February 29, 2016 issue - Sequoia Elementary School, Oakland, CA


February 29, 2016 issue - Sequoia Elementary School, Oakland, CA
Sequoia Elementary School Community Newsletter: Feb *29*, 2016
3730 Lincoln Avenue Oakland, CA 94602 (510) 531-6696
www.SequoiaSchool.net -and- Facebook.com/SequoiaSchool
Three Week Calendar
Minimum Days for Week of 3/7
Wednesdays are minimum days
Every day during the week
of March 7 will be a
minimum day; students will
be dismissed from school
at 1:20 p.m. The minimum
days will accommodate
report card conferences.
Not all students will have a
conference; students'
teachers will contact families if a conference is needed.
Feb 29 - Mar 11:Golden Sneaker Contest
Mon Feb 29: Leap Day!
Tue Mar 1: Family Reading Night
Wed Mar 2: Sequoia Sings! Student Performance,
8:30 - 9:00 AM, Auditorium
Wed Mar 2: Dr. Seuss’s Birthday and Read Across
America Day
Thu Mar 3: Dads’ Club Meeting, 7:00 - 8:30 PM,
Red Boy Pizza (1500 Leimert Blvd)
Fri Mar 4:
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Day
Sat Mar 5: Variety Show Workshop, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sat Mar 5: FOSS Meeting, childcare provided, 10:00 AM 12:00 PM, Dimond Rec Center (3860 Hanly Rd)
Todos los días durante la semana del 7 de marzo serán días
mínimos; los estudiantes saldrán a la 1:20 todos los días. Los
días mínimos serán para las conferencias de maestros y padres.
No todos los estudiantes tendrán una conferencia; los
maestros se pondrán en contacto con las familias de
estudiantes que necesiten una conferencia.
‫اج ج‬
‫سججلا م ج‬
‫لججلا ةي ج‬
‫اججبس ج‬
‫ ل جججلال جججلاادلمل ج‬7‫دكجملسياجج‬
‫ رل ق جهملوج‬،‫تججج‬
‫فججم ج‬
‫فججلااس ج‬
‫رملم جج و ج‬20:1‫لججج‬
‫عججا ج‬
‫اججلا ق جوج ج‬
‫مي‬.‫وج قلكلجججج‬
‫تججا جةججلال جججرمل ج‬
‫اججلاارل جججهملولجججم ج‬
‫فججمسي ج‬
‫مي ج‬
‫وج اا اف‬
‫تججلل ج‬
‫لججلام وموجججلاادم ج‬
‫عججل ج‬
‫جج رال جبججلا ي جدج ج‬
‫ا م‬.‫رجج‬
‫ال طجا وجل م‬،‫لججج‬
‫عججهة ج‬
‫لج ج‬
‫جرججملم جججلاميل ج‬
‫اججاس م سجج يا ج‬
‫وججك ج‬
‫طججا ج‬
‫فج موا جججامجلججا ج ج‬
‫تججلااس ج‬
‫س ج‬
‫لا جوج‬.
Mon Mar 7: Final Day of Readathon, sponsor sheets and
funds due
Mar 7 - 11: Minimum Week - 1:20 PM Dismissal All Week
Wed Mar 9: Variety Show Workshop, 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Fri Mar 11: Second Trimester Report Cards Sent Home
Sat Mar 12: Variety Show Rehearsal, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM,
Sun Mar 13: Daylight Savings Time Begins
Thu Mar 17: Variety Show Dress Rehearsal, 6:30 - 9:00 PM,
Thu Mar 17: St. Patrick’s Day
Fri Mar 18: Variety Show, 6:30 - 9:00 PM, Auditorium
Sun Mar 20: First Day of Spring/ Spring Equinox
Family Reading Night!
As part of Read A Thon week,
please join us for Family
Reading Night on Tuesday,
March 1st from 6-8 PM. We will
provide a simple dinner at 6 PM
in the cafeteria. 7-8 pm kids
rotate stations in the
auditorium to hear stories read
aloud to them. Volunteers needed to bring a dessert to share,
set up and clean up. Let us know if you can help! Please email
Susannah Prinz at susannaheloyse@yahoo.com. See you there.
Saturday, March 5th FOSS meeting
The next FOSS meeting will be
on March 5th from 10-12 at
Dimond rec center. Food,
coffee, conversation and
childcare provided. FOSS
(Friend of Sequoia School) is
the parent group at Sequoia.
Everyone is welcome so stop
by and say hello!
For more information please contact Sarah smith Gumataotao
at camillusoflellis@gmail.com.
每天, 3⽉7⽇⾄3⽉11⽇是放早學, 放學時間是下午⼀時⼆ ⼗
分. 是教師學⽣回顧等級. 多謝各位家⾧ !
Tất cả các ngày học trong tuần bắt đầu Ngày 07 Tháng Ba sẽ là
ngày ngắn; trường sẽ tan học lúc 1:20 chiều mỗi ngày. Những
ngày học ngắn sẽ được dành cho các hội nghị giửa Thầy Giáo
và Phụ Huynh. Không phải tất cả mổi học sinh sẽ cần có một
cuộc họp; giáo viên của mổi học sinh sẽ liên lạc với gia đình
riêng, nếu một cuộc họp là cần thiết.
Safe Routes Golden Sneaker Contest
Lace up those shoes, dust off those
bikes, or get ready to share your
ride! The Safe Routes to Schools
Golden Sneaker Contest is coming to
your school!
For 2 weeks from February 22nd to March 4th, participating
classrooms will be tracking and talking about the benefits of
using active transportation – walking and rolling (biking,
skateboarding or using a scooter) or shared transportation
(riding the school bus, using public transportation and/or
carpooling with other families) - to come to school. The
classroom with the highest percentage of these healthy travel
choices will win the Golden Sneaker Trophy and celebration.
The Golden Sneaker contest offers a chance for every student
to participate. If you live too far from school to walk or roll you
can always:
Park a few blocks away and walk
Meet up with friends who live close to school and walk as a
Start a carpool
For more information please contact Jennifer Joey Smith at
Sequoia Elementary School Community Newsletter: Feb *29*, 2016 - Page 2
Sequoia Shout Outs
Readathon in Full Swing
Thank you TK and K!
Dictation: Hailey
Playdate Organization: Sarah
Library help: Aruna
Medical Advice: Nel
Flowers: Clara, Kevin, and Kaydence
Donations: Cooper, Jamal, Rory, Pablo
Motor Skills: Jeffrey, Keith, Aruna, Chrissy, Vicki, C. Banks,
Michelo, Sean, Caren, Raylene, Kristin, Susannah, Brandy
Reminders: Nel
Snack set-up: Hailey, Aruna, Josh, Elizabeth
Hopefully you found your child's Readathon packet in their
backpack on Friday, Feb 26 and they are having fun reading like
crazy! Please help your child track their minutes. Teachers will
let their classes know if there are classtime reading minutes
they can put in their log (and how many each day). The top
reader from each class will be invited to the Readers' Tea.
Two big shout-outs form the garden program:
Mr. Fleischman for including blossoming fruit trees in his
To Eric (Felix's dad, 3rd Chiodo) for being the hero of the day
with the Lincoln garden's irrigation needs!
We have a wonderful group of interesting and inspiring guest
readers, including many authors, coming to read to the kids in
class on Friday, March 4! Look for reader bios in the Readathon
packet and please greet/thank them if you see them on
campus that day.
Garden Notes: This week is all
about GREENS!!
The collard greens took a bit of a
beating this year—from
impatient fingers picking before
they were ready for harvest to
being the casualties of some
student tempers—YET the
greens still grew. Add to that freakishly warm February
weather and the collards started to shoot and flower before
they had a chance to come back from the picking and
stomping. However, although it was not the glorious crop that
we saw last year these greens are just as nutritious and as
students reported, delicious! Recipes sent home with students
so you can make the quick greens sauté at home (same as the
Swiss chard recipe, they love it!!) Once we ran out of collards
and dino kale that were ready for harvest, Friday's garden
students still enjoyed lettuce and spinach greens! Students
harvested, radishes, cilantro, snap and sugar peas, rainbow
carrots, borrage flowers and nasturtium leaves for their salads,
with a healthy lemon-juice-from-the-garden-tree and olive oil
dressing with a light sprinkle of maple syrup and salt.
California Healthy Kids Survey Participate! Deadline Thurs 3/04!
Did you know that 33% of High School students in OUSD
experienced a debilitating DEPRESSION? Or that 31% of 9th
graders experience high levels of CARING RELATIONSHIPS with
adults at school? We know these things and many more about
our students' well-being at school because of the California
Healthy Kids Survey ! If you have not already filled this out
online or on paper, please do! If you fill it out online, return the
paper copy to school with "ONLINE" written across the front.
This survey provides crucial information for school
improvement, and state funding for district programs.
INCENTIVES: 1st class to have 100% participation: teacher
receives $50 Barnes and Noble card for classroom resources
and students get a (constructive) free period. 2nd highest
return rate: teacher receives $25 Barnes and Noble card and
free time for class.
For more information please contact Kara deKernion at
If you haven't done so yet, please request donations from
family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, Facebook friends, etc.
Make a Razoo page to reach out online! Help your child keep
track of donations on the log provided. The top fundraiser from
each class is invited to the Readers' Tea.
We are still looking for volunteers for the following Readathon
Friday, March 4 DEAR Day: Help sell La Farine pastries and
Peets coffee on the school yard before school (All profits go to
Friday, March 18: Donate food for the Readers' Tea, help set
up and/or clean up, staff the buttonmaker for attendees
Please email us at sequoiareadathon@gmail.com if you can
help. Thanks and Happy Reading!
Celebrate the Skyline Jazz Band at
Who: Sequoia graduates and former
students of Mr. Bob. When: Monday
February 29, 2016
7PM and 9PM Shows. Where: Yoshi's,
510 Embarcadero West, Jack London
Buy your tickets at: http://www.skylineinstrumentalmusic.org/
jazz.html. For more information please contact Ann Hutcheson
-Wilcox at hwfamily@sbcglobal.net.
Amazon Shopping Earns
Money for Sequoia
Did you know that you can help our school when you shop on
Amazon.com? Just access Amazon via the Amazon Smile link
on our website's "Shop for Sequoia" page: sequoiaschool.net/
donate/shop-for-sequoia. When you do this, Amazon gives us 6
-8 percent of your purchase price—at no cost to you!
The link on our website goes to "Amazon Smile”—it’s the same
as the regular Amazon site, except that you can choose a
charity to support with your purchase. If you choose Sequoia
Dads' Club as your charity, we get an extra half percent in
addition to the money that we get because you used our link.
Remember, using the link brings us a LOT more money than
choosing us as your Amazon Smile charity. Please bookmark
the Shop for Sequoia link above, and tell your family members,
friends, co-workers and neighbors to begin all their Amazon
shopping at our school’s website. Thanks for your support!