2016 Catalog
2016 Catalog
試験室用試験機器 Équi pements detestpour laboratoi re Equi po deprueba para laboratori o 2016 Catalog March Revi si on 实验室测试设备 실험실 테스트 장비 I mp actspe ci al i st Testing laboratoryequi pment Yourbestt est i ngpar t ner . . . WWW. CADEXI NC. COM Cadex is the leader in impact systems technology for laboratory testing purposes. Founded in 1994, Cadex has quickly positioned itself as a leader in the research and development of such systems and their underlying technologies. Based in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qc, Canada, our team of designers, engineers and technicians respond quickly and efficiently to custom market demands and various engineering projects from anywhere in the world. Mr. David Michaud, Sales Manager, Testing equipment division Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 Cadex your best testing partner... Index Metrology Metrology and Calibration Service ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 Impact Machine Uniaxial Impact Monorail ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-4 Triaxial Impact Machine ……..…………………………………………………….………………………………………………….. 5 Twin Wire Machine ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Twin Wire 1000Kg Impact Machine ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Twin Wire Triaxial …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8 Mini Twin Wire Impact Machine …………….……………………………………………………………………………………. 9 Linear Impact testing machine ............................................................................................................. 10 Sports Surface Testing Machine ……………………….………………………………………………….……………….......... 11 Safety Shoes Testing Machine .………………………………………………………………........................................... 12 Dual Safety Shoes Testing machine (CSA_EN ISO)…………………………………………………………………………… 13 Swing set Machine……………………………………………………………………………………….………………….………………. 14 Projection and Surface Friction Method A ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…..………. 15 Method B …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 16 Cannon Compressed Gas Gun (high velocity) …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 Projectile Shooter …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18 Low Velocity Ballistic Cannon (table version) ………………………………………………………………………………… 19 Double Barrelled High & Low Velocities ................................................................................................20 Non-Lethal Air Cannon ………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….. 21 Electronic Control Center System ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22 Computer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 Acquisition Card ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22 Cadex Software …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23 Uniaxial Accelerometer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Cable for Accelerometer Uniaxial …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 24 Triaxial Accelerometer …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….. 25 Cable for Accelerometer Triaxial …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 Load Cell Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. 26 Australian Load Cell Kit …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 27 Body Padding Load Cell Kit .……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………… 28 Penetration Control Box ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. 29 Velocimeter Display Box……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 Dual Dielectric Testing System ANSI & CSA……………………………………………………………………………………. 31 ANSI Dielectric Testing System.............................................................................................................. 32 Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 Cadex your best testing partner... Index Impact Accessories Laser Table …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..…... Pen & Headform Holders ……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….... M.E.P. Pad ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Anvils ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………... Penetration Headform Holder ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….. Split Ring Clamp ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ball Arm ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Impactor with Linear Motion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Penetrator with Linear Motion …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Penetrator Device for Monorail ..………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Penetrator Twinwire ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………. NOCSAE Impact Flying Arm and Rotary Neck ………………………………………………………………………………… CSA-Flat Anvil 200 x 200 mm .…...…………………………………………………………………………………………………. CSA-Penetrator Anvil ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chin Bar Kit (American)......................................................................................................................... Chin Bar BSI........................................................................................................................................... NOCSAE Conical Leg.............................................................................................................................. Horizontal Impact Rail system.............................................................................................................. Positioning Laser Kit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 Headform Full Headform Magnesium K1A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 49 Half Headform Magnesium K1A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. DOT Headform K1A ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. JIS Headform K1A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Solid Wood ISO Headform ……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Urethane Full Size Headform ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Half Headform Magnesium K1A (Mountaineer's Helmet Testing) …………………………………………………. Half Headform for American & Canadian Industrial Headwear …........................................................ Penetration Half Headform for Canadian Industrial Headwear……………………………………..……………… Penetration EN960/ISO Headform …..………………………………………………………………………………….……….. Penetration DOT Headform ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Force Transmission ISEA Headform size 7 …………………………………………………………………………………….. CSA Z262.6-09 Facially features............................................................................................................ Chinese Headforms ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………... Penetration Hardwood BSI ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Penetration Hardwood EN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Headform according to EN168 ………………………………………….………………………………………………………….. Headform for High Temperature Application ……………………………………………………………………………….. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 50 51 52 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 Cadex your best testing partner... Index Modified EN168 Headform for Breathing Test …….…….…………………………………………….…………………… EN168 Modified Headform for Photometry ……..….…….………………………………………………………………… Alderson Headform ……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………….. N.I.J. Ballistic Penetration Test Headform …………………………………………………………………………………….. Headform Japanese tumbling and falling............................................................................................. 65 66 67 68 69 Retention/Rigidity Roll Off Dynamic Retention System (ASTM) ………………………………………………………………….…………………………. Dynamic Retention System (BSI) …………………………..……...……………………………………………..……………… Static Tensile Load for Retention System (DOT) ………………………………………………………………..….……… Dynamic Retention System (SNELL) ……………………………………………………………………………………..………. Dynamic Strap Machine system 2 in 1 (ASTM & EN)……………………………………………………………………… Dynamic Test of Retention System (European) ……………………………………………………………………….……. Chinstrap Multipurpose Machine………………………………………………………………………………………………..… Dynamic Retention System, Simple Machine EN1080.......................................................................... 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 American Roll Off ……………………………..……………….……………………………………….……………..…….…………… European detaching machine ………………………………………………….………………….……………...….….………… Australian Static Roll Off ……………………………………………………………………………….……….………..…………… Roll Off BSI ………………………………………………….………………….……………...….….…………………………………….. NOCSAE Retention Leg …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 78 79 80 81 82 Conditioning UV Conditioning Chamber Unit …………………………………………………………………………..………………………… Rain Conditioning Machine …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Freezer for Cold Conditioning ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Oven for Hot Conditioning …………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….. Radiant Heat Chamber ……………………………………………….…………………………………………………....………….. 83 84 85 85 86 Field of Vision Gauge Kit …………………………………………………………………….………………..…………….………… Goniometer ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..………….. Chamber for gaze and fine dust particles........................................................................................... Mechanical Resistance of Visor Jig ………………………………..……………………………………………….……………... Punch Tower Stand Alone ………………………………………………………………………………….……………….………… Fogging Ocular Test ……………………………………………………..…………………………………………………..………….. Sand Abrader Machine ………………………………………………..…………………………….…………………….………….. Refractive Powers Bench ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Light Diffusion Bench ……………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. Spectrophotometer …………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………. Scotoma………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Optic Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 Cadex your best testing partner... Metrology Metrology & Calibration Service All Cadex testing equipments are: Supplied with calibration certificates ; Calibrated following strict calibration protocols; Calibrated by qualified engineers & Technicians; Calibrated using validated measuring instrument; Traceable to primary measuring instruments throughout the calibration chain. Calibration services applies to : Acquisition system (amplification and filtering couplers) ; Time gate for impact machine; Time gate ‘double gates’ for cannons; All accessories having to meet geometric requirements. Calibration of Cadex electronic equipment Qualified Electronic Engineers Calibration certificates and reports Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 1 MODELS: 1000_00_MI MA 1000_00_MI MAT Cadexmonor ai li st het opoft hel i nehel met t es t i ngmachi nef oryourl abor at or y. Thi sper f or mi ng and l ong l as t i ng s ys t em i s f ul l yaut omat ed,act i vat ed byl ocalcont r ol s and r emot el y f r om your comput er . I ti s equi pped wi t hs af et yi nt er l ocks ,el ect r oni c r ul er ,l ow f r i ct i on t r i pl e gui di ng r ai l s ,s of t el ect r opneumat i cr el eas e and mor e.Many t es t i ngmodul esandacces s or i esopt i onscan be i nt egr at ed t ot he monor ai li n or der t o meeta l ar gevar i et yofi nt er nat i onalt es t i ng s t andar ds . Mos toft hewor l dwi der ecogni zedt es t i ng l abor at or i es ar e us i ng Cadex t es t i ng pr oduct st opr ovi deaccur at e,r epeat abl eand r el i abl er es ul t s .Thi si swhyCadexmachi nes ar et hebes tper f or mi ngt es t i ngt ool st ous e whencon dencei snonnegot i abl e. 2 3 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Uniaxial Impact Monorail Model :1000_00_MIMA Free fall guided impact machine for impact attenuation evaluation. Full motorized system. Complies with Snell, CPSC, DOT, ASTM, ANSI and other standards. Dimensions : Width of the base: 31 cm; Depth of the base: 65 cm; Height: 5.26 meters; other heights available upon request. Uniaxial impact tower - Top Features : Full motorized system; (#1) Drop follower; (#2) Soft release system; (#3) Electronic encoder measuring drop height; (#4) Velocimeter (Time gate) for speed measurement; (#5) Quick and easy interchangeable anvils ; (#6)Remote Control: Sets the height and speed, initiates the test, activates pre-programmed settings and includes the emergency stop, Applications : Uniaxial impact attenuation testing; Triaxial impact attenuation testing (With additional accessories); Penetration testing (With additional accessories). Uniaxial impact tower - Bottom Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 4 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Triaxial Impact Machine Model :1000_00_MIMAT Free fall guided impact machine for impact attenuation evaluation. Complies with ECE22.05, EN1077, EN 1078 and other standards. Fully motorized system. Dimensions : Height: 5.26 meters; Width of the base: 31 cm; Depth of the base: 65 cm. Features : Triaxial impact tower - Top Full motorized system; Integrated encoder provides drop height measurement electronically; (#1) Height safety switch; (#3) Soft release system; (#4) Basket ring: Used to support helmets during the free fall impact; (#5) Velocimeter (Time Gate); (#7) Protection Cage: Prevent damage to the machine after the impact; (#8)Remote Control: Sets the height and speed, initiates the test, activates pre-programmed settings; and includes the emergency stop; (#2, #6, and below) Auto- retractable system. To prevent a second impact. Auto-retractable system. Triaxial impact tower - Bottom Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 5 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Twin Wire Machine Model : 100A Twin wire guided impact machine for impact attenuation evaluation. Full motorized system. Complies with BSI, Snell, CPSC, ASTM, AS/NZS, JIS and others standards. Dimensions : Width of the base: 98 cm; Depth of the base: 32 cm; Height: 550 cm or Customized height. Twin Wire Machine - Top Features : Full motorized system; Self supported system; (#1) Drop carriage; (#2) flying arm impactor; (#3) Quick and easy interchangeable anvils; (#4) Velocimeter (Time gate) for speed reading; (#5) Remote Control: Can set the height, speed, initiate the test, activate pre-programmed settings and emergency stop. Applications : Uniaxial impact attenuation testing; Penetration testing (With additional accessories). Protective cage available on demand. Interchangeable penetrator accessory. Twin Wire Machine –Bottom Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 6 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Twin Wire 1000kg Machine Model : 100A-1000Kg Twin wire guided machine to measure the force distribution on padded body protection. Full motorized system. Complies with EN13158, EN13277, EN13594, EN14021, EN14120, EN14404, EN1621-1, EN1621-2 and other standards. Features : Full motorized system; Self supported system; (#1) Drop carriage; (#2) flying arm impactor; (#3) Quick and easy interchangeable anvils; (#4) Velocimeter (Time gate) for speed reading; (#5) Remote Control: Can set the height, speed, initiate the test, activate preprogrammed settings and emergency stop. Twin Wire 1000 Kg Machine - Top Applications : Force distribution evaluation; Uniaxial impact attenuation testing (with additional accessories); Penetration testing (With additional accessories). Protective cage available on demand. Interchangeable penetrator accessory. Twin Wire 1000 Kg Machine - Bottom Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 7 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Twin Wire Triaxial Model :1001_00_TWSM Free fall guided impact machine for impact attenuation evaluation. Complies with ECE22.05, EN1077, EN 1078 and other standards. Dimensions : Height: 5.50 meters; Width of the base: 1 282 cm; Depth of the base: 966 cm. Features : Full motorized system; Integrated encoder provides drop height measurement electronically; (#1) Height safety switch; (#2) Auto- retractable system. To prevent a second impact. (#3) Soft release system; (#4) Basket ring: Used to support helmets during the free fall impact; (#5) Velocimeter (Time Gate); (#6) Interchangeable anvils; (#7) Protection Cage: Prevent damage to the machine after the impact; (#8)Remote Control: Sets the height and speed, initiates the test, activates pre-programmed settings and includes the emergency stop; (#9) Quickly interchangeable parts. Shown with protective cage Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 8 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Mini Twin Wire Impact Machine Model : SB069 Ideal for testing labs with the limitation of a low ceiling height. The modular base design allows users to attach different accessories to perform multiple applications. Can be bolted to massive concrete block below floor level, to comply with base mass requirement. Features : Ideal for low ceiling height applications; Different testing applications can be attached to the modular base; Motorized system; Low profile falling carriage; Electro-pneumatic release system. Applications : Low energy impact attenuation applications; Australian load cell applications; Low energy force distribution applications; Customized testing applications. Falling carriage Close up Left: Base allows the user to attach different testing modules. (Picture shows Australian load cell application) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 9 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Linear Impact testing machine Model : SB202 Rugged system. For linear impact testing on football helmets, boxer face guards and other applications. Touch screen controller technology Features : Touch screen controller that adjusts tank pressure, reads velocity and fires the system; Strong steel structure; Compressed air tank; Accelerating range: 12 inches; “Free Flight” range: 6 inches; Hydraulic break system after impact; Impact velocity: 1.5 to 12 m/sec; Interchangeable impacting end pieces. Applications : NOCSAE Football testing; BOXER’S Face protector; The system can be used as a baseball & hockey puck shooter using additional accessories. Swivel table to convert the system into a baseball / hockey puck shooting machine. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2013 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 10 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Sports Surface Testing Machine Model : SB080 To determine impact attenuation of track field, wrestling mats, trampolines and other sports surfaces. This system is powered by laptop’s battery via USB connection. Outdoor autonomous testing capacity. According to ASTM F355, F381, F1081 and others applications. Features : (#1) Drop height adjustment; (#2) Soft release handle; (#3) Electronic connection control box; (#4) Removable velocimeter for periodic calibration; (#5) Incorporated level; Rugged transportation case; Laptop with spill resistant keyboard included. Rugged transportation case. Software interface example. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 11 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Safety Shoes Testing Machine Model: 1002_00_STMA Designed to meet CSA requirements. This machine is used to test the protective reinforcement (toe cap) of footwear protection such as safety shoes or boots. Physicals : Height: 89 inches; Width: 37 inches; Depth: 21inches; Material: Steel and aluminum. Features : (1) Control panel; (2) Drop release switch; (3) Locking mechanism; (4) Safety stopper; (5) Manual lifter; (6) Impact weight; (7) Time gate velocimeter; (8) Impact platform; Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 12 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Machine Dual Safety Shoes Testing Machine (2 in 1) Model: 1002_00_STMA_CSA_EN Designed to meet CSA Z195:2009 & EN ISO 20345/20344 requirements. This machine is used to test the protective reinforcement (toe cap and metatarsal protection) footwear protection such as safety shoes or boots. 2 1 Physicals : Height: 89 inches; Width: 37 inches; Depth: 21inches; Material: Steel and aluminum. 4 3 Features : (1) impactor profil; (2) electronic height encoder; (3) Rebound catcher; (4) Manual lifting device; (5)2 drop release buttons (for safety protection; (6) Touch screen Technologie ; (7) Safety Stopper; (8) Velocimeter; 600kg weight base. 5 6 8 7 Toe Caps Test Metatarsal test Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 13 Cadex Your best testing partner... Impact Machine Swing Set Machine Model: SB256 Swing Bench Impact test Machine Based on ISO 8124-4, Safety Standard Requirements. Customizable for many Other Standards. Fully adjustable using Touch Screen technology Control. Dimensions : Top Width: 128cm Bottom Width: 193cm Depth: 155cm Height: Adjustable Features : Touch Screen technology Adjustable Impact height Customizable Chain Length & width Various type of Impactor Precise Impact Angle alignment Built in Tri-Axial Accelerometer Touch Screen Technology Fully Adjustable Angle Preset Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 14 Cadex your best testing partner... Projection Projection and Surface Friction (Method A) Model : SB023 Oblique drop machine for projection and Surface Friction testing (Method A). Designed and manufactured to meet ECE22.05 & BSI 6658 regulations. Features : Twin wire frame with support pipes; Time gate for speed reading; Bar anvil and abrasive anvil included; Protective mesh-walls included; Motorised system; Load cell for tangential force reading included; Instrumented anvil with load cells for tangential force reading Time gate for velocity reading. Hard wood headform size J. Full motorized system with remote control key board. Oblique tester. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 15 Cadex your best testing partner... Projection Projection and Surface Friction (Method B). Model : SB053 Projection and surface friction (Method B) testing machine designed according to ECE22.05 standard. This machine perform both; friction test and shear test. Features : Pneumatic system to apply force; Sliding adjustable table; Guided drop loading mass; Soft stopping bumper; Pressure gauge; Interchangeable abrasive surface; Load cell with electronic display; Touch screen controller technology; Integrated time gate to verify the apparatus. Dimensions : Length : 205 cm (81 inches); Height: 165 cm (65 inches); Depth: 79 cm (31 inches); Weight: 198 lbs (90 Kg). Touch screen controller technology & pressure gauge. Adjustable headform angle. Adjustable helmet height. Adjustable helmet distance. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. march 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 16 Cadex your best testing partner... Cannon Compressed Gas Gun (high velocity) Model : SB082 The Cadex compressed gas gun is used to test eyewear protection (goggles, glasses and others) at high velocity. System can be modified and re-enforced to perform higher velocity performances. Dimensions: Width : 95 cm (37.4 inches) ; Depth : 220 cm (86.6 inches); Height: 185 cm (72.8 inches). Features : Uses compressed helium or Nitrogen; (#1) Touch screen controller (Fires the system, controls tank pressure, controls table’s motorization; (#2) Removable time gate for periodical calibration; (#3) Interchangeable barrels; (#4) Exhaust panel; (#5) Motorized holding table; (#6) Gas booster; (#7) Emergency stop button; (#8) Crosshair laser. Touch screen controller technology. (Headform not included) Standard MIL-DTL-43511D MIL-PRF-31013 Custom applications SHOOTING PERFORMANCE Speed Projectile type 550-560 ft/sec 0.22 cal fragment 640-660 ft/sec 0.15 cal. fragment > 1200 ft/sec ... Gas booster unit. Interchangeable shooting barrels. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 17 Cadex your best testing partner... Cannon Projectiles Shooter Model : SB081 Cadex Projectile Shooter is designed to shoot large objects such as hockey pucks, baseball/softball balls, and squash/racket balls as well as other custom applications. Complies with CSA, NOCSAE and other testing standards. Physicals : Width : 86 cm (34 inches); Depth : 208 cm (82 inches); Height: 197 cm (78 inches). Features : Shoots hockey pucks up to 150 mph; (#1) Touch screen controller Technology (Fires the system, controls tank pressure, controls table’s motorization; (#2) Interchangeable shooting barrel (#3) Compressed air reserve tank; (#4) Motorisation control box; (#5) Emergency stop button; (#6) Motorized holding table; (#7) Full opening doors on each side; (#8) Connection for triaxial accelerometer and sensors ( NOCSAE application); (#9) Uses a regular compressed air source. Touch screen controller technology. Motorized holding table. Interchangeable shooting barrel. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 18 Cadex your best testing partner... Cannon Low Velocity Ballistic Cannon (table version) Model : SB079 The Low Velocity Ballistic Cannon is designed test face shield and eyewear protectors. Complies with Snell, ANSI Z87, EN168, AS/NZS and other standards. Features : Uses a regular compressed air source; Speed range: 35-105 m/sec(using 6 mm(0.25’’) diameter steel balls) High precision speed gate Touch screen controller technology; Aluminum structure; Cross shape laser for better positioning; Polycarbonate walls; Compact table version; Headform not included. Cross shape positioning laser Easy removable time gate for periodical calibration. Touch screen controller technology : - fires the system; - adjusts tank pressure; - provides speed readings. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 19 Cadex your best testing partner... Cannon Double Barreled High & Low Velocities Model : SB082 The Cadex Double Barreled High & Low Velocities is used to test eyewear protection (goggles, glasses and others). System is mobile for testing flexibility. Dimensions: (With cage) Width : 200.6 cm (55 inches) ; length : 157.5 cm (62 inches); Height: 139.7 cm (79 inches). Features : Uses compressed helium, Nitrogen & compressed air; 2 Touch screen controller (Fires the system, controls tank pressure, read speeds; Removable time gate for periodical calibration; Interchangeable barrels; Gas booster & air booster systems; Emergency stop button; 2 x Cross shape laser kits; Projective shield panels. SHOOTING PERFORMANCE Speed Projectile Standard type MIL-DTL550-560 0.22 cal 43511D ft/sec fragment MIL -PRF640-660 0.15 cal. 31013 ft/sec fragment Custom > 1200 ... application ft/sec s Second Touch Screen controller is used as a remote control trigger for safety. Two cross laser targets (one laser kit per barrel). (Headform not included) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 20 Cadex your best testing partner... Cannon Non-Lethal Air Cannon Model : SB149 The Cadex Non-Lethal Air Cannon is used to test body armour for law enforcement and military uses. The shooting barrels are quickly interchangeable to test with multiple projectile types. The unit is portable for laboratory or ‘on field’ testing. Dimensions: Width : 106 cm (42 inches)- (leg to leg) ; Length : 162 cm (64 inches); Height: 116 cm (46 inches)-(horizontal). Features : Uses compressed air; (#1) Touch screen controller (Fires the system, controls tank pressure, provides speeds; (#2) Removable time gate for periodical calibration; (#3) Interchangeable barrels; (#4) Air booster; (#5) Emergency stop button; (#6) Cross shape laser; (#7) High accuracy valve; (#8) Removable tripod stand. Touch screen controller technology. Projectiles not included SHOOTING PROJECTILES & PERFORMANCE Standard Specification Projectile type Sponge Grenade 40 mm, 27 grs 30 to 150 m/sec Bean bags 12-ga, 5.8 grs 30 to 150 m/sec Mini-bomb 12-ga, 3.2 grs 30 to 200 m/sec Paint ball 12-ga, 3.2 grs 30 to 200 m/sec Air booster unit Interchangeable shooting barrels Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 21 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Control Center System Model : CCS_PC 4400 The CCS collects test results and transfers data to the computer. Features : Calibration certificate included; Measurement Range: ±500g; Complies with SAE J211 and ISO 6487 requirements. Computer Model : AAA Minimum Specifications : Processor: Dual core 1.80GHz; HD: 80.0GB; Memory: 1GB; 19 inches flat screen, key board, mouse; Licensed Microsoft Windows XP; Includes labour time to install DAC card and Softwares & validation. Important: Please note that these are minimum specifications required. Computers are sold with the current market components. Acquisition Card Model : PCI_6023E Features : To be connected into computer's PCI port; Provides relevant acquisition frequency. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2013 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 22 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Cadex Software Model : 270_00_CSOFT Using Windows XP, Cadex Software assists the tester by managing results obtained from most of our machines. A Machine’s motorisation can be controlled via virtual keypad. Features : Over 15 years of continued improvement; Friendly user interface; Customizable applications; Produces easy to read reports; Includes virtual remote control; Lab view Data Platform; Easy data extraction to Microsoft Excel. Software typical Interface. Applications : Uniaxial Impact test machines; Triaxial Impact test machines; Chin Strap machines; Chin Bar machines; Penetration machines; Velocimeter products; Force distribution (Load Cell). Integrated customizable tools. Integrated design tools help users to customize their applications according to their testing needs. Example of reports produced. (Showing: Calibration report). Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 23 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Uniaxial Accelerometer Model : 44A_00_BCAB Installed at the headform’s center of gravity, the Uniaxial accelerometer measures impact attenuation. Features : Calibration certificate included; ±500 gs reading range; Capacity to withstand up to 5000 Gs without damage. Above: Real size. Figure above : Detailed view Cable for accelerometer Uniaxial Model : 250_00_ACUA Cable for accelerometer Uniaxial with 90 degree connector. Low noise coaxial cable. Features : Available : cable length of 6 feet; Available : cable length of 12 feet; One end : 10-32, 2 wire connector; Other end : Regular BNC connector. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 24 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Triaxial Accelerometer Model : 250_00_ATAX Installed at the headform’s center of gravity, the triaxial accelerometer measures impact attenuation. Features : Calibration certificate included; ±500 Gs reading range; Capacity to withstand up to 5000 Gs without damage. Above : Real size. Figure above: Detailed view Cable for accelerometer Triaxial Model : 250_00_CACC Cable for accelerometer Triaxial. Low noise coaxial cable. Features : Available : cable length of 6 feet; Available : cable length of 12 feet; One end : 10-32, 4 wires connector; Other end : 3 BNC regular connectors. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 25 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Load Cell Assembly Model : 430_00_LCEL Allows to calculate the pressure at the time of an impact. For load distribution testing. Complies with ANSI Z89.1 and EN 397. Features : Combination of three load cells (equally distanced) to avoid any lost of reading; Compatible with the Cadex software; Headform not included. Shown installed on impact monorail with Impactor. Mountaineer's Headform installed on Load Cell Assembly. Inside view: Assembly of three load cells equally distanced for better accuracy. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 26 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Australian Load Cell Kit Model : SB068 To determine the ability of a protective helmet to distribute the force of an impact as per AS/NZS 2512.9. Features : Two headforms (radius 60 &70 mm) with built-in load cell included; Dedicated falling anvil included; Mini MEP Pad (to perform "repeatability" system check) is included; Compatible with the Cadex software. Shown installed on Twinwire Machine. Compatible with Cadex Software. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 27 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Body Padding Load Cell Kit (Many options available) For load distribution testing. Complies to many body standards requirements such as : EN1621 (Motorcyclists protective clothing) ; EN14120 (Protective clothing for users of roller sports); EN13277 (Martial Arts); EN14021 (off road Motorcycling); Load cell kits meeting other standards are also available upon request. Features : Compatible with the Cadex software; Can be used with Twin Wire or Monorail; Additional anvil available; Quick interchangeable anvils; Interchangeable modular kits. EN1621 - Motorcyclist clothing Quickly interchangeable units Falling impacting device EN13277 - Martial Art kit EN13546 - Field hockey Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 28 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Penetration Control Box Model: 320_00_PCBO The penetration Control Box is a contact detector device. Used in combination with a conductive headform, the penetration box provides a detection signal. Features : Visible and audible contact detection indicators; Uses a regular 9 VDC battery; Comes with a clamp to attach to the velocimeter’s rail. Front view, installed on a monorail. Rear view, installed on a monorail. Penetration control box shown on a monorail. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. August 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 29 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Velocimeter Display Box Model: SB203 The Time Gate Display Box is required for all testing application involving a speed reading (when Cadex software is not accessible). The box reads the time an object takes to cut beam of lite. Can be used with any Cadex Time Gate models. Features : Touch screen technology; Can be used with either single beam or double beam Time Gate models; Provides speed reading in m/s, km/h, feets/s and miles/h. Supplies staple power to time gate; Input to read TTL signal (0-5 volts); DB9 and BNC connectors input option; Time Gate (not include). Example of Cadex Time Gate (not included) (Available upon request) Example of Velocimeter High Velocity(not included) Side view, bracket details Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. August 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 30 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic Dual Dielectric Testing System (Electrical insulation)ANSI & CSA. Model : SB083 This system is use to measure the dielectric properties of a hard hat’s shell. The leaking electric current is measured when a high-voltage tension is applied (on both sides of the helmet’s shell ). Designed according to the ANSI/ISEA Z89.1 standard's, electrical insulation testing procedure and CSA-Z941 Dielectric strength test. Features : System generating up to 35,000 VAC /60Hz; Analog voltmeter and amperemeter display; Manual VAC adjustment; Polycarbonate vessel to contain fresh tap water; Polycarbonate cage for better view. High gage electric wiring; Located on top panel integrated safety switches. Polycarbone cage for better view side fan for extraction of the zone gases generated during the test (this gas should be vented outside of the testing room and building). Voltage/ amperage display Using 3mm solid metal spheres Using top water Connector high voltage Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. February 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 31 Cadex your best testing partner... Electronic ANSI Dielectric Testing System (Electrical insulation) Model : SB188 This system is use to measure the dielectric properties of a hard hat’s shell. The leaking electric current is measured when a highvoltage tension is applied (on both sides of the helmet’s shell), under wet conditions. Designed according to the ANSI/ISEA Z89.1 standards, electrical insulation testing procedure. Features : System generating up to 35,000 VAC /60Hz; Analog voltmeter and amperemetre display; Manual VAC adjustment; High gage electric wiring; Polycarbonate cage for better view; Polycarbonate vessel to contain fresh tap water; Side fan for extraction of the ozone gases generated during the test (This gas should be vented outside of the testing room and building); Located on top panel integrated safety switches. z Emergency Button Emergency stop High gauge electric wiring Polycarbonate vessel Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. February 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 32 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Laser Table Model : SB005 Designed in accordance with ECE R22.05 and EN1078 regulation. Used to draw test lines and impact points with guiding lasers. Features : Tilt headform stand; Rotating headform stand; 5 adjustable lasers (height and angle). Physicals : Width : 85 cm (33.5 inches) Height : 169 cm (66.5 inches) Depth : 85 cm (33.5 inches) Weight : 215 lbs (97.52 kg) Laser adjustment. 5 guiding lasers included Led illuminated control box with numbered lasers. Tilt and rotating headform holder. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 33 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Pen & Headform Holders Model : SB004 Pen holder and rotating headform stand to trace horizontal test lines. This product is mostly useful for orientation on the laser table. Traces precise markings on headform Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 34 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories M.E.P. Pad Model : 345_08_MP60 To perform System Check procedure. Complies with ASTM, Snell, CPSC, ANSI, DOT, CSA and other. Features : Comes with compliancy certificate; Hardness: 60 +/-2 Shore A; Thickness: 1 inch; Diameter: 6 inches; Mounting plate with quick release available. Spherical Impactor Model : 210_07_ASIM To perform Uniaxial System Check procedure in compliance with ASTM, Snell, CPSC, ANSI, DOT, CSA and other standards. Features : Radius: 73 mm, Material: Plated steel. On the left: Spherical Impactor impacting M.E.P. Pad to do system (twin wire and monorail impact machine). Twin wire application Monorail application Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 35 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Anvils Model : SB_ANVIL All types of anvils are available according to all existing standards. The Quick release system (Exclusive Cadex feature) allows test technicians to quickly interchange impact setups. Features : Each anvil comes with compliancy certificate; Each anvil comes with Quick release female part; Available in stainless steel or steel plated with; nickel to prevent corrosion; Male part and clamp are sold separately; 360 ̊ positioning of the anvils. Anvils for all existing standards are available. Shown during an helmet impact test. Male and female quick release example. Exclusive quick release system reduces set up time. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. August 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 36 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Penetration Headform Holder Model : 320_00_ADHS The penetration headform holder offers a solid multi positioning capability. Features : Rotation of 360 degrees; o o o Angle positioning form 0 to 90 , all 5 ; Can be installed on monorail or twin wire. Compatible with conductive headforms. (Headforms are not included) Rotates 90 o vertically (every 5 o) and 360 o on its axis. Shown during a penetration test. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 37 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Split Ring Clamp Model : 240_00_CLAM The Clamp is used to lock the head form in a particular position and hold it there during the impact test. The clamp’s weight is customized to your testing setup to help you reach the required total mass assembly requested by certain standards. Features : The weight can customized from 180 grams up to 1200 grams ( ± 5 grams); Material: Magnesium, aluminum and brass alloy Ball Arm Model : 230_01_BA The Ball Arm contains the accelerometer and allows the headform to rotate. Features : Available in Magnesium, Aluminum and steel; o o o o Coming in 20 , 25 , 30 or 35 angles; Inside view : (1) Accelerometer kit (2) Ball Arm (3) Clamp (4) Headform (5) Bolts ) Ball Arm assembled with Split Ring Clamp. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 38 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Impactor with Linear Motion Model : 450_DHHO For impact attenuation tests on safety helmets. Complies with ANSI Z89.1 and EN 397. Features : Incorporated rebound catcher; Easily interchangeable with penetrator device using same linear bearing holder; For use with the Cadex monorail. (ANSI) (EN397) Linear impactor installed on the Cadex monorail Penetrator with Linear Motion Model : 450_00_DHPT For penetration tests on safety helmets. Complies with ANSI Z89.1 and EN 397. Features : Incorporated rebound catcher; Easily interchangeable with linear impactor device using same linear bearing holder; For use with the Cadex monorail. Pointe Linear penetrator installed on the Cadex monorail machine. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2013 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 39 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact accessories Penetrator for Monorail Model: SB093 The penetrator device is designed to fit Cadex equipment. The center of gravity is aligned with the penetrator tip’s axis. The mass requirement is met when combined with the falling carriage. Features : Quick and easy to be mounted on the monorail carriage; Center of gravity aligned with the penetrator tip axis; Comes with a spare penetration tip; Comes with a certificate of conformity. Center of gravity aligned with the penetrator tip when installed on Cadex carriage. Quickly interchangeable Test technicians simply have to interchange the headforms with the penetrator device in order to prepare the penetration test. Penetrator device shown installed on a monorail. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 40 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact accessories Penetrator Twinwire Model: 320_00_PTTW This penetrator device is designed to fit Cadex Twinwire equipment. The center of gravity is aligned with the penetrator tip’s axis. The mass requirement is met when combined with the falling carriage. Features : Quick and easy to be mounted on the twinwire carriage; Center of gravity aligned with the penetrator tip axis; Comes with a spare penetration tip; Comes with a certificate of conformity. Penetrator installed on Twinwire. Spare penetrator tip included. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 41 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories NOCSAE Impact Flying Arm Model : SB027 Rugged flying arm to perform NOCSAE's impact attenuation test on : Baseball, Softball & Lacrosse helmets. This flying arm is to be used in combination with the Nocsae rotary neck. Features : CNC machined aluminum; Rugged construction; Spare accessories available; Headform not included; Accelerometer not included. Shown installed on our Twin Wire machine. NOCSAE Impact rotary neck Model : SB028 Impact rotary neck device for the NOCSEA flying Arm. No tools are required in order to adjust this rotary neck. Features : CNC machined aluminum; Tool less adjustment device; No tools are required in order to adjust the rotary neck. "Easy to find" positioning system. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. November 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 42 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories CSA-Flat Anvil 200 X 200 mm Model : SB076 Flat anvil (CSA-Industrial hat) 200 X 200mm. To perform impact attenuation test on industrial hat as per CSA Z94.1. Features : Modular system; Material: Plated steel; Impacting surface: 200 X 200 mm; Comes with a certificate of conformity. CSA-Penetrator Anvil Model : 320_00_PTMF Penetrator anvil Steel Plated and Quick Release Female. To perform Penetration test on industrial hat as per CSA Z94.1. Features : Quickly interchangeable; Quick release female part included; Comes with a certificate of conformity. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 43 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Chin Bar kit (American) Model : SB089 The American Chin bar kit is to be used with Cadex monorail. The basket & a metallic bar maintain helmet stability during the impact. A measuring device measures the deflection of the helmet’s chin bar. The information is sent to the Cadex software via the acquisition box. This kit can be used as an accessory or on a dedicated machine for chin bar tests. Complies with Snell, ASTM and other standards. Features : Compatible with Cadex software application; Can be used on existing monorail machine; (#1) Soft release system (Used on monorail dedicated to chin bar test); (#2) Interchangeable impacting device; (#3) Strap to hold the helmet in place during impact; (#4,5) Acquisition box measuring the deflection. TOP VIEW: The Helmet basket is used to support the helmet. The metallic bar is used to further secure the helmet into place and restrict any movement during the impact. Also available in TwinWire Configuration Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 44 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Chin Bar BSI Model : SB157 To test the deceleration of a striker hitting the Chin guard of a helmet. Measure the ability of the guard to cushion blows. According to BSI standard, Indonesian and other standards.. Features : Light interchangeable jig can be mounted on either monorail or Twin wire testing machine; MEP Pad support, adjustable in height; Adjusting interface for all headform sizes; Headforms: Not included. Dimensions : Depth : 55.8 cm (22 inches); Width : 27.2 cm (10.7 inches); Height: 52 cm (20.5 inches); Weight: 20.4 kg (45 lbs). Shown installed on Cadex twin wire impact machine Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev.November 2011P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 45 Cadex, your best testing partner... Impact Accessories NOCSAE Conical Leg Model : SB099 Complies with Nocsae ND090 to test Soccer Shin guards. The conical leg comes with a Quick release female connector in order to facilitate installation on Cadex testing machines. Physicals: Material: Stainless steel Dimension: Meets Nocsae ND090 Length: 12 inches (30.5 cm); Weight: 40 pounds (18.1 kg) . NOCSAE leg shown installed on Cadex Twin Wire machine. Quick release female connector in order to reduce set up time. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev November 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 46 Cadex your best testing partner... Impact Accessories atten Horizontal Impact attenuation rail system Model : SB169 The Cadex horizontal impact attenuation rail system is designed to offer low friction resistance during impact testing. To be used to perform the ballistic impact attenuation test according to NIJ 0106.01 standard, and 1292 Home playground equipment (swing sets) and other. Features: Low friction system; Headform assembly size 7 ¼ calibrated to 5kg; Integrated level; Rear end shock absorber; Triple rail system for better stability. Physicals : Width : 12.5 cm (5 inches); Length : 140 cm (55 inches); Height: 36 cm (14 inches). On left : Shown during Swing set testing application. On right : Shown during ballistic impact attenuation test. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. November 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 47 Cadex Your best testing partner... Impact Accessories Positioning Laser Kit Model : SB177 Laser positioning device. Can be installed easily on your Cadex Twin Wire machine or Cadex Monorail. This kit helps the operator to confirm the impact location as the helmet is rising up to the drop height location. This system is useful to perform testing procedures as per Snell methodology and other standards in order to confirm the impact location prior the drop test. Features : Anvil can be easily interchanged while using the laser kit; Built in application in Cadex Software to operate the laser kit On/off with wall inlet available for none Cadex software applications users Laser Alignment Tool Create a luminous cross-shaped for the actual point of impact. Pre-Aligned Laser System Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 48 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Full Headform Magnesium K1A Model : 100_04_FMH The full Headform Magnesium K1A is used for triaxial (X, Y, Z direction) impact attenuation testing on helmets. Headforms are shipped with a serial number and a technical data sheet. The headform has been designed and created to meet the ISO/DIS 6220 & EN 960 and EN960:2006 Standards. Features : Material: Magnesium K1A allow; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Complies with EN960 and EN960:2006 requirements; Only one accelerometer is needed to fit into a complete set of headforms; A single attachment cone is needed to fit into a complete set of headforms; All sizes available. The cone attachment is used to mount the accelerometer to the headform’s center of gravity. All standard sizes available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 49 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Half Headform Magnesium K1A Model : 100_04_HMH The magnesium K1A half headforms are used for Uniaxial impact attenuation testing. The headform has been designed and manufactured to meet the ISO/DIS 6220 & EN 960 or EN960:2006 Standards. Features : Material: Magnesium K1A alloy; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included; Comply to ISO/DIS 6220 & EN 960 Standards; Headform for the EN960:2006 standard is also available; All sizes A,C,D,E,G,J,K,M and O available; Sizes 495, 515, 535, 575, 605 and 625 available. Inside view. CNC grooved testing lines All ISO/DIS 6220, EN 960:1995, EN960:2006 sizes available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 50 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform DOT Headform K1A Model : 100_04_DMH The Magnesium K1A DOT headforms are used for Uniaxial impact helmet testing. The headform has been designed and manufactured to meet the DOT FMVSS-218 and ACH (Advance combat Helmet) Standards. Features : Material: Magnesium K1A alloy; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included; Complies with DOT and ACH (Advance combat Helmet) Standards; All sizes (A, B, C and D) available. ANSI Z90.1 modified headform also available (With ear cup region modified) Inside view All A, B, C and D sizes available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 51 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform JIS Headform K1A Model : 100_04_JMH The J.I.S. Magnesium K1A headforms are used for Uniaxial impact attenuation testing on helmets. The headform has been designed and manufactured to meet the JIS requirements. Features : Material: Magnesium K1A alloy; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included; Small, Standard & Large sizes available. All sizes available (Small, Standard and Large). Solid Wood ISO Headform. Model : 100_09_HWOO The solid wood ISO headforms are design to achieve special test such as Oblique Impact Test (BSI 6685) or Projection and Surface Friction test (ECE No.22). Features : Material: Hard processed wood; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 52 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Urethane Full Size Headform Model : 100_06_FUH The urethane full Headforms are used for measurement, roll off, field of vision, fit test, EN retention chinstrap testing as well as other tests. Headforms are shipped with a serial number and a technical data sheet. The headforms are designed and manufactured according to ISO/DIS 6220 & EN 960 and EN960: 2006 requirements. Features : Material: Hard Urethane; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included; Complies with EN960 and EN960:2006 requirements; Could be used for measurement, Roll off, field of vision, fit test, EN Retention chinstrap testing as well as other tests; All sizes available. Identification lines for : -Reference plane; -Basic plane; -Transversal plane; -Longitudinal plane. Bottom plate: All sizes available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 53 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Half Headform Magnesium K1A (Mountaineers’ Helmet Testing) Model : SB020 The Half Headforms Magnesium K1A are used for force distribution testing application such as EN 12492 for mountaineers’ helmet testing. Geometry complies with EN960 Standards. Features : Load distribution application; Material: Magnesium K1A alloy; 100% CNC machined; Testing lines are CNC grooved; Technical data sheet included; Comply to EN 960 Standards Headform for the EN960:2006 standard is also available; All sizes available. Inside view. -To be mounted on load cell with special clamp. -Multi positioning adjustment capability. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 54 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Half Headform for American & Canadian Industrial Headwear Model : SB070 The cast urethane half headforms are used for impact attenuation testing. It is designed and manufactured to meet ANSI Z89.1 and CSA Z94.1 safety helmets standards. The headforms are shaped as per ISO/DIS 6220 standards. Features : Material: Cast urethane; Harness: 60 +/- 6 Shore D; Shaped as per ISO/DIS 6220 standards; Sizes A, E, J and M available. Inside view. Special dedicated clamp available. Sizes A, E, J & M available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 55 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Penetration Half Headform for Canadian Industrial Headwear Model : SB135 These urethane cast headforms covered with conductive liner are used to achieve the penetration testing procedure as per CSA -Z94.1 standard. The headforms are designed to fall on a penetrator anvil. Features : Hard urethane covered with conductive liner; Shaped as per ISO/DIS 6220 standards; Hardness : 60+1-6 Shore D; Complies to ISEA geometry requirements; Sizes E, J, M are available. Shown in impact monorail utilisation. Special dedicated clamp available. Sizes E, J, M are available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 56 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Penetration EN960/ISO Headform Model : 100_06_PUH The full Headforms for penetration are made of urethane material covered with conductive liner for electrical contact detection. The headform has been designed and manufactured according to ISO/DIS 6220 & EN 960 Standards. Features : Material: Hard urethane covered with conductive liner; 100% CNC machined; Complies with EN960 requirements, all sizes available; Comes with a repair kit to restore the surface if damaged; Technical data sheet included; Can be mounted using quick release system or on the rotary angle system. All sizes available. Exclusive quick release system reduces set up time. S Shown installed on rotary angle system. Shown during a penetration test. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 57 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Penetration DOT Headform Model : SB064 The penetration DOT headforms are designed to perform the penetration testing as per FMVSS 218 and other standards requirements. Features : Material: Hard urethane covered with conductive liner; 100% CNC machined; Technical data sheet included; Small, medium & large sizes available. Small, medium & large sizes available. Shown on Penetration Headform holder. Shown on monorail during a penetration test. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 58 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Force Transmission ISEA Headform size 7 Model : 100_01_HASE This headform is used to perform force transmission testing on hard hats (according to ANSI Z89.1 requirements). The headform is designed to be mounted on a loadcell assembly. The Headform’s geometry and mass meets ISEA requirements. Features : Material: Aluminum; Technical data sheet included; CNC machined; Complies to ISEA geometry and mass requirements; Only one size (size 7) available. Shown installed on Impact Monorail. Headform bottom view. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 59 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform CSA Z262.6-14 Facially featured Headform Model : SB185 The facially features headform is manufacture in order to meet the CSA Z262.6-14 requirements. The headform is used to perform the impact tests on face protectors for use in hockey (CSA Z262.214) as well as industrial eye and face protectors (CSA Z94.3). Features : Material : Urethane – minimum 70 Shore A; Comes with certificate of conformity; Come with CNC machined test lines. Above: CNC machined test lines ( Z262.2-15 Face protectors for use in hockey): -Protected area for full-face protector; -No contact zones area; -Minimum load-bearing area. ALL 4 SIZES AVAILABLE: -Juvenile male /Adult female (535) -Adult male, 50th percentile; (605) -Adult male, 90th percentile; (575) -Child (515) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 60 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Chinese headforms Model: SB146 (Size 1) Model: SB147 (Size 2) These headform are used to perform force transmission and resistance to penetration on hard hats (according to GB 2811 requirement). The headform is designed to be mounted on a loadcell assembly. The headform's geometry and mass meet the requirements of the chinese standard. Same design of headform is also used to perform penetration procedure. #1 Features : Materiel: Aluminium; Technical data sheet included; CNC machined; Complies GB2811 geometry and mass requirements; Two sizes available (Size 1, Size 2). Shown performing shock absortion testing procedure. Shown performing resistance to penetration testing procedure. #2 Headform's bottom view Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 61 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Penetration Hard Wood BSI Headform Model : AA21 The penetration hard wood headforms (Test blocks) are designed and manufacture according to BSI, SNI (Indonesia) requirements as well as other standards. Features : Material: Hard processed wood; Technical data sheet included; Soft metal conductive top part; Customized radius available; Quick release system for fast installation. Soft metal conductive top part. Shown installed on Cadex machine. Test block for testing penetration resistance. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 62 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Penetration Hard Wood EN Headform Model : AA22 The penetration hard wood headforms (Test blocks) are designed and manufacture according to EN1077, EN 13087-3 requirements as well as other standards. Features : Material: Hard processed wood; Technical data sheet included; Soft metal conductive top part; Customized radius available; Quick release system for fast installation. Soft metal conductive top part. Shown installed on Cadex machine. Test block for testing penetration resistance. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 63 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Headform according to EN168 Model : SB078 EN168 Headforms are designed for different tests such as personal eye protection test, ballistic test and referencing. Features : Materials : Cast epoxy, aluminum or urethane with internal core; Technical data sheet included. Small and medium sizes available. Headform for High Temperature Application Model : SB132 Headforms meets EN168 geometry which is designed to resist up to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. In accordance with NFPA 1971. Dimensions : Material: High temperature Cast epoxy. Features : Technical data sheet included; Small and medium size available; Resist heats of up to 425 F̊ . Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 64 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Modified EN168 Headform for Breathing Test Model : SB130 To test respiratory protective equipment. According to NFPA 1972, EN12941, EN14594 and others. Features : Material : Urethane ; Technical data sheet included; Small & medium sizes available; Breading tube specification can be modified upon request. Pressure Eye probe available. Breathing tube can be connected behind the headform or below the neck. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 65 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform EN168 Modified Headform for Photometry Model : SB131 Modified EN168 headform system to measure solar rating for non-prescription eyewear, sunglasses, fashion eyewear and other application. Features : Material: Urethane; Technical data sheet included; Light/UV meter available; Light/UV meter can be adjusted in depth. Gage plate to adjust sensor location Light meter adjustable in depth Depth adjustment device for sensor UV meter available (not included) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 66 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform Alderson Headform Model : 100_04_HALD The Alderson headform has facial features. It is mainly used for eyewear testing and can be used for air cannon testing : Features : Material : Urethane; Only one size available; Neck not included. Shown installed on Compressed Gas Gun. Alderson Headform during eyewear test. (Also available in green) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 67 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform N.I.J. Ballistic Penetration Test Headform Model : 100_00_HNME According to the N.I.J. 0106.01 (National Institute of Justice) standard for ballistic penetration tests. Design for both: Sagittal & Coronal penetration applications. These specific headforms have a cavity to be filled up with clay. Features : Material : Aluminum; 100% CNC machined; Technical data sheet included; Mat Finish to prevent light reflection. Front view Right rear view Bottom view Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 68 Cadex your best testing partner... Headform T8131 30 degree Headform (In the event of tumbling and falling down) Model : SB167 This Headform is designed to achieve the impact absorption test as per the Japanese T 8131 – Annex 2 (for protection at the time of tumbling and falling down). Comes with quick release female connector to reduce set up time. Features : Materials :Layered hard wood ; Technical data sheet included; Comes with Quick release female connector. Penetration resistance clay tube (In the events of tumbling and falling down) Model : SB168 This clay tube is designed to achieve the shell penetration resistance test as per the Japanese T 8131 – Annex 2 (for protection at the time of tumbling and falling down). Comes with quick release female connector to reduce set up time. Features : Material: Aluminum; Technical data sheet included; Comes with Quick release female connector. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev.Nov 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 69 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Retention System ASTM Model : 1001_00_RSMA To test the efficiency of the helmet retention systems. Designed and manufactured to meet EN1078, ASTM, CPSC, AS/NZS, BSI regulations and other standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Manual operation; Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Depth : 60 cm (23.6 inches); Width : 48 cm (18.9 inches); Height (adjustable) Min : 182 cm (71.7 inches); Weight : 72.5 kg (160 lbs) Additional weight to perform more than one standard Electronic conditioner box Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 70 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Retention System BSI Model : SB141 To test the efficiency of the helmet retention systems. Designed and manufactured to meet BSI regulations and other standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Manual operation; Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system; Adjustable helmet support. Dimensions : Depth : 60 cm (23.6 inches); Width : 48 cm (18.9 inches); Height (adjustable) Min : 182 cm (71.7 inches); Weight : 72.5 kg (160 lbs). Adjustable headform support. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 71 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Static Tensile Load for Retention System Model : SB033 To test the efficiency of the helmets retention system. Designed and manufactured to meet DOT FMVSS No.218, ACH (Advanced Combat Helmet) and AS/NZS 2512.5.1 standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Motorized operation; Double linear transducers to measure elongation minus helmet’s compression; Incorporated load cell to apply constant static load; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Depth: 26 inches (67 cm); Width: 24 inches (62 cm); Height: 78 inches (198 cm); Weight: 63.5 kg (140 lbs). Top transducer Cage protection also available. Motorized System Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. dec 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 72 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Retention System (SNELL) Model : 1001_00_RSMS To test the efficiency of the helmets retention system. Designed and manufactured to meet Snell motorcycle and car racing requirements (SNELL M2010 and SA-K2005). Can be adapted to other Standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Manual operation; Pneumatic drop mass lifting system; Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered by up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Depth: 33 inches(83.82 cm); Width: 23 inches(58.42 cm); Height(adjustable) Min: 73 inches (185 cm); Weight: 125 kg (275 lbs). Pneumatic lifting system Electronic conditioner box Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 73 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Strap Machine System 2 in 1 (ASTM & EN) Model : SB200 To test the efficiency of the helmet retention systems. Designed and manufactured to meet ECE22, EN1078, ASTM, CPSC, AS/NZS, SNELL and other regulations and other standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Manual operation; Additional weight to perform Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over more than one standard time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Depth : 60 cm (23.6 inches); Width : 48 cm (18.9 inches); Height (adjustable) Min: 298 cm (117.3 inches); Weight: 72.5 kg (160 lbs). ASTM ECE / EN1077 Electronic conditioner box Drop platform (EN1077) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 74 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Test of Retention System Model : 1001_00_RSME To test the efficiency of the helmet retention system. Designed and manufacture to meet ECE22.05 regulation. Can be adapted to other Standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Up / down pneumatic lifting system (Needs 80 to 150PSI air source); Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz source; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Width : 62 cm (24.4 inches); Height (adjustable) Min : 298 cm (117.3 inches); Depth : 70 cm (27.6 inches); Weight: 78.47 kg (173 lbs). Rear view Rear view with cage protection available Pneumatic control integrated Electronic conditioner box Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 75 Cadex Your best testing partner... Retention Chinstrap Multipurpose Machine Model: SB098 Equipment to test micro-slippage, resistance to abrasion of the chinstrap and durability of quick release system. According to BSI and ECE22 regulation. Features: Touch screen controller technology Adjustable speed & cycle frequency Load 20 Newton’s Durability of quick release system on the side Micro-slip and abrasion of the chinstrap by interchanging configuration. Resistance to abrasion test Micro-slip test. Touch screen controller technology. Durability of quick release System Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2013 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 76 Cadex your best testing partner... Retention Dynamic Retention System, Simple Machine EN1080 Model : SB201 To test the efficiency of the helmet retention systems. Designed and manufactured to meet EN1080 (Helmets for young children) regulations and other standards. Operated by either Cadex Software or Touch screen controller technology. Features : Pneumatic operation; Electronic conditioner box reads displacement over time during the test; Head form support can be raised or lowered up to 10 inches (25.4cm); Powered by 115 VAC/60Hz or 220VAC/50Hz & compressed air; Can be connected to a computer system in order to measure the real time displacement. Cadex Acquisition software has been developed to monitor this signal system. Dimensions : Depth : 60 cm (23.6 inches); Width : 48 cm (18.9 inches); Height (adjustable) Min : 182 cm (71.7 inches); Weight : 72.5 kg (160 lbs) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2014 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 77 Cadex your best testing partner... Roll off American Roll Off Model: 1001_00_ROMC To determine the positional stability of helmets to comply with Snell, ASTM, CPSC, NOCSAE Lacrosse and other standards. Features : o 360 rotating headform holder (Headform facing up or down); Supportive Stand available; Headform : Not included. Dimensions : Width : 82 cm (32.3 inches); Height : 206 cm (81.1 inches); Depth : 73 cm (28.7 inches); Weight : 54.4 kg (120 lbs). Rear view Supportive stand available Headform facing up and down Stand alone system Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 78 Cadex your best testing partner... Roll off European Detaching Machine Model : AA17 To determine the effectiveness of helmets retention system according to EN 1077, EN 1078, ECE R22/05 and other standards. Features : Soft Hand release; Rotating headform stand; Turning headform holder. Dimensions : Width : 82 cm (32.3 inches) Height : 206 cm (81.1 inches) Depth : 73 cm (28.7 inches) Weight : 68 kg (150 lbs) With bike helmet Angle Protractor Safe manual weight release Height compensation system to fit all headform sizes. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 79 Cadex your best testing partner... Roll off Australian Static Roll Off Model: SB087 Static stability testing rig to comply with AS/NZS 2512.7.1 standard. Compact system version, easy to store on a shelf after usage. Features : o 360 rotating headform holder; Soft spacer included; Incorporated level; Polly adjustable in height to maintain horizontally the pulling strap; Headform sizes ‘A’ & ‘J’ with modified neck available. Incorporated level o 360 rotating headform’s stand Headform size ‘A’ & ‘J’ with modified neck available. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. august 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 80 Cadex your best testing partner... Roll off Roll-Off BSI Model: SB062 For testing chin strap effectiveness. This test simulates a helmet rolling forward on a motorcycle rider’s head, when the rider stops suddenly. Meets BSI 6658, Indonesia and other standards requirement. Features : Manual drop mass release system; Side reference ruler with adjustable zero in order to provide accurate drop height; Adjustable drop height with capability to drop from more than 100 cm; Drop mass connected to the helmet by a hook, attached to a non-extensible nylon strap; Falling mass of 4Kg; Headform covered with wig included Physicals : Width : 104.1 cm (41 inches) Height : 198.1 cm (78 inches) Depth : 55.9 cm (22 inches) Weight : 72.57 kg (160 lbs) Modified Headform: Covered by a wig, with acrylic hair of 70mm long; Headform diameter: 575 ± 5 mm; Neck of the test head pattern extended 50mm; Throat and under jaw replaced by polyethylene foam density 40 kg/m³. Headform covered with wig included. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 81 Cadex your best testing partner... Roll off NOCSEA Retention Leg Model : SB134 According to the NOCSEA ND090 standard retention test for soccer shin guards. Features : Pivoting system to help reach many positions; Made of aluminum and other corrosion resistant materials; Applies constant static load using gravity; Balanced center of gravity; Comes with certificate of conformity. Integrated angle guide Detailed rear view Calibrated static weights Detailed view of pivoting leg Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 82 Cadex your best testing partner... Conditioning UV Conditioning Chamber Unit Model : SB048 UV conditioning unit designed and manufactured to meet ECE R22.05 regulation. Touch screen controller technology with alarm allows separate time calculation for each conditioning stand. Reflecting interior liner. Features : Touch screen controller technology; 125W Xenon filled quartz lamp; 4 or 6 Independent rotating stands; Reflecting interior liner; Door safety switch. Xenon filled UV quartz lamp. Rotating stands. Touch screen controller technology. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 83 Cadex your best testing partner... Conditioning Rain Conditioning Machine Model : SB046 For rain conditioning according to the ECE R22.05 standard. Touch screen controller with alarm. Measures separately the conditioning time for each of the for helmet station. Features : Touch screen controller technology; Capacity : 4 helmets; Independent and individual nose holes for each ; Water flow rate of 1 liter/min ( adjustable); Semi-transparent wall construction to facilitate viewing; Re-circulating water circuit. Adjustable Pulverising Nose Hole. Flow meter Touch screen controller technologie. Helmet Support. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 84 Cadex your best testing partner... Conditioning Freezer for Cold Conditioning Model : SB047 Because cold air is denser than ambient air, this Chest Freezer model is better at maintaining a cold condition during frequent door opening. Features : o 0, -35 C temperature range; o +/- 2 C accuracy; Digital display. Freezer for cold conditioning Oven for Hot Conditioning Model : SB035 Features : o 50 C Conditioning Environment Touch screen controller technology; 300 liters capacity (custom dimension available upon request); o +/-1 C accuracy; Stainless Steel interior material; Interior air flow circulating system; o Heat recovering time up to 150 C in 3 mins/4 mins. Oven for hot conditioning Touch screen controller technology Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. August 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 85 Cadex your best testing partner... Conditioning Radiant Heat Chamber Model : SB094 Designed and manufactured to meet EN 443 and/or NFPA 1971 standard. Using touch screen controller technology along with an alarm, the radiant heat chamber manages automatically all of the different conditioning steps. Features : Full automatic system; Touch screen controller technology; Radiant panel with auto self-adjustment power system; Radiometer and thermocouple adjustable in height; Doors can be opened or closed to perform either NFPA 1971 or EN433 conditioning procedure. Touch screen controller technology. Doors can be ‘closed’ to perform NFPA 1971 conditioning procedure or, ‘opened’ to perform EN443. Radiometer and thermocouple, adjustable in height Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 86 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Field of Vision Gauge Kit Model : SB034 The field of vision gauge kit is designed and manufactured to meet any standard you may be testing with. Features : Interchangeable gauge blocs; Material : Aluminum/Stainless steel; Adjustable in height; Adjustable to all headform sizes. Horizontal field of vision. Upward/downward fields of vision. Other blocs available for all standards. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 87 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Goniometer Model : SB043 To determine the area of coverage of face shield and field of vision according to EN168, EN 174 and other standards. Features : Horizontal Axe rotation at eyes level; Vertical Axe rotation at eyes level; Laser included; Headforms EN168 small and medium available (Not included); Ellipse JIG shape EN168-EN174 (not included). Dimensions : H: 48 cm; W:48 cm; L: 64 cm; Material: Aluminum & Stainless Steel; Weight: 26 kg. Ellipse (not included) Angle graduation Headforms EN168 sizes small and medium available (not included). Center pupil alignment Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 88 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Chamber for Gases and Fine Dust Particles. Model : SB174 This Chamber is design to test for protection against gases and fine dust particles, according to the EN168 standard, testing procedure #14. Features : Sealed front door with window; Stainless steel inlet tube; 10 liters atomizer bottle ; Interior dimension: 22” X 22” X22”. Not included : This testing chamber is to be connected to an exhaust system in order to evacuate ammoniac gases outside the building after the test; Reactive test papers. Detailed view. Amoniac atomizer bottle (10 liters capacity) . Outlet fan to evacuate gases after the test. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. Fev 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 89 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Mechanical Resistance of Visors Jig. Model : SB144 To test mechanical characteristics of motorcycle visors as per ECE 22, section 7.8.2. Once installed on either a monorail or twin wire testing machine, a drop hammer of 3kg falls on the linear punch. Test technician can then take advantage of a guided drop & motorization function of existing standard impact machines. Features : Light interchangeable jig can be mounted on either monorail or Twin wire testing machine; 300 grs linear punch device; Adjusting device preventing the penetrator punch to get closer than 5 mm from the surface of the headforms; Adjusting interface for all headform sizes; Headforms: Not included. Dimensions : Depth : 37cm (14.5 inches); Width : 20 cm (8 inches); Height: 80 cm (31.5 inches); Weight: 16 kg (34 lbs). Shown installed on Twin Wire & Monorail. Adjustment screw to prevent contact with headform. Adjusting interface to fit all headform sizes. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 90 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Punch Tower Stand Alone Model : 320_00_PTSM The punch tower impacts visor for mechanical characteristic of the visor evaluation. According to ECE R22/05 and others standards. To be used as well as a stand alone penetration jig. Features : (#1) Drop height measuring device; Hand operating rope system; (#2) Striker and break device; Other accessories can be installed; Punch dimensional and drop hammer design according to the customer’s requirement. Compatible with other accessories. Drop height measuring device. Striker break device. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 91 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Optical Fogging System Model : SB036 Equipment to test the resistance to condensation of oculars visor and protective lenses according to EN168 ECE R22/05. Features : Protected mirror to prevent water condensation to drop on mirror; ‘Easy to find’ optical center provided by efficient lens configuration; Built in flat screen to save working space; Solid state laser with 10 mm parallel beam expander; High sensitive 110 sq. mm photodiode detector; High precision heating system; Fully automatic cycle operation; PC included with customized software for fully automatic fogging time calculation; Dimensions : Height : 127 cm (50 inches); Width : 81.3 cm (32 inches); Depth : 43.2 cm (17 inches); Weight : 160 lbs (72.6 Kg). Cadex optic software included. Lens holder bracket. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. Aout 2011 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 92 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Sand Abrader Machine Model : SB051 Sand abrader gravity tube is used for lenses scratch resistance. Designed and manufactured to meet ECE R22/05 and other standards. Features : Stainless steel base chamber; Base container that contains over 3kg of sand; Internal tube’s diameter: 120mm; Sift of 1.6mm mesh; o Sample rotating base (diameter: 700mm) with 45 angle axis to the falling sand direction. Rotating base holder for samples. Sifts. Door makes the container more accessible. Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 93 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Refractive Powers Bench Model : SB092 Equipment for testing the spherical, prismatic and astigmatism refractive powers of lenses, according to ECE 22/05, EN and BSI standards. Features : Touch screen controller technology; High resolution electronic encoder; Frame made with aluminum profiles; 26 X 20 telescope included; Software included for calculation on your PC; Supportive stand or wall attachment bracket options; Rotating illuminated target. Touch screen controller technology. Rotating illuminated target remotely controlled Calibration lenses +0.25D; -0.25D; +0.12D; -0.12D; +0.06D; -0.06D Available upon request. Telescope equipped with an electronic encoder Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 94 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Light Diffusion Bench Model : SB037 The light diffusion optical bench is designed and manufactured to meet EN 167-168 and ECE reg.22/05 standards using simplified method “C”. Features: Full motorised version; Automatic calculation; Software supplied to use with your computer; 110 sq. Mm silicon detector; 5 mw laser source. Cadex software included (to be installed on your computer) Touch screen controller technology for acquisition and calculation Sample holders Laser beam (Test must be performed in a dark room). Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 95 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Spectrophotometer Model : SB038 For testing the Recognition of signal light, spectral transmittance and Luminous transmittance of ocular visors and protective lenses according to ECE R22/05 standards. Features : Optics: Single beam; Scanning any range from 320-1000nm; Calculation executed by software included; Accept sample of 10 mm width; Computer (not included). Single beam spectrophotometer Specifications Tables Range Resolution Accuracy Spectral Bandwidth Wavelength 320 to 1000nm 1nm ±2nm 8nm Photometrics Transmittance Absorbance Accuracy Resolution Stray light Noise Stability 0 to 199.9%T -0.300 to 1.999A ±1%T 0.1%T, 0.001A <0.5%T <1% 1%/h after 15 minutes Software for calculation (To be installed on your computer) Range Resolution Units Factor Concentration -300 to 1999 0.1 to 1 ppm, mg/l, g/l, M, %, blank 0 to 199.9, 1000 to 9999 Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2012P Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 96 Cadex your best testing partner... Optic Scotoma Testing Machine Model : SB197 To determine the peripheral field of vision and scotoma of the face protector. According to (CSA Z262.1; Z262.2; Z 262.5; Z262.8; Z263.1; Z611). The system is programmed to tilt horizontally and vertically and take reading every 5 degrees. Features : Touch screen technology; Full automatic system; Headforms with instrumented eyes; Eyes with photosensor covered with lense of 8mm radius of curvature; Colonized light source of 17 lux; Horizontal Axe rotation: center of 2 pupils; Vertical Axe rotation: center of 2 pupils; instrumented headforms (4 sizes not included). Touch Screen Technology Instrumented headforms not included Field of vision test (Test must be performed in a dark room.) Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. July 2011 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 97 Cadex your best testing partner... Worldwide Support Worldwide Support For any questions or purchase, please visit our website or call us at : www.cadexinc.com 1-450-348-6774 Due to continuous improvement on our testing equipment, details shown may change. Cadex Inc reserves the right to make alteration to its products without notice. / rev. March 2012 Cadex Inc. 755 avenue Montrichard, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Qc J2X 5K8 Canada www.cadexinc.com Phone: +1.450.348.6774 Fax: +1.450.348.7157 98 WWW. CADEXI NC. COM Pr oud s uppl i erof :