TFCEC newsletter Jan2015 - Tropical Fish Club of Erie County
TFCEC newsletter Jan2015 - Tropical Fish Club of Erie County
Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 1 January 2015 Upcoming Events Tuesday January 20 TFCEC Monthly Meeting at The Chicken Coop, VFW Post 8113, 299 Leydecker Road, West Seneca NY. Meeting Starts at 7:00 PM Mini Auction, Raffles, Program BAP/HAP/WAP 101 Bowl Show: Goldfish, Koi, and AOV February 15, 2015 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County Spring Auction March 1, 2015 GAAS Spring Auction Tallmadge Community Center 80 Community Rd. Tallmadge, Ohio April 12, 2015 Erie Aquarium Society Spring Auction at new location Perry Hi-Way Social Hall 8281 Oliver Road, Erie Pa 16509. April 25, 2015 Central NY Aquarium Society Spring Auction St. Matthew Over the Rainbow Child Care Center 214 Kinne St., East Syracuse, NY 13057 April 26, 2015 Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society, Inc. Spring Auction December People’s Choice L002 Plecostomus by Donna Czarnecki November People’s Choice Juliodochromis Transcriptus by Nicolaus Jensen Inside This Issue: Listing of Officers and Committee Members Chairman’s Message Bowl Show BAP/HAP/Membership/Artwork by Kim Ball Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Breeding Syno. Petricola by Teri Seufert Pages 6,7 Picture Page Pages 8,9 Classified Ads Pages 10,11 Auction Flyer/Rules Pages 12,13 Officers Chairman Tom Heisler 656-1892 Vice Chairman Tom Rizzo 627-2275 Secretary Kim Ball 648-1606 Treasurer Ex officio Ed Osika Randy Seufert 892-9648 649-9165 Peter Reukauf 949-0945 Jack Mullen Mike Culkowski Larry Gibbs 491-6187 523-4928 826-6755 John J Williams 341-6300 Antonio Martina 492-0540 Jim Fitzgerald 544-0588 Bill Wroblewski 598-3578 Breeders Award Program Tom Rizzo 627-2275 Breeders Award Program Bill Wroblewski 598-3578 Horticultural Award Program Chuck Mule & Bill Duzen 549-5039 Writers Award Program Bill Duzen 549-4281 Fed. Of American Aquar. Soc. Bill Duzen 549-4281 Membership Chris Hardy 724-415-7852 Library Bill Wroblewski 598-3578 Bowl Show Larry Gibbs 826-6755 Exchange Editor Chuck Mule 549-5039 Ways & Means Russ Arnst Aquarist of The Year Chuck Mule 549-5039 Newsletter Editor Tom Heisler 656-1892 Programs Randy Seufert 649-9165 Annual Auction Randy Seufert 649-9165 Awards Banquet Larry Gibbs 826-6755 Club Picnic Teri Seufert 649-9165 Fishy/Fishy Club Ed Osika 892-9648 Raffle/Prizes Bill/Spencer Wroblewski 598-3578 Christmas Party Larry Gibbs 826-6755 Web Moderator Josh Vito 208-5596 Refreshments Mark and Mary Ann Baumgart Photographer Donna Czarnecki 207-1250 Board of Directors Committee Chairpersons Meetings The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County, Inc., meets the third Tuesday of the month at The Chicken Coop, VFW Post 8113, 299 Leydecker Road, West Seneca NY. Meetings start at 7:00PM. All are invited. Our Purpose The purpose of the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County is to bring hobbyists of tropical fish and aquatic plants together, those who are interested in breeding, raising, showing, or just plain looking at fish and aquatic plants. Also to aid members through lectures, films and slide presentations on different aspects of the tropical fish hobby. Exchange Policy The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County will send a copy of this newsletter to any club who sends us a copy of their publication. Reprint Policy Any article may be reprinted by another aquarium society, providing the source and author are given credit, and a copy of your publication is sent to us. Web Address Chairman’s Message Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 3 January 2015 By Randy Seufert Tom Heisler Welcome to the newly changing Tropical Fish Club of Erie County, Inc. I would like to thank Randy and Teri Seufert for their lifetime of service to the club. It takes great people like them to unselfishly donate their time and energy to keeping a club running smoothly. Good luck in your ‘fish-tirement’ and new breeding adventures! I hope you all had quality time with your family and friends over the holidays. I have talked to a lot of people over the last few weeks and ideas are flowing like a tropical river after a heavy rain. Hopefully we as a club will change into something better than we already have and move on to a higher level of growth and excellence. We have new members joining every month. As you know, Randy now has the title Ex officio and Chris Hardy has stepped up to take over the Membership Comittee for Teri. Kim Ball has replaced Donna Czarnecki as Secretary and Ed Osika will continue to serve as Treasurer. Congratulations to the re-elected and newly elected members of the Board of Directors Peter Reukauf, Jack Mullen, Mike Culkowski, Larry Gibbs, and John J Williams. I think the club is well represented and I look forward to working with you all. Thank you to all the participating members for all you have done and all you are continuing to do. Participation makes this club great. I was amazed at the size of the bowl show last month. There have been some questions as to the BAP, HAP, and WAP. We will have a short introduction and a question and answer time on any of your concerns. There are a lot of members breeding different fish and plants and I welcome articles and pictures for the newsletter. I would also encourage you to come and speak about your efforts, successes, challenges, and trials at a meeting. I am sure the other members would appreciate you taking the time to tell us about your fishy adventures. That is all for now, Tom Randy giving his final speech as Chariman. Me roasting Randy a little bit Page 3 Bowl Show Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 4 January 2015 Unofficial Year End Standings Fish of the Month Totals Bill Wroblewski Donna Czarnecki Peter Reukauf Nick Jensen Josh Vito Bob Fessler Bonnie Gifford John Buckaczeski Renae Johnson Tom Mason Jason and Kim Ball 46 points 41 points 31points 21 points 11 points 13 points 10 points 9 points 5 points 5 points 4 points Any Other Variety Totals Peter Reukauf Bob Fessler Donna Czarnecki Bill Wroblewski Nick Jensen Tom Heisler John Buckaczeski Tom Mason 33 points 27 points 25 points 20 points 19 points 9 points 8 points 6 points Bowl Show Classes January 2015: Goldfish and Koi * Every month, there will be an ‘any other variety’ class as well as the class featured for the month November Bowl Show Results Anabantids 1st place Female Crowntail Betta, Bob Fessler 2nd place Pearl Gourami, Kim Ball 3rd place Albino Paradise, Nicholaus Jensen Any Other Variety 1st place Emperor Tetra, Donna Czarnecki 2nd place Juliodochromis Transcriptus, Nicholaus Jensen 3rd place Albino Pearlscale Angel, Bob Fessler December Bowl Show Results Red Fish 1st place Red Passion Discus, John Bukaczewski 2nd place Red Iranian Rainbow, Bill Wroblewski 3rd place Cherry Barb, Donna Czarnecki Green Fish 1st place Ruby Green Cichlid, Donna Czarnecki 2nd place Green Dragon Pleco, Bill Wroblewski 3rd place Florida Flagfish, Peter Ruekauf Any Other Variety 1st place Cyprichromis Leptosoma, Peter Reukauf 2nd place L002 Pleco, Donna Czarnecki 3rd place Firefish Peacock, Bob Fessler Page 4 BAP Lifetime Total Points Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 5 January 2015 Data submitted by Tom Rizzo Josh Vito 170 Robert Fessler 140 David Perez 20 Tom Rizzo 630 Randy /Teri Seufert 765 Peter Reukauf 285 Tom Heisler 340 Mark Baumgart 10 Donna Czarnecki 125 John Burdick 200 John j Williams 40 Bonnie Giffford 30 Kim Ball 95 Nick Jensen 65 Mike Culkowski 955 Bill Duzen 1960 Dick/Rudy McEniry 320 t Chuck Mule 840 Ed Osika 210 Paul Piduch 675 Antonio Martina 50 Bill Wroblewski 35 Membership Report HAP Lifetime Total Points Data submitted by Chuck Mule Jason and Kim Ball 30 Mike Culkowski 375 Donna Czarnecki 130 Dawn Domagala 10 Bill & Liz Duzen 870 Christopher Hardy 160 Tom Heisler 120 Nicolaus Jensen 40 Renae Johnson 70 Chuck Mule 1265 Casey Newton 175 Ed Osika 360 Paul Piduch 455 Peter Reukauf 75 Randy & Terri Seufert 995 Josh Vito 710 Bill Wroblewski 230 HAP Submission for December Chuck Mule - Bolbitis heudelotti Original Pencil Drawing Submitted by Kim Ball By Teri Seufert After 27 years of Membership Chairperson, I am stepping down. So this is my last report, Christopher Hardy will now be the Membership Chairman. Welcome New Member: Brenda Romanaw Dues now due: James Mule, Richard McEniry, Russ Arnst, Bonnie Gifford, Casey Newton, Brandon Vernon and Brenda Tschetter Final Notice: Jodi Ghianni, Nathan Pieroni and Tom Mason Page 5 Breeding Synodontis Petricola Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 6 January 2015 By Teri Seufert We got a couple of young Petricolas at a local auction a few years ago. At another auction a year or so later, they had pairs of Petricola’s and we bought one, only thing is they both turned out to be females. We already had 2 t females from the others we had bought. So the search for a male or two was on. Several young ones were at auctions, but was not sure of sex, we needed a male. Finally last fall after talking to a friend in Erie, Pa., he said he had a couple spare males. So in November of 2013, I had my first spawn of Syno eggs. Nobody told me they were the size of pin dots and nobody told me how to care for the eggs or fry, if I ever get Spawning was easy, I had got a breeding box at one of our clubs mini auctions. It is a 5 inch acrylic Fry at two weeks of age square that separates in the middle, it is clear on the bottom and black color on top, with a hole in the side and one on the top. Then you fill the bottom with marbles, but it was difficult to see if you had eggs and also hard to get eggs out. After seeing how small these eggs are I put a piece of plastic canvas cut to fit inside the cube. Now it was very easy to see when I have eggs and to remove them. Care of the eggs is a challenge, they have to be in the dark, so I wrapped a small catch cup in foil, set inside a large catch cup and put in a tank at 78 degree water with an air stone, with a large air flow. After a day and a half, eggs hatched, they are ready to eat in 5 days. , but still remain in the dark until they are eating, I got a few to live (5) but lost all of them in the week that Fry at 45 days of age followed. After many months of getting eggs and hatching them only to have them all die the day they hatched or the next day. I finally found out the foil was oxidizing the water and killing them. Now to find something else to make it darker. Randy works with flowers and plants and they have a foil that is plastic coated. I tried that and it works, so in April I had my first spawn last more then 1 day, but lost them due to another auction we attended being away too long from home. Being the day they needed to be fed, I lost most, but did have a few survive. Now more determined to raise synodontis, I got more eggs in May and hatched and had around 300-350 eggs, I put a drop of methylene blue in the water. They hatched in 18 hours. Estimate about 225-250 hatchlings. Did a small water change to take out the methylene blue and the fungused eggs. At Page 6 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 7 January 2015 Fry at six months of age and vegetable pellets. At 2 months of age I moved them into a larger tank. I have 165 babies in a 10 gallon and 15 gallon tanks. I have been getting spawns monthly, but not as many as the spawn in May. Parents still get fed black worms, Catfish pellets and vegetable pellets. It was a challenge, but I have enjoyed spawning the Synodontis petricola. day 5 after hatching, I began feeding them 3 times a day with walter worms and golden pearls ( a powder formula for babies) and 1⁄2 water change witht the same temperature aged water, for the first couple weeks. Newly hatched brine shrimp are bigger then they are. Between 2-3 weeks old, stopped feeding the powder and started to feed decapsulated brine shrimp. At about 2 months old started to put in catfish pellets Picture of the parents A nice shot of the Seuferts long fin bristlenose pleco guarding eggs Page 7 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 8 January 2015 Picture Page Got a nice picture? Send it to t Page 8 Picture Page continued Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 9 January 2015 Got a nice picture? Send it to t Page 9 For sale: Bristlenose Plecos: Brown or albino. 100's available. $1 each Hap. Species 44: 1.25 inches $4 each Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 10 January 2015 Tom R. 713-4279 or For sale: Hap, Burtoni Males 3” 2 avail $5 each Pundamilia Nyererei Crimson Tide Males 3-4” 2 avail $7 ea Breeding Group of 9 Petricola Catfish $115 Petricola catfish up to 1” $3 ea Bumble Bee Catfish adults $5 ea Enterochromis paropius approx 1" $7 each Rare Lake Victora Cichlid. Tom H. 408-6540 or Nice Tip: Heater, light, pump, power filter, etc. Book Order LAST CHANCE! I am organizing a one time group order for the book The 101 Best Freshwater Nano Species which was written by a friend in the hobby, Rachel O’leary. If we get enough people to sign up, she will take off the shipping charge. The price is 18.95 and she has also agreed to autograph them. If you would like a copy of this book, I will have a signup sheet at the January meeting. You may also email me at Page 10 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County. Inc. Newsletter Page 11 January 2015 Bags for Sale 3x10x2mil $5.00/ 100 5x15x2 mil $ 6.50 /100 6 x 16 x 2mil $6 .75/100 6 x 24 x 2 mil $9 .75/100 8 x 15 x 2mil $8 .50/100 10 x 20 x 2 mil $11.25/100 DECAPSULATED BRINE SHRIMP EGGS $1 6.00 PER POUND *Pricing subject to change. See Bill Duzen. Live Black worm Group Order I am organizing a group order o f live black-worms fro m Eastern Aquat ics. If you would like to get in on the ord er, I will be collecting orders/money u ntil the Wednesday bef ore the next mee ting. The worms will arrive and be del ivered at the next mee ting. Pricing: 1lb of worms = $24.00 0.5lb of worms = $13.00 0.25lb of worms = $7.00 If you are intere sted or have qu estions, send me an em ail, or leave a vo icemail on my phone. 716-208-5596 Jo sh Vito Club T-Shirts The shirts are gr ey with black silk screen Sizes available: Large $8 xl $8 2xl $10 --sold ou t 3xl $11 --only on e left We can also mo nogram a small club logo on your t-sh irt, polo, hoodie , jacket, etc. Pleas e wash it first ev en if it is new. The cu rrent price is $7 for each monogram on the clothing you provide. Thank you for support ing the club. See Tom Heisler . You Yo urr aad dh her eree Se Seee To Tom mH Hei eisl sler er oorr em emai aill Tfce cecT Tf cToom m@ @gm gmai ail.c l.coom m Page 11 Tropical Fish Club of Erie County Presents 26th Annual Spring Giant Tropical Fish, Aquatic Plant And Supply AUCTION February 15, 2015 At VFW Post 8113,The Chicken Coop 299 Leydecker Road, West Seneca , NY 14224 Registration 9:30 am. Auction 11:00 am. 70/30 Split, 10 Table System After Table 3 is complete a lottery will be held for the remaining 7 Tables. The order in which they are picked will be the table that will be sold next. No item may be renumbered or moved from it’s original position. Any single item that sells for $50.00 or more, there will be a maximum club split of $15.00, all other proceeds for that item goes to the seller. Refreshments Available Information TFCEC Annual Tropical Fish and Supply Auction The auction will be a 70/30 split auction, 70% of the selling price goes to the seller and 30% to the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County Inc. All items will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. PLACE: VFW Post 8113 “The Chicken Coop”, 299 Leydecker Road, West Seneca NY 14224 DATE: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 TIME: REGISTRATION: 9 A.M. AUCTION 11:00 A.M. Procedures and Rules: 1. Each seller must register and receive ID letters before placing items in the auction. ITEMS MUST BE NUMBERED CONSECUTIVELY 1-10, 11-20 ETC. The items will be auctioned off by number, all #1, #11, #21 etc. items will be auctioned first, followed by all #2, #12, #22 etc. There will be tables for each number 1-10. Sale items are to be placed on the corresponding tables. After table 3 a lottery will be held for the remaining Tables. The order in which they are picked will be the table that will be sold next. No items may be renumbered or moved from the original positions. 2. Buyers may register to charge their purchases, or pay cash at the time of the sale. Each buyer that registers will be given a buyers ID number. These are to be used during bidding and purchase of an item. 3. All items must be properly labeled: item letter and number, brief description, type of species, quantity, and also if the fish are a pair, trio, male or female, if known. On dry goods items, mark the condition of the item. Sellers name and Phone number is suggested. 4. On dry good items only a limit of 5 like items will be accepted (ex. 5 bags of flake food) NEW: ALL Used equipment must be clean or it will be rejected!! 5. We have established a sales limit for Duckweed and ramshorn snail. Not more then three (3) bags Of these 2 items in any combination per seller will be allowed. Example 2 bags of snails and 3 bags of duckweed. 6. Selling increments will be $1.00. NO ITEM WILL BE SOLD FOR LESS THAN $1.00--if it does not sell, it will be returned to the seller. 7. Proper bagging is necessary. Fish and plants must be in proper fish bags (available from most fish stores). NO BAGGIES, ZIP LOCK BAGS OR TWIST TIE BAGS ALLOWED. There will be a 50 cent re-bagging charge if re-bagging is necessary. This will be deducted from your auction money. Double bagging is suggested. 8. Minimum bid: Sellers may place a minimum bid on an item. This should be a reasonable price. Any item with a minimum bid that does not sell at the minimum bid will be put to the side. If the seller so requests a lower price, these items will be auctioned at the end of all the numbered 10 items. 9. New: Any single item that sells for more then $50.00 or more, there will be a minimum club split of $15.00, all other proceeds from that item go to the seller. 8. The Tropical Fish Club of Erie County Inc. and the VFW Post 8113, will not be responsible for any personal injury or any damages or losses incurred before, during or after the auction. 9. All unclaimed items become the property of the Tropical Fish Club of Erie County Inc. 10. Payment: The auction staff will keep track of all transactions throughout the auction. Buyers may pay their tab anytime before leaving. Sellers may settle up after all of their items have sold or if the seller chooses to leave early, a check will be mailed to the seller. However, all purchases must be paid for before leaving. No checks will be accepted, CASH ONLY. Tropical Fish Club of Erie County 5725 Herman Hill Road Hamburg NY 14075