BC Seafood and Shellfish 2016 Buyers Group Program


BC Seafood and Shellfish 2016 Buyers Group Program
BC Seafood Buyers Tour Program
June 9 – 12, 2016
Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Staff Contacts
John Watson
Executive Director
Comox Valley Economic Development
Cell: 250-792-0375
Email: john@investcomoxvalley.com
Rob Arthurs
Senior Manager Agri-Foods
Mininstry of International Trade
Cell: 604-375-5112
Email: Robert.arthurs@gov.bc.ca
Geoff Crawford
Business Development
Comox Valley Economic Development
Cell: 250-792-2197
Email: geoff@investcomoxvalley.com
Sebastian Bubrick
Information Officer
Ministry of International Trade
Cell: 778-288-3750
Email: Sebastian.burick@gov.bc.ca
Kevin East, CEO
Ambassador Transportation
Cell: (250) 339-5252
Email: gowithambassador@gmail.com
Kim Cook, Sales & Events
Old House Hotel & Spa
Office: (250) 703-0981
Email: sales@oldhousevillage.com
Ambassador Shuttle Delegate Groupings;
Group A – 24 Passenger; China & Korea
Group B – 14 Passenger; USA & EU
Group C – 11 Passenger; Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan
Wednesday, June 8th, 2016
Arrive YVR - Vancouver International Airport
Web: www.yvr.ca
Proceed to South Terminal YVR and Depart for Comox via Pacific Coastal Airlines
Address: 4440 Cowley Crescent, Richmond, BC
Web: www.pacificcoastal.com/information/south-terminal-at-yvr/
Arrive Comox YQQ International Airport
Address: 1250 Knight Road, Comox, BC
Web: www.comoxairport.com
Pickup by Ambassador Shuttle
Web: http://ambassadortransportation.net/
Check in at Old House Hotel & Spa
Address: 1730 Riverside Land, Courtenay, BC
Web: www.oldhousevillage.com
Dinner on Your Own;
Locals Restaurant
Local, seasonal cuisine in a shingled house with wood floors & exposed beams, plus a
covered patio.
Address: 1730 Riverside Land, Courtenay, BC
Web: www.localscomoxvalley.com
Atlas Café
Easygoing breakfast-to-dinner cafe serving global dishes along with beer & wine.
Address: 250 6th Street, Courtenay, BC
Web: www.atlascafe.ca
Prime Chophouse and Wine Bar Restaurant
State of the art restaurant Comox Valley offers west coast, steakhouse, and seafood
items. Lounge and dining rooms have a contemporary atmosphere.
Address: 1089 Braidwood Road, Courtenay
Web: www.theprimechophouse.com
Blackfin Pub
Informal, waterfront pub featuring cocktails, brews, local seafood & burgers, plus patio
Address: 132 Port Augusta Street, Comox, BC
Web: www.blackfinpub.com
Additional Options - http://www.discovercomoxvalley.com/eat/dining
Thursday, June 9th, 2016
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast on Your Own
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
7:30 am
Delegate Briefing
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
7:45 am
Depart Old House Hotel & Spa via Ambassador Shuttle
Meet in the Lobby of the Old House Hotel & Spa
8:15 am
Fanny Bay Oysters Tour
The regions largest shellfish producer, owned by Taylor Seafoods (USA), tour this state
of the art facility, home to the world famous Fanny Bay Oysters; growers, processors,
and exporters of farm-raised Pacific oysters and Manila clams.
Product listing: farm fresh oysters, live in the shell, fresh shucked, and IQF wholeshell
and banquets, plus farm fresh clams, fresh in the shell and IQF, available year round.
Scallops, shrimp, prawns, cod, sole, snapper, salmon, crab, are available when in season.
Contact: Brian Yip, General Manager
Email: briany@fannybayoysters.com
Phone: (250) 335-0125
Web: www.fannybayoysters.com
Address: Island Hwy S, Fanny Bay, BC
9:30 am
Deep Bay Marine Field Station Research Tour
The Deep Bay Marine Field Station supports both pure and applied coastal and marine
research activities related to: sustainable shellfish aquaculture development;
preservation of coastal ecosystems; and inter-disciplinary projects involving local
Contact: Stephanie Richards, Facilities Coordinator
Email: Stephanie.richards@viu.ca
Phone: (250) 740-6398
Web: https://www2.viu.ca/deepbay/
Address: 370 Crome Point Road, Bowser, BC
10:45 am
French Creek Seafood Tour
French Creek Seafood Ltd. is a private, family-owned company that was established in
1991. Currently ship seafood products such as Albacore Tuna, BC Spot Prawns, Pacific
Halibut, and Ikura to the USA, Europe and Asia.
Product listing: salmon roe, halibut, sockeye, chum, coho, pink salmon, ling cod, albacore
tuna, spot prawn.
Contact: Brad McLean, President
Email: brad@frenchcreek.ca
Cel: (250) 951-6727
Web: www.frenchcreek.ca
Address: 1097 Lee Road Parksville, BC
12:00 pm
St. Jean’s Cannery & Smokehouse Tour & Lunch
A full-service processor in Nanaimo, St. Jean’s Cannery & Smokehouse is the largest tuna
& salmon cannery in Canada. Also produce specialty products such as red pepper jelly,
sweet mustards, and antipasto--and ornate gift baskets and wooden gift boxes are
popular year-round gifts which include a wide range of gourmet seafood products.
Product listing: smoked salmon, candied salmon, smoked tuna, smoked oysters and
hand-packed canned seafood.
Contact: Steve Hughes, General Manager
Email: steve@stjeans.com
Phone: (250) 754-2185
Web: http://www.stjeans.com/
Address: 242 Southside Drive, Nanaimo, BC
1:00 pm
Hub City Fisheries & Black Cod Farm Tour
Located in the city of Nanaimo, Hub City Fisheries is a value-added seafood processor
that deals with salmon and many other seafood products. The tour will include an
overview of processing at the Hub City Fisheries facility as well as a trip to their Black
Cod Farm.
Product listing: salmon, spot prawns, shrimp, black cod.
Contact: Craig Fisztner, Plant Manager / Sales
Email: vihaccpcon@hotmail.com
Cel: (250) 741-7988
Address: 262 Southside Drive, Nanaimo, BC
4:15 pm
Depart for the Old House Hotel & Spa
5:30 pm
Arrive Old House Hotel & Spa
6:00 pm
Opening Seafood Industry Expo Reception & Dinner
Old House Hotel and Spa, Sponsored by Flying Fresh Air Freight
Aquaculture industry representatives, businesses and VIPs will enjoy networking and
discussions, complimented by a dinner of a selection of lobster dishes created from 300
fresh Atlantic Lobster, in the stunning riverside gardens of the Old House Hotel and Spa.
Friday, June 10, 2016
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast on Your Own
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
8:15 am
Depart Old House Hotel & Spa via Ambassador Shuttle
Meet in the Lobby of the Old House Hotel & Spa
8:30 am
Fisherman’s Wharf Dock Tour – Comox Valley Harbour Authority
Tour the CVHA Fisherman’s Wharf learning about the commercial fishing industry,
stopping at different fishing vessels along the way. Different gear types and fishing
methods will be discussed as well as costs associated with being a commercial
fisherman and benefits the industry has to the coastal communities. Learn how the
fishermen target their species associated with their license and how bycatch is dealt
with. The tour stops will include the CFV Foremost (Salmon, Halibut and Tuna) troller,
CFV Flying High; Salmon Gillnet, CFV W-8; Old Salmon Seine boat; and either CVF Mach
1 or CFV Janola; Underwater Harvesters Association; Geoduck, Urchin and Sea
Contact: Rob Clarke, Wharf Manager
Email: rob@comoxharbour.com
Phone: (250) 339-6041
Web: www.comoxharbour.com
Address: 121 Port Augusta Street, Comox, BC
10:15 am
Salish Sea Foods Tour
Group B – 14 Passenger; USA & EU
Salish Sea Foods is a seafood supplier and retail store with a great selection of fresh and
frozen fin fish, shellfish, and specialty items. Many of which are provided fresh daily
from their independent seafood processing facility located on site.
Product listing: Fresh and smoked salmon, ready-to-cook seasoned salmon skewers, and
live oysters, clams, mussels, and crab. Also offer an extensive inventory of frozen
products, including shrimp, salmon, tuna, halibut, scallops.
Contact: Katie Welychko, Retail / RTE Manager
Email: katie@salishseafoods.net
Phone: (250) 339-6412
Web: www.salishseafoods.net
Address: 820 Shamrock Place, Comox, BC
10:30 am
Mac’s Oysters Tour
Group A – 24 Passenger; China & Korea
Group C – 11 Passenger; Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan
Mac's Oysters Ltd. is an integrated shellfish farm, processor and exporter that is owned
and managed by the original farmers, the McLellan family. Mac's Oysters has a variety of
shellfish brands grown in 8 different farm sites comprising 250 hectares of beach and
deep water leases.
Product listing: beach harvest oysters, deep water oysers, manila clams, varnish clams,
west coast little neck clams, butter clams
Contact: Sally Kew, Manager
Email: sally@macsoysters.com
Phone: (250) 335-2129
Web: http://www.macsoysters.com/
Address: 7162 South Island Highway, Fanny Bay, BC
11:45 am
Depart Tours for BC Seafood Expo
Best Wester Hotel, Courtenay
12:00 pm
BC Seafood Expo Keynote Lunch, Barton Seaver – How BC Seafood Contributes to
Sustainable & Healthy Food Systems
Ballroom, Best Western Hotel, Courtenay
2:00 pm
B2B Seafood Industry Meetings
Provincial B2B platform will be used by the International Buyers Group, Expo delegates
and Tradeshow Exhibitors to arrange for meetings throughout the afternoon.
Location: Tradeshow Area, Best Western Hotel, Courtenay
3:30 pm
Ben Stewart, BC’s Special Representative in Asia Presentation
MOU Agreement between Gfresh and the China Certification & Inspection Group
Location: Tradeshow Area, Best Western Hotel, Courtenay
4:00 pm
BC Craft Beer & Exhibitor Reception – Sponsored by Forbidden Brewery
Featuring an Oyster Bar by Mac’s Oysters
Location: Forbidden Brewery, Best Western Hotel, Courtenay
6:00 pm
Fresh Fest; Old House Hotel & Spa, Sponsored by the BC Salmon Farmers Association
The kick-off event for the BC Shellfish and Seafood Festival, enjoy gourmet barbecued
salmon, accompanied by musical entertainment.
Web: http://www.discovercomoxvalley.com/bc-shellfish-and-seafood-festival/fresh-fest
Saturday, June 11, 2016
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast On Your Own
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
7:45 am
Depart Old House Hotel & Spa via Ambassador Shuttle
Meet in the Lobby of the Old House Hotel & Spa
8:30 am
BC Salmon Farmers Association Tour & Lunch
Tour a working fish farm to learn about innovative cage systems, training
improvements, novel feed ingredients, and vaccines that have replaced antibiotics; see
firsthand the farm practice changes that have and are making big, positive impacts.
Contact: David Minato, Regulatory Affairs & Communications Manager
Email: david@bcsalmonfarmers.ca
Cell: (250) 203-6344
Web: http://bcsalmonfarmers.ca/members/
Location: Fisherman’s/Government Wharf – 705 Island highway, Campbell River
Tour Locations include;
Okisollo - Marine Harvest Farm Tour
Marine Harvest Canada operates salmon farms on the coast of British Columbia and
Vancouver Island, where 500 people produce 40,000 tonnes of sustainable farm-raised
Atlantic salmon each year.
Product list: atlantic salmon
Venture Point - Cermaq Farm Tour
Cermaq is an international fish farming group with head office in Oslo, Norway.
Product list: atlantic salmon
12:30 pm
VIP BBQ Lunch Hosted by the BC Salmon Farmers Association
Maritime Heritage Centre, Campbell River
Web: www.maritimeheritagecentre.ca
Address: 621 Island Hwy, Campbell River, BC
2:00 pm
Depart Campbell River via Ambassador Shuttle
Meet at the Maritime Heritage Centre Parking Lot
3:00 pm
Arrive Old House Hotel & Spa
6:00 pm
Dinner on Your Own
Sunday, June 12, 2016
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast on Your Own
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
8:00 am
Depart Old House Hotel & Spa via Ambassador Shuttle
9:00 am
Brown’s Bay Processing Tour
Group B – 14 Passenger; USA & EU
Group C – 11 Passenger; Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan
Brown’s Bay Packing Company has been custom processing farmed fresh salmon in the
spectacular Seymour Narrows of British Columbia since 1989. Today they employ as
many as 45 full-time people and process in excess of 32 million lbs of product each year.
Product list: salmon
Contact: Marilyn Hutchinson, Director HR, Sustainability & Growth
Email: Marilyn.hutchinson@griegseafood.com
Cell: (250) 203-0314
Web: www.brownsbaypacking.com/about.html
Address: 15007 Browns Bay Road, Campbell River, BC
9:00 am
Flurer Smokery Tour
Group A – 24 Passenger; China & Korea
Flurer Smokery Ltd a private Aboriginal owned and operated facility is Federally
Registered, HACCP Certified and registered with the USFDA located in Campbell River,
BC. Their vision is to bring a true west coast flavor to the world. Flurer Smokery is a
wholesale and custom value added and ready to eat processing plant. The facility is
8000 sq-ft.
Product listing: Wild / farmed fish, halibut, black cod, white sturgeon, tuna, oysters,
mussels, prawns, and more.
Contact: Kelly and Brian Flurer, Owner
Email: flurersmokery@telus.net
Phone: (250) 286-4945
Web: www.flurersmokery.com
Address: 5722 Menzies Way, Campbell River, BC
11:00 am
Depart Tours for Lunch via Ambassador Shuttle
12:00 pm
Lunch – The Breakwater Restaurant, Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa
The culinary team and staff invite you to enjoy the warm atmosphere, friendly service,
and fresh, contemporary West Coast cuisine in the Breakwater restaurant or on the
summer patio; all with one of the best views in the Pacific Northwest.
Phone: (250) 338-1323
Web: www.kingfisherspa.com/dining/
Address: 4330 Island Highway South, Courtenay, BC
1:30 pm
2:30 pm
Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd Boat Tour
Group A – 24 Passenger; China & Korea
Group B – 14 Passenger; USA & EU
Group C – 11 Passenger; Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan
Pentlatch Seafoods Ltd. became incorporated in March of 2004. The shellfish
aquaculture company currently possess 7 intertidal tenures totaling 64.3 ha. All sites are
located in the Comox Harbour, Royston and Baynes Sound.
Product list: clams, oysters
Contact: Richard Hardy, Manager
Email: Richard.hardy@komoks.ca
Cell: (250) 703-1969
Web: www.comoxband.ca/pentlatch-seafoods-ltd
Departure Location: Union Bay Boat Launch
3:00 pm
3:45 pm
Manatee Holdings Tour
Group A – 24 Passenger; China & Korea
Group B – 14 Passenger; USA & EU
Group C – 11 Passenger; Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan & Japan
Manatee Holdings Ltd. helped pioneer the wild Geoduck Clam Fishery in British
Columbia. Manatee also spear headed the Geoduck Clam Culture Industry in BC.
Product listing: geoduck clam
Contact: Eric Gant, President
Email: ericgant@manateeholdings.com
Phone: (250) 334-9562
Web: http://sustainableaquaculture.ca/
Address: 4097 Gartley Point Rd, Courtenay, BC
4:30 pm
Depart Tours for Old House Hotel & Spa via Ambassador Shuttle
Mott’s Clamato Best Caesar in Town Competition & Dinner
White Whale Restaurant, Courtenay
The Mott's Clamato Best Caesar in Town Competition brings together the best
mixologists together to compete for the title of Best Caesar in Town, as part of the 10th
annual BC Shellfish & Seafood Festival! Come enjoy drink specials, buck-a-shuck oysters
and more!
Monday, June 13, 2016
7:00 am
Continental Breakfast on Your Own
Boardroom, Old House Hotel & Spa
7:45 am
Departures begin via Ambassador Shuttle for Pacific Coastal Flights at YQQ