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SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF MARINE WATERS AND OF THE COST OF DEGRADATION OF MARINE BELGIAN WATERS Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Article 8 paragraph 1c © MUMM | BMM | UGMM 1 CONTENTS 1. Introduction ______________________________________________________ 10 1.1 Background and objectives _________________________________________________ 10 1.2 Initial Assessment ________________________________________________________ 10 1.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.2.1 Socio-economic analysis of the use of the marine waters ............................... 12 1.2.2 Business As Usual scenario .......................................................................... 13 1.2.3 Socio-economic analysis of the cost of degradation of the marine environment ............................................................................................... 13 DPSIR framework ________________________________________________________ 13 Socio-economic analysis of the use of marine waters ______________________ 15 2.1 Ecosystem services approach _______________________________________________ 16 2.2 Marine water accounts approach ____________________________________________ 17 2.3 The link between the Marine water accounts approach and ecosystem services _______ 22 Business As Usual scenario ___________________________________________ 27 3.1 Objective _______________________________________________________________ 27 3.2 Steps 27 3.3 The projected development of marine uses ____________________________________ 27 Socio-economic analysis of the cost of degradation of marine waters __________ 29 4.1 Cost of degradation _______________________________________________________ 29 4.2 Thematic Approach _______________________________________________________ 29 4.3 Belgian approach _________________________________________________________ 30 Commercial (sea) fisheries ___________________________________________ 32 5.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 32 5.2 Turnover________________________________________________________________ 37 5.3 Added value _____________________________________________________________ 44 5.4 Employment data _________________________________________________________ 44 5.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 45 5.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 49 Mariculture _______________________________________________________ 56 6.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 56 6.2 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 57 6.3 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 57 Wind farms _______________________________________________________ 58 2 8. 9. 10. 7.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 58 7.2 Turnover________________________________________________________________ 59 7.3 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 59 7.4 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 61 Aggregate extraction _______________________________________________ 62 8.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 62 8.2 Turnover________________________________________________________________ 64 8.3 Added value _____________________________________________________________ 65 8.4 Employment _____________________________________________________________ 66 8.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 69 8.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 71 Dredging and dredged material disposal ________________________________ 73 9.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 73 9.2 Turnover________________________________________________________________ 75 9.3 Added value _____________________________________________________________ 76 9.4 Employment _____________________________________________________________ 76 9.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 76 9.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 76 Commercial shipping _______________________________________________ 78 10.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 78 10.2 Turnover________________________________________________________________ 80 10.3 Added value _____________________________________________________________ 83 10.4 Employment _____________________________________________________________ 85 10.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector _________________________ 88 10.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures _____________ 88 11. Tourism__________________________________________________________ 94 11.1 Sector description ________________________________________________________ 94 11.2 Catering industry and retail industry __________________________________________ 99 11.3 Water recreation ________________________________________________________ 100 11.4 Factors influencing the future development of the sector ________________________ 101 11.5 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures ____________ 102 12. Other activities and functions related to the sea _________________________ 105 12.1 Research ______________________________________________________________ 105 12.1.1 Institutions ............................................................................................... 105 12.1.2 Budget ..................................................................................................... 109 3 12.1.3 Employment.............................................................................................. 111 12.1.4 Factors influencing the future development of the sector ............................. 112 12.1.5 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures ....... 113 12.2 Military exercises ________________________________________________________ 113 12.3 Historical ammunition zone: the Paardenmarkt ________________________________ 116 12.4 Anchorage area and places of refuge ________________________________________ 118 12.5 Cables and pipelines _____________________________________________________ 119 12.6 Activities considering the sea as a sink: wrecks and wreck salvage ________________ 120 13. Nature conservation _______________________________________________ 121 13.1 International biodiversity policy ____________________________________________ 121 13.2 Relevant legal decisions under federal legislation for nature conservation in the BPNS 121 13.3 Site protection __________________________________________________________ 123 14. Bibliography _____________________________________________________ 126 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1: Illustration of linkages between requirements on economic and social analysis and other requirements by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) ............. 12 Figure 1-2: DPSIR framework ...................................................................................................... 14 Figure 2-1: Belgian part of the North Sea ..................................................................................... 19 Figure 2-2: Multifunctional use of the Belgian part of the North Sea ............................................... 21 Figure 4-1: Simplified illustration of the cost of degradation .......................................................... 29 Figure 4-2: Belgian approach to the cost of degradation ............................................................... 31 Figure 5-1: Evolution of the Belgian fleet: number of vessels and capacity (1950 – 2009) ............... 33 Figure 5-2: Average capacity per vessel in kW and GT (1950 – 2009) ............................................ 34 Figure 5-3: Evolution of the average age of the Belgian fleet (2000 – 2009) ................................... 34 Figure 5-4: Fish prices in Belgian harbors (1991 - 2009)................................................................ 35 Figure 5-5: Average fish price in Belgian and foreign harbours (1950 - 2009) ................................. 36 Figure 5-6: Fish landings of Belgian vessels (1950 – 2009) ............................................................ 36 Figure 5-7: Share of fish landings to Belgian and foreign harbours in terms of percentage (1950 – 2009) ........................................................................................................... 37 Figure 5-8: Turnover (1986-2009) ............................................................................................... 38 Figure 5-9: Turnover per sailing day (1986-2009) ......................................................................... 38 Figure 5-10: Average turnover per vessel (2008 – 2009) ................................................................. 39 Figure 5-11: Turnover and operating profit coastal vessels (1990 – 2008) ........................................ 40 Figure 5-12: Turnover and operating profit Eurocutters (1990 - 2008) ............................................. 41 Figure 5-13: Turnover and operating profit large beam trawlers (1990 - 2008) ................................. 42 Figure 5-14: Turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours (1950 – 2009) ............................................. 43 Figure 5-15: Turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours in terms of percentage (1950 – 2009) ........... 43 Figure 5-16: Production and turnover in the Belgian fish processing industry (2000 - 2007) .............. 44 Figure 5-17: Employment data (2001 – 2007) ................................................................................ 45 Figure 5-18: Average gas oil prices for sea fishing (2005 – 2009) .................................................... 46 Figure 5-19: Average fuel consumption per kg landed fish (2003-2007) ........................................... 46 Figure 5-20: Evolution of Belgian quota of some fish species in ton (1996 – 2010) ........................... 48 5 Figure 5-21: Evolution of the number of FIFG-applications (1998 - 2009) ......................................... 52 Figure 5-22: Evolution of FIFG-funding (1998 - 2009) ..................................................................... 53 Figure 6-1: Assigned zone for mussel cultivation ........................................................................... 56 Figure 7-1: Wind turbine zones and electricity export cables .......................................................... 59 Figure 8-1: Extraction zones ........................................................................................................ 63 Figure 8-2: Aggregate extraction in Belgian marine waters (1976 – 2010) ...................................... 64 Figure 8-3: Turnover (1998 – 2002) ............................................................................................. 64 Figure 8-4: Number of companies, divided per turnover category (2002) ....................................... 65 Figure 8-5: Added value (1998 – 2002) ........................................................................................ 66 Figure 8-6: Employment per province (1998 – 2002) .................................................................... 66 Figure 8-7: Companies per jurisdiction (2002) .............................................................................. 67 Figure 8-8: Number of employees per jurisdiction (2002) .............................................................. 68 Figure 8-9: Number of companies and of employees per company size (1998 and 2002) ................ 68 Figure 8-10: Number of companies per size in percentage terms (1998 and 2002) .......................... 69 Figure 8-11: Number of employees per company size in percentage terms (1998 and 2002) ............. 69 Figure 8-12: Quantity of extracted sand for coastal defence purposes and beach supplements (2010) .................................................................................................................. 70 Figure 8-13: Future developments of aggregate extraction in Belgian marine waters (2011 – 2020) .................................................................................................................. 71 Figure 9-1: Quantities of dredged material dumped at sea in TDS (1997 – 2006) ........................... 74 Figure 9-2: Dredging and disposal intensity (2008) ....................................................................... 74 Figure 9-3: Dredged quantities per ton dried substance (TDS) in the BPNS (2000 – 2009) .............. 75 Figure 9-4: Turnover (1991 – 2000) ............................................................................................. 75 Figure 10-1: Navigation routes and anchorage area ........................................................................ 79 Figure 10-2: Total maritime traffic in ton (2003 - 2008) .................................................................. 80 Figure 10-3: Turnover in the port of Ostend (2003 – 2010) ............................................................. 81 Figure 10-4: Turnover in the port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2010)........................................................ 81 Figure 10-5: Turnover in the port of Antwerp (2003 – 2010) ........................................................... 82 Figure 10-6: Turnover in the port of Ghent (2003 – 2010) .............................................................. 82 6 Figure 10-7: Total turnover (2003-2010) ........................................................................................ 83 Figure 10-8: Added value in the Port of Ostend (2003 – 2008) ........................................................ 83 Figure 10-9: Added value in the Port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2008) ................................................... 84 Figure 10-10: Added value in the Port of Antwerp (2003 – 2008) ........................................ 84 Figure 10-11: Added value in the Port of Ghent (2003 – 2008) ........................................... 85 Figure 10-12: Total added value (2003 – 2008) ................................................................. 85 Figure 10-13: Employment at the Port of Ostend (2003 – 2008) ......................................... 86 Figure 10-14: Employment at the Port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2008) .................................... 86 Figure 10-15: Employment at the Port of Antwerp (2003 – 2008) ........................................ 87 Figure 10-16: Employment at the Port of Ghent (2003 – 2008) ........................................... 87 Figure 10-17: Total employment (2003 – 2008) ................................................................. 88 Figure 10-18: Location of the Tricolor incident ................................................................... 91 Figure 11-1: Touristic-recreative attractions ................................................................................... 94 Figure 11-2: Capacity (number of beds) per type of accommodation at the Belgian coast (2009) ...... 95 Figure 11-3: Long-stay tourism (in number of overnight stays) per type of accommodation at the Belgian coast (2009) ............................................................................................ 95 Figure 11-4: Direct expenditures from short- and long-stay tourism at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2007 – 2009)........................................................................ 96 Figure 11-5: Direct expenditures from short- and long-stay tourism at the Belgian coast per type of tourism (2009) ...................................................................................................... 96 Figure 11-6: Direct turnover from day tourism at the Belgian coast (%) (2009) ................................ 97 Figure 11-7: Evolution of the number of companies in the catering and retail industry at the Belgian coast (2004 - 2009) ....................................................................................... 99 Figure 11-8: Turnover of the catering and retail industry at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2004 - 2008) ............................................................................................. 100 Figure 11-9: Investments in the catering and retail industry at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2004 – 2008) ................................................................................... 100 Figure 11-10: Waste in kilogram per kilometre collected in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2004 – 2008) ................. 103 Figure 11-11: Type of waste (%) collected in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2008) ................................................ 104 Figure 12-1: Number of campaigns of R/V Belgica by theme (%) (2009 and 2010) ......................... 107 7 Figure 12-2: Number of campaigns and of planned and effective number of days by R/V Belgica (2010) ................................................................................................................ 107 Figure 12-3: Research by the Zeeleeuw (2009) ............................................................................ 108 Figure 12-4: Scientific monitoring by R/V Zeeleeuw (2001 – 2009) ................................................ 108 Figure 12-5: Tendered monitoring by R/V Zeeleeuw (2001 – 2009) ............................................... 109 Figure 12-6: Distribution of research potential in number of persons ............................................. 111 Figure 12-7: Share (%) of persons per discipline (universities) ...................................................... 112 Figure 12-8: Distribution of research potential in number of persons per discipline (universities) ..... 112 Figure 12-9: Military exercise zones in the BPNS ........................................................................... 114 Figure 12-10: The evolution of the use of Ready Duty Ships for fisheries surveillance (2001 – 2010) ......................................................................................................... 115 Figure 12-11: The evolution of the use of BNS Belgica for hydrographical research (2000 – 2010) ......................................................................................................... 115 Figure 12-12: The evolution of the use of military ships in MOST military training areas (2000 - 2010) .......................................................................................................... 116 Figure 12-13: 2010) The evolution of the use of ships from the naval component (2000 116 Figure 12-14: Ammunition dumping areas in the North Sea and in the North East Atlantic Ocean. ........................................................................................................ 117 Figure 12-15: The Paardenmarkt ..................................................................................... 118 Figure 12-16: Places of anchorage .................................................................................. 119 Figure 12-17: Communication cables, electricity export cables and gas pipelines ................ 120 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: How the Ecosystem service and Marine water approaches capture different aspects ...... 15 Table 2-2: Ecosystem goods and services (EGS) provided by the Belgian marine waters ................ 23 Table 2-3: Present uses of the Belgian marine waters classified according to the ecosystem goods and services (EGS) concept .............................................................................. 24 Table 2-4: Pressures on the Belgian marine environment ............................................................. 25 Table 5-1: Turnover per type of vessel (2008 - 2009) .................................................................. 38 Table 5-2: Average turnover per vessel (2008 – 2009) ................................................................. 39 8 Table 5-3: Added value (2008) ................................................................................................... 44 Table 5-6: Share of fuel consumption in turnover in terms of percentage (2007 – 2009) ................ 47 Table 5-7: Goals of the National Operational Programme ............................................................. 48 Table 5-8: Performed controls and number of charges (2001-2006).............................................. 50 Table 5-9: Submitted investment amounts per type of investment (2009) ..................................... 53 Table 5-10: Financial support from EFF to projects per measure (2009) .......................................... 55 Table 8-1: Overview of the future requested amount of marine aggregates (2010 – 2020) ............ 70 Table 10-1: MARPOL Annex VI fuel sulphur limits .......................................................................... 92 Table 11-1: Direct turnover from day tourism at the Belgian coast (2009)....................................... 97 Table 11-2: Evolution of the number of attractions with more than 5.000 visitors at the Belgian coast (2004-2009) ..................................................................................................... 98 Table 11-3 Evolution of the number of visitors of attractions with more than 5.000 visitors at the Belgian coast (2004-2009) ................................................................................... 98 Table 11-4: Results of a poll about which environmental factors are important choosing the holiday destination (UNEP, 2009) ............................................................................. 102 Table 11-5: Overview of cleaning actions and collected waste in four coastal communities (Oostende, Nieuwpoort, Bredene and De Panne) ....................................................... 102 Table 11-6: Collected marine litter (kg), distance (km) and number of volunteers in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2004 - 2008) ..................................................................................... 103 Table 11-7: Cost estimation of ‗Lenteprikkel‘ ............................................................................... 104 Table 12-1: Overview research potential (November 2009) .......................................................... 105 Table 13-1: Overview Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation ......................... 125 9 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and objectives In 2008 the European Union‘s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/EC) was implemented. The aim of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive is to more effectively protect the marine environment across Europe. Member States should achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in 2020 at the latest. In order to attain Good Environmental Status, each Member State – cooperating with other Member States and non-EU countries within a marine region - is required to develop strategies for their marine waters, considering the economic, social and regulatory situation of its users. The Directive integrates socio-economic analysis into this objective, requiring an Economic and Social Analysis (ESA) as part of the Initial Assessment due in July 2012. This Initial Assessment will provide a basis for developing programmes of measures to be implemented as from 2015. The ESA will support consideration of the socio-economic effects of choosing targets; cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-benefit analysis of measures; economic incentives to support GES; and exemptions where costs are disproportionate. Key requirements of the Directive includes an assessment of the current state of Belgian marine waters by July 2012, a detailed description of what Good Environmental Status means and associated targets and indicators by July 2012, the establishment of a monitoring programme to measure progress toward Good Environmental Status by July 2014 and the establishment of a programme of measures for achieving Good Environmental Status by 2016. The purpose of this report, according to Art. 8.1. (c) of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, is firstly to conduct an economic and social analysis of the use of Belgian marine waters, secondly analyse how this would evolve over time in the absence of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and finally assess the cost of degradation of the marine environment. The theoretical framework is discussed in chapters 1 to 4. Chapters 5 to 12 give an overview of the socio-economic assessment of the following sectors: commercial (sea) fisheries, mariculture, wind farms, aggregate extraction, dredging and dredged material disposal, commercial shipping, research and tourism. Chapter 13 presents a summary of activities related to the sea: military exercises, historical ammunition zones (the Paardenmarkt), anchorage area and places of refuge, wrecks and wrecks salvage, cables and pipelines. Chapter 14 deals with the legislation with regard to nature conservation. 1.2 Initial Assessment The Marine Strategic Framework Directive states explicit economic requirements: Preamble no. 24 […] ―an economic and social analysis of their use and of the cost of degradation of the marine environment.‖ Art. 8.1. ―In respect of each marine region or subregion, Member States shall make an Initial Assessment of their marine waters, taking into account existing data where available and comprising the following: 10 (c) an economic and social analysis of the use of those waters and of the cost of degradation of the marine environment.‖ So, the economic and social analysis of the Initial Assessment consists of two parts: 1. An economic and social analysis of the use of marine waters; 2. An economic and social analysis of the cost of degradation of the marine environment. The Initial Assessment should also include how the use of marine waters and its pressures will evolve over time – i.e. defining a Business As Usual scenario. The Initial Assessment must be carried out in a broader framework and in connection to other parts of Art 8.1. of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: (a) ―An analysis of the essential features and characteristics, and the current environmental status of those waters, based on the indicative list of elements set out in Table 1 of Annex III, and covering the physical and chemical features, the habitat types, the biological features and the hydro-morphology‖; (b) ―an analysis of the predominant pressures and impacts, including human activity, on the environmental status of those waters which: i. is based on the indicative lists of elements set out in Table 2 of Annex III, and covers the qualitative and quantitative mix of the various pressures, as well as discernible trends.‖ Figure 1-1 shows the components of the Initial Assessment and the further steps to be undertaken. 11 Figure 1-1: Illustration of linkages between requirements on economic and social analysis and other requirements by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) (European Commission, 2010, p. 9) 1.2.1 Socio-economic analysis of the use of the marine waters A socio-economic analysis aims to identify the impact on human welfare of a given policy. This includes economic as well as social aspects, and may include consideration of the distribution of these impacts across stakeholders 1. The impacts can be positive, where welfare is increased (i.e. benefits) or negative impacts which lead to a loss of welfare (i.e. costs). These impacts can be financial (i.e. loss of revenue), environmental (i.e. welfare loss due to environmental damage) and social (i.e. health or employment impacts). All impacts should be included in the assessment, even if the impacts can not be valued (i.e. recreational value of marine water). 1 (European Commission, 2010) 12 In particular the economic and social assessment should include: Costs and benefits for those sectors that financially benefit directly from the use of the marine waters (e.g. commercial (sea) fisheries, mariculture, the energy sector, the transport sector, the tourism sector); Costs and benefits for the users of the marine waters who do not benefit financially such as leisure-time fishermen, anglers, recreational yachtsmen etc; Costs and benefits for the non-users of the marine waters. However, it might be hard to carry out a full economic analysis due to data unavailability and a lack of time to perform valuation studies. So, as a subset of the economic analysis, a financial analysis can be conducted. A financial analysis of the users of marine waters (first bullet) shows the dependence of various sectors on the marine waters. The analysis is based on financial data such as turnover, gross added value and employment of sectors benefiting from the use of marine waters2. The socio-economic analysis of the use of marine waters is further analyzed in chapter 2. 1.2.2 Business As Usual scenario A baseline or Business As Usual (BAU) scenario describes the anticipated evolution in the environmental, social, economic and legislative situation in a marine environment over a certain time horizon in the absence of the policy under consideration (i.e. if the Marine Strategy Framework Directive is not implemented). The Business As Usual scenario is further discussed in chapter 3. 1.2.3 Socio-economic analysis of the cost of degradation of the marine environment The European Commission (2010) defines the cost of degradation as ―the welfare foregone, reflecting the reduction in the value of the ecosystem services provided compared to another state‖. The cost of degradation of the marine environment should be described in qualitative and, if possible, in quantitative terms. This subject is commented in Chapter 4. 1.3 DPSIR framework The DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact and Responses) framework can be considered as a useful tool in understanding the various steps of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Figure 1-2). 2 (European Commission DG Environment, 2010) 13 Driving forces Policy reponse Impact (welfare) Pressures State of the environment Figure 1-2: DPSIR framework ‗Driving forces‘ (e.g. economic activities that use marine waters), cause environmental ‗Pressures‘, directly or indirectly, on the marine environment. Pressures include e.g. oil spill, nutrient load, fishing activities. Those Pressures affect the ‗State‘ of the environment, e.g. deterioration of water quality, declining fish stocks, which ‗Impact‘ on human health and the value of ecosystem goods and services provided. Society can decide to ‗Respond‘ by acting on the Driving forces, Pressures, State of the environment or by implementing measures and incentives (i.e. policy instruments)3. 3 (European Commission, 2010) 14 2. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF MARINE WATERS The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that an economic and social analysis should be carried out, however, the Directive does not mention how the analysis should be performed in practice. The Guidance document of The European Commission4 describes two different approaches to perform the economic and social analysis: the ‗Ecosystem services approach‘ and the ‗Marine water accounts approach‘. However, it needs to be noted that several other approaches can be considered. The Ecosystem services approach starts by identifying the ecosystem services of marine waters, whereas the Marine water accounts approach identifies economic sectors using the marine waters. The Ecosystem services approach has a higher ambition level (and hence data requirements) as this approach takes into account use values as well as non-use values of the marine waters, whereas the Marine water accounts approach captures only direct use, making use of data available in national accounts. Due to a lack of data, time and resources, the Marine water accounts approach will be adopted in this report. However, in the long run, the aim is to apply the Ecosystem services approach. Table 2-1 shows the differences between both approaches. Table 2-1: How the Ecosystem service and Marine water approaches capture different aspects Identification Ecosystem services approach (ESA) / Marine water accounts approach (MWAA) Quantification Valuation ESA MWAA ESA MWAA ESA MWAA - Economic sectors x x x x x x - Other uses x x x Indirect use x x x Non-use x x x Direct use: (European Commission, 2010, p. 23) The European Commission‘s Guidance document explains that describing the values in a qualitative manner will be sufficient in many circumstances. However, it would be desirable to quantify or monetize degradation when data is available and sufficiently good. 4 (European Commission, 2010) 15 2.1 Ecosystem services approach The Ecosystem services approach starts by identifying the ecosystem services from the marine waters. After identifying the ecosystem services, those should be linked to the GES descriptors (Annex I Marine Strategy Framework Directive). Next, the change in benefits to human welfare (rather than the benefits per se), generated by these services, need to be valued. The benefits consist of use and non-use values, after which the benefits should be connected to different sectors (e.g. tourism, fishing). Use value includes direct use, indirect use and option value: Direct use value: individuals making actual or planned use of ecosystem services, including consumptive and non-consumptive use, e.g. fishing, walking on the beach. Indirect use value: the value of individuals benefitting from ecosystem services supported by a resource, rather than directly making use of it. These ecosystem services can not be noticed, only when they are damaged or lost, making the valuation difficult. Option value: the value of having the option to use directly or indirectly a resource in the future even if they are not current users. Non-use value has three components: Bequest value: the value of passing on ecosystem resource to future generations. Altruistic value: the value of ecosystem resource being available to others in the current generation. Existence value: the value of the existence of ecosystem resource, even without actual or planned use of it5. Non-use values are difficult to capture. According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2007, the non-use value of environmental assets may be considerable. Steps The Ecosystem services approach consists of following steps: 1. Identify ecosystem services of the marine areas in cooperation with the analysis of status (Art. 8.1 (a) MSFD) and the analysis of pressures and impacts (Art. 8.1 (b) MSFD); 2. Identify and if possible quantify and value the welfare derived from the ecosystem services using different methods to estimate the use and non-use values of these services; 3. Identify the drivers and pressures affecting the ecosystem services. 5 (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2007) 16 2.2 Marine water accounts approach The Marine water accounts approach is based on experiences of the Water Framework Directive (NAMWA). As this approach is based on internationally agreed definitions and methods, it is possible to compare the data internationally. Steps The Marine water accounts approach consists of following steps: 1. Identify and describe the region of interest (i.e. the Belgian Part of the North Sea BNPS); 2. Identify and describe the economic sectors using marine waters; 3. Identify and, if possible, quantify the economic benefits derived from the economic sector‘s use of marine waters in terms of production value, intermediate consumption, value added, number of employees and compensation of employees; 4. Identify and, if possible, quantify impacts generated by these sectors. In this report, step 1 to step 3 will be taken into account. Step 4 will be carried out by the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES). Step 1: Identification of the region of interest: the Belgian part of the North Sea The Belgian part of the sub-region North Sea (BPNS) has a coastline of approximately 66 km and a surface of about 3454 km². The Belgian maritime zones are measured from a normal baseline, which is the mean low-low water line along the coast. The BPNS is legally divided in five maritime zones within the jurisdiction of the coastal states: territorial seas, contiguous zones, continental shelves, exclusive economic zones, and fishery zones (ARCADIS, 2010). Territorial sea: that part of the sea which is adjacent to the land territory and internal waters of the coastal states, up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles from the baselines. Contiguous zone: a zone adjacent to the territorial sea, extending no further than 24 nautical miles from the baselines. Continental shelf: beyond the territorial seas in the North Sea, each coastal state is entitled to a continental shelf, which is the natural extension of the land territory. This right does not depend on occupation or any express proclamation. The continental shelf comprises the seabed and the subsoil of the submarine areas up to the outer edge of the continental margin or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baseline, where the outer edge of the continental margin does not extend that far. Division of the continental shelf in the North Sea between the coastal states is a result of delimitation agreements concluded in the mid-sixties and early seventies. Later agreements complement or alter former delimitation agreements as a result of the decision of the International Court of Justice in the North Sea Continental Shelf Case of 20 February 1969 (Germany vs. Denmark and the Netherlands). In the nineties, Belgium concluded delimitation agreements with France, the UK, and the Netherlands. 17 Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, coastal states are entitled to an exclusive economic zone extending no further than 200 nautical miles from the baselines. In contrast to the continental shelf, an exclusive economic zone must be explicitly proclaimed or installed by the coastal state and includes, besides the seabed and its subsoil (or with other words the continental Shelf), the waters super-adjacent to the seabed. The boundaries of the exclusive economic zones in the North Sea coincide with the boundaries of the continental shelves. Belgium, France, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany have proclaimed an exclusive economic zone in the North Sea. Fishery zones: in the late seventies the fishery zones of the North Sea were extended to 200 nautical miles, as requested by the Council of the European Community. The boundaries of the North Sea fishery zones are set by existing agreements as to the limits of the continental shelves. The fishing rights within the EEZ are the competence of the EU, and are managed through the ‗Common Fisheries Policy‘. The access to the territorial waters (12Nm-zones) is also managed through the CFP. Member States can take non-discriminatory measures in their territorial waters to protect the conservation and management of the fish stocks and to minimise the effect of fishery on the conservation of the marine ecosystem as long as these measures are compatible with the objectives of the CFP and are not less stringent than those in existing Union legislation. Member States have full competence for control and compliance of fishery activities in their own EEZ. According to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Belgian marine waters consist of the territorial sea and the Exclusive Economic Zone, existing of the waters above the seabed, the seabed itself and its subsoil (the latter two coinciding with the continental shelf). The intertidal waters, as part of the coastal waters, should also be covered by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, in so far as particular aspects of the environmental status of the marine environment are not already addressed through the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) or other Community legislation, so as to ensure complementarity while avoiding unnecessary overlaps (conf. MSFD, preambule no. 12). The Belgian marine waters, together with the marine waters of Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom, are an integral part of the subregion Greater North Sea, being a part of the marine region ‗North-east Atlantic Ocean‘ as defined under Article 4 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 6. 6 (ARCADIS, 2010) 18 Figure 2-1: Belgian part of the North Sea (Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer, 2011) Step 2: Identification and description of sectors using marine waters The Belgian part of the North Sea is intensively used by different sectors, affecting the marine environment ( Figure 2-2). The following economic activities / sectors have been identified as ‗driving forces‘ by ARCADIS (2010), using in a direct manner the Belgian marine waters and giving rise to significant pressures on those waters. These sectors are taken into account in this report: I. Economic activities: Commercial (sea) fisheries; Mariculture: the cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats; Wind farms; Aggregate extraction: the exploitation of sand in the Belgian marine waters; 19 II. III. Commercial shipping; Dredging and dredged material disposal: in order to maintain access routes to the Belgian coastal ports and the depth of coastal ports; Tourism Activities / functions related to the sea: Research: consists of monitoring natural conditions of the Belgian marine waters and the impact of other uses on the BPNS as ecosystem and of fundamental research; Cables and pipelines: cables used for telecommunication or for transport of electricity onshore (and gas and oil pipelines); Historical military ammunition zone: munitions dumped at the Paardenmarkt; Military exercises; Anchorage area and places of refuge; Activities considering the sea as a ‗sink‘: IV. Wrecks and wreck salvage: ship wrecks, other vessel wrecks and sunk loads spread along the entire Belgian part of the North Sea as a consequence of shipping accidents and other disasters at sea and their removal; Other: The legislative and regulatory framework with regard to nature conservation (all coastal and marine areas that have received a protection status). Following sectors / activities / functions related to the sea are further not taken into account in this report, but do put pressure on the Belgian waters: Water recreation: including non-motorised and motorised recreation, and angling at sea; Coastal defence: combination of natural elements, technical constructions and ecological sound measures to protect the Belgian shoreline against natural coastal processes like erosion and flooding; Radar and measuring pillars: in order to monitor shipping traffic and hydrometeorological conditions; Land-based sources: marine pollution brought in via rivers or direct discharges of pollutants from activities carried out on land. Bathing; Sport fishing; Other recreational activities linked to the marine areas; 20 Figure 2-2: Educational and research activities linked to the marine areas. Multifunctional use of the Belgian part of the North Sea (MUMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011) Step 3: Identification and quantification of the economic benefits of using marine waters The socio-economic situation of the economic sectors is defined by following socio-economic indicators: 21 Turnover; Gross added value: the net gain in terms of the contribution of industries to the gross national product (GDP); Employment. These financial indicators (turnover, gross added value and employment) give an indication of the socio-economic importance that different sectors attach to the use of marine waters. Besides, other important indicators are taken into account, such as the production of wind energy, the amount of fish caught, etc. 2.3 The link between the Marine water accounts approach and ecosystem services To ensure environmental decision making is sustainable, efficient and equitable it is essential that all social, economic and environmental impacts of a development are identified and measured. The need for this holistic approach is increasingly apparent in environmental policy and is implicit in the ‗ecosystem approach‘. This approach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. The term ‗ecosystem approach‘ was first applied in a policy context at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, where it was adopted as an underpinning concept of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It now plays an integral part in the implementation of the European Marine Strategy Directive, and one method of ensuring this integration of social, economic and environmental demands and pressures, is to utilize the concept of ecosystem goods and services. Goods and services are defined as ‗the direct and indirect benefits people obtain from ecosystems‘. Describing this series of ecosystem functions enables a true understanding of exactly what is being gained and lost when exploitation and development takes place 7. The goods and services approach is a reductionist method, but the benefits arising from marine biodiversity are entirely dependent on the state of the whole ecosystem. The sum of the parts of the system is less than the value of the whole system, and the different goods and services provided are intrinsically connected. The exploitation of specific services can have negative, positive or neutral impacts on the other services. It should be remembered that all these different components are inter-dependent, and that the provision of goods and services is merely a consequence of living organisms natural functioning. Implementation of the European Marine Strategy Directive should deliver an improved understanding and management of pressures and impacts arising from human activity and ultimately result in a reduction in undesirable impacts on the marine environment. This should lead to improved resilience of marine ecosystems to counteract natural and human induced changes whilst ensuring the sustainable use of ecosystem goods and services. However, it is recognised that there is a significant gap between theoretical ideals and what can practically be done in the short-term to meet the Marine Strategy Framework Directive‘s 2012 deadlines. For example, data are generally lacking on non-economic uses, non-use values, correlations between drivers, pressures and state and their spatial scale. Member States will therefore need to focus on making best use of the available data in order to account for marine uses and cost of degradation for the purposes of their Initial Assessment, whilst working towards more comprehensive coverage over the longer term. This will 7 (Beaumount et al., 2007) 22 inevitably mean using a mix of quantitative and qualitative data, employing expert opinion and being transparent about levels of certainty and confidence in the assessment. The degradation of the marine environment affects its ecosystem goods and service provision. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment defines ecosystem goods and services as the benefits people derive from ecosystems. The term of ecosystem services is important because it conveys the idea that ecosystems are valuable for society; ecosystems contribute to human welfare. Many of the ecosystem services like the provision of food, the enjoyment of the scenery, etc. are quite obvious. Others are much less obvious and imply a thorough understanding of ecosystems functioning. Knowledge about ecosystem services, among which the impact of human action on ecosystem service provision, is still incomplete as their complexity is still little understood in many instances 8. Table 2-2: Ecosystem goods and services (EGS) provided by the Belgian marine waters EGS Category Marine EGS provided Provisioning services i.e. products obtained from ecosystems Regulating services i.e. benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes Cultural services i.e. non-material benefits that people obtain through spiritual enrichment, cognitive development, recreation, etc. Supporting services i.e. necessary for the production of all other ecosystem services Food e.g. capture fisheries, aquaculture, wild foods Water from desalinization Wind, wave and tide energy Mineral (oil and gas, sand and gravel) Genetic resources Biochemicals, natural medicines, pharmaceuticals Maritime transport routes Submarine cable communications Military areas Air quality regulation e.g. oxygen production, carbon sequestration Climate regulation e.g. heat transport, sea/air interaction Water purification and treatment e.g. mitigation of euthrophication, regulation of hazardous substances Disease and pest regulation Natural hazard regulation e.g. storms, floods Bioremediation of waste i.e. removal of pollutants through storage, dilution, transformation and burial Cultural heritage i.e. value on the maintenance of important landscapes and species Recreation and ecotourism Contribution to science and education Aesthetic values e.g. enjoyment of scenery Religious and spiritual values Inspiration for art, folklore, architecture, etc. Primary production Nutrient cycling Water cycling Maintenance of food web dynamics Maintenance of biodiversity Maintenance of habitat Maintenance of resilience (ARCADIS, 2010) 8 (De Groot et al., 2002; NRC, 2004 and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005) 23 The present uses of the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) have been identified and classified according to the identified ecosystem goods and services (EGS) provided by the Belgian marine waters (Table 2-2). Table 2-3 describes only the direct relationship (dependence) between the user and the EGS. All use functions are directly related to either a provisioning or a cultural service. It is however obvious that the different uses will also influence (negatively or positively) other EGS (including regulating and supporting services) affecting in this way other marine uses. The latter is considered when dealing with the pressures on the marine environment. Table 2-3: Present uses of the Belgian marine waters classified according to the ecosystem goods and services (EGS) concept EGS Category Marine EGS provided Food Socio-economic use BPNS Commercial fisheries Mariculture Recreational fisheries e.g. angling at sea Provisioning services Wind, wave and tide energy Wind farms Minerals (sand & gravel) Aggregate extraction Commercial shipping Anchorage areas & places of refuge Wrecks & wreck salvage Dredging Cables & pipelines Military use (historical military ammunition zones, military exercises e.g. shooting, sweeping of mines) Coastal defence infrastructures Radar & weather masts Marine transport routes Submarine cable communications Military areas Other space provision Water recreation (nonmotorised, motorised) Beach recreation Contribution to science and education Research/monitoring Cultural heritage Nature conservation Others like cultural heritage, aesthetic values General public Recreation and ecotourism Cultural services (ARCADIS, 2010) All uses and activities are actually driven by economic and/or social motives, except maybe ‗nature conservation‘. However, even though the added value or employment of the latter may not be derived from the national accounts, nature areas, and more specifically the marine protected areas, have a specific place in the Belgian marine waters. Nature 24 conservation serves a broader social goal; it contributes amongst others to biodiversity conservation and facilitates nature experience. Some of the uses can be further broken down by activity (i.e. beam trawling for fisheries) and activity phase (only relevant for ‗Wind farms‘ and ‗Infrastructures‘) (construction, exploitation, dismantling). In some cases one should also make special reference to the interaction (cumulative, synergetic, etc.) of the uses on specific locations (because of the specific qualities and sensitivities of certain zones). This detailed classification constitutes the basis for the development of an impact matrix which links the relative importance of the pressures to the qualitative descriptors of GES (see Table 2-4). As data are not available to quantify all of the EGS, their assessment is likely to be biased towards those goods and services that are more data rich, such as food provision and recreation. There is a risk of assuming no data equates to no benefit. Limited knowledge should not, however, be used as an excuse to delay the implementation of the ecosystem approach. Therefore we applied this first qualitative approach, and we intend to develop a more detailed and quantitative coverage over the longer term. Table 2-4: Pressures on the Belgian marine environment Impact category Impact (State) Physical loss Physical damage Physical Other physical disturbance Interference with hydrological processes Pressure Small-scale spatial disturbance by smothering (e.g. by man-made structures, disposal of dredged material spoil) Small-scale spatial disturbance by sealing (e.g. by permanent constructions) Changes in siltation (e.g. by outfalls, increased runoff, dredging/disposal of dredged material spoil) Abrasion (e.g. impact on the seabed of commercial fishing, boating, anchoring); Selective extraction (e.g. exploration and exploitation of living and non-living resources on seabed and subsoil) Underwater noise: Increase of the level or amount of sound in the marine environment beyond its natural range (e.g. from shipping, underwater acoustic equipment) Marine litter: introduction of all types of garbage and solid waste Change in turbidity or the extent to which light penetrates the water column (e.g. by extraction activities) Changes in hydrodynamics, direction and magnitude of waves and/ or currents (e.g. from wind energy foundations) Seascape: visual disturbance Significant changes in thermal regime (natural temperature range) (e.g. by outfalls from power stations) Significant changes in salinity regime (e.g. by constructions impeding water movements, water abstraction) 25 Impact category Impact (State) Pressure Contamination by hazardous substances Chemical Systematic and/or intentional release of substances Nutrient and organic matter enrichment (eutrophication) Introduction of other substances, whether solid, liquid or gas, in marine waters, resulting from their systematic and/or intentional release into the marine environment, as permitted in accordance with other Community legislation and/or international conventions Inputs of fertilisers and other nitrogen — and phosphorus-rich substances (e.g. from point and diffuse sources, including agriculture, aquaculture, atmospheric deposition) Inputs of organic matter (e.g. sewers, mariculture, riverine inputs) Ecological Biological disturbance Introduction of synthetic compounds (e.g. priority substances under Directive 2000/60/EC which are relevant for the marine environment such as pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals, resulting, for example, from losses from diffuse sources; pollution by ships, atmospheric deposition and biologically active substances); Introduction of non-synthetic substances and compounds (e.g. heavy metals, hydrocarbons, resulting, for example, from pollution by ships and oil, gas and mineral exploration and exploitation, atmospheric deposition, riverine inputs); Introduction of radio-nuclides Selective extraction of species including incidental non-target catches (e.g. by commercial or recreational fishing) Introduction of non-indigenous species and translocations: species that do not occur naturally or historically (exotic species) Introduction of microbial pathogens: diseaseproducing organisms, either from terrestrial or marine sources (ARCADIS, 2010) 26 3. BUSINESS AS USUAL SCENARIO 3.1 Objective The Business As Usual or baseline scenario aims to provide projections of how the marine environment might evolve over time, given potential trends in the uses of marine waters and existing legislative and regulatory framework. The Business As Usual (BAU) scenario plays a significant role in defining the cost of degradation (chapter 4) and setting measures to achieve Good Environmental Status. 3.2 Steps 1. Identify the Member States uses of marine waters, and provide a projection as to how these uses could change over time; 2. Identify the Pressures that these uses of marine waters create, and provide a projection of how these could develop over time, also taking into account other pressures, e.g. regional pressures; 3. Identify relevant legislation, measures and voluntary agreements (at the international, EU, Regional Seas, and Member State levels) that could have an influence on the development of pressures over time; 4. Identify changes in the state of the marine environment that could result from changes and developments of pressures, over the time period considered by the Initial Assessment9. 3.3 The projected development of marine uses This socio-economic study focuses only on the first step: project how uses of marine waters might develop and evolve in 2020, the date when Good Environmental Status should be achieved. The data is qualitative – per sector a list of characteristics that influence the use of the marine waters - and is quantified where possible. In a later stage, an assessment should be made, taking into account the effect of marine uses on individual GES descriptors and how this might affect the marine environment. A workshop10 has been held in order to receive stakeholder opinion about how sectors might develop and evolve towards 2020. In this report, important drivers of development have been identified for each sector. Besides, for some sectors a bottom-up approach has been adopted as the development is directed by legislative and regulatory framework, governing the uses of the marine waters, in particular: Wind farms: the future development is known as an environmental permit and a domain concession need to be attributed in order to be able to operate; 9 (European Commission, 2010) 10 24 May 2011 (VLIZ, Oostende) 27 Aggregate extraction: the future development is known as an environmental permit and a concession need to be attributed in order to be able to operate; Dredging and dredged material disposal: dumping permits need to be granted; Commercial (sea) fisheries: the future development is determined by the Common Fisheries Policy and National Strategy and Operational Programme (2007 – 2013), setting particular restrictions on total allowable catches, the number of sailing days, etcetera. 28 4. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE COST OF DEGRADATION OF MARINE WATERS 4.1 Cost of degradation Determining the cost of degradation implies analyzing the difference in ecosystem services provided in two states (gap analysis), i.e. the difference between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive scenario, resulting in Good Environmental Status, and the baseline scenario (without measures to achieve Good Environmental Status). Figure 4-1 shows a simplified illustration of the cost of degradation in the period 2010 - 2020, equal to the shaded triangle. However, it will be hard assessing the cost of degradation over a period of time, so specific points in time will need to be considered. In order to address uncertainty about possible future developments, various Business As Usual and Marine Strategy Framework Directive scenarios should be defined and compared. This can be done via a sensitivity analysis for instance. However, this is not taken into account in this report. Figure 4-1: Simplified illustration of the cost of degradation (European Commission DG Environment, 2010, p. 25) The Guidance document of the European Commission describes three different approaches to assess the cost of degradation of the marine environment: the ‗Ecosystem Service Approach‘, the ‗Thematic Approach‘ and the ‗Cost-based Approach‘. Belgium has carried out a variance based on the ‗Thematic approach‘. 4.2 Thematic Approach The Thematic approach analyses the present costs, expenses and benefits related to the degradation of the marine environment. This includes accounting costs which refer to current expenditures on measures for environmental protection and environmental prevention; abatement costs and transaction costs, as well as opportunity costs that relate to the loss of benefits for activities that suffer from environmental degradation 11. 11 (European Commission, 2010) 29 According to the thematic approach of France, the cost of degradation consists of four types of costs: 1. Opportunity costs (benefits principle): Loss of benefits associated with the lack of resources for biodiversity conservation or ecosystem services degradation; 2. Mitigation costs (avoidance principle): aimed at protecting human population against negative effects of environmental degradation; 3. Costs related to positive action in favour of the environment, including prevention costs: specific investments to improve biodiversity (e.g. ecosystem restoration, technology changes); 4. Transaction costs: aimed at improving coordination levels (e.g. data collection on biodiversity state and interactions with human activities, monitoring, control, communication). Costs related to Information gathering, scientific monitoring, time of negotiation, implementation of rules and rights, control and respect of these rules. The cost analysis is performed per degradation theme (8): Marine litter: a collective term for any persistent, manufactured or processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment. Micropollutants. Microbial pathogens. Oil spills and illegal discharge of hydrocarbons. Eutrophication. Deterioration of fished or exploited biological resources. Loss of biodiversity, of seabed integrity; food web degradation. Degradation caused by introduction of energy into the environment, or by alterations to the hydrographical regime. 4.3 Belgian approach Belgium has organized an expert workshop 12 in order to identify the actual costs of marine degradation incurred per sector. The results of the expert opinion have been integrated for every sector. The cost of degradation consists of four cost categories: 1. Prevention costs: prevention of degradation of ecosystem services and costs linked to restoration. The costs are related to (1) the prevention of degradation of ecosystem services, (2) fiscal measures, (3) incentives inducing a better management of the environment and (4) volume measures; 2. Mitigation costs: avoidance expenses for in impact linked to the loss of ecosystem service. The costs are related to curative measures, in case of marine degradation ex post; 12 12 May 2011, Ostend (VLIZ) 30 3. Governance costs: expenses related to information, scientific monitoring and organisation; 4. Opportunity costs: loss of benefits associated with the lack of resources for biodiversity conservation or ecosystem services degradation. In this stage, a total economic value assessment can not be carried out. The Thematic approach can be considered as pragmatic. It takes into account the different costs related to the current degradation of the marine environment, with the aim to get an exhaustive view of socio-economic impacts of environmental degradation, not to aggregate all the monetary values. In this report the actual costs of the measures have been identified, leading to the actual environmental status. In order to estimate the total cost of marine degradation additional ‗restoration costs‘ need to be taken into account as well, so the Good Environmental Status can be achieved. These total costs will only be encountered if the environmental value is larger than the costs (Figure 4-2)13. Figure 4-2: 13 Belgian approach to the cost of degradation It needs to be noted that this illustration is inserted for comprehensive purposes and does not reflect reality. 31 5. COMMERCIAL (SEA) FISHERIES Three important annotations need to be made. First, it needs to be noted that the Belgian fishery sector is situated in a large extend outside the Belgian Continental Shelf. Only a small part of the Belgian sea fishery – i.e. coastal fishing - is located in the Belgian part of the North Sea. This means that the socio-economic data (supra) does not cover the BPNS and so are not representative for the BPNS. Second, other fisheries (i.e. French and Dutch), exploiting the Belgian part of the North Sea, are not included in the study as no data is available. Finally, the study only analyses commercial fishing, making abstraction of recreative fishing – despite the increasing practice and related issues. 5.1 Sector description Belgian fishing territory The Belgian fishing territory covers 3.478 km², from which 1.430 km² Territorial Sea. Fishing grounds are historically dispersed as well as remotely located: the North Sea, English Channel, Bay of Biscay, Western Waters, Celtic and Irish Sea. The fishing territory is remotely located from Belgian harbours. Belgian vessels have exclusive fishing rights in the Belgian Territorial Sea between the baseline and 3 nautical miles. According to the BENELUX-treaty Dutch vessels have the same rights. In the zone between 3 and 12 n.m. in the Belgian Territorial Sea, Dutch vessels are allowed to fish all kinds of fish, whereas French vessels only are allowed to catch herring. This treaty allows Belgian vessels to fish unrestricted in the Dutch Territorial Sea. Beyond 12 n.m the principle of equal access fully applies with respect to other member States. Third States have no fishing rights in this zone, unless the European Community gives permission. Evolution of the Belgian fishing fleet The Belgian fishing fleet is divided into two sub fleets, based on the engine power of the vessels: 1. A small fleet segment (SFS) with a maximum engine power of 221 kW (300pk), comprises: Coastal vessels which mostly make trips of less than 24 hours, commanded by on average 3 crew members; Eurocutters are vessels built specifically to fish in the 12-miles zone (since 1981) and equipped with a beam trawl. They have a maximum overall length of 24m. These vessels are highly modern and flexible, allowing to redirect their activities on short term – i.e. fishing on other target species or on other fishing grounds; Other small vessels which are not a coastal vessel or eurocutter. 2. A large fleet segment (LFS) with an engine power higher than 221 kW (300pk) comprises: Large beam trawlers fishing with the beam trawl and an engine power of 662 kW or more; Other large vessels with an engine power between 221kw and 662kw. 32 Number of vessels and capacity Figure 5-1 represents the evolution of the Belgian fleet. The number of vessels has plummeted by 400 % from over 450 vessels in 1950 to 89 vessels in 2009. The capacity – expressed in engine power (kW) and Gross Tonnage (GT) 14 – allows showing particular patterns. In the period 1950 – 1970 the number of vessels fell by 27 %, while capacity increased – by 40 % kW and 15 % GT, implying that smaller vessels exited the fleet, while larger vessels entered the fleet. This pattern is confirmed in Figure 5-2. In ‘70 – ‘80 the number of vessels plummeted by 35 %, the total engine power fell by 15 % and the total GT by 32 %. Since 1980 until ‗90 the market recovered, with capacity peaking in 1991. Since, the number of vessels fell by 55 % to 89 in 2009. The capacity as well plummeted by 28 %, expressed in kW, and Gross Tonnage by 59 %. The decrease in the last decennium is a result of the Multiannual Orientation Plan (MOP), offering a premium in order to reduce the fleet. The MOPs are established by the European Union and try to direct the decrease of the fishing effort. This resulted in the scrapping of 21 vessels in 2004 and 9 vessels in 2006. Another factor resulting in the fall of number of vessels is the merging of capacities (kW). Figure 5-2 shows a significant increase of capacity, as the average Gross Tonnage increased by 80 % and the engine power by 78 % between 1950 and 2000. Since, the average engine power increased by 14 % and the average gross tonnage remained stable at circa 185. 90.000 500 80.000 60.000 Capacity 400 66.494 65.965 62.915 65.422 350 60.620 51.590 50.000 40.000 30.000 31.185 200 26.341 21.122 25.498 24.281 22.584 150 16.048 20.000 10.000 0 100 50 457 415 332 208 201 155 127 130 131 126 121 120 107 102 100 89 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 vessels Figure 5-1: 300 250 44.426 Vessels 70.000 450 77.102 74.160 GT 0 kW Evolution of the Belgian fleet: number of vessels and capacity (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009) 14 Until 1970 vessel tonnage was expressed in Bruto Tonnage (BRT) instead of Gross Tonnage. Since 1999 all vessels are expressed in Gross Tonnage. 33 700 600 511 606 563 542 580 Capacity 500 384 400 300 223 200 134 97 100 94 70 58 102 127 190 189 182 149 180 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 average GT per vessel Figure 5-2: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 average kW per vessel Average capacity per vessel in kW and GT (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009) Composition of the Belgian fishing fleet A distinction can be made between active fishing methods (beam and otter trawls) and passive fishing techniques (gillnets, entangling nets, hooks, lines and traps). Belgian fisheries are essentially (85 %) beam trawling in terms of landing volume and value (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009). In 2009 the Belgian sea fishing fleet included 89 vessels: 47 vessels in the small fleet segment and 42 vessels in the large fleet segment. Compared to 2008, a reduction of 11 vessels can be noted, as 13 vessels left the fleet and two vessels entered the fleet. Seven large beam trawlers have been scrapped, and 4 vessels went bankrupt, reducing total capacity to 51.590 kW and 16.048 GT. Figure 5-3 shows the average age of the Belgian fleet in 2000 – 2009. In this period 38 vessels left the Belgian fleet, which has aged by 4 years and 4 months to 22 years and 4 months. 140 25 100 21,5 20,8 19,7 19,3 18,8 18,6 18,3 21,5 20 15 80 60 127 130 131 126 121 120 107 102 40 100 10 89 Age of the fleet Number of vessels 120 22,3 22,3 5 20 0 0 31/12/'00 31/12/'01 31/12/'02 31/12/'03 31/12/'04 31/12/'05 31/12/'06 31/12/'07 31/12/'08 31/12/'09 Number of vessels Average age of the fleet Figure 5-3: Evolution of the average age of the Belgian fleet (2000 – 2009) (FIVA, 2009, p. 50) 34 Fish prices Fish prices in Belgian harbors Figure 5-4 shows the evolution of the fish prices in Belgian harbors in 1991-2009 of cod, plaice, sole, shrimp and the average fish price. The average fish price has increased from 2,62 €/kg in 1991 to 3,72 €/kg in 2009. Soles are one of the most expensive fish species and have increased the most from ca. 6 €/kg to 9,17 €/kg. However, a significant reduction can be noticed since 2006, when prices peaked at 11,56 €/kg. Cod prices increased as well from ca. 2 €/kg to ca. 3 €/kg. The price of plaice decreased to 1,31 €/kg, as well as the price of shrimps by ca. 60% to 2,77 €/kg. Figure 5-4: Fish prices in Belgian harbors (1991 - 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 36) Fish prices in foreign harbors Figure 5-5 shows the evolution of the average fish price in Belgian and foreign harbours in 1950-2009. The average fish price is since 1980 on average ca. 19 % higher in Belgian harbours than in foreign harbours. Despite a dip in 2004, at 3,72 €/kg in Belgian harbours and 3,0 €/kg in foreign harbours, the graph shows increasing prices until 2006, at 4,54 €/kg in Belgian harbours and at 3,94 €/kg in foreign harbours. Since, prices in Belgian harbours have plummeted to 3,72 €/kg, the same level as in 2004. The price in foreign harbours is in 2009 2,82 €/kg, or 32 % lower than in Belgian harbours. 35 5 4,54 4,5 4 3,52 €/kg 3,5 3,94 2,62 3 2,5 3,44 2,63 2,59 2 2,11 1,5 1 0,5 0,2 0 '50 '55 '60 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Belgian harbors Figure 5-5: Foreign harbors Average fish price in Belgian and foreign harbours (1950 - 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 37) Fish landings Figure 5-6 gives an overview of the annual fish landings of Belgian sea vessels to Belgian harbours and to foreign harbours. Since ‘55 the total supply of fish plummeted from 72.000 ton to 26.000 ton in 2000, corresponding to a decrease of 64 %. The amount of landings is still decreasing to less than 20.000 ton in 2009. Reasons are decreasing quota, decreasing profitability, decreasing number of vessels and increasing operating costs. 80.000 72.428 70.000 60.000 53.848 55.197 46.628 50.000 39.942 40.000 32.250 30.000 27.125 26.467 20.000 26.976 23.607 21.793 19.175 10.000 0 '50 '55 '60 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Belgian harbors Figure 5-6: Foreign harbors Fish landings of Belgian vessels (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 10) Figure 5-7 shows the share (%) of fish landings to Belgian and to foreign harbours, compared to the total fish landings. The overall share of fish landings is offered to Belgian harbours, with an average of 81 %. In the period 1950 – 2000 a significant increase in fish landings to foreign harbours can be noted from 0 % to 34 % in 2000. Since the share has decreased to 11 % in 2005. However, an increase can be noted to 17 % in 2009. The Netherlands are the major market, with 2.783 ton in 2009, or 86 % of total landings of 36 Belgian vessels in foreign harbours. France and Great-Britain are two upcoming markets, as a result of selective fishing on scallops15 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 20% 14% 10% 0% 34% 34% 30% 18% 22% 26% 12% 17% 1% '50 '55 '60 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Belgian harbors Figure 5-7: Foreign harbors Share of fish landings to Belgian and foreign harbours in terms of percentage (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 10) 5.2 Turnover This chapter gives an overview of the turnover in the Belgian fisheries sector. In particular the total turnover, turnover per sailing day, average turnover per vessel type and per sailing day, share of Belgian and foreign harbours are analyzed. In addition, the turnover in relation to the production (ton) of the fish processing industry is examined. As mentioned in the introduction, these figures exceed the borders of the Belgian Continental Shelf. Only a fraction (mainly coastal fisheries) concerns the BPNS. Total turnover Total turnover peaked in 2006 with 81,7 million €. Since, turnover is decreasing. The total turnover in 2009 was 59,2 million € or a decrease by 11 % compared to 2008. The average turnover per sailing day shows the same pattern. In 2006, the average turnover per sailing day was 4.550 € and since decreased by ca. 14 % to 3.920 €. 15 (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 12) 37 90.000 81.694 80.266 75.479 80.000 66.599 59.200 60.000 x 1.000€ 71.390 67.956 70.000 52.613 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 '86 Figure 5-8: '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Turnover (1986-2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 52) 5.000 4.550 4.500 3.920 3.728 4.000 3.500 2.860 3.000 2.472 2.500 1.972 1.804 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 '86 Figure 5-9: '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Turnover per sailing day (1986-2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 52) Turnover per type of vessel Table 5-1: Turnover per type of vessel (2008 - 2009) 2008 2009 Difference (%) Small fleet segment Coastal vessels (≤ 221 kW) € 575.678 € 434.634 - 32,5 € 320.329 € 282.657 - 13,3 Eurocutters (≤ 221 kW) € 728.887 € 625.785 - 16,5 Other (≤ 221 kW) - € 135.874 - € 1.236.534 € 1.110.945 - 11,3 € 1.277.774 € 1.256.675 - 1,7 € 576.696 € 403.114 - 43,1 Large fleet segment Large beam trawlers (> 662 kW) Other (> 221 kW) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009) Table 5-1 shows the average turnover per vessel in 2008 and 2009. Significant differences can be noted between the small and large fleet segment, as well in the segments themselves. The turnover of vessels in the large fleet segment was in 2009 150 % higher 38 compared to the vessels in the small fleet segment. The turnover in 2009 decreased significantly compared to 2008. Vessels in the small fleet segment generated in 2009 an average turnover of 434.634 € or a decrease of 32,5 %, compared to 2008. The turnover of vessels in the large fleet segment decreased by 11,3 % to 1.110.945 € in 2009, compared to 2008. Table 5-3 presents the average turnover per vessel per sailing day in 2008 and 2009. The table shows as well significant differences between the small and large fleet segments and in the fleet segments themselves. The average turnover per sailing day of vessels in the small fleet segment was in 2009 2.618 €. The turnover of eurocutters (≤ 221 kW) amounted 3.401 € or almost double the turnover of coastal vessels (≤ 221 kW). Compared to 2008, the average turnover decreased by 24,9 %. The average turnover per sailing day of vessels in the large fleet segment is almost double the turnover of vessels in the small fleet segment, corresponding to 4.960 €. The average turnover decreased by 9,3 % in 2009, compared to 2008. Table 5-2: Average turnover per vessel (2008 – 2009) 2008 2009 Difference (%) Small fleet segment Coastal vessels (≤ 221 kW) € 575.678 € 434.634 - 32,5 € 320.329 € 282.657 - 13,3 Eurocutters (≤ 221 kW) € 728.887 € 625.785 - 16,5 Other (≤ 221 kW) - € 135.874 - € 1.236.534 € 1.110.945 - 11,3 € 1.277.774 € 1.256.675 - 1,7 € 576.696 € 403.114 - 43,1 Large fleet segment Large beam trawlers (> 662 kW) Other (> 221 kW) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009) € 1.400.000 € 1.200.000 € 1.000.000 € 800.000 € 600.000 € 400.000 € 200.000 €0 Small fleet segment Coastal vessels Eurocutters (≤ (≤ 221 kW) 221 kW) 2008 Other (≤ 221 kW) Large fleet segment Large beam Other (> 221 trawlers (> 662 kW) kW) 2009 Figure 5-10: Average turnover per vessel (2008 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009) 39 Coastal vessels Figure 5-11 gives an overview of the turnover (red line) and the operating profit before (blue bar) and after taxes (green bar). Coastal vessels (≤ 221 kW) are vessels sailing less than 24 hours per voyage, on average 160 days per year. The crew consists of 2 to 3 persons. In 2008 the results were based on 9 vessels (out of 23). The average profit per sailing day in 2008 was 2.002 €, or an increase of 2 % compared to 2007. The total turnover was 320.000 €. The net profit before taxes was in 2008 16.969 €. Figure 5-11: Turnover and operating profit coastal vessels (1990 – 2008) (FIVA, 2009, p. 62) 40 Eurocutters Eurocutters (≤ 221 kW; > 70 GT) are polyvalent vessels, built to fish in the 12-miles zone and equipped with a beam trawl. Eurocutters sail on average 185 days per year. The results of 2008 are based on 15 vessels (out of 20). The average turnover in 2008 was 728.887 € or 3.940 € per sailing day. Figure 5-12: Turnover and operating profit Eurocutters (1990 - 2008) (FIVA, 2009, p. 63) 41 Large beam trawlers Beam trawlers (> 662 kW) mainly catch sole and plaice. The results in 2008 are based on 32 vessels (out of 46). The average turnover in 2008 was 1,28 million €, corresponding to an average loss of 65.000 €. Figure 5-13: Turnover and operating profit large beam trawlers (1990 - 2008) (FIVA, 2009, p. 64) Turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours Figure 5-14 gives an overview of the turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours, whereas Figure 5-15 represents its share (%) in 1950-2009. In 2009 85 % of the turnover was established in Belgian harbours: Zeebrugge accounted for ca. 54 % and Ostend for ca. 43 %. This corresponds to a decrease by 5 %, compared to 2008. The Netherlands contributed in 2009 for 8,2 million €, ca. 90 % of the turnover in foreign harbours. 42 90.000 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 '50 '55 '60 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Belgian harbors Foreign harbors Figure 5-14: Turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 23) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% '50 '55 '60 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 Belgian harbors Foreign harbors Figure 5-15: Turnover in Belgian and foreign harbours in terms of percentage (1950 – 2009) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 23) Fish processing industry The fish processing industry processes marine fish (i.e. salmon, crab,…) or freshwater fish (i.e. trout) for human consumption. In 2005 ca. 260 companies were active: 5 large enterprises, 20 small and medium-sized enterprises and 235 small and micro-sized enterprises16. Figure 5-16 shows the production (ton) and the turnover in the Belgian fish processing industry in 2000-2007. The turnover has continuously increased from 349 million € in 2000 to 420 million € in 2007, corresponding to an increase of 20 %. 16 16 (Visserijfonds, p. 14) 43 € 450.000 70.000 € 400.000 68.000 € 350.000 66.000 64.000 62.000 € 250.000 60.000 € 200.000 Ton x 1.000 € € 300.000 58.000 € 150.000 56.000 € 100.000 54.000 € 50.000 52.000 €0 50.000 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 Figure 5-16: Production and turnover in the Belgian fish processing industry (2000 - 2007) (Europese Visserijfonds) 5.3 Added value The gross added value of the fisheries sector – in terms of production - accounts for 0,04 % of the Gross National Product, whereas in the agricultural sector it equals 1,9 %17. According to the financial statements of 138 companies, collected by the National Bank of Belgium, the added value in 2008 was 24,6 million €. 110 companies generated a positive added value, whereas 28 companies did not. Table 5-3: Added value (2008) Added value (excl. VAT) Number of companies € 26.034.000 110 - € 1.409.000 28 (Own elaboration based on financial sheets (DE05: Visserij en het kweken van vis en schaal- en schelpdieren 2008) of the National Bank of Belgium) 5.4 Employment data Employment in the Belgian fishery can be divided into two segments: the fishing industry and the fish processing industry. The Belgian fishery employs on average 2.500 people. Derived activities employ ca. 5.000 people. In 2007 1.350 people worked in the fish processing industry, from which 70 % are laborers and 30 % employees. 82 % of the employment is located in Flanders and 18 % in Wallonia. 52 % of the workplace is taken in by men, whereas 48 % by women18. 17 (Visserijfonds, p. 4) 18 (Europese Visserijfonds, p. 49) 44 Figure 5-17: Employment data (2001 – 2007) 1.600 1.438 1.415 1.507 1.406 1.400 1.329 1.373 1.350 1.200 960 1.000 800 600 709 719 657 623 400 666 879 623 859 771 720 591 481 450 2006 2007 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Fishermen approved by the Joint Committee (full -time employed) Fleet Fish processing industry (Europese Visserijfonds, p. 6) 5.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector The evolution of the Belgian fishing industry depends on various factors, such as climate change, fuel prices, society, the economic situation, the Belgian policy and foreign competition. Climate change: ecosystem shift Due to climate change several fish species are migrating to the North, towards higher ICESregions. As the temperature of the North Sea is rising, certain species (i.e. shrimp and cod) will decrease, while other warm water species will manifest. Moreover, overfishing is restraining the recovery of the marine ecosystem, trying to process the consequences of temperature rises. It is possible that poor fish stocks will not be able to restore, while other species will take over. Economic situation Increasing operating costs are threatening the economic existence of all active vessels. According to Decloedt (2006) Belgian fisheries are no longer profitable. Moreover, Decloedt states that the sector has liquidity and solvability problems. Fuel price Fuel price (and consumption) is an important share in the total cost, determining the profitability. Unlike other economies, fisheries are unable to recoup increasing costs in selling prices, as prices are established by the market (as a result of demand and supply). Fuel consumption is determined by the size and type of the vessel, as well as by the fishing technique. Large beam trawlers consume 4.500 – 6.000 liter per 24 hours, while eurocutters 1.800 liter and coastal vessels 600 liter. In 2009 fuel consumption accounted for 20 % of the turnover of vessels in the small fleet segment and 28 % in case of large beam trawlers. In 2008 the share was respectively 30 % 45 and 42 % - Table 5-419. This trend corresponds to the evolution of average gas oil prices, represented in Figure 5-18Fout! Verwijzingsbron niet gevonden.. Figure 5-19 shows that the fuel cost per kg landed fish has risen by 100 % over 5 years (2003 -2007). Figure 5-18: Average gas oil prices for sea fishing (2005 – 2009) 0,70 0,60 0,63 €/liter 0,50 0,40 0,43 0,48 0,48 0,41 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Average fuel prices of sea fishing (Zeevisserij, Vlaamse overheid - Departement Landbouw en visserij - Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid -, 2009) 3,5 3,5 3 3,02 3,15 2,95 3 2,97 3,0 2,5 2 1,71 1,36 1,5 1 0,78 1,43 2 1,5 0,91 euro Liter 2,5 1 0,5 0,5 0 0 2003 2004 2005 Fuel consumption per kg of fish 2006 2007 Fuel cost per kg landed fish Figure 5-19: Average fuel consumption per kg landed fish (2003-2007) (Europese Visserijfonds) 19 (Zeevisserij, Vlaamse overheid - Departement Landbouw en visserij - Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid -, 2009) 46 Table 5-4: Share of fuel consumption in turnover in terms of percentage (2007 – 2009) Small fleet segment 2007 2008 2009 22,71% 29,51% 19,82% Coastal vessels (≤ 221 kW) 22,01% 27,34% 19,76% Eurocutters (≤ 221 kW) 29,87% 29,88% 19,90% Other (≤ 221 kW) - - 18,15% 31,27% 41,85% 27,12% Large beam trawlers (> 662 kW) 31,29% 42,35% 27,89% Other (> 221 kW) 30,59% 23,92% 15,40% Large fleet segment (Zeevisserij, Vlaamse overheid - Departement Landbouw en visserij - Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid -, 2009, p. 27) Society Social pressure for more selective fishery and fishing techniques is increasing, affecting the actors in the fishery sector. Changing (fish) consumption patterns do influence fish prices. Fish can be considered as a luxury product: demand increases more than proportionally when income rises. This would lead to a new equilibrium, with a higher level of demand and supply. On the fishing market however, supply is restricted due to quota and will hence lead to higher fish prices. The Common Fisheries Policy The Belgian fleet is submitted to the European policy. The Common Fishery Policy is a policy of the European Union, designed to achieve a sustainable European fishing industry in collaboration with EU countries. The policy was established in 1983 and was revised in 2002. The revision in 2002 aims a sustainable development of fisheries in an ecological, economic and social way. The EU has designed a number of conservation measures, categorized in: 1. Total Allowable Catches (TAC): restriction of the maximum amount of fish permitted to be caught; 2. Technical measures: i.e. minimum size of fish landing, limitations of by-catch, minimum mesh openings, etc.; 3. Limitation of the fishing effort: restriction of the number of fishing days; 4. Fleet management: determination of the number and type of vessels and setting of reference levels20. Total Allowable Catches (TAC) Each year, Total Allowable Catches for the following year are decided by the Council of Fisheries Ministers. The Council‘s decision is determined by scientific advice of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and in many cases fishermen from the Member States through the Regional Advisory Committees (RACs). Figure 5-20 represents the evolution of the Belgian quota in 1996 – 2010. Fishing quota are generally decreasing, as a result of slinking fish stocks due to overfishing. In this period the quota of cods have been reduced by 76 %, to 1.200 ton, plaice by 32 % to 4.500 ton and 20 (ir. Jan Adriansens , 2009) 47 sol by 20 % to 3.560 ton. The quota of herring has remained stable at 7.100 ton, despite a peak in 2002 – 2007 at 9.700 ton and the quota of sea devil has increased by 46 % to 3.600 ton. A new set of quotas will be applied soon. 12.000 10.000 Ton 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 '96 '97 '98 '99 Cod '00 '01 Sol '02 '03 Plaice '04 Herring '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 Sea devil Figure 5-20: Evolution of Belgian quota of some fish species in ton (1996 – 2010) (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, pp. 93-96) National Strategy and Operational Programme 2007-2013 The European Fisheries Fund provides financial support to facilitate the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. In order to receive support from the European Fisheries Fund, Member States had to draw up a national strategy and an operational programme. Belgium aims at reforming the fisheries sector in a sustainable manner by differentiating and innovating. Table 5-5 gives an overview of the goals of the Belgian Operational Plan in 2015. Table 5-5: Goals of the National Operational Programme Indicator 2009 2015 Difference Capacity in GT 16.048 15.000 - 1.048 or - 6,5 % Capacity in kW Number of sailing days with a beam trawl for the entire fleet Number of sailing days with vessels other than beam trawls 51.590 47.000 - 4.490 or - 8,9 % 10.60121 11.020 + 419 or + 3,9 % 7.021 9.072 + 2051 or + 29,2 % +80 +80 Employment (Europese Visserijfonds, p. 76) and (Vlaamse Overheid, Departement Landbouw en Visserij, Afdeling Landbouw- en Visserijbeleid, Zeevisserij, 2009, p. 60) Foreign competition Foreign competition is an important factor, as fish prices from foreign harbors are lower than in the Belgian market (Figure 5-5). The Belgian fisheries sector is searching for new markets and added value activities22. 21 This number reflects the number of sailing days of the entire LFS . The number of large beam trawls (>662 kW) is 9.617. 22 (Europese Visserijfonds) 48 5.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Following costs are encountered in order to mitigate and prevent (further) degradation of the marine environment, with regard to the fisheries and mariculture sector: ‗Fishing for litter‘, Inspection of fisheries activities, Monitoring, Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) 23, European Fisheries Fund (EFF). Discharge and disposal of wastes from ships including sewage and litter: „Fishing for litter‟ The aim of the original Dutch project - launched in 2005 - was to clear the North Sea from litter by bringing ashore the litter that is trawled up as part of fishing activities and disposing of it on land. This is achieved by providing large hard wearing bags to the boats so that the waste can be easily collected and deposited on the quayside. Fishers received 10 € per ‗big bag‘. In 2007, the Fishing-for-Litter contract with the port of Ostend was financed with 30.000 € by the Federal public service Public Health (Dienst Marien Milieu DG Leefmilieu). Inspection of fisheries activities Fisheries rules and control systems are agreed on at EU level, but implemented by the member states through their national authorities and inspectors. The Marine Fisheries Service of the Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Division (located in Oostende) disposes of an inspection cell, which carries out inspections and coordinates several control authorities. The Marine Fisheries Service has made an agreement with other partners: the Navy component from Defence surveils fisheries activities (see Figure 12-10), while DAB Vloot provides vessels and the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) carries out air control. Table 5-6 gives an overview of the conducted inspections and charges in 20012006. In 2009, 117 days (74 days with the Navy, 37 days with DAB Vloot and 6 days autonomously) of inspection at sea were conducted, 121 complete inspections of fisheries vessels and ca. 150 inspections of sports fisheries vessels. In addition, 37 flights were performed. At land, 46 inspections were carried out in the harbour, subjecting 147 vessels to a complete inspection. Finally, 12 inspections directed to beach fisheries were fulfilled.24 23 In 2008 the European program Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) has been replaced by a new program, European Fisheries Fund (EFF). The EFF-program has effectively started in Belgium in 2009. 24 (Vlaamse overheid - Beleidsdomein Landbouw en Visserij, 2009) 49 Table 5-6: Performed controls and number of charges (2001-2006) Land Sea Air Charges 2001 Number of inspections 92 Number of days 63 Number of boardings 91 Number of flights 36 Number of hours 38 2002 96 88 159 45 38.5 49 2003 84 44 84 45 40 59 2004 55 68 78 43 40 53 2005 83 85 151 48 40 34 2006 68 82 163 43 40 34 Number 63 The costs of inspections are: Navy ships: the operational costs are ca. 11.000 € per day (born by the Navy); Zeehond and DAB Vloot: 703 € per hour (born by DAB Vloot); Air control (arrangement with MUMM): 67.000 € per year (born by the Marine Fisheries Service of the Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Division). Controls are carried out at every point in the chain from the boat to the retailer. Information must be provided that the fish was caught legally. Monitoring and control take place through following modern technologies: The electronic reporting system (ERS) is used to record fishing activities data (e.g. catches, landings, sales) and to report them to fisheries authorities in the Member States. The system is compulsory for vessels above 15 m (as from 1 January 2012 – vessels above 12 m). It replaces paper logbooks and is therefore often referred to as an electronic logbook or ―e-logbook‖. It also replaces sales notes. The vessel monitoring system (VMS) is a satellite-based fishing vessel monitoring system providing data to the fisheries authorities at regular intervals on the location, course and speed of vessels. The system is compulsory for EU vessels above 15 m (as from 1 January 2012 – vessels above 12 m)25. Monitoring by ILVO The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO) is a Flemish Scientific Institute. As such, it belongs to the Flemish Government's Agriculture and Fisheries Policy Area. ILVO‘s mission is to perform and coordinate policy-supportive scientific research and to provide related services with an eye towards economically, ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture and fisheries26. ILVO aims at researching and providing advice on fisheries biology and management, aquaculture on land and at sea, technical fishery research, the quality of the marine environment and its resources, and technological aspects of fisheries and aquaculture products. Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance and European Fisheries Fund Some important remarks need to be made. First, as the Belgian fishery sector is situated in a large extend outside the Belgian Continental Shelf, subventions will also have an effect 25 (European Commission - Fisheries, 2011) 26 (ILVO, 2011) 50 outside Belgian waters. Second, the effect of subventions to Dutch and French fisheries is not taken into account. Third, not all EFF and FIFG subventions are relevant as not all subventions aim reducing the degradation of marine waters, but can be considered as investments increasing fisheries‘ revenues. As some subventions will contribute to higher revenues, offsetting the costs, those subventions can not be recorded either. This means that only a fraction of the subventions needs to be counted as prevention or mitigation measure. FIFG: Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance The Regulation on the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) sets out the policy priorities and the terms of assistance for the fisheries and aquaculture sector for the period 2000-2006. The FIFG is designed to help achieve the aims of the Common Fisheries Policy by providing structural assistance. It thus strengthens the competitiveness of the operating structures and the development of economically viable enterprises. The aim of the FIFG is to contribute to achieving the objectives of the common fisheries policy. It supports structural measures in fisheries, aquaculture and the processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products. In this way it promotes the restructuring of the sector by putting in place the right conditions for its development and modernisation. Objectives The aims of the FIFG's structural measures are to: - contribute to achieving a balance between fisheries resources and their exploitation; - strengthen the competitiveness of operating structures and the development of economically viable enterprises in the sector; - improve market supply and the value added to fishery and aquaculture products; - contribute to revitalising areas dependent on fisheries and aquaculture. Scope This Regulation grants FIFG support to the following in line with the FIFG's overall objectives: - fleet renewal and modernization of fishing vessels; - adjustment of fishing effort; - joint enterprises; - small-scale coastal fisheries; - socio-economic measures; - protection of marine resources in coastal waters; - aquaculture; - fishing port facilities; - processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products; - seeking new outlets for such products; - operations by members of the trade; 51 - innovative actions, in particular those of a transnational nature and involving the networking of operators and areas dependent on the sector. - technical assistance. Financial support Figure 5-21 gives an overview of the evolution (1998-2009) of the number of FIFGapplications. The number of applications has rocketed in 1999, immediately followed by a relapse. Since 2002 the number of applications has stabilized around 15-20 per year. In 2009 the number of applications has increased, due to the scrapping period and the increased support to 60 % (as a result of the fuel regulation of July 24 2008). Figure 5-21: Evolution of the number of FIFG-applications (1998 - 2009) (FIVA, 2009) Figure 5-22 shows the evolution (1998-2009) of FIFG-funding. In 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2009 FIFG granted support with regard to scrapping actions. Since 2006 FIFG as well supports projects related to fisheries (regarding wind mills, CORVIS, Advis II, etc.). All this explains the increased funding since 2006. 52 4.000 3.477 3.500 x 1.000 euro 2.895 2.866 3.000 2.971 2.268 2.500 2.000 1.687 2.163 2.230 2008 2009 1.483 1.500 1.000 2.759 845 500 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Figure 5-22: Evolution of FIFG-funding (1998 - 2009) Own elaboration based on (FIVA, 2009) Situation in 2009 In 2009, 38 reports have been submitted, equal to 17.275.604,52 € (Table 5-7). Table 5-7: Submitted investment amounts per type of investment (2009) Number of submitted projects Submitted investment amounts/ scrapping premium Modernisation of vessels 27 9.344.259,67 Purchase of a workshop 1 173.290,85 Collective actions 1 90.464,00 Scrapping of vessels Total (FIVA, 2009) 9 7.667.590,00 38 17.275.604,52 Following projects have been allocated in 2009: - Modernisation of vessels: 16 - Purchase of a workshop: 1 - Scrapping of vessels: 9 - Collective actions: 4 - Funding of additional interests: 2 The total amount of FIFG-funding in 2009 was equal to 2.230.094,14 €. Taking into consideration the annotations made in the introduction, not all funding should be taken into account. The modernization of vessels and the purchase of a workshop can not be considered as a subvention in favour of biodiversity. European Fisheries Fund The EFF is the new instrument for fisheries programming under the Financial Perspective for the EU for the 2007 - 2013 period, replacing the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG). 53 This Regulation establishes a new European Fisheries Fund (EFF) for the period 2007-2013. It sets the Fund's objectives and priorities plus the responsibilities under it and the financial framework. It also sets out the arrangements for programming, managing monitoring and following up the EFF. The new Fund provides financial assistance to help implement the 2002 reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and to support the restructuring that has become necessary as the sector has developed. The European Fisheries Fund (EFF) shall contribute to realizing the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objectives, which specifically consist of ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. In order to achieve this, the Fund shall provide financial support aimed at: - ensure the long-term future of fishing activities and the sustainable use of fishery resources; - reduce pressure on stocks by matching EU fleet capacity to available; - promote the sustainable development of inland fishing; - help boost economically viable enterprises in the fisheries sector and make operating structures more competitive; - foster the protection of the environment and the conservation of marine resources; - encourage sustainable development and improve the quality of life in areas with an active fishing industry; - promote equality between women and men active in the fisheries sector. Priorities The EFF provides for five priorities: 1. Measures to adapt the EU fishing fleet: financial assistance can be granted to fishermen and fishing vessel owners affected by the measures taken to combat overfishing or to protect public health to help them temporarily or permanently lay up fishing vessels and to train, re-skill and provide early retirement to fishermen. Vessels that are permanently laid up, in addition to those already due for scrapping, may be reused for other non-fishing activities or for the creation of artificial reefs. The EFF may contribute to improving working conditions, the quality of products, energy yield and catch selectivity. It may also contribute towards replacing engines, providing non-renewable compensation to fishermen affected by permanent cessation of fishing activities and for premiums for young fishermen to buy their first fishing vessel. However, financial assistance may in no circumstances lead to an increase in the catch capacity or the power of the fishing vessel's engine. 2. Aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing: the EFF promotes the purchase and use of gear and methods that reduce the impact of aquaculture production on the environment and improve the quality of produce and conditions in terms of human and animal health. Assistance will be limited to micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as certain large enterprises with less than 750 employees or whose turnover is less than EUR 200 million. Priority is nevertheless given to micro and small Enterprises. 3. Collective action: certain collective action could receive aid from the EFF on the condition that they contribute to the sustainable development or conservation of resources, to improving the services offered by fishing ports, to strengthening 54 markets in fishery products and to promoting partnerships between scientists and operators in the fisheries sector. 4. Sustainable development of fishing areas: the EFF supports measures and initiatives aimed at diversifying and strengthening economic development in areas affected by the decline in fishing activities. 5. Technical assistance: the Fund may finance initiatives involving preparations, monitoring, administrative and technical support, evaluation, audit and checks needed to implement this Regulation. Financial support The EFF has originally contributed 26,26 million € to Belgium. In 2009, 39 projects have received EFF-funding, equal to 7.924.870,23 €, corresponding to 30,18 % of the total budget for 2007-2013. The total eligible costs are 13.233.618,83 €. The majority or 5.731.285,95 € was attributed to the scrapping of vessels (measure 1.1.), as a result of the re-organisation of the fishing fleet, according to the EU-regulation nr. 744/2008. Nine vessels were scrapped, from which 2 were replaced by two smaller vessels. Under measure 1.3 ―investments on board and selectivity‖ 16 reports received EFF-funding, equal to 1.256.118,78 €. Priority 3 ―collective actions‖ received 892.391,07 €. Finally, 6 reports with regard to ―technical assistance‖ (priority 5) were approved, receiving 45.074,43 €. Table 5-8: Financial support from EFF to projects per measure (2009) Number of submitted reports 1. Measures for the adaptation of the fishing fleet Measure 1.1. full or partial scrapping Measure 1.3. Investments on board and selectivity 3. Measures of collective importance Measure 3.1. Collective actions Measure 3.2. Protection and development of aquatic biota Measure 3.3. Fishing harbours, places of landing and anchor Measure 3.4. Development of new markets and promotion campaigns 5. Technical assistance Total Budget for 2007-2013 (€) 7.561.648 Allocated budget 2009 (€) Eligible costs (€) 6.987.404,73 11.258.179,12 9 5.731.285,95 7.614.429,29 16 1.256.118,78 3.643.749,83 892.391,07 1.885.290,85 2 172.250,00 344.500,00 1 36.391,07 173.290,85 3 566.500,00 1.133.000,00 2 117.250,00 234.500,00 6 45.074,43 90.148,86 7.924.870,23 13.233.618,83 9.488.352 39 26.261.648 (FIVA, 2009) Taking into consideration the annotations made in the introduction, not all funding can be taken into account. 55 6. MARICULTURE 6.1 Sector description Mariculture is the cultivation of marine organisms under controlled circumstances in their natural habitats. Mariculture in Belgium can be considered as modest and small-scale. As the Belgian North Sea does not dispose of bays, estuaries, etc. and the coast line is used for recreative purposes and taken in by nature habitats and ports, the cultivation opportunities are restricted. Mariculture in Belgium is restricted to the cultivation of mussels. The technique used for mussel cultivation is the suspended cultivation, using ropes attached in cages in sea. In 2005, a permit was granted by ministerial decree for the production of bivalve molluscs in the four zones of the North Sea (see Figure 6-1). In the period 2006-2009 SDVO (Stichting voor Duurzame Visserijontwikkeling) started the off-shore suspended cultivation of mussels, with financial support from the Belgian government, European support by FIOV/FIVA and scientific assistance from ILVO. The objective was the commercialization of the Belgian suspended cultivation of mussels. Figure 6-1: Assigned zone for mussel cultivation (MUMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011) 56 6.2 Factors influencing the future development of the sector Due to significant progress concerning cultivating techniques, selection and genetics, the Flemish Government aims to start projects in the mariculture sector. The projects concern mussel cultivation in Nieuwpoort and near wind mills (Thornton bank,…), the cultivation of soles and the promotion of more intensive production methods and diversification 27. According to the National Strategic and Operational Programme 2007-2013, 2 mariculture companies can be established, producing 1.500 ton per year, creating 20 job opportunities. Finally, it needs to be noted that the cultivation offers an alternative for fishermen who left the traditional fishery sector. 6.3 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures EFF or FIFG have not contributed to the mariculture sector in 2009. 27 (Visserijfonds, p. 20) 57 7. WIND FARMS 7.1 Sector description C-Power and Belwind are operational, having received a domain concession and an environmental permit. Northwind (former Eldepasco) obtained as well a domain concession and an environmental permit, but is not operational yet (2013). Two other companies, Norther and Rental obtained a concession, but still have to apply for an environmental permit. Figure 7-1 gives an overview of the projects within the designated zone. C-Power is located on the Thornton bank, 27 km off shore, covering a surface of 18 km². In 2009, 6 turbines of 5,15 MW became operational. In the summer of 2013, in addition 48 Repower turbines of 6,15 MW or 295 MW will be installed. The total capacity of 54 turbines will be 325 MW, corresponding to 10 % of the total capacity needed in order to attain the target of 13 % energy production from renewable energy sources by 2020 (supra). The annual energy production will be 986,1 GWH or approximately 1 TWh. The total investment cost of the project is 1,289 billion €. The European Commission has granted a financial support of 10 million €. Belwind is built on Blighbank, 46 km off shore, covering a surface of 35,4 km². Phase 1 of Belwind consists of 55 turbines of 3 MW, generating 165 MW. Belwind (phase 1) is operational since December 2010. Phase 1 produces 0,55 TWh per year, providing electricity to 175.000 households. The project aims to build 110 wind turbines, offering a total capacity of 330 MW. The wind farm will produce 1,05 TWh per year, offering electricity to 350.000 households. Belwind provides 4,7 % (phase 1) and Belwind will provide after finalizing phase 2 9,4 % of the target that 13 % of the energy production should come from renewable energy sources by 2020. The investment cost of phase 1 was 614 million €. 58 Figure 7-1: 7.2 Wind turbine zones and electricity export cables Turnover Only C-Power and Belwind are operational. Profit of C-Power was 52.014 € in 2008 and increased to 150.399 € in 2009. Turnover of Belwind was in 2008 13.455.460 €, increasing by ca. 250 % to 46.589.951 € in 2009. 7.3 Factors influencing the future development of the sector Policy towards sustainability In 1998, Belgium committed in the ―burden sharing‖ treaty to decrease 5 greenhouse gasses by 7,5 % in 2008 – 2012, compared to the emission level in 1990. In order to achieve the targets, the Federal Plan in Sustainable Development has been drawn up, stating that in 59 2010 3 % of the energy needs to come from renewable energy sources. Flanders opted to gain energy by wind, using offshore wind turbines. In 2008 the European Commission set for Belgium a target of 13 % energy production from renewable energy sources by 2020. Legislative and regulatory framework Every project needs to receive an environmental permit as well as a domain concession for the proposed project area, according to the law on the protection of the marine environment and two Royal Decrees. The Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) makes an environmental impact assessment (EIA), based on the environmental impact study (EIS), submitted by the applicant. Based on the EIA and on the results of the public consultation, the MUMM advises the federal Minister responsible for the marine environment, who decides whether the environmental permit should be granted. Requests for the domain concession are submitted to the CREG (Commission for the Regulation of the Electricity and the Gas), advising the Minister of Energy. The concession is not valid until the environmental permit is granted. There is also a permit procedure for the installation of the cables (Royal Decree 12 March 2002). Requests are submitted to the FPS for Economic Affairs, who advises the Minister of Energy. The Royal Decree of 17 May 2004 assigned a zone for the production of electricity in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Three companies, C-Power, Belwind and Northwind received a domain concession and an environmental permit. Two other companies, Norther and Rental obtained a concession, but still have to apply for an environmental permit. In May 2009 six gravity based foundation wind turbines from C-Power on the Thornton Bank became operational. In December 2010 the first Belwind phase was operational as well. Northwind will be built on the ―Lodewijkbank‖, 38 km off shore, covering a surface of 14,5 km². The project will be operational by the end of 2013. Northwind will consist of 72 wind turbines, producing 216 MW and generating 216 MW for 250.000 households. Rentel will consist of 48 wind turbines of 6 MW, corresponding to a total capacity of 288 MW. The project will be able to procure electricity to 265.000 households. Norther will produce 1.135 GWh, offering electricity to 330.000 households. The construction will start in 2014 the soonest. The investment cost is 1,2 billion €. Future developments The area for renewable energy is 2.100 km². Considering that the designated area would be converted to a wind farm with a capacity density of 10 MW/km², this would result in an installed wind energy capacity of 21 GW. However, the current electricity network can not process more than 0,5 GW. This means that the electricity grid would need to be expanded and amplified28. Technological evolution: more efficient turbines Technological evolution has increased the capacity of the wind turbines and the cables, making the investment more efficient and more profitable. More efficient turbines make it possible to install less wind turbines. C-Power e.g. has decreased its number of wind turbines from 60 to 54, as a result of wind turbines with a higher capacity. 28 (Simoen & Jacobsen, 2009) 60 Electric point at sea („Stopcontact op zee‟) An ‗electric point‘ at sea gives the possibility to use less cables to land (instead of one cable per wind park), offering environmental and economic benefits. North Sea Offshore Grid The North Sea Offshore Grid, officially the North Seas Countries Offshore Grid Initiative (NSCOGI), is a collaboration between EU member states and Norway to create an integrated offshore energy grid which links wind farms and other renewable energy sources across the northern seas of Europe. Financial support: renewable energy certificates Producers of renewable energy have the opportunity to receive renewable energy certificates from the Flemish Regulator of the Electricity and Gas market (VREG). The certificates represent 1.000 kWh renewable energy. Producers of renewable energy sources can choose to sell renewable energy certificates to the electricity operator ELIA for a legally required minimum price: - 107 €/MWh for electricity, gained from installations as a part of a domain concession and for the production until 216 MW of the installed capacity; - 90 €/MWh for electricity, gained from installations as a part of a domain concession and for the production above 216 MW of the installed capacity. 7.4 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Two types of costs have been identified: Environmental Impact Assessment Costs related to the Environmental Impact Assessment are born by the private sector. Costs of dismantling After the concession period the concession site needs to be restored to its original state. So the wind turbines need to be dismantled, discarded and recycled. The cables need to be removed and the foundation piles cut off at a depth of 3 meters. The cost of dismantling equals 4 % of the total cost (including investment, exploitation, maintenance and revision costs)29. 29 (Simoen & Jacobsen, 2009) 61 8. AGGREGATE EXTRACTION 8.1 Sector description Extracted sand is used for three purposes, construction (concrete), as beach supplements to suppress erosion of the Belgian coast and for land reclamation. Figure 8-12 shows the quantity extracted sand for coastal defence purposes and beach supplements in 2010. Sand extraction - and to a lesser extent gravel extraction - is carried out in the Belgian Continental Shelf. According to the law of June 13, 1969, amended by the law of January 20, 1999 and the law of April 22, 1999, the exploration and exploitation of sand and gravel is restricted to certain areas. Four control zones have been defined, divided into sectors, for which a concession can be granted (see Figure 8.1): Sectors 1a (Thorntonbank), 2c and 3a are all year long open for exploitation, Sector 1b (Gootebank) is open for exploitation in March, April and May, Sectors 2a and 2b are open for exploitation alternately for a period of 3 years (Kwintebank, Buiten Ratel and Oost Dyck), Sector 3b is closed for extraction, as long as the sector remains a dumping site for dredging material, Sectors 4a, 4b, 4c and 4d are all year long open for exploitation, In the framework of exceptional projects, concessions can be granted outside the existing control zones. Continentaal Plat from the federal public service Economy is responsible for a sustainable management of sand and gravel extraction on the Belgian Continental shelf. Permits need to be obtained in order to exploit sand and gravel, by submitting a concession demand and an Environmental Impact Study (EIS). The concession demand needs to be directed to the public service Continentaal Plat, who is responsible for the treatment of concession demands. Meanwhile, the EIS needs to be handed in by the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM), who makes an evaluation of the activity on the marine environment. MUMM transmits an EIA to the Minister of marine environment, which informs the Minister of Economic Affairs of his legally binding decision. Extraction activities as well as the environmental consequences are monitored. In order to determine whether the conditions of the concession are respected, each vessel needs to be equipped with a black box, and registers need to be filled in. The monitoring is performed by the public service Continentaal Plat, in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries research ILVO and MUMM. 62 Figure 8-1: Extraction zones (FOD Economie – Dienst Continentaal Plat) Figure 8-2 shows the evolution of aggregate extraction in the BNPS. As a result of the depletion of existing sand quarries on land, an increasing amount of sea sand is noticed. Moreover, the increase is due to a growing interest and demand in sand and gravel, as its varied usage purposes. Compared to other European countries, the extraction of marine aggregates is rather modest. In 1976 29.000 m³ sand and gravel was extracted, increasing to ca. 2 million m³ in 2009. Until 1988 extraction was constant at ca. 0,5 million m³, increasing steadily since. In 1997 almost 3,9 million m³ was extracted, due to the installation of new gas pipelines Interconnector and NorFra in the BPNS. The peak in 1991 was also due to the construction of submarine pipelines for gas. 63 3,86 4,00 3,50 3,00 2,27 2,18 1,96 2,50 2,00 1,50 1,40 1,38 0,58 0,58 0,48 Figure 8-2: 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 0,03 1976 0,00 1,44 1,22 1,00 0,50 1,92 1,75 1977 Extracted volume in millions of m³ 4,50 Aggregate extraction in Belgian marine waters (1976 – 2010) (FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy – Quality and Safety – Quality and Innovation – Continental Shelf) 8.2 Turnover Following figures are dated, covering the period 1998 – 2002. However, according to Zeegra 30 , the sector has remained stable. In the period 2002-2010, two new terminals were established in Ostend. Nevertheless, this did not lead to an increase in aggregate extraction, as it can be considered as a shift. Figure 8-3 gives an overview of the turnover of 19 companies in 1998 – 2002. In 2002 turnover was ca. 265 million €. In this period turnover grew by 45,4 %. 63 % of the companies realized a turnover of more than 10 million € (Figure 8-4). Turnover (x 1.000 euro) 300.000 250.000 200.000 219.658 241.092 251.065 264.931 182.163 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Turnover (x 1.000 euro) Figure 8-3: Turnover (1998 – 2002) (Zeegra, 2004, p. 14) 30 (Zeegra, Luc Van De Kerckhove) 64 2.500.000 - 5.000.000 14% 18% 5.000.000 - 10.000.000 10.000.000 - 15.000.000 18% 13% 15.000.000 - 20.000.000 14% > 20.000.000 23% NA Figure 8-4: Number of companies, divided per turnover category (2002) (Zeegra, 2004, p. 14) 8.3 Added value Added value is realized through: - concession rights, - mooring and embankment dues, per ton, - excise duties on fuel, - VAT-revenues and fees31. Figure 8-5 shows the added value in 1998 – 2002 from 22 companies. In 2002 added value was 31,2 million €, or an increase of 74,4 % compared to 1998. 31 (Zeegra vzw, 2002) 65 Added value (x 1.000 euro) 35.000 30.000 31.088 31.872 31.245 2000 2001 2002 26.611 25.000 20.000 17.919 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 1998 1999 Figure 8-5: Added value (1998 – 2002) (Zeegra, 2004) 8.4 Employment Aggregate extraction generates direct employment as well as indirect employment, such as subcontractors, transporters, crew ships, pilotage, customs, shipment repair and the building sector32. Figure 8-6 shows that employment has risen by 18,5 % from 249 employees in 1998 to 295 in 2002. In 2008 the majority (39 %) was employed in East-Flanders, 26 % in West-Flanders and 27 % in Antwerp. By 2002, there was a shift to West-Flanders with 39 %, while the employment in East-Flanders decreased to 26 %, and Antwerp stayed stable at 28 %. Figure 8-7 and Figure 8-8 illustrate the number of companies and of employees in 2004. 90% 284 289 300 289 295 80% 280 70% 270 60% 50% 40% 290 260 249 250 30% 240 20% 230 10% 0% Number of employees 100% 220 1998 East-Flanders 1999 West-Flanders 2000 Antwerp 2001 Limburg 2002 Flemish Brabant Figure 8-6: Employment per province (1998 – 2002) Own elaboration based on (Zeegra, 2004) 32 (Zeegra vzw, 2002) 66 Figure 8-7: Companies per jurisdiction (2002) (Zeegra, 2004) 67 Figure 8-8: Number of employees per jurisdiction (2002) (Zeegra, 2004) In the period 1998 – 2002 the size of the companies has increased (Figure 8-9 – Figure 8-11). In 1998 50 % of the companies were small (< 5 employees), employing 8 %, whereas in 2002 this was 36 %, employing 6 %. In 2002 5 % of the companies were large (≥ 50 employees), employing 25 %. 160 140 10 120 8 100 6 80 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 < 5 employees 5 - 9 employees 1998 Companies Figure 8-9: Number of employees Number of companies 12 10 - 19 employees 2002 Companies 20 - 49 employees 1998 Employment ≥ 50 employees 2002 Employment Number of companies and of employees per company size (1998 and 2002) Own elaboration based on (Zeegra, 2004) 68 2002 5% 14% 18% 1998 0% < 5 employees 36% 5 - 9 employees 18% 14% 10 - 19 employees 50% 20 - 49 employees ≥ 50 employees 18% 27% Figure 8-10: Number of companies per size in percentage terms (1998 and 2002) Own elaboration based on (Zeegra, 2004) 6% 0% 8% 25% 14% < 5 employees 13% 5 - 9 employees 16% 63% 2002 17% 1998 10 - 19 employees 20 - 49 employees ≥ 50 employees 37% Figure 8-11: Number of employees per company size in percentage terms (1998 and 2002) Own elaboration based on (Zeegra, 2004) 8.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector Coastal defence There is a growing demand for sand for coastal defence purposes. In the next 10 years 20 million m³ will be extracted for sand suppletion purposes within the master plan for Flanders future coastal safety (Figure 8-13). Figure 8-12 shows a map with quantities extracted sand in 2010 for coastal defence purposes and beach supplements. 69 Figure 8-12: Quantity of extracted sand for coastal defence purposes and beach supplements (2010) Demand for sand Another element influencing the future development is demand for sand due to large infrastructural and/or land reclamation projects. According to stakeholders (workshop) there are no alternatives for sand extracted from sea. So, they do not expect a shift to other materials. Future developments Coastal Division has granted a concession for the extraction of 1.650.000 m³ sand in zone 2c for the period 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012. Table 8-1 gives an overview of the requested amount of marine aggregates in the period 2010 – 2020. The total requested amount over a period of 10 years is 35 million m³ or on average 3,5 million m³ annually. The last two columns show the maximum amount that could be extracted over a period of 3 years and per year. In 2010 – 2020, 20 million m³ or 57 % is requested by Coastal Division (Flemish government), 12 million m³ or 34 % by Zeegra vzw and 3 million m³ or 9 % by Maritime Access Division (Flemish government). Figure 8-13 shows the historical evolution (1976 – 2010) and an estimate of a possible evolution from 2011 until 2020, based on the average extraction. Table 8-1: Overview of the future requested amount of marine aggregates (2010 – 2020) Total (m³) (10 years) Average (m³) (per year) Maximum (m³) (3 years) Maximum (m³) (per year) Coastal Division 20.000.000 2.000.000 10.000.000 4.000.000 Zeegra vzw 12.000.000 1.200.000 4.200.000 1.500.000 3.000.000 300.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 35.000.000 3.500.000 16.200.000 6.500.000 Maritime Access Division Total (IMDC & TTE , 2010, p. 4) 70 Extracted volume in millions of m³ 4,50 4,00 3,50 3,00 2,50 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 2020 2018 2019 2017 2016 2014 2015 2013 2012 2010 2011 2009 2007 2008 2006 2005 2003 2004 2002 2001 1999 2000 1998 1997 1995 1996 1994 1993 1991 1992 1990 1989 1987 1988 1986 1985 1983 1984 1982 1981 1979 1980 1978 1977 1976 0,00 Figure 8-13: Future developments of aggregate extraction in Belgian marine waters (2011 – 2020) 8.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Following costs have been identified: Environmental Impact Assessment Two Environmental Impact Assessments have been made in the recent past: 2004 – 2005 regarding zone 1 and 2: 66.278 € born by the private sector Zeegra, and 20.000 was financed by the public sector; 2008 - 2010 regarding zone 4: 900.000 €. This cost was born by the private and the public sector. Governance costs Governance costs are born by the public sector Continentaal Plat from the federal public service Economy. The cost comprises the management of concessions (processing extraction requests, determining extraction volumes and authorizing the prolongation of concessions). Monitoring Monitoring is executed by Continentaal Plat, ILVO and the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM). Continentaal Plat monitors the shape of the sea bed and the composition of sediments. Continentaal Plat has a contract with ILVO for monitoring the effects on benthos. This cost is born by the public sector Continentaal Plat from the federal public service Economy and does not take into account costs incurred by MUMM, representing ca. 70% of the total monitoring cost. Inspection of extraction activities Processing data from the black boxes is performed by MUMM. The cost is born by Continentaal Plat. 71 72 9. DREDGING AND DREDGED MATERIAL DISPOSAL 9.1 Sector description Two types of dredging activities exist: capital dredging activities for construction, deepening and broadening of ports and second, maintenance dredging in order to maintain the required depth to maritime access routes and Flemish coastal ports (Zeebrugge, Ostend, Nieuwpoort and Blankenberge). Maintenance dredging is executed all year long by 3 to 4 trailing suction hopper dredgers. Maintenance dredging in fishing harbours and marinas is taking place before and just after the coastal tourist period. Dredging in the BPNS is the responsibility of the Flemish Region (Maritime Access Division). Dredging activities are carried out in these locations: Pas van het Zand, Central part of the new outer harbour of Zeebrugge, Harbour and outer harbour of Zeebrugge, Scheur Oost, Scheur West, Access channel to Oostende, Harbour of Oostende, Access channel to Blankenberge. Most of the dredged material is dumped back at sea. When the dredged material contains mainly sand (50.000 – 100.000 TDS per year), the sand can be used for beach nourishment, i.e. ―beneficial use‖. Dredged material disposal is dumped on these particular sites: S1, S2, Bruggen en Wegen Zeebrugge, Bruggen en Wegen Oostende (Martens, 2011) Nieuwpoort. The federal government is responsible for the monitoring of the effects of dumped dredged material. On 12 June 1990, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Belgian State and the Flemish Region in order to safeguard the North Sea from the environmental effects of dumping dredged material at sea. The management of dredged material is fully in line with international obligations, as a result of the (regional) OSPAR Convention and her worldwide equivalent, the London Convention. According to the law of January 20, 1999, authorization is required to dump dredged material at sea. The Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) (MUMM) is authorized to reach out dumping permits in the BPNS. 73 Millions Figure 9-1 shows the evolution of quantities of dredged material dumped at sea. The quantity of dumped dredged material decreased by 38,1 % from 36,6 million m³ in 1991 to 26,5 million in 1996. Since, the quantity is further declining to 7,9 million TDS in 2005. Figure 9-2 shows graphically the dredging and disposal intensity in the BPNS in 2008. 14,9 16 12,9 14 12 6,6 10 TDS 12,8 11,4 3,2 3,0 8 1,6 6 4 7,5 6,0 2 5,0 8,1 1,4 2,6 5,6 4,6 11,3 11,2 3,7 3,6 1,1 3,0 9,1 5,7 6,1 1,8 1,8 0 1997 TDS 7,2 S1 S2 1998 1999 2000 Br&W Zeebrugge Oost 2001 2002 Br&W Oostende 2003 Nieuwpoort 2004 R4 7,9 3,0 1,2 3,0 2005 S3 from April to March. Figure 9-1: Quantities of dredged material dumped at sea in TDS (1997 – 2006) (MUMMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011) Figure 9-2: Dredging and disposal intensity (2008) (ILVO, Flemish government Coastal Division, Flanders hydraulics research, 2009) Figure 9-3 shows the evolution of dredged quantities in the BPNS from 2000 to 2008. Dredging quantities vary from ca. 7,2 million TDS in 2004 to ca. 16,1 million TDS in 2006. In 74 Millions 2008 10,2 million TDS was dredged. According to the Maritime Access Division (Martens, 2011) maintenance dredging quantities account for on average 8 million TDS. Capital dredging is project-related, varying every year. 16,1 16 14 12,8 11,3 12 11,2 10,3 TDS 10 8,1 8 7,2 8,5 7,9 6 4 2 0 2000 * 2001 * 2002 * 2003 * 2004 * 2005 * 2006 * 2007 2008 * from April to March. Figure 9-3: Dredged quantities per ton dried substance (TDS) in the BPNS (2000 – 2009) (Martens, 2011) 9.2 Turnover Turnover in the Belgian part of the North Sea and its coastal ports can be estimated by the budget for capital and maintenance dredging. Figure 9-4 shows the evolution from 1991 to 2000. In 2000 – 2001 turnover was ca. 57 million €. Turnover has increased due to additional capital dredging. The average budget is 68 million € per year 33. Millions Figure 9-4: Turnover (1991 – 2000) 70 60,7 60 50 50,6 45,8 46,0 44,5 42,9 48,5 43,3 45,8 19,9 56,8 8,9 40 30 40,7 20 47,9 10 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 Maintenance dredging 1995 1996 1997 Capital dredging 1998 1999 2000 Total (Prof. Dr. Maes et al. , 2002) 33 (Martens, 2011) 75 9.3 Added value No data available. 9.4 Employment Dredging activities in the BPNS create jobs mainly in the private sector. In 1984 - 2005 dredging activities were carried out by the Temporary Union of dredgers ―Noordzee en Kust‖, comprised of Dredging International NV, Jan De Nul NV and Decloedt & Zonen NV. Since, dredging activities are being called for tenders. The union is an important source to estimate employment. However, two remarks need to be made. First, companies carry out other activities than dredging, such as aggregate extraction and other additional activities. Second, companies do not only operate in the BPNS. This means that employment, generated by dredging activities, can not be correctly estimated. Prof. Dr. Maes et al. (2002) estimated employment by a formula, used by the Flemish Government. The annual budget depends on 4 factors, the (S) wage cost (37 %), the (G) price of fuel (18 %), the (I) Index (32 %) and a constant value, representing depreciation. This formula used is: The formula results in 560 employees in 2000 – 2001. Moreover, a survey with dredging companies, operating on the Belgian part of the North Sea, was performed. The survey resulted in 240 employees, from which 65 % work on board and 35 % are staff officers, employed in the workshop or on shore. 9.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector The average dredged quantity for maintenance purposes will be 8 million TDS per year. There are no concrete plans for capital dredging. However, as the share of container ships is increasing, dredging activities for broadening the access channels can be expected in the future34. 9.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Anti-turbidity systems It is a system that reduces the amount of air entrained in hopper dredge effluent. The system reduces the dispersion of turbid water following a dredging operation. This is a private cost. 34 (Martens, 2011) 76 Permits for dumping dredged material at sea In accordance with the law of January 20, 1999, authorisation is required to dump dredging material at sea. The procedure to obtain authorisation for dumping dredged material from activities undertaken by the Flemish Region at sea is laid down in the Royal Decree of March 12, 2000 defining the procedure for authorising the dumping of certain substances and materials in the North Sea. At the moment there are five authorisations for dumping dredged material at sea in force. Dumping permits are issued for a period of two years. During the licensing period 1st January 2010 – 31st December 2011, 7 permits were granted for dumping at sea of dredged material. Dredged material to be dumped at sea has to fulfill the sediment quality criteria (SQC) defined in the permits35. Monitoring and research programmes Dumping permits are granted with the condition of carrying out monitoring and research programmes. MUMM‘s research focuses on the sediment dynamics, the identification of environmental changes in the Belgian nearshore area and the implementation of monitoring strategies to identify environmental changes induced by dumping activities. The biological monitoring programme of ILVO focuses on the effects of changes in the contaminants in the sediment and fauna at the dumping sites, the effects of the dumping activity on the benthic organisms and the effect of the influx of organisms from the dredging areas on the native fauna and the disposal sites. Besides these continuous research and monitoring programmes, every ten years, a large monitoring programme is set up to evaluate the quality of the material to be dredged: samples are taken from all areas in which dredging is taking place36. 35 (MUMMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011) 36 (MUMMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011) 77 10. COMMERCIAL SHIPPING 10.1 Sector description General shipping patterns Commercial shipping is bound to specific routing systems (West-East bound) (Figure 10-1): I. Noordhinder Traffic Seperation Scheme: used by ships travelling from and to European ports in the southern part of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, entering or leaving the North Sea via the English Channel. II. Westhinder Traffic Seperation Scheme: used by ships travelling from and to ports in Belgium and ports along the Westerscheldt estuary. This main shipping lane is situated north of the Oostdyck sublittoral sandbank and also covers a refuge area in the north. The TSS finds its origin at the end of the Strait of Dover, adjacent to Dunkerk, and leads all the way into the Belgian territorial sea. 91 % of the voyages head towards the Scheldt (or opposite direction). Other destinations are the harbour of Ostend and the Netherlands cover a small fraction. III. Shortsea shipping37 (south of the Westhinder TSS) and cross channel shipping (incl. ferry traffic) between Belgian ports and the UK. Fishing boats or recreational vessels are not considered under this category. [Nieuwe kaart] 37 Shortsea or coastal shipping is the transport of goods and/or passengers along a route which at least in part consists of the sea or the ocean, but on which the ocean isn‘t crossed. 78 Figure 10-1: Navigation routes and anchorage area Belgian fleet The merchant fleet flying the Belgian flag totals a GT in excess of 4 million and a DWT of over 6.5 million, giving it a position within the top 35 of the IMO Member States. The Belgian controlled fleet accounts for 12,5 million DWT. The ranking for the belgian controlled fleet is well within the top 25 of maritime nations with a total dwt of over 12.5 million i.e. 1.08% of the world seaborne trade capacity. The flag state-linked industry and maritime cluster employs more than 12,100 people and creates an annual revenue of 4,204 million €. Belgium considers itself fortunate to contribute substantially to worldwide seaborne trade with a very large volume of goods loaded and unloaded in its sea ports cluster. The ports of Antwerp, Gent, Zeebrugge and Ostend constitute the Belgian North Sea ports cluster Antwerp, Gent, Zeebrugge and Oostende fall within a radius of 50 km, which provides one of the most important bridgeheads for maritime trade links between all the continents worldwide and the European hinterland. In 2010, a total of nearly 260 million tons of goods were loaded or unloaded within this cluster. 79 The multi-continent nature of Belgian seaborne trade is illustrated by the following figures: in 2010 for the 2 largest Belgian ports, maritime traffic with Asia totaled 54 million tons, with N- & S-America it amounted to over 40 million tons, with Africa over 16 million tons and with Oceania 1.25 million tons. These volumes indicate that the Belgian North Sea ports cluster can be found within the top 10 seaports of the world. Furthermore, with a total container throughput figure of just over 11 million TEU in 2010, the cluster positions itself in the top 10 for developing seaborne trade. In short, the volume and the geographical spread of the goods handled through the Belgian ports demonstrate that Belgium is an important contributor to seaborne trade spanning all the continents worldwide. In 2008, Belgium as a port state boasted a direct added value of 15,316 million € and an indirect added value of 13,157 million €, and the direct employment of 107,940 people and indirect employment of 137,255 people for the ports industry. Maritime traffic Millions Total maritime traffic has increased by 30,7 % from 204,2 million ton in 2003 to 266,9 million ton in 2008. The port of Antwerp generates the largest share: 71 % or ca. 189 million ton in 2008. In 2008, the port of Zeebrugge contributed 16 % or 42 million ton, the port of Ghent 10 % or 27 million ton and the Port of Ostend 3 % or 8,5 million ton. 300 250 Ton 200 150 258,1 266,9 42 8 25 42 9 27 216,6 224,6 32 8 25 35 8 22 40 8 24 143 152 160 167 183 189 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 204,2 31 7 24 100 50 238,8 0 Antwerp Ghent Ostend Zeebrugge Figure 10-2: Total maritime traffic in ton (2003 - 2008) 10.2 Turnover Port of Ostend Turnover of the port of Ostend has increased every year from 5,9 million € in 2004 to 7,6 million € in 2008. In 2009 – 2010, turnover collapsed to 5,6 million € and 5,7 million € respectively. 80 Millions 7,6 8,0 7,0 7,0 6,2 5,9 6,1 2004 2005 6,4 6,0 5,6 5,7 2009 2010 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 2003 2006 2007 2008 Figure 10-3: Turnover in the port of Ostend (2003 – 2010) (Nationale Bank België, 2003-2010) Port of Zeebrugge Millions Turnover of the port of Zeebrugge has risen every year from 33,4 million € in 2003 to 61 million €, corresponding to an increase by 45,2 %. 70 60 53,4 57,9 2008 2009 61,0 47,6 50 40 58,1 33,4 36,9 39,4 30 20 10 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010 Figure 10-4: Turnover in the port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2010) (Port of Zeebrugge, 2003-2010) 81 Port of Antwerp Millions Turnover of the port of Antwerp has increased by 26 % from 227 million € in 2003 to ca. 307 million € in 2010. 332,2 350 276,3 300 250 302,3 287,7 323,0 297,1 306,9 2009 2010 227,0 200 150 100 50 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Figure 10-5: Turnover in the port of Antwerp (2003 – 2010) (Haven Antwerpen, 2003-2010) Port of Ghent Millions Turnover of the port of Ghent has increased every year from 19,2 million € in 2003 to 30,4 in 2009. This corresponds to an increase of 36,8 %. 35 30,4 27,9 30 23,2 25 20 19,2 20,8 20,7 2004 2005 25,2 26,5 15 10 5 0 2003 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 10-6: Turnover in the port of Ghent (2003 – 2010) Total turnover Total turnover peaked in 2008 with 416,6 million €. As a consequence of the financial and economic crisis, turnover decreased in 2009 by 7,6 % to 387,1 million €. In 2010, total turnover recovered to 404 million €. 82 Millions 450 416,6 395,8 400 342,5 350 300 387,8 364,9 387,1 404,0 285,8 250 200 150 100 50 0 2003 2004 2005 Antwerp 2006 2007 Zeebrugge Ostend 2008 2009 2010 Ghent Figure 10-7: Total turnover (2003-2010) 10.3 Added value Port of Ostend Added value in the Port of Ostend has increased by 46,6 % from 638,3 million € in 2003 to 935,7 million € in 2008. In 2008, direct and total added value accounted for 0,1 % and 0,3 % of Gross National Product. 935,7 1.000 900 800 700 600 638,3 500 215 400 90 300 200 100 0 689,4 196 140 747,3 788,3 835,1 316 242 275 124 136 121 226 141 238 296 299 334 362 256 78 116 101 112 104 117 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-8: Added value in the Port of Ostend (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) 83 Port of Zeebrugge Added value in the Port of Zeebrugge has increased by 43,1 % from 1,4 billion € in 2003 to 2,1 billion € in 2008. In 2008, direct and total added value accounted for 0,3 % and 0,5 % of Gross National Product. 2.500 2.081,7 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 1.618,4 1.754,0 1.454,4 1.498,5 1.540,1 357 381 357 385 344 308 371 376 463 504 478 503 507 290 306 335 355 407 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster 387 453 404 417 533 728 2008 Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-9: Added value in the Port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Port of Antwerp Added value in the Port of Antwerp has increased by 35,8 % from 14.007,6 million € in 2003 to 19.026,3 million € in 2008. 20.000 18.000 16.000 14.007,6 14.000 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 4.277 2.397 5.379 18.619,8 19.026,3 5.560 5.691 3.253 3.336 6.261 6.619 5.973 17.277,2 17.589,3 5.020 5.552 2.921 2.942 6.385 15.523,1 4.662 2.635 5.804 1.955 2.423 2.951 2.835 3.189 4.027 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-10: Added value in the Port of Antwerp (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) 84 Port of Ghent Added value in the Port of Ghent has increased by 19,7 % from 5,9 billion € in 2003 to 7,1 billion € in 2008. 12.000 9.909,8 10.000 8.000 5.925,1 6.000 4.000 2.000 3.071 6.837,1 7.554,7 3.331 3.078 3.168 2.827 6.987,9 7.093,5 3.401 6.267 2.599 3.137 2003 2004 3.328 3.605 3.122 2006 2007 2008 0 Direct: maritime cluster 2005 Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-11: Added value in the Port of Ghent (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Total added value Figure 10-12 gives an overview of total added value in 2003 – 2008. Total added value has grown by 32,3 % from 22 billion € in 2003 to 29,1 billion € in 2008, corresponding to an annual average increase of 5,5 %. 35.000 29.474 30.000 25.000 22.025 24.548 26.984 28.764 29.137 2007 2008 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 2003 2004 2005 Ostend Zeebrugge 2006 Antwerp Ghent Figure 10-12: Total added value (2003 – 2008) 10.4 Employment Port of Ostend Employment at the Port of Ostend has increased by 20,5 % from 8.505 in 2003 to 10.252 in 2008. 85 12.000 10.000 8.505 8.725 8.747 9.127 9.260 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 10.252 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster 2008 Figure 10-13: Employment at the Port of Ostend (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Port of Zeebrugge Employment at the Port of Zeebrugge has increased by 17,2 % from 21.710 in 2003 to 25.445 in 2008. 30.000 25.000 21.710 22.078 22.034 2003 2004 2005 23.498 24.389 25.445 2006 2007 2008 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-14: Employment at the Port of Zeebrugge (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Port of Antwerp Employment at the Port of Antwerp has increased by 10,3 % from 140.864 in 2003 to 155.327 in 2008. 86 180.000 160.000 140.864 143.273 147.423 150.976 154.030 155.327 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-15: Employment at the Port of Antwerp (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Port of Ghent Employment at the Port of Ghent has increased by 6,4 % from 64.591 in 2003 to 68.752 in 2008. 80.000 70.000 64.591 66.590 64.750 64.598 66.461 68.752 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 60.000 50.000 40.000 30.000 20.000 10.000 0 Direct: maritime cluster Direct: non-maritime cluster Indirect: maritime cluster Indirect: non-maritime cluster Figure 10-16: Employment at the Port of Ghent (2003 – 2008) (Nationale Bank België, 2010) Total employment Total employment has risen by 10,2 % from 235,7 thousand in 2003 to 259,8 thousand in 2008, corresponding to an annual average growth of 1,7 %. The Port of Antwerp accounts for the largest share: 60 % in 2008. In 2008, the Port of Ghent contributed 26 %, the Port of Zeebrugge 10 % and the Port of Ostend 4 %. 87 300.000 250.000 240.666 242.954 248.199 254.140 259.776 235.670 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 0 Ostend Zeebrugge Antwerp Ghent Figure 10-17: Total employment (2003 – 2008) 10.5 Factors influencing the future development of the sector Economic growth The most important single influence on the demand for sea transport is the world economy. The relationship is however not simple or direct and is determined by the business cycle and the trade development cycle38. Legislative and regulatory framework The legislative and regulatory framework with regard to maritime safety, the protection of the marine environment, etc. influence the future development of the sector. 10.6 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Introduction of non-indigenous organisms through ships‟ ballast water Non-indigenous organisms can be introduced through ships‘ ballast water and associated sediments. Ships use ballast water to provide stability and maneuverability during a voyage. Water is taken on at one port when cargo is unloaded and usually discharged at another port when the ship receives cargo. Because organisms (such as bacteria, microbes, small invertebrates, eggs, cysts and larvae of various species) are taken on board with ballast water, there is a potential for the introduction of non-native organisms into the port of discharge. Non-indigenous species can have adverse impacts on ecosystems or human health. Costs incurred to prevent the introduction of invasive species are related to (1) ballast water treatment facilities on board and (2) ballast water facilities in ports. Introduction of non-indigenous organisms through fouling 38 (Stopford, 2009) 88 Non-indigenous species can as well be introduced through fouling on ships hulls and sea chests (slowing down the ship and increasing the fuel consumption). In the early days of sailing ships, lime and later arsenic were used to coat ships' hulls, until the modern chemicals industry developed effective anti-fouling paints using metallic compounds. These compounds slowly "leach" into the sea water, killing barnacles and other marine life that have attached to the ship. But the studies have shown that these compounds persist in the water, killing sealife, harming the environment and possibly entering the food chain. One of the most effective anti-fouling paints, developed in the 1960s, contains the organotin tributylin (TBT), which has been proven to cause deformations in oysters and sex changes in whelks39. Discharge and disposal of wastes from ships including sewage and litter: port reception facilities Directive 2000/59/EC obliges the masters of ships to deliver their to provide facilities to treat this waste. All Member States and MARPOL Convention as port States should fulfill their treaty adequate reception facilities for litter. All ships must contribute treating and disposing of the waste and residues. waste and Member States particularly Parties to the obligations on providing to the costs of receiving, Pollution and physical impact through loss of ships and cargo The ship owner or the captain has the obligation to remove a vessel that grounded or sunk, including its cargo that sunk or came into the water, to a destination designated by the authorities. Applicable rules concerning clearing of dangerous or hazardous substances have to be applied and the authorities can set time limits to those obligations. Wrecks, pieces of wrecks or sunken material from the vessel in the territorial sea has to be removed too (art. 13 Law of 1989; art. 29 § 4 Royal Decree of 1981). Wrecks, pieces of wrecks, sunken material from the vessel, cargo and other hazardous substances or material from the vessel has to be removed under the same obligations if there are risks for potential pollution of the marine environment of the territorial sea or the EEZ or if there are safety risks for shipping, unless the abandonment of ship and/or cargo is permitted by an environmental permit under the Law of 1999 (art. 13 Law of 1989). In case the ship owner, charterer, operator or the captain do not comply with their duty to remove the vessel, cargo, etc. … or in case those persons are not yet known due to the urgency of the situation, the Belgian authorities will take over this duty on behalf of the ship owner, charterer, operator or liable person. The costs undertaken by the authorities under article 14 shall be paid by the one liable for the sinking or grounding of the vessel. If no one is liable, the costs will be recovered from the ship owner, charterer, operator or their insurers. These claims are privileged (art. 16 Law of 1989; see also art. 29 § 6 Royal Decree of 1981) 40. Oil spill: double hulls in tankers After a series of accidents with large amounts of oil spilt, the IMO and the EU have implemented legislation to prevent future oil spills. In order to prevent or minimize spillage 39 (IMO, 2011) 40 (Maes, De Meyer, & Calewaert, s.d.) 89 in case of a grounding or collision, tankers with double hulls (double bottom and double sides) will become obligatory. Therefore all single hulls tankers will be phased out by 2015 according to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships or MARPOL Convention. This is a private cost. Pollution by oil and hazardous or toxic substances from incidental, operational and illegal discharges: oil spill control Each spill involves a unique set of circumstances that determine the cleanup cost. Factors such as oil type, total spill amount, timing of the spill, sensitive areas affected or threatened etcetera can profoundly influence costs41. Costs may include, but are not limited to salvage and lightering, containment and protection of sensitive areas, recovery, shoreline recovery, waste disposal, wildlife rehabilitation (reception, taking care of, and releasing wildlife)42. Civil protection and DG Environment cooperate in controlling pollution by oil spills since 2003. Since 2005, the control management has expanded by the Coast Guard. Civil protection provides a team and logistic assistance, while DG Environment supplies pollution control materials (located at Jabbeke). The pollution control materials include floating dams, specialized pumps in order to separate the oil of the water, containers in order to store and remove polluting substances, etcetera. The investment cost was 3 million €. In 2008, 84 interventions were carried out, from which 54 took place in Belgium 43. The Tricolor incident On the 14th of December 2002, the car carrier Tricolor collided with the containership Kariba in the Channel, and sank in French waters, 37 km off coast and 8 km outside Belgian marine waters. Five weeks later, on the 22nd of January 2003, approximately 170 tonnes of fuel leaked from the wreck of the Tricolor during salvage operations. Thousands of seabirds were fouled with oil. At the Belgian coast 9.177 birds of 32 different species were collected. A little over half of these were still alive at the time of the stranding. The total cost of the incident was 2.458.788 €, carried by the federal government (DG Environment, Defence, Internal affairs, and Science) and by the coastal communities. 41 (Dagmar Schimdt Etkin, 1999) 42 (Helton & Penn, 1999) 43 (Kustwacht, 2008) 90 Figure 10-18: Location of the Tricolor incident Other pressures Cold ironing or shore power is a power source from land used to power marine vessels when they are in a harbour. Some of the reasons for using shore power are saving fuel, eliminating emission of toxic fumes as well as CO2, and reducing noise level. Technological evolution in order to (1) be more energy-efficient, i.e. improved propulsion systems, installation of a fuel-efficient motor and (2) to reduce sulphur, nitrogen and CO2emissions, i.e. low sulphur fuel, installation of a filter (reducing SOx-emissions). Emission control measures The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has set emission and fuel quality standards, defined in MARPOL Annex VI. The North Sea SECA (Sulphur Emission Control Area) came into effect on 11 August 2007. In 2008, the IMO adopted a revised MARPOL annex VI, outlining stricter regulation of air pollutant emissions from ships. The regulation came into force on 1 July 2010. According to the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea will become ECA‘s (Emission Control Areas). ECA means to unite SECA with incorporation of NOX emission as requirements. In the Annex, two sets of requirements coexist: global requirements and more stringent requirements applicable to ships in Emission Control Areas (ECA) (see Table 10-1). NOX reduction from 17gkWh-1 to 14,4 g/kWh is mandatory for engines constructed after 2011. After 2016 3,4 gkWh-1 maximum is allowed for new ships. IMO also requires the modification of old engines built in 1990-2000, to be conform to the existing NOX limits of 17gkWh-1. The regulation with regard to Emission Control Area will lead to additional investments and operational costs for shipping companies. Governmental institutions will as well face extra costs from the monitoring of ships compliance with the SECA and NECA requirements. 91 Table 10-1: MARPOL Annex VI fuel sulphur limits Date Sulphur limit in fuel (% m/m) Sox ECA Global 2000 1,5% 07/2010 1,0% 2012 4,5% 3,5% 2015 0,1% 2020 or 2025 0,5% Governance costs Agency for Maritime Services and Coast (MDK) The Agency for Maritime Services and Coast (MDK) of the Flemish government aims to ensure the safe and efficient transit of shipping traffic to and from the Flemish ports. It is also responsible for integral coastal zone management. MDK consists of: DAB Pilotage: safe and efficient piloting of vessels to ports and back to sea; Shipping Assistance Division: guides vessels from the sea to the ports and back together with Dutch colleagues. The Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre is the first point of contact for incidents at sea; The Coast division: protects coastal population and property from the violence of the sea and supports safe and smooth shipping using its Flemish hydrographical data. Coast guard The Coast Guard is responsible for the cooperation between the partners authorised for the North Sea. The Coast Guard is made up of 2 branches: an administrative branch and an operational branch (this is the coast guard centre). The coast guard centre exists out of the MRCC in Ostend and the MIK (Maritime Information Junction) located on the Naval Base Zeebrugge. There are three complementary administrative bodies working together: the policy-making body, the consultation body and the secretariat. Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centre (MRCC) The Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Ostend is the first point of contact for incidents at sea, eg: persons and vessels in distress, accidents and oil pollution. After an emergency call, the MRCC starts up the dispatching of several tasks to the different coast guard partners. The Search And Rescue SAR- activities are coordinated from the MRCC Ostend: Coordination of SAR operations and deployment of support units; Coordinate the implementation of medical evacuations and assistance; 92 Reporting and coordinating the implementation of removal of marine pollutants; Monitoring the emergency frequencies for shipping; Continuously monitor and ensure maritime safety; Register, report and evaluate SAR or other actions. The operational Search And Rescue (SAR) area of MRCC Ostend is the entire Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Maritime Information Junction (MIK) The Maritime Information Junction (MIK or Maritiem Informatiekrruispunt) underwrites law enforcement in the Belgian marine waters. MIK is operational since medio 2008, with assistance of customs authorities (Maritime Brigade), the navigation police and Defence 44. 44 (Agentschap Dienstverlening en Kust - Scheepvaartbegeleiding, 2011) 93 11. TOURISM 11.1 Sector description The Belgian coastline offers housing, restaurants, shopping, attractions and musea, soft recreation (walking, (mountain)biking, horse riding), golf and MICE-tourism45,... Figure 11-1 gives an overview of touristic-recreative attractions at the Belgian coast. Figure 11-1: Touristic-recreative attractions (Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer, 2011) Touristic accommodation The Belgian coast offered in 2009 a total housing capacity for approximately 580.000 persons. Figure 11-2 shows the offer of housing per type of accommodation. 45 MICE is used to refer to a particular type of tourism in which large groups planned usually well in advance are brought together for some particular purpose. 94 Hotels 2,7% Fixed place of residence on campings 16,0% Housing with commercial purposes only 8,3% Individual holiday housing 71,0% Holiday housing on parks 4,8% Guest rooms 0,1% Social tourism for adults 1,1% Youth accommodation 1,0% Camping 2,6% Rental housing 0,8% Figure 11-2: Capacity (number of beds) per type of accommodation at the Belgian coast (2009) (Westtoer, 2009) In 2009, there were 5 million arrivals and 31,4 million overnight stays. Figure 11-3 shows the number of overnight stays per type of accommodation in 2009. The majority (39,7 %) consists of holiday housing. The average stay equals 6,2 nights. The number of day tourists was in 2009 18.607.480. 36,3 % comes to the Belgian coast in July and August 46. Direct renting 15,9% Renting via housing agents 15,8% Commercial housing (excl. renting) 17,1% Holiday housing 39,7% Holiday housing 51% Fixed place of residence on campings 11,5% Figure 11-3: Long-stay tourism (in number of overnight stays) per type of accommodation at the Belgian coast (2009) (Westtoer, 2009) 46 (Westtoer, 2009) 95 Expenditures Millions Expenditures from short- and long-stay tourism at the Belgian coast decreased from 2,7 billion € in 2007 to 2.534,5 million € in 2009 (Figure 11-4). € 3.000 2.731,1 € 2.500 711,4 € 2.000 € 1.500 12,5 957,9 2.534,5 639,0 12,5 Yacht basin 924,2 Long-stay tourism Commercial housing € 1.000 € 500 Short-stay tourism total 1.049,3 958,8 2007 2009 €0 Figure 11-4: Direct expenditures from short- and long-stay tourism at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2007 – 2009) (Westtoer, 2009) The majority of the expenditures are made by tourists staying in commercial housing (37,8 %) and holiday housing (36,5 %). Day tourism accounts for 25,2 % of total expenditures at the Belgian coast (Figure 11-5). 25,2% 37,8% Commercial housing Long-stay tourism 0,5% Marina Short-stay tourism 36,5% Figure 11-5: Direct expenditures from short- and long-stay tourism at the Belgian coast per type of tourism (2009) (Westtoer, 2009) The average expenditures per day tourist is 34,29 €. Direct turnover from day tourism at the Belgian coast is in 2009 equal to approximately 630 million €. The gross of expenditures 96 come from restaurants (38,9 %), regular shopping (26,6 %) and terraces, tea rooms, pubs and snacks (20,9 %). Table 11-1: Direct turnover from day tourism at the Belgian coast (2009) Turnover from day tourists (million €) Restaurant 245,0 Terrace, tea room, pubs and snacks 131,3 Food and drinks 22,7 Regular shopping 167,7 Transport 43,3 Entrance fees 7,4 Rental of sports material 12,2 Total 629,6 (Westtoer, 2009) Entrance fees 1,2% Regular shopping 26,6% Transport 6,9% Rental of sports material 1,9% Food and drinks 3,6% Terrace, tea room, pubs and snacks 20,9% Restaurant 38,9% Figure 11-6: Direct turnover from day tourism at the Belgian coast (%) (2009) (Westtoer, 2009) 97 Touristic-recreational and cultural activities The number of attractions has increased from 29 to 32. The majority are historical attractions (10) and parks (9). Table 11-2: Evolution of the number of attractions with more than 5.000 visitors47 at the Belgian coast (2004-2009) Touristic-recreational activities Parks (a) Nature Cultural activities Other Arts History Crafts Total 2004 9 3 3 4 7 3 29 2005 9 3 3 4 7 3 29 2006 9 3 2 3 8 3 28 2007 9 3 2 3 8 3 28 2008 9 3 2 3 9 4 30 2009 9 3 3 3 10 4 32 (a) ZOO, animal park, theme park, amusement park, water leisure park (Westtoer, 2009) Table 11-3 Evolution of the number of visitors of attractions with more than 5.000 visitors at the Belgian coast (2004-2009) Touristic-recreational activities Parks (a) Nature Other Cultural activities Arts History Crafts Total 2004 1.644.648 204.832 75.500 74.742 283.435 56.346 2.339.503 2005 1.598.899 188.688 64.028 71.066 310.363 60.222 2.293.266 2006 1.598.039 170.788 49.756 123.880 351.800 56.819 2.351.082 2007 1.726.076 178.134 49.758 2008 1.622.958 173.196 44.451 2009 1.772.385 180.992 43.344 92.549 289.615 57.519 2.393.651 63.092 275.204 83.992 2.262.893 85.683 327.241 91.983 2.501.628 (a) ZOO, animal park, theme park, amusement park, water leisure park (Westtoer, 2009) 47 Only the attractions with more than 5.000 visitors who have participated to the attraction barometer are taken into account. 98 11.2 Catering industry and retail industry The number of companies in the catering industry has decreased from 2.488 in 2004 to 2.385 in 2008. This corresponds to a decrease by 4,3 %. The number of companies in the retail industry has fallen as well by 3 % to 2.696 in 2008. 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Catering industry 2.488 2.486 2.441 2.426 2.385 Retail industry 2.777 2.752 2.713 2.700 2.696 Figure 11-7: Evolution of the number of companies in the catering and retail industry48 at the Belgian coast (2004 - 2009) (Westtoer, 2009) Turnover in the catering and retail industry Turnover in the catering industry has decreased from 1,46 billion € in 2004 to 1,2 billion € in 2008. Turnover in the retail industry has as well decreased from 640 million € in 2004 to 590,6 million € in 2008. 48 Centralised figures. Number of companies based on principal seat of the undertaking for Nacebel codes 55 and 52. 99 Millions 1.460,3 € 1.600 1.322,8 1.315,4 1.307,6 640,0 634,8 651,0 651,9 2004 2005 2006 2007 € 1.400 1.200,0 € 1.200 € 1.000 € 800 590,6 € 600 € 400 € 200 €0 Catering industry 2008 Retail Figure 11-8: Turnover of the catering and retail industry at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2004 - 2008) (Westtoer, 2009) Investments in the catering and retail industry Millions Investments in the catering industry has decreased from 65,6 million € in 2004 to 60,8 million €, whereas investments on the retail industry increased from 45 million € to 48,6 million € in this period. The total investment in 2008 equaled 109,4 million €. € 80 65,6 € 70 63,9 62,4 52,2 51,4 2005 2006 67,7 60,8 € 60 € 50 € 40 45,0 47,9 48,6 2007 2008 € 30 € 20 € 10 €0 2004 Catering industry Retail Figure 11-9: Investments in the catering and retail industry at the Belgian coast, in constant prices of 2009 (2004 – 2008) (Westtoer, 2009) 11.3 Water recreation Water recreation can be divided into three sub activities: Non-motorised recreation: water activities where no engine is involved like windsurfing, kite-surfing, sailing, wave surfing, rafting, sea kayak/canoe; Motorised recreation: water activities where the intensive use of an engine is involved, further subdivided into: - speed navigation (speed boats, water-ski, jet-ski); - recreational navigation (sailing yachts, tour boats); 100 Angling at sea: recreational fishery from a boat. In 2009 the coast counts 26 water sport clubs of which 19 are beach clubs offering a diversity of water- and beach activities like windsurfing, kite surfing, parasailing, catamaran and sailing. Marina The Belgian coast counts 12 yacht clubs, offering approximately 3.356 mooring places located in 4 marinas at Nieuwpoort, Ostend, Blankenberge and Zeebrugge in 2009. The marina in Nieuwpoort, offering 2.000 mooring places, is the largest port in Belgium and the second largest in north-west Europe (after La Rochelle in France). The turnover per mooring berth is on average 552 €. So the total turnover can be estimated at ca. 1.852.512 €. The (direct and indirect) added value per mooring berth in a marina is 8.119 € per year. The indirect added value equals 7.900 € and direct added value 220 €. So the total added value can be estimated at ca. 27.250.720 €. The average expenditure per sailing day is 70 € per boat per day (with 3 to 4 passengers)49. 11.4 Factors influencing the future development of the sector According to UNEP (2009) the growth of tourism in general, and in coastal areas in particular, is related to three main factors: 1. increased personal incomes and leisure time, 2. improvements in transportation systems, 3. greater public awareness of world destinations due to improved communications. Today‘s tourists seek a variety of experiences including cultural and natural attractions, gastronomy, sports, etc. all this in a well-preserved and distinctive natural environment. At the same time, people living in traditional tourist destinations are increasingly aware of and concerned about their natural, historic and cultural heritage 50. According to an opinion poll, carried out in Germany in 2002, following environmental factors are important choosing the next holiday destination: 49 (Hendriks, s.d.) 50 (CoastLearn, 2009) 101 Table 11-4: Results of a poll about which environmental factors are important choosing the holiday destination (UNEP, 2009) 64,5% Clean beaches and water 59,1% No rubbish in the resort or the surrounding area 50,0% No urbanization of rural areas 45,8% Good nature protection in the holiday destination 51,0% No noise pollution 35,1% Minimal traffic and good public transport in the destination 29,0% Possibility of reaching the destination easily by bus or train 41,8% Environmentally-friendly accommodation Finding environmentally-friendly accommodation in tour operator or travel agents‘ catalogues 18,7% 14,2% Easy access to information on offers with verified environmentally-friendly accommodation (ecolabels) 11.5 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures Marine litter Coastal communities organize additional cleaning up actions of the beaches in the summer period. Following table gives an overview for four coastal communities. Table 11-5: Coastal community Oostende Overview of cleaning actions and collected waste in four coastal communities (Oostende, Nieuwpoort, Bredene and De Panne) On a daily basis 15 June – 15 September Mechanical cleaning If necessary No information Nieuwpoort On a daily basis in the summer months If necessary No information Bredene On a daily basis in July - August De Panne 3 times per day in June – August51 Not used 15 June – 15 August every two days; once per month 20.000 kg 3,08 ton (July-Sept ‗10) 27,99 ton (May – July ‗11)52 Manual cleaning Waste Besides, several actions are organized by the coastal communities in order to clean up the beach. Examples are communication and sensibilisation campaigns, educative games, expositions, workshops as brochures. One action occurring every year is the ‗Lenteprikkel‘. 51 One day equals 5 hours. 52 This number includes 80 % of sand. 102 „Lenteprikkel‟ In 2004, the Coordination Centre for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer) and the coastal communities started a spring cleaning of the beach, called ‗Lenteprikkel‘. This event has been organized in the period 2004 – 2008. Table 11-6 shows the evolution (2004 – 2008) of how many people collected how much marine litter (kg) over which distance of coastline (km). Figure 11-10 shows the evolution (2004 – 2008) of the collected waste per kilometer. The most garbage was collected in 2007 with 422,9 kg/km. Table 11-6: Collected marine litter (kg), distance (km) and number of volunteers in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2004 - 2008) Year Waste (kg) Distance (km) Number of volunteers 2004 1405,63 6,4 350 2005 1537,4 6,5 more than 200 2006 1828,9 11 362 2007 2380 9,9 776 2008 956,6 4,9 253 Figure 11-10: Waste in kilogram per kilometre collected in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2004 – 2008) Figure 11-11 shows the type of waste (%) found on the Belgian coastline (as a result of Lenteprikkel, organized in 2008). The majority consists of wood (43 %), plastics (20 %) and residual waste (18 %). 103 6,0% 12,9% 43,4% 17,8% 19,9% Wood Plastics Resiudal waste Rope and textile Other (glass, rubber, paper, cans) Figure 11-11: Type of waste (%) collected in ‗Lenteprikkel‘ (2008) Table 11-7 shows a cost estimation of Lenteprikkel. The cost is estimated at ca. 14.000 €. Table 11-7: Cost estimation of ‗Lenteprikkel‘ Guides Type of cost Number 20,0 Unit price 99,50 Total (€) 1.990,00 Poster 1.000,0 0,14 138,47 120,0 32,26 3.870,96 Notice board 10,0 200,00 2.000,00 Flags Employees Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer 25,0 22,13 553,25 170 hours 30 €/hour/person 5.100,00 Report Lenteprikkel Employees coastal communities Total 13.652,68 104 12. OTHER ACTIVITIES AND FUNCTIONS RELATED TO THE SEA 12.1 Research In the frame of the Joint Programming Initiative 'Healthy and productive seas and oceans' ( a mapping of the expenditures on marine research has been conducted. 12.1.1 Institutions In 2009, 106 groups or 1.420 persons performed marine and coastal research. The largest share of research is executed by universities. Table 12-1 gives an overview per institution. Table 12-1: Overview research potential (November 2009) Institution Number of groups Number of persons Flemish universities 57 750 Flemish research institutes 12 300 French-speaking universities 26 240 Federal research institutes 11 130 Total 106 1420 Flemish administrations 15 160 Federal administrations 5 45 (Janssen, 27-11-2009) Flemish universities include: University of Antwerp, Hasselt University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Ghent University; The French speaking universities include: Centre interuniversitaire de Biologie marine, Umons – ULB, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Université de MonsHainaut (UMH), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), University of Liège (ULg); Flemish research institutes include: VITO, INBO, Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium, VMM, VIOE, KMDA, ILVO; Federal research institutes include: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) incl. the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM), Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) and Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI). Additional to the institutions summarized in Table 12-1, +/- 28 entities in Belgium are operational as international of European institutes (IODE Project Office, Marine Board, …), as NGO‘s or intergovernmental cooperation programmes in the field of marine and coastal research and support, with educational purposes. Moreover, 16 formal courses such as Maritime Sciences, Maritime Academy,… and more than 60 private companies operate in this field. Operational support Scientific research is performed by two vessels: ‗R/V Belgica‘ and ‗R/V Zeeleeuw‘. 105 R/V Belgica The oceanographic research vessel Belgica belongs to the Belgian State and comes under the responsibility of the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO). The management of the vessel and its scientific equipment falls under the responsibility of the Mathematical Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM), which is also responsible for planning and organising scientific campaigns at sea. The Belgian navy provides the crew and takes care of the operational aspects as well as the moorage in Zeebrugge, the Belgica's home port. This all-purpose research vessel, which spends around two hundred days a year at sea, both monitors the quality of the marine environment and undertakes numerous expeditions for scientific research. The Belgica monitors the quality of the North Sea by constantly collecting all sorts of data on the biological, chemical, physical, geological and hydrodynamic processes which take place there. In addition to this, the vessel is a floating laboratory for researchers from the universities and scientific institutes of Belgium in their search for a better understanding of the structure and working of the ecosystem of the North Sea. Thanks to its all-purpose nature and special equipment together with its versatile oceanographic instruments, the Belgica not only meets the needs of the Belgian teams working in the field of marine sciences, but also those of foreign teams with whom there is close co-operation in the context of European research programmes. However, the scientific activities on board can suddenly take a totally different turn. As soon as reports come in of a shipwreck involving a dangerous load or an oil spill, the Belgica changes course immediately if necessary and makes its way to the site of the catastrophe. In this case, its task is primarily to examine the impact of the incident on the sea environment by taking regular water samples and measurements. If necessary, the scientists, students and technicians make way for experts in the relevant field. In the meantime, the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) modellers examine the spread of the products harmful to the marine environment using mathematical models. Fortunately, such major catastrophes at sea occur only sporadically. The Belgica operates in the North Sea, from Brest (France) to Aberdeen (United Kingdom). In cases of international co-operation the Belgica leaves Belgian waters. (MUMM/BMM/UGMM, 2011). Figure 12-1 shows the themes of campaigns in 2009 and 2010, in terms of percentage. 60 percent of R/V Belgica‘s activities are geophysical research and monitoring of the marine environment. 106 Campaigns in 2009 5% Monitoring of the marine environment 16% 23% Research on ecosystems 13% Geophysical research Research on fisheries Other research themes 43% Campaigns in 2010 15% Monitoring of the marine environment 31% Research on ecosystems 12% Geophysical research Research on fisheries 12% 30% Other research themes Figure 12-1: Number of campaigns of R/V Belgica by theme (%) (2009 and 2010) 16 90 14 80 70 12 60 10 50 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 Number of days Number of campaigns Figure 12-2 shows the number of planned and effective number of days R/V Belgica operated in 2010. In 2010 the research vessel had 32 campaigns. Belgica operated 161 of the 186 planned days or ca. 87 %. 0 Monitoring of the marine environment Research on ecosystems Number of campaigns Geophysical research Research on fisheries Number of planned days Other research themes Number of effective days Figure 12-2: Number of campaigns and of planned and effective number of days by R/V Belgica (2010) 107 R/V Zeeleeuw The Fleet Division (Waterways and Marine Affairs Administration, Environment and Infrastructure Department of the Ministry of Flanders) and the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) cooperate in order to perform scientific research with the Zeeleeuw and other vessels in Belgian coastal waters and the Westerschelde estuary. The Fleet Division owns the Zeeleeuw, bears operational costs and provides the crew, whereas VLIZ decides on the cruise schedule and manages the collective used research equipment and infrastructure (Cattrrijsse, 2010). Since 2001 the Zeeleeuw performs on a monthly base scientific monitoring. Since 2008 an increase in monitoring can be noted due to the Water Framework Directive and the monitoring the environmental impact of wind farms on the Thornton and Bligh sandbanks. 250 2500 200 2000 150 1500 100 1000 50 500 0 Number of hours Number of cruises In 2009 the Zeeleeuw executed 166 of the 192 planned cruises (or 86 %). The research vessel operated 1.690 hours of the 2.372 requested number of hours (or 71 %). 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Number of planned cruises Executed number of cruises Requested number of hours Number of effective hours 2009 Figure 12-3: Research by the Zeeleeuw (2009) Figure 12-4: Scientific monitoring by R/V Zeeleeuw (2001 – 2009) 108 Figure 12-5: Tendered monitoring by R/V Zeeleeuw (2001 – 2009) 12.1.2 Budget Belgium is a federal country composed of 7 federated authorities: the Federal State, the three regions and three communities. Each authority has competence in research and innovation. The total Belgian contribution to marine research is estimated at 51,69 M€ per year. Federal At federal level the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) is funding research programmes on different themes. The major marine related programmes are: the Research programme "Science for a sustainable development - SSD" with sub programmes on the North Sea, Biodiversity, Climate and Atmosphere and Antarctic and polar regions; and the Research programme for Earth Observation (STEREO). Within the "Science for a sustainable development - SSD" 22 marine related projects are funded for a total budget of 17 M€. Within the Earth Observation programme STEREO II 9 marine related projects are funded for a total budget of 3 M€. The yearly budget for competitive marine research projects at BELSPO is around 5-6 M€. The institutional funding for marine research (Federal Research Institutions, maintenance Belgica, ...) is estimated around 8 M€. Other Federal administrations such as de FPS Environment, Ministry of Defence, FPS Economy, funds marine related research but figures are missing. Flanders In Flanders, the department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) has no dedicated research programmes as such. The Government of Flanders decided to fund Research and Innovation through 4 main funding lines. 109 1. The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen): Flanders research foundation is funding mainly basic and cutting edge research. FWO provides PhD-grant and post-doc grants on the basis of excellence. Several of them are related to marine topics. 2. Flanders Innovation & Technology agency (IWT): the agency supports a lot of strategic and applied research. IWT provides yearly also +/- 300 grants in applied research fields, some of them are dealing with marine related topics (biotechnology, aquaculture, marine technology). 3. Strategic research centres: these can be considered as dedicated research programmes: IMEC: micro-electronics, nanotechnology, VIB: Flanders Biotechnology Institute; VITO: Flanders Environmental technologies; IBBT: Institute for Broad Band Technologies. 4. BOF: Special Research Funds: These research funds are provided to the universities in order to develop their own research policy and support their own flagship research priorities. EWI is also financing a dedicated service, data and information platform for the marine/maritime research community, i.c. the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). The spending on marine and maritime related research projects adds up to an average of 11.7 million Euro a year, not taken into account the institutional funding for monitoring and logistic support costs of about 11.4 million Euro per year. French speaking community The Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS has the exclusive support competence for the French-speaking Community of Belgium (Brussels and Wallonia). On a general note, the FNRS fosters research in all scientific fields, following a bottom-up approach of investigatordriven research. The Fund supports individual researchers on the basis of the criterion of excellence by offering temporary or permanent positions; funding to research projects; grants and credits for international collaboration and scientific prizes. The Fund‘s annual budget amounts to ~150 M EUR. Marine and maritime research is mainly funded by the following instruments: 1. Support to individual researchers at all levels (salaries and fellowships), accounting for 2/3 of the total budget of FNRS 2. Support to bottom-up research projects (accounting for 1/3 of the budget) 3. Support to medium and large scale research infrastructures 4. Support to researchers‘ mobility Regarding the research projects (both individual and collaborative) honored in 2008, it is estimated that 10 - 20 projects in the field of marine and maritime sciences were funded accounting for approx. 2 M EUR or 4-5% % of all honoured research projects in 2008. These include mainly research projects related to interactions between oceans and climate as well as marine biodiversity. 110 12.1.3 Employment Figure 12-6 shows the distribution of research potential in number of persons. The blue share represents research groups of universities and Flemish and federal research institutes, whereas the grey part represents other groups (such as Marine Board ESF, IODE Project Office, etcetera). In addition (but not taken into account in this figure), the sector generates indirect employment, i.e. financial service, secretary employees, etcetera. Figure 12-6: Distribution of research potential in number of persons (Janssen, 27-11-2009) Figure 12-7 and Figure 12-8 show the distribution of research potential in number of persons per discipline. The map only represents university groups, in particular: Biological research (aquaculture, fishing, marine biology,…): 46%, Chemical research (toxicology, analytical chemistry,…): 14%, Earth sciences (geology, sedimentology,…): 14% Physical research (meteorology, water engineering,…): 10% Engineering sciences (hydraulics, coastal defence,…): 9% Maritime sciences (maritime history, harbor economics,…): 7% 111 7% 9% Biological research Chemical research 10% 46% Earth sciences Physical research Engineering sciences 14% Maritime sciences 14% Figure 12-7: Share (%) of persons per discipline (universities) (Janssen, 27-11-2009) Figure 12-8: Distribution of research potential in number of persons per discipline (universities) (Janssen, 27-11-2009) 12.1.4 Factors influencing the future development of the sector Future evolutions and developments depend to a large extent on the (EU) legislation and regulation with regard to the marine environment, requiring additional research in specific 112 fields. Examples are the Waterframe Directive, OSPAR, the Common Fisheries Policy, or the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Another aspect influencing the development of the research sector is innovation (i.e. mariculture initiatives in wind farms) and the need for knowledge (i.e. the development of new sensors, biotech, renewable energy, etcetera). 12.1.5 Cost of degradation based on costs of current environmental measures The pressure of the sector research can be considered as minor. The pressure on the marine environment comes in a large extent from operations by vessel. 12.2 Military exercises Military exercises are held on land (beach) and at sea, covering a large part of the BPNS. The exercises can be categorized into different sub-uses according to the zone in which they are executed and to the military component that is responsible for them. The most important military exercises taking place in the marine environment are: Shooting exercises direct seawards from land (responsible authority: Army) Shooting exercises direct seawards from land are held in Nieuwpoort – Lombardsijde. These exercises comprise testing new ammunition or weapons and second, training staff by simulating air attacks. The shooting area is divided in three parts: small (K), medium (M) and great (G), depending on the caliber of the ammunition used. There are no limitations on the number of shooting exercises per year. However, no exercises can be held in the summer school holiday and in weekends, reducing the maximum shooting days to 175. Shooting exercises at sea at floating targets (responsible authority: Navy) Shooting exercises at sea at floating targets is executed from the southern limit in northern direction, during day or night. The exercising zone can be used all year long. Amphibian exercises to train survival performance of Air Force Pilots (responsible authority: Army/Navy/Air Force) Amphibian exercises consist of testing survival capacities of Air Force pilots, dropped at sea. These exercises take place on average 3 times per year, with a maximum of 5 times per year. Detonation of war ammunitions (mining exercises) (responsible authority: Navy) Detonation exercises are held north of the anchor area Westhinder since 2001. As detonation of mines during training is prohibited, training mines are being used. Real ammunitions that need to be swept, are brought to this area to be detonated. There are no limitations on the number of detonations per year and the area can be used all year long. After exercising, mines are swept. Mining exercises can be divided into two categories: - Defensive mining, simulating a war situation whereby a strategic place needs to be defended against enemies. - Offensive mining, simulating a war situation whereby enemies try to put mines by the enemy. Mines can also be dropped by aircraft of small fishing boats. 113 Once per 2 years NATO holds extensive international large-scale naval exercises. The defensive or offensive mining exercises consist of placing mines and in a second stage, locating and sweeping mines53. Figure 12-9: Military exercise zones in the BPNS Following figures give an overview of the use of military ships in the BNPS, especially: - the evolution (2001 – 2010) of the use of Ready Duty Ships for fisheries surveillance; - the evolution (2000 – 2010) of the use of BNS Belgica for hydrographical research; - the evolution (2000 - 2010) of the use of military ships in MOST 54 military training areas, - and the evolution (2000 - 2010) of the use of ships from the navy. 53 (Maes, Frank et al., 2005) 54 Mine countermeasure vessels Operational Sea Training 114 According to Defence the military use of the BNPS will remain stable. Fisheries surveillance by Ready Duty Ships 90 80 Number of days 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 12-10: The evolution of the use of Ready Duty Ships for fisheries surveillance (2001 – 2010) (Defensie - Gianni Vangaever, 2011) Hydrographical research by BNS Belgica 200 180 Number of days 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 12-11: The evolution of the use of BNS Belgica for hydrographical research (2000 – 2010) (Defensie - Gianni Vangaever, 2011) 115 MOST military training area 250 18 16 Number of ships 300 240 18 14 185 12 13 10 200 135 14 12 155 13 180 175 13 135 12 150 12 170 125 10 8 200 13 150 10 100 6 4 Number of days 20 50 2 0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 12-12: The evolution of the use of military ships in MOST military training areas (2000 - 2010) (Defensie - Gianni Vangaever, 2011) Naval Component 18 Number of ships 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 MFF 2004 FFG 2005 CMT 2006 AUX 2007 2008 2009 2010 RDS Figure 12-13: The evolution of the use of ships from the naval component (2000 - 2010) (Defensie - Gianni Vangaever, 2011) 12.3 Historical ammunition zone: the Paardenmarkt In 1919, after the First World War, the Belgian Government decided to dump ca. 35.000 ton German military ammunition in the BPNS. For a period of 6 months, the ammunition was disposed on a daily basis on the sand flat ‗the Paardenmarkt‘, circa 1 km offshore, near Duinbergen. Since ‘70 it is forbidden to fish or to anchor in this area, first corresponding to 1,5 km² and then to 3 km² in ‘80 when the area was enlarged, indicated by a pentagon in Figure 12-15. The exact number of ammunition is not known. It is estimated that about 35.000 ton was dumped. The number of toxic ammunitions, containing yperite (60 %), (di)phosgene (20 %) and clark (11 %), is estimated at 20 to 30 %. Most of the ammunition is buried under 116 sediment, mainly due to the construction of the outer port of Zeebrugge, and does not pose a danger. Therefore the Government has decided that the ammunition will remain at place. Figure 12-14 shows ammunition dumping areas as a result of World War I and II. More than 100.000 ton of ammunition was dumped in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North East Atlantic Ocean. Figure 12-14: Ammunition dumping areas in the North Sea and in the North East Atlantic Ocean. Red bullet: conventional munitions, yellow bullet: toxic munitions, blue bullet: unknown munitions (OSPAR Commission - 2004 - revised (BMM)) 117 Figure 12-15: The Paardenmarkt 12.4 Anchorage area and places of refuge Places of anchorage are designated places where ships are able to anchor, while waiting for a pilot or a permission to enter a port. Places of refuge are areas where ships can refuge in case of heavy storms at sea or in case of leakage (Maes, Frank et al., 2005). The Westhinder Anchorage area is determined as the place of refuge. NE Akkaert Anchorage and AZ Anchorage are emergency anchorage areas, in case Westhinder anchorage would not be available. Ostend en Zeebrugge are two ports of refuge. These ports can only 118 welcome smaller vessels without significant damage, due to the limited capacity, without dry docks and given its limited depth55. Other destinations are Flushing, Dunkirk or Rotterdam. Figure 12-16: Places of anchorage (Frank Maes, s.d. ) 12.5 Cables and pipelines Cables are used for telecommunication and energy purposes and pipelines for gas transportation. The total length of telecommunication cables is 914 km: 16 cables are being used (718 km), and 11 cables are not in use (196 km). There are 3 gas pipelines on the BPNS with a total length of 163 km: 55 Interconnector: between Bacton on the southern coast of the United Kingdom and Zeebrugge; (Frank Maes, s.d. ) 119 Zeepipe: between the Sleipner area on the Norwegian continental shelf and the Distrigaz terminal in Zeebrugge; Norfra or Franpipe: between the Norwegian continental shelf and Dunkirk on the northern coast of France. Figure 12-17: Communication cables, electricity export cables and gas pipelines 12.6 Activities considering the sea as a sink: wrecks and wreck salvage Ship wrecks, other vessel wrecks and sunk loads spread along the entire Belgian part of the North Sea, as a consequence of shipping accidents and other disasters at sea and their removal. The BPNS counts many ship wrecks and it is likely that shipping accidents will occur in the future. gives an overview of the detected wrecks in the BNPS. 120 13. NATURE CONSERVATION Nature conservation includes all coastal and marine areas that have received or could receive a protection status. 13.1 International biodiversity policy This paragraph gives a brief overview of international legislation with regard to biodiversity. 1971: Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat; 1979: Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009) on the conservation of wild birds; 1979: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Convention on Migratory Species or Convention of Bern). Two agreements are important in the BNPS: ASCOBANS: Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas AEWA: African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement 1979: Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats; 1992: The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna; 1992: Convention on Biological Diversity or Convention of Rio; 2001: EU Summit in Göteborg to halt the decline of biodiversity by 2010; 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg to protect 10% of marine ecological regions by 2012 and to create of a network of marine protected areas; 2003: OSPAR-HELCOM meeting in Bremen on the creation of a network of marine protected areas by 2010. 13.2 Relevant legal decisions under federal legislation for nature conservation in the BPNS The “MMM” act The "MMM" act (act of 20 January 1999 on the protection of the marine environment in sea areas under Belgian jurisdiction) changed by the act of 17 September 2005 (Belgian Official Journal of 13 October 2005) establishes the legal basis for the protection of the Belgian part of the North Sea against sea-related pollution and for the conservation, restoration and development of nature. The general principles of environmental law are summarised in this important act: The prevention principle: prevention is better than cure; 121 The precautionary principle: preventive measures must be taken if there are grounds for concern regarding pollution; The principle of sustainable management: human activities must be managed in such a way that the marine ecosystem remains in a condition which ensures the continued use of the sea; The polluter pays principle: the costs of measures to prevent and fight pollution are to be borne by the polluter; The principle of restoration: if the environment is damaged or disrupted, the marine environment must be restored to its original condition as far as is possible; The principle of objective liability is also established: in the event of any damage to or disruption of the environment in sea areas as a result of an accident or an infringement of the law, the party having caused the damage to or disruption of the environment is obliged to remedy this, even if they are not at fault. In addition, the basis is established for creating marine reserves. There are 3 categories of marine reserves: In integral marine reserves no activities are allowed; In directed marine reserves, activities will be exceptionally allowed; In special protection zones and the special zones for nature conservation, activities are generally allowed but some activities may be forbidden. The areas will only be designated when the destination is already known. Further more, there will be agreements with the communities that are active in the area. These agreements have been established. A general obligation is established, as regards activities for which a permit is required in advance, to prepare a report on the environment effects (at the initiative of the applicant) and to undertake environmental assessment before and during these activities (carried out by the government). The MMM act modifies a number of provisions in the law of 6 April 1995 implementing the MARPOL convention. For instance, different penalties are imposed depending on whether merchant navy ships, pleasure boats or fishing vessels are involved and provision is made for the possibility of an amicable settlement. There is an obligation to draw up emergency plans in the event of oil pollution on board ships. The MMM acts also forms the basis on which compulsory navigation courses can be established to safeguard protected areas against shipping accidents or disruption by pleasure boats. Government action in the event of an accident posing the threat of pollution is also defined. So far the following implementing decrees have been issued in the context of the MMM act: Royal Decree of 12 March 2000 on the procedure for dumping certain substances and materials in the North Sea (Belgian Official Journal of 4 April 2000); Royal decree of 21 on December 2001 the protection of species (Belgian Official Journal of 14 February 2002) ; Royal Decree of 7 September 2003 on the procedure for permits required for certain activities in sea areas (Belgian Official Journal of 17 September 2003); 122 Royal Decree of 9 September 2003 on the assessment of environmental effects (Belgian Official Journal of 17 September 2003); Royal Decree of 8 July 2005 on the simplified procedure for assessment of environmental effects (Belgian Official Journal of 14 July 2005); Royal decree of 14 October 2005 on the installation of special protection areas and special zones for nature conservation (MPAs) (Belgian Official Journal of 31 October 2005); Royal Decree of 14 October 2005 on the conditions for community agreements concerning special protected marine areas (Belgian Official Journal of 31 October 2005). 13.3 Site protection At this moment marine protected areas have been established (or are currently in the process of being established) in the BPNS. Figure 13-1: Current and future MPAs in the BPNS Special Protection Areas (Birds Directive) The EU Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds) was adopted in 1979 by the 123 Member states of the Union, as a result of declining wild bird populations due to pollution, loss of habitats and unsustainable use. The objective is the conservation of all species of naturally occurring birds in the wild state in the European territory of the Member States to which the Treaty applies. It covers the protection, management and control of these species and lays down rules for their exploitation. Member States shall take the requisite measures to maintain the population of the species referred to in Article 1 of the Directive at a level which corresponds in particular to ecological, scientific and cultural requirements, while taking account of economic and recreational requirements, or to adapt the population of these species to that level. In 2005, three zones have been designated as Special Protection Area (Royal Decree of 14 October 2005): SBZ 1 (Koksijde- 110,01 km²), SBZ 2 (Oostende- 144,80 km²), SBZ 3 (Zeebrugge- 57,71 km²). Special Areas of Conservation (Habitats Directive) The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna) was adopted on 21 May 1992 and complements and amends the Birds Directive. The purpose is to ensure biodiversity by means of the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in the European territory of the Member States and in particular to maintain or restore the habitats and species at a favorable conservation status in their natural range. In 2005, two zones have been designated as Special Areas of Conservation (Royal Decree of 14 October 2005): H1 Trapegeer-Stroombank (181,00 km²) and H2 Vlakte van de Raan (19,17 km²). In 2010 the future SAC ―Vlaamse Banken‖ was notified to the European Commission. This site was selected for the protection of the habitat type ―1110-Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time‖ and ―1170 - Reefs‖ and for the following species: Phoca vitulina (common seal) and Alosa fallax (twaite shad). This site with an area of ca 1000 km² extends the current SAC ―Trapegeer Stroombank‖. NATURA 2000 All areas that are protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives form an ecological network, known as NATURA 2000. NATURA 2000 is comprised of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) under the Habitats Directive, and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) under the Birds Directive. Ramsar sites The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat is an intergovernmental treaty, signed in 1971 in Ramsar, Iran and came into force in 1975. Member countries should maintain the ecological character of their Wetlands of International Importance and plan for their ―wise use‖, or sustainable use. The Convention on Wetlands came into force in Belgium on 4 July 1986. Ramsar site ―Vlaamse Kustbanken‖ established for the protection of the common scoter (Melanitta nigra). 124 Table 13-1: Overview Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation Name Surface Habitat type and/of species SBZ 1 110,01 km² Little Gull (Larus minutus - dwergmeeuw), SBZ 2 144,80 km² Great-Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus - fuut) SBZ 3 57,71 km² Sandwich Tern (Sterna sandvicensis – grote stern), Common Tern (Sterna hirundo - visdief) Trapegeer Stroombank (H1) 181,00 km² Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time; mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at low tide. Vlakte van de Raan (H2) 19,17 km² Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time (Cliquet & Decleer, s.d.) 125 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY Agentschap Dienstverlening en Kust - Scheepvaartbegeleiding. (2011). Shipping Assistance Division. ARCADIS. (2010). 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Service Public Fédéral Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire et Environnement, Bruxelles, Belgique, 129 pp. Dutch version : Belgische Staat, 2012. Socio-economische analyse van het gebruik van de Belgische mariene wateren en de aan de aantasting van het mariene milieu verbonden kosten. Kaderrichtlijn Mariene Strategie – Art 8, lid 1c. Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu, Brussel, België, 137 pp. Contact: If you have questions, or if you wish to receive a digital copy of this report, please send an email to (Director Marine Affairs) or (Expert Marine Affairs). July 2012 129