In the case of knowledge
of misconduct, reports can be made to superiors, the HR Department,
Compliance or to the BPO.
Channel to report potential violations
How to report a potential violation:
Phone: 0800 89 12305
Email: BPO@daimler.com
Daimler AG
Business Practices Office (BPO)
HPC: 0655
70546 Stuttgart
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Compliance-Related Training
Mercedes Space
Daimler AG, together with Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, offers online and classroom training for
the Company’s employees. In 2013, the Compliance area provided classroom training, such as
Registry of Events and Presents – LOG; Donations and Sponsorship; General Compliance and
Supplier-Related Compliance; MCP and Due Diligence Processes; Compliance for Leaders
in Transition, as well as Integrity Dialogues. Daimler AG has provided online training in the
Integrity Code, known as “Integrity@Work”, to all employees in the administrative area who have
access to the corporate email system. Approximately one thousand employees took part in the
classroom training provided by the Compliance area. A total of 2,778 employees participated in
Integrity@Work, which represented 87.3% of the target audience.
With the new Integrity Code, the managers of Mercedes-Benz do Brasil now have greater autonomy
in their daily business decisions. However, when in doubt, the Compliance area is always available
to assist them in relation to potential conflicts of interest with partners or with the issue of bribery.
To contact the Compliance area with any issues:
MBBras Compliance
Daimler Latina Compliance
Sebastião Brandão – Compliance Manager
Extension: 4173-9135
Renata F. Lopes – Compliance Analyst
Extension: 4173-6371
Fabio A. Laxy – Compliance Manager
Extension: 4173-9524
Jairo Tcherniakovsly – Compliance Analyst
Extension: 4173-7108
E-mail: Compliance MBBras, Pool-ID
Internal Communications
Mercedes-Benz believes that keeping its stakeholders informed is a fundamental part of its
communications process, therefore it holds events and has publication directed especially at its
suppliers, customers and the press. In addition to this external work, the team is also always
attentive to the workforce, by reporting on the activities and achievements of its employees
and subsequently publishing them. And, in 2013, the area received a news means of internal
communications, the letter from the President.
Among the main challenges in the area in 2012 and 2013, highlights included the reopening
of the Juiz de Fora factory, the announcement of the Iracemápolis automobile factory and the
restructuring of the Board of Directors. Also during the last two years, the Internal Communications
team was present at the São Paulo International Motor Show and the International Highway Cargo
Transport Show, covering Mercedes-Benz’s participation at both events.
Opened in 2010 at the unit in São Bernardo
do Campo (SP), the Mercedes Space is an
environment conducive to meetings, closing
business deals, technical deliveries, product
demonstrations and other activities that allow
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil to more closely relate
with its customers and partners.
Designed to host a range of events, the space
has meeting rooms, a mini-auditorium with
room for up to 80 people and an area that
can become an auditorium for 450 people,
appropriate for cocktail parties and exhibitions.
It has AV infrastructure with cutting-edge
technology, such as a video wall and totems
with touch screens, and it allows visitors to
interact with the history of Mercedes-Benz, as
well as virtual navigation through the entire
line of products. The purpose is to delight our
customers and continually improve customer
service, which is a key feature of the brand. The
initiative is spawned from the idea that, given
the fierce competition in the market, business
success may come from the attention that is
provided to partners, which is a differential for
The Mercedes Space also has a traveling
format, mounted in different cities in the
Brazilian South and Southeast, through which
the Company reaches regions with less contact
with the brand, as well as exhibiting launches
and new features of its products and services.
Customer Relations Center
The Mercedes-Benz Customer Relations Center is available 24
hours a day to address the main questions from customers, supply
information about products and manage the 24-hour Mercedes
Assistance and Mercedes Service programs.
Recognized as the best customer service program by Consumidor
Moderno magazine, the Center can be accessed in a variety of ways:
phone, mail, online chat, chat for disabled persons, email or registration.
Other Customer Relations Channels
Bus Club: A space designed for bus
owners, with news and information about
Mercedes-Benz buses and the brand’s
technologies, as well as information
and highlights from the market and the
transportation industry in general.
Mercedes-Benz trucks and the cargo
transport market, as well as other
services provided by trucks.
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Aware of the
importance of the
press in building and
the Company’s image,
Mercedes-Benz seeks
to establish a strategic
relationship with
professionals, journalists
and opinion leaders
Approximately 80% of the purchases of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil are made from local
suppliers, operating in Brazilian territory. The
local acquisition of raw materials and inputs
is an encouraged practice, which includes the
granting of benefits through the Inovar-Auto
Automotive Regime, a measure adopted by the
Brazilian government to encourage investment
in the domestic automobile industry. It also
allows for the realization of operations under
FINAME, with financing from the National
Development Bank (BNDES) for the purchase of
new domestic machines and equipment. It also
helps in the process of obtaining a Certificate
of Origin for Export, the set of protocols for the
export of products.
In addition to geographical location, the
selection of suppliers by Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil is also based on cost, quality (including the
certificate of quality), logistics, technological innovation, environmental
performance (including environmental certification), integrity, ethics and
financial condition.
The Company seeks to extend the best practices in sustainable
management throughout its network of suppliers and partners, thereby
creating a multiplying chain for the brand’s values. The standards and
expectations in relation to suppliers with respect to human rights, labor
conditions, environmental aspects and business ethics are described in the
Sustainability Directive for Suppliers, based on the Corporate Principles of
Social Responsibility, which, in turn, are guided by international standards
such as the United Nations Global Compact (find out more on page 94).
Another important instrument for multiplying values, practices and ecoefficiency is the Interaction Award, which had its 21st and 22nd editions
held in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Through this award, Mercedes-Benz
do Brasil recognizes the suppliers who have stood out the most over a
year through their technological innovation and excellence in costs,
quality, logistics, indirect materials and services. The Mercedes-Benz
Environmental Responsibility Award plays the same role, seeking to
motivate suppliers to adopt best environmental practices in their own
business (see on page 76).
Media Relations
Professional Associations and Government Relations
Aware of the importance of the press in
building and maintaining the Company’s image,
Mercedes-Benz seeks to establish a strategic
relationship with communications professionals,
journalists and opinion leaders. The Company’s
interactions with these audiences involve actions
related to the brand or to merchandising, as
well as institutional initiatives and products. For
example, journalists are invited to participate
in events, including with the possibility of test
driving the Company’s cars and touring the
organization’s facilities, such as its production
lines, the Technology Development Center and
other areas.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil also has a Corporate
Communications area whose activities include
a team dedicated to media relations. This team
maintains open channels for requests from the
media and operates with total transparency.
To operate more closely with the government, Mercedes-Benz maintains
an office in Brasília and another, for more regional issues, in São Bernardo
do Campo. This is important not only for driving discussions regarding
public policies, but also for facilitating the Company’s growth projects,
such as the installation of a new factory in the city of Iracemápolis, which
required conversations at the federal, state and municipal levels.
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil participates in a number of professional
associations, including the National Association of Automobile
Manufacturers (ANFAVEA), in order to contribute to discussions
regarding the automotive industry as a whole, including regulatory, tax
and commercial issues, as well as public policies. The Company helps
to determine the best ways for it and its peers to adapt to the constant
improvements in commercial and passenger vehicles, be they aimed at
mitigating environmental impacts, improving safety or other objectives.
The Brazilian automobile industry is the fourth largest in the world and this
type of participation is essential to influencing the formation of new rules,
as well as to establishing the guidelines that allow for a more assertive
allocation of the investments needed to adapt to public policies.
Good channels for finding news about the
Company are the Press Room on the institutional
website (www.mercedes-benz.com.br/imprensa)
and the Twitter profile (www.twitter.com/
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
3. Report Parameters
Report Profile
GRI 3.12
Statement from the most senior decisionmaker
of the organization about the relevance of
sustainability to the organization.
Page 5
Page 5
Reporting cycle
Page 5
Contact information
Page 130
Page 6
Process for defining the contents of the report
Page 5
Boundary of the report
Page 5
Statement on any specific limitations on the
scope or boundary of the report
Page 5
Basis for reporting on joint ventures,
subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced
operations, and other entities
Page 5
Explanation of the effect of any re-statements
of information provided in earlier reports, and
the reasons for such re-statement
Page 5
Significant changes from previous reporting
periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement
methods applied in the report
Page 5
Page 124
1. Strategy and Analysis
Period covered by the report
Date of the most recent previous report
Report Scope and Boundary
GRI Index
GRI Indicators
GRI Content Index
2. Organizational Profile
Table identifying the location of the Standard
Disclosures in the report
Name of the organization
Page 11
4. Governance, Commitment and Engagement
Primary brands, products and/or services
Pages 11, 33, 35
Governance structure
Page 54
Operational structure of the organization, including
main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries,
and joint ventures.
Page 11
Indicate whether the Chair of the highest
governance body is also an executive officer
The Chairman of
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil is
not an executive officer.
Location of the organization’s headquarters
Pages 11, 130
Number and names of the countries where
the organization operates
Page 11
For organizations that have a unitary board
structure, state the number of members of the
highest governance body that are independent
and/or non-executive members
This does not apply to
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil.
Nature of ownership and legal form
Page 5
Page 11
Mechanisms for shareholders and employees
to provide recommendations or direction to the
highest governance body
Page 118
Markets served (including geographic
breakdown, sectors served, and types of
Scale of the organization
Page 11
Page 118
Significant changes during the reporting period
regarding size, structure, or ownership
Page 16
Internally developed statements of mission or
values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to
economic, environmental, and social performance
and the status of their implementation.
Awards received in the reporting period
Page 24
List of stakeholder groups engaged
by the organization
Pages 94 to 123
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Basis for identification and selection of
stakeholders with whom to engage
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
engages with stakeholders
over which it has an impact
and who can impact its
business, always prioritizing
those with which it has close,
routine relationships.
Aspect: Products and Services
5. Management Approach and Performance Indicators
Aspect: Market Presence
Policy, practices, and proportion of spending
on locally-based suppliers at significant
locations of operation
Page 122
Procedures for local hiring and proportion
of senior management hired from the local
community at locations of significant operation
Page 104
Page 83
Page 93
Aspect: Compliance
Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts
of products and services, and extent of
impact mitigation
Monetary value of significant fines and
total number of non-monetary sanctions for
noncompliance with environmental
laws and regulations
Labor practices and decent work
Aspect: Employment
Aspect: Energy
Direct energy consumption by primary
energy source
Page 88
Indirect energy consumption by primary source
Page 88
Energy saved due to conservation and
efficiency improvements
Page 61
Aspect: Water
Total water withdrawal by source
Page 87
Percentage and total volume of water
recycled and reused
Page 87
Aspect: Emissions, Effluents and Waste
Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas
emissions by weight
Page 89
Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas
emissions by weight
Page 89
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and reductions achieved
Page 81
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method
Page 83
Total workforce by employment type,
employment contract, and region
Pages 104 to 107
Total number and rate of new employee hires
and employee turnover by age group, gender
and region
Page 107
Benefits provided to full-time employees that
are not provided to temporary or part-time
employees, by major operations
Page 115
Aspect: Labor/Management Relations and Governance
Percentage of employees covered by collective
bargaining agreements
Page 118
Minimum notice period(s) regarding operational
changes, including whether it is specified in
collective agreements
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
does not have specific
rules related to operational
Percentage of total workforce represented in
formal joint management–worker health and
safety committees that help monitor and advise
on occupational health and safety programs
Page 114
Page 114
Page 110
Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety
Education, training, counseling, prevention, and
risk-control programs in place to assist workforce
members, their families, or community members
regarding serious diseases.
Aspect: Training and Education
Average hours of training per year per employee
by employee category
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Programs for skills management and
lifelong learning that support the continued
employability of employees and assist them in
managing career endings
Pages 110, 112
Aspect: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Aspect: Community
Composition of governance bodies and
breakdown of employees per category
according to gender, age group, minority group
membership, and other indicators of diversity
Page 108
Ratio of basic salary of men to women by
employee category
Page 108
Human rights
Percentage of significant suppliers and
contractors that have undergone screening on
human rights and actions taken
Total hours of employee training on policies and
procedures concerning aspects of human rights
that are relevant to operations, including the
percentage of employees trained
Page 120
Page 96
Aspect: Corruption
Percentage and total number of business units
analyzed for risks related to corruption
All of the units of
Mercedes-Benz do
Brasil have undergone
Integrated Compliance
Risk Assessment (ICRA).
The evaluation may occur
annually or every three
years, depending on the
business model.
Percentage of employees trained in organization’s
anti-corruption policies and procedures
Page 120
Page 123
Aspect: Investment and Procurement Practices
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
currently does business
with approximately 1,200
suppliers. Some of them
are considered potentially
high risk, either due to their
geographic location or supply
type. In such cases, there
are specific vendor analysis
practices through which the
Sustainability Questionnaire
is applied, to be answered
by the supplier, which also
includes questions related to
human rights. The evaluation
of the supplier is taken into
account when entering into
Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs
and practices that assess and manage the
impacts of operations on communities, including
entering, operating, and exiting
Aspect: Public Policy
Public policy positions and participation in public
policy development and lobbying
2012/2013 Sustainability Report
Credits and Contacts
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil Ltda.
Campinas Unit
Customer Service: 0800-970-90-90
Twitter: www.twitter.com/mercedesBRpress
Av. Mercedes Benz, 679, Distrito Industrial.
Campinas, SP. CEP 13054-750
Phone: (19) 3725-3333 | Fax: (19) 3725-3660
GRI 2.4
Administrative Headquarters and Factory
Juiz de Fora Unit
Av. Alfred Jurzykowski, 562, Vila Pauliceia
São Bernardo do Campo, SP - CEP 09680-900
Phone: (11) 4173-6611 | Fax: (11) 4173-7667
Mail: Caixa Postal 202 | São Bernardo do
Campo, SP - CEP 09701-970
Rodovia BR 040, km 773, Distrito Industrial II.
Juiz de Fora, MG. CEP 36088-410
Phone: (32) 3219-0000 | Fax: (32) 3219-2603
GRI 3.4
General Coordination of the Report
Consulting, Content and Editing
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil Ltda.
Carolina Cassiano - MBBras
Environmental Management
Vivian Malandrin - MBBras
Corporate Communications
Contact: pool-id.comunicacao@daimler.com
MZ Group
Graphic Design and Layout
MZ Group
Mercedes-Benz and Shutterstock