Cathodoluminescence spectra of diamonds in UHP rocks from the
Cathodoluminescence spectra of diamonds in UHP rocks from the
Mineralogy 19 Cathodoluminescence spectra of diamonds in UHP rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan O. G. Iancu· b C ', R. Cossio', A. V. Korsakov R. Compagnon"', C. Popa d , 'Department ofMineralogical and Petrological Sciences, University of Torino, Via Valperga Caluso, 35 10125 Torino, Italy bUniversity ''A/. 1. Cuza" ofIasi, B-dul Carol I 20A, 700505 Iasi, Romania clnstitute ofGeology and Mineralogy, SB RAS, Koptyug Pr. 3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia dAstronomical Observatory ofCapodimonte, Salita Moiariel/o 16,80131 Napoli, Italy *Corresponding author. Permanent address: University "Al. 1. Cuza" ofIasi, B-dul Carol I 20A, 700505 Iasi, Romania. E-mail (o.G. Iancu) . Abstract We propose ta investigate the diamonds from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, which is the best example of diamondeclogite facies metamorphism, using cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques. CL spectra measurements ofdiamonds fram garnetpyroxenequartz rocks and dolomitic marbles, made at 80 K, revealed peaks at 2.156, 2.463, and 3.188 e Vand a broad band at 2.722.80 e V. Panchromatic and monochromatic diamond images analysed by CL reveal concentric zones of variable luminescence. This indicates that the diamond crystals grow during several metamorphic stages under ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism conditions. The inhomogeneous broadening and lower 2.156 e V ZPL peak suggests the presence of a higher concentration ofdefects and stresses in the rim compared ta the core. r 2008 Elsevier B. V. Al! rights reserved. 1. Introduction The main purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of microdiamonds from a gametpyroxenequartz rock and a dolomitic marble (Kokchetav Massif) using scanning electron microscope (SEM) with cathodoluminescence (CL) spectrometer. The Kokchetav Massif of northem Kazakhstan is a typical example of diamondeclogite facies metamorphism. The petrographic studies performed recently have proved that the diamondbearing rocks have experienced pressures in excess of 4.0 GPa, corresponding to mantle depths greater than 120 km. In the Kokchetav Massif, microdiamonds are common inclusions in gamet, zircon, and, rarely, in clinopyroxene, kyanite, zoisite, quartz, biotite, and phlogopite from garnetbiotite gneiss, garnetbiotiteclinozoisite gneiss, gametkyanitephengitequartz schist, gametpyroxenequartz rock and dolomitic marble [18]. Microdiamonds are also commonly found in the pseudomorphs after gamet, consisting of mica+chlorite+amphibole aggregates and tourmaline [2,3]. Diamonds were rarely detected as intergranular phases in quartzfeldspar (QtzKfs) aggregates [9]. Diamonds usually coexist with graphite. In dolomitic marbles, graphite is included in dolomite and occurs either as polycrystalline aggregate (530 mm) of extremely finegrained crystals, most likely pseudomorphous after diamond [7] or as euhedral platy single crystals (20 mm_75 mm). 2. Materials and method s For this study, gametpyroxenequartz rocks and dolomitic marbles were used to make polished thin sections (30 mm thick) at the Department ofMineralogical and Petrological Sciences, University ofTurin, Italy. The thin sections were frrst studied in both transmitted and reflected light by using an Olympus BX 60 optical microscope in order to identify the microdiamonds, zircons and the other minerals and microstructures of ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism. After the carbon coating, the thin sections were investigated by means of a Cambridge S360 SEM equipped with an Oxford Inca Energy 200 for quantitative electron microprobe analyses, an Oxford MONO-CL2 spectrometer, and an MMR technologies sample holder cold stage (80400K) for CL studies at the Universita' di Torino, Departments ofMineralogical and Petrological Sciences, and of Experimental Physics. This CL system operates in both monochromatic (MC) and panchromatic (PC) modes. In the MC mode, we have used a plane diffraction grating (1200 l/mm blazed at 500 nm) and a spectrometer wavelength resolution (setting entrance and exit slit aperture) of 1 nm for whole·spectra (300800 nm) and 0.5 or 0.25nm to resolve fine zero phonon line (ZPL) structure. Outgoing light is focused into a HAMAMATSU R376 photomultiplier tube. To compare photon emission from different diamond grains, spectra were collected using the same exciting conditions (lprobe C 20 nA, EO C 30 keV). The measured spectra were corrected forwavelength position using a calibratedArHg lamp (Ocean Optics Hg-l), and for intensity response using a calibrated tungsten halogen light source (Ocean Optics LSI-CAL) [10]. All fitting procedures were performed using Microcal Origin 6.0 Professional software. 20 Mineralogy 3. ResuIts One diamond from a gametpyroxenequartz rock (Fig. 1(a» and three diamonds from a dolomitic marble (Fig. 1(bd» are presented to illustrate the results: the diamond sizes vary from 10 to 100 rom. For each grain, three monochromatic eL images were obtained at 650, 525 (Fig. 2) and 420 nm, in the red, green and blue parts ofthe spectrum, respectively, with a resolution of 10nm fu1l width at halfmaximum (FWHM). False colour images ofthe analysed diamonds (Figs. 3 and 5) were obtained by combining all three monochromatic images. This colour combination reveals zones with different emis sion intensity at different wavelengths due to different eL features (Fig. 3). eL spectral measurements on diamond ofFigs. 4 and 5 from sample GO, made at 80K, revealed ZPL at 2.156, 2.463, and 3.188 eV, respectively, and a broad band at2.722.80eV (Fig. 6, Table 1). Voigtian fitting on 2.156 eV ZPL gives the results of Fig. 7 (Sp03) and Table 1 (aH spectra), fitting on the relative vibronic side-band give results of Table 1. Fitting on the 2.463 eV ZPL (Sp02) and on the 2.722.80 eV broadband are reported in Table 1. Tlie peak at 3.188 eVis only observed in SpO 1 and Sp03 with very low intensity: it is impossible to have a fitting on this feature and the relative phonon side-band. Fig. 1. Secondary electron (SE) images of diamonds from garnetpyroxenequartz rock (a) and from dolomitic marble (bd). 4. Discussion Diamonds from the gametc1inopyroxene rocks have crystals, ranging in size from 15 to 150 rom, which appear as yellowish cuboids in white light. In eL, most diamonds display up to four growth zones, parallel to their cuboid faces [11]. The ZPL at 2.156 eV (the 57 5nm centre) occurs in many nitrogen-containing natural diamonds. The measured phonon energy (Zo:C 45 meV) is in agreement with the literature values [12]. The most developed atomic model for this centre assumes the association of a vacancy and an isolated substitutional nitrogen atom in the neutral charge state (NV 1) [13]. The 2.463 eV ZPL (the H3 centre) is the Mineralogy 21 Fig. 2. Monochromatic eL image (525 nm) of diamonds in Fig. Irad). Fig. 3. False colour image of diamonds in Figs. i and 2: red, 650 nm; green, 525 nm; and blue E 420 nm. Mineralo 22 Fig. 4. SE image of diamond from a garnetpyroxenequartz rock. Fig. 5. False colour image of diamond in Fig. 4: red, 650 nm; green, 525 nm; and blue E 420 nm. Table 1 Fitting results on ZPL peaks (with related vibronic side-band) and on broad-bands Photon energy (eV) Type Width FWHM (meV) Pbonon energy, 1/(J) (rneV) Model 2.156 ZPL 4S Vacancy aod the nearest subJtitutional nitrogen atom in tbe neutral charge latc (NV)0 2.463 3.188 2.80 (SpOI) 2.72 (Sp02) 2.77 (Sp03) ZPL ZPL Broad SpOI : wL .. 6.2, wG .. 4.9 Sp02: wL 10.4, wG = 9.7 Sp03: wL .. 8.2, wG 5.8 SP02: wG = II SPOI : wG = I 400 (SPOI) 270 (S1>02) 430 (SP03) 39 Not measured V- N complex Radiation damag (Iow Ice electrons) • Radiative recombination at disJocation. • lntrncentre lran 'tioos at tbe BI(N9) centre (pla teletA) = I 1 ~ 1:0=30 kV. 1.,.-:2OnA. Res=1nm 4x1OS :j ~ 3x105 spedr .Res=O.25 nm I Data: spo3 ModetVoI~ ::i R2"' 0.998 ! 1.0x1OS xc .. 2.156 eV A .. 3317 wGaS.8meV wL = 8.2 meV .. !P 2x105 I -e- e : a t 1.5x1OS ~ ai <: ~ E:3OkV. 1=2OnA, 2.0x1OS - - sp02 -sp03 5x1OS ,..... = .J ...J () (J 5.0x1OC 1x1OS 1.6 1.8 2.0 2 .2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 E(eV) Fig. 6. eL spectra acquired on points (SpOI, Sp02, Sp03) ofFig. 5. 0.0 +--.........,...'i--r~~.,.....~~,......~~,..........;:!!!1"""' 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 E(eV) Fig. 7. Voigtianfitting of2.156 eVZPLpeakon Sp03. Mineralo 23 most common naturally occurring optical feature ofnitrogen-containing diamonds. The measured phonon energy (Zo ~ 39 meV) is also in agreement with the literature values [12]. The two widely used atomic models consist of either a pair of substitutional nitrogen atoms separated by a vacancy (NVN) or anA-aggregate ofnitrogen bounding two vacancies (VNNV) [12]. The narrow weak peak at 3.188 eV is a ZPL characteristic for radiation-damaged diamonds. This centre is activated in pristine and irradiated diamonds with an electron beam of a few ke V energy (in our case EO ~ 30 keV). The broad-band at 2.722.80 eV (theA-band) is one of the most characteristic luminescence feature of diamond. Models are related to radiative recombination at dislocation or intracentre transitions at the Bl(N9) centres (platelets) [12]. In surnmary, we have a core with an intense 2.156 eV centre (NVl ) (SpO 1), an intermediate portion (Sp03) with a little lowering ofthe 2.156 eV contribution and a constantA-band contribution, and a rim portion (Sp02) with a more intense H3 peak, a weaker (NV 1) peak, and a lower energy (2 .72 eV) and sharper (0.27 eV FWHM) A-band (cf. Table 1). The Voigtian fitting of the 2,156 eV centre, after having taken into account the spectrometer distortion, gives a resulting peak with a lower Gaussian width (06 meV) and a higher intensity for the core (SPO 1), and a higher Gaussian width (E 1Ome V) and a weaker intensity for the rim (SP02). 5. Conclusions Our CL results confum that the cubic growth zoning dominates among the Kokchetav microdiamonds [14,15]. Based on differences in morphology, crystal orientation, FWHM of Raman bands and CL spectra between the core and the rim parts of microdiamond from dolomitic marble of the Kokchetav Massif, Ishida et al. [16] and Ogasawara et al. [17] concluded that they formed during two different growth stages. According to these authors, it is improbable that, unlike the core, the rim formed simply by inversion from graphite, but most likely precipitated from a fluid phase. The microdiamonds from the Kokchetav massifhere studied show the same type ofCL zoning described by Refs. [16,17] which suggests a polyphase growth history. The Voightian fitting ofthe ZPL at 2.156 eV for the spectrum in the rim region shows a significant inhomogeneous broadening and a lower peak intensity in comparison to the core region. These results suggest the presence ofhigher concentration of defects and stresses [12] : this is in agreement with different growth conditions for the rim with respects to the core. Furthermore, the same microdiamonds systematically show an intense vibronic sideband with ZPL at 2.463 eV (in the green part of the spectrum) similar to that observed in kimberlitic and lamproitic diamonds, preventing its use for distinguishing the origin of diamond formed at different geodynamic conditions. On the contrary, it is noteworthy that in the Kokchetav microdiamonds, formed in a subduction environment, is missing the N3 centre, which is a1ways a companion peak of the H3 centre in othernatural diamonds [12, p. 262]. Acknowledgements We are deeply grateful to Nikolai V. Sobolev for providing us some samples used in this study. A NATO advanced fellowship in the field of Earth and Environmental Sciences from the Italian National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) supported this work. Careful and constructive comments and suggestions from two anonymous referees, that significantly improved the article, are greatly appreciated. References [1]N.V. Sobolev, V.S . Shatsky, Sov. Geol. Geophys. 28 (1987) 69 . [2] N.V. Sobolev, V.S. Shatsky, Nature 343 (1990) 742. [3] V.S. Shatsky, N.V. Sobolev, M.A. Vavilov, in: R.G. Coleman,X. Wang (Eds.), Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 427-455. [4]R.Y. Zhang,lG. Liou, w.G. Ernst, R.G. Coleman,N.V. Sobolev, V.S. Shatsky, J. Metamorph. Geol.15 (1997)479 . [5] 1. Katayama, A. Zayachkovsky, S. Maruyama, IslandArc 9 (2000) 417. [6] 1. Katayama, M. Ohta, Y. Ogasawara, in: C.D. Parkinson, 1. Katayama, lG. 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