The IDeALL-portfolio
The IDeALL-portfolio
NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The IDeALL-portfolio Information meeting with vendors June 10th 2014 Annar Bohlin-Hansen Portfolio Manager ENHET/AVDELING NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Agenda 1030 – 1300 Introduction to the IDeALL portfolio by Annar Bohlin-Hansen Project G3kko by Håvard Steinbakk Nordbø Project Passport and ID (PoID) by John Kr. Thoresen Technical market dialogue by Arna Gjerland Break Answers to questions Summary ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Action plan for ID-control ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Iniviative proposal for IDcontrol Government budget 2014 (and 2015, 2016) including an commitment to passports and ID A permanent increase suggested Mål Kap. 4 Nåsituasjon Kap. 5 Tiltak Kap. 6 1. Nytt saksbehandlingssystem for pass og ID-kort Mål 1. Sikker utstedelse av ID basert på biometri Manglende utbredelse av sikker ID 3. Innføre ekspresspass med biometri Politi og samfunn mangler verktøy for å kontrollere identitet Mål 2. Sikker og effektiv ID-kontroll Mål 3. Kunnskap og kompetanse om IDkriminalitet Politi og samfunn mangler oversikt over omfanget av IDkriminalitet Norge overholder ikke nasjonale regelverk og internasjonale forpliktelser ved utstedelse av pass og oppholdskort Utydelig organisering og ansvar Mål 4. Overholde nasjonale og internasjonale lover og regler Mål 5. Effektiv og sikker forvaltning og organisering Informasjonssikerhet på uakseptabelt lavt nivå IDeALL portfolio 4. Innføre unik ID basert på biometri 5. Etablere system for ID-kontroll og ta det i bruk på håndholdt og stasjonært utstyr 6. Etablere sikkerhetsinfrastruktur for kontroll av biometriske pass og ID 7. Innhente statistikk over IDkriminalitet og koordinere tiltak 8. Lukke sikkerhetsavvik i infrastruktur for sertifikater 9. Definere tydelige roller, ansvar og mål Lite effektiv økonomistyring og manglende fokus på gevinstrealisering 10. Innlemme ID-området i et styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet Manglende langtidsplanlegging og optimalisering av ressurser og leveringsevne 11. Bedre oversikt og styring av økonomi Lav bemanning og kompetanse ENHET/AVDELING 2. Utstede nasjonalt ID-kort med eID 12. Helhetlig strategi for anskaffelse og nyutvikling for pass og IDområdet 13. Øke bemanning og kompetanse NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Explanation NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE National Police Directorate Scope of the IDeALL Portfolio Other authorities IDeALL portfolio Establishment of identity ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Issuance and security Control Crime NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The IDeALL portfolio Project G3kko Håvard Steinbakk Nordbø ENHET/AVDELING NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Present • 122+ Bc points • 4 ABC gates • 8000+ police officers • No handheld devices operational • PKI • EES functionality available • “demo video” ENHET/AVDELING IDeALT programmet Future • Schengen oct 2014 • ICAO nov 2015 • SPOC • Investment plan 20152021 sent to the ministry • Module based open standard infrastructure • NO big bang approach NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Identification, verification, mobility/smartphones • Legislative, risk assessment-based and consumer driven demand for safe secure and fast verification “on the fly” • Cost/benefit vs branding/credibility • Optical vs electronic vs biometric sec measures ENHET/AVDELING IDeALT programmet • • • • • • • BOYD SIM SD card IBM handheld devices RFID 3 party end users Face/finger/other NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The IDeALL portfolio Passport and ID John Kr. Thoresen ENHET/AVDELING NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Agenda Passport and ID Elements of the initiative Dialogue and procurement The project`s objective Elements of the initiative What will be procured Further review of the Passport and ID initiative`s elements Special vendor requirements Technical market dialogue What do we want to achieve? Progress of the project Scope The road ahead Communication Break Questions & answers ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Project Passport and ID The procurements will support the following objectives: • Objective 1:Safe and secure ID issuance based on biometrical data • Objective 4:Compliance with national and international laws, rules and regulations • Objective 5:Efficient and secure ID administration Mål Kap. 4 Nåsituasjon Kap. 5 Tiltak Kap. 6 1. Nytt saksbehandlingssystem for pass og ID-kort Mål 1. Sikker utstedelse av ID basert på biometri Manglende utbredelse av sikker ID 3. Innføre ekspresspass med biometri Politi og samfunn mangler verktøy for å kontrollere identitet Mål 2. Sikker og effektiv ID-kontroll Mål 3. Kunnskap og kompetanse om IDkriminalitet Politi og samfunn mangler oversikt over omfanget av IDkriminalitet Norge overholder ikke nasjonale regelverk og internasjonale forpliktelser ved utstedelse av pass og oppholdskort Utydelig organisering og ansvar Mål 4. Overholde nasjonale og internasjonale lover og regler Mål 5. Effektiv og sikker forvaltning og organisering 2. Utstede nasjonalt ID-kort med eID Informasjonssikerhet på uakseptabelt lavt nivå 4. Innføre unik ID basert på biometri 5. Etablere system for ID-kontroll og ta det i bruk på håndholdt og stasjonært utstyr 6. Etablere sikkerhetsinfrastruktur for kontroll av biometriske pass og ID 7. Innhente statistikk over IDkriminalitet og koordinere tiltak 8. Lukke sikkerhetsavvik i infrastruktur for sertifikater 9. Definere tydelige roller, ansvar og mål Lite effektiv økonomistyring og manglende fokus på gevinstrealisering 10. Innlemme ID-området i et styringssystem for informasjonssikkerhet Manglende langtidsplanlegging og optimalisering av ressurser og leveringsevne 11. Bedre oversikt og styring av økonomi Lav bemanning og kompetanse 12. Helhetlig strategi for anskaffelse og nyutvikling for pass og IDområdet 13. Øke bemanning og kompetanse ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The elements of the initiative Target date for start of deployment: November 2016 National NationalIDIDcard with card witheID eID Production of passports of and passports ID-cards and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Passport and ID-card design ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Management/organization To be procured now Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Laws, rules and regulations Ongoing competitions NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Secure chip infrastructure National IDcard with eID Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Passport and ID-card design Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Complex ICT security infrastructur (CSCA, EAC, SPOC and PKD) for fighting transnational crime and terrorism Offer under review Delivery 2015: Online service to verify authenticity and facial photo/ fingerprints on chip Prerequisite for execution of IDcontrol Passport and card manufacturers will receive certificates NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Design contest passport and ID-card Passport National ID-card National IDcard with eID Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Passport and ID-card design Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Winner will be announced in September New visual design Manufacturers of passport and national ID-card will use the new visual design in printing and personalization NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Management / organization Law, rules and regulations New for national ID-card with eID Possible amendments for passport National IDcard with eID Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Training, roles and responsibility How this affects the upcoming procurement Enrolment system and passport office Passport and ID-card design Strengthening of staff, responsibility and routines Most important clarifications in the regulations will be done before procurement begins The Police builds capacity to accept deliveries related to the main objective; safe and efficient management and organization NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE What will be procured New enrolment system and associated registers / databases for passport and national ID-card Agreements for production of passport, residence card, national ID-card, express passport and other related document types Certificate services for electronic ID (eID) in the national ID-cards Capturing equipment for biometrics including photographs, fingerprints and signature Other equipment that supports the control of identity, such as document readers ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Enrolment system and passport office Nasjonalt National IDID-kort med card with eID eID Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Production of passports and ID-cards Enrolment system and passport office Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Enrolment system Payment system Online application, appointment system Passport and ID-card database Passport office supplies Biometric equipment Document control / scanner Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Passport and ID-card design System Other «Delivery boxes» NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Enrolment system The value chain, support systems, registers Handling of appeals Delivery of applications Capture biometrics Loss and revocation Beste praksis – ICAO* Assess, approve/reject Use of ID *) ICAOs Guide for assessing Security and Handling and Issuance of Travel Documents Delivery ID-card Passport ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Connection to archive Payment / accounting / reconciliation Connection to existing or new payment system Online application / appointment system Connetction to internet service Logistics for blank books Fingerprints/ photo Registers: Establish new ones? Building on existing? Connection to manufacturer of passport books Connection to registers for identification of applicants NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Equipment Passport office equipment Biometric equipment Facial images, fingerprints and signature Document control / scanners Nasjonalt National IDID-kort med card with eID eID Authenticity Filing Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Norway – the police’ passport office Foreign missions (directly or through UD) Other Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Passport and ID-card design Support needs «Delivery boxes»/equipment for passport and national ID-card are considered Onli NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Production of passport and ID-card National IDcard with eID *) Requirment to personalization – must be conducted on Norwegian soil Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Passport and ID-card design Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Central production and personalizaton *) Passport National ID-card Residence card and varieties Local border traffic permit etc. Local production lines Local personalization of «express passports» at 8-10 airports Local personalization of emergency passports Vending machines for self-service process for national ID-card will be considered NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE National ID-card with eID National IDNasjonalt card with eID ID-kort med eID Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Passport and ID-card design Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Goals and legal framework Holder of a national ID-card with eID shall be able to log on and use services provided by ID-porten PKI based, authentication, electronic signatures and encryption «Sluttrapport for nasjonalt ID-kort fra 2007» provides som background information. However, solution must be updated to current needs. Solution must be compliant with EU regulation on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) User friendly and secure solutions Issued by the government – i.e. The certificate policy is owned by a government entity NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE National ID-card with eID The procurement Technical infrastructure and systems for Issuance, management and use of eID at a high security level for authentication, signing and encryption Nasjonalt National IDID-kort med card with eID eID Production of passports and ID-cards Secure infrastructure for biometric chips Enrolment system and passport office Enhanced staffing, responsibility and routines Passport and ID-card design Laws, rules and regulations ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Design of life cycle events not completed, a part of the dialogue with suppliers during fall. «Points of interest»: Activation - renewal Management of forgotten / blocked PIN Blocking of eID Wireless chip - Use of mobile platforms Other content on chip Self service or use the equipment at passport office? The operation – outsource or not? not clarified, dialogue with vendors will be part of the basis for the decision Summary: input from vendors is essential for good solutions so eID can become a tool in the digitization Internet facing services Applicant’s device Online application service Application data Payment (card) Apply Pay Book appointment Browser NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Applicant Online ID-card and eID services Travel document authority offices (Police and Foreign Missions) Activation Administration Revocation Support Operational centre for eID (location tbd) Central eID systems Operational centres (Police / governmental) Application officers Enrolment systems Biometric capture Applicant Payment (cash or card) Enrolment server – (Police) Biometric capture equipment Proof of identity Document inspection system CA for national eID Directory services Revocation services Online self-services Enrolment client for passports and national ID-cards Workflow logic for passports and national ID-cards Payment/ POS Passport register National ID-card register Entitlement systems Population register National PKD ELYS (SIS-II) ABIS Other Operational centres for external vendor Central personalisation (Norway) Personalisation of travel documents (eMRTDs) eID/key production Document signer(DS) Quality Inspection system Delivery ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Delivery of blank and personalised books and cards to offices and holders UDI Enrolment server (Norvis/DUF) Printing/production Workflow logic for Residential Permits and other documents Printing of blank books/cards Chip production NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Special vendor requirements The Norwegian Security Act Will apply to parts of the procurement o Vendors need security clearance Specific requirements for the implementation, operation and management o Staff from the vendor who handle sensitive information/systems need security clearance Personalization of passport and cards to be conducted in Norway ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Technical market dialogue Passport and ID Arna K . Gjerland ENHET/AVDELING NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Technical market dialogue Part 1 – Information meeting Information channel: Doffin/TED – – – – Indicative notice This presentation List of participants Consecutively questions / answers Part 2 – Obtaining information August/September 2014 Method; as efficient as possible – Questionnaire? – Dialogue meeting? More information will be provided as soon as the method is decided ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Equal treatment POD manages the Procurement Act`s requirement of equal treatment No providers are given a competitive advantage The tender documents/ specification Understanding about factual matters Understanding of the client's wishes Information of beneficial value may be offset Providing the same information to all vendors Sufficient time to tender NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE What we wish to achieve with the market dialogue – part 2? Overview of the vendor market Who delivers what, everything or parts? We encourage cooperation among the vendors Information exchange on current solutions that can meet POD’s requirements Safeguard innovation and design of specifications and offers/tenders Strong competition for deliveries What would prevent competition What will increase competition ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Knowledge of the best possible alignment of procurement Procurement strategy and –form Our working hypotheses One procurement Main vendor with overall responsibility for its subcontractors The procurement will consist of various agreements; purchase, maintenance, framework agreement, service agreement Competition with negotiations? Competitive dialogue? NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The project's overall progress and dependencies ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Scope Element Scope Duration agreement Enrolment system 200 passport offices 90 foreign missions Complexity and costs indicate a need for longer duration of agreement on parts of the procurement. (The number of enrolment operators is not resolved) Biometric equipment 200 passport offices (today 350 equipment packages) 90 foreign missions Document scanner 5-600 units Production of passport 617.000 passport / year Production National ID-card w/ eID Est.200.000-500.000 card / year Production other cards*) 120.000-150.000 card / year Equipment for production lines (express passport, emergency passport) 8-10 locations for express passport 300 locations for emergency passports *) Recidencial permit card, Diplomacy cards, Local boarder traffic permit ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio This will be assessed by the character of the elements and in line with current regulation. Various forms of contracts: • Purchase • Framework agreements • Maintenance • Services NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE The road ahead until start of procurement Activity Date Part 1: Information meeting June 10th Information uploaded on Doffin (Q&A’s etc) Ongoing Project holiday Week 27-32 Information about Part 2 August Part 2: Further dialogue, possibly another way of obtaining information August / September 2014 Complete tender documents October 2014 Procurement (s) project Passport and ID (announcments) starts Q4 2014 Blue = tentative ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Communication channel Points of contacts Doffin / Prior Information Notice All information uploaded here We will inform when new information is available Part 1 The information meeting This presentation in Norwegian and English A short minutes Questions/answers The equal treatment principle Only written inquiries to the abovementioned contact point All questions / responses are anonymised and posted on Doffin Part 2 Further dialogue; Invitation to dialogue / other activity Will also be mailed to the participants here today ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio Vacation: Week No 27-32 NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Break ENHET/AVDELING NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Questions and answers ENHET/AVDELING IDeALL portfolio NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE Thank you for your attention ENHET/AVDELING