DPS Newsletter Term 4 week 2


DPS Newsletter Term 4 week 2
Matong Street Dareton
Phone: (03) 50274586 Fax: (03) 5027 4680
E-Mail: dareton-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Welcome to our second week of Term 4 where we are focussing on
‘Being Strong’ with our choices and being ‘In class, On task’. We ask all
parents/carers to discuss this Value with their child/ren helping them
understand the value of Being Strong.
Last Friday our Years 3 and 4 students participated in the combined
School Sports day at Gol Gol PS and proudly represented Dareton Public
School. All students did their best and participated in a range of sport
activities supported by local district coaches and teachers. All our
students did a great job and we congratulate them on their effort and
achievements. Photos of the day have been included in our Newsletter.
Year 6 to 7 High School Transition commenced last Friday also with
many of our year 6 students attending Coomealla HS for a 2 hour
transition period. The students all returned ‘bubbling’ with excitement and
discussing what a great time they had. Special thanks to Ros & Naomi
who supported and transported our students and to the High School staff
who put on a great morning. Friday’s transition was the first of many
transition activities scheduled for this term.
Applications for our 2016 Enrolments are now open. If you have a child
who will be attending Dareton PS next year, please call into our School
Office to collect an Enrolment Pack.
Indigenous Literacy Day. This Friday some Coomealla High
School students and their staff are visiting our school to help promote
Literacy with our students. Ms Shoebridge and high school students will
be reading books to our children, who will in turn receive the book to keep
and take home. Ms Shoebridge is also happy to demonstrate and
discuss ways parents can help their child read. Lessons will commence
from 9.30am and will conclude by 1pm. A free BBQ sausage sizzle lunch
will be available for all students and any parents present wishing to attend
the Literacy sessions. All welcome.
2016 Kinder Transition A reminder that our transition program for those
children who will be attending our school next year as Kinder students
occurs each Friday morning in the SaCC rooms. Contact our office or
SaCC Facilitator Peta Ellis-Stein for more details.
Hugh Twaddle
School Calendar of Events
2016 School Enrolments— applications are now being taken for 2016
Tuesday 13th October—SaCC Playgroup —11.00am - 1.00pm
Friday 16th October—School Kinder Transition Program — 10.00am
Wednesday 21st October—Year 6 Support Class CHS Orientation—all day
Friday 23rd October— All Year 6 students—High School Transition 10.3012.30pm
Friday 9th October
Last Friday the students from Years 3 and 4 from the Emus and Goannas classes attended a
special sports carnival at Gol Gol Public School.
Everyone had a wonderful time and we would like to thank the staff at Gol Gol Public School
for making us feel very welcome, and also the parents, friends and students from Gol Gol who
provided us with some lovely food.
Congratulations to all the representatives from the local sporting associations who arranged
the fun activities and helped us to experience some fantastic team sports – we played Tennis,
Rugby, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Volleyball and Cricket.
It was a very busy day and we were all hot and tired by the end of it, but it was one of our
best experiences this year.
Fiona Turner, Susan McGlynn and Zac Gillard
We are looking for new members to join our playgroup
Held in the SaCC (Schools as Community Centres) Room at
Dareton Public School
Tues: 11:00am – 1:00 pm
Playgroups are a fun way for children under 5 to learn and develop
new skills, explore, discover and socialise.
Carers will also enjoy meeting other caregivers to have a yarn, make
new friends, share ideas and play!
Mums, Dads, Nans, Pops, Aunties and Uncles
Everyone is welcome.
For more information, please contact
Peta Ellis-Stein - 50274032
The School Office - 50274586