A Hybrid Design for Cheat Detection in Massively Multiplayer Online
A Hybrid Design for Cheat Detection in Massively Multiplayer Online
trade-off between security and network efciency. t and scalability from distributed ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ e et l’efcacit ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ ̀ 3 Cheat Classication 5.2.1 Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.2 Further Parameter Justication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 The Effects of Different Client Congurations . . . . . . . . 7.1 The Effects on Different Client Congurations . . . . . . . . . . low costs, which increases prot margins. It also allows for be identied and eliminated quickly. Analysis shows that th sufciently quick 400 seconds. False positives are also rar continuous gameplay before being mistakenly identied as c it becomes possible to compare two resolved messages. By den Although ofcial reports of cheating in MMOG’s are few, the s in 1997 demonstrated signicant problems with respect to th As a rst hand witness, the result of the high rate of cheating possible to investigate cheating in MMOG’s by analyzing of Final Fantasy XI is the rst installment in the nal fantasy s et of enhanced movement tool was rst introduced. As time continues the number of pla s abandoning this specic cheat. of real money traders who estimate that the expected prots o il 2007 there was an inux or the introduction of new cheater identication code that o exact gures on the number of cheaters, there is evidence tha haviour and introduces the denition of cheating that will b grieng t a diverse classication of onch that is of signicance: The mobile guard, which is a meth client code remains unmodied via the use of unpredictable downloaded code veriers and of mutual verication is of key importance and is closely rel for rst person shooter (FPS)games. The cheat works as fol and clicks that aim and re at an opponent. Because this cheat i or verication hardware that veries input veracity has bee of cheating often include an attempt to rene the lockstep pr time which might be difcult to strategy (RTS)games as “maphack” and in rst person shooter adversary moves a secret a mask hides all areas beyond the el rsaries. Cheat verication is cheating players can be identied based on their behaviour p is difcult to apply the proposed cheat elimination schemes more efcient group commu f the efciency of several graph though it is applied in a different scenario, they also nd it Cheat Classication tial, as a rst step, to deter are dened and discussed. It will be shown that the only insta this work builds off of the classication scheme presented i The task of determining a rigourous denition of cheating is present a variety of cheat classications but few present an unambiguous denition of what from various cheat classications; however, it is possible to dene a reasonable separation nted below. The rst cat becomes evident that to accurately dene cheating behaviou and dene game rules and what it means to break them. iour t within the game specic game rules. However, determining the exact denition of game rules in online game t denes game rules it becomes possible to produce a rigid denition of cheating. The rst assertion states that : The assertion that game rules are dened by developer intentions allows for the classication of many n as cheats. Unfortunately, such a denition is not without it ingly difcult to discern part of the denition of cheating presented herein: in the popular ghting game gether several moves that are unblockable if the rst attack culty of move execution and timing combos became accepted b of this thesis, any denition of cheating must include the br sication of cheating can be formulated. Since it is difcult to dene such things as ha mathematically theoretic way, a classication of cheating f areas where denitive cheat identication becomes problematic. The following denition provides a sufciently rigid classication of cheating and is used throughout this thesi gurations, respectively, as determined by the to include all necessary les related with the operation of a represent the set of all acceptable modications of , hardware congurations in ications in modications , hardware congurations in and game modi and modications with modications - Any modication to is reected by the same modication to if and only if for the newly introduced or modied hard , or game modication . Deletions will also be reected by client Denition is cheating if it uses a modied version of party or modied hardware or software that are this denition exploits are not considered cheating behavi A potential weakness of the above denition is its reliance o , which, due to the limitless number of congurations, might modications are acceptable. Nevertheless, this denitio cheat classication and forms a proper basis for this thesis as cheating by the above denition, they can; however, serve Two types of behaviours are examined below. The rst pertain clients and leads to the introduction of the notion of grien grieng An example of grieng would be Following the above denition of cheating it is evident that grieng is not by employ strategies to minimize the prevalence of grieng. Fo grieng becomes especially serious. By modifying the behavi ruin the game experience for others. As a result grieng can s for the modication of game code or the installation of prohi les of bridge it is difcult that clients have limited opportunity to benet friends; fu notion of cheats follow the denition provided in the previo scope of the above denition and are therefore to be examined that for discussions of cheating classication in terms of the above denition, it will be is a common method of cheating, involving the modi interest as the modication of client-side code allows one t ication of client com umed that such modi is dened as the purposeful termination of a player’s game co interruption on an ad hoc basis. By following the denition of above it is evident that such behaviour cannot be classied a Network ooding is when a client overows the game server with game messages i network ooding is not game specic; however, its utilization requires the use of t party programs, qualifying it as cheating by the above deni benets of time cheating require the usage of Eavesdropping and message modication are a signicant potential problem if com ity for players to nd and lassication attempts to efciency of a P2P design while maintaining the security aff ned as individual players connected to the game world using cheat identication. client base. Proxy assignment is depicted in gure 5.1. depicted in gure 4.1. It ensures that a client’s request mes request message which may be used for cheat verication. When no harmful data is distributed. It is depicted in step 5 of gu Message verication is an important measure in maintaining , represented in gure 4.2, works as follows: during the . The rst two result path-nding inds of verication results When the server successfully identies an ot provide sufcient evidence Top left: The reection of a request message to the proxy and r Bottom right: The monitor verication computation and the s In order to examine the benets and drawbacks of the IRS model i the many parameters that dene its behaviour. he efcacy of different param mapping. Proxy assignment is depicted in gure 5.1. cessful audits are sent to a monitor for verication. The act sufcient in ensuring an effective elimination of cheaters In order to emulate an MMOG environment it is essential to de sages and monitor result messages are well-dened. in the time it takes to be resolved. For example a path nding r ened by the following: The indicator is a ag which can take on the following values: : In order to aid in the identication of malevolent clients, signicant source of error. age accuracy that reects accurate results. They are used in the verication of audits can handle only one verication at a returned. Since an error occurring during a path nding oper will only cheat for the benet of their friends. Collusion in – Grieng Client rieng might 5.2.1 Denitions denes the total number of clients. as a co-auditor. It is dened as behaviour, in which the co-auditor was of type i. This is den rst component repre dened as the sum, over all possible co-auditor types, of the score exponent, dening the total penalty of returning an punitive exponent the appropriate negative penalty is den plied model setup dened in the chapter 6 the trust metric’s e behaviour is dened per section sec:experiments. The resulting unied trust metric is therefore: trustworthy clients benet from this increase in expected g nding the rst terms on both case parameters and equations dened in section 6.1 it is pos By solving equation 5.8 at time t with a specic ban threshold, xhibiting a specic rate or error: audits. It then nds the chance that a legit client has to exhi signicant effect to the overall number of false positives, Through slight modication of the above algorithm it become positive up to a specic point new algorithm is dened for determining an individual legit nder by the number of legit clients as described above. tion simplies even further: nd the average number of audits a legit client will be subjec denitions above. It should be noted that game-time does not by the same calculations a single grieng client would last l these models are investigated in order to clearly dene the s MMOG setting. Their use is justied through investigations player who might choose to re a rapid succession of commands chosen in order to reect the fact that players will begin to notice a difculty in is dened as the chance that the server opens an audit on an inc Positive audit verication rate 6.2. Further Parameter Justication 6.2 Further Parameter Justication on the correlation of data collected from two sources. The rst derives from path-nding Using Mammoth’s path-nding agent on the server was a necess lient that makes path nding in each path. The data shows that on average a path nding resu player path-nding request behaviour. Although Mammoth’s path-nding agent was dis based path-nding by counting the number of new path creatio Orbius if server-computed path-nding were active it would solely responsible for path-nding calculations). The path-nding module in Mammoth is currently based on a simple A* algorithm, and could be signi theless, this data provides justication for the range of pa each of which tests a specic conguration of parameters. Th client congurations on cheat removal, message comparison : In order to dene the rates at which certain client types are is an essential parameter that denes how long dubious clien are merely scattered but very close in time. The plots in gur failures. The rst 3 graphs represent the effects of the diff the nal graph depicts the number of false positives for the - It is clear from gure 6.1 that a higher ban threshold results cheating rate of hackers, the identication of cheaters becomes more difcult, giving more methods were investigated. The rst trust metric investigated follows a at scoring distribu the rst in that it penalizes The rst subsection will deal with and the nal with trust metric’s efcacy. gure 6.2. By examining the gures presented it is possible to From gure 6.2 it is also evident that each trust metric seems This fact is corroborated by the graphs represented in gure ization of proxy assignment is apparently a sufcient means Figure 6.3.a)represents the effect of the at trust metric, are caught cheating on their rst resolved message The remaining graphs depict more predictable behavior. In Effects on Grieng Clients The graphs in gure 6.4 demonstrates the rate at which trust metrics. In all graphs in gure 6.4, like in previous ex messages to legit messages after the cusp of the rst 30 secon nal graph has the fastest three non-zero points in gure 6.5.a)at the y value of 0.1. Si a single experiment reported a false positive at that speci rst, Experimentation will examine the effects of a specic system conguration’s effect on s dened below. By substituting the variables dened in section 5.2 into equation 5.6 it is po scheme and conrm the applied model results. It is shown that Positive audit verication rate : Grieng behaviour remains unchanged from previous experi The following denes the client breakdown in both test scena the above gures it is difcult to determine the most desirab are quite similar. Play interval is dened as the total lengt ing method that does not sufciently penalize negative beha rthy clients. In order to dene a d. The rst having exponents of The data in tables 6.4 and 6.5 conrm that when compared to mal Undened Undened Undened Undened Determining the best trust metric candidate is a difcult ta for grieng clients to exhibit a higher rate of cheating than Graphs presented in gure 6.6 display the relationship betw nt messages, has the coefcient , the resulting coefcient is which simplies to increases, the coefcient becomes less and less, resulting erent client congurations, under specic environments. It is important, however, to examine gnicantly affect the rates of 7.1.1 The Effects of Different Client Congurations to analyze the effects of different client congurations in mine 3 congurations. The rst breakdown, examined over 3 batches, is composed of an eq e nal Client Congurations In the three graphs presented in gure 7.1, a familiar cheat e Conguration: 1 Conguration: 4 Conguration: 5 The Effects on Different Client Congurations The graphs representing the effects on congurations 2 and 3 similarity to the results for conguration 1. The omitted gr Graph b)demonstrates the effects of the hybrid model on con The nal graph presented in gure 7.1 displays a conguratio mation the banning of cheating clients becomes more difcul Study of false positives in the above conguration also prod For the graphs presented in gure 7.2, there is no signicant tives in graphs c)and d)do not show a signicant difference i The data displayed in gure 7.3 displays interesting result o no signicant change in monitor error, there has been no signicant increase in the n audit verication results. The results presented in gure 7.4 display the effects of the b)conrms this by demonstrating a sharp decline in the avera not have much of a chance, conrming the earlier analysis in s The graphs presented in gure 7.5 depict the effects of the hy in the system declines over time. It should be noted that the The nal graph, c), demonstrates an interesting trend. It de new, experiencing their rst second in the system and This result is further conrmed by a subsequent experiment i of cheaters from the system as presented in gure 7.5, it is ap The previous experiments examined the efcacy of the hybrid r; it is dened by taking the The rst experiment de 10%. The nal experiment analyzes the load introduced by the in two gures. The rst pertains to the 10,000 client setting Graph a)in both gures represents the server load for the hyb ely 28,000 to 32,000 units in gure 7.6 and between 300,000 and 400,000 units in gure 7.7. Th The nal graphs present data pertaining to bandwidth. The gr number of messages out. From gure 7.6.c), after stabilizat gure 7.7 depicts values between 125,000 and 175,000. Final and c)from both gures it is apparent that by increasing the p ’s server load is dened as the The data from graphs b)and d)conrm the previous statement. d that data reecting the As a nal experiment, the overhead of the cheat reduction mec cheat reduction is active, gure 7.8’s graphs a)and b)are us and 1.35 messages per client per second lower than that of gu signicant server cost and a slight bandwidth cost related t cation through auditing; however, it has high networks cos benets for servers. There are, Data provided in chapter 6 supported the hybrid model’s efc cost requirements. In order to reconcile the benets of the s , in a sense receiving benet cal use and efcacy in a the actual costs and benets in a realistic setting. The curr el usage and modied congu hybrid model an even more attractive choice. The rst idea di guration, while the second idea implementation of the current auditing system using a modi the current communication model it is possible to dene new m modications were made that devise a similar system with imp ure 8.1. The rst step in dening the new model is the eliminat gure 8.1’s top right panel. It should be noted that the messa In the nal stages, gure 8.2, the server delivers a copy of the request message t message data whereas the nal message contains a small amoun In summary, the exibility of the hybrid model allows for man tations. The performance of modications can serve to enhan future study and examination of modied hybrid model conifg accordance to the communication model dened in chapter 4 an with the scalability and efciency of a P2P architecture. investigation and assurance of unmodied message delivery different parameter congurations were analyzed using the ing, Articial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Dist [14] E. Cronin, B. Filstrup, and S. 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