2015 04 30 AiAX Coatings TEST 2015 Report ENG


2015 04 30 AiAX Coatings TEST 2015 Report ENG
To protect the heat exchange coils
from the dangers of corrosion, means
guaranteeing the uniformity of the
protection coating also in the most
internal parts of the finned pack
Results of the 2015 comparison tests between
the exclusive AiAX Coatings “Flooding Method”
and the most commonly used
protection systems
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG
Results of the 2015 comparison tests between
the exclusive AiAX Coatings “Flooding Method”
and the most commonly used
protection systems.
Version 1.65 – April 2015
Copyright © AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18 - 00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
The information contained in this document has a purely indicative purpose and derives to a large extent from the specific
experience of AiAX Italia srl with different customers and applications. Exhibiting the results originating from specific application
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AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG
Problems caused by scarce (or inexistent)
anticorrosion protection of the internal parts of the
finned pack of the heat exchange coils.
In over 30 years of activity in the HVAC&R market we could accumulate a
certain experience and noticed how important is the preservation of the
energy efficiency during the life cycle of an installation.
Many are the factors influencing the efficiency of an HVAC&R plant: in short
we can say that a good initial selection of the most appropriate system for a
specific application should be followed by a correct use of the selected
equipment and continued by a proper maintenance.
In carrying out our mission of protecting from corrosion the air side of the
finned pack of heat exchangers of various types of HVAC&R equipment, all
over the world, we have found out that many commonly used solutions do not
guarantee a perfect protection of the finned pack also in its most internal
We have developed a unique procedure that we have called the “Flooding
Method” which guarantees 100% coating also of the internal part of finned
pack of any depth.
Considering the importance and the value of the test, carried out between the
end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 from our R&D department on our
products and on those of some well known players of the anticorrosion coating
market, operating in the european and extraeuropean market, we have
deemed it important to make available this document to our customers and to
all those that are interested to corrosion protection.
We do not pretend to have exhausted the subject but we are sure that the
achieved results can be of interest to the operators more sensible to HVAC&R
equipment corrosion and to the ensuing dangers to reliability and efficiency
during the life cycle of an installation.
Enjoy your reading !
Gianni Di Pietro
Founder and Sole Administrator
of AiAX Italia Srl
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG
In order to achieve an optimal protection a complete coating of the whole
finned surface is a necessity!
AiAX Coatings Protection
Following the above concept we have developed since years our “Flooding Method” that guarantees the complete
coating of the whole finned surface (see picture 1).
Picture 2 shows a fin treated with our exclusive “Flooding Method”, picture 3 is an enlargment in which you can see
the coating is on the total fin surface. AiAX Italia srl is the only European applicator of the “Flooding Method”.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Some competitors of ours apply different methods pretending they are equally good, i.e. that they feature a complete
We have carried out more accurate analysis on a coil treated by cataphoresis or electrodeposition (sample A) and on
a coil treated by spraying by one of the major promoter of anticorrosion coating (sample B). We are very often
competing against these two methods.
After receiving the treated coils we have cut them open to inspect the actual penetration. The results are in the
following pictures.
Picture 4
Picture 5
In the sample A you can see (picture 4)
that the black product is omogeneous in
the external part of the coil but does not
penetrate more than 2 cm for each side
on a fin of about 15 cm of depth. In
picture 5 you can notice the two black
strips on the fin edges.
Cataphoresis therefore, excellent system
for external surfaces, cannot be
considered suitable for coating a finned
pack for lack of penetration.
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG
Spraying procedure
Picture 6
In sample B it is slightly more difficult to
visualize the actual penetration because
the coating colour is very similar to the
underlaying aluminium.
Picture 6 shows the finned pack coated
and sectioned: in the external part the
coating is uniform, in the cut off section
you can note, with a certain attention,
the very scarce penetration of the
coating in the internal part of the fin.
Picture 7 shows an enlargement which
penetration. For better visualization we
have contoured the edge of the
omogeneous part of the coating with a
red line showing the limit of penetration.
Beyond the red line there are only drops
or splashes of the coating which leave
uncovered more than 90% of the fin.
Also this spraying procedure is therefore
not suitable to achieve the desired result.
Picture 7
As the tests have been carried out in a serious and verifiable way and
cannot be criticized in terms of methodological procedure we are even
more convinced that the only suitable method for coils of fin pack depth
of more than 30-40 mm., i.e. 1 or 2 rows maximum, is the AiAX Coatings
“Flooding Method”.
We trust that the above report can be of interest both to our repeat
customers, which already believe in the excellence of our products and
methods of application and will be reconfirmed in their choice of AiAX
Coatings, and to those potential customers who wish to use a real and
efficient anticorrosion protection.
The protection by the
“Flooding Method”
is the only one that can
guarantee 100% penetration
of the internal parts of the
finned pack of any depth!
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18 - 00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
AiAX Italia Srl
Via T.Boccuccia, 18
00033 Cave (RM) Italy
T +39 06 95308103
F +39 06 95000142
E info@aiaxcoatings.com
P.IVA 01683461006
Distributed by:
Test 2015 Report
Comparison Procedure
Release 1.65
04/2015 ENG