Teleflex Helm Install
Teleflex Helm Install
ll-eleflex MARINE 640 North Lewis Road Limerick,PA 19468 USA 610-495-701 1 www.teleflexmari sH 521015215 BACK TOUilT RACK. HELT TNSTRUGTIONS (USA) CopyrightI 998,Teleflexlncorporated TO COltlTAlNIilPORTANTSAFETYlt{FORtATIOl{ANDilUST BE FORWARDED ALLER:THESEINSTRUCTIONS These instrudions describe how to install helm assembliesfor 'THE BACK MOUNT RACK' steering requiredto completethe system.Additionalcomponents systemare: . SC 134u,Cable(for singlecablesystem) . SC 135n<Cable(fordualcablesystem) . SB 39526 Bezel Kit (Requiredto mount helm to dash) . SteeringWheel (max. dia. 16 in.- see Telefl€x Catalog) . EngineConnectionKit (seeTeleflexcatalog) IIISIDE FACE OF GUIIIIEL 7"* 9'/zi'->1 I 20 | cEilTqtxE_gE STEIiII{G ITIEEL ''/: rtE.ruc'-__ IINIIUT fOUttlTlXG PL TE ILLOWS 20" FROI IIORIZO]|TTL tt{ EtTHEn DtRlcTtox FIGURE 1 Optionalcomponentsare: . SB 2744810degreeMountingKit . SB 2744920 degreeMountingKit . SA39531TorqueBrake WARNING i'UST NOT BE DISASSETBLED FOR WARI{ING READTHESEIIiISTRUCTIONS INSTATLATION EEFORE STARTIITIG THOROUGHLY. FAILURE ANDENGII{ETAIGRSINSTRUCTIOI{S TOFOLLOW E]THEROFTHESEINSTRUCTIOIIIS OR INCORRECT AND CAUSE ASSEilBLYCAt{ RESULTIN LOSSOF CONTROL DATAGE ORII{JURY, PROPERTY PARTSFROTOTHERITAIIUFACTURERS, DOiIOT SUBSTITUTE THEYMAYCAUSEA SAFETYHAZARDFORWHICHTELEFLEX ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY. IilC.,USACAI{}IOT STEERING LOADS,AI{DTOGETTHEBEST TOAVOIDEXCESSIVE THE OUTBOARDTIOTOROR PERFORTAI{CE, STEERITIG TRITTABSANDTILTPOS]TIO]{ ]TIUST 8E ADJUSTED OUTDRIVE IN THETIOTOR MANUFACTURERS OPERATION AS INSTRUCTED TODOSOCAI{EFFECT THEPERFORTANCE MANUAL.FAILURE DO NOTATTACHANY ELECTRICAL GROUiIDWIRESTO THE HELM.THISWOULDRESULTIltI AliI ELECTROLYTIC REACTION TO THE STEERING CABLETHAT MAY RESULTIN CABLE REDUCED FAILURE ORGREATLY SERVICE LIFE. NOTE: HELMS AND CABLE ASSEMBLIESARE SUPPLIEDLUBRICATEDREADY FOR INSTALLATION,DO NOT ADD ANY LUBRICANTTO EITHER ASSEMBLY. USE OF OTHER LUBRICANTSCAN CAUSE DAIVIAGETO THE STEERING CABLE, RESULTINGIN THE CABLE SEIZINGOR PREMATUREWEAR. KEEP THE CABLE AND DRIVE ASSEMBLYCLEANDURINGINSTALTATION.DIRT WILL DAMAGE THE SYSTEM AND CAUSE PREMATURE WEAR 7/98 Rev. 1 ,,r'r}; . FAILURETO RE.ASSETIBLE CORRECTL Y LEAD TO TOTAL FAILUREOF THE COULDRESULTIN PERSONALINJURY The Helm Assemblycan be mountedfor either port or starboardcable entry. Steeringcables,where possible, should be routed to the starboardside of the boat to balanceenginetorque. PREPARATIO]I FOR I]ISTALLATIO]I Stsp+- @ the dashboard. Helm Assemtilyon CAUTTON: E/VSURE THAT THE CLEARANCES SHOWNON FIGURES1 AND 2 ARE MAINTAINED. ENSURE THAT THE STEERINGWHEELDOES NOT INTERFEREWITH OTHERDASHBOARD EQUIPMENT SUCHAS ENGINECOA'IROLSAND'NSTRUMENTS. Step 2. Locatetemplatein positionselected. NOTE: TEMPTATEFOR 20 DEGREE MOUNT DIFFERS FROM TEMPTATE FOR 90 AND 10 DEGREE MOUNTS. ENSURETHAT THE CORRECTONE IS USED. Drillone hole 2 /t" dlameterand 3 holes5/16" diameter. Page 1 of4 ts-sH5210/15 FOR 90" ilOutrtT|ltG Positlonthe helm mounting plate(item2) onto the dash and attach using three bolts (item3), large washers(item4), and lock nuts (itemS). Tighten securely. Fr@ q f"l Ia -1 illl,r*\ €) u,{ ,n/" \2) (:) (4) Poeitionthe helmmountlngplate(item2) on the wedgeand aftachthem both to the dash using three bolts (suppliedwith wedge kit),washers (item4), and lock nuts (item5). Tlghtensecurely. nn E=:-',,gI- {l A ll roLrsruPPLED Ih Il hB- I I wrTHwtDoar.TJil,t tl o:::::milll/lll -'r"- i2\ , ttq u|T u,'{, | / \(s.i Ir, I ! tout{Tt1{o,uutDot--- tt r \ iet IJ I . , FOR 20' TOUNTING Stacktwo wedgestogetheras shown, position cn the the helm mounting plateon the outermostwedge e and rgthree three attfch the plateand wedgesto the daeh using bolts (suppliedby wedge kit), washers(item4), and lock nuts (item 5). Tightensecurely. nn tur7{lllll Ftcunl 2 loLrs 'uPPLTED /1 | | Il HCTTI AiIEf,ETY H*llllllll I]IITALLATION Step 1. Attachthe helm mountingplate (suppliedwith to the SB 39526BezelKit alongwith mountinghardware) the dashas describedin figure3: ,/ (z\ I I I|| /ftil Ytr,U,1 -,-/ toulrTDac wrDcls \\// ll E nH i \ (.4) (S FIGURE3 7198Rev.I Page2 of 4 ts-sH5210/15 Step 2. lnstall rack and cable assembly to helm, providedwiththe cableassembly followinginstructions (ref.lSSC134/135). llAtNTEXAilCE ]IOTES assembry andcabre totheherm theherm step3. Attach xl:"fff :Fiffi1eJ;::ffff:lTH:fi;"t mountingplate,usingthree bolts (item6) and washers (item7) suppliedwiththe SB 39526BezelKit (seefigure 4\. lf required,the helm and cableassemblycan be angled20ofrom horizontalin eitherdirectionby rotating the helmand cableassemblyin the mountingplateslots beforetightening(see figure 1). Tightenboltssecurely helm. afterpositioning CAUTTON:tF THE RACK,S rO BE ANGLEDFROM HORIZONTAL,ADDITIONAL CARE /S NEEDED TO ENSURE THAT IT DOES NOT INTERFEREWITH OTHEREQUIPMENT. 1. After a few hours of operationand al frequent thecomprete LOOSENINGOR LOSS OF ONE OR MORE FASTENERSMAY CAUSE FAILURE OF THE STEERINGSYSTEM, RESULTINGIN LOSS OF STEERING CONTROL AND COULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURYOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. 2. Keepall movingpartsfreefrombuild-up of saltand otherforeignmaterial.Thiswillaffecttheiroperation and createsteeringproblems.Payparticular to the attention removethe hingetubeof outboardmotors.Periodically cabfe,ciean-hingslube-thoroqgrya nd-tubricalewith a grease. waterproof 3. lnspectperiodically for corrosion.Any partsaffected by corrosionmust be replaced. When replacrng hardware, hardware mustbe used. self-locking 4. Inspectsteering for cracksor other cableperiodically damage.lf anyis foundthecablemustbe replaced. DANGER NOT COVERCRACKSWITH TAPE OR OTHE TS, THIS WILL CREATE A HAZARD I H THECABLECANFAILSUDDENLY WITHOU FIGURE4 ING. The helm is now ready for the bezel to be mounled. sheetpackedwiththe bezel. Referto instruction lTi, PARTSLIST Note: ltems 2-7 suppliedwiththe 5439526Bezel Kit. ltems 8-9 installed following instructions packedwith the cable. ITEM PART QTY 1 HelmAssembly MountingPlate th" x2ll8" LongBolt Flat Washer,LargeOD Lock Nut,%" Y." x 1" Long Bolt FlatWasher,Small OD ! " x 1" Long L.P.Bolt FfatWasher,tA"OD I 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KEEPTHESEINSTRUCTIONS WITHYOURBOATFORFUTUREREFERENCE. 7198Rev.I Page 3 of 4 ls-sH5210/15 TEMPLATES 20'MOUNT 5/t6'DtA. 3 HOLES .- o I a, -(rl N e (tt 2ll4'DlA.