March ing Band Photograph - Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band
March ing Band Photograph - Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band
March ing Band Photograph Provided We take gfeat pride in ou" repuration, history of succcss, antl i.novatio. in photographi'ng marcnihg hAi{d$:' Color Guard: " Scan thls QR code with your smartphone for a llnk to our websitel . Drunr Line ..: ; Seniors DIRECTOR!!' PLEA$E PO$T THIS FLYER IN AHIGHLX.VISIBLE,AREAT 'a I , Studcnts lvill be allou'ed !o order immcdiately aftcr thc group photo is takcn. Or TAKE ADVANTAGE of a speoial group pre-order ofl'er. order a minirnum of 30 band prints tbr only $15 cach, totaling 5450. This savcs cach studcnt or tarnily $12 pcr prinf, including frcc shipping. Also, receive a t'ree DVD rvith ALL ol'your band's action images if you purchase one group prinl lirr caclt nrenrber in the bnnd" To takc advantagc ofthc abovc offcr, havc yoilr band brroster:s gir'e us a c'alt at 800-833 -676i xl l2+ or email Ba nds(r1! o I esc h.r; um. Stutlents thaL sign up aller the group photo rvill receive a direct email link to our website at rvwrv.jolesch.conr and a proof rnailcr to vietv, clrange, or pay fbr photos, To SAVE $S on individual orders, Please ullol your students to order at the evcnt! r\l[ photos.rvill be available online a rvcck! "vithin ActiOtf InfageS