2016 Fowlerville Family Fair Sponsorship Package
2016 Fowlerville Family Fair Sponsorship Package
February 3, 2015 Dear Community Member; The Fowlerville Family Fair is Livingston County’s largest community event. Annually it attracts approximately 40,000 people. The 2015 fair will be celebrating 129 years of continual efforts. Showing your support by becoming a sponsor has its advantages. It is a perfect way to reach the community and increase sales, create awareness and most importantly enhance your public image. The Fair is important to many people throughout the county, from the 4-H members, who spend much of the year preparing projects and raising animals, to the families who make memories to last a lifetime. It also is important to local and corporate businesses who participate and partner with the fair. We hope you take this opportunity to participate in the rich history and bright future of the Fowlerville Family Fair. A representative of the fairgrounds will be following up soon to go over all options available. Thank you in advanced for your support, and we look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Jennifer Rhodes Office Manager Community Partnership Sponsor Sponsorship Investment $100 - $500 The Community Partnership Sponsor supports the “Free” events throughout the fair. You will help celebrate the community in different lights. Event schedules include, Ladies Day, Senior Citizens Day, Kids Day, and several others. This level is to bring the FUN into the day and celebrate what it means to be a part of this great community! As a Community Partner you will receive: Announcements during performances and activities surrounding the specific event Listed in the Official Fair Guide Shared Signage in area of event Listing on the Fowlerville Family Fair Web Page Social Media mentions (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) Four (4) one day passes to the fair Blue Ribbon Sponsorship Sponsorship Investment $500 - $1000 A Blue Ribbon Sponsor contribution will help support the Fowlerville Family Fair in many ways. These sponsors are an important part in the daily functions of the fair. This includes the 4-H and Open Class awards along with Fair Royalty and much more. Thank you for helping the Fowlerville Family Fair to grow and be prosperous in Livingston County and the Mid-Michigan area. Included in Blue Ribbon Sponsorship: Mention on www.fowlervillefamilyfair.com Mention on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) Shared Signage at main gate entrance Shared Signage at Grandstands 1/8 Page advertisement in Official Fair Guide. Distributed to homes in and around Livingston County Four (4) week long Gate Passes Reserve Champion Sponsorship Sponsorship Investment $1000 - $1500 Exposure is what drives a business. Let the fairgoers see YOU with a Reserve Champion Sponsorship. Reserve Champions sponsor events such as our “Free On-Grounds” entertainment and Day Time Grandstands events. Giving patrons more for their dollar is what this sponsorship is all about! They will remember you! Reserve Champion Sponsorship Includes: 1/4 Page Ad in the Official Fair Guide 30”x30” sign posted on grounds during the week of Fair Your Name and Logo with a link to your website on www.Fowlervillefamilyfair.com Social Media links and mentions (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) Invitation to Fair Appreciation Dinner mid-Fair week Announcements during shows Six (6) Week Gate Admissions Six (6) Grandstands Passes (one event per pass) Grand Champion Sponsorship Sponsorship Investment $1500 - $3000 Under a Grand Champion Sponsorship you can Sponsor one full day of the six days of the Fair! Each day brings something unique and exciting to the fairgoers; Ladies Day; Senior Citizens Day; Kids’ Day; Kids’ World News / Community Day; Veterans Day etc. Grand Champions may also choose a grandstands event to co-sponsor or a specific area on grounds. This is a fantastic way to advertise and show your community support. Sponsor Package Includes: 1/2 Page advertisement in Official Fair Guide 4’x4’ sign posted on grounds during Fair Week Title rights to On Grounds Venue, or “Day” of event (Shared, no exclusivity) Announcements over P.A. System throughout the week , and during specified event Infield Advertising during grandstands event Web advertisement www.fowlervillefamilyfair.com with link Social media links Mention of sponsor name on flyers and schedules Press Release name mentions for specified events Radio spot name mentions Invitation to Appreciation Dinner held Fair Week. Eight (8) Week Admissions Eight (8) One night Grandstands Passes Supreme Champion Sponsorship Sponsorship Investment $5000 and above Supreme Champion Sponsorship is the crème of the crop in sponsors. It is the highest honor and is considered a great partnership with the Fowlerville Family Fair. Naming rights to any one Grandstands event for every $5000 donation, week of fair barn naming, over all week corporate sponsorship and so many other choices. Sponsor Package Includes: Full Page advertisement in Official Fair Guide Open Class / 4-H Entry Book Advertisement Advertising booth for duration of the Fair. Banner posted on grounds during Fair Week Social media links Mention of sponsor name on flyers and schedules with company logo Press Release name mentions for specified events Title rights to Grand Stands Event, or “Day” of event Radio spot name mentioned Announcements over P.A. System throughout the week , and during specified event Billboard name added Banner on grounds for events during the year Infield Advertising during grandstands event Grand River Ave. (fair frontage) advertising space Invitation to Appreciation Dinner held Fair Week. Web advertisement www.fowlervillefamilyfair.com with link Fair Admission package (max. 15) including Grandstands This package is able to be revamped to personalize to your needs and specifications. Harness Race Sponsor Sponsorship Investment $100 Minimum The Harness Sponsor has choices in the investment they choose. For a minimum of $100, Sponsor will receive their name or Business on one of the winner blankets to be presented in the winner circle of each race. You will receive 1/8 ad in program, name listed in race conditions, and one winner circle sponsor photo. A $500 investment includes: Four (4) one day admission passes to the fair. Mention on www.fowlervillefamilyfair.com Your name or Business on winner circle Horse Blanket Photo with winning horse sponsored race (if present for the race you are welcome to be included in this photo) Advertisement in the Harness Race Program Name listed with race conditions in program as Race Sponsor Advertisement in the Open Class/4-H Entry Book (1/8 page) Mention on Sponsor Page in official Fair guide Announcement during the race of your sponsorship Signage on race circle and on grounds during the week of fair Sponsor Type: _______________________ 2015 Fowlerville Family Fair Sponsorship Agreement Company Name:________________________________________________________ Contact Name: _________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________State: ____________Zip: ______________ Phone:__________________Email:_________________________________________ Website:_______________________________________________________________ Event Chosen:__________________________________________________________ Day Chosen:___________________________________________________________ Donation Amount: $______________________ *DEADLINE: MAY 12, 2015 Above business or individual agrees to sponsorship with the 129th Fowlerville Family Fair. Payment must be received in order to have advertisement completed, fair passes or any other mentioned in package. Without payment, your advertisement in any publication regarding the Fowlerville Family Fair will not be included. Please make checks payable to Fowlerville Agricultural Society. The F.A.S. is non-profit 501(c)(3). Tax ID 38-6087812. Any questions or concerns regarding sponsorship should be addressed with Jennifer Rhodes, office manager (517) 223-8186 or jrhodes@fowlervillefamilyfair.com. Public Relations Representative:____________________________________________________ * A Retail Sales Consultant from the Livingston County Press & Argus will follow up with you for your advertisement to be placed in the Official Fair Guide. You may contact the Livingston County Press (517) 552-2830. Fence Signage Opportunities: Fence Space Available Indicate Sponsorship Level: All signage production by Signature Signs Grand River $350_______ $250_______(provided sign) West Lot $300_______ $200_______ East Lot $300_______ $200_______ Grandstands $300_______ $200_______ On Grounds $300_______ $200_______ Barn $300_______ $200_______ Barn Location______________ Business Name: ______________________________________ Contact Name: _______________________________________ Email address: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________ State:________ Zip:_________ Phone: _________________________________ Deadline July 20, 2015 Please mail, or fax completed form and ad copy to: FAS P.O. Box 372 Fowlerville, MI 48836 Fax: 517-223-0280 (if faxing ad copy, will need credit card information) Office: 517-223-8186 Ad copy, form and payment must be received on or before July 20, 2015. Sign sponsorship is tax deductible tax id: 38-6087812 Fowlerville Family Fair • 517-223-8186 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities Miscellaneous Fair Options Trophies/Ribbons/Awards - 4-H/Open Class/Truck Pull ($30 each) 4-H / Open Class Entry Books - Advertisement ($30 - $200 each) Fence Signage (stand alone) ($300 includes production or $200 w/ provided sign) Open Class Premiums ($6000) Open Livestock Trophies ($200) Racing Ducks ($6000) Monday Harness Horse Race ($100+) USA Demolition Derby FIGURE 8 ($7000) Ladies Day ($1000+) - Homemaker of the Year ($300) - Fowlerville Family Fair Queen ($300) - Gifts (product donation / monetary any amount) - Breakfast - Lunch Tuesday USA Demolition Derby AUTO CROSS ($7000) Senior Citizens Day (various amounts accepted) - Senior Citizen of the Year ($200) - Prizes / Gifts (product donations) Wednesday Martin Xtreme Motocross ($5500) Michigan State Homemaker of the Year ($2500) Kids’ Day - Sawdust Scramble ($500) - Mid-Michigan Pedal Pullers ($550) - Bike Raffle ($50 shared / $100 full) - Princess Singing and dancing ($800) Thursday Lost Nations Rodeo - Bulls ($8500) Spelling Bee ($1500) Draft Horse Pull - Sled ($600) - Elmer Musolf Memorial Trophy (1st place - $100) - Premium - ($2500) Friday Kids’ World News Day Thumb Truck & Tractor Pull ($8500) Saturday Armed Forces Celebration Day ($500) ATR Motorsports Truck Championship ($16,000) (Monster Trucks, Mega Trucks, Tough Trucks) Additional Sponsorship Opportunities: 4-H & Open Class Entry Book Ad Space Available Indicate Sponsorship Level: All ads are Black & White Full page $200_______ 1/2 page $100_______ 1/4 page $75 _______ 1/8 page $50 _______ Name Mention $15 _______ Name: _____________________________________________ Email address: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________ State:________ Zip:_________ Phone: _________________________________ Ad deadline April 1, 2015 Please mail, or fax completed form and ad copy to: FAS P.O. Box 372 Fowlerville, MI 48836 Fax: 517-223-0280 (if faxing ad copy, will need credit card information) Office: 517-223-8186 Please check box if you would like to receive copies of the premium books to pass to customers. Ad copy, form and payment must be received on or before April 1 st. Ad sponsorship is tax deductible tax id: 38-6087812 Fowlerville Family Fair • 517-223-8186 2015 Fowlerville Agricultural Society Board of Directors Robert Redinger—President Paul Kunde—Vice President Claudia Cary Davidson—Secretary Mark Calton—Treasurer Bill Tesch—Asst. Treasurer Gordon Munsell—4-H Liaison Annette Chamberlain Larry Davis Sean Dunleavy Kevin Hacker Chuck Hill Mindi Lako Rex Peckens David Roberts Cindy Salfate Dr. Tim Tersigni 2015 Fair Superintendents: Dairy Beef Sheep Poultry (barn) Poultry (show) Poultry (market) Rabbits Llama/Alpaca Goats Horse/Pony (show) Horse/Pony (barn) Dogs Cats Pocket Pets Showmanship Best Kept Club Special Events Sue Grover Gary Fox Janet Clement David Roberts Missy Westphal Don Roberts Sarah Wylie Mickey Roberts Donna Carpenter Hope Brown Gordon Munsell Michelle Carnevale Don Carnevale Kristina Wright Chantel Hart Lynn Perry Sherry Jones Brooke Densmore Sheri VanWyck Molly Moulton Fair Staff: Jennifer Rhodes Butch Ogden Sarah Kunde Mollie Hall Public Relations: Theresa Ulman Karen Kunde Animal Science Bulding & Grounds Little Red Barn Creative Arts & Craft Folk Arts/Folkpattern Photography Clothing/Textiles Wood Science Foods Horticulture Demonstrations, Public Speaking, Club Exhibits, Records Shooting Sports Elec./Engine/Rocket Clover Buds Open Class Home Arts Camping Christine Miller Gordon Munsell Teena Munsell Kristine Esch Suzanne Dick Judy Paulsen Robin Taylor Jeanne Sparks Stephanie Fletcher Paula Klein Nan-Marie Fox Barb Parker Todd Muck Jim Sparks Renee Pasko Sue Herbert Virginia Peckens Sean Dunleavy Livingston County 4-H Staff: Office Manager Grounds/Maintenance Sarah McKinney Leslie Donovan Fowlerville Family Fair Harness Race Sponsor Indicate Sponsorship Level: All ads are Black & White Full page $ 75_______ 1/2 page $ 50_______ 1/8 page $ 25 _______ Race Blanket $100 _______ Color: BLUE RED GREEN BLACK BURGANDY (Circle One Choice) Sponsorship: $ Item for race giveaways Company Name: _____________________________________________ Contact Name: Email address: _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________ State:________ Zip:_________ Phone: _________________________________ Ad deadline July 23, 2015 Please mail, or fax completed form , payment and ad copy to: FAS P.O. Box 372 Fowlerville, MI 48836 Fax: 517-223-0280 Office: 517-223-8186 Ad copy, form and payment must be received on or before April 1 st. Ad sponsorship is tax deductible tax id: 38-6087812 Fowlerville Family Fair • 517-223-8186