September 2015 - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
September 2015 - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
2015 The Newsletter of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church “INVITING, GROWING AND SERVING THROUGH CHRISTIAN RELATIONSHIPS” Home: 719-275-3365 ~ Email: Office: Ph: 719-275-6797 Email: Fax: 719-275-9287 Web Site: Pastor, Rev. Robert Kippley ***SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:00am AND 10:45am*** Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. Joel 2:23 From the Pastor’s Desk Facing Your Demons It seemed like a good idea at the time to leave Egypt, that place of slavery, and travel to the promised land that was flowing, they were told, with milk and honey. But it didn’t take long after leaving that the Israelites’ food supply ran out and they found themselves hungry and in the midst of a barren wilderness. With fear and growling stomachs they got angry and complained to Moses: If only we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger. Exodus 16:3 The tough environment of the Sinai Peninsula and southern Israel prompted the Old Testament writers to imagine this desert wilderness as a land full of chaos and death. This "chaos" echoes the Genesis creation story that states: "The earth was a formless void, and darkness covered the surface of the deep." Genesis 1:2 This "darkness that covered the surface" can serve as a metaphor to describe calamity in our lives, i.e., times when we experience something unexpected and disappointing that shakes the foundation of our lives. When my mother and father died within a year and a half of one another my world changed. It was like the ground on which I stood had shifted. I entered into the wilderness of bereavement and wasn’t sure what the outcome would mean. Darkness covered the surface of my life. I’m sure you have had similar experiences. A desert wilderness experience can take many forms including a family crisis, loss of a significant relationship, a health crisis, betrayal, loss of a job, divorce or intellectual inquiry that poses a challenge to an assumed faith or belief. These experiences change our world, and yet, as with every wilderness experience, as Israel will soon discover, there is also the possibility of eventually finding the "Promised Land." But for now, the food supplies that they brought from Egypt were exhausted. They longed for the "good old days" and accused Moses of bringing them into the desert "to starve them to death." The people leaving Egypt expected a land flowing with milk and honey, but instead found themselves in a desert full of pain and suffering. Things would change for them, but first they had to let go of their preconceived ideas about what ought to be. Their desert experience was serving to shift their thinking, a prerequisite necessary in order to enter the Promised Land. 2 From the Pastor’s Desk Continued…... In the Old Testament, deserts were places where demons were thought to dwell. Jesus was driven into the desert by the Spirit where he faced his demons, or the devil, or the tempter, whatever term you want to use, and had to come to terms with them. Matthew 4:1 Just as the Spirit led Jesus into the desert, so the Spirit leads us into the desert. There’s not much to distract you in a desert, no toys to play with, just you, your demons and God. We normally leave our desert experiences renewed and a better human being, or embittered and angry. The choice is ours to make. The Israelites wanted food like they had in Egypt but ended up with Manna. It came to them early every morning for the entire time they were in the desert wilderness. Some have said that the Manna was always there early in the morning but dissipated in the sun. Perhaps the answer to their prayer was always before them but they failed to see it. The same can occur in our lives. The Israelites were having a threshold moment, an in-between experience where ordinary life was put on hold so new possibilities could emerge. The wilderness served as a place to confront their fears and expand their understanding. Although we are not stuck physically in the middle of a desert wilderness, we all have threshold moments when we have to confront our fears. These thresholds are portals to new understanding and greater emotional and spiritual depth, but they often demand waiting and not knowing what’s around the corner. This is difficult for us who like to be in control of all aspects of our lives. Moving forward in this wilderness requires letting go and trusting the Spirit. Facing these inevitable times is better when done in a faith community where we have the encouragement of others and Christ’s presence in community, bread, wine and Word to strengthen us. It is interesting that even science points to this process of having to change in order to progress forward. All living organisms must adapt to their environment when it changes, or over time, they will go extinct. Similarly, God is forming and molding our lives today during our particular wilderness experiences and bringing us to new vistas of understanding. As we face these threshold experiences, with prayer and discernment, we have the opportunity to grow in ways we could never have imagined, which enriches our lives and our world. ~ PB 3 ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Nooma with Rob Bell Jesus lived with the awareness that God is doing something, right here and now, and anybody can be a part of it. He didn’t come to simply give a new set of rules to live by, but to challenge listeners to search, question, and wrestle with what matters most. We will view a short video followed by discussion led by PB. Come enjoy this seven week study from 5:30-6:45pm on Wednesdays beginning October 7th in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a sack lunch if you wish. Green Burial Most of us, when considering how to deal with our remains after death, think of two options: Cremation or Traditional Burial. There is a third option that is becoming more popular - Green Burial where one’s remains are place in a grave with no vault. If a casket is used it is normally a pine or wicker box or only wrapped in a shroud. The body may or may not be embalmed. The point is to allow one’s body to return to the earth from which it came in a manner that is easily absorbed by the natural elements so it can become part of the circle of life. People choose Green Burial because of the cost and it is environmentally friendly. Come join the conversation on Wednesday, September 30th, at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Fremont County Coroner Randy Keller and Lloyd Harwood from Harwood Cremation and Funeral Services in Canon City will be leading the discussion. See our website and click on “Pastor’s Place” then click on “Burial Practices” for more information about burial practices. Explaining All the Scary Stuff In Revelation Ever wonder about Armageddon? End times? When? Where? All the scary stuff? Some have played on the book of Revelation for entertainment and to instill fear with their novels. Come join in this study “EXPLAINING ALL THE SCARY STUFF IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION.” The study includes four one-hour sessions—each will have about 20 minutes DVD presentation by Rev. Ken Klaus from the Lutheran Hour Ministries followed by a half-hour discussion. Don’t miss this opportunity: Meeting at 10:15 AM on September 20, September 27, October 4, and October 11 in the Fellowship Hall. While the series will be presented at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Canon, anyone is welcome. Please sign up at the information table in the gathering area, or call the Church (719)275-6797, prior to September 13, to assure study reference material is available. Sessions will be facilitated by Milo Cress. 4 NEWS OF THE CONGREGATION Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 8 9 9 9 13 13 14 15 22 23 23 23 25 25 26 26 28 Our sympathy to Becky Romano and her family. Becky’s mother Margaret Kiser Williams of Zanesville, Ohio, passed away July 25th of this year, in Zanesville. The service was held on July 29th , at the DeLong-Baker & Lanning Funeral Home in Zanesville. Condolences may be sent to the Romanos at 332 Crestmoor Rd., Canon City. Mike Carter Stephanie Miller Shirley Kramer Jon Runa Craig Scheer Joan Quick Lynn Wetters Robert Worley Marilyn Lange Sharon Salyer Bobbie Anderson Brycen Minton Wendy Schiferl Gini Woltemath Bob Bush Karen Varner Charles Olin Hilda Ventker Barb Runa Shirley Stephens Bela Veres Trevor Simon Allen Shelley Dottie Destree Our sympathy to Justin Barhite and family. Justin’s Grandfather Melvin Barhite, passed away July 23rd of this year. In a 1949 contest Melvin’s “entry” was chosen as the name of the minor league baseball team, the Sky Socks!! A memorial was held on August 23rd at Pring Ranch in Colorado Springs. Condolences may be sent to the Barhite’s at P.O. Box 501, Penrose, Co. 81240 Our sympathy to Joanne Marean and family. Joanne’s brother, and Will Marean’s grandmother Evelyn, recently died. The funeral service was held in Wisconsin. Condolences may be sent to Joanne Marean, 81 Blue Grouse Drive, Canon City. Our sympathy to Betty Fleming and her family. Betty’s sister Bertha Olinda Sorensen passed away August 9th of this year. Bertha was a long time resident of Alamosa. She was an active member of the Trinity Lutheran Church in Alamosa. The last two years of her life, she resided at The Bridge at Alamosa Assisted Living community. Her service was in La Jara Colorado on August 15th. Condolences may be sent to Betty Fleming, 607 Cobblestone Ct. Canon City. Please keep these families in your prayers. Thank you to my loving church family for all your thoughts and prayers, kind words and cards after the loss of my brother Tom. You are all so comforting, and it meant more than words can say! You are the Body of Christ in action. 5 Darlene & Kevin Rohrbaugh COMING SOON!! RALLY DAY! CONGREGATION ROUND UP! PICNIC! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13--13--FOR CHILDREN, ADULTS, EVERYONE…. Hamburgers, hot dogs, iced tea, lemonade, coffee will be provided by the Christian Education Team. If you are able, please bring a dish to share…. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, IS THE FIRST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL. SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL BE AT THE REGULAR TIME DURING THE 9 A..M. WORSHIP. WORSHIP WE HAVE A NEW CURRICULUM THIS YEAR FROM GROUP PUBLISHING COMPANY, TITLED “FAITH WEAVER.” WE HAVE BEEN WORKING TO GET THE NEW LESSONS READY FOR OUR STUDENTS. PLEASE PUT THE ABOVE DATES ON YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN TO JOIN US.—(Please check your e-mail) Don’t Forget…..Noisy Offering Sunday the 13th WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR TEACHERS AND HELPERS FOR OUR STUDENTS. PLEASE SIGN UP AT THE EDUCATION TABLE IF YOU WANT TO SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH OUR CHILDREN. THANKS SO MUCH, AND WE’LL SEE YOU ON THE 13TH. (This is a Thrivent sponsored event.) 6th-10th Grade—Student and Parent Meeting!! Pastor Bob would like to have a short meeting for all 6th - 10th grade Confirmation students and parents at 10:15 am on Sunday, September 20th in the kitchen, to discuss this year's schedule. Please mark your calendars. 6 MISSION NEWS “We make a living by what we get; We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill Thank you members of SOTH for making 2015’s “Christmas in July” project a success! Sandi Allen, Marilyn Lange and Marty Waite of the Mission Team delivered the donated items to Misty Hinkle, Director of SPIN Preschool, August 7th. Through your generosity we were able to provide five large boxes filled with many items used in arts and crafts projects at the three SPIN locations in Fremont County. You have once again demonstrated that our congregation works at being “the hands and feet of Christ” in our community. Reminders – Ruth Circle starts meeting again on Thursday, September 10th at 10:00 a.m. All women of SOTH and their friends are invited to come and enjoy learning and fellowship. The Rocky Mountain Synodical Women’s Organization Fall Gathering entitled “Walking Side By Side – Part 2”, is scheduled for September 18 – 20, 2015, at First Lutheran Church, 1515 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs. The cost is $75 through September 10th. Registration forms and copies of the “tentative agenda” are on the Mission Team table by the coffee bar. This September 20 through 27 in Colorado! Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Pastor of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem and President of Bright Stars of Bethlehem will be in Colorado this month. Bright Stars of Bethlehem’s annual Room for Hope Festival provides opportunities to connect us with our sisters and brothers from the Holy Land by bringing talented and successful students and faculty from Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, Palestine. This year’s festival is no exception as dancers, musicians and artisans from the Holy Land are welcomed. In a country with limited natural resources, this Bright Stars of Bethlehem supported University provides degrees and opportunities that reflect Palestine's emerging needs and equips students with vital skills for the 21st century job market. Therefore, the focus this year is to support ambitious students through scholarships. They are striving to provide scholarships to at least 100 promising future leaders. The cost of annual tuition at the University is $3600.Take this opportunity to see and hear Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, experience music, dance, theater, film and artisan showcases as part of Bright Stars of Bethlehem’s 4th Annual Room for Hope Festival. To see a schedule of events, including several presentations by Rev. Dr. Raheb and to download the Room for Hope flyer, check out Events will be held at several churches in Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the Room for Hope Festival, please contact Shelby Toler, Network and Events Director via “Our Work Together” – In this country, the church continues to work for, pray for and speak out for change. Community based feeding programs have been overwhelmed, but they have been resilient thanks to the support of members of the ELCA. In fiscal year 2014, your gifts of $19.3 million to ELCA World Hunger supported: • 401 grants to food pantries, soup kitchens, community gardens and other programs in the U.S. • More than 200 sustainable development programs in nearly 60 countries • Hunger education and networking Hunger-related advocacy 7 MISSION NEWS “We make a living by what we get; We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill Walk for Water - Have you heard? ELCA World Hunger’s Walk for Water was a huge hit at the ELCA Youth Gathering. After the Sunday morning offering, money raised totaled more than $402,000 of the $500,000 goal. Not only were youth energized by giving back, thousands participated in an unforgettable walk designed to simulate what the average woman in Sub-Saharan Africa experiences collecting water each day. We have until the end of this year to help raise the remaining $98,000 for ELCA World Hunger supported water projects. A generous family has offered to match all gifts toward this goal, dollar for dollar, until we reach a total of $1 million! Time is running out. To donate online, visit: OR send your donation to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA Gift Processing Center, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009. Be sure to write “Walk for Water” on the memo line. We received a “thank you” from Senior Services Solutions Plus: Dear Shepherd of the Hills Congregation: I just received your second quarterly disbursement of $75 and wanted to give my many thanks and appreciation to you. We continue to serve the residents of Fremont County, and the need for our services grows greater and greater as time goes on. Your donations go towards keeping our drivers on the road taking our clients to necessary medical appointments. I would also like to take this opportunity to tell you that we are in desperate need of volunteer drivers. We pay our drivers a stipend to drive to Pueblo and Colorado Springs. They must have a good driving record and a reliable vehicle, as they are asked to use their car to transport our clients. If you know of anyone interested in meeting some very nice people and giving back to the community, please have them give me a call at 275-3900. Sincerely, Barbara W. Berge, Executive Director, Senior Services Solutions Plus A BIG THANK YOU to…..Rev. Julie Britsch for filling in for Pastor Bob on August 16th. Julie is the Associate Pastor, and Youth Pastor at Mt. View Lutheran Church, ELCA, in Colorado Springs. A BIG THANK YOU to…...Rev. Ronald R. Zschoche from “Food for the Poor” for filling in for Pastor Bob on August 23rd. Pastor Zschoche served as a pastor in the states of Montana, Oregon and Washington, before joining Food for the Poor. Thank you also to Gayle and Larry Ulsaker for taking care of Rev. Ron while he was here. A BIG THANK YOU to Marv and DeDe Waldmann, Susan Sandoval, and Vonda Craig for folding and mailing this September Newsletter!! We currently have two teams for folding and mailing the newsletters...The Waldmann team, DeDe and Marv Waldmann, Susan Sandoval and Vonda Craig……..and the Stephens team, Steve and Shirley Stephens, and Lee and Martha Valentine. We would like to have a few more teams, Just get four people together, and come and have a FUN morning!! It would only be about every three or four months. See Shirley in the office for more information!! 8 VERY INTERESTING!! O.W.L.s will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 9am, the place is El Alazan. If you’re over 50, come and enjoy a morning with good food, friends, and great conversation! No need to RSVP, just come!! FUNERAL RECEPTION POLICY OF SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH *Funeral receptions will be provided for active members of SOTH who have died. *Funeral receptions for people who are not active members of the congregation need to be approved by the pastor. If approved, the reception can be catered, or organized and staffed by family, friends and relatives of the deceased. Dear Shepherd of the Hills, Thank you so much for the pop tabs that you all saved and shared with us. The tabs are so helpful in the running of our house. Thank you, Deborah *Funeral receptions for active members of the congregation will be overseen by the funeral reception team, who will make all the necessary arrangements with the family, the Pastor, and the funeral home. (This is from the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado…...From the ”house that love built.” Your donation helps provide a home away from home for families of critically ill children who are hospitalized.) Coordinator—Betty Cress 402-430-2752 Caller—Velma Jean Elliott 371-2137 (Will communicate with coordinator regarding the kind and amount of food, and make phone calls requesting food items.) Set Up/Take Down—Grant Halter 275-1003 also...Kevin Rohrbaugh 369-9920, and Pastor Bob. Servers—Those members who will agree to volunteer to make food/and or help with serving and clean-up. For members, there is no fee for the Keep in mind that there is a box in the coat-room for donations to Loaves and Fishes… They can always use our help. re9 A LETTER FROM MERCY TODAY! 10 CRAFTING FOR CHRIST Crafting for Christ Ministries meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in the Shepherd of the Hills kitchen from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. MOODS They wonder at my cheerful mood Incandescent, I’ve heard some say, Because I laugh and talk and sing In a carefree sort of way. In the beginning we started making prayer shawls to give to people going through healing or grieving times. That blossomed into prayer scarves and when we had an abundance of both of those, we branched out to other items and held craft sales to help with the needs of the church and community. From outward glance, and casual mood, A careless life, day after day. None must suspect or ever know, What’s hidden in my heart today. After several years of that and losing some members due to moving out of the area, we decided to take a break. Now we work on WIP’s and UFO’s (Works in Progress and Unfinished Objects) in our own homes and lives. This little song I try to sing, Is meant to hide a mournful cry. That little laugh that often rings, It well conceals a tearful eye. We will continue to meet starting in September, and help out when and where need’s arise, such as covers for the many luminaries needed for our annual Living Nativity presentation. Yes, laughter that is light and gay, Will help to keep my heart within. Perhaps I’ll have no time to dream, Or wonder at what might have been. Please come and join us, we welcome any and all new crafters. You can bring your own projects to work on, or we’re willing to teach you. Some crochet some embroidery and some loom. Mostly we socialize, have coffee (or beverage preference) snack a little-have a great time and the minutes fly by. I do apologize in advance as I can’t be there the first month because of traveling, but my co-helper and crafter Linda Stanley will be there for the two September meetings. See you in October. By Tiny Striegel (Tiny “Gaines” 1946) Fellow craft lover & co-founder of C.C.M., AS YOU PRAY, PLEASE REMEMBER……………. All of our Military, especially our SOTH members and relatives... TSgt. Jake Dalzell, USAF, stationed at McConnell AFB, Wichita, KS; Lt. Col. Daniel Gade, teaching at West Point, N.Y.; Spc. Charles Gaunt II, U.S. Army, Stationed in New York. Ssgt. Kenneth Gaunt, Ft. Hood, Texas; Spc. Grace Roberts, US Army, Stationed at Ft. Carson; Spc. Austin Roberts, US Army, Stationed at Ft. Carson; MSgt. Joshua Hinsey, USAF, stationed in the Netherlands.; Spec. Michael Kelley, U.S.Army, 2nd Deployment to Iraq; Capt. Warren Riner, USAF, deployed overseas; 2nd Lt. Nick Romano, U.S. Army, Germany; Maj. Edward Runyan, U.S.Army, Ft. Drum, New York State; SFC. Robbie Salyer, U.S. Army, Deployed to Iraq; SFC. Tony Salyer, U.S.Army, Deployed to Kuwait; SFC David Wienke, U.S. Army, Ft. Bragg, N.C.; Zachary Jayson, Militarydeployed to Afghanistan. Note: Please let us know the names of the military personnel you wish to have on the list. If you know of others who are in the military, please call the church office and we will include their names. Please give us the rank and where they are stationed. Please remember to notify the office of any changes or deletions. 11 OPPORTUNITIES A HUGE THANK YOU TO Bernie Mann, for directing the SOTH choir For many years!! He’s retiring now, but not leaving!! He is passing the choir into the very capable hands of Melanie McCain, who has already filled in for Bernie from time to time. Thank you Bernie, and Diane also, for a job well done. We are glad that you will still be singing, and playing too !! Help Altar/Communion set-up for Sunday services, call church office 275-6797 or Gini Woltemath 2753662 for more information. Counters Needed: We are in need of a few more individuals to form twomember teams to count the weekly offerings. This would involve counting one Sunday every 4—5 weeks. If interested, please contact the office at 275-6797. A “Thank You Coffee” will be held in Bernie’s honor, on September 6th after the 9am worship service. Everyone’s invited!!! We are looking for a few more teams to fold and mail the Monthly Newsletters. Get four people, that’s a team, come and enjoy a FUN morning. Only about every three or four months. See Shirley in the office. We will get Your Team Started!!! Speaking of folding….. Your office can always use volunteers to fold the inserts for the Sunday Bulletins. Takes about a 1/2 hour on a Friday morning. See Lynn in the office, she will tell you all about it. ATTENTION………….. On Saturday, Sept. 26th, from 10am to 2pm, CCPD will “take-back” unused and/or expired prescription drugs as part of the DEA’s National Prescription Drug TakeBack Day. The Take-Back event will be in the parking lot of 161 Justice Center Road, in Canon City. CCPD Police Chief Paul Schultz states: “This is the third year that Canon City Police Dept. has participated in the DEA Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. There is also a DEA “Take-Back” container in the lobby, during regular business hours. M-F 8am-5pm. 12 Attention Choir Members……... (and everyone else who likes to sing.) Choir practice begins Wednesday, September 2nd at 7pm in the church sanctuary under the directorship of Melanie McCain. Come check her out!! She's very talented, and a lot easier on the eyes than the previous old ugly fossil!!! And Remember!! "ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN HAVE A PLACE IN THE CHOIR!!!” Bernie Mann fROM YOUR WORSHIP AND INCOME COUNTING TEAMS Welcome to Worship The month of September signifies the start of a new school year – new opportunities to grow and learn and praise the Lord! On September 6th we will meet between services, to honor Bernie and Diane, our Choir leader (and partner) for faithful service to our church’s musical presentations for so many years. Cake and drinks will be provided. Choir resumes their weekly schedule on this 1st Sunday of September under the directorship of Melanie McCain. How blessed is this congregation to have such a dedicated choir to enhance our Sunday worship from September through May! September 13th Rally Day / Congregation RoundRound-Up Sunday /should NOT be missed! We worship God in song, prayers, and studying His Word. Shepherd of the Hills presents a variety of ways to enhance our faith; come that Sunday to see how. As the season of Pentecost continues, we pray that God’s Spirit stirs us to be faithful lights of Christ here in our community and throughout the world. Come to worship to be recharged and to meet with your sisters and brothers in Faith at 9:00 or 10:45 EVERY Sunday morning! C U in worship. Deana Wangerin Richter INCOME COUNTERS…. 1. There should be several Teams of 2 individuals involved in handling income on a rotating basis. 2. All income must be recorded and verifiable. It is understood that the recording of income received from members of the congregation is a very confidential matter and should not be disclosed. 3. The income should be counted as soon as possible after collection and deposited just as soon as possible—if not deposited the day it is counted it should be locked in the safe. The bank receipt needs to accompany the reports. The count team counts envelopes and loose checks and cash collected. There are 2 forms to fill out for our Financial Secretary (Barb Knicely.) 4. This is just an overview of the duties of our counters—it is NOT a complicated process. You will have assistance until you are comfortable on your own. Also back-up and assistance are always there for you. Submitted by Gini Woltemath 13 S.O.T.H. GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE Shepherd of the Hills Staff Pastor: Rev. Robert Kippley Office Administrator: Lynn Price Newsletter/Office Assistant: Shirley Kramer Financial Secretary: Barb Knicely Sunday School Superintendent: Tonya Fischer High School Youth Ministry: Pastor Kippley Secretary of Youth Ministry: Bobbie Anderson Organists/Accompanists: Dr. Angela Bellantoni; Ed Kaelberer; Mark Wehrly: Rita Benzmiller Choir Director: Melanie McCain Officers of the Congregtion President: Sandi Allen Vice President: Elaine Putzer Secretary: Jerry Putzer Treasurer: Lois Petersen-Kelley OUR SOCIAL MINISTRIES: LOAVES AND FISHES need help with the following: HOUSEHOLD USED FURNITURE! FURNITURE Any and all Baby Items, CLOTHING of all kinds, They can always use DISH SOAP AND CANNED TUNA (or in pouches) CANNED TOMATOES, TOMATOES CANNED BEANS, CANNED VEGETABLES, CANNED FRUIT, CANNED SOUP, CANNED PASTA WITH MEAT, PEANUT BUTTER, TOILET PAPER, MAC & CHEESE, CEREAL. Please bring any frozen foods directly to Loaves & Fishes. They can always use any non perishable food, monetary donations, or household items. Paper goods are always appreciated, paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, etc. The first Sunday of the month is designated as “ Loaves & Fishes Sunday, ” however you may donate your items at any time in the box provided in the coat room. VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED!!!! Pull Tabs from Aluminum Cans : Goes to benefit Ronald McDonald House in Colorado Springs. EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT WATERMELON !! Did you know that Watermelon is now the most-consumed melon in the USA? Watermelon is actually considered a nutrient dense food, a food that provides a high amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for a low amount of calories. One cup of diced watermelon contains 43 calories, 0 grams of fat, 2 grams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrates (including 9 grams of sugar) and 1 gram of fiber. It has Lycopene, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and copper. ALSO….watermelon is made up of 92 percent water….a tasty way to help 14 SOTH CALENDAR & SCHEDULES PLEASE CUT THIS PAGE OUT AND KEEP FOR YOUR REFERENCE. Sunday Sept. 6 Regular Services Thank you “coffee” after 9am service Tuesday Sept. 8 7pm Church Council 4pm Women’s Book Sunday School Noisy Offering 10:15am Picnic here at Monday Sept. 14 OFFICE CLOSED 1pm Crafting 5:15PM Worship Team Meeting Thursday Sept.. 10 10am Ruth Circle YOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS Operating Income & Expense. Our gifts, signs of God’s gracious love. Year to Date-Pledge Income: $117,529.91 Year to date-Budget: $128,916.69 Difference: ( $11,386.78 ) President-Sandi Allen Vice President– Elaine Putzer Secretary– Jerry Putzer Shirley Stephens Rick Wolken Al Augustine Judy Barhite Linda Freed Kevin Rohrbaugh Darrel Cool OUR JULY Volunteers Also...Lois Petersen-Kelley, Church Treasurer Thanks to Wilma Kattnig and Mona Yellico our Volunteer Coordinators, and also to the following who volunteered their help in the office with Bulletins, newsletters, or other projects. SEPTEMBER INCOME COUNTERS Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Sept. 13 9am RALLY DAY !! SOTH Meeting for Christ Sunday Club Registration OFFICE CLOSED Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Education Fair Monday Sept. 7 LABOR DAY Wednesday Friday Gini Woltemath & Lee Valentine Rick Romano & Betty Fleming Lyle & Gini Woltemath Al and Carol Augustine 15 Marilyn Lange Karen Barslou Mona Yellico Kathryn Veres Marty Waite Wilma Kattnig Milo and Betty Cress Harry and Linda Stanley Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit #156 Cañon City, CO 81212 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 801 N Sheridan Ave. Cañon City, CO 81212 Return Service Requested PLEASE…...IF YOU NO LONGER WISH TO RECEIVE THE CHURCH NEWSLETTER, PLEASE INFORM THE CHURCH OFFICE—Phone—719-275-6797 Or email— 16