complete school directory
complete school directory
Schechter Day School Network Directory of Affiliated Schools School Year 2015-16/5776 85 Broad Street, 18th Floor New York, NY 10004 646-665-7730 PUBLISHED BY SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL NETWORK Dara Yanowitz, Chair Dr. Jon Mitzmacher, Executive Director Ilisa Cappell, Associate Director Alisha Goodman, Development and Finance Director Pearl Mattenson, Senior Advisor Galya Pinsky Greenberg, MaToK Director Larry Scheindlin, Southwest Regional Coach Cheryl Finkel, HOS Transition Coach Silvia Tolisano, edJEWcon/21st Century Learning Coach Andrea Hernandez, edJEWcon/21st Century Learning Coach Nitzan Resnick, STEM Coach Ami Petter-Lipstein, JMS/ECE Coach Maxine Handelman, USCJ/ECE Coach Follow us on Twitter: @Schechtertweets Find us on Facebook: FOUNDING SCHOOL Robert Gordis Day School of Temple Beth-El 2 Schechter Network Serving the Schools Enhance Leadership and Professional Practice Consultations and visits regarding educational program, professional development, governance and administration Conference calls and webinars on selected, relevant themes Placement referral services for schools and candidates Social media support Coaching in the areas of transition, new heads of schools, board development, STEM, 21st century learning, tefillah, early childhood, recruitment and retention, etc. edJEWcon, 21st century learning experiences (such as conferences) supported by Meaningful, ongoing coaching and resources to ensure sustainable change Connect the Schools Alumni events Conferences for lay and professional leaders, such as the North American Jewish Day School Conference E-mail bulletins with resources and materials and Blog postings Listservs for Heads of School and Principals, Presidents of the Board, Business Managers, Development Directors, and more! Advocate and Promote Branding and marketing support, Engage the World and Case statement Collaborative projects with national Jewish education organizations and foundations for the greater good of the field Gathering and disseminating of demographics information and statistics The chartering of new schools, including new collaborations with Jewish Montessori Society edJEWprizes, inspiring and celebrating excellence in 21st century learning Strengthen Jewish Learning and Living Rabbinic support Israel education Tefillah education, in partnership with RAVSAK and Pardes MaToK, a Bible curriculum for Jewish day schools SREL, a Rabbinic residency fellowship program to prepare professional leadership Summer Institute at Mechon Hadar SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL NETWORK – DIRECTORY OF MEMBER SCHOOLS _____________________________________________________________________________________ Note: <Grade span is indicated in brackets> High Schools follow the Elementary Schools, starting on page 22 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents K-8 SCHOOLS CALIFORNIA Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA Sinai Akiba Academy, Los Angeles, Ca Rabbi Jacob Pressman Academy of Temple Beth Am, Los Angeles, CA Yavneh Day School, Los Gatos, CA Adat Ari El Day School, Valley Village, CA Kadima Day School, West Hills, CA CONNECTICUT Solomon Schechter Academy, New London, CT Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford, West Hartford, CT Ezra Academy, Woodbridge, CT FLORIDA Martin J. Gottlieb Day School – Jacksonville Jewish Day Center, Jacksonville, FL Hochberg Preparatory, N. Miami Beach, FL GEORGIA The Epstein School, Atlanta, GA ILLINOIS Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School, Chicago, IL Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago (main campus) MARYLAND Krieger Schechter Day School of Chizuk Amuno Congregation, Baltimore, MD Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Rockville, MD MASSACHUSETTS Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston, New Centre, MA Lander-Grinspoon Academy, Northampton, MA Ner Tamid Day School, Sharon, MA MICHIGAN Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor, MI NEVADA Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas, NV NEW JERSEY Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Monmouth County, Marlboro, NJ Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County, New Milford, NJ The Academies at The Gerrard Berman Day School/Solomon Schechter of N. Jersey, Oakland, NJ Kellman Brown Academy, Voorhees, NJ Golda Och Academy, W. Orange, NJ NEW YORK Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy of the Capital District, Albany, NY East Midwood Hebrew Day School, Brooklyn, NY Solomon Schechter School of Queens, NY Schechter School of Long Island Elementary School, Jericho, NY Schechter School of Long Island, Middle School, Williston Park, NY Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan, New York, NY Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Lower School, White Plains, NY Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Middle School, Hartsdale, NY OHIO Gross Schechter Day School, Pepper Pike, OH 4 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 PENNSYLVANIA Community Day School - A Solomon Schechter Day School, Pittsburgh, PA Raymond & Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School (Stern Center), Wynnewood, PA Raymond & Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School (Forman Center), Melrose Park, PA TEXAS Ann & Nate Levine Academy, Dallas, TX Beth Yeshurun Day School, Houston, TX CANADA Solomon Schechter Academy, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Robbins Hebrew Academy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 HIGH SCHOOLS ILLINOIS Rochelle Zell Jewish High School (formerly Chicagoland), Deerfield, IL MARYLAND Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Upper School, Rockville, MD NEW JERSEY Golda Och Academy, Upper School, W. Orange, NJ NEW YORK Schechter School of Long Island, Upper School, Williston Park, NY Solomon Schechter School of Westchester High School, Hartsdale, NY Heads and Principals (Alphabetical List) 22 22 23 23 23 24 5 SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL NETWORK AFFILIATES: JEWISH MONTESSORI SOCIETY SCHOOLS ARIZONA Emunah Montessori Jewish Montessori of Tucson CALIFORNIA Beth Montessori The Jewish Montessori Olam Jewish Montessori of Beth Jacob Rachel's Garden Montessori The Aleph School COLORADO Har Shalom Preschool and Kindergarten FLORIDA Atarah Academy Moses Montessori Temple Menorah Jewish Montessori Beit Yeladim Temple Beth Shmuel (TBS) Montessori School GEORGIA Chaya Mushka Children's House HAWAII The Maui Hebrew Academy ILLINOIS Shaarei Chinuch MARYLAND Alef Bet Montessori School The Gan Montessori Kehillat Montessori - Kemp Mill Montessori Ner Tamid Jewish Montessori Preschool MICHIGAN Ganeinu NEW JERSEY Chabad Early Learning Center Yeshivat Netivot Montessori NEW YORK Lamplighters' Yeshiva Luria Academy of Brooklyn Bais Yaacov of Boro Park Yeshivas B'nei Torah OHIO Chai Tots Early Childhood Center Cincinnati Hebrew Day School The Lillian and Betty Ratner School PENNSYLVANIA Early Learning at Beth Sholom Goldman The Gan Child TEXAS Robert M. Beren Academy UOS Goldberg Montessori School WASHINGTON MMSC Day School 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 6 Outside the United States CANADA The Learning Tree Jewish Montessori Preschool Montessori Jewish Day School Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool MEXICO Bet Hayeladim Colegio Hebreo Sefaradi 30 30 30 30 30 7 CALIFORNIA Valley Beth Shalom Day School <K-6> 15739 Ventura Blvd Encino, 91436 Head: Mrs. Sheva Locke Head’s email: Director of Judaic Studies: Mrs. Tamar Raff Director of General Studies: Ms. Nancy Herbst Business Manager: Mrs. Ellen Glettner Director of Admissions: Mrs. Cindy Goodman Campus Rabbi: Rabbi Avi Taff Development Director: Carly Vanaza Technology Director: Mr. Zedrick Kelley Phone: 818-788-2199 Fax: 818-788-7932 Board Chair: Rachel Lipman PTA Pres: Kylie Meyerowitz Sinai Akiba Academy <N-8> 10400 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 218 Los Angeles, 90024 Phone 310-475-6401 Head: Dr. Sarah Shulkind email: Head’s email: Fax#: 310-234-9184 Head's Sec: Marcie Berga Chair: Mr. Gary Lainer Preschool Director: Ms. Tracy Schatz PA Pres: Mrs. Shirin Parsi Lower School Director: Ms. Shelley Lawrence Judaic Studies Director: Ms. Irit Eliyahu Middle School Director: Ms. Lindsay Koss Administrative Dean: Ms. Marcia Fellner Financial Aid Officer/Business Manager: Ms. Jeanne Jacobs-Gaffney Development Director: Ms. Janet Rosenblum Guidance Counselor: Daisy Gomez Admissions Director: Ms. Lisa Zide Learning Specialist: Ms. Kathy Clyman Campus Rabbi: Rabbi Andy Feig Communications Director: Rebecca Furer Rabbi Jacob Pressman Academy of Temple Beth Am <N-8> 1055 S. La Cienega Blvd. Website: Los Angeles, 90035 Phone: 310‑652‑2002 Head of School: Dr. Erica Rothblum email: Head’s email: Fax: 310‑360-0850 Head's Assistant: Abbey Bachrach Chair: Mr. Jay Sanders Interim Elem. School Prin.: Kimberly Medendorp PTA Pres: Mrs. Vanessa Stoff & Mrs. Hadar Cohen Judaic Studies Principal: Ms. Jill Linder Middle School Principal: Ms. Inez Tiger Program Administrator: Ms. Deborah Engel Kollin Coordinator of Student Services: Ms. Michelle Porjes Elementary School Counselor: Ms. Sharon Bacharach Early Childhood Director: Ms. Angie Bass Middle School Counselor: Natalie White and Shira Landau Business Manager: Ms. Elham Makabi Admissions Director (DS): Ms. Lesley Bloom Admissions Director (ECC/RS): Ms. Betsy Krut Development Director: Mr. Seth Rozensweig Learning Specialist: Ms. Susie Pretsky Ray Beit Sefer: Rabbi Chaim Tureff 8 Yavneh Day School <K-8> 14855 Oka Rd Los Gatos, 95032 Head: Mr. Zvi Weiss Head's email: Chief of Academics & Principal: Diana Wilmot Campus Rabbi: Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper Business Manager: Ms. Melissa Fehl Director of Development: Ms. Daniela Silverstein Learning Specialist: Ms. Melody Randal Website: Phone: 408-984-6700 email: Fax: 408-827-9659 Chair: Mr. Arnnon Geshuri PTA Pres: Rebecca Silverstein Adat Ari El Day School <K-6> 12020 Burbank Blvd. Phone: 818-766-4992 Valley Village, 91607 email: Head: Mrs. Johanna Sohn Fax: 818-766-1436 Head's email: Governing Board Chair: Melissa Sohn Dir. of General Studies: Ms. Sari Beth Goodman PTA Pres: Sally Greene and Dalia Goldberg Office Administrator: Debra Peterkofsky Director of Judaic Studies: Shana Dienstag Director of Admissions: Marcie Paller Resource Specialist (Gen Studies): Ms. Caren Gitlin STEAM Director: Vivian Poutakoglou-Christ Kadima Day School <ECEC-8> 7011 Shoup Ave. West Hills, 91307 Head: Greg Kovacs Head’s Office Coordinator: Mrs. Ingrid Schwartz Assistant Principal: Mrs. Jennifer LeVine Judaic Studies Coordinator: Mrs. Anthea Canes Principal: Mrs. Kristi Combs ECEC Director: Ms. Randi Riddle Admissions/Marketing Director: Mrs. Michelle Starkman Finance Director: Mr. Michael Kramberg IT Manager: Mr. Donald Dorson School Rabbi: Rabbi Chaim Singer-Frankes Hebrew Coordinator Grades 3-8: Ms. Yardena Shamir Hebrew Coordinator Grades k-2: Mrs. Sara Goren Website: Phone: 818-346-0849 email: Fax: 818-346-0372 President: Mr. Larry Winderman PTO Pres: Mrs. Michaela Fridman and Mrs. Sivan Kobi CONNECTICUT Solomon Schechter Academy New London <pre-K-6> 660 Ocean Ave. New London, 06320 Head: Barbara Wolfe Email: Head's Sec: Sherry Morris Secular Head: Diane Zimmer Secretary and Business Manager: Vicki Seroussi Campus Rabbi: Rachel Safman Guidance Counselor: Mrs. Mary Sweeney Communication Director: Ms Nelly Abramova Technology Director: Mrs. Dianne Zimmer Website: Phone: 860-443-5589 email: Fax: 860-437-1489 Chair: Ms. Laura Frommer PTO: Ms. Laura Frommer 9 Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford <EC2-8> 26 Buena Vista Rd. West Hartford, 06107 Website: Head: Andrea Kasper Phone: 860-561-0700 Head’s email: email: Business Manager: Mr. Michael Wagner Fax: 860-561-2329 Admissions Coordinator: Ms. Lara Lakenbach President: Jessica Zachs & Sharon Kochen Early Childhood Director: Ms. Michelle Fontaine PTO Pres: Elaine Leshem Development Director: Ms. Jayne Rotter Judaic Studies Coordinator: Ms. Nancy Rosen Student Services Coordinator: Ms. Fern Botwick School Counselor: Ms. Jane Schachter Ezra Academy <K-8> 75 Rimmon Rd. Woodbridge, 06525 Head: Dr. Melanie Waynik Head’s email: Office Manager: Ms. Jackie Bogdanoff Director of Strategic Initiatives: Mrs. Ali Cranshaw Business Manager: Mrs. Laura Gabor Learning Specialist: Ms. Elizabeth Ball Website: Phone: 203 389 5500 Fax: 203-387-5607 President: Mrs. Leslie Zackin PTSO: Mrs. Julie Katz & Mrs. Taly Ashkenazi FLORIDA Martin J. Gottlieb Day School <K-8> 3662 Crown Point Rd. Jacksonville, 32257 Head of School: Rabbi Jim Rogozen Head’s email: Head's Sec: Robyn Sabatt-Waring Middle School Vice-Principal: Mrs. Edith Horovitz Executive Director: Mr. Don Kriss Coordinator of Judaic Studies: Mrs. Liat Walker Institutional Advancement Coordinator: Mrs. Nancy Davis Campus Rabbi: Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner Campus Hazzan: Jesse Holzer Website: Phone: 904-268-4200 x 148 email: Fax: 904‑268‑5292 Chair: Jen Debardeleben PTA President: Melanie Setzer Hochberg Preparatory School- A Solomon Schechter Day School <K-8> Beth Torah – Benny Rok Campus 20350 NE 26 Ave. Website: N. Miami Beach, FL 33180 Phone: 305-933-6946 Head: Dr. Linda Marks email: Head’s email: Fax: 786-279-7811 Office Manager: Mrs. Donna Diehl President: Mrs. Sharon Attas Kaplan Director of Jewish Studies: Mrs. Dayna Wald School Ambassadors: Mrs. Sher Klein and Dr. Maria Cotzen Executive Director: Mr. Wayne Keil Principal: Mrs. Jodi Katz and Dr. Andrea Floyd-Beck Campus Rabbi: Rabbi Edwin Farber and Rabbi Mario Rojzman Business Manager: Mrs. Dena Decker Director of Marketing/Communication: Mrs. Gina Strauss Development Director: Mr. James Roberts 10 GEORGIA The Epstein School <N-8> Website: 335 Colewood Way, NW Phone: 404-250-5600 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Fax: 404-250-5585 Head: Dr. David Abusch-Magder President: Dr. Darrin Friedrich Head’s email: PTO Co-Pres: Ms. Carey Guggenheim, Ms. Helen Zalik Executive Assistant: Mrs. Christy Toltzis Exec. Assistant’s email: Associate Head of School: Dr. Bernice Kirzner Principal of Middle School: Mrs. Myrna Rubel Principal of Elementary School: Dr. Tal Grinfas-David Principal of Early Childhood Education: Mrs. Cathy Borenstein Principal of Digital Learning and Technology: Mr. Aaron Griffin Elementary School Director of General Studies: Ms. Robin Walters Elementary School Director of Jewish Studies: Ms. Idit Bendavid Rabbi in Residence: Rabbi Scott Shafrin Chief Operating Officer: Mr. David Levy Chief Advancement Officer: Ms. Ronette Throne ILLINOIS Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School <N-8> Website: 5235 S. Cornell Ave. Phone: 773-493-8880 Chicago, 60615 Fax: 773-493-9377 Head: Mrs. Miriam Schiller Chair: Harvey Loeb Head’s email: Head’s Secretary: Miriam Freidman-Parks Director of Judaic Program: Rabbi Jeffrey Holman Director of Marketing: Ms. Mindy Schiller Director of Admissions: Ms. Yelena Spector Parent Network: Ms. Ree Grossman, Ms. Leslie Landman, Mrs. Estie Spero Finance Officer: Robin Rochelle Zell Jewish High School (formerly Chicagoland) <9-12> 1095 Lake Cook Rd Website: Deerfield, 60015 Phone: 847-470-6700 Head: Mr. Tony Frank email: Head’s email: Fax: 847-324-3701 Chair: Ms. Lynn S. Schrayer (See page 22 for full listing) PTA Pres: Ms. Karen J. Ecanow & Ms. Debbie B. Copley Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago <K-8> Sager Solomon Schechter Day School Website: 3210 Dundee Road, Maxine Cohen Memorial Circle Phone: 847-498-2100 Northbrook, 60062 Fax: 847-498-5837 CEO/Head: Ms. Linda P. Foster Chair: Mr. Ethan Budin Head’s email: PTA Co-Pres: Mrs. Julie Benensohn, Mrs. Hillary Dunn Principal: Dr. Lena Kushnir Principal’s email: Director of Administration: Mr. David Moeckler Director of Jewish Life & Learning. Rav Beit Sefer: Rabbi Ben Kramer Director of Admissions & Enrollment: Ms. Lynn Blaustein Weiss Director of Finance: Mr. Scott Roseman Acting Director of Development/Marketing: Ms. Tami Warshawsky Director: K-4 She’arim: Suzanne Mishkin Director: 5-8 She’arim: Daniel Weinberg 11 Solomon Schechter Early Childhood Center with the Marvell D. and Stanley J. z”l Ginsburg PreK Program 4500 Dempster St. Phone: 847.674.3206 Skokie, 60076 Principal & Director of EDD She’arim: Mrs. Irene Sufrin Principal’s email: MARYLAND Krieger Schechter Day School of Chizuk Amuno Congregation <K 8> 8100 Stevenson Rd. Website: Baltimore, 21208 Phone: 410-486-8640 Head: Rabbi Moshe Schwartz Fax: 410-486-6106 Head's email: Chair: Michele Brill Head's Ass't: Miriam Golob PA President: Alicia Berlin Head of Middle School: Robyn Blum Head of Lower School: Josh Bender Asst. Head of Middle School: Karen Booth Asst. Head of Lower School: Wendy Gelber Hebrew/Foreign Language Chair: Dafna Tasch Admissions Director: Ilene Wise Director of Communications: Ariel Budow Business Manager/Financial Aid Officer: Howard Richmond Development Director: Alison Wielechowski Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School <K-6> 1901 E. Jefferson St. Website: Rockville, 20852 Phone: 30- 881-1400 e -mail: Head: Rabbi Mitchel Malkus FAX#: 301 984 7834 Head’s email: Chair: Rich Handloff Head's Sec: Lynn Pastore PTA Pres: Ms. Lisa Reichmann & Ms. Sue Longman Chief Financial Officer: Ms. Julie Hoover Principal: Rabbi Matthew Bellas Asst. Principal of General Studies: Ms. Rebecca Prigal Admissions Director: Ms. Pamela Shrock Development Director: Sharon Metro Roll Director of Judaic Studies: Mr. Yoram Bar-Noy Director of Educational Support Services: Ms. Lenore Layman Controller: Mary Mehala Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School Upper School <7-12> 11710 Hunters Lane Website: Rockville, 20852 Phone: 301-881-1400 email: Head: Rabbi Mitchel Malkus Fax: 301-230-1986 Chair: Rich Handloff Head’s email: PTA Pres: Ms. Nicole Nydish, Ms. Lisa Reichmann (See page 22 for full listing) 12 MASSACHUSETTS Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston (Child-Grade 8) Head of School (HOS): Rabbi Elliot Goldberg Website: Head of School’s email: email: Assistant to the Head of School: Jamie Zeitler Board President: Lauri Union Asst. to HOS email: PA Chairs: Lauren Korn, Luba Loewenberg Assoc. HOS for Institutional Advancement: Natalie Matus, Dir. of Finance and Operations: Sherry Klein, Dir. of Judaic Studies: Rabbi Amy Bardack, Dir. of Enrollment and Marketing: Shira Garber Strosberg, Gan Shelanu – Early Childhood Program (18 months – 5+ years) 125 Wells Avenue Phone: 617-796-5500 Newton, MA 02459 Director: Ellen Agulnick, Shaller Campus Lower School (Grades K-3) 60 Stein Circle Newton, MA 02459 Principal: Vicki Hadar, Phone: 617-964-7765 Shoolman Campus Upper School (Grades 4-8) 125 Wells Avenue Newton, MA 02459 Principal: Ivonne Krasnick, Phone: 617-928-9100 Lander-Grinspoon Academy <K-6> 257 Prospect Street Website: Northampton, MA 01060 Phone: 413-584-6622 Principal: Ms. Deborah Bromberg Seltzer email: Principal’s email: Fax: 413-586-7550 Executive Director: Ellen Frank President: Becky Serlin Exec. Director’s email: PTO Co-Pres: Kim Starkman, Pam Hannah Admissions/Marketing Director: Gail Lansky Admissions/Marketing Director Email: Ner Tamid Community Day School <K-5> Temple Israel Website: Attn: Ner Tamid Community Day School Phone: 617-733-9661 125 Pond Street email: Sharon, MA 02067 Board President: Rob Vazzana, Head of School: Dr. Nancy Hait ( Office Manager: JaVaughn Anderson ( 13 MICHIGAN Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor <K-5> 2937 Birch Hollow Dr. Ann Arbor, 48108 Head: Ms. Hadar Dohn Head's email: Office Manager: Rachel Wall Business Manager: Ms. Lesa Harrison Principal: Ms. Jennifer Rosenberg Director of Institutional Advancement: Ms. Alison Reingold Website: Phone: 734-971-4633 Fax: 734-971-6204 President of the Board: Barbara Kramer NEVADA Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas <K-6> 10700 Havenwood Lane Las Vegas, 89135 Head of School: Daniel R. Weiss Head’s email: School Secretary / Assistant to CEO: Bonnie Thaxton Finance Manager: Michele Ward General Studies Director: Ms. Samantha Johnson Curriculum & Instruction Specialist: Ms. Sue Slocum Website: Phone: 702-804-1333 x 114 email: Fax: 702-243-8796 President: Dr. Neil Braunstein PTO Pres: Mr. Ari Stotland NEW JERSEY Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Monmouth County <N-8> 22 School Rd. East, POB 203 Website: Marlboro, NJ, 07746 Phone: 732-431-5525 Head: Ms. Yoti Yarhi Fax: 732-431-2562 Head’s email: President of Board: Mrs. Maxine Macnow Head's Sec: Jessica DiQuinzio and Cindy Napoletano PTO Pres: Mrs. Julie Feldman Asst. Head of School: Ms. Lucy Klinek Admissions/Marketing Director: Mrs. Linda Glickstein Business Manager: Ms. Laurie Shapiro Technology Director: Mrs. Jessica Jundef Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County <N-8> 275 McKinley Ave. Website: New Milford, NJ, 07646 Phone: 201-262-9898 Head: Ms. Ruth Gafni email: Head's email: Fax: 201-262-3026 Head’s Sec: Ms. Ruhama Shemesh President: Mr. Gil Makleff School Rabbi/ Middle School Principal: Rabbi Fred Elias PTA Pres: Adina Finklestein & Ms. Shiri Redensky Director of Admissions: Ms. Sarah Sokolic School Psychologist: Dr. Ilana Kustanowitz Early Childhood & Lower School Co-Principal: Ms. Lauren Goldman-Brown Early Childhood & Lower School Co-Principal/Director of Judaic Studies: Ms. Ricky Stamler-Goldberg Chief Academic Officer: Mr. Daniel Jaye Director of Finance and Operations: Ms. Ronni Brenner Director of Institutional Advancement: Ms. Amy Glazer 14 The Academies at the Gerrard Berman Day School/Solomon Schechter of N. Jersey <N-8> 45 Spruce St. Website: Oakland, 07436 Phone: 201-337-1111 Head: Mr. Robert Smolen email: Head’s email: Fax: 201-337-7795 Head's Sec: Ms. Marcy Heinen Kissane Co-Presidents: Daniel Silna & Leeor Weiselberg Middle School Director: Rabbi Yaakov Traiger Financial Aid Officer: Mr. Paul Beck Early Childhood Coordinator: Mrs. Susan Scher Business Manager: Ms. Joan Beck Sadow Director of Special Education: Ms. Mindy Niederman Jewish Studies Coordinator: Ms. Sarit Ginsburg Academies Coordinator: Ms. Sheila Barbach Kellman Brown Academy <N-8> 1007 Laurel Oak Rd. Website: Voorhees Township, NJ, 08043 Phone: 856-679-2929 Head: Emily Cook email: Head’s email Fax: 856-679-2928 Principal: Emily Cook Chair: Dr. Cindi Hasit Principal’s email: PTA Co-Presidents: Adina Tayar & Jodi Berman Director of Enrollment: Mrs. Jennifer Sholder Director of Curriculum and Instruction: Rachel Zivic Guidance Counselor: Ms. Jill Miller Director of Development: Mrs. Robyn Greenberg Coordinator of Student Services: Mrs. Shira Weinstein Director of Jewish Life and Learning: Rabbi Michah Liben Office Manager: Mrs. Maureen Anderson, x 1702, Golda Och Academy (Lower School) <N-5> 122 Gregory Ave. Phone: 973-602-3700 W. Orange, 07052 Fax: 973-669-8689 Head: Mr. Adam Shapiro President: Mr. Jeffrey Landau Head's email: PA Co-Chairs: Rebecca Berman, Claire Messulan Executive Assistant: Ms. Della Henderson Principal: Ms. Carrie Zucker Siegel Director of Admissions: Ms. Gail Shapiro Chief Financial Officer: Ms. Julia Malaga Marketing Director: Mr. Glenn Slavin Director of Development/Alumni Relations: Ms. Stephanie Bash-Soudry Director of Jewish Studies: Carrie Siegel Learning Specialist: Valerie Bloch Business Manager: Ms. Peggy Garner Golda Och Academy, Upper School <6-12> 1418 Pleasant Valley Way W. Orange, 07052 Head: Mr. Adam Shapiro Head's email: Upper School Principal: Ms. Christine Stodolski Phone: 973-669-8000 Fax: 973-669-0034 President: Mr. Jeffrey Landau PTA Co-Chairs: Ms. Shari Broder, Ms. Mindy Schall (See page 23 for full listing) 15 NEW YORK Bet Shraga Hebrew Academy of the Capital District <K-8> 54 Sand Creek Rd. Website: Albany, NY, 12205 Phone: 518-482-0464 Head: Julie Pollack email: Head’s email: Fax: 518-482-0129 Admin Asst: Ms. Kay Jones President: Dr. Sandor Schuman Business Manager: Mrs. Nancy Daigle PTA Pres: Mrs. Bess Wadler Admissions/Marketing and Development Assistant: Ms. Rachael Woren East Midwood Hebrew Day School, Rabbi Harry Halpern Educational Center <N-8> 1256 E 21 St. Website: Brooklyn, 11210 Phone: 718-253-1555 Head: Mrs. Shirley Weichselbaum Fax: 718-338-3934 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. Kevin Leopold Head's Sec: Barbara Faust PTA Pres: Hadas Linder Admissions Director: Mrs. Regina Elmkies Business Manager: Maria Guigui: Solomon Schechter School of Queens 76‑16 Parsons Blvd. Flushing, 11366 Head: Sheldon Naparstek Head's email: Head's Sec: Alison Stopol Weaver Rabbi in Residence: Efrem Reis Executive Director: Mr. David Kalman Guidance Counselor: Dr. Rafi Kalman Registrar: Ms. Lea Feldman Financial: Linda Vance <preK-8> Website: Phone: 718‑591‑9800 email: Fax: 718-591-3946 President: Mr. Stuart Birbach PTA Pres: Ms. Zahamary David & Ms. Deborah Braun Schechter School of Long Island, Elementary School <K-5> 1 Barbara Lane Website: Jericho, NY, 11753 Phone: 516-935-1441 Head: Dr. Cindy Dolgin email: Head's email: Fax: 516-935-8280 Principal: Sandy Swerdloff President: Ms. Janet Hakim Principal's email: PTA Pres: Mrs. Debbie Gubin, Ms. Jaime Lewis Exec. Assistant to Head of School: Antoinetta Libardi Administrative Assistant: Ms. Cathy Main Executive Director: Ms. Eileen Bohrer Director of Admissions & Strategic Initiatives: Rabbi Tracy Kaplowitz, PhD Development Associate: Deborah Picker School Rabbi: Yosi Cirlin Director of Student Life: Mr. Michael Hirsch Jewish Life Coordinator: Avi Siegel 16 Schechter School of Long Island, Middle School <6-8> 6 Cross Street Website: Williston Park, NY 11596 Phone: 516-539-3700 Head: Dr. Cindy Dolgin email: Head's email: Fax: 516-539-3685 Principal: Mrs. Ofra Hiltzik President: Ms. Janet Hakim Principal's email: PTA Pres: Mrs. Debbie Gubin, Ms. Jaime Lewis Executive Asst.: Antoinetta Libardi Administrative Assistant: Ms. Denise Belitti Head of Jewish Studies: Rabbi Barry Chesler Executive Director: Ms. Eileen Bohrer Director of Admissions & Strategic Initiatives: Rabbi Tracy Kaplowitz, PhD Development Associate: Deborah Picker Guidance Counselor: Mrs. Bonnie Cahn Director of Student Life: Mr. Michael Hirsch Jewish Life Coordinator: Avi Siegel Schechter School of Long Island, Upper School 6 Cross Street Williston Park, NY 11596 Head: Dr. Cindy Dolgin Head's email: Principal: Mrs. Ofra Hiltzik Principal's <9-12> Website: Phone: 516-539-3700 email: Fax: 516-539-3685 President: Ms. Janet Hakim PTA Pres: Mrs. Debbie Gubin, Ms. Jaime Lewis (See page 23 for full listing) Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan <K-8> 805 Columbus Ave. Website: New York, 10025 Phone: 212-427-9500 Head: Mr. Benjamin Mann email: Head’s email: Fax: 212-427-5300 Head’s Sec: Yolanda Guzman Chair: Ms. Suzanne Katz Principal: Mr. Gary Pretsfelder Director of Admissions and Placement: Ms. Janet Barzilay Business and Operations Manager: Mr. Jonathan Chimene Director of Institutional Advancement: Ms. Elizabeth Freirich K-5 Curriculum Coordinator/Programming Coordinator: Shira Jacobson STEAM Coordinator/ Middle School Student Life Coordinator: Sarah Kay Middle School Coordinator: Ruth Servi Coordinator of Learning Support: Ms. Deanna Stecker School Counselor: Mr. Isaac Silberstein Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Lower School <K-5> 30 Dellwood Rd. Website: White Plains, 10605 Phone: 914-948-3111 Head: Dr. Michael Kay Fax: 914-948-4356 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. David Landau Principal: Ms. Ilanit Hoory PTO Co-Pres: Adar Gurvitch & Ross Zelman Principal’s email: Admissions Director: Mrs. Diana Schutt, Chief Financial Officer: Tracey Harris, Director of Operations: Smadar Amidror, Director of Development: Ms. Barbara Shapiro Lower School Psychologist: Dr. Jordana Klein Judaic Studies Curriculum Coordinator: Ms. Hadassah Wrightman 17 Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Middle School <6-8> 555 W. Hartsdale Ave. Website: Hartsdale, 10530 Phone: 914-948-8333 Head: Dr. Michael Kay Fax: 914-948-7979 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. David Landau Principal: Mrs. Amy Holtzer PTO Co-Pres: Adar Gurvitch and Ross Zelman Principal’s email: Chief Financial Officer—Tracey Harris Director of Operations: Smadar Amidror, Admissions Director: Ms. Jackie Grosser, Director of Development: Ms. Barbara Shapiro Middle School Psychologist: Dr. Michelle Jasper-Brody Chair of Hebrew Language: Ms. Hadassah Wrightman Solomon Schechter School of Westchester High School <9-12> 555 W. Hartsdale Ave. Website: Hartsdale, 10530 Phone: 914-948-8333 Head: Dr. Michael Kay Fax: 914-948-7979 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. David Landau Principal: Eric Bassin PTO Pres: Adar Gurvitch and Ross Zelman Principal’s email: Associate Head of School for Jewish Life and Learning: Rabbi Harry Pell (See page 23 for full listing) OHIO Gross Schechter Day School <N-8> 27601 Fairmount Blvd. Website: Pepper Pike, 44124 Phone: 216-763-1400 Head: Randy Boroff Fax: 216-763-1106 Head’s email: Board President: Mr. Gary Gross Office Manager: Mrs. Mary Anne Donovan Kehillat Schechter (PTA) Chair: Mrs. Risa Uvlin Middle School Judaic Studies Principal: Ben Shlimovitz Director of Early Childhood: Ms. Tracey Bortz Admissions Director/Tuition Asst: Mrs. Leslie Kastner Gonsenhauser Director of Institutional Advancement: Mrs. Rachel Lappen Guidance Counselor: Ms. Mandy DuBro Director of Development: Mr. Lance Colie Controller: Jennifer Kercher 18 PENNSYLVANIA Community Day School - A Solomon Schechter Day School <PreK-8> 6424 Forward Ave. Website: Pittsburgh, 15217 Phone: 412-521-1100 Head: Mrs. Avi Baran Munro Fax: 412-521-4511 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. Stuart Kaplan Head’s Sec: Ms. Sandra Johnson PTA Pres: Mrs. Eva Gelman Head of Jewish Studies: Mrs. Tzippy Mazer Head of Secondary and Middle School: Mr. Mark Minkus Head of Lower School and Jewish Studies - Mrs. Tzippy Mazer Head of Pre-K: Ms. Melissa Sevimli Admissions Director: Mrs. Sarah DeWitt Chief Financial Officer: Mrs. Bari Weinberger Director of Communications and Technology: Mr. Jordan Hoover Director of Institutional Advancement: Mrs. Dawn Woodfill Director of Marketing & Communications: Mrs.Jennifer Bails Director of Learning Services: Mrs. Gwyn Brown Controller: Mr. Kevin Bouchard Raymond & Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School/A Solomon Schechter Affiliate (Administrative/Business Office) 49 Haverford Rd. Website: Wynnewood, 19096 Phone: 610‑658-2518 Head of School: Mrs. Judy Groner Fax: 610‑658-2881 Head’s email: Board Chair: Mrs. Tracey Specter Director of Institutional Advancement: Ms. Caren Barnet Development Officer: Ms. Caren Barnet Director of Admission: Ms. Caren Barnet Associate Director of Admission: Mrs. Mindy Andelman (Stern Center) & Mrs. Amy Warmflash (Forman Center) Director of Finance/Operations: Mr. Alan Joffe Director of Planned Communications and Planned Giving: Shira Wholberg Raymond & Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School/A Solomon Schechter Affiliate (Stern Center) <K‑5> 49 Haverford Rd. Website: Wynnewood, 19096 Phone: 610‑658-2518 Principal: Ms. Wendy Smith Fax: 610‑658-2922 Principal’s email: PTO Pres: Mrs. Van Mahlab, Mrs. Sharon Joshowitz Coord. of Student Services: Mrs. Lauren Ufberg Rav Beit HaSefer: Rabbi Chaim Galfand Director of Curriculum & Instruction: Ellen Braffman Raymond & Ruth Perelman Jewish Day School/A Solomon Schechter Affiliate (Forman Center) <K‑5> 7601 Old York Rd. Website: Melrose Park, 19027 Phone: 215‑635‑3130 Principal: Ms. Chagit Nusbaum Fax: 215‑635‑3136 Principal’s email: PTO Pres: Mrs. Michelle Pasternak & Mrs. Melissa Ufberg Coord. of Student Services: Ms. Janet Snellenburg-Kline Director of Curriculum & Instruction: Ellen Braffman Rav Beit HaSefer: Rabbi Chaim Galfand 19 TEXAS Ann & Nate Levine Academy, A Solomon Schechter School <3 mos.-8> 18011 Hillcrest Rd. Website: Dallas, 75252 Phone: 972-248-3032 Head: Mr. Tom Elieff email: Head's email: Fax: 972-248-0695 Head's Sec: Ms. Judi Glazer Chair: Mr. David Goldberg Principal K-8: Mrs. Liz Lawlor PA Presidents: Leslie Krajmalnik, Mahra Pailet Director of Early Childhood Center: Mrs. Sheryl Feinberg Controller: Mr. Deven Joshi Guidance Counselor: Ms. Andy Blum, Mrs. Barbara Carr-Goodman Director of Jewish Studies/Programs: Mrs. Wende Weinberg Director of Admissions: Ms. Michelle Feinberg Director of Communications: Ms. Mireille Allen Human Resources Director: Ms. Anita Lawless Facilities Director: Mr. Sergio Melendez Development/Alumni Director: Ms. Melissa Gendason Director of Extended Day Programs/Camp: Mrs. Dana Shidlofsky Beth Yeshurun Day School <15 months-5> 4525 Beechnut Houston, 77096 Head of School: Dr. Dan Ahlstrom Head’s email: Head's Admin. Asst.: Michelle Holland Elementary Principal: Mrs. Cindy Kirsch Early Childhood Principal: Mrs. Riana Sherman Judaic Studies Director: Mrs. Ariel Rozen Senior Rabbi: Rabbi David Rosen Learning Specialist: Mrs. Alexis Saperstein Business Manager: Ms. Cecilia Garfinkel Computer Teacher: Mrs. Beth Field Curriculum Coordinator: TBD Website: Phone: 713-666-1884 Fax: 713-666-2924 Board President: Stewart Rosenthal PTO Presidents: Mrs. Julie Kaplan; Mrs. Dionne Miller CANADA Solomon Schechter Academy <N-6> 5555 Cote St. Luc Rd.. Website: Montreal, Que., H3X 2C9 Phone: 514‑485‑0866 Head of School: Steven Erdelyi Fax: 514‑485‑2267 Head’s email: Chair: Ms. Lisa Singer Miller Head's Sec: Kavita Jaunky PTA Pres: Mrs. Mona Noonoo Fischer Head of Jewish Studies: Mrs. Chani Cohen Executive Director: Mr. Jonathan Kuczer Head of French Dept.: Ms. Judith Dahan Head of English Dept.: Ms. Darra Lang Head of Math Dept.: Ms. Judith Dahan Guidance Counselor: Ms. Jillian Shein, Alexandra D’Arisso, Stacey Park, Matthew Selvin Dean of Students: Ms. Tina Roth Director of Development: Ms. Naomi Blumer 20 Robbins Hebrew Academy <K-8> 1700 Bathurst Street Toronto, Ont., M5P 3K3 Website: Head of School: Ms. Claire Sumerlus Phone: 416-781-5658 Head’s email: email: Principal: Ms. Silvia Eilath Fax: 416-225-9108 or Fax: 416-787-9632 Assistant Principal: Ms. Shayla Morrison Board Pres.: Ms. Shelly Markel: Director of Finance: Ms. Nava Blankenstein PTA Pres: Mrs. Rhonda Charlat Director of Development: Ms. Sheila Miller Director of Admissions: Mrs. Michele Viner Director of Technology: Mr. Carlos James Director of Marketing/Communications: Mrs. Mindy Applebaum Board Executive Vice President: Craig Rimer: 21 HIGH SCHOOLS ILLINOIS Rochelle Zell Jewish High School <9-12> 1095 Lake Cook Rd Website: Deerfield, 60015 Phone: 847-470-6700 Head: Mr. Tony Frank email: Head’s email: Fax: 847-324-3701 Head’s Secretary: Ms. Diane Zidman Chair: Ms. Lynn S. Schrayer Academic Dean: Mr. Bruce Scher PTA Pres: Ms. Karen Ecanow & Ms. Debbie Copley Rav Beit Sefer: Rabbi Zachary Silver Director of Jewish Studies: Dr. Rebecca Schorsch Dean of Faculty: Dr. Roger Stein Director of Institutional Advancement: Ms. Michelle Friedman Admissions Director: Ms. Riv Lynch Director of Finance and Business Operations: Mr. Robert Krakowsky Director of Building & Administrative Services: Ms. Inez Drazin Co-Directors of College Counseling: Ms. Merle Spielman, Ms. Ellen Rostker School Social Worker: Dr. Gary Auslander Athletic Director: Mr. Marty Dello Assistant Athletic Director: Mr. David Martinez Director of Student Activities: Mr. Joseph Eskin Learning Specialist: Ms. Marion Gladstein Technology Integrator: Ms. Abigail Kime School Counselor: Ms. Nancy Steinberg Marketing and Communications Manager: Ms. Tara Seymour MARYLAND Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School Upper School <7-12> 11710 Hunters Lane Website: Rockville, 20852 Phone: 301-881-1400 Head: Rabbi Mitchel Malkus email: Head’s email: Fax: 301-230-1986 Head's Sec: Lynn Pastore Chair: Mr. Rich Handloff Chief Financial Officer: Ms. Julie Hoover PTA Pres: Ms. Nicole Nydish, Ms. Lisa Reichmann Head of Middle School: Rebecca Weisman Upper School Principal: Dr. Paul Schneider (Interim) Admissions Director: Ms. Miriam Stein Director of College Guidance: Ms. Sue Rexford Guidance Counselor: Ms. Roz Landy Alumni Director: Mr. David Stein 22 NEW JERSEY Golda Och Academy, Upper School <6-12> 1418 Pleasant Valley Way Phone: 973-602-3600 W. Orange, 07052 Fax: 973-669-0034 Head: Mr. Adam Shapiro President: Mr. Jeffrey Landau Head's email: PTA Pres: Ms. Shari Broder Head's Sec: Della Henderson Principal: Ms. Christine Sodolski Director of Admissions: Ms. Gail Shapiro Chief Financial Officer: Ms. Julia Malaga Business Manager: Ms. Peggy Garner Marketing Director: Mr. Glenn Slavin Director of Development/Alumni: Ms. Stephanie Bash-Soudry College Counselor: Ms. Denise Kanrich Learning Specialist: Risa Trinker and Marla Bowen Technology Director: Mr. Jerry Sackin Israel Educator: Ms. Meirav Kallush NEW YORK Schechter School of Long Island, Upper School <9-12> 6 Cross Street Williston Park, NY 11596 Website: Head: Dr. Cindy Dolgin Phone: 516-539-3700 Head's email: email: Principal: Mrs. Ofra Hiltzik Fax: 516-539-3685 Principal's email: President: Ms. Janet Hakim Assistant Principal: Mrs. Ofra Hiltzik PTA Pres: Mrs. Debbie Gubin, Ms. Jaime Lewis Exec. Asst. to Head of School: Antonietta Libardi Exec. Asst. to Head of School email: Upper School Coordinator: Denise Belitti Head of Jewish Studies: Rabbi Barry Chesler Executive Director: Ms. Eileen Bohrer, Director of Admissions & Strategic Initiatives: Rabbi Tracy Kaplowitz, PhD Development Associate: Deborah Picker School Rabbi: Yosi Cirlin Solomon Schechter School of Westchester High School <9-12> 555 W. Hartsdale Ave. Website: Hartsdale, 10530 Phone: 914-948-8333 Head: Dr. Michael Kay Fax: 914-948-7979 Head’s email: Chair: Mr. David Landau Principal: Eric Bassin PTO Pres: Adar Gurvitch and Ross Zelman Principal’s email: Chief Financial Officer: Tracey Harris Director of Operations: Smadar Amidror Admissions Director: Mr. Jackie Grosser Director of Development: Ms. Barbara Shapiro High School Psychologist: Dr. William Blank Chair of Hebrew Language: Ms. Sally Hendelman 23 Heads and Campus Principals, Alphabetic Listing The names of all principals appear with their school listing and email addresses. This alphabetical list includes Heads of School and Campus Principals for the schools with more than one building. Abusch-Magde, David (Head of School), The Epstein School, Atlanta, GA; Ahlstrom, Dan (Head of School), Beth Yeshurun Day School, Houston, TX; Bassin, Eric (High School Prin.), SchechterWestchester, Hartsdale, NY; Bender, Josh (Head of Lower School), Krieger Schechter, Baltimore, MD; Blum, Robyn (Head of Middle School), Krieger Schechter, Baltimore, MD; Borenstein, Cathy (ECE Principal), The Epstein School, Atlanta, GA; Boroff, Randy (Head of School), Gross Schechter Day School, Pepper Pike, OH; Bromberg-Seltzer, Deborah (Head of School), Lander-Grinspoon Academy, Northampton MA; Combs, Kristi (Principal), Kadima Day School, Woodland Hills, CA; Cook, Emily (Head of School) Kellman Brown Academy David, Dr. Tal Grinfas (Elem. School Prin.), The Epstein School, Atlanta, GA; Dohn, Hadar (Head of School), Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor, MI; Dolgin, Dr. Cindy (Head of School), Schechter School of LI, Jericho, NY; Eilath, Silvia (Principal), Robbins Hebrew Academy, Toronto, Ont., Can Elieff, Tom (Head of School), Ann & Nate Levine Academy, Dallas, TX, Erdelyi, Steven (Head of School), Solomon Schechter Academy, Montreal, QU Foster, Linda (Head of School), Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago, Northbrook/Skokie, IL, Floyd-Beck, Dr. Andrea (Principal), Hochberg Preparatory, N. Miami Beach, FL; Frank, Mr. Tony (Head of School), Rochelle Zell Jewish High School, Deerfield, IL; Gafni, Ruth (Head of School), SSDS of Bergen County, New Milford, NJ; Goldberg, Elliot (Head of School) SSDS of Greater Boston, Newton Centre, MA; Groner, Judy (Head of School), Perelman Jewish Day School, Wynnewood, PA; Hait, Dr. Nancy (Principal), Ner Tamid Community Day School, Sharon, MA; Hiltzik, Ofra (Principal of Middle and Upper), Schechter School of LI, Jericho, NY; Hoory, Ilanit, (Prin. of Lower School), Schechter Westchester, White Plains, NY; Holtzer, Amy (Middle School Prin), Schechter Westchester, Hartsdale, NY; Kay, Dr. Michael (Head of School), Schechter Westchester, White Plains, NY; Kirsch, Cindy (Elementary Principal), Beth Yeshurun Day School, Houston, TX; Kovacs, Greg (Head), Kadima Day School, West Hills, CA; Krasnick, Ms. Ivonne (US Prin), SSDS of Greater Boston, Newton Centre, MA; Kushnir, Dr. Lena (Principal), Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago, Northbrook, IL; Locke, Sheva (Head of School), Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, CA; Malkus, Rabbi Mitchel (Head of School), Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Rockville, MD; Mann, Benjamin (Head of School), SSS of Manhattan, New York, NY; Marks, Dr. Linda (Head of School), Hochberg Preparatory, N. Miami Beach, FL; Mazer, Tzippy (Head of Lower School), Community Day School, Pittsburgh, PA; Miller, Beth, (CEO), SSDS of Las Vegas, NV; Minkus, Mark (Head of Middle School), Community Day School, Pittsburgh, PA; Munro, Avi Baran (Head of School), Community Day School, Pittsburgh, PA; Naparstek, Sheldon (Head of School), SSS of Queens, Flushing, NY; Nusbaum, Chagit (Principal), Perelman Jewish DS (Forman Center), Melrose Park, PA; Pretsfelder, Gary (Head of Elem. School), SSS of Manhattan, New York, NY; Rogozen, Jim (Head of School), Martin J. Gottlieb Day School, Jacksonville, FL; Rosenheck, Rhonda (Head), Bet Shraga Heb. Acad. of the Cap. Dist., Albany, NY; Rothblum, Erica (Head), Rabbi Jacob Pressman Academy, Los Angeles, CA; Rubel, Myrna (Prin of Middle School), The Epstein School, Atlanta, GA; Schiller, Miriam (Head of School), Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School, Chicago, IL; Shapiro, Adam (Head of School), Golda Och Academy, West Orange, NJ; 24 Schwartz, Moshe (Head of School), Krieger Schechter Day School, Baltimore, MD; Sherman, Riana (Early Childhood Principal), Beth Yeshurun Day School, Houston, TX; Shulkind, Sara (Head of School), Sinai Akiba Academy, Los Angeles, CA; Smith, Wendy (Principal), Perelman Jewish Day School (Stern Center), Wynnewood, PA; Smolen, Robert (Head of School), The Academies at The Gerrard Berman Day School, Oakland, NJ; Sumerlus, Claire (Head of School), Robbins Hebrew Academy, Toronto, Ont., Canada Swerdloff, Sandy (Elem Sch Principal), SSDS of LI, Jericho, NY Waynik, Melanie (Head of School), Ezra Academy, Woodbridge, CT; Weichselbaum, Mrs. (Head), East Midwood Hebrew Day School, Brooklyn, NY; Weiss, Daniel (Head of School), Solomon Schechter Day School Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV; Weiss, Zvi (Head of School), Yavneh Day School, San Jose, CA; Wilmot, Diana (Principal), Yavneh Day School, San Jose, CA; Wolfe, Barbara (Head of School), SSA New London, New London, CT; Yarhi, Yoti (Head of School), SSDS of Bergen County, New Milford, NJ; Zimmer, Diane (Secular Head), Solomon Schechter Academy, New London, CT; Zucker Siegel, Carrie (Lower School Principal), Golda Och Academy, West Orange, NJ; 25 Schechter Day School Network Affiliates: Jewish Montessori Society Schools ARIZONA Emunah Montessori 6848 n 12th way Phoenix, AZ 85014 Amina Mulayev <pre-K> NAMC Phone: 480-316- 2022 Jewish Montessori of Tucson <pre-K> 5150 East Fifth St. Phone: 520-591-7680 Tucson, AZ 85711 Esther Becker CALIFORNIA Beth Montessori 8660 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 Cecilia M. Krongold <pre-K> AMI Phone: 858-452-3030 Fax: 858-777-9199 The Jewish Montessori 1627 S. La Cienega Blvd Phone: 424-288-4633 Los Angelos, CA 90035 Stery Zajac, Olam Jewish Montessori of Beth Jacob <pre-K> 3900 Michelson Dr. Phone: 949.786.5230 Irvine, CA 92612 Fax: 949.786.5371 Symone Sass Rachel's Garden Montessori <pre-K> 5727 Shirley Avenue Phone: 818-290-9447 Tarzana, CA 91356 Sarah Waldhorn The Aleph School 720 Lombard Street San Francisco, CA 94133 Miryum Mochkin <pre-K> Phone: 415-624-7192 COLORADO Har Shalom Preschool and Kindgergarten 725 West Drake Road Phone: 970-223-5191 Fort Collins, CO 80526 Ilene Forsyth, Amy Gleason CONNECTICUT Chabad Gan of Greenwich <pre-K> 75 Mason Street Phone: 203-629-9059 Greenwich, CT Maryashie Deren 26 FLORIDA Atarah Academy 3291 Franklin Ave Coconut Grove, FL 0 Mrs. Gutal Felig, Chana'le Felig Gourarie <pre-K> opening 1st grade fall 2014 Phone: 305-445-5444 x 206 Fax: 305-445-5264, Moses Montessori <3s and 4s> 1200 Normandy DR. Phone: 305-785-3404 Miami Beach, FL 33141 Deena and Rabbi Daniel Hadar Temple Menorah Jewish Montessori Beit Yeladim pre-k 620 75th Street Phone: 305.866.2156 Miami Beach, FL 33141 Gigi Epstein Temple Beth Shmuel (TBS) Montessori School 1719 Michigan Av Phone: (305) 604-9101 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Rebeca Krys GEORGIA Chaya Mushka Children's House <pre-K through 4th grade> 5065 High Point Rd. Phone: 404-843-9582 Fax: 404-257-9306 Atlanta, GA 30342 Dassie New HOS HAWAII The Maui Hebrew Academy afterschool program Maui, HI Phone: 808-249-8770 Danit ILLINOIS Shaarei Chinuch 7117 N. Crawford Ave Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Mushky Kulek Phone: 513-348-9897 MARYLAND Alef Bet Montessori School <pre-K through 6th grade> AMI 5701 Grosvenor Lane Phone: 301.571-6200 Bethesda, MD 20814 Ayelet "Ellie" Lichtash The Gan Montessori 519 Lamberton Drive Silver Spring, MD 0 Chaya Wolvovsky <pre-K> AMI Phone: 301-593-1117 27 Kehillat Montessori - Kemp Mill Montessori Elementary P.O. Box 3447 Phone: 301- 593-4343 Silver Spring, MD 20918 Liza Porat Ner Tamid Jewish Montessori Preschool <pre-K> 6214 Pimlico Road Phone: 410.358.6500 Baltimore, MD 21209 Mrs. Noa Goldman MICHIGAN Ganeinu 4230 Middlebelt Rd W. Bloomfield Hills MI 48323 Phone: 248-761-1403 Chaya Devorah Bergstein NEW JERSEY Chabad Early Learning Center <pre-K> 65 Pawnee Ave. Phone: 973-9838811 Ext. 3 Fax: 973-983-1129 Rockaway, NJ Flory Heller Yeshivat Netivot Montessori <6 weeks old - 8th grade> 511 Ryders Lane Phone: 732.985.4626 East Brunswick, NJ 8816 Rivky Ross NEW YORK Lamplighters' Yeshiva <pre-K-2nd grade> AMS 823 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yocheved Amrami-Sidof, Rivkah and Moshe Schack Luria Academy of Brooklyn <2 yrs-6th grade> 238 St. Marks Ave. Phone: 718.398.3290 718-228-4110 Brooklyn, NY 11238 Amanda Pogany Bais Yaacov of Boro Park <preschool thru 1st grade> 1371 46th Street Phone: 718-436-7300 Brooklyn, NY 11219 Yeshivas B'nei Torah Brooklyn, NY Rabbi Isser Pliner <preschool-3rd grade> 28 OHIO Chai Tots Early Childhood Center <pre-K> AMS 7587 Central Parke Blvd Phone: 513-234-0600 513-234-0711 Mason, OH 45040 Rochel Kalmanson HOS Cincinnati Hebrew Day School <pre-K> 2222 Losantiville Ave. Phone: 513-652-3615 Cincinnati, OH 45237 Dr Haviva Randolph The Lillian and Betty Ratner School <only pre-K is Montessori> 27575 Shaker Boulevard Phone: 216-464-0033 Fax: 216 464 0031 Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Dawn Driggs (head of Montessori preschool Program) PENNSYLVANIA Early Learning at Beth Sholom Goldman (ext. 223) 8231 Old York Rd Phone: (215) 887-3625 Elkins Park, PA 19027 Lucia Pagano, Eileen Weingram, The Gan Child pre-K AMS 7622 Castor Ave. Phone: 215.779.1835 Philadelphia, PA 0 Doba Rivkah Weber, TEXAS Robert M. Beren Academy < elementary> 11333 Cliffwood St. Phone: 713-723-7170 Fax: 713-723-8343 Houston, TX 77035 Helene Lubel UOS Goldberg Montessori School <2 yrs-6 yrs> AMS 9001 Greenwillow Phone: (713) 723-3856 Houston, TX 77096 Debra Kira HOS WASHINGTON MMSC Day School 8511 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 Rabbi Charytan, Marave Herbstman <pre-K-high school> Phone: 206-523-9766 ext 124 29 OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES CANADA The Learning Tree Jewish Montessori Preschool Phone: 905.889.9970 Thornhill Woods Rhonda Montessori Jewish Day School <2 yrs-8th grade> AMI 55 Yeomans Rd. Phone: 416-784-5071 Fax: 416-784-2049 Toronto, Ontario 0 Regina Lulka HOS Westboro Jewish Montessori Preschool 192 Switzer Avenue Phone: (613) 729-7712 Ottawa, Ontario Devora Caytak MEXICO Bet Hayeladim AMI Mexico City Phone: 5570 4098 y 5570 4560 Colegio Hebreo Sefaradi Mexico City 30 Additional copies can be sent to you by email. Please contact the office at 31
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