Family Services of the Merrimack Valley


Family Services of the Merrimack Valley
Newsletter of Family Service, Inc.
Helping People Live Positive and Productive Lives...Since 1854
Tribute to Mentoring
Friendship and trust are two of the most important things
for all children to have in their lives. Family Service’s Big
Friends Little Friends program matches kids throughout the
Merrimack Valley with positive adult role models. In many
cases, like the story of Jami and Jennifer, it becomes a lifelong, transformative relationship.
This is dedicated to my “Big Sister” Jami...
Hello my name is Jennifer Fish. I was matched on May 4,
1994 to my Big Sister Jami Shamberger. I was eight years
old and I can still remember our very first
“I am the woman I am today
outing. Jami took me
because of Jami and I couldn’t
to McDonalds for lunch
imagine not having her in my
and I got a Happy Meal.
After lunch she took
life. These past eighteen years
me to a park were we
have only been the start of a
played for a couple of
lifelong bond that cannot be
hours on the swings
and slides and monkey
broken.” ~ Jennifer Fish
bars. It was the start of a
lifelong friendship.
I remember holidays and birthdays, long summer days by the
pool and trips to the movies. It didn’t take long for Jami and
her family to see me as one of their own. I was no longer just
a “Little” but truly a member of the family. She attended my
Continued on Page 4
Summer 2012
Rhapsody Gala 2012 ~
A Derby Party!
On May 4, 2012, Family Service hosted a sold out crowd for its
annual Rhapsody Gala. Thank you to all who came and supported the organization. With the participation of hundreds
of individuals and businesses, Family Service was able to
raise over $110,000 – all of which will go to helping vulnerable
children and families achieve self-sufficiency and reach their full
Event Committee (Top, Left to Right): Lori Howe, Judith Holt, Rosey
Gonzalez, Ron Pollina, Laura Buonopane, Judy Reghitto, Liz Sweeney, Louann Basillio, Thyra Sherman, Sheryl Meehan, Debby Briggs.
Not Shown: Leila Ghorashi, Beth Gruenberg, Lisa McDonald, and
Aileen Peters
Special thanks to our event Visionary Sponsors:
Jennifer & Jami in 1996 (Left) soon after they were first matched,
and 2012 (Right) at Jennifer’s bridal shower
430 North Canal Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Thank you also to our Leadership Sponsors: Eastern Bank,
KPMG, LLP, Trinity Ambulance; and our Guiding Sponsors:
DCU For Kids, Enterprise Bank, Howe Insurance Agency,
Lawrence General Hospital, NetScout, and Polartec, LLC
Tel 978-327-6600
See more photos on Page 2
Fax 978-327-6601
FOCUS: News from Family Service, Inc.
Ron Pollina, President
Kevin Reid, Vice President
Paula King, Treasurer
Richard Haak, Assistant Treasurer
Joanne Quinlan-Roberts, Secretary
Gary Sidell, Assistant Secretary
Louann Basillio, Development Chair
Kathleen A. Skala, Officer At-Large
Nancy Kendrick, Officer At-Large
Pedro Arce
Tad Bickford
Stephen DeSalvo
Hope Fabiani
Angel Garcia
Andrew Girdwood
Judith Holt
Diane Huster
Pedro Lara
Connie LeMaitre
Norah McCarthy
Jay Raghavan
Judith Reghitto
Carol Reid
Daniel Rivera
Kate Garvin Rozzi
Scott Weisenhoff
Juan Yepez
Noni Yount
Page 2
Rhapsody Gala 2012... Continued
Alan Collopy (L) and his mentee Liam
Louise N. Breen
Elizabeth A. Sweeney, Executive Director
James Arnold
Gregory Basillio
Mary Jane Bausemer
Danielle M. Bernier
Yadira Betances
Richard Blain
Mat Bourgeois
Laura Buonopane
Deborah Burkholder
Caroline Louise Cole
Sharon K. Coon
Eduardo Crespo
Judy Cronin
David Eckman
Patricia Edmonds
Debra Weiss Ford, Esq.
Jack Geissert
Leila Ghorashi
Rev. Margaret Dwyer Goad
Ken Hannan
Susan Holzman
Cynthia Kelly
Joan Kulash
Frederic B. Lowrie
Richard K. Mallen
Trisha McCall
Sheryl Meehan
Maureen Nimmo
Joseph Patterson
Kerin E. Pintzopoulos
Kathleen Potter
Peter Reed
Walter Reichert
Sam Schneider
Greg Shaw
Thyra Sherman
Mary Ellen Sullivan
Richard Sumberg
Lisa Torrisi
Eszter Vajda
John Weaver
Photos (Top, Left to Right): Louann Basillio, Clint & Sue O’Brien, Douglas Percy, Liz Sweeney,
Aileen Peters, Denise Wall, Kathleen & Ross Fenton, Greg & Ellen Sebasky, Karen Boskovie, Mary
Fallon, Laura Buonopane, Judith Holt, Robin Shea, Thyra Sherman, Daryl Silva, Eszter Vajda,
Richard & Kim Bass, Paul Stewart, Carl Mellin, Lora Stewart, Fran Mellin, Ron Hilbink and Kay
Berthold Frishman
Summer 2012
Page 3
Stand & Deliver Seniors
Head to College
Samaritans Celebrates 100th
Family Service’s Stand & Deliver academic mentoring program has finished another year of helping Lawrence students
achieve in school. And once again, the program has had
great results. All of the program’s 30 graduating Seniors have
been accepted to colleges and universities, including Penn
State, Syracuse, UNH, Boston University, Pace University,
Holy Cross and Union College, to name a few. Here’s what
some of the graduates had to say about the program:
Congratulations to Family Service’s Samaritans program,
which recently completed its 100th training. With a grant
from the State’s Department of Public Health, the Samaritans have been training “Gatekeepers” of older adults (individuals who come in regular contact with elders) on how to
recognize and intervene with someone who may be at risk
for suicide. Since being awarded the contract for this training
in 2006, Family Service has trained over 1,200 gatekeepers.
The training is mainly done by Mary Quinn, a licensed social
worker here on staff at the Samaritans.
“I can honestly say with a great big smile that this program
has been one of the highlights of my life... Being with my
mentor whom I have been with for four years now, has been
an awesome experience.” ~ Yaritza P.
“With my mentor, we were able to explore a whole new world
when we talked about math...Homework became my new priority and I began loving math because of the wonderful things
I was able to learn with my mentor.” ~ Anabelle P.
“The Gatekeeper training provided by the Samaritians was invaluable. We all benefited from it and
we have a greater understanding toward identifying
older adults who might be at risk for suicide.”
~ Kathleen Corey Rahme, Methuen Village
“My mentor has helped me to not be afraid of being who I am
and not giving up the things I love the most. He pushed me to
the point that I had to step it up and give it all I had, like conquering my fear to reach the impossible.” ~ Elizabeth C.
“I know this program has taught me so much and now its time
for me to use everything that I have learned and become a
man myself, and finish college and get a career.” ~ Joshua M.
(Left to Right): Debbie Helms, Samaritans of Merrimack Valley
Program Coordinator, Mary Quinn, LICSW, Training Coordinator,
Nina McDowell, AmeriCorps VISTA/Volunteer Coordinator, Kim
O’Brien, Training Facilitator
Fond Farewell
Scenes from the 2012 Stand & Deliver program, including (top
left) program graduates wearing their college t-shirts
Good Luck Next Year!
Family Service is very sad to share
the news that it has lost one of its
closest friends and most generous
supporters. Dorothy Hammond was
a member of the Board of Directors beginning in the 1980s and the
Board President from 1988 to 1990.
In addition to her support as a board
member, Dorothy was one of the organization’s most generous supporters, giving the leadership gift in 2000 that enabled
Family Service to purchase and renovate the building it now
calls home. She will be sorely missed.
FOCUS: News from Family Service, Inc.
Page 4
Greater Lawrence Young
Professionals Mentor for a Day
Fifty people attended Family Service’s most recent “Mentor
for a Day” event hosted by the Greater Lawrence Young
Professionals Network (GLYPN) on May 19, 2012. GLYPN
is an organization of young professionals in the Greater
Lawrence community who are dedicated to giving back and
bringing attention to all the good that goes on here. Mentor for a Day events are held quarterly by Family Service’s
mentoring programs to give potential mentors the opportunity
to meet some of the kids on the waiting list and share at least
one day with a young person.
The GLYPN Mentor for a Day event was held at the South
Lawrence East School. The matches played kickball, softball, ate lunch donated by Panera and decorated “dream
boards” highlighting their dreams for the future. The weather
was perfect and everyone had a great time!
Thank you to Francina Victoria, Aide to Senator Barry Finegold, for organizing the event. “As a Community Outreach
Aide for Senator Barry Finegold, I understand the importance
of collaboration, communication and leadership. Mentor for
a Day was an opportunity for our office to connect and learn
from the youth of Lawrence. Appreciating and recognizing
the potential of our youth is key in our desire to create a more
sustainable and unified community.”
Family Service’s next Mentor for a Day event will be at
Camp Otter on August 18, 2012. All are welcome! Anyone
interested in attending, please call 978-327-6644.
Tribute To Mentoring... Continued
...high school graduation and was a huge influence to my success as the youngest child in my family and only one of three
girls to have graduated college.
Now, eighteen years later we are still as close as ever. We
still get together and reminisce about the old days, plan for
the future, and laugh in the present. We have had eighteen
years of amazing memories and lifetime of laughs. It is all
thanks to the match from the Big Friends Little Friends that
put us in each other’s lives. I am the woman I am today because of Jami and I couldn’t imagine not having her in my life.
These past eighteen years have only been the start of a lifelong bond that cannot be broken. “Chance made us friends,
hearts made us sisters!”
I would like to give a special thanks to the Big Friends Little
Friends, a program that truly makes a difference.
Sincerely, Jennifer Fish
(Top, Left to Right) Yamin & Ariana, Pavel & Adriel, Jessica, Kevin
& Jacob... all working on and displaying their “Dream Boards”,
which highlight the kids’ dreams and aspirations for the future
Summer 2012
CASA Celebrates 20th
Anniversary with “Light of
Hope” Vigil
It was 20 years ago this past April that the Northern Essex
County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) program
was first assigned by the Juvenile Court to advocate on behalf
of abused and neglected children. In the 20 years since it
was founded, CASA has advocated for over 1,000 children.
In all instances, CASA volunteers fight tirelessly to make sure
that every child moves quickly through the child welfare system and into safe, nurturing and permanent homes.
To celebrate its 20th Anniversary, and to bring attention to the
plight of children in the foster care system, CASA held its first
“Light of Hope” vigil at Merrimack College on April 9, 2012.
Nearly 75 people joined us at that event to hold a candle
representing the children who have received, and who still
need, a CASA Volunteer. Thank you to Senator Sue Tucker
and Father Rick Piatt, of Merrimack College for sharing a
few words with the attendees, and to Lori Martel, Kathleen
Cook, Carolyn Koehler, Monique Greilich, and Carol Kelley for helping to organize the event.
Page 5
Family Service’s Counseling
Center Welcomes Dr. Caldwell
Family Service is pleased to
welcome Dr. Edgar Caldwell
as the organization’s new
Medical Director for its Counseling Center. Dr. Caldwell’s
life in medicine began in
Cardiopulmonary medicine
research and clinical practice,
which he practiced for about
30 years. However, a recognition of the lack of focus on the
issues of mental health led
him to complete an additional
residency training at Maine Medical Center in both adult
and child psychiatry.
Dr. Caldwell is a wonderful addition to Family Service’s
Counseling Center, which provides professional and compassionate treatment to individuals, children and families
struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety, post
traumatic stress, or life transitions. The Counseling Center
is currently accepting new clients. Call 978-327-6600.
Family Service Awarded Grant
from Dept. of Public Health
Teenage pregnancy prevention remains a primary focus for
Family Service. When a young woman becomes pregnant
in her teenage years, her prospects for school completion,
economic security and overall health declines dramatically. In
addition, outcomes for the children of teen parents are very
The state and federal governments are investing in teenage
pregnancy prevention because it is, as the U.S. Center for
Disease Control and Prevention calls it, a “winnable battle”.
Through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health,
Family Service has been awarded a “Personal Responsibility Education Program” (PREP) grant. The goal of PREP the
program is to promote healthy behavior, responsible decisionmaking and increased opportunities for high risk youth, and
ultimately, give them the knowledge and skills to avoid pregnancy until adulthood.
Top Left to Right: Nurilys, Ilia and Noemi, from Central Catholic High School, sing “This Little Light of Mine”; “I Am For the
Child” Candles, Senator Sue Tucker speaks to the crowd before the
Family Service will reach 100 youth annually through its
PREP program, providing them with pregnancy prevention
curricula and support services. PREP is going to be implemented in collaboration with the Lawrence Boys and Girls
Club, Lawrence Public Schools, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center and the Lawrence Methuen Community
Help Us Rise to the Challenge
Every day, Family Service helps children and families overcome incredible challenges.
While parenting a young child, Yadira graduated from high school with honors and is now
attending college. She is involved in our Young Empowered Parents program.
Michael suffers with depression and post traumatic stress disorder. After faithfully attending
our Fatherhood program, he is able to give his children nurturance and stability.
Dylan survived physical and emotional abuse. With the help of our CASA program, he now
lives with a caring foster family who he calls his “new forever family.”
Now, Family Service has a challenge of its own. We must raise $50,000 by 9/30/12 to continue helping people like Yadira, Michael, and Dylan. Brad & Noni Yount, two of the organization’s
most generous benefactors, have stepped forward to help us realize this goal. The Younts will
match one dollar for every two raised between now and 9/30/12 (up to $50,000).
Help us rise to this challenge, so we can help others rise to theirs. By providing compassionate care, educational programming, and advocacy, more children and families will tell their stories
of triumph.
Please consider making a contribution to Family Service today. Thank you!
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Family Service also accepts online donations and recurring monthly gifts at
Kindly return to: Family Service, Inc. 430 North Canal Street, Lawrence, MA 01840. Thank you!
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Family Service, Inc. is a member of the United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley
and the Merrimack Valley Chamber of Commerce, and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation, Inc.