Passing the Baton - Syracuse Children`s Chorus


Passing the Baton - Syracuse Children`s Chorus
The Chorister
Syracuse Children’s Chorus Newsletter
Fall 2009
Volume 17, No. 1
Passing the Baton
SCC Launches National Search for a new Artistic Director
After 29 years, Founder and Artistic Director Barbara M. Tagg is
“passing the baton” to a new Managing Artistic Director
Inside This Issue
ACDA Children’s
Honor Choir
Visit our website:
to view the position profile and
application procedure
Application Deadline: January 8, 2010
Appointment Begins: June 1, 2010
Choristers selected to
participate in February
A Fall Festival of
SCC hosts concert to
support Susan G. Komen
for the Cure
A special concert… just
for SCC Alumni!
Light the Night
Honoring friends and
family at Nine Lessons
The Syracuse Children’s
Chorus applauds
for their generous
Join the Syracuse Children’s Chorus in 2009-2010 for
a year-long celebration of artistic excellence, collaboration,
and joyful singing!
The Nine Lessons and Carols
Concert Preview
The Nine Lessons and Carols is fast approaching! A centuries-old ritual performed
annually at King’s College in Cambridge, England, The Nine Lessons and Carols is a
beloved retelling of the Christmas legend in words and music. Drawing from both
the Old and New Testaments, the Nine Lessons guide the listener through the bestloved verses of Christmas. Enjoy the angelic voices of the choristers as they perform
excerpts from Ceremony of Carols, with guest harpist Deette Bunn. Rupert Lang’s Carol
of the Child will feature Carolyn Weber, (mezzo-soprano), Libby Weber (current SCC
chorister), the Park Central Presbyterian Church Handbell Choir led by Ben
Merchant, and an SCC alumni trio with alumni choristers Lilly Patrick, Samantha
Claps, and Katie Weber. Accompanied by Alice Muzquiz, Michael Copps, Kaitlin
Schneekloth and Glenn Kime, the choirs will present perennial favorites such as Go
Tell it on the Mountain and On Christmas Night. The audience is invited to join in the
singing of familiar carols, including Hark! The Herald Angels Sing and O Come, All Ye
Faithful during the performance. Please join us for this holiday celebration!
We invite you to see page 5 for details on how you can honor a loved one during the
candlelit singing of Stille Nacht (Silent Night) during The Nine Lessons and Carols.
Message from Barbara Tagg, Founder and Artistic Director
I am sure you have now read our headline about Passing the Baton of the Syracuse Children’s
Chorus to a new Managing Artistic Director to begin next season. This carefully planned
transition began in 2007 when I applied to the Central New York Community Foundation for a
John F. Marsellus Sabbatical leave grant. This three-week sabbatical provided an in-depth
opportunity to study transitions of choirs from a founder-driven organization to that of an
organization with new artistic leadership. In June of 2008 during an organizational retreat we
began the discussion about organizational transition. With the tremendous guidance of our
consultant, staff, board of directors, and Search Committee, we are right on schedule with the
planned search for a gifted new director to begin the 30th year of the Chorus starting
June 1, 2010.
There is much to celebrate. The Chorus has grown from a choir of 50 children to a stable arts
organization that has been a model for organizational structure and artistic excellence for
children’s choirs across the country. Throughout the years we have worked with America’s foremost composers, with
professional musicians of the highest caliber, and given young singers throughout the Central New York region
extraordinary experiences. We have traveled the world, inspired many, and most importantly shared the joy of singing
with thousands. If you know an outstanding candidate for this wonderful choir please let them know about the
position. Details may be found on our website.
In case you are wondering, I am not retiring! The “R” word is not in my vocabulary. I will continue to teach at Syracuse
University, direct the SU Women’s Choir, guest conduct, and work on a major writing project. We hope that you
will join us for our festive Nine Lessons and Carols concert in December, and for the March concert to celebrate the joy of
singing with our SCC Alumni and current choristers. It has been an amazing 29 years! And, the best is yet to come.
Fall Giving Campaign
“If you’re searching for a group of talented, engaged and generous community members, you would do well to start
with a chorus.”- Todd Estabrook, Chairman of Chorus America
A recent Chorus America study noted that over 10 million American children are currently singing in school, church,
and community choruses. The study also found that regular participation in a choral ensemble enhances numerous
aspects of a child’s social development and academic success. Parents note significant improvements in a child’s
memory, creativity, practice and homework skills directly related to their child’s involvement in a choral ensemble.
Educators attribute participation in a chorus as benefiting a child’s emotional expression, self-discipline, and
In our 29th season the Syracuse Children’s Chorus continues to provide a place for children who are capable of
extraordinary choral singing when challenged by great choral music. We believe that striving for excellence in music
teaches children to become good citizens, responsible adults and creative leaders of the future.
While we recognize that these are difficult financial times, we also ask that you
remember the importance of music in shaping the children of our community. Your
donation provides a home for the talented young singers of Central New York.
Please help financially support the important work of the Chorus.
2009-2010 Alumni Initiative!
By Alumni Chorister Courtney Chiavara (1993-2001)
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Sponsored by Alan Byer Volvo
Friday, March 5, 2010—Time and location to be announced
XÇvÉÜx4 T gÜ|uâàx àÉ UtÜutÜt `A gtzz
with Syracuse Children’s Chorus alumni
Saturday, March 6, 2010—7:30pm
Most Holy Rosary Church, Syracuse
Contact the SCC Office for more details:
Please join the Syracuse Children’s Chorus as we give thanks and tribute to Dr. Barbara Marble Tagg for her 29 years of
service to the children in our community. Our tribute weekend is the time for “children” of all ages to give back! The
concert will involve current choristers, select alumni soloists and ALL ALUMNI singing a variety of song selections. The
evening will be filled with alumni memories, photos, and a few other surprises, which are sure to entertain. This concert
should not be missed! If you are interested in participating please RSVP to the SCC office or directly to myself at
To make this concert possible, we are looking for funding. My goal is to have the March concert be an alumni funded
event. “How will this happen?” you may ask. I am looking for 100 alumni to step up to the plate and donate $100. I
have personally done so (and even turned to my company for a matching gift!). As we move into the holiday season, I
ask that you keep this in mind and challenge each and every one of you to make your donation to the chorus. Every
little bit helps, so please don’t hesitate to make a donation.
Happy Holidays to each and every one of you and
I look forward to seeing everyone in a few short months at Encore!
Alumni Spotlight
Alumni Chorister Lianne Coble (1991-1995)
In the 2008-2009 season, Lianne Coble made her Carnegie Hall debut as the soprano
soloist in Haydn’s Kleine Orgelmesse and Rutter’s Mass for the Children under the auspices
of MidAmerica Productions and the New England Symphonic Ensemble. Lianne also
soloed with the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra in Mozart's Coronation Mass, and the Faure
Requiem. She recently joined the elite baroque ensemble Musica Sacra, and performed
works of Scarlatti and Bach at Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center. Additional credits this
year include Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance, performed in Ithaca, NY, and being chosen
as a finalist in the Jensen Foundation Vocal Competition. She also collaborates regularly
with the professional choir of the Church of St. Ignacius Loyola in their "Sacred Music in a
Sacred Space" series, and with the Alpha Omega Ensemble. Lianne joins the Syracuse
Symphony Orchestra again this season on November 20-21, 2009.
We are proud of all of our alumni members and look forward to receiving information from more of you! Contact us with your
news and notes via email, mail, or phone. Our contact information is on the back page of this newsletter!
Camp Woodland
Chorale met for two days in August at Camp Woodland in preparation for another
busy season. Special thanks to our parent chaperones and alumni choristers for all of
their help.
Below: (counter-clockwise from top left) Ms. DeMartini (Associate Director and
conductor of Preludio) joins choristers Elizabeth D. and Rachel R. in an African
drumming circle led by alumni choristers Robin Carruthers (1983-1987) and Allison
Baxter Manion (1983-1987); choristers Christine C. and Allison T. “hang out” on the
tire swings; alumni chorister Chip Weber (2002-2007) leads choristers in the flag
raising; choristers take time to wind down after a long day at rehearsal (pictured are
Margaret W., Katrina S., Emily T., and Addie B.); Maura C., Elizabeth A., and
Elizabeth D., enjoy a game led by alumni counselors Katie Weber (2000-2006),
Elizabeth Sutphen (1999-2006), and Nicholas Blaney (2002-2006) .
Select Ensemble
The Select Ensemble, consisting of Chorale members, has been as busy as
ever! Last spring, members of the Select Ensemble were featured on
Bridge Street (9-WSYR) where they performed the SCC favorite, Sesere
eeye. Choristers have also performed for the dedication of the Golisano
Children’s Hospital (September) and the Syracuse Chamber of
Commerce Economic Champions Luncheon (October). Select Ensemble
members will perform at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner
Below: Choristers perform on Bridge Street (left) and the dedication for
the Golisano Children’s Hospital (right).
Camp Woodland
Carol Betancourt
Caroline Calimlim
Mary Beth Domachowske
Jim Hannan
Sean Lamb
Eric McDermitt-Wise
Kathy Reilly
The DiGennaro Family
The Volk Family
SCC Hosts
a Fall Festival of Choirs
to benefit
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
On October 24, 2009, SCC hosted A Fall
Festival of Choirs featuring Syracuse
University Oratorio Society, Syracuse
Vocal Ensemble, Kirk Choir from Park
Central Presbyterian Church, and the Silk &
Satin vocal jazz ensemble from C.W. Baker
High School in Baldwinsville. A portion of
the proceeds from the concert benefited the
CNY Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the
Cure. Over $1,000 was raised to help
support breast cancer research and
The Shoe Bird
Members of Chorale and Kantorei joined the
Syracuse Symphony Orchestra, Bruce Coville,
Full Cast Audio, and conductor John Mario Di Costanzo on
Saturday, November 14th for a performance of
Samuel Jones' musical fable, The Shoe Bird based on
Eudora Welty’s children's book.
Light the Night
The Nine Lessons and Carols concert concludes with
an a cappella rendition of Stille Nacht (Silent Night).
Members of Chorale hold candles as they surround
the audience and illuminate Most Holy Rosary
Church for the finale.
This year, we are offering the opportunity to bring
someone dear to your heart a bit closer during the
performance. By lighting a candle in honor or in
memory of a loved one, our patrons make a
personal connection between those you care for and
the choristers of the Syracuse Children's Chorus.
For a donation of $10, your loved one’s name will be
listed in our concert program and a candle will be lit
in their honor. A card of acknowledgment will also
be sent to your loved one or another person of your
choosing on behalf of SCC.
Above: Chorale and Kantorei choristers pose with
narrator Bruce Coville on Saturday morning.
Help SCC Go Green!
In the future, SCC plans to go paperless with
our newsletters! Please update your email
address by contacting the SCC Office so that
you will continue to receive The Chorister.
Above (from left to right): Syracuse University conducting interns
Wesley Roy, Elizabeth Varga, Amanda Schofield (SCC 19951999), Victoria Randall, Brittany Lynch (SCC 1998-2004) and
Allison Garwood (SCC 1997-2003) after Saturday’s performance.
At right: Dr. Tagg and Alice Muzquiz rehearse with choristers
before going on stage.
Remember that you can also view The Chorister
online at
Day Camps
Preludio and Kantorei choristers spent
two busy Saturday mornings with
conductors Deborah Cunningham and
Marcia DeMartini in preparation for
their upcoming performances. At the
end of the day, choristers shared new
pieces with each other in a miniconcert. At right, choristers spend
some time getting to know each other!
Pictured above (from left to right): Sarah Rose C., Kara B., Morgan M., Leanna W., Riley W., Olivia M.,
Derek H., Leila A., Eliza M., and Sachin S.
Choristers Selected for Honors
Three members of the Syracuse Children’s Chorus have been selected to
participate in the American Choral Director’s Association (ACDA) Eastern
Division Children’s Honor Choir to be held February 10-13, 2010 in
Philadelphia, PA. James Bruska, Megan Field, and Emma McDermitt-Wise
(pictured at left) were selected from approximately 900 singers who auditioned
for this honor. In addition to performing for the ACDA Eastern Division
conference attendees, they will also give a performance at the historic site of
the Liberty Bell. Congratulations choristers!
2008-2009 Season Contributors
Our deepest thanks to the generous individuals, organizations, businesses, corporations and foundations listed below.
Tuition fees and ticket sales cover less than 50% of the costs to provide our unique educational and performance
program to talented young singers and their audiences. Thank you to the contributors listed below, whose gifts were
received between June 1, 2008 and April 15, 2009. Thank you also to those whose gifts were received after this
publication went to press. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Founder’s Group ($1,000+)
Alliance Bank
Community Bank, N.A.
Cultural Resources Council
Driver’s Village
The Helen R. Brady Memorial Fund
Imagining America
The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust
The M&T Charitable Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
Printing and Promotional Solutions
Sheats & Associates, P.C.
George J. Schunck
Mr. and Mrs. Carter Strickland
In honor of Virginia B. Parker
Linda A. Witherill
Director’s Circle ($500-$999)
The Amos Foundation
National Grid
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Howard
Tamika E. Hudson
Drs. Timothy and Lisa Izant
Virginia and Frederick Parker
David and Barbara Tagg
In memory of Dr. Gerald A. Cleveland
In memory of Margaret McDonald
Jennifer Paterson and Robert Weisenthal
Benefactor’s Circle ($200-$499)
Marie Barry, M.D.
Amanda Carnie
Courtney J. Chiavara*
Benefactor’s Circle, continued
Tim and Bev Chiavara
The Clarkson Family
Michael and Susan Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John King
Robert and Suzanne Kotcher
Candace and John Marsellus
Salli and Jim Tuozzolo
Dr. Cornelia Yarbrough
Supporting Member ($100-$199)
RobsonWoes Inc.
Patti and Stephen Buechner
Nancy and Bill Byrne
The Carr Family
Bonnie and John Charles
Suzanne Congel
Maxine T. Dobe
Christina Fadden Fitch
H. Follett Hodgkins, Jr.
In memory of Ann M. Hodgkins
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Holbrook
Philip and Della Holtzapple
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Kaplan
Kathryn M. Keeler
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manolakos
David and Marcia Mele
Anne and Ernest Scalzetti
William M. Schmarder
Ravi and Nagulinie Shukla
Elaine H. Simpson
Jamie and Elizabeth Sutphen
D. James Tagg*
Nancy E. Teich
The Weber Family
Friend of the Chorus (up to $99)
The UPS Foundation
WellPoint Associate Giving Campaign
Anita S. Anderson
Donna and Matthew Briscoe
Arthur and Jennie Bruska
Jane Burkhead and Robert Sarason
Sarah Byrne*
Patricia and Carl Carey
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Dinkin
Nathalie Greene
Charlotte Haas and Gary Quirk
Jim Hannan and Deborah Cromley
Keoki Hansen and John Schwoebel
Robert and Denise Heater
Kim Jeffery
Mr. and Mrs. Jong Hyuck Kim
Theodore King
John and Helena Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olech
Joann and Al Paparo
In memory of Calvin Custer
Terrence and Ann Perrone
Mark and Janice Peterson
Peter and Deena Procopio
Robert and Donna Ruth
Ann M. Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Schunck
Mary L. Spadafore
Salma K. Syed
Joan Vadeboncoeur
In memory of Calvin Custer
PJ Schroder Vaughan
The Vlassis Family
Rita and Gregory J. Wood
*SCC Alumni contributor
Our deepest thanks to the generous individuals,
organizations, businesses, corporations and
foundations listed below. Thank you to the contributors listed below, whose gifts
were received between April 15, 2009 and November 10, 2009.
Our Contributors
Founder’s Group ($1,000+)
Central New York
Community Foundation
Community Bank, N.A.
Geddes Federal Savings
Johnson & Johnson
National Endowment
for the Arts
The Pyramid Companies
Sheats & Associates, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stott
George J. Schunck
Salli and Jim Tuozzolo
Supporting Member
Bonnie and John Charles
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ellie Felice
Sam and Deb Haines
Eleanor Kuniholm
Carrie Monolakos*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Ravi and Nagulinie Shukla
PJ Schroder Vaughan
Friend of the Chorus
(up to $99)
Arthur and Jennie Bruska
Dr. and Mrs. Duane M. Cady
Derrick Carr
Robert and Ann Clark
Dan and Bonnie D'Agostino
Benefactor’s Circle
Robert and Denise Heater
Dr. and Mrs. Shulim Kaliman Craig Heim
Drs. Timothy and Lisa Izant
Jeffrey and Tracie Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. John King
Mr. and Mrs. Jong
Candace and John Marsellus
Hyuck Kim
David and Barbara Tagg
Robert and Suzanne Kotcher
Director’s Circle ($500-$999)
GE Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
National Grid
Friend of the chorus, cont’d
Sarah Kohlstedt Skopek
Rocco and Roberta Mangano
Rachel May
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Merrill
James Mostrom
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olech
Richard J. and Virginia Russo
Robert Ruth
Salma Sayed
Linda Tassa
WellPoint Associate Giving
*SCC Alumni contributor
Sincere thanks to the wonderful family members and
friends who have given their time and talent for various
Chorus activities this season. We greatly appreciate all you do!
Our Volunteers
Patti Arnold
Kathy Beney
Carol Betancourt
Joanne Bilello
Nicholas Blaney *
Donna Briscoe
Sue Bruska
Paula Buerkle
Rise Cady-McCrea
Caroline Calimlim
Colleen Congel
Holly Coolican
Lisa Corso
Deborah Cromley
Karina Davis-Corr
Donna DiGennaro
DiGennaro Family
Mary Beth Domachowske
Shari Freyer
Special Thanks
Epoch Advertising
Robin Carruthers*
Josephine Corbacio
Alison Baxter Manion*
Father Fred Mannara
Renee Frontale
Mary Germain
Jim Hannan
Katryn Hansen
Sean Lamb
Mary Lowe
Lisa Lucas
Valerie Luzadis
Ingrid Mahoney
Kathy Martin
Eric McDermitt-Wise
Lisa Melara
Kathy Reilly
Amy Nishikata
Suzanne Robinson
PJ Schroder-Vaughan
Dan Roche
Haleh Seraji
Nagulinie Shukla
Amy Sibert
Elizabeth Sutphen*
Karen Taaffe
Jennifer Thieben
Joanne Tills
Lisa Trumble
Jen Tuxford
Volk Family
Kim Waale
Nina Walters*
Chip Weber *
Katie Weber *
Joella Wind
Peggy Wood
Janine Yates
*SCC Alumnus
Syracuse University: Dean Ann
Clarke, Dr. Bradley P. Ethington, Sue
Martini, Amy Mertz, Dr. John
Warren, College of Visual and
Performing Arts, Setnor School of
Music, School of Education, Bonnie
*SCC Alumnus Andrews, Parking Services
Most Holy Rosary Church
Melissa Rashford
Bob Ripley
Todd Ruetsch
Robert Sharp
Board of Directors
Jamie Sutphen, President
Courtney Chiavara, Vice President
Robert S. Kotcher, Treasurer
Maren King, Secretary
Emma McDermitt-Wise, Margaret Wood
Chorister Representatives
Amanda Carnie
Tim Fox
Susan Fox
H. Follett Hodgkins III
Patricia Howard
Lisa Lukasiewicz Izant
Virginia B. Parker
James Schunck
David J. Tagg, Sr.
Dr. Bradley P. Ethington
Advisory Board
Arthur Brooks
Carole Brzozowski
Beverly Chiavara
Bonnie Beth Derby
Noreen Falcone
Dr. William M. Harmand
Peter Manolakos
Francis Nichols
Anthony P. Rivizzigno
James A. Tuozzolo
Honorary Board
Helen Boatwright
Bob Chilcott
Daniel Hege
Dr. Hope Irvine
Douglas Kinzey
Libby Larsen
Tarky Lombardi, Jr.
Fabio Mechetti
Dr. Doreen Rao
Gregg Smith
The Honorable James T. Walsh
Dr. Cornelia Yarbrough
Liu Zhuang
Dr. Barbara M. Tagg
Founder/Artistic Director
Deborah A. Cunningham
Associate Director
Marcia DeMartini
Assistant Director
Rebecca Miller
Director of Operations
Kerry McDermott
Director Of Communications and
Patron Development
Alice Muzquiz
Michael Copps
Kaitlin Schneekloth
Glenn Kime
SU Conducting Interns
Kelly Backus, Gyasi Barber, Jillian Corey,
Lynne Curtis, Michelle DiBona,
Allison Garwood*, Brittany Lynch*,
Nicole Milano, Victoria Randall,
Wesley Roy, Amanda Schofield*,
Elizabeth Varga
*SCC Alumna
Syracuse Children’s Chorus
The Skyline - Suite 7
753 James Street
Syracuse, NY 13203
Phone: 315.478.0582
Fax: 315.478.0957
Syracuse Children’s Chorus
2009-2010 Concert Season
A Fall Festival of Choirs
With the Syracuse University Oratorio Society,
Syracuse Vocal Ensemble, Kirk Choir of Park Central Presbyterian
Church, and Silk & Satin Vocal Jazz Ensemble from Baker High School
Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 2:00pm - Most Holy Rosary Church
The Nine Lessons and Carols
Featuring the Honorable James T. Walsh as Guest Narrator
Sunday, December 6, 2009 at 4:00pm - Most Holy Rosary Church
XÇvÉÜx4 T gÜ|uâàx àÉ UtÜutÜt `A gtzz
With Syracuse Children’s Chorus alumni members
Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 7:30pm - Most Holy Rosary Church
Soaring With Song
With premieres by Stephen Paulus, Shawn Crouch, and Liu Zhuang
Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 7:30pm - Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University
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Help Us Help You!
Are there errors in your name and address above?
Did you receive multiple copies of this newsletter?
If you are an alumni parent, would you like to share
your chorister’s new address with us? Do you wish
to be removed from our mailing list? Please contact
us with these or any other changes we should make
to our database. You can give us a call, email, or
write to us at our office address listed on the mailing
panel of this newsletter. Thank you for your help!
The Syracuse Children’s Chorus
is supported in part by a grant
from the National Endowment
for the Arts.
The Syracuse Children’s Chorus
is a member of Chorus America .
The Chorister is written and designed by
Kerry McDermott and Rebecca Miller
and printed by Printing & Promotional Solutions.
The Syracuse Children's Chorus creates
collaborative experiences in which young people
share their joy of singing, develop their sense of
beauty and deepen their commitment to excellence
through choral music education and performance.