Grand Concert of Nations in the Main-Kinzig


Grand Concert of Nations in the Main-Kinzig
Application form
(please submit the completed form no later than July 31, 2013)*
With the friendly assistance of:
Yes, we want to participate at the Concert of Nations.
Club / association / institution: _________________________
Staatliches Schulamt für
den Main-Kinzig-Kreis
Class / choir / group: _________________________________
Number of participants: _______________________________
Thereof participants with migratory background: __________
Represented nations / nationalities: _____________________
You have more questions about the
project? Just contact us at any time!
Contact: ____________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________
*) Contact data on the reverse page of this flyer. The organizer reserves the right to fix a maximum number of groups for organizational
Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Kultur, Sport und Tourismus
Fachgruppe Kultur
Matthias Schmitt
Barbarossastraße 16-18
63571 Gelnhausen
Tel. 06051 8514218
Fax 06051 8514658
Invitation to participate in the
Grand Concert of Nations
in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis
Friday, September 27, 2013
10:00 to 14:00 hrs
Jugendzentrum Ronneburg
To all citizens and all individuals engaged in
community activities.
The Main-Kinzig-Kreis district is not only Hessen's most populous rural district, it is also
in terms of nationalities the most diverse
one. 152 nationalities are represented here.
For this reason, the Main-Kinzig-Kreis district
feels the responsibility for comprehensive integration of district inhabitants with a migratory background and
in this context plays an important role in providing opportunities
and initiatives for such activities. In doing so, we endeavor to
create platforms which contribute to mutual tolerance and
peaceful togetherness of all inhabitants.
Singing and playing music in concert with others is truly a perfect means to achieve such ends, to bring people from all parts
of the world together. Wherever people come together to enjoy
music, be it in an ensemble, a choir, an orchestra or a spontaneous jam session, there is joy in music and a feeling of harmony and togetherness. Music and song can positively
synchronize participants to form a unified whole: people from
all parts of the world convene peacefully, communicate with
each other, sing in harmony, and thereby send out sounding
That's why we want to join forces with migrant groups, welfare
organizations, foreign residents councils, schools in our district
(classes 5 and higher), with music academies, clubs and associations, other initiatives and interested individuals to call to life
a Grand Concert of Nations where people with or without migratory background sing and make music with each other and for
each other. The entire convention will also sing a few songs together appropriate for the occasion. We want to send out a
strong message: we actually live genuine integration; we bring
together cultures and nations with music, sing and dancing. We
define integration as belonging to a community while at the
same time preserving your own unique identity.
This information flyer will provide you with all important facts
about the planned concert and with an application form. I really
look forward to seeing you there.
Erich Pipa
District administrator of the Main-Kinzig-Kreis district
A Concert of Nations
in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis district
Resounding, colorful and cheerful – that's the motto for the
Grand Concert of Nations in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis district to be
given on Friday, September 27, 2013 from 10:00 to approx.
14:00 hrs at the Jugendzentrum Ronneburg (youth center).
We will all sing for each other.
At the concert choirs and instrumental groups will have the opportunity to present their particular musical skills. The exciting
and diversified concert program will be composed of short and
catchy acts presented by the participating groups – let's hear
from everybody!
We will all sing with each other.
Participants will also perform a number of songs, together. with
the audience. These songs will be especially adapted for this
concert: easy to sing for one, two or three voices. Some groups
will previously rehearse the adaptations in class. At the LIVE
rehearsal, the acts will then be refreshed one last time and will
then be performed – certainly a strong and memorable experience for all participants! Come on and join in! A little off-key
singing will certainly not spoil the fun – the delight in singing is
what it's all about! Singing will be accompanied by a live band
As many nations as possible.
One objective of the event is to take a strong stand for integration. That's why we want as many nations as possible to be represented and as many people as possible with migratory
backgrounds to take part.
Carry a message to the world.
The concert is open to the public. We will join forces with our
cooperation partners to beat the campaign drum loudly to
make sure that there will be sizeable visitor turnout also on a
Friday morning.
More than just a concert.
Sponsor associations, migration and welfare agencies, foreign
residents councils and other initiatives may present their activities and programs at the event facility. Food and beverages
will be on sale.
The Jugendzentrum Ronneburg (youth center) is an excellent
venue for open-air events. In case of foul weather, the concert will be relocated to the gym.
Songs that are fun to sing.
Students from the Musikschule Main-Kinzig (music academy) will put together adaptations of the following songs
for easy singing:
Was wir allein nicht schaffen – Xavier Naidoo
Always look on the bright Side of Life – Monty Python
Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd
An integration song composed particularly for this event
(a title has not yet been chosen)
The adaptation will be finished by the end or May and will
be made available to all groups.
If you have any questions about the adaptations, please contact:
Musikschule Main-Kinzig e.V.
Herrn Harry Wenz
Altenhaßlauer Str. 21
63571 Gelnhausen
Telefon 06051/140 15
Fax 06051/47 28 32
The two following songs may also (without adaptations or
any great effort) be rehearsed at the LIVE rehearsal on the
concert day and can then be performed:
We will rock you – Queen
Hey Jude – Beatles