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View / - Connecticut Farm Bureau
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
December 2009
The Voice of Connecticut Agriculture
CFBA 90th Annual Meeting:
Change, Challenge and Opportunity
CFBA’s Annual Meeting took place on
November 6 in South Windsor. Farm
Bureau members and special guests
from across the state and beyond came
together to adopt policy resolutions,
elect officers, receive reports and hear
from speakers. This year’s Annual
Meeting program was dedicated to the
memory of Dr. Al Cowan for his contributions to CFBA and all of CT agriculture.
Delegates representing the members
of all eight counties elected new members to the CFBA Board of Directors.
New CFBA Board of Directors members
include Tim Brady of Fairfield County,
Kimberly Brockett of New Haven County, Tom Dexter of Hartford County and
Judy Chase of Litchfield County. In
addition, Debbi Tanner was elected as
the new chair of the CFBA Women’s
Committee. Members leaving the
Board include Bernie Dzielinski of Fairfied County, Dave Misavage of Litchfield County, Anne Staebner of the
Women’s Committee and Mary Ellen
Wettemann of New Haven County.
President Don Tuller awards
Senate President Don Williams
the Sustaining Friend of CT
Agriculture award.
Delegates debated and adopted several policy resolutions including a study
of the economic impact of CT agriculture, the adoption of agriculturally
friendly municipal and state regulations,
and enhancing value-added agriculture
and locally-grown guidelines that benefit CT farmers and consumers. These
guidelines include seeking a legal definition of “pure honey”, supporting raw
milk production and expanding current
provisions for food production in farm
See "Annual" on page 6
1 Annual Statewide Conference
Farming and Inland
Wetlands Forum: What Every
Agricultural Producer
Needs to Know
Maneely’s Banquet Facility,
65 Rye St. South Windsor, CT
Topics will include: The CT Inland
Wetlands and Watercourses Act and
how it relates to agricultural
practices, cost-share funding for NRCS
conservation practices, pesticide
license CEUs, Waste Management
programs for agricultural producers,
PA 490: Connecticut’s Current
Use Tax & more.
Experts from the CT DEP Inland
Wetlands Division, CT DEP Waste
Management Division, NRCS and land
use legal counsel will be available
to present and answer questions.
Outstanding Member of the Year Herman Weingart and his family.
Congressman Courtney:
Enfield & Suffield
Farm Tour
Attired with his rain slicker and boots,
Congressman Courtney spent a rainy
October day visiting farmers in Enfield
and Suffield to discuss agricultural
issues. The 2nd district Congressman
spoke to farmers and local officials
about the successes and challenges facing Connecticut’s local agriculturists.
The wet weather was an appropriate
back drop as farmers described the
effects that this year’s weather had on
production and sales. Toured farms
included Jarmoc’s
Farm, Collins Powder Hill Farm and
Smyth’s Trinity
Farm in Enfield
and Cupola Hollow
Farm in West
Courtney is a
founder and cochairman of the
recently revived
Congressional Dairy Farmers’ Caucus,
which has been instrumental in raising
the alarm of the dire economic condi-
• Executive Director Letter . . .3
• Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
• New Members . . . . . . . . . . .3
• 2009 Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
• Wall of Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
• Young Farmers . . . . . . . . . . .9
• Member Services . . . . . . . . .11
• Sponsor Thanks . . . . . . . . .12
For information visit
or call 860-768-1100 to register.
Steve Jarmoc, Congressman
Courtney and President Tuller
at Jarmoc's Farm.
See "Tour" on page 12
The Mission of the Connecticut Farm
Bureau is to elevate the stature of
agriculture in our state. Through
education, market promotion and
legislative advocacy, we strive to increase
farm income and to improve the quality
of life not only for Connecticut farmers,
but also for their consumers.
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
December 2009
From the President..
Farm Bureau was founded on the idea that farmers,
working together and speaking with one voice, can
accomplish much more than solitary efforts. With your
help, in 2009, CFBA proved this philosophy and built
upon that truth yet again.
This year gave us poor weather, difficult economic conditions and very low dairy prices. Legislatively, there were
efforts to take away farmer tax exemptions and other asof-right protections. In response, CFBA created a campaign to “Save Dairy”, fought to keep the farmer sales tax and motor fuel
exemptions, and preserved inland wetlands as-of-right protections.
In 2009, we also began a new sponsor relationship with Nationwide Insurance
and reached out to many farmers who were not members in an attempt to
build our membership. In addition, the Member Services Company continued to
add valuable member benefits.
My first year as CFBA President has been more satisfying than I ever expected.
I appreciate the opportunity to serve on your behalf, and I look forward to the
upcoming year. When we work together, CFBA can be the effective force that
we all need it to be for Connecticut farmers.
CFBA Calendar
December 2009:
February 2010:
CFBA Offices Closed-Christmas
December 25 • 860-768-1100
AFBF Commodity Advisory
Committee Meeting
Feb. 14-16 • 860-768-1100
Young Farmer Committee meeting
2nd week in Feb. •
Young Farmer Leadership Conference
Feb. 19-22 • 860-768-1100
January 2010:
Young Farmer Committee meeting
January 5 •
AFBF Annual Meeting and Convention
January 10-13 • 860-768-1100
New Haven County Farm Bureau
Meet and Greet
January 20 • 203-269-0151
eBenefits Medicare Advantage Seminar
January 26 • 800-827-4227 x 221
Donald W. Tuller
March 2010:
CFBA Farming and Inland
Wetlands Forum
March 4 • 860-768-1100
Please check the latest listings at:
New Members
The Land Appraisal Professional Welcome
Thomas W. Henry, MAI
Ken Twombly Gilbert; Bruce & Karen Williams;
Fred Monahan, Stone Garden Farms; Kim & Jeffrey Greenberg, Salmon Kill Farm; Sebastian &
Marie Filippone; Jerry Sargent; Tara Bryson, Butterfield Farm Company; Andrew Knuth; Ben
Saunders, Ambler Farm; William S. Dlugas, Dlugas
Farm; Brian R. Somwaru,Vavas Insurance & Financial Services; James D. Vavas, Vavas Insurance &
Financial Services; Sami Debs; Maria Manuli;
Robert J. Wokanovicz; Linda Kalata; SandraNikiforides; Donald Machir; Stephen R. Mills Jr; Glenn
Rooney; Kevin Barry; Jaime Jannetti; Sheila Reardon; Martin Lynch; Godfrey Smith; Jose Santiago;
John Lawrence; Daniel Paz; Harvey Arrington;
Joan A. Giannone; Andrea Wright; Anthony
Duva; Joan A. Giannone; Gary Moro; Richard
More than 30 years experience appraising
farm & rural properties
• Conservation easements
• Land subject to conservation easements
• Certified to do non-cash charitable contributions
33 Wynding Hills Road
East Granby, CT 06026
P. 860-651-4034
Fx 860-651-4049
Licensed in CT, MA & RI
Farm Bureau
775 Bloomfield Ave.
Windsor, CT 06095
Fax 860-768-1108
is published 6 times a year
by The Connecticut Farm
Bureau Association.
The editor welcomes
letters on agricultural
topics and news items
about Farm Bureau
members and activities.
©2009 Connecticut
Farm Bureau
Don Tuller
Steven K. Reviczky
Executive Director
Jamie Jones
1st Vice President
Cynthia Melmer
Operations Manager
Melissa Greenbacker
2nd Vice President
Bill Syme
Myron Avery
John Bennett
Tom Brady
Kimberly Brockett
Wayne Budney
Judy Chase
Tom Dexter
John Hall
Joanna Samuelson
Debbi Tanner
Kathy Dunai-Thibedeau
Director of Programs
and Leadership
Amanda Freund
CFBA Dairy Committee
Grassroots Organizing
Director/CFBA Director of
Membership Recruitment
and Retention
Gini Nagy
Membership Liaison
Joan Nichols
Government Relations
Sally Mancini
Our deadline is six weeks
preceding publication.
Please call (860) 768-1100
for rates. Discounted
advertising rates are
available for CFBA
County Farm Bureau
New Haven•203-269-0151
New London•860-642-7811
Tolland • 860-742-5725
Windham • 860-923-2710
9/5 – 10/31/09
Stern; Richard Kuhn; Jennifer Hall; Joseph Mayer;
Abdellah Essoussi; Marcelo's Garden; Louise
Thompson; Earth Garden Florist & Nursery; Franco
Garden Center; Joe's Nursery; Paddock Tree &
Lawn; Pine Hill Flower Shop; Putnam Tree Service;
David Benjamin, Wakeman Nursery Inc.; Pond
Spring Nurseries; Weston Gardens Inc.; Cottage Garden Co.; Scott Deniston, Young's Nurseries Inc.;
Brookside Nurseries Organic Soils; Rob Saunders,
True Organics; Bolton Tree & Landscaping
Inc.;Frank's Farm; Sunshine Garden Center; Tramposch Nursery; Ken Covino, Frogtown Nurseries;
Mark Hicks, Elise Landscapes & Nursery LLC.; John
Sterba, Greegs Garden Center & Landscape; Locust
Glen Garden Center; Steven CarmichaelCT Tree
Doctor; Samuel Nezvesky, Sam's Tree Farm; Jerome
Rocherolle, Shanti-Bithi Nursery; Russell Andrew,
The Care Of Trees; Exquisite Environments Garden
Center; Janet Chakwin, Robidoux Landscaping &
Bettswood Gardens; Country Farm Nursery;
Reynolds Farm Nurseries; Greg Passeck, L&L EverGreen Inc.; Chris Baliko, Growing Solutions LLC; Bill
Sabia, Peacable Farms; American Irrigation Systems;
Langanke's Florists & Greenhouses; Merry Arena,
Merrywood Farm; Marshall Condon; Alexandra
Coppola, Coppola Country Farm Nursery; Gerardo
Malagisi, High Ridge Nursery; Lou Capone,D & L
Plant Care Inc.; Scott Jamison, Oliver's Nurseries Inc.;
Shady Tree; Ganim Garden Center Nurserymen;
Johnsons Nurseries Inc.; Plant Factory Inc.; William
Miro, Miro Greenhouses; Rob Cardini, Ceci Bros
Nursery Inc.; De La Rosa Gardens; Earthworks Of
Greenwich; House And Garden Shop; Mcardle's
Florist And Garden Center; Sakson Nursery Inc.;
Skovron Nursery; Suburban Farmer Co.; Patrick
O'Hara; Bradford Orr, Seven Maples Nursery; Roth
Bros Nursery; Jeremy Blumm, Fairfield Stone &
Landscp Supl.; Colonial Gardens; Bridgeport Aquaculture FFA; Westhill High School FFA; Trumbull
High School FFA; Digrazia Vineyard; Mclaughlin
Vineyards; Keith Barker, Gardener's Center &
Florists; Chris Mcgoldrick, The Growing Concern; A1 Topsoil Co.; Springdale Florists & Garden Center;
See "Members" on page 5
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
December 2009
From "Members" on page 3
Sal Gilbertie, Gilbertie's Herb Gardens Inc.; Gregory
Maroun, Steck's Nursery & Landscaping; Marcelo's
Garden; Peter Robidoux, Peter's Home & Garden;
Caesar's Nursery; Lisa Beebe, Garden Education
Center; Frank Derosa, Shemin Nurseries Inc.; Yankee
Tree Resources; Richard Bavosa, Stamford Regional
FFA Chapter; Will Kesler, Stamford FFA; Stephanie
Watko, Woodbury FFA; Richard Bavosa, Stamford
Regional FFA Chapter; Sara Halm, Stamford Regional FFA Chapter; Astha Patni, Stamford FFA; Tom
Addison, Stamford FFA; Alexander Smith, Stamford
FFA; Will Kesler, Stamford FFA; John Flynn, Stamford Regional FFA
Thomas & Linda Sheridan, T-Ranch; MaryChojnicki;
Gary J. Beresford, Round Hill Farm; James Zagorski,Zagorski Farms LLC; Gary Keeney; Katherine
Bogli,Maple View Farm; Jonathon L. & Cheryl
Ensign; Jared & Suzie Matkowski; Nicole Foster;
George Amatore; Karen Mitton; Michael Eaton;
Deborah Rosario; Allen Eaton; Glen Corson; Sally
Mancini; Arthur W. Sweeton, III, Seven Oaks; Laura
Judd; Catherine Graffy; Vincent Fioramonti;
Heather Vannostrand; Sherri Hall; Kevin Ortiz; Jeff
Ross; David Anderson, Sunnybrook Farms; Eva
Chomicz, Plant Therapy Solutions; Avon Cider Mill;
Holly Farm; Hans Van Der Spek, J.C. Van Der Spek
Greenhouse Serv.; Nutmeg Farm Garden Center;
Deb Donohoe, Lost In Thyme Garden LLC; Patricia
Jakatavich Imperial Nurseries; Harry Wilcox, Jr.,
Farmington Valley Nursery; Twelve Tree Nursery;
Phil Wojtusik, Wojtusik Nursery And Garden Center;
Country Gardens Inc.; Baldwin Farm Perennial Gardens; Frank Thomann, Charter Oak Landscape &
Nursery Sales; Gerald Heresko, Bristol Mum Inc.;
Kasheta Farms; Peter Crowe, Jensen's Inc.; Great
American Home Brew Supply; Mike Wrobel, Winterberry Gardens LLC; David Armstrong, David T.
Armstrong Nursery; Brian Sikes, Sikes Tree Service;
Perleoni & Son Garden & Nursery Center;Bidwell's
Yard Garden & Pet; Steve Jaeger, Butler Florist &
Garden Center, LLC; Robert & Nancy Shipman, Shipman Nursery,LLC; Robert Powell, Gledhill Nursery
Inc.; Valley Home & Garden Center; Bruce Mccue,
Mccue Gardens; Scott Wheeler, Winding Brook Turf
Farm Inc.; Peter & Celina O'Meara, B & P Turf Farm;
Ken's Nursery & Garden; Kevin Cavalier, Patrissi
Nursery Center Inc.; Mark Bussolini, The Kenmark
Company; Tom Hinman, Riverside Nursery & Garden Center; Jamie Gilbert, Harken's Garden Center;
James McKinney, River Valley Growers; Nancy Wenzel, Northern Nurseries; Douglas Zeytoonjian, Turf
Products Corporation; Hawthorne Agway; Tarnow
Nursery; Chris Field, Greencycle Of The Northeast;
Burgess Nursery; Donald Ford, Stonegate Gardens
Inc.; Chuck Hart, Revay's Gardens & Gift Shop;
Edward Willard, New England Seed Company;
Christina Berger, Berger's Nursery; Todd Cloutier,
Ameriscape LLC; David Sylvester, Agr Evo Usa Company; Johnson Gardens; Marc Laviana, Sunny Border Nurseries; Judy Mattson, New England Garden
Sales; Vittners Garden Center Inc.; John Mathews,
New Britain Nursery & Landscape; Weber's Nursery;
Sam Frink, Frink Garden Center; Elizabeth Swanson;
Rosedale Vineyards, LLC; Karen Chase; Ann Lewis;
Harris Agriscience & Technology Center; Glastonbury High School - Ag Ed; Southington High School
Thomas M. Fitzgerald III, Greyledge Farm; Greg Bollard, Maywood Farm; David Blyn, Riverbank Farm
LLC.; Stephen Dubois, Farm Dubois; Stonehedge
Farm, Donald Govotski; Duncan Mc Dougall; Donald Albert, Cedar Ridge Farm; Joseph & Dawn
Desteph; Lavender Creek Farm LLC; June & Henry
Bissonnette; Gene Heavens, Bryan Heavens Logging
& Firewood; Laura Freund; Karl Riva; Winter Mead
II, Mead's Maple; RaymondBolek,
Acres; M. Elaine La Roche, Haisdan Farm LLC; Lloyd
Albin, Campers Choice Trees; Kellie Devan; H. Bruce
Mc Ever; Bill Arnold, Fieldstone Farm; Christopher B.
Clow, Weathercock Farm; Steven Norden; Lawrence
& Holly Johnson; Michelle Hood; Ira & Jennifer
Kaplan; Tikva Wolff, Wolf's Farm; Nicholle Jejer;
Timothy Mcdonagh, TFM Co. LLC; Jeff Lynch, Rock
Cobble Farm; Carmine Polletta, Agri Care Of Connecticut; Greystone Greenhouses;Kozlak's Discount
Nursery; Kerry Gallagher, Beardsley Gardens; Maria
Domack, Moscarillo's Garden Shoppe; Steve
Kinkade, Shepaug Flower Farm; William Hosking,
James S. Hosking Nursery; Mark's Garden Center;
Stonewood Farm; Agway-Woodbury; Hale's Woodland Gardens; The Urban Forester Inc.; Edward
Decortin, Twin Oaks Horticultural Association LLC;
Jeannette Dean, Backyard Botanical; Edward Dillon,
Jr., Keed's Farm LLC; John Acerbi Litchfield Hills
Nursery Inc.; Jay Laplaca, South Farms Nursery Inc.;
Goshen Nurseries; Sepple's Tree Service; Lee Boucher, New England Bark Mulch; Bruce Bennett, The
Kent Greenhouse; Old Farm Nursery; Tom Martinsen; Andi Cantele, Marigold Gardens LLC; David
O'Leary, Agway-New Milford; Boreal Forests; Judith
Becker, Lauray Of Salisbury; Barbara Pierson, White
Flower Farm; Douglas Baldwin, Fieldstone Nursery;
Robert Marques, Meadowbrook Farms LLC; Scott
Melatti, Scott's Nursery Landscape Supplies LLC;
Mary Wilton, Mountain Meadow Farm; Cosmos
Greenhouse & Nursery; Nash Pradhan, Ginger Creek
Nursery; Margaret Burnett, Gardenmaker LLC;
Peter Whitney; Nick Vasileff, Vasileff Nurseries Inc.;
Eric Mendelsohn, Salisbury Garden Center LLC;
David Johnson, Spruce Brook Nursery Inc.; Kathleen
Nelson, Kathleen Nelson Perennials; Susan Alvord,
Connecticut Cut Flower; Dennis Dodge, Bethlehem
Nursery; Hidden Garden/Rabinowitz Greenhouses;
Windover Garden Center & Florist; John O'Donnell,
O'Donnell Nursery; Brian O'Neil, Cornwall Gardens;
Nora Hulton, Nora's Nursery & Florist; Thomas Scott,
Falls Village Flower Farm; Aspetuck Gardens; Strawberry Ridge Vineyards; Northwinds Vineyard; Stacey
Ferraro; Kimberly Thorn; Sunset Meadow Vineyard;
Michael Orefice; Alphonse Avitabile; Daniel & Gloria Masopust, Brierwood Nurseries; Jerram Winery;
Eileen Graham; Elaine Frost; Abbey Of Regina Laudis; Walter & Rebecca Burcroff; Alan Lovejoy; RhondaJaacks; CT Junior Republic FFA; Robert Gambino,
Northeast Tree-Pond-Turf Service; Katie Beadle,
Northwestern Regional FFA; Taylor Espitee, Woodbury FFA Chapter; Katie Beadle, Northwestern
Regional FFA; Meghan Tanner Wamogo; Victor
Salazar, Northwestern Reg. FFA; Jessica Roth,
Woodbury FFA Chapter; Jessica Myer, Woodbury
FFA; Sarah Curless, Woodbury FFA Chapter; Marisa
Bedron, Woodbury FFA
Leonard Brooks III; Janine Kanapicki; Steven Goldblatt; Robert & Catherine Chase, Spencer Hill Farm;
Joseph P. Geraghty; LizaDavis; Pamela & William
Demiris; Pro-Turf; Russell Egan, Hillcrest Gardens
Nursery Inc.; Arthur Scovill, Scovill Landscape & Garden Center; Viola Lawn Service & Garden Center;
Joseph Paolella, Cromwell Growers; Laura Miezejeski, Hortus Perennials; Gastler Farm Nursery; Miller
Tree Farm; Alicia Rockwell, Akers Of Gardens; Dan
Peszynski, Paul's & Sandy's Too; Samuel Riggio, Riggio's Garden Center; Robert Glazier, Town & Country Nurseries Inc.; Walter Kops; Nutmeg Flower Farm;
Circle D Nursery Inc.; Damon Panzera, Blue Cedar
Gardens; Killingworth Nurseries Inc.; Mary Johnson,
Me Johnson Nurseries; Dawn Graham, G & H Growers; Rob Townsend, A&R Water Gardens; David
Richards, Clinton Nurseries Inc.; Connecticut Plantsman LLC; Jill Sliker, Briggs Nursery; Alice Durinick; Jeffery Harvey, Brush Hill Farm; Herbert Clark III;
Heather Birdsey; Doug & Joan Paul; Kathleen Worthington; Mary Jane Lis, DVM; Carol Martin; Wendy
Welter; Rick & Allison Trojanoski; Giuseppe Caturano; Nathan Hale-Ray High School FFA; Ty & David
Zemelsky, Star Light Gardens; Melissa Gibson, Wellstone Farm; Hanna Mellaly, Mattabeset FFA Chapter; Jami-Lynn Korpela, Ray FFA Chapter; Robert
Johnson, Ray FFA Chapter; Kaligh Hargraves, FFA
Chapter Ray
New Haven:
Roy & Bill Detlefsen, The Last Frontier; Kristine M.
Garcia; Angelo M. Palombo; Howard Raccio, Raccio
Farm; Mark & Patricia Oczkowski, Red Twil Ridge
Farm; Gennaro Savino, Savino Vineyards; Bob &
Cindy Harrison, Breezy Knolls; Howard & Evelyn
See "Members" on page 9
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
From "Annual" on page 1
kitchens. The Board of Directors will set
CFBA’s legislative priorities based on
approved policy in anticipation of the
2010 legislative session.
In addition to policy development,
delegates heard additional reports
from Treasurer Bill Syme,
Executive Director Steve
Reviczky, Investment Committee Chairman Steve
Solley, Member Services
Company President Randolph Blackmer, Jr., and
Judith Blei Government
Relations. Presentations
from a variety of speakers
covered topics including
the 2007 Census of Agriculture, reliable risk management tools
available through RMA, and the impact
of the UCONN dairy study and “Save
Dairy” campaign.
The luncheon program was highlighted by a speech by Mark Maslyn,
American Farm Bureau Federation Vice
President for Public Policy. During
lunch, Commissioner of Agriculture Phil
Prelli, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles
Robert Ward, and Commissioner of the
Department of Environmental Protection Amey Marrella joined delegates
and spoke about important developments for Connecticut agriculture.
After dinner and awards, CFBA
Young Farmer Committee members
drew the winning
ticket for a pedal
tractor donated
by Stanton Equipment and raffled
off a number of
gift baskets. Lori
Longhi representing the Connecticut Agricultural
Education Foundation Board of
CFBA Executive Directors issued
Director Steve
the Foundation’s
Reviczky and
yearly county chalMark Maslyn,
lenge and was sucAFBF Vice
President for
cessful in bringing
Public Policy.
in several thousand dollars. Through the yearly challenge and the silent auction the
Foundation is able to continue their
support of various agricultural education programs throughout Connecticut.
December 2009
The Association’s Outstanding Member Award is presented annually to
an individual who has a long-term
demonstrated commitment to Farm
Bureau. This year the award was presented to Herman R. Weingart of
New London County. Herm has been
a member of CFBA for 53 years and
has served in various leadership roles
on the county and state level. “For
four decades Herman has been an
integral part of the policies that
mold and guide every Farm Bureau
member as a county representative
and/or delegate. He has held a seat
on the New London County Board of
Directors for over 40 years,” stated
Wayne Budney in Weingart’s award
application. Furthermore, Herm has
been involved in local politics
through Planning and Zoning and
Inland Wetlands Watercourse Commissions and the Board of Education.
CT Farm Bureau was honored to
award Herman with this year’s Outstanding Member Award.
Governor M. Jodi Rell received
special recognition for her support of
the dairy industry. In addition to providing emergency assistance to the
state’s dairy farmers, she also implemented a two-year program to supplement dairy farmers when the cost
of production exceeds the federal
pay price for milk.
Five state legislators were recognized
for their support and leadership on key
agriculture legislation during the 2009
state legislative session. Senate President Donald Williams, Jr. (D-29)
received the Sustaining Friend of Connecticut Agriculture award. Senator
Williams was honored for his long term
commitment to the future of farming
including the establishment and protection of the Community Investment
Act, farmland protection and dairy viability. House Majority Leader Denise
Merrill (D-54) received the Special
Recognition award. Representative
Merrill was recognized for her leadership role in establishing a bi-partisan
working group to further legislation in
support of the dairy industry.
Representative Bryan Hurlburt (D-53)
received the Legislator of the Year
Award for his outstanding advocacy for
farmers and CT agriculture including
value-added agriculture (The Pickle
Bill), continued funding for Ag Viability
grants under the Community Investment Act, animal agriculture and dairy.
State Representative Pam Sawyer (R-55)
also received the Legislator of the Year
award for her continued support of CT
agriculture and work advocating for a
program to support CT dairy farmers.
State Representative Joan Lewis (D-8)
was also honored with the Legislator of
the Year award for her sustained efforts
in the adoption of legislation to maintain a viable dairy industry and her
support of farmers and farming in CT.
Earning the Farm Bureau Legislative
Action Award this year was New London County farm bureau member
Anita Kopchinski. Anita was recognized
for her work furthering The Pickle Bill
in the 2009 legislative session. Anita
was actively engaged throughout the
legislative session and worked to
reach out to lawmakers on this
important Bill.
Wayne Budney, also of New London
County earned this year’s award for
Grassroots Involvement. Wayne has
been active in organizing right-to-farm
committees in Colchester, Columbia
and Lebanon and is an enthusiastic
supporter of Connecticut agriculture.
Fairfield County Farm Bureau
received the 2009 CT Farm Bureau
membership award. Fairfield was the
only County to meet their CT Farm
Bureau membership goal by increasing
their county’s membership during the
2009 membership year.
Two of Connecticut’s young farmers
were recognized for their contributions
to agriculture. Both Joanna Samuelson
and Jamie Jones received a $500 award
from Dodge and the opportunity to
represent CFBA at the AFBF Annual
Meeting in January. Joanna received
the Excellence in Agriculture award
and Jamie Jones received the Young
Farmer Achievement award.
Recognition of the top performers
among Nationwide® agents was also
a part of this year’s Annual Meeting
Awards. Ken Davis representing the
Nationwide® Board of Directors and
Gary Douglas, President of Nationwide® Agribusiness joined Farm
Bureau members in honoring: Brian
Rogers-#2 Farm Bureau membership
writer and #1 Farm Policy writer;
Craig Meier-#1 Farm Bureau membership writer; Chris Lyons-#2 Farm
Policy writer; Jeff Tobin-#3 Farm
Bureau membership writer; and Chris
Caluori-#3 Farm Policy writer.
Rounding out the list of awards
for 2009 was a Special Recognition
award for UConn College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for their
study of the economic impact of the
dairy industry in Connecticut.
Top: Nationwide® Insurance
representatives at CFBA’s
Annual Meeting
Above Left: State
Representative Joan Lewis
receives the CFBA Legislator
of the Year award from
President Tuller.
Above Center: Wayne Budney
receives the Grassroots
Involvement award.
Above Right: Representative
Bryan Hurlburt speaks after
receiving CFBA’s Legislator of
the Year award.
Bottom: Dean Weidemann of
UConn College of Ag and
Natural Resources and Dr.
Lopez accept the Special
Recognition award.
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
December 2009
From "Members" on page 5
First Pioneer F
Credit recently
that Jason Hoa to
has been prom
assistant vice
for the or
Senator Dodd
accepts the AFBF
Friend of Farmer
award for his
suppor t for farmers
in the 110th
U.S. Congress.
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Shawn McG
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Dairy Farm
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New Engla
nd Green
Award pr
m a ny
s t h e te d
CF BA rs w h o do ble a
v o l u n i me t o a s s o v e r
t h e i t m a i li ng s .
f ar
Belinsky, Belinsky Family Farm; Randi Lewis; Sandra
Artaiz; Joanne Kraynak; Christine Fronckiewcz;
Andrea Messina; Leodan B. Yepez Poveda; Howard
Runyon; Kathy Coletta; Carolyn Mason; Chris Walker; William Baer; Jose Avila; Johanne Henderson;
John Matteis; Cheryle Pacapelli; Nathaniel Washington; Lemarr Massenburg; Shawna O'Neil;
Charles Chancio; Miriam Vitale; Mary Germe;
Robert Walzer; Todd Brandi, Pioneer Mortgage;
Peter Amento; Erni Childers; Melissa Safouane;
Janet Self; Rhonda Laudano; Edmund & Andrea
Ramo; Lori Turmel; Gordon Szymczak; Matthew
Orsini; Santiago Baez; Bruce Butler, B&B Power
Equipment; Salvatore Cioffi, Oak Tree Nurseries;
Fairway Gardens; Sherman Valley Nursery; Ralph
Disanto, Paradise Nurseries LLC; Tim Blundon; Jeff
Santoro, Madison Garden Center; Holly Johnson,
Summer Hill Nursery Inc.; Sharon Vumbaco, Quality
Garden & Equipment; Steve Banyay; Christopher
Barretta, Barretta Gardens LLC; Jeffrey Auerbach,
Country Fare LLC; Robert Macchia, Q-Gardens;
Greenwich Nurseries; Agway Wilmot Bros.; Scott
Hickman; Prospect Gardens Inc.; Agway-North
Branford; Carlo Bergamini, Carlton Gardens;
Michael Annatone, Annatone Nursery Farm; Mike
Schuchmann, East Side Greenhouses; Simon's Farm
Market; Laurel Hill Nursery; Bill Beebe, Cheshire
Nursery, Inc.; Todd Connery, C.H. Robinson Co.; Jeffrey King, Hickory Ridge Nursery; Alfred Devylder,
Devylder Greenhouses; Dennis Fowler, Kurt Weiss
Greenhouses Of CT; John Mcginnis, The Gardens At
Cheshire LLC; Bill Van Wilgen, Van Wilgen's Garden
Center; Anne Mcintyre-Lahner; Sarah Murray,DVM;
Ellen Adomelis; Evan Dudley; Maurice Blanchette,
A Public Flower & Garden; Norm Schmidt, Jr.,
Schmidt Gardens; Pat Aiello, Bell Nurseries Inc.;
Diane King, Phil's Garden Center; Agway Of North
Haven Farm Supply; Paul Chipman, Cedar Ridge
Nursery; Benjamin Neal, Southbury Tree Service;
Oxford Farms Growing Center; Joan Chevrier, Colonial Irrigation; Wesley Rouse, Pine Meadow Gardens Inc.; Wildewood Gardens; Wisteria Hill Farm
Nursery; Mary Tomlinson, Krikit's Garden Center;
Robert Wilber, Wilber & King Nurseries; Vincent
Gloria, Vinny's Garden Center Inc.; Rede Garden
Center; Walter Atwood, Pillwillup Farm; Sound
School Of New Haven FFA; Lyman Hall High School
FFA; Peter Rothenberg, Northfordy Farm; Mike
Burns, Kate & Mike's Naturally Grown
New London:
Glenn Dahlke, Ashlawn Farm; Linda Adelman, Six
Paca Farm; Daniel A. Jeffrey, Pequot Plant Farm;
Peter D. Calvert; William G. Grant Jr.; Lynwood &
Jennifer Crary; Michael & Kathleen Poiner, Featherhill Farm; John Olsen, Olsen's Tree Farm; Karen
Benedict, Babe Farm; Paul & Patricia Peltier, Triple
"P" Paddocks; Nancy Franklin, Marvel Farm LLC;
Richard W. Dexter, Briarledge Farm; Nancy Franklin,
Marvel Farm LLC; Richard W. Dexter, Briarledge
Farm; William J. Loftus, Loftus Farm; Mary Fischer,
Bit By Bit Stables; Eric Hoxie, Red Oak Stable;
William Dall Jr.; Traci Butler; Brian Campbell; Timothy Hathaway; Marcus P. Job; Peter Larkin; Dalice
Elizabeth; Jonathan Edwards Winery; Saltwater
Farm Vineyard;Stonington Vineyards; Fred Capacchione, Capacchione Greenhouses; Eugene Copp;
Suzanne Sankow; Anthony Marfat; Sharon
Moroch; William Cournoyer; Richard Lightfoot;
Joyce Vournazos; Celine Sicard; Muriel Weber; Carl
Runkle; Ruth Howard; Jack Fidrych; Teri Smith,
Smith's Acres LLC; Rich Oliver, Perennial Harmony;
Hathaway Greenhouse; Philip Tuthill, Tuthill Nursery & Garden Center; Geer Tree Farm; Mark Sellew,
Prides Corner Farms Inc.; Tim Black, Timbuck 2 Garden Center; Jim Nieuwenhuis, Stonington Gardens;
Baltic Greenhouse Nursery; Edmund Gregan II, Carlton Plants LLC; Jennifer Hibbard, Fox Hill Growers;
River Run Nurseries; Brian Viltrakis, Plant & Flower
Depot Of Oakville LLC; Bridge Gardens; Yankee Tree
Service; Robert Lasaracina, Salem Country Gardens;
Marlis Jacobwitz, Stonybrook Valley Tree Farm;
Kathryn Moore, Kathy's Gardening; Agway Inc Of
Yantic; Kelly Andersen, Oasis Gardens LLC; Ledyard
High School FFA
Joanne Hansen, High Fields Farm; Charles & Heidi
Galgowski; Jonathan Moser; Zach Olson; Nicole
Roethlein, Wildwood Acres; Sandra Ashley, DaltonAshley Acres; Roger D. Tellefsen, Tellefsen Farm;
Andrew Ansaldi Jr; Barbara Lemek; Prescott
Lehmann, Hickory Ridge Tree Farm; Steve Norris;
Shaun & Holly Harrington; David & Brenda Houle;
John Andrychowski; Thomas Ellenberg; Sarah Ellenberg; Hillcrest Garden Center; James Cropley, Cropley's Garden Center & Landscaping; Tessier's Nursery
& Landscapers Inc.; Mark Eitelman, Agri-Scape Inc.;
Agway Inc. Of Ellington; Stephen Whitham,
Whitham Nursery; Cassidy Hill Vineyard; Alex Roy,
Connecticut FFA Foundation; Rebecca Reynolds,
Connecticut FFA Foundation; Linda Palmer, DVM;
Jean Denapoli, DVM; Melissa Ferguson; Katie Bombria; Christine Collins; Claudette Choma; Laurel
Atwood; Cheryl Ryan; Rachael Gately; Lynn Stoddard; Bonnie & Paul Kegler; Jim & Kim Cipiello,
Terra Gardens; Dennis Gliha, The Garden Barn Nursery; Kenneth Crooke, Ken's Landscaping & Nursery;
Christopher Campbell, Hockanum Industries Greenhouse; Pete Nickerson, Somersville Gardens; Becky
& Ray Mecklenburg, Mecklenburg Farm LLC;
Ledgecrest Garden Center; Midgard Nurseries; Vernon Tree Service; JoanAllen, Uconn Home & Garden
Ed. Center; E.O. Smith High School FFA; Rockville
High School FFA; Kenneth Cone, Cedar Ledge Tree
Farm; Gregory Clarke, UCONN CANR
Richard Dezso; Art Talmadge, Cranberry Hill Farm;
Richard B. Young; Peter & Mary Concklin; Bernice
Loser; Roland F. La Pensee, Quarter Ridge Farm;
David Gardner; Susan Barry, Misty Highland Farm;
Carl Correra; Renee Gelinas; Anna Burnham; Lynn
Biesiadecki; Leslie Lupien; Keri Boucher; Rebecca
Stedman; Ann & Michael Bourke; Jim Burlingame;
Matthew Couzens; Quackin' Grass Nursery; Ross
Garden, Center & Nursery; Deborah Lee, Woodland
Trails Wildflower Nursery; Bob Harsch, Goose Neck
Gardens & Gift Shoppe; Patrick Roach, Goat Star
Tree; Greg Panu, Sunset Nurseries Garden Center;
Ezequiel Garcia; Denise Ciastko, Pan's Acres Nursery
LLC; TomGray, Verkade's Nursery Of Canterbury;
Todd Burnett; Frank Anastasio, Wagon Road Farm
& Greenhouse; Byron Martin, Logee's Greenhouses;
Stan Megos, The Variegated Foliage Nursery; Jim
Reck, Acorn Ridge Garden; Moosup Gardens Learning Ctr.; Daniel Spencer, Highland Gardens Nursery;
Woodstock Wild Flower Nursery
Policy Matters:
Fuel Tax Initiative
Over the next few months, the CT Department of Motor Vehicles
will be increasing spot inspections to check for illegal use of
dyed diesel in on-road motor vehicles. This is a statewide effort
to catch fuel users who are attempting to bypass paying
road tax by using dyed diesel in their on-road motor
vehicles. Dyed diesel should only be used in
off road applications.
Zach Olson
25 Bear Swamp Rd, Andover
Zach Olson has a 60-tap maple syrup
operation, producing 15 gallons, and
he is working to grow his business. He
also works for Hytone Farm in Coventry, a dairy that is part of Farmer’s
Cow. Hytone Farm
has 240 Holstein
cows, 165 young
stock and 200 acres
for corn silage and
130 acres for grass
The Farmer’s Cow
is a group of six
Connecticut dairy
farms, marketing
Zach Olson
their own milk
products, eggs and other beverages
throughout the state. Zach is responsible for manure application, equipment and building maintenance and
crop work. As an employee of the
Farmer’s Cow, Zach admits that it
gives him more of a retail/marketing
focus when it comes to farming.
Zach is involved in the Young
Farmers Committee and the CFBA
Dairy Committee. He is also a member
of the Maple Syrup Producers
Association of Connecticut. Zach
graduated from UConn with a degree
in Animal Science.
Zach feels
that Connecticut is
toward a
more retailbased marketplace,
rather than
Connecticut and CFBA should help to
promote locally produced food and
agricultural products while protecting
farmers ability to produce that food.
Zach understands that farmers need
to make the local public more aware
of where their food comes from and
how it is produced.
This series highlights the future of farming in Connecticut. By focusing on Connecticut Farm
Bureau’s Young Farmers, these profiles will show the changing face of agriculture in our state.
Connecticut’s farmers must respond with a resilient, determined spirit to face mounting feed
and fuel costs and changes in consumer preferences.
Farms, Land, Estates, Horse Properties
Eastern Connecticut
Ashford Resident Since 1973!
Phone: (860) 429-7240
Cell: (860) 428-9126
On the web:
126 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center, CT 06250
Publication of The Connecticut Farm Bureau •
December 2009
Distractions that take a driver’s eyes off the road even for just seconds put drivers and their passengers at great risk.:
Nationwide and NASCAR urge teens to “hang up and drive”
Nearly three-quarters of Americans
admit they drive while distracted by
activities such as talking on the phone,
texting, or fiddling with an MP3 player,
according to a survey by Nationwide
The problem is especially bad for
young drivers. In a 2008 survey, Nationwide found that nearly 40 percent of
the teenagers and young adults surveyed admitted they send and receive
text messages while driving - the same
percentage of those questioned who
said they have been hit or almost hit by
another car whose driver was talking
on a cell phone.
“Clearly, distracted driving has taken
over our roadways and Nationwide
wants to educate all drivers that they
need to focus on the road, not on their
technology, when behind the wheel,”
said Bill Windsor, Associate Vice President
of Safety for Nationwide Insurance.
“Text messaging comes natural to Gen
Y-ers. However, multitasking while
behind the wheel is quite different from
multitasking while sitting at home.”
In fact, the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration says distracted
drivers account for nearly four out of
five crashes in the U.S.
That’s why Nationwide Insurance has
teamed up with NASCAR Nationwide
Series drivers, including Kyle Petty, to
hold events at high schools across the
country to drive home the message
that multitasking behind the wheel
puts drivers and their fellow motorists
at risk. At these events, students learn
how these distractions impact their
driving when we challenge them to
race in a NASCAR simulator while texting on a cell phone.
“I am really excited to be a part of
this campaign. Young drivers today are
faced with more distractions than ever
before, and diverting their attention
away from the road with cell phone
calls and text messages creates a very
dangerous situation,” said Petty. “It is
important for young adults to learn
about the risks associated with distracted driving. If we can raise awareness
on this particular subject I believe we
can save lives.”
For several years now, Nationwide
has been leading the charge against
Driving While Distracted (DWD) –
which includes talking and texting on
cell phones. Windsor said Nationwide’s
efforts represent more than just a public awareness campaign. “We want to
be a part of the solution to this emerging and dangerous social trend,” he said.
To help, Nationwide and the
National Safety Council developed, a
Website to provide parents and teens
free tools and resources to help devel-
op safe drivers and reinforce smart
“Nationwide believes we can
make our roads a safer place to
drive by finding solutions to the
DWD problem through legislation,
public awareness and encouraging
the development of new technology,” said Windsor. “In addition to
saving lives, fewer crashes could
result in lower auto insurance costs.”
Connecticut Farm Bureau is a
sponsor of Nationwide, and endorses Nationwide policies, many of
which are discounted for members
of Connecticut Farm Bureau. Please
ask a nearby agent for more
details, or visit
NASCAR driver Kyle Petty races Principal Barry Blair while trying to text
at DWD event at the New Technology High School at Garinger, NC.
(Kyle won the contest, but even as a professional driver, he struggled
to stay on the track while texting).
Procurement Forester Needed
Duties include research of town records, developing clients, boundary
location, marking, contract negotiations, working with municipal boards
and subcontracted logging crews;
occasional equipment operation.
Safety awareness and solid
people skills required.
Must have, or be able to
obtain promptly, CT Forester
Please contact:
Certification. Full benefit
Mike Bartlett (
package, company vehicle,
Hull Forest Products, 101 Hampton Road,
and incentives.
Pomfret Center CT 06259 Phone -
Invitation To Submit
Proposals For Lease On
State Owned Agricultural
Lands Located In Lebanon
And Colchester
The State of Connecticut, Department of Agriculture will accept agricultural lease proposals from
interested farmers wishing to lease
farmland for a period beginning no
sooner than October 2010.
Approximately 263 acres of cropland and pasture, with improvements, are available for farm lease.
Owned by the State, Department of
Agriculture, the farm is in the towns
of Lebanon and Colchester, CT.
Proposals will be reviewed by the
Commissioner and an advisory committee. Food and fiber producing
agricultural activities will be considered a priority. Overall impact on the
productivity and condition of the
land by the submitted applications
will be considered by the State. The
lease(s) may be for a term of up to
five years, with the option to renew,
at the discretion of the Commissioner, for an additional five years.
For a bid request form, additional
information or sketches of the areas
available for farm lease, please call
860.713.2511 and leave your name,
mailing address, phone number and
information being requested.
Proposals should be addressed to:
Farmland Preservation Program
CT Department of Agriculture
Lebanon Farm Bid Proposal
Room G-8, 165
Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106.
Proposals must be postmarked by
February 1, 2010 to be eligible for
CT Farm Bureau Member
Services, Inc. thank the
following Service
Companies for their
generous contributions
of door prizes for our
Annual Meeting:
Nationwide® Insurance Benefits:
Special Savings for CFBA Members
• Up to 7% Savings on Auto Insurance
• 7% Savings on Farm Insurance
• Travel Insurance
• Veterinary Pet Insurance®
Nationwide provides for all your insurance protection needs including Auto,
ATV, Business and Life. For more information, contact Jim Keane at
860-808-8106 or 888-280-2711,
your local Nationwide agent, or
eBenefits Group Northeast is a
full-service, independent employee
benefits agency serving the health
insurance and benefits needs of CT
Farm Bureau members and their families. By incorporating them into your
operations, eBenefits can manage
everyday benefit functions simpler,
faster and more cost effectively. They
become part of your running your business, minus the expense. Contact: Steve
Repka 860.675.4227 / 800.827.4227
eBenefits Group Northeast is excited to announce a
TUESDAY JANUARY 26TH • 10:00 AM • CFBA Offices, Windsor
You have a lot to consider when selecting a Medicare plan. eBenefits can help
make your search for a health plan easier and more convenient.
Please watch for further information via e-mail. If you would like to sign up for
the seminar or have questions, please contact Linda Gaetgens, eBenefits
800-827-4227 x221 or
M E M B E R S E RV I C E S , I N C .
Contact CT Farm Bureau Member Services at:
860-768-1106 •
Capital Bankcard-Credit Card
Processing – Members get the most
competitive pricing and rates,
with the
highest levels of personalized customer
service and special member offers and
rebates. Capital Bankcard offers wireless, as well as traditional terminals, so
even farm stands, farmers’ markets and
pick-your-own fields can become sales
points. Contact Bill Morrone, at 860774-8210-office, or 860-234-1110mobile, and mention Farm Bureau.
Dodge – $500 discount on retail purchase or lease of select Dodge vehicles
including; RAM 1500/2500/3500, RAM
3500/4500/5500 Chassis
Cabs, Dakota, Durango,
Grand Caravan, Journey,
Charger, Nitro, Caliber
and Avenger. This offer can be used in
addition to any national consumer
incentives but cannot be combined
with ON THE JOB Commercial Incentive,
employee discounts, or other printed
certificate programs. Contact CT Farm
Bureau for a certificate.
Stanton Equipment
Stop in today for the
latest farm equipment!
• 2A Gandolfo Drive,
Canaan –
(860) 824-1161
• 105 S. Main St., East Windsor –
(860) 623-8296
• 1376 Norwich Rd., Plainfield –
(860) 230-0130
Choice Hotels – 20% off regular rates.
Hotels include: Clarion, Quality, Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Sleep Inn,
Econo Lodge, Main Stay Suites, Rodeway Inn, and Suburban – locations in
the U.S. and around the world! For
reservations call toll-free – 800-258-2847
or online at
Business Outfitters – 10% off product
and embroidery fee online and phone
orders. Call 800.916.2255 or shop
Grainger – 10% discount when you
present the Farm Bureau account number. Call Cynthia at 860-768-1106 to
link the discount to your existing
account. Free shipping with online
orders! Order by phone – 877-2022594, fax –
online-, or at any
Grainger Branch location.
FBApparel –
Need that personal touch?
Contact your FBApparel
representative at 1-800-776-6221.
Connecticut Farm Bureau
775 Bloomfield Avenue
Windsor, CT 06095
The Voice of Connecticut Agriculture
From "Tour" on page 1
Thank You to CFBA 2009 Annual Meeting Sponsors
tion of small and familyowned dairies in Connecticut and across the country.
The bipartisan caucus
includes 89 members from
every region of the country
and was instrumental in
securing $350 million in
federal emergency funding to assist struggling
Mavis Collins speaks with Congressman
dairy farmers.
Courtney at Collins Powder Hill Farm.
Sustaining Sponsor
Nationwide® Insurance
Platinum Sponsor
First Pioneer Farm Credit, ACA
Gold Sponsor
e-Benefits Group Northeast, LLC
Silver Sponsors
Northeast SARE
The Farmer’s Cow
Capital Bankcard
Fieldworks CT LLC
CT Farm Risk Management Guida’s Milk & Ice Cream
1st Annual Litchfield Hills Winter Wine Trail
Visit the six participating wineries on the Litchfield Hills
Winter Wine Trail between December 1st and March 15th
and be entered into a Grand Prize drawing.
Pick up a free registration card at:
Connecticut Valley Winery
1480 Litchfield Tpk.
New Hartford
Jerram Winery
535 Town Hill Rd., Rt. 219
New Hartford
Haight-Brown Vineyard
29 Chestnut Hill Rd.
Hopkins Vineyard
25 Hopkins Rd.
New Preston
Miranda Vineyard
42 Ives Rd.
Sunset Meadow
599 Old Middle St.
Use the registration card as a guide through the trail. Have it
signed at each winery. Upon visiting all six wineries, turn in
your card for entry into the drawing to be held on March 23rd.
• Grand prize: Overnight stay at a Litchfield County inn
• Second prize: Family 4-pack lift pass for Ski Sundown
• Third prize: Dinner at a Litchfield County restaurant
Contact Tina Torizzo at 860-307-5426 or
The Lyman Farm, Inc.
Stanton Equipment, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors
Ag Sales Plus, LLC
Ag Service, Inc.
Big Boy’s Toys, LLC
Central CT Co-op
Farmers Association
Crop Production Services
Hartford County Farm
Bureau and Suffield
Veterinary Hospital
Mycogen Seeds
Hull Forest Products
New Haven County Farm
IBA, Inc.
Prides Corner Farms, Inc.
Kahn Tractor &
Equipment Inc.
Running Brook Farms
Lakeside Feed
Little “B “Barn
Tulmeadow Farms
The W.I. Clark Company
Windham County Farm
Middlesex County Farm
Bureau and Wauregan
E. Draghi & Sons Farms, LLC Bureau, Allegra Farm
Grain Company, Inc.
House & Carriage Service,
Energy Plus
Airline Farm, eBenefits
ER Electric Motor Repair
Group, Greenbacker Farm,
In memory of Walter
Foskett Equipment, Inc.
Adametz, Sr., Maple Breeze
Gary’s Tire Sales
Farm, Roberts Chrysler
Griffin Greenhouse &
Dodge, Stone Pasture Farm,
Nursery Supplies
Sweetwater Maple Farm
Desjardins Farm