2009 Holiday - Hospice of the Bluegrass


2009 Holiday - Hospice of the Bluegrass
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care...
... the things you deserve.
Holiday 2009
Sister Hospice:
Oceans Away but
Close in Spirit
Over the past few months, Hospice of the
Bluegrass employees have been hosting pool
parties for one another, baking pies for coworkers, and chauffeuring each other around.
While they may enjoy each other’s company,
the impetus behind these activities is raising
money – money to donate to Wide Horizon
Hospice near Johannesburg, South Africa.
Wide Horizon is HOB’s sister hospice –
8,500 miles away but close in spirit.
The pool partying and chauffeuring are
the result of an HOB employee-service
auction that raised more than $6,000
for Wide Horizon. Employees offered
personal services like home-cooking and
free babysitting, and their colleagues bid on those services.
The money – added to a corporate HOB gift – meant
that Wide Horizon received $10,000 this year from HOB.
That’s 61,000 Rand in South Africa.
Gail Heasley, general manager at Wide Horizon Hospice,
says she and her clients appreciate the gift immensely.
“We don’t expect or rely on money from Hospice of the
Bluegrass because we know they have to go out and raise
it,” Heasley wrote recently in an e-mail. “But it is very
helpful when it comes. It’s great to have them on our
The recent $10,000 donation, Heasley says, is being used
primarily for food for HIV/AIDS patients who are family
breadwinners but not well enough to work. Without food
from the hospice, many of their families would be in bread
lines, she said. Heasley added that the hospice also pays
special attention to grandmothers caring for grandchildren
whose parents have died. “These are very special ladies,”
she said.
Wide Horizon
H iz Hospice
H pi was founded
f nded in
i 1985 by
b a woman
named Edna Davies in her garden cottage, located in a
rural area about 40 miles outside of Johannesburg. Today,
the hospice has both an inpatient unit and home-care
service. It added an HIV/AIDS clinic in 1998 to address
the special needs of people with that disease. Trained
counselors are employed for both on- and off-site care.
Patients range from their twenties to their eighties.
Hospice of the Bluegrass became sister-hospice with Wide
Horizon around 2000, says John Johnson, director of
HOB’s Lexington office and chair of HOB’s sister hospice
committee. He believes that the relationship is good for
both hospices. “Sharing information is one of our goals,”
he says. “We want to know about how they get the care
out the door. We’re more alike than different.”
Wide Horizon, however, has challenges that are unique
to its location. Johnson, who has been to Africa but not
to Wide Horizon yet, said many African hospices struggle
continued on Page 8
a message from
gretchen brown
This year, as with most of you, finances
at Hospice of the Bluegrass have been
particularly tight. Meanwhile, Medicare
and other insurance agencies are
tightening their reimbursement policies,
even as healthcare expenses rise quickly.
Despite the tough economic times, I’m
relieved to say that we have continued
providing traditional hospice care at a high
level as well as serving those in our unfunded or
under funded programs. This effort is due in large part to the generous
donors who honor us annually with their checks and bequests.
Expenses such as rent and utilities for patients who want to stay
in their homes, but don’t have the money to pay for it.
Pediatric programs that allow families to continue seeking curative
treatments for children with life-limiting illnesses while they receive
hospice services. We often accept children even though their
insurance won’t begin paying for hospice until the family stops
seeking a cure.
Education programs in colleges and medical schools that teach the
next generation of healthcare workers how to incorporate hospice
and palliative care principles into their profession.
Grief counseling outreach that provides help not just to our
patients, but to the larger community as well. For example, when
the Comair flight crashed in Fayette County three years ago,
HOB counselors were able to help the victims’ families, friends,
schoolmates and others.
Thank you for considering an extra gift this year to help us continue
these crucial programs.
Happy Holidays!
Though we’re meeting the economic challenge for now, we need your
help to continue to do so. If you are able to give a little more this year,
or send a second gift, you would make a huge difference in the endof-life care available to families throughout central, southeastern and
northern Kentucky. Your gifts support:
Northern Kentucky Couple Honored as Philanthropists
By Neil Chethik
Mark and Sue Grimme of Ft. Thomas, have been
honored by Hospice of the Bluegrass for their generous
says. “It was a peaceful, spiritual place. You felt good
when you were there.”
The Grimmes were recognized
on National Philanthropy Day
for contributing to Hospice’s
recent Northern Kentucky
capital campaign, and for past
giving that included publishing
5,000 copies of Final Gifts.
It’s a book that helped them
through losses in their lives; the
copies are now available free to
HOB patients and families.
Since then, the Grimmes have
made gifts to help create and
furnish Hospice headquarters in
Florence. Their donations went
for the HOB library, counseling
rooms and public space, as
well as for more beds in the
Care Center located at St. Luke
Hospital East.
Both Mark and Sue also
have trained to be Hospice
volunteers. “For our family,”
Sue Grimme says, “Hospice
made the dying process a
beautiful one instead of a
tortured one. That’s a real gift.”
Until about four years ago, the
word “hospice” had only bad
associations for Mark Grimme,
a businessman. “Hospice meant
the end. It meant that all hope
was gone,” he said.
The Grimmes said they
struggled with the decision to
be public about their giving to
But then Grimme’s motherMark
Hospice; they didn’t want to
in-law, Miriam “Min” Lampe,
call unnecessary attention to
spent her last days at the Hospice
themselves. But, according to Mark, they concluded: “By
of the Bluegrass – Northern Kentucky Care Center. Only
being public, we can open a dialogue with friends about
14 months afterward, his father-in-law, John “Jack”
what Hospice is and why it’s so valuable. We hope that
Lampe, also died at the Care Center. “In such a short
others who see us giving will consider giving too.”
time, I realized how comforting Hospice was,” Grimme
A Change in Passages
Starting in 2010, the Hospice of the Bluegrass newsletter will have a fresh, new
look and a brand new name – Reaching Out. It has always been important to
HOB to make the best use of donor dollars, and revising the current newsletter
look is one way to achieve that goal.
Passages will be produced one time a year and will include the list of Memorials
and Contributions from the previous year. Contributions to Hospice of the
Bluegrass are, without exception, significant as staff and volunteers continue
providing quality care to the dying, their families and the bereaved. However,
this list will not be a regular feature in the new newsletter. Please be assured
that your donation to our organization is most valued and important to the
work we do.
Watch for the Reaching Out – coming in Spring 2010 and the newly formatted
Passages in May 2010.
HOB wins Blood Center
Charity Challenge
Hospice of the Bluegrass won the Kentucky Blood Center
Charity Challenge and received a check from S & S Tire
for $3,500. Forty-three charities competed by recruiting
blood donors to compete and earn cash. A special thanks
to all Hospice employees, volunteers and supporters who
donated blood during the Charity Challenge!
Mayor’s Golf Scramble
Benefits Jessamine
Co. Patients
Nicholasville Mayor Russ Meyer
hosted the First Annual Mayor’s
Golf Scramble at Connemara
Golf Course in August, helping
to raise $14,285 for the Hospice
of the Bluegrass-Jessamine County. Twenty-seven teams
participated in the event, and 54 hole-sponsors and eight
memorial sponsors chipped in donations.
The Jessamine County office of HOB cares for about 70
patients each month. The proceeds from Mayor Meyer’s
fundraiser will go to help support end-of-life care and
bereavement programs.
Frankfort Gala Raises $70,000
Over 300 guests celebrated the 10th Annual Hospice Gala
in September at the Capital Plaza Hotel in Frankfort.
The evening featured elegant silent and live auctions, as
well as music by Exit 99.
The event, which included
Diamond & Wine
and Reverse Raffle
raised $70,000 to
benefit hospice
care in Anderson,
Franklin, Owen and
Woodford Counties.
(L-R:) Wayne Palmer, S & S Tire; Katherine Pinero,
Development Officer, HOB- Lex and
Denise Fields, Kentucky Blood Center
“Church on Church” Event
Sparkles in Cynthiana
Twinkling lights sparkled on the 2009 “Church on
Church” event in Cynthiana. Over 450 friends gathered
at the Lebus Warehouse to enjoy the Jimmy Church
Band, an area favorite, at the annual Hospice fundraiser.
The event featured delicious food and a variety of
wonderful silent and live auction items for bidding. These
items included handsome jewelry, UK memorabilia and
a flat-screen television.
The event
brought in over
for Hospice
Thanks to
the volunteer
committee and
sponsors who
helped make
this event such
a success.
State Representative Thomas McKee
(D) and wife Sue enjoy the evening.
caring . . .
Tailgating - Kentucky Style in Harlan
In August, the Harlan Center served as the unofficial
kick-off zone for the football season as guests poured in
for “Tailgating Kentucky-Style,” a fundraising event for
Hospice of the Bluegrass-Mountain Heritage.
The event raised $10,000 to support hospice programs in
Harlan and Bell counties. It featured a football-inspired
menu of burgoo, barbecue and Kentucky-themed cakes.
The evening’s featured program was Dr. Edward Smith
speaking the words of Coach Adolph Rupp.
Guests chat at the Harlan Tailgating Event
An Evening of Mystery
Hospice of the Bluegrass - Mountain Rivers in Pikeville
hosted their inaugural Evening of Mystery Dinner
Theatre at the Mark V. The play featured the Artist
Collaborative Theatre who volunteered to present
“Eat, Drink and Be Murdered.” This one-act play was
suspiciously similar to the feud of the Hatfield’s and the
McCoy’s. Over 300 guests enjoyed this interactive event
and even participated in a conga line. The event has
raised $19,260 for the Patient Expense Fund for Floyd,
Magoffin and Pike counties.
At right: Mountain Rivers
Director Shelia Joseph (center) with committee members Sylvia Bailey (left) and
Joan Potter(right). Below:
Cast members of Actor’s
Collaborative Theatre.
Wild West Party Rustles Up
Money for Hazard Hospice
More than 200 people attended the 3rd Annual
Masquerade Ball in Hazard, contributing more than
$30,200 to help complete the Hospice of the BluegrassMountain Community Free-standing Inpatient Facility
now under construction.
(Inset left) Jared Tackett and Mary Johnson enjoy
the evening. (Top Right)HOB-MC employees Kim Turner,
Charlene Hughes, Margaret Fugate and Sharon Morris
get into the “Wild West” spirit!
The theme for this year’s ball was “The Wild West.” It
was held in October at the First Federal Center in Hazard
and included dinner, coffee bar, dancing, silent auction
and a raffle for a 40-inch flat-screen television.
HOB History Preserved on Film
Hospice librarian Susan Byars recently completed a twoyear project to find and interview many of the early leaders
of Hospice of the Bluegrass. With the help of several
video professionals, Byars took 14 hours of interviews and
fashioned them into a 20-minute video that tells the story of
the Hospice’s creation in the 1970s.
“My goal was that we’d celebrate the contributions of this
social movement that has changed the way medicine is
practiced,” Byars says. “Hospice was a national movement,
but it took local people to make it happen here.”
The 14 local people interviewed for the film, titled Hospice
of the Bluegrass: 30 Years of Transforming Healthcare, were
Joan Crowe, Linda Godfrey, Sue Snider, Susan Swinford,
Gretchen Brown, Dr. John Cronin, Dr. Terence Gutgsell,
Dr. Adrian Fulmer, Bill Woodward, Deede Byrne, Bev
Hail, Ann Judy, Sandy Matthis and Jay Pierce. The fulllength interviews have been archived and are available to
researchers now and in the future, Byars said.
The edited video tells the stories of some of the first patients
at Hospice of the Bluegrass, as well as some of the early
volunteers, doctors, nurses, social workers and other staff
people. It also tells how Hospice of the Bluegrass became
nationally recognized for excellence and innovation.
The video was largely filmed by Asbury College student
David Grieder and edited by Lexington film editor Thom
Southerland. A grant from Lexington Directions provided
some of the funding to create the video.
Byars said the video is now being shown to hospice
volunteers and medical students. It’s also available to the
public through the Hospice Library. Call (800) 876-6005 or
email Byars at sbyars@hospicebg.org to arrange a showing
or borrow a copy.
Clockwise from top left corner: Early HOB location on
Nicholasville Road; first logo when started as Community
Hospice; Dr. John Cronin; volunteer building patient ramp, Dr.
Terry Gutgsell, first full time Chief Medical Officer of HOB;
Sara Kaufmann with President & CEO Gretchen Brown; map
of 32 county service area; newest logo; volunteer and participant
at first children’s grief camp; Sara Kaufmann at the dedication
of the Maurice Kaufmann Center; logo adopted after moving
to Alexandria Drive location; construction of the Maurice
Kaufmann Center; logo and name change adopted when
Community Hospice of Lexington expanded to serve central
Kentucky counties.
HOB Reaching Out to Help Veterans
Get Easier Access to Hospice
Military veterans in Southeastern
Kentucky – especially those who
are homeless – will have easier
access to end-of-life medical,
emotional and spiritual care,
thanks to a “reaching out” grant
that Hospice of the Bluegrass
has received from the National
Hospice and Palliative Care
Organization (NHPCO) and the
Veterans Administration (VA).
The “Reaching Out: Quality
Hospice and Palliative Care for
Rural and Homeless Veteran’s”
grant funds the creation of
partnerships with veterans
and community providers.
Coalitions in both Pikeville and Hazard are now holding
forums to discuss how to prepare living wills, and how to
access hospice and palliative care services.
The Veterans Administration has announced a priority to
assure that all veterans with serious and terminal illness
are served by palliative and hospice care. HOB staffs
at both the Pikeville and Hazard offices are excited to
be reaching out to veterans in their communities.
Nationally, about 50,000 veterans die each month, the
VA estimates. Nearly 40 percent of veterans live in areas
that are considered rural, where community hospices
and VA palliative care programs are often not readily
available. The $16,000 VA grant will bring together
veterans in Southeastern Kentucky with health-care
service-providers and other veteran services.
Professional Liaisons Candice Combs (Hazard) and
Michelle Blackburn (Pikeville) are running the day-today operation of the VA grant. Both have identified key
social service providers and veteran contacts in their
local communities. The coalitions have met and planned
educational seminars for veterans. Each event included
dinner to attract greater attendance.
The first event was held in April at VFW Post 7387 in
Hazard, and about 30 veterans attended. “While all
veterans are welcome at the events,” Combs said, “the
Coalition is especially interested in reaching homeless
veterans.” The Pikeville coalition hosted its first dinner
and class in July with 28 veterans attending. The next
event was in October at Jenny Wiley State Park with 75
in attendance. A Veterans Day celebration was also held
on November 8 at the Mark V building in Pikeville in
conjunction with the annual Judge Executive’s veteran’s
continued on Page 8
Two Doctors Join HOB Department of Medicine
Hospice of the Bluegrass is pleased to announce Dr.
Kimberly Bell and Dr. Christopher Lyon as associate
medical directors.
Dr. Bell is board certified in Internal Medicine and
Hospice and Palliative Medicine. She has been an HOB
Community Medical Associate in the Frankfort office since
2006. She attended medical school in New Mexico and
completed her residency at the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Kimberly Bell
Dr. Christopher Lyon is certified in Hospice and Palliative
Medicine and received his fellowship from the M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center – Department of Symptom
Control and Palliative Care Medicine. He completed
his postdoctoral Fellowship Training at the Lovelace
Respiratory Research Institute and completed his
Residency Training at the University of Texas, Houston.
Dr. Christopher Lyon
For 2009 Year-End Donations, Beat the Last-Minute Rush
By Darryl Stith
Hospice of the Bluegrass appreciates its donors and
wants them to have the greatest opportunity to benefit
from their kind and generous support of our programs.
Hospice adheres to the rule that gifts postmarked by Dec.
31, 2009, are counted as gifts in calendar 2009. Gifts
postmarked after Dec. 31, 2009, are considered 2010
To be sure year-end gifts may legitimately be considered
a 2009 charitable contribution, consider mailing gifts
earlier in December. The secure Hospice of the Bluegrass
Web page http://www.hospicebg.com/makeagift.
html can also facilitate timely giving.
Hospice is especially appreciative of gifts this year.
An article in the October 29, 2009, Chronicle of
Philanthropy reported “the nation’s largest charities
anticipate that giving will decline this year by a median of
9 percent. That would mean that half of the nation’s most
successful fund-raising groups expect an even steeper
Additionally, federal regulations have mandated Medicare
cuts that will continue for several years. These cuts will
be felt at Hospice. In 2008, Hospice provided more
than $1.6 million in care for which it did not receive
reimbursement from Medicare, Medicaid or private
Your generosity enables us to provide our quality endof-life care and bereavement services in 32 Kentucky
counties even if our patients are unable to pay.
Sister Hospice from Page 1
with transportation and communication problems. Roads
are often unmaintained, public transportation unreliable,
and Internet service sporadic or unavailable. Johnson
added: “The biggest concern may be nutrition. Even if
you can get the medications, you have to deal with the
poverty and hunger issues.”
Hospice of the Bluegrass is one of 78 U.S. hospices that
have sister relationships with African hospices. In 1999,
an organization called the Foundation for Hospices in
Sub-Saharan Africa (FHSSA) was founded to foster
sister-hospice connections. The group’s goal is to
“provide compassionate care where the need is great and
resources are few.”
HIV/AIDS continues to be a motivating force for the
organization. Nearly 7,000 people die each day from
HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 35 million
have already died. FHSSA reports that 52,000 patients
received quality care and services last year through
the sister-hospice program. But the need continues to
expand. Currently, 100 African hospices are waiting for
hospices in the U.S. to reach out in a sisterly way.
If you are interested in learning more about HOB’s sister
hospice, visit it on the web at http://www.hospicevaal.
co.za/. If you’d like to donate to HOB’s sister-hospice
program, you can send a check made out to Hospice of
the Bluegrass (marked “Sister Hospice” on the comment
line) to 2312 Alexandria Drive, Lexington, Ky. 40504.
HOB is also looking for a community partner – church,
business or other organization – that would like to
donate or help raise money for Wide Horizon Hospice.
To find out more about that, contact John Johnson at
JMJohnson@hospicebg.org or at (800) 876-6005.
from Page 7
In addition to sponsoring educational seminars, the
Coalition is using the grant money to create newspaper
ads and radio spots and to develop hospice brochures
specifically for veterans. The brochures will be distributed
to veteran support groups, homeless centers, public
libraries, clinics, physician offices and other locations.
Hospice care is part of the basic eligibility package for
veterans enrolled in the Veterans Health Administration
(VHA). Hospice services are also covered by Medicare,
Medicaid, most managed care organizations, private
insurance plans and HMOs.
HOB was one of only 18 organizations in the nation
that received the reaching-out-to-veterans VA grant.
NHPCO has just announced that additional funding
may be available for 2010, and additional grant funding
will be requested.
Memorials and Contributions
January 1 - April 30, 2009
Thank You To Our Many Supporters
Sara Kaufmann
Society Members
David Hall Abney II
Ella Rosemary Abney
Susan Abney
Betty Jane Addington
Mary Jane Amick & Robert Mudd
Kenny & Molly Angelucci
Marcey Ansley
David Baker
Dr. Charles & Kelly Bernstein
Thomas & Joanne Blanck
Dianne Blanford
Mrs. Max Bloom
Marty Boeschen
Anne E. Bolton
Lee Boyd R
Linda Bridwell
Theodore & Naomi Broida
Gretchen M. Brown H
Joan C. Brown
Hazel T. Bush
Donald & Mary Lee Butte
Susan and Doug Byars
Deede Byrne
Patrick Byrne
John Calhoun
Marguerite Cardwell
Jan & Jerry Cerel
Mrs. James F. Christmyer
Carol Combs H
Mrs. Ralph Congleton
Debbie Cook
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Crouch, Jr. H
Mr. & Mrs. James Culbertson
Jack Cunningham H
Dr. & Mrs. Elvis S. Donaldson, Jr.
Mary K. Fedorchuk
Eleanor R. Fowler
Joyce Gabbard
Gertrude Gajardo
Dennis & Geraldine Haack
Dr. Jackie Banahan Hager H
Ms. Billie A. Hamm
Liz S. Harper
Gail H. Hart
Rev. & Mrs. David Hilton
Barbara Hulette +
Dr. & Mrs. James B. Hunter
Alice Ingram
Mary Doyle Johnson
Ann Jenkins H
Debra Kelley
Mrs. Russell Kennedy H
Ruth Kerber
Steven G. & Kathy L. Kinkel
Zee Faulkner Kurfees
Mari LeGrand
Linda Lewellen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell
Walter W. Major, Jr.
Lee Ellen Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Rush Mathews
M. Sandra Mathis
Bessie McCord R
John E. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. McGregor
Brian McKeown
Dr. Oscar Mendiondo R
Laina Miller
Gregory B. Milward
Jean R. Moore
John & Karin Morris H
Marilynn and Eric Morrow
Kay Mueggenburg
Walter Mueggenburg
Anne E. Nash
Cecile Nevett
Dr. Jacqueline Noonan
Dorotha Smith Oatts
Joan S. Palmore
Mr.& Mrs. William Patton
Sherice Perras
Pamela Pritchett
Ann Prothro
Tamela C. Ramsey
Rev. Charles D. Ransdell
Jenny Brill Ray
Frances M. Roberts
Dr. Harriett Rose
Danita Ross
Art Salomon
Judy Sandler
Joan S. Schaeffer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Schwartz
Sally G. Siebert
Joanne Sigler
Caroline Simmons
Jessie Armstrong Singleton
Terry Faulkner Sloan
Janet Snapp
Sue Snider
Dr. Curtis B. Sousley
Susan and John Stempel
William S. Stewart
Darryl Stith
Samye Miller Stith
Dr. James and Carol Straub
Don Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. John Toher
Joan Van Blarcom-Bradley
Margaret Verble
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ward, Jr.
Susan Ware H
Dr. Salli and Lyman Whisman
D. Woodford Webb, Jr.
Mrs. Carl Wiesel
Douglass W. Witt
James Ned Worten
Teresa VanCleve Worten
Julie Young
R New Members since last
publication of Passages.
H Charter Member
+ Given in her honor by Dick Hulette
Estate gifts
Estate of Robert Hugo Harrison
Estate of Jane C. Hensley
Estate of Richard A. Hulette
Estate of John M. Reed
Estate of Leatrice Joy Shields
$1000 & Above
Bertha LeBus Charitable Trust
Blair Branch Church
Rose Marie Blanchet
Marty C. Boeschen
Mrs. John D. Bourke
Marian Judith Broadus
Gretchen M. Brown
Brown-Forman Corporation/
Woodford Reserve Distillery
Central Baptist Hospital
Central Kentucky Area Combined
Federal Campaign
Jerry & Janet C. Cerel
Childers Oil Company, Inc.
Clifford Shumate Family Foundation
Deanna Corey
Jack R. Cunningham
David & Susan Duff
Ryan & Heather Duff
Frankfort Boat Club Inc.
Frankfort Regional Medical Center
Stephen Gallup
Glenn Toyota/Scion
Deborah B. Gould
Harry & Betty Hargis
Hospice of the Valley
IBM Employees & Retirees
Insight Employees & Vendors
Kentucky River Properties, LLC
Landmark Lodge No. 41 F& A.M
Little Zion Church
McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie, &
Kirkland, PLLC
Dr. Robert H. Morris
Margaret N. Morrison
Mt. Olivet Regular Baptist Chu
Kathleen O’Daniel & All Participants
& Supportors of The Tom
O’Daniel Memorial Golf Outing
Pathology & Cytology Laboratories,
Pine Branch Coal Sales, INC.
Joseph C. Powell, Jr.
Donald B. Ralsten
Mary Katherine Renaker
S&S Tire & Auto Service Cent
Kay Shumate
Smith Contractors, Inc.
Speiser Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tway, III
Tim & Debbie Wagner
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wal-Mart #0552 Employees,
Wal-Mart, Store #693
Chadwick & Lora Warrix
Marjorie Wilcox
Window World of Lexington
Yum! Brands Foundation & Executive Team
$500 - $999
American Founders Bank
Robert Autenrieth
P. R. Caffrey, M.D.
Cedar Grove Old Regular Baptist
City of Hazard
Mr. William G. Cole
Mildred F. Cox
Elks Lodge of Cynthiana
Mark A. & Jean M. Elste Family
Foundation, Inc.
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Jessie P. & Roy Gay
Gooch Auction Group, LLC
Graviss McDonald’s Restaurants
Rick & Mary Beth Griffith
Harrod Brothers Funeral Home
Donna & Mark Hawkins
Humana, Inc.
Mr. Marsh R. Howard
The Insurance Store Chenault &
Hoge, Inc.
Brereton & Libby Jones
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Jones
Kentucky Bank
Nellie M. Kester
John Bruce & Judy A. Lee
Lawrence D. Lewis
Herbert Livingston
Sean Maguire
Joe David Martin
Gregory L. McClellan
Dare R. Miller
Margaret Mink
The Lexington Clinic, PSC
Ronald Patrick
Permit America, Inc.
Perry County Farm Bureau
Perry Distributors, Inc.
Wendy Price
Richardson Associates Architects,
Dr. Stephanie Russo
Valerie Prater-Saurer
Greg & Susan Scearce
Jeri & Ron Schubert
James S. Simpson, M.D.
Bernadette Smith
State Farm Insurance
Stephen Hillenmeyer Landscape
Barbara, Chuck, & Zach Stinnett
Samye & Darryl Stith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Straus
Sulphur Well Christian Church
Dr. Karin R. Swartz
Julia K. Swords
Systems Design Group, Inc.
The Lucy M. Taylor Children
Trinsoft, LLC
United Bank & Trust Company
The Van Meter/Barnhart Family
Bob & Norma Wells
$250 - $499
A-Action Pest Control
AOA Bluegrass
Andrew Baird
Carol P. Banks
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bassett
Dick Baumgartner & Liz Salzer
Beckmar Environmental Laboratory,
Bluegrass Association of Insurance
Nora Lee Boyd
Boyd & Boyd, PLLC
Barbara Buckley
Drs. Burch, Renshaw, Wix &
Associates, PSC
Capital Surgical Clinic, PSC
Caprock Claims Management
Caretenders Health Corporation
CEC Prospectors, Inc.
Century Bank
Laura H. Chapman
C.M.C. Inc.
Commonwealth Insurance Co., Inc.
Thomas M. Cooper
Cumberland Mine Service
Dr. Abdulkader Dahhan, M.D.
Bruce K. Davis
Cleteus Dawes
Dustin Devers
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Edna & Albert Dix
Kent Ellis
Farmers Bank
Philip L. Finley
Anne E. Flood
Eleanor R. Fowler
Janet N. Friedell
Joseph H. Gardner
Elizabeth Gillis
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Freddie Hockensmith
David & Patsy Howard
The June K. Howard Family
J. Dustin Rose Insurance, Inc.
Jim Beam Brands Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson
Dean & Melissa Jones
Debra H. Kelley
Cindy & Kevin Kewin
Kiwanis Club of Hazard
Rabbi Marc Kline
Nicholas R. Korsak
Lawrenceburg Bank & Trust Co.
Sandy Levy
Lucas Equine Equipment, Inc.
Carol & Paul Mandelstam
Manheim Fort Lauderdale
Mayking Baptist Church
McLane Company, Inc.
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Stiles Miller
Mr. Cole Mitcham
Charles & Ellen Moore
Robert L. Parks Law Offices
Passport Health Plan, University
Health Care
Maggy & Bill Patterson
The Peck-Hannaford & Briggs,
Hershell & Mildred Ritchie
Ron & Betsy Rogers
Bill Roll &
Rolane Appliance & Marine
Self Storage Center, Inc.
Gloria W. Singletary
Micki Watters Smith
Southcreek Park
Southern Wine & Spirits of
Kentucky, Inc.
St. Huberts Episcopal Church
Stamping Ground Christian Church
Sandra Stanley
Sutherland Chevrolet
Tri-State Mining Cable, Inc.
Toyota Motor Engineering &
Margaret S. Verble
Versailles Family Medicine, PLLC
Mr. Robert Walker
Ashli S. Watts
Weight Watchers International
John Welch
Sandford L. Weiler
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Wherry
Lewis C. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. William Young
Linda Forman
Lucille Ritter Abernathy
Genevieve Ammerman
Geneva Katherine Abner
Leona M. Smith
Lotus Mae Abner
Ms. Betty L. Damrel
Mary Ann & Gene E. Sparks
Mr. Kenneth K. Webb
Ray Altman
Ray & Vangie Altman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Burris
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Donnell
Debbie Gallagher
Kate Hylen
Deborah S. LaBoone
Becky Jo Marefat
Barbara & Lisa Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Wagers
Delores Cochran Angel
Charles & June McFarlan & M.
Philip J. Angelucci, Jr.
Steve & Linda Angelucci
Cecil Adams
Joyce Wither
Doryce W. Wise
Mary Ann Angelucci
Steve & Linda Angelucci
Ernest W. Adams
Mrs. Nettie K. Adams
Mae Aileen Anglen
Mrs. Forest Casey
Hugh Carney “Buddy” Adams,
Ben & Sara Brown
Edna Ruth Franklin Argo
Eddie & Lisa Feeback
Chris & Kathy Harris
Lloyd Adams
Connie & Russell Blair
Grant Caudill
Phyllis Caudill
R.C. & Frances Day
Alice & Doug Hayes
Regina & Lee Holmes
Betty Saner Armstrong
Mrs. Elizabeth Newkirk
Mary Louise Adams
Elayne Adams & Family
Christ Church Apartments
Residents Association
Billy & Debbie Lane
James Edgar Ashcraft
Nancye Bartley
Deborah Cobb
Janice Connelly
Mrs. Meagan Early
Brereton & Libby Jones
Melissa Kemper
Ben L. Lykins
Thom & Leeanne Maltbie
Ron & Mary Jane McCulloh
Bryan & Leigh New
Kentucky Equine Education Project
Raisor, Zapp, & Woods, PSC:
Dennis & Pam Raisor
Jeff Woods
Jerilyn Zapp
Michael & Barbara Ramsey
Robert Wallace
Martha K. Wessels
Sally Brown Adams
Judith M. Miller
Janice K. Osborne
Kay Scott
Western Hills High School, Sally’s
Leona Caroline Alexander
Barbara, Chuck, & Zach Stinnett
Aileen Hahn Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dale Allen
Donna M. Gash
Jacki Goebel
Sue Goebel
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Klink
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Stratton
Stephen D. Trent
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vaughn, Jr.
Bertha Marie Pena Allen
Sallie & Jerry Crawford
Sylvia Mountjoy
Ed & Doris Ruggles
Richard E. Allen
Debbie Allen
Norma Buttery
Joan Haddix
Joseph Walton Altman
Don & Jenny Adams
The Olyn Altman Children: Gennie,
Gerald, & Marna & their Families
William Jennings Arvin
William M. Arvin
Alice Faye Ashcraft
Bobbie L. Burdine
Betty Jayne Smith Aust
Ralph Aust
Rose Avery
The Powell Family
Glenn & Celeste Forbes
Steven C. Jorgensen
Mary Ellen Landwehr
Ken Prince
R. Wayne Rieley
Craig A. Smoldt
Eleanor M. Stone
Babs Weinmann
Connie Paez Banks
Mildred & Martin Paez
Lawrence Bailey, Sr.
Accident Insurance Services
Caprock Claims Management
Health Care Service Corporation
Mrs. Corinne P. Herndon
Jan Hibler
Juanita & Jerry Hinshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Gariety
Steve & Stephanie Gill
Garret King
Bob & Martena McEwan
Jason & Leora Payne
Bob & Nancy Rogers
Margaret True
Danatte & Danny Woosley
Dwayne & April & Family
Grant E. Banks
Clercy C. Banks
Alice Baird
Robert Skazenski
John Robert Baker
St. Michael’s Preschool Co-workers
Mae Baker
Laura & Jon Guilford
Miller Baker
Maynard Baker
Frank “Smoky” Morris
Ruth Abigail Baker
Don Knight
Mrs. Avalon Miller
Virginia W. Baker
Gary Baker
Ms. Doris Laubenheimer
Walter Vernon Baker
Elizabeth Baker
Edward Allen Baldwin
Mike & Suzanne Kelley
Jason & Judy Raker
Claudia Ball
Mount Edwin United Methodist
Martha Holman Ballard
Mrs. Eula Mae Collier
Layne Michael Bailey
Harold G. Newman
Alene “Eloise” Hopper Ballinger
Roger, Jean Ann & Brian Cook
Greg & June Copley
John M. Gantley
The Hudsons
Suann McCollum & Mark & Caleb
Doug Riffe & Melanie Bailey-Riffe
Pat Robinson
Ms. Wilmona Sheets & Family
Carrie Thompson
Irene Thompson
Mary Johnson Bailey
Margaret S. Cantrell
Rosemary C. Bandy
Fredrica Smith
Annie Back
Ms. Keshia Allen
Don & Charlene Back
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Caudill
Hansford Whitaker
Hugh Morrow Badham, Jr.
Dorothy & Pete Lea
Eileen D. Bentley Banks
The John & Pauline Back Children
Mrs. Betty Banahan
Home Instead Senior Care
Immanuel Baptist Church
Paul Banks
Pat & Fred Landrum
Louis Bannister
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Elaine W. Bard
Linde Couch
John Harvey Bastin
Sue & Chase Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Bell, Jr.
Lee & John Carroll
James Dale Creech
Mrs. Shirley DeBoor
Mary Davis & John Dicken
Mr. Dan Dismukes
Mr. Wade Farmer
Jennie Flynn
Linda F. Maxson
Dr. & Mrs. James G. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Rushing
Miriam Stambaugh
Tutt, Inc.
Don & Julie Webb
Robert F. Young
Betty Baxter
Gladys Pramuk
Judy Anita Beach
Barbara Burgess
Kathy Burgess
Beulah Hedges
Sue Jackson
Jewel Schulte
Bill & Alma Yeary
Caswell Beck
Catherine Lowe
Edward Louis Bedell, Jr.
Annette Rose
Morris W. Beebe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Savage
Aileen F. Hammer Beene
June C. Brady
John & Ilda Dorsey
Eunice Fowler
Ronald & Mary Lou Garnett
Eric Johnson
Hope Kinman
Mr. & Mrs. David Maxwell
Carolyn Jean Moulder
Ginger & Pete Schlereth
Mrs. Jean Vogelsang
Wayfarers Friends
Goldie Valentina Bell
Marian Bensema
P.R. Caffrey, M.D.
Chipps, Caffrey, & Dubilier, PSC
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Harold & Pat Kelley
Mary H. Manley
Central Baptist Hospital, Histology
Anna J. Sviben
Lawerence J. Sviben
Pia Sviben
Karen Terrell
Ms. Mary Towles
Mr. & Mrs. Ray M. Ware
Marta A. Zaccaria Bishop
Margaret M. Barker
Bluegrass Senior Citizens
Louise Williamson
Howard E. Bell
Beatrice Schumer
Jeannie & Barry Schumer
Daniel Steven Blacketer
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Barbara Bennett
Pam Henney
Robert Winston Bennett
Rena & Walt Lightner
Frances V. Fox Bentley
Ruth Calvert
Ms. Anna Margaret Hammons
Ben & Kathy Kulikowski
Ms. Mary M. Patrick
Jean Rhodus
Steve & Stephane Rogers
Donna Sparks & Jerry Fox
Nora Ester Crutchfield Benton
Billie Sue Harmon
Maurice A. Berdan
Dr. & Mrs. L.E. Barker
Marvin & Elizabeth Barker
John Bergs
Charles & Barbara Brandenburg
Elza & Sarah Cater
Don & Freda Guthrie
Hope & Granny Hager
Mike & Jan Hager
Dorothy Hays
Norma J. Stidham
Walter & Freda Wilson
Evelyn Underwood Berry
James W. Berry
Patricia A. Fillner Berry
Constance H. & Richard L. Berry
Jeanne M.
Kathy L. Bersaglia
Anthony Bersaglia
Mary Evelyn Beverly
Sara Gilliam
Mildred Moore
Betty Ann Voigt
Mildred Beyers
Jeanette Pabian
Ada Helen Bias
Bernice J. Bias
Cynthia Lee Marrs Bird
Frances Elliott
Frankie G. Bird
Frances Elliott
Betty Marie Tyre Bishop
Karen Wischer
Lucy A. Inman Bishop
MJ & Kelley Hutcherson
Donald R. Black
Janice Black
Wanda Black
Helen G. Ecton
Diane Edelen
Wilma R. Blades
Sally S. Bruce
Adam Feinauer
Patricia Harms
Dorothy & Howard Hils
Tracy, Glenn, Ally, & Laura Hughes
McHale’s Staff
Millicent R. Middendorf
Don & Anita Schneider
Lisa Treinen
Ben F. Blair, Jr.
Sara W. Bassett
Mattie Blair & Delcie Blair Griffaw
Lillie M. Hale
Betty Mauer
David & Beverly McDonald
Donnie & Audie Rodgers
Shirley Bradford Bodenheimer
Hart Lodge No. 61, F & A.M.
Ruth Elizabeth Nobbe Bogart
Charles & Mary Ann Bogart
Sharon S. Fields
Donna Hillebrand
Robert & Sanae Rolf
Louis Boh
Jane & Andy Fargo
Jeanne & Bo Morton
Hilary J. Boone, Jr.
Matthew S. Beebe
Anne Combs
Dr. Richard Crutcher & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lee Haggin, III
Greg & Mimi Milward
Grandison & Teddy Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Scott
Julia C. Young
Judith Ann Boone
Gayle E. Hill
Charles Blair, Jr.
Nick Hoskins & Family
Edward C. Boschert
Fay Pelgen
William A. Pelgen
Lillie O. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Blair
John David Bottorff
Sue Forbes Bottorff
Maggie Elizabeth “Midge”
Mike & Kathy Paynter
John D’Arcy Bourke, Sr.
Mrs. John D. Bourke
Mr. R. Tazewell Creekmore
Virginia Neff
Joan H. Vaal
Bettie Wahlbrink
Timothy Neal Blakley
Stephen Bobys
Shirley Carter
Stacy Coriell
Amanda Sherrod
Melvin K. Blanton
Bill & Charleen Combs
Elizabeth R. Heller
Roger K. Fannin Insurance, Inc.
Judith J. Leonard
Elizabeth Ann Blessing
The Heritage Place Condominium
Association Neighbors
Jim & Carney Lewis
Ms. Jo Ann Rabbass
Marti Stallons
Betty Stephenson
Joyce Stephenson
Pat True
The Whitney Family:
Andrea Flynn
Beth Whitney
Erica Whitney
Malcolm Reid Blevins
Donna & Doug Gibson
Fon & Rosella Rogers
Mr. Joe Rosenberg
Bob & Mary Hardin Stevens
JoAnne Blume
Leslie C. Driskell
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Marlette
Doy “Duck” Bowling
Sabrina Holder
Bertha “B.B.” Bowman
Mr. Laurence Thomas
Beulah Bowman
Emmanuel B. Anama, Jr.
Robert E. Bowser
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Warren
Samuel Frank “Skip” Bowsher, III
Charlie’s Dodge, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tib Congleton
Leslie Goode
Susan & Jim Kerns
Lexmark International, Inc.
Mrs. Kay Siegel
Mrs. Elaine J. Steele
Phyllis V. Thompson
Mary Lou Boyle
Eleanor A. Lawrence
John M. Bradley
Ms. Vivian VanBlarcom
Donald E. Bradshaw
American Council of Life Insurers
Mrs. V.O Barnard, Jr.
Gordon & Ruth Bart
Ann M. Brown
Larry Depp
Edna & Albert Dix
Barbara Durham
Joe Elam
Teresa B. Ellis
Bill & Pat Evans
Eleanor R. Fowler
Mrs. Jessie Gatewood
Donna G.Gershman
Hallie H. Gribbs
Glenn Toyota
Roberta & Jim Gray
Sammie Hankins
Jim & Evelyn Harris
Hannah Hickman
High School Buddies: Pat, Margie
& LaVerne
Mrs. Willa S. Hoge
Taylor H. Hoover, D.M.D.
Hugh & Dorothy Hudson
Mrs. Verna M. Johnson
Edward C. Kelsey, Jr.
Mrs. Paul W. Kihm
Wilma W. Knight
Stan & Evelyn Kramer
E. Jane Landrum
Jonnetta & Pat Lear
Karen S. Lile
Mr. Edwin A. Logan
Leon & Linda Marsh
Billee & Jim Miller
John & Shirley Noel
Sharon Patterson
Mary Lou Philpot
Patti & Jay Pierce
A.G. Poe
J.D. Prillaman
B.J. Satterly
Ms. Joyce B. Sisk
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Smith, Jr.
June Stokley
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sykes
Betty Thurman
Frances D. Tuttle
Don & Julie Webb
Mrs. Alice H. Wunderlich
Phyllis Caudill
David & Linda Clark
Randall C. “R.C.” Day, Jr.
Gerald & Jackie W. Frazier
Lisa S. Giles
The Potter Family
Irene Bramlett
Brenda Bailey
Mrs. Bonna G. Covington
Jim & Sue Everly
G.I.G.G.L.E.S. Life Group & Ershal
& Joan Harris
Ershal Harrison DMD
Carrie Hoffman
Janet & Bill Patton
Donna Perry
United Bank & Trust Co.
Judith J. Brooks
Steve & Patty Brooks
Ms. Sherry D. Dryden
Dan & Glenna Glass
John Bruce & Judy A. Lee
Reed & Karen Rhorer
Ms. Goebelene Singleton
Mrs. Pamela Wink
Mattie F. Brandon
William E. Hellard
Keller Rankin Brannock
Dennis & Lynne DePenning
Eddie & Lisa Feeback
Chris & Kathy Harris
James S. Brauch
Rosemary Brauch
James Breeding
Billie Lois & Inez Adams
The Emel L. Back Family
Patsy F. Bowen
Donald W. Brennan
Chester L. Sherman
William M. Brinkmann
Rose Marie Abbott
Dale & Scharlene Austin
Tom Biltz
The Paul Bogen Family: Paul,
Sheila, Colleen, Matt, & Beckie
The Decker Family from Prince of
Carol Lee Lovdal
Evelyn M. Moebus
Betty Myers
Ms. Rita Seger
Thomas J. Storey
Lucille M. Britton
Barry Britton
Donna Britton
James M. Broadus
Marian Judith Broadus
Marian Stewart “Mike” Broadus
Marian Judith Broadus
Daniel Nathan Brock
Jacque A. Hammond
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Dorothy Noland
George W. Brock, Jr.
Mrs. Julie Bess
Bob & Judy Brock
Dwight Warner Broeman
Maile Custom Builders, Inc.
Dorothy J. Brooks
Mr. Harold L. Brooks
R.T. Brooks
C. Gary Adkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Banks
Tommie Bennett
Charles & Mary Ann Bogart
Steve & Patty Brooks
Frankie & Glenda Brown
Martha P. Calvert
Micky Craft
Bruce Dungan
Barbara Durham
Anne Hilen
Taylor H. Hoover, D.M.D.
Bill & Joyce Jennings
James Maurice Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lee
Larry & Marilyn Oberlin
Joan Renee Peters
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Lynda Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Grover Shropshire
Verle & Loraine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Tandy
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Taylor
Larry & Cindy Tucker
United Bank & Trust Co.
Leathea Brumagen
Edna B. Eads
James M. Carr
Jean & Dickie Cornish
Jean Daniel Charron
Nicole Charron
Joyce Clark
Donna & Mark Hawkins
Anna Katherine Buckler
Becky Allan
Sam & Jewell Wagoner
Norma Louise Sturgeon Carrier
Pauline C. Horsley
Margaret McCord Cheuvront
Rob & Tommi Robinson
Jessie Mae Marcum Bishop
Bettye M. Pate
Thomas Cheuvront
Rob & Tommi Robinson
Oakley Parker Clark
Lonnie & Patricia Conley
Ms. Dolores Maultsby
Jessica Mayes
Mr. James E. Prater
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Scott
Carol Smith
Lorene Wilson Brough
John & Judy Poppas
James E. “Jim Bowie” Buckler
Betty L. Rupard
The Garnetta Scott Smith Family
Sam & Jewell Wagoner
Betty L. Brown
Janet Fox
Bernice Buckley
Tim Buckley
David B. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. (Tim) Brown
& Family
Clay Ingels Company, Inc.
Ginny Howard
Kathleen A. List
The Lunch Bunch:
Cathy Anderson
Larry Block
Charlene Legere
Myra Rouse
Rosemary Sackleh
Melanie Stamper
Joe & Vickie Neltner
Bettye M. Pate
Alfred Dudley “Butch” Burberry,
Wilma Hammons
Ruby & David Isgrig
Robert Ray Lillie
Mr. Sam Rhorer
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Wharton
Donald L. Brown
Boone Kenton Warehouse
Company, LLC
Dapore Brothers
Harold & Nancy Dringenburg
Rick & Cindy Frederick
Carl Ward, Sr.
Susan L. Wolfe
Gary & Barb Zumbiel
Leslie J. “Booney” Burns, Jr.
Charlene & Ed Riley
Mr. Rene’ F. True
Dorothy J. Turner Brown
Ernst & Mary Lynn Collins
Mrs. E. Jane Landrum
Sylvia Pauline Cable
David & Joan Burklow
George S. Brown, Jr.
Joan C. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. John K. Ryans, Jr.
Julian Edward Brown
Michael L. Moseley
Lovette “Lovie” Fields Brown
Margie & Mark Wilden
Pauline M. Brown
Walter & Ursula Maliszewski
Lorene Burdine
Mr. Johnnie M. Burdine
Della Cammack Burford
Carvin & Barbara Baker
Thelma Jewell Burger
Tommy & Ina Payne
James W. Burris
Jennifer BrowBeth Osborne
Mindy Hershey
Wanda L. Bush
Pat Walls & Family
Michael E. Campbell
Mary Ann Campbell
Bettye Hale Cannon
Mrs. Erin Smith
Alonza Green Canter
Lilburn P. Fain
Leslie & Harold Hill
The Keith - Oliver Families
Catherine Mackey
Charles & Liz Teater
Garnett C. Brown, Sr.
Garnett C. Brown, Jr.
Mary Alice Canter
Mr. & Mrs. T. Barry Banahan
Harold & Carol Spurlock
Wilma L. Ginn Brown
Council Clerk’s Office:
Liz Darnell
Susan Lamb
Debbie Tester
Darlene Trimble
Billy E. Wilcox
Gyles & Kathy Williams
Lena Catherine Duvall Cardwell
Ms. Colette Cardwell
JT’S Ballers
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Jump
Edwin Orem
Topy America, Inc.
Arthur Glenn Broyles
Charlene Sowder
Edmond Green Brumagen
Edna B. Eads
Gertrude Marie Painter Carmack
Janet Meinze
Darleen McGovern Carpenter
Kitty & Andy
Mrs. Jeannie Ward
Bill Carter
Mrs. Bob (Peggy) Kelley
Elsie Carter
Mrs. Bob (Peggy) Kelley
Mary Judith Wahlman Carter
Barbara J. Ashton
Sammie B. Carter
Glydus Peel
Sammye Toler Carter
Mr. Gene Toler
Hilda Case
Karen Bowe
Marj Haag
Bonnie Kareth & The Case Family
Dolores A. Shannon
Robert & Kay Tieche
Orville Coolidge Cason
Anna F. Cason
Burgus Crawford Cassidy
Breathitt County Teachers
Kenneth Edward Casteel, I
Kendra Newsome
Ervin J. Castor
Joan Hirsch
Beckham Caudill
Mrs. Virginia W. Caudill
Helen T. Kelly Caudill
Mr. Brian D. Harney
Hiram Caudill
Marlene Bielecki
Carol L. Caudill
Little Colly Baptist Church
Ray Caudill
Beverly Caudill
A.G. Cauter
Mildred G. Miller
Peggy Ann Chadwick
Kay, Dickie, & Krista Miller
Leon Evans Chamberlain
Mrs. Stacie Sutton
Margaret Champlin
Mr. Laurence Thomas
Lucy Ware Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. W. Keith Baldwin
Charlie & Jerrie Bradshaw
Ms. Patricia M. Collins
First United Methodist Church,
Chapel Sunday School Class
Marjorie Mullen
Ms. Addie Stokley
Sam & Carolyn Ware
Margaret Ballard Chipley
Clem Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Lovell, III
Edith Manning
Ms. Hope McCreary
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Royse
Mrs. Frances J. Whitman
Joe & Anita Woods
Elner Yvonne Smith Chrismon
Louis “Biggs” Clements & wife
William K. & Persis T. Elwood
Harriet & Neville French
Shelli French
Greg Gilman
Lesley & Dave Holgate
Debi K. Lott
Ashley & Faye Paulk
Sue Royse
Barbara G. Smith
Micki Watters Smith
Pat Tuttle
Barbara Louise “Barbie” Chubb
William D. Bach
Olive G. Clark
J. Warren Keller
Raymond M. Clark
Linda Clark & Herman Moore
Chris & Angie Grasch
Richard Allen Clark
Kathleen & Joe Bryson
Alice T. Mizell
Carla K. Moorman
Ann Street
Alida & Paul Thistleton
Charles Wayne Clary
Allan & Mary Freeman
Leigh Anne Hiatt
State of Kentucky, Department
of Public Advocacy, Appeals
Branch Personnel
Ovana Rush
James S. Simpson, M.D.
Christopher Michael Cibull
Carol & Paul Mandelstam
Grace W. McGaughey
Dr. Jacqueline Noonan
University of Kentucky
Mary Tussey Class
Ervin & Pearl Schof
Diane Clark
Darley Stud Management, LLC
John & Alice Dearing
William R. & Angela McLean
Wal-Mart Friends
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Westerkamp
Vicki & Roger Williams
Carol Y. Cline
Janice Borne
Eugene S. Clark
Janice M. Clark
The East Kentucky Power
Employee’s Association
Hays H. Ellis
Peggy C. Morrissey
Robert Walker
T.A. & B.J. Williams
Dottie, Jeanne, Carrie, Jaime,
Goldie & Angelicia
James Paul Clark
Ernest Dishner & Paula Boothby
Caroline Frazier
Suzanna Frazier
Mrs. Albert Gross
Janet M. Howard
Linda, Bill & Emily Johnson
McFerrin Methodist Church
Morgan Hayden, LLC
Julia N. Offutt
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Terry
Alan & Kathy Wellman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Works
Roger Cleveland
Mrs. Madgel Cleveland
Nina Cocanougher
Wanda Richardson
Robert S. Cohen
Jerry & Janet C. Cerel
Sylvia Cohen
Jerry & Janet C. Cerel
Sylvia L. Sumpter Cole
Mr. William G. Cole
Donald “Sonny” Colgan
Nancye Rees Evans
Corsie Collins
Phyllis Caudill
Jewel Tackett Collins
Susan Aldrich
Joyce Ramsey
Lawrence Collinsworth
Sara Kruse
Murray Edwin “Buddy” Combs
Carol Combs
Nancy Shepherd Combs
Women Republican Organization of
Central Kentucky
Sarah Combs
Barbara Proctor
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Victor E. Comley
Ben & Sara Brown
Mary Lou Byrd
Alma M. Conner
William Buckner
Imogene Cook
Maxine Hedrick
Margaret Anne Hall Cook
Andrew Baird
The Bevins Family
Mrs. Martha Brandenburgh
John & Trudy Burkhard
Miss Dora Dean Collins
Judith M. Elswick
Bill & Carol Enright
Mrs. Marta Ferguson
Linda M. Glass
Chip & Sarah Hastie
Ed & Beth Hastie
Ann Todd Houlihan
Mrs. Michael S. Houlihan
Anne M. McMillin
R. Lee McMillin
Suzanne & Fred Karem
Paul & Dana Koshgerian
Clarence W. Lybarger
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde McConnaughhay
Mary P. McMillin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Neclerio
Jeana C. Oldham
Jayne C. Perkins
Rebecca & Steve Phipps
Louise B. Price
Mary A. Raider
Kathy Reeves (Sister of Eleanor
Patsy B. Rich
Adam & Amy Samples
Jenny Lou Shirley
Susan Traylor
James E. Wilburn
Joan, Mary, Alice & Daisy (Sims)
William Edward Cooksey
Steve & Carolyn Logan
Mary Cooper
Martha A. Hauser
Darlene Scudder Cordray
Henry & Betty Jo Klette
Margaret Cassella Corio
Helen Cangiano
Elizabeth Corio Parsons
Paul L. Corio, Sr.
Helen Cangiano
Mrs. Elizabeth Corio Parsons
Kilbern Aldon Cormney
Mr. & Mrs. Rollie Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Shannon Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Goins
Mr. & Mrs. Harland Lenox
Mr. & Mrs. Ellie Mertens
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rockas
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. W.C. Vice
Don & Julie Webb
Emily Marie Cornett
Mrs. Joyce M. Childers
Grace Elaine Cornett
Glenn Cornett
Charles Nelson Cosby
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Baylous
Max Fiscus
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Harp
Denise Sisk
William & Bonnie Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Vice
Dwight & Betty P. Wells
Claude C. “Buddy” Costigan
Emily & Jeff Bishop
Glen & Barbara Bottoms
Bruce W. Brooks
Jan Butzer
Larry Elliott
John S. Feamster
Mrs. Verna M. Johnson
Scott & Kathy Kimbel
Ken & Julie Ledford
Sue McEvoy
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Mefford
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Mefford
Janice Mefford
Julia N. Offutt
Peaks Mill Christian Church
David & Kyra Quarles
Ms. Terry Quarles & Mrs. Nancy
David & Mary Sanderson
Leonard & Janice Webb
Ward & Betty Young
Johnnie Couch
J. Eric Schonblom
Roberta Sosby Crawford
Marilyn Baumgartner
Mr. & Mrs. Custer Blair
Mrs. Heidy Goodpaster
Doris Whaley
Glynn N. Creamer
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Dixon Barr
Alex Johnson “Ike” Cress
Mrs. Sheila Arrowood & Family
Elizabeth M. Gardner
Barbara Barker & Family
Doris L. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Brown
Betty B. Cress
The Cress Family:
Kit Cress
David, Sheryl, Jason & Brendan
Ralph & Mary Lee Hampton
Carol Harlin
Tony, Amy, Jordan, & Cassie
Carlton, Linda, & Dusty Gay
John & Ruth Ann Palumbo
C. Norman Pash, DMD
Mrs. R. Vince Sayre
George & Margaret Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James Simms & Family
Chris Taylor
Gordon, Dorothy, Cathy, & Anna
Curtis R. “Reggie” Crutcher, Jr.
Philip G. Halley
Margaret Parrott Cunningham
A.C. Cunningham
Ruth Mann Cureton
Archie W. Elliott
Suellen Flora
Reva Sizemore
Rita Dell Hollan Deaton
Charles E. Deaton
Goodwin Thompson Dempsey
Fred W. Burch, III
Marjorie Fields Denniston
Lonnie & Patricia Conley
TI Group Automotive Systems
Clarence Michael Denton
Crossroads Community Church
Ronald Sachs & Jan Hunter
The Peck-Hannaford & Briggs
John Carlos DePreist
Reda Quillen
Katherine Ann Thompson
UKHealthCare, Chandler
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard R.
Sandra Chambers & Joseph
Ms. Kathleen G. Kopser
Ms. Janice Marks
Lorra & Richie Miracle
Dr. Kevin Nelson &
Catherine A. Nelson
Ann & Greg Smith
Dr. Carol L. Steltenkamp & Dr.
John F. Jansen
Diana & John Weaver
James Roberts Derrickson
Wellesley Heights Neighborhood
Association, Inc.
Karla G. Curry
Patty Delia
Doris Ann Dettmer
The Meisberger Family
Jim & Jean Thinnes
Linda Clay Curtis
Window World of Lexington
Reva Hymson Diamond
James J. Levenson
Garrett Powell Courtney, Jr.
Emma Kendall
Sandy & Jerry Rhodes
Paul L. Daley
Arnheim & Neely, Inc.
Bobby Wayne Covert, II
Hector & Joan Salvatierra
Stephen Glenn Dampier
Bill & Joan Dampier
Earl Covington
Bonna G. Covington
Bill V. “Papaw” Davis
Vicki L. Butler
Margaret Cox
Maybard Baker
Frank “Smoky” Morris
Carolyn Davis
Gary Payne
Frank Graves Dickey, Sr.
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Dixon Barr
Betty L. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. David Bensema
Judith C. Brandenburgh
Mrs. Gene C. Bunnell
John & Trudy Burkhard
John F. Collins
Norwood Cowgill, Jr.
Bill & Frances Cox
Joseph C. DeLong
Jane W. DeMartini
Edwina Featherston
Liz Harper
Faye W. Herman
Jim Host
Ann Todd Houlihan
Norma Hylton
Carmella & Ray Harnd, Jr.
Thomas J. Josephsen
Mrs. Ed Lander
Bill & Sue Lickert
Phyllis J. Lorman
Ginger & Dan Martin
Mayfair Village Resident’s Council
Elise Meyer
Stewart Couch, Jr.
Siglinde C. Couch
Albert Coulter
Mary Lee Coulter
Mary Hyatt Cox
Guy Hyatt
Norman Thomas Cox
Anna Lois Cox
Ollie B. Coyer
James S. Simpson M.D.
Irma Carter Cozine
Margaret Jo Shockley
Ida Lee Lindsay Craig
Daniel Roller & Adele Dickerson
Myrtle Elizabeth “Boots” Davis
Kerry Smith
Pat Witt Davis
Chris & Jessica Gousha
David Owen Dawes
Cleteus Dawes
Twila Mae Dawes
Cleteus Dawes
Richard E. Dearinger
Mrs. Barbara Dearinger
Clyde Deaton
Mava & Gail Branham
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Michler
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Patricia C. Moore
Mike & Carol Morgan
Ridgely Park
Peter Perlman Law Offices, P.S. C.
Joseph & Patricia Petro
George Dale & Ann Robinson
Harriett Rose
Virginia J. Rose
Gloria W. Singletary
Susan & Lynn Spruill
Miriam Stambaugh
Rich & Linda Stampf
Samye & Darryl Stith
David & Kay Switzer
Mrs. Emily J. Thompson
Thursday Bridge Club:
Ms. Alice Baker
Ms. Ann Combs
Lois W. Haydon
Mrs. Frances Nickell
Mrs. Alice O’Connell
Ms. Nancy Robinson
Ms. June Stevens
Mrs. Anne P. Turner
Bettie Tuttle
Sam & Carolyn Ware
Susan Ware
Mary Wells
Deloris Disney
Clyde Disney
Daniel Leo Disponett
Project SAFE Members
E.C. Dixon
Rebecca Faye Combs
Linda Flynn
Meriwether Wash Hall
Bill Hurley
Frances “Mae” Dixon
Irene Beardsley
Everyone at KCTCS OD-HR
James Dobson
Lavila Dobson
Joseph W. “Ed” Dolan
The Family of Ed Dolan
Herbert Taylor Dorsett
Faye E. Acord
Dr. Mike Courtney
Mr. Charles M. Dorsett
Linda, Charlie, Abby, & Clay Gorton
Phil & Connie Harmon
John Hilliard, Jr.
Barbara Nash
Julian & Mary Tackett
Bob & Thelma Warren
Andrew Dotsey
Ed & Tommie Baylous
Greg & Erica Carnes
Elizabeth Cordy
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Hargett
David & Marilyn Irvin
Juddmonte Farms, Inc.
Stephen & Joan (Dotsey)
Debra McVicker
Mr. Scot Miller
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
E.W. Owens
Mary Ann Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Slatin
Jackie Smith
Elaine Speck
Julia G. Taylor
Carol Voss
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Winn
Linda McCullough Downs
James & Darleen Carpenter
Leggett & Platt
Marilee M. Raymond
Stan & Iris Walton
Nannie Elizabeth Weaver Elvove
Marilyn E. Crouch
Rita Chappell Duvall
Mrs. Lewis E. Hill
Dorothy Emanuel
Pam Beasley
Dan & Janice Goodwin
Gramps & Shirley
Pearl Stinnet Fain
Dianne & Joe Curtis
Jimmie Curtis
Robin Fain
Bonnie R. Nichols
Corrine Nichols
Jay & Candace Ward
Miriam Engelberg
Joseph & Judith Engelberg
Richard C. Faries
Betty & Howard Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Calvert T. Roszell
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Scott, Jr.
Jess F. Snowden
S.O.S. Tripoley Group
Rebecca Storey & Nelson Woolcott
Claude W. Trapp
White Oak Village Condominium
Association, Inc.
J.C. Wilhoit, Jr.
Howard & Pat Wilkirson
Bert Epperson
Ms. Lisa Foster
Hattie Lynn “Nan” Faulconer
Kimberly Faulconer
Eloise H. Flora
Benny & Donna Foley
Dale Epperson
Ms. Lisa Foster
Ronald Earl Feeback
Mary Jo Sullivan
Melvin Owen Flora
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Katie Epperson
Ms. Lisa Foster
Nancy B. Feild
Colleen Kane
Mary Etta Epperson
Ms. Lisa Foster
Gayle Peter Feilen
Thomas H. Bushman
Dean & Kim Hedger
Mr. & Mrs. Earl McBrayer & Family
The O’Connell Family
Bob & Marilyn Prosise
Linda L. Whitaker
Margaret G. Hunt Florence
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Alexander
Joan Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brady
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Brady
Jane & Brent Clay
Sue & Jack Clay
Clifford Shumate Family Foundation
Pam McCarty
Carolyn Moore
Neighbors of North Middletown &
Victory Road:
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Blankenship
Rodney Brierly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Forsythe
Ms. Serena Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Hutchinson
Ms. Carol Laytart
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Milam
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Slone
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Smits
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Thornton
Billy A. Williams
William Workman
Kay Shumate
Barbara C. Tobin
Dorothy R. Young
Roland Franklin Duvall
Jessie P. & Roy Gay
Robert Nicholas Eads
Edna B. Eads
Dorothy “Dottie” Lee Drury
Sharon Nighbert
Billie Jean Earnest
Allyson Hatton
Emery F. Mayes
Steve & Diane Searcy
Carolyn Dianne Poynter
Gary Payne
Joyce Knauss Easton
Chris Grantlin
Michael Robinson
Richard Layne Dunavent
John G. Dunavent
Walton A. Grisham
Andy & Carrie Hamon
Nira W. Holt
Peggy Hyland
David & Jamie Prewitt
Charlotte Vance
Tami K. Zigo
John Owen Eaves
Martha Bain Rice
James Ronald Duncan
David & Mickey O’Neill
Mary Jane Madden Duncan
Frank & Jane Gettler
James J. Levenson
Mr. Orman R. Wright, Jr.
Mary Louise Sutherland Eaves
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bassett
Brenda & David Craig
Anne Gay Donworth
Mrs. Charles Lathrem
Martha Bain Rice
Lillian Sutherland
Pat Sutherland
Elmer Wilgus “Wig” Edmondson
Mrs. Carolyn Reed
Steve & Lana Trent
Jayne Wells
Marvin Dunn
Joyce & Steve Toney
Anna Jean Edwards
Rock & Sue Mills
Lewis C. Williams
James Tilden Durbin
James & Carol Straub
Edyth May Hanks Edwards
Daryl & Judy Crawford
Cecil Elmer Durham
Bob & Juanita Rice
Pauline Tracy
Marianne Kapnas Edwards
Mary Louis Heathman
Louis M. “Sonny”, Joretta & Mitchell
Irene Stone Dutle
Barbara L. Brossart
Audrey M. Brown
Martin Dutle & Denise
Mike & Debby Dutle
Judy Grout
Gwen Lange
Mary & Michael Marcon
The James Martis Family
Denise & Ed Ratterman
Jim & Teresa Ritter
Dale & Alice Saner
Steve & Amy Tischner
Mrs. Joyce A. VonBokern
Bettie Wahlbrink
Jenny Ward
Dave & Barb Woeste
Jeanetta Gay Duvall
Joe Gay
Roy & Jessie Gay
Nettie Jagendorf
Doug & Patty Marshall
Ida Mae Marshall
Saundra Morris
The Family of Barbara (Bates)
Ruth Ehlman
Mary Jo Ehlman
Virgil Eldridge
Mrs. Bernadette & Charlie Dugan
James E. Elery
Helen Elery
Kenneth W. Elliott
Charlotte & Michael Baer
Lucy & Alfred Crabb
Helen M. Drennon
Carl & Esther Henrickson
Pat & Michele Parks
Ms. Jane Stanger
Ruth & Robert Straus
Lois Elliott
Dr. Patricia Howard
Olvie Elliott
Caudill’s ClimateMaster, Inc.
Ann Elliston
D’Ann & Don Nelson
Louis Elvove
Marilyn E. Crouch
Mary Jane Epperson
Ms. Lisa Foster
Carl Alvin Erbeck
Ms. Dana Bradford
Richard G. Ernst
Leonard Berenfield
Tom & Bobbie Brennan
Dan & Debbie Bundy
CCCC, Cell Group
Marcia Krendl
Marion J. “June” Ethington
Harold & Jean Asher
Laurie D. Barbee
Kentucky Lighting & Supply, Inc.
James Etscheid
Michael & Jackie Etscheid
Leona Pitcock Eubank
Rachel Eubank
Marianna Young Eubank
Sue & Jack Clay
Don & Jeanette Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Foster Ockerman
Robert Duane Evans
Margaret Evans
Ottolyn I. Tissing Evely
Daniel W. Lambert
Jan McKinley Ewalt
Peggy P. Arnold
Betty Jo Garrison
Mary Ann Hayes
Miss Linda Herzog
Patricia A. Jones
Donna M. Perkins
Michael & Edna White
Marjorie F. Wornall
Marti S. Wornall
Bettye Faggioli
Stanley F. Zawacki, Jr.
George Faggioli
Stanley F. Zawacki, Jr.
Franklin D. “Howard” Fain
Betty Black
Virginia S. Fender
James C. Fender
Mary Jo Cooke Finley
Sandy Levy
Marisol L. Fitzpatrick
Susan & Bill Voelker
Nellie M. “Peggy” Jones Fizer
Ms. Jane Ray
Audrey F. Stivers
Evelyn M. Flaig
Mr. & Mrs. John Braun
Tom & Judi Broering
Jo Catiller
Tom & Marianne Davidson
Jean L. Harmeyer
Marylou Heck
Donna & Jim Heise
Bernice Powers
Tom & Debbie Samples
Caren Sheanshang
Donna Stegner
Peter J. Stern, M.D.
Mary Tischner
Jim & Joann Weyer
Jean Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Luther B. Caldwell, Jr.
Carolyn Heinz
Linda L. Fogle
Paul C. Fogle
Anna Mae Foley
Mrs. Ellen W. Cox
John “Jack” Flege
Joyce E. Flege
Eden Kathleen Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson
Eugene Flood
Thomas R. Beatty
Maggie & Bob Bohan
Mary Anne & Jim Brown
Robert M. Clinkinbeard
Marian H. Congleton
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Corman
Carolyn C. Gabbert
Dean & Melissa Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Jones
Jane R. Justice
Mimi C. Lewis
James J. Mulloy
Charles D. Rhodes, Jr.
Leslie Rhodes
Margaret Roberts & Wayne Roberts
Eugenia Eloise Griffin Foley
Bill Roberts
Mrs. Betty Ann Sharp
Taul Funeral Home
Maurice A. Foley
Mrs. Ellen W. Cox
Robert W. Forester
Mildred Hall
T.A. Miller
Mary Burgett Fossitt
Mrs. William Hippe
Edward C. Foster
Ms. Lisa Foster
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Ben Baylis Fowler
Eleanor R. Fowler
Madeline Fryman
James E. Fryman
Mary Gallup
Stephen Gallup
Donald W. Goins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Matthews
Irma Jane Fey Fox
Ancel & Suzana Bell
Lucy Jenkins
Sayre Christian Village, Friendship
Towers Residents
Rose Ann Daniels Fryman
Chris Mosley
Messer Construction Co.
Kathy Noonan
Helen Schreiner
Molly E. Schreiner
Lisa Willenbrink
Judith Ogdon Gardner
Joseph H. Gardner
Carl W. Gold
Nancy Parvin
Donna Reynolds
William Richard Gabbert, Jr.
Anne E. Flood
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hanna
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Dorothy Noland
Sheridan A. Gasson
Greenpoint Metals, Inc.
Rev. & Mrs. Edward W.
Emily Morgan Gaddie
David & Debbie Williams
Russell H. Gaunce
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Florence
Trim Masters, Inc.
William Dean Fox
Linda & Lee Squires
Linda Fraley
Ervine Allen, Jr.
Joann Allen
Karen Deaton
Jack & Vivian Niece
Eugene Francis
Ella M. Fugate
Virginia Frishe
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard E. Burch, Jr.
Leslie & Janice Marshall
Marilyn B. Oberlin
Kathryn Williams
Dollie G. Galbraith
Mary Augustyn
Karen & Tim Bailey
Ms. Charlotte B. Baker
Judy & David Blakeman
Mrs. Betty Blomquist
Linda Brown
Jill & Glynn Burke
Missy Byars
Betty Chisholm
Paul & Michelle Clements
Jane Combs
Jack & Sue Conley
Calvin D. Cranfill
Edith Davis
Billie Earnest
Galbraith, Medley, Mudd, &
Al & Conni Galbraith
Sandy & Bob Godecker
Patti & Walter Grubb
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Charlene Harris
Phil & Mary Ellen Harris
Ms. Anne Harrison
Steve Heartsill & Teri Heartsill
Carl & Carleen Herde
Jane Hopper
Donald Lynam
The Marcum Family:
Gretchen Brown
Andrea Gottler
Paul Marcum
Philip Marcum
Vanda O’Reilly
Jim Mastin
David & Penny Medley
Mary Nixon
Lynne Prezby
Roberta D. Reynolds
Elaine Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shenk
Joan C. Shinnick
Mary Ann Springer
Samye & Darryl Stith
Judith H. Stump
Ed & Mary Jo Votruba
Paul & Monique Winther
Yum! Brands Foundation &
Executive Team
Betty Lou Showalter Fritsche
Mrs. Richard Fritsche
Ruth Kirsch Gall
Beverly J. Glenn
Florence Francis
Janet Baseheart
Mildred Frank
Warren Frank
Fannie Mae Franklin
Del & Martha Carr
Mrs. William R. Duncan
Anne & Ed Griswold
Geneva A. Johnson
June D. King
Mrs. Betty Terry
Bonnie, Sharon & Karen Thomas
Sam & Jewell (Ritchie) Wagoner
Mrs. Katharine Wagoner
Richard A. Freberg
Mrs. Jeanette Pabian
Will G. Fredrick
Tony Frederick
Mark D. Fredwest
Virginia R. Hamen
George L. Freeman
Ms. Barbara Minton
Vernon Townsend French
Carol Banks
Joyce C. Campbell
Edythe Harrod
Eugenia Holman
Dorothy O. Pickett
William Fricke
The Fricke/Ritchie Families
Naomi Kepman Friedell
Janet N. Friedell
Jack Friedman
MSE of Kentucky, Inc.
Mary Ruth Friend
Robin Pauline Fain
Ursula Garrett
The Thomas & King Family
Curtis Albert Garver
Robert & Carolyn Figg
Julia Pacey Gay
Betty Lee Pacey
Leonard J. Geiger
Matina M. DeRosa
Joyce Geiger & Michael Larimore
William R. Gerhardt, Jr.
Lawrence & Patricia M. Bierman
Dewey Wayne Gibson
Rita L. Collins
Lucy Weddington Giles
Charlene Cheatham
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Eggen
Hubbard Construction
Bonnie Lugar
Carlene Perkins
Steve & Mary Rankin
The Valvoline Company
Ruth Knight Gill
Margaret & Sam Bruno
Nettie Fay Glaspie
Brian & Betty Nolan
Betsy Jane Crotty Glasscock
Mrs. Jane L. Combs
Peggy Jean Wakeland Glavaris
Brigitte Fliehman
Tasha & David Mann
Susan Scott Tavis
Lynn Weak
Mary Jane Reagen Glenkler
Mary Lou Camborn
Pamela A. Lonkard
Angelia Reed
Lida Mae (Montgomery) Gobber
The Scarlett O’Hatters of Frankfort,
Margaret McCroskey Goff
The Howell Family
Mrs. Edwin McCroskey & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCroskey &
Richard A. Goff
Sinclair Nursing Faculty
William Earl Golden
Rachel Blevins
Mr. Earl G. Cathorall
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Tatesbrook Baptist Church
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomas
Virginia Caldwell Armbrister
Mr. Leo F. Gubser
Mary Jane Gunning
Marlene A. Gunning & Family
Christine Guy
Leona M. Smith
Geraldine Gamble Grant
Dorothy Noland
Jean Linn Morrison Hackett
Jenny & Dan Brock
Col. & Mrs. Sam Bruno
Mary & Biff Campbell
Lee H. Carroll
Mrs. Charles Cole
Jane Combs
Tom & Luanne Crehore
Dick & Barbara Domek
Joyce H. Frank
Elizabeth Gillis
Jeanne S. Guffy
Phillip & Nancy Hoffman
Ben C. Kaufmann & Janet Zusman
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Keller
Owen & Rachel Lewis
Manheim Fort Lauderdale
Manheim Palm Beach
Elise Meyer
Mrs. Patsy Newsome
Bernice M. Pederson
Peter Perlman Law Offices, PSC
George & Helen Robertson
James V. Rocco
Marianne & Harold Sherman
Michelle M. Tuyn
Ruth Greb
Francis J. Greb
William C. Haddix
Mr. & Mrs. Bill C. Horton
Louise H. Greeman
Bill Barrett
Taylor Davidson
Ms. Dolita Dohrman
Joe & Patti Hyman
Kentucky State University,
Department of Literature,
Languages & Philosophy
Sue & Steve Lynch
Jane Kohl Hagedorn
Selma Blachschleger
Nancy Cooley
June Fisher
Marjorie Fuldner
The Hassons
Phyllis Houp
Ruth Imhoff
Betty Klein
Virginia Kohl
Marian Kramer
Virginia Neff
Mrs. Jane Reusch
Kay & Garry Southard
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tharp
Ms. Gloria D. Wendling
Ken & Corinne White
Cora J. Goodrich
Lois Pritchett
Harvey Goodrich
Donna & Rocky Reynolds
Louise A. Goodwin
Robin Dixon
Nancy E. Gorman
Lynn Karas
William Howard Gough
Don & Vicky Dixon
Garnett “G.D.” Graham, Jr.
Stuart E. Brown
Richard & Jayne Gragert
Jean & Grundy Janes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Lovell, III
Ms. Hope McCreary
Bruce & Vicki Wilson
James Donald Green
Lois A. Hippe
Mildred Brunker Green
Harold Mattox
Walter Greene
Norman Severin
Darrell Gregg
Scott County High School - Class
of 1961
Carl Milton Gross, Sr.
Nikki R. McCauley
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
William J. Grout
Alen Streutker
Alvena Joan Grover
Greg & Viki Grimme
Patricia Hall Grugin
Bluegrass Basketball Association
Hubert Dale Hagen
Ms. Janice Thomas
Irene Hobbs Haggard
Billie M. Conway
Ms. Louise Harlow
Mr. Harvey Helm
Iva Jean Watts
Jack H. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Crittenden
Patricia H. & Alan Finder
Mike & Karen Hale
Norris Kemper
O’Neill Branch Librarians
Newman Road Friends & Neighbors
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Celelia Ella Hanek Halfhill
Connie Kostelnik
Bernic Lee Harris
UPS Delivery Drivers
Harry Edward Hall
Carolyn & Bob Barbera
Jim & Marsha Caton
Ruby J. Merriman
Debbie Roark-Sutherland
Janet & Charlie Wiebke
Gwendolyn Dereita Harris
John Angermayer
Janie G. Catron
Judith W. Clarke & Christine Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hunt
Reyna K. Pratt
Mr. Jeff Sharp
Mrs. Valerie R. Taylor
The Deacons & Sojourner Truth
Church Family
James Hall
Mildred Hall
George R. Hall, Jr.
Ricky & Patti Dixon
Joseph Marion Hall, Jr.
Harold & Carol Spurlock
Robert Allan Hall
Linda Hall
Vivian S. Hall
Earlene H. Arnett
Tom & Polly Fullington
Mary Higginbotham
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lynch
Mrs. Mary R. Spencer
Ann Christine Egalite “Teeny”
Robert Ham
Linda C. Hamilton
Mike & Patti Aldridge
Michael & Zona Babb
Calvin & Sybil Kelley-Vice
Martha Irene Hansen
Harold L. Hansen
Michael C. Harbour
Oscar & Marta Mendiondo
Ernest Patton Hardin
Mrs. Marjorie Barnett
Broadway National Bank Officers &
Wilma B. Crutcher
Faith United Church
Steve & Teri Heartsill
Jeanne Marks
Paul & Pati Ray
John Husdon Hardwick, II
Randy Kemper
John M. McDonald, III
Charles H. Moore, II
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Philpott
Don & Julie Webb
Mary Hedges
Patricia Hollingsworth
Norma Jean Stidham
Anne M. Scott
Don & Julie Webb
Woodlands of Lexington
Dillard Heflin
Betty H. Jones
Rosemary Ann Highland
Ray & Jan Wells
Roy & Juanita Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Williams, Jr.
Doryce W. Wise
Lois H. Wise
Joyce Wither
Eileen M. Heil
Jan Taylor
Kenneth Dykes Hightower
Alma Jo McGuire
Charles Anthony Holder
Mr. & Mrs. Stoner Parsons
Laverne Hildebrandt
Barry Hildebrandt
Eliza Holiday
Nick Hoskins & Family
Jewell Kiger Hiler
Patrick Ballard
Oral Hollar
Carol & Ron DeWitt
Martin & Toni Ann Garvey
Ralph Garvey
David Elliott Hart
Mary Jo Kincer
Lawrence E. Hein
Ed & Carol Brun
Kathy Daudistel
Jack & Beauer Denham
Ralph & Shirley Holt
Mike & Sue Maxwell
Pinnacle National Bank Friends
Western-Southern Life Insurance
Company, Claim Department
Martha Hart
Mary Jo Kincer
James Edward Hendrickson
Edna Hendrickson
Kathleen Jordan Harrison
Janet Ruth Jordan
Patricia Sullivan Hart
Ms. Kathy Sullivan
Darline Henry
Sandra Henry
Harry A. Hartman
Greg & Shirley Schopmeyer
Gail Dobson Henry
Julius F. Kozerski & Doris M. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Craig McAnelly
Anna Mae Hash
Mrs. Diane Kidwell
Charles Hatfield
Lee & Missy Evans
Fount Gibsons’s Children & Betty
Janet Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Juett
Mr. & Mrs. Gale Means
Donald B. Haupt
Fidelity Investments Finops Team
James S. Murphy
Carol Rizzo
Jimmie Royce Hawkins
Betty L. Elrod
Donnie & Shannon Jump
Richard & Nelda Keith
Jennifer Schott
Gil & Anita Sea
Nellie Simpson
Steve & Lana Trent
Paul Stewart Hawkins
Lavon Hawkins
Victoria Krohmer Hay
Greg & Viki Grimme
Harold B. Hare
David Hare
Robert C. Haydon
Darlene Smith
Evelyn Hastings Balle Evans
Mr. Harvey Helm
Marjorie W. Hayes
Mr. Raymond B. Hayes, Jr.
Wendell Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Harper
Danny McKenzie
Ransom Onie “Buddy”
Elmarch Missionary Women
Mrs. William O’Neal
Claude C. Hazlett, M.D.
Dorothy T. Baxter
Barbara A. Dean
Barbara Potts
Gerald F. Healy, II
Sharon Nighbert
Alex A. Hedges
Mary L. Hedges
Michael Henry
Sandra Henry
Frank Henson, Jr.
Robert Gendreau
Norma Henson
Ms. Donna Redmon
Leroy Philip Herb
Margaret Adams
Clyde (Bud) Baxter
Marian Broomall
Barbara L. Brossart
The Grothaus Family
Helen Ryan Hering
The Ruth Hering Roth Family
William Miles Hering
Jeanne Strobel
George “Bob” Heringer
Mary Sue Bauer
Geneva Bockerstette
Ruth Bowling & Family
Bill & Dorothy Darlington
Dorothy Jean Heringer
Bobby & Jina Huck
Joe & Beverly Jennings
Paula Linser
Rick & Debbie Reynolds
Virginia Elizabeth Durbin Hiler
Jewell K. Hiler
James “J.B.” Hill
Margaret Hill
Judy Stevenson
Russell Hill
Lynda Dizney
Shannon & Scot Jones & Family
Brooke Morrison
Kenzie & Jason Schneeberger
& Son
Sherrill M. Stein
Peg & Gene Teater
Rita & John Tingley
Thomas E. Hill
Mike Listerman
Harold Hines
Tiffany Kaiser
George Reising
Henry H. Hingst
Stephanie & Jane Brady
Georgetown Church of the
Nazarene, Inc.
Danny Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. Griffith
Philip L. Lester
Ann E. Morgan
Lucy & Peggy Stivers
Gene P. Hitter
Mrs. Barbara Hitter
Donna Hitter
Anita Hockensmith
Duard Hockensmith
Lois Eileen Houston Hodel
Lloyd G. Hodel
Edward R. Hodgetts, Sr.
Susan & John Stempel
Thelma Louise Herlihy
Laura Herlihy
John Stephen Hogg
Bernice Tucker
Betty Bewlay Sweeney
Claude & Josephine Brown
Mary M. Dawson
Mary Davis & John Dicken
John S. Douglass
C.V. & Mo Ethington
Gail H. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. John Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Keller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Philpott, Jr.
George B. Holcomb
Robert Botkin
Eula M. Glass
Don & Ruby Gritz
Lavina A. Hughes
Mr. Arthur C. Kurz
Marjorie W. Moore
Trey & Rosemary Moore
John Roberts
J.D. & Ginger Wells
Ruthie & Jimmy Wells
Robert Hollencamp
Cary & Madelyn Twyman
Keeley K. Hollingsworth
Ann Rea Anderson
Joan & Earl Bandy
David Benish
Lynne Birmingham
Leigh H. Bloomfield
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bohmer
Bruce & Debbie Busbey
Harry & Louise Bush
Gayle Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Coleman
Buzz & Mary K. Collins
A.S. de Movellan
Ben & Jean Duggan
Jacqueline Evans
Aaron & June Greenwell
Donna J. Hasz
Highlander Class International
Sarah W. Hoe
Betty B. Hollingsworth
Eben Hollingsworth
Annie & Andrew Jacobs
Mimi & Bill Jacobs
Thomas L. Jeffers
Mr. John Johnson
John & Kate Johnson
Susan, John, Cyd, & Betsy Kanis
Kevin & Cindy Kelly
Debbie & Frank LaBoone
Louisville Sailing Club
Sally & Dan Luck
Sheila S. McFarland
Hub Metry
John A. Palumbo II
Betsy Papania
Steve & Martha Seithers
Patrick J. Serey
Bob & Sid Shanklin
St. Joseph Hospital, Managed Care
Mary & Andrew Steckbeck
Debbie & Bill Turner
Elizabeth Turner
Tutt, Inc.
Kelly VanHoose
Kenney Yoder
Velma Hollingsworth
Thetus Brewer
Carolyn & Johnny Summers
Cassandra Holmes
Rolland & Georgette Cote
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Harold Wayne Hopkins
Mr. Jon E. Frederick
Mary F. Herrington
Wedco District Health Department
Richard Arnam Hulette
Alice B. Blanton
Don & Julie Webb
Georgia Hull
Pat Walls & Family
Mary P. Hopkins
Beverly Muegel
Donna Lea White Humston
Frances C. Gorham
Colonel Eugene A. Waterfill, USAF
Delvia Albert Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan
Helen Patricia Horne
Franklin County Diabetes Coalition,
Jimmy Dale Hunt
Ruby Hunt
Rhonda Winters
Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Witt
Valerie Jester
Mr. William J. Jester
Daryl L. Hyatt
Mrs. Doris M. Hyatt
Diana Woodside
Ruth Sharon Salyer Jeter
Brett Baker
James & Darleen Carpenter
Lucy Catlett
Janet Corrigan
Bo Maguire
Sean Maguire
Dr. & Mrs. John Tooker
Jackson Guy Hyatt
Guy Hyatt
Mary Catherine Hyatt
Guy Hyatt
Anna Lee Curtis Ingram
Ms. Anna I. Wright
Robert Lee Horne
Erlanger United Methodist Adult
Florence Volunteer in Police Service
Anne Gaunder
T. Lou Shelton
Sandy, Kim & Jason
JoAnn C. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gray
Anne Marie Hogg Hurst
Jo Hurst
Roy Isom
Ann M. Hill
Ann Russell Hill
Lillian R. Rachelson
Raymond Hoskins
Mae M. Hoskins
Harold G. Hurst, Sr.
Jo Hurst
David C. Jackson
Mrs. Pamela Wink
William T. Hoskinson
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church, Session
Deloras Eastman Hutcherson
Clarence & Revonda Duncan
Tom & Ann Griffin
Bette C. Roberts
Wilmona Sheets
Mr. & Mrs. George Southworth
Debbie Hall Jackson
Annette Covault
Julie & Jimmy Stone
Woodrow Wilson Hourigan
Willard & Mary Ann Cole
Mrs. Jane E. Hourigan
Connie M. Houston
Charles & Jean Cooper
Brian & Kelly Hill
Sherry Jones McCann
John & Terri Vest
Barbara Ann Hover
Don & Carolyn Weidner
Edith Coles Howard
Fred W. Burch, III
Mrs. Jessie Gatewood
Helyn Elizabeth Mears Howard
Dick Baumgartner & Liz Salzer
Ms. Elizabeth H. Demoran
Mr. Marsh R. Howard
Marion Kasky & Family
Joyce Moore
Mr. & Mrs. George Werner
June Kelly Howard
David & Patsy Howard
The June K. Howard Family
Audrey C.W. Mauk
David Walstad
Kathleen Wynn
Leona Howard
Debra Smith
Treva Howard
Harold & Barbara Cornett
Bill Herbert Huckaby
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Harry & Nina Faulkner
William R. Huffman
Mrs. Ella Roberson
Nada Gardner Hughes
Mrs. Verna M. Johnson
Mattie J. Hunter
Jane H. Ireland
Deborah Gilkison Hutchison
Roy & Bobbie Benson
Gary, Sheree, Robby, & Zach Boston
Holly G. Brady
Joyce Carpenter
The Conder Family
Mr. Connell
Clara Ann Dozier
Susan & Mark Drury
Kenneth & Clara Flora
Billy & Maxine Gilkison
Chris & Melissa Harrod
Martha Louise Hill
Eddie L. Hounschell
Impact Graphics, Inc.
Sharon Irvin
William Irvin
Mark Isaacs
Gwen Johnson
Jack & Sue Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Johnson
Mary Beth Kiger
Arlie & Norma Kissick
Mary Holly LeCompte
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Marshall
Mrs. Dan Mason
Janet McClanahan
Melinda McGlone
Steve & Logan Minning
Mary Sue Mitchell
Patsy Mitchell
David & Nancy Lu Prewitt
Quebecor World Customer
Cindy G. Rankin
Ruth D. Richardson
Brenda Seiferth
Sharon & Dan Shorr
Beckie Slaughter
Denise Sisk
United Bank & Trust Co.
Kathaleen Wasson
Bazel Isaac
Hilda Isaac
Maybelle D. Jagger
Binford & Boyd
Mary Reinert
Debora Sharkey
Ray Jarvis
Kathryn Jarvis Follett
Juanita Jasper
H. C. Jasper
Margie Beihn Jefferson
Mary Gleason
Peggy Messer & Don
Tammy Tyler & Ken
Beverly Wilson
Carrie, Dan, Dave, Debbie, Jeanie,
John, Nick, Ron, Tom & Van
Jerry Jenkins
Jera Eudy
Colby Melville Jenkins, Jr.
Ms. Lee Boyd
Mary Ann Bedel Jenkins
Edna DeMoss
Lora Funicelli
Brian & Beth Griffin
Della Kensella
Betty Leahy & Family
Dan & Diane Ossege
Beatrice Pryor
Gayle Sell
Silver Bells & Beaux
Eleanora Smith
Phyllis A. Jenkins
Patsy Newsome
Sandra L. Purvis Jennings
Freddie Hockensmith
Jasper E. “Jay” Jennings, Sr.
Pam & Gene Cloyd
Jackie, Jeff, & Taylor Owens
Rhonda & Robert Scharfe
John N. Triplett
Grady Patrick Jobe, Sr.
Carpetland Carpet One Floor &
Margaret Clay Bibb Johns
Nancy Breiner
Lilburn Fain
Douglas Payne Johnson
BB&T Insurance
Jeff Fairchild
Patsy Newsome
Phillip & Joan Robinson
Dr. Curtis Sousley
Norma Thurman
Don & Julie Webb
Mr. Brian L. McLaughlin
Wanda & Jim Thompson
Joanne Trammell
Victory Christian Church
Josephine M. Walker
Louise & Cliff Winter
Anna Mae Jones
Melinda B. Simpson
Billy B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bobbitt
Sam & Helen Milburn
Mrs. Shirley Riggs
Marguerite Ryan
Estil T. Jones
The Doan Family
Mr. & Mrs. William Doan
The Gunther Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Jones
Geneva Dickey Jones
Ms. Phyllis Layne
Glenn E. Jones
Big Bone Baptist Church, The
Faithful Followers Class
Edna Mae Arnold Johnson
Tammi Jarboe
Hugh V. Jones
Steve & Kathy Kinkel
Elizabeth Ann Baber Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Key
Jeffrey Lynn Jones
Elizabeth M. Bonnette
Mrs. William R. Duncan
J.L. & Valerie Eldridge
Tancy Finkbiner
Freddy & Linda Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hiles
Frank & Margaret Honaker
Insight Employees & Vendors
Elaine Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Jones
Eleanor A. Lawrence
Barbara Leer
James & Dorothy Jo Mastin
Henry H. Salyer
Douglas & Barbara Sharp
Lois T. Shaw
Bonnie, Sharon & Karen Thomas
Pat & Eugene Thomas
Raymond & Pat VanHook
Mrs. Marjorie F. Wornall
Mrs. John B. Wyatt
Ethel Virginia Waugh Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Beason
Mrs. Jessie Gatewood
St. Paul United Methodist Church,
Walter Ruth Sunday School Class
Hazel Katherine Johnson
Jamie Carol Hamada
James E. Johnson
Donna Johnson
Jean Brice Brown Adams
Melissa B. Kennon
Marie C. Johnson
Joe W. Droege
Mary Edna Johnson
UK Payroll Department
Mary Louise Johnson
Mary Lee
Mrs. Anne Leaumont
Judy & Dan Terrell
Pamela S. Johnson
Tammi Jarboe
Timothy Johnson
Mimi C. Lewis
Jo Ann Miller
Sallie Chiles Johnston
Rodes E. Coleman
Frances W. Holladay
Wanda Bruce Jolliffe
Sherry Johnson
Sandra L. Karli
Nancy Kesten
Cindy & Kevin Kewin
Johnnie M. Jones
Mrs. Jim Curtis
Olive Fleming Jones
Betty Hughes
Jamie Keene
Kevin Keene
Maurice Keene
Randy & Cindy Johnson
Ms. Vicki Keene Tackett &
Kroger Brannon Crossing
Ray Clifton Jones
Ryan & Jane Woodward
Wallace B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Dan W. Boggs
Della Burka Jordan
Earl & Frances Balden
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Betty Hall Joslin
The Betty Joslin Family
William J. Joyce
Joan & Keith Key
Harriett A. Shaffer
Icy Judy
Eddie & Carolyn Judy
Nettie P. Judy
Morton Judy
Anita Sue Justice
East Kentucky Power Employee’s
Stella E. Juszek
Susan A. Dodge
Paul Kappes
Dr. Larry Brennan &
Karen Enzweiler
Dawson & Joan Davis
Betty Drake
Mary Beth Golden Ganote &
Ken Ganote
Mary Lou Halpin
Monthly “Poker Club”:
Bill Detzel
Joe Hoffman
Jerry Kohls
Jack Murphy
Jim Rolf
Gene Zenni
Patricia Laber
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Menke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Semancik
Patricia Steffen
Department Primary Care
Governing Council
Loretta McArdle
Debbie Mooney
Maria Peninger
Mrs. Mary Ann Robinson
Alyce Stifter & Dawn Lueders
Raymond King, Jr.
Juanita King
Ethel Prewitt Benton Kelly
Paul Benton
Mabel Kirby
Pamela Stacey
Orville Almer Kelly
Bobby & Wanda Carr & Family
John W. Connor, Jr.
Gay Cotter
Susan Curtis
Mrs. Barry Honican
Brenda Hubbard
Clyde Kelly, Jr. & Family
Ron & Patsy Kelly & Family
Nancy Korb
Don & Patricia Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Rollie Marshall
Edward & Geneva Moss
Tom & Cledith Smith
Leonard C. Spigle
Mr. Don Taylor
Jim & Juanita Welch
Anna I. Wright
WW Tax Service, LLC: Stephen
Weafer & Sharon Watt
Donna Kelly’s Sunday School Class
Phyllis Kirk
Mary Louis Ball
Elizabeth Sulphur Rector Kemp
Directorate of Special Operations
Aviation, Fort Bragg, NC
Greta Karmire
Sandra Henry
Catherine Knight Kennedy
Karen Greenwell
Mary Ann Hatton
James R. Karsner
David & Kyra Quarles
John M. Kennedy
Sally Kennedy
Michael Otis Keeton
Shirley & Buck Steffen
Jackie Lewis Kidwell
Mrs. Diane Kidwell
Betty Keller
Sue & Phil Courtier
Eleanor Dean
Peggy & Dave Deisch
Robert & Flora Finn
Bobby & Diane Jones
Roberta “Robin” Mary Smith
Ms. Jane McCord & Ms. Melissa
Mary Lou Philpot
Effie Kincer
Mary Jo Kincer
Judith Ann Kelley
Janet Fox
Elizabeth Cavanagh Kelly
Avon Products: Gary Cohen,
Human Resources, Supply
Avon Products: Chris, Mike & the
IMI Team
Avon Products: Claudia Poccia
Jane & John Belt
Geralyn R. Breig
Cardiology Associates of Lexington,
Direct Selling Association
Mrs. Julia Douglas
Edward E. Gage
Gail Iampieri
Ann L. Jones
Sandy Levy
Lexington-Fayette County Health
Irene Kinder
Denver Kinder
Douglas Reynolds Kindred
Pathology & Cytology Laboratories,
Elizabeth K. Williams
Virginia Gray King
Jacque Critchfield
Woodson Curan King
Frances King
Jeffery A. Kirst
Mrs. William Frede & Family
Janet Lynn Kiser
Mr. & Mrs. Boone Logan
Billy Shell & John Kerr, III
Dorothy Honican Kitchen
Sharon Breault
Kelly Burgess MD, PLLC
James & Darleen Carpenter
Barry R. Honican
The Johnsons
Sandy Levy
Chester Muir, CPA
Phyllis Peters
Don & Jenny Sundberg
Dorothea Turner
Gene & Virginia Warner
Reba R. Woodall
Florence A. Klaserner
Mary H. Lemker
Cindy Jennings Kline
Rabbi Marc Kline
Virginia Lee Klink
Daryl & Judy Crawford
Sallie & Jerry Crawford
Mr. David Hartley
Ron & Mary Jane McCulloh
John & Teresa McWilliams
Bill & Adrienne Robinson
James Klump
Janet Fox
Sara V. Korsak
Nicholas R. Korsak
Palma Sola Bay Yacht Club Inc.
Marlene Tynski
United Bank & Trust Co.
Jennifer Kozsey
Mr. Lee A. Kozsey
Helen Harrod Kurylock
Mrs. Jessie Gatewood
Barbara Jean King
Edith Bell
Michelle Tipton
The Vance’s
Llewellyn Kyle
Commonwealth of Kentucky,
Disability Determinations:
Chris, JC, Jim, Jim, Joann, Julie,
Karen & Tracy
Bridgette “Peggy” Aufderheid
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Mary Jane Gray Lagrew
Comfort Keepers
Mr. & Mrs. Fon Rogers, II
Geraldine King
Billy & Jennifer King Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Slone, Jr.
Beulah Broughton Lamb
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Bradshaw
Bruce W. Brooks
Gary Lee Crumbaugh
Susan Martin
Ellen & Charlie Moore
Wilma Yeary
Saint Elmo Lancaster
Mortonsville Fire Department
Woodford County Fair Association,
Charles “Dick” Landers
Joan Buckley
Ron & Donna Diehl
James F. Eichmann
Heyman Talent Agency
Dennis & Laura Kennedy
Jim & Janet Landers
Cincinnati Bell, Carrier Services
Bertha Haegele Lee
Mrs. Ann Hiance
Palmer Ray Lee
Dan Albertson
Herma Lee Preston LeMaster
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Faris
Joann Behymer Lenhof
Kenneth Lenhof
Rose Lee Kurtz Lewellen
Nancy & Larry Rowe
Sandra Gayle Landrum
American Venture Industrial Co.
Bonnie Ruth Lewis
Billie Buchanan
Martha Greene
Bettie Hammond
Lawrence D. Lewis
Penny & Greg Lewis
Dottie Ratz
Homer Rose
Clifford Ray “Cap” Langley
Jess F. Snowden
Charles R. “Buddy” Lewis, Jr.
Betty Lewis
Sandi Lang-Nagel
Charles R. McMannon
Mabel Williams Lewis
Genevieve Clark
Harry & Betty Hargis
Miss Kathy Renaker
Elizabeth H. Stull
John Scott “Jack” Lansill, Jr.
Patricia A. Rowland
Lillian Joan “Billie” Larsen
Roger & Donna Webster
Martha May Larson
Gretchen M. Brown
Samye & Darryl Stith
Sarah Faulkner Lewis
Mary “Lady” Wallace
Albert Li
Jennifer Barber
Eugene B. Latham
Darlene A. Lichtblau
Mr. Gerhard Lichtblau
Genevieve Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Calvert
S.H. “Fat” Lindon
Donna Combs Lindon
Patricia Ann Maynus Lay
Ruth Burgess
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Carmichael
The Coopers: Michael, Tammy,
Tyler & Kyle
Grogan’s Healthcare, Inc.
The Ricketts Family: Lee, Lois, Lee
II, & Lisa
Robert F. Link
Don & Julie Webb
Elizabeth Frances Payton League
North Benson Baptist Church
Savannah Michelle Little
Hettie E. Simpson
Pearl Leathers
Brenda Duff
Jane Goff
Maria G. Livingston
John M. Johnson
Nellie M. Kester
Herbert Livingston
John Bruce Ledford
Amy Brown
James & Darleen Carpenter
Mary Helen Casey
Thomas P. Collins
Marie Houlihan
Tom & Patty Kissel
David & Sharon Ledford
Kathy Maupin
Jim & Nancy O’Neill
E.W. Owens
Mr. Michael Schnurr
Juanita Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Williams, Jr.
Frankie Jean Lightfoot
Fred W. Burch, III
Alonzo “Bud” Linton
Bruce W. Brooks
Janice Ruth Lipuma
Lexington Healing Arts Academy
Susan Marie Thomas Logsdon
Barbara Grossman
Mrs. Ruth O’Daniel
Louise Price & Hance Price
Price & Judy Smith
Clifford Long
Barbara & Tommy Martin
Leigh A. Long
Mrs. Norma L. Ecklar
Margaret Geneva Cains Long
Gary & Lynn Chilton
Mr. Dan Dismukes
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Judy & Greg Edwards
Mary Morgan C. Hunter
Mary King
Patricia L. Nighswander
Miss Ruby Williams
Margaret Katherine Reed Long
Lu Ann Hawkins
Carol Peddicord
Vernon Turley Long
Betsy Givens
Gray Construction
Elizabeth Jane Jonczy
Catherine Manor
Stacey & Rett McGoodwin
Park United Methodist Church
Ann H. Robinson & Ambrosio
Robin Lee Sayers Loos
Happy “100” Seniors
Pediatric Associates, PSC
Katherine Handris Louskos
Jane Combs
Harriet & Leon Cooper
Philip Carleton Louttit, Jr.
The Andersons, Inc.
Don & Linda Dehnert
Rich & Pam Earnest
Ed & Sybil Eliasen
Mark A. & Jean M. Elste Family
Foundation, Inc.
Brent & Lisa Estes
The Fraire Family
The Frammartino Family
Timothy J. Gallagher
Roberta Kregel
Dick & Janet Martin
Lorraine Martin
Jim & Nancy Melka
Reinders, Inc
Jan & Sandra Smoljan
Carole H. Suter
Lois H. Wise
Leota Lowery
Steve & Lois Jeffrey
Lannie Lucas
Maria Winter
Enid & Jim Winters
Judith Ann Lude
Rick Hayden
Charles J. Ludwig
Jess F. Snowden
Flora H. Paschen Luggen
Sharon Faust
John & Jeanene Ficker
General Electric Co-workers
Julie A. Hewetson
Dan & Nancy McGinley
The Ruff’s: Mary, Eileen, Bill, Mike,
& Pat
Mr. Howard Schumacher
Donna L. Strittmatter
Mr. Doug Teagle
Robert Teagle
Russ & Robin Thompson
Joseph Smith Lusby, Jr.
The Hintons
Jo Ann Miller
June F. Lyons
Mary Ann Turner
John Machal
Mary Lee Curtis & Toni Curtis
Katherine Baker Machesney
Mrs. Jean Burner
Ben Kaufmann & Janet Zusman
Arthur Gene “Tuff” Maddox
Mildred Maddox
Kevin & Sharon Ford & Family
Ms. Bertha Neal
Ms. Karla Southworth
Mr. Harry E. Walsh
Evelyn Marston
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
Betty Lewis
Werner Willie “Opa” W. Martens
Jim & Elisa Christian
Alice Faye Carter Martin
Joe David Martin
Vickie Cheryl Flora Malone
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Elizabeth A. Windland Martin
Debbie Barnes
Gera Hampton
Mr. Michael T. Hill
Kara Morris
Sharon M. Pellas
Carolyn T. Sauer
Betty Webster
Charles R. “ Tweedle” Mangione
Bill & Gigi Bailey
Margaret Kuster Martin
Mr. & Mrs. C.K. Kiser
June Nall Marcum
Martha J. Anderson
Jeffery C. Baker
Bluegrass Association of Insurance
Pauline Britton
Connie Brooks & co-workers at
Gretchen, Andrew, Gabriel & Ruth
Deede Byrne
Nancy Clayton
Phyllis Culp
Barbara L. Curry
Peggy Eubanks
Green & Halliburton, Inc.
Ruth Ann Herzog
Hospice of the Bluegrass Cynthiana
Bill & Polly Jackson
Susan H. Johnston
Vanda M. O’Reilly
Ms. Amy Quinn
Analy Scorsone
Ernesto Scorsone
Phyllis S. Smith
Arthur Solomon
Cindy Susienka
Systems Design Group, Inc.
Mr. Robert Walker
Sue & Bob Weant
Martha Woodside
Julia C. Young
Paula Louise Alexander Massie
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Antrobus
Alissa L. Baxter
Mrs. Patricia Bingham
Bullock Pen Water District
Deborah E. Collins
Sandra S. Conrad
Peggy Gamble
Joy & Larry Glassmann
Edna Groger
Bonnie Jacobs
Carol & Vern McKinley
Veston & Carol Messer
Arlene Palmer
Patricia Parnell
Reapers Sunday School Class
Linda Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. David Sechrest
Kerry & Nancy Vest
Marie R. Vest
William M. & Leola C. Waller
Joe & Nadine Webster
Lloyd Mahanes
Mrs. Iris P. Mahanes
Mickey Mallory
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Key
Zachary Blake Marcum
Gretchen M. Brown
Deede Byrne
Ann Cary
Judy H. Stevenson
Caroline M. Smith Marshall
Mary Byars
Pauline England Marshall
Mrs. Mary Lois Brunker
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Buckler
Ron England
Sara Nell Bodkin Mastin
Rick & Lenell Mattox
John “Jack” Masur
Mrs. Wilma J. Busby
Mrs. Robert (Charlotte) Deming
Anne Deming
Betty L. Douglas
Edward & Patricia Fay
Jeanne Huey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kramer
Sharyn & Ron Mallicoat
Betty Mingus
Constance R. Portale
Roy & Pearl Randall
Mary D. Riddle
Mark A. Roberts
Donald Schumacker
Ronald L. Schwieterman
Harold Varnau
Patricia A. Walsh
Stu & Nancy Weiser
George I. Matlock
David Aubrey
Dee Aubrey
John & Gail Aubrey
Mr. & Mrs. H.H. Michelson
Kimberly Mattox
Rick & Lenell Mattox
William E. Maxwell
Mary K. High
Loyal Boosters Club
Mary Mendell
Cy Schaeffer & Sally Williams
Tammy & Rick Schroder
Walt & Karen Terrell
Dennis Franklin May, Sr.
Shadwell Farm, LLC
Eleanor Jeanette Mazzoleni
Dr. Doris Baker-Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Grable
Carol & Paul Mandelstam
Dr. Jacqueline Noonan
Ruth Schumacher
Samuel R. Scott, M.D.
Mary H. Versaw
Martin F. McAllister
Howard & Patti Figg
Mervin D. McAnally
Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Johnson
Leigh New
Judy Williams
Patty Ann Ford McBride
Kimberly R. Page
Allen Wharton McCain
The Palumbo Family
John McCauley
Jean C. McCauley
Stanley Thaddeus “Pete”
Ellen McClain
Phyllis McCone
Ann Getting
Ruby “Sug” McDanell
Don & Betty Bishop
Melissa Kemper
Donn & Kitty Marston
D.A.R., John Guill Chapter
Ray & Bettie Shrader
Peggy Trinkle
James McDaniel
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 4075
Sylvia Buttery McDonald
Jennifer Gentry
Charles G. McEldred
Harold & Jean Asher
Bobby & Iva Small’s Barbershop
Bobby Cassady
The CIS Team
Shirley B. Cox
James Dale Creech
Genon Kaye Day & Bill Day
Daniel L. Downey
Miriam L. Gibson
Doug Hall
The Harmon Family
Marilyn Hynson
Jacqueline C. Mainous
Ms. Mary M. Patrick
Allene & Ken Taylor
Toyota HR Assembly Team
James Benjamin McElhone
Ruby Branham
Carol Jean Bell McFadden
Mr. Robert McFadden, Jr.
Marla McGaha
Mike & Donna Wagner
Tim & Debbie Wagner
William E. McGaughey
Mark & Brenda Gutzman
Grace W. McGaughey
Robert Earl McGlone
Betty & Kip Pool
Angela Marie Bella McGovern
James & Darleen Carpenter
Mrs. Dorothy McGovern
Joseph Francis McGovern
James & Darleen Carpenter
Mrs. Dorothy McGovern
Edmon McGuffey
Ms. Joyce Gabbard
Georgiann H. Duddey McHale
Sherrie & Marv Smoak
Georgia Ann Woolums McIntyre
Mrs. Rebecca R. Allen
Ben & Ella Troxell
James Edward McIntyre
Margaret McIntire Baker
George Ballard
Margaret M. Ballard
Fleming Mason Airport Board
George & Maxine Horton
Marion Washington County Airport
Phil Meador
Rosetta Mudd
Leroy Mudd
Mary L. Platt
Ben Prewitt
Joyce L. McKibben
Robert H. Aulick
Mary Jo Ehlman
Robert & Martha A. Schmidt
Smith & Jolly Landscape & Design,
Roger & Patti Stubbs
Dan & Paula Webster
Patricia L. Wright
William L. McKillip
Ann Hunt
Perry & Susie Whitling
Chuck & Cheri Wonderling
Max & Shelby Wonderling
Wilber Henry “Woody” McLellan
Allen & Anne Quandee
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Louise Lindsey Morgan McManis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hurd
Betty W. Lewis
John Gilbert McMichael
Susan E. Heinemann
Nora L. McMichael
Thomas L. McReynolds
Marlene Nace
Doug McSwain
Paul & Lois Bergmann
Tom & Barb Blitz
Clydeanne Blevins
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Dicken
Betsy Downard
George & Peggy Dramis
Jo Grover
Fred & Betty Jo Haas
Highland Country Club
Carolyn Honchell
Amberly Seibert-Jackson & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Naney
Jennifer Shockey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Supinger
Chip & Joyce Tappan
Target Management & Leasing, Inc.
Bill & Barbara Wagner
Terry W. Ensor
Mildred C. Kline
Roger K. Pendery
Rita Phelps
Yandell Schneider
Charlotte Thurman
Arlene Vaught
Whitaker Bank
Lucille Williams Mink
Eastland Church of God, Messenger
Sunday School Class
Mildred Crace
Norma Johnson
Margaret Mink
Pauline Loretta Mitchell
Joseph E. Greer
Elizabeth Ann Tillman “Betty”
Carolyn Honchell
Richard Moffett
Mike Blackburn
Bob Butler
Jerry Campbell
Joe Edwards
Dorothy L. Elliott
Thomas J. Gullett
Steve Kring
Frankie Langdon
Billy McIntyre
Stiles Miller
Debbie Puckett
Olena & Sandy Redmon
Josephine White
Doris W. Flanagan Meece
Patricia S. Rippetoe & Family
Doris V. Molhem
Josephine L. Decker
Mary Belle Meeks
Bob & Doll Lenox
Donna K. Ruber
John L. Molla
Mrs. John L. Molla
Rexie Baugh Milbern
Doris Tinsley
Howard Bradford Montague
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Bell, Jr.
Jane & Jerry Bennett
Blue Grass Stockyards, LLC
Mr. Stuart E. Brown
Gene & Doris Green
Gentry E. & Joyce J. McCauley, Jr.
Linda Meholovitch
Mrs. Ruth D. Richardson & Family:
Robert, Elizabeth & John
James D. Rouse
Mrs. Faye Shelton
Johnny Mac & Lucy Smith
Mrs. Mary Ann Montague Tucker
United Bank & Trust Co.
Betty L. Miller
Debbie Jones
Susan Michele Moody
Betty G. Moody
Robert Miller, Jr.
Margaret C. Gregory
Arnold D. Middleton
Essie Moore
Mrs. Wanda L. Combs
Raymond Francis Menning
Mrs. B. Menning
Wendling Printing Company
Alice Weil Mickler
Karen Greenwell
Max & Mindy Kovinow
Mrs. Jo Ann Miller
Ellen Waters
Robert Weil Migliaccio
Scott, Susan & Patrick Hill
John & Francis Martin
William Miller
Helen Halcomb
James Pearce Million
Dorothy Friedman
Beatrice R. Milner
Christine Brown
Hobert L. Milner
Bill & Chris Cropper
Ron Cropper
Jeremiah M. Moore
Juanita Bowles Moore
Pete & Phyllis Dublin
Ms. Peggy Frazier
Jere A. Griffiths
Opal Holland
Mary Elizabeth Moore
Roland East
Valerie Moore
Mary Beth Barnett
Barb Bricking Beiting
Doug & Linda Bezold
Rita Byrd
Pat Chapman
Tim Comer
Diana Jo Cummins
Betty Drake
Beverly & Bill Draughn
Patty, Joe & Jessica Dreyer
Espenscheid Plumbing
Bill & Donna Farah
First Baptist Church of Westcliffe
Faye Gateley
Carol Goldstone
Helen R. Heringer
Bill & Jenny Herrmann
Mr. Jeffrey A. Hickey
Bev & Steve Jacobs
Everett H. Johnson
Susan Kidney
Barb Laxton
Mary Jo & Frank Leirey
Betty B. Link
Leah Moretz
Melva Prather
Brenda Racke
Randy & Fran Reitman
Fay E. Runkle
Verna Sansone
Shirley A. Schultz
Melissa Smith
Patricia Stull
Judy Teegarden
Nancy C. Timmons
Joan H. Vaal
Laura Wahl
Judy Weinel
William D. Moore
Steve & Rhonda Hancock
Katie Hopkins
Jennifer Hosmer
Dot & Chuck Lane
Fern McDowell
Jerry & Mary Moore
Ms. Diana Roszkowski
Karen Simler
Angie Wright
William Nelson Moore
Anne Dora Hart
Kora Ormes Morgan
Natalie Barnes
The Garmany Family
Mrs. Lallias E. Hodge
Mildred C. Kline
Miss Phyllis A. Shaw
George L. & Evelyn Stephens
Norma & Bill Strasinger
Velma M. Crulo Statzell Morgan
Deborah H. Beeson
Boone County Democratic
Women’s Club
Jane Ann Giltner
Dare Miller & Earlene Johnson
Jerry Smith
Robert D. Teerink
Joseph M. Thomas
Billie R. Morris
Gary & Edna Morris
Emery Hugh Morris, Jr.
Dr. Rob Morris
Cindy Tucker
Jean Nebel
Western Southern Law Department
& Compliance
Donna Lee Nelson
Greg & Beth Crutcher
Kenneth Robert Morrison
Audrey M. Brown
Rudy & Karen Craig
John & Judy Hart
Northern Kentucky Coin Club
Social Security Administration,
Sunshine Fund
Mr. Ray Stewart
Dave & Susan Wald
Florence Newell Nelson
Janet N. Friedell
Mary Jones Morrison
James E. Morrison
Virginia Rose Nelson
Jim & Anna Adams
Donald E. Morton
Mr. Gene Toler
Oakie G. Newsome
Patsy Newsome
Margaret Francis Moss
Mrs. Jean Barnes
Mrs. Jane C. Johnson
Don & Anne Simmons
Joyce Overstreet Newton
Danita Shepard
Audrey Stewart
Margaret L. Mueh
Lexmark International, Inc.
Anna Louise Blanchet Mulcahy
The Benigno Family
Rose Marie Blanchet
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
The Esposito Family
Ms. Ann Louise Jones
Sue Carol & Bob McCullough
John & Mary C. McDaniel
Sue Ann & Jim Montemorano
The Penzimer Family
The Risicato Family
Mary Wynn Mullin
Linda S. Crady
Christine Mullins
Ms. Sarah G. McKee
Mrs. Nancy S. Rolen
Farrah Lindsay Yount Mullins
Charleen Combs
Ruby Douglas Samons Mullins
Molly Craycraft
Mary Ann Schlenk
Lucille E. Murrell
Debbie Murrell
Lawrence Gordon Myhre
N.J. Northrup
Eugene Daly Myles
Mrs. Edith Myles
Mildred Naegele
Kathryn Hinkle
Ann K. Nagy
Vida & Bert Laureano
Duncan MacDonald
Nicoma Bloodstock
Melissa Nazzarini
Lawrenceburg National Bank
Robert T. Nelson
Mr. Russell E. Baynum
Victor Nelson
Judy Logan
Veterans Park Elementary PTA
Veterans Park Elementary School
Ruby Frances McDaniel Newton
Patricia S. Sheets
W. Creighton Newton
Ms. Terry Quarles
Charles W. Nichols
Robert M. Jones
Mr. Thomas W. Keeth
Robert Lee & Virginia Martin
Ted Nichols
Andy & Barbara Ballash
Bourbon Jewels Red Hat Society
Ms. Janelle Fain
Ms. Carol Gray
Bill & Mary Ann Hayes
Kathleen Johnston
Sharon Maggart
Ed & Paula Marcum
Gary & Gloria Pendley
Janella T. Price
Lula W. Richard
Jason & Faye Wells
Karl Nielsen
Carla Blanton
William Noble
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Uana Noe
Nick Hoskins & Family
Peter John Noll, Jr.
Mr. an Mrs. Gene Schadle
Mildred B. Northington
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tway, III
Martin Hernandez Noyola
Nathaniel House, Inc.
Ward Jennings Oates
Jeneve & Harold Brooks
Mr. Leslie Moffett Clark
Eugene & Martha Cochran
Mrs. Kelley Hutcherson
Ken & Amanda Hutcherson
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Charles Kington
Donald M. Kington
Alex Miller
Mrs. Mildred S. Ruggles
Don & Julie Webb
Sarah Hutcherson Wing
Patsy Williams & Family & Doda
Bev, Barbara, Brenda, & Carol
Rankin Guyn Peel, Sr.
Tates Creek Middle School
Cafeteria Co-workers
Janet Hovekamp
Kentucky Swimming Inc.
Tami B. Kever
Lexington Dolphins Swim Club
New Friends of Northern Kentucky
Tonya Prats
Donald E. Smith
Dorothy A. Williams
Chase Matthew Provence
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dampier (Joan)
Stanley Plowman
Mae Dedman
Ardith L. Purnell
Ruth S. Purnell
Mary Lou Plye
Mary Ann Cariola
Donna Christos
Terrence E. Loftus
June Stokley
Lula B. Quillen
Mr. Donald L. Quillen
Cecil Glenn Osborne
Jim & Gerry Wyrick
Mary Evelyn Parsons
Joey & Clyde Baldwin
Carol P. Banks
Frankie & Glenda Brown
Kelly Fleckinstein
Barbara E. Goode
Mildred Marshall
Allen & Sandra Jackson
Lance & Lisa Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCall
Ann McKaig
Julia, Dickie Lloyd & Edna Grace
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Perdue
Pat Powell
Landon Gay Osborne
Jane Osborne
John & Kay Osborne & Family
Mrs. Hettie E. Simpson
Charlotte Patrick
Ronald Patrick
Donald J. & Patricia M. Schabel
Master Willie Schottler
Oscar Perkins, Jr.
Ann Perkins
Brenda W. Powell
George & Julie Sipple
Mary M. Thornton
Teresa “Terri” Osborne
Joe & Patti Hyman
David C. Patrick, II
Betty Lewis
Mrs. Marilyn B. Oberlin
Leslie, Laura & Mary Julia Yagel
Mabel B. Perkins
Sarah W. Baston
Carolyn Carroway
Joyce Tackett
Edna Mae Cross Patton
Gary Lee Crumbaugh
Winona L. Fletcher
General Legal Services- Claims,
Labor & Personnel Law Branch
GLS Managers
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gray
Nancy Hom
John & Gladys Johnson
Mr. Gary Lockett
The Rochell Family
Mrs. Cindy Howser Tucker
Benjamin Lewis Perry
Mrs. Wayne Goins
George Powell
Mae Dedman
Charles Edger Perry
Hisle & Company
Gwen Powell
Anita & Richard Broughton
Marilyn T. Hughes
Andy Russell
Thomas Michael O’Daniel
Kathleen O’Daniel & All Participants
& Supportors of The Tom
O’Daniel Memorial Golf Outing
Edgar Harding O’Nan
Memorial Baptist Church
Wilbert & Patsy Perkins
Robert L. Walter
Dorothy Jean Spaulding
Mike Osbourne
Ann Doris Hutcherson Otten
Lucy & Bill Eddins
Diane Goryl
Betty Metts
Larry & Marilyn Oberlin
John Lewis Owen
Margaret Wainscott
Deanna Lile Owens
Terry Crotteau
Mrs. Margaret (Midge) Yeagle
Lewis Marsden Owens
Cathie Liles
Julia A. Cardwell Pacey
Betty Lee Pacey
Willie A. “Teti” Paine
Betty R. Meadows
Kay Jennings Miller
Jack Palmore
Mrs. Joan Palmore Key
Mary Irene Deatherage Parker
Carole Webber
Rodney Parker
Stephen L. Parker
Patricia Whitton
Judith Ann Parks
Alice Edwards
William R. Gabbert, Jr.
Roy & Jeanie Labhart
Flora & Family
Leslie Meredith Parrish
Helen Gudmand
Mildred Hohmann
Tommy & Barbara Lanter
The Kenneth McCardwell Family
The Mary McCardwell Family
Lisa Gaye Paul
Earlene H. Arnett
Ruth O. Peelman
Roy E. Pelfrey
Nancy Sims
Beatrice Combs Pemberton
Carrollton Utilities
Keith Flanders
Phil & Karen Wilson
Jeanne Pemberton
John & Vicki Clark
Robin Edwards
Kenneth F. Perry
Joyce Perry
Norris F. Peters
Vicki McKain
Alma Jean Egger Peyton
Anne Laborio
Ballard Lovell Peyton
Anne Laborio
Mary Catherine Payne
Charlotte Brown
Horace & Pat Lorance
Clarice Harrod Phillips
Fred W. Burch, III
Earl G. Peach
William B. & Shirley H. Wash
Donald A. Phillips
Dale Mateyoke
William B. Peach
Adrian & Delma Arnold
Jesse Vernon Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dampier
Frances Pearlman
Donna Combs Lindon
Anna Gertrude Pick
Joe & Georgetta Towles
Jerry V. Peavler
Coleman & Helen Durr
Ms. Susan Durr
David Fleming
Sylvia Hayslett
The Landers Family: Emma,
Michelle, & Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Minch
Imogene Sims
Katherine Nancy Tarter
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Louise Bruner Peel
Judith Gibbons & Mike Staton
Melissa Hutchens
Mrs. Jenna Rae Peel
Fredrica Smith
Tony & Linda Stith
Mae Nell Harper Pitts
Gail H. Hart
James Pleasants
Virginia Blackburn
Nancy L. Bosch
Nancy M. Bridges
David Cox
Earl & Jo Cress
Anita Dietrick
Juanita Dougherty
The Hudelson Family
Phyllis Falace
Ron & Barbara Gartner
Robbynne Gumble
Ira T. Pope
Helen C. Mitchell
Amanda Powell
Mae Dedman
Bonnie Mims Powell
Carl P. Mims
Carl W. Powell
Nancy Fister
Harold Coleman Powell, Sr.
Joyce F. Rogers
Mahala Rawlings Power
Mrs. Carol Rawlings
Nancy Prater
Charlese Blair
Valerie Prater-Saurer
John Allen Price
Lyle Anderson
Sarah Borders
Sarah & Hunter Callahan
Franklin & Carol Caswell
Paul, Phil & Sharon Ecton &
George A. Fields
William & Gayla Hardwick
Christine Harney
Susan & Greg Hartsough
Johnson-Mathers Health Care
Administration, Staff & Board of
Susan K. Lovelace
Nicholas Post No. 17
Lucille A. Owings
Wendy Price
Kathie (Bonnie), J.D. & David Rutt
Kay Shankland
Francis H. Sheldon
David Tipton
Jimmie Tubbs
Jane Watkins
Tilford Dean Proffitt
Barbara & Don Wilder
Lawrence “Buck” Pryor, Jr.
Lora Funicelli
Beatrice Pryor
Charles Henson Pulley
Harry B. Miller, Jr.
Douglas Quire
D.O. Barringer
Roy & Mary Lee Collins
Lowell & Janis Goins
Skipp & Linda Gregory
Doc Moore
Ms. Terry Quarles
Emma & Freda Quire
Wanda Rayburn
Anne & Bill Rosson
Bettye Orme Quisenberry
Dana & Kyle Adamson
Sandy Baynham
Earl & Carolyn Cox
Crawford & Company
Bart & Barbara Daugherty
Nancy DeMarcus
LeeAnne Hadden
Jacque A. Hammond
Evan & Susan Hammonds
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley Henson
Jane E. Hourigan
Immanuel Baptist Church
Kentucky Baptist Fellowship, Inc.
Sharon McLellan King
The Knoblett Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard LeMaster
Midway Baptist Church, Fellowship
Janie & A.J. Powell, Jr.
Mr. John Prendergast
Ruth H. Ramey
Ms. Louise Sargent
Carolyn Siler
Ralph & Virginia Smith
Charles Rafferty, Jr.
Verna MacKenzie
Cynthia Salyer
Maureen Fay Raisor
Bourbon County High School,
Class of 1960
L.C. & Sue C. James
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Knox
Pulaski Central Staff
Anna Marie Roberts
Ralston Raisor
Mrs. Mildred Wiley Maddox
Linda Charles Rakes
Gene & Joan Althouse
Mrs. Amy Althouse
Calvary Baptist Church, Highpoint
Singles Ministry & the BIG
Sunday School Class
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Cornelius D. Dosker III
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Grundy, Jr.
Miss Kelly Kovach
Ms. Mary Sue Mitchell
Patsy Mitchell
Ms. Sheree Nelson
Ms. Judith Quire
Ellis Salem
Brenda Seiferth
John & Kathy Slaughter
Mrs. Reiko Stauss
Georgia Steres
Virginia J. White
The Neighbors:
Gary & Terry Bush
Jakob Bush
Emily & Jason Fint
Stephanie Houghlin
Sara Moore
Melinda & Brent Simpson
Vicki & Phil Yancey
Charles Mason Ralph
Libby Brown
Lee Carroll
Marie Houlihan
Alice & Lindsey Ingram
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Mooney
William Redmon
Paula J. Armstrong
Mrs. Carletta Cantrell
Crystalbrook Condo Association
Peggy R. Hutcherson
Ms. Pamela D. Miller
Carol Pohlman
Melvina Ralsten
Mr. & Mrs. John Frank
Donald B. Ralsten
George H. Reese, III
Sharron F. Patterson
Blanche G. Ratliff
Fred Ratliff
Dorothy “Dottie” Brock Rattner
Nancy & David Barbour
Hazel T. Bush
Pat & Deborah Milner
Marjorie M. Peirce
Lila Rauchman
Mrs. Beatrice Schumer
Mattie Ray
Mrs. Cora B. Stivers
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ray Stivers
Mrs. Kathy Wright
Leonard Charles Raymer
Susan & Bill Voelker
Joseph Russell Rearden, Sr.
Mary Blanton & Bruce Cotton
Jane & Carle Dyer
Mr. Thomas Wayne Goins
Patricia B. Gulley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hanna
Jan Hill & Critical Care Staff
Owen & Rachel Lewis
Jacqueline C. Mainous
Edna Land Naylor
The Sartini & Rugg Family
Mary E. Simpson
John L. Redding, Jr.
Alma S. Dunn
Evelyn B. Kemper
Hallie M. Redford
Malinda R. Bales
Kenya Eastman
Bernard A. Elmer
George & Jan Fowler
Cynthia S. Hampton
Brian Elmer
Nancy Franklin
Annie Franklin
Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 4075
Boyd & Jean Lawson
Erin, Adam, & Rylee Schaffner
Neal Settle
Jo Ann Tate
Ruby B. Redmon
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Leo Reis
Jim & Donna Reis
Margaret A. Reis
Jim & Donna Reis
Virginia F. Reising
Bob & Helen Bartlett
Gloria Pretot
Evelyn Stahl & Michael Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Sweigart, Sr.
James Desha Renaker, Jr.
Mary Katherine Renaker
Dale Sather Reynolds
Ms. Jennifer Reynolds
Frank Gray Reynolds
Barbara R. McKeehan
Janey Elizabeth Hungate
Jim Green
Mary Frances Guy
Marty’s Refrigeration
Donald & Dixie Reynolds
Bobby & Kathy Sams
Donald & Virginia Shewmaker
Barry & Sandra Welch
Clayton Richardson
M. Jane Richardson
Dorothy Montgomery
Cecil W. Richardson
Lucille Riddell
Robert Riddell
Rachel Mae Riddell
Sallie & Jerry Crawford
Jo Lee Bronaugh Riddle
Mike Bullock
Jeanie Herbst
David & Jane Hocker
Tonya F. Prats
Tessie & Children
Floyd H. “Buzz” Riggins
Don & Julie Webb
Nancy Jane Hall Rigsby
Thelma L. Glass
Emma Riley
Steven Haddix
Janis Baldwin Riley
David & Renee’ Roberts
Caleb Norris Ritchey
Paul West
Billy Joe Ritchie
J. Michael & Johnetta Kearns
Rita Looker
Mr. Bruce Wall
Bridgett Rhnea Ritchie
Hershell & Mildred Ritchie
Velma K. Spicer
Paul Reynolds Ritchie
Caudill’s ClimateMaster, Inc.
Zelma Rae Cunningham Ritter
A.C. Cunningham
Alene Roberts
Elizabeth B. Barnes
Ed & Matha Burns
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
Ruby Opha Smith Reynolds
Chris Jason
Edward Roberts
Ruth McGinnis
Jean Rhein
Tom Ferguson
Charlotte Gertler
David L. Kaiser
Elizabeth Ann Mohr
Elizabeth Pence
Edward A. Roberts
Mrs. Louise F. Bryans (Mrs. John T.)
J.W. & Mary Ann Davis
Edward E. Gage
Jim Host
David C. & Nigal Lagrew
Jerry & Debbie Roberts Lovitt
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McCord, Jr.
James J. Mulloy
Anna L. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Scott
Doris Shouse-Nemore
Jeanie C. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tyson
Franklin D. Rhodus
Joe & Ileana Norsworthy
Gary & Brenda Renner
Eunice Katherine Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Willie R. Bourne
James H. Rice
Willie & Reba Bourne
Charles Angus Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Fay Woods
Marion Roberts
Laura Jones
Dabney Overton Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Robertson
Frances M. Robertson
Charleen Combs
Robert L. Harris
A.J. Robinson
Susan D. Foster
Annetta Mae Robinson
Chris Grantlin
Michael Robinson
Gracie Wilson Robinson
Liza Levy
Hubert Lee Robinson
Billie Sue & Keith Abbott
Mr. Garnet Carter
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Metcalf
James Denis Roche
Laura & Jason Youngworth
Carl “Coddie” Rodgers
F136 Engine Project Department
Don & Mae Rodgers & Family
Kelly A. Speier
Kathryn “Kakie” Rodgers
Mrs. Virginia “Gigi” Stewart Bailey
Delno Rogers
Norman Atkins
Harold D. Rogers
Gary L. Slusher
John Robert Rogers
Joyce Leininger
Sally Ellen Orr Rogers
Bob G. Rogers
John A. Rogness
Mrs. Denise Ballard
James A. Barger
Edith W. Brummer
Dorothy Cate
Tom Cate
Beth Evans
Ms. Margaret Foley
James & Patricia Gerber
William & Sally Grossnickle
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Murray
Patty & David O’Daniel
Mary R. Parker
Dennis & Ginny Parr
Public Service Commission
Linda & Chloe Secord
Ann & Bob Thurman
William Jackson “Jack” Roland
Laura Roland
Randall S. Roll
Bill Roll & Rolane Appliance &
David Rooke
Betty & Greg Freedman
Dixie Rose
Cecil K. Rose
Edward K. Rosenberg, Sr.
Steve Rosenberg
Sophia Caroline Routt
Audrey Warner
Sheldon Rovin
Carol & Paul Mandelstam
Herbert H. “Pete” Royse, Jr.
Mrs. Hugh C. Adams, Jr.
Donna Allen
An/Dor Reporting & Video
Lorraine Apperson
Stuart Bennett
Anita Britton
Judy Burris
Ms. Denise Burton
Marion Campbell
Paul F. Campbell
Pam Clay-Young
Paul & Judie Cooper
Nancy Corman
Jamie Delladio
Lavila Dobson
Drug RX Mart
Robert & Carolyn Figg
Niki Gibson
Richard Griffith
Mary Agnes & Lonnie Hatchel
Richard Hay
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Holbrook & Family
Gene & Ann Hoten
Tracy Henningsen
Brent Johnson
Kentucky Association of School
Louis Kawaja
Law Offices of Robert L. Parks
William M. Lear, Jr.
Sharon K. Lykins
Roger & Tracy Madden
Dr. & Mrs. Don Martin
Joe David Martin
Evelyn H. Morris
Lorrie Neeley
Ann & Bob Nicholson
O.P. & Jean Nicholson
Jennifer Oles
Peter Perlman Law Offices, PSC
Kendrick R. Riggs
Ms. Jennie Rockridge
Hugh Scott
Speiser Krause
Dana & Trip Stephens
Tate Hill Jacobs Architects
Bill & Barbara Thomason
Elgan & Betty Wardlow
Natalie B. Watt
Albin & Katie Whitworth
Huston Willis
Mrs. Roger D. Wilson
Bettie Zent
Edgar Lee “Rusty” Rust, Jr.
Bob & Carol Eads
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Feddars
Mr. & Mrs. Stoner Parsons
Mr. James E. Prater
Kay & Mike Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Taylor, Jr.
The Wornall Family
Anna Good Andrews Ryan
Ray & Linda (Andrews) Layton
Neices & Nephews (Children of Carl
Carl & Linda Andrews, Jr.
David & Rosie Andrews
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Wayne & Cynthia Parson
Edward & Diane West
Martha Reed Perry Lundgren
Ms. Joyce B. Sisk
Lenora Spicer
June Stokley
Marilyn Thurman
Frances D. Tuttle
Wilma E. Rydz
Terry D. Buckner
Christ Church Apartments
Residents Associations
Gwen Conley
Jane E. Hourigan
The James Family
Sara K. Sauer
Mrs. Nancye R. Evans
Fred Sauerbeck
Ms. Rita Sauerbeck
Diane E. Safarik
Robert P. Hart
Irene Sauerbeck
Ms. Rita Sauerbeck
Claude Sallee, Jr.
Lucille Sallee
Zack C. Saufley
Eleanor R. Fowler
Don & Julie Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Yessin
Elinor Mae Sampson
Mrs. Betty Harrison
Ruby B. Figg Sanders
Howard & Patti Figg
Della Pearl Saunders
Mr. Tommie E. Flora
Ms. Evelyn Napier
Mr. Roger Riddell
Mrs. Erlene Young
Charles H. Sandlin
Eileen Sandlin Ingram
Donna M. Sanzenbacker
Jacqueline Banta
Terry, Diana, & David Buelow
David & Frances Carlin
The City of Southgate
Gary, Greg, Steve & Wayne Combs
Roger G. Hehman
Glenn & Patty Heiert
Michelle Kahut
Eileen Steele
Sandy Robinson
Paul & Dorothy Kaul
Steve & Candy Meyers
Larry & Bev Ossege
Jerry & Joyce Sanzenbacker
Ray Sanzenbacker & Family
Shared Vision Advisors
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Vogel
Pat Williams
Margaret Ellen Shelton Saunier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Codell
Janet Lee
Carol Tuney McConnell
Wilson Coleman Sauteben
Martha W. Anderson
Mrs. Marie C. Glover
Kathy & Art Gorman & Family
Karen & Dwight Hoch & Family
Robert C. Johnson
Stacy Kress, DMD
Owen & Rachel Lewis
Nelson Maynard
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Royse
Mary Ellen Sargent
Mark Davis
Carole Jackson
Terri Leake
Sherida Moore
Gina Ruark
Lee Ruffner
Carol Russell
Betty Gardner Satterly
Carla F. Arnold
The Bridge Club
Ann M. Brown
Ms. Elaine Butler
Dr. & Mrs. Glyn Caldwell
Mrs. Lois J. Clark
Frances P. Coleman
Commonwealth Insurance Co., Inc.
Mickie Craft
Linda Y. Curtin
Franklin County Board of Education
Charlotte Hoover
Cheryl Hughes
Mr. Lindsay E. Hughes
Mr. Lindsay H. Hughes
Michael Hughes
Mrs. Verna M. Johnson
Dorothy S. Jones
Juniper Hill Ladies Day Golf League
Thelma Ensminger Scearce
Ms. Alice R. Conner
The Alan Durham Family
Mr. Tom Eddy
Ruth & Bill Ferzacca
Carolyn Grisdale
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Grisdale
Mr. Jeffrey S. Howerton
Ms. Kathleen Hrdlicka
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Jones
Aubrey & Karen May
Shirley Merchant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Potter
Saturday Water Aerobics Class
at LAC:
Jane, Jeff, Jill, Libby, Rose,
Linda, Robin, Betty, & Barbara
Greg & Susan Scearce
Shirley & Frank Scearce
Patricia S. Scheidt
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Scott
Ellen Silver
Hugh & Carrie Silver
The Nancy Silver Family
Joanne Skiera
Mr. Dylan Sullivan
Wabtec Passenger Transit
JoAnne Virginia Schaber
Patrick Brown
Carla, Tim & Olivia Hildebrand
Shirley Popham
Kristin & Kristan Schlueter
The Shaw Drive Neighbors
Robert Charles Schaber
Patrick Brown
Carla, Tim, & Olivia Hildebrand
Kristin & Kristan Schlueter
Margaret Schadle
Schadle Eugene, Ann
Kathy Schell
Tina Lynn
Dante Schiavone
Tina Schiavone
Helen Schiavone
Tina Schiavone
Mary Jane Schilling
Cosmetic & Implant Dental Center,
Doctors & Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Landau
Ms. Eileen Moorman
Kathy Uetrecht
Sherrida Phillips Schimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby W. Covert
Melvin L. Schulman
Karen Schulman-Bear
Herbert L. Schultz
Mary L. Straman
Stanley H. Schwartz
Nancy C. Bigham
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Crawford
Peggy Foster
Kentucky Medical Services
Foundation, Inc.
Ron & Betsy Rogers
Ruth Sloan
Bruce & Connie Waespe
Mr. & Mrs. William Young
Bruce W. Schweitzer
Citizens Bank of Northern Kentucky
Jack & Jo Mallery
Margie Minning
Al & Judy Schneider
Barb & Tom Thompson
Francesco Giulio Scorsone
Michael W. Satterly
Howard William Scott
Pamela Jarvis
Larry Gordon Scott, Jr.
David Scott
Madlyn H. Scott
Darrell W. Bradley
Marjorie Rush Scott
Richard Campbell Scott
William Wayne Scott
Logan Scott
Deborah Scrivner
Dale Mateyoke
Harry Sherrow
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Patricia Scroggins
Roscoe & Nevada Burden
Bob & Jeanne Guffy, Pam & Page
Mark & Susan Hoffman & Family
Joan Quinn
Peggy & Rob Schutzman
Larry Joe Shields
Elkhorn Class of 1955
Mary Evelyn Seals
United Bank & Trust Co.
Ruth Lee Searcy
Virginia C. Luscher
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Tropoulos
Martha Whelan
Harold Sefcovic
Donald Sefcovic
James L. Shipp
Liese Coleman
Thomas D. Kay
Brenda & Gary Raney
Hubert Shipp
Martha Shipp
Kenzie K. Showalter
Laura Jones
Marilyn Jo “Jodi” Showalter
Laura Jones
Jack R. Sellars
Nina S. Sellars
Billy Joe Shrout, Sr.
Kelley & Wanda Pennington
Tom & Ruth Hall
Wanda Roberts
Mrs. Mary E. Speer
LTC David Waddell & Famly
SFC Patrick Waddell & Family
Kate Sergent
Norma Dixon
Sally Shuler
Alice Blanton
Linda Steele Sergent
Don & Julie Webb
Harry L. Shuler, Sr.
Alice Blanton
James A. Sexton
Ingeborg D. Sexton
Rose Carol Shumate
Robert Autenrieth
Ms. Rogers Barde
Tom Belt
Melva Kovach
Helen B. Rutledge
Kay G. Shumate
Bruce & Carol Snowden
Bob & Carol Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Hobart Spivey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edward Watson
Margaret Sefcovic
Donald Sefcovic
Joseph R. Seybold, Sr.
Betty Colliver
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Dedman
Carol Graff
Margaret Lake
Bettye Reed
Frances Sharp
David & Jeanie Jones
Alice B. Patrick
Ann C. Shearer
Mrs. W.R. Buntin
D&A Exhaust
Dee Jays Auto
Dwaine & Rita Green
Mrs. Helen R. Hamilton
Lillian Letcher & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Letton
Catherine Miller Wells
Anna C. Marshall Shearer
Anita Elam
Dr. & Mrs. Horace T. Hambrick
Paul & Dana Koshgerian
Melvia Lou Lancaster
Lawrenceburg Bank & Trust
Marie Moore
Rose Marie Sheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vaughn
Charles R. Sheeler
Thomas D. Douglass, Jr.
Carlis Lee Shelton
Mrs. Faye Shelton
Delila Rucker Sherrow
Dickie & Caroline Collins
Sally Siegmundt
Linda Bohl
Matt Briner
Rob & Debbie Burkardt
Carole J. Coggins
Mr. Matthew Davies
Susan Dunn-Fangman
Deanna Haught
Peggy Kurz
Beth Luensman
Marty Pfiester
Annette & Bob Rose
Dawn Stinson
Joyce Underwood
Dale K. Sigmon
James J. Mulloy
Ken & Marty Schoeny
Richard & Beverly Schroer
Susan J. Stiles
Elizabeth Simon
Chris Simon
Ezra Francis Simpson
Mrs. Ezra F. Simpson (Hettie)
Hazel B. Howard Simpson
William Howard
Owen County Senior Citizens Club
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Robert Flournoy “Big Daddy”
Simpson, Jr.
Stephanie Cobb
Kathleen J. Crain
Alice W. Curry
Vicki Henrichsmeyer
John & Curly Hill
The La La’s
Thomas L. Lyne, Jr.
Bill & Shelley Phillips
Ms. Sherri Simpson
Jane H. Slone
Anne Thompson
Larry & Rose Trout
Troy H. Seale
Joann Gerard Sivils
Broadway Christian Church, Willing
Workers Class
Shirley DeBoor
Chris & Beverly Hillenmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar MacDonald
Beth & Jim Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Neuzel
Jeri & Ron Schubert
Bill & Alma Yeary
Julia C. Young
Henry E. “Gene” Smith
Carolyn Smith & Family
Charles & Patsy Smith
Jean Margaret Smith
Martha Cicci
Anna Bess Sharon
Cathy Tucker
Bernice Frye
William & Patricia Fryer
Margie Gray
Frances B. Jones
Larry R. Lehmann
Paris High School, Class of 1967
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Toadvine
Marti S. Wornall
Mrs. John B. Wyatt
Joe E. Smith
Mrs. Betty Smith
Harry Earl Stanfield
Bobby & Iva Small
Joseph Craig Smith
The Conrad Family
Billie Jean VanHook
Maxine Staton
Jim, Wanda, Nathan, & Jimmy
Alma C. Hunt
Mr. Ivan K. Hurt
Edith Kelly Jackson & Robert
Kathaleen Wasson
Janice A. Wells Smith
Mr. Brad Courtney
Peggy R. Hutcherson
Betsy McGee
Steve & Rhonda Strawzell
Lawrence Smith
Debbie Cooper
Carol Young
Lewis Thomas Smith
Beaver Creek Resort
Virginia R. Slaughter
Christ United Methodist Church,
Wesley Class
Ed & Sandy Humston
Betty F. Midkiff
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sewell
Patricia Lee Smith
Mrs. Lisa Crabtree
IBM Charlotte, NC, Quality
Assurance Test Team
Marilyn B. Lieber
Kitty Mattingly
Patricia A. Petro & My Children:
Lissa Hanks Archer
Jamie Hanks
Mark Hanks
Cady Hanks Lindberg
Brad Saffell
Craig Steven Slone
Marty, Diana, & Adam Slone
Robert S. Smither
Betty S. Smither
Helen M. Satterly York Slone
John D. & Patsy M. Carson
Ruby Douglas
Hill N’ Dale Christian Church,
Christian Workers Sunday
School Class
Ladies Elks Auxiliary
Ermel Thompson & Family
John Nevins Soard
Ancel & Suzana Bell
Linnie Nash Slattery
Nancy Lovitt
Zelma Nash
J. William Small
Patricia D. Macon
Joanne Staley
Hazel Smedley
Jerry Smedley
Shirley Jean Smiley
Harold & Mary Lou Whitlock
Cheryl Lynn Smith
Beverly Caudill
Clarence William Smith
Ed & Betty Holmes & Family
Clyde C. Smith
Leona M. Smith
Geoffrey S. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Blackburn
Margaret Grills
Lia Lent & Joe Fox
Carl & Robin Rosenquist
Ms. Wendy Stone
John H. Weaver
Maxine Hatton T. Soard
Ancel & Suzana Bell
Jane Mulholland Sparks
Jennifer Smith
Louella Sparks
Maria Benny
Owen L. Osenton
Herbert Spence
John & Shirley Spence
Phyllis Spence
John & Shirley Spence
Wayne Allen Spurlock
Harold & Carol Spurlock
Herbert Ewell Stafford
Sue Stafford
Elizabeth Lococco Stagg
Mr. & Mrs. Gary F. Smith
Barbara Dale Bennett Stanfield
Kenneth Ray & Sandra Berry
Bunko Buddies:
Bonnie Brady
Peggy Cartmill
Doris Dotson
Kim Fowler
Grace Hill
David Weidley Steele
Sue Royse
Edith Hall Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stone
Melvin J. Stephens
Greg & Viki Grimme
Don Stettler
Corinne Herndon
Frances R. Stewart
Billy M. Stewart
Leona B. Snider Stewart
Patricia Johnson
Duncan S. Stewart, Sr.
Mrs. Virginia “Gigi” Stewart Bailey
Anna Frances Carroll Stipp
David Phelps
Maxine Storlie-Crouch
Scott & Beth Schumacher
Ruth Storms
AOA Bluegrass
Louis F. Story
Barbara (Story) Howard
James Allen Street
Colette Cardwell
Anne & Joe Ray Gatewood
Jack & Anita Gatewood Marston
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Mays
Ernestine Schaaf
Debbie LaBoone
Gene Toler
Louise H. Thompson
Tonya T. Yonkos
Hazel R. Summers
Vern Hackworth & Tim Eufrasio
Ralph Wilson Thompson
Jerry & Debbie Barnes
Billy F. “Daddy Bill” Sutherland
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Sarah Jane Thompson
Sally Ann Gabe
Edward “Bubba” Sutherland
John & Kathi Vance
Wesley M. Thompson
Norma & Wayne Bruce
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
Megen Eaves
Marlene Hawkins
Donnie Piercey
Michelle Caudill
Rachel Penn
Steve & Diane McFadden
Nancy & John Miller
Betty & Everett Rose
Pauline Thompson
Sherri Young
Mildred Wright Dewitt
Mr. Roy DeWitt
Hiliary & Geraldine Trent
Helen Dever Sweazy
Carey & Kevin Pethick
Richard Sweeney, Jr.
Michael & Dora Sweeney
Esta Mae Martin Tackett
Frank & Mickey Fitch
Susie R. Gray
Landon Tackett
Frank & Mickey Fitch
Lawrence Tarpey
Joseph & Judith Engelberg
Roy Theron Tarvin
Wendy Bommer
Charles Taylor
Barbara Utz
Emma Jo Bromley Taylor
Nancy Mitchell
Laura Roser
Joy & Frank Tucci
James A. Taylor
Jean Jones
Lucy Margaret Taylor
Bud & Bobbie Crowe
Carol A. Riker
Ora R. & Rosemary Secrest
Hester Smallwood
The Lucy M. Taylor Children
Joe L. Vice
Philip Lee Thornberry
Bill Walton
James Terry Thornton
Ricky & Patti Dixon
George Louis Tinsley
Pam Anderson
Central Baptist Hospital Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit
John, Lisa & Brett Johnson
Kay, Dickie, & Krista Miller
James F. & Toni Rodgers
Marybelle T. Toler
Mr. Gene Toler
Janice Flora Tolle
City of Cynthiana
Brenda M. Giles
Red Hatters of Carlisle, KY
Judith A. Solgere
Lonnie Damon Tomes
Calvin L. Krause
Sherry Murray
Janet Evonne Townsend
Paul S. Townsend
Olivia Avery Tenfelde
Mr. & Mrs. K.J. Rolfes
Doris Howell Trammell
Raymond D. Trammell
Frances Cook Terry
Mr. Johnny Gault, Jr. & Family
Lina A. Trammell
The Cavin & Nikki Bryant Family
Diana Fain
Marla T. Fister
Kentucky Division for Air Quality’s
Owensboro Regional Office Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Trammell
Herbert A. Tester
Mrs. Herbert A. Tester
Sandra Lynn Stroub
Ruth Garland
Jessica Thacker
Glen R. Thacker
Charles Sturgeon, Jr.
John & Louise Armstrong
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
James Thacker, Jr.
Donetta Adkins
Cora Thacker
Louise Sudduth
Charles & Mildred Sigler
Barbara Kragel Thompson
Charles Kragel
Samantha Ann Sullivan
Shelby H. Duke & Beverly T. Duke
& Family
The Jessie Clark Middle School
Cafeteia Ladies
John Davis Thompson
Juanita T. Gritton
Lena Susan Ueltschi Thompson
Lois Nesselrode
Luther Austin Traynor
Charles E. & Susan Robbert
Mary Lee Horn Traynor
Gene & Susie Cocanougher
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Followell
Don & Miller Horn & Families
Lexmark International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McIntyre
Warren McIntyre
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Larry Neuzel
LaVern & Connie Peterson
Charles E. & Susan Robbert
The Stone Family
Mary Jane Barker Tretter
Betty Cady
Ms. Cindy J. Mincks
Jan C. Trosper
Ernest M. Trosper
Clara Barton “Granny” True
Blue Grass Lodge #4, Inc.
Mary Ellen Calvert
Pat Emmons
Dean & Melissa Jones
Irene Kettenring
Alma Noel
Mrs. Louise Price
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Sageser
Earl & Eunice Searcy
Tucker, Yocum & Wilson Funeral
Ms. Kathy Wise
Carol Maynard Tucker
Jill Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Morris G. Hoten
Lake of the Orchard Townhouse
John & Kathy Martin
RoAnn Royse
Johnnie Lee Tucker
John & Mary Ann Brown
Mrs. Charlene H. Cox
Curly Top Styling Salon
Linda Drummond
Doyle G. Gentry
Helena Gentry
Virginia Gentry & Family
Dorcas Hudgins
Mrs. Irene Hunter
The Orbin Kendick Family
The Justice & Safety Center Staff
Brenda Keller
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kendall, Jr.
Kentucky Teachers Retirement
KTRS IT Department & Elaine Rall
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Lawson
The David Skidmore Family
The Gary Skidmore Family
The Jim Skidmore Family
Jerry L. Tucker
Elizabeth Wachtel
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Whitaker
Linda Tucker
Mrs. Archie Adams
Bette M. Asbury
Mrs. Della Mae Atwell
Roy & Bobbie Benson
Shirley Bickford
Jan Blackburn
Bluegrass Community Hospital
Karen Bramblett
Ben Bush
Edythe Cable
James & Gloria Donnell
Norma B. Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hackney
Miss Heather Hensley
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hogan
Mr. J. Allen Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy McDannold
Carol Moore
Tony & Mary Dan Rider
Ramsey’s Diners
Henrietta C. Richardson
Peggy Carter Seal
Shawn’s Park LLC
Hubert & Jane Shipp
Sondra J. Stantz
Mrs. Nicole Suarez
William & Genelle Themann
Kathryn S. Thompson & William
J. Rudd
Clarice Tincher
Sally S. Truitt
Gary Tucceri
The Venis Family
VHS Class of 1962
Raymond E. Tucker
Bernice Tucker
Alonzo E. Turner
Robin L. Browning
George W. Turner
A.D. Owens Elementary School
Cincinnati Christian University
Health Resource Center of
Cincinnati, Inc.
Darlene & Jan Knepshield
Cham H. Percer, Jr.
Paul & Joyce Schewene
Jerry Seeber
Shafer Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mike & Lorie Turner
Gladys M. Turner
Robin L. Browning
Nellie Rea Turner
Jody & Cathy Hughes
Buck & Pat Jones
Janis Leake Tye
Mr. & Mrs. James Wyrick
Cornelia Frances L. Tyree
Hill-N-Dale Christian Church,
Christian Workers Sunday
School Class
Pauline Holzer
Nancy, Janet & Donna
Katherine Evans Underwood
Ken Underwood
Shirley A. Vanderpool
Carol Alexander
Larry Hawkins
Beth Holder
Donna Noplis
Donna Peach
Robin Rader & Thomas Haven
Annette Sitzlar
Katherine Johnson Smith
Don & Emma Sue Stone
Maurice King Vaughan, Jr.
Mary Misinco
Edith Vaughan
Helen Trayner Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anness
Jerry Warning
Ruth Warning
Margaret West
Mrs. Diane Kidwell
Joe Wafford
Paul Benton
Delbert T. Warren
Burdetta Jinx Messick
Helen Ingram Waford
Sissy Faulkner
Mary Louise Warren
Burdetta Jinx Messick
Arthur L. Wagner
Mike & Donna Wagner
Tim & Debbie Wagner
Alice Jean “Sunny” Warriner
W.T. Warriner
Lesley LaPorte Westberry
Nellie Boone & Family
Citizens Bank Tri-Cities Foundation
Commonwealth Pediatrics, PSC
Commonwealth Soccer Club
(C5C92 Team)
CR-DOC, University of Kentucky
Hamilton Park Neighbors
Diana R. Hallman
Ann Holt
The Johnsons
Nicholas J. Koszewski
The Cordele LaPorte Family
Kristan Lenning
Marianne McClure
Jetta May McPherson
Virginia A. Meece
James Timmons
Ruth Sloan
Anne & John Snell
Sam Strader
Maureen L. Tarpey
Carl Todd
Frances W. Wallace
John & Mugs Williams
Jean L. Wagner
Jennie Wagner
William F. Wagner
Jennie Wagner
Anna Strong Walden
Pauline Britton
The Butterflies
First Christian Church
Ms. Jane McCord & Ms. Melissa
Unitarian Universalist Church of
Don & Julie Webb
Wanda D. Wilson
Ellen Jordan Wash
A.W. Wash
Edwin E. Wasson
Elizabeth Wasson
Agnes Waters
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
Impact Graphics, Inc.
Tonawanda Drive Friends &
Henry Rudolph Waters
Judy England
Juanita Frances Watkins
Betty Harrison
Nancy Adams Wallace
Mary Frances Wallace
Barclay Watts
Russ & Susan Kennedy
Sandra Lou Walpert
Ronald C. Walpert
Evelyn Watts
Russ & Susan Kennedy
Jean Keith White Ward
Aphy Brough
James B. Way
Mrs. Wilberta Centers
John Columbus Ward, Jr.
Ann Rodgers Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lynch
Mr. Robert Herbert Mullineaux
Brown & Sally White
Mary Lou Rhody Webb
Gordon & Joan Taylor
Karen Gallegly Ward
Mrs. Patsy Newsome
Nancy Katherine Powell Weber
Marilyn Dixon Pfanstiel
Frank & Helen Randall
Lucretia Epperson Ward
June E. Choate
Les & Bettye Clark
Jayne M. Donnell
Hays H. Ellis
Ewell E. Gill
Phillip, Karen, & Dora McCormick
Mr. Tony Modica
Dee & Paul Mullins
WS Construction
Richard C. Ward
Mrs. Patsy Newsome
Patsy Wickline Warner
Bill & Kathy Berryman
Kathy Cleary
Jon Mittler
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Warner
Worthy John Warner
Betty Bogo
Mrs. John T. Bryans
Mary U. Darden
Robert & Carolyn Figg
Harold, Kay, Ellie, & Grace Hoskins
J. Warren Keller
Lansdowne Retired Teachers
Angeline M. Cody Weber
Carl L. Graeff
Lawson A. Webster
Roger & Donna Webster
Rick Wedel
Jerri Bowen
Dorothy Keaton Wehrley
Mr. & Mrs. Lars G. Bjork
Elizabeth L. Weigel
David & Mary Culp
Betty Carr Weiler
Patricia K. Nicol, M.D.
Sandford L. Weiler
Alene Comley Welch
Teresa Welch & Tom Welch
James Arnold Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Custer Blair
Ms. Paige Haney
Margaret J. King
Rod & Judy Slack
Bascom & Betty Sorrell
Sam & Jewell Wagoner
Elsie Hoyer Werner
Don Werner
Carl Leslie Whalen, Sr.
Judith Whalen Adams
Richard Dale Whelan
Barbara S. Whelan
Albert White
Dr. & Mrs. James Johnson
Dexter White
Jean Hensley
Jack Duane White
Anne Dora Hart
Alice Howard Whitehead
Yadollah & Sheryl Asgari & Sarah
Carolyn & Bob Barbera
Judy Davidson
Barry R. Honican
Patti & Bill Lester
Lone Oak Men’s Eleven Thirty Golf
Marsha McDowell & Michael
Fred VanArsdall
Don & Chris Whitehead & Family
Betty & Whitey Whitehead
Michael Allen Whitis
Kenvirons, Inc.
Paul C. Whittle
Tim & Linda Comer
Rita O. Leming & Pamela A. Lenz
Libby Perszyk Kathman, Inc.
Robert Paolucci
Joan Stallo & Debbie, Susan, &
Laura Wahl
The Zechella Family
Helen Wichmann
Frances L. Barnhorn
Charles Joseph Wiesman
Phyllis & Tony Conradi
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Rebecca Neltner Wiley
Dallas & Patty Bray
The Bridewell Family
Mr. & Mrs. John Cline
Jennifer Eshbaugh
Debbie Heitker
Don & Jackie James
Dave & Deborah Jones
Bonnie S. Keller
Daron Kremer
Patty Meenach
Mickie & Ken Neltzer
Doug & Julie Ollier
Rita Ann Ortlieb
Overhead Door Company of
Cincinnati, Inc.
Mary & Tom Reid
Mary T. Reinert
Ramona Reinert
Cathy Rowe
Judy Schwarber
Kelly Speier
Victoria Square Apartments
Joan & Bill Wehrman
Judy Whitehead
Ms. Kim Woeste
Tina Ziegler
Doris Wilkening
Mr. Robert E. Wilkening
Thelma Wheeler Wilkinson
Kimberly Down
Jean Rhodus
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rogers
Martha Kelly Christian Will
Pete & Debra Balles
Angela Maria Smith Williams
Taylor H. Hoover
David Kent Williams
Don & Lisa Adkisson
Bill & Charleen Combs
Tim & Dave Howard
PT Pros, Inc.
Richard D. Williams
Dovie “Granny” Williams
Tom & Mercene Smith
John Thomas Williams
Fred & Stephanie Augustin
Denise Crouch
O’Hara, Ruberg, Taylor, Sloan, &
Mary Ann Palmer
Mary Freear Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Bryant
Treva Gross Williams
Jimmie Simpson & Children
Amanda M. Wilson
Annette Royster
Betsy Ann Wilson
Allen & Paula Spence
Catherine E. Wilson
Jay Marshall
Carl & Mary Ritchie
Delores “Dee” Wilson
Bob & Barbara Carpenter
Jennie Wilson
Cheryl M. Wilson
Gerald T. Wilson, Jr.
Marvin R. Smith
Louis M. Wilson
Dr. Larry Herman
Leslie Hill
Guy Hyatt
Gerald & Polly Psimer
Psychiatric Solutions, Inc.
Willis-HRH/Nashville, TN Friends
Mary E. Yates
Marjorie Bradley Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Anderson
Llewellyn H. Aull
Anne & Roger Baird
Joe & Bonnie Blount
Bluegrass Family Health,
Healthcare Operations
Joyce & Bill Chew
Charlotte, Hywel & Elen Davies
Eagle Valley Farm
Joyce Everly
Mike & Debbie Haaker
Ruth Bayne Hall
Gary & Sandra Howard
Jeremy Howard
Mark & Kinsey Howard
Barry & Pamela Hughes
Ricky Hughes
Chuck Kezele
Nicholas County Schools,
Elementary Personnel
Bill & Janet Patton
Waunita Reid
Jeff & Carol Rigby
University of Cincinnati, Department
of Neurology & Hypertension
Mary Katherine Wilson
Ruth L. Cahill
Myrna Studer
Stella “Brownie” Wilson
Mrs. Bessie Hearn
Johnny W. Winchester
Corning Retirees
Paul Le Veque & Gail Cadwallader
Linda Neill
RR Donnelley
James W. Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Koenig
June Treadway Witt
Chris & Jessica Gousha
Lee Porter Witt
Chris & Jessica Gousha
Natalie Wittrock
Mrs. Joan Palmore Key
Mark Wojciechowski
Leonard Bricken
Alice Carter Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carter & Lacey
Cincinnati Stage Employees Local
#5 Membership
Mrs. Helen Duesing
Leigh Ann, Jay, Colton, Makala &
Heather Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Verst
Lillian Luscher Wood
Kentucky Registry of Election
Sandy Thomas
Charles Woods, Jr.
Mrs. Jessie Gatewood
Kenton County Extension Service
William G. McConnell
Ed Schadler
William H. Bussell
Jayedeane Fulmer
Colin & Paulina Jump
Lucy J. Smothers Young
Barbara Ann & Joe D. Gormley
Dan Wooten
Alma Carter
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 67
Margaret Hammond Young
Barbara A. Smith
Imogene I. Yount
Central Kentucky Medical Group,
Troy Lee Woody, Sr.
Janice Dobson
Ms. Neoma Layne
Jenny A. May
Memorial Baptist Church, Golden
Years Fellowship
David & Kyra Quarles
Delores Richardson
William D. Yount
Taylor H. Hoover, D.M.D., LLC
Mary Jo Woolery
Charlotte Mae Bemis Zweifel
Betty S. Barker
Lillie Bartlett
Bluegrass Region Antique
Automobile Club of America
Carol & Jim Buchanan
James A. Davis
David & Barbara Estes
Alex & Patsy Gray
Betty Hembree
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Holbrook
Glenn & Rosalee Kelley
Wilma Knight
Regis & Dean Lynskey
Barbara & Tommy Martin
Carol Riddell
Ralph & Jane Wills
Judith Ann Donaldson Woolums
Mr. Thomas Wayne Goins
Marjorie Smith
Ruby Carr Wright
Legislative Research Commission,
Education Committee Staff
Oval Reynolds Yazell
Joan & Bill Dampier
Charles Franklin Yeary, Sr.
Nick Hoskins & Family
Leland Paul Yeary
Nick Hoskins & Family
Linda Christina Yeary
Nick Hoskins & Family
John Scott Yellman, Jr.
Anne Atchison
Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Bishop
Leigh H. Bloomfield
Carol C. Collins
The Clement S. Hill Family
James T. Laughlin & Family
Mrs. Mary Minnette Lange
Allen Laughlin & Family
Mr. & Mrs. John W. McCord, Jr.
James J. Mulloy
Mary G. Patton
Charles Rhodes
Leslie Rhodes
Calvert T. Roszell
Anne Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Scott, Jr.
Louise H. Shouse
Kitty W. Strode
Paula Thomason
Mr. Bill Tuney
Mrs. Anne P. Turner
William Louis Yutze
Linda Barrett
Mable Helena Boggs Zabell
Ruble Hamlin
Sharon Mullins
All My Patients Who Needed
These Services
Rachel Eubank
All Veterans & Service Personnel
Edward K. & Jeanne D. Nissen
LeAn Caudill
Nick Hoskins & Family
Debra Cook
Hospice of the Valley
Ermal R. Curd
Southcreek Park
Katharine Donohue
Mary L. Ryan
Bernie & Richard Dudley
George Lude
Charles D. Ellestad
Robert & Marie Duvall
Deborah B. Gould
Thoba G. Fisherow
Mr. & Mrs. John Frank
Donald Frey
Ms. Nancy J. Frey
Jay Fulton
Reverend Mary M. Jones
Vickie & Joe Goodwin
Nick Hoskins & Family
Brandy H. Gordon
Gladys Pramuk
Amanda A. Hall
Joan Penn
Tonya Hall
Nick Hoskins & Family
Sherry Henson
Nick Hoskins & Family
Tam Henson
Nick Hoskins & Family
All Who Made the Ultimate
Marjorie Moore
Adam Hoskins
Nick Hoskins & Family
Friends I Have Lost
James Hyse Brewer
Daniel Hoskins
Nick Hoskins & Family
Members of My Family
Susanne Mucci
Farrell Hoskins
Nick Hoskins & Family
Clyde V. Baker
Gary Baker
Ruth Barcroft
James Timmons
Steven C. Barton
Donna Hopkins
Walter Yelton
Timothy Yelton
Charles N. Bernstein
Margaret N. Morrison
Wilbur “Deac” Yelton
Faye Gateley
Gretchen M. Brown
Susan Ware
Kaylee Hoskins
Nick Hoskins & Family
Pam Hoskins
Nick Hoskins & Family
Hospice of the Bluegrass –
Hospice Care Center, St.
Deanna Corey
Hospice of the Bluegrass,
Lexington Lime Team
Kitty Mattingly
Hospice of the Bluegrass –
Mountain Community, Red
LaRue & Rachel Breeding
Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Heather Howe
Peggy Eberhard
Janet N. Friedell
Ruth Minter
Diane H. Munoz
Kitty Mattingly
Barbara Reynolds
Vickie G. Reynolds
Audrey Ward
George Lude
Barbara P. Hulette
Estate of Richard A. Hulette
Darlene MacDougal &
Danielle Gronefeld
George Lude
Janet M. Nantz
Amme Morgan
Jessica M. Schirm
Mr. & Mrs. A. Peter Kragh
Rebecca Webster
Nancy W. Warner
Mr. & Mrs. O.S. Rose
Melvin W. Humes
Matt Hayden
Cathy LaCour
Laura Schultz
Mayada N. Matti-Rayan
Holly S. Hodge
Evelyn Jenkins
Lexington Fayette County Health
Department Employees’
Jennifer Lawrence
Joan Penn
Paul R. McClung
Joan Penn
Mark & Dorothy Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mobley
Reyna K. Pratt
Dawn M. Montgomery
Mrs. Janice C. Osborne & Family
Magdalena M. Lehman
Marian Judith Broadus
Cherie Northcutt
George Lude
Janet W. Prewitt
The Mildred Wilson Family
The Peel Family
Danielle Pruitt
Mr. Cole Mitcham
Natalie M. Rambo
Joan Penn
Lisa A. Ramsey
First Church of God
William R. Seehorn
Deedie Goodwin Lutz
James P. Sluss
Audrey LaRue Breeding
Rachael Ann Breeding
Ken Smith
Kentucky Justice Association, Inc.
Darryl & Samye Stith
Mary Doyle Johnson
Every effort has been made to
ensure the accuracy of this list.
Please pardon any errors
that may have occurred.
Lynda B. Woodard
Joyce Hayes
Billy Yeary
Nick Hoskins & Family
Eddy Yeary
Nick Hoskins & Family
Virginia Pauline Yeary
Nick Hoskins & Family
All Veterans & Service Personnel
Edward K. & Jeanne D. Nissen
Secure Encrypted Website
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Simply click on “Donate On-Line”
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major credit cards
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Dignity. Compassion. Quality Care ... the things you deserve.
Board of Directors
Bruce K. Davis, Chair
Daryl K. Love, Vice Chair
Woodford Webb, Secretary
Laura Tanno Boison,
Melba S. Bjornson
Linda Bridwell
Croswell Chambers
Paul Chartier
Betsy Clemons
Janice B. Crouch
Jack Cunningham
Terri Fryman
Robent M. Hardy, Jr.
Lisa English Hinkle
Tom Lingeman
Ellen L. Miller, J.D.
James M. Parsons
Janet Schwartz
Susan H. Stempel
Curtis Warren
Gretchen M. Brown, M.S.W.
Chief Medical Officer
Todd R. Coté, M.D.
Senior Hospice
Medical Director
Salli Whisman, M.D.
Medical Directors
Kimberly Bell, M.D.
Charles M. Bernstein, M.D.
Timothy Gregg, M.D.
Quentin S. Murray, M.D.
Katrina Nickels, M.D.
John F. Peppin, D.O.
Medical Associates
Nannette E. Bernales, M.D.
Stephen Besson, M.D.
Marlene Bielecki, M.D.
R. Kendall Brown, M.D.
Jyotin Chandarana, M.D.
Thomas F. Coburn, M.D.
Dustin Devers, D.O.
Elvis Donaldson, M.D.
Gregory Dye, M.D.
Jose Echeverria, M.D.
Russell Eldridge, M.D.
Jeremy Engel, M.D.
James R. Gilbert, M.D.
John J. Gohmann, M.D.
Michael Growse, M.D.
Talmadge L. Hays, M.D.
Harland T. Holman, M.D.
Joshua B. Huffman, M.D.
Jeremy Jackson, D.O.
Larry Johnson, M.D.
Jennifer Joyce, M.D.
Amanda Lange, M.D.
Dwight E. Lewis, M.D.
Anthony L. Martin, D.O.
Oscar M. Mendiondo, M.D.
Carol S. Milburn, M.D.
Stephen A. Moses, M.D.
Brett Muha, M.D.
Brian Mulberry, M.D.
Michelle Murray, M.D.
Jacqueline Noonan, M.D.
Henry Norfleet, M.D.
Oscar O. Perez, D.O.
Ann I. Pollock, M.D.
Barry N. Purdom, M.D.
J.D. Quarles, M.D.
Michael Raichel, D.O.
Darian Ratliff, M.D.
Angela Rice, D.O.
M. Brennan Royalty, M.D.
Stephen Royse, M.D.
John Sacco, M.D.
Dennis Sandlin, M.D.
Joy G. Scott, M.D.
Gary Seward, M.D.
Brian Smith, M.D.
Richard Stoltzfus, M.D.
Sushil Valavalkar, M.D.
John Michael Watts, M.D.
Norbert J. Weidner, M.D.
Michele Welling, M.D.
B. Alex Williams, M.D.
Timothy Winchester, M.D.
A.C. Wright, M.D.
Hospice of the Bluegrass
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Lexington, KY
Permit #199
2312 Alexandria Drive
Lexington, KY 40504-3277
(859) 276-5344
Hospice of the Bluegrass complies with Equal Opportunity and Title XIV guidelines. Employment at Hospice of the Bluegrass, as well as hospice
services, are available to all qualified individuals, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
Maurice Kaufmann Center
2312 Alexandria Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
(859) 276-5344 or (800) 876-6005
Jessamine County
109 Shannon Parkway
Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356
(859) 887-2696 or (800) 279-0750
1317 US Highway 62E
Cynthiana, Kentucky 41031
(859) 234-6462 or (800) 756-6005
Serving Bourbon, Southern Grant, Harrison,
Nicholas & Scott Counties
Serving Fayette & Jessamine Counties
208 Steele Street
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
(502) 223-1744 or (800) 926-1302
Mountain Community
3115 North Main Street, Suite 101
Hazard, Kentucky 41701
(606) 439-2111 or (800) 560-1101
Mountain Heritage - Corbin
1020 Cumberland Falls Highway
Corbin, Kentucky 40701
(606) 523-3090 or (877) 807-3011
Serving Anderson, Franklin,
Owen & Woodford Counties
Serving Breathitt, Knott, Leslie, Letcher,
Morgan, Perry & Wolfe Counties
Serving Clay, Knox, Laurel & Whitley Counties
Mountain Heritage - Harlan
160 Village Center
Harlan, Kentucky 40831
(606) 573-6111 or (800) 371-6112
Mountain Rivers
101 Hibbard Street
Pikeville, Kentucky 41501
(606) 437- 3700 or (877) 807-3054
Northern Kentucky
7388 Turfway Road
Florence, Kentucky 41042
(859) 441-6332 or (800) 200-5408
Serving Bell & Harlan Counties
Serving Floyd, Magoffin & Pike Counties
Serving Boone, Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin,
Northern Grant & Kenton Counties
2312 Alexandria Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
(859) 277-2700
(800) 876-6005
Hospice Care Center
St. Joseph Hospital
One St. Joseph Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
(859) 313-2770
Hospice Care Center of
Northen Kentucky
St. Luke Hospital East
85 Grand Avenue
Fort Thomas, Kentucky 41075
Serving Central &
Southeastern Kentucky
(859) 572-3985
Serving Northern Kentucky
1401 Harrodsburg Rd., Suite C-205
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
(859) 278-4869
2312 Alexandria Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
(859) 296-0513
(800) 876-6005

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