Mid-America Snow and Equipment Expo
Mid-America Snow and Equipment Expo
2014 Mid-America Snow and Equipment Expo APWA EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM Largest Expo of it’s kind in the country! October 6-10, 2014 It’s time to prepare for the 27th Annual Heart of America Snow Plow and Equipment Training Expo! This week-long event is organized by the American Public Works Association (APWA) and will be held, once again, at the New Century Business Park Airport, located in Gardner, Kansas (167th and 56 Hwy.) from October 6-10, 2014 . Agency participants demonstrate mastery of skills around the use of heavy equipment such as: Snow Plows, Backhoes, Rubber-Tired Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders, Sweepers, and Excavators. Other events, such as CDL skills and hands-on mechanical work competitions also earn participants various awards. Training events are also a popular draw at the Expo. Scheduled training events for 2014 currently include: Flagger training, CDL training, Emergency Weather Training, Safety Data Sheets Training Mechanic Emergency Snow Equipment Troubleshooting, and Work zone Safety . Please contact the Expo committee if you would like to host additional courses. Exhibitors and Sponsors Make this Event Possible There are multiple ways for you to sponsor this event! In return, your company name will be prominently displayed during the event, according to the level of support given. All sponsors will receive a plaque in recognition of their support and all sponsors will be listed on the Expo website with a link to their company website. Three levels of support have been designated, as follows: GOLD = $500 donation SILVER = $250 donation BRONZE = $100 donation In addition to the above, lunch sponsorships will be available for $500.00 per day and will be awarded in order of request. Lunch sponsors are afforded the opportunity to provide videos or PowerPoint presentations of company products and services throughout the day. If needed, APWA audio/visual equipment will be available to use Monday thru Thursday in the lunch area. Other vendors may be interested in contributing $50.00 per day for the refreshment area sponsorship. With this contribution, vendors can display their company logo and information in the refreshment area during the registration period. Without your support this event would not even be possible! Additional sponsorship and donations above these amounts are both welcome and appreciated. NEW THIS YEAR VENDOR BOOTHS WILL ONLY BE DISPLAYED TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY. NO VENDOR BOOTHS ON MONDAY OR FRIDAY. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Exhibitor Facts Page 2 One of the most valuable opportunities that you have during this event is to showcase your equipment, products, or services to the hundreds of operators, city offiNEW THIS Exhibitor cials,Facts or other potential customers in attendance. YEAR 8X8 indoor exhibition booths are available at $400 each for the duration of the Rodeo. VENDOR This is the only show thatincludes an indoor 6’ table with two chairs and electrical outlet access. RegRegistration BOOTHS will put vendors in contact istration also includes an outside 20X30 equipment bay, one meal ticket per day, and WILL ONLY with the users of their two event ball caps. Additional outside bays are available at $50 each. BE DIS- product and the decision PLAYEDmakers that can purchase Exhibitors who only require an outdoor equipment bay will pay the same fee of $400, it. TUESDAY, plus $50 for any additional outdoor equipment bays. WEDNESIt is requested that exhibiDoorbooths prizes tors staff their for are awarded daily. In order for a participant to be eligible for the door prize, DAY, AND the "core" they times must of 8:00 turn in a validated card to show that they have visited each vendor booth. THURSDAY. a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 11 NO VENDOR WeHowever, are always in need of additional door prizes. If your firm wants to donate a door Caption describing picture or am to 2 p.m. graphic. BOOTHSvendors ON are also it encourprize, can be dropped off at the registration table. MONDAYaged ORto staff booths both after the FRIDAY.before andExhibitor Priority Points "core" times. PLEASE We are always in need of level of support and history of participation, vendors earn Priority Points PLAN ACIn recognition CORDINGLY. at each Expo. Essentially, you earn the right to select the location for your exhibit in order ofPriority total points (highest to lowest). Following is a more detailed description of the proExhibitor Points cess. APWA Priority Point Rules and Regulations To equitably assign exhibit Total earned points date back to 1999. space, the Expo committee The 2013 Snow will begin using a priority Expo had 339 Each initial booth/bay space combination unit is worth two point system. Following is a registered more detailed description additional of bay space is worth an additional one (1) priority participantsthe process. Last year’s expo included 315 contestants f rom 28 cities and counties, 90 participants in training cla sses and 20 exhibitors. (2) priority points. Each point. Two (2) points per company are awarded each consecutive year exhibiting. Points from 25 cities Priority Point Booth Selection start with the second consecutive year. Process and counties; theGold Sponsors will be given an additional five (5) priority points per sponsorship Enclosed are registration 103 training form and the booth/bay year. laySilver Sponsors will be given three (3) priority points per sponsorship year. out for the 2009 Heart of class Bronze America Snow Plow and Sponsors will be given two (2) priority points per sponsorship year. attendees;21 EquipmentTraining Expo. Breakfast sponsors will be given one (1) priority point per sponsorship. Lunch sponexhibitors; and sors will be given five (5) priority points per sponsorship. Exhibitors with the same dozens of number of priority points will In the case of a merger of firms, or purchase, the purchasing company must provide writspectators,receive city preference based on ten proof of their ownership of the assets of that company. At no time, however, does officials and the system allow for the combination of two or more companies’ points unless they are media separate divisions/units of the same parent company. representatives. Parent companies may not combine with their distributing companies’ points. Each individual company must stand on its’ own. Booth Selection Attached are the registration form and the booth/bay layout for the 2013 Heart of America Snow Plow and Equipment Training Expo. Please specify your preference for booth and/or equipment bay locations. Locations will be assigned to exhibitors in order of total points. Exhibitors with the same number of priority points will receive preference based Caption describing picture on the or graphic. date the registration is received. www.midamericasnowrodeo.com October 6 - 10, 2014 Firm:__________________________Contact:___________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ City:__________________________State:________________Zip:__________ E-mail: _________________________________________________________ Company Website Address: _________________________________________ Phone: (________)________________ Fax: (________)__________________ NEW THIS YEAR— VENDOR BOOTHS WILL ONLY BE DISPLAYED TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY. NO VENDOR BOOTHS ON MONDAY OR FRIDAY. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY. _____Qty of 8 x 8 Booth Areas (inside tent) @ $400.00 Each $__________ (This includes an outside 20 x 30 Equipment Bay, 2 meal ticket per day and 2 custom rodeo hats) _____Qty of Extra 20 x 30 Equipment Bays @ $50.00 Each $__________ _____Outside Equipment Bay (Only) @ $400.00 Each $__________ _____Extra Meal Tickets @ $8.00 Mon-Thurs., $10.00 Fri. $__________ Please specify below how many extra tickets for each day: _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday _____ Thursday _____ Friday *Vendor Sponsorship (Optional-See Page 1) ___Gold - $500.00 ___Silver - $250.00 ___Bronze - $100.00 *Refreshment Sponsorship (Optional) @ $50.00 per day $___________ $___________ ____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____Wednesday ____Thursday ____ Friday * Lunch Sponsorship (Optional) @ $500.00 per day To ensure that your booth selection is reserved, please fax or mail a copy of this form to: Chad Courtois Street Maintenance Division City of Olathe, KS P.O. Box 768 Olathe, KS 66051 $___________ ____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED Security for the area includes a locked 6’ chain link w/ barbed wire fence around the property perimeter and security patrol provided by Johnson County Airport Security. $_________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO KC APWA *If you have a preference for booth and/or equipment bay(s) locations, please specify below:* First Choice – Booth # - __________ Equipment Bay(s) # - ___________ Second Choice – Booth # - _________ Equipment Bay(s) # - __________ (Booth and equipment bay spaces are shown on attached sheets) SUBMIT REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT TO CHAD COURTOIS BY: SEPTEMBER 26, 2014. (913) 971-6099 (fax) (913) 208-0653 (mobile) P.O. Box 768 Olathe, KS 66051-0768 E-mail: Ccourtois@olatheks.org (913) 208-0653 (mobile) EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM Mid-America Snow and Equipment Expo www.Facebook.com/apwarodeoequipmentexpo www.Midamericasnowrodeo.com Prior EXPO Exhibitors Accu-Steel Cover Buildings Alamo Industrial Altec-2013 Bronze Sponsor American Equipment – 2013 Gold Sponsor Armor Equipment Burnup Equipment Company, Inc. Carquest Central Detroit Diesel – Allison Century Labs Cental Power System Custom Truck Sales Dome Corporation Of N. America Drake-Scruggs Equip. Force America Foley Equipment George Butler & Assoc. (Transit & Fleet Works) GW Van Keppel Halco Inc. Heartland Automotive J & A Traffic Products KC Bobcat-2013 Bronze Sponsor KCR International Trucks, Inc Key Equipment And Supply Co – 2013 Gold Sponsor Knapheide Truck Equipment Kranz of Kansas City Logan Contractors Supply- 2013 Sliver Sponsor MHC Kenworth Mid-America Golf & Turf Equipment Mid-American Industrial Equipment Company Midway Truck Center Murphy Tractor & Equipment – 2013 Gold Sponsor Mynatt Truck & Equipment Co. Napa Auto Parts Nationwide Auction Systems Olathe Tractor & Equipment Paving Maintenance Supply, Inc. Pavon Corporation Phillips Fender Guides Company Prime Industrial Products Rental Service Corporation Red Equipment– 2013 Gold Sponsor Rex Spencer Equipment Company Road Builders Scherer Truck Equipment, Inc. Scotwood Industries, Inc. Sellers Equipment, Inc. – 2013 Gold Sponsor SFJ Road Maintence Smith Fertilizer & Grain Summit Truck Group – 2013 Silver Sponsor Tennant Company Truck Component Services Unistrut Midwest Van Wall Equipment Vance Brothers, Inc. Victor L. Phillips Company – 2012 Silver Sponsor Weather Or Not Wright AsphaltWhelen Engineering Co. AMa i nTe nt W N S E BTr a i ni ngTe nt CMe c ha ni c sTe nt Re s t r ooms Ve n d o rPa r k i n g Eq u i p me n tEv e n t so nRu n wa y La y o u to fVe n d o rBo o t hSp a c e si n Te n t St a ge Re g i s t r a t i o n / Sc o r e s Co nc es s i on s ToOu t s i d eEx h i b i t s S E W N