

Constance Thieux
Her willingness to use her medium in a contemporary
world enables Constance Thieux to perpetuate a
multi-narrative work,mixing figuration and abstraction
without following any school of thoughts and in a total
freedom. What only matters is the autonomous game
of pictoriality. Her long working process gathers her
personal interpretation using literature, history, news,
bestiary and memories.
She lets members of the public discover hints through
lengthy titles mixing irony, dream and absurdity.
Her work produces colorful dreams between trivial and
grandiose as seen in Mental bestiary series. Bestiaire
Mental: Fausse Croyance au galop d’un vide surprise
insaisissable, 2012, (Fake galloping belief of a
surprising void not understandable, 2102). A very
personal work which fulfills the power of creation and
of endless reconstruction of pictures by painting.
Yvan Poulain
Mental bestiary series: Ellipsis of twentieth letter of the alphabet,
2012, oil on canvas, 110x100 cm.
Mental bestiary series: Fake galloping belief of a surprising void not understandable,
2012, oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm
Mental bestiary series: Nostalgia for doubting about future brought into present,
2012, oil on canvas, 160 x 110 cm.
Mental bestiary series
These paintings were produced in a research period dealing with temporality and a broken
narrative. The absurdity which is released is inspired by Camus and Kafka’s literature. Two
authors who provide my work with their concern about human condition.
I view my paintings as illustrated thoughts, fantasies of my mind born from the absurdity of reality.
Wallpaper, 2012, silkscreen on kraft paper, approx. 400 x 500 cm.
Detail, Wallpaper, 2012, silkscreen on kraft paper, approx. 400 x 500 cm.
Wallpaper made for the MALEREI2020PEINTURE exhibition within the context of the Franco-German research ( with Mainz’s school questioning the Painting of the future) at the Koblenz Museum,
This wallpaper uses existing elements (microchips, flea, sword, fork) in a series of five canvas
painted before.
This work brings the viewer to question the painting status in History of art and its limits ( from
handy craft to art, from uniqueness to multiplicity…).
Unit kit for Ill-assorted similarities collection, wood, felt, wheels and edition..
approx; 160 x 100 x 100 cm.
Ill-assorted similarities collection, 2010-2012 , resin, various objects, various sizes, approx. 7x7x3
cm to 11x11x5 cm.
Ill-assorted similarities is a collection of resins which started in 2010 from an essential thought: the
being from an ontological viewpoint such as Gilles Deleuze describes it in Differences et
Repetitions, and which was achieve in 2012.
The collection is kept in an unit kit on wheels along with an edition which lists all the resins.
Detail, Ill-assorted similarities collection, 2010-2012 , resin, various objects, various sizes, approx.
7x7x3 cm to 11x11x5 cm.
Wallpaper, 2013, silkscreen on grey wallpaper, approx. 380x400cm.
Detail, Wallpaper, 2013, silkscreen on grey wallpaper, approx. 380x400cm.
In-situ installation (Sit-in exhibition, Espace JOB, Toulouse).
Pattern made in connection with the architectural and social history of JOB factory in Toulouse.
Before being transform into a cultural center this building was nicknamed the « Liner » by the inhabitants of the area because of its imposing architecture from the 30’s. Consequently, the owner
of this cigaret paper factory was given the nickname « Admiral JOB ». When the closing down of
the factory was announced in 2001, the workers and the inhabitants of the neighbourhood started
a long struggle to keep this iconic building and recycle it into a cultural center in order to avoid its
total destruction.
I decided to use this background to create a wallpaper which would illustrate the history of this
place: the fist, symbol of the workers fight, the recycling logo for the paper factory becoming a cultural center, the ladder standing for the social climbing and the liner as well as the rabbit and the
wolf, which are forbidden words on a boat.
trophic level’s visit, 2013, 7 paintings 35 x 25 cm , oil on canvas .
Mural painting, 340 x 200 cm, acrylic.
Since my childhood, i have felt both fascination and repulsion for wild life particularly for insects.
Observing their behavior, comparing them to those of human beings and using them as food for
thought to propose a utopia is recurrent in my work.
Here, the main idea was to visit again the food chain and stop putting man at the top of it.
Detail, trophic level’s visit, 2013, canvas # 1/7, 35 x 25 cm , oil on canvas.
Mural painting, acrylic.
Detail, trophic level’s visit, 2013, canvas # 4/7, 35 x 25 cm , oil on canvas.
Mural painting, acrylic.
Historical parallelisms, 2014, oil on paper fixed under plexiglas, various sizes
(110 x 75cm, 100 x 65 cm et 65 x 50 cm) , sound.
Historical parallelisms are made of six paintings and sound:
- Under the cobblestones…the beach (Upper left).
- The must-in of the murderer bacillus (Upper right).
- Mr Maddoff is a copier (Middle left).
- A tourist goes back the (re)sources (Middle right).
- Encroachment of the Zazous (Bottom right).
- 1887-1987: The people has advanced (Bottom left).
The sound is a mix of animals’ noise, Opera, human voices and electronic bass.
Tis work is a parallel settingg of historical facts ( economic, medical, cultural and political) between the French Revolution and nowadays. It suggests that History is an eternal repetition
where only the scenery would change.
A tourist goes back the (re)sources, 2014, oil on paper, 100 x 65 cm.
Under the cobblestones…the beach, 2014, oil on paper, 100 x 65 cm.
Latency # 1, 2014, oil on canvas, 130 x 160 cm.
Latency # 3, 2014, oil on canvas, 130 x 160 cm.
Latency # 4, 2014, oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
Latency # 5, 2014, oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
Latency # 6, 2014, oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm.
Latencies is work in progress around the notion of waiting and landscape ( real
and mental). It made up of eight paintings and concrete railings in process.
Up there down there, nowhere , 2014-2015, oil on paintings, mural painting, various sizes.
Up there down there, nowhere are imaginary landscapes inspired from views through microscopes, seabeds and skies. Shortcuts of pictorial thoughts - fluttering, fake transparency, a shade,
an element becoming suddenly neat-. Each landscape recalls another one by its composition, the
size and the shape and the colored shadows painted on the wall.
The invisible matter of the air and the impalpable matter of the water that only a pictorial game
could retranscribe.
A constant movement, as wink to metaphysics.
Up there down there, nowhere , 2014,
oil on canvas, acrylic painted on wall, 50 x 50 cm.
Up there down there, nowhere , 2014,
oil on canvas, acrylic painted on wall, 40 x 30 cm.
Up there down there, nowhere ,
2014, oil on canvas,170 x 20 cm.
Untitled, 2015, oil on canvas, 50 x 50 cm.
Eden, 2014, oil on canvas, 170 x 160 cm.
This series in progress, mixes hazy memories, sensations and precise elements picked in
pictures taken in Japon in 2010.
They dwell upon tradition-modernity, animism-materiality, sociocultural and memories.
Constance THIEUX
31 rue de Sambre et Meuse
75010 Paris
0033 6 03 37 13 43
Works in Montreuil.
- Upcoming in July: La géometrie du souvenir, Galerie 59, Paris, France
- Mixages, Gimont, France.
-Open Studio, Atelier le45TER, Montreuil, France
-Domino Days (Le Grand collier). Result of a workshop with Thomas Huber for the FIAT, Palais
des Arts, IsdaT, Toulouse.
- Etat Azur, Studio411 Galerie, Montpellier.
-BLEU BLANC COSMIQUE. Work in progress -Autour de l’Absurde. Atelier le45TER, Montreuil,
- Mauvaises Graines, Atelier le45TER, Montreuil, France.
- Les Visites 1.0, Halle Flachat, Asnières-Sur-Seine, France
- Paysage sans limite: L’été indien,Lieu Commun, Toulouse. France. Curator: Manuel Pomar. - SitIn: L’été indien, Espace JOB, Toulouse, France.
- PEINTURE2020MALEREI, L..A.C Sigean, France.
- L’histoire est à moi , Festival Internationnal des Ecoles d’Arts( FIEA) dans le cadre du Printemps
de Septembre, Toulouse. Curators: Régis Durand, Marie-Frédérique Hallin, Michel Metayer, Yvan
- PEINTURE2020MALEREI, LudwigMuseum, Koblenz, Allemagne
- Rundgang 2011, klass Wolfgang Ellenrieder, HBK, Braunschweig, Allemagne
- Là-Haut/ Upstairs, ISDAT, Toulouse, France.
- Pièces à vivre, in collaboration avec Kevin Monot,Toulouse, France.
- PinkPong, ISDAT, Toulouse, France. - PictureEditing , Monfort, dans le cadre «Cheminements»,
organized by Le Centre Photographique de Lectoure, France.
- Eté Indien, Catalogue of graduated students show from ISDAT 2012, France 2013.
- PEINTURE2020MALEREI, Catalogue of «Peinture2020Malerei» research project,
Salon Verlag & Edition, France and Germany, 2012.
- F.I.EA., catalogue du FIEA, dans le cadre du Printemps de Septembre, France, 2012.
- Klass Ellenrieder, Rundgang Catalogue 2011, HBK, Braunschweig, Germany, 2011.
- Solo interview France Culture (French radio), Emission Grantanfi, “School of Beaux-arts in
- Workshop with Thomas Huber - Domino Days, for the FIAT, IsdaT, Toulouse. France.
- Seminaries at the EHESS; historical appropriations and pratices of contemporary images.
- Institut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse (IsdaT). DNSEP Art (Post Graduate Degree in Fine Art).
- Workîg suport for the organisation PDF (Point de fuite) to promote young artists in
Midi-Pyrénées (South West of France ).
- Erasmus exchange, Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany.
Wolfgang Ellenrieder’s class.
- Yamamoto Gendai, Tokyo, Japan. Contemporary art gallery. Internship. On the side, organizing
exhibitions for the French photographer Lucille Reyboz.
- Institut Supérieur des Arts de Toulouse (IsdaT). France. DNAP Art (Master of Fine Art).
- Follow-up work by Emmanuelle Castellan. IsdaT, Toulouse. France.
- Workshop with Ursula Döbereiner. IsdaT, Toulouse. France.
- Workshop with Driss Ouadahi. IsdaT, Toulouse. France.
- Bailly Contemporain gallery. Paris, France. Internship.
- Millet Expertise, Paris, France. Antics expert. Internship.
- Courtauld Institute, London University, History of art. London. UK.
- ESI Design, New York, USA. Interactive design company. Internship.