CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 12-2016 TUESDAY – AUGUST 16, 2016 AGENDA 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:00 P.M. ADOPT AGENDA: Adopt agenda dated August 16, 2016 MINUTES: A) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NO. 11-2016 July 19, 2016 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 PM DELEGATIONS: 4. CORRESPONDENCE: Acknowledge List of Correspondence to Council. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Accept Committee Reports and Recommendations A) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: August 9, 2016 B) RCMP REPORT TO COUNCIL: none C) CITY MANAGERS REPORT: August 16, 2016 6. FINANCE: A) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION: Approve Expenditure Appropriation No. 12-2016 B) BANK RECONCILIATION: June 2016, July 2016 7. MOTIONS: A) Tax Abatement –201 Centennial Drive S Council will be asked: to approve a tax abatement for 2013 B) Tax Abatement – 201 Centennial Drive S Council will be asked: to approve a tax abatement for 2014 C) Tax Abatement – 201 Centennial Drive S Council will be asked: to approve a tax abatement for 2015 D) Naming of Parks/Greenspace Council will be asked: to approve the proposed names for parks and greenspace E) Local Improvements – 1st Avenue North – Baycroft Drive to 8th Street North Council will be asked: to authorize engineers to prepare a local improvement report F) Local Improvements – 1st Avenue North – Baycroft Drive to 8th Street North Council will be asked: to approve the local improvement report G) Appointment of Building Officials Council will be asked: to approve the appointment of building officials 8. BYLAWS: 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 10. IN-CAMERA ITEMS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: A) NOTICES & MOTIONS: Council members raise notice of issues or bring motions to the floor. B) ADJOURN: CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 10-2016 TUESDAY JULY 19th, 2016 MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Kent Muench, Councillors: Darren MacDonald, Terry Kostyna Jamie Martens (5:05 pm), Bob Blackwell, Travis Wiebe, City Manager Scott Blevins, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, Director of Recreation & Community Service Dave Bosch REGRETS: Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, Director of Corporate Services Leah Sullivan LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick, CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Kent Muench called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. RES: #159/07192016 (Blackwell/Wiebe) AGENDA “That we adopt the agenda dated July 19, 2016” CARRIED RES: #160/07192016 (Wiebe/MacDonald) MINUTES – JUNE 21, 2016 “That we accept the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting No. 10-2016 dated June 21st, 2016.” CARRIED RES: #161/07192016 (Wiebe/MacDonald) PUBLIC HEARING “That we now recess the Regular Council Meeting to hold a Public Hearing in regards to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 10-2016, at 5:01 P.M.” CARRIED A) Zoning Amendment Bylaw 10-2016 No one was present for the Public Hearing and no written concerns were received. RES: #162/07192016 (Blackwell/Wiebe) RESUME REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING “That we resume the July 19, 2016 Regular Council Meeting at 5:02 P.M.” CARRIED CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 10-2016 TUESDAY JULY 19th, 2016 MINUTES RES: #163/06212016 (Wiebe/MacDonald) CORRESPONDENCE “That we acknowledge and file the Correspondence List, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED RES: #164/07192016 (Blackwell/Kostyna) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – JULY 12, 2016 “That we accept the Committee of the Whole minutes dated July 12, 2016” CARRIED RES: #165/07192016 (MacDonald/Wiebe) MANAGERS REPORT “That we accept the Managers Report dated July 19, 2016” CARRIED RES: #166/07192016 (Blackwell/MacDonald) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION “That we authorize Expenditure Appropriation No. 11-2016, in the amount of $1,144,046.31 as attached hereto and forming part of the minutes.” CARRIED RES: #167/07192016 (Wiebe/MacDonald) SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT/ Neighbourhood Church “That we grant a Special Event Permit to the Martensville Neighbourhood Church for a Church Service & Fun Day Children Celebration to be held August 21st, 2016 at City Hall Grounds, in accordance with their application as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED RES: #168/07192016 (MacDonald/Wiebe) 2017-2018 Rental Rates “That we approve the proposed 2017 Facility Rental/Sporting Field Rental Fees and the 2018 NRCCC rental rates as attached and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 10-2016 TUESDAY JULY 19th, 2016 MINUTES RES: #169/07192016 (Blackwell/Wiebe) TAXI LICENSE RENEWAL – OMNI/QUICK CITY TAXI “That the City of Martensville approves the issuance of two Taxi License to Omni/Quick City Taxi, for the operation of a taxi service for the 2016/2017 year.” CARRIED RES: #170/07192016 (Blackwell/Wiebe) 2015 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS “That we accept the 2015 Audited Financial Statements for the period ending December 31, 2015 as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED RES: #171/07192016 (MacDonald/Wiebe) BYLAW NO. 10-2016 (SECOND READING) “That Bylaw No. 10-2016, being a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, be read for the second time.” CARRIED RES: #172/07192016 (MacDonald/Martens) BYLAW NO. 10-2016 (THIRD & FINAL READING) “That Bylaw No. 10-2016, being a Zoning Bylaw Amendment, be read for the third and final time.” CARRIED DISCUSSION ITEMS A) RFD – Cell Tower Municipal Director of Infrastructure and Planning Doxey, reviewed with City Council the intentions of LandSolutions LP, on behalf of Roger’s Communication Inc., to construct a new 35m telecommunications tower at 6 5th Avenue North. The City has several concerns with the proposed location and has been in discussions with Roger’s Communication Inc. It was noted that notices have been sent out by Roger’s Communication Inc., to residents that may be impacted by this as well a notice was put in the Martensville Messenger. Administration would like to wait until the Public Consultation portion of the project is completed and review the amended proposal from Roger’s Communication Inc., before sending out a letter of concurrence or non-concurrence. More information is expected to be brought forward at a future council meeting. B) RFD – RM Request Director of Infrastructure and Planning Doxey, reviewed with City Council that on June 23, 2016 the Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) of the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) passed a resolution to support five yard sites per quarter section or three per 80 acres in areas specified in the attached map. The RM of Corman Park is requesting a letter from each of the four partnering municipalities, Cities of Saskatoon, Martensville, and Warman and the Town of Osler to show their support of this request. City Council was in favour and a motion was passed. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 10-2016 TUESDAY JULY 19th, 2016 MINUTES RES: #173/07192016 (Wiebe/MacDonald) RM REQUEST “That we authorize a letter be sent supporting the position of the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) concerning the Rural Municipality of Corman Park’s five yard sites per quarter section or three per 80 acres identified on the attached map.” CARRIED RES: #174/07192016 (Wiebe/Martens) IN-CAMERA “That Council go in-camera at 5:44P.M.” CARRIED IN-CAMERA A) Strategic Plan – 2nd Quarter update RES: #175/07192016 (MacDonald/Wiebe) RESUME REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING “That we resume the July 19, 2016 Regular Council Meeting at 6:17 P.M.” CARRIED RES: #176/07192016 (MacDonald/Martens) ADJOURN “That we adjourn this meeting at 6:18 P.M.” CARRIED ______________________ MAYOR _______________________ CITY CLERK REPORT 8-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – AUGUST 9, 2016 MINUTES PRESENT: Councillors: Terry Kostyna, Bob Blackwell, Travis Wiebe, Darren MacDonald, Jamie Martens, Director of Recreation & Community Services Dave Bosch, Corporate Services Director Leah Sullivan REGRETS: Mayor Kent Muench, Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, City Manager Scott Blevins, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick CALL TO ORDER: Councillor Wiebe called the meeting to order at 5:14 P.M. 4. REPORTS 5.1 City Manager 5.2 Corporate Services 5.2.1 Financial Statements Director of Corporate Services Leah Sullivan, reviewed with City Council the tax abatements for 2013, 2014 & 2015 for property Block J, Plan 72S14140. Altus Group Limited submitted an appeal to Saskatchewan Municipal Board on behalf of 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd. Upon review, it was noted that Block J, Plan 72S14140 was overvalued in the assessment as SAMA was found to have errored in the valuation calculation therefore causing the taxes to be higher than they were actually supposed to be. The ruling of Saskatchewan Municipal Board was that the City of Martensville is responsible for refunding 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd the difference for 2013, 2014 & 2015. A motion will be brought forth at the next council meeting to approve the tax abatements. 5.3 City Clerk 5.4 Director of Recreation and Community Services 5.4.1 RFD – Rental Rates Director of Recreation and Community Services Dave Bosch reviewed with City Council the names chosen for the following parks/greenspaces: Municipal Reserve MR62 will be named Rose Leaf Park, 4th Avenue North to be named Unrau Park and Sunset Tot Lot Park to me named Munday Park. A motion will be brought forward to the next council meeting for formal approval. REPORT 8-2016 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – AUGUST 9, 2016 MINUTES 5.6 Community/Economic Development Manager (CEDM) 5.6.1 CEDM Report Community Economic Development Manager was absent from the meeting. City Council had no questions or concerns regarding the report. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 5:23 pm. _______________________ Mayor Kent Muench CITY MANAGER’S REPORT AUGUST 16, 2016 CORPORATE SERVICES - SAMA has forwarded our 2017 preliminary assessment values for review. Average increases based on the preliminary figures for residential properties are 15% provincially and 12% for Martensville while commercial properties on average will increase 33% provincially and 76% for Martensville. We will be reviewing the assessment figures and corresponding with SAMA as necessary. SAMA expects the province to announce the 2017 percentage of values for each property class in late fall. They then plan to complete and distribute the final assessment values in late 2016/early 2017. - We continue to monitor the Canada Post negotiations in order to be aware of any potential service disruptions prior to the September billings. CITY CLERK - The 2016 Election preparation is in full swing: - Advertising for help during the election has been done. - Advertising on website and in paper for call for nomination will be at the end of the month. Nominations open September 6th. - Training for election helpers will be in early September. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES - Kinsmen Park Phase 1 tender has been advertised – closing date August 15. - Will be hosting Arena Operator 2 course October 3-7 at the Sports Centre. - Filled (2) Full- Time Temporary Recreation Facility Operator 1 positions. - RC Strategies will be doing stakeholder interviews for Recreation Master Plan on September 28 and meeting with Steering Committee on September 29. - Mocon Field east diamonds – outfields have been topdressed/levelled and re-seeded. Infields have been shaped with clay - shale being delivered early September. - Sports Centre will open August 28 for the upcoming season. - Bylaw report for July attached. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE BYLAW ENFORCEMENT STATS MONTH: July 2016 COMPLAINT TRAFFIC BYLAW NO PARKING Unlicensed Vehicle Vehicle not parked on hard surface Parked Wrong Way PARKING TO CLOSE TO HYDRANT Vehicle a Hazard PARKED ON BLVD TRAILER UNHITCHED PARKED MORE THEN 72 HRS ON STREET Dumping on street ANIMAL CONTROL BYLAW DOGS AT LARGE WITH TAG OR MICROCHIP CATS AT LARGE WITH TAG OR MICROCHIP # OF DOGS TAKEN TO VET # OF DOGS TAKEN TO SPCA # OF CATS TAKEN TO VET # OF CATS TAKEN TO SPCA OFF LEASH DEFECATION NOT PICKED UP # OF TRAPS LENT OUT # OF ANIMALS TRAPPED NOISE BYLAW ZONING BYLAW NO BIN Shipping container NUISANCE BYLAW – Alley checked BARKING DOG FIRE-BURNING RUBBISH Fireworks FORESTRY- diseased tree SNOW REMOVAL WASTE Waste TOTAL FOR LAST MONTH TOTAL FOR THE MONTH TOTAL FOR THE YEAR TO DATE OFFENSE PATROL CALLS WARNINGS FINES 5 2 2 1 5 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 TOTAL 5 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 275 275 516 516 190 292 725 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE BANK RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2016 BALANCE AS OF MAY 31, 2016 PLUS: INTEREST REVENUE: Credit Union Pertpetual Care Interest $ 5,286,884.58 $ $ 1,669,963.55 6,956,848.13 $ $ 1,697,269.30 5,259,578.83 $ $ 5,446,317.00 14.56 $ $ 89,407.37 5,535,738.93 $ $ 277,274.16 5,258,464.77 $ 1,114.06 5,259,578.83 5,558.31 2.40 CASH RECEIPTS: Taxes TIPPS 516,814.52 345,075.51 Utilities 275,362.32 Pre-Authorized Payments 72,391.76 General Revenue MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: SaskPower (APRIL) SaskEnergy (APRIL) GST $ 5,560.71 $ 1,594,726.91 $ 69,675.93 861,890.03 347,754.08 $385,082.80 57,640.30 10,004.86 2,030.77 SUB-TOTAL: LESS: A/P AND PAYROLL: A/P JUNE 2016 Payroll # 12 (MAY 22-JUNE 4) Payroll #13 (JUNE 5-18) stale-dated cheque (w/o#27808 P.Perron) 1,502,003.58 88,000.48 103,683.62 120.00 1,693,807.68 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: GG-Debit machine MAP-DEBIT Machine SW-Debit Machine Canada Post NSF-MAP 65 +115.50+20 Over/Short MAP 83.57 57.34 41.56 3,065.16 200.50 13.49 $ 3,461.62 ADJUSTED GENERAL LEDGER BALANCE AS OF JUNE 30, 2016: BALANCE AS PER THE BANK STATEMENTS: Credit Union Balance Perpetual Care Account PLUS: OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: JUNE 2016 EFT pymts SUB-TOTAL: OUTSTANDING CHEQUES: LESS: JUNE 2016 OTHER: Bank charges UB POSTED in July AP Posted in July Re#30743 Stop Payment ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCE AS OF JUNE 30, 2016: 5,830.22 $ $ 65,479.84 23,927.53 277,274.16 80.00 410.91 623.15 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE BANK RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2016 BALANCE AS OF JUNE 30, 2016 PLUS: INTEREST REVENUE: Credit Union Pertpetual Care Interest CASH RECEIPTS: Taxes TIPPS $ 5,259,578.83 $ $ 6,559,756.29 11,819,335.12 $ $ 1,165,190.59 10,654,144.53 $ $ 9,176,793.35 17.04 $ $ 1,496,050.94 10,672,861.33 $ $ 18,804.80 10,654,056.53 $ 88.00 10,654,144.53 6,889.65 2.48 $ 6,892.13 $ 6,356,553.26 $ 196,310.90 5,157,046.17 348,671.20 Utilities Pre-Authorized Payments 285,683.78 66,451.48 5,505,717.37 352,135.26 General Revenue MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: SaskPower (May) SaskEnergy (May) SaskPower (June) GST NSF- repaid Grindheim $498,700.63 47,193.21 6,156.67 52,960.69 89,980.33 20.00 SUB-TOTAL: LESS: A/P AND PAYROLL: A/P JULY 2016 Payroll # 14 (June 19-July 2) Payroll #15 (JULY 3-16) 906,478.05 126,030.16 116,639.19 1,149,147.40 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: GG-Debit machine MAP-DEBIT Machine SW-Debit Machine Canada Post GST Payable NSF-Yol Cometa MAP-over/short double entry 85.98 60.92 71.03 5,123.16 9,977.85 700.00 24.25 $ 16,043.19 ADJUSTED GENERAL LEDGER BALANCE AS OF JULY 31, 2016: BALANCE AS PER THE BANK STATEMENTS: Credit Union Balance Perpetual Care Account PLUS: OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: JULY 2016 EFT pymts SUB-TOTAL: OUTSTANDING CHEQUES: LESS: JULY 2016 OTHER: Bank charges ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCE AS OF JULY 31, 2016: 5,830.22 $ $ 1,367,044.28 129,006.66 18,804.80 88.00 RESOLUTION FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd the owner/occupant of Lot J PLAN 72S14140 CIVIC: 201 Centennial Drive S 505022000 The current assessed levy The revised 2015 Assessed Levy Property 1,528,600 Property 1,051,800 This Abatement of taxes is requested as the said 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd. should not pay the additional taxes due in respect of the above-noted property for the 2013 year because (state the reason(s) below): SAMA: Assessment Appeal board decision for 2015 Taxes levied Revised Levy Abatement (refund) SCHOOL MUNICIPAL TOTAL 544.24 Seperate School 12,112.57 Public 830.00 Base 11,311.64 MUN 24,798.45 374.48 Seperate School 8,334.42 Public 3,947.91 830.00 Base 7,783.32 MUN 17,322.22 3,528.32 $7,476.23 CERTIFIED that resolution #_____________________ authorizing the above-noted abatement was passed by the Council of the City of Martensville on the 16th day of August 2016 . _____________________________________ MAYOR SEAL _____________________________________ CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd the owner/occupant of Lot J PLAN 72S14140 CIVIC: 201 Centennial Drive S 505022000 The current assessed levy The revised 2014 Assessed Levy Property 1,508,500 Property 1,051,800 This Abatement of taxes is requested as the said 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd. should not pay the additional taxes due in respect of the above-noted property for the 2014 year because (state the reason(s) below): SAMA: Assessment Appeal board decision for 2015 Taxes levied Revised Levy Abatement (refund) SCHOOL MUNICIPAL TOTAL 537.09 Seperate School 11,953.29 Public 855.00 Base 12,068.00 MUN 25,413.38 855.00 Base 8,414.40 MUN 17,978.30 3,653.60 $7,435.08 374.48 Seperate School 8,334.42 Public 3,781.48 CERTIFIED that resolution #_____________________ authorizing the above-noted abatement was passed by the Council of the City of Martensville on the 16th day of August 2016 . _____________________________________ MAYOR SEAL _____________________________________ CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION FOR ABATEMENT OF TAXES 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd the owner/occupant of Lot J PLAN 72S14140 CIVIC: 201 Centennial Drive S 505022000 The current assessed levy The revised 2015 Assessed Levy Property 1,528,600 Property 1,051,800 This Abatement of taxes is requested as the said 615400 Saskatchewan Ltd. should not pay the additional taxes due in respect of the above-noted property for the 2013 year because (state the reason(s) below): SAMA: Assessment Appeal board decision for 2015 Taxes levied Revised Levy Abatement (refund) SCHOOL MUNICIPAL TOTAL 544.24 Seperate School 12,112.57 Public 830.00 Base 11,311.64 MUN 24,798.45 374.48 Seperate School 8,334.42 Public 3,947.91 830.00 Base 7,783.32 MUN 17,322.22 3,528.32 $7,476.23 CERTIFIED that resolution #_____________________ authorizing the above-noted abatement was passed by the Council of the City of Martensville on the 16th day of August 2016 . _____________________________________ MAYOR SEAL _____________________________________ CITY MANAGER Request for Decision Date: August 9, 2016 Topic: NAMING OF PARKS/GREENSPACES Background: The city has a Civic Naming Policy to assist in the naming of City streets, facilities, parks and greenspaces. Names for consideration are nominated and presented to council to be approved to the Master Names List to be utilized when naming such. City Council has appointed a Parks Naming Committee to propose naming of parks and greenspaces from this Master Names List. The Parks Naming Committee met previously and reviewed nominated names that have been submitted. The park/greenspace names that are being recommended have been selected by the Parks Naming Committee. Proposed by: Parks Naming Committee Correlation to Business (Strategic) Plan Strategic plan has identified that Parks Naming Committee to review submitted names and propose naming of parks and greenspaces. Benefits: • Disadvantages: • Alternatives: Finance/Budget Implications: None Operating Costs: -0- Capital Cost: -0- Budget Available: -0- Source of Funds: -0- Budget Cost: -0- Underbudgeted Cost: Communication Strategy: The naming of these parks and greenspaces can be noted on the city webpage. Signage with park name will be installed at these parks/greenspaces. City of Martensville Box 970, Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 RFD-Decision template Park Naming.doc Telephone: (306) 931-2166 1 Recommendations: That the names as noted below be accepted for naming of the following parks/greenspaces. Municipal Reserve MR62 to be named Rose leaf Park 4th Avenue North Park to be named Unrau Park Sunset Tot Lot Park to be named Munday Park Report Writer: Dave Bosch City Manager: Pursuant to Sections 5(1)(a), 5(1)(b) or 5(1)(c) of The Local Improvements Act, 1993 Check (√) list for local improvement application to be submitted to Local Government Committee Included Material Required: Sealed certified copy of resolution adopting the local improvement report Completed local improvement report Preliminary assessment schedules Map of area Current budget and latest financial statement Capital works plan (if available) If applicable, written confirmation – outside source of funds, such as grants If applicable, confirmation of approvals from appropriate agencies, such as, Saskatchewan Environment or Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Send this completed report to: Local Government Committee, Saskatchewan Municipal Board Room 480, 2151 Scarth Street REGINA, SK S4P 2H8 Or Fax to: (306) 787-1610 For information call: (306) 787-6221 or E-mail: Web Site: Local Improvement Report Date: August 9, 2016 Project No. (if applicable) 1. Description of work/service: Construct roadway base, asphalt, curb, gutter and sidewalk. 2. Location(s): Attach preliminary assessment schedule(s) 1st Avenue North from Baycroft Drive to 8th Street North. 3. Cost and Financing (a) Estimated Local Improvement Cost: Project(s) Detail Cost (1) $ (2) $ (3) $ (4) $ Estimated Total Project Cost $432,610 (b) Financing of Project: (1) Estimated Municipal Share (excludes municipality owned property) (i) Debenture $ (ii) Loan $ (iii) Grant (specify source) $ (iv) Reserve Funds (specify fund) $ (v) Current budget $ (vi) Specify other $ Total Municipal Share (2) $0 Estimated Owners’ Share 25% Prepayments Total Prepayments 75% Unprepaid $108,152 Proposed Financing for Unprepaid share (i) Debenture $ (ii) Loan $ (iii) Financing by Municipality $324,458 Total Unprepaid $324,458 Total Owners’ Share $432,610 Estimated Total Financing* $432,610 *This amount should equal “Estimated Total Project Cost” Local Improvement Report 4. If applicable, provide an explanation of difference in benefit when more than one bases of determining special assessment is used as indicated in section 19 of The Local Improvements Act N/A 5. Additional information required for local improvement initiatives applied for under Section 5(1)(c) of The Local Improvements Act (a) Reason for initiative: N/A (b) Identify any of the proposed work previously petitioned out. Indicate the year in which the work was previously petitioned out. N/A Revised 27-Jun-16 City of Martensville First Avenue North (Baycroft Drive to Eighth Street North) Local Improvement Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost Quantity Unit Sidewalks Concrete Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Accessible Sidewalk Ramps Concrete Swale 498 2 27 lin.m. each lin.m. $170.00 $2,500.00 $300.00 $84,660.00 $5,000.00 $8,100.00 $97,760.00 Streets - Base Excavation/Fill Combigrid in lieu of SG Prep 150mm Granular Subbase 150mm Granular Base 150mm Extra Excavation & Granular Pit Run (if required) Geogrid (if required) 1000 2630 2630 2630 2630 2630 cu.m. sq.m. sq.m. sq.m. sq.m. sq.m. $20.00 $7.50 $14.00 $15.00 $15.00 $4.50 $20,000.00 $19,725.00 $36,820.00 $39,450.00 $39,450.00 $11,835.00 $167,280.00 Streets - Asphalt Prime Coat 65mm Asphalt Surface Fog Coat Extra Thickness at Swales Adjust Valves Adjust Manholes Sanitary Flushing 2630 2630 2630 27 1 2 1 sq.m. sq.m. sq.m. lin.m. each each lump sum $1.00 $32.00 $1.00 $52.00 $650.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,630.00 $84,160.00 $2,630.00 $1,404.00 $650.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $95,474.00 Total Sidewalks Unit Prices Extension $97,760.00 Total Streets - Base $167,280.00 Total Streets - Asphalt $95,474.00 Subtotal $360,514.00 Engineering 10% $36,050.00 Contingency 10% $36,050.00 Total Cost of Construction $432,610.00 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE Date Description of Work/Service Location First Avenue North Side From Baycroft Drive To Eighth Street North Grand Total Basis for Assessment: metres July 4, 2016 Roadway Base, Asphalt & Concrete Construction Prepaid Rate $ Interest Rate No. Years Annual Rate (a) Estimated Total Cost (b) Estimated Municipal Share (c) Estimated Property Share (d) Number of Units of Assessment (eg: # metres, #lots, or assessed value) $432,610.00 $1.34 $432,608.66 482.806 $432,610.00 $1.34 $432,608.66 482.806 896.03 7.00% 10 $127.57 Certified Lifetime of Work is 10 years. Engineer ___________________________