Tale of the Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massive, Kazakhstan
Tale of the Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massive, Kazakhstan
J. metamorphic Geol., 2012, 30, 537–559 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2012.00980.x Tale of the Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massive, Kazakhstan: Initial tectonic setting and transition from amphibolite to eclogite R. Y. ZHANG,1,2 J. G. LIOU,1 S. OMORI,3 N. V. SOBOLEV,4 V. S. SHATSKY,4 Y. IIZUKA,5 C.-H. LO2 AND Y. OGASAWARA6 1 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA (ruyuanzhang@yahoo.com) 2 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 106, Taiwan 3 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan. 4 V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia 5 Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 11529, Taiwan 6 Department of Earth Sciences, Waseda University, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan ABSTRACT The Kulet eclogite in the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, is identified as recording a prograde transformation from the amphibolite facies through transitional coronal eclogite to fully recrystallized eclogite (normal eclogite). In addition to minor bodies of normal eclogite with an assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz + Rt ± Ph and fine-grained granoblastic texture (type A), most are pale greyish green bodies consisting of both coronal and normal eclogites (type B). The coronal eclogite is characterized by coarse-grained amphibole and zoisite of amphibolite facies, and the growth of garnet corona along phase boundaries between amphibole and other minerals as well as the presence of eclogitic domains. The Kulet eclogites experienced a four-stage metamorphic evolution: (I) pre-eclogite stage, (II) transition from amphibolite to eclogite, (III) a peak eclogite stage with prograde transformation from coronal eclogite to UHP eclogite and (IV) retrograde metamorphism. Previous studies made no mention of the presence of amphibole or zoisite in either the pre-eclogite stage or coronal eclogite, and so did not identify the four-stage evolution recognized here. P–T estimates using thermobarometry and Xprp and Xgrs isopleths of eclogitic garnet yield a clockwise P–T path and peak conditions of 27–33 kbar and 610–720 C, and 27–35 kbar and 560–720 C, respectively. P–T pseudosection calculations indicate that the coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites in a single body is chiefly due to different bulk compositions of eclogite. All eclogites have tholeiitic composition, and show flat or slightly LREE-enriched patterns [(La ⁄ Lu)N = 1.1–9.6] and negative Ba, Sr and Sc and positive Th, U and Ti anomalies. However, normal eclogite has higher TiO2 (1.35–2.65 wt%) and FeO (12.11–16.72 wt%) and REE contents than those of coronal eclogite (TiO2 < 0.9 wt% and FeO < 12.11 wt%) with one exception. Most Kulet eclogites plot in the MORB and IAB fields in the 2Nb–Zr ⁄ 4–Y and TiO2–FeO ⁄ MgO diagrams, although displacement from the MORB–OIB array indicates some degree of crustal involvement. All available data suggest that the protoliths of the Kulet eclogites were formed at a passive continent marginal basin setting. A schematic model involving subduction to 180–200 km at 537–527 Ma, followed by slab breakoff at 526–507 Ma, exhumation and recrystallization at crustal depths is applied to explain the four-stage evolution of the Kulet eclogite. Key words: amphibolite; Kokchetav Massif; Kulet coronal eclogite; tectonic setting; transition. INTRODUCTION The Kokchetav Massif [a diamond-bearing ultrahighpressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane], Kazakhstan has attracted much attention worldwide, because it provides an excellent opportunity to investigate questions about: (i) deep subduction and exhumation processes of supracrustal materials; (ii) geochemical recycling; and (iii) interactions of crustal and mantle rocks. Most past studies focused on the western, diamond-bearing, part of the Kokchetav massif, and 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd chiefly involved origin of diamond, P–T conditions, ages and exhumation models of UHP metamorphic rocks (Sobolev & Shatsky, 1990; Zhang et al., 1997; Kaneko et al., 2000; Hermann et al., 2001; Katayama et al., 2001; Dobretsov & Shatsky, 2004; Ogasawara, 2005; Korsakov & Hermann, 2006). The Kulet area in the southeastern Kokchetav Massif is poorly studied in comparison with the Kumdy-Kol area, although numerous eclogite bodies (100 · 40 m–2000 · 940 m in diameter) occur as lenses in various schists and gneisses. Until 1997, this area was thought to be a part 537 538 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. of the Kokchetav UHP metamorphic belt based on petrological study of whiteschist (Zhang et al., 1997), but it was the discovery of coesite in garnet from a pelitic schist (Shatsky et al., 1998; Masago et al., 2009) and whiteschist (Parkinson, 2000) that confirmed UHP metamorphism in the Kulet area (unit II). Apart from a few dark-coloured eclogite bodies with equigranular granoblastic texture, most Kulet eclogitic bodies are pink to pale greyish green, and consist of two types of eclogitic rock, namely equigranular eclogite with an assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz ± Ph (normal eclogite) and inequigranular eclogitic rock. The later one contains coarse-grained amphibole and zoisite that are partially replaced by very fine-grained garnet coronae and omphacite (coronal eclogite). These petrological types are not found in other Kokchetav eclogites, and raise questions about: (i) the origin of such unusual eclogitic rocks; (ii) their bulk compositions; and (iii) why coronal and normal eclogites coexist in a single body? Petrographic study indicates the coarse-grained amphibole and zoisite are relict phases of pre-eclogite stage. Ota et al. (2000) studied numerous Kulet eclogites and indicated that these eclogites were metamorphosed at P–T conditions of 650–750 C and 27–32 kbar, some bodies are in coesite eclogite zone, and others are in quartz eclogite zone (Fig. 1). However their study identified coarsegrained amphibole and zoisite either as part of the eclogite assemblage or a retrograde phase, leading to a misinterpretation of the metamorphic history of the Kulet eclogite. Moreover, some coronal eclogites occurring at the margins of eclogite bodies were incorrectly named as retrograded amphibolite. The prograde transition from amphibolite to eclogite in the Kulet eclogite has also been recorded in other HP ⁄ UHP terranes (Liu & Ye, 2004; Young et al., 2007). In the present study, five representative eclogite bodies are selected for petrological and chemical studies in order to (i) determine the metamorphic evolution of the Kulet eclogites; (ii) characterize their geochemistry and define the protolith rock types and the tectonic setting in which these rocks formed; and (iii) propose a tentative tectonic model to explain the formation and exhumation of Kulet UHP metamorphic rocks. GEOLOGICAL OUTLINE The Kokchetav Massif in northern Kazakhstan is situated in the Central-Asiatic mountain belt, and is considered to be a block of the Kokchetav-North Tien Shan massif. The Central-Asiatic mountain belt was 69°E 70°E Kokchetav B Astana L Kazakhstan A Almaty C VII Aral Sea 500 km B I Grt-Bt gneiss, orthogneiss eclogite and marble II Orthogneiss, blastomylonite mica schist and eclogite III High-alumina schist IIa Eclogite pods (scale exaggerated) Leninsk IV V a Barchi kol a C L Other pre-ordovician rocks (V-VII) Zerenda series (I-IV) A UHP-HP units Study area V Riphean -Vendian cover rocks, quartzite, black slate, marble dolomite, metavolcanic rocks VI Riphean to Vendian rocks with Early Cambrian rocks. a- Island arc volcanic, b- Metamafic rock with barroisite Pre-Vendian gneiss, basement and protolith for Zerenda Series VII Carbonatite and alkaline ultramafic rocks in fault zones Daulet suite, low P/T rocks with cordierite and andalusite B IIb B Kumdy Kol L b IIb Sulu - Tjube IIc B L IIb IIa IIa IIb B L IIa B Enbek - Berlyk IIb L Kulet Fig.2 IIb 53° N B Post-metamorphic rock series 53° N IV IIb C Silurian - Devonian and young volcanic and sedimentary rocks B Ordovician island-arc complex Ordovician bimodal A volcanic rocks Palaeozoic granite and mafic rocks L 0 Lake 5 10 km D B N L IIb L Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Kokchetav Massif, modified after Dobretsov et al. (1995) showing the Kulet study area of Fig. 2. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 539 created by the collision of the Siberian continent with North China, Tarim, Tadzik, Karakorum and Kazakhstan-North Tien Shan continents (Zonenshain et al., 1990). The Kokchetav Massif is composed of several Precambrian metamorphic rock series, Cambrian–Ordovician island arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks, Devonian volcanic molasses, CarboniferousTriassic shallow-water and lacustrine deposits. All these rocks were intruded by post-collision granites (Shatsky et al., 1999). The metamorphic rocks exposed in the central part of the Kokchetav Massif have been named the Zerenda Series, and on lithological and metamorphic characteristics divided into four units (Dobretsov et al., 1995; Fig. 1). Unit I exposed in the Kumdy-Kol and BaechiKol areas (‘‘Kol’’ means lake) was named the KumdyKol western domain (Theunissen et al., 2000a), and consists of schist, gneiss, eclogite, quartzite, marble, garnet pyroxenite and clinochumite-bearing ultramafic rock. Diamond-bearing rocks including pelitic schist, paragneiss and dolomitic marble crop out as thin lenticular or lens-like bodies within garnet biotite and garnet two-mica gneisses. Diamond-bearing metasedimentary rocks and eclogites in western domain recrystallized at 40–60 kbar 780–1000 C (Sobolev & Shatsky, 1990; Shatsky et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1997; Maruyama & Parkinson, 2000). U–Pb dating of zircon from diamond-bearing rocks yielded UHP metamorphic ages of 530 ± 7 Ma (Claoue-Long et al., 1991), 537 ± 9 Ma (Katayama et al., 2001) and 527 ± 5 Ma (Hermann et al., 2001); retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite facies occurred at 526 ± 5 Ma (Hermann et al., 2001) to 507 ± 8 Ma (Katayama et al., 2001). The formation of some granitic gneiss and migmatite was attributed to partial melting of diamond-bearing rocks at 526 ± 2 Ma during exhumation of UHP metamorphic rocks (Ragozin et al., 2009). The retrograde mica from diamond-bearing garnet–biotite gneiss yielded a 40Ar ⁄ 39Ar age of 517 ± 5 Ma (Shatsky et al., 1999). Based on geochronological data of different stages, Hermann et al. (2001) and Hacker et al. (2003) suggested that the exhumation of the diamond-bearing UHP rocks of the Kokchetav Massif was ultrarapid. Unit II occupies the Sulu–Tjube, Enbek–berlyk and Kulet areas, east–southeast of unit I, and is mainly composed of pelitic schist (Grt + Ms + Qz ± Ky ± Pl ± Chl, mineral abbreviations after Whitney & Evans, 2010) and paragneiss. Lenses or boudins of orthogneiss, eclogite, whiteschist (Tlc + Grt + Ky ± Ph + Rt ± Qz ± Amp) and quartzite are within or closely associated with schist and gneiss. Coesite was found as inclusions in garnet from mica quartz schist (Shatsky et al., 1998; Masago et al., 2009) and whiteschist (Parkinson, 2000). No age data are available for the Kulet eclogite, but 40Ar ⁄ 39Ar mica cooling ages of 519 ± 2 and 521 ± 4 Ma were, respectively, obtained for a phengite separate from a micaschist and a biotite separate from an interleaved 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd granitic gneiss from the Kulet area. These ages were interpreted as the age of the early exhumation stage (Theunissen et al., 2000a). The 40Ar ⁄ 39Ar data of biotite from a whiteschist yielded a weighted mean age of 504.7 ± 1.0 Ma (Hacker et al., 2003), but insufficient data do not allow us to evaluate the significance of this age. Unit III in the northeastern vicinity of Enbek–Berlyk is a coherent, fault-bounded slice consisting of garnet–mica–schist and kyanite ⁄ sillimanite-bearing aluminous gneisses. Gabbro–norite–diorite sills that have been incompletely transformed to eclogite assemblages intruded these Al-rich schists. No precise age and P–T estimates are available for these rocks. Unit IV (Daulet suite) underlying units I and II consists of low-P, high-T cordierite (±andalusite)-bearing metapelite. The metamorphic conditions range from 500 to 600 C and <5–6 kbar (Maruyama & Parkinson, 2000). The UHP–HP units are structurally overlain by Riphean–Vendian platform strata and weakly metamorphosed rocks, and are underlain by the Daulet Suite of low-pressure schists (Dobrzhinetskaya et al., 1994; Dobretsov et al., 1995; Kaneko et al., 2000). The major tectonic boundaries juxtaposing these units are interpreted to be subhorizontal faults or shear planes (Kaneko et al., 2000; Yamamoto et al., 2000a). The boundaries are locally crosscut by post-orogenic highangle normal and strike-slip faults with NE–SW and NW–SE trends (Dobretsov et al., 1995; Kaneko et al., 2000). SAMPLE DESCRIPTIONS Numerous lensoidal bodies of eclogite of variable size occur in metapelite (Grt–Ms–Qz schist) in the vicinity of the Zealtau Lake in the Kulet area. The eclogite lenses strike roughly NE–SW on the south–southeast side of the lake, but change to NW–SE in the southwest side, concordant with the foliation of country rocks (Fig. 2). Based on rock assemblage, texture and colour, these eclogite bodies are divided into two types. Type A (minor) is massive, dark green. It is only composed of normal eclogite that has an equilibrium assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz + Rt ± Ph with fine-grained granoblastic texture. Type B body (abundant) is pale greyish green, and consists of both normal and coronal eclogites. The coronal eclogite is characterized by the presence of coarse-grained, relict amphibole and zoisite of the pre-eclogite stage in the eclogitic matrix and by coronal texture. Petrographic characteristics of these rocks are described below. Type A eclogite body (No. 1) The No. 1 body is the largest in this area (Fig. 2), and has a fine-grained granoblastic texture, with most samples having a simple assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz + Rt; minor samples contain a small amount of 540 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. N Lake Zealtau No. 5 02KL-5 d c 02KL-4 No .4 b a 68 f e d c ab 40 82 40 f e i gh b 02 a K No. 3 02K L1 KL3-3 02 L2 KL 3 No. 2 j k 99KL-4 d c No. 1 a b-d e f g h 99KL3-2 i j 25 Eclogite in unit 2 Daulet suite White schist Schist & gneiss Foliation attitude Coesite zone Fault additional eclogitic phases of phengite and zoisite (or clinozoisite, Fig. 3a). This type of eclogite is characterized by having no relict coarse-grained amphibole or zoisite of pre-eclogite stage. Garnet (‡50 vol.%) has euhedral or rounded shape with variable size of 0.05–1 mm, but most grains are 0.2–0.3 mm across, and are equidimensional. Some relatively coarser garnet grains are formed by coalescence of several finegrained crystals, and contain abundant fine-grained inclusions of omphacite and quartz (Fig. 3a); minor inclusions of taramite, epidote and plagioclase only occur in some garnet grains (Fig. 3b). Most omphacite occurs as well recrystallized grains; only subordinate omphacite occurs as poorly shaped patches consisting of small omphacite laths. Minor fine-grained, secondary clinopyroxene with low jadeite component occurs around coarser omphacite (Fig. 3c); retrograde biotite, albite, epidote and chlorite after biotite are also present in a few samples (Fig. 3d). Two occurrence modes of amphibole were identified: fine-grained inclusions in garnet (Fig. 3a,b) and retrograde phase in the matrix (Fig. 3c, left bottom). In addition, there are rare epidote inclusions in garnet (Fig. 3b) and fine-grained clinozoisite as possible eclogitic phase in the matrix (Fig. 3a). Rutile is not altered in most samples, but only in some samples it is partially replaced by ilmenite and titanite. Type B eclogite body All type B eclogite bodies (Nos 2–5) are pale greyish green, and comprise both coronal (most) and normal (minor) eclogites. Some eclogite bodies (e.g., Nos 3 & 4) are closely associated with whiteschist (Fig. 2). Normal eclogites are similar to the eclogites from body 1. They consist of Grt, Omp, Qz, Rt ± Ph, and show equigranular granoblastic texture 1 km Fig. 2. Schematic geological map of the Kulet area, showing sample localities of investigated eclogite bodies. The boundaries of coesite- and quartz-eclogite zone and some whiteschist locations are after Ota et al. (2000) and Parkinson (2000), respectively. (Fig. 3e). Garnet and omphacite occur in variable amounts. Quartz content ranges from 4 to 8 vol.%; rutile is <3 vol.%. Both garnet and omphacite are fine-grained ranging from 0.05 to 0.4 mm; quartz is 0.2–0.7 mm in size. Garnet contains abundant inclusions of Omp + Qz ± Brs ± Rt in sample 99KL-4h, and is partially surrounded by retrograde amphibole ± plagioclase or by biotite (Fig. 3f). Rutile is locally replaced by titanite. Most omphacite is little altered, but some grains are rimmed by very thin symplectite of amphibole ± plagioclase. Secondary veins of amphibole, epidote and quartz or albite are developed along microfractures in some eclogites. Coronal eclogites are pale greyish green (Fig. 4a), and preserve both pre-eclogite stage relict and eclogitic minerals. The relict phases (5–25 vol.%) include coarse-grained (1 to >10 mm) amphibole, that is colourless or pale yellow, zoisite and minor quartz. Fine-grained garnet coronae are developed along the margins of amphibole or at the interfaces between zoisite and amphibole (Fig. 4b). The amphibole shape is irregular, due to garnet corona replacement. Moreover, neoblastic garnet has also grown in amphibole, and fine-grained, clouded garnet and omphacite laths occur as prograde products in zoisite; their grain sizes increase from core (2–3 lm) to rim (100 lm) of zoisite (Fig. 4c). Eclogitic domains consist of fine-grained garnet (5–200 lm), omphacite and minor quartz, rutile ± phengite. Garnet exhibits a discontinuous corona texture around aggregates of fine-grained omphacite ± quartz indicating that primary plagioclase (?) has been totally replaced by omphacite ± quartz (Fig. 4d). The margins of some eclogite bodies contain secondary, coarse-grained aggregates (up to 1 cm) of green amphibole that contains many inclusions of garnet, omphacite and titanite with relict rutile. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 541 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Fig. 3. Back-scattered electron images (BEI a–d) and plane light photomicrographs (e & f) showing normal eclogite and retrograde alteration. (a) Garnet from normal eclogite showing granoblastic texture and numerous inclusions of quartz and omphacite and coalescence of several fine-grained garnet crystals. (b) Inclusions of quartz, taramite, plagioclase, epidote and apatite in a coarser euhedral garnet. (c) Normal eclogite (99KL3-2d) showing symplectites after omphacite and retrograde amphibole (left bottom). (d) Retrograde biotite, albite and chlorite after biotite are also present in a few samples. (e) Normal eclogite from body 2 showing mineral assemblage of Grt + Omp + Qz + Rt and equigranular granoblastic texture. (f) Retrograde amphibole and biotite surrounding garnet in normal eclogite. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 542 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 4. Photograph (a), photomicrographs (b & d) and back-scattered electron image (c) showing the field view and transitional textures from amphibolite to eclogite in type B eclogite body. (a) Pale grey transitional rock (coronal eclogite) fragment from type B body. (b) Fine-grained garnet grown along interphase boundaries between zoisite and amphibole (sample 99KL-4e). Crossed polars. (c) Neoblasts of garnet and omphacite in zoisite (sample 99KL-4k). (d) Fine-grained garnet surrounding an omphacite patch that consists of many small omphacite laths. The omphacite patch may be after plagioclase(?) (sample 99KL-4e). Crossed polars. Three modes of occurrences for amphibole were found in type B body: (i) inclusions in garnet from both coronal and normal eclogites (similar to Fig. 3b); (ii) coarse-grained relicts of the pre-eclogite stage in coronal eclogite (Fig. 4b); and (iii) retrograde phase in both eclogites that can be clearly distinguished from the pre-eclogite facies amphibole by its occurrence, colour and replacing texture. The retrograde brown or green amphibole is interstitial between garnet and omphacite, and replaces fully recrystallized garnet (Fig. 3f). In contrast, the light-coloured relict amphibole was replaced by fine-grained garnet coronae (Fig. 4b). Sample 02KL-4e shows a gradual change between normal and coronal eclogite, with garnet and interstitial omphacite patches consisting of many tiny omphacite laths, but no individual coarser omphacite grains. Only minor (<5 vol.%) amphibole relicts are preserved, and they have much smaller grain size than those in coronal eclogite. GEOCHEMISTRY OF WHOLE ROCK AND MINERAL Analytical methods Bulk composition Major and trace elements of whole rocks were analysed at the V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk, Russia. Major elements were determined by XRF spectrometry, with standard deviations for Al, Si, Mg and Ca of 1.3, Fe, 0.9, Ti and 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 543 Mn of 0.3, and K of 0.4. Trace elements were determined by ICP MS. Analytical procedures have been described by Shatsky et al. (2006). Mineral compositions Minerals from body 2 were analysed employing a JEOL 8900 Superprobe with 15 kV accelerating potential and 12 nA beam current at Waseda University, Japan; other samples were analysed at the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, using a field emission electron probe micro analyzer (FE-EPMA: JEOL JXA-8500F) equipped with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers. A 2 lm defocused beam was used for quantitative analysis at an acceleration voltage of 12 kV with a beam current of 6 nA. The measured X-ray intensities were corrected by ZAF method using the standard calibration of synthetic chemical-known standard minerals with various diffracting crystals: diopside for Si with TAP crystal, rutile for Ti with PET crystal, corundum for Al (TAP), chromium oxide for Cr (PET), fayalite or hematite for Fe (LiF), tephroite for Mn (PET), periclase for Mg (TAP), wollastonite for Ca (PET), albite or jadeite for Na (TAP) and adularia for K (PET). Peak counting for each element and both upper and lower baselines are counted for 10 and 5 s, respectively. The analytical results of whole rocks and minerals are described in the following sections. Major and trace elements of whole rock Thirteen eclogite samples from three eclogite bodies (3–5) were selected for bulk chemical study (Table 1). All eclogites have basaltic composition with low SiO2 (45.59–52.21 wt%), Na2O (0.97–2.33 wt%) and K2O (0.12–0.26 wt%, with three exceptions). Fe2O3, MgO and CaO contents are 9.50–18.60, 7.25–10.11 and 9.74–12.44 wt%, respectively. Among them, body 3 eclogites have higher Na2O content (1.84–2.33 wt%) than eclogites (0.97–1.60 wt%) from bodies 4 and 5. Normal and coronal eclogites, however, show some difference in some major and trace element contents. Two normal eclogite samples in body 5 have higher TiO2 (1.35–2.60 wt%), FeOtotal (12.11–16.72 wt%) than those of coronal eclogite (TiO2 0.63–0.64 wt% and FeOtotal 10.38–11.46 wt%) in the same body. the Table 1. Major and trace elements of Kol let eclogitic rocks. Sample 02KL-1 50.17 SiO2 0.76 TiO2 14.63 Al2O3 13.47 Fe2O3 MnO 0.26 MgO 8.20 CaO 9.74 2.09 Na2O 0.92 K2 O 0.04 P2O5 loss 0.26 Total 100.56 Trace elements (ppm) Sc 16 V 124 Cr 135 Rb 21.0 Sr 30.6 Y 8.6 Zr 19.8 Nb 2.4 Ba 81.6 La 5.21 Ce 9.93 Pr 1.28 Nd 4.91 Sm 1.09 Eu 0.29 Gd 1.49 Tb 0.26 Dy 1.53 Ho 0.31 Er 1.09 Yb 0.93 Lu 0.13 Hf 0.55 Ta 0.11 Th 1.28 U 0.17 02KL-2 02KL-3 02KL-4a 02KL-4b 02KL-4c 02KL-4d 02KL-4e* 02KL-4f* 02KL-5a* 02KL-5b 02KL-5d 02KL-5d* 51.11 0.67 15.42 9.69 0.19 8.75 9.99 1.84 1.01 0.09 1.06 99.84 50.96 0.64 15.19 10.36 0.24 8.89 11.13 2.33 0.24 0.09 0.22 100.28 51.82 0.59 13.64 9.50 0.20 9.44 11.20 0.97 1.79 0.06 0.96 100.16 47.75 0.88 16.60 11.87 0.20 8.28 12.44 1.53 0.15 0.06 0.24 100.01 47.70 0.64 15.67 11.78 0.21 10.02 12.17 1.38 0.25 0.05 0.24 100.10 48.66 0.98 13.85 12.15 0.21 9.72 12.36 1.53 0.19 0.07 0.28 100.02 44.87 2.56 13.24 18.25 0.28 7.30 10.76 1.60 0.21 0.19 0.26 99.54 52.21 0.55 14.13 9.76 0.22 8.88 11.19 1.85 0.20 0.14 0.44 99.57 45.59 2.60 13.55 18.60 0.29 7.25 10.56 1.94 0.12 0.17 0.02 100.71 47.84 0.63 15.85 11.55 0.20 10.11 11.90 1.38 0.17 0.04 0.22 99.89 48.73 0.64 15.13 11.64 0.20 9.94 11.55 1.53 0.26 0.05 0.44 100.11 46.79 1.35 14.53 13.47 0.21 9.37 12.32 1.40 0.16 0.10 0.13 99.82 10 72 109 19.0 60.1 4.5 16.2 1.5 79.6 5.31 10.65 1.34 5.16 1.17 0.27 0.96 0.14 0.88 0.17 0.54 0.43 0.06 0.37 0.05 0.92 0.23 32 219 434 6.2 213.8 15.0 54.5 3.6 56.8 13.13 25.98 3.57 12.74 2.54 0.79 2.73 0.41 2.49 0.54 1.86 1.38 0.21 1.50 0.27 3.00 0.58 20 123 125 32.5 34.8 11.6 61.8 2.7 31.1 3.77 9.18 1.30 5.24 1.45 0.39 1.55 0.29 1.92 0.43 1.60 1.18 0.21 1.55 0.22 0.60 0.33 24 187 143 0.9 59.8 13.6 24.8 1.4 4.1 2.51 5.44 0.90 4.24 1.28 0.48 1.84 0.32 2.18 0.45 1.71 1.37 0.22 0.57 0.07 0.39 0.13 37 232 249 4.7 84.9 18.3 35.8 1.9 19.0 3.58 7.88 1.12 4.96 1.53 0.55 2.21 0.47 2.86 0.64 2.48 2.11 0.31 1.01 0.14 1.11 0.33 22 145 178 2.0 64.7 7.0 23.5 1.9 15.3 3.32 6.91 0.99 4.23 1.20 0.36 1.34 0.24 1.37 0.28 1.01 0.70 0.10 0.57 0.13 0.41 0.15 23 319 29 < 22.0 19.7 58.1 3.1 2.6 3.19 8.00 1.37 6.01 2.19 0.67 3.04 0.54 3.37 0.71 2.72 2.01 0.29 1.48 0.16 0.39 0.15 36 494 50 4.5 85.0 36.5 102.9 5.8 27.1 6.40 15.49 2.76 12.56 4.10 1.33 5.51 0.98 6.47 1.36 4.85 3.37 0.56 2.18 0.28 0.86 0.22 29 415 37 < 50.8 26.0 74.1 4.3 10.4 4.77 12.03 2.06 9.92 3.21 1.10 4.24 0.74 4.45 0.92 3.25 2.47 0.39 1.91 0.19 0.62 0.22 27 174 184 2.0 50.1 14.1 28.9 1.5 23.4 2.58 5.53 0.82 3.64 1.04 0.37 1.54 0.32 2.16 0.52 1.91 1.40 0.22 0.67 0.10 0.95 0.30 18 113 129 3.0 50.6 9.2 18.6 1.1 14.2 2.12 4.46 0.68 2.85 0.87 0.27 1.20 0.22 1.51 0.30 1.22 1.06 0.15 0.43 0.06 0.73 0.23 22 193 165 0.9 68.8 11.9 32.6 1.6 8.5 2.41 5.61 1.02 5.04 1.70 0.56 2.00 0.36 2.21 0.50 1.57 1.25 0.18 0.72 0.08 0.25 0.07 *Normal eclogite; others are coronal eclogite. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 544 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. 100 100 N-MORB E-MORB Arc tholeiite (Aoba) N-MORB Arc tholeiite Rock/primitive mantle Rock/Chondrite E-MORB (Aoba) 10 02KL-1 02KL-2 02KL-3 Body 3 1 10 Arc 1 Body 3 100 02KL-1 02KL-2 02KL-3 Rock/primitive mantle 10 02KL-4a 02KL-4b 02KL-4c Body 4 02KL-4d 02KL-4e 02KL-4f 1 Rock/Chondrite 100 10 1 Body 4 0.1 02KL-4a 02KL-4b 02KL-4c 02KL-4d 02KL-4e 20KL-4f 100 10 02KL-5a 02KL-5b 02KL-5c 02KL-5d 1 La Ce Pr Nd Body 5 Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Yb Lu Fig. 5. REE patterns for both normal and coronal eclogites from bodies 3, 4 and 5. All abundances are normalized to the chondrite composition of Sun & McDonough (1989). Data of N-MORB and E-MORB are from Sun & McDonough (1989), and composition of Arc tholeiite (from the Aoba island) is after Peate et al. (1997). normal eclogite (02KL-04f) in body 4, however, has the highest SiO2 (52.21 wt%) and very low TiO2 (0.55 wt%) and FeOtotal (10.06 wt%) contents. The transitional eclogite (02KL-2e) has high TiO2 (2.56 wt%) and FeOtotal (16.41 wt%) contents. Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns for nine samples (except for three samples from body 3 and two from body 4) all show a flat REE pattern with (La ⁄ Lu)N ratio of 1.2–1.5 and a negative Eu anomaly (Fig. 5). The five samples (02KL-1, -2 & -3 and 02KL4a & -4d) show slightly LREE-enriched patterns with (La ⁄ Lu)N of 1.9–9.6, but MREE and HREE of sample 02KL-1 and 02KL-4a are relatively flat. The normal eclogite has higher concentrations of MREE, HREE and V, Y, Zr, Hf trace elements than those of coronal eclogite, but has low Cr content. Primitive mantlenormalized spider diagrams of whole rocks have negative Ba, Sr and Sc and positive Th, U and Ti anomalies (Fig. 6). Rock/primitive mantle Rock/Chondrite 0.1 100 10 1 Body 5 0.1 02kL-5a 02KL-5b 02KL-5c 02KL-5d Rb Th Nb La Sr Zr Pr Eu Gd Ho Y Lu V Ba U Ta Ce Nd Hf Sm Ti Dy Er Yb Sc Fig. 6. Primitive mantle normalized trace-element patterns of both normal and coronal eclogites from bodies 3, 4 and 5. The compositions of primitive mantle, N-MORB and E-MORB are after Sun & McDonough (1989). Arc tholeiite composition is after Peate et al. (1997). Mineral compositions Compositions of representative minerals from normal and coronal eclogites are listed in Tables 2–5, respectively; additional data are shown in the Tables S1–S3. Garnet and omphacite formulae have all Fe expressed as Fe2+. In the end-member calculation of clinopyroxene, Fe3+ = Na–Al if Na > Al (Cr can be ignored for Cpx of the Kulet eclogites), and all Fe expressed as Fe2+ if Na £ Al, based on six oxygen ions. The amounts of ferric and ferrous iron for amphibole formula were calculated using the procedure described by Schumacher (1991). Iron is expressed as Fe3+ in zoisite ⁄ clinozoisite formula. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 39.24 0.03 0.12 22.12 21.85 0.49 6.11 9.06 0.00 0.08 99.09 39.02 0.28 0.00 21.42 22.70 0.60 4.90 10.62 0.01 0.00 99.54 3.03 0.02 0.00 1.96 0.00 1.47 0.04 0.57 0.88 0.00 0.00 7.97 SiO2 TiO2 Cr2O3 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total Si Ti Cr Al Fe3+ Fe Mn Mg Ca Na K Total 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.46 0.52 0.43 0.01 3.99 55.58 0.15 0.10 10.63 3.77 0.00 8.68 13.53 6.21 0.18 98.82 3.44 0.02 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.37 0.01 0.08 0.86 6.96 50.84 0.33 0.00 26.29 1.47 0.04 3.69 0.13 0.62 9.97 93.38 Phn* f39-40 av2 99KL3-2c Omp* 1b-F41 6.59 0.06 0.00 2.66 0.03 1.15 0.01 2.49 1.39 1.05 0.12 15.55 45.46 0.55 0.01 15.59 10.00 0.05 11.54 8.98 3.73 0.65 96.57 Ktp 2b-55 ret 6.10 0.04 0.01 5.46 0.52 0.00 0.01 0.05 3.68 0.00 0.00 15.87 39.26 0.34 0.04 29.81 4.04 0.05 0.23 22.11 0.00 0.00 95.89 Czo 1b-21 3.03 0.02 0.00 1.92 0.00 1.80 0.04 0.35 0.81 0.02 0.00 7.99 38.55 0.40 0.00 20.70 27.35 0.62 2.99 9.58 0.11 0.00 100.30 Grt 1c-70 host.c 3.05 0.00 0.00 1.96 0.00 1.91 0.04 0.42 0.57 0.01 0.00 7.97 39.06 0.01 0.03 21.34 29.20 0.61 3.58 6.87 0.07 0.02 100.79 Grt 1d-35 r 2.02 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.39 0.53 0.43 0.00 4.02 54.58 0.13 0.00 8.13 9.10 0.07 7.16 13.44 6.01 0.01 98.64 Omp 1d-19 r 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.51 0.69 0.28 0.00 4.03 53.75 0.16 0.00 4.83 10.58 0.00 9.21 17.21 3.85 0.00 99.59 6.57 0.09 0.00 1.97 0.18 2.09 0.02 1.98 1.63 0.70 0.20 15.45 43.25 0.80 0.00 11.02 19.42 0.18 8.76 10.03 2.39 1.03 96.88 Mg-Hbl 1d-38 ret 99KL3-2d Omp 1b-9 sym 2.85 0.23 0.00 1.23 0.00 1.19 0.00 1.33 0.01 0.02 0.90 7.76 37.60 4.00 0.00 13.76 18.77 0.07 11.71 0.10 0.12 9.25 95.38 Bt 1d-av4 ret 6.06 0.01 0.01 4.28 0.00 4.27 0.01 5.11 0.02 0.00 0.02 19.79 28.62 0.07 0.05 17.15 24.08 0.06 16.17 0.07 0.00 0.06 86.32 Chl 1d-33 ret 2.95 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.92 0.01 4.99 67.81 0.03 0.00 20.28 0.20 0.00 0.03 1.41 10.89 0.21 100.85 Ab 1d-63 ret 3.00 0.01 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.59 0.03 0.59 0.77 0.00 0.00 7.99 38.67 0.13 0.01 21.89 24.47 0.50 5.13 9.24 0.00 0.00 100.05 Grt* 1b-av2 c 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.50 0.58 0.41 0.00 4.02 55.01 0.07 0.04 9.59 4.69 0.00 9.42 15.16 5.82 0.00 99.79 Omp* 1b.28 c 3.39 0.04 0.00 2.12 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.08 0.87 6.98 49.75 0.84 0.00 26.43 2.01 0.00 3.59 0.02 0.57 10.03 93.25 Ph* 1b.23 2.98 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.00 1.59 0.02 0.65 0.75 0.00 0.00 8.01 101.55 39.05 0.08 0.00 22.28 24.92 0.38 5.68 9.16 Grt* 2G.20 m 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.51 0.61 0.38 0.00 4.02 54.46 0.03 0.00 8.90 5.34 0.01 9.40 15.62 5.34 0.00 99.10 Omp* 2G.58 3.40 0.05 0.00 2.07 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.05 0.92 6.99 49.68 0.94 0.09 25.69 2.18 0.00 3.59 0.02 0.37 10.50 93.07 Ph* 2s44 99KL3-2g *The data are used to estimate P–T conditions (other Tables same). c, core, m, mantle, r, rim; i ⁄ g, i ⁄ omp, inclusions in Grt and Omp, respectively. ret, retrograde mineral; sym, symplectite; ave, average. 3.03 0.00 0.01 2.01 0.00 1.41 0.03 0.70 0.75 0.00 0.01 7.96 Grt* 1b-2 r Grt* 1b-4 c Mineral No. Note Sample Table 2. Representative mineral compositions of normal eclogite from body 1. 6.31 0.04 0.00 2.91 0.06 1.38 0.01 2.25 1.49 1.07 0.13 15.66 42.84 0.39 0.04 16.78 12.27 0.04 10.26 9.43 3.75 0.70 96.52 Trm 61-2 i⁄g 6.01 0.01 0.00 4.51 1.46 0.00 0.01 0.01 3.99 0.00 0.00 16.00 37.85 0.06 0.03 24.09 10.99 0.07 0.04 23.43 0.00 0.01 96.55 Ep 63-4 i⁄g 2.85 0.00 0.00 1.12 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.88 0.01 5.03 64.27 0.00 0.00 21.36 0.87 0.00 0.09 2.86 10.19 0.10 99.74 Pl 65 i⁄g 2.73 0.00 0.00 1.24 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.73 0.00 5.01 61.12 0.01 0.00 23.53 0.64 0.01 0.06 5.80 8.41 0.01 99.58 Pl 66 i⁄g 6.86 0.06 0.01 1.99 0.06 1.08 0.00 2.91 1.43 0.97 0.15 15.52 47.00 0.52 0.07 11.54 9.90 0.02 13.39 9.12 3.43 0.78 95.78 Ktp 1b.11-4 av4 ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 545 55.02 0.09 0.01 7.98 5.74 0.01 9.64 16.03 5.00 0.00 99.52 39.00 0.02 0.00 21.77 27.07 0.53 4.02 8.69 0.02 0.00 101.12 3.02 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.00 1.75 0.03 0.46 0.72 0.00 0.00 7.99 SiO2 TiO2 Cr2O3 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total Si Ti Cr AL Fe3+ Fe2+ Mn Mg Ca Na K Total 6.80 0.07 0.00 2.03 0.21 1.19 0.00 2.76 1.45 0.96 0.05 15.52 46.81 0.61 0.00 11.85 11.53 0.01 12.73 9.29 3.40 0.30 96.52 Ktp 690-1 ret 3.01 0.03 0.00 1.92 0.00 1.69 0.04 0.37 0.93 0.02 0.00 8.01 38.20 0.53 0.02 20.75 25.73 0.54 3.17 11.00 0.10 0.00 100.06 Grt 731 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.46 0.58 0.36 0.00 4.02 54.67 0.12 0.02 8.14 9.16 0.06 8.52 14.85 5.14 0.00 100.69 Omp 732 6.42 0.08 0.00 2.53 0.22 1.70 0.00 2.11 1.48 0.95 0.22 15.71 43.03 0.72 0.00 14.39 15.39 0.00 9.51 9.28 3.28 1.14 96.73 Ktp 734 ret 99KL-4h normal eclogite 3.00 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.00 1.30 0.03 0.79 0.86 0.00 0.00 7.99 39.44 0.07 0.04 22.39 20.38 0.47 6.99 10.49 0.03 0.00 100.31 Grt* 855-6 av2 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.64 0.70 0.29 0.00 4.01 55.46 0.04 0.08 7.40 2.96 0.00 12.08 18.31 4.24 0.00 100.58 Omp* 858 3.56 0.01 0.00 1.89 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.04 0.93 6.97 53.81 0.19 0.02 24.29 1.10 0.02 4.92 0.00 0.30 11.03 95.07 *Ph 850 7.14 0.03 0.00 1.53 0.20 0.64 0.01 3.51 1.58 0.57 0.09 15.30 50.75 0.28 0.00 9.21 7.11 0.07 16.74 10.47 2.09 0.52 97.24 Mg-Hbl 859-60 relict 99KL-4e coronal eclogite 7.64 0.01 0.00 0.67 0.21 0.46 0.00 4.08 1.69 0.30 0.04 15.08 55.28 0.08 0.00 4.11 5.75 0.01 19.79 11.41 1.11 0.21 97.77 Act 866 r.ret. 3.02 0.00 0.00 2.03 1.36 0.03 0.86 0.67 0.00 0.00 7.97 1.36 0.03 0.75 0.90 0.00 0.00 8.02 39.35 0.03 0.00 22.41 21.18 0.51 7.56 8.14 0.02 0.00 99.20 Grt 615 r 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.97 38.70 0.03 0.05 21.62 20.94 0.49 6.53 10.86 0.03 0.00 99.25 Grt 617 c 0.09 0.00 0.57 0.64 0.34 0.00 4.00 1.97 0.00 0.00 0.39 54.25 0.11 0.03 9.07 2.96 0.02 10.56 16.58 4.78 0.00 98.35 Omp 605-9 av4 6.00 0.00 0.01 5.83 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.01 4.03 0.00 0.00 16.01 38.79 0.02 0.05 31.99 0.99 0.01 0.05 24.29 0.00 0.00 96.19 Zo 653 relict 1.43 0.04 0.87 0.67 0.00 0.00 8.00 3.00 0.01 0.00 1.99 38.67 0.11 0.00 21.78 22.09 0.54 7.52 8.01 0.03 0.00 98.75 Grt 672 ecl-dm 99KL-4f coronal eclogite 0.08 0.00 0.57 0.64 0.35 0.00 4.00 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.38 54.98 0.08 0.03 8.90 2.55 0.00 10.51 16.45 5.01 0.00 98.51 Omp 667 ecl-dm 1.56 0.05 0.58 0.76 0.00 0.00 7.98 3.02 0.00 0.00 2.00 38.64 0.02 0.00 21.76 23.91 0.72 5.00 9.02 0.00 0.00 99.07 Grt 746-m c-m ecl-dm, eclogite domain; in ⁄ zo, in ⁄ amp, neoblasts in zo and amp. Relict phase of pre-eclogite stage; sym, symplectite. Other explanations are same as Table 2. 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.52 0.62 0.35 0.00 4.01 Omp 699-70 Grt 706 m 99KL-4c normal eclogite Mineral No. Note Sample Table 3. Representative mineral compositions of eclogite from body 2. 1.44 0.03 0.61 0.86 0.01 0.00 7.98 3.01 0.00 0.00 2.01 38.46 0.03 0.02 21.76 22.05 0.46 5.20 10.30 0.07 0.00 98.35 Grt 745-r r 0.12 0.00 0.56 0.64 0.36 0.00 4.02 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.36 54.59 0.12 0.08 8.38 4.00 0.02 10.37 16.46 5.12 0.00 99.14 Omp 756-7 av2 1.63 0.04 0.59 0.68 0.00 0.00 7.97 3.05 0.00 0.01 1.96 38.49 0.06 0.08 21.06 24.63 0.65 5.00 8.04 0.01 0.00 98.02 Grt 782 in ⁄ zo 1.61 0.04 0.57 0.81 0.00 0.00 8.01 3.01 0.00 0.00 1.96 38.83 0.01 0.00 21.46 24.84 0.67 4.89 9.71 0.01 0.00 100.42 Grt 790 in ⁄ zo 1.46 0.04 0.60 0.94 0.00 0.00 8.02 2.96 0.01 0.00 2.02 37.71 0.09 0.00 21.79 22.17 0.55 5.12 11.17 0.00 0.00 98.60 Grt 791 in ⁄ zo 0.12 0.00 0.56 0.66 0.33 0.00 4.01 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.34 54.40 0.00 0.04 8.00 3.99 0.01 10.25 16.83 4.72 0.02 98.26 Omp 786 in ⁄ zo.m 99KL-4k coronal eclogite 6.00 0.01 0.01 5.77 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.01 3.98 0.01 0.00 16.00 38.81 0.06 0.05 31.65 1.76 0.00 0.03 24.04 0.03 0.00 96.43 Zo 784-4 relict 6.83 0.05 0.00 2.05 0.12 1.34 0.01 2.63 1.54 0.81 0.11 15.49 46.41 0.49 0.02 11.80 11.87 0.06 12.00 9.75 2.85 0.57 95.82 Hbl 804-5 ret 6.52 0.08 0.00 2.47 0.04 1.42 0.00 2.48 1.63 0.91 0.11 15.66 44.02 0.69 0.03 14.12 11.76 0.01 11.25 10.24 3.17 0.58 95.87 Ed 797-8 ret 6.44 0.07 0.01 2.51 0.18 1.40 0.01 2.44 1.57 0.93 0.12 15.67 43.57 0.60 0.09 14.38 12.76 0.08 11.08 9.92 3.23 0.63 96.34 Prg 801 ret 546 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 56.32 0.12 0.01 9.87 2.02 0.03 10.59 15.56 5.28 0.03 99.83 40.29 0.22 0.09 22.54 20.29 0.56 8.18 9.47 0.02 0.00 101.67 3.01 0.01 0.01 1.98 0.00 1.27 0.04 0.91 0.76 0.00 0.00 7.99 SiO2 TiO2 Cr2O3 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total Si Ti Cr Al Fe3+ Fe Mn Mg Ca Na K Total 3.59 0.01 0.00 1.88 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.03 0.85 6.90 53.85 0.23 0.00 23.91 0.90 0.04 4.82 0.02 0.24 10.03 94.04 Ph* 1a3-4 ecl-dm 6.11 0.02 0.01 5.82 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.03 3.86 0.00 0.00 15.92 39.89 0.14 0.12 32.21 0.57 0.05 0.12 23.49 0.00 0.00 96.59 Zo 2b-77 relict ecl-dm, eclogite domain; in ⁄ zo, neoblast in zoisite. 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.56 0.59 0.36 0.00 3.98 Omp* 1a-5 ecl-dm Grt* 1a-10 ecl-dm 02KL-2 coroal eclogite Mineral No. Note Sample 6.95 0.03 0.00 2.06 0.15 0.44 0.01 3.32 1.32 0.81 0.08 15.16 49.89 0.24 0.01 12.53 6.27 0.04 15.99 8.88 3.01 0.46 97.31 Brs 2a-58 relict 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.00 1.35 0.03 0.81 0.83 0.00 0.00 8.00 39.39 0.02 0.06 22.17 21.13 0.46 7.12 10.12 n.d n.d 100.5 Grt 1g36 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.58 0.67 0.31 0.00 3.99 55.90 0.00 0.01 8.39 2.96 0.01 11.00 17.44 4.49 0.00 100.22 Omp 1S46 6.21 0.01 0.01 5.57 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.01 4.05 0.00 0.00 15.94 40.29 0.11 0.04 30.67 0.69 0.00 0.03 24.49 0.00 0.01 96.32 Zo 1S43 7.22 0.03 0.00 1.42 0.05 0.64 0.00 3.61 1.64 0.59 0.05 15.26 51.34 0.24 0.01 8.56 6.36 0.03 17.20 10.85 2.18 0.29 97.07 Hbl av3 relict 02KL-4b coronal eclogite Table 4. Representative mineral compositions of eclogites from bodies 3 and 4. 7.59 0.01 0.00 0.77 0.08 0.48 0.00 3.98 1.61 0.43 0.04 14.99 54.42 0.12 0.01 4.69 5.59 0.00 19.13 10.76 1.60 0.21 96.53 Act 1S49 relict 3.00 0.02 0.00 1.99 0.00 1.74 0.02 0.59 0.61 0.00 0.00 7.98 38.61 0.39 0.00 21.81 26.85 0.38 5.09 7.38 n.d n.d 100.50 Grt 45-6 av2 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.57 0.66 0.33 0.00 4.01 55.42 0.05 0.04 7.70 4.14 0.00 10.54 16.98 4.79 0.00 99.66 Omp 2s-29 7.11 0.04 0.01 1.55 0.13 1.00 0.00 3.11 1.44 0.87 0.00 15.26 49.50 0.36 0.08 9.14 10.28 0.04 14.53 9.33 3.13 0.02 96.51 av4 Brs 02KL-4e coronal eclogite 3.01 0.01 0.00 1.95 0.00 1.76 0.03 0.54 0.71 0.00 0.00 8.01 38.21 0.11 0.00 21.02 26.73 0.50 4.64 8.42 n.d n.d 99.63 Grt* 4F-16 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.50 0.62 0.36 0.00 4.02 54.35 0.00 0.00 7.39 7.22 0.13 9.22 15.68 5.05 0.02 99.05 Omp* 4F-22 3.50 0.02 0.00 1.95 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.03 0.91 6.98 52.35 0.36 0.00 24.77 2.20 0.00 4.52 0.05 0.20 10.69 95.14 Ph* 4F-30 6.90 0.04 0.00 1.80 0.12 1.24 0.01 2.84 1.43 0.94 0.16 15.48 47.42 0.36 0.02 10.47 12.14 0.08 13.11 9.16 3.35 0.85 96.96 Brs av5 relict 3.01 0.01 0.00 1.95 0.00 1.76 0.03 0.54 0.71 0.00 0.00 8.01 38.21 0.11 0.00 21.02 26.73 0.50 4.64 8.42 n.d n.d 99.63 Grt* 4F-16 02KL-4f normal eclogite 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.50 0.62 0.36 0.00 4.02 54.35 0.00 0.00 7.39 7.22 0.13 9.22 15.68 5.05 0.02 99.05 Omp* 4F-22 3.50 0.02 0.00 1.95 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.03 0.91 6.98 52.35 0.36 0.00 24.77 2.20 0.00 4.52 0.05 0.20 10.69 95.14 Ph* 4F-30 6.90 0.04 0.00 1.80 0.12 1.24 0.01 2.84 1.43 0.94 0.16 15.48 47.42 0.36 0.02 10.47 12.14 0.08 13.11 9.16 3.35 0.85 96.96 Brs av5 relict ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 547 548 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. Table 5. Representative mineral compositions of eclogite from body 5. Sample 02KL-5a eclogite 02KL-5b coronal eclogite Mineral No. Note Grt* 2a-30 host-c Omp* 2a-27 i⁄g Grt* 2a-60 Omp* 2a-59 Grt 2b-41 hst Omp 33-5 i ⁄ g.r Brs 2b-36 i ⁄ g.m Brs 75-7 relict Grt 5b-103 c Grt 5b-101 r Grt 2b-46 in ⁄ zo Grt 2b-47 in ⁄ zo Grt 2b-48 in.zo Zo av7 relict Brs 5b-99 relict SiO2 TiO2 Cr2O3 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total 38.61 0.04 0.14 21.23 27.04 0.55 4.49 7.94 0.05 0.00 100.09 54.60 0.05 0.00 8.25 8.14 0.06 8.71 13.58 5.80 0.00 99.20 38.68 0.01 0.01 21.38 26.95 0.51 4.31 8.14 0.05 0.01 100.06 54.74 0.12 0.01 8.43 7.55 0.07 8.22 13.70 6.09 0.03 98.96 39.20 0.04 0.00 22.33 27.77 0.63 4.82 6.30 0.05 0.02 101.17 54.15 0.14 0.07 8.45 8.23 0.09 8.43 13.91 5.71 0.02 99.19 43.372 0.39 0.02 15.44 13.27 0.03 10.71 8.74 4.06 0.09 96.11 46.14 0.50 0.01 12.15 13.56 0.04 11.20 8.34 3.76 0.55 96.26 40.54 0.04 0.00 22.77 20.92 0.44 9.72 6.61 0.04 0.00 101.08 40.08 0.04 0.00 22.59 17.71 0.33 9.90 8.42 0.00 0.00 99.07 40.22 0.12 0.00 22.46 20.43 0.39 8.23 8.11 0.07 0.02 100.05 39.81 0.02 0.00 22.02 18.80 0.44 7.46 10.19 0.01 0.02 98.77 39.90 0.00 0.00 22.12 17.78 0.27 6.54 12.02 0.04 0.00 98.66 39.84 0.04 0.11 32.17 0.70 0.04 0.12 23.31 0.03 0.01 96.36 47.13 0.46 0.11 14.15 6.86 0.00 14.68 9.36 3.29 0.43 96.47 3.02 0.00 0.01 1.96 0.00 1.77 0.04 0.52 0.67 0.01 0.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.48 0.53 0.41 0.00 4.03 3.03 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.00 1.76 0.03 0.50 0.68 0.01 0.00 7.99 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.45 0.54 0.43 0.00 4.03 3.02 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.00 1.79 0.04 0.55 0.52 0.01 0.00 7.97 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.46 0.55 0.41 0.00 4.03 6.38 0.04 0.00 2.68 0.17 1.30 0.00 2.35 1.38 1.16 0.02 15.48 6.78 0.05 0.00 2.11 0.13 1.41 0.00 2.45 1.31 1.07 0.10 15.43 3.02 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.31 0.03 1.08 0.53 0.01 0.00 7.98 3.02 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.00 1.12 0.02 1.11 0.68 0.00 0.00 7.97 3.04 0.01 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.29 0.03 0.93 0.66 0.01 0.00 7.96 3.05 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.00 1.20 0.03 0.85 0.84 0.00 0.00 7.96 3.06 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.14 0.02 0.75 0.99 0.01 0.00 7.95 6.12 0.00 0.01 5.82 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.03 3.83 0.01 0.00 15.92 6.70 0.05 0.01 2.37 0.09 0.63 0.00 3.11 1.42 0.91 0.08 15.37 Si Ti Cr Al Fe3+ Fe Mn Mg Ca Na K Total The explanations are same as Tables 2–4. S1). Minor garnet grains exhibit compositional zoning: almandine and pyrope increase with decreasing grossular from core to rim (Fig. 7). In contrast, garnet from coronal eclogite (Grt1) shows large variation in composition (grs18–34 and prp12–38) even within a single body (e.g., body 2) and three types of compositional zoning. Type 1 is same as the zoning described above. Type 2 involves decreasing alm with slightly increasing Garnet Garnet is present in stages II (Grt1) and III (Grt2), and most are almandine-rich, ranging from 38 to 63 mol.% (most >50 mol.%, Fig. 7). The garnet of normal eclogite (Grt2) contains higher almandine (>50 mol.%) than that from coronal eclogite, and is relatively homogeneous in composition (see Tables 2 & Alm Alm (c) 90 Zo (a) Normal Eclogite 80 02KL-5B *45 Omp (Grt2) *46 *47 * 48 70 r r 4H c c 4C * c c 50 Coronal Eclogite c r r c 4E 4K r r r m r 4F 99KL3-2c 99KL3-2d 99KL3-2g 02KL-2 02KL-4b 02KL-4e,f 02KL-5a 02KL-5b 60 c 50 * r 40 (a) Grs Body 1 & 3-5 Body 2 (99KL-4) 20 Al 30 40 50 60 10 20 46 r 45 * ***c 40 10 Coronal Eclogie (Grt1) (b) 80 70 60 90 Qt 48 30 47 40 50 60 Prp Fig. 7. Plots of garnet composition from five eclogite bodies in Alm–Grs–Prp space: (a) garnet from body 2, (b) garnet from other four bodies and (c) BEI showing compositional change of the garnet corona from interphase boundaries to inside of zoisite. c, core; r, rim. The composition ranges of garnet from body 2 are also shown in (b). 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 549 grossular and pyrope from core (alm53–55prp19–20grs23– 26sps1–2) to rim (alm47–48prp20–25grs28–31sps1) in sample 99KL-4k (Fig. 7a). In type 3 grossular increases and pyrope decreases from core to rim with constant almandine (sample 02KL-5b, Fig. 7b). Furthermore, fine-grained garnet coronas replace zoisite from the margins to interior of zoisite with increasing grossular and decreasing pyrope and almandine (Fig. 7b,c). Si pfu (3.59) in phengite was found in a coronal eclogite (02KL-2) from body 3. Zoisite and amphibole The coarse-grained zoisite of the pre-eclogite stage has variable Fe2O3 content ranging from 0.58 to 1.96 wt% in coronal eclogite, but varies from body to body. The zoisite from body 2 contains higher Fe2O3 (1.10– 1.96 wt%) than those from other bodies (0.58– 0.78 wt%). The possible eclogitic clinozoisite (stage III) contains high Fe2O3 of 4.49 wt%. Pre-eclogite stage amphibole includes inclusions in garnet and coarse-grained, relict amphibole in the matrix. Amphibole inclusions are barroisite (Brs) or taramite with 3.76–4.06 wt% Na2O and 0.09– 0.30 wt% K2O. The relict amphibole varies from calcic magnesiohornblende (Mg–Hbl) in sample 99KL-4e to sodic–calcic Brs in sample 99KL-4f, 02KL-2, 02KL-4e and 02KL-5b. The Mg–Hbl contains 2.09–2.49 wt% Na2O and 0.52–0.73 K2O wt%, and has low NaA of 0.21–0.29. Actinolite is present at the margins of Mg– Hbl grains. Both Mg–Hbl and actinolite have high Mg number [Mg ⁄ (Mg + Fe2+) = 0.83–0.89]. Brs contains 2.92–3.39 wt% Na2O and 0.5 wt% K2O, and NaB > 0.5. The Mg number of Brs ranges from 0.81 to 0.88. All retrograde amphibole of stage IV in eclogite is calcic–sodic, including the varieties of magnesiokatophorite, Mg–taramite and Brs and contains 2.70–3.81 wt% Na2O (most >3 wt%). It is distinguished from the pre-eclogite facies amphibole by its low Mg ⁄ (Mg + Fe) ratio (0.53–0.77). Omphacite As with garnet, omphacite is present in stages II (Omp1) and III (Omp2), and in both types of eclogite it exhibits variable composition. In normal eclogite from type A body (No. 1), jadeite content of omphacite (Omp2) ranges from 38 to 45 mol.% (jd38–45aug52– 59aeg0–8). However, omphacite from a single sample has a little variation in jadeite content (41–45, 44 & 38– 41 mol.%, respectively, for samples 99KL3-2c, 99KL32d & 99KL 3-2g). Omphacite inclusions in garnet have a similar range in jadeite (jd36–46) component as in the matrix omphacite. Retrograded clinopyroxene contains lower jadeite (jd24–34) than that of the primary omphacite. In type B eclogite bodies, omphacite (Omp2) is jd33–40aug53–64aeg2–8 for normal eclogite, and jadeite of 36–37 for sample 99KL-4c, 39–40 for 99KL-4h, 37 for 02KL-4f and 38 for 02KL-5a. Omphacite (Omp1) of coronal eclogite shows a large variation in composition (jd27–44aug56–73), and has no aegirine component with a few exceptions (Fig. 8). Some omphacite grains in coronal eclogite preserve weak zonation (e.g., 99KL-4k); rims contain higher Fe and Ca and lower Na and Mg than cores. Jadeite decreases from core (35 mol.%) to rim (29 mol.%) suggesting retrogression (Fig. 8). Symplectitic clinopyroxene has the lowest jd (jd04) in sample 99KL-4f. P–T CONDITIONS The observed mineral parageneses define four-stage metamorphic events: (I) pre-eclogite stage (an amphibolite facies metamorphism), (II) transition from amphibolite to eclogite, (III) a peak eclogite stage representative of the prograde transformation from coronal to UHP eclogite and (IV) retrograde metamorphism. The four-stage metamorphic evolution was not recognized by previous studies (e.g., Ota et al., 2000). Phengite Phengite occurs only in a small number of normal and coronal eclogites as a minor phase (such as 99KL3-2c, 99KL-4e & 02KL-2). The Si value ranges from 3.38 to 3.59 pfu and varies from sample to sample; the highest Omphacite in 80 Wo, En, Fs 80 Omp 50 20 Jd Jd ret Aeg-Aug Aeg * Aeg ret i Fig. 8. Omphacite plot in (Ca–Mg–Fe)–Na– Fe3+ diagram; the compositional zoning of omphacite from 99KL-4k coronal eclogite is also shown. Ret: retrograde. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd * ** Normal ecl (Omp2) Coronal ecl. (Omp1) 99KL-4e,f,k 99KL3-2c 02KL-2 99KL3-2d 02KL-4b 99KL3-2g 02KL-4e,f 99KL-4c,h 02KL-5b 02KL-5a 70 Omp Aug 60 40 30 20 50 99KL-4k Jd Core 0.115 mm Rim 550 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. P–T conditions were estimated using both thermobarometry (Table 6) and isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections). The P–T pseudosections were calculated using Perple_X (Connolly, 2005; update in April 2010) and the internally consistent thermodynamic data set (Holland & Powell, 1998; and their updates). The Kulet eclogites contain minor TiO2 (most <1 wt%) and rutile is a minor phase in the mineral assemblage. For simplicity, the model system Na2O– CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O was assumed, and the following solution models are used: phengite, garnet, olivine and orthopyroxene after Holland & Powell (1998), omphacite after Green et al. (2007), amphibole after Dale et al. (2000), chlorite after Holland et al. (1998), biotite after Tajcmanová et al. (2009), plagioclase after Newton et al. (1980), sanidine after Thompson & Hovis (1979). Talc is assumed to be an ideal solution, and zoisite, lawsonite and stilpnomelane have end-member compositions. Three representative samples with different bulk compositions from body 4 were selected for P–T pseudosection calculation. The results are shown in Figs 9 & 10. and andesitic compositions at varying fO2 and fH2O indicate garnet and amphibole may coexist over a pressure range of 15–25 kbar (Graham & Powell, 1984). The amphibole at the contact with the adjacent garnet corona may be considered to be in local (or domain) equilibrium; using the Grt–Hbl thermometer of Graham & Powell (1984) for representative compositions of garnet and amphibole pairs gives 520 C for sample 99KL-4e, 530 C for 99KL-4f, 620–645 C for 99KL-4k (body 2), 500 C for 02KL-2 (body 3), 475 C for 02KL-4b (body 4) and 630 C for 02KL-5b (body 5) with 50 C uncertainty [when KD = (Fe2+ ⁄ Mg)Grt ⁄ (Fe2+ ⁄ Mg)Hbl]. The pseudosections (Fig. 9) indicate that garnet appears in the Ph + Amp + Zo + Qz assemblage at the conditions of 550 C at 18 kbar to 600 C at 7 kbar for 02KL-4b, and of 535 C at 16 kbar to 610 C at 9 kbar for 02KL-4f. This paragenesis of Ph + Amp + Grt + Zo + Qz has a large stability field (Fig. 9a,c). For a high-FeO and low-SiO2 sample (02KL-4e), Ph + Amp2 + Grt + Zo paragenesis is stable in a limited field of 14.5–11.5 kbar and 550– 650 C. The appearance of omphacite in the assemblage Ph + Amp + Grt + Zo + Qz occurs between 620 C, 25 kbar to 700 C, 18 kbar for 02KL-4b, and 605 C, 23.5 kbar to 700 C, 17 kbar for 02KL-4f (Fig. 9c). The P–T boundary between the assemblages of Ph + Amp + Grt + Zo + Qz and Omp + Ph + Amp + Grt + Zo + Qz has a negative slope. For sample 02KL-4e, omphacite appears in the assemblage Ph + Amp + Grt + Qz to the high temperature side between 620 C, 27.5 kbar and 700 C, 19 kbar (Fig. 9b). However, omphacite initially appears in the assemblage of Bt + Omp + Amp + Grt at 19– 24.5 kbar and 550–500 C. Stage I Stage III The first stage of amphibolite facies metamorphism preserved mineral assemblage of Brs (or Mg–Hbl) + Zo ± Qz. The presence of plagioclase inclusions in garnet and prismatic omphacite patches surrounded by garnet coronas (Fig. 4d) suggests that the amphibolite initially contained plagioclase. The P–T conditions cannot be well constrained by thermobarometry, but from the pseudosection (Fig. 9a), the assemblage of Chl + Amp2 (two amphiboles with different composition are present as immiscibility) + Ph + Zo + Qz formed at <500 C and <12 kbar. The chlorite of this stage may have been consumed during the growth of garnet. In this stage, all eclogitic minerals are well recrystallized at eclogite facies conditions. The Fe2+–Mg exchange thermometer (Powell, 1985; Krogh Ravna, 2000) and Grt–Omp–Ph barometer (Krogh Ravna & Terry, 2004) were employed to estimate P–T conditions. For the Grt– Cpx thermometer, the Fe3+ in Omp = Na–Al–Cr. For the application of the Grt–Omp–Ph barometer, the ferric iron for clinopyroxene was calculated assuming four cations and six oxygen P atoms. The phengite formula was normalized to SiAlTiCrFeMnMg = 12.00. P Garnet was normalized to CaMnFeTotalMgAlTiCr = 5.00, where Ca + Mn + Fe + Mg = 3 and Al + Ti + Cr + Fe3+ = 2.00. Here Fe3+ = 3.00– (Al + Ti + Cr) and Fe2+ = Fetotal–Fe3+ (Krogh Ravna & Terry, 2004). In order to avoid large uncertainty, the relatively homogeneous mineral compositions of normal eclogites and eclogitic domains for coronal eclogites were selected to estimate P–T conditions (Table 6). First, the geothermobarometer for Grt–Cpx–Ph– Coe ⁄ Qz parageneses was applied to the phengite- Table 6. P–T estimates of the Kulet eclogites. Body no. 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 a Sample T (C) T (C) 99KL3-2c-c 99KL3-2c-r 99KL3-2g-c 99KL3-2g-m 99KL-4e 02KL-2 02KL-4f 02KL-5a 695 710 680 720 620 600 690 660–700b 740 780 700 750 710 785 640 680–710 P (kbar) 29.0 29.0 30.0 28.0 27.7 33.0 28.0 30.0c Temperature calculated by Grt–Cpx thermometer (aPowell, 1985; bKrogh Ravna, 2000). Pressure calculated from Krogh Ravna & Terry (2004); c, pressure assumed as 30 kbar. Fe3+ = Na–Al–Cr for Cpx; Fetotal = Fe2+ for Grt. Stage II In the second stage, amphibolite transformed to coronal eclogite by the growth of neoblastic garnet in coronas along interface boundaries between amphibole and other phases as well as the formation of eclogitic domains. High P–T experimental studies for basaltic 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 551 (a) (b) Fig. 9. P–T pseudosections for eclogites from body 4 calculated in NKCFNASH system at aH2O = 1 using bulk composition of eclogite (see Table 1) and a software Perple-X by Connolly (2005, updated in April 2010). FeOtotal is expressed as FeO. (a) Coronal eclogite (02KL-4b): 1 Bt Chl Amp Grt Law, 2 Bt Ph Amp Grt Law, 3 Bt Omp Chl Ph Amp Grt, Law 4 Bt Chl ph Amp Grt Law, 5 Ph Amp Grt law Qz, 6 Ph Amp Grt Zo Law Qz. (b) transitional coronal eclogite (02KL-4e): 1 Omp2 Chl Ph Amp Grt Law, 2 Bt Omp2 Amp Grt Law, 3 Bt Omp Amp Grt Law, 4 Omp2 Chl Ph Amp Grt Law, 5 Bt Omp Chl Ph Amp Grt Law, 6 Omp2 Chl Ph Amp Gt law, 7 Chl Ph Amp Gt law, 8 Chl Ph Amp Grt, 9 Omp Chl Ph Amp Grt Zo Law, 10 Omp Chl Ph Amp2 Grt Zo, 11 Chl Ph Amp Grt Zo Law, 12 Bt Chl Ph Amp Grt, 13 Bt Chl Ph Amp2 Grt, 14 Chl Ph Amp2 Grt, 15 Bt Ph Amp2 Grt, 16 Chl Ph Amp2 Grt Zo Qz, 17 Ph Amp Grt Zo Qz, 18 Bt Chl Amp Pl Opx Qz. (c) normal eclogite (02KL-4f): 1 Bt Chl Ph Amp Grt Zo Qz, 2 Bt Chl Amp Grt Zo Qz, 3 Bt Chl Amp Grt Zo Qz, 4 Ph Amp Law Coe Stp and 5 Ph Tlc Amp Law Coe Stp. Amp2 and Omp 2: there are two amphiboles or two clinopyroxenes of different composition in the assemblage due to immiscibility of solid solution. H2O is in all assemblages in the pseudosections. Mineral abbreviations are after Whitney & Evans (2010). Star refers to the position at 700 C and 28 kbar. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd (c) 552 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. 36 Xprp 0.2 0.3 (a) 0.1 30 02KL-4b 0.35 0.3 24 0.4 18 0.3 0.5 P(bar) Pressure (kbar) 0.35 0.35 0.3 12 0.2 Xprp Xgrs 6 0 400 500 600 700 800 T (°C) 36 0.2 0.1 (b) 02KL-4e 0.15 0.2 Pressure (kbar) 30 24 0.3 0.4 18 0.5 0.6 12 0.35 0.3 Xprp Xgrs 6 0 400 0.2 500 600 700 800 T (°C) 36 (c) 0.2 02KL-4f 0.2 0.3 30 0.4 Pressure (kbar) 0.3 0.4 24 0.45 18 12 6 0 400 Xprp Xgrs 500 600 700 800 T (°C) Fig. 10. Isopleths of Xprp and Xgrs for coronal eclogite (02KL4b) (a), transitional coronal eclogite (02KL-4e) (b) and normal eclogite (02KL-4f) (c). Oblique rectangle, intercept P–T condition of Xprp and Xgrs isopleths. bearing eclogite, which yielded conditions of 27–33 kbar and 610–720 C for normal and coronal eclogites. The uncertainty of the thermometer and barometer are ±3 kbar and ±65 C, respectively (Krogh Ravna & Terry, 2004). Pressure calculation is difficult for phengite-free eclogite. In the case of the phengite-free eclogite in coherent contact with phengite-bearing eclogite, it is assumed that both were formed at similar pressure as they have a similar metamorphic history. For phengite-free eclogite from body 5, a temperature range of 660 to 710 ± 65 C was obtained at an average pressure of 30 kbar using the Fe2+–Mg exchange thermometer of Grt–Cpx (Krogh Ravna, 2000). For the phengite-bearing eclogite at the estimated pressure, the Grt–Cpx thermometer of Powell (1985) yielded a slightly high temperature range of 640–785 C (Table 6), which is similar to the temperature estimate for Kulet coesitebearing eclogite by Ota et al. (2000). The amphibole-out line within the quartz stability field occurs at lower P–T conditions of 675 C at 27.7 kbar to 750 C at 21.5 kbar than the zoisite-out line (680 C at 28.5 kbar to 750 C at 26 kbar) for sample 02KL-4b (Fig. 9a). For sample 02KL-4f, the amphibole-out line is defined by higher P–T conditions (695 C at 28.3 kbar to 750 C at 24 kbar) than the zoisite-out line (675 C at 27.7 kbar to 750 C at 23 kbar). In contrast, zoisite-out occurs at much lower pressure (<17 kbar), whereas amphibole disappears at higher temperature (756 C at 28.5 kbar to 800 at 25 kbar) for 02KL-4e in comparison with other two samples. In sample 02KL-4e, omphacite occurs as patches consisting of numerous very fine-grained laths, suggesting that these tiny omphacite laths have not recrystallized to a coarser single crystal. So the isopleths of Xgrs and Xrp in garnet were used to estimate the peak P–T conditions. For sample 02KL-4e, the isopleths of Xgrs (19–20 mol.%) and Xprp (20–21 mol.%) yield 26–27 kbar and 710–720 C. For sample 4f, the Xgrs and Xprp are 0.18 and 0.23 mol.%, respectively (in Table 4, only average or representative values are shown). For sample 02KL-4b, both Xgrs and Xprp are 0.27 mol.%. The isopleths yield peak P–T conditions of 35 kbar, 560 C for sample 02KL-4f and 35 kbar 610 C for sample 02KL-4b (Fig. 10a,b). The P–T conditions for the final two samples imply that a probable UHP assemblage Omp + Ph + Amp + Grt + Law + Coe was present. However, lawsonite and coesite were not found in the eclogites. This inconsistency may result from some uncertainties of the P–T pseudosection calculation; for example, all iron is assumed as FeO that converted from Fe2O3 in Table 1, the composition of garnet may vary in different textural domains and the fluid was saturated. In addition, retrograde metamorphism may have modified the mineral assemblage; when pressure decreases with increasing temperature, lawsonite broke down and coesite was converted to quartz. Stage IV This stage is characterized by the replacement of eclogite minerals by retrograde phases that only developed in 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 553 some eclogites. Garnet is surrounded by amphibole, and phengite decreases in Si pfu or is replaced by biotite (e.g., in sample 99KL-3-2d) and in turn by chlorite. Omphacite is locally rimmed by symplectite of Amp ± Cpx ± Ab. This indicates a retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite to greenschist facies. The P–T conditions are roughly estimated as <6 kbar and <500 C based on the presence of a retrograde assemblage of Amp + Pl + Qz + Bt + Chl (see Fig. 9). compositional difference may be attributed to magmatic or metamorphic differentiation rather than different tectonic setting in which they formed. Overall, the protoliths of the Kulet eclogites are interpreted to have formed in a continental marginal basin setting similar to eclogites from the Kumd-Kol and Barch-Kol areas, and Sulu-Tjube and Saldat-Kol areas, in spite of some of these eclogites having higher FeO ⁄ MgO ratios and lower Al2O3 content (Fig. 11b,d). DISCUSSION Processes involved in the formation of coronal and UHP eclogites Tectonic setting of protolith All eclogites have similar basaltic composition and, with one exception, fall in the tholeiite field of the SiO2 v. Zr ⁄ TiO2 diagram (Winchester & Floyd, 1977). The REE patterns of the Kulet eclogites are similar to arc tholeiite or E-MORB, but different from N-MORB that is characterized by slight depletion in LREE relative to MREE and HREE. The trace element pattern of sample 02KL-3 is almost the same as arc basalt. For other samples the enrichment in Th and U and depletion in Nb and Ta, are similar to arc basalt, but negative Ba and Sr anomalies are not consistent with arc basalt. Previous studies on high-P mafic rocks from New Caledonia and other HP ⁄ UHP terranes (such as Western Alps and Sulu terranes) indicated that there are no significant changes in HFSE and REE abundances during subduction-zone metamorphism (Becker et al., 2000; Chalot-Prat et al., 2003; Spandler et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2008). In this scenario, several discrimination diagrams are used to decipher the initial tectonic setting of basaltic protolith (Fig. 11). For comparison, previously reported data of eclogites from the Kulet and Kumdy Kol domains (Yamamoto et al., 2000b; Yui et al., 2010) are included. In the 2Nb– Zr ⁄ 4–Y (Meschede, 1986) and FeO ⁄ MgO–TiO2 (Glassily, 1974) diagrams (Fig. 11a,b), most Kulet eclogites plot in MORB and IAB fields. There are only two normal eclogite samples with >2.5 wt% TiO2 that plot in the OIB field in addition to one sample from Yui et al. (2010). The Kulet eclogites have low Nb and Ta, similar to IAB, but they have much lower Ba and Sr than those of arc tholeiite. These features may indicate that the protolith of the Kulet eclogite is neither typical MORB nor typical IAB. In the Th ⁄ Yb– Nb ⁄ Yb diagram (Fig. 11c), samples show variable displacement from the MORB–OIB array, but lie away from the volcanic arc array indicative of crustal input or crustal interaction with oceanic basalts. These features are typical for volcanic rocks formed at a continental margin or intra-oceanic arc setting (Pearce, 2008). Furthermore, in Al2O3 v. TiO2 diagram, all low Ti basaltic rocks are in, or close to the field of back arc basin basalt (Fig. 11d). Minor high Ti basaltic rocks have affinities to either OIB or Fe–Ti basalt. Both highTi and low-Ti eclogites occur in an individual body. The 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd As described above, coronal eclogite is a major rock type in most eclogitic bodies and is characterized by the growth of garnet corona and fine-grained omphacite laths, and the formation of eclogitic domains with the assemblage of Grt + Omp + Rt + Qz ± Ph. It records two processes. (i) Corona1 garnet crystals initially grew along the interphase boundaries between amphibole and adjacent phases, such as zoisite and plagioclase. In addition, neoblastic garnet and omphacite also formed within zoisite and amphibole crystals (Fig. 4b,c). (ii) With increasing pressure, the amphibole, zoisite and other amphibolite facies phases were completely replaced by eclogitic minerals to form amphibole-free eclogite domains. However, the garnet corona texture is still preserved and omphacite occurs as aggregates or patches consisting of many fine-grained omphacite laths rather than discrete coarser crystal (Fig. 4d). The possible reactions for such transformation from amphibolite to eclogite are: Na2 ½AlSi3 O8 2 ¼ 2SiO2 þ 2NaAl[Si2 O6 Qz Ab in P1 ð1Þ Jd in Omp Ca2 Al2:7 M0:3 ðSiO4 Þ½Si2 O7 ðOHÞ2 Zo þNa0:5 ðCa1:5 Na0:5 Þ2 ðM4:6 Al0:4 Þ5 ½Si3:5 Al0:5 O11 2 ðOHÞ2 Amp þ0:4SiO2 ¼ðCa0:6 M2:4 Þ3 Al2 ½SiO4 3 þNaAl½Si2 O6 Qz Grt þ2:5CaM½Si2 O6 þ0:4CaAl½AlSiO6 þ2H2 O Omp þ0:1Al2 O3 ð2Þ where M = Mg, Fe. The most important reaction is the dehydration reaction (2) leading to the disappearance of hydrous phases to form normal eclogites. The coronal garnet in transitional rocks shows three zoning types depending on many factors, such as the position of nucleation, chemical gradient of intergrains, intergranular and volume diffusion, etc. For example, neoblastic garnet within zoisite has higher grs and lower prp components than that at interphase boundaries (see Fig. 7b), as the zoisite provided sufficient Ca and Al for its formation. According to the pseudosections of Fig. 9, 554 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. 2Nb 4 This study Body 3 body 4 Body 5 A 3 B C OIB 2 0 E 0 Y 1 2 3 4 5 TiO2 y 10 IAB 1 D Zr/4 (b) MO RB (a) FeO/MgO A: WPA B: WPAB + WPT C: E-MORB D: WPT + VAB E: VAB + N-MORB ar ra (c) 22 (d) ra ar -O 18 M O Al2 O3 RB Magmacrust interaction Th/Yb Kumdy-Kol Barch-Kol Kulet Saldat-Kol Sulu-Tjube Previous studies 20 IB lca Vo 1 y c ar ni c OIB E-MORB 0.1 BABB MORB 16 OIB 14 N-MORB 12 Ti-Fe basalt 0.01 0.1 10 1 10 100 Nb/Yb 0 1 2 3 4 5 TiO2 Fig. 11. Four discrimination diagrams for the Kulet eclogites: (a) 2Nb-Zr ⁄ 4-Y (Meschede, 1986), (b) FeO ⁄ MgO v. TiO2 (Glassily, 1974), (c) Th ⁄ Yb v. Nb ⁄ Yb (Pearce, 2008) and (d) Al2O3 v. TiO2 (modified after Spandler et al., 2004). BABB, back arc basin basalt; IAB, island arc basalt; MORB, mid-ocean ridge basalt; E-MORB, enriched MORB; N-MORB, normal MORB; OIB, oceanic island basalt; VAB, volcanic arc basalt; WPAB, within plate alkaline basalt; WPT, within plate tholeiite. The data from previous studies expressed by open diamond and circle after Yui et al. (2010), and others after Yamamoto et al. (2000b). although garnet and omphacite appear at this stage, amphibole and zoisite have not yet completely disappeared. With the advance of eclogitization, the coalescence and coarsening processes of garnet and omphacite occurred. The garnet aggregates changed from coronas through strongly poikiloblastic to recrystallized polygonal grains; concomitantly, the grain size increases. Such mineralogical and textural transformations are also well documented in the Yangkou coesitebearing eclogite block in eastern China by Zhang & Liou (1997). During the coalescence and coarsening processes of garnet, many tiny inclusions of quartz, omphacite, rutile with minor taramite and plagioclase were trapped (Fig. 3a,b; Table 2). Meanwhile, omphacite lath aggregates were recrystallized into coarser single crystals in spite of a few omphacite aggregates still persisting in some eclogites. These processes led to the formation of fully recrystallized normal eclogite. Although no coesite inclusions were found in either eclogitic garnet or omphacite coesite inclusions in garnet occur in some country rocks (such as coesitebearing metapelite with Grt + Ph + Ky + Coe ⁄ Qz assemblage) of the Kulet eclogite (Shatsky et al., 1998; Masago et al., 2009) and in closely associated whiteschist (Parkinson, 2000). Our peak P–T estimates of 27–33 ± 3 kbar and 610–720 ± 65 C for the Kulet eclogite are compatible with the maximum P–T estimate (33 kbar and 750 C) for the nearby country rocks (Masago et al., 2009) and most estimates for the Kulet eclogites by Ota et al. (2000). All the lines of evidence indicate that the Kulet eclogite was subjected to in situ UHP metamorphism, and the Kulet area is a part of the Kokchetav UHP metamorphic belt. 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 555 60 Coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites Kulet Ko l Ku m dy w Metapelite (Masago et al., 2009) Eclogite (this study) Eclogite (Ota et al., 2000) White schist (Zhang et al., 1997; Parkinson, 2000) 160 km -1 50 o C Kumdy-Kol 5 Dia-bearing rock (Shatsky et al., 1985; Zhang et al., 1997) Dia Gr UHP w EC III sLw III 30 120 Dry-EC Coe Qz Ep-EC 80 AM-EC II 20 Depth (km) 40 Pressure(kbar) The coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites in a single body in the Kulet UHP unit is a remarkable feature. The pseudosections (Fig. 9) show that the P–T conditions of zoisite- and amphibole-out vary with different bulk composition. For instance, at 28 kbar, the transitional coronal eclogite 02KL-4e [with higher FeO (+TiO2) and lower MgO and SiO2 compared with samples 2KL-4b & 4f], the temperature of amphibole-out from the assemblage Omp + Ph + Amp + Grt + Qz is 760 C and zoisite-out is at much lower P–T (Fig. 9b). The normal eclogite (02KL-4f) has the highest SiO2 (52.27 wt%) and the lowest FeOtotel (8.77 wt%) for which this amphibole-out is 700 C at 28 kbar. For the coronal eclogite (02KL-4b) containing high CaO (12.44 wt%) and Zo (>15 vol%), zoisite-out is at higher pressure than amphibole-out (Fig. 9a). Two observed assemblages Omp + Ph + Amp + Grt + Qz for coronal eclogite 4e and Omp + Ph + Grt + Coe ⁄ Qz for normal eclogite 02KL-4f coexist at 700 C and 28 kbar in the pseudosections of the two samples. For sample 02KL-4b, the observed mineral assemblage of Omp + Ph + Grt + Zo + Amp + Qz is slightly different from the calculated assemblage (Omp + Ph + Grt + Zo + Qz) at 700 C and 28 kbar in the pseudosections; however, the observed assemblage would occur at 25 C lower temperatures. These indicate that the coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites in a single body in the Kulet UHP unit is chiefly controlled by bulk composition of eclogite. BS Ep-EC 40 EA 10 I GS 200 400 AM IV 600 GR 800 1000 T (°C) Tectonic implications Fig. 12. P–T path of the Kulet eclogite. P–T boundaries of various metamorphic facies are indicated: GR, granulite, AM, amphibolite, EA, epidote amphibolite, BS, blueschist schist, GS, greenschist. The subdivisions of eclogite (EC) of amphibole eclogite (Amp-EC), epidote eclogite (Ep-EC), lawsonite eclogite (Lws-EC) and dry eclogite are also indicated. The P–T data and retrograde path of Kumdy-Kol UHP rocks are from Shatsky et al. (1995) and Zhang et al. (1997). The peak P–T conditions of the Kulet whiteschist are after Zhang et al. (1997) and Parkinson (2000). As discussed above, the Kulet protoliths and most other HP–UHP rocks in the western diamond-bearing domain initially formed in a passive continent marginal basin. Moreover, eclogites of basaltic composition are widespread in the Kokchetav massif, especially in unit II, suggesting that significant volcanic (or plutonic) activity took place during the late Proterozoic, and the transitional crust displays features suggesting a volcanic rifted margin. The fault-bounded western and eastern domains exhibit different peak metamorphic P–T conditions (Fig. 12). Diamond-bearing metasedimentary rocks and eclogites in the western domain recrystallized at 40–60 kbar 800–1000 C (Shatsky et al., 1995; Zhang et al., 1997; Maruyama & Parkinson, 2000) and underwent partial melting during the initial stages of exhumation (Hermann et al., 2001; Korsakov & Hermann, 2006; Ragozin et al., 2009). In contrast, eclogites, whiteschists and garnet-bearing mica schists in the eastern domain were metamorphosed at 27–36 kbar, and 680–780 C (Zhang et al., 1997; Ota et al., 2000; Masago et al., 2009; this study). Thus, there is 120– 220 C difference between the two domains. The geological relationships are not well known between various units because of geographic inaccessibility and poor outcrops. According to Dobretsov et al. (1995), the Kokchetav massif is a mega-mélange composed of various slices and blocks formed under different P–T conditions. Theunissen et al. (2000a,b) followed the mega-mélange concept and distinguished the KumdyKol diamond-bearing western domain from the Kulet coesite-bearing eastern domain separated by a NEtrending Chaglinka fault zone. The western domain exhibits a sheath-like fold structure, and was subjected to early melting, whereas the eastern domain has a sheet-like geometry. These domains were subjected to different structural and exhumation histories (Theunissen et al., 2000b). On the other hand, Maruyama & Parkinson (2000) and Kaneko et al. (2000) postulated a single wedge extrusion model to explain exhumation of the UHP–HP units. Combining the Kumdy-Kol and Kulet terranes into a single UHP unit, they proposed that the primary structure of the Kokchetav massif involves subhorizontal, sandwich-like sheets. The UHP–HP units are separated from the low-P Daulet unit at the bottom by a reverse fault and from weakly and unmetamorphosed sedimentary strata on the top by subhorizontal normal faults. The HP–UHP belt represents a thrust sheet exhumed from upper mantle 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 556 R. Y. ZHANG ET AL. (1) Continental rifting NE Siberian platform (SP) Ocean Kazakhstanian continent (KC) SW KC SW (2) Passive margin formation NE Ocean SP (3) Continental subduction KC SP Continental lithosphere Upper mantle 100 km Sediments Oceanic crust ab (4) Deep subduction and slab breakoff Based on our own and previously published geological, geochronological and geochemical data, we propose a tentative tectonic model to explain the formation and exhumation of the Kulet UHP metamorphic rocks as illustrated in Fig. 13. In the Late Proterozoic, a small ocean lay between the Siberian platform and the Kazakhstanian continent – possibly created by continental rifting (Fig. 13-1). A thick terrigenous sedimentary wedge formed along the SW continental slope and margin of the ocean (Massakovsky & Dergunov, 1985). Concurrently, significant volcanic (or plutonic) activity produced considerable amounts of mafic igneous rocks associated with the passive continent marginal sediments (Fig. 13-2). The marginal sediments + mafic and supracrustal rocks of the Kazakhstanian continent (or the Kokchetav microcontinent) were subducted to mantle depths along with a downgoing oceanic lithosphere. During the prolonged subduction of continental lithosphere, two or more slabs may have formed and subducted to different depths (Fig. 13-3), where they were subjected to UHP metamorphism at 537–527 Ma (Claoue-Long et al., 1991; Hermann et al., 2001; Katayama et al., 2001). At least two UHP slabs (diamond- and coesitegrade) and one HP unit were subsequently exhumed, most probably due to buoyancy (e.g., Ernst, 2006) immediately after a hypothesized breakoff of the down-going oceanic lithosphere (Fig. 13-4). Finally, discrete HP–UHP slabs were retrograded under different P–T conditions at mid-crust levels in Late Cambrian time (Fig. 13-5). Attending early exhumation of the diamond-grade western domain, partial melting of some of the metasedimentary rocks at mantle depths took place at or later than 526 Ma (Ragozin et al., 2009). Exhumation of the subducted slabs occurred during 526–507 Ma, as H U Mantle wedge A new tectonic model P sl depths to shallower crustal levels by subhorizontal tectonic extrusion towards the north and emplaced onto the low-P Daulet unit. Based on the peak pressure estimate, the Kulet domain was only subducted to mantle depths of 100 km, much shallower than that (180 km) of the Kumdy-Kol domain. These characteristics suggest the high-T diamond-bearing Kumdy-Kol domain (unit I) and the coesite-bearing Kulet domain (unit II) may represent two discrete UHP slices separated by faults. Relatively shallow subduction and rapid exhumation may explain the low-T metamorphism of the Kulet unit. However, geochronological data are necessary to constrain the timing of subduction and exhumation of the Kulet unit. Such multiple UHP slices with different P–T estimates within a single UHP belt or stack of nappes during exhumation of UHP continental crust have been documented in the Dabie-Sulu UHP terrane (Liu et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2009) and in the DoraMaira massif (Michard et al., 1993). Continental lithosphere 100 km 200 km Slab breakoff Dyke/intrusives Volcanics Passive margin Eclogite Dia-bearing rock (5) Exhumation Fig. 13. Schematic diagram showing a preliminary tectonic model for the evolution of the Kokchetav HP-UHP massif. (1)– (2), Continent rifting created a small oceanic basin and a passive margin (between oceanic and continental crust) in the Late Proterozoic. (3)–(4) Continental lithosphere and its overlying passive marginal sediments and mafic rocks were subducted to mantle depths of 180–200 km and subjected to UHP metamorphism at 530 Ma. (5) Exhumation of UHP slabs following the breakoff of oceanic lithosphere took place at 526–507 Ma (Herman et al., 2001; Katayama et al., 2001; Ragozin et al., 2009); the HP-UHP slices were extruded to and recrystallized at crustal depths during exhumation. indicated by cooling ages of biotite and white mica (Shatsky et al., 1999; Theunissen et al., 2000a) and U– Pb ages of retrograde domain of zircon from diamondbearing rocks (Hermann et al., 2001); a much younger age of 507 Ma for the latest amphibolite facies overprinting was also recorded in retrograde domains of zircon from Kumdy-Kol diamond-bearing rocks (Katayama et al., 2001). Doming, extension and erosion might have played an important role in the final stage of exhumation and amphibolite- to greenschist facies recrystallization (Maruyama & Parkinson, 2000; Dobretsov & Shatsky, 2004; Ernst, 2006). The tectonic 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ORIGIN OF THE KULET ECLOGITE 557 juxtaposition of the western diamond-bearing, eastern coesite-bearing UHP and adjacent HP slices occurred during this exhumation. As most geochronological data for UHP and retrograde metamorphism mentioned above are for western, diamond-grade UHP rocks, the tectonic model mentioned above should be considered as a very tentative. Systematic geochronological study of prograde and retrograde amphiboles as well as U–Pb zircon ages of Kulet eclogitic rocks described above are essential to delineate more precisely the timing for subduction and exhumation of the eastern coesite-grade Kulet domain. CONCLUSIONS Detailed petrological and geochemical studies of five Kulet eclogite bodies give rise to the following conclusions: 1 The Kulet eclogite is rare in recording a continuous transformation sequence from amphibolite through transitional rock (coronal eclogite) to fully recrystallized normal eclogite, and the coexistence of coronal and normal eclogites in a single body. The P–T pseudosections indicate that the coexistence of two-type eclogites with different texture and mineral assemblage is chiefly controlled by bulk composition when they have had same metamorphic evolution. 2 All eclogites from the Kulet area have similar basaltic composition (tholeiite). Major and trace element data of various eclogites suggest that their protoliths were formed in a passive continent marginal basin. 3 The Kulet eclogite experienced four stages of metamorphic evolution: (I) pre-eclogite stage (an amphibolite facies metamorphism), (II) transition from amphibolite to eclogite, (III) a peak eclogite stage with prograde transformation from coronal eclogite to UHP eclogite and (IV) retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite to greenschist facies. P–T estimates of various stages yielded a clockwise P–T path and peak P–T conditions of 27–33 ± 3 kbar and 610–720 ± 65 C and 27–35 kbar 560–720 C using Omp–Grt–Ph thermobarometer and isopleths of Xgrs and Xgrs of garnet, respectively. 4 The difference in peak P–T conditions between the western Kumdy-Kol domain (40–60 kbar, 800– 1000 C) and the eastern Kulet domain (27–36 kbar, 650–780 C) is attributed to different structural evolution and subduction depths of two thrust UHP slices. The tectonic juxtaposition of the two UHP slices and adjacent HP slices took place during exhumation. The very tentative tectonic model needs to be significantly improved by the structural and geochronologic studies in the future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by NSF EAR-0003355, EAR-0506901, EAR-0810969 and was partially sup 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd ported by National Science Council of Taiwan. We sincerely appreciate J. Gillotti and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments. We thank H.-P. Schertl for kindly providing many useful information and references, and W.G. Ernst for helpful review and discussion related to tectonic model. Finally, we thank D. Robinson for his editorial correction and suggestions for revision. REFERENCES Becker, H., Jochum, K.P. & Carlson, R.W., 2000. Trace elements fractionation during dehydration of eclogite from high-pressure terranes and the implications for element fluxes in subduction zones. Chemical Geology, 163, 65–69. 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SUPPORTING INFORMATION Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article: Table S1. Mineral compositions of eclogites from body 1. Table S2. Mineral compositions of eclogites from body 2. Table S3. Mineral compositions of eclogites from bodies 3 and 5. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell are not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Received 30 March 2011; revision accepted 22 March 2012.
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