Out with the old... In with the new
Out with the old... In with the new
www.potomacbhc.org July 2015 Out with the old... In with the new PBHC helps to restore BBC grounds PBHC president, Kevin Merritt, (bottom right) helps to improve the grounds at the Battlefield Beagle Club. It was hot and dirty work, but members from PBHC helped reseed, feed cottontails, trim branches around the trails, and general cleanup. Ellen Ripper (center) presents a check for $400 to the Battlefield President, Brian Lawrence. PBHC donated a large portion of our profits from our Hunt Test to Battlefield's Building Fund in thanks for letting us use their grounds for our Hunt Tests. Photos by Devon Merritt Potomac Basset Hound Club, Inc. Meeting Minutes Date: 6-14-2015 Meeting at the home of Joan Portner in Rhodes, VA Begin at: Meeting called to order at 10:10 a.m. April meeting minutes approved as published in the June Lowdown. and Melinda will bring the paper goods. Raffle: Many members are bringing baskets, so raffle is good to go. Old Kevin Merritt President, Devon Merritt Secretary, Peggy O’Brien and Gregg Kantak Board Positions. Voting will be at July meeting per our constitution. Nominating committee: President’s Report Kevin Merritt commented that we have very good entries for our specialty June 26. PBHC also has very good entries for the entire cluster. We have the largest entry for the Potomac Hound Show and the third highest entry for the Friday Southern Maryland Kennel Club show. This is very good for allowing our club to stay with the cluster. Judges committee: Committee Reports Show Chairman: Clantyre will send Sally Nist all the catalogs, judging stuff, etc., since she will act as show secretary on site. We have four 5-point majors for the whole cluster. Very good entries. Melinda Brown will be bringing basic ring clean up items. Devon Merritt will contact Richard Jackson to find out about ring placement placards, ramp, and tables. We have requested MBF to have obedience start at 11 a.m and Rally start at 1 p.m. to make sure members can show in conformation and help steward. New Trophy: Ribbons have arrived. All trophies and prizes boxed and ready to go to the show. Hospitality: None of the judges need hotel rooms. Devon will contact all the judges to let them know entry and see if they have any questions or concerns. Grounds: n/a Photographer: We photographer. Food: Tracy will bring our photo signs for the Kevin named a judges committee of himself, Barbara Mercer and Pat Harder to come up with a diverse slate of breeder judges and sweeps judges for next year. They will have a slate by the beginning of August. Kevin will also ask the membership to suggest breeder judges they would like to see included. Kevin will arrange for voting to be done online via Google list vote. AKC market place: Tabled until next meeting. Regional Roundup Editor: Kevin Merritt will take over as regional round up editor. Kevin thanked Martha for doing such a wonderful job as Round Up Editor. PBHC will participate in the Ramble by once again offering nail trims for donations to BROOD. The club will also be a sponsor with a $100 donation. This event will be on September 12, 2015. Brood Ramble: will have a Fall Fun Field Trial on September 6. Anyone can come and sign up. PBHC will have members participating. Battlefield Beagle Club Hunt Test for 2016: in March of 2016. Begin planning to hold a Hunt Test VFDC&B News There will be show calendars produced again next year. Reminders have been sent out if anyone wanted advertising space. Holmes has the food situation in order The Lowdown is a product of the Potomac Basset Hound Club Membership. Editorial content can be sent to the Lowdown Editor, Cindy Miller, at 5869 Gilstrap Dr. Murrayville, GA 30564. Ph. 302-593-4643 E-mail: pbhclowdown@gmail.com. The Editor reserves the right to reject or edit all material submitted for publication. Next Meeting Sunday, July 26, 2015 10 a.m. 6446 Fieldstone Lane Rhoadesville, VA 22542 DIRECTIONS: From I-95 (North or South: Exit on Rte 3 West to Culpepper at Fredericksburg, VA. Go approximately 13 miles to Wilderness and turn left at light onto Rt 20. Stay on Rt 20 about 10 miles and turn right on County Rd 692. Go about 2 miles and turn right onto 602, then take the next left onto Fieldstone Lane (gravel road). Joan’s house is at the end of the cul de sac, # 6446 (see basset on gate). From Rt 29: Take 29 to Culpepper exit onto Rt 3 East to Fredericksburg. Go approximately 18 miles to Wilderness and turn Right onto Rt 20. Follow as above. Phone Number: 540-854-0674 Secretary’s Report Incoming: Contract from Richard Jackson for Fall Sweeps Donna Meade unable to judge our Obedience classes at Richmond due to illness Contract from Don Levinson to judge Obedience at Richmond MBF receipt of Obedince judge change Warrenton KC- can do a supported entry and Specialty at their fall show in September Warrenton KC- Show Packet AKC approval for Obedience Judge change. Treasurer’s Report The club currently has $4622 in all accounts. Dues notices went out and dues are starting to arrive. Election of New Members None at this time. Next Meeting July meeting- Sunday, July 26 at 10 a.m. Meeting will be followed by a club BBQ. September meeting – Saturday, September 26, following Breed judging at the Warrenton Kennel Club show Outgoing: (our fall specialty). Show/meeting site will be Long AKC questions on how to deal with the needed Obedi- Branch Farm in Millwood, VA. ence judge change Match-October 10th. Judging to start around 10 am. Contract sent to Don Levinson Board Meeting- following judging of Rally on ThursTrophy and Sweepstakes information for Fall Special- day, June 25 in Richmond. ty sent to Warrenton KC AKC application submitted for Fall Specialty with Adjourn WKC. Meeting adjourned at Noon. Members attending: Max Contract sent to Richard Jackson to judge sweeps this Harder, Sally Nist, Pat Harder, Robin Snell, Barbara fall Mercer, Jurgen Portner, Joan Portner, Melinda Brown, Ad for Fall Specialty sent to the Tally Ho Kevin Merritt, Devon Merritt, Madeline Wilson, Ellen Questions to SMKC contact about specialty ring set Ripper, Karen Highley, Harry Chipman, Denise Blake, up. Martha Havron. Meyer Photo By Bruce Susan L. Fink BRAGS Ch 3 Oaks Silver Bell Bombshell CA RATN CGC got her third leg and first place for her Barn Hunt Novice Title and the RATN AKC recognized title. Knoxvile Barn Hunt Assoc. May 2, 2015. On May 3, 2015 won 1st leg and 2nd place in Barn Hunt Open Class, and a 2nd leg for 1st place and High in Open Class. Major Win!! Photo byTom Digiocomo Ch 3 Oaks Silver Bell Bombshell CA RATN CGC Major Win Best of Opposite for 3 GCH points at North Ga Hound Assoc. in Perry, GA. April 12 under judge David Bolus. Major Win!! FROM ZEN: Fun weekend at Skyline Kennel Club Dog Show. Newest puppy acquisition, all the way from Brazil, Pan Clan Queen Elisabeth took a major win, going BOS under Judge Martin Doherty, on Saturday. She went BOS again on Sunday, under Judge Eugene Blake, for two points. She's on her way, with spunk, attitude, great movement, and an ever wagging tail. What a prize! On Saturday, Zen Dog's "She Be Stingin!" went RWB and on Sunday, Inga Funny Hunters of Woods went RWB. They both did a fine job, too! This clipping was taken from the May 1973, Hounds & Hunting and provided by Brian Lawrence from the Battlefield Beagle Club.