El mundo hispanohablante - Magnolia West High School
El mundo hispanohablante - Magnolia West High School
El mundo hispanohablante S panish is the language of more than 350 million people around the world. Spanish had its origin in Spain. It is sometimes fondly called the “language of Cervantes,” the author of the world’s most famous novel and character, Don Quijote. The Spanish conquistadores and exploradores brought their language to the Americas in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Spanish is the official language of almost all the countries of Central and South America. It is the official language of Mexico and several of the larger islands in the Caribbean. Spanish is also the heritage language of forty million people in the United States. España México Perú Chile El mundo OCÉANO ÁRTICO G Mar de Beaufort Mar de Bering Bahía de Baffin Bahía de Hudson Golfo de Alaska CANADÁ Mar del Labrador AMÉRICA DEL NORTE ESTADOS UNIDOS MÉXICO OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO Golfo de México MAR CARIBE OCÉANO PACÍFICO VENEZUELA COLOMBIA GUYANA SURINAM GUAYANA FRANCESA ECUADOR AMÉRICA DEL SUR PERÚ POLINESIA FRANCESA SAMOA BRASIL BOLIVIA TONGA PARAGUAY URUGUAY B GOLFO DE MÉXICO AH AM CHILE ARGENTINA AS TURCAS Y CAICOS (R.U.) CUBA MÉXICO HAITÍ BELICE SAN CRISTÓBAL-NEVIS JAMAICA GUATEMALA HONDURAS MAR CARIBE EL SALVADOR OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO PUERTO RICO ISLAS VÍRGENES (EE.UU.) (EE.UU. y R.U.) REPÚBLICA ANTIGUA Y DOMINICANA BARBUDA ARUBA NICARAGUA DOMINICA MARTINICA (FR.) SAN VICENTE Y GRENADINES TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO GUADALUPE (FR.) SANTA LUCÍA BARBADOS GRANADA COSTA RICA PANAMÁ VENEZUELA OCÉANO PACÍFICO xxii GUYANA COLOMBIA SURINAM OCÉANO ÁRTICO GROENLANDIA Mar de Groenlandia Mar de Láptiev Mar de Kara Mar de Barents Mar de Noruega ISLANDIA RUSIA ASIA Mar del Norte EUROPA KAZAJSTÁN Mar Negro UZBEKISTÁN GEORGIA ARMENIA MELILLA CEUTA M AR TÚNEZ ME D I IRÁN NEPAL EGIPTO QATAR EMIRATOS ÁRABES UNIDOS ARABIA SAUDITA CABO VERDE MAURITANIA SENEGAL GAMBIA GUINEA- GUINEA BISSAU MALÍ NÍGER CHAD BURKINA FASO NIGERIA PAKISTÁN BAHREIN KUWAIT LIBIA ERITREA Golfo de Bengala TAILANDIA ETIOPÍA SRI LANKA REPÚBLICA CENTROAFRICANA CAMERÚN COSTA DE MARFIL LIBERIA TOGO SOMALIA UGANDA SAN TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE KENYA GABÓN MICRONESIA CAMBOYA PALAU BRUNEI MALAYSIA MALDIVAS KIRIBATI RUANDA REP. DEL CONGO REP. DEM. SINGAPUR DEL CONGO BURUNDI SEYCHELLES ANGOLA I N D O N E S I A OCÉANO ÍNDICO TANZANIA ISLAS COMORES MALAWI ZAMBIA MOZAMBIQUE MADAGASCAR ZIMBABWE OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO MARSHALL FILIPINAS VIETNAM SIERRA LEONA GUINEA ECUATORIAL Mar de la China meridional DJIBOUTI GHANA BENIN OCÉANO PACÍFICO TAIWÁN BANGLADESH MYANMAR LAOS YÉMEN ÁFRICA JAPÓN Mar de la China oriental BHUTÁN INDIA OMÁN SUDÁN Japón COREA DEL SUR AFGANISTÁN JORDANIA ARGELIA COREA Mar DEL NORTE del CHINA TAYIKISTÁN AZERBAIJÁN IRAK ISRAEL MARRUECOS SAHARA OCCIDENTAL SIRIA LÍBANO TE R R Á N E O MONGOLIA KIRGUIZITÁN TURKMENISTÁN TURQUÍA Mar de Ojotsk NAMIBIA NAURÚ PAPÚANUEVA GUINEA Mar del Coral MAURICIO REUNIÓN BOTSWANA NUEVA CALEDONIA AUSTRALIA SUDÁFRICA SALOMÓN TUVALU WALLIS Y FUTUNA VANUATU ISLAS FIJI SWAZILANDIA LESOTHO Mar de Tasmania NUEVA ZELANDIA FINLANDIA NORUEGA SUECIA ESTONIA REINO IRLANDA DINAMARCA UNIDO RUSIA LETONIA LITUANIA RUSIA PAÍSES BAJOS ANTÁRTIDA BELARÚS ALEMANIA BÉLGICA POLONIA LUXEMBURGO OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO FRANCIA REPÚBLICA CHECA ESLOVAQUIA SUIZA AUSTRIA UCRANIA MOLDOVA HUNGRÍA ESLOVENIA OACIA RUMANIA CR BOSNIAHERZOGOVINA YUGOSLAVIA (Fed. Rep.) ANDORRA PORTUGAL ESPAÑA MÓNACO ITALIA Mar Negro GEORGIA BULGARIA ALBANIA MACEDONIA MELILLA CEUTA Mar Med iter rá GRECIA TURQUÍA n e o ÁFRICA MALTA SIRIA CHIPRE LÍBANO xxiii El mundo hispanohablante México España Madrid CAPITAL CAPITAL Ciudad de México Madrid POPULATION POPULATION 104,908,000 40,217,000 FUN FACT FUN FACT lden fields of Galicia, the go The verdant hills villages of ite wh the d an , of Castilla areas of as the industrial Andalucía as well try are all a un Co e squ Ba the Cataluña and to Spain. Once home part of beautiful Celts, and ns, ma Ro s, an ini Iberians, Carthag ish— birthplace of Span Moors, Spain is the red on tte sca ns tio na ny the language of ma globe. Madrid, in the the five continents of ered a country, is consid exact center of the of Europe. ter cen al major cultur Beautiful Mexico shares a border wi th the United States. Th is magnificent na tion of Aztec, Mayan, an d Spanish heritag e is a country of contra sts: cosmopolitan cities such as Mexico Cit y; industrial center s suc as Monterrey; quain t towns such as Tax h and San Miguel de co Allende; world-fa mous beaches like Acap ulco and Cancún; as well as magnificent vestig es of pre-Columbia n civilization in Chich én Itzā and Tulum . Estados Unidos CAPITAL Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. POPULATION 290,343,000 FUN FACT The influence of Spanish and Mexican heritage has been evident in Texas and in the Southwest of the United States for generations. More recent is the proliferation of Hispanic or Latin cultures in all areas of the United States. New arrivals from the Caribbean, Central America, and South America bring their language, customs, music, and foods, adding to the rich cultural diversity of this “melting pot” country. Today Spanish is heard in New York, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, and Miami as well as El Paso, Phoenix, and Los Angeles. xxiv Ciudad de México Guatemala El Salvador Guatemala 15 SEP T BR IEM E 1821 DE CAPITAL Guatemala POPULATION 13,909,000 San Salvador CAPITAL San Salvador FUN FACT a large dant country with Guatemala is a ver —descendants of the ion lat pu indigenous po rgrown e ruined cities ove Mayans. Incredibl t lasted for tha on ati iliz civ a by jungle tell of ne has rs and whose decli two thousand yea atemala Gu d. ne lai exp y vel most never been definiti the of e on be to ny is considered by ma the world, with its in nic beautiful countries ns, jungles, and sce volcanoes, mountai Antigua, as h suc es, lag cities and vil ichicastenango. Panajachel, and Ch POPULATION 6,470,000 FUN FACT El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated of the Central American republics. It is also the only one that has no Atl antic seaboard. The cou ntry is traversed by two mountain ranges with many impressi ve volcanic peaks. Honduras Tegucigalpa Nicaragua CAPITAL Tegucigalpa POPULATION Managua 6,670,000 FUN FACT Traditionally Honduras has been an agricultural country. One -third of the country is made up of rich farmlands. Its people are friendly and tranquil, with a pleasant smile for fore igners. The major cities are Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Like its neighbor Guatem ala, Honduras has incredible ruins of the pre-Columbian civilizations such as tho se in Copán. CAPITAL Managua POPULATION 5,129,000 FUN FACT re than ntry that has mo Nicaragua is a cou ve erupted in ha ich wh of ny 40 volcanoes, ma is on the capital, Managua, recent years. The and inl ly on the a, nagu shores of Lake Ma . Northwest of rks sha by d ite ab lake inh of León ely university city Managua is the lov and eighteenthes rch chu ial on with its col century cathedral. xxv El mundo hispanohablante Panamá Costa Rica Panamá San José CAPITAL Panamá CAPITAL POPULATION San José 2,961,000 POPULATION FUN FACT 3,896,000 Panama is a country of variety—a variety of races, customs, natural wonders, and attractions. It is a country of tropi cal forests, mountains, beautiful beach es, excellent fishing, picturesque lakes , rivers, two oceans, and—the most incredible engineering feat—the Panama Cana l. Panama is also the largest financial center of Latin America. All this in a mere 77,432 square kilometers! FUN FACT al Many consider Costa Rica a very speci e, place. Its residents, Ticos, are polit Rica peaceful, and extremely friendly. Costa g has no army and prides itself on havin Costa more teachers than police officers. beaches on Rica is a country of sun-drenched the the Pacific, tropical jungles along such as Caribbean coast, cosmopolitan cities central the in tains moun high San José, and ise as valley. Costa Rica is a tourist’s parad well as home to many expatriates. Cuba La Habana CAPITAL La Habana POPULATION 11,263,000 FUN FACT Cuba, is known for its Havana, the capital of ture. This lush itec arch l nia colo gorgeous , is one of the ida Flor from island, not far sugar cane. of ers duc pro world’s greatest Fidel Castro since Cuba has been ruled by the dictator 1959 when he overthrew Fulgencio Batista. La República Domin icana Puerto Rico Santo Domingo CAPITAL Santo Domingo POPULATION 8,716,000 FUN FACT The Dominican Re public shares with Haiti the island of Hispa nio Antilles. The oldest la in the greater university in our hemisphere, la Un iversidad de Santo Domingo, was fou nded in Santo Do mingo. The Dominicans are ardent fans or aficionados of ba seball, and this rat her small island natio n has produced som e of the finest major league players. xxvi San Juan CAPITAL San Juan POPULATION 3,886,000 FUN FACT for an endearing term Puerto Ricans have la isla del encanto— d— their beloved islan t. A commonwealth of en island of enchantm erto Rico is a lush, , Pu the United States its th beaches along tropical island wi res and gorgeous sho an be rib Ca d Atlantic an its ine-like views in mountains with Alp me of the ho the is o Ric o interior. Puert es only little frog that liv beloved coquí—a see him. e on no s let o wh d in Puerto Rico an Venezuela Colombia Caracas CAPITAL Santafé de Bogotá CAPITAL Caracas Bogotá POPULATION POPULATION 24,655,000 41,662,000 FUN FACT this Venezuela was the name given to , country by Spanish explorers in 1499 villages when they came across indigenous where where people lived on the water and ut all commerce was conducted by dugo of canoes. The waterways reminded them Venice, Italy. Caracas is a teeming unded cosmopolitan city of high-rises surro ninew narro a in d tucke and tains by moun mile valley. Angel Falls in southern in the Venezuela is the highest waterfall feet world, reaching a height of 3,212 with an unbroken fall of 2,648 feet. FUN FACT Ecuador Quito Colombia covers over 440,000 squa re miles of tropical and mountainous terra in. Bogotá is situated in the center of the coun try in an Andean valley 8,640 feet above sea level. The Caribbean coast in the North boasts many beautiful beaches; the South is covered by jungle, and the southern port of Leticia is on the Amazon River. CAPITAL Quito POPULATION 13,710,000 FUN FACT Ecuador takes its name from the equator, which cuts right across the country. Ecuador is the meeting place of the high Andean sierra in the center, the tropical coastal plain to the west, and the Amazon Basin jungle to the east. Snowcapped volcanoes stretch some 400 miles from north to south. The beautiful colonial section of the capital, Quito, is sometimes called “the Florence of the Americas.” Bolivia Perú La Paz CAPITAL Lima Lima POPULATION 28,410,000 FUN FACT Peru, like Ecuador, is geographical areas— divided into three a narrow coastal of desert along the strip Pa highlands where ne cific, the Andean arly half the popu lation lives, and the Am azon jungle to the east. Lima is on the coa st, and for almost nine months out of the year it is enshrou ded fog called la garúa . Peru is famous for in a Incan heritage. No its thing can prepare visitors for the awe-inspirin g view of the Incan of Machu Picchu, city an imposing archit ectural complex high in the Andes. CAPITAL La Paz POPULATION 8,568,000 FUN FACT ntries in two landlocked cou Bolivia is one of ns dominate the tai un Mo ca. eri South Am hest e. La Paz is the hig Bolivian landscap de of 12,500 itu alt an at rld city in the wo hest has the world’s hig feet. Bolivia also ich is wh ca, ica Tit ke navigable lake, La es of the picturesque villag surrounded by the Aymara Indians. xxvii El mundo hispanohablante Chile Santiago Argentina CAPITAL Santiago Buenos Aires POPULATION 15,665,000 FUN FACT more an” country never Chile, a “string be hes 2,666 miles etc str de, wi les than 111 mi ic Coast. th along the Pacif from north to sou m Bolivia fro it e lat iso s de The imposing An the e northern part of and Argentina. Th er-arid sup the by d ize ter country is charac South by the Atacama desert, the t glaciers and fjords of ep -sw nd wi ar cul specta ntry’s e-third of the cou Patagonia. Over on ntiago area. Sa the in es liv population CAPITAL Buenos Aires POPULATION 38,741,000 FUN FACT Argentina is often considered the mo st European country of South America. Bu Aires is a beautif ul city of parks, bo enos utiques, restaurants, and wide boulevards. Argentina is famous for its beef from the cat tle that graze on the huge est Pampas. Farther sou ancias of the grassy th on the Chilean is the gorgeous lak border e area with Swiss -like villages around Ba riloche. To the sou th is Patagonia with its rocky countryside where the Welsh still gra ze sheep. Paraguay CAPITAL Asunción Uruguay Asunción POPULATION 6, 037,000 FUN FACT Paraguay, lik e Asunción, si Bolivia, is landlocked. tuated on se ven small hi the east ba lls on nk home to one- of the río Paraguay, is fifth of the country’s to population. tal Lo America, th cated in the center of South is somewha t quaint city equidistant is from the At lantic and th nearly The area to e the west of the río Para Andes. called the Ch guay ac area of gras o—a very dry, hot, win is slands and scrubby fore dy sts. xxviii Montevideo CAPITAL Montevideo POPULATION 3,413,000 FUN FACT South allest country in Uruguay is the sm ntry’s terrain is cou the of st Mo America. ep and cattle. grazing land for she where the río de la ted ua sit , Montevideo a rather o the Atlantic, is Plata empties int k more like loo s urb sub ose peaceful city wh uguay’s The beaches of Ur beautiful resorts. del nta Pu y arl cul rti pa , and Atlantic coastline zil Bra m fro le op pe Este, attract many Argentina. Melilla Ceuta and Ceuta Melilla N POPULA0TIO 72,20 e north th FUN FAaCnTd Melilla, locatedaonnautonomous Ceuta odern mprise Africa, co . Both of these m ful coast of in ti a u p ea y of S er a b communit ee ports and off ian, Moslem, fr st ri re h cities a ures: C many cult blend of d Hindu. n a Hebrew, Guinea Ecuatorial Malabo CAPITAL Malabo POPULATION 510,000 FUN FACT Las Islas F ilipinas The Republic of Equatorial Guinea, on the West Coast of Africa between Gabon and Cameroon, was formerly called Spanish Guinea. The country is made up of some 10,000 square miles on the mainland and several small islands. Its capital, Malabo, is on the island of Bioko. Today two languages are spoken in Equatorial Guinea—Spanish and French. Manila CAPITAL Manila POPULATIO N 84,6 20,000 FUN FACT The Repu bli nation in c of the Philippin es is an is th language e South Pacific. land The offic o ia people als f the Philippines is Tagalo l o speak Fi g. Many has borro lipino—a w Spanish in ed many words fr language that om Span fluence w ish. during th as extrem e el centuries eighteenth and n y strong . Many Fi ineteenth li names, a nd many pinos have Spanis can still h speak Sp anish. xxix España OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO FRANCIA Golfo de Vizcaya San Sebastián MAR CANTÁBRICO La Coruña Santiago de Compostela Galicia CO Santander Oviedo Asturias RD I Cantabria ANTÁ RA C LLE León L O S Pamplona Navarra Rioja Burgos Rí Castilla y León Río Du ero Valladolid Salamanca R G DE Cataluña bro Barcelona Zaragoza MA Río A RR D AMadrid A U jo Ta SIE P O RT U G A L RA oE P I R I N E O S Aragón Segovia Ávila Menorca Madrid Comunidad Valenciana E S PA Ñ A b Valencia l a a s le a s r e Palma Mallorca Is Castilla-la Mancha diana Río Gua Lisboa ANDORRA Roncesvalles Bilbao País Vasco BRICA Ibiza Extremadura Formentera Alicante G Río ua r uivi dalq Murcia Murcia Córdoba Sevilla Andalucía Jerez de la Frontera Málaga Granada SIE RR A N A EV DA Cartagena MAR MEDITERRÁNEO COSTA D EL SOL Cádiz Marbella Estepona Gibraltar (R.U.) Estrecho de Gibraltar Tánger Ceuta (Esp.) Melilla (Esp.) OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO ARGELIA Islas Canarias La Palma Santa Cruz de Tenerife Las Palmas Gomera Tenerife Hierro Lanzarote Fuerteventura MARRUECOS Gran Canaria OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO ÁFRICA SAHARA OCCIDENTAL M A R RU E C O S La América del Sur MAR CARIBE Barranquilla Caracas Lago de Maracaibo Or i Río Medellín n oc o M agd alena VENEZUELA Santafé de Bogotá GUYANA SURINAM GUAYANA FRANCESA COLOMBIA Otavalo Quito Ecuador Islas Galápagos (Ecuador) Rí o Cali OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO Maracaibo Cartagena ECUADOR zonas Río Ama Guayaquil Cuenca PERÚ El Callao C O Lima BRASIL R D Cuzco Lago Titicaca I BOLIVIA L L La Paz Brasília E Cochabamba R A Santa Cruz D E Sucre L O S Trópico de Capricornio PARAGUAY Asunción Córdoba Rosario Valparaíso ARGENTINA Puerto Montt URUGUAY Buenos Aires Santiago Río de la Plata Mar del Plata OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO Estrecho de Magallanes Punta Arenas Montevideo La Plata P A T A G O N I A OCÉANO PACÍFICO Río P aran á Vicuña A N D E S CHILE Islas Malvinas (R.U.) Tierra del Fuego Cabo de Hornos xxxi México, la América Central y el Caribe Los Ángeles San Diego Tijuana Mexicali Phoenix Tucson Nogales Go C de lfo nia for ali Dallas San Antonio Golfo de México Washington, D.C. Tampa JAMAICA OCÉANO ATLÁNTICO VENEZUELA Santo Domingo MAR CARIBE Barranquilla Puerto Cartagena Limón Colón Panamá PANAMÁ Medellín Caracas Matanzas PUERTO Cienfuegos REPÚBLICA RICO Camagüey DOMINICANA (EE.UU.) CUBA Guantánamo Arecibo San Juan Santiago de Cuba HAITÍ Ponce Miami La Habana BELICE Campeche Mérida San Cristóbal de las Casas Veracruz Nueva Orleáns ESTADOS UNIDOS Santa Fe El Paso Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua Nuevo Laredo MÉXICO San Luis Potosí Puebla Oaxaca Guanajuato San Miguel de Allende Guadalajara México Acapulco GUATEMALA HONDURAS Tegucigalpa Guatemala Antigua San Salvador NICARAGUA EL SALVADOR Managua Puntarenas S MA HA BA La Paz Puerto Vallarta OCÉANO PACÍFICO San José COSTA RICA COLOMBIA Golfo de Alaska Juneau Montana Helena Bismarck Minnesota Dakota del Norte CANADÁ p L. Su e r ior L. ron Hu Vermont New Hampshire Maine Augusta OCÉANO PACÍFICO MÉXICO Golfo de México Montpelier Concord Massachusetts Albany o i r Boston ta Oregón Idaho . On Nueva Saint L Providence Wisconsin Pierre York Paul Rhode Island Hartford Michigan Boise Madison Dakota del Sur ir e Connecticut E Wyoming Lansing Pensilvania . L Trenton Iowa Harrisburg Nueva Jersey Des Moines Dover Ohio Washington, DC Nebraska Cheyenne Delaware Indianápolis Carson City Annapolis Sacramento Salt Lake Illinois Columbus Virginia Lincoln Maryland City Denver Nevada Occidental Springfield Indiana Richmond Utah Topeka Misuri Charleston Virginia Colorado Frankfort California Jefferson Kansas Raleigh Kentucky City Carolina OCÉANO del Norte ESTADOS UNIDOS Nashville Tennessee PACÍFICO Oklahoma Columbia Santa Fe Arkansas Arizona Carolina Oklahoma City Nuevo Little Atlanta del Sur OCÉANO Alabama México Rock Georgia Phoenix Misisipí ATLÁNTICO Montgomery Jackson Luisiana Texas Tallahassee Baton Austin Rouge Hawai Florida Honolulú Salem Olympia Washington CANADÁ OCÉANO PACÍFICO Mar de Bering Alaska L . M i c h i g an RUSIA Estados Unidos xxxiii Culture Knowing Spanish will open doors to you around the world. As you study the language, you will come to understand and appreciate the way of life, customs, values, and cultures of people from many different areas of the world. Look at the map on pages xxii–xxiii to see where Spanish is spoken, either as a first or second language. Learning Spanish can be fun and will bring you a sense of accomplishment. You’ll be really pleased when you are able to carry on a conversation in Spanish. You will be able to read the literature of Spain and Latin America, keep up with current events in magazines and newspapers from Spain and Latin America, and understand Spanish language films without relying on subtitles. The Spanish language will be a source of enrichment for the rest of your life—and you don’t have to leave home to enjoy it. In all areas of the United States there are Hispanic radio and television stations, Latin musicians, Spanish-language magazines and newspapers, and a great diversity of restaurants serving foods from all areas of the Spanish-speaking world. The Latin or Hispanic population of the United States today totals forty million people and is the fastest growing segment of the population. xxxiv Business Your knowledge of Spanish will also be an asset to you in a wide variety of careers. Many companies from Spain and Latin America are multinational and have branches around the world, including the United States. Many U.S. corporations have great exposure in the Spanishspeaking countries. With the growth of the Hispanic population in the U.S., bilingualism is becoming an important asset in many fields including retail, fashion, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, agriculture, automotive, tourism, airlines, technology, finance, and accounting. You can use your Spanish in all these fields, not only abroad but also in the United States. On the national scene there are innumerable possibilities in medical and hospital services, banking and finance, law, social work, and law enforcement. The opportunities are limitless. Another benefit to learning Spanish is that it will improve your English. Once you know another language, you can make comparisons between the two and gain a greater understanding of how languages function. You’ll also come across a number of Spanish words that are used in English. Just a few examples are: adobe, corral, meseta, rodeo, poncho, canyon, llama, alpaca. Spanish will also be helpful if you decide to learn yet another language. Once you learn a second language, the learning process for acquiring other languages becomes much easier. Spanish is a beautiful, rich language spoken on many continents. Whatever your motivation is for choosing to study it, Spanish will expand your horizons and increase your job opportunities. ¡Viva el español! Y ¡buen viaje! Why Learn Spanish? xxxv