2014 - Fletcher Academy
2014 - Fletcher Academy
e Are ... H I ChoSeN a t• I 0 n F amity L eaders E nergetic T hankful C ommited H elpful E nthused R eligious wesome isciples E ager Mindful youthful Whiepering Hille2 0 13- 2 0 14 Fletcher Academy,Inc. 18 5 Fletcher AcademyDrive Fletcher,NC2 8 7 3 2 828-209-6800 www.fletcheracademy.com eAre... WeAre.... Reminiscing 6 1 42 Talented 43 e Are... Disciples WeAre... Social 50 eAre... WeAre... BFFS United 94 Whilewalkingdownthe hallsof the AD buildingit is not unusualto hearlaughterco111i11g fro111 the school councilor 's office. Peekingthrough the opendoor into the tiny office, you willoften find severalstudents in the roo111, lounging011 the red couchor leaningagainst the door fra111e. Behindthe desksits Mrs.Henski,the 111uch -lovedstaff 111e111ber whohasso often been referred to as a 111other-figure 011 ca111pus. We Are a result of the choiceswe make.This year you choseto spend your year here at Fletcher Academy. Because of this decisionWe Are further academicallyadvanced from the time spent in classroms and studying. We Are more socially developedfrom makingnew friends and building friendships that will last our lifetime. We Are closer in our spiritual walk wih Christ from the countless hours spent in prayer and worshiping Him. Throughthe past four and a half years that Mrs. Henskihasbeena part of the Fletcherstaff fa111ily, servingas part of the FinanceOffice staff, the art teacher, girl'sdeanandschoolcounselor,she has greatly and positivelyaffected the livesof 111a11y students. Alwaysco111plete with a s111ile and readyto givea hug,sheneverfails to brightenthe day with her goodhu111or. Everready with a practicalJoke,a teasing co111me11t or a listeningear,sheneverfails to laugh with you overthe little things in life, or hugyou while you cry overthe bigones. Wewant to say thank you to Mrs.Henskifor being not only a friend, but an all-aroundrolemodel!Your presence011 campushaschangedmanylives.Tl1a11k you for your dedication to Fletcher Academy! lt has beenmy extreme pleasureto watch each of you as you grew spiritually, academically,and socially over this school year. It is becuaseof students likeyou that Fletcher Academy exists. It is becauseof students likeyou that We Are a family, and becuaseof you that We Are Fletcher. Mrs. Henski Mr. Pottle Thankyoufor helpingto makeFletcher Academy what We Are, Terry K. Pottle Principal "She is very caring about her students and their problems". -Sofia "She is nice,funny, and a very good teacher." -Milagros de ..JesusPolo rs. Henski spe1k~ing uality time with her students Kelly nd Sofia. 4 "She is a loving person who always listens to what you have to say." -Eathen Park 5 "If you think back and replay your year, if it doesn't bring you tears either of joy or sadness, consider it wasted." - Ally McBeal 6 , , , emtntsctn 7 1-fand~hake TheFletc her handshake is full of laughter, hugs,and obviously,handshaking. Aner not seeing classmat es and best friends for the wholesummer,it feels great to see everyoneagain!Anxiouslywe lineup by grade and go aroundtalking, huggingand handshaking. But that's not all, we also play entertaining gamesth at helpus get to knowoneanother and grow as a school. WeAre... hat didyouthinkof hand6hake? ·t wasfunny,andeveryonewa6 nice!" -AudreyLewi6 "St udents " It-is the start of Fletcher!" - JonathanGarcia I love handshake!" -EdenGarmon "Ente rt aining" ! "/) Vfle " ",Joy-f illed" "Crazy" 9 Sabbath in the Mountains was relaxingand spiritual. Though the day was cloudy & cool,fun was had by all. It offered time to notice God's nature and realize how muchHe lovesus; we realized how He deservesour praise.We sang songs and heard a wonderful sermonby Southern students. Also, we learned about this year's theme "Anchored". Followinga great worshiptime we were ableto enjoy a great lunchand then headout for a nicehike! Everyoneloves ClassScramble!Thisyear Mr. Johnson did an excellentJobcallingout items, he especially lovedto ask for some good old Dukememorabilia!Duringclass scramble, anything can happen.Something as randomas a shower cap can save your team from losing, bringing a 111att ress can get you points and 111aki11 g a paper airplanethat flies the farth est could put you in the lead.All in all this years Scramblewas a success! 10 POINTS: Seniors-4 0 5 Juniors2 75 Sophmores2 70 Freshmen-260 11 "It was a great bondingtime andit was a lot of fun." -Ana 12 "Iabsolutely lovegirlsclub campout! -Rebekah was good." -Allison "It was so much fun, I can't wait until next years." -Juilyea Girl~Club Club Carnpout out "BoysQub reallyhelps bringthe guys together." -Bi "It was oneof the most memorable of experiences the year." -ZachS. "It was awesome." -Gideon "It was fun." -Michael 13 Fallpicnicis a oncea year, week-longclass-on-class event that happens aroundthe secondweekof September.Preliminarygames are played duringthe weekbefore and all four classescompete against oneanother in flag football, the milerun,the 5k run, high Jun1p, and many other events. Every year a good time is had by all, but this year was evenbetter . 1l1ou gh somewere injured,classes rallied tog ether in an incredible show of support . 1l1e seniors behind th eir "DoSomething",the Juniorswith "Let's MakeHistory", the sophomores behindtheir "Ignite the Light", and the class of 2 0 1 7 bearing t heir bannerproudly. Inthe end the seniors lead th e way, winning wit h the other three classesfinishingin linebehindthem. geniorDedication Se11ior Dedicatio11is the weeke11d the se11ior class is dedicated to God. These11ior class comes together, looki11g forward to graduation 011Friday eve11i11g, followi11g a powerful specialmusicby A11a Chela,Sy Gallimorestood up a11di11troducedthe speaker,his father, Ly11do11 Gallimore.Mr. Gallimore spokea very movi11g sermo11, whiche11couraged the se11ior class to follow God, a11dremi11ded the111 to 11ever give up.It was a great time for the se11iors to cometogether a11drecog11ize that God has a purposea11dpla11 for their lives.Se11iorsleft feeli11g calledfor a God's purposea11du11itedas a class. AlumniWeekend2013 Alum11iweeke11d is a time for old 111e111ories to be refreshed a11d11ew 011es to be 111ade. Fletcher graduates fr om years past comeback"home"to Fletcher for a weeke11d to see a11dcatch up with old frie11dsa11dsee how muchFletcher has cha11ged i11the years si11ce they graduated. Theweeke11d was a good mix of old fri e11d s a11dspirituality. Therewere excelle11tsermo11s from both Mr. Sam Le11ore a11dMr. Joh11Neff . Also, we ca11'tforget about the music,the academy 111usic departme11tprovidedmusicfor Friday 11ight vespers, Sabbath duri11g church,a11da co11certi11the LPC011Sabbath after110011. All i11all, it was a great weeke11dwhichwas filed with good memoriesof the past, a11dexperie11ces that becamememories. Favorite Spirit Day For one month, oncea weekevery Tuesday,students havethe option to dress out for a SPIRIT DAY.Thesefun and wackydays allowus to comedressedfor whatever day it is (as longas it follows FA regulation of course;) Tl1isyear featured Western Day, PajamaDay, Nerd Day, and TwinDay. 18 19 Hot apple pie, crisp fall leaves, warm hot chocolate, yes, fall has arrived! Every year, with the turning of the leaves the Fletcher family celebrates t heir annual Fallfestival. Fall Festival is a t ime to come together, eat great fo od and share in some great laughs. f his year there were great opportunities to pie a teacher, smash a car, get your face painted, and even t hrow someone inJail. We Are... FallFedival 2 "United" "Christ-Like" "Special " "Wild" "Examples" "Family" "Outgoing" "His" "Loyal" "Forgiven" 23 ·,r-~~~~---= ~~--------~------------------- Whatdidyouthink? I enjoybeingableto swim, play games,a11 workout in our LPC. - LaurenPowell- I enjoyplaying sports on t he fi eld. I likethe fr iendly competit ion our campus has. -Elijah Gallent - I likehangingoutinthe student center , playingpingpong,pool,and jU6thangingout with my friends. -RichardThomas- 26 Even t houghsome of ourclassesare longandthe workis difficult , we endure the m for oureducation. Andeventhough we st udents are very hardto deal with at times, t heteachersstill put 1 10 %into helpinguswith our education. 1111•111 We,as stude11ts,are 11otjust a part of Fletcher Academy.We belo11g to a11dare surrou11ded by a great commu11ity. So it is 011lyfair that we take the time to get out there a11d ~ r;;s:.:T ~~~ give back.Thisyear stude11tswer11t to variousorga11izatio11s to volu11teertheir time a11dtale11tst o showthe loveof God. Some we11tto the Salvatio11Army, others to collect ca11s for Ma1111a food Ba11k, a11dbuildfor Habitat for Huma11it y. Our goal is always to show Jesus Christ through our actio11s! Carnpu~ Minidry ... lllliiiiiiii.; 'Twasthree weeks'foreChristmasandallthroughthe school, not a creaturewasstill, not eventhe "cool" Thecookieswereplacedonthe tables with care, in hopesthat the students soonwouldbethere. Soonthey arrived,all readyto play, the visionsof cookieshadplaguedthem allday. Thenout onthe stairs there arosesucha clatter, Wesprangfrom ourclassesto see what wasthe matter. Awayto the hallwaysweflew likea flash, throwingopenthe doorsandrunningso fast. eyes did appear? Whenwhat to ourwondering But a mattress to slidedownthe st airs ohso near! Wesliddownthe stairs, we openedsomepresents, Weputted the golf ballsandmovedallthe noodles. Wewatchedthe oldGrinchlate into the night 'Tilsoonit wastime to say Merry Chrfetmaeto all,and to all a goodnight! 30 Every year around Christmas ti meth e schoolput s on a christm as performancet hat includes a play for riday night vespers put 011by th e Act s IIt eamand concert featurin g band, bells, and choir groups. 1isyears performances were no disappoint ment ! cTs II stag ed a great play on Friday evening while )Bells, Band, Choir, & 1 1th hour heldth eir concert EJaturd a ni ht . What wasyourfavorite ongby choir? 1esong was called "Sing," yler Hodges sang really bad, but made it really funny. -Elien Flores- Winter Olympicswas an absolut e hit th is year. Every st udent parti cipated in a fri endly compet ition t o seewhocould get the greatest combinedscoreand winth e t it le of "WinterOlympics Champions!" It was amazingto seeevery class unite tog et her in order to besuccessful. Throughout the Olympics, everyone kept God as t heir main fo cus which made it t he best Wint er Olympics yet . Classes batt led it out in th e pool, ont he basketa ll court, and in a myriad of st rengt h and f it ness t est s. This year's basketb all games were especially t ight. The Sophomoregirls put up a fierce fight , losingto t heseniors by a merepoint, whileonly a few days later th e senior girls succumbedto t he Juniors by a single point as well.The Freshman brought homeprizes inJump-roping, while t he sophomore's earned several ribbonsin swimming events. In t he end it was th e Senior boys who walked away as basketb all champion s. All in all it was a f anta st ic t ime of fr iendship, competit ion, and overall f un. 34 r=1etcher Candid~ Winter After muchhardworkand dedication,th i years S.A.Banquet blewall the other l\,li!, -banquetsout of the water- literally! The theme for this banquetwas a formal cruis ship"ball."Everyonegot together their be outfits and met at t ,heschoolto loadt h busesand start ourjourney downa long curvy roadto ourdestination. Thevenues right onthe water, offering an outstan di viewof LakeLure.After manypictures we .. taken in front of the beautifulscenery,it was time to eat! Therewas a hugevariety appetizers,maincourses,anddessert anL-1 everythingwas delicious! TI1anks to Gideo11 and Julio,someawesomegameswereplay ",,;===== = == == shortly after that left smilesoneveryo11 r==;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= ===::::;i r-------------:-....., ·. faces.Entertainment was presentedto u .~f/i{f;' ?~), by a magiciannamedHayden,wholeft us a 1 .... '. ; 1.· ri in awedueto the mindblowingmagictrick ' .I • ~ heperfomed. 1 Without a doubt, this banquetwas one · the best yet, and it wouldnot havebeen , , possiblewithout S.A.TI1ank you so muchS. ~ for givingus a banquetwe neverwillforget ·. ...__...;....__...;;.__.....;;...._...;;;_ _ __;,;.;;;;.J lf' I ~"----=;;=== == ;;.;;.;...~ re. .. ::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~---------------,._ Cll .... ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.- ~ =================== I : I 1 1 ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I 42 , octa 43 gurvival. .. Senior Survival is definitely a trip to be both looked f orward t o and remembered.This year, Mr. Bass (with th e assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Sigsworth and Mr. Carvill) drug 5 1 of th e 5 2 seniors out int o th e "wilderness" at th e base of Mount Mit chell in th e North Carolina mountains. The campsit e was nice,but 110 tents were allowed. Each senior was given a tarp and as muchtwine as they needed to build a shelter. Many seniors brough hammocks,but some of the girls choset o build makeshift tents out of tarp s. While John Clayton slept in a rock in the river, and quit e a few of the boys multiple tim es a day, in "camp". All weekendth ere were were meant t o helpthe Sometimes, the thin gs quite fru strat ing, and tested, to say the least . frustrating, but for the nature, it was also a On Sunday, the seniors did most nerve-racking weekend, simply becuase lives in eachoth er's hands ... After nearly 4 days, 3 meals, several bee st ings, memories, th e senior class and sore, but strong er and fr iends, and ready to ... decided t o cross the creek order to get to th eir chosen team -building activit ies th at class learn t o work toget her. they were made to do were every one's pat ience was Not only were t he activ it ies seniors who do not enjoy challenge. the tru st fa ll, which is th e experienceof t he whole t hey are putting th eir whole nights, 6 worships, 9 amazing 1 concussionand a lot of good retur 11edto Flet cher, tir ed, closer as a class, and as "Do gornething" 4 45 f h1syear for the seniorclasstrip, the classof 2 0 1 4 took off in an irpla11 e at the endof Januaryto their sunnydestination of Belmapeon, elize For 12 days and night5 the wholeclassstayed at fhe KingsChidlrens Honi e\ a localorphanage. Herethey built a fence, a vollleyballcourt, leadout in f ee 11Meetings, and put 011a vacation bibleschoolfor the childrenthere at the that God wanted the Seniorsin Belize, orpl1a11 age.111ere is 110questio11ing ~ecause HeHimselfpreformedcountlessmiraclesto get them there, and while t hey wereactually on the trip. Go",blessedeveryoneinvolvedwith this missiontrip. With the helpof God, many of our seniorswereableto comeout of their comfort zonesand do thit1os t hat they are not usuallycomfortable in doing. For example,many f;'tu.,1e,11 ts got up in front of the localsand told their testimonies, whichwould not have bee11 successfulif it was not for Go'-'1, 011 e miracleof the trip that stood out the most was whenEthan Parklost, hisglasses in a swimminghole.After over an hourof Joelswimmingto find the111 i11the dark rushingwater, God madethe impossible, possible. Wit hout a doubt this trip changedmanylivesfor the better. Although it wassa.,1for us seniorsto leaveall of the newfriends we madein Belize,we fin" , happinessin knowingwe willall reunite in Heavenoneday very soo11. Thank you to everyonewhomadeit possiblefor this trip to happen! geniorgupperlative~ Most LikelyToHave5 kids: Sara Collson Most Likelyto Most Likelyto go into Goof off at Work: MirkoHeber TheMedicalField: SamanthaY0011 LikelyToWinAn Olympic Medal: IsaacFortunato MostLikelyToLiveIn KevinMiller& LinneaBurke TheCity: ElijahJohnson Briann a Harriston --- Most aass Spirit: Sy Gallimore GageHines AshleyHoward Most Enthusiasm: Rebecca Sosong "Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus 50 51 F - Music/Si11ging, spL'rts, reading,traveling, f l1L,tografhy 1 7 0-Nurse LI- peoplebeingciisresfectful, OLDl alc1history teachers, KevinMiller,bullies,forgettii1g 0 0 things R - Se11iorSurvival,History triF, MissiontriFs, 1 1th Hour,"Bonel" T - Belize! E - "It's a Sa111I" "Cha!""Tl1ank YL,u""Don't even start" E - Johnson'sclass,trifoFingUf?the stairs, falling over111y.ieskthe first Jay of Chemistry. N - "TweetTweet","Bir3' "ML,111" R - G-crew,Tours,Histo1-ytrit7, parties with friencls T - Out Westll S110wboardi11g, hiking,wakel7oarding, scenery E - "Oh,goo,-l011el""Youseethat?""" 1 2" E - Youknow,I ho11estlyhave110clue. N - La111L,chot7, Ra111choF, Clan1c\10F, Cho111Fers, Davidwith a B. Parla111entarian Will: y fantast ic tru111petskillsto who111ever 111ay befirst chair next year. My weedeatingskillsto Devinand Ke11d all, My scienceskillsto MichaelY0011, andSweet tea to midget# 1, AKA Britani Brown. DakotaBrewer r=avorit:e padirne Occupation Unbearable Remernberance~ Takeme to ... ~pre~~ion~ Ernbara~ing moment Nickname~ F - Photography 0 - Most likelya helicopterpiolot LI- stupid, causestupid shouldhurt R - SeniorSurvival,and all the aweso111e peopleI have 111et andthe aweso111e things we havedonetogether. T - Heaven,so111e day E - "What?'Yea!OK!""Heystop thats ..." E - Don't really haveany N - Brewski,Brewer F - Sports, ha11gi11g out with friends 0 - MissionaryDoctor, Medicalfield U - Peoplewithout co111111on sense. R - SLlf'cwvisingat the store, . I 1 1th hour,band,and chk,i1trips, livingwith my cousins T - snowboardingout west E - Noproblem,souni"isgood,no no 1101 Good one! E - G-crewsu111111er Tigerincidents N - Scotchild,sctoland, scotch, scotty, pippin,prunner,lokie Will:I will 111y fabulousgradesto 111y brother, my versatile percussionskillsto MichaelY0011, store rarty coodinator to Stephanie, stro11 0 Lass singerto Kendall,111y co111111011 senseto CaleL7 Holt, 111y speciallokiehelmet to ShelbySpears,and fun ti111esin bandand 0 52 dorn,t L1 Austi 11Brown. 53 F - Writing, Reading 0-Writer U - Loudcountry 111usic, Barricuda,S111acki11g. R-Do111i11ican Republic,History Trip, Se11ior Survival T - Rooster teeth heav1ciuarters, E3, Co111iccon E - Arggh!Wby?Pontido that! Nope,Untruel E -Tooe111barrasing to re111e111ber. N - Hairy Monkey,Williian-1, Sasciuatcl1,Ze11thian, Ape111a11 WillBuchanan Will: JuliyeaB. ,111y craziness and the end of 111y stories. To 111y classgoodluck. Stacy and Kayla111 y friendly abuse.To 111y sister goodluck,havefun a11"1 you 111ay have111y goodluckand goodwill. F - Sleeping 0-MD U - Clowns,SunkenShips R- F - Listeningto Music 0 -Ele111 entary Teacher LI- When t bedoor knobis wet R - History t rip T- Belize! E - "Oh111 y word!" "Thats Crazy" E -Joining a prot est at Harvard N - Blondie, Collso11 Will: ..;"Blonde11e ss"to ca111 ero11 o ges, y sponta neousnessto Skyler ~e11h ardt : M~ highvoicet~ Lucia,My ruiminrl skillsto Skyler,My library/ gradingskills to S1·ahIman.My Love of kidsto ChrisViar. My opt1111 1s111to Warn b..il t. Dann~Coon F - Playingfoorball LinneaBurke 0 -Mechanic LI- Heights , LA Lakers,peoplewho alwayscall fo r fo uls i11basketball. Prayer Conferencewith E..1e11, SeniorSurvival,Su11setvespers0 11biologytr ip R- T - YourFridge E - Staaahp. ls it really?Hey Jaaaash,YoloCholo E -Li1111ea "1oesnot get e111barrassed N - NayNay,Lannie foo'1.I willMr. Morrie my bu1 ·11 ing love Will:I willKevin Garcia all of 111ylove and Fen·a11et ,atus. I willKare11111y Biologyt rip, t he movementsc1 uri11 g ba1dfest ival, fir e alarm 011 histo ry tr ip T - Backwoov-is i11Canada E- "Yeah ", "Nice" E -Al111os t gett ing hit by a dump t ruck pulling out of t he student parking lot N - Coonboy,MagicHands or 1-ev,ir 111y fait hfuiness.I will Devin "Everything HaeChall,Jc'ci' 111y Lucka11tlrny lips.I will Skyler the student ce11 t er. I willMarci111y "Earthquake" I will sweetie all of 111 y weird faces. I will Danny D t ·heability to ei11a alone.1will Jeffrey my Jalape11oe. a11ai all of rny kwe,all,1tny icewbes. Will:I will beingthe se11io1· Coonto Brian Coon,being Kevins experiencedworker to DasanGoodrich, the people try i11L1t o get you to t alkto BobCoon. JoelDavie~ F - Me,Brianna,Jade all got lost i11NY,Sleepover s i11 the dor111 0 -ClinicalPsychologist,occupatio11altherapist U - Peoplethat are reallyloud,Mornings R - ClassScramble,BelizeMissionTrip,History trip T - To England,Parts,Chile E- Dang!,,,,Well. then. ewww,,.,I Joveyou!Ha,your fu 1111y, whats up? E -Tripping01111othi11g and al111 ost falling whenJanitors are 111op ping N - Anit a, PooBear,Ana Banana, A1111er s F - Swi111111i ng, eati ng,watching 111ovies, ta lking, sleeping 0 -Havingfu11and living life to the fullest LI- Cucumbers, to 111 atoes, wlie11 people ask 111e what lanquaget hey speak in E11glanj R - Night i11 Greenvilleand at Sandy's housein the hot tu b T - Thebeach,KingsDominion,Europe,1l1estars E - "Oh111 y soul!" E - Forgett i11 g I had Physicsclass. Du111ping 111 y t ray i11 fr ont of a gid I liked N - Joely, J-Swag, Mutt Will:I ,viii Kara 111y snacks,Danny "yeah boy"Isabella 111y cal111 and cool. F - Workingwith co111puters 0 -Assassi11 LI- Arrogance R - Death of 111y mother, Aweso111 e Redheadst yle T -1l1e1110011 E - Death!Units . E -I don't havetho se. N - Jol111rrr, Redhead,DevilSpawn Will: I willSkyler 111y brain.I willMadison 111y cape. I willKe11d all 111y assassin skills. To lydia 111y aweso111 e 5 4 redheadness. ToAlex 111y Minions. F - Making people laugh, chasi11' bears 0 - Architect U - Fakefrie nds R - "WI1at i?" . . "V,eaj1I" , "OKI" . T - Hilton Headlsla11 d E - "Shaz-wannah", "1l1at's as useful as a poppy-fl avoredlollipop." EN - Fill,Fillo, Cap'111 , MefiLFillers, A11d -r-e-w, Fill111 ore,Filbio, Waldo, Hose Will:I 1 ·ill 111y awesome hair to DrewS. I willmy knowledge of Star Wars to Madiso11T.a11d knowle dae of WWIIto Jc1 h11 so11 . My ru1111 ing skillst o Misa D. My \ol, .r:,~fc,ta rbucks to Hannah L, My t,asketl1all skillsto Olen M.My hungei-to Au.k ey. I will 111y graJing jol' with Mrs. Seil ert to Ian J. My bear chasi11 ' 1 ahht1 e, "e 1\ usti n B. 55 F - Pianoa11d Soccer 0 - Ani111al Biology LI-Gossip R - "Peaches" in A&P, SeniorSurvival,History Trip T - Italy, TheMountains E - "Anyti111e", "Pretty 111uch", "l guess","What?!""Chicke11 butt!" "Barnacles!!!" E - Ijust don't haveany.That's just not 111e. N - lsaaco,Ike,FortuneCookie,EnergizerBunny,Light11ing l~ac Fortunato F - Lookingat fashionwebsites/ 111agazines, hangingwith frim .1s,eating krispyKre111 0 -Dentist LI- .Jaggec.1 Nails.usedba11dail,is, not finisingwhat you weresaying R - History trip, hangingout with friends, makingfun of Mr. Joh11so11 with Bon11ie T -Africa E - "Dang""YeahGirl" E -Gettil1g lost in ti111es squareat 2 am N - Bri, Bri #2, fool Will: I will 111y Speedto DannyDiaz,I will 111y a111azing spellingability to .JessicaPottle, I will 111y pianoabilitiest o Skyler F - Sf1orts,Guitar 0 - ESPNAnalyst/Writer, E11ti-epreneur LI- Cou11ti-y111usic, a11dglittei- (both w(.1uld bewc1rse) R - History trif 1"rules",Gentry vs. Scril 2 0 12 sophL1more l1asketlall 1, 0 upset, "It's 9: 13, su11ny outsije a11,1 gol.-ifishswi111 backwarc-is ." l~uackl class, Sigs' shouL-ier sciueeze,11eveistitting in a l lue.-ieskin Spa11ish 1st 1110111e11ts. Steve (A?).Hif1pocow,coketof 1ia, Ho11, IL T - A Maaicgame,or .lamaica(f1lease?l E - Tl'ipf1i11a Skylei-,Havingshorts rippedto shreds in flag footl all E - ".lackso11"' "Sehwat""Shaz""Bro.""Really""For.la111aical" N - Sy, Ja111aica11, Co16Ycius,*sigh",Sydini, Galli(-sh111t.1re), Ja111aicry, Sy111on, TereshkL1va 1 1 Will:Kallll, 111y smile.Zanobia,n,y poetic fl•o-w..e., S,,,...op~h~ia..1..,-,1-w""'office skills.Jojo, 111y looks.Janet, 111y ability ~o co111e LIF' with a so11g for c'Vc'ryt.\11 ii(J. foshia11na, 111y lovefo1·hellokitty. Sara Jane,111y crazil1ess.Audrey, country twang. Jas1111n, fashion skills.Jeffrey, my laugh. Rachel, Janee moves.Mili&Yajil·a, tutor time with Si s. 0'11eiL stud habits. Nathanl-leatherly · F - Burn Pile 0 - Mecha11ic LI- Chevy,Duke,peoplethat take 111y hat R - Muddin'with my boys at the burnpile,Rule# 8. T - Alaska,huntingmoose E - "Say it with your chest'" "You'regonnalearntoday!" "Shlob" E- None N - Bubba,Nate the Great, Little John,KoalaBear .............. __ WHI:L~arviia11 ~ngelto any Mmill0 chilti,Joi' to Calel'Holt, Co11SY ciusto ElijahC--::: White boy_ _ . . . . h1ghjunif'6 to 0abe W.,Dnv111g 111 the f'a111t to Da1111y D.,Dr1v111g a car to Br1a1111a L-. a11cl M1·s.~tate0. L u1tar sk1l10 a11.1 l1feP.O.V.to Ha1111ah D., Highgracle-0 V.l TI1e0to1-yof HowI Met YourMothe1·to 111y 0011 (ER.),Hate for csou11try mu0icto Gan-et B., 111y hate of glitter to ShelbyS., to 111y l'rother CC. Social11e00 to the Coons,Linnea'sRo, ainetc 1 Joh11son, P1·Ueto stand alone#111aCjica1dBuc0forlife t .o Gi11,er and To az. 0 F - Playingpickup ga111es with friends. 0 - PhysicalTherapist LI- Feet!!! R - SeniorSurvival T - Hawaii,Ro111e E - "Ohhkay'" E - FailPagei11last year's yearbook N - FJ, Big One,Jonny,ChupaChu, Q-tip F - Snowboarding, driving,hunting,hangoutwith friends 0 -Diesel111echa11ic/ firefighter LI- Peoplewhodon't uselogic,anc.1 school R - That I madenewfriends, and that this schoolacceptedme T-Abu Dhabi E-YiYi E -Fellc.1ow11 in front of a girl I likedat HeritageAcade111y N- Mircat Will: I willKevinGarciamy ability to tumble, I willJasonK.my strength, I willDannymy facial hair,I will Elimy abilit to do airs, I willMisa 111handlesin basketball. F - S11owboarc1i11a, photoaraphy,clarinet & guitar, beill(lwith frielk1S. 0 -Photojournalist CourtneyGentry F - sports, chilli11' with friends, spe11di11g ti111e with God. r:l§i~~ (j..~~::::...:...:_:;;;;;;~;-i O -Physicalll1erapist LI- Paf1eduzzies, Sf1eed limits LI- Duke,OhioState, R - D.R.Trif1, classtrif 1, YOLO,"Rule# I", summers011G-Crew,Se11iorSurvival, [,usrde backfro111 ViewSouthern, ca111pL1uts, all thi11asAero, gra,1i11g parties, "OperationChrist111as Cookie"a11dlikeevents, hating JuniorE11glisl1, adve11tures with Sif1esaid 111y G-crew l oys. T - Bahamas,Eurof1e,Hawaii c1u111b rules R - Aero trips (DD, classtrips, [,eatingthe Senio1·sin basketball,team sports, ha11ai11a with frie11ds,the soccerteam E - "It was crazy!""Ifaileciit!" "Let's aol'' E - "ML1(.111i11g" the sdeli11e duringa football aamewhenGinger"pulledthe 1 T - Seethe worlc-i E - "Newlife goal","Just Sayin","Ohh,OK""ll1at's legit!" "sac-istciry" "Heckyes!" Wl'Ollgflag." N - He11ski, Zage11ski, Chickenski, Broski,Maverick,Pi111pski, Z-Swag, Gringo,ZIA, li1coa11ito E - Backingmy ca1·i11toso111eo11e in fro11tof the wholeentire bl1y'sdorm... N - Holly,Courtney-Lou,Katniss, Su11shi11e, Mort, Tom,fo111ige, Brita11y Will:I will Lydia,"Strawben-y",the aHlity to becool & lot0 of 111e111liries. Devi11 W.,111y rooma11cou 0po en-ness. 1chael Yoon-Amillionpaf1e1·fuzzie0. Josh W.gets my red11eck-11ess, HannahD.my block-layi11g skills& LL1ys. Britani B. the title of bei11a the air! 011 G-crew,Chl'isStroth111a11 tile aHlit y t~ read bad hanJw1·itil1a a11Jgrade lL1na A&P reviews,DrewS. --My gra,-iinaskills.I will rny clarinet skillsto EmilyLem I also will E111ily Leo11 to the l est 7 er that YOLO1110111ents, a11.1 Kara Wait, my ability to re111e111L we havea quiz. elevatlll' arnupin Acm KellyC.aets 111any 0 5G 0 Will:ToJeus: My Heart, HannahD.and B1·ita11i B. 111y amazingtalent to washc1ffmy paint brush.DannyD.a11dLuisG. my awesomesoccerskills,Julio: the titl e'of "groUfJ leader",a11dmy clothes. B1·u111111ett, Reeceanc-iG111ge1· the L,est 11a111e ever!Chelsea:title of lyst pairs partt_:1er that anyc111e coul~ c'Vc'1· havel ldespite my "eady retirement.")ALdrey:/\II of my food. Seth P.:111;,t oraderjpb for ~rs. Seibert. Mr. Morris a11,1 the t:7pan1sh Depart111e11t:5 TI1e l7rtt er (.•ffice".Shat1e:My 111otivatio11 Jason:My c-ieep voice.Jeffery: My 'G 11ess. ~tephan1eMcElhe11ey: All of 111y loveand morefor l1e1ng the best a~f11en di11thewl1o~wodJP~smy t arkings~~a~ce ~,~) -----~~~~~--------~~~~~~--------~ 7 Travi~l-lerbert ::- Videoga111es , skiing,pingpong J -FletcherValleyMarket J - Narrowminds,arrogance Z - Hangingwith friends, maki11g explosivesand other federal offe nses f - A ski resort :: - Good one'OhI gotcha!Ohfunny! :: -Neverhappened ~ - Don't haveone F - Shopping.Running.Spending ti111e with fr iends. 1-.:,....,.,.,..,..,....,,..,,.,.,..........,..,.....,,....,..,,,..,...,..., 0 -Nurse or Ultra soundTech11ici a11. LI- When People lickt heir f ingers. R - Senior survial. T - Blairsville Georgia. E - "Youhate' 111 e" "Yafruitcake:"'"MEHHH" "MERR" "Don't sass 11 1/' "1'111 0011 11a pc'emyself " E -Too 111 any to list ....1'111 a Hover... N - A11 11aBanana, Fruit cake,A11 11a-Bell. Merrste rr. High Maint ience Will:My tru111petskills to whoeversucceeds111e, My wo,-kaweso111 ness to Kalen.I wouldliket o give 111y video gameskillsto Alexia. My pullupskills to Alex. F - Frolocki11g through dandylionfields 0 -Mrs.A111erica (Worldpeace) LI- Ignorance,chewing,dark corners R - Biologytrip, History tr ip, Minibus swag,seniorsurvival L1ears T - Thefridge E - Hey girrrr. Foreal£.,ioe the struggle E - I don't get e111barresed, I laugh N - Boo Tang,Shawwwtaay,Saywah ~rah I-Iii! A~ley l-loward F - Sports, playing t he piano,eat ing,spending ti111e with fr iends 0 - Helping people (possibly 111 edicalfield) LI- Whenpeople are mean R - Senior survival T - Korea and Hawaii E- "And t his t oo, shall pass" E-no11e N - Ashley-washley, howard Will:Ede11,1nySUf'ertaste i11111usic. Da1111y, Misa,~lorda11, Kc'vi11, 111y 1nother and 111y incre.iible t,011 f ire fW'ties. Karen and Emily, 111y frid ge',c'pen 2 4 hours, seve11 days a Wc'e~. Kahn,my A111c'rican Cit ·iZc'1 1shif Hannahlee',Tracy a11" 1Pati-ic.ia 1• a 1 , a good roommate . Alison L, you 11 0 longer are my pillow.-.Jessica P, my Will:B, 1t tan y Howard, my ove. a1111 e; anisl skills. Ever oneelse, a reat school ear. Elt_jah John~on F - Burn Pile, hanging wit h friends 0 -Landscaper LI- Ho111 ework a11 d sitt ingdoing not hing R - Muddin' wit h the guys, snowboarding,class011class T - Carribea11 i,.-,,.-_,.,..,..------. E - HappyHappyHaf..,P Y, life goes0 11, hey Jack, here, no 110 , Jesuslovesyou too E -When I fell into a bushin front of the Ad Building N - Chicken,Bird, Rooster, Dawg 11 ah W. Will:B 4et ball skills to Will.Parrot skills t o Alyssa G. JumpingSkillst o Set h P.SnowboardingSkills t o Ha11 G-crew 0kills t o Devin. Hei ht to Ha11 11ah D and Brit ani.Wakeboardin skillsto Dann D. F - History Trip,Freshman year choir trip 0 -Chaplain,Comedian,Nat ionalSpeaker LI- Spaghetti, Slow drivers R - Cleaningthe bat hrooms with Karen,Alyssa, Dasan.DoingPranks with Zach Henski,Willowtree with Jessica T - Hawaii,New Zealand, Afri ca E - Kiss111y foot , class 111 eeti 11 g everyone' Yous111 ellinwhat TylerI-lodge~ i111 stepf..,ingin? E -English speech, Usingmouth washinstead of shampooin my hair N - Tybo,ldiot, Hodges Will:Jc:'ffr ey, 111yworking skills. Alyssa, n,y ga1-de1 1ingskills. Ca111 c'rc,1,1the honor of livii10 up to the' Hodges 11 a111 e. Hannah lee,dass prc'sidc'11tskillsand 1r1y fuld raisers. Sar.'111 gc'l111y Sc'l1Seof humcY. 111y swit chfoot CD's, Dasa11Alyssa and Karen my janit or skills. Skyler 111 y country acce11 t . Danny Diaz, 111y amazing f1 hysic:skills.Set h Pi11 58 JeeinKirn F - Beingborninto th is world ~ _ :,., ..,0 -Student · ' · _ LI- Dogs R- Sit ting on Maleahsf ace · T - Home. Home is where t he heart is. E - CanI havea gum? What what ? I got th is.Ala Madre. YoLo E-Trippingup anddownthe stairs. Sett ing my bagel011fire N - Frogface,GG. KimKim.Jeint he korean, JK F - Watching111ovies 0 - Nursepracticionerinthe OB department U - Peopletalking duringa 111ovie R - l rememberwhenI was in Pre-Calculus classwhenI first ca111e hereand Shelbiand Traviswe1·e111aking Chickennoises!Theywerevery realistic1 T - Heaven! E- "Ohshoot!" "Yearight" E - WhenI started 111y first weekof schoolI remember tripping upthe steps failthfully every day! It was soooembarassing. N - You-Doe-Doe, ,Janet , f~ Will:I will HannahD.my ha inessso shewo11'tbedowneveragain!l will my hardworkingskillsto Ruth Ce I I F - Soccer 0- Nurse u- Jill Za R - Hat trick score in class-on-classsoccer cha111pio11ship. T - BernaBenStadium E- "NicePass!" EN - Vick,Vicky Q.helbi Martinez t:udoraLawe "' , F - Hangingout with friends. Reading. 0 -Dental Hygentist U - Peoplechewi11g with their 111outh open,and peoplewhodon't use - · co111mon sense. R - SeniorSurvival.Girls clubca111pout. T - Boating to Captiva lsla11d or Venice,ltaly. , E - "Here'""Iwant chickennuggets!","GodBless.""1111 Hungry." E -Joh11son's Class. N - Shell,Shelbs,Sh11elbe, Shelba-lou,Shell-Bell. ~:.. 1 le to Han11ah Will:I will 111 y haf1 pine00to every Fletchei-1\cac-ie111y Stuc-ie11t. I will my aHlity to tu111L W.I will my laughte1·to Alyssa G. I will my spiritual ,,.-ivice t ., Christi11aB. I will 111y crazi11ess to Ha1111ah D.I will my lovefor Go.-ito everyrne at Fletcher. I will 111y aHlity to yell to 111y wo1kie1fulcousi11 Bdtani5. aleahMerrill~F - VolleyL,all,football, sleefi11g,eating Victor Lee 1 m'.'::"1':li ~ 0 - OB/GYN : -~ U - Clea11 roo111 R - Ju11ioryear English,operatio11Christmas c.,okie,Se11ic1r Survival,worki11g fo1· 'l;!!!;::~---;t _;;;;· :7. ~~ ~·· t Sigsworth, lakesa11df1hL111es, Hawaii,HistoryTrif1 , Aero tours, chalkbucket,Rule# 1, wrestli11gT1·avis T- c::.Ua111 E - "Wait, what?" "Youjust Maleal1'ec1 that", "G1·rr""Llhhhhh" E - "Chalkl ucket""1'111 a Little TeaPot", "Are Swee.ie11 a11c1 Switzel'ianc-ithe samef1lace?" 1 11'0 class,class0cramble Every day in .tc,hnsL N - Ninja#2, Malem, Maleahhhhh,Malele,Blo1dy,Stuf1i.1Pidgel111,She Hulk 0 ,,, 1 I .lersey to Pat. I Will: I will 111y fat legsto Jast'll K.I will 111y l asketL,allskillsto DanielG. I will 111y great soccerskillsto Da11ny D.I will 111y AIHL will my Korea11 talking skillto CarlL,sI will 111y 11ijasia11111ove to ElijahG. 0 F - Whenl was 15 0 -Dental Technician U- Cafe food R - Cafe worker,dish washer T- Korea E-Good E -Classon Class N-Golo Will:Tal by, myatte111ptat 1 trio 'f/i,1 skills,to 111y i111agi11ary boyfrienc:i,0trength to carry 011witlwut 111el ToMac1iso11 T.,111y amazi11g joL in Sigsworth's 1 t'ffice. To;\ust111, the aHlity to beStupia-i# 1. ToChelsea,the aHlity to becomeShe Hulk. ------......,..,,,..., F -Eating, sil1gingwith Sky, goingto ChrisSauveshouse,playingpiano,writing 0 -Campus111inistry coordinator, unemployedfool U - Wet doork11obs, touching 111y bellybutton R- Dor111 life, blackcrew,pranki11g with Tyler.At Chris's.Practicingwith Ethan, 1 1th hour T - Korea,Zimbabwe,Heaven,Figi E - Watch through your window,Rat, Cowpatty E -I don't get e111barressed. N - Phylicia,Rat111an, Punkboy,Biggi111s, Yourgrace,Agent Pixie Will:Ke11ciall, a portio11of 111yheart. Jeffrey, - 111y swag~a11.ibest 1·1e11c1ship. Macliso11, 111y love.i,bl y L, 111y eyelasl1es ..Alyssa G, her SOI\], 111y voice.AL1ckey,my heart. Grade, my smile.Skyle1·.A rortion of my heart, loveand voic:e.Stepha11ie, My powers.Cados,my ,1hett,,11 c',<2,Bl'ia1111a Ge,idi11gs, My Beil\J.Gal by, a f'Ortio11of 111y fatlier0h1' Fen11i11. M fathershi "· Eileen,rn l1 a dacid shi . B1 a11t,rn Fatl1ershi'· 1 1 F - Playingsports, reading,eating 0 -CPA(certifiee,1 publicaccountant) U - Bugs,BeingUnorganized life, R - Aero trips, 111ission trips, all the ho111ework Sigs gave.Dor111 friends, Johnson'sClass T - Placeswith amazingbeaches E - Lookit lookit lookit! E -Too111a11y to re111e111ber N - Sparkles,Scherbatsky,Lucy RobynMar~hall \ Will: I will Eileenthe Abs Clock,Doue,1iken my s111artness. ShelbyS, 111y RA Skills.Johnson,111y youth a11dhair,Mrs. 'Henski,the crazy amounts of energyI havehidc.-ien deepdowninsideand 111y love, 60 GideonMoyo f - Chess,Spo11ta11iosity 0 -Ste111 cellresearcher U - Cheese,A111biguous directions R - Dares,late nights inthe dor111, seniorroomchats T - Thewild plainsof zi111babwe E - I got ti111e, Youwannabet,, garliccanfix that, Not in 111y .., E -Goodti111es at skyzone N - BlackMa111ba, Mr Africa, Gids Will:I will my int.electto George,111y bro.I willthe spirit of africa to O'niel.I will 111y preachervoiceto kendall.l will 111 Y pool skillz to J-Merrills. 61 '.F- Dirtbikes,muddin',chillenwith 111yboys, spendingtime with Anna.Chrici:ian Najafi D -Construction 111a11ageme11t, fire 111el,1ic. :U- Peoplechewingwith their mouth open. 'R- Bur11Pile. 1T- Greeceor St Lucia. :E- "Llhhhgood 011e, neverheard that before'" "Good one!""Here'" t -I'mtoo slickfor that. ' N- Apollo,Jafi, Django,Thunder,Small One. Viii:My workeithic to Devin,Kendalland futur e G Crew.RunningAbility to Brian Crandall. Ability to suck it up ~o KevinGarcia.Ability to 111ake ..Johnsonlaughto Ha1111ah Lee.Driving Ability to ChelseaK. RebekahPalacio~ I F- Reading, t alkin g onthe phone, L7eing011 facebook, t akingFictures I 0-Nurse I LI- Whenpeopledon't tell me the t,-uth · R- History Trip,seniorsurvival, bibleclass sophomoreyear T- Hawaii,Europe E- "Obviously","Wow, fail", "Freaking", "Seriously", "Ha!","oh man" I E-English classsopho111ore yearwheni thoughttea from Irelandwas lrela11dia11 tea N- Beka,Palacios,B, Beck,Preciosa, sicko, fun size, beck shrek . F - Talk,Joke,play the cello, sports 0 -Me(,-1ical Missionary U - When guys wear fli p flo ps I :1 R - Gett i11g lost i11NYat 2 a111 wit h Bria1111 a Hand Ana Chela 011Histo ry Tri~1 T - Hait i, Europe, Africa E - "That 's 11otnice", "Come011you guys" E -Getti ng lost three ti mes 011histo ry t rip N - ...Jah day, Blind L7at, Jaddy Jadester, Jadakiss 1 [ I Will:I willKara Wait and IsabellaDavies my heart, I will Will Buchanan my pan Ben'sability to betogether for 4 years. F- Driving,sleeping, ha11gingout wit h friends F - Playi1 10auita1 ·, ff Ort;:;,YouTu l e, reac1 i110myBible , anciother t hings. 1 0-Doctor U- Unevenchapstick R- Tripto Belize T- A placewhereI do11' t 11 eec1 to goto the 111ilitary to fight NorthKorea E- Aaaaeyaa, Oh 111y goodness E-WhenIthought 1l1 a11k sgivingwasa day i111111igr a11t s gave prese ntv to a111ericans 0 - Teache r, Pastor LYNurse LI- PeoflewhL'ciriveslowint hefast la11e,peL·p lewhoconstant ly co111 plain,and test t aking. R - Eggrolls, eventf ulclassparties,Biologyt rip,A111 ericanHist ory trif ban,.,it rips, crazy thingsdonewit hfrien,., 1s,Senk,r su1· vival,apf1lepies , an,., i somuch11 1L,re. I - Alaska , Haw aii,Britain,lrela nci, Chile,Heave11 , pretty 111uch anywhere . E - "Ohboy! " "Goa t! grief!" "Hc ,w's your lovelife?" E Whe 1 I 1 we n t up t c , speak to 111 y classciuringA-History trip,and I went upancisaid N- Chingchong,chu11 gy, Juan,et ha11can't park, Asian, tight eyes, rice picker,eggrolls, my ninja,Kimchi twowor,.,is thenjuststa1·ed at every bo,1yawkward ly a11,.,1 sat ,., iown....worst ,., iayever. N - Geo rae,Sha111p ocDude, Malone Will:Iwill111y backp ackto Christina. My asian persua sionto HannahLee.My loveto Audrey.My ninjaskills to Brit aniBrown. My sarcasn 1to Will:Ct 1 cs t o Gab,basketball skills to Luis, guitar playing skillsto Danny Diaz, and my paJa111a weari11 g t ren,Jt o Misa Diaz, Sofia.Myaweso111e11ess to Hann ah Wa111bo lt . My sha111po o to Johnson. My 111aturit y to Chelsea. My i11tellige11ce to Rache l.My chapstick skil a11j love> to th e entire student body as wellas facult y. to Misael.Mywait er skills to Da11iel.My ghetto name to Zenobia . ~~~ Jo~h9.heH:onf - Doing parkour 011th e "dinasaur bones" wit h Eli Robinson at FF-Eat ing BryannaPauley Hunt ing lsla11 d. CO-Business woman 0 - Yout h Pasto r or Neurosurgeon LLI- Peoplewho crave att ention 2 4 I 7, loud chewing Ll- Hot dr inkssuch as hot chocolate, Braided hair ~ R- SeniorSurvival R - Hipp acow,goldfishswimL,ackw arc is, it i0sunn y outsi,.,fo . "I'v e hadthesight of 111 y life andI owe it allto..." Mr.Verde,Ban,i fest f T- Jamaica, Riode Janeiro TE- "You litt le rat " "Ooh got em" "That 's my song" T - Braz il EE-When I tl'ied to breakdance and fell at the LPC E - "Shoot 111a 11!" EN_Bree,Pauley,Pauletta, Ayo Pauley, Jamaica E - When I was younger, I was outran by a girL ~ . N - Littl e Man, Yeshuwa IV Will: My c1·azi11 ess to Rachel Serra no. ..Jeffre y my better dance moves. I~ 62 0 0, y hair to Mr. ...Joh11 so11 , I will my height to Marquavious. I will my observation skills to George. I will Eli R. Will:I will 111 n,ysw.:.ig,I will my big muscles to Seth F. l wil Darcee my awkwardness. 63 II I 1 1 I F - Dirtbikes,muddin',chillenwith my boys,spendingtime with Anna.ChridianNajafi .Q -Construction management,fire me(iic. -U- Peoplechewingwith their mouth open. 'R - Bur11Pile. lT - Greeceor St Lucia. :t - "Uhhhgoodone,neverheardthat before'""Goodone!""Here'" · :E-I'mtoo slickfor that. N - Apollo,Jafi, Django,Thunder,SmallOne. i Viii:My workeithic to Devin,Kendalland future G Crew.RunningAbility to Bria11 ,Crandall.Ability to suckit up ~o KevinGarcia.Ability to makeJohnsonlaughto Ha1111ah Lee.DrivingAbility to ChelseaK. i RebekahPalacio~ I F - Reading,talking 011 the pho11e, being011 facebook,taking pictures · IO -Nurse . I LI- Whenpeopledon't tell methe truth · R - History Trip,seniorsurvival,bibleclasssophomoreyear T - Hawaii,Europe E- "Obviously", "Wow,fail", "Freaking", "Seriously","Hal","ohman" I I E -Englishclasssopho111ore year wheni thought tea from lrela1k1 was lrela11dia11 tea N - Beka,Palacios,B, Beck,Preciosa,sicko,fu11size, beckshrek ! F - Talk,joke,play the cello,sports 0 -MedicalMissionary U - Whe11 guys wearflip flops 1 R - Getti11glost i11NYat 2 a111 with Bria1111a H a11d A11aChela011History Tri~ -T - Haiti, Europe,Africa E - "1l1at's 11ot11ice", "Come011you guys" E -Getting lost three times on history trip N - Jahday,Blindbat, jaddy jadester, jadakiss Will: I willKaraWait and IsabellaDavies111y heart, I willWillBuchananmy pan Ben'sability to betogether for 4 years. Chridophergauve F - Driving,sleepil1g, hangingout with friends 0 -Doctor U - Unevenchapstick R- Tripto Belize T - A placewhereI do11'tneee-1 to go to the 111ilitary to fight North Korea E- Aaaaeyaa,Ohmy goodness F - Playi1l(l auitar, sf ort s, YouTule, rea,1i11a 111y Bible,anciother things. 0 - Teacher,Pastor or Nurse LI- Peof le whL1.irive slow inthe fast la11e,f eoplewhoconstantly CL11llflain,an.1test 1 1 0 E -WhenI thought ll1anksgivingwas a day i111111igrants gavepresents to a111erica11s ' N - Chingchong,cl1u11gy, Juan,ethan can't pa1·k, Asia11, tight eyes, rice picker,eggrolls,my 11inja, Kinichi Will: I will i-nybackpackto Christina.My asianpersuasionto HannahLee.My loveto Audrey.My ninjaskillsto Britani Brown.My sarcasmt-o 0 0 taking. R - EggrL1ils,eventful classparties, BiL1logytrip, A111erican History trif 1 , banc1 t1·ips,crazy things do11e with friencis,Se11iL1r survival,apf1lepies,an.i so muchn1c1re. T- Alaska,Hawaii,Britain, lrelanci,Chile,Heave11, pretty muchanywhere. E - "OhL0 oy!""Gooj grief!""How'syour lovelife?" E - WhenI went uptc1speakto 111y classs1uringA-History trif 0 , a11dI went up a11ci said two worcis then just sta1·edat eve1·ybody awkwardlya11c1 sat ,fow11 .... worst ,1ayeve1·. N - Georae,ShampooDude,Malone Diaz,and 111y paja111a weari11g trend to Misa Diaz, Sofia. My aweso111eness to HannahWa111bolt. My sha111poo to Johnson.My 111aturityto Chelsea.My intelligenceto Rachel.My chapstickskille; Will:Croesto Gab,basketballskillsto Luis,guitar playingskillsto Da1111y a11c1 love to the entire student l,.,ody as well as faculty. to Misael.My waiter skillsto Da11iel. My ghetto na111e to Zenobia. lF -Eating 10 -Businesswoman ILI- Peoplewhocraveattention 2 4/ 7, loudchewing IR - SeniorSurvival · T - Jamaica,Riode Janeiro E - "Youlittle rat" "Oohgot em""That's my song" IE -WhenI tried to breakdanceandfell at the LPC IN - Bree,Pauley,Pauletta, Ayo Pauley,Jamaica I BryannaPauley Will:My crazinessto RachelSerrano.,Jeffrey my better dancemoves. 62 Jo~hghelt:onF - Doingparkouron the "dinasaurbones"with EliRobinsonat HuntingIsland. 0 - Youth Pastor or Neurosurgeon LI- Hot drinkssuchas hot chocolate,Braidedhair R - Hifpaww, goldfish swimLackwards,it is sunnyoutsUe. "I'vehadthe sight of 111y 0 1 life a11ci I owe it all to ..." Mr. Verde, Band fest T- Brazil E - "Shoot ma11!" E - WhenI was younger,I was outran by a girl. N - Little Ma11, Yeshuwa Will:I will my hairto Mr. Joh11so11, I will 111y height to Marquavious.I will my observationskillsto George.I will EliR. n1yswag, I will 111y bigmusclesto Seth P. I wil Darceemy awkwardness . 63 F - Chillingwith frie11ds. 0 -Psychiatrist LI- Burping. R - AmericanHistory trip with my class. T - Paris! E - "UI1...Bye,I" E -Tripping011 the stairs ...lol. N - Bonnie,Bon Bon,Bo11..Jovi Peter Wolcott Bonniegener~ F - Beingfu1111y, listeningto music,playingfootball, sleeping 0 -Businessor TraumaSurgery U - Mentally insa11e people,too 111uch homework R -Missedsleep,Aerotrips, friends, brokenphone,the bucket T - Takoma,some placeto learn EE -Beingthe star of aerofor only half the year N - Dish,Hoses,Peterbilt, Peeta Will:I will 111y v-cut to Josh W.a11(.,.1 my hairto anyonewhowa11tsit. F - Painti11g,playi11gguitar/pia110 • I I' iI , I I ,I I ------ 0 - Teache1· U - Whenpeopledon't do what they say they are goinato do, R - Prayer Conference,anti Band Festivalwhe11 Evelynfell asleep R- standing up. T-London E - "Really?!""Oh111yworJI""way to ao... " E - I was runninathe shuttle run a11da wholecrowd of people werewatchina.Not only was I siding aroUlk-ieverywherebecause of my shoes,but I enjed up falling flat on 111y face. i l ~ 1 E E ~ RunninaJonet into a tree, A&P classwith Kevi11 & Bd. Senior Survival T- ..Jamaica E - Duh!Twoflying ones! E-None N - Bri, Lil'Wheezy,Bri # 1, Bryna N - Becca,Reshbec,Scra11go,Rebec Will: I will HannahD.111y guitar skillsand 111y ability to "walk"to Lucia. ( F - Playingbasketball,hangingout with friends .......... 0 -PhysicalTherapyAssistant U - PoppingGu111, s111acking food, certain voices F - Snowboarding, Mu(,1din' 0 -Firefighter LI- Peoplethat drive slow R - Snowboardingwith the school T - Amsterdam E - "Ohgoodone!" E - I don't haveone N - ..J.T. Will:I will 111y lovefor the Celtics to Sweetie, a dreac1to Eden,my bad heart My11i ce11ess to Micah. JonathanThorna~ to RachelS. My Hacknessto HannahW.My bullyingto Kalen. .•~~ F - Listeningto 111usic, reading,ha11ging out with friends 0 -Nursing fuzzies c 11f'af>er,late peofle ·,LI- Stuf1Lif'eople,whe11f'eq.le write i11re.--lpe11s,Goe,,:;ip, ·~... R - "Bo11et", "Jackso11t", History t,·ir: FireAl.m,11, "Rule11u111be1· ...." Biok'<JY Trif'S,E,.](] roll Fun,kaisers,se111ior survival T - Europe,the beach,snowboarding 1 1 1 E - "Doyou 11eeda hug?""Havea haf'f1Yday!","Son·y""1l1i,:;i,:;ciumb,"Sl1wat?""1l1at'sa.foralM' "Guys!" E- Sophonio1 ·e year chrsitmas co11cert.failed at f layi11g the t1·ia11gie, ,:;hcrts riFf'it1gduri11g football N -Sa111,A0ia11,Sanil 0 Yoon,"S.Y""Lil1\sia1i",S11a111, Stef hie,;\lex. Rue,Sanm1iesa111, Incognito,Sa111111ie 1 1 1 Will: A(1::.t in Brcw1t My 111ral.:rnyar.i; Dr.Quack.. Brita11iBrow11:My ju[, ~.:a;i.fn,J for Ms. !uU .:1 110. Ham1ahaDau,iiki11: A whale11an 1edPl1eole:.Madi0011 Truh;y My lovef 0r st arwan'>.Mid1e.al Y0011: Ah!ity t 0 t .:.1lk .:.111. i .'.3\Ves0111e huo:.;. ~f,.luli.s11< ' 'ly ability to cut f'af'fr with a cutter. Lydia0ent,-y: My rt.Jshina a[,j\itiesin foctt,all. S,ssy: 1\ hugaid 1t1yl11ctuntyina eiilJ,,.Eli:HannahDoudilin.fob: My 111a\let f>ercussic11 eiills.H.,i111al1 Lee:My stu,1y auUesan.i 0LJ111. :\!,i.-1K.Hy~'ernee-s a11.itu111Hi11g ski!!:..~. Emily\e.011: Flexibility.M.;1ckie: My p0€1itiw1·1e.6s a11.i~1 1·::1yer6. Kelly:Yolo111ome11ts. AlexClayt.c,i1: My 11er ..ii11e.oo aid celloskills.De:vi11 ,$.:Drew:lntern'.'l(lations.Luit>: My "Sa111h.1" 111uscle:s. I-_·111 j l,: My ol,iersiste:i- 'l:."oiti011toMichral( es 0uca11l~e..:it hi111 u ,)Catl'k>:ro11 Ho.ite::o: My abilit ti' lY' L uiet.. BritJ11i& c F - Horses,.iirtbiking,shooting guns,outdoors, t aki11g out the trash, 11uidi110, spiciering 0 - Whoknows:) LI- Can11ibals R - Girl's ClubCat11f1out, Se11ior Survival,RingFest 2 0 12, Prayer Conference,RunningupStrawberry Hill,JACKSON!"Ilost the ga111e!", History Trif0 , CanI useyour phone?"Ew,Jonet ..." 1 - HAWAII E- "Merh""YOLO""Sh111eh" "Hold011, what?!" "ll1at's what the govern111ent wants you to think" "Airhu111p!" "Yousuck..." E - Being011a lsoat and aski11g "Howhighal1 ovesea-levelare we?" N - Em,Tech,Blo11die, E111ilysss, En1aly11, Redneck,Big HugBuc1dy,Bro, Wanciicals, E111ili11e, Ni11ja # 1, EW,Le111ily, Recon1111ate, Lou EtnilyWand~ Will: I willSkyler my cellphone& 111yrazors, 111yLoot0 & lllY country music.I will 111yhugsto 64 7 Luciaso shecan keer UFthe traciitio11.l willSophia everything I ownVictoria's Secret. I willAlliso11111y A&B. ;l I will Kailaf. the respo11sibility to l1ea11AWESOMEseniori114 years. I will Leo11 & Ke1dall 111Y un-racist loveof racist punks.;) I will Jonet as muchca11dyas I havemoneyto buy. 1 l'·'i''' Li~ Yun F - History Trip,MissionTrip 0-Dentist LI- Whe11 peoplesay badwords R - WhenKevinand I actually hada weddingceremonyin the 111ath room T - Europe,Heaven E - 1'111 hungry.Youwannago?Good ...lob E -WhenI fell from stairs N - Lissy,1110111111y, 11u11a, Yeobo,HaYou11GG Will:~ 1y KoreanStyle to Jasmin.My math skillsto Fermin.Fly Singto Josh R.All 111y 111oney to Khanand Pat. My coolAsianaccent to Lucia. 6 ,::; '-" "f ·( ·l 'f . ( .r ·~ ; I ., I I 11 I genior ( If It I We Are... "f \"\e,(Q\e, "Powerful" "Loud" Candid~ ;t;,c:· "Funny" "Outspoken" "Talented" "At hletic" ' x "Ireallylikedvisitingthe Freedomwalktrail, USSconstitution, andstaying in the hotel." -JulioHernandez "Myf avroitepart about history trip wasshootingbubbletea at our classmates." -ShelbySpears "TimeSqaure!I lovedeverythingabout it, especiallygoingto the Disneystore andbuyinggifts!" -HeidiPerez 69 Alexia Kligopoulos: 1-lanna h Lee Abby Long Ian McCormick 9.t:ephanie McElheney 0jmone Arms:t:ron g LeonBlackman Daniel Bogard Juliyea Bogard Chris:t:ina Boren Autt inBrown ZacharyBrummeH: RuchCepero DarceeChris±ens:en RachelCinquant:o 9.kyler Menhardt: Kendall Miller Jonat:han Min Jordan Mont:anaro 1-le idi Perez Khanh Pham Jes:s:ica Pot:t:le Lauren Powell Zachary Rees:e Jos:ue Rivas: Brian Coon Kelly Court:ney Brian Crandall ls:a bella Davies: DannyDiaz Eli Robins:o n Tara Robins:on Zachary 9.chneider Rachel 9.errano 9.helby 9.pears; Marquavious Draggon Bryant:Familia Eleen Flores: EdenGarmon Luis:Gayt:an :I Madis:o n Trubey Kara Wait: 1-la nnah Wambolt: Chris±opher Wilcut: Devin Wright: Willl-lawkins: Julio1-lern andez Lucia 1-lud gins: 9.arah Inman Chels:eaKhargie 70 ... 71 I I I I I Junior Candid~ 72 We Are... Family Caring Encouraging Juniors Eager Energetic Outgoing Determined 'I I 74 75 Matthew Baker KalenBrinson Britani Brown McKenzie Buckner TabithaChern,J ghaneCollier JoshuaDavis LindseyDoornbos 1-lannah Doudiken Jeffery Evans gweetie !='lore s Elijah Gallant Kevin Garcia Brianna Geddings DasanGoodrich Alyc;; sa Graham DanielGuerrero Karen Guerrero Calebl-lolt Janet 1-lugh ec;; 11 I lan Jackw n Em~ y Leon Audrey Lewis Allicon ;; Lowery Aliana Luguc;; 76 Joseph Merrell Tania Moreno Jac;;min Pelaez Kevin Pham get h Pingel Milly Polo Gabriel Reyec;; Karla Reyes Yadira gantiago Gabriella gauve J:ertnin giberon Michael gimpwn Gracie gmith Chricl:opherQ.tro thrnan KiHiphat Ternt avomkul Christopher Viar Trevor Wightman gtacey Williams Joc;; huaWolcott Abigail Wright I I I I IL__----l...~~__,,;,,;,,_ gophornore Candid~ W~Are... Outgoing Dedicated Funny Determined United Jazlyn Alexander KaylaAuctin Garrett Bamec;; MicahBarron gofia Bonilla George Brunner KaleighBuckner Joc;;ueBuergo David Chobat Tac;;hionna Clark AlexanderClayton Bob Coon ChrictinaCocton get h Creac;; on Mic;;ael Diaz garaJayne~berhart Quinnan!='owler GabiGarcia LydiaGentry Alexic;;1-leatherly II Carneron 1-lod gec;; Joanna 1-loc;;pe dalec;; Carloc;;Jirnenez Zenobia Janee; Jac;;on Khargie 80 Jake Knight gara Long Olen McCoy Johnathon Merrillc;; Carneron Pot t le Kaila Purvic;; Rachel Reece Drew gchneider Oniel gerne garah gpearc;; Richard Thornac;; Gabriel Willie; MichaelYoon J Fre~hrnen Candid~ We Are... Athletic Kind United I President: Tyler Hodges Vice President: Sam Yoon Secretary: Courtney Gentry Treasurer: Rebecca Sossong Pastor: Christopher Sauve Parlimentarian: David Bonney SA Rep: Giselle Bird, Andrew Fillers : : President: Caleb Holt Vice President: Pat Temtavornkul Secretary: Hannah Doudiken Treasurer: Joshua Wolcott Pastor: Alyssa Graham Parlimentarian: Emily Leon SA Rep: Mackie Buckner, Kevin Garcia President: Cameron Hodges Vice President: Christina Coston Secretary: Alexis Heatherly , Treasurer: Cameron Pottle Pastor Gabriel Willis Parlimentarian: Misael Diaz SA Rep: Sara Long, Drew Schneider II I i President: Hannah Lee, Vice President: Eileen Flores, Secretary: Stephanie McElheney, Treasurer: Lucia Hudgins, Pastor: Sky Menhardt, Parlimentarian: Heidi Perez , SA Rep: Darcee Christensen, Eli Robinson II 86 Debra Anthony I Dean Sigsworth Strings Algebra ll, Geometry, Pre-Cal, Calculus Bill Bass Eileen States I Bible ll, Iv, Auto Mechanics, Home Repair Shawn Betchley Bells Clinton Carvill Earth Science, Biology, Algebra 1, A&P Steve Green Band Kim Henski Art Bethany Iuliano English l, ll, IV Craig Johnson American History, Economics, Government, Individual Sports, Gymnastics Jeff Morris II Spanish [, [[ Dana Pottle Life Skills, Health, ESL Marcella Sampayan Computer Apps Rebecca Siebert Chemistry, Physics, Conceptual Physics, Bible l 88 Bible Jessica Stout Yearbook, English ll, World History, Drama Teacher andg{:aff Candid~ We Are... Caring Spirit-led Dedicated Helpful ce, Supportive Encouraging Kind Iva Armstrong Mr. Peters Vice Principal, Academic Dean I T Director William Armstrong Terry Pottle Work Coordinator, Attendance Officer, Career Counselor Pat Buehler Principal Andr ew Rahm Boys ' Dean Huamn Resources Matt Durante Assistant Boys Dean Kathy Hadley Sheila Shafer Girls ' Dean Jon Smith Chief Financial Officer Alumni & A dvancement Pam Hughes Jessica Rahm Accounts Payable School Nurse Mr. Johnson Gar_y Lewis IT Assistant Freida wne Food Service Director David Lowery IT Assistant Chief Accountan t Dr. Dale Twomley President Mr. Goldman Laun dry Director Ill Mr. Miller IT A ssistant Joe Henski Grounds Janet Novak Registrar, Ac countin g Mitsue Garmon LPC Director Annie Palumbo Assistant Girls Dean Mr. Wack Plant Services Director 92 93 - I . I re .. Ill "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." -Erma Bambeck ii 94 ,I 1:1 aen 95 11 ------------= !ITT === ====~~:==~~ !'"II!!!!'!'!!,_ ____ _ WhatIs Your Favorite ThingAbout Aero? I :I 'I Learningnewmovesand getting stronger" 11 Themiooion of the Acroknigh t f; ieto lift higherthe idealeof Chrietandmanifeet hie characterthrough outetandinggymna6tioo programming as wellae promotinghealthylifestyle choiee6. Wewant childenand adulteto eeethe acrobatic talente ourteam has,but also to eeethe happineoo that youth havewhenthey share their talente for Chriet. - BrianCrandall Athletic "Thetime away from the stresses of school 11 - JoehShelton C hrist focused teens "Theexperiencesas a team we get to have.And the way our family bonds as we struggle together to get a move" Acrokniuhts Around theWorld ... - HannahWambolt I I 1 1 I Reaching I. I out Thefeeling whenyou get a newmove. And the friendshipsyou develop." 11 - Bi Robineon II 96 O I : J thers focused 97 ' I· .. I ;j ll1e Fletcher Academy band is made up of a group of extremely devoted individuals. Getting up early enough to be in class and ready to play at 7: 0 0 AM requires a lot of committment! In addition, students are there for all the weekend concerts, likeat alumniweekend, Christmas Concert, and church performances. Band requires a lot of time, but allthe hard work pays off when we have an amaz ing performance and are greeted with the smiles and ocngratulations of those who enjoyed our music. Led by Mr. Green, who can be tough, but always pushes us to do and sound our best, Fletcher's band is very rewarding and a ton of funl II Hereat FletcherAcademylstudents are alwayslooking for ways to use their talents for Jesus. Oneoptionfor students is our bellchiorlExaltationlled by Mrs.Betchley.Thirteenof Aetcher·s finest musicianslearnlpracticeland performa variety of songs.It is always a treat to hear them playfor performancesor churchservices.They producebeautifulmusicfor the glory of God. MEMBERS at thew Baker uliy ea Bogard leighBuckner 11ielGuerrero aleb Holt c-iaHudgins llison Lowery Heidi f' erez aria Reyes ara Spears ..,helbySears hristopher Strothman 111 ityWands JI Chri6tma6 perfortnat100 - Luola-Huagfn&; Thetrip to FloridaWa6 amazing! - EmilyWand6- 10 1 1 I :1 1 I .11 I I I Ill' II Sing/ O Heavens; and beJoyful O Earth; and breakforth into singing... -Isaiah 49: 13 11 104 105 11 WeAre... Eager Ministering Creative Hard-Working Dramatic Just as any other type of extra-irricular activity at Fletcher Academy, Drama, also known as AcTs ll, takes a · lot of hard work and commitment. Daily practices and rehearsals are a part of the work, but these members also have to devote hours of their time to memorize scripts. Once the rehearsals are finished and all the lines have been mastered they get a chance to stand on stage and perform in front of a live crowd. As any member will . t ell you, the thrill of a performance makes all the hard work worthwhile! This year Ac Ts ll performed two short skits during alumni weekendand then finished the semester with their Christmas play "Between the Giants," which reminded us all to apply Jesus to our lives not just at the giants ' of Christmas and Easter, but throughout the entire year. ara Wait, AlainaLugus,JakeKnight,CameronHodges,Isaac Fortunato, JoelDavies,Gabi arcia,JasonKhargie,EudoraLawe,MlchaeSimipson,IanJackson,landHannahGallant. 107 "God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. " - Rev. Michael Beckwith 11108 , , ISCl 109 This year Leadership Conference was held at Cohutta Springs Campground in Cohutta Springs, Georgia. Fin een of our amazing leaders here on campus boarded the bus in September and began their way to leadership conference. While there, students were able to partake in many breakout sessions that taught them more about their specific fi eld. Twice a day they were enlightend by th e speaking Steve Arrington, a former criminal. He taught them just what being a leader means to him through his life stor y. lt tru ly was a blessing for everyone. All of the I Fletc her leaders could not wait to I come backto campus and share all of I the thing s th ey learned while on 1 11 leadership confer ence. It truly was one they will never forget . This years Praye r Confe rence was ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hdd in HighS pring~ F~ri daat camp Kulaqua. There were about 2 0 Flet cher stude nts who atte nded, along with hundreds of othe rs fr om surrounding schools. We were able to learn about t he wonderfu l gin of praye r, as well as being able to meet new people and make new frie ndships. Every one who went can agree t hat it was a great expirence and was very spirit uality enriching. It was t he revival th at our spirit ual lives all desperat ely needed and longed for . Tl1et heme tha t was presented to us was to "Keep Calm & Pray " because no mat t er what is going on in y our life , it all can be m:::..;;;:.;:___----'----' solved t hrough t he power of pray er. 1 13 Thisyear at Fletcher,we had 1 7 falculty familiesthat met regularly 011 Mondays,Wednesdays, and Fridaysfor a time of prayer and friendship.As the schoolyear progressed,eachfalculty family began to developa specialbondwith eachof their members.In hopesto make this bondgrow and last forever, yearbook put 011 its first ever Falculty FamilyPhoto Contest! Eachfalculty familly was to take one creative groupphoto a11d enter it inthe contest. After a lot of hard decisionmaking,the family that wonthe contest wa Miss.luliano's family' Theyrecieveda pizza party and the amazinghonorof victory. Thankyou to everyonewhoparticipated in this contest. Mrs. Hughes'Family Mr. Sigsworth'sFamily Mr. Bass' Family Mrs. Williams'Family Faculty Family Photo Contest Winners Miss luliano'sFamily Mr. Johnson'sFamily Mrs. Shafer's Family Mr. Pottle'sFamiy Mrs. Sates' Family Mr. Morris'Family Mrs. Seibert'sFamily Mrs. Sampayan'sFamily Mrs. Pottle'sFamily Mr. Carvill'sFamily Dean Rahm & Dean Matt's Family Ms. Lane's Family What is your favorite part of your room? Alyssa Graham, 111\Ay bed.11 Maleah Merrills, from a dorm leader's perspective, what's it like in the dorm? "It'sobnoxious.crazy.fun. andlife changing." Mili Polo, --- Scott Brunner, from a dorm leader's perspective, what's it like in the dorm? "It'sa Brotherhoodof youngmen united as one." "I\Aybookshelf ." What is your favorite part of your room? 11 Matthew Baker, ''TheMicrONaVe. Jorden Montanaro, "I\Ay Clo;;ef:" What childhood possession do you keep in your room? Jeffery Evens, ''ThePercy Jacksonseries." Khahn, "I\Ay Guitar' What do you like to do in your room. Jonet, "Sing." Emily L, "DanceandSleep." possession do you keep in your room? Hanna L, "I\Ay Stuffed Turtle." Sarah Spears, "Stuffed Animals." Tell me, in one word, how you have decorated your room Jasmin P, "Colorful" Linnea, 11Pirk" Mady, "Nerd'' 1 18 Tell me, in one word, how you have decorated your room. Seth, "Blue" Elijah, ''Duck~" Josh, ''l-lomelike" Austin, "Orlardof./ta(jc11 What do you like to do in your room. Daniel G., "Listento N-u;ic" Jason, "SwordRght with Kevin" 1 19 g.A.Officer~ Yearbookgtaff Tothe YearbookStaff, TI1ank you guys so muchfor beinghardworkersand helpingto put this yearbooktogether. Youall worked extremely hard,and I knowthat you spent hoursoutside of classtaking pictures and putting together pagesso that we couldmakethis bookgreat. I appreciateyour time anddedication.Great Jobguys,the book looksgreat and I wouldsay that it is somethingto beproudof! A specialthanks to Annafor all the times that you came through for meand did the things I couldn't finish for onereasonor another.I knowit has beensomewhatstressful, but it's also beengreat fun workingwith you as my assistant editor. for motivating us and putting up TI1ank you Mrs.Stout for beingsuchan awesomeyearbooksponsor.TI1anks with all our craziness. Eachoneof you shouldbeproudof the workand time spent putting this booktogether. I hopethat whenyou lookthrough it, you can rememberthis year with a smile. YourEditor, Courtney Gentry 12 1 Eudora, We are so proud of you and look fo rward to seeing y ou t aket he next ste p in lif e to college.You are a beaut iful, int elligent , and super cool young lady! We love you, support you and are always j ust a phone call away. Cheers t o you, Your Nahney and Aunts & Uncles Congratulat ions on your graduat ion, Eudora! May God cont inuet o rest, rule, and abide with you in all your fut ure endeavors. With muchlove, Mr. & Mrs. TheodoreM. Lawe(aka GranDaddy & Gran Gran)and Aunt Sylvia 125 ••••••••• ••••••• • •••••• • • • eProductivity is never an accident. It is a{ways tfie resu{t of • .a commitment to exce{{ence, inte{ugent y{anning, and Jo• cused effort. ..'A.ndSfie{bi you fiave tru{y yut tfiis to work tfiis ~~ • .• • We are so very yroud of you! • •}Jou fiave grown • • • into an amazing young woman! •your cfioice to attend :f{etfier .'Academy was a b{essed deciesion on your yart, your first year was a true strugg{e, yet .you made great strides tfiat first year, and as your second year began it began to go smootfier, and tfiis your senior •year, fias been fi{{ed witfi b{essing, after b{essing! • • • • }Jou know fiow very mucfi we fove you, and yray your Ju•ture continues on tfie great yatfi oJ growtfi in not just uving l_or Tfie Lord, as you furtfier your education, we yray you are given oyyortunity to sfiare tfiat fove you fiave for (jod, •to sfiine brig liter tfian ever to a{{ tfiose you may come in econtact witfi in wfiat ever career you cfioose. • • • • • • }lour smi{e is infectious! .Jl{ways remember tfiat your smi{e •is wfiat wi{{ be remembered tfie most by a{{ you come into •contact witfi . .Jls a smi{e is tfie simy{est way to sfiare tfie efove of (jod! • • • • •we yray your {ife wi{{ be fi{{ed witfi joy, and b{essing after •b[essing, as you wa{k tfirougfi your adu{t {ife. • • • •e.'A.{waysremember we fove you dear{y, and wi{{ tfirougfi •eternity! • • •• • • • ••Love, • • :M.ama & PaY.a ••••••••••••••••••••••• •congratu{ations (jraduate! We are so yroud to be ca{{ed •your :M.ama and Paya. 126 Congratulation~ ghelbi! My dearest Giselle, I have been in love with you fro m t he mome nt you lifted your head fr om my belly t o loo k into my eyes min utes after you were born. Your sweet spirit and abi lit y to co nnect w ith othe rs was apparent even then and continues to shine t hrough. You have broug ht joy and kindn ess to me and ot hers y our enti re life t hrough your f riend ly, caring, and t houghtful ways. Before you could speak you wo uld "sing " your favori t e songs with delig ht (and perfect pitch!) and as soo n as you could fo rmulate words you woul d say" Hi, what's yo ur name?" to anyone as you hugg ed the m or climbed into t heir lap. You never knew a stranger and you had a way of d isarming even the most hardened heart. That is a gift f rom God! Your beauty is not on ly ev ident externally but is embedded deep in your heart, where It matters most. Proverbs 31:30 says "Charm is deceitful and beauty is v ain but a worn an wh o fears The Lord, she shall be praised." There is no g reater jo y fo r me as y our mom than to know t hat y ou love and fear (respect) The Lord. As you t ransition from high schoo l to co llege, I know yo u w il l cont inue to grow as a mig hty wo man of God and you will be able t o accomplish great th ings. I know t hat ALL thin gs w ill wo rk t oget her fo r good in y our life, even w hen rough t imes come and bad th ings happen, because y ou lov e God and you are called according t o His pu rpose (Romans 8:28).1 love y ou w it h all my heart, Giselle, and I' m so proud of w ho you are...your character, integ rity , inte lligence, com passion ...all are reflect ions of th e One who knit yo u togethe r in my w ornb. You are a precious and t reasured gift and I w ill be for ever grate f ul that He gave you t o me and our tam ily. Now go 'do somet hing'...go change you r world in ways only you can! I believe in you always and I am on you r side ! Forever y ours, Mo m CONGRATU Dear Jelly Bean, You have always cared so much for others , and I notice the way you point towa rd Jes us with your actions and words . You are a blessing!! You are well-prepa red for the next step in your jou rney, a nd God will continue to bless you along the way. Never dou bt that He has a plan for you, and that all the specialness he has placed inside of you is for the purpose of His g lory. Yo u are unique fea rfully and wond erfully made ! I can't wait to see what He has in store for you! I will always be here to listen, to help when I can, and to remind you how absolutely AMAZINGyou are ! You have inspired me, and taught me so much. I am pro ud of yo u! Love, Dad 12 9 Dedicated to: Robyn Marshall From: THE MARSHALLS AND GOLDENHARVESTFRUITSALES,INC. \ __:..J We are so proud of all of your accomplishments. Your future is bright and we will be here to help you in every way possible. Keep God in all your daily decisions and continue to share his love with others and your life will be filled with peace and joy. Praying for you every day. Best Wishes and all our love, Mommy, Daddy, and Will, Nanna, Grandpa, and Nanna 2 Grammi, Kenny and Debbie, Tammy and Donnie. 130 Dear Scot, Congratulat ions on your graduation! God has blessed you with many , many talents ...intellectually, musically, and most importa ntly, spiritual ly. You have matured into a fine young man during the last four years at Fletcher. Keep your priorities straight going forward:God first, family and self second , work third. This balance and order will lead to a success ful and prosperous God filled life. Remember that all you have is a gift from God. God is with you and will never leave you. Stay close to God and He will direct your path. We are proud of you ! Love, Mom, Jeff , George Sara , Jason, Grandma & Grandpa , MaMaw and Papaw And Scot, one last thing , The Lord bless you and keep you Scot. The Lord make His face to shine upon you , to shine upon you and be grac ious, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you , and give you peace , and give you peace. Amen. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.Tha t's your blessing. Mama loves you, Jesus loves you and Daddy loves you too ! Querido Mirko , You have been the joy of our lives from the day you we re born . God gave us His own Son, and then He gave us a son of our own . What an incredible gift ! We treasure you above everything we have or have ever hoped to have on this earth. You have such an ability to see , understand , and do. We know you will be able to succee d and achieve all your heart desi res, all you give yourself to do. In all your doing we urge yo u to do what is right. We urge you to read the Bible daily, to seek and to know your Creator and Savior. Seek to know and do His will. Seek to follow Him and to serve Him and Him alone. In the end NOTHING else will matter. We love you and will love you always , No Matter What !! And will keep you before the Lord in ou r prayers daily , as long as we live. Love , Mom and Dad. 133 Zach, Congratulations on this chapter in your life. May the Lord guide your future as you go out into the world! Numbers 6:24 Love, Dad, Mom, and Amber Dear Maleah, Dear Tyler , We have so enjoyed watching you grow up and now you are about to graduate. You have blessed us with your quick intelligence and annoyed us with your unique stubborness. We look forward to watching you mature and continue your education and hope you will achieve the goals you have set before you. Make God first in your life and He will bless you beyond all that you could hope for. Love , Dad And Mom 13 We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. It is hard to believe that you have reached this milestone in your life. We know that God has specific plans for you and we pray you will continue to follow his leading. May God bless you and keep you as you begin this new chapter. Remember Jeremiah 29:11. We love you always , Mom and Dad Will. You have grown frorn an adorable Jil:tle boy int o an arnazingyoung rnan. ll: has been a jO!:J l:o have you in our liv~ l:h~ e latl 17 years. You have a quiet: confidence and wisdorn about: you l:hal: will allo w you l:o purrue any drearn and accornplish great: t hings. Your dad and I are your greal:etl fans and we are very proud of you and all you have becorne.We look forward l:o all l:hal:we know you wmbe. Look l:o God for tl rengl:h and guidance. pursue your drearns. and never forget: l:hal:we love you. Love. Dad. Morn. s. Gayle - - - - ., strawberrylJ I O/o 1 Your journey to exceptional health begins h ere . At Park Ridge Health , your wellness is our top priority , so life can be your priority Now ou r extensive family of providers is more access ibl e than ever . Through www.myprh .com , you ha ve the ability to explore our comprehensive of primary care physicians te am and specialists who work closely to coordinate your care in one of the broadest networks Western physician North Carolina. Search location or name , and request in by specia lty, appointmen ts, all in one place . And if you 're not sure wh o you 're looking for , our dedicated Specialist I I I Provider I I I I I WITI-I A VALID FLETCI-IER I ACADEMY I STUDENTI.D. 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The Hendersonville Seventh-day Adventist Church Congratulates the ~ ~ Graduating Class "For I know the plans I have for you." declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah29: 11 Hendersonvi lle Seventh-day Adventist Church 230 I Asheville Hwy. + Hendersonville + NC + 28791 828.692.2255 + HendersonvilleAdv entists.org Childtan& Adultt Phone Numbers: 828-696-1662 Henderson ville 828-894-0195 Columbus Visit our website: www.edneyortho.com %£rs~er ~~ Sevcnth-,fa-yA_,f\!cntist --~ (Jturch am( Schoof 2142 Jeffress Road, Mills River NC 28759 828 -89 1-3034 Marc Swearingen, Pastor Come am( CWorship CWith <Us amC ~m .(\ _ !iii.- CWith <Us - ,: Adventist Education A JOU EY TO EXC'lil.Bl:Ct: Grades K-8 828-785-2319 Sue Holt, Prin cipal C{)isitus anytime onfine at www .miffst'h>erru:fventist.org ana www.m if(sri"ersaascftoof.org 80 Brownsberger Circle. Fletcher, NC 28732. 828-684-4857 We LoveOJr His F I e t c h e r A c a d e m v