Spring 2015 - Saint Leo University


Spring 2015 - Saint Leo University
Spring 2015
Academic News
 Summer I registration begins 01/05/15.
 The Computer Lab (Room 5) is now being used as a
classroom. Please check the calendars in room 5 for
 Students are responsible for reading and understanding
the course requirements listed in the syllabus for each
class they attend.
 Students are strongly encouraged to routinely monitor
their GPA and academic progress.
 No children are allowed in the building during class hours.
Students, Faculty and Staff ONLY!!
 Attention POST 911 GI Bill - VA Students
You will need to be registered for 1 on ground class per term to
receive housing allowance. VTT Classes count as On-line classes!!
Please contact Kimberly Neumann if you have questions with VA
Registration Dates
SPRING 2 — 10/20/2014
SUMMER 1 — 01/05/2015
SUMMER 2 — 03/02/2015
“Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect
for others guides our manners.”
Laurence Sterne — Irish Novelist
Inside the Pride:
Academic News
Quotable Quote
Community and
Center news
Student Spotlight
Focus on Faculty
The Back Page
Salvation Army Angels
For the past four years the Savannah Center has participated in the Salvation Army Angel Tree
program. This program provides gifts and necessities to children and seniors in need.
This year the Savannah Center was able to sponsor 18 different families and a total of 41 children
overall. Angels were sponsored both by individual staff members and different classes who came together to collect items for their angel. Visitors to the center couldn’t miss the paper angels hanging
in front of Rooms 1 and 2 that displayed the name of each child and their sponsor. Sponsors collected toys, necessities, and clothing for the kids. Dr. Susan Kinsella dropped off the donations collected
on December 5th.
The Angel Tree program turned 35 last year, and we’re proud to have participated in it again .
Programs like this help us live the Saint Leo core values of community and responsible stewardship
by providing us with more ways to share our resources with others to allow more Chatham Country
residents have a happy holiday.
Holiday Mail For Heroes 2014
Students, faculty, and staff participated in the Holiday
Mail for Heroes program. The Savannah Center sent 75
holiday cards to active duty and hospital bound military
personnel. Thank you to everyone that participated.
Saint Leo’s 125th Anniversary
On Monday, November 10th, the Savannah Center took part in the huge celebration
that was Saint Leo University’s 125th Anniversary. Contests, blog posts highlighting
the history of the school, and other events had happened all year as a lead up to the
big day.
The day started with t-shirt giveaways for students and center staff showed their
Saint Leo Pride by wearing their own school gear. At 5pm, Dr. Hornstein gave a
short talk about how Saint Leo, and the Savannah Center in particular, had grown
and changed over the years. Afterwards there was a beautiful cake with the Saint
Leo 125th Anniversary Logo. It was a great day and gave us a little bit of practice as
we prepare to recognize Saint Leo’s 45th anniversary in Savannah this year.
Student Appreciation Week
The Savannah Center celebrated Student Appreciation in
conjunction with Saint Leo University’s 125 Anniversary during
(Week 3) of the Fall II term.
Thank you to all of our students for choosing
Saint Leo Savannah Center!
Student Spotlight
Phillip McCullough
BA Business Management
Philip McCullough is currently in the business administration program. Earlier this year Philip shared his story of how he
struggled with understanding the value of education as a teenager and dropped out of high school. He came to realize how important education was after seeing how it affected decisions about who was promoted at his workplace. People with more experience were not as favored as people with college degrees. Yet while Philip had gotten the message, his teenage son was
struggling with the same doubts about finishing high school. Philip helped turn his son’s attitude around, and now they’re competing to see who can graduate with the highest GPA. We shared Philip’s story with university campus earlier this year. We’re
proud to share it again here as an excellent example of how what we learn in the classroom isn’t just for passing tests or writing
papers—the classroom experience itself is something we can and should use to teach others. Way to go Philip, and good luck in
your contest!
Alumni Accomplishments
Michael Gallagher
Class of 2011 and 2013
Mike Gallagher graduated from the Savannah Center with a BA in Psychology in October of 2011. He continued his education with Saint Leo Online and received his
MBA in 2013. He currently works as a Training Compliance Specialist at Gulfstream,
overseeing company policies that affect Gulfstream employees all over the world.
Mike is also a Diversity and Inclusion Ambassador at Gulfstream.
Savannah Center students will know Mike better as one of our business instructors. He encourages current students to be organized, reflective, and plan for their personal and academic goals, but he thinks
that perseverance is the most critical skill for success. “Most importantly, no matter how tough things get,
keep your head up and push forward! Follow your dreams and aspirations and work hard to accomplish
them. Your hard work will pay off in the end!”
On Faculty
Dr. Mark Rubin
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Dr. Mark Rubin received his Doctorate in Criminal Justice from Capella University. Prior to
joining Saint Leo he spent over 25 years in law enforcement and was a founding member of
the Dept. of Homeland Security. Dr. Rubin is also an active member of the Coast Guard
Reserve. He is an animal lover, with 2 dogs, Tallulah Belle and Finnigin at home and a
charming bird he keeps by his desk. Dr. Rubin also enjoys taking cruises, chocolate, and
properly formatted APA reference pages.
Poverty Simulation
This winter the Saint Leo Savannah Center is partnering with Step Up Savannah to present a poverty
simulation. Participants act in the roles of low income families trying to balance the competing demands of housing, employment, food, transportation, and debt while also dealing with sudden emergencies.
The simulation is recommended for anyone who would like to better understand the needs and challenges low income families in Savannah face. We encourage all students to take part in this event. The
simulation will take place February 18, 2015 from 1-3:30 PM at the Savannah Civic Center
While the simulation is completely free, pre-registration is required to participate. For registration or
questions, contact Candis Lott by phone at 912-352-8331 ex. 3027 or email at
candis.lott@saintleo.edu. Please leave your name, email, and phone number to register.
If you are going to be absent from class.
If you are unclear about classwork/homework.
If you are unsure why you received a grade for the class or on an assignment.
If you are not on the class roster after Week 1.
Scholarship Opportunities
Students are encouraged to visit http://www.saintleo.edu/resources/financial-aid/types-offinancial-aid/saint-leo-university-privately-funded-scholarship-opportunities.aspx to review
privately funded scholarship opportunities now inviting applications. Please read the eligibility criteria to determine if you meet the required qualifications.
Students must use their portal username and password to access the scholarship applications.
For more information, contact Vikki Reece, grant and stewardship officer, at
(352) 588-8668 or victoria.reece@saintleo.edu.
Need to turn your work
from beastly to beautiful?
Visit the Learning Resource Center!
In-person English tutor-  In-person paper review
 Research assistance
 Technology Help
 Community resource
 Online tutoring by
access and information
Saint Leo tutors in all
Hours :
Monday— Thursday 10-7
Friday 9-12 & By appointment
352-8331 x3033
Important Information About New Title IX Standards
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sexual discrimination in education not only in athletics
but in the classroom and beyond, in all of your dealings with others at Saint Leo University.
“March 7, 2013, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of
2013 (VAWA). This amended the Jeanne Cleary Act to require institutions to compile statistics
for incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and to include
certain policies, procedures, and programs pertaining to these incidents in their annual security
reports (ASRs).”
Department of Education, July 2014
Title IX Definitions
•Domestic Violence includes asserted violent misdemeanor and felony offenses committed by the
victim’s current or former spouse, current or former cohabitant, person similarly situated under
domestic or family violence law, or anyone else protected under domestic or family violence law.
•Dating Violence means violence by a person who has been in a romantic or intimate relationship with the victim. Whether there was such relationship will be gauged by its length, type, and
frequency of interaction.
•Stalking means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable
person to fear for her, his, or other’s safety, or to suffer substantial emotional distress.
•Impaired (for the purpose of this policy) is defined as temporary incapacity to evaluate or
control conduct, because the person is unconscious, asleep, intoxicated or under the influence
of other drugs or for any other reason physically unable to communicate or grant consent. Consent is defined as intelligent, knowing, and voluntary agreement.
Bystander Interventions
•Direct: Step in and address the situation directly. You might say, "That's not cool. Please stop."
This technique works best if the person that you're trying to stop knows and trusts you.
•Distract: Distract either person in the situation to intervene. You might say, "Hey, aren't you in
my English class?"
•Delegate: Find someone to help intervene in the situation. Each of you can distract one of them.
•Delay: For many reasons, you may not be able to do something right in the moment. In this
case, you might say, "Are you okay?" or "How can I help you get out of this situation?"
Other Resources
•Please remember that your safety is of the utmost importance. When a situation threatens
physical harm to you or another student, ask someone for help; seek assistance from center
staff; contact law enforcement at 911
•Additionally, seek counseling services from National and Local Call Centers. Contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656.HOPE or SAFE at 912-629-8888
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
All students receiving Federal Title IV financial aid, state aid or Saint Leo
institutional aid must adhere to the university’s published policy on satisfactory
academic progress. The Higher Education Act as amended by Congress
mandates that higher education institutions establish minimum standards of
“satisfactory academic progress” for students receiving financial aid.
This complete policy is located at www.saintleo.edu/sap.
Requirements to meet satisfactory academic progress include: student must
pass 67 percent of all coursework attempted. Undergraduate student earn a
minimum cumulative GPA, on a 4 point scale, of 1.50 by the completion of 44
credit hours, 1.70 cumulative GPA by the completion of 59 credit hour and 2.0
on by the completion of 60 credit hours. Graduate students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4 point scale. Student must complete program
within the maximum timeframe of 150%.
Satisfactory academic progress standards are evaluated at the end of each payment period (semester). Students receive a warning when not meeting all or part
of the standard and are given one additional term to meet the standard. Those
that do not meet the standard after the warning period are not eligible for
financial aid. Ineligible students may be able to appeal the decision. Complete
details are available at www.saintleo.edu/sap.
 No food, phones, drink or children in the
Computer Lab (Room 5).
 Our center has a large parking lot. Please only
7426 Hodgson Memorial Dr.
Suite A
Savannah, GA 31406
Office: (912) 352-8331
Fax: (912) 354-2164
park your vehicle in an actual non handicapped
parking spot. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY.
 Unless you are going to class, please sign in at
the front desk when using center resources.
 Please keep both the center and the center
parking lot free of trash. Help us keep our center