WEST CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® October 2016 INDUSTRY NEWS INSIDE: President’s Message 2 Membership Report 3 WCAR Affiliates Page 5 MNAR Hotline Q & A 6 Upcoming CE MLS Tip Directors & Committee Members 7-8 9 10 Watch the MNAR Video Resource- Coming Soon listings, Tax bill and mortgage debt forgiveness, GRI designation https://youtu.be/yIDDRuarRW8 New member benefit: http://membersgiftgalleria.com/ Details at: http://www.realtor.org/programs/realtor-benefits-program/giftingmarketing-resources/members-gift-galleria?cid=RB-GIFT-0022 Download the NAR App. Find "NAR Member Center" in your App Store. What does the REALTOR Party do and how have they helped Minnesota REALTORS? Find out here: http://mnrpac.org/successes Did you know MNAR has a blog? Follow at http://minnrealtors.wordpress.com Have you taken the required Ethics course? REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time by December 31, 2016. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®. A reminder was emailed out to all those who still need to take an Ethics course on Tuesday October 4th if you received a notification you have 3 options: Classroom course with CE: November 14th at AmericInn in Marshall register HERE www.wcarmn.com 320-235-6881 Free online course with no CE at http://www.realtor.org/coeceduc.nsf/findnrdsrecord?openfo rm Online course with CE at https://wcarmn.theceshop.com/ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Fall is upon us! It appears that we are all staying pretty busy! That is good news to hear. I want to thank everyone who attended our Annual Education and Luncheon. I believe there were 180 who attended. Also, the Silent Auction was a huge success. The Auction raised $1512 bringing this year’s program total to $2664. The Realtor®'s Helping Communities charity recipients are as follows: 1. KMS Marching Saints 2. Esther's Kitchen Ann Anderson 2016-2017 WCAR President 3. Take It Home Backpack Program A huge thank you to all who donated to these 3 worthy causes! Mark your calendars. October 27 at Prairie's Edge Conference Center in Granite Falls is an opportunity to acquire more educational credits. There will be 2 classes offered that day. A morning session or afternoon session. You can also attend both sessions. To look up the information and cost, go to the WCAR website. A FYI for the WCAR members to know.....your WCAR Board members will be attending a Leadership Training Thursday October 13 in Parkers Prairie. Our speaker this year is Adorna Carroll, DSA. She will be speaking to us about Training Today's Professionals for Tomorrow's Business. It is a good day to also meet Board members from across the State of Minnesota. To all of you fellow REALTORS... Take care and have a great October! Ann Anderson WCAR President Sign up for the October 27 CE Class in Granite Falls We need 25 registrations in order to continue holding CE Classes locally. Grab your fellow REALTOR® and sign up TODAY!! Register at: https://wcarmnportal.ramcoams.net/Education/History/Classes.aspx?selmenid= men2 SHOWINGTIME TIPS Find more Q & A on the Minnesota Association of REALTORS website: www.mnrealtor.com Overlapping appointments- An agent can request a showing at the same time as another agent on their listing. The Listing Agent has 3 options (1)Allow overlapping appointments and notify the showing agent that another appointment is requested for that time or (2) Allow overlapping appoints and not notify the other agent. (3) Allow 1 showing at a time which would be an exclusive showing and would prevent agents from scheduling an appointment at the same time as another agent. You will find these features under the Listing Worksheet and then Appointment Restrictions Emails from ShowingTime System: Do not forward ShowingTime emails if you do not want the receiving agent to be able to access all links in the email like the buyers name and contact information. Feedback for a specific property- you can find all the feedback for 1 property by going to the Listings Tab-Feedback- Click on your property in the spreadsheet and scroll about half way down and all Feedback responses will be listed. The next section will be all your showings for that property past and future along with when feedback was received from showing agent or when the feedback request was sent October Trivia There is CE classes In both Fairmont and Granite Falls in October Register at wcarmn.com. WCAR Membership Report New Members: Transfers: Swanson Auction & Realty, LLC, Ivanhoe None Drops: Hannah Stenzel, Realtor®, Re/Max Premier Realty, Worthington Hannah Stenzel, Realtor®, Re/Max Premier Realty, Worthington Beth Scrivens, Realtors®, Rivers’ Edge Realty, Windom Rene Diebold, Century 21 Southwest, Marshall Monica Lindeman, Century 21 Southwest, Marshall Pete Dahl, Re/Max Preferred Realty, Willmar Full Members: 377 Affiliate Members: 39 Secondary Members: 15 ANNUAL APPRECIATION EVENT September 22 brought 180 WCAR members to Jackpot Junction in Morton for the Annual Appreciation Event. The day included a luncheon, installation of the board of directors, presentation of the REALTORS Helping Communities award, silent and live auction for local charities and great member networking. Geri Theis Receives REALTORS Volunteer of the Year for her work with GRASP Chris Galler MNAR CEO 2016-2017 Board of Directors Installation, sworn in by incoming MNAR president Patty Zuzek WCAR CommitteesEducation, MLS and PR Committees Affiliate Members Builders: Lenders: Energy Concepts 320-212-5970 Appraiser Members: Ag Star Financial 320-203-4635 Bremer Bank-Willmar 320-235-1111 Bremer Bank-Marshall 507-537-0222 Central Minnesota Credit UnionBelgrade & Paynesville 320-256-3669 Clearwater Mortgage 320-231-3777 Concorde Bank 320-222-6111 Co-Op Credit Union-Montevideo 320-269-2117 First Independent Bank 507-823-4391 Granite Community Loan Center 320-796-2265 Harvest Bank 320-974-8861 Heritage Bank 320-235-5720 Home Federal Bank 507-532-3152 Home State Bank 320-231-1118 Homeowners Financial Group 507-530-3888 Klein Mortgage 320-269-2417 Lake Region Bank 320-235-5900 Lake Region Mortgage 320-231-1309 North American State Bank 320-235-7000 United FCS 320-235-1771 US Bank 320-231-8225 Wells Fargo 320-214-0811 Agri-Realty 507-995-9311 Appraisals by Ralph Thoren 507-399-1794 Fagerlie Appraisal 320-235-9374 Grandprey Appraisal Services 507-831-2290 Guggenberger Appraisal Service 320-685-7530 Haynes Real Estate Appraisal 507-532-6362 Holmgren Appraisal 320-235-8023 John Brown Appraisals 320-523-1497 Kandiyohi County Assessor 320-231-6200 Klein Appraisal Services 320-235-0730 Lac Qui Parle County Assessor 320-598-3187 Mahoney Appraisal 507-236-5375 McCoy Appraisal Services 507-829-0230 Neu LLC Appraisal 605-541-0102 Bruss Appraisal Services 507-532-6863 Pool Appraisals 320-995-6111 Southwest Appraisal & Consultants 507-637-2629 Tri State Appraisal Services 320-269-2229 William Latham Appraisal 320-796-5264 Home Inspectors: Advanced Property Inspecons Inc 320-354-7233 Pro-Spec Home Inspecons 320-894-3649 Sportel Home Inspecons, LLC 320-979-3846 Werder Home Inspecons Inc 320-231-1614 Radon Inspector & Migaon Radon B Gone, LLC 320-469-1712 Insurance Agents: Mick Quinn Insurance Agency 320-231-1134 Title Companies: Johnson Moody, Schmidt & Kleinhuizen 320-235-2000 Kandiyohi Abstract & Title 320-235-9770 Lyon County Abstract & Title 507-532-2367 Quality Title of Willmar, LLC 320-262-5200 Title & Abstract Services, LLC 507-929-1310 Well & Sepc Companies: Thein Well Company 320-796-2111 FROM THE MNAR LEGAL HOTLINE AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS DESK Q. If the closing date passes and the pares do not close the transacon, is the purchase agreement automacally cancelled? A No. While failing to close on the closing date is a default by the party causing the agreement not to close, when using the Minnesota REALTORS® Purchase Agreement, the agreement is not automacally cancelled. In order to cancel it, the pares must either mutually agree in wring, or one of the pares must do a Statutory Cancellaon pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 559.217, or one of the pares must obtain a court order stang the purchase agreement is cancelled. When the pares both agree the Purchase Agreement should be cancelled, a Minnesota REALTORS® Cancellaon of Purchase Agreement form may be used. Q. If a buyer fails to close by the closing date, and the seller does not wish to proceed, can the seller start markeng the property again? A. Unless the purchase agreement states otherwise, it is certainly okay to market the property. However, keep in mind that adversing must not be misleading, so it should probably menon that the property is under a contract. All new purchase agreements should be wri?en subject to the cancellaon of the previous purchase agreement to prevent a seller from legal exposure related to having agreed to sell to two buyers at once. Thus, lines 62-66 of the Purchase Agreement should be filled out, and the offer should be considered a back-up offer unl the first purchase agreement is cancelled. Remember to calculate the number of days needed for cancellaon of the previous purchase agreement so that there is enough me to do a Statutory Cancellaon, if necessary. REALTORS Helping Communities Raise $1512 at Silent Auction Silent Auction proceeds bring the total raised for 3 local charities to $2664. A donation of $888 will go to the KMS Marching Saints, Esther’s Kitchen and Take It Home Backpack program. Each charity was nominated by a West Central Association of REALTORS member. Thank you to all who donated, bid, bought and helped make this year’s total the largest to date. October 11th, 2016 Holiday Inn - Fairmont MN 8:30-12:15 pm H2 Oh No! In this 3.75 hour class, students will learn about water! Wells are regulated at some county levels and by some lenders. Students will learn about water testing, county and lender requirements and how to handle a sale with a well. Septic systems need maintenance and the laws on septic systems are ever-changing. Students will learn about maintaining septic systems and handling sales with septic on site. Mold is the result of too much water! students will learn how to handle mold issues, disclosure requirements, what molds are OK and which are dangerous. This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate continuing education. 1:15-5:00 pm Agent Beware In this 3.75 hour class, students will be exposed to the scams that are perpetrated on consumers, what the “red flags” to be aware of are, physical threats and security issues facing a buyer and seller. In today’s world, where criminals see an open house as being a ripe target, agents need to be aware of the dangers and how to handle themselves to protect themselves and their clients. Many times, agents and consumer find that they are in compromised situation and need solutions to extricate and exonerate themselves. This class demonstrate the safety measures that can be used to protect themselves and their clients. This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate continuing education. Name Oct 11, 2016 ______________________________________ Company I will attend: ________All Day $70 WCAR Member _____________________________________ $80 Non Member City ________H2 Oh No $40 WCAR Member _____________________________________ $45 Non Member Email ________Agent Beware $40 WCAR Member ______________________________________ $45 Non Member License # _____________________________________ Email completed form wcoffice@wcarmn.com or mail WCAR at 1025 19 Av SW, Suite 5-Willmar MN 56201 Registration Increase $10 after September 30th Payment Required with registration No Refunds Given October 27th, 2016 Prairie’s Edge Conference Center-Granite Falls 8:30-12:15 pm Size Matters 2 You just signed a listing, now you have to gather information to put in the MLS. But how do you know how big the house is? How much finished square footage does it have? What does "finished" really mean? What's the definition of BelGrdFinSqFt? What tools do you need to measure the house? What's with the sloped walls on a 1.5 story? Ever wondered about lot sizes? This is a comprehensive course about how to measure a house, how to calculate finished square footage, what tools to use, etc. This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate continuing education. 1:15-5:00 pm Purchase Agreements That Pack A Punch This course will acquaint the agents with the purchase agreement and the changes as they take place. Reading the purchase agreement line for line and understanding the meaning of the phrases on each page will help agents better serve buyers in today's changing market. Plus understanding the importance of due diligence with respect to your client's objective prior to writing your complete purchase agreement. This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3.75 hours for real estate continuing education. Name Oct 27, 2016 ______________________________________ I will attend: Company ________All Day $70 WCAR Member ______________________________________ City ______________________________________ Email $80 Non Member ________Size Matters 2 $40 WCAR Member $45 Non Member ________PA That Pack a Punch $40 WCAR Member ______________________________________ $45 Non Member License # Registration Increase $10 after October 14th ______________________________________ Payment Required with registration Email completed form wcoffice@wcarmn.com or mail WCAR at 1025 19 Av SW, Suite 5-Willmar MN 56201 No Refunds Given FLEXMLS TIPS AND TRICKS Remember to Click the 2nd Next when making changes in Flexmls. Street, Avenue, Blvd goes in the Street Abbreviation drop down menu with all paperwork the Seller should be given a copy. Add additional fields to a Quick Search by clicking the Green + sign at the bottom of the field list 1 Page Report added to Flexmls check out the WCAR 1 Page under Reports You can now do price changes and listing extensions on your Android device . You can be logged into 2 systems at 1 time if you select Two-Step Verification under Preferences-My PreferencesSecurity Select SEE ALL and then you do not need to scroll through the City or Lake Name List a pop box will show all in the list with a check box by each to select. You can Sync the ShowingTime Calendar with your personal calendars from Google, Outlook and more find more information under Help in ShowingTime’s Knowledge Base under Help. Use an Asterisk as a wildcard when searching for a street name or for something specific in remarks *wood* or *granite If you sell a new construction are you updating the MLS system with any upgrades included in the sale price? If you finish the basement be sure to update finished square feet. What is the difference between Private and Public Versions of a Report? Private will display all Confidential Fields like compensation & Agent Remarks and is for Agent use only. Public does not display Confidential Fields and is meant to be emailed and printed for the consumer Remember to Print within Flexmls and not your internet option. Print is above Tabs ONLY the name goes in Street All price changes, extensions Field Ex. First, 8, Main or edits made to a listing agreement must be either signed or initialed by the Seller and as Have Flex open several times by right clicking on what you want to do and select Open in New Tab Or if you are using quick search click the Box with the arrow If you change a status to Pending it will remove the listing from all websites except the MLS You can search more than one Class by going to Search-Quick Search- Multi Property and selecting which classes you want to search Watch the short tutorials under the Help in the top right corner WCAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS Contact Us Officers: MLS Commi?ee: Public Relaons President: Lacey Aalderks Commi?ee Ann Anderson Tyler Hanson Ann Anderson President Elect: Todd Hansen Jolene Ervin Diane Buesing Linda Harris Tyler Hanson Treasurer: Brady Lindquist Tina Nelson Linda Harris Cynthia Rogers* Mary Peterson Past President: Dawn Wi? Valerie Stephens* Linda Harris Lori Schroeder WCAR Phone: 320-235-6881 MNAR & WCAR Director Brian Wixon * denotes Commi?ee Fax Geri Theis Educaon Commi?ee Chair 320-231-3405 WCAR Directors: Doug Fenstra Charles Holland Jan Sanow Email: Nan Kaufenberg Dee Schurman wcoffice@wcarmn.com Sandy Russen Dawn Wi?* Paul Ryan Bruce Vogel Kevin Swanson Associaon Execuve Sue Blumhoefer WCAR……. Working To Keep Home Ownership Strong Bruce Vien Dawn Wi? UPCOMING EVENTS October 11 – CE in Fairmont-Signup now October 27- CE in Granite Falls including How To Measure A House November 4-7 - Annual NAR Conference in Orlando November 14- New Member Orientation and Code of Ethics in Marshall December 2 – REALTOR Ring Day April 6- Appraiser & Real Estate CE in Willmar April 20 - CE in Willmar The second weekend of each month is WCAR Open House Month. WCAR Advertises on the cover of the Homes Plus magazine and all Open Houses entered in Flex MLS are posted on the WCAR website and Realtor.com