january 2016
january 2016
TOWN OF TOLLAND REPORT OF THE TOWN MANAGER Steven R. Werbner Town Manager January 12, 2016 Town Manager’s Office Human Resources We recently hired three new employees. Custodian Andrew Simao started working in Tolland on December 31st after being in a similar position with the Tolland BOE. We also hired a new Library Circulation Assistant in the Library; Valerie Kerr who started January 4th. We welcome them to Tolland employment. In addition, we have rehired to the position of Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer Agata Herasimowicz who starts back in Tolland on January 11th. Finance Department The Director of Finance & Records has passed the Pension, Risk Management & Procurement portion of the GFOA Certified Public Finance Officer exam that she took in Windsor on November 20, 2015. Her test results were above the average scores! She has passed three tests so far with two more to go. Our Assistant Finance Director/Treasurer position has been filled. Our previous employee in this position, Agata Herasimowicz, has been rehired! We welcome her back to Tolland! The audit was completed in late December and was filed with all the appropriate agencies, Town Council and Board of Education. We did very well with no major issues to report. Our audit partner will be present at the second meeting in January to review the report with Town Council. Attached is the quarterly Financial Summary for the General Fund. Human Services Residents may call any of the following Tolland Human Services personnel for more information about state programs and local initiatives: Beverly Bellody, M.S., Human Services Director (860) 871-3611 Nancy Taylor Dunn, L.P.C., Assistant Director Human Services (860) 871-3612 Stephanie Mansell, B.S., Human Services Case Manager (860) 871-3615 Page 1 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 2 of 24 Fran Weigand, Senior Center Director (860) 870-3725 Rebecca Ellert, Elderly Outreach Case Worker (860) 870-3726 Bridget Joy, Human Services Administrative Secretary (860) 871-3648 Youth Programming TYSCT Coffee House 2016 winter/spring schedule: Saturday, March 5th (Auditions: Monday, Feb. 22nd) Saturday, May 7th (Auditions: Monday, April 25th) Performances are at 7:00 pm in the Tolland High School café. The event features original and popular vocal selections performed by area high school youth. Admission, which includes light refreshments and coffee, is $5 and a non-perishable food item for the Tolland Food Bank. TYSCT Summer Musical - SAVE the dates! Performances - Friday & Saturday, July 22 & 23, 2016 Audition Date, Rehearsal schedule and show title to be announced at a later date. Watch for press releases about future TYSCT events. For more information residents may contact Nancy Dunn @ (860) 871-3612 or nancydunn@tolland.org. Please visit us on FaceBook @ The Coffee House - TYSCT, and at www.tolland.org Assistance Programs Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP/CHAP) Human Services is scheduling appointments to apply for the 2015/2016 Energy Assistance Program. On behalf of eligible households, the winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal and wood/pellets. Homeowners and renters may apply. Income Guidelines are listed below. Residents are urged to apply early in the heating season; please make note of the following Program deadlines:* March 15, 2016 - Deadline for deliverable fuel authorizations May 2, 2016 - Deadline to apply for benefits unless the household is utility heated and has a shut off notice. Households using a deliverable heat source may apply by submitting fuel bills dated between 11/10/15 - 3/15/16 May 16, 2016 - Last day that a utility heated household with a shut-off notice may apply. (*Note: these dates are subject to change at the discretion of the State Department of Social Services) Tolland residents had completed 85 CEAP/CHAP applications through Human Services as of December 31, 2015. Page 2 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 3 of 24 Information and Application Documentation - Residents must provide proof of all forms of Income and Assets for ALL household members for the four weeks prior to the application date. Tolland residents may contact the following with inquiries or to schedule an appointment to apply for energy assistance: Seniors - contact Rebecca Ellert, (860) 870-3726; all others contact Administrative Secretary Bridget Joy, (860) 871-3648; residents may also contact the ACCESS Agency in Willimantic, (860) 450-7423. We are unable to process walk-in applications. Operation Fuel Emergency Assistance Program Human Services will schedule appointments for the Operation Fuel Energy Assistance Program for residents who need aid with meeting their energy needs. The program opened on November 30, 2015. Income Guidelines are listed below. Note that Operation Fuel is an Emergency Energy Assistance Program applicants are required to first utilize the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP/CHAP) before seeking assistance from Operation Fuel. PRIMARY HEAT SOURCE: To qualify for oil, propane, pellets, gas/electric utility or wood, clients that qualify for CEAP/CHAP must exhaust those benefits before applying for Operation Fuel. SECONDARY ENERGY: To qualify for electric utility, clients must have a shut-off notice or have no utility service or must need assistance with making a required payment in order to maintain a payment arrangement, or have a past due balance of 30 days or more. For further information, Tolland residents may contact Nancy Dunn at (860) 871-3612. Income Guidelines for Connecticut Energy Assistance and Operation Fuel Programs: Household Income Guidelines - 2015/2016 1 2 3 4 Under Under Under Under $33,132 $43,327 $53,521 $63,716 5 Under $73,910 6 Under $84,105 7 Under $86,016 2015 Holiday Care and Share Program Human Services extends a heartfelt thanks to local organizations and businesses, individuals and their families and neighbors for their generous support of the 2015 Care & Share Holiday Program. The program provided Thanksgiving and December Holiday Food Baskets and Children’s Gifts for Tolland residents and families that needed assistance during the holidays. With the overwhelming support of our community, Human Services assisted 131 Tolland households (64 family households, 67 senior households) with food during the holidays, and 111 children received holiday gifts through this program. In addition to services provided to Tolland households and families, Human Services also distributes toys from various toy/gift collections, including Troop C’s State Police Stuff-ACruiser collection, to agencies serving the region. Page 3 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 4 of 24 Food Bank The Food Bank gratefully appreciates donations from individuals, neighborhoods, youth groups, organizations and businesses. Tolland residents needing to use the Food Bank, may contact the following staff members: Seniors - contact Rebecca Ellert (860) 870-3726; all other households contact Stephanie Mansell (860) 871-3615. The FoodShare Mobile Food Pantry is available in Tolland on alternate Thursdays, 9:00-9:30 am in the parking lot adjacent to the United Congregational Church of Tolland, 45 Tolland Green. Pre-registration and identification are not required. For more information about FoodShare, residents may contact FOODSHARE at (860) 286-9999 or the UCC Office at (860) 875-4160, or visit the FOODSHARE website, www.foodshare.org. For the next few months, distribution at the Tolland site will be on the following dates: January 7 & 21 and February 4 & 18, 2016 Residents participating in the program must bring their own bags. Fair Housing Notice Beverly Bellody, Director of Tolland Human Services, serves as the Fair Housing Officer for the Town of Tolland. The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18) and handicap (disability). Under the Connecticut Federal Fair Housing Act, it is against the law to deny anyone housing based on race, color, national origin, sex, ancestry, religion, children or family status, mental or physical disability, marital status, age (except minors), sexual orientation, or legal source of income. If you feel your rights have been denied in the equal access to the rental, sale or financing of residential property, please contact Beverly Bellody at (860) 871-3611, Mon.-Wed. 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Thurs. 8:00 am-7:30 pm, closed on Friday. For more information you can also contact The Connecticut Fair Housing Center, 221 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06106, (860) 247-4236, or email at info.@ctfairhousing.org. The Connecticut Fair Housing Center also has information about foreclosure prevention. Senior Center AARP Tax Aid The Tolland Senior Center is pleased to offer on-site assistance with filing your taxes. There are no age requirements and you do not have to be a Tolland resident or an AARP member. This is a free service and is staffed by trained volunteers willing to give their time. Page 4 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 5 of 24 Appointments will be available from February 9th - April 12th on consecutive Tuesdays (February 9th, 16th, 23rd, March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th and 12th). One hour time slots will be available starting from 12:00-1:00 pm, 1:00–2:00 pm, 2:00-3:00 pm, and 3:00–4:00 pm. Appointments must be made either in person at the Senior Center (674 Tolland Stage Road) or call Fran Weigand at (860) 870-3725. Library Adult Programs David Drury will discuss his book Hartford in World War I on Thursday, January 7th at 6:30 pm in Conference Room A. Rallies and recruitment drives are highlighted as well as the role Colt’s Patent Manufacturing Company played in production of firearms. This Tolland Public Library Foundation sponsored program is free and open to the public. Janet Barrett will discuss her book They Called Her Reckless: A True Story of War, Love and One Extraordinary Horse at 6:30 pm Wednesday, January 13th, in Conference Room A at Town Hall. Over sixty Marines contributed their memories of a brave and resilient pony during the Korean War. Carol Wittmer, from the Connecticut Historical Society, will conduct a program on genealogy that will appeal to beginners and those beyond beginning their family history, on Wednesday, January 20th at 6:30 pm. This Friends sponsored program will be held in Conference Room A. Another Foundation sponsored event features the young adult author, Dawn Metcalf. Ongoing Groups The Cook Book Club meets the third Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. In January we will meet on the 11th because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day occurring on the 18th. The Adult Book Discussion Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm. The Writers’ Workshop meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Knitting at Night meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Nookless Knitters meet every Friday at 10:00 am. Children’s January Programs Winter Story times at the library begin the week of January 5th. Parents and caregivers may sign up for: Library/FRC Playgroup, for ages 2 to 5. Meets on Tuesdays, 10:15–11:15 am. Preschool Story time, for ages 3 – 5. Meets on Wednesdays, 10:15–11 am, starting January 6th. Mother Goose Rhyme Time, for babies and toddlers 6–23 months old with parent or caregiver. Meets on Wednesdays, 11:15–11:45 am, starting January 6th. Page 5 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 6 of 24 Afternoon Story time, for ages 2 – 5. Meets on Thursday afternoons, 1:30–2:15 pm, starting January 7th. Frozen PJ Story time: for families with children 2 to 8. Held on Thursday, Jan. 14th, 6:30–7:00 pm. Children are welcome to come in PJs (and bring a favorite stuffed toy!). No sign up required. Preschool Childcare and Activity Fair: Tolland Public Library will be represented by the children’s librarian Mrs. Brousseau at the Preschool Childcare Fair at Birch Grove Primary School on Tuesday, January 12th, from 6 to 8 pm. The Tolland Family Resource Center presents the fair for parents of preschoolers to learn about resources for young families in Tolland. Reading for Birch Grove Students for The Reading Hall of Fame: Birch Grove students starting their reading to enter the Birch Grove Reading Hall of Fame can find all the books needed to fulfill the requirements in the children’s area of the library. We have copies of the assignment for grades K to 2, and will be happy to show you where all the books are! Also meeting in January Children’s Chess Group, for grades 3 and up will resume meeting in January on: Tuesday, January 5th, from 4:30–5:30 pm.; other January dates are the 12th, 19th and 26th. Sign up is required for this popular group sponsored by the Tolland Public Library Foundation. A Reading Therapy Dog will be at the library on Thursday, Jan. 7th, from 5:30–7:00 pm. and Wednesday, January 27th, from 2:30-3:30 pm. R.E.A.D. dogs are registered therapy dogs trained to work with children, who give beginning and struggling readers a chance to practice oral read-aloud skills in a relaxed, non-judgmental setting. Children may be signed up for 15minute blocks of time with the dogs. New in the Children’s Reading Area: with our program room closed during the library expansion, our wonderful flannel board (donated by the Friends of Tolland Library) is now in the children’s area next to the puppet theater for your enjoyment. Planning & Development Planning Office • • Staff continues to update the format of the zoning regulations. A consultant has prepared a matrix of accessory uses which staff will use to review and update permitting requirements and to create an easy-to-use sheet for landowners and staff to use. Staff and the Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed and ranked 9 qualifications for development peer review that were submitted in late November. Interviews will take place in early January. Page 6 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 7 of 24 • • • The grace period for temporary signs has ended and staff will begin to enforce the regulations by sending a Notice of Zoning Violation when violations are brought to staff’s attention. The Blight Committee has begun meeting and set a meeting schedule for the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Staff awaits a determination by CT DOT regarding possible road improvements required along Route 195 to accommodate planned development in the Technology Zone (Gottier property). Zoning Enforcement • • Current Zoning Enforcement activities include responding to complaints. Complaints in the past month include the continued storage construction equipment on a residential property and light trespass onto neighboring properties. Staff assisted appraisers, realtors, contractors and residents with Zoning Regulation requirements and issued Zoning Permits, approved as-builts and conducted Certificate of Occupancy reviews. Planning & Zoning Commission December 2015 • The Commission opened the public hearing for a Special Permit to convert a cold storage building at 40 Tolland Stage Road to a self-storage facility. The public hearing was continued to January 25th. Design Advisory Board December 2015 • The Design Advisory Board began its review of the application for 40 Tolland Stage Road. Zoning Board of Appeals December 2015 • The Board opened a public hearing on an appeal of an order by the Zoning Enforcement Officer regarding the keeping of 12 dogs where 6 are allowed. The hearing was continued to January 28th. • The Board held a public hearing for a variance for a garage at 80 North River Road. It approved a variance for the front setback but not for the side setback. Page 7 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 8 of 24 Agricultural Commission December 2015 • The Commission continues to work to create a “seed library”, based on a similar program in Mansfield. • The Commission reviewed a first draft of an agricultural brochure and will continue to collect information to include in the brochure. • Ellen Bender, the farmer leasing the Campbell Farm property from the Town, discussed her farming operation with the Commission and submitted her annual report, as required under the lease agreement. • The Commission decided upon a vendor for the tote bags along with color and style and will place the order in the next few weeks. Conservation Commission December 2015 • The Commission authorized using funds to survey, and if necessary, install additional property markers at the recently-purchased Blackington Property. • The Commission continued to coordinate scheduling walks with Town Council members at town conservation areas. • The Commission authorized having additional signs for conservation areas created. • The Commission had an initial discussion about the process for receiving wetland permits/review of trail crossings. Town Engineer • Route 195 Reconstruction: Met with CT DOT inspector and contractor in field regarding road maintenance. • Completed CBYD mark outs with various departments and outside service provider. WPCA • Revised draft budget. • Ordered parts for repair/rebuild of pumps at Old Post Road. Tolland Water Commission • Coordinated hydrant repair and parts supply for Route 195. Inland Wetlands Commission • Permit IWC #606 – 167 Mountain Spring Road (Shefelbine) – Oversight of site clean-up and wetlands restoration and stabilization for winter. • Permit IWC #558 – Village at Crystal Springs – Supervised defining channels upstream and downstream of fore bay. Page 8 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 9 of 24 Building Department – James Paquin, Bldg. Official & Patricia Files, Admin. Sec. (860) 871-3601 Town Projects • • • • • • The Building Department is busy with issuing permits and performing inspections o Continued success closing out old, open permits. o Daily interaction with various departments to better the Town, as a whole. o Answered counter and phone questions from residents, contractors and realtors. Solar permits issued this month: 6. Calls from Fire Department: 3 total, 1 after-hours. Work without permits: 0 cited. • • Participated in TARG, Development and staff meetings. Assisted Public Works and the Fire Marshal in determining the issues with the heating plant at the Fire Training Center. Participated in meetings and walkthroughs for heating plant at the Recreation Center o Calculated typical occupancy levels for design of system. Continual work on the Library expansion and elevator project o Building Official is the Clerk of the Works for this project. o Conducted multiple inspections for this project. Participated in numerous discussions regarding blighted properties and junk cars o Building Official is a member of the Blight Committee. o Attended one after-hours Blight Committee meeting. o Obtaining moderate levels of compliance regarding junk cars. Attended continuing education classes, as required by State Statute. Building Department is the primary contact for all Special Event Permits. • • Assisted the Zoning Enforcement Officer with field inspections. Assisted the Zoning Enforcement Officer with illegal sign enforcement. • • • Commercial • Consultation plan review and inspection with the Fire Marshal regarding: o All commercial new construction and remodeling. o Commercial C.O.’ s. o Change of use requests. o Special Event permits. o All propane tanks installed. • Conducted numerous inspections with Deputy Fire Marshal DaBica, utilizing a “ team approach” to better obtain compliance and enforce life-safety codes and regulations. The Summary Building Report for December is attached. Page 9 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 10 of 24 Public Safety December continued to be busy for the department. The department has been working on completing various capital improvement projects. The refurbishment of ET-340 is about 85% complete. Firematic just finished overhauling the pump. Fortunately, they didn’t encounter any unforeseen repairs that were not covered with the original scope of work. They are in the process of reinstalling the cradle that holds the 1,000 gallon water tank and the 1,000 gallon water tank. ET-340’s new steel bumper assembly completely installed. ET-340’s driver’s side paint work. Ambulance 640’s remount is continuing to move along rapidly. The front of the patient module has had the alloy plate welded into place. The exterior of the module has been primed and painted. The paint shop is currently wet sanding and polishing the paint before the patient module returns to the fabrication shop to be installed onto the cab and chassis. Front alloy panel welded into place on patient compartment module. Front of patient compartment module primed for paint. Page 10 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 11 of 24 Passenger side of the ambulance prepped for paint. Repair of some damage on the patient compartment module. View of rear and passenger side of the patient compartment module all repainted. Front section and driver’s side of the patient compartment module all repainted. The new Service 140 is also moving along rapidly. The utility body has been painted and mounted to the cab and chassis. Our up-fitter is currently working on completing the required DOT lighting on the truck. Roll up compartment doors are scheduled to arrive by the middle of January. Page 11 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 12 of 24 Poly body pre-paint at the factory. Poly body with base coat of red paint. The frame of the cab and chassis was lengthened to support the poly body. Cab and chassis and body getting prepared for installation. Driver side of the cab and chassis and poly body all mounted together. Rear bumper and compartmentation for the poly body. Page 12 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 13 of 24 The refurbishment of the old Service 140 is also moving along rapidly. That truck is scheduled to be completed before the end of January. The new aluminum flatbed/stake utility body has been mounted to the cab and chassis. Our up-fitter is currently working on completing the required DOT lighting on the truck. The truck will be in to have the utility body painted on January 11th. It is then scheduled to go for graphics on January 14th. Once the graphics are complete it will be going to radio service to have the warning lights upgraded to LED. Stake body being manufactured. Skirt compartment installed on driver’s side. Driver side image with skirt compartments. Rear end getting ready for DOT brake, tail, turn, reverse and warning lights. Page 13 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 14 of 24 Cab protector. Driver side of the truck before skirt compartments are painted. On December 3, 2015 the Town suffered a critical failure of our IT network at the Town Hall. The equipment that was scheduled to be relocated that night had a power strip fail. Unfortunately, the entire Town Hall was without any connection to servers or the internet for about 50 minutes. That evening Town Staff and South Windsor IT worked overnight to relocate network connections and network switches. During the month of December Sertex focused on completing building penetrations and under conduit work. The following facilities have fiber installed: Town Hall Tolland High School Old Post Cell Tower Old Cathole Road Tennis Courts TCMAFS 911 Center Fire Station 140 Birch Grove Primary School WFSB Communications Tower Parks and Facilities Fire Training Center Senior Center TCMAFS Bald Hill Radio Tower The Lodge The remaining buildings have fiber that is either pulled to the exterior of the building or is on the utility pole at the street: Tolland Middle School Cross Farms Dog Pound Tolland Intermediate School Recreation Department Crandall’s Park Admin. Office Resident Trooper’s Office Highway Department Animal Control In the month of December the Animal Control Department answered 129 calls/complaints during regular and after work hours. The calls described below are a sampling of the complaints investigated & current projects/ events: Page 14 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 15 of 24 • • • • • • • • Officers continue to use the Town of Tolland Animal Control Facebook Page (which now has 2,355 “likes”) to advertise missing and found animals, animals for adoption and to keep residents informed of any on-going animal related events. Officers impounded one Black Labrador and three Golden Retrievers found roaming. The Black Labrador was claimed by her owner. The three Golden Retrievers were surrendered by their owner and subsequently rehomed. A solid black, neutered male, Domestic Shorthaired cat was thought to be abandoned near St Matthew’s Church after he tried getting into several homes over the period of a week. The cat (now known as “Thor”) was impounded, scanned for a microchip, advertised both on Facebook and in the Journal Inquirer. Several people have come in with hopes of identifying him as theirs, however, he is still unclaimed and an adopter has been secured if he has not been claimed by January 7th. ACO Binheimer investigated a dog bite to a Fed Ex Driver and the unvaccinated, unlicensed dog was quarantined for 14 days at the pound. The dog has since been reclaimed, vaccinated and properly licensed. Officers assisted the CT State Police on two occasions where dogs had to be held at the pound while the owners were transported/arrested. Both dogs have been claimed by their owners. Officers continue to receive calls for sick/injured wildlife. None had direct contact with residents or pets and therefore were not tested. ACO Binheimer continues to receive complaints of various residents complaining about roaming free range chickens. The chicken owners were educated about the Town zoning regulations regarding keeping chickens. ACO Binheimer as well as Director of Public Safety Littell attended a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting regarding an on-going case on Mountain Spring Road. The meeting has been extended to January 28th. Activity Complaints Received Complaints Investigated Animals Impounded Animals Redeemed Ads Placed Animals Sold Animals Euthanized Notices to License Infractions Issued Animals on Hand End of Month Animal Bites Reported (Human) Animal Bites Reported (Animal) Deceased Animals on Roadways This Month 129 129 9 4 1 3 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 Last Month 73 73 4 3 0 0 0 38 33 0 0 0 1 Page 15 of 43 Year to Date 591 591 53 36 1 8 3 253 39 5 6 3 3 This Month Last Year 107 107 12 0 1 0 1 8 0 2 0 3 1 Last Year To Date 545 545 44 16 7 12 6 225 18 12 8 8 2 January 12, 2016 Page 16 of 24 Emergency Management The Director and Assistant Director worked with the Superintendent of Tolland Public Schools to finalize the districts Emergency Operation Plan. On December 16, 2015 Director Littell, Assistant Director Racicot, Deputy Fire Marshal DaBica along with representatives from 3 area churches participated in a webinar titled "Partnership Resources to Help Prepare Houses of Worship for Emergencies”. This webinar, conducted by the Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships, FEMA, and the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships was tasked with helping connect faith-based and community organizations with federal government tools, resources and partners to help prepare their houses of worship for all hazards including active shooter incidents. Fire Department The Fire Department conducted three regular training sessions and one business meeting in December. The annual Festival of Lights Tour was in full swing operating every weekend in the Town neighborhoods as well as visiting the local convalescent homes and the Tolland Senior Center. The Fire Department’s newly formed Auxiliary provided the main guidance to the annual Senior Center dinner. Many department members assisted and the day was a success. Chief Littell is pleased to announce the promotion of Fire Police member Carl J. Davis to Fire Police Captain. Captain Davis will be responsible for coordinating the activities of the Fire Police Unit both administratively and operationally at emergency incidents. The Fire Police provide a safe work zone for emergency responders by controlling the traffic flow and providing security at emergency scenes. Captain Davis is a retired Lieutenant from the CT Department of Corrections. Fire Police Captain Carl “CJ” Davis Page 16 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 17 of 24 The following is a summary report of the significant activity for the month of December that the Fire Department has participated in: 1. On December 8, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to an MVA, car vs. tree, in the area of 230 Grahaber Road. The occupant refused medical treatment and the Fire Department remained on scene until the vehicle was removed. 2. On December 15, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to a two car MVA rollover on Route 74 at the Exit 69 East off ramp. 5 occupants were involved, 1 was transported with injuries. 3. On December 15, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to the area of 124 Loehr Road for a tree on the wires. The power was out in the area. The department remained on scene until Eversource made the situation safe. 4. On December 19, 2015, the Tolland Fire Department responded to Skungamaug Road for a large tree limb on the wires. The road was closed and remained so until Eversource arrived and made the situation safe. 5. On December 21, 2015, the Tolland Fire Department responded to I-84 Westbound near Exit 69 for a vehicle rollover with patient entrapment. Life Star was initially called to respond, but was cancelled by the on scene ALS unit. The patient was extricated and transported to the hospital. 6. On December 22, 2015, Tolland Fire Department Tankers 140 and 440 were called to Stafford as part of a Tanker Task Force to fight a barn fire with involvement of the house. Both Tankers remained on scene until the fire was brought under control. 7. On December 27, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to a one car MVA on I-84 Westbound. There were no injuries found, but a significant traffic back up resulted. 8. On December 30, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to multiple MVA’s on I-84 including two rollovers. The department transported multiple patients to area hospitals in a short period of time. 9. On December 31, 2015, Tolland Fire Department responded to an MVA at the intersection of Crystal Lake Road and Hunter Road. A second ambulance was requested to the scene along with the Rockville Paramedics. One patient was transported to a trauma center and one patient refused treatment. Please remember as winter finally arrives to drive cautiously and allow extra time for travel when the weather is icy. Allow extra distance between yourself and the car in front of you and be aware of the possibility of black ice. Page 17 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 18 of 24 Fire Department Performance Data Fire Medical Hazardous Materials Vehicle Accidents Other Emergency/Service Calls Interstate 84 (all call types) Day-time Career Calls 27 41 3 6 27 7 Nights & Weekends Volunteer Calls 32 70 4 10 30 7 December 15, 2015 MVA on Tolland Stage Road at the Interstate 84 overpass. December 19, 2015 tree limb on power wires Skungamaug Road. Page 18 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 19 of 24 December 21, 2015 MVA with entrapment Interstate 84 westbound at Exit 69. December 27, 2015 MVA with no injuries on Interstate 84 westbound between Exits 68 & 67. December 29, 2015 MVA rollover #1 Interstate 84 westbound between Exit 69 & Exit 68. December 29, 2015 MVA rollover #2 Interstate 84 eastbound between Exit 68 & Exit 69. Page 19 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 20 of 24 December 29, 2015 MVA rollover #3 Interstate 84 eastbound between Exit 68 & 69. December 29, 2015 MVA Crystal Lake Road and Hunter Road. Photo’s courtesy of Norman Duval Page 20 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 21 of 24 Fire Marshal The Fire Marshal’s Office conducted several inspections and participated in mandatory Continuing Education Unit training classes. The following is a summary report of significant activity for the month of December the Fire Marshal’s Office has participated in: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Propane tank installation inspections. Propane Tank installations follow up to include unneeded excess tank storage removal, existing pipe non-conformance. Daily review and approval of permits. Information sharing with insurance companies referencing fire suppression capabilities and underground water supply capabilities. Reviewed Fire Alarm System certifications for several private business sites. Inspected local restaurants for liquor permit approval. Investigated fires, gas leaks, complaints and prepared reports as required. Assisted with Fire Department emergencies outside scope of normal work. Provided accommodations for inspections outside regular work hours. Participated in Fire Alarm Drills for TMS, TIS, BGP and THS. Follow up inspection for THS, TIS, TMS and BGP for annual inspection. Meeting with BOE to review fire alarm upgrades. Follow up discussion with Meadows Condominium Management for plans to complete non-compliant residents to inspect units. Currently completed with assistance from Condominium Management. Plan review for Library expansion. Participate in construction inspections and meetings. Completed inspections at Stone Pond Condominiums. Posted reminders at Stone Pond and Meadows Condos reminding them of our statutory requirement to inspect multi-family dwellings annually. Inspected Pre-Schools for re-licensing. All but 2 units have been inspected at Old Post Village Elderly Housing. Winding River inspections completed. Fire investigations as required. Provided and installed egress maps at Town Hall with assistance from Public Safety personnel. Attended full-day training on the Connecticut Fire Prevention Code changes. Currently conducting inspections at Norwegian Wood Apartments. Completed assignments directed by management. Page 21 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 22 of 24 • • • • • • Finalized planning evacuation options for TIS using alternate buildings (Parker Recreation Area), (Town Hall) for temporary refuge out of inclement weather awaiting transportation. Stay up-to-date with current trends relating to school violence and threat assessment. Reviewed Bid specifications for TIS. Initial Plan review for Storage Facility (conceptual) on Tolland Stage Road. Met with Management at Woodlake to open their meeting with a safety briefing. Inspected group home for compliance. Tolland Alert There were no activations of Tolland Alert in December. The @TollandAlert Twitter account has now tweeted 1,053 messages and now has 1,017 followers. The TollandAlert Instagram account has now posted 70 multimedia messages and now has 358 followers. Public Works Highway Garage Expansion Project We are working with Tecton Architects in designing the expansion at the Highway Garage. Plans are being finalized and the STEAP grant application is being submitted next week. Cross Farms Recreation Complex We are working with the Adam’s Adventure volunteer group to complete the installation of the new all-inclusive playground. Their final task is to install a security fence around the perimeter of the playground, which is scheduled to be installed next week, weather permitting. The Public Works Department will then install drainage work, a sidewalk and then finally repave the parking lot. A Grand Opening is planned for the late spring/early summer. Recreation Our premier publication for Tolland Events Magazine came out at the beginning of the month. It has been mailed out to every household and business in Tolland. We will be gathering information for our spring brochure this month which is scheduled to come out at the end of February. Page 22 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 23 of 24 Fit Tots was a success this past session. The focus of this new program is to get children involved in physical activity at an early age. This unique class combines stretching, movement and other fitness concepts with running, jumping, throwing and other skills. Boys and girls will participate in exercise, dancing and fun games. We have two more sessions planned over the winter season. Registration for our winter recreational programs started January 4, 2016. We have had a successful turn out so far. The Lodge continues to be busy with events every weekend. Basketball games will be starting this month. Teams are currently practicing to prepare them for the games. We have 286 children participating in our basketball program (grades 3-12). This is an increase from last year by approximately 30 participants. We are getting a head start on the summer camp season. We are currently accepting applications for a Summer Camp Nurse, Camp Director and Assistant Camp Director. Tax Office Motor Vehicle Supplemental tax bills for the 2014 Grand List were mailed on December 21, 2015. The total bills mailed were 2,497 as compared to 2,387 for last year. The 2014 Grand List MV Supplemental bills will generate $522,620 in revenue compared to 450,325 in revenue for last year. Revenue collections for the current year (including Supplemental tax bills) from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 are $25,207,380 or 61.52% of the budgeted amount. A Tax Sale was held on December 10, 2015 and all 3 properties that were auctioned received bids; $63,039.53 was collected in taxes, interest and fees. The current owners have until June of 2016 to redeem these properties before title changes hands to the winning bidders. Taxpayers continue to utilize the convenience of online look up and bill pay through the Town of Tolland website. For the current year from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, Credit Card and ACH payments were $615,768; up from $356,134 for the same time period last year. Taxpayers are finding ACH payments a convenient option at a flat fee of $1.95. The second installment of Real Estate, Personal Property and Motor Vehicle property tax bills, as well as the Supplemental Motor Vehicle property tax bills, are due in January 2016. The last day to pay without penalty is Monday, February 1, 2016. Page 23 of 43 January 12, 2016 Page 24 of 24 Town Clerk’s Office The Town Clerk attended training conducted by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Public Health regarding a new web-based software system effective January 1, 2016 for registering new births and accessing birth certificates. The system will be expanded next year to include death certificates. In accordance with the Town Charter, all 2016 Financial Disclosure Statements have been received by our office. The statistical report for the month of December is attached. Troop C Activity for Tolland Monthly Police Services – attached is the report for November 2015. The report represents statistics on accidents, criminal investigations, burglaries, larcenies, DUIs, traffic citations, etc. Other Business (a) (b) Meetings Calendar: Attached is a calendar of upcoming Town meetings and events. Monthly/Quarterly Reports: Senior Happenings for January. OTHER BUSINESS TO BE ANNOUNCED AS WARRANTED SRW/ltb Attachments The Town of Tolland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer www.tolland.org Page 24 of 43 TOWN OF TOLLAND, CONNECTICUT STATEMENT OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND For the period ending 12-31-15 Original Budget Revenues: Property taxes Intergovernmental Intergovernmental - Education Licenses, Permits & Fees Charges for services Investment income Other financing Source - Turf fund reimbursement Other financing Source - Use of Fund Balance Total revenues & Other Financing Source Expenditures: Current: Administrative Planning and community development Human Services Library Services Recreation Services Public works Public safety services Record, financial services, Debt & Contingency Board of Education Other Financing Uses - Transfer for Capital Plan Other Financing Uses - Transfer out for canopy \ Excess of Revenues over Expenditures $ Final Budget Actual 41,923,752 630,480 11,016,361 376,600 341,737 60,000 41,923,752 $ 25,520,315 $ 630,480 427,767 11,016,361 2,738,248 376,600 127,531 341,737 265,736 60,000 86,487 250,000 54,598,930 281,338 54,630,268 29,166,084 2,836,928 354,117 382,640 406,655 134,000 4,485,412 1,872,685 5,666,848 38,275,831 183,814 2,837,768 354,117 382,640 406,655 134,000 4,485,412 1,872,685 5,666,008 38,275,831 183,814 5,356 54,604,286 1,291,259 171,663 189,497 208,094 52,963 1,995,623 592,996 4,318,555 18,693,610 183,814 5,356 27,703,430 25,982 1,462,654 54,598,930 - Page 25 of 43 Variance With Final Budget Positive Encumbered (Negative) $ (16,403,437) (202,713) (8,278,113) (249,069) (76,001) 26,487 (281,338) (25,464,184) 65,278 402,289 1,481,230 182,454 193,143 188,479 81,037 2,188,454 1,254,395 1,347,153 19,582,221 26,498,566 (402,289) 1,034,382 10,082 301,335 25,294 300 SUMMARY BUILDING REPORT - FISCAL YEAR December-2015 Permits Issued This Month Single Family Dwelling 0 Foundation (included in single family) 0 Commercial/Industrial 2 Municipal 1 Addition 3 Garage 1 Deck/Porch 2 Roofing/Siding/Windows 14 Swimming Pool 0 Wood/Pellet Stove 5 Sheds/Barns 3 Zoning Permit Only 3 Solar 6 Interior Renovation 2 Hot Tub 0 Misc/Repair 2 Total 44 Electric 21 Plumbing 2 Mechanical 21 Total 44 Grand Total Permits 88 Submitted Building Fees * $13,605.18 Submitted Zoning Fees ** $350.00 Construction Value $763,754.57 Certs of Occup (New Structure) 3 Old Open Permits-Closed 57 Inspections 115 *Fees based on Date Submitted (starting May 2015) **New Category $10 permits 8 1 3 12 Last Month Year to Date 0 0 3 1 0 1 2 21 0 4 4 6 9 4 0 4 59 30 2 19 51 110 $14,520.26 $325.00 $846,984.36 2 66 134 5 2 11 8 10 5 14 114 6 20 20 26 30 23 1 32 327 151 28 120 299 626 $97,186.20 $3,025.00 $5,770,554.54 11 195 839 Page 26 of 43 This Month Last Year Last Year to Date 1 0 5 0 2 0 1 2 1 8 4 1 3 3 0 11 42 26 11 16 53 95 $23,005.00 13 0 14 4 5 7 21 70 8 50 11 29 46 28 1 74 381 174 48 101 323 704 $173,413.86 $1,376,464.13 1 351 128 $10,626,132.24 10 1254 870 TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT 2015-2016 NUMBER OF EVENTS DESCRIPTION RECORDINGS Land Records Maps EVENTS RECORDED Births Marriages Deaths Liquor Licenses Veteran's Discharges Notaries Filed Trade Names LICENSES ISSUED Peddler Permits Dogs/Kennels/Transfers Marriages Sports DECEMBER DECEMBER TOTALS TOTALS 2015 2014 YEAR-TO-DATE PRIOR YR-TO-DATE FY 2015/2016 FY 2014/2015 227 0 202 3 1366 21 1456 25 11 9 22 0 2 5 3 6 3 7 2 2 2 1 47 62 77 1 12 24 19 31 47 56 5 14 15 16 1 29/0/0 2 56 1 29/0/1 2 17 2 633/0/1 35 132 1 599/1/6 21 53 Page 27 of 43 TOWN CLERK'S MONTHLY REPORT 2015-2016 REVENUE DECEMBER DECEMBER YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE 2015 2014 FY 2015/2016 FY 2014/2015 RECORDING FEES 7,142 5,599 40,713 39,457 CONVEYANCE TAX 14,444 5,659 82,081 75,501 TC PRESERVATION 600 472 3,356 3,380 TOWN PRESERVATION 480 468 2,874 3,090 COPIES 1,142 705 5,889 5,085 MISCELLANEOUS/FEES 1,417 1,791 9,160 8,987 25,225 14,694 144,073 135,500 (Sports, Dogs, Notary Vitals) TOTALS Page 28 of 43 Page 29 of 43 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 New Year's Day Holiday January 1, 2016 Town Offices & Library Closed Tolland Public Library Foundation January 11, 2016, 12:00 PM Conference Room A Friends of the Tolland Public Library January 4, 2016, 11:00 AM Conference Room A Parks & Recreation Advisory Board January 11, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland Recreation Center Agriculture Commission January 4, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Town Council January 12, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Economic Development Commission January 6, 2016, 7:30 AM Council Chambers Board of Education January 13, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Blight Committee January 6, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Conservation Commission January 14, 2016, 7:00 PM Council Chambers BOE Community Budget Workshop January 6, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland High School Library Community Meeting-Senior Housing Project January 14, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland High School Library TECDC January 7, 2016, 7:30 AM Conference Room B Republican Town Committee January 14, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room C Democratic Town Committee January 7, 2016, 6:30 PM 6th Floor Small Conference Room Technology Advisory Board January 14, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Freedom of Information Workshop January 7, 2016, 7:00 PM Council Chambers Access Health Connecticut Enrollment Fair January 16, 2016, 9:00 AM Tolland High School Auditorium Inland Wetlands Commission January 7, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Martin Luther King's Day January 18, 2016 Town Offices & Library Closed Design Advisory Board January 7, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room C Water Pollution Control Authority January 19, 2016, 6:00 PM Conference Room C Page 30 of 43 Ethics Commission January 19, 2016, 6:30 PM 6th Floor Small Conference Room Conservation Commission January 28, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Tolland Housing Authority January 20, 2016, 9:00 AM 763 Tolland Stage Road Zoning Board of Appeals January 28, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Tolland Water Commission January 20, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room C Agriculture Commission February 1, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Blight Committee January 20, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Economic Development Commission February 3, 2016, 7:30 AM Council Chambers BOE Community Budget Workshop January 20, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland High School Library Blight Committee February 3, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B Inland Wetlands Commission January 21, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B TECDC February 4, 2016, 7:30 AM Conference Room B Veteran's Recognition Commission January 21, 2016, 7:00 PM 6th Floor Small Conference Room Inland Wetlands Commission February 4, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room B BOE Community Budget Workshop January 21, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland High School Library Design Advisory Board February 4, 2016, 7:00 PM Conference Room C Planning & Zoning Commission January 25, 2016, 7:00 PM Council Chambers Democratic Town Committee February 4, 2016, 7:30 PM Place to be Determined Tolland Public Library Advisory Board January 25, 2016, 7:30 PM Conference Room A Planning & Zoning Commission February 8, 2016, 7:00 PM Council Chambers Town Council January 26, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Parks & Recreation Advisory Board February 8, 2016, 7:00 PM Tolland Recreation Center Board of Education January 27, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Town Council February 9, 2016, 7:30 PM Council Chambers Page 31 of 43 JANUARY 2016 Senior Happenings Dedicated to Tolland’s Senior Citizens Hello Folks! Happy New Year to you all!! It’s with great joy that I can say we accomplished so much in the year 2015. I look forward to making great strides in 2016 in growing our beloved senior center. With each year we are given, actually, with each new day, we can look forward to happy times here. It has been said “Happiness comes from something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to”….and that’s what I believe we offer here at the Senior Center. One of the high points in 2015 was the completion of our canopy that we all took part in. I want to celebrate this by having an open house sometime in March. We have much to be thankful for, and want our community at large to celebrate with us. When I set the date, I will announce it to you, so stay tuned. I want to extend our gratitude to the Tolland Volunteer Fire Department for the Holiday Social they sponsored for our seniors. What a magnificent time we had. I heard from everyone there how impressed they all were. Jessica and Jim were in the kitchen the entire time, cooking up a storm. Debra, along with the help from the Ladies Auxiliary was in charge of setting up and organizing this function. Santa, our very own generous, kind and loving Santa showed up. Thanks Santa – you are truly loved! Thanks, again, to all of the volunteers who participated in this. We are very grateful! Our Annual Bake/Craft Sale generated a few dollars to our general fund. So much goes on behind the scenes for this event. Elizabeth and her crew organized the crafts, Barbara and her crew organized the baked goods, and Dave and Doreen had a light lunch prepared and served those who came. With everybody’s efforts, we cleared over $1,000. Not too shabby Don’t forget, the Senior Center will be utilized as an Income Tax Site. See page 4 of the newsletter for more information. You must call the center to make an appointment. This is a free service, open to the public. Just as a reminder, when we finally do get cold, wintery weather, know that if the schools are closed due to inclement weather, we are closed. Rebecca (Becky) and I will be here, but the Senior Center will be closed for all activities. Happy New Year to all. Fran Page 32 of 43 Thinking of You!! Lena Cressotti Kathy Dovhan A special hello to all our friends at Fox Hill, Vernon Manor and Woodlake. Save the Date! Annual Senior Center Variety Show Friday, April 29, 2016 at 7 pm Tolland High School Health and Wellness Exercise: Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. Yoga: Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m. Tai Chi: Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Foot Care Tuesday, January 12th & Thursday, January 21st (please call 860-870-3730 for an appointment) $29.00 fee Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Monday, January 25th From 10 am—11:30 am Lunch Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:00 noon, $4.00 per lunch Our Birthday Party Lunch will be on January 28th Page 33 of 43 2 A Note About Outreach Activities Rebecca Ellert, Elderly Outreach Caseworker Charles Morgan explains why the happiest-thinking man is really so as quoted from Cheerio’s Book of Days by Charles Field: Charles Morgan quotes Richard Wagner as saying, “Joy is not in things, it is in us.” Then Morgan goes on to say “Joy, happiness, is the product of right thinking and right acting, and there is no human being in the world who cannot be happy by complying with the law that produces happiness. It is a product that comes back to us from what we send out; no one ever found happiness who did not manufacture it for himself. It is a product of our mental attitude toward others. Unselfish service is one of the greatest of happiness producers. It is a product of our sowing. Ah!! Happiness comes from every good deed, every loving thought, every helpful thing, from an unselfish service, through honesty, virtue and integrity. A chance to serve our fellow man, to be of use in the world, herein will we find real happiness.” As I read this, I was drawn to the fact that we have really happy people visiting us at the Senior Center. They come and go for programs, many of which they volunteer for themselves. I see unselfishness and service…every helpful thing, every loving thought coming through our doors all the time. There is a purpose for them here… No one lives very long without finding out how much of the responsibility for unhappiness lies at our own doors. If you’re new to our senior center, we hope you are finding all you’ve been looking for, in activity, friendship, volunteering, and in general, service to others. Fran has quoted often “The quickest way to get old is to do nothing!” I could not agree more. As we begin 2016, I encourage you to come to the center and reach out, in whatever capacity you can. And if you’ve been a part of us forever, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your presence, your helpfulness, your strengths, and (even your weakness….as they give others a chance to use their abilities to help you). We are family here, all putting into the pot from that which we possess. Looking forward to a wonder-filled 2016 and celebrating every day with each of you. Blessings and Peace on Earth, Rebecca Page 34 of 43 3 “ONE SLIGHT HITCH” Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Enjoy a Great Buffet with a wide variety of Salads, Hot & Cold Entrees, Desserts, Beverage ALL FOOD IS PREPARED ON THE PREMISES & ENJOYED IN THE MAIN DINING ROOM. After dining, take your reserved seats in the theater. After the Play, return to the dining room for the Cabaret Show. COST: $84 pp based on 40-52 For info: Fran Weigand (860-870-3730) Depart: 8:15 am; Tolland Senior Center, 674 Tolland Stage Rd Return: 6:30 pm Checks Payable to: Town of Tolland AARP Tax Aid: Tolland Senior Center is pleased to offer on-site assistance with filing your taxes. There are no age requirements and you do not have to be a Tolland resident or an AARP member. This is a free service and is staffed by trained volunteers willing to give their time. Appointments will be available from February 9th-April 12th on consecutive Tuesdays. (February 9 th, February 16th, February 23rd, March 1st, March 8th, March 15th, March 22nd, March 29th, April 5th, April 12th. ) One hour time slots will be available starting from 12 pm-1 pm, 1 pm–2 pm, 2 pm-3 pm, 3 pm–4 pm. Appointments must be made either in person at the Senior Center (674 Tolland Stage Road) or call Fran Weigand at 860-870-3725. On the day of your appointment you will be required to complete an interview questionnaire, bring a form of photo identification, and bring the following documents as applicable to your financial situation: copy of last year’s tax return proof of all income sources (which could include W2 for earned wages, unemployment compensation) SSA-1099 for Social Security 1099-MISC for miscellaneous income 1099-R for pension or annuity income proof of interest or dividends (all 1099 forms) all forms indicating federal income tax paid dependent care provider information all receipts or cancelled checks for itemized deductions (such as property tax, car tax, medical expenses), Social Security cards for you and all dependents. Also, please bring your checkbook for refunds to be directly deposited into your account. Page 35 of 43 4 Need Help With Food? Find Out If You Are Eligible for (formerly known as Food Stamps) Did you know… you may qualify for SNAP even if: you own a home ◊ you are working full or part-time ◊ you have retirement income you have a car ◊ you are living with others You may qualify if you meet these SNAP income guidelines: Household Size/ Maximum Monthly Income Guidelines for SNAP 1 2 $1,815 3 $2,456 4 $3,098 5 $3,739 6 $4,380 $5,022 7 higher Foodshare will be offering SNAP eligibility screening and application assistance at the United Congregational Church of Tolland (in the church office), 45 Tolland Green, Tolland, CT By Appointment from 10:00 am—12:00 pm on the following Saturdays: January 16, 2016 February 20, 2016 Call the church office for an appointment @ 860-875-4160. Connecticut Energy Assistance Program Hard to believe, but heating season is right around the corner! Appointments to apply for the 2015/2016 Energy Assistance Program will be scheduled beginning September 8; deliveries of fuel will begin November 10. On behalf of eligible households, the winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal and wood/pellets. Homeowners and renters may apply. Income Guidelines are listed below. Application Documentation- Residents must provide proof of all Income (employment/ unemployment, Social Security, pensions, child support, etc.) and Assets (checking, savings, CD's, stocks, bonds, shares, certificates of deposit and individual retirement accounts if the accounts are in the name of a household member who is at least 59 ½ years old) for ALL household members for the four weeks prior to the application date. Tolland residents may contact the following with inquiries or to schedule an appointment to apply for energy assistance: Seniors- contact Rebecca Ellert, (860) 870-3726; All others residents contact Nancy Dunn, (860) 871-3612; residents may also contact the ACCESS Agency in Willimantic, (860) 450-7423. We are unable to process walk-in applications. Household Income Guidelines for Energy Assistance- 2015/2016 1 Under $33,132 2 Under $43,327 3 Under $53,521 4 5 Under $63,716 Under $73,910 Page 36 of 43 5 6 Under $84,105 7 Under $86,016 January Birthdays ... Happy Birthday!! Kathy Kolberg Brenda Morse Elaine Bugbee Durwood Winchell Kathy Wilcox Jean Leonard Nolan Payton Lin East 1/1 1/2 1/5 1/6 1/9 1/11 1/11 1/12 Lois West Leola Wheeler Alan Knofla William Waite Carol Golden Tim Smith Bill Ward Lena Cressotti Larry Ross 1/14 1/18 1/19 1/21 1/24 1/26 1/28 1/28 1/29 BIRTHDAY PARTY LUNCH It is typically held on the last Thursday of the month at noon. Here are the guidelines to participate: By Reservation Only-we cannot accept walk-ins Put your name on the sign up sheet by the Tuesday before the event Payment is required in advance ($4) If you need to cancel, please call 860-870-3730. Next Birthday Party Lunch for January is January 28 Page 37 of 43 6 Getting to Know You This lady has attended many events at the Tolland Senior Center and until recently, volunteered at the center for various activities. Charlotte or Char, as she is called by friends, was born and raised in Ellington, the sixth of nine children. Charlotte attended the Pollywog School for grades one through six, with one teacher and then went on to Longview School and Rockville High School. At school, Charlotte and Urban were in the same class together. During that time they didn’t date but it was later, through involvement in church activities, that they formed a friendship, dated and eventually married in 1946. Four years later they purchased a farm in Tolland on Snipsic Lake Road, starting with ten cows. She had no farming experience but Urban had a farming background and Charlotte soon learned dairy farming from him. Eventually, their family grew to seven, their daughter Becky, whom we all know and love, being their fifth child. In 1979, they were honored as Outstanding Young Farmers of Connecticut and were awarded a trip to tour dairy farms in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. There was a lot more travel after that. Over the years, they enjoyed trips to Hawaii, Bermuda and other islands as well as Switzerland where they had relatives. While the children were growing up Charlotte knitted sweaters for them and sewed many of their clothes using fabric that was woven in Stephenson’s Mill in Rockville. Also a quilter, she made good use of those fabrics. Widowed for 17 years, Charlotte remarried in 2002. She and Walt had known each other as school children years ago. Each married and raised large families. Walt and his family lived in New Hampshire. After being widowed, Walt left New Hampshire where he’d raised his family and returned to his roots in Ellington. He attended the same church as Charlotte and the two became reacquainted. Charlotte’s cooking is in the Swiss tradition, favorites being knoefly, which is noodles with lots of butter. She also makes bitzly potatoes which are drained, cubed boiled potatoes which are topped with browned butter. Is butter a trend here? She recalls childhood Christmases with Wecca bread and holiday cookies. Her own specialty is baking Tollhouse and oatmeal cookies, favorites of her family which numbers 22 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren and one great, great grandchild. Charlotte enjoys spending time with her sisters and longtime friends who all live in Ellington. She keeps in touch with family and friends via e-mail and is especially happy that she can talk with her great granddaughter in Chicago via Skype. Charlotte celebrated her 90th birthday in December at a big party with family and friends She doesn’t have a Bucket List because she said that she is very happy with the way things are and where she is now in life. Would that everyone were able to state that! I’m pleased to have had the privilege of meeting Charlotte and spending time chatting with such a lovely lady. Page 38 of 43 7 JANUARY 2016 SUNDAY 3 10 MONDAY TUESDAY ************ Please see activity times below ************ ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 8 9 PLEASE CALL 860-870-3730 CLOSED TO CONFIRM PROGRAMS 7 4 5 6 LUNCH CHORUS SOCIAL EXERCISE KNITTING GROUP PEN & TELL LUNCH PING PONG TAI CHI QUILTING MEN’S BILLIARDS DOMINOES CRAFTS CARDS YOGA BILLIARDS: 11 12 13 15 LUNCH CHORUS SOCIAL MEDITATION EXERCISE KNITTING GROUP LUNCH PING PONG 18 MEN & WOMEN PAINTING 14 COMP LAB TAI CHI MEN’S BILLIARDS QUILTING CRAFTS DOMINOES CARDS YOGA BILLIARDS: 19 20 22 CLOSED EXERCISE KNITTING GROUP PEN & TELL LUNCH PING PONG 24 25 26 27 EXERCISE KNITTING GROUP NO LUNCH PING PONG 31 LUNCH CHORUS SOCIAL MEDITATION BOOK CLUB 17 BLOOD PRESSURE 10 :00 – 11:30 am Billiards Book Club Bridge Cards Chorus Computer Lab Crafts 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 12:30 pm 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. FOOT CARE (CALL FOR APPT.) SATURDAY 16 MEN & WOMEN PAINTING 21 23 COMP LAB BILLIARDS: MEN & WOMEN TAI CHI PAINTING MEN’S BILLIARDS QUILTING CRAFTS DOMINOES CARDS FOOT CARE YOGA (CALL FOR APPT.) 28 29 COMP LAB TAI CHI MEN’S BILLIARDS QUILTING CRAFTS DOMINOES CARDS Birthday Party YOGA Lunch 12 pm Dominoes 1:00 p.m. Exercise 9:00 a.m. Knitting Group 9:30 a.m. Lunch 12:00 p.m. Meditation 1:30 pm Painting 9:00 a.m. Page 39 of 43 8 30 BILLIARDS: MEN & WOMEN PAINTING Pen & Tell Ping Pong Quilting Group Social Tai Chi Yoga 1:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Senior Center Book Club Selections for 2016 January 25, 2016 THE DRESSMAKER by Kate Alcott February 22, 2016 WHISTLING PAST THE GRAVEYARD by Susan Crandall March 28, 2016 THE ROSIE PROJECT by Graeme Simsion April 25, 2016 THE NIGHTINGALE by Kristin Hannah May 23, 2016 THE HOUSE WE GREW UP IN by Lisa Jewell Book Club meets the fourth Monday of the month at 1:00pm Date may change if Monday is a holiday (please check calendar) Book Club will not meet in December, June, July and August FOODSHARE MOBILE FOOD PANTRY The FoodShare Mobile Food Pantry is available in Tolland on alternate Thursdays, 9-9:30 a.m. in the parking lot adjacent to the United Congregational Church of Tolland, 45 Tolland Green. Pre-registration and identification are not required. For more information about FoodShare, residents may contact FOODSHARE at (860) 286-9999 or the UCC office at (860) 875-4160, or visit the FOODSHARE website, www.foodshare.org. For the next few months, distribution at the Tolland site will be on the following dates: Winter dates are: January 7th & 21st February 4th & 18th Residents participating in the program must bring their own bags. Page 40 of 43 9 Senior Center Trips for 2016 February 14th The Bushnell—Love Letters-$105 April 19th June 16th July 7th August 9th October 13th December 6th Newport Playhouse—One Slight Hitch-$84 St. Clements Castle, Portland, CT-$80 Westchester Dinner Theater-Happy Days-$101 CT River Cruise, Hadley, MA—Lobster/Lunch-$78 Platzl Brauhaus—Octoberfest lunch/entertainment-$86 Newport Playhouse—Nana’s Naughty Knickers SENIOR CENTER OVERNIGHT TRIP September 20-22, 2016 SIGHT AND SOUND Theatre – production of “Samson” 3 day/2 night trip to Pennsylvania $377 per person (double occupancy) Page 41 of 43 10 Senior Center Activities Billiards - men meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Men and women meet every Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Birthday Party Lunch - held once a month to celebrate all those who have had a birthday during that month. This special event is by reservation only and is held at 12:00 p.m. un less otherwise noted, and the cost is $4.00 Book Club - book discussion is held on the fourth Monday of the month, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Bridge - join us for a game of Bridge every fourth Wednesday, 12:30-2:00 p.m. Cards - join us for a game of cards every Wednesday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Chorus - the “Note-ables” meet every Monday morning, 10:00-11:30 a.m. Computer Lab - learn how to use a computer on Thursday mornings, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Crafts - every Wednesday morning, 10:00-11:30 a.m. - You may bring a craft of your own choice, such as knitting, crocheting, etc. or you may participate in making center pieces for our Birthday Party Lunches. Dominoes - held every Thursday, 1:00-3:30 p.m. Exercise - Tuesday mornings, 9:00-10:00 a.m. - This is a stretch and balance, low-impact class Intergenerational Programs - programs that include the young people in Tolland Knitting Group - work on knitting projects on Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Lunch Box Cafe - every Monday and Wednesday at 12:00 noon, lunch is served. The cost Is $4.00 per meal and the menu varies. Meditation - held every Monday afternoon, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Painting – Water color painting class– every Friday 9:30 a.m. Pen & Tell - a creative writing class held every other Tuesday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Ping Pong - come over to the Senior Center for a game on Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Quilting Group - meets on Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. Social - every Monday at 11:30 a.m. - Join us and share a special visit with one another Tai Chi Class - a gentle exercise class held on Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Yoga– every Wednesday at 2:30pm All Programs are subject to change without notice. Page 42 of 43 11 Dedicated to Tolland Senior Citizens Tolland Senior Center 674 Tolland Stage Rd P.O. Box 159 Tolland, CT, 06084 Phone: 860-870-3730 Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - noon New Members and drop-ins are always welcome. Check the Calendar for special programs. January Tolland Human Services Department Senior Center Director: Fran Weigand, 860-870-3725 Elderly Outreach Caseworker: Rebecca Ellert, 860-870-3726 Newsletter Editors: Fran Weigand, Rebecca Ellert Human Services Director: Beverly Bellody, 860-871-3611 Assistant Director of Human Services: Nancy Dunn, 860-871-3612 Human Services Case Manager: Stephanie Mansell, 860-871-3615 Human Services Administrative Assistant: Bridget Joy, 860-871-3648 Please visit us on the Tolland website at www.tolland.org HOCKANUM VALLEY COMMUNITY COUNCIL DIAL-A-RIDE PROGRAM 860-870-7940 Tolland residents who are at least 60 years of age or disabled adults under 60 are qualified for the Dial-a-Ride service. Transportation is provided between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding holidays. Dial-a-Ride travels to all locations in Vernon, Ellington and Tolland including medical appointments, shopping, social and recreational. Whenever possible grocery and other shopping trips are provided on a group basis. They also go to Manchester on Mondays and Thursdays for doctor’s appointments only. In order to continue to provide reliable safe transportation to the Tri Town area, a $2.00 donation will be needed when boarding the van on each trip. Round trip costs $4.00. You must have the exact amount as the drivers will not have change. To make reservations, call 860870-7940, Monday - Friday between 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Reservations can be made in advance, on a first come first serve basis. The minimum amount of time to make a reservation is one week in advance of the appointment. Page 43 of 43 12