Music by Richard Rodgers Book and Lyrics by Oscar
Music by Richard Rodgers Book and Lyrics by Oscar
LoomisChaffee Department of Theater & Dance Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Music by Richard Rodgers Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Based on the play “Green Grow the Lilacs” by Lynn Riggs Original Dances by Agnes de Mille Director—David McCamish Music Director—Susan Barone Chrzanowski Choreographer—Kate Loughlin Production Manager—Candice Chirgotis Oklahoma! is presented through special arrangement with R & H Theatricals: www.r& • Cover illustration & design by Patricia Cousins • Playbill production & design by Rachel M. Engelke • Set design sketches by Karen Sparks Mellon 1 Safeties • For the safety of the actors, please no flash photography of any kind. • The exits are located to the right of the audience and through the lobby. • Restrooms for patrons are located in the red brick building next to the NEO. • By direction of the Fire Marshal of the Town of Windsor, patrons may not occupy the aisles or the lobby during the show. ** Please note: there will be two guns fired onstage in Act I, and one gun fired onstage during Act II.** Courtesies • Please turn off all cellphones, smartphones, and other personal electronic devices, and refrain from using them during the performance. • Due to contractual agreements with the publisher, absolutely NO audio or video recording of this show are permitted. • Patrons who have forgotten or misplaced their tickets will be placed on the waitlist. • Please unwrap all cough drops before the show. Otherwise, no food or drink (except water) is allowed in the auditorium. • The show’s running time is just over 2 hours, plus one ten-minute intermission. Gratitudes • The Art Department, and most particularly Mark Zunino, for allowing our sound designer to nest in the Visiting Artist’s studio apartment. Again. And again. • All of the vocal coaches and instrumental teachers in the Music Department for nurturing the talents of the student singers and musicians performing for you. • Chris Beckford and the Housekeeping staff for taking such good care of our NEO. • Mrs. Julia Knight, Joanna Harvey, and Marie Tanuis: Our vendors and our over-hires much appreciate your efforts. • Physical Plant Director Greg Walters for marshaling his energies with the Windsor Fire Marshal, and for his sage advice and counsel regarding the theatrical firearms. • Robert Hansen, Dan Foley, Abe Passardi, Tom Denno, and others from the Physical Plant who labor beside us in the NEO making theater magic. • IT, Dan Corjulo and Keller Glass for making all of our communications systems work. • Anna Vdovenko for her amazing photography, for organizing so many parents to provide the tech rehearsal snacks and the celebratory feast after Strike, and for her overwhelming support and generosity toward our department. • To all the many families (too numerous to name!) who donated delicious and nutritious food to sustain our company through long rehearsals. • Michaela Scanlon and Windswept Farm for loaning us a saddle. Watch for it in the show! 2 Director's Note Thank you for joining our theatrical community this evening and sharing a musical experience. For many of you, this won’t be the first time you have seen this iconic musical brought to life. Others may be experiencing it for the first time. But all of us, over the next few days, will find ourselves humming a favorite phrase or smiling over a remembered line— Musicals tend to do that, especially a musical like OKLAHOMA! that originally ran for an unprecedented 2,200+ performances. I first remember being a part of an OKLAHOMA! production in the summer of 1983. Memories abound, from bringing a group of unknown youthful actors together to creating the unique universe of the show. I am now full of new memories—same show, but with a new group of actors who have brought a unique telling of the story. OKLAHOMA! is one of the first true “American Musicals,” where the songs and dance constantly move the story forward. A show that, at its heart, is about finding a place to call home, finding a place to be part of a community, through good times and bad. Theatre has the keen ability to create an instant community based on a shared experience— one that, on the surface, is ephemeral, lasting only through the short run of the show. Underneath, however, is the lasting memory of seeing friends, students, daughters, and sons collaboratively sharing their hard work and enthusiasm of an American Classic with you, the audience. The Loomis Chaffee School’s theme this year is memory. I hope you will take away a few good ones from our winter musical OKLAHOMA! Thank you for coming to the theater. David McCamish, Director 3 The Cast Nate Blumenthal ’17 Damon D’Amico ’16 Celine Erkey ’15 Anna Essick ’18 Miguel Esteban ’15 Josie Gautier ’16 Sarah Gyurina ’18 Joe Hinton ’16 Macon Jeffreys ’18 Ben Kallus ’17 Preethi Kannan ’17 John Kim ’15 Maggie Kudlinski ’16 Tony Lee ’15 Tatiana Lovera ’16 Ethan Lowell ’17 Derek Martinez ’16 Kirsten Mossberg ’16 Brendan Nelson ’17 Cameron Purdy ’18 Mollie Richter ’15 Laura Scanlon ’15 Sydney Steward ’17 Olivia Thompson ’18 Andrey Vdovenko ’16 Noah Yoon ’18 Sam Zikos ’17 SLIM, cowboy JUD FRY ELLEN, rancher farmer FRED, cowboy VIRGINIA, rancher LAUREY WILLIAMS CORD ELAM, cowboy EUGENE, farmer JOE, farmer AGGIE, rancher ANDREW “PA” CARNES ADO ANNIE IKE SKIDMORE, cowboy KATE, farmer cowboy ALI HAKIM AUNT ELLER WILL PARKER rancher farmer rancher VIVIAN, rancher farmer CURLY McLAIN farmer GERTIE CUMMINGS Music Captain: Miguel Esteban ’15 Dance Captains: Tatiana Lovera ’16, Laura Scanlon ’15, Sam Zikos ’17 4 The Production Team Lisa Bebey Tate R. Burmeister Candice Chirgotis Susan Barone Chrzanowski Rachel M. Engelke Ken Jones Kate Loughlin David McCamish Karen Sparks Mellon Kyle Olmstead Sophia Rabb Kate Saxton Rachel Sinay Costume Designer Lighting Designer Production Manager Musical Director/Pit Conductor Playbill Editor Technical Director Choreographer Director Set Designer Sound Designer Assistant Director Assistant Director Properties Designer & Charge Scenic Artist For this Production: Assistant Technical Director: Charley DeMars Carpenters: Alec Drohan, John Holder, Ian Jones, Sarah Keller, Glenn Korner, Steve Mountzoures Costume Construction: Lita Adams, Marti Simmons Scenic Artist: Miranda Casler The Technical Crew Jeremy Brezenoff ’16 Cheryl Chen ’15 Victoria Creel ’16 Zane Diamond ’16 Emily Esposito ’16 Dani Hove ’16 Maddie Lapuk ’15 Doyle Lokitiyakul ’15 Max Mossberg ’18 Isabelle Raposo ’15 Ramal Rauf ’17 Charlie Weld ’16 Cherie Yin ’15 Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Scenery Carpenter, Lighting Crew Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer Props Construction, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew Scenery Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew Assistant Stage Manager Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer Scenery & Props Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew Scenery & Props Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew Hair and Makeup Assistant Assistant Production Manager 5 Musical Numbers Act I Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’ The Surrey with the Fringe on Top Kansas City I Cain’t Say No Many a New Day It’s a Scandal! It’s a Outrage! People Will Say We’re in Love Pore Jud is Daid Lonely Room Out of My Dreams/Ballet Dream Ballet Curly Curly, Laurey, Aunt Eller Will, Aunt Eller, Ensemble Laurey, Ado Annie Laurey and Female Ensemble Ali Hakim and Ensemble Curly and Laurey Curly and Jud Jud Laurey and Dream Figures Full Company 10 Minute Intermission Act II The Farmer and the Cowman All er Nothin’ People Will Say We’re in Love (Reprise) Oklahoma Finale 6 Aunt Eller, Pa Carnes, Curly, Gertie, Will, Ado Annie, Laurey, Ike, Cord, and Ensemble Will and Ado Annie, with Ellen and Kate Curly and Laurey Curly, Laurey, Aunt Eller, and Company Company Orchestra Nancy Brown (guest) Susan Barone Chrzanowski Bob DePalma (guest) Deborah Feifer ’17 Melanie Guerin (guest) Joseph Lee ’16 Leroy Loomer (guest) Faith Miller Sal Ranniello (guest) Jim Rickevicius (guest) Josh Ryu ’18 Una Shea ’16 Rachel Shin ’18 Michael Tobin ’17 Gloria Yi ’17 Trumpet Conductor Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Trombone Keyboard Double Bass Trombone Violin Drums/Percussion Guitar/Banjo Cello Violin The pit orchestra comprises Flute Loomis Chaffee students, Cello faculty and lesson Violin instructors, as well as guest professional musicians. Due to space considerations in the cozy Orchard Theater, however, the orchestra actually sits behind the stage and actors rather than down in front of the house, as is the customary location for a “pit” orchestra. The wonderful music you are hearing this evening is, indeed, live! 7 The Cast Nate Blumenthal ’17 (Slim) This is Nate’s first year in the NEO, and he’s thrilled to be making his debut . He is enjoying the experience greatly and is happy he has made some new friends. Nate’s rapper name is “Jet Polar” and he is excited his rap career has taken off in the NEO with the help of Joe Hinton. Shout-out to $am “Money” Zikos. Thanks mom and dad for being studs. Damon D’Amico Jr. ’16 (Jud Fry) Despite looking like he’s 22, Damon is only a junior and this is his fifth NEO show. He is excited to put this show on for all of you and he’s very proud of the cast and crew. He is very grateful that you came to see the show. Be sure to compliment his luxurious beard. He’d like to thank Anne Teller for having his back and the little one for encouraging him to follow his dreams. Celine Erkey ’15 (Ellen) Celine is excited to be on the NEO stage one last time as Ellen the Rancher. She has been so grateful to be able to join the NEO family for the past five shows as a member of the Ensemble. She wishes the best of luck to “the future of the NEO” and hopes they will find joy along the way. S/O to Mollie for enduring four years of auditions with her! She hopes you enjoy the show! Anna Essick ’18 (Farmer) Anna is excited to make her musical debut in the NEO! She has a lot of acting experience, including Helena in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Mulan in Mulan. She started acting at the age of five when living overseas, but her mom says she has been acting her entire life! Anna would like to thank her awesome family at home and at church! Love you guys. Miguel Esteban ’15 (Fred) Miguel is excited to be in his third, but last, NEO musical, with not so humble beginnings as the dethroned King Sundeep Padamadan and ending as Fred the Cowboy, with a stint as the mad scientist Dr. Billeaux in between. He would like to thank his family, friends, advisor Mr. Chaudhary, & Mr. Neary for always supporting him and for filling the silent moments during Calculus with his laugh. 8 Josie Gautier ’16 (Virginia) This is Josie’s third show in the NEO, and her second musical. She is delighted to play the part of Virginia and hopes that everyone will really enjoy the show. Shout-out to the seniors for being awesome leaders, and to Celine for being the best mom ever. She thanks her (real) mom for driving late nights and her dad for traveling so far to support her. Sarah Gyurina ’18 (Laurey Williams) Sarah is thrilled to join the NEO this winter. She adores the cast and crew 10,000,000 x and thanks the NEO family for welcoming her with so much love. Sarah loves to sing, act, and dance and you can find her on the stage during the Fall Showcase and Spring Dance Revue (shout-out to Ms. Kate!) She thanks you for coming; so sit back, relax, and enjoy the little universe. Joe Hinton ’16 (Cord Elam) Joe is excited to be in his first NEO production. He loves the new friends he has made, and has enjoyed continuing to do theater. Being a sexist, rowdy, and hungry Federal Marshal and cowboy has been interesting, and Joe has very much embraced the rugged independence that comes along with western America. He wants to thank his supportive family, friends, and the directors. Macon Jeffreys ’18 (Eugene) Macon is thrilled to be playing the part of Eugene, the farmer who has an identity crisis and associates himself with cowboys because he feels lonely. He hopes you enjoy your trip to Oklahoma, where the wavin’ wheat can sure smell sweet when the wind come right behind the rain. S/O to Celine for being the best, and to Cherie and Doyle for being great masseuses. Ben Kallus ’17 (Joe) Ben is thrilled to portray Joe in his first NEO production, Oklahoma! He is a new sophomore from Montgomery, NY, and performed in the chorus of Crazy for You at his previous school. An avid singer, Ben is a member of the Chamber Singers and was able to participate in Regionals. Ben plans to keep musical theater a part of his life throughout his Loomis career, and beyond. Preethi Kannan ’17 (Aggie) This is Preethi’s fourth show in the NEO. Previous productions include The Good Person of Setzuan, Urinetown, The Musical, and A Midsummers Night’s Dream. She would like to thank the directors, techies, and the cast for creating a wonderful piece of theater. Shout-out to Moleman and Mama Celine for being incredible seniors. Enjoy the trip to Oklahoma! 9 John Kim ’15 (Andrew “Pa” Carnes) Ineffectual. Imperfect. Incandescent. Thank you for taking the time to move these scribbles into the metaphysics of your inner reality. Acting since his sophomore year, Oklahoma! will be his final (major) production on the NEO stage. It has been an odd and twisting journey for John, and he hopes his experiences translate to you on stage (rather like the squiggles on this piece of paper). Maggie Kudlinski ’16 (Ado Annie) Maggie is excited to perform in her third musical here at LC! Her previous Loomis credits include Pilar in Legally Blonde and Little Becky Two Shoes in Urinetown, The Musical. She wants to thank Sam Zikos for always going to dinner with her, the directors for their hard work, and her friends and family for their support of Maggie’s theater productions throughout the years. Tony Lee ’15 (Ike Skidmore) Tony is excited to be part of his first NEO production as Ike Skidmore. Tony used to think he was too cool for the musical, but has since realized he was so very wrong. Tony sings in the Chamber Singers and Concert Choir. He would like to thank the rest of the production cast and crew for a great term in NEO. Shout-out to Andrey for being a stud. Tatiana Lovera ’16 (Kate) Tatiana is thrilled to participate in her fifth major NEO production! Getting in touch with her early 20th c. personality through hundreds of whoops and two steps, she couldn’t be happier being a part of the journey to Oklahoma! She’d like to thank the directors for always pushing her past her limits and for allowing her to be a part of this production. Kirsten: I love youuuuuuuu #nobs2014 Ethan Lowell ’16 (Cowboy) Oklahoma! is Ethan’s second show in the NEO; his first was last winter’s Urinetown, The Musical. When not singing songs or attempting to dance, he enjoys running cross country and track, although he definitely also enjoys taking a break from exercise in the winter term (although, truth be told, the theater takes as much time and athletic energy as a varsity sport)! Derek Martinez ’16 (Ali Hakim) Back on the boards once again as a passionate lover, Derek Martinez revels in traveling through Oklahoma! with his fellow actors. When not diving into his life as a traveling salesman on stage, Martinez lives as a dumpling connoisseur, performs random acts of chivalry, fights the monsters under the beds of children, and travels to worlds beyond the stars (in his fully electric Nissan® Leaf). 10 Kirsten Mossberg ’16 (Aunt Eller) Lands! This has been Kirsten’s most demanding role yet. She’s had to learn how to churn butter, string beans, spin guns, and walk like she’s carrying a turkey between her legs. She’d like to thank the cast, crew, and directors for making the show a million times better than what she expected. Also, don’t worry, Fry, I got your back. Love you, lummies <3, except for maybe Noah. Brendan Nelson ’17 (Will Parker) A new sophomore from Avon, Brendan The Nelson debuted in A Midsummer Night’s Dream as Egeus & Raven. At Avon Old Farms, he wielded a sword as Macduff in Macbeth. It all started at age nine in Alice in Wonderland with the CT Family Theatre. When not roping, he enjoys playing rock guitar & jazz trombone, studying Viking history and whistling while he works. Cameron Purdy ’18 (Rancher) Cameron is very excited for her first show in the NEO. After growing up watching NEO performances, she was ecstatic when she was chosen to join Oklahoma! She has been acting for a few years and has been singing for a majority of her life with the CT Children’s Choir. She loves the environment that the NEO provides, and the cast has grown into a family for her over these months. Mollie Richter ’15 (Farmer) It is with a heavy heart that Mollie writes her fifth, and final, bio for the NEO Theater. She would like to thank the directors for being super amazing and for putting up with all of her shenanigans. Special shoutouts to Cherie for living across the hall and being awesome, and to Celine (and sometimes John) for being her partners in crime these past few years. Love You Guys!!! Laura Scanlon ’15 (Rancher) Laura is excited to participate in her second NEO musical. She performed in Urinetown, The Musical last winter and had a lot of fun. Laura also enjoys performing in the Fall Showcase and the Spring Dance Revue. Laura also loves dancing in Company II and at her home studio. She wants to thank her friends and family who have supported and encouraged her in all of her endeavors. Sydney Steward ’17 (Vivian) After writing her own One-Act play, “Drops of Madness,” last year, Sydney couldn’t resist more involvement with the NEO. Performing in her very first musical has been a humbling, unforgettable experience. Sydney loves the community she has been welcomed into and wants to thank her fellow cast members, directors, family and friends for pushing her forward. Enjoy the show! 11 Olivia Thompson ’18 (Farmer) Oklahoma! is Olivia’s second show at the NEO, after appearing in A Midsummer Night’s Dream in the fall. She would like to thank all of her friends who have come to see the show. Olivia would also like to thank her family for all of their support. Lastly, she would like to thank the cast and crew, a great group of people who always brighten up her day! Fairy walk! Andrey Vdovenko ’16 (Curly McLain) Andrey is happy to be in his fourth NEO production. Recent credits include Nick Bottom/Pyramus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Caldwell B. Cladwell in Urinetown, The Musical. He’d like to thank his parents for all the support they’ve given him and all the cast members for being such great people to spend winter term with. Shout out to the boys. Noah Yoon ’18 (Farmer) Noah is excited to be in his very first NEO show. Though a member of the Chamber Singers and Concert Choir, Noah has only a small amount of previous theater experience, so he feels quite lucky to be cast in this production of Oklahoma! He looks forward to more theater in the future. He loves the entire cast and crew very much, except maybe Kirsten. She enjoys omelets. Sam Zikos ’17 (Gertie Cummings) Sam is very excited to be playing the role of Gertie Cummings in her second NEO production. Joe Hinton and Sam have been dance partners before, but she’d like to give him an extra-big thanks for being her muse and inspiration through the art of dance. She’d also like to thank Maggie for being Maggie, Nate’s butt, and the whole creative team. Our best wishes to these talented thespians in the Class of 2015, who cumulatively have performed in or teched a total of 47 mainstage productions at the NEO— beginning with Metamorphoses, as freshmen in the fall of 2011: Miguel (3), Cheryl (6), Maddie (2), Doyle (7), Celine (5), Tony (1), Mollie (6), Laura (2), Isabelle (6), Cherie (4), and John (5). Break a leg in college (and beyond!), and be sure to come back and visit your Beloved Little Red Barn on the Island. 12 The Technical Crew Jeremy Brezenoff ’16 (Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer) This is Jeremy’s sixth NEO production as a sound technician/ carpenter hybrid, having joined the theater back in the fall of 2012 with Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors. He’s had a lot of fun building and engineering these production and hopes to continue working in the theater for as long as he can. Cheryl Chen ’15 (Stage Manager) After her role as the ASM for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Cheryl is very excited about stage managing her final musical in the NEO. Although she has worked in the NEO for three years, this is her first time doing jumping jacks, playing acting games, and ringing a triangle during rehearsal. She would like to applaud Cherie, Doyle, Victoria and all the wonderful technicians. Victoria Creel ’16 (Assistant Stage Manager) This is Victoria’s first show in the NEO as one of the stage management team. She was a technician on the lighting crew for the fall play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and she looks forward to continuing to be an active member of the backstage crew for future NEO productions. She would thank to thank all of her fellow technicians and the cast. Zane Diamond ’16 (Scenery Carpenter, Lighting Crew) Since they are generally joined at the hip, Zane and Emily wrote one bio. Here’s what you need to know: they are superpsyched to be teching another fabulous NEO production! They both started their NEO career with Urinetown and have teched every show since. Shout-out to their baby, Mercutio Christopher “MC” Hammer. (See Esposito for part 2.) Emily Esposito ’16 (Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer) (Part 2. See Diamond for part 1.) In their free time they enjoy playing hockey (shout-out to the Girls JV hawkey team), sleeping, watching Friends and M*A*S*H, and eating food (shout-out to whomever invented pudding). By now they’ve both watched this show 5-9 times, and seen how good it is, but can they see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? 13 Dani Paul Hove ’16 (Props Construction, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew) Dani is a novice technician and former actor, compelled to glaring silently at the crowd from backstage, after years of glaring at them onstage. Enraptured by the mundanity of the NEO’s tech team, he also enjoys walks in the Meadows, rooibos tea, and redheads. And glaring at crowds. In fact, he is likely glaring at a crowd right now. Maddie Lapuk ’15 (Scenery Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew) This is Maddie’s second show at the NEO, after this past fall’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and her first musical. She has had a lot of fun working on the sets of Oklahoma! and learning the lighting cues. She can’t wait to see the show performed and wishes many broken limbs upon the wonderful cast. Doyle Lokitiyakul ’15 (Assistant Stage Manager) Having performed practically every job possible in the NEO, Doyle finally ascends to the position of ASM. While he is still doubtful about the director’s decision to have him handle the stage guns, he will do his best to keep the casualties to a minimum. Doyle would like to thank his (huge) NEO family for the unforgettable memories from the past four years. Max Mossberg ’18 (Scenery Carpenter, Audio Engineer) Max is not only new to the NEO Theater but Oklahoma! is the first show that he has ever teched. After many years of watching big sister Kirsten delight audiences with her many talents, Max figured he’d give it a shot himself (only backstage). Max enjoys building different set pieces and looks forward to learning more skills in future shows. Isabelle Raposo ’15 (Scenery & Props Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew) Isabelle has frequented the NEO since her first school day at Loomis, and Oklahoma! is – alas – her final production. Highlights of her six mainstage productions include ASM for The Good Person of Setzuan, and Stage Manager for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Isabelle is experiencing the emotions typical of a NEO senior. Ramal Rauf ’17 (Scenery & Props Carpenter, Scenic Painter, Lighting Crew) Ramal is a new face in the tech crew this year, and she loves it. A day student from Rocky Hill, CT, she loves Yearbook, SLAB (Student Library Advisory Board), Ballroom Club, and the Amnesty International Club. Now she can put Tech on the very long list of things that she loves about Loomis Chaffee. 14 Charlie Weld ’16 (Hair and Makeup Assistant) Charlie is happy to have been asked by Ms. Bebey to help out with Oklahoma!, for he loves to be back in the NEO! He performed in A Midsummer Night’s Dream this past fall, and now is working behind the scenes in the spacious dressing rooms. A shout-out to Mollie for teaching him the ways of women’s hair. Cherie Yin ’15 (Assistant Production Manager) Returning to the NEO for her fourth, and final, run as a techie, Cherie is super excited and honored to be the APM for Oklahoma! She would like to thank the cast, crew, and NEO faculty for creating this show. Shout-outs to Mollie Richter for her Ramen, SSS for being salty, #SUBLIME and unconditionally supportive, and MBE for being the best therapist. The Orchestra Deborah Feifer ’17 (Trombone) Deborah is very excited to play in the pit for the production of Oklahoma! This is not her first time in the NEO, as she performed in Urinetown, the Musical last February as well. She would especially like to thank her parents for driving her to school for rehearsals. Joseph Lee ’16 (Double Bass) Making his NEO pit debut, Joseph has played bass for five years and is a two-year member of both the Orchestra and Chamber Music groups. Outside of music, Joseph is also interested in math, problem solving, and puzzles, especially the Rubik’s Cube. Josh Ryu ’18 (Cello) Josh is a member of the Orchestra and Chamber Music groups. He has been playing cello for seven years. Having participated in several musicals himself, he is excited to perform in the pit for the first time. Una Shea ’16 (Violin) Una is happy to play with the NEO pit for the first time. A musical theater enthusiast, she’s so excited to finally perform in a production, especially with so many of her friends. Thanks so much to Ms. Chrz for inviting her to participate, and good luck to all the performers! Rachel Shin ’18 (Flute) Rachel is a new sophomore in Carter, making her NEO pit debut. She is a member of both Chamber Music and the Concert Band. Rachel has been playing the flute since second grade. Michael Tobin ’17 (Cello) Michael began his musical studies on the violin, but switched to cello after three years. He has performed in numerous chamber ensembles and orchestras and is a member of the LC Orchestra. His teachers include Emmanuel Feldman at New England Conservatory, Denise Djokic and Kate Kayaian at the Killington Music Festival, and he currently studies with Katie Kennedy. Gloria Yi ’17 (Violin) Having dreamed of playing in a musical since she was little, Gloria is delighted to be part of the pit orchestra in her first NEO show. Currently Co-Concertmaster of LC’s Orchestra and performing as a chamber musician, Gloria also loves serving in her church orchestra. Gloria thanks her family and teachers for shaping her into who she is today. 15 The Production Team Lisa Bebey (Costume Designer) Lisa has worked with the student crews designing and building costumes for the past 13 years at Loomis Chaffee. She was the Costume Shop Manager at Hartford Stage for 14 years, and has also built costumes for the Long Wharf Theatre, Goodspeed Opera, Theaterworks and the Yale Repertory Theatre. Lisa recently added the role of entrepreneur to her resume by opening her online shop, featuring custom dress up costumes for children. Tate R. Burmeister (Lighting Designer) Tate has worked as a designer throughout Connecticut, Minnesota, California, and New York and is enjoying her sixth season as the lighting designer at the NEO. In addition to working as a designer, Tate is the Technical Director for the Ivoryton Playhouse. In Connecticut, she has designed for Playhouse on Park, Ivoryton Playhouse, Seven Angels Theatre, Hartford Stage Education Department, Oddfellows Playhouse, Albano Ballet and others, as well as various local schools. Favorite lighting design credits include Metamorphoses (Loomis Chaffee), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat (Ivoryton Playhouse), Nuevo California, The Threepenny Opera (Oddfellows), and A Chorus Line (Merced, CA). Candice Chirgotis (Production Manager) Candice became Head of the Theater & Dance Department in 2013 after a decade of working here as a teacher and as the production manager for the Norris Ely Orchard Theater. In her previous life, she was an adjunct professor of Dramatic Arts at UConn, and before that she was the Department Chair of Theater Design & Production at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts. For 16 seasons Candice was—for over 100 professional theater productions—the Production Manager at Hartford Stage. She earned her master’s degree in theater at the University of Illinois. Candice considers herself incredibly fortunate to get to teach, learn, and make plays with these hardworking, talented and fun Loomis Chaffee student technicians and performers. She would like to take this opportunity to sincerely express how much she admires, appreciates, and is grateful for such creative, devoted, and generous professional theater collaborators and faculty colleagues. Susan Barone Chrzanowski (Music Director/Pit Conductor) Oklahoma! marks Sue’s 17th NEO winter musical and 20th NEO production overall. Sue praises this year’s cast, crew, and pit orchestra for bringing new life and much excitement to a historic musical theater piece. At Loomis Chaffee, Sue serves as Music Department Chair and Choral/Vocal Director. A lyric soprano and active guest conductor, Sue specializes in healthy vocal production and the changing voice. Sue maintains a private lesson voice studio and has been featured as guest conductor 16 and chairperson for various Connecticut festival choirs. Under Sue’s direction, the Chamber Singers have been featured performers at CT state conferences. Sue has been involved in state and eastern divisions of NAFME and ACDA. She directed the UCONN Treblemakers Children’s Choir from 2004-2009 and the Windsor Island Girls from 1999-2004. At LC, Sue has held the William Cosgove Card Instructorship in Music and was a recipient of the Austin Wicke Memorial Prize for Teaching. In addition, she was awarded The Cheshire Academy Faculty Excellence Award, The Cheshire Academy Community Service Award for Faculty, and the Morton Prize for Teaching. Rachel M. Engelke (Playbill Editor) In her 15th year on the Island, Rachel is the Interim Head of the History & Social Science Department, a resident in Palmer Dorm, and she serves as the adviser to Model UN and the Loomis Chaffee World Bulletin. A long-time friend of the NEO Theater, Rachel made her assistant directing debut in 2011 with The Boy Friend, while Oklahoma! is Rachel’s 23rd production as playbill editor. She would like to express her sincere appreciation to everyone in the cast and crew for their cooperation and good humor as she hounded them for bios, photos, endless lists, and other assorted minutiae. Ken Jones (Technical Director) Ken is delighted to cap off his third season at the NEO Theater with the fabulous Oklahoma! crew. Interesting set note is an inversion of materials—we used rough-cut lumber and “barn board” to create a painted backdrop and a tree, but “faked” the clapboard siding and barn walls! Ken has directed and taught theater craft in the Farmington Valley area since 2003, for dozens of productions with Canton MS/HS, Avon High School, Avon Summer Theatre, Theatre Guild of Simsbury, and last, but not least, The Loomis Chaffee NEO Theater. He was recently appointed the Director of Operations for Farmington Valley Stage Company. Ken lives by the credo, “Enthusiastically share what you know, and eagerly learn what you don’t.” Kate Loughlin (Choreographer) Kate has been the dance teacher and choreographer at Loomis Chaffee since 2009. She began her dance life as an Irish Step Dancer at age three, and never looked back. Trained in ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and choreography, Kate credits her teachers and mentors with leading her to the fulfilling career she loves. Kate earned her BA in Dance was graduated Cum Laude by Connecticut College in 1998. She taught at Choate Rosemary Hall for ten years before coming to Loomis Chaffee to work with the most talented, dedicated and hard working students in the world. There is a saying, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life,” and Kate gets to live that every day. The dancers and actors at LC give Kate joy, purpose, inspiration, and happiness, and she counts herself as one of the luckiest people in the world because of these students. Kate hopes you enjoy this production of a musical theater classic, and that you are transported from snowy New England to the warm, golden plains of Oklahoma. Thank you for coming out to support our cast, and please enjoy the show! 17 David McCamish (Director) David is excited to be directing Oklahoma! during the centennial year at Loomis Chaffee. It is great to be working with the dedicated staff and multitalented students for his second year on the Island. A Bluegrass native, David has performed and directed across the U.S. Last summer he directed All’s Well that Ends Well with Capital Classics and did the Commedia work with Hartford Stage’s Break-Dancing-Shakespeare. Regionally, he has taught theatre classes for the Hartford Stage Company, Long Wharf Theatre, CCY, Wesleyan University, Hartford Performers, CREC, Manhattan Edge, and CRG Collective. He was a core faculty member at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts and an adjunct professor at the Hartt School. David has been seen in New York City at Lucille Lortel, 45th Street Playhouse, New Perspectives, @ here, Manhattan Edge, Collective Unconscious, and the Sandy Meisner Theatre. He played Henry in the national tour of The Fantasticks, and was recently in NYC with Shakespeare’s Sister Company’s Virginia. David crossed boards locally with Bated Breath Theatre Company, ArtFarm, Capital Classics, Oddfellows, HartBeat Ensemble, and he has provided fight choreography for Loomis Chaffee, Hartford Stage, OP, Classical Magnet, GHAA and CCY. David wishes to thank his loving wife and family for all their support. Karen Sparks Mellon (Set Designer) Sparks has been a set designer and scenic artist in the Hartford/New Haven area since 1979. This is her 18th season, and 35th production, as Loomis Chaffee’s set designer. Sparks has designed scenery for, among others, Amherst College, the Connecticut Commission on the Arts, CPTV, Lincoln Theatre, the New England Actors Theatre, the Portland Stage Company, Trinity College, and the University of Hartford. As a scenic artist, Sparks worked for the Hartford Stage Company and was a freelance painter for the Long Wharf Theatre and the Goodspeed Opera House. Other projects include backdrop design for the last G. Fox Christmas windows in downtown Hartford, interior painting for the first Banana Republic in New York City, and whitewashing the inside of a barn for the movie Funny Farm. She is currently a faculty member at The Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, where she was named Artist-Instructor of the Year in May 2008. Kyle Olmstead (Sound Designer) Kyle is an active audio engineer, bassist, and educator. He teaches more than a dozen private bass students each week, and performs in groups that include the Cape Ann Symphony and the Gordon Symphony Orchestra. As an audio engineer, Kyle works as a sound designer and production sound engineer for theaters throughout New England. Recently, Kyle has designed sound for productions by Central Square Theater, The Barnstormers Theatre, Curry College, The Loomis Chaffee School, The Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, and Hartford Children’s Theatre that included The Glass Menagerie, The Unexpected Guest, Moon Over Buffalo, Into the Woods, Urinetown, The Fully Monty, Big River, It Had To Be You, Hairspray, Metamorphoses, Anything Goes, South Pacific, The Good Person of Setzuan, and The Laramie Project. He has also worked as an audio engineer and production sound engineer 18 for the Hartford Stage. Previously, he worked under renowned sound designer Frank Gaeta, owner of Sound For Film in Los Angeles, California. While there, Kyle worked on films such as Twilight, Taking Chance, and Surfer, Dude, with actors and directors that included Matthew McConaughey, Catherine Hardwicke, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart. Sophia Rabb (Assistant Director) Sophia is an English teacher and Penn Fellow. She is a graduate of Brown University, where she concentrated in English Nonfiction and performed in many MainStage and student-directed plays. She has also done dramaturgical and theatre work for the Williamstown Theatre Festival, the Manhattan Theatre Club, Production Workshop, the American Repertory Theater, and the Brown Theatre Department. Sophia would like to thank David, Candice, Kate, Kate and the performers for all of their hard work and dedication. Kate Saxton (Assistant Director) Kate is an English teacher, theater aficionado, and all-around arts enthusiast. She is a violinist/violist who has spent as much time in the pit as she has onstage. Her credits at Yale University include Sweeney Todd and Cosi Fan Tutte. Before coming to Loomis, Kate taught theater classes and directed the winter play at The Ethel Walker School. Her 2014 all-girls production of The Importance of Being Earnest has been called “charmingly gender confused” and “pretty okay.” Kate has greatly enjoyed working on Oklahoma! with the remarkably talented students and production team at Loomis. In addition to assistant director, her credits on Oklahoma! include Ado Annie (understudy), Aunt Eller (understudy), Pa Carnes (understudy), Curly McLain (understudy), Ali Hakim (understudy), unnamed farmer (understudy), and—the role that she was born to play—Jud Fry (understudy). Kate would like to thank her colleagues and the cast for creating such a beautiful show and for allowing her to be a part of this incredible team of artists. Rachel Sinay (Properties Designer & Charge Scenic Artist) Rachel is currently on the faculty of the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, where she teaches classes on theatre production, props, and special effect stage makeup. She also is a freelance scenic artist and properties artisan for Goodspeed Musicals, Trinity College, and Mount Holyoke College. Previous theatrical jobs have included carpentry, stage management, dramaturgy, props and scenic art on Broadway, Off-Broadway and in many regional theaters. She is a long-time collaborator with Loomis Chaffee, and is happy to return for her tenth season. 19 Behind the Scenes Photos by Candice Chirgotis and Rachel M. Engelke 20
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