C/ Valencia, 5 _46016 Tavernes Blanques (Valencia) T. +34 963 883 333 _F. +34 963 883 302 MERCADONA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 2011-2012 INDEX Introduction.............................................................................2 1. Sustainable Logistics..........................................................4 2. Energy Savings.................................................................10 3. Waste Management.........................................................18 4.Commitments..................................................................28 5. Communication................................................................36 6.Relevant data for 2011-2012............................................40 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 1 INTRODUCTION Mercadona is a family-owned supermarket company with a 100% Spanish core capital, whose main goal ever since it was founded is to provide full satisfaction to its clients’ needs related to food and beverages, household cleaning, personal hygiene products, as well as pet-care. Working within the framework of our “Total Quality” management model, Mercadona’s environmental strategy is focused on an efficient use of the resources in order to achieve “more with less” and becoming evermore productive. Part of this management system is related to the conception and the development of new and improved ways to reduce wastage and the development of systems that would enable to transform such waste materials into resources, closing the cycle of the Circular Economy. Within this overall objective, Mercadona focuses its efforts to reduce its impact on the environment in three main domains: • Sustainable Logistics • Energy Savings • Waste Management MERCADONA AT PRESENT DAY (as of December 31st, 2012) • Family owned company, 100% Spanish core capital. • 1,411 local stores. • 10 logistics blocks, 2 planned / under construction and 2 satellite warehouses. • 4.7 million households. • 9,647 million “kililiters” (sales units). • 19,077 million Euros turnover. • 74,000 strong workforce. • Over 2,000 suppliers, of which over one hundred are integrated suppliers. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 3 1. SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS The transport of goods is one of the activities with the highest impact on the environment, in terms of both fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere. In Mercadona we are continuously working to achieve ever-more efficient logistics, with the overall goal of “Transporting more with less resources” and raising productivity. Throughout the years different strategies have been implemented in order to improve transport efficiency, consisting in, among others, avoiding empty trucks, optimizing truck’s payloads, and strengthening inter-modal transport systems as well as bringing suppliers closer to the logistics blocks in order to reduce the roadkilometers run. 1.1 The strategy of “8ting” 1.2 Truck’s payloads 1.3 Bringing suppliers closer 1.4 Silent Nighttime Unloading 1.5 Intermodal transport 1.1 The strategy of “8ting” In order to avoid truck trips without payloads, the company plans ahead its delivery routes with extreme care, having the same truck download and / or upload goods successively along all the points foreseen in its route, tracing an eight-figure route: suppliers, warehouses, and stores. In this way, the goods may be delivered with the necessary speed to their destinations and trucks complete “full-lorry” trips. Moreover Mercadona and its integrated service-supplier Acotral have been working hard and closely in order to renew its truck fleet, adapting it to the highest efficiency standards –Euro IV and Euro V– as established by the European Union. These standards define the criteria an engine must comply with in order to be more efficient and less pollutant. The criteria cover, among others, fuel efficiency and reduction of gas and particles emissions. This is an ongoing process aiming to improve the efficiency of the fleet. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 5 1.2 Truck’s payloads It is important that every truck shall transport the maximum possible payload, within the established parameters of security, in order to save resources and increase the efficiency of every trip. Following this principle, our logistics staff undertakes careful studies on the best ways of stacking and palletizing the goods in order to achieve a better and improved use of the available space. Packaging eco-design (see page 19) has a crucially important role in this process. Logistics Optimization: km/m3 of products delivered to the stores 10.4 10.8 11.5 12.6 2012 2011 2010 2009 Thanks to the efforts undertaken in order to improve the efficiency of the company’s logistics, each and every cubic meter of goods that is delivered to the stores runs an ever shorter trip. 6 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 1.3 Bringing suppliers closer Reducing trip distance for trucks permits to achieve a more efficient transport as well as optimizing the whole of the distribution process. Hence, within its growth and expansion policy, Mercadona works to locate its new logistics blocks in such a way as to reduce the average distance run by the trucks between the warehouses and the integrated suppliers, as well as the distance between the warehouses and the stores, progressively reducing both. Our integrated suppliers also take this into account within their own growth policies, locating their new premises near to Mercadona’s logistics blocks whenever possible. 1.4 Silent Nighttime Unloading In order to become evermore invisible to our neighbors and reduce the impact of urban distribution, Mercadona has implemented the Silent Nighttime Unloading of goods in 466 of our stores. By means of this time savings system of delivery, less trucks circulate in the city streets, thus improving mobility in urban areas, as well as reducing both noise pollution and the overall emission of greenhouse effect gases during the whole process. The unloading of goods within urban areas in off-peak traffic hours with vehicles capable of transporting larger payloads enables savings in fuel that may reach up to 70% by the ton Silent Nighttime Unloading at our store located in C/ Lauria, Valencia. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 7 1.5 Intermodal transport Increasing the volume of the goods transported by ship and freight-train enables to reduce the environmental impact of transport. Mercadona has followed the strategy of using the freight-train networks for the products that, on the basis of their weight or volume, would need a large amount of truck payloads to be distributed. As it happens with road transport, routes are carefully planned so the trains do not run without payloads, taking into account both the weight and volume of the goods. 540 freight-trains per year LEÓN VALLADOLID ZARAGOZA TARRAGONA BARCELONA MADRID VALENCIA A PALMA DE MALLORCA ALICANTE GRANADA SEVILLA MÁLAGA Areas under the influence of: LOGISTICS BLOCK operational TENERIFE LOGISTICS BLOCK planned / under construction A FUERTEVENTURA GRAN CANARIA A SATELLITE WAREHOUSES Freight-train routes 8 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Highlights of the ongoing efforts in order to achieve sustainable logistics during 2011 and 2012: Sparing 17 million of road-run kilometers due to the implementation of improvements in logistics in 2011 and over additional 11 million km avoided during 2012. By 2012, 85% of the fleet abides to the Euro V standard 466 stores fully equipped for Silent Nighttime Unloading Environmental Policy 2011-2012 9 2. ENERGY SAVINGS The consumption of energy in both stores and warehouses is a crucial area to act upon in order to increase the efficiency of the company. Mercadona has implemented a monitoring system to control energy consumption in stores and warehouses which enables us to identify and implement the most efficient energy saving policies. This system, together with an ongoing program of training and awareness on energy related matters aimed at our staff in stores as well as in warehouses enables to detect energywasting points, and to implement corrective measures. The main goal is to consume only the energy that is necessary for the optimum operational functioning of both the processess and the premises. 2.1 Stores 2.2 Warehouses 2.3 Refrigerant gases 10 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Mercadona’s energy consumption is split as follows: 13% warehouses 1% offices 86% stores How energy is consumed in a standard supermarket: 50 % refrigeration 6% oven/bakery 25% lighting 14% air conditioning 5% sockets The whole of Mercadona’s staff is trained in good practices focused on energy savings Environmental Policy 2011-2012 11 Better use of daylight Regulation of artificial lighting according to daylight Heat-exchangers to help with the air conditioning of the store ENTRY AIR FLOW 21º EXIT AIR FLOW 12 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Lower ceilings in order to improve air-conditioning efficiency. 2.1 Stores Mercadona’s stores include several improvements related to air conditioning, lighting and insulation of the premises in order to reduce the energy consumption. To the 20 energy saving measures that Mercadona implemented for its supermarket’s standards in 2007 additional ones have been included during 2011 and 2012, as for example a more efficient lighting, automated switch-off systems, or floating condensation systems in the frozen goods sections. These measures have achieved a 20% reduction of electricity consumption in comparison to a conventional store. All our staff is trained in good practices related to energy savings, being their implementation absolutely crucial in order to curb energy consumption in our stores. Low consumption lighting Electric consumption: kWh/m3 of goods delivered to the stores 2012 2011 2010 2009 61 65.8 67.9 68 The energy saving measures have reduced the demand of energy per every cubic meter delivered to the stores. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 13 2.2 Warehouses We also implement energy saving good practices in our warehouses. Moreover, many measures have been undertaken in order to reduce consumption, such as: • Kinetic Energy Recovery System (installed in our logistics block in Villadangos del Páramo). • Windows and skylights to take advantage of daylight inside the buildings. • Presence detectors in staff areas. • Low consumption lighting systems. Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems. • Frequency variators. • Heat-exchangers for the bread production lines and bakery ovens. • Hydraulic-sealing docks to avoid losing refrigeration during the unloading and loading of trucks. • LED screens. • Improvements in thermal insulation. All these measures strengthen one another and are complementary to the training of our staff in energy saving matters. Use of daylight by means of skylights. 14 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Other environmentally friendly measures include water deposits for the collection of rainfall and hydrocarbon separators in the outflow of the rainfall network. 2.3 Refrigerant gases Refrigeration systems may be up to 50% of the energy consumption of a store, and they involve the use of refrigerant gases, which do have an impact if released on the environment. Hence, in 2011 was launched a program to control the leaks of refrigerant gases, in order to detect as soon as possible any losses which may reduce the efficency of the refrigeration as well as contribute to global warming. This program involves daily system check-ups, enabling immediate detection and repair of any possible leaks. Positive effects have been detected as soon as 2012. Refrigerant gases: g/m3 2012 2011 2010 2009 8.1 10.5 10.2 9.4 Early detection and repair of leaks, the ongoing improvement of the premises and the preventive maintenance program, contribute to the substantial reduction of refrigerant gas leaks in the company. However, we know there’s still a long way to go. Supermarket located in Vía Augusta, Tarragona. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 15 Supermarket located in the Almazara mall, in San Vicente del Raspeig, Alicante. 16 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Highlights of the ongoing efforts in energy savings during the 2011 - 2012 period: Eco-efficient stores In 2011 420 In 2012 535 Substantial efforts were made during 2011, leading to 100% of the stores fitted with heat exchangers, which has enabled 87,000 kWh per store / year in energy savings Overall savings for the company: In 2011 In 2012 million de kWh million de kWh 72 135 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 17 3. WASTE MANAGEMENT Waste generated by the retailing distribution is an important part of its environmental impact. In order to reduce it, Mercadona has been working actively on its process as well as cooperating closely with its integrated suppliers. The reduction of packaging materials has to be balanced with packaging’s capability to prevent losses and wastage during the whole process by preserving both food security and product integrity. To preserve this balance is a task that involves close cooperation along the whole of the company’s food supply chain. Besides working to reduce the generation of waste materials in its process, Mercadona and its integrated suppliers work closely in order to efficently retrieve valuable materials and to provide a new use for by-products, which otherwise would be wasted. The purpose is to achieve the so called “Circular Economy”: transforming waste materials into resources. 3.1 Waste prevention strategies a) Ecodesign b) Prevention of food wastage c) Other strategies 3.2 Recycling and waste management 3.3 Circular Economy 18 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 3.1 Waste prevention strategies a) Ecodesign: The purpose of ecodesign is assuring packaging’s main functionality of preserving and protecting food products, while also reducing the environmental impact caused by their storage, distribution and consumption. Glass 435 g PET 60 g • Substitution / Reduction of materials: reducing packaging weight without compromising the product’s safety permits transporting more units per truck payload as well as an easier storage and transport to the customer’s home. • The “Brad Pitt” strategy: suppressing unnecessary prints and serigraphy. This way the product can be seen as it is, not in a picture. • Compaction and concentration: eliminating part of the air or the water contained in the products reduces both their volume and their weight, requires less space for transport and storage and reduces packaging waste. • Improved stacking: packaging design to enable a better optimization of space has a positive outcome on both logistics and the storage at the customer’s home. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 19 b) Prevention of food wastage Mercadona focuses its efforts in reducing surpluses as well as product loss and wastage in both stores and warehouses. We have consequently developed many strategies at every link of our food supply chain. Some of those strategies are: • “Whole tree” purchases: finding use for the whole of a supplier’s production. % Waste / kg delivered 0.71% 0.70% 0.86% 0.98% 2012 2011 2010 2009 Mercadona continuously working to avoid product losses during its process. The adopted measures evidence that wastage reduction is possible, despite it being an extremely complex process. 20 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 • Fruit and vegetables: quality is prioritized over aesthetics and the produce comes directly from the fields, avoiding intermediate handling. • Daily placement of orders: stores and warehouses are served on a daily basis directly from the suppliers (by means of our own transport fleet) minimizing storage time. • Becoming more of a “corner store”: by adopting some behaviors of traditional retailing in order to sell-out some of the produce before it becomes spoiled. • “Siempre Precios Bajos” (Always Low Prices): by means of the Always Low Prices strategy, without promotions, we manage to have foreseeable demand, which facilitates order and stocks management and prevents our customers’ over-purchasing products they will not consume. Moreover, Mercadona has started to cooperate with charities, donating surplus products that, while not being suitable for sale, are perfectly suitable for consumption. Further information on this matter is available on our website: Environmental Policy 2011-2012 21 c) Other strategies The campaign promoted by AECOC aims to “reduce wastage throughout the food supply chain as well as optimizing the use of surpluses”. More information can be found at: In line with the above mentioned strategies, Mercadona has joined an initiative launched by the Association of Manufacturers and Distributors AECOC “La alimentación no tiene desperdicio, aprovéchala – Use food, don’t waste it” which aims to reduce the waste of foodstuffs throughout the food supply chain. Work is centered in two different areas. On the one hand the implementation of the necessary measures in order to increase efficiency in the process and the better use of foodstuffs. On the other hand, looking for ways to use surpluses, by means of either re-distribution or recovery. According to the European Union, 42% of food wastage happens at household level. Hence, besides cooperating with the campaign promoted by AECOC, Mercadona has been cooperating with consumer associations in the following projects: • “Understanding labeling - “Aprendiendo a leer el etiquetado”. This guide has been made in close cooperation with the Foro Interalimentario (Inter-food Forum) and the Federación de Usuarios y Consumidores Independientes (FUCI – Federation of Independent Users and Consumers), and it focuses on explaining to consumers all relevant information on food labels: preservation conditions, best-before and use-before dates, etc. • We have edited, in cooperation with the Asociación Valenciana de Consumidores y Usuarios (AVACU – Valencian Association of Users and Consumers), the guide “Aprovechemos los alimentos – Let’s make the most out of food” which provides advice and information in order to avoid food wastage in households. Both guides are available on the Mercadona Channel website: 22 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 • Prosol Capsules. Mercadona’s integrated supplier Prosol has created oxo-biodegradable capsules for toasted coffee, with a specific formulation that enables them to degrade once they have been used, generating water and CO2 as waste products. • Reduction in the consumption of single-use plastic bags. During 2011 Mercadona extended to the whole chain the campaign aiming to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bags that started in Catalonia in 2010. Plastic bags delivered per sales ticket The campaign, aiming to encourage customers to re-use plastic bags, was implemented by signing voluntary agreements with nearly all Autonomous Communities (Comunidades Autónomas), in order to comply with goals set by the National Integrated Plan for Waste Management (Plan Nacional Integrado de Residuos, PNIR). 2012 0.21 2011 0.90 2010 2009 During 2012 Mercadona reduced single-use plastic bag consumption over 90%, far over the set and foreseen goal. This means savings of over 13.000 tons of plastic per year. 3.05 3.23 Re-using the bags we all have at home has reduced over 90% the consumption of the single-use plastic bags in all stores since 2010. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 23 Recycling: kg/m3 5.21 6.14 6.52 5.83 2012 2011 2010 2009 Amount of recycled materials per every cubic meter of goods delivered to the stores. 3.2 Recycling and waste management • Waste materials, such as plastics, wood, expanded polystyrene and cardboard generated by Mercadona’s process are wholly recycled after a prior step of sorting and compaction in-store. The transport of those materials is done by reverse logistics, taking advantage of the return trips made by Mercadona’s truck fleet back to the warehouses. Part of the recycled cardboard and plastics return to the stores in the form of cereal or milkboxes, or as household cleaning goods (see page 27). PRODUCTS PACKAGING MATERIALS Cardboard: kg/m3 2012 2011 2010 2009 24 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 5.08 5.41 5.54 4.82 Expanded polyestyrene: kg/m3 Plastics: kg/m3 0.31 0.04 0.29 0.04 0.26 0.28 0.03 0.04 • Waste container rooms: this area is exclusively used to store the rubbish containers. It is equipped with ozone deodorizers and has double access (from the store and from the street), avoiding any impact of the containers on the urban environment. • Clean area: All warehouses and stores are equipped with areas on site, to safely store on the premises hazardous waste produced by maintenance works, until they are removed by authorized agents. By doing so we stop any hazardous waste from being thrown into the environment and we recuperate materials and resources, contributing to the reduction of the environmental impact caused by the company’s activities. Used batteries collected in our stores (tons) 2012 2011 2010 2009 152 154 130 61 Maintenance related waste materials: kg/m3 2012 2011 2010 2009 “Clean area” in the supermarket located at C/ Campos Crespo, Valencia. 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.016 The maintenance related waste materials are collected by authorized waste management companies for their appropriate processing. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 25 3.3 Circular Economy The best strategy to reduce waste is to not generate it. Despite the fact that currently this goal is not 100% achievable, Mercadona works at every level in order to reduce and re-use the waste materials it generates. Those can be valuable resources for other processes, complying with the Circular Economy axiom of “Transforming waste materials into resources”. Some of Mercadona’s integrated suppliers have developed innovative processes to take advantage of waste materials from other processes within the food-supply chain. Products Treatment Retrieving of raw materials + + Process related waste New products 26 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 • Plastic recuperation (Sp-Berner). In 2011 arrived in Mercadona’s stores a new family of household cleaning goods made from the recycled plastic waste generated by Mercadona as well as by other integrated suppliers. This process has been developed by Sp-Berner. • Retrieving flour for animal feed. Grupo Siro, Mercadona’s integrated supplier, processes the by-products of its factories, where the Hacendado (Mercadona’s Own Brand) products are made, by turning them into raw materials for animal feed, saving resources and reducing the overall wastage within the food supply chain. • Re-usable packaging (Logifruit). It is a closed cycle in which the transport and storage of goods is made in re-usable boxes that are washed and retrieved throughout many uses. Damaged boxes are used to make more boxes as well as plastic pallets, closing the cycle. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 27 4. COMMITMENTS Within its “Total Quality” management model, Mercadona regards its suppliers as one of the basic pillars for the smooth running of the company. In this sense, concerning their production process both sustainability and responsibility are unavoidable values in order to offer to our clients the highest quality at the best possible price. Hence, Mercadona launched a few years ago a series of projects aiming to increase sustainability within the food supply chain. In this section we shall highlight two of these projects, as well as the efforts that have been undertaken by the company’s integrated suppliers in order to improve their environmental policies. 4.1 Responsible production 4.2 Sustainable fishing 4.3 Animal welfare 28 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 4.1 Responsible production Mercadona’s integrated suppliers are wholly aware of the need to implement responsible production systems within their industrial sectors, and in this sense, many of them have been certified, or have undertaken the necessary steps to have their environmental management system certified by well-known international standards. By the end of 2012, 88% of the production premises of our integrated suppliers had already obtained an environmental certification such as ISO 14001, EMAS or some other equivalent standard. The remaining 12% have undertaken the necessary steps to become certified Integrated suppliers with certified environmental management standards 2012 2011 2010 2009 88% 83% 81% 67% Unión Martín Montesinos Environmental Policy 2011-2012 29 4.2 Sustainable fishing Mercadona has launched a program in cooperation with its suppliers in order to grant the sustainability of the fish products it sells on its stores. During 2012 the Fish Purchasing Policy was approved. The goal aimed by this policy is to improve the sustainability of the products from either extractive fisheries or aquaculture that Mercadona offers to its customers. Fish section of our supermarket located in “El Palmaret”, in Alboraya, Valencia. 30 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 FISH PURCHASING POLICY This Fish Purchasing Policy commits both Mercadona and its suppliers to work hand in hand on the basis of the following criteria: • Not to trade with the produce from illegal, unreported or unregulated fisheries. • To grant traceability from the ship to the store. • Labeling products according to the existing regulations, providing clear, true and accessible information to the consumer. • To comply with legal regulations regarding minimum sizes, restricted areas and fishing bans, among others. • Supporting the ongoing improvement of fishing methods and tackle. • Supporting adding new products that comply with sustainability criteria. • Suppressing endangered species from our product range, or species that come from seriously jeopardized eco-systems. • Supporting products from sustainable aquaculture that comply with internationally accepted best practices. • Supporting local fisheries. • Respecting fair working conditions. All decisions will be taken on the basis of the available scientific data from reliable and renown bodies and institutions. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 31 The Hacendado tuna fish (Mercadona’s own brand) has been certified as Dolphin Safe, certification whose main objective is to grant that the tuna fishing companies use fishing methods that are not harmful to dolphins and are protective towards the marine ecosystems 32 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 Mercadona is working hand in hand with its integrated supplier Jealsa – Escurís in order to improve the sustainability of the tuna fish we offer to our customers. Both companies are fully aware of the challenges they face, of which the biggest is the preservation of the tuna fisheries for everyone to enjoy the advantages of their produce both at present day as well as in the future. Wholly aware that sustainability is an ongoing process in which every link within the food-supply chain is a stakeholder, Mercadona and Jealsa – Escurís rely on the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) to face this challenge. The ISSF The ISSF is a global association that joins together the forces of the scientific community, the tuna fishing industries as well as the WWF, one of the most important non-governmental conservation organizations in the world. The ISSF’s main goal, which is supported and shared by all of the participating companies, is to launch initiatives on the basis of appropriate scientific research and know-how in order to preserve the stocks of tuna-fish in the long term, as well as making a sustainable use of such stocks, reducing accidental catches and promoting healthy marine Eco-systems. Hence, the companies taking part in the ISSF, among which Mercadona’s integrated supplier Escurís is to be found, assume the necessary commitments in order to reach the foreseen objectives, so that they may only trade with ships that comply with criteria such as: full traceability control, avoidance of illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing (IUU), reporting 100% of the catches, avoiding trans-shipping of payloads at high-sea, as well as avoiding shark finning, which consists in chopping the shark’s fin and throwing the rest of its body back to the sea. Mercadona purchases 100% of the canned Hacendado tuna-fish from ISSF-participant companies Environmental Policy 2011-2012 33 4.3 Animal welfare The new regulations on animal welfare are focused on granting that the animals are always treated with dignity, avoiding any kind of unnecessary pain during their lives. Hence, Mercadona and its integrated suppliers work together in order to grant animal welfare, which has a positive outcome both for health and in the quality of the products that we offer to our customers. This has been part of our work-ethics and the know-how of our integrated suppliers for years. Mercadona’s business model is based on a sustainable food-supply chain in which each and every one of its links, from the fields to the end-consumer, are involved in an on-going process based on long term and transparent relation- The integrated supplier of eggs Huevos Guillén complied ahead of time to the E.U. regulation on animal well-being. On its free-range poultry installations each and every animal (exclusively fed on cereal) may move freely. 34 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 ships, which is why Mercadona is wholly aware of how its integrated suppliers manage the well-being of their animals, and is demanding on the matter. Hence, Mercadona’s integrated suppliers are equally demanding towards their own suppliers and primary animal breeders. In many cases, our integrated suppliers have undertaken the necessary improvements required by the E.U. regulations related to animal welfare well before the established deadlines. As an example, the industrial group Grupo Huevos Guillén, Spain’s largest producer of fresh eggs changed all conventional cages for the egg-laying chickens by new ones, which not only enables a larger living space per chicken but also permits avoiding overcrowding as well as the spread of disease. The Proyecto Star 16.86 enables to increase productivity while granting the comfort of animals throughout their whole life cycle Premises of the Proyecto Star 16.86, launched by the integrated supplier Cunicarn. Yet another example is the industrial group Cunicarn, which has designed, in close cooperation with the IRTA (Instituto para la Investigación y Tecnología Alimentaria de Cataluña, Catalonia’s Institute for Research and Food Related Technology), its own protocol for rabbit welfare. Grupo Cunicarn launched the Proyecto Star 16.86. Among its objectives is the assurance on the animal welfare on the farms of its suppliers and primary producers. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 35 5. COMMUNICATION Mercadona cooperates with different international initiatives working towards a more responsible and sustainable retailing distribution industry. By means of the exchange of information and better practices within the European Retail Forum for Sustainability and the Global Compact Network, the company shares publicly its efforts related to both environmental policies as well as Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe and the rest of the world. 5.1 Global Compact 5.2 European Retail Forum for Sustainability 36 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 5.1 Global Compact Mercadona is an active member within the Global Compact: an international initiative that promotes the implementation of 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor laws, the environment and the fight against corrupt practices in corporate activities and business’ strategies. It is the largest voluntary initiative related to Social Corporate Responsibility in the world. As an active participant in the initiative, Mercadona publishes a yearly report renewing its commitment with the 10 Principles of the Worldwide Agreement and providing information on its progress. The 2011 report is publicly available on the website of the Spanish network of the Worldwide Agreement. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 37 5.2 European Retail Forum for Sustainability The European Retail Forum for Sustainability is a joint project launched by the European Commission, the European Retail Round Table (ERRT) and Eurocommerce (the European employer’s association for retail). Mercadona has been an active member ever since it was founded in March 2009. The Retail Forum focuses on supporting the sustainability related activities within the retail industry, promoting the manufacturing of sustainable products, and improving consumer awareness. During its first three years, the Retail Forum has presented a voluntary code of conduct aiming to promote the environmental sustainability of the retail sector, whose main goal is to achieve a more sustainable consumption, improving the environmentally responsible behavior of the retailing distribution in the following areas: 1. Promoting more environmentally sustainable sourcing and production of products. 2. Improving the environmental performance of the retailers’ premises. 3. Optimizing the transportation of goods. 4. Reducing packaging and minimizing waste. 5. Improving facility access. 6. Improving communications with customers. The Retail Forum has also promoted a voluntary agreement for waste reduction, by which 17 of its members (including Mercadona) have made the commitment to undertake three consumer-oriented information campaigns until June 2014 to reduce food wastage in households. 38 Environmental Policy 2011-2012 After its achievements during the 2009-2012 period, the Retail Forum will continue working for three more years. The European Commission has acknowledged its work as well as the usefulness of the Issue Papers the Forum delivers, which may be consulted, in different languages, on its website The third Annual Event of the Retail Forum took place in Brussels in October 2012. Environmental Policy 2011-2012 39 6. RELEVANT DATA 2011 17million 453 2012 Sustainable Logistics: fewer km in road-runs 11 million 466 stores with Silent Nighttime Unloading fewer km in road-runs stores with Silent Nighttime Unloading 349,000 tons transported by freight-train 290,000 tons transported by freight-train 619,000 tons transported by ship 685,000 tons transported by ship Energy Savings: 420 535 eco-efficient stores 72 millions eco-efficient stores 135 millions of kWh saved of kWh saved Waste management: 148,600 tons of cardboard retrieved 8,910 tons of plastic and expanded polystyrene retrieved 9,990 tons of plastic and expanded polystyrene retrieved 1,750 tons of wood retrieved 2,570 tons of wood retrieved 114,000 40 145,500 tons of cardboard retrieved Environmental Policy 2011-2012 fewer tons of CO2 emissions thanks to the efforts undertaken in environmental management Although we have made substantial progress with our environmental management systems, we are aware there are many aspects still to improve and continue working with this goal in mind. C/ Valencia, 5 _46016 Tavernes Blanques (Valencia) T. +34 963 883 333 _F. +34 963 883 302 MERCADONA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 2011-2012
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2.2 Refrigerant gases in stores................................................ 16
2.3 Energy efficiency measures in logistics blocks..................... 17