View Report - Aspen Valley Land Trust


View Report - Aspen Valley Land Trust
photo by Rare Earth Science, LLC
A s p e n Va l l e y L a n d T r u s t
2012 Annual Report
Of Biodiversity, Family History and Cattle
2012 was an exciting year for conservation in Colorado’s central mountain area. AVLT again had1the
honor of working with a fantastic group of dedicated landowners to protect 1,900 acres of working ranchland,
incredible biodiversity and forest lands of the Roan Cliffs, and a piece of an iconic Aspen ranch.
What’s Up in De Beque?
Head north of De Beque about 20 miles and you will be surprised. De Beque is not a big town, but
the Roan Cliffs that unfurl as you travel are big country. Here you’ll find Tom and Sue Scott’s Bear Gulch
property, situated on the Left Fork of Carr Creek in the dramatic cliff folds. Home to a small, genetically unique
subpopulation of Colorado River cutthroat trout, several rare plant species, and potential nesting habitat for
sage grouse, among other creatures, the newly minted 880acre Bear Gulch conservation easement, donated in 2012,
protects a landscape rich in biodiversity that also occupies
one of the most scenic gorges in the area. The property
spans high mesas above 8,000 feet, boney cliff edges, an
abundance of springs and forested valley bottoms.
This project builds on the Scott’s first easement
donated in 2006 and the 1,040-acre Tall Pines easement next
door, as well as easements on the nearby Farnum and Roan
Creek Ranches – which collectively conserve nearly 2,500
acres of critical wildlife habitat in the 4A Ridge Potential
Conservation Area, a key conservation area designated
by Colorado State University’s Colorado Natural Heritage (Above) The Cowboy Chapel of Prayer: a living piece of
Program (CNHP) for its exceptional biodiversity.
history on route to the Roan Cliffs north of De Beque.
(story continued on page 2)
(Below) The Roan Cliffs viewed from
the Farnum Ranch conservation easement.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Of Biodiversity, Family History and Cattle - cont.
photo by Pine Brook Ecological
A Family Heirloom
Barb and Nancy Pitman have lived on the same 616-acre cattle ranch on Hunter Mesa along West
Mamm Creek all their lives, just as their parents, grandparents and great grandparents did before them.
Occupying an entire valley surrounded by BLM land seven miles south of Rifle, the Pitman Ranch has, since the
family acquired it in 1923, been used to raise potatoes, corn feed, strawberries, apples, pears and apricots, army
remount horses for Fort Carson, and yes, cattle. Long before that, the Ute Indians used the ranch as a hideout
after the Meeker Massacre in 1879.
Through all this time it has also been home to
wintering (and summering) mule deer and elk, black
bears, lions and an unspeakable number of wild
turkeys. Spend an afternoon with the Pitman sisters
and you’ll get to know the entire gang, and will fall
in love with this quiet, beautiful little valley on the
fringe of Hunter Mesa’s fertile farmland, a major area
and cattle
d u r i n g
the earlier
Pitman Ranch on Hunter Mesa.
Last year, after many years of careful thought and deliberation,
Barb and Nancy donated a conservation easement across every last
acre of their treasured home to save a place where the deer might roam
tomorrow, and of course cattle and adventurous strawberry farmers too.
It takes good help to run a ranch!
photo by Pine Brook Ecological
The Emerald Triangle
A few miles north of New Castle, travelers on Grass Valley Road heading to the Flat Tops Wilderness
or one of the area’s three State Parks – Rifle Gap, Rifle Falls or Harvey Gap – will come across a wide, grassy
expanse of rolling hills, pastures, and the winding paths of West Elk and Main Elk creeks. Appropriately called
“Grass Valley,” this area forms a bright green triangle of some of Western Colorado’s most productive ranchland
sandwiched between the steep Grand Hogback monocline, the foothills of the Flat Tops Wilderness and Harvey
Gap State Park. Untouched by oil and gas drilling, Grass Valley is also one of the Western Slope’s few valleys
still unfragmented by subdivisions or residential sprawl – mostly thanks to the three ranching families who have
occuppied the heart of this beautiful valley since the early 1900s.
View of Grass Valley and Dry Elk Valley Ranch from Harvey Gap State Park.
The 720-acre Dry Elk Valley Ranch, a working Angus operation, was originally purchased by Mike Dodo
in 1931. It has been in the Dodo/Dodero family ever since. Last year Scot Dodero and Mike Dodo and their
families donated a conservation easement on 260 acres of the ranch, the remainder of which will be conserved
in 2013. This has proved to be a catalyst for more conservation to come in Grass Valley, which is very good news
not only for agriculture, but for deer and elk (whose critical winter range is centered around this ranch like a
bull’s eye), as well as for other species and many a Sunday sightseer and traveler.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
photo by Pine Brook Ecological
Dry Elk Valley Ranch near New Castle.
photo by Lois Abel Harlamert
photo by Colorado Wildlife Science, LLC
The Buttes of Aspen
formerly known as Stein Ranch
and now owned by Robert and
Soledad Hurst, was recently
granted approval by Pitkin County
for a small subdivision. As part
of this approval the Hursts have
granted a conservation easement
to AVLT and Pitkin County over
58 acres of prime wildlife habitat
surrounding the well-known open
meadows that greet travelers on
McClain Flats Road.
Red Butte rising behind the pastures of Red Butte Ranch
along McClain Flats Road in Aspen.
The property, which borders the
Rio Grande Trail, connects a corridor of conserved lands held by AVLT and Pitkin County consisting of Stein
Ranch Open Space, Red Butte Ranch Open Space, and Red Butte (a marvelous up-ended geological feature
owned by AVLT), among others. The RBR easement is part of a deer and elk migration corridor in the Maroon
Creek/Castle Creek Potential Conservation Area, designated by CNHP for its biodiversity significance, and
supports sagebrush shrublands, a large pond, and part of Gold Butte (home to a public climbing area).
(Another) Family Heirloom
Sisters Katy McNulty Sorli and Meg McNulty have followed in their mother Wendy’s conservationminded footsteps and donated a conservation easement on part of their family ranch, Quarter Circle 8 Ranch,
on Upper Cattle Creek near Carbondale. Visible from Cottonwood Pass and a boon for wildlife with its open
meadows, native rangelands and a long stretch of Cattle
Creek, this beautiful ranch has been in the McNulty
family since it was partially homesteaded by Katy and
Meg’s grandfather John McNulty in 1939 (other parts
of the ranch were homestead between the 1890s and
the 1930s). At over 1,200 acres, Quarter Circle 8 is one
of the larger ranches in the Roaring Fork Valley and
still operated as a cattle ranch. More than 860 acres of
the ranch have been conserved, thanks to this latest
donation by Katy and Meg.
Thank you
(Left to right) Kestrel (horse), Katy on Karma
and Meg on OBee.
...your generosity enriches us all.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Dear Friends and Supporters,
staff & board
The changing of the seasons is a time to
see our surroundings with a fresh perspective and
once again appreciate how fortunate we are to live
in a place where there is fresh air, clean water, locally
grown food, beautiful vistas, abundant wildlife, and
fellow citizens who recognize the importance of
keeping these qualities for future generations.
This annual report is a glimpse into the
work of Aspen Valley Land Trust during 2012.
Five new pieces of land covering 1,900 acres were
conserved this year – Dry Elk Valley Ranch, Pitman
Ranch, Bear Gulch, Red Butte Ranch and Quarter Circle 8 Ranch – each unique in its
own way and each a valuable piece of our ever-shrinking open landscape.
In addition, we have continued to steward conserved lands through visits with
landowners and land managers on each conserved property as part of our annual
monitoring program. Along the way, we are reminded daily of how much the natural
environment is a part of who we are and why we live here. We are grateful and energized
by your support and commitment to this beautiful part of the country, whether on a visit
with a rancher during calving season, through the generosity of a dependable annual
donor, from a phone call offering to help stuff envelopes or work at the Save the Land
Dance, or hearing a story about how important a particular piece of land is to a family or
our community.
For more than 45 years, Aspen Valley Land Trust has worked with private
landowners and partners to protect special places. While that may seem like a long
time, it’s only the beginning. AVLT’s legal and ethical commitment to stewarding and
enforcing the terms of conservation easements lasts forever – just like the commitment
that all of us must have to assure that our fresh air, clean water, local food supplies, views
and wildlife thrive long beyond our lifetimes.
Your support assures that we continue to “save the best... to last.”
Stephen L. Carter
President, Board of Directors
Martha Cochran
Executive Director
2012 Board
Steve Carter
Rosemary Patterson
Vice President
Lee Ann Eustis
Dan Brumbaugh
Jim Aresty
Dave Bellack
Sue Edelstein
Bill Kane
Kate Schwarzler
Martha Cochran
Executive Director
Suzanne Stephens
Associate Director
Melissa Sumera
Office Manager
Connor Coleman
Stewardship Manager
Welcome to Connor Coleman
Working with the landowners of AVLT’s 165+ easements and more
than 36,000 acres of conserved lands is both a big task and a huge pleasure.
To both manage the work and enjoy that pleasure, Connor P. Coleman has
joined the AVLT staff as the organization’s first Stewardship Manager.
Connor comes to AVLT from Ohio, after a side trip to North Carolina
for school and work, and a stint cowboying on the famous Medano-Zapata
Ranch in southern Colorado. He brings with him a wide range of academic
training and on-the-ground experience. He holds two master’s degrees in
environmental management and forestry from Duke University, and has
worked in stewardship positions at land trusts in North Carolina. In addition to his cowboy credentials,
he is a certified wildlife firefighter and has worked on a fire management crew and shorebird field team
for The Nature Conservancy.
Connor’s technical skills, good humor and passion for the Western landscape make him
a welcome addition to the staff and he looks forward to meeting the exceptional people who have
conserved and/or care for these important working ranchlands and open spaces.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
New Board Members
Retiring Board Members
We are happy to welcome these
new faces and former advisors!
photo by Jennifer Michaud
Thank you for
your years of service!
eturning to the
board after two decades is Bill
Kane, former Basalt Town
Manager, planner for Pitkin
County and the City of Aspen,
vice president of planning for
the Aspen Skiing Company, and
principal for Design Workshop.
He is bringing this wealth of land
use experience to the AVLT Board. While in Basalt,
Bill worked on several open space projects with
Eagle County, Pitkin County, the State of Colorado
and Aspen Valley Land Trust. Bill is enjoying his
retirement with wife Carolyn and keeps busy helping
AVLT and serving as vice-chair on the Colorado
Parks and Wildlife Commission.
photo by Jennifer Michaud
photo by Jackie Daly
photo by Jennifer Michaud
iver Valley Ranch
resident Sue Edelstein was
originally appointed to the AVLT
board in 2006 as a representative
of RVR. An avid traveler, hiker,
snowshoer and road biker,
during her tenure Sue advocated
for receational opportunities in
the AVLT service area. With her
background in real estate and work for the U.S. Forest
Service, including a stint as a park superintendent,
Sue brought extensive experience to the table. She is
active in the Carbondale community and serves on
the Carbondale Public Arts Commission.
Save the Land Dance in recent
years, you may recognize Kate
as one of the lovely ladies from
the bar. Kate Schwarzler is a
landscape architect and principal
of Otak, an international design
firm, who managed their
Carbondale office until their
recent move to Denver. She headed Otak’s project
to conduct a visual resources inventory throughout
multiple states for the Bureau of Land Management
and in 2012 presented at the 32nd Annual National
Recreation Resource Planning Conference on
“Managing New Impacts from Energy Development.”
This work focuses on preserving the scenic values of
our western landscapes for future generations in the
face of growing demand for land uses. Word has it
that Kate is a bit of a dare-devil and Santa recently
brought her a motorized dirt bike.
staff & board
n avid worldtraveler and life-long supporter
of environmental causes, Jim
Aresty joined the board after
moving to Aspen from New
Jersey where he was a trustee of
The Land Conservancy of New
Jersey and established the Aresty
Mapping Center. Jim has been
actively involved in several non-profits in the Roaring
Fork Valley. Thanks to the generosity of the Aresty
Family Foundation, AVLT has placed over 300 copies
of “Our Place” in waiting rooms from Aspen to Rifle
and helped spread the message of our mission to
countless people.
If you have attended the
photo courtesy of Aspen Skiing Co.
eteran valley volunteer
and supporter of community
causes, Lee Ann Eustis joined
the AVLT board in January 2006.
Originally from Philadelphia,
Lee Ann is a graduate of Vassar
College and moved to Colorado
with her husband, George, in
1962. She has been on the board
of Colorado Rocky Mountain School for many years
and was a founding member of the Garfield League
of Women Voters and the Carbondale Council on
Arts and Humanities. She has been active on several
education boards and is a life-long advocate for
education and the environment. Lee Ann has a long
history of Carbondale stories and her quick smile will
implore you to listen in.
photo by Jackie Daly
We bid a fond farewell to these
term-limited retiring board members.
lso returning to AVLT
after a short hiatus is Dave
Bellack. Dave is Senior Vice
President and Legal Counsel for
Aspen Skiing Company, where
he handles the company’s real
estate transations among other
legal duties. He has served as
chairman of the boards of Ski
Country U.S.A. and the Buddy Program, and is a past
president of the AVLT Board. Dave is an avid traveler
and some suspect he keeps his day job so he can ski
on company time.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
The State of the State and Conservation
Coloradans have always valued the natural validity of their tax credits.
resources that make our state an attractive place to
live and work. A 2011 survey of state residents by
the respected Public Opinion Strategies polling firm
found that 87 percent of Colorado voters agree with
the statement that, “Even with state budget
problems, we should still find money to protect
[the state’s] land, water and wildlife.” The same
percentage of voters also said that “having clean
water, clean air, natural areas,
and wildlife” is extremely or
very important to the quality
of life in Colorado.
Legislature, which has consistently
expressed its support for land
conservation, is again working to amend its current
tax credit program to give private land conservation
additional support by creating a process to approve
and certify all conservation easement transactions
that claim a state tax credit. Legislation sponsored
by Colorado’s Legislative Audit Commission is
currently being considered that would provide for a
complete review of the entire transaction and provide
landowners with a certification guaranteeing the
If the legislation is approved as expected,
the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) would
no longer have the authority to review any aspects
of a transaction, including appraisals, and would
only have jurisdiction over the completeness and
correctness of tax form submissions. For landowners,
the new legislation will provide certainty and peace
of mind from DOR questioning their donation years
after a conservation easement has
been completed.
A second piece of legislation
working its way through the
legislature would establish an
annual cap of $45 million for
Colorado conservation easement
tax credits. This amount is considered by most
to be adequate to meet the demand from private
landowners who recognize the importance of clean
water and air, wildlife and agriculture to the future
well-being of our state.
AVLT is grateful to State Senators Gail
Schwartz and Steve King and former Representative
Roger Wilson for their unflagging support of
conservation in Colorado.
“For landowners, the
new legislation will
provide certainty and
peace of mind...”
AVLT Easement Donor Named to Conservation Hall of Fame
AVLT is proud to announce that friend, rancher and
conservation easement donor Dee Blue of Carbondale was 2012’s
addition to the Colorado Conservation Hall of Fame. The Colorado
Association of Conservation Districts awards this prestigious honor
to one outstanding soil conservation volunteer or professional each
year. Dee earned it for her 23 consecutive years of volunteer service
as a board member and educator for the Mount Sopris Conservation
District, among a slew of other conservation-related activities. She was
originally appointed to the board in 1979, not long after she moved to
Colorado in 1974, and was re-elected every term until 2002.
Apart from her long run on the board, she says her most
important work for the
Dee Blue shows off her iconic view
of Mount Sopris from Sunnyside Ranch. conservation
was as an educator,
helping others understand and prevent soil erosion, nonchemical methods of weed control, no-till planting and creation
of defensible space in wildfire-prone areas. She also helped the
district win a grant to buy an educational “stream trailer,” which
demonstrates how streams and riparian areas function and can
be damaged by siltation, disturbance and other factors.
- Dee Blue
Dee also spent time serving on the Colorado State
Soil Conservation Board, the Colorado Big County Resource Conservation and Development Council (Big
County RC&D), the Colorado River Watershed Association, and the Garfield County Library Board. At age
82, Dee stays active and involved in her community, serving on the board for Senior Matters and running the
refreshment stand for the Carbondale Wild West Rodeo, and continues to care for her beautiful Sunnyside
Ranch in Carbondale, which she conserved with AVLT in 2008 – putting her conservation ethic into action.
photo by Lois Abel Harlamert
of special note
“When you volunteer, you
do it because you enjoy it,
not for the recognition.
You just enjoy it and you
like the results you get
from volunteering.”
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Aspen Charity Bracelet
Photos courtesy Jenny Lee Walsh
enny Lee Walsh is a Colorado designer with a rich heritage in
design and travel, inspired by her late uncle, Dr. Scholl. Her long-time
love affair with Aspen led her to create a jewelry line that reflected
the beauty of the natural environment that also helps protect that
environment. The Aspen Charity Bracelet is crafted of solid gold or
fine metals and precious stones in the
form of our iconic Maroon Bells. The
elegant bracelet may be worn every day,
from the slopes to
après. A portion
of proceeds go to further the conservation work of AVLT so
you can feel amazing while wearing it. Additional designs are
recently released and for sale at Distractions and MAX in
Aspen or online at
See the full line of jewelry available at
Since 2003, the River Valley Ranch property owners’
contributions have resulted in:
6,627 acres of land conserved
29 properties conserved
More than $52 million worth of development rights retired
$75 worth of conserved land for each $1 contributed by
River Valley Ranch property owners
Thank you River Valley Ranch property owners!
The lush meadows and meandering
creeks of Quarter Circle 8 Ranch,
Upper Cattle Creek
The Little Nell
2012 was another successful year in partnership with The Little Nell in Aspen.
Hotel guests were given the opportunity to contribute to local open space preservation
with a $2 per night donation, which was matched by a $3 per night donation directly
from the hotel.
The program has raised roughly $30,000 per year for Aspen Valley Land Trust
since the partnership began in 2004.
After many years of fantastic support, this exclusive partnership has drawn to
a close in 2013. The hotel will continue its donations to the environment through its
parent company’s environmental foundation (Aspen Skiing Company’s The Environment Foundation), which
funds projects that provide environmental educational opportunities, seek to reduce the impacts of climate
change, foster responsible stewardship of natural resources, protect mountain ecosystems, or preserve and
create unique opportunities for outdoor recreation. The organization has granted more than $1,800,000 in
fourteen years to hundreds of projects and looks forward to considering AVLT projects for grants in 2013.
of special note
photo by Tyler Stableford Photography
he property owners at Carbondale’s River Valley Ranch have
helped conserve more than 6,600 acres of ranchland within a seven-mile
radius of the town. The partnership is a result of the RVR developer’s
commitment to offset the impacts of converting the former Grey Ranch
into a housing area by helping to conserve other nearby ranches and open
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Piceance SWA
West Rifle Creek Ranch
Dry Elk Valley Ranch
Blackman Ranch
Bear Gulch
Tall Pines
Scott Ranch
Bear Gulch
Turgoose Ranch
Colorado River Preserve
Farnum Ranch
Silt River Prese
Roan Creek Ranch
Knaus Ranch
Price Ran
7H Ranch
Morrisania Ranch
Morris Ranch
Pitman Ranch
Daley-Myers Ranch
Malone Ranch
O'Connell Ranch
Rowe Ra
Hidden Creek West
Sky Mountain Park
Stein Ranch II
Stein Ranch I
Burlingame West
Burlingame East
Stein Ranch II
Stein Ranch II
Hawxhurst Ranch SHA
Hummingbird Lode
Henry Stein Park
Red Mountain Trail
Plateau Creek SWA
Stein Ranch II
Emilee Benedict Park
Verena Mallory Park
Hunter Valley Way
B&M Mining Claim
Holy Cross
Smuggler Open Space
Smuggler Open Space
Della S
Young Ranch
Little Ajax
Smuggler Open Space
Barbee Open Space
Rocky Hill Ranch
Freddie Fisher Park
Aspen Alps Park
Center Lode
Millionaire Lode
Aspen Chance
Ute Mesa
Stillwater Ranch
Stillwater Ranch
North Star
Creek Valley Ranch
Stewardship: A Commitment to Uphold Integrity
Aspen Valley Land Trust, like requirement, it reflects an awareness
each of the 1,700 land trusts across
the nation, has a responsibility to
the public to uphold the terms of the
conservation easements that landowners
have voluntarily placed on their land.
That responsibility is not only a legal
of the necessity to safeguard private
lands and the integral role they have in
the ecology and economy of our worldrenowned setting.
When a property is protected
by a conservation easement, it is the
beginning of an enduring relationship
between the landowners, the land trust
and the land itself. It’s this relationship
and perpetual commitment that assures
that the agricultural lands will continue to
produce food, native habitats continue to
nurture wildlife, and open lands remain
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
(as of March 6, 2013)
Open Heart Ridge
North Stoddard Place
South Stoddard Place
AVLT c o n s e r v a t io n e a s e m e n t
U.S. interstate highway
AVLT f e e s im p l e
State highway
National Forest lands
County road
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
County line
State of Colorado lands
Saving the
best... to last.
City limits
East Canyon Creek Ranch
Okanela Ranch
Elk Canyon Ranch
Okanela Ranch
Que Sera Ranch
Canyon Creek Ranch
Balcomb Arbaney
Little River Ranch
Stormking Hunting Ranch
Garfield Creek SWA
Stuart Paul Rippy Memorial
Triple J Ranch
nch I
Nieslanik Ranch
Hood Ranch
Sage Canyon
Hood Ranch (J&J)
Lazy H/11 Ranch
Stout Ranch
Peterson Ranch
Rivendell Farm
Price Ranch II
Quarter Circle 8 Ranch
Ranch at Coulter Creek
ead Ranch
Faranhyll Ranch
Quarter Circle 8 Ranch
etree Ranch
oomer Ranch
West Divide Ranch
Streamside at Crown Peak
Garfield Creek SWA
Grand View Ranch
Record Ranch
W-T Ranch
Sunnyside Ranch
Central Ranch
Montover Ranch
Dunn-Galloway Ranch
Strang Ranch
Coffman Ranch
Rock Bottom Ranch
John Nieslanik Ranch
McCray Ranch
Taucher Place
Flying Dog Ranch West
Tybar Ranch
Basalt SWA
Emma Farms
Happy Day Ranch
Clark Ranch
Tie Camp
Grange Ranch
Spring Creek Hatchery
Crown Mountain Ranch
West Divide Ranch (BriAnn)
Crystal Island Ranch
Philly Wolf Ranch
Wonderview Farms
Crystal Island Ranch
Dart Ranch
Middle Ranch
ttle Muddy Gulch
Sopris Mountain Ranch
Watson Divide
Aspen Village
Lenado Mining Claims
Windstar Preserve
Snowmass Creek
Wieben Ranch
Cozy Point Ranch
Broker Lode
Capitol Creek Ranch
La Bodega del Rio
W/J Ranch
Flying Dog Ranch
W/J Ranch
Lenado Mining Claims
Cozy Point South
Harvey Ranch
Seven Star
Lenado Townsite
Sky Mountain Park
Little Chief Lode
Wildcat Ridge
Snowmass Divide
Ridge East
Creek Valley
Hummingbird Lode
Redstone Coke Ovens
Castle Creek Valley Ranch
Parry Pond
Flogus Pond
Darien Ranch
Map prepared by
open for people and animals. As the old
saying goes, “A wedding is one day, but a
marriage lasts a lifetime,” and we have a
perpetual, legal obligation to our spouses,
all 168 of them, and growing.
As AVLT embarks on its 46th
year in operation, our commitment to
conserving the iconic landscape of the
Roaring Fork and Middle Colorado River
watersheds remains steadfast. Through
the continued assistance of Dawn Barton
and her team at West Elks Ecological
Consulting, we will continue to conduct
annual monitoring visits, and through
the virtue of a growing staff we hope to
not only engage more new projects but
20 Miles
PO Box 1245, Paonia, Colorado 81428
(970) 527-8445
to work closely with landowners as they
address the challenges of management
and restoration in a changing climate.
AVLT is excited to be on the
forefront of private lands conservation
and to continue to uphold the integrity of
the conserved lands that so many of you
have helped to protect.
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
a9 night!
hat a night! The th annual Save the Land Dance brought together
friends and neighbors to raise funds for land conservation and marked the
release of Our Place, Too, the second volume of landowner stories. Good eats,
foot stomping tunes and a
September 8, 5:30 pm
cast full of characters make
this event truly unique in
the valley. 2013 brings us the
10th annual event, so be sure
to mark your calendars for
September 7, 2013.
Our Place, Too
Aspen Valley Land Trust’s 9th Annual Save the Land Dance
Tybar Ranch, Carbondale
Aspen Valley
Land Trust
Tickets $75
Purchase tickets online at
Music by The Whittingtons Band
Kaufman Peterson &
Dishler Law office
book release event for
More People and Conservation in the
Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys
Kaufman Peterson &
Dishler Law office
Special thanks to:
Rebecca Fanti, Susie Hoeppli,
Kim Bracher, and Verena Bishop.
save the
Cameron Sewell, Marcey & Bryan Hodshire, our
lovely host Emma Danciger and Robert Barnett.
Shannon Adams
Amy Barr
Patsy Batchelder
Jackie Daly
Shaine Ebrahimi &
Mary Sundbloom
Lee Ann Eustis
Barb & Pablo Hanrahan
Jennifer Kauffman
Steve Mills
Candace Nadon
Jackie Daly Photography
Lydia McIntyre, Flying Dog Ranch
Mountain Refuse, Inc.
The Whittingtons Band
and of course...
Emma Danciger,
Mark Nieslanik,
Sally & Frank Norwood
Kevin Rubinthaler &
Rosemary Patterson
the entire staff of Tybar Ranch.
Julie & Doug Pratte
Charlene Revoir
Linda & Mark
Andrea Holland
Sears & Jim Sears
Shelley Spalding
Jeff Stephens
Super star bar volunteers
Lauren Suhrbier
Shaine Ebrahimi, Mary Sundbloom,
Jacquie Tannenbaum
Linda & Mark Schuemaker.
All photos this page by Jackie Daly Photography
save the land dance
Date night for STLD party goers (left to right): Mark & Lauren Cornish,
Jim Armstrong & Sharon Sturges and Bob & Mary Noone.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Party Hosts::
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
earth day art show
4.19 -
Sponsored by:
special thanks to
Colorado Mountain College
Thanks to the 26 local artists who
participated in the 8th Annual Earth
Day Art Show in 2012.
Join us April 19, 2013 from 5:30 - 8pm
for the opening reception of the “Living on the Land”.
This event brings together artwork reflecting the landscape that AVLT helps to conserve.
831 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs (the old CMC gallery space).
Weekend hours are Saturday 4/20 from 10-6 and Sunday 4/21 from 10-2.
Our Pla
ce, Too
Our Place, Too is now available
The long-awaited companion piece
Our Pl
ace, T
More Pe
Roarin ople and Co
g Fork
and Co ervation in
River Vae
le and
photo by Jackie Daly Photography
More Pe
to Our Place was unveiled at the 2012 Save the
Land Dance. Our Place, Too: More people and
conservation in the Roaring Fork and Colorado
River Valleys features more fantastic photos by
our rock-star volunteer Lois Abel Harlamert
and more beautiful stories by Executive Director
and author extraordinaire Martha Cochran.
You are sure to know some of these committed
landowners. Copies of both books are for sale at the AVLT office in Carbondale,
the Book Train in Glenwood Springs, and Explore Booksellers in Aspen.
ation in
Lois Ab phs by
el Harla
Martha Cochran introduces
photographer Lois Abel
Harlamert at the Land Dance.
Photo courtesy John Fielder
John Fielder
All of John’s beautiful picture and guide
books are available at
Photo by Walter Gallacher
We have just learned that the
Strang Ranch has been awarded
the National Sheepdog Finals
competition to be held in
September 2014.
AVLT will once again be the
ticket beneficiary of this amazing
event. Put this on your calendar
to spectate and volunteer!!
slideshow and booksigning by renowned Colorado nature
photographer John Fielder was held in November at the Wheeler
Opera House in Aspen as a benefit for AVLT. The event featured
Fielder’s newest books, which commemorate the conservation projects
funded with Great Outdoors Colorado’s share of the Colorado Lottery.
“Colorado’s Great Outdoors — Celebrating 20 years of Lottery-Funded
Lands” features stunning photos of properties conserved with the help
of GOCO funds, and a guidebook highlights GOCO-funded parks and
public spaces. The event was hosted by AVLT and partner organizations
City of Aspen Parks and Recreation, Pitkin County Open Space and
Trails, and Aspen Skiing Company.
a Co
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
AVLT Conserved Lands
conserved properties
Aspen Alps Park0.14
Aspen Chance - Ajax Trail
Barbee Open Space - Ajax Trail 13.56
Burlingame Ranch East (Deer Hill) 100.00
Burlingame Ranch West - Owl Creek Trail
Castle Creek Valley Ranch 8.50
Emilee Benedict Park - Hunter Creek Trail
Freddie Fisher Park 0.42
Hardy 90.00
Henry Stein Park (f.k.a. Fisherman’s Park) 1.57
Holy Cross (City of Aspen) 0.94
Hummingbird Lode Open Space - Van Horn Park
Hunter Creek (Estamar) 52.76
Hunter Valley Way - Hunter Creek Trail
Little Ajax - Shadow Mountain
Little Chief Lode Open Space 9.87
Millionaire Lode 1.50
North Star Preserve - Indpendence Pass
Red Butte (Ute Butte) 35.58
Red Butte Ranch58.23
Smuggler Contraband Mining Claim 9.30
Smuggler Della S Mining Claim 10.33
Smuggler Mountain B&M Mining Claim 10.33
Smuggler Mountain Open Space 161.26
Smuggler Result Mining Claim 6.90
Stein Ranch I (and Stein Open Space) 148.10
Stein Ranch II (Red Butte Open Space) 83.70
Stillwater Ranch 5.90
Ute Mesa Open Space - Ajax Trail
Verena Mallory Park (Hammerhead Park) 10.71
Brackett Open Space - The Crown
Clark Ranch117.62
Crown Mountain Ranch 559.90
Dowdy Family85.20
Emma Farms (Waldeck)66.94
Grange Ranch 216.96
Happy Day Ranch Lot I - Nancy’s Path (Parker)
Hole-in-the-Ground Ranch 139.29
Deadwood Ranch (Middle Ranch)
Rock Bottom Ranch 77.98
Sopris Mountain Ranch 280.00
Spring Creek Hatchery 159.70
Fryingpan Canyon Ranch (Uihlein) 143.00
Wonderview Farms (Pietrzak)
Balcomb Arbaney41.11
Canyon Creek Ranch (Carter)
Elk Canyon Ranch (Robinson) 32.21
Engeler 24.64
Little River Ranch (Armstrong / Alford) 50.55
Okanela Ranch (Knobel)495.79
Que Sera Ranch (Beard / Szedelyi)
Central Ranch 101.18
Coffman Ranch 38.00
CRMS River Parcel 18.50
Crystal Island Ranch (Jelinek)
Flying Dog Ranch West (Stranahan)
John Nieslanik Ranch 166.96
Larsh Family 8.00
Nieslanik Ranch (J&S)630.00
Peterson Ranch78.00
Philly Wolf Ranch (Arbaney) 80.00
Quarter Circle 8 Ranch (McNulty) 866.22
Ranch at Coulter Creek 305.25
Strang Ranch 367.05
Sunnyside Ranch (Blue) 165.40
Taucher Place (Fales/Perry)80.00
Tybar Ranch 198.00
W-T Ranch (Witt) 79.48
Rocky Hill Ranch (Dibrell) 1,513.00
Young Ranch 881.00
Bear Gulch (Scott)880.00
Farnum Ranch130.84
Roan Creek Ranch (Bedell) 280.00
Scott Ranch 147.29
Tall Pines - 4A Ridge (McDonald) 1,040.00
East Canyon Creek Ranch 320.00
Faranhyll Ranch (Williams)437.73
Fischer - Three Mile
Fischer Out Parcel - Three Mile
Harris on the Roaring Fork 1.12
Hood Ranch160.00
Hood Ranch (J&J)
Lazy H/11 Ranch (Jackson) 300.00
Rivendell Farm (Berkeley)168.91
Springridge 308.75
Stormking Hunting Ranch126.00
Stuart Paul Rippy Memorial Wildlife Easement
Darien Ranch 159.41
Flogus Pond (Barnes) 160.00
Marble Ski Area Lots 29 & 55 - Harris Family
Marble Ski Area Lots 42 & 43 - Walden Family
Marble Ski Area Lots 44 & 47 - Rikkers Family
Parry Pond (Baldwin)160.00
Dry Elk Valley Ranch (Dodo / Dodero Family)
Dwyer Family Property - Alkali Creek
North Stoddard Place (Dodo / Dodero Family)
Open Heart Ridge (Roberts Family)
South Stoddard Place (Dodo / Dodero Family)
Stout Ranch - Baldy Creek
Triple J Ranch - Garfield Creek
Morrisania Ranch (Charis)36.65
Broker Load Open Space (Goldsmith)
Elk Mountain Subd. - Lester Family
Elk Mountain Subd. - Wilson / Eck II
Elk Mountain Subd. - Wilson / Eck III
Redstone Coke Ovens Elk Mountain Subd. - LaLone Family
Elk Mountain Subd. - Wilson / Eck I
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
thank you easement donors!
Blackman Ranch (Lowery)720.00
Colorado River Preserve & Island Park 288.14
Knaus Ranch - Taughenbaugh Mesa
Pitman Ranch616.37
Turgoose Ranch 84.20
West Rifle Creek Ranch (Belgum/Bandarra) 655.00
Color: White PC 100
Paper Weight: 70 LBS Text
Post Consumer Content: 100%
With this project, AVLT will save the following resources:
Color: White PC 100
Paper Weight: 70 LBS Text
Post Consumer Content: 100%
With this project, Aspen Valley Land Trust will save the following resources:
Color: White PC 100
Quantity: 2,000 Sheets (38" x 25")
Total Number of Conserved Properties 123.55
2012 donors
Mike Dodo and Scott Dodero
Robert & Soledad Hurst
Wendy & Gary McNulty, Katy McNulty Sorli,
and Meg McNulty
Barbara Pitman and Nancy Pitman
Tom & Sue Scott
Quantity: 2,000 Sheets (38" x 25")
Paper Weight: 70 LBS Text
1,420 lbs. of wood, which is equivalent to 5 trees
that supply enough oxygen for 3 people annually.
1,136 LBS of wood, which is equivalent to 4 trees that supply enough oxygen for 2 people annually. 2,073 gallons of water, which is enough water for 121
1,659 Gallons of water, which is enough water to for 96 eight­minute showers. eight-minute showers.
1,659 Gallons of water, which is enough water to for 96 eight­minute showers. 1 mil. BTUs of energy, which is enough energy to
1mln BTUs of energy, which is enough energy to power the average household for 5 days. 1mln BTUs of energy, which is enough energy to power the average household for 5 days. power the average household
for 6 days.
126 lbs. of solid waste, which would fill
101 LBS of solid waste, which would fill 22 garbage cans. 101 LBS of solid waste, which would fill 22 garbage cans. 27 garbage cans.
430 lbs. of emissions,
which is the amount of carbon
344 LBS of emissions, which is the amount of carbon consumed by 4 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. 344 LBS of emissions, which is the amount of carbon consumed by 4 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. consumed by 5 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.
Flying Dog Ranch (Stranahan) La Bodega del Rio (French) Lenado Mining Claims, Upper (Stranahan)
Lenado Six Mining Claim, Lower (Stranahan)
W/J Ranch (Area F) W/J Ranch (Areas A & B) Post Consumer Content: 100%
Quantity: 2,000 Sheets (38" x 25")
With this project, Aspen Valley Land Trust will save the following resources:
1,136 LBS of wood, which is equivalent to 4 trees that supply enough oxygen for 2 people annually. 1,136 LBS of wood, which is equivalent to 4 trees that supply enough oxygen for 2 people annually. With this project, Aspen Valley Land Trust will save the following resources:
1,659 Gallons of water, which is enough water to for 96 eight­minute showers. 1mln BTUs of energy, which is enough energy to power the average household for 5 days. 101 LBS of solid waste, which would fill 22 garbage cans. 344 LBS of emissions, which is the amount of carbon consumed by 4 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. Learn more about Neenah Papers by scanning the QR code with compatible smartphones. Environmental impact estimates for savings pertaining to the use of post consumer recycled fiber are based on the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator and research done by the Paper Task Force, a peer­reviewed study of the lifecycle environmental impacts of paper production and disposal. Calculations based on research by Environmental Defense Fund and other members of the Paper Task Force ® Registered Trademarks of Neenah Paper, Inc. NEENAHPAPER.COM Learn more about Neenah Papers by scanning the QR code with compatible smartphones. Growth in Conserved Lands
Environmental impact estimates for savings pertaining to the use of post consumer recycled fiber are based on the Environmental Defense Fund Paper Calculator and research done by the Paper Task Force, a peer­reviewed study of the lifecycle environmental impacts of paper production and disposal. Calculations based on research by Environmental Defense Fund and other members of the Paper Task Force
Environmental impact estimates for savings pertaining to the use of post consumer recycled fiber are based on the Environmental ® Registered Trademarks of Neenah Paper, Inc. NEENAHPAPER.COM
NEENAHPAPER.COM Hummingbird Lode
Defense Fund Paper Calculator and research done by the Paper Task Force, a peer­reviewed study of the lifecycle environmental impacts of paper production and disposal. Calculations based on research by Environmental Defense Fund and other members of the Paper Task Force ® Registered Trademarks of Neenah Paper, Inc. photo courtesy of City of Aspen
Learn more about Neenah Papers by scanning the QR code with compatible smartphones. 13
conserved properties
Daley-Myers Ranch 70.00
Dunn-Galloway Ranch 75.79
Fazzi Ranch 284.03
Grand View Ranch (Patterson) 283.89
Hidden Creek West300.00
Kinstead Ranch (Schoonmaker)
Last Dance / 7H Ranch 217.18
Little Muddy Gulch (Schoonmaker)
Malone Ranch 194.73
McCray Ranch 307.75
Montover Ranch 320.00
Morris Ranch 142.15
O’Connell Ranch230.00
Price Ranch I 279.30
Price Ranch II 160.00
Record Ranch (Fulton) 261.37
Rowe Ranch696.87
Sage Canyon 65.38
Silt River Preserve132.00
Singletree Ranch70.00
Streamside at Crown Peak (Kelley)
Toomer Ranch 80.00
Vallario 35.34
West Divide Ranch (Rippy)
West Divide Ranch (BriAnn) 1,114.74
Aspen Skiing Co - Creek Valley 34.00
Aspen Skiing Co - Ridge East 7.80
Aspen Skiing Co - Wildcat Ridge
Aspen Village 13.70
Capitol Creek Ranch (Child) - South
Cozy Point Ranch 168.00
Cozy Point South Open Space 135.42
Dart Ranch292.00
Fox Family 59.65
Harvey Ranch 1,820.21
Seven Star Ranch Open Space 231.59
Shield-O-Mesa (RMI) 35.76
Sky Mountain Park (Droste parcel)
Snowmass Creek (Davis/Donnelley) 184.36
Snowmass Divide (Ziegler)124.98
Watson Divide 860.00
Wieben Ranch 212.68
Windstar Preserve 957.00
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Lifetime Members
HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan
photo by West Elks Ecological Consulting - Flogus Pond, Marble
2012 donors
*We apologize for any misprints or omissions
These accomplishments brought to
you by AVLT’s generous donors*
$5,000 and Over
Aresty Family Advised Fund
Alpine Bank
Jim Aresty
Bighorn Toyota
The Little Nell
Obermeyer Asset Management
Residences at The Little Nell
Spring Valley Ranch, Seligman Family
$1,000 - $4,999
Bald Mountain Development
BF Foundation,
Sarah & Richard Shaw
Dee Blue
Bookcliff, Mount Sopris &
South Side Conservation
Jim Campbell & Sandy Jackson
Catto Charitable Foundation,
John & Laurel Catto
The Chappy’s Fund, Charlie Cole
Martha Cochran & Steve Mills
Conservation Resource Center
Carol Craig
Dalby Wendland & Co PC
Emma Danciger
Brad Davis & Janis Provisor
Bill Emerson & Jane Ogden
Encana Oil & Gas USA
Susanna Hoeppli
Iron Horse Ranch
Jake Family Fund,
Michael & Emily Rosenberg
Joshua & Co., The Ranch Group
Mike & Laura Kaplan Advised Fund
Richard & Marianne Kipper
Susan & Fred Lodge
Peter Looram
Lost Marbles Ranch
Merrill Lynch
Dave & Cindy Miller
Tyler & Rebecca Moebius
The Murray Foundation,
Ellen & Jim Kelsey
Ann Nichols
Lynn Nichols &
Jim Gilchrist Advised Fund
Tricia Nichols
Marty Pickett & Edgell Pyles
Quinn Family Charitable Foundation,
John & Becki Quinn
Shenandoah Foundation,
Mr. & Mrs. Johnstone
Bill Spence & Sue Edelstein
Mark Tache & Christin Cooper
Triple M Ranch, Catherine Gildor
Lynde B. Uihlein
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Wallace
Advised Fund
Peter Welles
Fred Wooden
John L. Zabriskie, Jr. & Adelaide W.
Zabriskie Advised Fund
$500 - $999
Michael Behrendt
Dan Brumbaugh
Steve & Molly Child
Crystal River Meats
Sherri Draper & Will Ferry
Elizabeth Fergus Foundation,
Elizabeth & Robert Fergus
Wally & Kristen Graham
Gordon & Lillian Hardy
David & Ruth Hoff
In Place, Ltd.
Chuck & Beverly Johnson
Curtis Kaufman
Kaufman, Peterson & Dishler PC
Bill & Melanie Livingston
Henry Lord
Mike & Martha McCoy
Greg & Anita Owings
Rosemary & Pat Patterson
Don Price
Les & Cynthia Price
Peter Rispoli & Donna DiIanni
Scott & Ingrid Rolles
Katie Soden & Janet Earley
Mike & Kit Strang
Scott & Tamara Stuart
Jack & Bonnie Wilke
Vectra Bank Colorado
Wells Fargo Business Banking
$250 - $499
Argentum Foundation, Chelsea
Congdon & James Brundige
Bank of the West Employee
Giving Program
Craig & Mikaela Barnes
Skip Behrhorst & Donna Fisher
Edward & Priska Berkheimer
John & Jackie Bucksbaum
Steve & Georgia Carter
Susan Rhea & Dave Carver
David & Kathy Chase
Travis Clark
Conservation Law, Jessica Jay
Mary Dominick & Sven Coomer
Fran & Fred Davies
Caroline Duell
Mr. & Mrs. Owen O. Freeman Jr.
Kevin Gibson
Christine Goldstein &
Alexandra Halperin
Glen & Lynne Jammaron
Bill & Carolyn Kane
Mark & Maryanne Keating
Nancy Kimbrell & Mario Larouche
Dr. William & Jane Mitchell
Brooke A. Peterson & Diane T.
Advised Fund
James & Hensley Peterson
Rare Earth Science LLC, Jim
Rare Earth Science LLC, Dawn Reeder
Dr. Jack & Lecie Resneck, in honor of
Bonnie Levinson & Don Kay
Renny & Judy Schoonmaker
Kate Schwarzler, in memory of
Erich & Miriam Jung
Tam & Sue Scott
Kevin & Elaine Shea
Chuck Vidal
Jay Webster
Jenny Lee Walsh
Western Land Group
$100 - $249
Molly & Barry Adams
Rebecca Ayres
Tom Baker
Charles Balbach
Patsy Batchelder & Andy Wiessner
Dave Bellack
Tracy & Robert Bennett
Stephen & Carla Berry
Alan Bershenyi
Verena Bishop
Bill Blakeslee
Kim Bracher
Debby & Michael Brady
Jane Foxen
Adele Hause
Jennifer Phelps Tempest
Jill & Michael Briggs
Jim & Michele Cardamone
Willis Carpenter
Barbara Conviser
Anne Cooke
Mark & Lauren Cornish
John & Susan Cottle
Jen & Dave Cramer
Gesine Crandall
Kristine Crandall
Susan Cuseo
Lee & Donna Dale
Susan Darrow
Brian & Stephanie Davies
Peter & Catherine Davis
Decypher Technologies
Paula Derevensky
Nick DeWolf Foundation, Maggie DeWolf
Bob & Nancy Emerson
Alexander & Willa Falck
Davis & Cathie Farrar
Suzanne Farver
Liz Flanagan & Neal Batson, in honor of
Lois Abel Harlamert
Dorothy Frommer
Ernestine & WR Goodnough
Bill & Joyce Gruenberg
Barb & Paul Hanrahan
Casady Henry
Kristen Henry
Gail & Phil Holstein
JA Taylor Family Foundation, John Taylor
Molly & Tai Jacober
Greg & Sean Jeung
Sam & Ann Johnson
Gideon Kaufman
Laura Kirk & David Carpenter
Reed Lewis
Bill & Carol Lightstone
Laurie Loeb
Amory Lovins & Judy Hill Lovins
Max Macdonell
Howie Mallory Family
Lisa Markalunas
Austin & Anne Marquis
Joan Matranga
Deb & Bill McCanne
Dick Moebius
Rick & Virginia Newton
Dr. Norman & Melinda Payson
Everett Peirce & Susan Fleet Welsch
Fred & Sandra Peirce
Bill Fales & Marjorie Perry
Plumeria Family Foundation,
Elizabeth Stewart
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
10th Mountain Division
Hut Association
Ajax Bike & Sport
Alchemy Audio/Visual
Alpine Animal Hospital
Amalia Designs
Aspen Music Festival & School
Aspen Skiing Company
Aspen Stitchworks - AS Organics
Avalanche Ranch Cabins & Hot
BBJ Linen
Belly Up
Belmont Clean
Lili Belmont
Jo Bershenyi
Blazing Adventures
Joy Blong
Bonfire Coffee
Book Train
Bristlecone Mountain Sports
Carly’s Gold
Choice Liquors
JoAnn Coffman
Colorado Animal Rescue, Inc.
Colorado Mountain College
Crystal River Meats
Crystal Theater
Matthew Cull
Dancing Colours
Decypher Technologies
Katrina DeVore
Carol Dodo
Dos Gringos Burritos & Café Ole
Downvalley Tavern
Stacy Duff
Dwyer Greens & Flowers
El Jebeverage
El Jebowl
Elizabeth Dean Boutique
Express Yourself
John Fielder
Fly Cyclery
Flying Dog Brewery, LLC
Frias Properties of Aspen
Marcia H. Fusaro
Fusion Design & Catering @
The Dragonfly Ranch
Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park
Gran Farnum Printing &
Publishing Company
Grana Bread Company
Grateful Deli
Lois Abel Harlamert
Heidi Hat / Heidi Bottom
Drs. Jay Heim and Corey Johnson
Hickory House Ribs
Italian Underground
Jackie Daly Photography
Jacober Brothers Construction
Kitchen Collage of Roaring Fork
Lathrop Strang
Memorial Fund Donors
Lee Ann Eustis
Jane Foxen
Adele Hause
Jennifer Phelps Tempest
2012 donors
Charles & Carol Bayens
BIO-Logic, Inc., Steve Boyle
Dr. John & Myra Bone
Scott & Betsy Bowie
Bob & Janet Buck
Katherine Bulkley
Roger & Helen Carlsen
Peggy Corcillo & Dave Pietsch
Marjorie DeLuca
A.C. Elliott
Bill & Pat Fender
Anne & Phil Freedman
Sara Garton
Jon Gibans
Randy Gold & Dawn Shepard
Doug & Peggy Graybeal
David Hamilton
Susan Harris
Richard & Jane Hart
Ann Hodges
Karl Hoff
Tom Isaac
Deborah Jones & John Katzenberger
CiCi Kinney
Terry Lee
Tricia Louthis
John & Caroline Y. Moore
Shannon Murphy
Julie Paxton
Erik & Carla Peltonen
Oliver & Karen Perin
Joe & Pip Porter
Barbara Reid & David Hyman
Rachel Richards
Octavius B. Robinson
Mike Sawyer
Steve & Sandy Stay
D. John Stickney & Lee Beck
Edward Sullivan
Henderson Supplee
Shelley Supplee & Hawk Greenway
In Kind Donors
Le Cercle Community Studio
Little Annie’s
Sam Louras
Main Street Gallery & The Framer
Lydia McIntyre
Shannon Meyer
Michael Pier Studios
Midland Baking Co.
Midland Shoe
Mona Lisa
Mountain Flowers of Aspen
Mountain Roll-offs
Drs. Robert Murray & John Murray
New York Pizza
Mark Nieslanik
Mary Noone
Wally Obermeyer
Of Grape and Grain
Jane Ogden
Paper Wise
Pat Patterson at Fine Things
Peppino’s Pizza
Phat Thai
Premier Party Rental
Red Hill Animal Health Center
Red Rock Diner
Restaurant Six89
Rivendell Sod Farm
Riverside Grill
RJ Paddywacks
Roadside Gallery & Printing
Roaring Fork Liquors
Roaring Fork Transit Authority
Roaring Fork Valley Co-op
Rocky Mountain Pet Shop
Barbara Schomaker
Shelley Spalding Hair Design
Signature Picture Framing
Skyline Ranch and Kennels
Snowmass Village Dental
Snowmass Western Heritage
Sopris Chiropractic
Sopris Liquor & Wine
Strang Ranch
Bridget Strang
Sunlight Mountain Resort
Susan’s Flowers and Gifts
The Pour House
The Village Smithy
The Yoga Space
Thunder River Theatre Company
Town of Snowmass Village
Recreation Center
Trinity Cross, LLC
Two Old Hippies
Tybar Ranch
Ute Mountaineer Ltd
Val’s Gourmet
Viceroy Snowmass
White House Pizza
Wyly Community Art Center
Yampah Spa & Salon
These accomplishments brought to
you by AVLT’s generous donors*
Up to $99
Tripp & Gabriella Sutro
Lois Harlamert Teegarden
The Appraisal Office, Dave Ritter
Armand & Nancy Thomas
Robert Tures & Christine Chisholm
Mark Weston
Hans Widmer
Judy Welch
*We apologize for any misprints or omissions
Cathy Porter
Robert K. Purvis
Ken & Emily Ransford
Katherine Reppa
Denise Roberts
Edward Sands
Dave Scruby & Deb Lundin
Susan Sheridan
Carolyn & Dick Shohet
Sandra Smith
Katy & Sasho Sorli
Pat Spitzmiller
Tax Credit Connection LLC,
in honor of the McNulty family
Dr. Nancy Thomas & Dr. Roger Davis
Alexander & Dorothea Thomson
Tom & Roz Turnbull
Gregg Velasquez & Theresa Zelenka
Lois Veltus
Bob & Ruth Wade
Craig & Becky Ward
West Elks Ecological Consulting,
Dawn Barton
Marilyn Wilmerding
King R. Woodward
Zanin Family Foundation
Peter & Joan Ziegler
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email:
Aspen Valley Land Trust
320 Main Street, Suite 204
Carbondale, CO 81623
aving th
photo by West Elks Ecological Consulting
Ways to Support Your Local Land Trust
You can make a difference by helping conserve the open
ranchlands and wildlife habitat of our area in a variety of ways while also
helping fulfill your own financial goals. A planned charitable gift can make a
big difference in assuring that our natural heritage remains and our area is a
healthy, economically viable place to work, live and play.
Federal and state tax benefits may be available with the following types
of charitable gifts:
J&S Nieslanik Ranch,
Spring Valley, Glenwood Springs
• • • Bequests of land or residential or commercial buildings
Gifts of life insurance
Gifts of retirement accounts
Gifts of stock
AVLT can help you answer questions about the financial benefits and personal goals of planned charitable giving.
Please contact Martha Cochran if you would like to follow the lead of others who have invested in the future of this special place.
check out
Thank you for supporting AVLT!
Look up maps, get information, purchase a book, or make a tax-deductible donation on our website!
for timely updates, friend us!
Aspen Valley Land Trust, 320 Main Street, Suite 204, Carbondale, CO 81623 tel:970/963.8440 fax:970/963.8441 email: