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Read More - University of Limerick
V O L U ME 6,
Dr. Peter
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan visits MSSI to launch ATTLAS Website
Medical Device
to Increase
Success Rates
Nanoscope for
Early Detection
of Alzheimer
Lecturer Series
EU Framework
project's 4th
annual review
MSSI Research
MSSI Research
Social Events
Minister for Finance Michael Noonan was at MSSI in May to launch ATTLAS (Access to Third
Level Analytical Services) a web-based portal
( ATTLAS was designed to provide the
pharmaceutical industry with a one-stop-shop information source detailing all of the facilities, equipment
and analytical services available across all of the Irish
Higher Education Institutions (HEI's).
Developed by the Solid State Pharmaceutical Cluster
which is hosted by MSSI the portal aims to provide better connectivity between the pharmaceutical industry Minister Noonan tours MSSI with Noel
O’Dowd, MSSI Director
and the HEI's in Ireland with a view towards retaining
some of the significant contract analysis business that
this industry is currently sending abroad. Access to this infrastructure and expertise will
support companies in their strategies to further enhance their Research & Development
expertise which will help anchor manufacturing in Ireland. To date the capabilities of 15
HEI's in Ireland comprising 19 centres/institutes have been incorporated in the ATTLAS
New Book on Biological Interactions with Surface Charge in Biomaterials
MSSI member, Tofail Syed, has edited a book describing the
fundamental principles of Biological Interactions with Surface
Charge in Biomaterials. This book covers the development of
the relevant technologies and their applications in therapeutic
devices such as MRSA-resistant fabrics, cardiovascular and
urological stents, orthopaedic implants, and grafts.
The book has been selected as the Royal Society of Chemistry
book of the month August 2012.
MSSI Member elected Chairman of Engineers Ireland – Thomond Region
Dr. Peter Tiernan was elected as Chairman of Engineers Ireland – Thomond Region. Dr Tiernan, is a Chartered
Engineer ,an academic in the Dept. of Design and Manufacturing Technology and a researcher in MSSI.
The Thomond Region covers Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary and has over 1,300 members engaged in various engineering disciplines – civil, electrical, mechanical, computer, chemical, bio-medical, aeronautical – working in the region.
At the ceremony, held at Plassey House on May 1st , Dr.
Tiernan was presented with the Chain of Office by the President of Engineers Ireland, P.J. Rudden.
Dr. Tiernan said, “he was honoured and humbled to have been
elected as Chairman – a position held by great engineers in the
past”. The Thomond Region Committee has organised a series
of events for the coming year with high-profile speakers committed to present their experiences as engineers across the
many disciplines of the engineering profession.
Following the election, President of Engineers Ireland P.J. Rudden gave his presidential address, which focused on building a
sustainable recovery for Ireland. In the address, Mr. Rudden
said, “we need to ensure that we are preparing our new engineers Pictured is Dr. Peter Tiernan receiving the
for work and early graduate experience as our education system in Chain of Office from the President of Engineers
Ireland, P.J. Rudden
Ireland has always been a key driver of our competitive advantage”.
Mr Rudden outlined the importance of the professional titles to engineers, particularly the title Chartered Engineer.
MSSI Researchers Develop Medical Device to Increase Angioplasty Success Rates and Improve Patient Care
A novel medical device technology to treat narrowed or obstructed blood vessels invented by MSSI researchers has been licensed to Galway-based medical devices company, Clada Medical.
Developed by biomedical engineers at MSSI the device will improve success rates in angioplasty procedures.
It is estimated that over 1 million angioplasty procedures are undertaken worldwide each year and the value of
products relating to this procedure is in the region of €500million.
Angioplasty is the technique of mechanically widening a narrowed or obstructed blood vessel. During this
treatment, particles of the fatty deposits can become dislodged and enter the blood stream which can block
other arteries resulting in strokes or heart attacks. Embolic protection devices are often used to capture and
remove the dislodged fatty deposits.
Dr Michael Walsh, principal investigator and lead inventor explains; "This device combines angioplasty balloon and embolic protection technologies allowing for continuous blood flow during the
procedure. In practice, this means the angioplasty balloon can be
left in a full inflated state in the artery for a longer period of time
than is currently possible. This will increase the efficiency of the
angioplasty procedure and offers significant potential as a platform
for drug-device combinations."
This research was funded by Enterprise Ireland and undertaken at
the Centre for Applied Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Michael Walsh, MSSI & Ray
Research (CABER), based in MSSI.
Blowick, CEO, Clada Medical
MSSI Researchers Awarded €5.4 million to develop Nanoscope for Early Detection of Alzheimer Disease
Dr Tofail together with MSSI scientists and 4 engineers, have
been awarded €5.4 million to develop a nanoscope which will
allow the screening of patient cells for Alzheimer's disease. In
Ireland, over 44,000 people are affected by Alzheimer's and
other forms of dementia. The World Alzheimer Report 2011
identified the current lack of detection as a significant barrier
to improving lives of people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their families and carers.
The research team based at the MSSI, are leading a European
consortium that is developing the nanoscope. Dr Syed Tofail,
Lead Scientist on the project said; "Early detection of Alzheimer's is critical in developing effective treatments for the disPictured here are John Mulcahy, Project Manager,
Denis Stoiakine, CEO, NT-MDT Ireland & Dr Syed Tofail, ease and there is currently no test available. Our technique
would be able to detect Alzheimer's-related amyloid plaques
Lead Scientist.
in the early stage with much more detail."
The prototype developed will be easy to use, flexible and allow direct imaging of the chemistry and the structure of very small features. The technique uses infra-red radiation as a source of detection but breaks away
from its physical diffraction limit so as to see features as small as 70 nanometers in lateral dimension, which is
comparable to the size of a virus. The technique is also capable of seeing buried features without destroying
the surface of a cell or a material. The global microscopy market in 2008 was estimated to be in excess of billion and this new technology will be applicable to all areas of this growing market.
MSSI is leading the 11 member European team, LANIR (Label Free Nanoscopy Using Infra-Red) which is undertaking this research. The team includes six SME's from across Europe including a Limerick-based company, NT-MDT Ireland, who will provide key input into implementing a table-top prototype.
MSSI Distinguished Lecturer Series
MSSI hosted its Distinguished Lecturer Series on May
31st and June 1st. Dr. Ajit Yoganathan of Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University delivered two
lectures entitled ‘Utilising Engineering Principles to
Understand and Improve Single Ventricle Physiology:
Patient Specific Surgical Planning for the Fontan Procedure’ and ‘ Surgical Repair of the Mitral Valve: In-vitro
Engineering Studies.’
For further details:
Pictured here: Dr Ajit Yoganathan, Prof Tim
McGloughlin & Prof Noel O’Dowd
MSSI & Stokes co-host major EU Project Meeting
Dr. Conor McCarthy of MSSI and Dr. David Newport of the Stokes Institute and , co-hosted the EU Framework 7
MAAXIMUS project's 4th annual review, with over 75 delegates from the aeronautics industry in Europe. The
meeting took place over 3 days in May and industrialists from Airbus, EADS, BMW and Bombardier (to name
but a few) were present. The meeting was the first conference to be hosted in UL this summer and enjoyed the
first ever BBQ at the Pavilion. The meeting was kindly sponsored by the Research Office, MSSI, Stokes, IComp,
the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Department of Mechanical, Aeronautical and Biomedical Engineering.
Attendees at the MAAXIMUS 4th annual review held at
the University of Limerick in May
The MAAXIMUS (More Affordable Aircraft through eXtended, Integrated and Mature nUmerical Sizing) project
aims at achieving the fast development and right-first time validation of a highly-optimised composite fuselage
thanks to a coordinated effort between virtual structure development and composite technology. The Consortium is made up of 57 partners. It gathers the key players in the aircraft industry, research and technology centres, universities and software providers. The project budget is 67M€ and the project duration is 5 years (20082013). MAAXIMUS is funded by the European Commission through FP7 work grant number 213371 and is led
by AIRBUS. UL (MSSI and Stokes) is the largest university partner in the project, with a combined total budget
of 1.4M€. MSSI is examining the stresses in critical fuselage composite joints while the Stokes Institute is examining optimum positions to place key thermally sensitive equipment in the crown compartment of the fuselage.
MSSI Research Awards April to June 2012
Dr. Trevor Young
Dr. Tofail Syed
Enterprise Ireland
Condition Monitoring System for
large wind turbine blades.
Real Time Label Free Nanoscopy
Dr. J.J. Leahy
Enterprise Ireland
Nutrient Recycling and energy
recovery from pig and poultry manures
Prof. Tim McGloughlin
Science Foundation
UL - Research Excellence Award
Amarandei, G., P. Beltrame, I. Clancy, C. O’Dwyer, A. Arshak, U. Steiner, D. Corcoran and U. Thiele. June 2012. Pattern Formation Induced by an Electric Field in a Polymer-air-polymer Thin Film System. Soft Matter, 8 (23), pp. 6333-6349. ISSN: 1744683X.
Armstrong, G., R. Thornton, M. P. Ryan, F. Laffir, R. J. Russell, T. Bala, C. Keely and R. Babu. April 2012. Formulation of Epoxypolyester Powder Coatings Containing Silver-modified Nanoclays and Evaluation of their Antimicrobial Properties. Polymer
Bulletin, 68 (7), pp. 1951-1963. ISSN: 0170-0839.
Boyce, A. and G. Walsh. June 2012. Identification of Fungal Proteases Potentially Suitable for Environmentally Friendly Cleaning-in-place in the Dairy Industry. Chemosphere, 88 (2), pp. 211-218. ISSN: 0045-6535.
Bulushev, D. A., L. Jia, S. Beloshapkin and J. R. H. Ross. May 2012. Improved Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid on Pd/C
Catalyst Doped by Potassium. Chemical Communications, 48 (35), pp. 4184-4186. ISSN: 1359-7345.
Çalişkan, F., Z. Tatli, A. Genson and S. Hampshire. June 2012. Pressureless Sintering of β-SiA1ON Ceramic Compositions Using
Fluorine and Oxide Additive System. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (7), pp. 1337-1342. ISSN: 0955-2219.
Clancy, M., M. J. Pomeroy and C. Dickinson. May 2012. Characterization of 3R Martensite in a Ni-40Al-15Pt Bulk Alloy. Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, 523, pp. 11-15. ISSN: 0925-8388.
Clancy, M., M. J. Pomeroy and S. Belochapkine. April 2012. Improved FIB Milling Process for TEM Preparation of NiA1Pt Bulk
Alloy Samples Containing Residual Stress. Micron, 43 (5), pp. 627-630. ISSN: 0968-4328.
Comer, A. J., J. X. Dhôte, W. F. Stanley and T. M. Young. June 2012. Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Analysis of Liquid Shim in Mechanically Fastened Hybrid Joints for Aerospace Applications. Composite Structures, 94 (7), pp. 2181-2187. ISSN: 0263-8223.
Courtney, R. and L. Kirwan. May 2012. Gypsum Amendment of Alkaline Bauxite Residue – Plant Available Aluminium and Implications for Grassland Restoration. Ecological Engineering, 42, pp. 279-282. ISSN: 0925-8574.
Croker, D. M., M. C. Hennigan, A. Maher, Y. Hu, A. G. Ryder and B. K. Hodnett. April 2012. A Comparative Study of the Use of
Powder X-ray Diffraction, Raman and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Quantification of Binary Polymorphic Mixtures of Piracetam. April 2012. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 63, pp. 80-86. ISSN: 0731-7085.
Das, S. K., C. Dickinson, F. Laffir, D. F. Brougham and E. Marsili. May 2012. Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of
Gold Nanoparticles Biosynthesized with Rhizopus oryzae Protein Extract. Green Chemistry, 14 (5), pp. 1322-1334. ISSN: 14639262.
Díaz, C., M. L. Valenzuela, V. Lavayen and C. O’Dwyer. June 2012. Layered Graphitic Carbon Host Formation During Liquid-free
Solid State Growth of Metal Pyrophosphates. Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (11), pp. 6228-6236. ISSN: 0020-1669.
Einarsdóttir, Ó., C. Funatogawa, T. Soulimane and I. Szundi. April 2012. Kinetic Studies of the Reactions of O 2 and NO with Reduced Thermus thermophilus ba3 and Bovine aa3 Using Photolabile Carriers. April 2012. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics, 1817 (4), pp. 672-679. ISSN: 0005-2728.
Frawley, P. J., N. A. Mitchell, C. T. Ó Ciardhá and K. W. Hutton. June 2012. The Effects of Supersaturation, Temperature, Agitation and Seed Surface Area on the Secondary Nucleation of Paracetamol in Ethanol Solutions. Chemical Engineering Science,
75, pp. 183-197. ISSN: 0009-2509.
Geaney, H., T. Kennedy, C. Dickinson, E. Mullane, A. Singh, F. Laffir and K. M. Ryan. June 2012. High Density Growth of Indium
Seeded Silicon Nanowires in the Vapor Phase of a High Boiling Point Solvent. Chemistry of Materials, 24 (11), pp. 2204-2210.
ISSN: 0897-4756.
Hanifi, A. R., A. Genson, W. Redington, M. J. Pomeroy and S. Hampshire. April 2012. Effects of Nitrogen and Fluorine on Crystallisation of Ca-Si-A1-O-N-F Glasses. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (4), pp. 849-857. ISSN: 0955-2219.
Haverty, D., K. Dussan, A. V. Piterina, J. J. Leahy and M. H. B. Hayes. April 2012. Autothermal, Single-stage, Performic Acid Pretreatment of Miscanthus x giganteus for the Rapid Fractionation of its Biomass Components into a Lignin/hemicellulose-rich
Liquor and a Cellulase-digestible Pulp. Bioresource Technology, 109, pp. 173-177. ISSN: 0960-8524.
Hogan, A-M., C. Crean, U. M. Barrett, E. Guihen and J. D. Glennon. May 2012. Histamine Determination in Human Urine Using sub-2 μm C18 Column with Fluorescence and Mass Spectrometric Detection. Journal of Separation Science, 35 (9), pp.
1087-1093. ISSN: 1615-9314.
Hutton, K., N. Mitchell and P. J. Frawley. May 2012. Particle Size Distribution Reconstruction: The Moment Surface Method.
Powder Technology, 222, pp. 8-14. ISSN: 0032-5910.
Ishaque, M., M. U. Islam, I. Ali, M. Azhar Khan and I. Z. Rahman. May 2012. Electrical Transport Properties of Co-Zn-Y-Fe-O
System. Ceramics International, 38 (4), pp. 3337-3342. ISSN: 0272-8842.
Khan, M. A., M. U. Islam, M. Ishaque and I. Z. Rahman. April 2012. Magnetic and Dielectric Behavior of Terbium Substituted
Mg1-xTbxFe2O4 Ferrites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 519, pp. 156-160. ISSN: 0925-8388.
Kidari, A., M. J. Pomeroy and S. Hampshire. June 2012. Novel Na-Li-SiA1PON Glasses Prepared by Melt Synthesis Using A1N.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (7), pp. 1389-1394. ISSN: 0955-2219.
Mullane, E., H. Geaney and K. M. Ryan. June 2012. Size Controlled Growth of Germanium Nanorods and Nanowires by Solution Pyrolysis Directly on a Substrate. Chemical Communications, 48 (44), pp. 5446-5448. ISSN: 1359-7345.
Munroe, Á., Å. C. Rasmuson, B. K. Hodnett and D. M. Croker. June 2012. Relative Stabilities of the Five Polymorphs of Sulfathiazole. Crystal Growth and Design, 12 (6), pp. 2825-2835. ISSN: 1528-7483.
Murmu, T., M. A. McCarthy and S. Adhikari. June 2012. Nonlocal Elasticity Based Magnetic Field Affected Vibration Response
of Double Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Systems. Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (11), Article 113511, 7 pages. ISSN: 00218979.
Nash, M. E., W. M. Carroll, P. J. Foley, G. Maguire, C. O’Connell, A. V. Gorelov, S. Beloshapkin and Y. A. Rochev. April 2012.
Ultra-thin Spin Coated Crosslinkable Hydrogels for Use in Cell Sheet Recovery-synthesis, Characterisation to Application. Soft
Matter, 8 (14), pp. 3889-3899. ISSN: 1744-683X.
Noor, M. R. and T. Soulimane. April 2012. Bioenergetics at Extreme Temperature: Thermus thermophilus ba3- and caa3-type
Cytochrome c Oxidases. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics, 1817 (4), pp. 638-649. ISSN: 0005-2728.
O’Mahony, M. A., A. Maher, D. M. Croker, Å. C. Rasmuson and B. K. Hodnett. April 2012. Examining Solution and Solid State
Composition for the Solution-mediated Polymorphic Transformation of Carbamazepine and Piracetam. Crystal Growth and
Design, 12 (4), pp. 1925-1932. ISSN: 1528-7483.
Pisano, C., P. Priolo and Ł. Figiel. April 2012. Prediction of Strength in Intercalated Epoxy-clay Nanocomposites via Finite Element Modelling. Computational Materials Science, 55, pp. 10-16. ISSN: 0927-0256.
Piterina, A. V., J. Bartlett and J. T. Pembroke. May 2012. Phylogenetic Analysis of the Bacterial Community in a Full Scale Autothermal Themophilic Aerobic Digester (ATAD) Treating Mixed Domestic Wastewater Sludge for Land Spread. Water Research, 46 (8), pp. 2488-2504. ISSN: 0043-1354.
Prokopowicz, M., J. Zeglinski, A. Gandhi, W. Sawicki and S. A. M. Tofail. May 2012. Bioactive Silica-based Drug Delivery Systems Containing Doxorubicin Hydrochloride: In vitro Studies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 93, pp. 249-259. ISSN:
Redington, W., A. Kidari, M. Redington, F. Laffir, M. J. Pomeroy and S. Hampshire. June 2012. Origins of Colour in Yb-Si-A1-O
-N Glasses. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (7), pp. 1359-1364. ISSN: 0955-2219.
Robinson, J. S., D. A. Tanner, S. van Petegem and A. Evans. April 2012. Influence of Quenching and Aging on Residual Stress in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy 7449. Materials Science and Technology, 28 (4), pp. 420-430. ISSN: 0267-0836.
Singh, A., C. Dickinson and K. M. Ryan. April 2012. Insight into the 3D Architecture and Quasicrystal Symmetry of
Multilayer Nanorod Assemblies from Moiré Interference Patterns. ACS Nano, 6 (4), pp. 3339-3345. ISSN: 19360851.
Singh, B., E. Dempsey, C. Dickinson and F. Laffir. April 2012. Inside/outside Pt Nanoparticles Decoration of Functionalised Carbon Nanofibers (Pt19.2/f-CNF80.8) for Sensitive Non-enzymatic Electrochemical Glucose Detection. Analyst, 137 (7), pp. 16391648. ISSN: 0003-2654.
Smolentseva, E., A. Simakov, S. Beloshapkin, M. Estrada, E. Vargas, V. Sobolev, R. Kenzhin and S. Fuentes. April 2012. Gold
Catalysts Supported on Nanostructured Ce-A1-O Mixed Oxides Prepared by Organic Sol-gel. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 115-116, pp. 117-128. ISSN: 0926-3373.
Thati, J. and Å. C. Rasmuson. April 2012. Particle Engineering of Benzoic Acid by Spherical Agglomeration. European Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 45 (5), pp. 657-667. ISSN: 0928-0987.
Twohig, E., P. Tiernan and S. A. M. Tofail. April 2012. Experimental Study on Dieless Drawing of Nickel-titanium Alloy. Journal
of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 8, pp. 8-20. ISSN: 1751-6161.
Walsh, G. June 2012. New Biopharmaceuticals. Biopharm International, 25 (6), pp. 34-36. ISSN: 1542-166X.
Wakihara, T., J. Tatami, K. Komeya, T. Meguro, A. Kidari, S. Hampshire and M. J. Pomeroy. June 2012. Effect of TiO2 Addition
on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Y-Si-Al-O-N Glasses. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (6), pp. 1157-1161.
ISSN: 0955-2219.
Yang, H. and Å. C. Rasmuson. June 2012. Investigation of Batch Cooling Crystallization in a Liquid-liquid Separating System by
PAT. Organic Process Research and Development, 16 (6), pp. 1212-1224. ISSN: 1083-6160.
Yang, H., J. Thati and Å. C. Rasmuson. May 2012. Thermodynamics of Molecular Solids in Organic Solvents. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 48, pp. 150-159. ISSN: 0021-9614.
Publications prior to April 2012:
Guihen, E., W. L. Ho, A-M. Hogan, M-L. O’Connell, M. J. Leahy, B. Ramsay and W. T. O’Connor. January 2012. Rapid Quantification of Histamine in Human Psoriatic Plaques Using Microdialysis and Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography with
Fluorescence Detection. Journal of Chromatography B, 880, pp. 119-124. ISSN: 1570-0232.
MSSI Research Forum
As part of its on-going seminar series, presentations have been given by the following speakers:
Dr. Peter Hoskins, University of Edinburgh, 4th of April, From Doppler Ultrasound to Elastography via Patient
Specific Modelling
Prof. David A. Vorp, University of Pittsbugh, 8th of May, Engineering Arterial Grafts: Bench-to-startup-to
(hopefully) Beside
Prof. Martyn Poliakoff, University of Nottingham, 9th of May, Engineering a Better World Through Green
Prof. Aferdita Vevecka-Priftaj, Polytechnic University of Tirana, 6th of June, Bulk Nanostructured Materials by
Severe Plastics Deformation (SPD)
Prof. Ahmed Al-Shamma’a, Liverpool John Moores University, 7th of June, Microwave Sensors for Non-invasive
Real-time Monitoring for Various Industrial Applications
Prof. John Vickerman, University of Manchester, 14th of June, TOF-SIMS - A Mass Spectrometry for Complex
Materials Characterisation
Social Events
MSSI Quiz Night in aid of Milford Hospice
Staff and students of the MSSI recently organised a quiz night in
the Sports Arena Bar. On the night, 10 teams took part with
over 50 people involved overall. €300 was raised on the night
in aid of Milford Hospice. The teams answered questions on
various subjects including sports, music, file and the ever popular 'dingbats' round. The quizmaster on the night was Dr
Calum Dickinson who entertained throughout the evening. The winning team on the night were 'Let's get quizzical'. Special thanks to Arena Bar for the venue, MSSI for the prizes and Bríd O'Brien-May for her assistance on the night.
Michal Osiak, Hugh Geaney, Emma Mullane
and Fr John Campion who accepted the
cheque on behalf of Milford Hospice.
Materials & Surface Science Institute
University of Limerick
Phone: + 353 (0)61 213127
+ 353 (0)61 213529
The information for this newsletter has been
extracted from a variety of sources. If you have
any news you would like included or indeed any
item you think would be of interest to the
institute for the next issue, please forward to:
Christine Roche
Phone: +353 (0)61-234363
Check out our website at