Issue 62 - February 1994 as PDF
Issue 62 - February 1994 as PDF
DEAR DICKHEADS ANUARY 1994 '01. 6 lss. 2 #62 4'14.1 ASSOC. EDITOR . Jon Shuman COPY EDITOR Steve Trinnaman PHOTO EDITOR RobertDeBerry CONTRIBUTINO Uncle Ezra OUR M K S Lara, Beth Sutton. Rlvate Eye, Jon T., Dave Hendrlckson, Krls, Margl Alban. Chopper, Jo Yaffe. Clark W., P.K. , SPECIAL THANKS Malle SLUG b pubbhed by the 5th of each month. The wmng b conMbuled by free4ance witetaThewrllhghthe paperbtheopinknd thewrllemandbnotnecwaritythatofthe prop* who pul b together. The topla b cludrdOrec*o~Uyoudon'ta.yee w l what ~ b sald. or you feel -mm b n b h gthen you should do romsth!mJobout L..wrlh. AH rbmhlona must be recetvedno Uwthm tha 26th of fh. pr.c.dlng month. W.trfnotto~~ofthewltt~thatbrent. Wecnkfhatyoukeepyouwlt!mJshortandto the poht. Thb gives w more room for moce pooplo'$ wmng. We h k you for your cow Wued wppod ond hope w e cando Ml,fora vrylongtb. T m You SLUG Sld k d Us Your Stuff SLUG STAFF PeOeBox 1061 Salt lakt City, Utah 84110m1061 Weed ion Info (801) 468.6294 63 1994 SLUG Productions Dear Dickheads, I must respond to the vicious and well informed attack1suffered from the pen of "K" which a p peared in the correspondence of the January, 1994 issue od Utah's foremost printed forum of art and intelligence; viz.SLUG. Mydear "K," first let meretract the threats of my previous letter which apparently frightened you; I would hate to suffer any anguish of concern with my rectal health should I decideto attend a stirring rock-a-billy performance at Burts, just as I would hate for you or Msmfh'scoverwasdonetyBNce anyone else tobe put into a similar Rekl.Hegor*done~ondat ~ r k f o r s e w 4 I J I a t h e r k c d ~ . quandry if they should wish to He k Salt Ld&s most ubdenned ilsampleone of Bandaloops' rubber lustrator. He har spent the k& wMle calzones. dolng cxmmdcd workso he b adept However, I am much disaptowofidnQh~typesdareos.He alrospeddbeshcortoonhgand~pot pointed with your misreading of lllustrotlng and k avalkble.4856416 or both mine and Mr. Titus' letter. Perhaps you should take the gentleman from Red W5's sugP.0 box. Artwork. gested in his letter (I paraphrase: have someone explain the definition of sarcasm to you) and then reread the letters from the copies of SLUG you no doubt have carefully stashed away for their Blue Boutique advertisement masturbation value, and then decide who's idea-Jon's or Audrey'-more in accordance with your own. I am 11IU $25.00 sincerely sorry this shit went over your head (just as .Jon's remarks 118 $40.00 obviouslvdidover the other writer 1 $50.00 who's leker a p p e a d with yours), but perhaps having shit pass over 114 ' $70.00 your head is a position you are not totally unfamiliar with. 113 $85.00 Here are some suggested 112 $100.00 readings to help you with the conFULL $175.00 cepts of humankind vs. nature, a d sarcasticwit: Philosophy in the Prkesare subjectto change. Bedroom, by the Marquis de Sade; We reoerve the right to refuse The Hitch-hiWs Guide to the Galrenrke to anyone. Speclal axy, by some British guy; and rates are avdlable for long anything written by Helen Wolf term contracts. We also give (who is, by the way, the most talbands and Independent ented creature spreadrecord manufacturersa speing ink this side of Uranus, or cial dkcount. Ad prlces inanyone else's). clude all layout and dedgn of May The Men Of Crush have ads. Ad 15% for cdor on ad. their way with you (Some extra charges may . Most Sincerely apply-but almost never do.) Audrey Smiley We also dler mulnple pages for special Insorb. Dear Dickheads, SLUG A I nm 145 ... SLUG AD SALES (801) 468-6294 A'm writen' ta Helen Wolf nt ya Dickheads. The Slug is hard ta find out ere in Granger. I haf ta go ta Salt Lake an git it sometimes. I don't care bout mos shit in it. A'm inlovewith Helen Wolf.This here's ma dream date wit Helen Wolf. We start da date at da Deltor Lane's lounge wit a couple a pichers a beer. Jes ta git up a a p petite. Nex we head fer da cafe an ma favorite meal, a meat pie smother'd wit country gravy wil hashbrowns and yer choice a vegtable. After supper we kin bowl a few lines, dis date is in a bowlin' alley after all. I alays cany a flask wit me so's we kin keep up da drinkin! Yer gonna need ta be a lil wasted fer da next part a our date. When yer tired a bowlin' Helen iss back ta da lounge and the Saturday night wet T-shirt contest.Wear a thin one cause I wann see yer titties goodwhen Ah quirt em wit ma water pistol. After some more drinkin' ta make sure yer good an lubricated, A', a gonna pour ya in ma truck an head fer ma double-wide ritedown da street. A'm gonna take off yer clothes an give ya wha ya need da mos. Agood cornholin' till da cock crows. I luo ya Helm Alden Holloway WRITERS WANTED FOR SLUG! Politics Positively Queer Short Stories Concert Reviews Record Reviews Band Spotlights (Local or National) Editorial Opinions Hate Mail Whatever you so desire... . DICKHEADS @ SLUG P.O. BOX 1061 SALT UKE CT I Y, UT 84110=1061 ' LUG'S 3RD ANUA -- a -=- 1 4 I SATURDAY, MARCH 19THl BONWOOD BOWL1 u benefit for Autonom House Book XeCthr0 CO 4-Person Teams = $12 Per Team Get Your Tdam together Now! Everyone Welcome Details Soon - thursday, f-ebruary 17th, 1'994 SLUG Febraary 1994 real, fat thing and a second group of cyborg doubles. As they crisscross the country raking in twice the loot, the fans (being realityimpaired Deadheads) never even notice. Commonplace re-materialized after a long absence with a new EP and a coupleof actuallive The World Wrestling Fed- shows-about damn time. Meaneration presentsthe pay-per-view while, the new Doghouse release event of a lunchtime: Jon "Anti- remains in corporate Limbo while christ" Titus vs. Media Man - the band battles with their label, belts are on the line! Did anyone Vicious F e a t , over musical conactually mail money for those tent and hairstyles. Steve Albini Media Man essays? You did? was contacted to remix, but has Wanna buy some car stereo yet to reply. speakem, cheap?My bossordered Rockabiily rag Put Yer Cat too many and we've gotta sell 'em Clothes On somehow managed off quick--thefre over here in to-squeezeout a second issue, this the trunk of my Impala. time with the Reverend Horton Colorado's best export, The H u t (Doesthe phrase "Blowing Fluid, broke up. One of it's worst, your wad" ring a bell? Who's left Electric Mud, won't stay out of now-Leather Tuscedaro?). The Utah. Do we really need AN- latest waste of timber included OTHER Deadnittle Feat rip-off this moronic statementby Junior: (can't bathe or write an actual "Nothing but wanna be grunge song, but can probably make a bands in Salt Lake." First, you've household item bong faster than got to get out of BurYs moreoften; Mccyver). second, you've got some huevos The December issue of Musi- accusing anyone of cian Magazine detailed near fu- bandwagoning. Most of the turein which artistscould distrib- people in the 'billy units come ute their music directly to con- from theold underground and, in sumers through the Fiberoptic . their yohngertOOCOO1punkdays, Superhighway Cyberwhateverwould've laughed themselves you'de never have to deal with stupid at this retro-schtik. Oh those teenage lobotomies at yeah, and keep Wheels and his Soundoff again: Red Krosp? I damn "Rockabillity" out of here dunno...the old dude from or I'm gonna start doing Trailer Sanford & Son?" Park updates in PYCCO, got me? Note to my "Fan Club" in the Don't call it a comeback (no, G m n S t m t kitchen:Get out and really, don't): Warrant at Club meet some nice girls. Do you like Renegade ($19), Quiet Riot at girls? You can't charge those 976 Rafters ($lo), the Village People numbers to your mom's Visa for- somewhere in Provo ($181, and ever. Flew to Las Vegas on the SLUG corporate jet to catch Barbara Streisand's 2-nighter at the MGM Grand. For $6 Million a night, you'd think Babs would learn the lyrics, right? Oy, what a shiksa-teleprompters everywhere! Even the between-song patter ('ThankYou," l'm soglad to be here," and "Are you ready to fuckin' rock Las Vegas?!") was scrolled on the screens. Very cool cover art by Cody on the January SLUG--why the hell was Rush Limbaugh on the cover in December? Did I miss a staff meeting? Jurassic Krap: the Grateful Dmd were last years top-grossing live(?) act. ~ o n s ~ i r a&eory ci #75: there are two Dads--the Son Of The Return of '93 Reheated Leftovers and Morel Sincemy January "piece" was actually written in November to meet somefictitiousdeadline,you (theroyal leader), were deprived of my genius by a month or so. Besides, this rambling bullshit format is alot easiertowrite when you're whacked on Vicks 44D and Schlik-just ask Larry King. Frank Zappa died at 52 of cancer, causing the word "iconoclast" to be used (and mis-used) more than any other time in hack history. Will there be an overblown tribute/photoop like the one for Queen queen Freddie Mercury.Axl and Elton dueting on "Burnt Weenie Sandwich?" Extreme rockin' out "Dynamo Hum?"NO,because cancer's not a "cool" disease, there's no cute ribbonforit, and only ickyold people get it. Troubledloner Eddie Vedder got tanked and slapped around a waiter in New Orleans after he told EdVed how much his girlfriend digs that ''Plush" tune. Fellow millionaire and regular guy Jack McDowell of the White Sod also got beaned in the brawl while U v Overkillstood by, polishing their medallion-11 hail the new Lizard King! Blind Melon lead hairball Shannon Hoon went onstage nekkid in Canada and pissed on the front row of adoring Melonheads (didn't Gallager do that before?). Prodigal of Smiles promise to top that with a nude band shit at a future gig. Club owners: Scotchguard now. Well-hung rock gods the Maggotheads played what was promjsed to be their farewell (geek)show.Yeah,right-put that promise on file right next to ''he checksin the mail," "I won't come in you're mouth," and 'The club only takes a small percentage of the door." MTV's L.A. edition of The Real World assembled the worst bunch of pathetic, whining losers since, well, the New York edition. Notetg MTV: give us some REAL dra& and pathos-tape the next me at Stimboy's swingin' pad. . the Groove at Woolf's, (Free,and no bargain either). NQpunchline required. If you put a SXSW Showdown entry and rules form through my special Truth De,cod&it reads-"Here's the deal, suckers-we're gonna throw together a pile of bands we never let play here (the Zephyr) and make 'em play for free while they bring their buddies to buy our booze. Then we let one of our regular groups who make the clubmoney 'win! Sign here, dirtbag." Not that the past two winners aren't good bands, but this line of thinking may get the Disco Drippem a 95 trip to Austin--the horror' the horror Went to the SLUG/Growinn Graphics bar-fight and a party almost broke out. What a shindig. House Of Cards took the stage something before dawn and ripped into a near-perfect rendition of side 2 of "Double Live Gonzo"--go nuge, GO! By the way, Grindboy was right: SLUG just totally sold out, dude. You should see the way JR struts around his penthouse office suite in his floor-length pimp coat, flashing his jewelry and lighting cigars with $100 bills while he just pays his writers with old Sabbathon shirts. Sometimeshe likesto spit out of the window down on the mall-punks below and laugh an insane, power-mad laughthat is, when he's not snorting Columbian off of some hooker's tits or playing "submarines" with Webster and McAuley Culkin. ... -Helm Wolf . . )February 1994 SLUG 0 brought to you by C~nemaBar 45 West Broadway 359- 1200 Nnw A P r i v n t ~Club Fnr Members E S B T E V I F O N D E R N B N P Q Y X L T E S H F E K I R T S N O S B A K A C D L B L N E L O H T T U B P D H F R E O I S D R A C F O E S U O H W H E C H A N G E D E G N B N H E B A J H O H E K I X O R P E K N I D O T I T M A K N K B G E R F R S M I H H S O P D E D I A W L O A M G W K E E M M O P W E U U U Z D C O M A D M L T E S K C J U A U Z I E M H T R I E E S E G K D U U U U G W Y A E N A T U U R B O E S C L G A B S T R A K E D O S P N B P W M M L K I A F B R S E H T A E R B H T U O M S M R A U B I P E C E E Z D K C F L T K O V Z U L M H A Y V Y Z M W S L E D N E D T F A L E E I A K L K M R R C T V A T A I C S N R U B E C I J J V C S R O T A N G E R O V E R L O A D F A V I I U G I M O T C E R E D N Q R N O P I E L I N E H T F O S R E T H G U A ICEBURN FRACTAL METHOD BOHEMIA MY SISTER JANE REALITY HOUSE OF CARDS DECOMPOSERS AMPHOUSE MOTHER WATERFRONT ' MOUTHBREATHER THE CHANGE STONEFACE - - S A X K N S C F R A C T A L M E T H O D AU ONE EYE DEAD KATS NSC PRODIGAL OF SMILES DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE RIVERBED JED RED NO. FIVE ANGER OVERLOAD SKABS ON STRIKE ABSTRAK ATHELETES BUIT SLUO AskanyWest Coastpunkwhere the beet musk is coming from, and they'llinevitably answerSanDiego. Looming god-like over the rest of the "Beachcore" scene is Rocket From The Crypt, one of the most prolificvinyl-recording bands in the world. GroupfounderJohnReiswas kind enough to grant SLUG a tele phone interview nearly a month before the band's Feb. 17 show at ClubDV8 @ownstaim). As always, Helen Wolf was on hand to fetsh . coffee. Rocket fnnn the Crypt ts:John .."speedou~eis-vocals&guitar;~ n d y "N.D." Starrier-guitar, "Petey X"bassguitar;Paul"Apollo" WBeirneSaxaphone; Adam "Atom" W i r d -drums. February 1994 0 I I SLUG: Can I askabout T h e Deal?" (thr band signed to Interscope Records last year) Johru The only thing I want to talk about isjust how things have gotten blown out of proportion It's hard, man I don't even want to go outside somethm, because I go to some party and there's somedipshit that I don't even know wanting to talk about "My Deal" or 'The Deal!' It's like, fuck man, the person doesn't mllycare,theyfustwantsomething to talk about. Intempeisa great label. We're on that label because we saw every label in the world and they're the best. We were lucky enoughto have labels to choose from,The amount of money we got is enough so that we can make kickass records and just go for it. SLUG:How much do you think the Nirvana and grunge "phenomenon" led to that deal? John: It's hard to say, but it's really funnyto see what these people think "gnlnge" is. The same thing h a p pened with punk. It happened with dim and now it's happening with gruqe. It's just another way to sell records. I know that kind of thinking is out there. It doesn't really sicken me, because I don't put a lot of time into distancing myself from it. SLUG: Sorry to keep dwelling on 'The Deal," but how does it affect you 7-inch recording career? John: Not at all. I'm not a vinyl purist. I ' m not out there waving a flag for the muse of vinyl. But, in terms or nscerung, a I-mcn nas a certain advantage. You drop a needle, turnit all theway upandget a fast blast, a quick fix. I have no great resentment for corporations or record companies or anything, and I'm not trying to make any b ig statement about indie rock, it's just that 7-inch records are so cool. . SLUG: or so punk? JohmMaybe. But,what is punk these days? What is there for me to rebel against? I live a fairly normal life. I don't live in a crack neighborhood witha lot of homeless people. Not to say that stuff doesn't exist, but I Juve a pretty good life for myself. If punk-rock means rebellion, I guess we might not be a punk rock band. SLUG: On the lighter side, how can you scream for so long on every song? John: Supposedly, when I was a baby, I wason the verge of dying.So the doctors would stick needles and tubes in my ears and nose all the lime, Naturally, I screamed a lot and I guess that's where I got my voice (laughs). SLUG: Well, however it happened, your voice and Apollo's sax are definitely my favorite Rocket Parts. What inspired you to get a saxaphone player? John: Paul's been a friend for a long time, but he didn't know how to play anything. For some reason I just caught on a saxaphone. I told him, "Buy oneandyou're intheband. He bought iy, and boom! He's gotten great. It was a bleak picture without him. SLUG: Not to kiss ass, but music was bleak without you guys. Good Luck! John: Thanks. We'll need it. SALT LAKE 1103 S. State 531-8863 OGDEN 2443 Keisel Ave 625-0233 726 SOUTH STAT COMMONPLACE EXPLODING FRENCH Speechless Explosi #I Giving Ground Commonplace has the incomp-ableLara Jonesas lead vocalist. In my w o n there is only one other f a & rocalist in this dty that can touch her alents and she is k~ the doghouse. On this new release from Comnonplacethe baddngmusic continues x, swirl around the v w that make Ire band The song "Fragile" can only IringJoneaintodirectcompetitionwith !azerw, her chief competitor in the ialt Lake female vocalist sweepstakes. "Greenhands" is a song with the ntendty Commonplacewoulddowell KI emlore further in their future reA g s . The guitar work from either joott Bringard and/or Colh Kelly altemates&een thechimingsods whichMitchEastermadefamousfrom ris studio in Athens, Georgia and the strumming heard during the summer d love in San Francisco. CommonplacedemonstratesaJoy Mvision fasdnation with their song, "SonicThat." The lyrics "She's in conml" arerepeatednumeroustimes and yet although the lyrics are lifted from loyDividon'smoetfamoussong,"She's lost Control," the badground music s completely original. Side one of the tape is the elechic && with !Stan Frandsco, Joy Division, =oCteau Twins and Athens, Georgia w t s amply demonstrated. Side twois 1amwtic Diversity is the staff of life md the membersof Commonplaceare n touch with it. The second side is nore in hme with something praised n the pages of Acoustic Musidan. Moving from the dark depression of ian Curtis to improv night at a coffee house, the band shows off its unpluggedside. Side two is the best side. Cloeed minds want to know. Why doesn't Jay roups and his staff at Acoustic Musiian explore the other side of the Salt Lake Underground. "There is more to ~tthantheEsk-sandMeganPeters. - -- Bxpld #l is packagedin an individuallzed wrapper. Each copy is dif- fmt,sinaeachisdoneby hand. Band membership is open, anyone who wants to m d ~ a t e c a nOn . this tauea total of i2 difierent people con& uted This istrueDlYandl+fi..Sebadoh and Pavement are obviousinfluences. Throw in the Residents, Red Krayola, Human Hands, MTV's Unplugged, and the improvisational music heard around the community camp Ares, at the annual Gathering of the Tribes. Imagine a dnun drde in the parldng lot of a Grateful Dead concert. If the drcleadmittedpunkrockerswith elechic guitars and amplifiers the resulting music might sound somethingWe this. Mixingisnmxistent, the fidelity ishdbleandtheeditingisameteurat beet Portions of the tape are virhmlly unlistenable. Negative critidsm ends here. The vast majority of the music uresenkdstands as testimonv to aw. ;ninhibited creativity. The tape o m s k t h a sound bite recorded at Mt. Bachelor Academy in 1988. The words, "Why Jeremy, why Jeremydo you do such stranges m perfectly sets the mood for the music that follows.Thecentralportionofside one (especially three songs, "Crotch Walking," "All My Stuff" and 'Words") is brilliant. Side two opens with "Big Cookies," followed by "Cram." Jason's loud guitar, Chris's hoarsely whispered vocals, Nate's keyboards, Jenny's piano, Rachel's peramion, Jeff's acoustic guitar, and Breanne's 'toy saxophone all contrib ute to "Big Cookies." The song is haunhgn&se in an expeth&tal vein. Thislineup is the best of Exploding ~rench'sre;olving pemonnei. The words "childlike vocals" are usedtoddbecounfllessfemalesingers, Breanne's vocals on "Cram" are the How - epitome of chil&. -- - - old- is. . . about seven. The tape contains a number of inshumentals. Along with the above songs the inskumentale are the best parts of the tape. When Exploding French gets to jamming more acaomplished musidans would have difficulty matching the groove they lay down. Ofthetwocoverhxw,thehrerly's "When Will I Be Loved" is the beet. If Tom Petty daredrecord "Ree Falling" in Exploding French faehion it would shutdownMI'V'sUnpluggedforpd. Quis is the major Exploding French vocalist. His voice easlly matchee the best f m the falls yeara of the early '60s. If only this were '63 and Exploding French were playing in a Greenwich Village coffeehouse, John Hammond could sign them to a big canb'ab with Columbia Reoords. bywa HARVEST Hawest Tooth Rarords Harvest is a band from thenorthern edge of our "pretty great state" with a definite OLzy Ozboume fixation. Thisistheirfirsttapeandtheyare looking for some local support The "alternative nation" somehow passed theae boys by up in Smithfield They arelooldngfor astadium gig,ormaybe just a one night stand at Rafters. They should forward a copy of this tape to J.C. McNd with hopes for an opening slotat hie next HM extravaganza at the Delta Center. "Sacred Cow" and "On Parade" are hair Nnging metal with an unpaid debt to past Black Sabbath releases. "Diver" Is one of the obligatory bal1adp.Thefingersslidingupthefretsare mixed to maxhize the ballad experience. "Harvest"is anotherballad with a teeth gritting quality that b g s a vision of flames and the torture of a never ending hell to mind. Ah yes, paganism and our true God, "Mother Earth." Play it for a fertility rituaL Take this for what it is, a throwback tomiddle 7Osmetal.Ienjoyed the the tape, and I've listened to it repeatedly. I'l never make it asa musiccritic anyway, just ask Helen Wolf. Heavy metal fans,check out the local hit. bywa MAYBERRY 8 Salt f i t Records On the opening song, "Shades On The Brick," Maybemy does the slowgrinding, murky thing. Ihethrob is at the pace of a heart full of morphine. The vocals, by R Ashley Workman, are in the now M c I mixed-to-the rear fashion of the day. "8" is only a five-song Ep. Mayberry lightens up on next two songs, %be Sock" and "Dist." They mayberry .... , a j?. . .: ... ... .%.I ... maintainingpleasingb~h Voatts are farther w in the mix and theyaremorecohe&tthanon 'SI&B On The Brick." "Medtdne Show" and "AntBee" speed things up. (Got to get 'em thrashin' to sell in this market.) "AntBee" opens with a long inetm mental passage before W a h enterswithhisvocalaJustinSpemw, dnuns, Spencer Jacobs, Gultar, Doug Wright, bass, and Workman all have a chance to display their talenh, on the -8. The Ep has to be cheap and Mayberry Is yet another boal band thatdeservesattentianwhenpurchm+ ingnewmusicSelt LakeQty'scwrent crop of local releasea coanpete8 with anything out W e . by wa MISICREANT Walks Away ~iskreantis a local band with a sound conparable to some of the pop oriented Ulrashcoming out of !Stan Dlego or, dare I say it, Seattle.Cargo and C/Zdon'thavealiplodconthestyle~b hlbkmnt demonstrateswiththeireelfreleased eight song casette. Rocket From the Crypt, The Treepeople, The Gits, Pop Sickle and Coffin Break are just a f& of the name8 that come immediately to mind W v e farther into the past to come up with the Meatpuppeb, the Bwzcotb and Ihc Undertones. None of the names actudy de scribes the sound because this band plays their own brand of pop. Pop music doesn't mean the h o m g e n i d shit at the top of the hark. The true definitionofpopliesin themuskof the Beatles, the DaveClark Five, the Beach Boys and Jan and Dean.Hooks,vocals and lyrics. Matt, the vocalist, has a voice made to sing pop songs. His fellows; Josh, dnrms, Chad @tar, Ma& bass, and Ryan, guitar, provide the h& and rhythm. Theenagyof thebandissureto have an audience alammkrg away in live perfonnance. The lyrics addtesrr the common theme8 of life. Money, pmblemswiththe~tesexandthe belp~essness feltby &nost everyaneat their inability to make areal difference ' SLW "Payday" is the best song and it daeeethetaw.Overallthistapeis well wath the dhamreceived 4 payday than the majority of titles on display at the localshop. - bywa PLUG This band wants everyone to be podtiveof thelr direction.Thetitlesays it all. Just in w you didn't get the message the words, "Salt Lake Hardcore,"areprinted below the band picture on the inner cassette sleeve. Heavyonthebass,playedbyMike, with the slap shots coming from Erik on dnnns, this tape veers into thrash metal tedtory with Jeff's stadium guitar licks interuphg the buzz saws Intermitently. Jimmy on vocals hoarsly shouts outhfa thought poems to complete the lineup. Plug is pissed off about life i$elt Theirmg themesindude;lying for social acceptance and monetary gain, the fladd rage of couch potatoes, theselecliwlawenforcementexercised by themen in with badges andrevolvlag lights on their cars, the ineffective and twistedpublicachools, drinkingto end emotiod pain and nedssity to compromise individual ethics and values togain the "American Dream." The song "Inquiry"strikes a special drord in my heart becauae of a rocentvIsitwiththeprindpalof alocal middle school. Direct questions are avoidedor addressed by changhg the subject. N o n d o n n i s l s are not accepted in the public schools. If they have the cultural background to &eve high scores on standardized tests they are coddled, othemrise they are left struggleuntil they drop out or find possible salvation in an altemah e school. Cliched as hell, Plug never-the lesshaverecarded an excellentexample at the genre that compares with anyhingeleeI've heard from more prominentnationally distributedbands. It is only a demo, I hope they can come up wlth the bucks to release a full-length on aluminum and plastic. bV Wa SEASON OF THE SPRING Running Records BeforepladngtheCDintheplaya the covw graphics deserve a mention. The cover is a nicely done duotone of photographedmetalart. The CDbookletincludesallthelvricsandthreemore art photographs. &en if the music on the CD is ahit, the work on the booklet is worth a few congratulations. This CD is a recording by obviously accomplished musicians. Technical pro5dency on their instruments is demonstratedthroughout. The style is closer to heavy metal than to the "altemative natton." I have to admit that the flrst several times Orough the album I hated the damn thing. I didn't want tolistentaitagain,let alone write about it. Aftex some thought the CD founditself onceagainin thediscplayer for another chance. The album has the feel of the Carolhe label say Springhouse or Walt Mink. Bands doing their time in the farm league; if they sell they can jump to the "Big Show" as the Smashing Pumpkins did this past year. Season Of The Spring recorded this in May of '93 and "Spring," the album's opening song, is a statement of the new beginnings springtime so often brings. The entire album has a feeling of spring and early summer. Thelyricsarefilledwithmemories and a feeling of starting fresh. Band members names are listed without creditssina I live in a doset I haven't seen them live. Terrance D.H. is without a doubt the vocalist. He is best known for his previouswork with the Bad Yodelera and The Stench. His voice and phrasing have a piercing quality. Season Of The Spring wants theirwordsheardand understood. His vocals are backed by a combination of dark and light from his bandmabes. In Utah spring can change from sunlight and warmth to freezingrainor snowin a heartbeat. Season t the Springhas somehowcapturedthef&gof aUtah spring on aluminum and plastic I still find thealbum somewhatuneven.Give these guys credit for indting spring fever in the middle of a weird winter. - by wa VOODOO SWING We're Usin' Code Names Cool Cat Productions Voodoo Swing is the first of Salt Lake City'srockabffly ban& torelease a CD. The amazingthing about the CD is the way thislocal band has captured an authentic rockabilly sound If there were a school of rockabffly Voodoo Swing would be well on their way to eaming Phd's. February 1894 I bass de- ye nl int L a is bikini cnow, I ~ S F He rshnd. I blah cha diversity ild'metalNe have a rt t k I l~,a, . ....... .:.:: . . , :...a ..,, ,. A $. 1 DOWNTOWN '322-FREE I I h The ZBHYR CUB 801 So. West lbmple I 1 SUGARHOUSE I 486-3748 1 I 1624 South 1100 East FREE I DOZEN GARLIC ROLLS 1' WITH ANY LARGE PIZZA I J \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FREE DELIVERY ..I , <.% .. - ,, . . ::;:s; w,-, . A,... L.. mmm- a secret lusting for young Asia bays will be ignored for the pu - - - - - - - - - pose of this article).Thisie pow0 j We were adventurers, lost life beams through the fog. Sen- my ems.The music reflects the To be desirable sought after t i souls surfingthe waves of somw sory depravation and overload. dancers' persona and Nazareth is wealthy, powerful men, and 1 i in search of truth and knowledge. Flesh and brass, polish and life, making out "Please don't Judas able to decide, to pick and chaoc What brought us here, to this point sweat and tears. Brass sex and me!.' And I wonder; who really which one to grace to the chagri ; on no man's map, can only be un- pussy flesh. We were complete has control?In the end, which one of others, that's power. Wome derstood in some twisted, I Ching idiotsamongstthedead.Howwere ofus,man or woman reallyhas the have figured out how to live an gainpowerinthis~~.~m 3 destiny kind of way where the we to know what really liebehind PO-? I mean this is after all a man's dominated society. And men, l j Godsof the Winds and the Guard- television? Death is a familiar face here, world, is it not? And men are the -,gettop-toeveryoll ians of Fortune saw fit to place us. too is sex. But sex is what this cent- of power everywhere on that they are indeed wealthy an so ; And so we had arrived. j When Columbus blundered place is all about. Sex is on sale this planet. History is all about powerful, for just look at th here, every night, an night and men; it is men who conquer, men woman that they have at their e 1 ontothe strangesoilsof thedistant : shores in the Americas, dark, hid- every day of the week. 24-7. Beau- who build and men who destroy. bow. She's the most beautifulan den eyes watched the bizarre tiful women, black loins, flesh in But whatabout women?Wheredo therefore he got her because he the most powerful. Simply, isn peoplewith the pale facesand large spandex, sweet sweat behind they end up? Statistics tell us that women it? : canoes.I know how the Spaniards pdyester.what isit aboutthecolor But women get older, the felt. we were in a jungle of smoke, white? Virgin on hopeful virgin? outlive men by about three to one. sound, gleaming metal and a You want sex? Watch it move But it's not to women that the begin to loose power, it ebbsawa vomitus explosion of lights. And across unbound dimensions, slid- bumper sticker "He who dieswith fromthemandthenewer,yom@ i our strange soil stuck to the soles ing across polished metal. Watch the most toyswins" appealsto. NO girls -lace them, make the ma I, of our shoes with a gummy deter- it breath fog across your face, feel indeed. EveryoneI asked though, feel Young again by making [ mination. Oh, the natives were it. Fog and smoke to forget.Look all came to the same comlusion: recall his youthful days w@n h at her and forget. You want sex? women. In theend, theyallagreed, couldn't win these hotnoun restless tonight. 111 give it to you on well trained it was women who had the power. things because they were alway From our position we could three-inch heels. Women who It was womenwhocalled the shots. lookingtothe older, wealthiex me Z safely observe from a distance all f the queer rituals, dances and mat- know how to walkand talk. Wann It was women who ultimately got who could give them the thing ? ing calls. From our position we slick cum, sliding down greased what they wanted, and they got it that theynsededand whoinretur would shower the woman in ad( could safely observe without be- aluminum and light rdects truth from men. But I wonder. Ewryone with whom I spoke ration and praise, serving only t :' ing o m . From our position and lies. Snakes and music weave equated power with sex. Women make the woman more powedu i we felt safe. But what about s u p p o d Hazecompressesdistanceand through my brain, trail through had it and men wanted it. At least that's the way they saw it. This all-powerful man? Where doe8h was,after all a strip bar, but were fit in? How did this get to be L U)CA?ION: they right? Did sex come to mean world if he is not in ultimate cor power? Then why the w d role trol? What if themwerenowomem reveds? W h y beautiful young Would there stillbe armies, arme women with older, wealthy and conflict? Or would man be draw powerhdmed If thepeoplewhom closer, tighter without the ma@ OR THE UI.-CUBA FRIENDSHIPMENT Ill I intexviewed were correct, then those women, the ones with the older men, their reason for being I there isto gain the powerthat they I did, because this of cauree ac needed. Sexual vampires if you counts in no way for homosexual will. Just being with the men is and their feelings toward one I power. Being that near to power other and the opposite sex JUI you can feed off of it, makeit yours, another component in the,do with it what you will. Woman tion. I suppose that if I had Ch I , ascreator and woman as manipu- answers, I might not be where11 lator. Or, perhaps by their being today, and instead would hav I I there, theyaresimplylendingtheir some asinine hour-lengt i power to that of the inefkctual infomercial with such luminax I: npn's. Or, perhaps they are there guestsasGemldo,SallyandOpral because that's the way they kel all equal to the insipid task at han that they assert their power. of selling to you my hard-wo t Beautiful women wish to be ways to trueloveand romance, th t beautiful, they long to remain so complete kit, indudig the lif~ for the rest of their lives and nwer like doll of your gender choice, a age,because doing sowould mean for theone-timeonlylow,bw priC lossof power. It is for the beautiful of. .Yeah, why not? $69.691 J Z women that men engage in a In the interim though, th Darwinianstruggleto win. It isthe waitress has come around and it most beautiful woman who hangs time to order another pitche bmm fromthearmsofthepowerfulmen. Happy, Happy, W jay! pN Witness Donald Trump and Malcolm Forbes(thatMalcolmhad b r a MU I I I r : ; I ow - y.~SLAL -C..C- Lh I I. F 3: y."-I E--- ------I ;--msc rATE OF ! NATION ' '2:23.94 :q 1 6 ' . I wednesday, march 2nd, 9994 - @ CLUB DV8 UPSTAIRS =e@=M=[=c=B=eZe=K=!= + In addition, the piage is niaely with a pi- by .-hge&m h e McKean ( w h e Capes should be s IYSa cimme h c c S c a r e s a l e e n ~ w ~cn t a n y ~ f teading sudr nice rat is sabotaged by Gaimm. and melodramaticas well as stagy. In a Yaurhumbleaiticexpecbbbehn~ell,de@ethelitenuypretedcm Written by Neil Gaiman and devices Gaiman employs(including ba3kdfarba?dnghisreviavantheBret fadmiowing and h y , both wielded i e R l e o f t h i s ~ a n d f u r * e y IIldbyM;rmKempel l i l c e ~ a s ) , t h e ~ i s d u m s yharshonwrk!rGaiman Inmwertothe PubIlshedbyDCComica 5xstdmrpkint,otherstaylinwwereread A n y e 4 t h the slightest acquairr andlargely 'IWismostobv&~~~in theveryset- before tW d e w was ancdved, so the tancewith omtemporary conic books is ~ f u r t h e s a i e 9 Gaimanhascreated pattantoGaimmls ~ & s w a . probably aquaintixi with the phmom- exmmelyinterestingdraraclasinthe derived with sane aufhcaity. One sup amsurmundingNeilGaiman'sSAlrlD Endless and their minims, but appeam ~ t h a t t h e s e a m d a i t i d w i s b e t t a MANmyths. hded,andyetdue&Gabnan'sreputadudes3about what to do with them. A Simplypt,SANDMAN omcemsa middle interlude in the h, feaauing tion,oneexpedsbe&thantMa s a t d p a n t h e a r o f ~ e s 3 a e a ~the raven Matthew visiting M a r p h d Sotakethlsreviewaleaveit Butin kmed"theEndEess." 'hesebeingsstimd c a s t l e i n ~ d h i s m a s t P r ( W h 0 i s tMs aitids eyes, SANDMAN 19 worth abwemanldndandhddasartofdwdrr caWnganothervesiondthe~tmare plddnsupfurthepreth/pl~,~H* ionovatheaffabrsoChdty,andange knownastheCuintMaw awell-bullt eke (cobr,$1.95) ck& C hnDelifiumtoDeath(themostp0pu- ~ d m a n w i t h t e e t h f a e v a w i t h la d\arecter d the group in an ede, a replhtion f a serial mud& apparm w h h t a y "fanb0y"kinddway)to entlyseLsthescenefurfuhmwentsinthis h e m (or Morpheus, the master d @ lehnofdmmandthe~edtitle cheracber). wlittm and ill-M by As the latest issue (#57) be@, the posiaory. Even mxse, however, is the characl reederisinvitedtoascaefeaturingmcd ter of ~ r i,Q-IXcCI an executive aar- Frank Miller emday inkpretations d the mythical d w i t h h i m s e l f a n d i n s m s i t i v e t o Published by Dark Home Comical Pate.s,aatheexisBncedamortaliswoven. others. Needham is depictedas A f h n Legend lhetalethmfocu3esdycnLykHal Amaican fanodherreaonappantly, 'Ih- who followt h i s d m regu(a former super-hedne known as the than tobe"diffewntn NotMng wuldbe larly( a r e h a n ydyou?)@lnoQyour Puryandthewidavofaqm-hero added or d h & d to Needhamsdm- reviewa'sadmiration for creator Frank nam€d,coinddartany,the-)and a c t e r b y m a k i n g h i m H i s p i ~ ~ o n , Mill6 but dhppoinfment with Miller's herson,Daniel. Nativeherhn, or wen a wman 'Ibis It seems that Mrs Hall is having k i n d o f n d p t " p a l i M ~ Sin City graphicnovel, Wsabd,Ihadsametwpidaticnin smeangsta%wdakl withbehrgasingle draracta assignment chafes at good appmad@ MiUe~s' Sin City:A Arne do / prent,rangingfmrn~tozealoc~s in dwaddzation. IOIFor,anewC~mini-saiesseNn the a q m k d v w (imhding an over~y,theartmaMgestosalvage donescene in which Lytanearly atlacla a sameofthew+thankstodepicberMarc , elderly transient for scar- Hempel (best known f a his work as ing Wnid Lyta finaUy colrrents to have writer-zdston theGregoryseria). Each Afterreadlngthefirsttwoissues,my appresiahfaMillerisundimmed,but : dhmerwithEricN~am,whowantsto charactamanagestoad&vesome& 1 c& her a job (with an apparent ulterior tincUcmthankstoHempel'sadll(andthe my enthudam fur Sin City is sceroely mothre). Lyta can't get over a nagging eJcpersvemsof wait DanielHallispar- lapger. ADmnetoI(IPForO?nbeRonDwight, : awpidcn that wmething is wrong at ticdarly -Me). Hempel is less am- a photogapher paid to takeinuhninatihone,though and omvincw Needham cemed-with deigning &ovalive panel ing photos for .various agenda. Into ~todriveherhame,onlyto~verfhat DwighYslifewandersAva,thegxeatbve Lwdisgme" dhklife,nowmaniedbLhnknLord I AlloftWsenrwtoillwtratewriter It seems that Ava still exadses power j Neil Gaiman's short axnings as an auoverDwight,eqtedaly whensheweals SANDMAN SIN C1TT"Y: A DAME TO KILL FOR t : ! thatherwisindmger. I n t h e d W W t p m = AmtotheLardesbbeIandis~ughtintfw actashewetchesAvabWng.Dwighth 'J=te"by-swtP=binchdine the-ubutieq tofindAvathgeupon~bh a p l m e n t Afler a ntght's &red in& mary,Manute~d3sm& DwightisthrownthmugtrawindDw,. 'hedescriptbnofthes&ryscnm& ssimpleanditis. YetA5lkhasthe.M dtraningtMs--& -@==The- sbodCfinmhu~ghFmDwigh the beeuliful, manjptlathre Am & thr a b o f a n d s u ~ a ~ ~ d ManubaMUIermanageebdthem moreappeelingandhuman,howwa ~ d i ~ b u t i l m o v a t i A B n e ~ p l e ~ o n ~ 1 9 - 2 whidt Avajmplaceg "...Imrrsthavep Bnst Tonight Now, (anight, and new ~.Ifyoucan'tlow~me. you can't forgive me-pudsh me." Dwight reBpondPwith an “deaf' and a ~dtothechops,~whicht twopureedblnakehItsandsrm~ ru/buttranslatPdto~cunicartfoBn, a kink of p o w . KeytoallthisisMilla'smm~ ~ a r t S t y l e , w i t h ~ bladcsdwfiitea'Ih€8e inagauntwo&idgoodandevll whkhia abetaedbyhshaQwyimegery,coneist irlgofnum~arepagei Millerhasdrosentofdhwndrchrema styleandexcebatit Msaid, t h i e i ~ s a i n a m i x e 'Ihebigpblem,Isupposeislfratthe stcqred~t-*mail toSinCity:ABmeToKiflForisthatthr strory isso effectivelyexpremd laltd.3 acammmate-andhteW hasbbeedmirect=W,5295)WB ADDITIONAL Fr RECOMMENDATIONS 'helatestiseuesof Bone (HI), Hate (11141, GrendalTaIee("Four~0n Hell" W, Paleahe (W,and Skdhild (#4)aTeallimposaveh~wa) Rank M e r and JohnRunita,S'JI r~tellingoftheoriginof~sDm devil wraps up in Dark Hone R e a e n m . ButIguessthedUgenSdthc month" are From Hell, Volume Thm (AllenMooreandandEddieCampbeWa Bctionked acanmt d the Whitdapd "Jackthe Rippef' murders) and Hsdic PLnetll6(thenewsthtahentdEvan Dddn'sspacespac~opaayPhdr coqm.lhesetwocrmics,in~ ways,enundatethesharg(hofthecan, ia a r k managingbM a b e h a b ~ , ~ d t u a ~ powafuln-tbnn And, d anwe,I'm rearnnnerdine Cerebua#78. If you haven't aughtcn la thektthatI'menamoredwilhW~ you haven't been reedhrg this cohmw very dceely. --Seo#Wo SUPPORT LOCAL WARM ART A Great Selection Of Music... Buy Sell Trade Imports to Locals - Compact Discs & Cassettes New Releases Always On Sale 2600 So. 557 'We. 'i3oudfd 292-3751 PREMIER SREGINS FEB I7 FROM THE SLUG HEADQUARTERS money. Next year we're all THINGS MUST their goin' to Vegas for the weekend. ActuallytheRed Cnws did send me BE GREAT I N anadandifIcanhditIIlmit,free of charge. ZION What Iwastryingtosayisthat Ya know, for five years now I ravebeenshovelingthis shitragout o you f o b , and-to my su'prise .also) it is still amund. I am that moyingguy in high schoolyoufelt mry for so you gave him 50 cents lor lunch and now he won't leave you alone. I started doing this so I could afford to advertise stuff and now itslikea fuckin' monkey on my back. See I have to keep doing it to pyhrnyaristmticlifestyle(and according t~ some, my nasty drug addiction).Idonltknow whatistrue anymore, I lost touch with reality in '88 when somebody told me disco wasn't cool anymore ... now look what'shappened. I fuckin' told you. To get back to my point I never started making, I have heard way too many times "Hey man, I don't like what magazine has to say!!!" S inine out of ten times I heard this. I was in a bar half loo~ed them a confused k d I just walked away. There for a while I evengotdefensiveandsaid "Ididn"t write that uap, I don't know anything about it." Then there was the phasewhereif Iwasthinkingclearly I would politely say "well, if you don't like it, fix it, write a letter, or better yet write your own column." To which many would say ' will." Yeah right! Never happened, never will! So, now I have just learned to saytwowords, 'Shut TheFuckUp." Hell, if you don't like it don't read it--I don't. Now to my second point. I can't beliwe what a bunch of amthetic fuckers this state has produkd. Except for a handful of go getters like the Food Not Bombs crowd, (sorry to pigeon hole you guys but I don't keep up) I don't see many other people really accomplishing too much. You don't know how many charityorganizationsI have goneto and said "Hey, I have this little magazineand I wuld be glad todo what I can to help." Then there is that dead silence like I told them theyowed memoney. Wehavedone Sabbathonforfiveyears and for five years no one from the Aids foundation has even shown up to get -Georgia Brown, VILLAGE VOICE WIM WENDERS SLUG was set up as sort of a public forumfor writers and advertiserst0 get their message a m as cheaply as possible. We havea largehandful of advertisaswho aresupportiveof what we are doing and they are quite lenient with the content of the &itten material. In fact, it is the advertisers I usually have to tone down as fat as written content. So now, this month we have a 28 page paper with enough writing for a 12 pagepaper.Goodworkyoumative writing losers. I would guess that all of the writersareholdiigoutforthatphone call from Rolling Stoneor Geriatrics weekly. I can't complain too much, the writers who have written for SLUG have been way cool about what they do. It just su'pxks me that thingsare soooo good with our government and the way society treats gays, minorities and freaks. We are so lucky here. Are you fol1owingordoIneedtohaveGrindboy explain it to you? IguessIoweyouallanapology. Wehavebeenscreamingabouthow p t the "alternative" side of life wasthat thegeneralpublicbought it and are now trying to sell it back to us. I can't complain, you can walk into Soundoff or Pegasus and buy good music. My girlfriend just got a p b at a national chain department storeand they said theydidn't mind ...go figure! her nose bei& Well Idon't know, It hasn't changed my taste or the quality of music, comics, tattoos, books, magazines, movies, or just about an-g. It has just become more competitive. Salt Lake is still a p a t place to live, everything is still available if you know where to h d it. I still say we have more talent than we know what todo with. If youdon't believe me, get out once in a while and ,check out some of the great bands. Checkoutthelocalsectionat almost anyrecord storeyou'llbermrprised. Hell, like I said, if you don't like it you can always move ... You'll be back. A FILM BI. II Includes music from: Lou R e d , U2 (also with Johnny Caah), Nick Cave, House of Love, Herbert Oronemeyer, Simon Bonney, Jane S i k r y and hurle Andemon. Soundtrack available on SBKIERG Records Pnmlering February 18-March 3 The hardest part.Trying to find out the hardest part... And why do you want fo know? There st;ould be a good reason besides any one I can think of. One of me is small & the other is right in front of me. But we are both staring at the wall. And we look very strong ' And we look very smart. But we look too long. We took too much time.We iry so hard to reason it out,to heal it UP. To make that fine line cross in the middle. Somewhere we may never find: Right where the heart is. Where we think it should be. In the middle of the desert. In the middle of the night. We search for the lover's kiss, to hold us tight. And still if I wander away from it at all, it stays here in the back of my mind. Like a walk in the park, covered in snow, many years ago. Like the dust and the heat walking the long way home.'lecause we had to swing. And as we walked away, the sound of that squeaky chain haunts me even now. It cries out ' Iam the one thing you shall never forget' And Idon't. But Ismile as l'think of it. For I know it is not the remembrancethat I hold so dear, but the sound of my shoe making the perfect print, As I walked on by. T.L P ' =r Ah B r o t h s and Sisters, it's good to be back. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly one learns that there is never a reason to leave our blessed valley in search for truth. Everything you need to find happiness is right here in Zion. For the past few months, I made my "pilgrimage" to Mecca. I was shocked and offendedto realizethat all of those Muslimswere trying to tell me (Uncle Eua) that we all worship the same God. All I could tell those robed weirdosis "Get theebehindme Satan!" Never before have I come across a more lascivious gathering of heathen savages. Alldifferentraces andimme classes together trying to find eternal bliss huddled around a big slabof rock. Blasphemy. Let me tell you a little something that Muslims believe. They claim that the Angel Gabriel recited verbatem God's word to Muhammed. Give me a hrsonal break1 Uncle Ezra has one word for you Muhammed. MORONI! It seems every ''religion" has some angel reciting God's word to them. At least wecan prove it. Joseph Smithhad to prove his faith with the Urim and Thumin.Why didn'ttheAngelGabrie1 [+r / SLUO February 1994 beencoolring up.EZRALAND!hag just give Muhammed a miniature tape recorder? Muslims also believe that all people are created equal. That's about the most ppostemus thing I've ever heardl They claim that, and then they say a man can have 4 wives. Does that ring a bell? Why limit it to 4 if you're going to allow it. At least we Saints were politically correct enough to end polygamy when it wasn't F i c i a l l y feasible any more. According to Muhammed (or was it God), men and women are separate butequal because of separate natures. I'll say separate! If I were telling you about our beliefs. I'd go into separate natures. Separate. What a nice word. The only thing those heathensbelieve in that Uncle Ezra agrees with is that there is to be no separation of Church and State. I'm still working on that for our lovely little beehive right now. As I'm sure you're aware of, we're almost there now. I will say one thing I like about that militant bunch of nomads. That Mecca National Park idea was a real dooaie of an idea. They went wrong when they didn't capitalize on it. Let me scratch your ear with an idea I've ine taking your lovely wife and angelic kids on a pilgrimage to EPaland Ihe oppmtmit~ to your andchances for eternal grace while the Church m* some additional m n q r for ourLord1Forthesmall feeof $1750 plus tax, your immediate family (up to 18 membeas) can spend 3 days aad 2 nights on some untamed land I've acquired in Southern Utah. That's ~ @ M a n counv. All you need to bring is your own food and tents, and I'll supply the dirt floor and rock wall so you can slipyour little prayers on paper to your favaite local patron saint,UncleEzra. Not only willyouexperienw~spirituali~,bu you can camp in the same area as other members of your financial class. Hue, it's tax deductible! For resavations, just call 1-976-CALLEZRA. Only $2.95 p minute. So just remember. Anyone that lolows anything will tell you thatifyou want spiritual ecstasy, Qn't go parading into some hostile country w h . chances are, you will be taken hostage. Just put your faith in the Lord end Uncle Ezra (not necessarily in that order). I'Usteeryouintherightdirection. Un#lnex!mnth my childma UncleEzm Z931EYE CATCHER I DISCO PARTY I THURS. FEB. IOTH 8PM - MID I "ROMANCE 70's STYLE" DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE FOR AS LITILE AS $35.00 F E ~ U R I N GLIVE JUMPIN'JC G DANCE FEVER DAN ( J O N G DAN) AT GREEN STREET SOCIAL CLUB 610 TROLLEY SQUARE a, 532-4200 fA Private Club for Mcmbersl 4686294 . THE N,O,W .! WHAT'S Y0 FUCKIN' PROBLEM? Generally we try not to pick on groupsof helpless peopledth severementaldisorders butjust this once we have to overstepour bounds. The National Organization of Women!! Sounds pretty presumptuous don't it? ail women in the world automatically members of this nitwit crew just because they're born without balls? Is this some divine right, or if I showed up in my pumps and sequin gown could I get in too? For a group that harps on equity they seem pretty biased when it comesto the male gender. Lookat their spokesperson. K.D. Lang, country music star, Lyle Lovett look-a-like. She gets rich off farmin' folk (y'know cowboys) and she turns around and says "Don't eat meat, it's cruel"fuck her. We'll stop eating meat when she stops eating pussy! And what of our President, Hillary C1into.n and her PMRC side-kick Tipper Gore? These women are in more need of a good hard fuckin' than any woman alive. If I had to wake up next to either of these cows, I'd put a bullet in my head. At least I wouldn't have to be served decaf latte's with skim milk Besides, if I want to listen to a bunch of screamingwomen, I'll put on my En Vogue CD and masturbate. Now there's an organization of real women! I'd drag my dick through a mile of glass... There are plenty of real women scam- ... re PLUS L O NGUESTS $ .) ~riduy,February 2 5 BAR a GRILL 60 East 800 South 533=0340 A Priv8k club Foe Yemb#. i Music Marts 8 9tOO : , Y q .i . . $ w Q4Y' The Reverend Horton Heat with Special 4 Covar Just 5 Bonas Flat Duo Jets CLUB DV8- A Private Club For Members WATCH FOR DIPeAIU BAR GRILL watchhibtails ROCKASILLY HOTLINE pering around the U.S. who low men for what we are-but saatchin' hairy black love gods They want equality? Men tennis is five sets, women's ten nis is three. And when you driv, by roadworkers on the freeway why is the woman is always th one holding up that fucking sign The men are working there asse off getting shit done whill DeeDee C. fucks us out of a yea of baseball. At least you couk changethe name. How about th N.O.F.W.B.U.M.O.? "The Na tional Organization of Whininl Bitches Urgently Missing Or gasms" The only thing worse than i male chauvanist is a bitch tha won't do what she's told! Givc me a real woman like JuliaLouie Dreyfuss, Kate Bush, Johnettc Napolitano, Jayne Mansfield o Prince. But, get these attentio starved f a t a i d anti-man slim! pigs off my TV! Last time checked it was still a freecorn5 so if you don't like this mak dominated society, move ti Zimbabwe. See how you ge treated there. But until you figw it out Shut The Fuck Up! IOs my ass, go buy yourself a dres and see if you can reel in a rea man. You'll know when you fim one by the sweat on his balls. ... Till Next Mona J.T. 9 The Fat Mar ICBURN THECHANCE TONGUE&CROOUE DROOL wiuI(BI INNOCENIE PWCROUNO WATERFIIuIw unillllw, RWS OEOMruuLRS NOVACENUS ORAEl METHOD ANGER OVWlOAD DROWNB ATHBES BUTT BOHEMIA ONE EYE THEDI ShlEU NSC HOUSEOF CARDS LUMBERJACK MNBERRY THE Kll J Decais are now available. And If you ask real Nice, 0 get your sticker for free. tl'hen maybe well give you a decal) Sunday. Febn nd Jam C o m ~ . Fri & sat, ~ e b r i a r y18th & 19th......................The Hdy COW Tuesday, February 22nd..................................... e E8ar & Grill Thursday, February 24th ............................The Cinema Bar Fri&Sat. February2526th ................Grey Moose w/The Obvious All of the.= h nin' nightsp+s are nth &or "ate clubs for members lame pnvate c g laws that apply SLUG February 1994 LL TRASH LITTERFUL We need to narrow the focus of ow discussion on litter. Included will be trash, garbage, solid waste, junk, rubbish, debris, clutter, refuse, rubble, and Republican politics. Excluded will be: --Kitty litter. C'mon, this is a humor colmn. Get serious. - Nuclear radiation. The Constitution guarantees your right to keep atom bombs for self defense and hunting. When the bomb is outlawed, only outlaws will have the bomb. - Air pollution. Americans have the right to own all the Ti! sets they can stand and to watch anything anybody cares t o broadcast. This includes Hogans Heroes reruns and Geraldo. Noise pollution. Like heavy metal music, like that song by Kalvin and the Kreeps "I Got Love Heartburn For You Baby and Only Your Sweet Kisses Can Put Out Da Fire, awright, gitdown, hab moicy, shangaling, dowap-a-shimmy, shimmy Sorry. I got carried away. - Anyway, we must d o something about this litter pmblem. Everybody does it and it's getting to be a pain in the 01' sittee. it must stop. Our highways are lined with tons of bottles, cans, cigarette butts, "oops" tireretreads, "oops" baby diapers, alleged hamburger wrappers, binkies (go ask your Mom), old Gary Hart campaign posters, 20mm cannon shells, cruise missiles, dead rabbits, suitcasesfull of drug money, Pete Rose bubblegum cards, burned out tennis shoes, burned out hippies and empty promises. (Editor's note: Brand names were not used in this list for fear the people who make the trash you throw out your car window would sue us for making them look bad.) And my desk could use some spring cleaning with dynamite too. It must stop. - ..." Suggested remedies: -When you see someonelittering, kill them. -Rioters should be required by law to clean up after ihemselves. - When you finish reading this newspaper, eat it. -Airlines should be required to put stickers on jet engin& saying something like, "if found, please return to TW(deleted)." - How about edible wrap pers and bottles? Somebody once did an experiment with rats where group A was fed Sugar Corn (deleted)~and group B was kd the box. The group B rats got higher SAT scores than the Stanford freshman class of '91 while group A rats couldn't find their tails. - Send all our trash to Bangladesh. Or Bolivia. Or Bountiful. The Third World country folk want to be like Americans. Imagine the pride in Jose's face when heshows neighbor Juan the wrapper from his very own Mc(de1eted) burger. -Give the flight against litter the moral imperative of war. Let President Bill (deleted) do it. That'll get the job done licketysplit. -If we can link fighting litter to Economic Development, vast fortunes can be made overnight. And some of that money could be used to fight litter, too. Of course, for National Security reasons, the military would be exempt from these requirements. After all, a sonic boom is the "sound of freedom!' The Air Force is careful to gather up its F16s very soon after they crash. The military is so tidy they often send in troops to pick u p unexploded bombs in the desert. Isn't that nice? I think even the Editor will forgive the bad pun in calling a cruise missile a litter bomb. (Editor's note: No, we won't.) May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your trash masher. How dare you interrupt my column. I'm the star here. What makes you think you can butt in whenever you want? What makes you think you have the pow .. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH B O U - D N S1 -EET 241 SOUTa 500 EAST 359-5905 (now The Holy Cow Bar & Grill) --- A PRWATE mw M)R MEMBERS WITH GUESTS - I : EYE I IAWO PLAYINO LIVE I SATURDAY, MARCH 5TH CINEMA BAR SKABS ON STRIKE MM 45 W 300 S 359-1200 A PRIVATE CLUB FOR MEMBEF WEDNESDAY, MARCU STH BOURBAN ST. wmDOLLYMOPS 241 S 500 E 389-5905 A PRIVATE CLUB FOR MEMBER$ SATURDAK MARCH f STU & GRILL wmONE EYE 60 E 800 S 533-0340 A PRIVATE CLUB FOR MEMBER I I m * D * and artistsfeatured are backed by Salt Lake's own Tempo Timers. For years now the Dead Goat ha^ been prokcling utahnfswithhe finest in internationalblues music, and thb isan an excellentshowcasedthe5ne talent that the Dead Goat managea to bring in month after month. enough to become aamrtive. t r a : ' y l , y s 2 s " , " t h ' Roses" have all-one need so be happy but Or bassist if with his/her frustrated life: heavy they've ever tried to keep the time in a sounds, framed with Trent ba"d.An~O"ewhohas~* wolds of a contemplative genre,jadwill admit that it isn't as easy as it knifing from whispers to shm intensounds. Junior and Leeroy don't just sity. D~,,,~, *'boy kin *&,too! by, they excel. The quality of this tape The album in One does a greatjob for&&day On the& ' Annivv of owing bigger things to come for these death' It caphws perfectly the 'pint guysin the near future.Kudos to Brad and music of a young RebO as andmatlineror helpf"gtoput tl& tape hell,Ibefieveitisoneof thebestalbums out forthepubliCtoco-e,indU18e, to ever come out of Salt Lake City. Buy uves wit,,, get I., - off on, etc, e k . -4 Ashley Workman -Px THE SCOFFED Demo * huJt Ihesedaysrockablllyis-ed, /UBt like any other farm of popular music. lhereis neomckabilly, voodoo ro&&lly, thrash rockabilly;and true ~roots~M11v.VoOdooswin~ ~monstratesacoqAofthe~ca~ tions an 'We're Using Code Names." They open with "Better Be Changin' YerWays," a pure traditional ro&abiUysong. Ihe band is at their best with the tradttional style. %ow dr Slow," "Made In The U.S.A.," and "Gabgator aremgs thatIif released in 19.55, would have filled the dance flmat any sodchoporteenage hangout. Shorty' guitar arid vocals, rips off everyone from Qlff Gallup (Gene Vincent) to Jimmy Ray Paulman (Ronnie Hawkine) to Hank Garland ( d o n guitarist on countles8 rockam y reccnds) with his inspired guitar breaks. His worlc on the guttar shows justhow talented the band is. He takes a short quote from an original mlo, stamps the solo with his own i m p viaational work and ends m, with a completelynew song. TWOd the best examvlesare; "Qlasfn'The Devil's Hot ~od,' a song closely resembling Hawkins ver~ionof "Who Do You Love," and "Callagator" with guitar and tempo derived from VincenYs "Q-klkdd." The band's signaturesong, "Voodoo Swingin'" references the Stray Cats' "TlueeCoolCats," mutates intoa swamp stylederived from the Cramps voodoo rcckabiUy, becoming on the way a completely new and original song. Voodoo Swing enters the neorockabilly realm with their songs, "American White Trash," and "Shut Up," Fast and abrasivethesongsmock an audience this album holds special appeal to; white hash rednecks with Elvis shrinesin their lrailera The only non-original song on the album, "Bumin' Love," is guaranteed to offend Elvis fanswen more. The spoken work outm ending the album, "Some body get me a Med banana sandwich" ridicules the fat King. Shorty's guitar is the draw, his breakmakethealbum, but it wouldn't berockabilly withoutJunior'sslapbaw and vocals or Leerofs drums and vct Bulldozer 7" Salt Flat Records The now-defunct Lumberjack showases their gritty style on thle single released on the evolving Salt Flatrecordlabe1,with thesamefuryas once witnessed in their past live performances. Side A's "Dream Purple" begins with distorted bass grooves, sporadic guitars, and Jeremy Chatelain's sometimes incomprehensiblevods, andc.uriesthewholesong in this manner,rarely stoppingfor air. This aggminfestationmelts into side B, with "Mei" (my personal favorite live smg of theirs, way back when...). Anyway, "Mei"hasa bitmoremelodic twist and cooler lyrics than the previous, though the less-than-melodic sound production doesn't give you, the listener, the pleasure of experiencing it Though it has its shortcomingsin sound and packaging, this record is still a worthy effort by some local guys who left their niche on the Salt Lake hardcore scene. -42 Ashlq Workman SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF Self-Titled Tape Flatline Records lhfs is a strong first effort from a powerful upandarning band f d of talentandingenuity.Nearly as intense as their shows, this tape captureshow they shouldbe heard, with evqry note, Wery sound, every passage, coming out dear as a bell, but yet cormpted ANGER OVERLOAD Ugly Dutch f i s t Indi Well it is about time that bands from Salt Lake City are finally getting noticed. The newest is ow very own AngerOverloadTheirlatesteffortUgly hasbeenpickedupbyDutch EastIndiea and willsoonbeavailableto the world. This ten song (prereleasedemo) has been pennenantly placed in my tapedeck and will only comeout when 1 get a copy on CD. Anger Overload has definitlyoutdone themselveswith theiruniqueblendof 'Tmkqmbetal" sound The definite bonus hack is a tasty little number which features guest vocalist TrentPalcane of !hpension of Disbelief called "Guts." The other nine songs win leave you on the edge of your seat like the first time you saw Cool Cat Productions This four song tape is a fine offering from a band that has recently tabhhed itself as the best Peychobilly band in Utah. All four songs are med with those toe tappin' rockabilly rhythms with just enough peycho to send a chill down your spine. Paul ButterfMds inaedlble u p rightbaasplayhgprovesthatagemost certainly is not the maromem for talent, and Carl Harmon sings and plays his Gresch hollowbody like a man who's sold his soul to the devil and is workin' like hell to get it back. A f t e ~ hearing this tape youll be shocked to findouthow young thesecatsareafls just say that unless they're playing, you won't likely see them at any Salt Lake Night spots.) Perhaps the most i m m v e ab pect of this tape is the fact that all four songs offered are original and lutely rocldn'! These boys may be a little y m g and raw, but they've got the energy and talent to more than make up for it. This is definitely one band to watch. , -Px Alien. The sound is like a freight train coming down the line. I would imaginethatthehdwillhaveapileofred tape to go through before the CD will actuallybeavailabletothepublic Trwt me, it is wdl worth the wait. -lms Ncssman SORRY I F W E DIDN'T REVIEW YOUR LOCAL RELEASE...MAYBE WE DON'T HAVE IT! More Next Month!! BLUE DEVILS BLUES REVIEW Volume 1 For those of you who haven't had an opportunity to visit Salt Lake's "Rodfn' L'il Roadhouse," The Dead Goat Saloon, then this CD may be just whatthedocbrordered.~CDmight be thecatalystthatfinally gets youout of your chairs and head to the Dead Gdet~aloon on ahdondaynight to hear someof the finestbluesmusicfeatured in Salt Lake City. This compilation featuressomeof the finest moments at the Dead Goat from some of the world's finest blues players. Some of my particular favorites include Coco Montoya's rousing rendition of Coco Montoya, showcas ing his brilliant blues guitar playing. Other fine moments indude Debbie Davis singing and playing "Step by Step" (Little by Little), and Rob Rio's NEXT MONTH! I SLUO February 1994 Iflou want him to use a condom, thsi is all llou have to saq. (C EILF If you 'd like information about condoms, HIV, and HIV prevention, call 467-7339 Salt Lake Chapter of the American Red Cross for HIVIAIDS presentation or to be a volunteer HIV instructor U ~ ' ~ ~ pw un ~" ~L smn' r- s- t , February 1984 S L W hat u~r: mus~ 11- ~ w -r rIw ever, and it would be nice to have a that Rockabilly is the ig littlerecognition;butnottoomuch, Thing and that Salt Lake's Local wedon't wantatrendgoingon.We ~ewillbeknowneventuallyfor don't wanttobethenextSeattle,we Rockabilly music.So why fight it? just want the world to my, "Hey, Buy a copy of the Voodoo S w i q that Salt Lakecity has a pretty cool debut. Another must have the secmusk scene going on^. Maybe ond release (way to hang in there) I11 come check it out when they released by the most depressed finally host the Wiiter Olympia." band I know, Commonplrcc.I enNow cometothinkaboutit, we p y their first CD immensely, Lam your next cover story! dbethenextSeattle.Imean, B. sounds quite a bit like S i d e What we're facing here is like we already have a transit problem, Sioux at times.And Scabs On every d t u r e that spawned a fashi~ntrend~tryingtobedifferentfromand a healthy debate about a light Strike; unique, irreverent and the people whom they repcted, or rail system. And we're starting a rangingfromoutrightpoppytojust rejected them. It's like the bell bot- housing crunch like Seattle; rent plain loud, could be YOUR BIG toms and disco of the 7Ws, like the hereisgettingasexpensiveasSe- !YERE0 HOG if you ever like(d) torn sweatshirts and heavy metal attle; hell, we even have about as the l h d hNkmen, Shudder To of the 80's. Every decade has a many cofke houses. It a d d hap l'hink,MercuryRevorjustabout "rock" that the generation before it pen. And,if ShuddaToThink,and any other band that took it's main e t from Dr. Suess. doesn't understand, music that R a g e ~ t l h e ~ e ~ ginfluence If you haven't tried it, another starts as an underground move- together in LA., bring in their Salt LakefriendsIcebum,andmakea goodwaytofindoutwhichLocal ment and becomes a staple for the runways in Paris and New York. benefit album for Native Ameri- band youlikebestistospend alittle Therewillneverbeatime that isnot canswho~uppersecukdbythe less money checking out the funPMRC (to be released on Epic), the filled night life of Salt Lake. Of influenced by the uprising of it's youth; there also will never be a whole westem seaboard oftheUS. wurae, there is that problem of bemega-mogul who doesn't want to wuld dmp into the ocean fromthe ing under-age. NO PROBLEM! turn over that rock to expose the heavinessofallthreebandsplaying More and more bands in Salt Lake inthesameplaceatthesametime arefindingwaysaroundthat tricky "next big thing." The saddest part about this withtheircombii intensity. ~ n d "no allage venue" situation we've whole vidous circle is that the art- you know where that would leave had lately by renting various clubs ists involved seem to want to de- us? Yup, on the coast, just like Se- out on off nights, and taking over stroy their cul-by giving in to attle. Wee I said, the probability is basements of others. There seems d e t y a n d g o i n g t o t h e m a m actually very high, but who needs tobeat least twoofthewamonthas of late, the perfect amount of exmoney whom to fund their devi- it? d e r e does this leave you, cuses high school kids can usually So ousmusical ways. Don't they know that puttingfoodon the tablewon't the averageindiemker?Why, get- get away with giving mom & dad ting into the Local scene, of course. for being out past ten on a school preserve their artistic integrity? Some people say that with the You definitely want to be the first night. As for local bars, they seem to growth of Salt Lake City's music personyouknowwhoeverlistened tothe new Maybay " I mean, their be p t places for certain talent to scene, we could very likelybecome first CD, the one they released BEdevelop, but choose your enter the "next Seattle." Who wantsto be the "next Seattle?" Not me! It's true FORE they became Warner tainrnent wisely. A few b a r s d Bmther's biggest-grossing artist of town might happento havea show all time." This could apply to just or two that would Obviously be a about any one of the gajillion local bad choice. Of course, if you just want a CD's that are being releaaed right about now. (If you want to know break from the trying experienceof which CD is right for you, please being a child of the 903, this month see the Album Review section of youcangotoProvo,ofallplaces,to this magazine.) Of cowse, if you boogiedown withdecadespastand are still up in the air about whether future.The one remaining original or not you actually the Local member of the Village People has scene, you auld always pick up assembled look-alike robots to Salt Lake'soneandonly Localcorn- simulatethe experienceyou might pilation CD (that matters) released have had at one of their concerts by the upandcoming indie giant back in the 70's (I've heard they Salt Flat Records, entitled Salt Flnt look quite real). Opening up the Compr'htion."Although it's now a evening will be Salt Lake's own year old (and counting),it still hasa Local darlii's the Msco Drippen. good representation of the bands Be there or be square. around town. You can't go wrong in the muOf course there axea few other sical world if you follow the above personal favoritesthat I could rec- guidelines, folks. Well, maybe you ommend to you that you should can, but just don't blame it on me. , . probablyknowaboutwhenthetime comestochoose your Local CD. All -Jack Sprat APPOINTMENT More Endless "Indie vs. Major'' Prattle Salt Lake The Next Seattle Focus On -What Else? The Local Scene ... If you haven't already heard, indiegreatsShuddertoThinkhave recently signed to the mapr label Epic Records, home of Rage Against The Machine, and pining long-time touring mates Jawbox, who have recently released their rnapr-label debut on Atlantic. The likes of this activityhas punks and indiepurists in a furor.Why spoila good thing? Underground fans who have long been accustomed to moshing in dimly lit, sub-terrain caverns, are suddenly finding larger-thanl i i record industry moguls turning over rocks to find their next meal, rock that hopefully harbor juicy gold mines like the next Pearl Jam or another Smashing Pump kins. Why can't they understand that thisculturejust wantstostayin the dark. I mean,it totallytook all the fun out of your favorite flannel shirt when that grunge thing happened. Wearing Doc Martins used to be different and strange; now they sell them at Kinney's in five fashionable colors. It seems like everyone, even the media, wants to be on the followingyou! Just piss off, fucking Time magazine! We don't want to be the subject of C A L L F O R AN 1.4 S,on,g c ,- -\ ,6 . ' .<: .. t g r /is ~ ) . .: ........... . . . . . . s.:. ... I , . ... . , wherever local .. . :, . ., . .: :.;*,;;.,: . ; ,;: .: . ,1:.<.* <.L.\ F '!b4;.;Ag*i' L GUITAR ULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING 4 ABSTRAK REVEREND WILLIE FENDER BENDER IDAHO INDIVISION BLISTERED TOAD AMPHOUSE VOODOO SWING MOTHER BROKEN HEARTS KILLER CLOWNS TRAILOR PARK KAOTIC SKABS ON CONTORTION STRIKE NOVAGENUS , PRODIGAL OF SMILES NSC IT'S BEEN SAID CANNIBAL FISH BACKWASH STONE PONY MIND AT LARGE THE OBVIOUS BAY OF PIGS COMMONPLACE KID LOGIC FATAL CAUSE DEAD KATS TtlGuitar G -A GAMMA RAYS BUTT NUTI'S DOGHOUSE HOUSE OF-iP' CARDS :;d$%$ DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE. NARCOSIS THE CHANGE DOLLYMOPS ASA CRAZY 8's LITTLE WOMEN MAIN SQUEEZE NORTON "UFFALO AND EVERY0NE WHO HAS SHOPPEDAT THE GUITAR GALLERY - m m L -GIANNI, RORY, JOHN,